#please interact with me i love talking about sora so much he’s everything to me
igirisuscones · 26 days
i think its so funny how im so ill about sora kingdomhearts that nobody else has even considered love like you in his POV 😭😭 most sane sora fan fr
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blacklegsanjiii · 1 month
In the D!Sora au, would be funny and interesting if like, it's mentioned Sanji starts to fully work at Baratie at 14, but what if he started to work some time at Baratie when he's 11, almost 12?
So like, at first Sanji finds this kinda... Weird? Bc he never had really been away from his siblings and mother at own choice. So, Zeff, seeing this, chose to call his lover (Garp) and propose to him that he bring his grandsons so little eggplant have friends while in the restaurant. Garp knows about the story, about the fact that Skylar D. Sora saved his lover, and the boy is her son, but since it's thanks to her Zeff is alive now and he already said her family is welcomed in Baratie, he chose to just... pretend she's not around, when she is in the East Blue.
So well, Garp bring ASL and they love Sanji, love love if you understand me. And for Sanji, having friends that aren't his siblings is... Good? Okay. And they just go like this. With ASL absolutely head over hells for him and fighting for his atention. Reiju finds this funny and amusing everytime she read her little bro letters, Sora is in between amused and protective, 124ji are... protective, of course.
Sanji telled he has siblings, of course he would! He loves them! And this fact comes at all to his boyfriends and Zeff's lover one day, when Makino comes too bc Luffy want her to meet Sanji and she says about the "San" in his name meaning "three", wich he says "Yeah, well, I'm the third of quadruplets, makes sense my name means three. Even if I am, at all, forth of five between my siblings".
Until one time, by mere coincidence, Garp and ASL arrive the exact day Sora is there, with 0124ji. Sora already knows about Garp and Zeff relationship, and the fact the marine will not attack her bc of the fact she saved Zeff, but she still has her guard up.
This day, ASL meet his boyfriend siblings, and during this, Sora and Garp talk. Because he wants to know why the fuck a noble woman left her status and turned into a pirate. And she feels like telling him isn't bad, so she tells to Garp (and Zeff, who goes to talk with them) about her shitty husband, and how much of a monster he was, what she did to save her kids. Both mens definitely agree it was the best choice (even Garp, bc he knows that the fact Judge was a noble would made him don't suffer anything).
And ASL, meeting Sanji's mom, who is a pirate captain?! They would ask so much questions. Sora would reply their questions, amused about them, she also would give them a shovel talk bc they may be good, but they're her son boyfriends.
When Marineford happens, with Ace, Luffy and Sabo alone with her, Sabo asks Sora about Sanji's father and why she seems to hate him, alongside the fact she killed him. And she tells the same story she telled her kids, about how Judge was.
ASL definitely start to respect her even more after this, bc what she did was an act of pure love for her childs and seeking for freedom, for her and her kids.
I love the idea but the reason I put Sanji at 14/15 was because after everything that happened I don't think Sora or his siblings would let him out of their sight. Not even mentioning the crew. Let's say they do let him, I gotta imagine there's more than just letters: phonecalls, frequent visits-including surprise visits and the Shirohige showing up occasionally. It's a whole process. Zeff isn't exactly thrilled about that but sure, whatever.
But after spending some more time with the eggplant and his family he begins to understand that Sanji being on the cruise liner, obviously, was not something planned, but the horror on his mother's face when she saw the state he was in, and the disbelief, will be forever implanted in his brain. It's not something he ever wants to happen again. Zeff is of course pleased he knows code but the kid needs more interaction with other kids that aren't his family. So he calls his boyfriend. Garp.
Who brings his grandkids. It's a whole thing but it's going to be good for the eggplant. Except his instincts are on point and pulls a gun off a waiter and immediately points it at Garp before even getting to the table. Zeff told him Garp was coming with his grandsons but didn't mention it was Vice Admiral Monkey D. Garp and Sanji has been raised a pirate, Marines are the enemy. ASL are asking what's going on as Garp laughs and tells the boy it's alright, he won't bite, after all he owes Sanji's mother his thanks. Sanji narrows his eyes as he gives the gun back to the waiter and goes to the table.
So they sit at the table and before introductions can be made Luffy is asking him why he was pointing a gun at his grandpa and Sanji is like 'IM A PIRATE' which sets them all off to start asking questions. Sanji is answering questions to his abilities. He doesn't give his last name or anything but Luffy asks him about why he can be a pirate but they can't? Shanks said kids can't be pirates! Sanji is frowning at them because he was literally born into piracy and says so. Over time ASL become closer with Sanji and Garp agrees to bring Makino because Luffy wants her to meet Sanji and when she asks about his name he explains it to her with a shrug. They've also managed to avoid Sora and her crew so far on their visits. Of course it's only a matter of time, it's been like a year and ASL have all gone head over heels for the guy and well.
All good things must come to an end as the telltale yelling of another pack of Ds sound on the docks of Baratie. Sanji is smiling widely and running to meet the steps. Zeff is groaning as he yells at the kitchen to fire more food. ASL follow but stop short as their (boy)friend is tackled and under a group of kids who all look like him and a woman smiling above them and kicking tapping them with her foot and telling them to move.
