#prey v
wutwutno1 · 1 month
Vizzy Nom
Based off of @stormtheskyelf2 's Lizzy headcanon story idea Idea origin: https://www.tumblr.com/stormtheskyelf2/747575904113393664/lizzy-headcanon-anon-btw-you-have-some?source=share Read tags before reading. You have been warned
“Damn purple thing.”
V flew through the bunker halls, looking for Lizzy. Her wings wired softly as the anti-grav engines hummed away, propelling her forward through the cold air.
V felt the cool air rushing past her, making the already naturally cold six inch tall drone feel even colder.
“I will so get her back for this. . .”
V continued with her flight, although she knew she’d have to stop before her engines got too cold to function.
V looked around at the looming pieces of furniture and massive doors rushed past as she flew past them. She found a suitable box to land on and circled back to it. Her peg feet landed on them with a soft click.
V’s wings retracted into her back. V shuddered, feeling the cold metal enter her barely-warm-enough-to-function body. One of the many downsides of being tiny.
V sat on the box and huddled up to herself. V looked around. This hall was full of lockers and posters relating to school and education. V saw a few posters for the prom that was more than a month ago. V scoffed and rolled her eyes.
“Ugh. They still have those up? These are some lazy worker drones. At least I’m at the school. Lizzy’s class should be ending in a few minutes. I just gotta wait and pray she comes through here.”
As if on cue, the school bell rang, and students began filing out of the classrooms. V watched as each student passed, waiting for her friend to walk past.
V saw Lizzy’s blond hair among the crowd of semi-mindless worker drones. V checked her core temperature, and upon deciding it was safe for her to make the short flight, unfurled her wings and took off. She flew up into the air and began to glide down to Lizzy, targeting her head.
Lizzy felt a something small splat on the back of her head and latch on. Instinctively, she grabbed it. Whatever it was, it felt like an action figure had clung to the back of her head. Lizzy felt it cling to her hand as she brought it to her face to inspect.
V landed in Lizzy’s hair and latched on. She clung to Lizzy's hair, relishing the slight warmth it offered, until someone yanked her away once more. V squeaked reflexively and clung to the hand that tore her away. It was warm. It was nice.
“V?! What are you wearing?!” Lizzy shrieked before changing to a more calm and smug tone, “Also, what happened to you?”
V looked at her outfit. She had ditched her crop-top jacket for an actual winter coat and snow pants since her body could barely keep up with the cold and keep her warm enough to function. V sighed and looked up at Lizzy.
“Old one was too cold. I will literally die wearing anything else.”
V let go of Lizzy’s fingers, not wanting to ruin her image in front of Lizzy.
“As for what happened, Uzi was using her freak powers and shrunk me. She says it was an ‘accident,’ but I think it was on purpose.
Lizzy laughed. Her grip on V loosened until V was just sitting on her flat palm.
“Are you still going to the sleepover?”
“Yes. I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t.”
“Well, does my tiny little killer need a lift?”
V blushed slightly at Lizzy calling her her little killer, but it quickly went away.
“I will rip your voice box out of your throat once I’m big again, but yes. I do need a lift.”
Lizzy and V knew V’s threat wasn’t genuine. V has never followed through with a threat to Lizzy, but it didn’t matter. Lizzy lifted V and placed her on her shoulder. V gladly sat down and leaned on Lizzy’s neck, blushing lightly as she did so.
“What are you doing?”
“Shut up. I need the warmth. I will literally die without it. This doesn’t mean anything. Shut up.”
Lizzy just chuckled and began walking to her living quarters. . . .
Lizzy arrived and opened the door. Only one other girl arrived and was already sitting on Lizzy’s couch.
Rebecca lazed on Lizzy’s couch waiting for Lizzy to arrive. Once Lizzy did she slowly stood up.
“Took ya long enough.”
“Shut up. Where is everyone else?”
Rebecca shrugged.
“Jess is dead, Becky has a virus, and Diane had better things to do.”
