#post corypheus pre trespasser
theluckywizard · 10 months
Just working on a little possible AU/possible HC one shot piece with my Inquisitor Rose and my Hawke.
The dream I’d formulated with Solas was a prison of my own making, meant to keep things out more than keep me inside. The intense clarity that the anchor gave my dreams had always been tolerable– at least until Hawke stayed behind in the Fade. I could only live through so many iterations of watching the man I love get impaled and crushed by the Nightmare. So many dreams replaying the moment I left him behind. Listening to Hawke tell me in a dozen different ways that I’d abandoned and betrayed him. Watching him end his own life out of hopelessness. In my grief and desperation I begged Solas to teach me some manner of control.  My subconscious had become dangerous and I needed to master it. So he and I crafted a dream I could safely retreat to each night, the prison keeping me safe from such intrusions. He’d asked me to choose a familiar place, where each detail was etched deeply in my memory. He had me choose activities to pursue within the safety of the setting, something to pass the time until I returned to consciousness, where my darkest thoughts were under stricter control. I’ve dreamt of my quarters at home at the estate hundreds of times. It’s my refuge. Jigsaw puzzles and knitting. Playing my lute in my pillows piled high by the window. It gives a sense of peace I could never hope to find in Skyhold, where I’m haunted by ghosts of my decisions and the cost of war. Haunted by memories of Hawke.  The wards Solas taught me to set keep all of that out.  I pick at my lute, singing a tune in Antivan as rain rolls in from the Waking Sea and washes down my window. My voice is always sweet in my dreams, never needing warming up or clearing. My velvet pillows hug me while I lounge back into them. Everything is in its right place.  But there’s something strange across my room.  Something that doesn’t belong. On the center of my bed is a yellow cactus flower.  My lute slips and clatters in a twang of strings on the floor as I’m assaulted by the memories, how a yellow bloom would grace my cot each evening in the Western Approach. I stand and approach the flower with the caution its alien nature merits.  “Maker’s breath,” I mutter, crawling onto the bed and picking it up. I spin the fragile bloom against my nose, the petals like satin, the fragrance familiar, flooding my chest with warmth. If I’m losing my grip on my recurring dream, at the very least this is a welcome intrusion. But I check the wards to make sure I’ve activated them properly before slipping into the safety of my dream. The wards are live. I examine the flower, brushing it over my lips, attempting to divine meaning from it. It’s a fond memory of a different time, of a great love I didn’t understand or appreciate. But the warmth gives way to torment, as considering the flower cleaves my heart, the grief falling like a greataxe as I recall how I’d failed to tell him how deeply I’d felt before being scooped around the waist by Alistair and flung back through the rift.  And then I wake myself, because Maker, I can’t do this all over again.
Tagging @bluewren, @nirikeehan, @rosella-writes, @warpedlegacy, @kiastirling-fanfic, @ar-lath-ma-cully, @anneapocalypse, @effelants, @plisuu, @breninarthur, @crackinglamb, @ir0n-angel and anyone else who wants to share their works in progress art or writing!
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dreadfutures · 1 year
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Inquisitor Art Meme! (30 Questions adapted from this ask meme.)
Download Template with Frame Masks: Download CSP/PSD/PNGs here. If you want to do it as an Ask Game, I suggest working within the template but just cropping them and using the crop to reply to your messages (like this). :)
Prompts as text below.
Skyhold Outfit
Casual Outfit
Pajamas (Sleepwear)
Animal Associated With Them
What People THINK They Look Like
Typical Breakfast
Favorite Weapon(s)
Them & Their Mount
Endgame Armor (Against Corypheus)
Them at Six Years Old (Cutie Patootie!)
Their Parents
An Alternate Universe
Favorite Hobby
The Nightmare’s Form (or How Fearlings Appear in HLTA)
A Happy Ending (...even an impossible one)
Halamshiral Outfit
Dragon Form!
Pre-Inquisition Look
Usual Hairstyle
Their Children (hypothetically!)
Post-Game Quarters
Who Can’t They Stand (in the Inquisition)
Peaceful Place in Skyhold (where they get away from it all)
A Fancy Portrait (Josie Insisted)
With Their Favorite Companion
Fav of Varric’s Books
Five Items They Always Carry
Outfit as a Companion
Post-Trespasser (DA4)
Pre-Inquisition Home
Goddamn I miss DeviantArt memes x)
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crossdressingdeath · 1 year
Cole: Your hand hurts. It's pulling you apart. Dorian: Why didn't you say something? I could have... I don't know, something! Alaris: Whatever happens, I wouldn't trade the years we've had together for anything. I love you. Dorian: I knew you would break my heart, you bloody bastard. Cole: We helped. All of us. I won't forget. Blackwall: One more fight, then. Let's finish this.
Everything about this is awful and painful. It's fine! Starting from the top, Cole is once again dropping all the metaphors and twisty speech in favour of the simple truth: Quiz is in pain. I mean, what else is there to say at this point? It's a lot more straightforward than the trauma he spends the main game pulling from people's heads: they're dying, and it hurts! Although the description of the Anchor as pulling Quiz apart is definitely interesting; I mean first off I hope he's not being entirely literal there (messy), but also that does fit with my theory that the Anchor is fatal to Quiz because it's not designed to be embedded in a mortal person who exists solely in the waking world. Even setting aside the possibility that the ancient elvhen (who the Anchor was likely designed for) might have been spirits, the orb was likely created pre-Veil (given Solas's post-Veil nap and all) and so the Anchor likely wouldn't work as intended in the post-Veil, separated world. A purely physical being like Quiz likely would be pulled apart in some sense or another as the Anchor tried to exist across both the waking world and the Fade like it was supposed to while attached to someone who Could Not Do That.
Anyway, potential lore implications aside. Dorian. Oh poor, poor Dorian. The way he's audibly right on the very edge of tears the whole time (and might actually be crying a bit on "you bloody bastard") is what you might call incredibly fucking sad! Like, he's accepted that Quiz truly loves him and intends to stay with him and even if they're physically apart for a time they will always have each other and Corypheus has been dealt with and he thought everything was working out fine... and now this. The man he loves is dying and there's nothing he can do and Quiz didn't even tell him. That "Why didn't you say something?" is heartwrenching. There was nothing he could've done, but even looking and failing to find a solution would've been better than looking back on the past two years that he spent blissfully ignorant and knowing that while he was enjoying their time together (and eventually left Quiz in Skyhold to go to Tevinter, thinking they had all the time in the world!) his lover was slowly dying. And of course there's the kick in the teeth that is that Quiz isn't even how he found out; it's Leliana who informs the companions, not Quiz. Bioware why wasn't it Quiz, Quiz should've told the companions, where is my cutscene where Quiz tells the companions what's happening, I want my angst.
And that "I knew you'd break my heart, you bloody bastard" is like... yeah! Dorian more than any other LI possibly across the whole series is very aware that even if Quiz never willingly leaves him the role of hero is an incredibly dangerous one. But by Trespasser he seems to have settled on that front; he's talking about leaving for Tevinter for the foreseeable future and while he's clearly not happy about it there's no sense that he's bracing himself to lose Quiz! So he finally starts to get past the fear of Quiz breaking his heart by leaving or dying, and that's when this happens! Dorian always knew the odds that falling for the hero of the story would end in heartbreak, and just as he's beginning to think that maybe they're getting past that danger he learns that Quiz is dying, and was quite possibly aware he was dying the whole time they were together. Although of course the biggest tragedy is that we don't get to really get into that because this is all we get because Bioware didn't bother to include even a cutscene where Quiz tells just their LI what's going on- I am just never going to be over that okay.