"YOURE CAPTAIN SKYLAR D. SORA!" Ace yells pointing at her.
"Aye, and what might your name be?" She smiles at him.
"Ace." Ace stares at her wide eyed and looking back at Garp who is groaning.
"Sanji, are these the boys that li~ke you?" The girl teases making ASL blush. The three other boys look at them with narrowed eyes and Sora tells them to move again and taps them so they move. Mostly by rolling and dragging Sanji with much to his displeasure. Sora has to see Garp and narrow her eyes who narrows his back.
She sits at the table and she props her feet up and grins at Zeff that his lover boy is a vice admiral and has been for longer than she's been alive and Garp asks her how a queen can become a pirate and Sora laughs. It's short and sharp and she asks Garp if he's ever had to drink poison to ensure his kid would be human. Because she had to do it for both her pregnancies. So she left with Reiju and started a pirate crew, fuck the nobles, the government, no one was willing to come save her so she took matters into her own hands. Then he kidnapped Sanji and when she couldn't find him in Germa she sank the whole Kingdom because her child wasn't there. The Cloud Pirates are her family and their ship her home. Eventually all the kids come join. So they move to lighter fare about piracy and answering the questions of ASL.
Then after Marineford, when the brothers are together Sabo asks why she sank Germa and left. Sora tells them matter of factly, just as she did her children and crew. About the poison, about the experiments, taking Sanji and losing him. The fact Sanji was tortured as a child thanks to Judge. Simply put his dues needed to be collected and she was sending him to collections. Sora tells them everything plainly, whatever Sanji hasn't shared remains stays secret.
ASL respected the hell out of her before but now? Now they are forever in her debt.
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aesthetically-meme · 7 months
Everyone needs to know right now how SPECIFIC Exist for Love is. @that-fanperson-meg COME HERE (please)
I've never felt like this before/my heart knew I couldn't/and then you take me in/and everything in me begins to feel like I belong/like everybody needs a home
When Dusk first met Twilight, they were very distant, but not in a social way. It didn't seem like Dusk was really there, they were almost hollow. It was scary to see an astral like that. However upon interacting with Twilight, they're instantly filled with life. (I'll talk more about this later teehee)
And when I take your hand/like the world has never held a man/I know I cannot heal the hurt/but I will hold you here forever/if I can, if I can
Basically Dusk saying that they'll always be there for Twilight. They aren't able to undo what's happened to him, but they can be there for him and give him all the love he deserves, whether or not he thinks he does.
And then I learned the truth/how everything good in life seems to lead back to you/and every single time I run into your arms/I feel like I exist for love/like I exist for love/only for love
After leaving the GSA and coming to terms that they're alone, they realize how happy Twilight made them. Yes, being in the GSA wasn't all that bad. They had Maestro and their fellow astrals around them. But Twilight was family, he was one of the main things that drove them to strive for greatness. They wanted to protect the light that Twilight cast.
I can't imagine how it is to be forbidden from loving
Dusk is physically incapable of not feeling some form of love due to their matter. Upon hearing how Estelle treated Twilight, they'd immediately start clinging to him again. The idea that someone could ever be mean or abusive towards Twilight physically hurts them.
Cause when you walked into my life/I could feel my life begin/like I was torn apart the minute I was only born/and you're the other half/the only thing that makes me whole
Now, I know what I just said. But when Dusk was found by Maestro, she could tell there was some sort of enchantment over them. It blocked off their emotions, sealing them deep within them. She couldn't break the spell, but hoped Dusk would meet someone in the GSA that could help chip away at the spell via love.
Despite being with Maestro when they met Twilight, Dusk didn't immediately feel a connection to Maestro. For the first few weeks of them being in the GSA, they where kinda quiet, a bit empty. (No one could truly figure out why. Only Dusk would figure out later it was because of some sort of spell.) It's not until they meet Twilight do they suddenly become 'alive'. Dusk's soul is attracted to Twilight's wounded heart. Think of it like Sora from kh when he took in Ventus' heart. Except Dusk's soul made itself heal so they could help Twilight heal.
I know it sounds like a lot/but you really need to know/we are leaning out for love/and we will lean for forever, I know/I love you so
Clearly this must be overwhelming for Twilight, but they desperately need to know how loved he is. He puts too much on himself and not only is it hurting him, but it's hurting Dusk too. Twilight has so many people he can count on, and there's many people that are yet to be discovered.
And when you say my name/like white horses on the waves/I think it feels the same/as an ocean in my veins/and you'll be diving in/like nothing is out of place
Just acknowledging their bond gives Dusk life. It's like seeing your best friend and getting excited at the idea of just briefly interacting. You could not talk to each other for weeks and then see each other and chat like you spoke the day prior.
And we exist for love/only for love
They're acknowledging that if they were to lose the other then ... Yeah. A bit sad, but truthfully, both would be lost if the other were to die. But also speaking of their race as Heart Matter. Dual purpose yknow.