“Damn. So just us three, huh?”
“Oh yeah.”
Lizzy grabbed V off her shoulder and held her in her cupped hands.
“V’s here, even though she’s so tiny.”
V grumbled and crossed her arms while sitting in Lizzy's cupped hands, giving the impression that she was annoyed to be there. Rebecca looked between Lizzy and V. She knew they had a crush on each other, but were unwilling to show it. Rebecca grinned, already formulating plans to get them to confess.
“Alright then. Let's get this party started!”
The girls then went to Lizzy’s room. They started with a few games and a movie. After a few hours, they began to play Truth or Dare. Rebecca knew this was her chance. She just had to set them up perfectly.
Rebecca already had a plan. She had recently learned of vore, and she was going to dare Lizzy to vore v, knowing she wouldn’t do it. Lizzy would then have to confess her feelings for V to explain why she wasn't taking the dare. It was foolproof!
“Okay, that was pretty stupid V. Now then, Lizzy. Truth or dare?”
“Dare,” Lizzy said, smugly.
Rebecca grinned. Now was her chance.
“I dare you to vore V!”
Lizzy and V paused. This was unexpected of Rebecca. They both knew what vore was, but they were now thinking that Rebecca was a fan of it.
V laughed while Lizzy blushed. V knew that Lizzy wouldn’t do it, which is why Lizzy’s next words made her oil feel even colder than it already was.
“Okay. I’ll do it.”
V jerked her head to face Lizzy, confusion etched on her face.
“Excuse me?”
V yelped as Lizzy’s fingers grabbed her coat hood and lifted her into the air. V kicked and thrashed as Lizzy brought the tiny morsel of a drone to her face.
“It’ll be fine, V. It’s warm in there, I promise.”
Rebecca watched on in horror as Lizzy lifted V above her mouth. Lizzy opened her maw and allowed her warm breath to waft over V, causing the smaller drone to tremble.
“W-wait, Lizzy! C-can’t we talk about this?”
Without a word, Lizzy drops V into her mouth. Lizzy’s jaws snap shut behind V as she felt Lizzy’s soft tongue sink beneath her. V pushed against the roof of Lizzy’s mouth, trying to open her mouth, but Lizzy’s spongy tongue just compressed and sunk more.
Lizzy giggled feeling V wiggle in her mouth. It was a weird feeling, but she liked it. Lizzy did a mental countdown and swallowed, pulling V halfway into her throat. Lizzy could feel V’s legs kicking in her throat. It tickled, but Lizzy was on a mission. She couldn’t fail this dare.
On the second swallow, Lizzy's throat completely engulfed V, dragging her down to her stomach. Lizzy traced V’s descent with her finger, feeling her wiggle all the way down. Lizzy turned back to Rebecca, who had wide hollow eyes and was covering her mouth in a mix of horror and shock.
“Y-you actually ate her.”
“What, didn’t think I’d do it?”
“Y-yeah? You were supposed to say no and confess your feelings for V. . .”
*Lizzy blushes and averts her gaze. Her arms instinctively cross over her abdomen.
“F-feelings? For V?”
Inside Lizzy’s stomach, V was panicking. V kicked and thrashed against the soft spongy walls. It was warm and slimy in Lizzy’s tummy. V couldn’t believe that Lizzy had gone through with the dare.
V looked around the space. The pink glow from LEDs hidden in the folds of the walls illuminated the grey walls that V looked around. V was half submerged in a pink glowing liquid that dripped from the walls. The space was soft and warm. If it wasn’t for the fact that she was panicking and in Lizzy’s stomach, V might have enjoyed it. The walls absorbed all of V’s attempts to escape, making V feel trapped and alone.
Lizzy could feel V’s struggles. Lizzy’s smile widened as she turned to Rebecca.
“I can feel her squirming in there!”
“Y-you can? Um. . . Can I feel?”