Also Blackwall is here. I actually like him so much more than I did having been using him as my primary warrior this run (I'm actually kind of tempted to change my planned order and do a Blackwall romance next, I'm thinking mage Trevelyan for that?), and I do love how he's very much down to business about the situation. His friend is dying, but before that they have one last fight to get through. If this is the last time he'll be able to fight alongside his dear friend and comrade in arms, the person who gave him another shot at life after everything he did, someone he respects above all others, he's going to make it one hell of a last fight. He can't save them, but he can give them the send-off they deserve, and dammit he is going to do it.
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elvhenprince · 15 days
revanni adaar & sulevin lavellan
exploring their relationship post-dai, pre-trespasser: revanni has the anchor but sulevin is the inquisitor
568 words
Six months since Corypheus was dead for real, Skyhold was starting to get just a little quieter.
But that quiet was just in the hold- the Inquisition was still incredibly busy, with rebuilding still much needed across Orlais and Ferelden and stray Venatori still a threat, amongst other things. It wasn't too bad, Revanni liked helping. And she's only gotten better at punching things, and the Chargers were all too happy to follow her along her excursions to help.
The anchor didn't flare like when the Breach was open, but lately it gave her this weird tingling feeling up her arm. Nothing to worry, she's sure, but the person with the most expertise fucked off to nobody knew where. Not even Leliana, who was now Divine, knew- and that's fucking curious.
She had to settle for the next best- or well, the only mage that was still around that had any expertise at all really.
“Hey Kadan, I'm back,” Revanni greeted when she entered Josephine's office, giving her a big hug and squishing the giggling ambassador into her bosom. “Where's Sulevin?”
“Amor,” Josephine tiptoed to greet with a kiss, to which Revanni had to bend down for. “The Inquisitor, well-”
Her face contorted, and Revanni knew the answer.
“Alright, I'll go talk to him.”
“Please do. We all worry for him.”
Revanni found Sulevin seated in Solas' old chair, leaning forward and glaring at the murals in deep thought.
“Still nothing?”
She knew Sulevin had tried to search for Solas through his own dreaming, but he never could. Leliana could not find him in this world, and Sulevin couldn't find the man in the Fade.
No one knew what that meant.
“No,” Sulevin replied, gaze leaving the murals to assess Revanni’s condition. No matter how weary or busy, he always spared the time to make sure everyone was alright. That concern he had for people around him, even if they didn't look like him or was his clan- that was why Revanni had deferred the position of Inquisitor to him, despite being the one everyone was practically worshipping.
And she felt guilty for it. Sulevin bore so much of the responsibility on his own shoulders, and when the naysayers gossiped, he took it all, never letting any of it get to Revanni.
“Your anchor,” Sulevin noted with a frown.
“Oh yeah. Is it bad? It's just kinda tingly.”
“No,” Sulevin said, then getting up to cast a spell over it, and the tingling dissipated.
“Ooh, that's better, thanks.”
“He taught that to me,” Sulevin said, attention returning to the murals. “But if you get more than tingling from the Anchor I may not be able to help.”
She's been trying not to think about that, but then of course Sulevin would in her stead. He took care of his people.
..Someone had to take care of him.
She didn't have the confidence or really any of the needed qualities to lead the Inquisition, but taking care of one person? She could manage that.
“C’mon,” Revanni called, making use of her great size to pick up the indignant elf into her arms. “Let's take a break. A real one. Snuggles, snacks, fresh hot gossip from Josie about the weird shit humans are getting up to. You like those.”
Gold eyes blinked up at her. A moment passed before she felt the tenseness in his body slip away, and he nodded.
“I do.”
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fatale-distraction · 2 years
I don’t remember if I actually posted these but I used Doll Divine and Elequinoa’s doll maker to make Ellana, Evelyn, and their parents. ☺️
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Left to right
Evelyn’s birth mother, Althera
Ellanasha’s birthmother, Myriani
Althera and their father, Vallas
And then Evelyn and Ellana sometime Post-Corypheus, Pre-Trespasser.
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dreadwolfiscoming · 6 years
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First, the unexpected and unexplained break up, then his sudden disappearance with only a bone to remember him by.
First, waking up to the downfall of your people at your hands, then the orb to fix it all is destroyed while trying to save the world you planned to erase.
if i keep looking at it, it’ll never get finished. so here— *shoves at fandom*
also on deviantart
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roguelioness · 2 years
tidbit thursday
Borrowing this from @cleverblackcat​ - this is such a neat idea :D I’m not tagging anyone, but if you see this feel free to join in!
Share a small fact or detail about your characters (I have quite a few so I’m just going to stick to the ones I’m currently writing for lol). 
Neria Lavellan
Neria no longer has her vallaslin, but she does have a single tattoo.
On her butt.
Of the Dread Wolf.
She gets it post-Inquisition (but pre-trespasser) during a visit to her clan. She’s been having a hard time coping with the changes (her lover has disappeared, the threat of Corypheus is over so she doesn’t have to be as actively involved as before, she’s not really sure what the future holds for her) and when Deshanna tells her that she can no longer be First, she kind of... loses it (even though she’s seen it coming). She gets obnoxiously drunk with Irosyl, her close friend who is also the apprentice of the clan’s vallaslin-tattooer, and they joke about how her terrible luck must stem from the Dread Wolf himself. When she suggests he ink her backside with an image of Fen’harel so that the Dread Wolf can metaphorically kiss her ass, they both decide its the best idea ever and he does it. It comes out pretty nicely actually, given how drunk he was, but they both definitely regret it the next morning and decide to keep it a secret.
Post-Trespasser, Neria has a hysterical fit when she realizes that the Dread Wolf has actually, literally kissed her ass.
Norah Trevelyan
Norah gets Solas’ help to enchant one of the balconies in her room in Skyhold to keep the cold out, and turns it into a kind of greenhouse. She’s never had a garden of her own before - in the Circle the gardens were only used to grow practical herbs used in potions, and they were carefully observed by the Templars so no one could sneak anything unapproved in there.
The first thing she grows are sunflowers.
It expands into a space filled with all kinds of blooms. Solas helps her find rare seeds - he manages to get her a cutting of a vhen’evune, a rare night-blooming flower that descended from plants in Arlathan.  He also helps her take care of it - they’ll often water/prune/fertilize while talking - either something casual or academic, but never work-related. Sometimes they’ll sit together in silence, surrounded by the scent of flowers, and stare out at the snow-capped mountains.
Even after he breaks up with her, he still maintains the garden (even when she doesn’t) and that’s how she knows he still loves her.
Nikita Batra
Nikita really likes video games, and has multiple consoles in her apartment.
She cursed so loudly and so often while playing Dark Souls that Adam has permanently banned her from the game. She and Felix love playing GTA online,  and they get up to the most ridiculous shenanigans, often daring each other to do something incredibly ridiculous and laughing like crazy in the process. If she’s playing something Nate is interested in, he won’t let her skip the cutscenes, and he likes to pinpoint the literary sources that influenced the plot. Mason will never ever admit it but he finds the music of Stardew Valley soothing.
Post-Murphy she stops playing horror/violent games because they trigger panic attacks (Adam is aware of this, and one day he boxes up those games and tries to replace them with less stressful games... which is how Nikita ends up with Goat Simulator).