And I love you, I love you, I love you x2
Dusk will tell Twilight they love him however many times he needs to hear it to believe it. They aren't shy about being affectionate and will rightfully do anything to make their best friend feel better.
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psianabel · 2 years
complete jumbled thoughts about Dark Road because holy fuck: Spoilers for like literally everything.
holy shit holy shit holy shit ok so, getting this out of my way,
I'm eating well with Xehanort being a Blueblood LMAO. Called it, love it. The sheer irony of him being a child of destiny and us knowing how his story ends up - delicious.
So many parallels you can draw between Xehanort - Eraqus and Sora - Riku here. In the end Sora is the one who Xehanort should have become and just, goddamn. I'm still on the path of thinking MoM is the reason why this didn't happen, pushing him further into the darkness (talking about love and its false light. man.), then Eraqus leaving him alone and as such, the balance between them destroyed (just as Baldr and his sister),
Baldr eh. Just holy fuck. So i guess he did bring Ragnarok... just not how we expected it to end up lol. Poor boy, oh man. Just. oh man. Oh man.
Bragi hfkdjdodjfofjg GIVE IT UP FOR LUXU REVEAL THREE, congratz to the people who called it episode one, i wasnt one of them lmao jfidjdodg. For me its fucking hilarious now honestly. Luxu please get vessels with not so similar names.
I fucking screamed when Odin summoned Master’s Defender and then called No Name forth, I AM EATING WELL, THESE TWO KEYBLADES MAN. MAN !!!!!! Also extremly interesting how No Name's nature is known, and mannnnnnn him retiring and giving these two keyblades his last two pupils im fucking. h.
KH game with the highest death toll i guess LOL (excluding UX with the keyblade war), my heart already hurt when Hoder died and then THE DEATH DIDNT STOP LIKE HELLO, i actually had to stand up and take a deep breath when Hermod and Urd died like WTF MAN god god god god goodbye i liked u a lot :(
Xehanort having Hoder in his heart got me a lot, just. man. man. There is this small interaction after they are fighting Vidar and Baldr shows up, Xehanort clutches his chest - because Hoder is reacting to Baldr....... its so similar to Sora with Anna and Elsa in KH3 ...... wahhhhhh..... delicious.... just,,, Xehanort and its connections to other people. MAN..
This whole thing with the true Lights is so INTERESTING. Like, they are objects ???? before the Princesses of Heart were a thing... thats so good.
Still wrapping my head around with that summoning of Kingdom Hearts. And ... killing 13 lights for that. god Baldr was so close and it was so so cruel my god. SEEING THEM ALL DIE WAS SO. NAH MAN. NAH. like YEAH WE KNEW THEY WERE ABOUT TO DIE BUT FUCK.
Their names are all soooo interesting. Not going through them all, i just have to mention the heartless that is the final boss has the name of Baldur's ship that carries his dead body in the Norse mythology....... just. oh.
so. the "secret ending". Im fucking yelling at the fact Blue Robe is KHML Player with UX Player reincarnated. just. THIS IS THE PLOT I HAD PREPARED FOR MY PLAYER HELP THIS IS FUCKING FANTASTIC FJDKDBDKFJG also no Player - Xehanort anymore which im, ah well, but Still they have a close connection which is enough for me now i guess -
Baby Xehanort calling Lauriam a skinny boy with pink hair had me laughing so much. like TRUE but dont come for my boy like this ahsjshdodjdkf. I'm kinda :worry: about Skuld's involvement for Xehanort's Mom as i dont really want her .... to have stayed behind ..... but for me to truly accept that I have to see it in ML myself. Still holding onto Subject X, but man,,,,,, Nomura why.
Xehanort saying he wants to have 14 lifetimes has me so c: I really wish for Young Xehanort to return. He should live a life that belongs to him .... i hope he gets to see that. I really want him to hang out with the Guardians of Light...
The whole Underworld thing is going to be so interesting in KH4, because they essentially did the same thing here like Donald and Goofy are trying?? At least we know now that the Underworld is like, universal, for KH worlds. I hope we get to see the upper classmen in some form again. 
This game is an emotional rollercoaster that definitely would have worked better if they released these episodes... episodic. This whole ending was Such an Experience.
Just holy crap I am excited for Missing Link.
My mind is mush. I'm dead tired. What a phenomenal experience.
Missing Link, you have so much explaining to do. And goddamn im in for this ride.
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corishadowfang · 2 years
Dark Road spoilers below the cut!  (Mostly I’m just like...rambling about my thoughts and stuff, haha.)
I was surprised by how much I ended up really liking the main DR kids and their interactions?  They had a lot of really nice moments--especially in the Disney worlds.  (The scene with the magic carpet in Agrabah made me laugh, it was so silly, haha.)  And like--I really liked how they handled the Disney worlds in general!  They were really well integrated; I’d absolutely love to play through all of them in a console game.  (Or at least, with updated graphics.)
