#pro hero gran torino
mhabirthdays · 4 months
Happy Birthday
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Sorahiko Torino (Gran Torino) – January 28th
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hinomaru6 · 1 month
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shiraiza · 8 months
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“Now It’s Your Turn” and “You’re Next” - Art from My Hero Ultra Impact
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mishy-mashy · 1 month
En was killed by being cut in half by AFO. It wasn't that he couldn't handle OFA, but that AFO just decided to nuke him
All Might says using One For All with an untrained body would make your limbs fly off. But
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This isn't his limbs? Yes, that's his arm, but that's HALF OF HIS BODY
Yes, there's also the argument he could've used it on his whole body and that's the consequence but there is a small cut on his thumb. It matches the line in which he was cut in half, and blood spurts from his hand.
The translation hides it, but his thumb got cut too from the slice. His thumb wasn't the focus, but still got hit. It at least shows when En passes on OFA to Nana
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Since Banjo's arms got wrecked by using OFA, maybe En used it in one leg and that's why his leg is differently-colored and looks more beat up. En probably couldn't handle the Quirk either.
This means that En was being logical and saw OFA as a tool, and only used it in a leg so he could run.
All Might specifically says an unprepared vessel's limbs will fly off. Even if En used it on his whole body, that means only his arms and legs; but that's his torso. His leg didn't go flying either; at least until they both went flying cuz he was severed.
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shih-coulda-had-it · 1 year
Dumb confession: DadTorino is so underrated, like yeah Torino sucks at it but I want someone being a Dad for Toshinori, he needs a family!
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dad torino has the potential to be so good because at least prior to that terrible third year at u.a., the dynamic could be toshinori bullying/conning gran torino into letting him take liberties (like riding his shoulders or skipping paperwork), and gran torino acting grouchy but wanting nana's successor to like him (presumably he's the funny man in a comedy duo).
toshinori: so when did your hair go gray?
gran torino: the day I met your 'oshishou.'
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epickiya722 · 1 year
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I will forever love this shot because everyone else is walking (look at Wash, hyped up for some action) and then there's Miruko.
Just hopping over everyone else! 😆
She got places to be, move the hell out her way, people!!
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crows-and-cookies · 2 years
Manual: Iida, don't ever do something so negligent and reckless again! We must uphold the hero code of ethics *light chop on head as Iida bows in apology*
Iida: Yes, of course, I'm so sorry, please forgive me. This is setting me on the path to be a better hero!
Gran Torino: Hey, hey Midoriya. FUCK YOU *body slams him through a wall*
Midoriya: I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of my broken bones and all of the problems I've caused and will cause in the future
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teatitty · 10 months
yeah fr i refuse to believe that hagakure or kaminari scored higher than midoriya on the quirk apprehension test like they didn't have a power that would have aided in any of the tests and midoriya at least got the high score on the ball throw.
also i especially don't understand how horikoshi thought having mineta make sexual comments about eri right in front of aizawa without him saying or doing anything about it is any way in character for aizawa like ☠️ holy shit thats a whole ass 6 year old that aizawa is fond of he would not just stand there and let it happen.
Kaminari makes sense to get through because he could just shortcircuit the robots but yeah Mineta has no reason to still be in this course, outside of his power being severely limited at the start of the series and honestly being more suited for support instead of one-on-one fights, the moment he began making gross comments about ANYONE Aizawa woulda kicked him to the curb. Not to mention all the times he tries to peek on the girls changing and bathing?????? Nah man he's not dealing with that. Remember when we were told he once expelled a whole dang class? Sure wish we got more reason to believe that instead of him just saying "I'll expel you" as an empty threat
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Part 3 - Chapter 43 - Kamino: And Your Enemies Closer
Blank Canvas Part 3
AO3 - here
Fanfiction.net - here
Happy new year, dear readers! Hope everyone had a happy start to 2024! We're starting off getting into the thick of the Kamino fight. Stay strong, All Might!