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felassan · 3 years
with what looks like either the sun or moon behind it, could be elgar nan
Hi Nonnie, for the figure above Corypheus? I think this is a cool idea 👀 and due to personal biases (wanting to meet and fight Elgar’nan) I’d be completely on board with it happening. He’s god of the sun and has the Eldest of the Sun moniker, the sun was his father and he’s associated with constellation Solium... They have golden spheres behind them after all and that figure cuts a bulkier, more masculine-reading figure. That figure’s headpiece/horns are also gold (sun), in contrast with the other figure’s which are black, and they kinda remind me of the sort of gold horn-like headpieces often worn by Sunfire Elves in Dragon Prince. In that case I wonder then if the other figure could have something to do with Mythal, as she and Elgar’nan are classically thought of as a pair and she’s associated with the moon, having created it. The other figure also has the oceanic thing going on with the wavy lines and how it’s rearing out of the sea in that concept art, and Mythal was said to have walked out of the sea.
From Constellation: Solium, on the two common interpretations behind its meaning -
The first is that it represents the fascination of early peoples (such as the Necromenians, predecessors to the ancient Tevinter Imperium) with all objects in the sky, the Sun and Moon in particular. Indeed, many believe proper depiction of Solium is as both.
Emphasis mine. What this brings to mind is the Emergent Compendium -
Two shadowed spheres among stars
an eclipse as Fen'Harel stirred
Here’s two shadowed spheres alongside Fen’Harel as he makes a move in this latest mural all right... The Compendium is also ancient, noted by a scholar to be pre-Tevinter (read: probably ancient elven). And uh omg, the entries in the Compendium appear magically on their own -
the volumes are automatos: new entries appear of their own accord, with no scrivener's quill in sight.
(Emphasis mine) - and this has just clicked in my brain as being exactly like the journal relic of the Morlyn clan, which has been handed down over generations and has started showing the way to sacred elfy ruins in Arlathan Forest (read: the Morlyn tome is probably ancient elven) -
it started rewriting itself last month. Mysterious entries appeared of their own accord
Emphasis mine. 
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From my old post on the Compendium:
This spheres and eclipses business remind me of two of the murals seen in Tresspasser (1, 2). It may be worth noting that Thedas has two moons, and that Elgar’nan is said to have once thrown down the sun from the sky. It might be a reference to foci. As to the stirring.. because a few years later, Solas awoke perhaps? The Kirkwall rebellion (Act 3) is 9:37, DA:I begins in 9:41 and Solas awoke a year before joining so 9:40 approximately. Or else a reference to something he’s done in the past perhaps, or seeks to do.
The latest mural shows what he seeks to do, and both it and the Compendium also reference past events (Meredith, Corypheus, Sten in the case of the Compendium). There’s Elgar’nan cropping up again. And doesn’t the second Trespasser mural bear a compositional resemblance to the new one, just flipped?
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[Flipped for the purposes of comparison]
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Two elfy figures on either side (one bigger and bulkier than the other, and once flipped on the same side as the bigger one in the Trespasser image), circles above or behind their heads, foci or sources of power above them, the presence of the wavy lines, and in between the two figures there’s the red and black of the Black City in its Veil hemispheres. Even the rough ‘triangle’ below, the presence of the peacock feather motif, and the wavy lines in the orb above the righthand figure in the Trespasser mural are vertical, just like the ones adorning the equivalent figure in the new one. The two murals are like bookends, showing the creation and destruction of the Veil.
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ringneckedpheasant · 3 years
putting this under a cut bc it made ME depressed. it’s just oc talk abt kiernan but tw for discussion of suicide/suicidal ideation
kiernan isn’t the only one of my ocs with depression but i was feeling really maudlin last night and came to the realization that he would be the most likely of any of them to commit suicide.
he’s struggled with suicidal feelings since he was a kid—and by that i mean since he was like, 9 or 10. and tbqh it never really went away, feeling suicidal or wishing for tranquility when things got really bad. i don’t think he ever actually attempted, in large part due to rhian’s support, but he remained passively suicidal throughout his teen years and definitely did a lot of unnecessarily dangerous shit because of it. even in inquisition he becomes a knight enchanter partially because it’s a good outlet for his anger, but partially because the resulting close-quarters combat puts him in danger.
and without rhian’s support, the main thing that keeps him going when things get really bleak is just knowing that if he does anything to hurt himself, corypheus will win. he can’t kill himself because of it, but there’s also the undercurrent of knowing that he isn’t necessary for that, it’s just the anchor.
even then, even knowing how selfish it would be to let the world suffer because he couldn’t bear the weight of his trauma and dysphoria and depression, there are still a couple of nights over the course of those few years where he thinks seriously about it. like…. pre-gay solavellan, getting to the point of writing a letter to rhian and leaving it on his desk for someone to find. going to solas one evening and starting to make, yknow, vague and ominous comments about how much solas’ friendship has meant to him, how lucky he was to find a friend like him in the inquisition. and solas knows what kiernan is doing, realizes it almost immediately because they’ve talked about kiernan’s suicidal ideation before but he didn’t know how bad it had gotten.
and it’s just. so hard sometimes for solas to find a balancing act with kiernan, because he sometimes lashes out at both comfort and criticism, or when solas guesses too accurately how he’s feeling, or pries just a little too much at something personal,,, outright confronting kiernan would be just as likely to push him away as to stop him, so instead he pretends he doesn’t know, and calmly asks kiernan if he has the time to help with part of the fresco.
it keeps him close, so solas knows at least as long as he’s there he’s safe, and it gives him time to try to think of a more permanent solution, and he ends up not needing one. because after a few hours kiernan, with paint on his face and his sleeves rolled up just a little past his wrists, confesses quietly that he’d been thinking of doing something incredibly stupid, and he doesn’t think he will now, but would solas be willing to stay with him tonight, just to help keep that impulse at bay?
and he’s not fine the next day or the day after that, but eventually it comes back down to a manageable level, and the next time he starts to get that low he tells solas outright, asking for nothing but a little extra company to remind him that things aren’t as bleak as they feel.
this post was headed in a very different much worse direction when i started writing it but i am instead choosing to think about the hurt/comfort aspect of this instead of how kiernan may or may not manage those feelings post-trespasser when he no longer has solas and no one needs him for the anchor anymore 😔
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One of the reasons I rejoined Tumblr was because my friend @varric-tethras-editor​ & I started talking about Dragon Age, and she sent this awesome character sheet by @justafewocprompts to fill out...