Also congrats to Hades for being one of the few characters in the series to actually acknowledge that these characters died.  Like, when everyone was saying the upperclassmen ‘disappeared,’ I figured they were just going to use euphemisms the whole time, but NOPE.  It stands out a lot in a series that’s normally pretty shy about actually using the term.
ALSO.  LORE.  Xehanort being able to feel other people’s emotions and take people’s hearts in and stuff was just--!!  It’s cool!!  It’s cool that it makes him even more of a foil to Sora!  And it’s neat that it’s implied there are others out there like that!  And then VEN, who was implied that Xehanort thought he was like...the ACTUAL chosen one.  (Please, Nomura...please can we have a Ven focused game...there is so much lore surrounding him, PLEASE.)  The stuff with Vanitas was also really interesting and actually somewhat encouraging?  Because the way he was written made him seem like he was...questioning things.  Like maybe Xehanort wasn’t entirely correct about him not being Ven’s darkness--either that, or that Vanitas was changing in some way.  It actually makes me somewhat hopeful we’ll get a Vanitas redemption!  (Though...I’m going to be careful about getting my hopes up too high, just in case.)
I said this already, but the after credits scene made me cry.  I am sad that Playernort is no longer a thing, because there were so many cool things that could’ve been done with that, but that absolutely didn’t stop me from getting emotional over the Player and the Union Leaders at the end.  (”They all seemed like they liked each other a lot”--YEAH.  YEAH, THEY DID, XEHANORT.)  Actually pretty happy we DID at least get confirmation that Xehanort and Ephemer are related, though.  What I’m worried about is what Xehanort said about Skuld reminding him of his mom.  Which, you know, could be a red herring, like Brain’s virus speech in UX, but STILL.  Narratively speaking, there’s nothing technically wrong with the choice to have Skuld stay behind and make, say, Ava Subject X, but from a personal standpoint...I’d be very sad.  I want Skuld to still be alive, please.  ...That said, I’ve also learned not to trust Nomura as far as I can throw him, so until we officially see Skuld again, I will be clinging to the ‘Skuld is Subject X’ theory for dear life.
Interesting that we didn’t officially see what happened to Scala, though the implications seem to be that it really was just...there weren’t enough Keyblade wielders left, and so they just...moved to a different world.  That was honestly not something I expected to be a correct prediction; I really thought we were going to watch Scala get destroyed.
BUT SPEAKING OF PREDICATIONS--I CALLED BRAGI BEING LUXU THE MOMENT WE GOT HIS NAME.  Luxu, we need to talk about why all of the people you’ve possess have VERY SIMILAR names.  Like...are you going for a theme?  Are you renaming your vessels and just don’t feel very creative so you’ve been making up things that are similar to ‘Brain’?  This doesn’t seem like it would work very well if you wanted to stay hidden.
The actual ending parts did end up feeling kind of rushed, though.  Which is fair, considering writing this stuff takes a lot of time, and then you also have to animate everything and--yeah.  I wish a lot of stuff around the ending could’ve been built up more, but I understand why it probably ended up the way it did.  On that note--it also feels like it didn’t entirely tie everything off...?  Maybe that’s just me, but while the middle section felt pretty tight, the ending was definitely a bit...looser.  But, ah, again--probably a lot of that was the time constraints.  It probably would’ve helped to have a couple of more passes to focus around tightening up the ending stuff, but they probably just didn’t have the time for it.
Still largely a nice update!  There was some good stuff, and it was nice to get some more KH content...even if I feel like Nomura’s going to kill me with the lack of knowledge of what happened to Skuld.
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bubmyg · 3 years
there was no particular reason i wrote all this down other than reading the translations to my universe made me cry last week because i’m just Like this. this is a mini compilation of yoongi lyrics that i hold gently in my palm and close to my heart in a he’s my artist for life kind of way. these aren’t all my favorite yoongi lyrics, i certainly have more but not ones that fit this general vibe. 
this is like extremely disorganized, i kind of just wrote it like a journal (and i’ll probably copy it to my bullet journal at some point actually). interpretations are my own, music is cool in that we can all read and hear the same thing and get different things out of it (which is why yoongi has often said he doesn’t attach specific meaning to things, giving it up to the listener instead)
so yeah. here’s me being fond of yoongi in 4k for no reason other than. idk. i wanted to. all translations are from doyoubangtan and doolsetbangtan. 
song request - lee sora ft suga
“I’ll be with you, for your birth and your end; That you’d remember that I’m with you, wherever you are; I’ll be a comfort for your life at any time, and so; please, that you’d lean on me and take a rest, every once in awhile.”
to me, this perfectly encapsulates what creating music is for yoongi in a two-fold kind of way. not only does he want his music to be a source of comfort for those who listen to it (just as the art of music is for himself), he’s also consistent in his assurance that taking a rest is okay. not being okay is okay. simply existing for the time being is okay. it’s a gentle empathy that comes from the experienced heart of someone who’s not going to tell you that it is okay, but will tell you that it won’t always be like this. friendly little moon trying to get you to smile with him on sleepless nights.
so far away - agust d ft suran
dream, will eventually be in full bloom at the end of hardships
this was on my undergrad graduation cap. it’s one of my favorite lyrics of all time. if so far away is my heart song, this is my heart lyric. this is a common motif in yoongi’s lyrics; dormancy is only temporary, you will bloom at the end of the cold winter.
dream, hope it to be there with you at your creation and at the end of your life
creation to end is another common motif n his lyrics. in this specific context, i imagine it to most closely be analogous to holding dreams close to you your entire life. dreams are dreams no matter how they manifest, even if they’re simply something you long for until your “end”.
