haereticus004 · 2 months
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Sentimientos - XL (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1424694198-sentimientos-xl?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=EmerzonAnampa1 Sentimientos cotidianos...
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paseospausados · 2 years
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Hay caminos, que transitamos sabiendo que no tienen retorno…aún con la certeza de su final, aceléranos el paso, nos refugiamos en las sombras de sus árboles efímeros y con decisión, esperamos ese día en que una señal nos corte el paso y nos diga: este paseo se acabó!
Foto; paseos pausados
#Ribera del Júcar
#Cuenca CIudad Patrimonio
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teescriboesto · 1 year
El vacío ,que estaba en mi corazón ,es un espacio que ahora ocupas .
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monjardin22damour · 1 year
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samsi6 · 2 years
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Ja, diese Tropfen,
Ganz ohne Hopfen,
Nackt auf dem Blatt,
Als wär'n sie nicht satt,
Dursichtig, klar, pur,
Sind Tropfen halt nur.
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tityprincess · 2 years
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¡Ay dolor!, tu condicional amor - Parte I - Desesperación (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1261086987-%C2%A1ay-dolor-tu-condicional-amor-parte-i?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=RubyCantos&wp_originator=M4Q0ER8TxIXGHzX4K6J0kbUYrlzF8wErOOvIl7E6xyv9WFWDD2h4bDgPI64tNnF79385hj4A5OhJj6ni%2BXdL66CDcnwZNkSuyK%2F75ofL6sb%2BitlU8QkS%2Fbqa0kOZwlOB La vida con un padre ausente
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violetafada-blog · 1 year
Muitas vezes...
Um sorriso é uma careta
Um abraço é um comprimento
Uma risada é forçada
Um elogio é ofensa
Um "eu te amo" é apenas costume
Uma verdade é mentira
Um fato é invensão
Não sei quando as coisas começaram a ficar assim, como seus significados passaram a ser diferentes na prática, não me recordo de quando realmente essas coisas e muitas outras foram verdadeiras... as vezes imagino que seus significados só sejam verdadeiros em livros ou em cartas jamais entregues...
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td-blackebr · 1 year
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" Todo Depende " - CEDERTE SU CUIDADO FUE UN ERROR (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1291824280-todo-depende-cederte-su-cuidado-fue-un-error?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=TD-24wite600&wp_originator=uS6MvUOQRhQt%2BHijfKybNP3EXR4euOMYbjdD3UwlqJ1n2jnoZGgSMV5eRGq6zlvrhQDGrSUydeGq4sDRvy7w19PKT9p3lMR3CGBZMrHXusBaTxHg7wQgIS7gPRxIGtFE Y cuando el telon cayo, cayeron las mentiras y la realidad volvió aparecer, los miedos salieron flote...
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iwishiwasablackcat · 1 year
Mercredi 16 Novembre C'est comme si, tout la douleur que je ressentais jusqu'ici, avait retourné sa veste. Elle est venue, m'a regardé, droit dans les yeux, pour m'offrir la moitié manquante de mon coeur. Elle s'est excusé, de tout le mal qu'elle m'a fait, en m'offrant, l'étoile du Berger, dans mon ciel, qui jusque là était obscur. Il résonne dans mes veines,   J'ai l'impression que j'aurais pu, le façonner moi même à l'argile, et à l'eau. Que jamais, je n'aurais un jour espéré,  telle chaleur dans mon coeur.
Enora Chaudesaigues
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All endings are not joyful or happy but that doesn't mean that they necessarily have to be bad
Because at some point the starting of the story was beautiful
The characters together only felt happiness
There was no existence of the word sad
Things don't always go the way we predicted
Maybe somewhere along the way all the characters got lost in different pages
In different words and different worlds
You can try as much as you want and you'll still fail
It's fate
It's inevitable
It will happen
But rereading the book and hoping for a different ending is something I can't stop
Maybe I want to forget that there are other books in the bookshop
Hence it's time I open another chapter of another book
Perhaps it wasn't a bad experience
It was just a good story
Humans are all different yet we're the same
Because in one way or another we have felt this pain
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haereticus004 · 2 months
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Sentimientos - XXXVIII (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1424692407-sentimientos-xxxviii?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=EmerzonAnampa1 Sentimientos cotidianos...
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sweetlyunlikelyfun · 18 days
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Respiro el aire de tu vestido - Solo quería tabaco (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/7522697-respiro-el-aire-de-tu-vestido-solo-quer%C3%ADa-tabaco?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=lafrontera Posiblemente la mejor poesía del S. XXI
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ecoamerica · 22 days
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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teescriboesto · 1 year
Y mi corazón murió ,aquel dia que vi ,que la veías como yo te veo a ti.
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ohmnanong4 · 26 days
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Aún no lo entiendo彡 - 彡Aún no lo entindo...彡 (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1430762064-a%C3%BAn-no-lo-entiendo%E5%BD%A1-%E5%BD%A1a%C3%BAn-no-lo-entindo-%E5%BD%A1?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=QuacksHabibi Porq ella y no yo?
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photo-poem74 · 1 month
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Light - Parte sin título 2 (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1431019517-light-parte-sin-t%C3%ADtulo-2?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=JosLuisCantador You can wacth on YouTube https://youtube.com/shorts/XJsBIYQrsSs?si=znaki1s_nHOxky_F The life is a bless In you, is there happyness? How much beauty is there in your actions? Is there joy and passion? What are your thoughts, feelings and acts like? Is there harmony in they? May your mind be smart And Goodness sprouts in your heart. We are light So vibrate high In you depend to shine Along of your life
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hablandodeliteratura · 2 months
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Poesía Japonesa - Loa ojos de la parca (sedoka en dos katauta) (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/955370103-poes%C3%ADa-japonesa-loa-ojos-de-la-parca-sedoka-en-dos?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=GallegoRey La poesía japonesa es quizás la de mayor conexión entre el hombre, la naturaleza y su espiritualidad. Dotada de reglas propias ajenas a la poesía occidental, este estilo poético supone un viaje al interior del poeta, más espiritual que estético, sin despreciar lo segundo. Haykus, Senryus, Tankas, Chökas, Sedokas y Katautas componen la recopilación de este poemario original, dotado de ciertos matices "occidentales" en algunas composiciones, como son los temas del amor y desamor, pero sin perder la esencia de lo mejor de la poesía japonesa. El poemario irá aumentando en la medida que el tiempo y el interés de los lectores lo determine, hasta completar la totalidad de su extensión original, ya concluida. La obra está bajo derechos de autor ©Gallego Rey, y a la legislación vigente al respecto, tanto a nivel nacional de España, donde consta en los registros de propiedad intelectual, como internacional.
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