He became... a very long boy. Enjoy. (Note: I did not beta read this, we die like men)
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Character Chart
Character’s full name: Mellan Lavellan Reason or meaning of name: “Little Lightning” (Celtic origin) of the Lavellan Clan Character’s nickname: Mel, Melly, Melon, Da’len/Ma Halla Reason for nickname: Mel was always a childhood nickname to Mellan from her family, and she picks up Melly from Dorian after joining the Inquisition. Varric calls her ‘Melon” after mishearing her name the first time they met, and the joking nickname stuck. After developing a relationship with Solas, he calls her Da’len (Little One) in public and Ma Halla (my Halla) in private. Birth date: 7 Cloudreach, 9:16 Dragon
Physical appearance
(will also reblog later with full-body refs)
Age: 25 (27 by the end of Inquisition, 29 by Trespasser) How old does he/she appear: Her age, though being an elf, she ages better than humans. She finds this an odd thing for people to point out. Weight: 120 lbs Height: 5’7” Body build: Lithe, but with strong legs. A runner’s build. Shape of face: Between diamond and triangular. Eye color: Mellan has heterochromia; her left eye is olive while her right eye is brown. Glasses or contacts: Neither/Unnecessary Skin tone: Fair Distinguishing marks: A large scar that takes up a good third of the right side of her torso. The scar was formed during the fight with Corypheus at Haven; she was whipped back by his dragon’s tail. Predominant features: Heterochromia, large eyes that combined with it can appear unnerving. Hair color: Lighter redhead Type of hair: Medium thickness, straight Hairstyle: Two loose braids that hang messily at the sides of her face. Voice: Chipper and leal at most times, howling when necessary. Overall attractiveness: Pretty, but in the same way that an ornate beetle is. Attractive to some, but unnerving to others. Physical disabilities: None, though her general lack of a sense of self-preservation could easily cause one someday. Usual fashion of dress: A blue lantern-sleeve tunic, which ends in traditional “elven” flaps, basic leather gauntlets, breeches, and boots. Due to the situations the Inquisition often finds themselves in, Mellan is forced to usually wear shoes that cover her toes, however, during her freetime will usually go barefoot. Favorite outfit: Her usual outfit; she’s not very picky with her manner of dress. Jewelry or accessories: For most of her life, none. Post-Inquisition and Pre-Trespasser, she wears Solas’ jawbone necklace beneath her tunic.
Good personality traits: Moed, alethiological, passionate, epistemophilic, altruistic, fierce Bad personality traits: Can be very obvious to the motives of others (for example, would not be able to tell the difference between someone being nice and someone flirting with her), curious to a fault, overprotective, blunt, can get too enthusiastic with her studies, restless, probing Mood character is most often in: Curious and readied Sense of humor: Mellan appreciates humor that catches her off guard; dry jokes and jabs that take her a second to realize they’ve been said before she can playfully smack whoever said it. Character’s greatest joy in life: Seeing the smiles of her friends and hearing the laughter of those she loves. They all look and sound so different, and each and every one is precious to her. Character’s greatest fear: That her loved ones will no longer be in her life, via death or otherwise. Doubly, if it is her fault. Why? Mellan sees herself as a bit of a screw-up, not meeting the expectations of others (an idea that she has put upon others due to how she was perceived by some in her clan, and not necessarily fact.) The fact that there are people that genuinely love and care for her is something she feels ungodly blessed to have, and if something were to happen to them because of her, it would prove that idea about herself right, as well as cause others to suffer. She would feel like an utmost failure, and wouldn’t know what to do with herself. What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? The death of her sister. Mellan can’t even bring it upon herself to think about that as an option, even if their job requires them to put their lives on the line. She’s never known a life without her, and she doesn’t want to. Character is most at ease when: She knows where all of her comrades are, and that they are comfortable. Most ill at ease when: It's clear that she is being spoken to in half truths, or someone is withholding information from her. Enraged when: Her sister is insulted, her people are belittled, or her comrades are not being taken seriously. Depressed or sad when: To avoid the risk of constantly restating it, negative things happening to her loved ones/her people should be obvious. But, something that might not be as obvious is how Mel feels whenever she thinks to the lost immortality of the Elvhen. Mellan knows that in her considerably shorter life she must prioritize what she can learn, and will never have the time to learn all of the things she would want to learn if she had the time that her people once had. That lost knowledge for her kind, and selfishly for her own self, brings a deep, hollow feeling to her chest. Once, having drunk too much with Dorian (it doesn’t take much), she openly wept over it. Priorities: Her loved ones and her people. Most other things (The Game, and most things having to do with Orlais, in particular) can wait. Life philosophy: Strive for dauntlessness, and if you can’t, strive for compassion. If granted one wish, it would be: To be able to grant the wishes of others. Why? Mellan wouldn’t be able to think of one wish of her own that would be worth more than another; if she could grant others’ wishes, maybe she would be able to help more? She could at least ask. Character’s soft spot: As her author, I would say books. My co-author simply said “Solas.” (Edit: she later followed that by “her sister, considering you say one thing wrong about Aislin, and Mellan goes full ‘attack dog.’” She’s right.) Is this soft spot obvious to others? To everyone else in Thedas, except for Mel and myself, apparently. (Edit: oh, the sister one is blatantly obvious.) Greatest strength: The fact that discovering the lowest points of humanity didn’t make her jaded, it made her passionate. Greatest vulnerability or weakness: Besides the obvious of her literal strength (in her arms, most egregiously), Mellan’s weakness is the people she cares about. She’d do anything to protect them, and that can easily be used against her. Not only that, but her protective nature could be manipulated to anger without much difficulty. Biggest regret: That she spent so much time believing in gods that were liars. Minor regret: Eventually, it will be leaving her clan. However, it is only a minor regret, because she truly believes she did the right thing and stands by her actions that caused it. She would not take it back. Otherwise, Mellan does not have many “regrets,” per say, but more believes she can constantly be doing better; not specific events. Biggest accomplishment: Mellan would suppose she should say “becoming the Inquisitor,” but, she wouldn’t consider that an accomplishment. She doesn’t even consider herself the Herald, her and her sister just happened to be the ones to survive the Conclave. She would consider an accomplishment to be something she has actually tried for, and she hasn’t had anything she could consider a “big” accomplishment yet. Minor accomplishment: That being said, she does feel immense joy every time she is able to perfect a new spell or memorize a new skill. Learning is one of her greatest joys, and attaining any new knowledge is an accomplishment in it’s own right. Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: None thus far. When Mellan fails, she is ashamed of herself, but not embarrassed. Why? This isn’t a secret, and not something she would try to hide. Granted, the elf wouldn’t go around, parading all the things she’s screwed up before, but if asked, she’ll tell. Character’s darkest secret: Mellan isn’t the type to keep secrets. As of now in her story, she has none, and considers herself a pretty open book. That will change, however, for obvious reasons. Does anyone else know? Not applicable, until later. When that day comes, Solas and Aislin will know (and, therefore, Cullen in turn, due to his involvement with Aislin.)
Drives and motivations: When it comes to drives and motivations, Mel is… complicated. Her and her sister didn’t see themselves as having much of a choice when they became Inquisitors. They were the ones with the marks, what were they supposed to do, walk away? However, Mellan has always had a strong sense of justice, even if it is a bit blind and naive at times, that she inherited from her father, and this drives her and her work forward. She wants people to be happy and for there to be real peace, not just the idea of peace. However, as stated further below, planning for this is not Mel’s strong suit, and currently she doesn’t have a real, concrete idea on how she’ll accomplish this other than “Corypheus and slavers bad -> get rid of them.” Immediate goals: Stop Corypheus, protect her loved ones and comrades, keep the Orlesian presence out of the Exalted Plains. Long term goals: Free the slaves of Thedas, tear down the Veil if necessary. How the character plans to accomplish these goals: To be quite honest, Mellan is working more off of passion than planning. She is of the opinion that if she researches enough, works herself enough, she has to be able to at least make some sort of difference. It doesn’t matter to her if she ends up harming herself for her cause if it means the goal is accomplished. “By any means necessary” but only when it comes to harming herself or those she considers “the enemy.” Never those she considers “the innocent.” How other characters will be affected: Due to the actions she had already taken in freeing the slaves of Thedas, Mellan had requested that Solas remove her vallaslin. This caused an argument with her parents which led to her excommunication from her clan. Her sister defended her choice and stood by her, causing her to also be excommunicated. Later in her story, Mellan will end up leaving the Inquisition in order to further her goals. This will cause tension with certain characters, but her core loved ones will stand by her choice. In the case of the Veil, Mellan is determined to find a way to prove Solas’ wrong and find a way to tear down the Veil that will not cause harm.