Hope it to be there with you at your creation and at the end of your life; It will be generous to you wherever you stand; It will eventually be in full bloom at the end of hardships; The beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will the future be
the entirety of this song reads like a story and this last refrain reads like the conclusion (kind of). the slight wording change from the previous choruses means a lot in that regard, more definite and firm. you will be okay. maybe not now, maybe not next week. but you will be.
suga’s interlude - halsey ft suga
Though the dawn before sunrise is darkest; don’t forget the stars you longed for only rise in the darkness
just a really pretty but heart wrenching lyric in the context of the entire song. he’s also used this metaphor several times. i love me a good string of consistency with minor adaptations to fit the vibe. this song also made me cry the first time i read the translations lmao.
my universe - coldplay ft bts
Because the trial we face now is just for a moment anyway; All you have to do is to just keep shining bright like now; And we will follow you, embroidering this long night
this could mean so many things depending on how you wanted to contextualize it. of course the song is about love, so you could view it in that way. we’re in the midst of a global pandemic where we can’t see each other. or maybe it’s simply existence. continue to exist and one day your bright light will be followed even in the darkest of nights.
also the og title of telepathy being 잠시 (for a moment) is so...min yoongi you are so cool
people - agust d
Did someone say humans are the animals of wisdom?; The way I see it, humans are the animals of regret
Your ordinaries are my extraordinaries; Your extraordinaries are my ordinaries; Your ordinaries are my extraordinaries; Your extraordinaries are my ordinaries
super simple to understand which i think makes it more poignant. especially if you contextualize it with everything he’s said or written regarding the plight of fame and how he himself grapples with it as min yoongi.
28 - agust d ft niihwa
just this whole song. if song request encapsulates yoongi’s musical ethos, this captures a lot of his general musings.
paradise - bts
Just living like this, surviving like this, that’s my small dream; Dreaming dreams, grasping dreams, breathing breaths, it’s often too much
a more blunt take on the simply existing is a good enough dream. yoongi’s 2018 new years message was one of the things that made me go “yes. Him™” so paradise is very <3 for me
interlude: shadow - bts
Flying high scares me; I mean, nobody had told me; how lonely it is here –;how my leap could be my fall
another thing he uses frequently, even as recently as an interview regarding permission to dance. the contemplation of how a fall is far scarier than landing because getting back up is uncertain.
Yeah, I’m you and you’re me, do you finally get that now?; Yeah, you’re me and I’m you, do you finally get that now?
the entirety of this song is haunting particularly paired with the sampling and the music video as a visual but this part is just...the whole idea of competing internal voices throughout the narrative of the song or if you’d rather truly treat the lyrics like a piece of literature, you have quite the unreliable narrator, one that’s trying to grapple with his own sense of self.
140503 at dawn - agust d
Pretending that I’m not lonely, pretending that I’m not suffering; needlessly pretending that I’m okay, and pretending hard that I’m strong; I built a wall in front of me, “Don’t come inside”; I’m an island in this wide ocean, “Don’t abandon me”
the entirety of agust d just makes me ache but i mainly pulled this part because he uses the island metaphor consistently. here, it’s used like i said before; achingly.
this song also gets overlooked a lot in the larger context of agust d but anyway
eight - IU ft suga
Island, yeah this is an island; a small island that we made for each other; Yeah, mm, forever young, the word ‘forever’ is a sandcastle; A farewell is just like an emergency text warning of a disaster; A morning met together with yearning; As each of us pass this eternity, we’re sure to meet again on this island
can i be honest and say i forgot this song came out at the beginning of the pandemic. anyway, if you haven’t heard the various times that jieun has spoke about this song and it’s conveyance, i encourage you to. the music video also gives a beautiful visual.
i wrote a small analysis of this when it came out so i’ll just put it here 
burn it - agust d ft max
I hope you don’t forget that giving up decisively also counts as courage
of course this can absolutely be taken at a literal meaning especially considering he said a similar iteration of this to someone on kkul fm BUT i also like looking at it in context of the entire song because maybe this is him trying to convince himself too, especially considering the wording of the last chorus doesn’t change it so it implies in order to get past the fire u need to let it burn first? burn it = giving up on some aspect of pain?
i see why max didn’t shut up for eight months about making this song i wouldn’t either hello
outro: tear - bts
im including this one firstly because i love the song but secondly to say i knew the second u all were surprised by yoongi saying he wrote this as essentially a break up song for bts and they all cried while listening to it that y’all don’t actually read or interact w their lyrics fjdklafjsd
just bc it’s a rap song doesn’t mean it’s a diss or a flex. weirdos.