Lizzy shrugged and lifted her shirt, and guided Rebecca’s hand to her abdomen. To her shock, Rebecca could feel V’s struggles.
“Oh, wow. . . I can feel her. . . Do you mind if I?”
Rebecca lowers her head and presses her ear to Lizzy’s stomach. Lizzy blushed, but didn’t stop her. Lizzy placed a hand on Rebecca’s head, pressing her softly to the soft fabric that separates her and V.
“Wow, I can actually hear her!”
Rebecca raises her head and looks Lizzy in the eyes.
“So, what are you going to do with her now?”
Lizzy thought for a moment before answering,
“I think I’m going to keep her in there for a while. Come on. Let's watch a movie.”
V felt her world rock as Lizzy stood up and started walking. She grunts in frustration with every bounce of Lizzy’s step.
Rebecca and Lizzy make themselves comfortable on the couch and start to watch a movie. It was a cheesy comedy, but neither drone laughed. Both drones kept the movie on for background noise as they pulled out their phones and started to browse social media.
V had remained still for a good few minutes after Lizzy had sat down. She waited for Lizzy to say or do anything, anything to tell her she wasn’t being forgotten. V got tired of waiting and halfway through the film, started to kick and struggle.
Lizzy noticed V’s kicks and placed her hand over her stomach, gently letting V know she wasn’t being forgotten.
V felt Lizzy’s hand over her and sighed in relief. She decided to try and talk to Lizzy and tell her she wanted out.
“Hey, Lizzy? Can you let me out now?”
Lizzy glanced at her stomach from her phone, hearing V’s voice. She let out a single snicker and smiled, shaking her head.
“In a bit, V. Relax, okay? Everything will be fine.”
Lizzy suddenly felt a sharp jab in her abdomen and doubled over, groaning in pain. V had bit Lizzy’s stomach wall. V’s saliva instantly repaired the little damage she caused, but it happened long enough to give Lizzy a little sting.
“Okay, okay. I’ll let you out of there! Just chill for a moment!”
Lizzy stood up and made her way to the bathroom. Once inside, she closed the door and locked it. She didn’t want Rebecca, or god forbid, her dad to see her spit out V.
Lizzy braced herself, leaning on the sink and slowly working her stomach and throat to squeeze and push V up. V rose higher and higher in Lizzy's throat before she deposited her in her mouth.
Lizzy grabbed a towel and spit V out into it. She began to dry V off while the smaller drone grumbled.
“Sorry about that. I guess I kept you waiting too long, huh?”
V shuddered. She was cold again. The slime and saliva coating her cooling off rapidly and making her feel colder.
“Thank robo-god Lizzy is drying me off,” V thought.
Lizzy finished drying off V and she placed the tiny drone on the corner of the counter. She crouched down to be eye level with V, watching her tail swish angrily behind her.
“So, um. . . About eating you. . .”
“Were you going to digest me?”
Were. you. going. to. digest. Me?”
“N-no! Absolutely not! I don’t even think I can digest!”
“So why did you keep me in your tummy so long?!”
Lizzy blushed. She didn’t want to admit it, but she did enjoy having V inside her. However, Lizzy decided to tell V the truth.
“I guess I just liked having such a hot and cute girl inside my stomach.”
This time, it was V’s turn to blush. She thought that Lizzy liked it, but she didn’t think she’d actually admit it. V especially didn’t think Lizzy would call her hot or cute.
“Y-you think I’m hot? And cute?”
V and Lizzy averted their eyes while shuffling in place. Both were flustered, and both knew the other was too.
“Yeah. . . I do. . .”
“W-well um. . . I guess you’re also. . . hot and… cute. . .”
Both stood there, averting their gaze and occasionally glancing back at the other, not saying a word.
“Do you want to. . .”
“Make this official?”
Lizzy and V stared into each other's eyes, trying to see if the other was faking or wasn’t willing, but finding no unwillingness in each other’s eyes.
“Yes,” they both said at the same time.