Hometown: Growing up in a traveling Dalish clan, Mellan has no true ‘hometown,’ though her family traveled the most in the Northern Free Marches. Type of childhood: Pretty typical of the Dalish, sans the… magical twins bit. That made things tricky. It didn’t help that Mel kept trying to run into the woods at inconvenient times, either. Pets: Partway through her time with the Inquisition, Mellan adopts a wolf pup whose parent was killed in a demon attack. She names it Da’Mi, which means “Little Blade.” First memory: Laying on furs in an aravel, she is holding her sister’s hand. They are face to face, pressed nose to nose. It is humid outside. She is safe. Most important childhood memory: Mellan would often skip out on a lot of the “lessons” of her clan; whenever the elders would try to teach the younger women important aspects of their future lives, Mel would find herself bored and sneak off to run in the woods. Why: Not only was this how she first discovered her magic, but it also set the president for her and her sister’s dynamic and differing personalities/roles within both their clan and the Inquisition. Childhood hero: Besides the God Falon’Din, her older sister and her father Dream job: She never really had one growing up, but now she just wants to be able to help people without others attempting to restrain her. Education: “Homeschooling,” or as much of an education that a traveling Dalish clan allows. Upon entering the Inquisition, Mellan’s education was truly able to flourish, studying ancient texts and the Fade under Solas. Religion: Mellan grew up following The Creators, and pledged herself to Falon’Din specifically when she came of age. However, after learning the truth of the Evanuris, Mellan abandoned her faith and had her vallaslin removed. Finances: Complicated would be the best way to describe them, but they got by.
Current location: Skyhold Castle Currently living with: Her sister and comrades in the Inquisition Pets: A wolf pup she adopted named Da’Mi Religion: None Occupation: Inquisitor, later agent of Fen’Harel Finances: She prefers to let people like her sister and Josephine handle those sorts of things.
Mother: Davina (“little deer”) Lavellan Relationship with her: Mellan had an average relationship with her mother. They definitely had more spats when she was a teenager, but they didn’t develop any real issues until later in life. Post-Inquisition, Mellan is no longer welcome in their clan. Father: Aodhan (“fire, brightness, splendor”) Lavellan Relationship with him: Mellan was much more of a “Daddy’s Girl” than her sister, and took after her father’s wild side. They were always very close, especially when she was a child. However, due to the decisions she made in her life, this relationship would crumble Post-Inquisition. Mellan is no longer welcome in their clan. Siblings: An older twin sister (Irish-Twin, or “Orlesian-Twin”) named Aislin. Relationship with them: Incredibly close. Aislin is her rock, and is the most important person in Mellan’s life for most all of it. They are inseparable, and hate to be away from each other for long stretches of time. The two are also fiercely protective of one another; Mellan being nicknamed in court as Aislin’s “attack dog,” and Aislin attacking Solas when he removed Mellan’s vallaslin (she didn’t realize at first that it was consensual, and even when she found out, was still incredibly wary of the older elf.) Spouse: Eventually, Solas Relationship with him/her: Mellan bonded with Solas soon after joining the Inquisition, fascinated by how much he knew about the world and magic. He didn’t mind her near constant pestering, so she started to follow him around like a duckling, soaking up any knowledge he would give her. It wasn’t long until she had taken to calling him “hah’ren,” which he at first teased that she perhaps thought him an old man, and him calling her “da’len” in playful retort. He did, however, take on a mentor role with the Inquisitor, acting as her own honorary advisor and helping train her magic. The Dread Wolf’s plans didn’t exactly go to plan, and he ended up developing feelings for her. Mellan felt the same for him, but had honestly never felt romantic feelings before, and didn’t understand why she felt the way that she did around him. After eventually getting the girl to “describe her symptoms” to him, Solas told her that it sounded like she was in love with someone, causing the domino effect of her confession. The two started a relationship, Solas telling her that she controlled the pace, and at the current point in their written story (just before Wicked Eyes & Wicked Hearts) the two are quite happy, even if Solas feels guilt over not revealing who he is to her. Mellan feels a great deal of admiration and respect for the older mage, and even if she won’t admit it, appreciates how he reigns her in when need be (the rest of the Inquisition is also thankful for this.) Children: Eventually, one child, who is genderqueer. Relationship with them: Mellan would do anything for her baby, her “Da’Fen,” though I haven’t written much on them yet. Other important family members: Mellan had a good relationship with the majority of her family, but especially their grandmother, Alana, a blind elder within the clan. She was the only clan member to still accept both Mellan and Aislin after the rest of their clan excommunicated them. However, she does get along with her future in-law’s family, and enjoys ganging up on Cullen with them.
Color: Grey, she sees it as the most open. Least favorite color: White. She doesn’t like the anticipation. She’ll wear it, but not in public. That’s an underwear color, how is she supposed to wear that in front of other people? Music: Any and all, especially something someone could dance to, even just a sway. Food: Mellan doesn’t really have a favorite food, but appreciates vegetables much more than meats. Literature: Any and all, but favors historical texts. Form of entertainment: Reading or people-watching Expressions: “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” She doesn’t remember where she heard it, but it stuck with her. Mode of transportation: Her hart, Shem (her sister named him.) Most prized possession: For most of her life she makes it a point not to have one. Post-Inquisition and Pre-Trespasser, it’s Solas’ jawbone necklace.
Hobbies: Her most favorite activity is to visit the Fade and find memories of libraries. Then, in the waking world, try to find the same books she discovered while in the Fade. If she can find the same copies and originally did and can restore them, then that’s ever better! Plays a musical instrument? No, and isn’t particularly good when she tries (many lute strings have died at her hand.) However, she can sing soprano to compliment her sister’s alto. Plays a sport? Not really, but she enjoys racing her friends in the woods, and riding her hart. How he/she would spend a rainy day: Reading, picking Solas’ brain, cooking with her sister, or listening to Dorian prattle on about whatever. Spending habits: Next to non-existent Smokes: No; never has, does not plan on doing so. Drinks: Mellan is a complete lightweight, so if she drinks, it can only be a single, very small glass of wine, or she’ll be in trouble. Other drugs: No; she’s had no exposure to such things, and again, doesn’t really plan to. What does he/she do too much of? If not held accountable, Mellan will spend too much of the time she should be “sleeping” exploring the Fade, causing a lack of true deep, REM sleep. What does he/she do too little of? Practicing tact within a court setting. Sometimes you don’t have to say the truth: it's not lying, Melly, it's just called shutting your gob. Extremely skilled at: Concentrating on the task at hand, finding her way in the Fade. Extremely unskilled at: Most any type of “warrior style” combat (if you hand that child a sword she will have no idea what she’s doing, but she sure will do it enthusiastically.) Nervous tics: Flushing easily, biting her lip, in extreme cases fleeing to the nearest woodland area. Usual body posture: Flitting would be the best way to describe it. Hands behind her back, on her toes, easily able to look over things or get a better view of what’s going on. Mannerisms: Standing on tip-toe, biting her lower-lip, “going wide-eyed” if one could count it. Peculiarities: Blinks rapidly and stutters when taken by surprise, hair has a tendency to “float up” when concentrating too heavily on her magic (aggressive static electricity.)