intro: never mind - bts
I hope you forget about all your mistakes and such; Never mind; It’s not easy, but engrave this in your heart; If you think you’re going to crash, accelerate more, you idiot; Never mind, never mind; Whatever thorny path it may be, go run; Never mind, never mind; There are a lot of things that you can’t control
the entire composition of nevermind is similar to first love and shadow to me where you can just hear the emotion in his voice while performing it
this is also another general idea that he mentions a few different times through different songs which as we’ve seen i am <3 for
intro: the most beautiful moment in life - bts
once again i don’t have a specific lyric to pull i just love this song so much and i feel like it isn’t talked about enough because first of all the use of the basketball throughout the instrumental, the incorporation of the origin of his stage name into an entire song regarding his general existence as a performer and coming into the beginnings of sizeable fame, and just his general way of essentially writing one giant ode to something he loves and analogizing it to something else he loves to talk through internal struggles.
aka im once again saying min yoongi you’re so cool
first love - bts
same line of awe from above this whole song is just a story, a poem, a journal entry, a beautiful confession, i don’t know. this is yoongi’s best bts solo u can argue with a wall about it also if you were able to see this live i hope u have a terrible week (im joking)
every fancam i’ve ever seen of this makes me cry. so. do with that what you will in regards to how i feel about this song.
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neoyi · 3 years
Oh hey, it’s time for another Kingdom Hearts II talking points. This one covers the 1000 Battle of the Heartless.
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*FF8′s grand appearance right after FF “Possibly the Greatest Game Ever Made” 7 heralded a lot of Cloud vs. Squall back in the days. This particular moment probably had the fans screaming in their pants (read, me, folks like me); it was clearly an acknowledgement that yes, Square Enix knew about their “rivalry” and had paid tribute by having the two fight together while exchanging light banter.
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*Most of the Square Enix characters in the first game fit right into the main plot beyond just their roles as fanservice. I assume it was easier for SE to do what they pleased with Squall and pals since they weren’t restricted by Disney’s mandates.
Kingdom Hearts II falters with a few of them though by adding in mandatory cutscenes and/or scenarios that’s either there for filler or promotion of their current brand. Because what we needed during one of the most pivotal moment in the game is Sora and pals in a forced cutscene because Sephy is back and he’s ready to Dark-Makeout with Cloud again. It sure is a coincidence that FF7: Advent Children came out the same year as this game. Yep. Coincidence.
Yuna, Rikku, and Paine suffer a bit less because they are flimsily tied to Maleficent, working for her before Sora and friends convince them to help Leon (in exchange for treasure, that is.) But their presence is as much of a non-issue to the greater plot - we don’t even see them interacting with Maleficent at any point - and seemingly there to rake up more FF fanservice without feeling earned.
I have no guff with shameless cameos in this game (let's not pretend this game isn't as much a vehicle to get money/promote Square Enix’s brand as it is a labor of love from the creators), but I think I’d have less of an issue with this if the game didn’t already established other FF characters with at least a semblance of plot-relevance (Squall and pals) or kept as unobtrusive cameos (Setzer.) Cloud and the YuRiPa group reeked of them trying both without a good balance, needlessly added in as a Square Enix brand when they already did a particularly good job prior to these shoehorned roles.
*This scene is rare in that no one is speaking, adding to the mystery of whatever the heck this guy is doing to the TRON computer before entering through a secret compartment. What I completely forgot is how long this is. Like this is a good 1:20 seconds after he finished downloading the data and at least a good 25 seconds of him silently walking downstairs while the camera views from overhead. And the last part kills me in a good way because of how unintentionally hilarious that is instead of it trying to be cinematic and secretive.
I love this game. I truly love this stupid game.
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*It should go without saying that Xemnas’ main place of rest is called The Chamber of Repose, capital letters and all. Christ, man, you can just call it a “bedroom.”
*I remember Demyx being a much harder boss to fight (”DANCE, WATER, DANCE”). Did I just get better with age or did Final Mix alter him a bit to make it easier?
*Goofy’s “death” was already pointless, but there’s something nice about it giving Mickey and Donald some pathos that isn’t jovial optimism. Plus this entire infamous scene is both a good and bad endorsement of Kingdom Heart’s corniness and that’s beautiful, actually.
*We gonna talk about Serious Shit while I eat my Delicious Sea Salt Ice Cream.
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*It goes without saying that the Battle of 1000 Heartless is a monumental moment in the franchise. Whatever I have to say about the series’ haphazard narrative, almost everything that occurs here is presented with such fanfare and urgency. Stuff Happens. Everything from Sora teaming up with the Final Fantasy characters as they individually lend hands, an all-out war composed of thousands of Heartless lead by Maleficent, Nobodies complicating the situation, that Goofy Death Scene (jesus christ), Sora begging Saix to please tell him where Kairi is because goddamn, this kid is a good boyfriend who cares about his girlfriend and dudes should strive to be as devoted as this guy is, Maleficent saving Sora’s bacon and expecting him to stop Organization XIII because the group is hindering both their goals, and eventually a plot twist where every Heartless Sora defeats unleashes its heart, fueling Kingdom Hearts (which I still have no damn clue if it’s metaphysically solid or not) right for the Nobodies to take once, I don’t know, it reaches a certain amount or something.