There were some mixed reviews for last update's gifted chapter. Bottom line is that you can't please everyone. And to be honest, I'm writing this to mostly please myself and to let my brain process the story. I like to see the story through various characters' eyes. Might not be everyone's cup of tea but my method has been more or less the same since the beginning. Not everything is going to be up to reader standards but I write how I write. I'm not a professional and just doing what feels right for me and any editing being saved until I find an end. Mostly for my own sanity and to not get burnt out so I actually finish this. If I can figure out a way. Hopefully, we'll see. That's future me's problem. Just one update at a time. And as for how the plot happens, I have my reasons for things going a certain way that will be revealed as to why at a later time. Also one last thing, just want to point out I said this would be a slow burn from the very beginning and we are three parts in so...if that's not your thing that's fine. Just know that BC has always been at a simmer until the times come to turn up the heat.
Linktree to all the things!
End notes for the chapter are under the line.
Uh oh! All For One is still standing and Small Might has been revealed. And Izuku is stuck in the middle. Sorry, green bean, but I got reasons to keep you in the thick of it as does your dearest dad. At least Gran Torino has got his back! And even Mei and Momo do their part to help!
Sadly the League got away but Izuku was saved at least. Though poor Shiggy is going to miss his brother. However, Izuku isn't out of the woods yet as the fight continues.
Sh-sh-shout out to Flaming Skeleton Supreme Synpai on the discord for discussing Search with me. I had thoughts of if Search only tracked quirks and potentially it not working on Izuku quirkless. The anime has them shown as dots of light to represent people/quirks and canonly OFA is brighter having more quirks collected together. So then it could stand that someone quirkless could be dimmer than someone quirked.
So watching through the fight to write this part, I noticed something about All For One. Well two observations really. One is that he typically keeps his hands open which I would figure is a habit to be able to use his quirk at any time. But he also seems to use his left hand a lot in leading up to an attack. Makes me think he's either left handed or ambidextrous though I could so totes be wrong.
Oh and thanks to who ever gave the suggestion of calling All For One a ballsack-faced bastard. Don't remember who but I had to use it. XD
That's it for this update! The fight continues next chapter. Will the heroes win or will the villains? We shall see! Tata!
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evilkitten3 · 2 years
somehow listening to "steal smoked fish" by the mountain goats led me to having twice & magne feels so. that's a thing
anyway the league was right down with hero society yadda yadda yadda
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nutzgunray-lvt · 8 months
I will FOREVER be salty about how Hori paints his characters with valid criticisms against the status quo as in the wrong:
Monoma - hates Bakugou, therefore hates 1A by association and is painted out to be some over the top arrogant asshole who freaks out every time they so much as breath (Monoma's not my favorite, but he's 100% right when it comes to Bakugou).
Rock Lock - doesn't want the first years (maybe also the third years, idk?) involved in the Shie Hassaikai raid due to how dangerous it is and due to having recently had a newborn son, is painted as someone who's being overprotective and unfair to these heroes in training.
Inko - isn't comfortable with Izuku continuing at UA after the Forest Camp Attack, is painted as being overprotective (I have my issues with Inko, but she had an incredibly valid point here).
The media - rightfully criticizes UA's utter inability to protect their students and reign in Bakugou's behavior (the hill I will die on), is painted as trying to unfairly persecute UA/Aizawa.
Present Mic - uses common sense to deduce that there's a traitor in UA's midst, is portrayed as being a shit stirrer who's quick to distrust his colleagues and students (another hill I'll die on).
Gran Torino (a minor one) - calls Aizawa's high expulsion rate as what it is: nasty (showing that even he has standards), is immediately corrected by Present Mic that the expulsions are "only on paper" and Aizawa truly cares deep down (which actually makes it WORSE since it stays on their permanent records regardless).
Other students taking the Provisional Exam - call out Bakugou for being an obnoxious asshole, are immediately painted as "not understanding how hard he works."
Pro Heroes and Present Mic - call out Bakugou for not taking Ochako seriously in the Sports Festival, are told to RETIRE for not understanding how Bakugou clearly works harder than anybody else to be a hero (but then Bakugou proceeds to get the second highest amount of internship offers, so idk what the fuck point Horikoshi was trying to make here).
Vlad King is a weird one because while his one-sided rivalry with Aizawa/1A is obnoxious and unprofessional, he IS a better teacher than Aizawa is and it's a point not focused on aside from an off hand comment by Aizawa. You'd think this would make him examine whether or not his beliefs are truly benefiting his students or have Nedzu call him up and say, "what's up with your class consistently underperforming against 1B?"