Optimist or pessimist? Optimist Introvert or extrovert? Is quite content as either Daredevil or cautious? Daredevil Logical or emotional? Emotional Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Disorderly, but claims she “has a system” and knows where everything is throughout her chaos. Prefers working or relaxing? Working; is very bad at relaxing Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Unsure of herself and her abilities, but confident in her morals. Animal lover? Yes
How he/she feels about himself/herself: She thinks there are worse people, but that she could 100% be a better person. There are dozens of things Mellan could point out that she could improve about herself, and honestly is a bit confused as to why some of her loved ones think highly of her. One word the character would use to describe self: “Must I? Probably ‘reckless’, but it is what it is, I suppose!” One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: “Oh, really? I’ve never really given that sort of thing much thought. Did Varric put you up to this? Well… I know I’m certainly not everyone’s cup of tea, but that is quite alright with me. I’m not supposed to be, nor do I plan on pretending to be. Yes, I can definitely be reckless, and I know that worries the others a bit, but if it helps them and the Inquisition, then what is the harm? Besides, I haven’t died yet; they’re not free of me. Aislin once told me I was ‘inquisitive,’ though she might have been teasing me, what with us being the ‘Inquisitors.’ At least Solas doesn’t seem to mind my constant questions; or at least he hasn’t tossed me from a tower yet. I don’t know, I’m just trying my best, you know? I just… want to help.” What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? Again, Mellan isn’t quite sure how to compliment herself, but she is nothing if not loyal at the end of the day. What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? She knows she should say her anger or her bluntness, but Mellan doesn’t see how those are bad things, necessarily. Context is everything. However, she does have a tendency to put on horse-blinders, and that can get her into trouble both for herself and others. What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? She very much appreciates her own legs. They’ve served her well, allow her to be quick as she needs to be, and she doesn’t tire easily in a race. What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? Especially compared to her sister and other members of the Inquisition, Mellan considers herself to have “chicken arms” and doesn’t appreciate how weak she feels in comparison to others. How does the character think others perceive him/her: Probably a right pain in the ass, but that is alright, because the ones that matter will love her for who she is… and who she is, isn’t a pain to those she cares about. What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: Sometimes the world would be a lot less painful if she didn’t care about things like Orlais seems to think. She doesn’t want to harden her heart, but it would make so many things so much easier to bear.
Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: Mellan wants to believe that no one is born horrid, and that everyone deserves a chance to tell their side of a story. However, that does not mean she is required to automatically trust all she meets. Just because no one is born wicked, does not mean wickedness cannot fester in all of us. Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? No, Mellan is a pretty open book, even when she doesn’t mean to be (her poker face is on the same pathetic level as Cassandra.) Person character most hates: The Evanuris (if you could count them), Corypheus, Samson Best friend(s): Her sister, Solas, Dorian, Felassan Love interest(s): Solas Person character goes to for advice: Solas, Varric Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Her sister, Cole… most anyone she cares about if they’re in a bad spot. Person character feels shy or awkward around: Solas, to a degree. Vivienne. Person character openly admires: Solas, her sister, the Iron Bull, Leliana Person character secretly admires: Fen’Harel, Cassandra, Felassan Most important person in character’s life before story starts: Her sister After story starts: Still her sister, as well as Solas, and later Cullen (her brother-in-law), and her children/nieces/nephews.
As a bonus, here is a gif with Mel energy:
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Have a lovely day. <3
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crossdressingdeath · 1 year
The only unbelievable part of Trespasser is that it took them 2 years to get to the point of wanting to disband the Inquisition. The shady shit that the Inquisition was doing was only tolerated as long as Corypheus was a threat. The second he was dead, they should've been "alright he's dead, you've served your purpose."
The Inquisition likely would've lasted at least some time past Corypheus's defeat without any complaint from the nations of Thedas. The rifts and Corypheus's army wouldn't turn to dust the second he died, after all; there would be cleanup, and based on Cassandra mentioning Quiz closing a rift in Antiva City in her non-Divine Trespasser codex (at least if you told her not to reform the Seekers) there was a lot for Quiz in particular to do outside of the area we see in-game after Corypheus was dealt with. So I'd say that probably there was at least a year's worth of work to do, possibly more? Especially if you assume that the DLC regions are supposed to be post-Corypheus, which I do. And whoever becomes Divine is mentioned as having been delaying the Exalted Council for a while pre-Trespasser; you have to go at the two year mark because the Divine can't hold the nations of Thedas at bay any longer. Also, it fits very neatly into Quiz's overall atrocious luck that Ferelden and Orlais finally managed to force the Divine to agree to the Exalted Council juuuuuuuust as the Anchor reached the point where Quiz was in a great deal of pain and actively dying. But anyway, I imagine the Inquisition lasted two years through a combination of there being enough for them to do at first that they still had value to Thedas and once that ran out the Divine showing blatant favouritism to an organization that had no purpose left. Also, still pretty sure that an unwilling Quiz is being blackmailed or threatened into keeping the Inquisition going.
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sneakywitchthieves · 4 years
My First Impressions DA4 Dev Diary
Ok so firstly, I think there is going to be a ton of concept art that we will never see make it to the game, a lot will be for the benefit of crafting the story without actually being in the world itself, so I am taking everything as a concept and not really a peek at the game.
These are all based on something that sparked upon first watch of the video. I have included some screen caps with time stamps for people who might want to look at them on their own. Based on both concept art from DAI to end results AND if they did their jobs of getting the feeling/mood/ideas across I am just stating what I personally read out of those ideas and images or interviews. Nothing is solid, these are just where I was sparked to go. Buckle up, it’s a long hot mess: 
The locations look amazing and I think it's possible to see a lot of the places we have never been before but I also got something reminiscent of Val Royeaux with a few of them. Especially the lake and boats. 
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We are going to see more about the titans, and the deep roads, my guess is lore in the decent will be coming back in a bigger way there. There are a lot of shots of both rock formations, lyrium glowing and dwarven places that don't look underground OR ruins. These are well preserved looking at the interior shots and it another sweeping shot it looks like sunlight from the ceiling so these are not exactly “ruins” as we have seen them before.
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 Also Dorian looking facial hair (but maybe not?) That does look like Dorian's facial hair but also at the end of Trespasser they changed up his look slightly so I will question everything. I’m guessing if he is there it will more likely be as an advisor/contact he might be more like a temp companion in the way that Cullen joins you on the mission to the Temple in DAI, but I don't think he will be like Varric was in DAI from DA2 because his story seems more tied to fighting things from within and in his own ways of changing the world of Tevinter with his new found position.
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This image below doesn't look like the other companions(?) character designs we have seen that repeat or at least the character designs we are guessing are companions as much to me so this might be a story telling concept more than a playable portion?  Also getting some return to Awakening lore vibes in a lot of these shots of what I assume are Tevinter.
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I feel pretty confident we are going to Weisshaupt 
New combat styles look exciting, like more magic options and maybe even magical weapons? I also think we are going to see a return of ancient elves or at least something similar to what we saw at the temple of mythal. Like these folks here:
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The floating stuff looks like something hidden away, like when we were at the floating library. It wasn't a result of the rift like the temple of scared ashes, it was just like that and those look like halla and sort of Aravels in design so I think this is either Agents of F.H. or maybe even the dalish? I mean they look like they are preparing to travel? Maybe I’m talking out of my ass but maybe it’s just a flashback to lore and how the dalish came to be after the veil creation.