Lizzy offered her hand for V to climb on, which the tiny disassembler accepted. V quickly climbed onto Lizzy’s hand and sat down. Lizzy lifted V to her face and stood up.
“S-so, how about a quick little. . .”
“Okay. . .”
Lizzy brought V up to her mouth but this time, instead of Lizzy’s lips parting, they puckered out, just like V’s. Lizzy planted her lips on V’s face and the drones kissed. V tried to do the same, but it was a little awkward with Lizzy’s libs engulfing V’s entire face.
The two pulled apart and looked at each other with prominent blushes on both of their faces. They were both quiet for a few seconds before bursting into laughter.
“Better wait for you to get big again before doing that again, huh?”
They both relaxed and looked into each other's eyes, smiling warmly. Lizzy glanced away for a second to consider her next words. She had a question for V, but she didn’t know how she would feel about it. Lizzy sighed and decided to continue with it anyway.
“So. . . What was it like… inside my stomach?”
V paused. She took on a thoughtful gaze, trying to think of a response.
“It was… nice. It was very warm and soft. . . I liked it. . .”
V was blushing in embarrassment once she finished her statement.
“Why do you ask?”
“Well, it was nice having you in there. It felt like I was protecting you. I liked having you close like that. . .”
“Would you like to… do that again?” Lizzy whispered under her breath, but V could still hear.
“I um. . . Yes. . .”
Lizzy’s eyes lit up and she smiled, feeling excited. Lizzy was almost shaking in excitement while staring at V, lovingly.
“Honestly though, I’ve heard of this thing called ‘fearplay.’ Would you like to try it out?”
“Whatever floats your boat, hun.”
Lizzy felt like she was melting with how flustered she was at V’s statement. She quickly calmed herself and her tone shifted to better fit the fearplay she was about to perform.
“Okay then. Get ready V.”
Lizzy looked down at V with a wide hungry grin, showing off all her teeth.
“Well, look what we have here. A delectable little treat!”
V giggled and feigned fear.
“Oh no! A big scary monster!”
Lizzy laughed evilly and brought V closer to her jaws.
“Oh yes, I am a big scary monster! And I’m going to eat you!”
“Please don’t eat me!”
Lizzy lowers V and lifts her shirt, exposing her abdomen. She presses V against her stomach and plays a gurgle sound effect.
“I’m gonna eat you. You’re going to go in here! Can you hear it calling for you? Yes, I can tell you’re going to be delicious indeed!”
Lizzy lifts V back to her mouth, opening wide and revealing the dark warm cavern. V can see the little heart-shaped pink LED in the back of Lizzy’s mouth just under her uvula. Pink glowing saliva drips from Lizzy’s mouth, drooling on the poor helpless V.
“I’m gonna eat you, and I’m going to enjoy feeling you struggle helplessly!”
Before V can respond, Lizzy shoves her into her mouth, only V’s tail sticks out of Lizzy’s lips. Lizzy flicks her tongue out and licks the little vial and stinger before slurping it inside. Lizzy manipulates her tongue to turn V around to swallow her pegs first.
Lizzy braces and swallows hard, swallowing V in one gulp. Lizzy licks her lips and pats her stomach affectionately.
“Good luck, morsel! And squirm while you still can!”
Lizzy laughs again before calming down and shifting back to her normal self.
“How was that, V?”
“You definitely need some help! But not bad for your first try!”
Inside Lizzy’s stomach, V shuffles up to one of the stomach walls, getting comfortable in the soft warm space. V smiled, feeling safe and protected despite Lizzy’s earlier words. She knew it was just pretend, so why worry? V closed her eyes and started to enter sleep mode.
Lizzy rubs her abdomen one more time before walking out of the bathroom and joining Rebecca on the couch. The movie was still playing and Rebecca looked up from her phone, turning her head to Lizzy.
“So, how’d it go? And where’s V?”
Lizzy smiled and patted her stomach.