Best Jeanist is perhaps the ONLY Pro-Hero to see Bakugou's behavior for what it is and takes him as an intern to rectify it... but proceeds to focus on all the wrong things (his style being the main one) and not really get to the core of his goal.
Society as a whole doesn't trust heroes for a myriad of reasons (some unreasonably, some for extremely valid reasons) and are painted as being unfair and incredibly biased against heroes as a whole.
Izuku leaves UA due to AFO having Ragdoll's Quirk, is essentially ganged up on and beaten/shamed into submission by Class 1A who completely disregard his POV (I don't agree with him putting himself in this position, I'm just pointing how it makes sense narratively).
Me, trying to make sense of all of this -
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Like... how is your story supposed to be nuanced and your characters three-dimensional if you paint the complainer as always in the wrong?
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mhabirthdays · 1 year
Happy Birthday
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Sorahiko Torino (Gran Torino) – January 28th
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currently fucked up thinking about why shigaraki thinks aizawa is cool.
he’s said before that if literally any hero found him before AFO did, that his “itching” would’ve stopped. but since AFO’s brainwashing took effect, tomura hasn’t been able to see any good in any pro hero. they’re hypocrites, they’re fake, they’re evil.
but there’s one particular strength a hero can have that would, in fact, tug on tomura’s heartstrings.
the unwavering determination to protect a child they hold dear.
manga spoilers below cut
now, any pro hero worth their salt would protect a child. but out of the few heroes we’ve seen show immense dedication to their “kids”, tomura has only seen two heroes show up to protect their kids.
all might and aizawa.
and we’re painfully aware of how much tomura hates all might.
so let’s look at all of the times tomura has called aizawa “cool”—as that’s his usual line.
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USJ attack: aizawa manages to use erasure on tomura only seconds before he would’ve killed tsuyu. aizawa protected tsuyu.
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PLF war, jaku: aizawa assists gran torino in saving katsuki and izuku’s lives. he also declares out loud that he will protect his students.
every time tomura outwardly admires aizawa, it’s because aizawa has gone above and beyond for his children.
so, why does that particular trait seem to impact tomura so much? i’d argue that it’s pretty obvious:
tenko wishes someone would’ve saved him.
aizawa is the exact kind of hero who would’ve. aizawa isn’t a hero for the fame. his quirk is kind of overpowered, but isn’t nearly enough to rely on in battle. he’s mediocre. he’s down to earth.
he has no other motivation for being a hero other than to raise and protect his students.
which is why this panel fucking hurts.
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shiraiza · 2 years
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Gran Torino - Speedy Veteran in My Hero Ultra Impact
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mishy-mashy · 5 months
On the note of Banjo, it makes more sense if he were a Vigilante. I believe he actually was this, rather than a Pro Hero.
Daigoro Banjo, AKA Lariat. It's not explicitly stated he was a Pro Hero, and he recognizes Japan during the first appearances of Abilities.
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In the anime (ep 133), the subs translated this as:
"This devastation... it's like we've gone back in time... Trying not to catch the eyes of villains, just hiding every day... it's like when superpowers first appeared."
Banjo recognizes Japan's disarray, and from brief flashbacks of the vestiges, including All Might talking about his dream for a symbol, we can see Japan really was as Banjo recognizes.
But Tomura, in the mall, says people just smile without concern. They've forgotten, or never experienced, that past. Banjo can clearly identify it, and when we get his full name, he definitely lived during that turmoil (neverminding his age, I think of him as 36 or somethin, and Shinomori died at 40).
This would actually make Banjo a Vigilante. They mention that back then, Vigilantes and the first Villains used codenames like comic books, so Banjo being Lariat could easily just be that.
(Not so related, but references to recognizable things like Pokémon and superheroes like Spider-Man appealed to the masses as familiar, so when Abilities first showed up, it would've been around our time [2000s].)
Look at when the League of Villains asked Toga why she had no villain name;
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When we see Banjo using his Ability and we get his name, we see that Japan isn't in the best state. Look at all the damage and fresh smoke below him.