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There is a Crow in this art with the lady in the salon chair and what looks like the Qunari companion(?), so that might point to Antiva? I think the grand necropolis is the one with all the waterfalls, but I can't remember how all these places were described.
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This looks like a giant Qunari. Like the super charged Serabas from Trespasser
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The way they talk about "not having power" I feel like that's back to Origins in a way. Like trying to bring light to something and not having an organization like in DAI. I think it's also going to be more "in the shadows" like no one knows who you are kind of? Similar and more intimate like in the comics series with Varric and Alistair searching for his father. I think it’s going to be more grassroots in a way. I think this will be more varied than Inquisition in that recruiting will likely be about gathering people from other places and bringing them together as those who can see the big threat and have been doing it on their own before joining our gang. It’s hard to put in to words what I mean but I like the idea of seeking out people to bring in based on a rumour of a person who is doing what you are doing but in their country.
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I haven’t looked too much at the possible companion(?) art aside to say I think it would be dope if the tall central figure was Maevaris, and it looks like glowly head skeletor is the result of  Necromancy of Cassandra’s homeland based on how the lore has described those beings. Also would be interesting if they were something similar to the way Justice was.
It would be also fun to imagine that these are not companions at all but actually playable protagonsists that you can choose from for backstories like we had in origins and that’s another reason they are not always a clear figure but a general representation? It’s fun to imagine we could have Origins return in that way. 
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I thought the lore was that Crows are always boys, kind of like the unsullied from ASOIAF. They are bought and trained young. But also my memory is crap so maybe I've been corrupted by tropes and know nothing.  I am very curious who she is, she's like a catwoman-esque character in that maybe she is a criminal? Maybe a foe? Maybe a friend? Either way I’m here for it.
Solas looks smokin, both literally and figuratively.
The dread wolf line makes me think it's going to be the first confrontation with him as the new protag cause he would have contempt for having to feel like he needs to explain himself to someone he doesn't know. Like when we see Corypheus at Haven.
Lots of creature and beast designs I think will come from the "old things" like an awakening from what Solas has done in trying to bring things back. Also maybe something more like the Guardians we had for the titans will turn out to be obstacles to get more lore and deeper into the blight and the formation of thedas with the worlds colliding from the pre-veil times to present. There is also an Anthem-looking giant with an axe of fire so that will be interesting.
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This gives me the Mother and Broodmother vibes but also it looks like a heart in the centre, which is extra creep. Also Mr spideyhands. 
Confirmation of at least 1 voiced Warden character?? I think it’s close enough to call.
The big rock boi is 100% neverending story feels and might be a titan manifesting itself in a way we can actually communicate with it as opposed to what happened in decent. Please yes.
More Grand Necropolis I think and evidence of the glowy head skeletor concept
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Look at all these warden flags and colours... that 's the stronghold, bruh
Everyone wants the one companion(?) to be carrying a gun and I can't tell you how much I would dislike that, but to each their own. I suspect it's more Bianca-like in nature of mechanical but what do i know?
Final thoughts: I would love a return to the lore of the darkspawn creation, the nature of the blight, (there is some hints in the concept art as to these elements in design with a corypheus type figure) 
I know Solas knows about all of that so give it to us please. I think the new protag will be brand new, but also with the inquisition as an option to disband or continue it's likely we will get a lot of cameos from games past.
Either Inky will be sought out like Hawke was? or with the advisors or former companions will be still working to do things without the official organization (should they have chosen to dissolve the organization) because they show the Inky and some of the inner circle post trespasser looking at the map and making moves even if there is no "forces" or troops or anything backed by the Inquisition itself. Because the “bad guy” this time is someone we have had some sort of relationship with, either friend or lover, or simply a companion I think you have to have closure on that story with the Inky and I will be super bummed if that is never addressed. I doubt we will see the HOF,(I thought I read it confirmed they would never be back?) and if we do it will be letters only or codex at the stronghold or someone talking about them. I think we will learn something about The Warden/Hawke's fate (if left in the fade) as the veil would in theory come down at some point or at least things will be effected by that and that means they maybe aren't trapped there. Maybe a jumanji type situation? I would enjoy that personally, even if just for the memes.
Feel free to add, counteract, contradict, or whatnot, but let’s all be respectful and excited together! 
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caladrinsilverleaf · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dragon Age (Video Games) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Cullen Rutherford/Original Female Character(s), Dorian Pavus/Male Trevelyan Characters: Cullen Rutherford, Helena Thalrassian, Dorian Pavus, Maxwell Trevelyan - Character. Additional Tags: soul mates, Lifemates - Freeform, Sickness, First Kisses, Requited Love, Fluff, pure fluff, Tooth Rotting Fluff, Self-Indulgent, Not Canon Compliant, Post Corypheus, Pre-Trespasser Series: Part 1 of Soul bonded Lifemates Summary:
Cullen suddenly comes over ill during training. Who comes to help nurse him back to health?
@darlingrutherford I thought you might like this little short. I know from seeing posts on Tumblr, that you spend a lot of time feeling unwell. I dredged this out of my word lockbox and posted it hoping maybe it’ll give you a smirk at least. That and I am bored in isolation and ignoring the amount of homework I have. Please enjoy.
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blarrghe · 4 years
2,4,11,16 for Taren! :)
Oh wow, sorry for the LONG answers :D
2. A letter written by your OC’s family member (theo,obviously): T, Everyone is talking about you. More than usual, I mean. They say you’ve conscripted the Grey Wardens now. Alright then, big shot. Harding looked worried so I made her tell me how the fight went. You came back from the dead again, is it? Really, stop that. Anyway, I’ll be back to your fort in two weeks. You should see it out here, brother. Never thought I’d see a forest better than the ones back home, but the trees are so tall. I’ll bring you an acorn. Don’t do anything else stupid. T 4. A letter from your OC to their love interest. I guess this will be like a post-inquisition pre-trespasser thing, which I haven’t thought too much about honestly. Vhenan, Yes, I’m keeping very busy, how did you guess? But I still find time to miss you. I can hear you laughing at me for that, but I do. I want you to tell me everything about what you’re doing. Even the things you definitely shouldn’t be telling the Mad Elf, politically speaking. Actually, especially those things. I promise not to cause problems for you unless I really have to. I won’t even tell the Nightingale. I just miss your tirades. Cole says that I go to the eyrie like one of the birds now, heart flying for a letter. Don’t laugh at me for that one, I didn’t say it. But I do. Always, Amatus 11. Your OCs description of your game’s events. (so far) The beginning is a blur. I could remember the noise, but not how I got out. I woke up in a dungeon with no memory, but I knew I hadn’t caused so much destruction. Apparently though, I could fix it. So I have to, don’t I? It’s not so different from leading a clan, really. If you try not to think about it too hard. People need help all over, and I can seal the rifts. More than that, I’ve just… tried to learn, I suppose. We’ve gathered good people, and I’ll wade as far into the politics as I have to, to stop Corypheus. We can stop him, we have at every turn so far. As long as I keep doing my part, and keep everyone else doing theirs. At least I have people to help with that. We stopped blighted time travel, escaped haven, founded a base in the mountains. We’ve helped the refugees and sealed countless rifts, the Inquisition is growing, and our people are out there helping to keep the world from ending. Standing at the front of that is important, there isn’t much else to say about it than that. Though if I never have to attend another ball I’ll be grateful. I so drastically shaped the world that day… what right did I have to choose... Well. A push in the direction of working together does change the world, but I hope it’s for the better. Keeping the Grey Wardens in Orlais is what will get me executed I think. Still, I won’t let them simply run from their mistakes. If we’re going to stop this threat, we need people who take responsibility and help. As I said, it’s like leading a clan, in a way. If you try not to think about it too hard. 16. A conversation between your OC and their best friend.I’m gonna do Theo but that doesn’t make him Taren’s best friend nuh uh you have no PROOF. Some teenaged dweebs before the world blew up chats: “Keeper training sounds boring.” Theo taunted as Taren finished telling him about the previous night’s birth. Twins, born just before the dawn. “Being woken up at four in the morning to chart the stars before they fade and bless two new lives is not boring.” Taren replied with a yawn, “it’s exhausting.” Theo rolled his eyes. “Only because you went to sleep at two in the morning.” “And whose fault was that?” “Don’t blame me for your poor choices, First.” Taren gave Theo a playful push. “Anyway, if being a First is so boring, tell me how your training is so much more interesting.�� He challenged. “Well I’ve learned to make some new traps, and the hunting’s been good enough that the clan can celebrate those babies being born.” Theo shrugged, “Isen says I can go out scouting to the coast soon.” A long trip, longer than any he’d left for before. “Oh. That is interesting.” Taren grinned, “congratulations, can I bless your graduation into a full hunter now?” Theo nudged him in the rib. “Shut up.” “Don’t worry, you’ll always be a child to me, da’len.” Taren continued, still grinning. “I am going to pick you up and throw you in a tree.” Theo threatened, nudging him again, a little harder. “Why, for being proud of you?” Theo rolled his eyes. “You’re such a sap.” He nudged him again, though much lighter this time, and blushing. “A tiny, sappy, bore.” “How can I be the sappy one when you’re the one birds keep mistaking for a tree?” Taren nudged him back (then a full on wrestle probably breaks out or something ok look at these dumb dorks).