The last forces Sora into a bit of a mild dilemma because now he has to wonder if what he’s doing is the right thing if it will lead to the Nobodies’ hands (this issue lasts all but five minutes before they decide to keep fighting the good fight because well shit, son, nobody is playing KH to not fight the Heartless.)
And yes, the whole actual Fight of the 1000 Heartless is legitimately still a cool, badass moment where Sora goes King Shit on the creatures. It’s a remarkable part of Kingdom Hearts II and officially heralds the second half of the game, signaling that shit has gone so much worse.
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phoenix-downer · 3 years
The Princess of Light Chapter 3: Falling In
1800 words. Angst, Romance, Fluff, Fairy Tales. For SoKai Week 2021, Day 3.
Summary: Princess Kairi is cursed to be without love when she is a baby. She grows up cold and without a heart to help her understand other people’s feelings, no matter how hard her parents try to help her. One day, however, she meets a mysterious prince from a faraway world, and he just might hold the key to breaking her curse.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7
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Now at last we come to the prince. He was from another world, one that was as hot as Princess Kairi was cold, with warm beaches and yellow sands and salty seas. Naturally he’d heard of Kairi’s condition, as that sort of thing is not something people can keep quiet about, but he had no plans to actually meet her. 
He was on his way to another world, in fact, when his Gummi Ship ran into an asteroid and he had to make an emergency landing on Radiant Garden. As fate would have it, his ship crashed on land the royal family owned, though of course he didn’t know this at the time.
“Ouch,” he muttered, rubbing his head as the engine sputtered and moaned and various things that shouldn’t be creaking creaked. “That could’ve gone better.”
But at least he was alive and in one piece. He’d need help to repair his ship though. Stumbling out of the beaten-down vessel, he paused to take in his surroundings. The most delicious scent hit his nose, fragrant flowers and pines, and water bubbled in the distance. A full moon shone overhead, and scattered moonlight danced through the trees.
“This must be Radiant Garden,” he said as he trudged through the knee-high grass. “If I say I’m a lost traveler, someone around here oughta be able to help me.”
The prince followed the sound of the water till he reached a small stream, then took a drink to refresh himself. 
“The water of this world really does seem magical,” he said as he scooped up another mouthful. It tasted delicious and soothed his parched throat. Cold and clean and refreshing. Just as he was about to scoop up some more to pour over his head, a noise in the distance stopped him. It sounded like a young lady crying out, and he ran towards her at once, as princes are wont to do.
When he made it out of the thicket, he spotted a pool of something shimmering and shining in the clearing. And in that pool was a young lady, and that young lady was Princess Kairi. She was laughing and giggling as she frolicked in the light, but of course the prince had no idea of this. Her laughter had no warmth to it, so he thought it sounded like cries for help instead.
“Oh my gosh, she must be burning up!” was the only thought in his mind, and he shouted, “Hang on, I’ll save you!” 
He dove in and scooped her into his arms, and this time she really did shriek, though not for the reasons he thought. He staggered out of the light pool as she kicked and struggled, yelling, “Put me down, put me down!” 
This he did, and she let out a loud “Hmph!” and smoothed her skirts. The grass beneath her feet was already turning icy away from the light, and she knew her skin would soon be “cold.” Of course it never felt cold to her, just normal, but this strange young man would no doubt have complained about its “coldness” if he’d touched her bare arms much longer. Especially if his hand turned to ice.
Now that she’d recovered from her surprise a little, she gave him a closer look. He was about her age, if she had to guess, and wearing clothes from some far-off world. They certainly weren’t the types of clothes people wore here on Radiant Garden. Too light and breezy for that. His spiky brown hair looked like he’d never taken a comb to it in his life, and his eyes were as blue as the sky. 
“What on earth came over you, yanking me out of the light like that?” Princess Kairi scolded. “Don’t you know it’s the only place where I don’t turn everything my skin touches freezing cold?”
His eyes widened as he put two and two together. “So you’re the cursed princess.” 
“Yes, yes,” she said, rather irritably. “I’m guessing you’ve heard of me wherever you’re from.” He wasn’t the first person she’d met who’d gawked at her, and he certainly wouldn’t be the last.
“I have,” he said, “I just… had no idea you’d be this beautiful.”
The prince was already quite taken with the young lady before him. Her red hair reached her shoulders, and her violet eyes were lovely despite their iciness. Without the curse, the princess was naturally spirited and fiery, and perhaps the prince sensed that and saw what she could be if she still had her heart.  
The princess hesitated despite herself. The prince did not seem put off by her manner; if anything, he seemed intrigued. 
“My name’s Sora,” he said, then bowed politely. There was something about the warmth of his manner that intrigued her as well. 
“Well, Prince Sora,” she replied, for she could tell by the way he carried himself he was a prince, “would you mind putting me back where I came from?”