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All Might says that during this time, All For One's power ran unchecked, and he stole many powerful Abilities, if not crushed the users. Other than simply being first/second-generation, this also explains why, individually, all the OFA vestiges had weak Quirks. Even Kudo's was weak. It's just that it evolved with One For All and had enough nuance to become something more. Abilities like Float and Danger Sense didn't change at all, and Smokescreen only increased the amount of smoke Midoriya could make.
Since Banjo lived in the same time as when Quirks had started appearing, he knows the turmoil, but also was around long enough to be a Vigilante. Pro Heroes hadn't come into play immediately; Vigilantes were where they started.
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Even Gran Torino was a Vigilante. It's why Midoriya found nothing on him when he looked him up. Gran Torino only became a Pro Hero to get his teaching license so he could teach All Might for a year, but that didn't stop him from being a hero, per se—he just did it through vigilantism. Gran Torino still did hero stuff before the hero license, and we see him flying and talking with Nana in a costume before he ever taught All Might.
Banjo doesn't strike me as a guy willing to jump through all the hoops when he can just go out and do it himself anyway. And with Japan in chaos still, does he – or the officials – have time for that?
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Bakugo even describes Banjo as a nobody, because he doesn't recognize him. This would make sense when remembering Gran Torino was also unknown; because they were Vigilantes. I don't think Bakugo is referring to not knowing them just because their Abilities are weak. Heroes back then would be well-known as retro (ex. Crimson Riot, who Midnight recognizes immediately, despite his not-so-strong hair-hardening Ability), even if they weren't powerful.
Blackwhip is a useful Ability, and back in Banjo's time, considering Abilities in the first generations included Smokescreen, Danger Sense, Float, and Air Jet, Blackwhip is actually higher up in power and usefulness. And he's still unrecognizable.
If he were a Pro Hero, he'd be considered pretty amazing. But he's unknown, has a codename, and acted as a hero when Japan was troubled; his being "nobody" makes sense as a Vigilante.
Heroes didn't happen immediately. They began as Vigilantes; so for Banjo, at the start of using Abilities to bring some sort of order, he would've been in the Vigilante age. Or where heroes are just starting.
Nana was a Pro Hero. Kotaro resents heroes because she was one. Her friend, Gran Torino, was not a Pro Hero until he had to teach All Might for a year. People were more likely to be Vigilantes than Pro Heroes at their time, just because Vigilantes are where they started first.
Being a hero meant courses and licenses, and in a time where Pro Heroes were barely existing, with people still using their Abilities as they pleased? Banjo was probably a Vigilante.
Look at how America handled Vigilantes and starting the Pro Hero business;
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Out of 189 Vigilantes, only 7 were recognized as heroes.
America wanted to make a divide between how people should use their Abilities for good. That's why so little people got to be heroes; Vigilantes were too destructive, and that wasn't proper behavior for those protecting the peace. We even see that UA teaches to keep damage to a minimum.
And whoop-dee-doo, look at how Banjo uses his Quirk.
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He was never actually called a Pro Hero. It was assumed because he has a codename; and codenames were just customary back then, to make identification and classification easier between Vigilantes and Villains while hiding their real identities.
He wouldn't have made the cut as a Pro Hero, lived during a time of rising Vigilantes against society's chaos, wasn't known at all (typical of Vigilantes) despite his good Ability, but had a codename (Lariat), and lived at the same time as Nana and Gran Torino.
So yeah, I consider Banjo to be a Vigilante rather than a Pro Hero. There's more things that push him toward being a Vigilante, compared to just having the alias Lariat being why he's called a Pro Hero by the fandom.
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shih-coulda-had-it · 1 year
I have an idea. Afohiko from the pov of Sorahiko's tired roommate who's just trying to exist despite Sorahiko's horrible taste in lovers. The idea of coming from work, seeing some shady looking guy outside your door and being like: You here for Sorahiko? He'll be back in a few. Please don't trash anything. I'll make tea.
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counterpoint: recovery girl used to be sorahiko's roommate because he didn't care about her random schedule (life of a doctor, but ramped-up), but she eventually stopped signing a lease with him because he kept having horrible taste in lovers.
*the villain in the picture is adding "kora" to the end of his question, which is kind of the icing on top of the "totally looks like a villain" observation
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