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darlingrutherford · 4 years
2019 recap
Tomorrow's the beginning of 2020! I've been seeing so many lovely year recaps going around and wanted to post one as well.
It's kind of strange for me to say that 2019 was good to me. My disability/health got worse. Mentally and physically, 2019 was incredibly hard. But wow, this fandom. You all came to my blog and encouraged me. You shared in my pain. You gave me confidence. You helped birth more Lanistair AUs than I had ever thought I'd have, and showed me that people can love my OCs just as much as I do, which is so amazing.
I've written more this year than I probably have any other year. I slowed down the last two months because of losing my job, but I can already feel that mental cloud beginning to clear.
In 2020, I want to write more. I want to create. And that includes art. My biggest goal for 2020 is to be able to do an actual art recap at the end of the year. I had planned on drawing a lot this year, but life and confidence got in the way and I only ended up drawing about six things the entire year. That's got to change.
@thejeeperswife tagged me in a writing end of the year recap, but before I get to that I just wanted to thank each and every one of you. I'm in a weird point of my life where the most contact I get is with people online, so meeting so many of you and gaining a handful of amazing friends has been really the greatest thing that's happened to me this year. I've been laughing more. I've been excited to create. And it's all because of you! So, thank you to anyone who's ever reached out, and especially those who still do. You're all amazing, and I love you all so much! And if you ever need to reach out or just want to talk, the offer is always open! Send an ask, shoot me a message. Life is too short! ❤️
End of the Year Writing Recap
To make this easy, I'm only counting published works. I have so many things partially written that haven't been posted yet, but it would take forever to tally those up 😂 This also only includes the things I've posted on Ao3, and doesn't include the interviews and other fun things I've only posted here.
Word count: 111,213
To Weather the Storm (ongoing): 8 new chapters, 75,313 new words
Late Nights (oneshot): 4,482
Apologies (oneshot): 1,289
Beg for It (oneshot): 2,674
Spanking (oneshot): 1,211
Sensitive (oneshot): 1,349
A Haunting in the Winter Palace (oneshot): 768
Jealousy (oneshot): 1,602
Dirty Talk (oneshot): 1,116
Praise (oneshot): 1,582
Spoils of the Avvar (oneshot): 2,155
Once Upon a Time in Thedas (ongoing): 5 chapters, 15,956 words
Rainy Days (oneshot): 1,714
Number of smut scenes: not including those only posted to Tumblr, I believe 15? Also not including ones I've already written that haven't been posted to chapters yet 😂
New things I tried this year: I feel like I've written my most well developed character in Lana this year, and filling out each and every “about your OC” sheet I've come across helped so immensely in that respect! I also took a leap and wrote my first oneshot that had someone else's character in it rather than one of my own, and I'm super happy with how that turned out!
Favorite thing I wrote this year: I have a chapter mostly pre-written for To Weather the Storm that will happen post-Corypheus and pre-Trespasser that I really think is some of my best writing. At least, I was bawling while writing it and continue to bawl every time I edit it. So, I'm very excited to post that in the new year!
Favorite fic I read this year: Ao3 user AlleiraDayne has a oneshot modern!AU chapter called “Rutherford, Party of 4” that is just. *Chef's kiss* It remains the hottest thing I've ever read and continue to go back and read all the time. If you want to read an incredibly hot and thirsty oneshot foursome between Cullen, Alistair, and their respective wives, click on that link NOOOOW
Writing goals for 2020: I want to wrap up To Weather the Storm as much as possible. Continue working on Once Upon a Time in Thedas. And, of course, begin posting my (somewhat of a) slowburn DAO story of Lanistair ❤️
Pending projects in 2020: Apart from those mentioned above, more reader-inspired fills, detective!AU Lanistair, modern!AU DAI, AND, very possibly (as I learn the world better), delving into the Witcher fandom for writing. Possibly a DA/Witcher AU because @schoute is ruining my brain LMAO
I'd like to tag @allisondraste @herald-divine-hell @jacklyn-flynn @bigfan-fanfic @lostinfantasies38 @johaeryslavellan @jellysharkbat and anyone else I've forgotten who would like to join in! (Also, resolution for next year: make an actual list of people I routinely want to tag in things so I quit forgetting lmao)
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serbarris · 5 years
serbarris ’s fic masterpost.
Since nothing I write is in order and so is probs like whiplash reading something cute then Vai and Rae at each other’s throats, here’s a masterpost in chronological order!
Full timeline with fic links
“Don’t you dream impossible things?”
Breeze (9:30 Dragon)
“I can explain.”
“Who did this to you?”
“You’re in love with her”
Total control (9:38/9 Dragon)
“Hold my hand. You’re going to be fine.”
Letters from Athrin
Post-Conclave (Vaimah has amnesia and is Inquisitor)
The Herald’s medical files
“I don’t want to screw this up”
“Hey, look at me. Breathe.”
“I might never get another chance to say this.”
For now/ Say It
Post-Corypheus - Pre-Trespasser
“You don’t have to do this alone”
“Please, don’t leave me alone.”
The bachelor party (ft Vaimah’s untimely boner)
“I forgot you used to like this!”
Trembling hands
Midnight Snack
Fluffy pregnant Faralen
Post Trespasser
“Let’s breath deeply”
“Tell them to fuck off”.
Modern au
In the beginning
A very merry Christmas
“Don’t look at me like that”
“This is why we can’t have nice things.” (Engagement v1)
“Hey about what you said back there.” (Engagement v2)
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