“Let’s just say, your plan to get us to confess our feelings for each other worked.”
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teal-fiend · 3 months
you get eaten by a stranger. You barely are able to catch a glimpse of their face before you're gulped down and deposited in the stomach.
You were in public before, a park that you'd been to many times. So when your predator starts moving, and the stomach starts to become more active, stimulated by the walking, you can imagine in your minds eye where they have gone in the park.
They're heading to the edge, now you feel the footsteps hitting concrete as they go along the sidewalk.
you yell for help; there must be other people around who can help you. Your pred doesn't even bother trying to silence you, or acknowledge your protests at all.
You're still following along where you imagine they are, until they stop, leaving you hanging motionlessly for the first time. Its kind of like being in a hammock, but cramped, and the hammock is trying to digest you.
You hear a click, and the opening of a car door. As the pred gets in, you become much more cramped, squished by their legs and torso, and the car. And their stomach keeps squeezing you, trying to make you smaller.
Now the car is moving and you have no idea where you are. You are sloshed back and forth by the momentum of the vehicle or what could be an hour or more.
Eventually it slows down, the car parks. For the first time the pred gives you a little pat before getting out of the car.
They're moving up some stairs. You can feel and hear their heartbeat at the exertion. And you get thrown back and forth with each step.
You hear a door open. And a sigh. You're in a house, you assume. Or an apartment? It could be anywhere, you dont even know if you're still in the same city.
You are likely in a strangers home, and in their gut. You're going to be digested far away from any place you are familiar with. No one will know where you went. And if someone saw this pred with their full belly, they'd have no idea who the meal was.
Your world shifts, the pred has laid down. You hear a muffled rustling of sheets and there is extra weight over you. The pred is tucked into bed, and its not even night time. A mid-day rest, as they prepare to digest you fully.
You dont want to accept this. Your efforts to escape have been useless so far. But you try to do your best. You yell at them, to get their attention. You kick at their stomach, which is hard because of how restricted you are.
You feel the pred roll onto their back, letting you wriggle uselessly ontop of them. You feel silly doing it, seeing as how little an effect it has.
Then, you feel them tense their belly muscles slightly, and there is a loud bubbly gurgle. You feel the pred thump on you lightly. You figet in response, doing your best to irritate them further. But all you get is a loud burp from above, before you feel the pred relax again.
you hear their voice for the first time as they excuse themselves. But after that, they have nothing more to say.
You wonder what the room looks like. And what the pred looks like. You can barely remember.
You wonder what you would look like from the outside. A gurgling bulge in a stranger's abdomen. An anonymous meal. The pred had probably seen that many times. If they looked in a mirror later, they'd be able to see you. Well not you, the pred would only see their own stomach, but you would be inside it
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synthesized-man · 17 days
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Kind of old art of me and my 🩵💕💙boyfriend💝💘❤️
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acorncake · 4 months
Happy Valentines day! Some self indulgent stuff cause I love this man sm
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cowardlysimon · 7 months
Take it away from me PLEASE
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safety-writes-noms · 8 months
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Here are some very unfinished and probably never will be finished early comic doodles of Oliver and Callisto. Not shipping, not nsfw, completely platonic. Theyre brothers. I have more pages but this is the one that the most completed kinda so just going to post this one. Idk maybe I’ll finish the whole comic in the future, just depends if u guys want to see it or not
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teal-fiend · 2 months
preds with instincts that override their conscious brain:
Preds that lose any self control when hungry
Preds who feel hazy after eating, meaning they won't be able to let you out
Preds who are triggered by the scent of their favourite prey
Preds who will immediately start swallowing you if you put your hands in their mouth
preds who cant control their digestion
Preds who will chase you if you start running
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eeljawz · 4 months
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no escape!
!! minors dni !!
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aciddrooldeluxe · 3 months
Thought of a scenario (CW for possible cruelty, digestion, unwilling pred, and unwilling prey, betrayal, very mild implied disposal)
a pred and prey are friends in a society where that's just. Outlandish to most people. Prey are meant to be eaten, and preds are meant to eat that prey. But, these two have a sorta, Romeo and Juliet thing going on. They hang out, and, hell. They might even feel like they're more than friends, especially after so many years, and sharing their lives with each other, they practically feel like they grew up together.
Eventually, the pred finally makes another friend, a pred friend, probably at work, or another social event. It's fine. They seem like a pleasant enough person, too. They wouldn't tell this random guy about their best buddy, but, it's always nice to get to know new people, even hang out at each other's houses sometimes.
Then one day it all goes, awry. The pred is hanging out with the prey, when the door opens behind them. It's that guy from work, he's come over uninvited. They're close enough pals, right? So coming over like this should be a fun surprise. And, hey, it seems there's even a snack ready for you. How kind.
The pred panics, seeing their friend moseying on over to possibly devour the now terrified prey, and does the only thing they could think to do. They panic, and devour the prey they'd just been talking to, sending them down into a gut currently swimming with previously shared snacks.
It'll all be fine right? Of course. There's no way their friend will stay for long. Until he does. He stays much, much longer than usual. There's no excuse to get out of this situation. It's your house, you can't say you have to go back and turn off the oven, and leaving in a condition like this? It's distasteful at the very least, your swollen gut indecently hanging from your hips.
So they wait. And wait. And they can try to hold off digestion, but, stomach don't like to hold back. It's an automatic system. Their buddy is left stewing, and, not to mention, their pred buddy keeps assisting each churn with belly rubs. But, they're still fine in there. They're alive, and clearly breathing, wriggling about. So the pred holds on.
They start going a little numb to the sensation in their guts, desperately wanting the other pred to just leave, as more waves of peristalsis wear their current occupant down, the prey inside trying to hold on.
From the prey's perspective, it's all so, sudden. They thought their pred had been worried from them, with their increased heartate clearly audible above, but. Maybe it was excitement. They've been in here for so long they feel numb. Were they betrayed? As each groan washes over them, it feels more and more true, but they keep on hoping until even the subtle red glow of light through skin seems to fade, and they pass out with large hands pushing more acid over their body, the enzymes and slime pooling around them, everything around them fully digested, as their body now slowly finishes its turn in the process of filling the body around it.
The time passes. Breathing fades. The nonsense chattering continues. It's unbearable, but the pred has to keep on this façade as they panic. They're sure their friend is gone now. Possibly even melting away. And it's their own fault, having waited far too long. Was this worth it? Could he not have just explained? Were they doomed from the start?
The only thing left to do, though, is finish the job, right? If you ate your friend, it'd be beyond ungrateful to just, regurgitate what's left. So, that shape in the pred's gut slowly rounds out, then seems to pool down towards the bottom, before evening out when the remainder of what used to be their friend chugs down hungry intestines, organs loudly making a scene of the entire ordeal, making everything feel even more disrespectful.
As the pred finally gets up to, inevitably finish the process, their pred friend grins, takes it as an opportunity to leave, congratulating them on their new pounds of fat as they head out the door
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acorncake · 3 months
Augh spent too long on this but finally, my kobold self gets nommed
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ltsmoving · 8 months
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belated voretober day 6: competition
another one i struggled with in terms of the prompt cause multiple preds (especially with mass vore, which was my original plan) is a very situational thing for me. imagine i drew another pred being cool and awesome or smth i dont know give me a break im trying to catch up so bad
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cowardlysimon · 7 months
"Simon where the vore at"
Girl, idk it grew legs and left.
Take Pied, Pipe,r and Trickster, this is all I have to offer. I'M STILL WORKING ON THE COMIC THOUGH. just very slowly
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anyways bye :333
you can have this too
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groundrunner100 · 2 months
A bigger debate than real world politics.
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hoolay-boobs · 1 year
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Date night
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teal-fiend · 5 months
The Actor
A day in the life of a working predator actor.
content: fatal vore, implied digestion, willing prey, hunger, safe vore mentioned
The actor entered into their silver trailer and sat down on their faux leather couch (cruelty-free), lying back painfully, exhausted, looking up at the ceiling. That was a rough couple of hours. 
They had just finished the swallowing scene, the one the director wouldn’t budge on even though it was such a time sink, so much money and effort and agony for what, 2 seconds of footage that would actually be used in the final film? 
The actor’s stomach growled irritably. It had been fed, and then unfed so many times it was now beyond confusion and hunger. The pred rubbed their stomach soothingly. It didn’t know what was going on. The pred’s body was not designed for this type of tomfoolery. In the past, in ancient times, once they had prey, they got to keep it. There was no messing around with spitting it back up again, only to consume it once more five minutes later. 
The pred’s stomach had gotten all the signals that it was supposed to be digesting a big meal, and the fact that it wasn’t, meant that it was going to direct its energy; its anger, onto the pred. 
What the stomach didn’t know, the actor thought to themselves, was that doing this would ensure hundreds, if not thousands of prey in the future; the money they would make from this film could feed them for several lifetimes over. But this sort of thing was inconceivable to the simple animal that was the predator’s stomach. All it knew was that it had been robbed. It never thought of the distant future, only the current and terrible emptiness and hunger for more - anything. 
There was a metallic knock on the trailer door.
The actor straightened themselves up, “come in,”
Their personal assistant arrived on the threshold. 
“Don’t tell me I have to go back out there,” the actor groaned.
“I have some appetite suppressants.”
“You know those make me sick, besides, doesn’t that go against the point of it all.”
These gruelling hours were at least partially manufactured by the director’s desire to capture a genuine experience. They talked about it a lot, and it meant that they would force the pred to repeat the same scenes over and over until they grew exhausted and irritated and that would supposedly bring out their true predatory nature.
“Take three, I’ll tell them that this is your last round then you’re done for the day.”
“No, don’t tell them that, they’ll keep me out all night.”
“According to your contract, no. They’re only allowed one more hour with you today, and I’ll make sure they stick by it. I’ll have something waiting for you when you get home.”
“Prey?” the actor asked, barely concealing their excitement. 
Their assistant scoffed, slightly amused, “well yes.”
“Alright,” the pred laughed, stretching, “I’m just making sure you’re not throwing me a party or something. But going home to a nice, big prey… that sounds nice.”
“I’ll see you out there,” the assistant said evenly. 
Knowing what they had in store back at home, the pred was able to breeze through the next hour, much to the behest of the director who was determined to see them break under the pressure. They wanted hunger, they wanted animalism, madness, and they got it, but the pred was only acting. And once they heard ‘cut’, the actor reverted back to their carefree selves. And they left exactly on the hour.
After the uber ride and the elevator ride, the actor unlocked the door to their penthouse apartment with a metal swipe card. Inside there was someone waiting, they could smell before they could see
Under the pink LED lights in an otherwise dark apartment, their prey waited for them. But when they saw the pred, they looked surprised.
“Good evening,” the actor said
“It’s you!” Their prey gasped.
The actor grinned, a little confused. “It is me.”
Maybe the prey wasn’t told whose apartment they were going to? They didn’t know how this stuff worked - usually they just came in and ate the prey and nobody was surprised or asked questions or really said much at all. After all, it would be a bit strange to have a conversation with your doordasher. Or maybe the prey was more like the take-out that the delivery man provided. It would be even more strange to talk to your take-outs… which is exactly why the actor tended to avoid it.
“I’ve always wanted to be eaten by you,” the prey said.
“Ever since I saw you in that old movie,”
Ah yes, the pred remembered their debut film. It was crazy, all the way back then. They had only just graduated highschool. It was a small project, they just happened to be one of the only preds that the director knew. 
The movie became considered the first film to show a predator consuming prey on screen. Technically there were others, but this is the one that people heard about. And it made the pred famous.
“Oh gosh, has it been ten years already?”
How interesting how that worked. Time, and knowing people. The prey had known about the actor for many, many years. They’d seen interviews and articles probably, they knew the pred as well as a friend might. And yet, the pred had never seen this prey before in their life. 
“Maybe this is fate,” the actor said, “or manifested destiny.”
The pred felt a strong squeezing in their middle. The hunger pangs were peaking. But they felt the need to entertain their fan for a little while longer. They were after all, deep down, a performer. 
“Sorry if I’m a bit off, I’ve had a terrible shooting experience. I’m not sure what they told you, but I was made to swallow and spit up prey for most of the day.”
The prey consoled them, sympathetic, but they couldn’t help but ask, “you’re making another movie?” The implication being, another movie where the actor would eat prey on screen. 
“Yes,” the pred said, “I suppose you won’t get to watch it… that’s a shame.”
The prey sighed. The pred grinned, “but that also means that it won’t matter if I break my NDA, would it? After all,” they lowered their voice subtly, “you’re going to be me soon anyway.”
The prey paled slightly. The pred moved gently but unyielding, taking their prey’s hand and putting it against their grumbling stomach. They began to describe the plot of the film to the prey, along with some insider knowledge about production that they were sure the prey was dying to know about. 
As they talked, they were also sizing the prey up, considering where they would like to lie down after they had finished eating. The actor’s feet were sore, they didn’t want to have to wander about with a full tummy. They slowly moved the prey towards the pit in the living room, a kind of sunken area that was like a circular couch with a large marble coffee table in the middle. 
Once they were ready to eat, they already knew exactly how they would do it. Despite the years in between, the pred remembered the stage directions of their debut film perfectly. 
They started by saying a few low words, a close up to the actors faces. Then the camera would pull back, so the audience could watch as the pred hoisted the prey up by both arms, then took them feet-first into their mouth. It watched the slow struggle, one long take (and they only made one take. The pred had to use all their focus to not fuck it up and look into the camera). Every gag, gulp and fidget of an inexperienced pred and an even more inexperienced prey. Although these days, the actor had plenty of experience. Especially after the day they had - their throat still burned from the repeated friction. 
The actor sighed in relief once their meal had settled. They were about to lie down, but then realised they were still in their work clothes. They supposed it was unavoidable, having to walk around with a full stomach. Strangely enough, they felt a burst of energy, a bit of adrenaline - a second wind after eating. They supposed their stomach was ready to let it go again, so it wasn’t about to get comfortable just yet. That was fine for the pred; they wanted to take a shower anyway. 
The shower was steamy and well-pressurised, the towels were heated and soft, the robe waiting for them was softer. The actor passed by a hamper that they forgot they had, and selected from it a small box of assorted chocolates. Then they went back to the living room, balancing the box on top of their belly, and laid down in the pit. 
Their stomach was starting to trust them again, “there, see,” the predator said, caressing it gently, “all yours.”
The pred heard their prey murmur about something, and shift around. The pred frowned, then prodded their stomach curiously. It was always strange to hear their food try to talk from inside of them. A bit uncanny. Maybe it made them uncomfortable because if other people were around when it happened, they’d act all sympathetic, wanting to make the pred let their prey out. And that was something the pred didn’t even want to think about right now. 
That wasn’t going to happen now. The pred patted their gut proprietarily. The movement dislodged a belch, and their stomach grew tighter around their meal. 
The actor turned on their television and chose a movie they’d been waiting for a chance to see. A thriller. They took a candy from the box and ate it, eyes staying on the screen. As the opening sequence played, the actor took in a deep breath and sighed, relaxing more into the cushions. They’d had a big day, but now here they were, maybe all the hard work made moments like these more enjoyable. The pred kept a hand rested on their stomach, casually, restfully, but possessively. This one I get to keep. 
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philicheesecake · 7 months
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