“Oh, back in the light pool?” 
She nodded. “Yes. I’m afraid that I turn anything that I touch cold, and there are some very nice flowers and grass around us that I don’t want to kill by stepping back in myself.” 
Sora glanced at the ground, and the grass Princess Kairi was standing on had already withered and turned icy. Her feet were bare, and as such there was no clothing guarding her surroundings. 
“Oh, sure,” he said. “I’d be happy to.” 
“Just make sure you don’t touch my bare skin, or you’ll feel cold and get frostbite.” 
Sora held up his hand. “No worries, I have gloves.” 
He scooped her into his arms and noted that she was very cold indeed. But it didn’t matter all that much, for he climbed the little hill over the light pool and jumped in, plunging himself into its warmth along with Kairi. She was intrigued by this, for no one had ever jumped into the pool with her before. Sora had a big, caring heart, especially for someone his age. It provided the weight that she lacked in her heartless state, and that weight made for a much more exhilarating plunge than what she could ever achieve on her own. Soon they were swimming and laughing in the light pool together like old friends.
“Woah, this feels incredible,” Sora said, and he could see why the princess enjoyed it so much. He felt like he was bathing in liquid warmth, and that liquid warmth made him feel like he was floating. He’d heard about this pool before, but the stories didn’t do the reality justice. 
“It does feel nice, doesn’t it?” Kairi agreed as she paddled around.
“Wanna fall in with me again?” he asked, a twinkle in his eye. For the moment they’d fallen in together, he’d experience another kind of falling as well, and pairing the two sensations, the adrenaline rush from jumping off the hill combined with the rush from holding this lovely young lady in his arms, was the most enticing prospect he could imagine. 
“Sure,” Kairi agreed, and he grinned and scooped her up into his arms, carried her out of the pool, strolled back up the hill like she weighed nothing (for indeed without her heart she weighed less than most people her age), and jumped in the pool again as she shrieked with delight. This they repeated over and over again till Prince Sora was quite worn out. Then they just floated in the light pool, enjoying its restorative effects and how it was replenishing their energy bit by bit. They talked, too, about all sorts of things; their favorite books and stories, their favorite foods and the ones they couldn’t stand, how it felt to grow up as royalty. 
Sora was much loved by the people of Destiny Islands, but the people of Radiant Garden rarely got to see or interact with Kairi because of her curse. He felt sorry for her, because how was she supposed to learn how to rule properly without getting to know her people? And setting aside all the ruling stuff, did she really have any friends her age? Or even a sweetheart? She hadn’t mentioned anyone, and Sora was quite eager to know if she’d be open to his advances.
“Well, it’s getting late,” she said, before he could ask. “I should be going home before my nurse or my parents start searching for me.” 
“Please, may I escort you to the castle?” Sora asked. 
“You’d better not. My father is very strict with me. I don’t care two cents about what other people say, but I’ve been scolded for not ‘acting like a princess’ before, and coming home with a strange young man at night isn’t very princess-like.” 
She waded out of the light pool, leaving Sora feeling slightly deflated. He understood why her parents would balk at the thought of her coming home with a young man they’d never met, but he meant no ill. 
“Can I see you tomorrow then?” he pleaded. He didn’t want to leave without the promise he’d get to see her again. Any chance to spend more time with her, to get to know her better, was one he wanted to take. 
She paused, the light gently lapping at her bare feet. “If you’d like to come here again, sure. Falling in was fun. I’d like to do it again.”
He smiled. “Anytime.”
The princess felt a strange fluttering in her stomach that she chalked up to being hungry. That was her only frame of reference for such a feeling. None of her former suitors had lasted long enough to make it past her many barriers, and Sora had a smile that lit up his whole face and made his eyes look even more beautiful than they already were. 
He reminded her of the special pool in a way. Yes, that must be it. He was sunny and warm and cheerful like the pool, so of course her stomach fluttered the way it did.
“Oh, Princess?” he asked as she put her shoes and socks on. Not the proper use of her title, but somehow, she didn’t mind. 
“Yes?” she replied. 
“Where’s a good place to stay for the night?”
Kairi gave her recommendation based on what her parents had told her before, and Sora thanked her politely. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow, then,” he said as he waded out of the pool. With that they bid each other goodnight, and Sora felt that he was very lucky indeed to have crashed on Radiant Garden this evening. He watched to make sure she made it back to the castle okay, then returned to his Gummi Ship for a few more supplies before heading into the castle town.
Tomorrow couldn’t come fast enough. 
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cat-26 · 4 years
Okay so I basically wrote down all my impressions as I was watching Techno’s stream for MCC 9 (this is basically me commenting to the void)
My main takeaways were:
- Techno is so relaxed and calm!? This is great. Also he is getting back in contact with his friends, yes please. No need for pressure Techno.
- F1nn is awesome! (Also, the cosplay??)
- Techno has played too many Skywars game; even without knowing what is happening, he dominated Skybattle
- Techno might join them for Among Us tomorrow?!
- Apparently next MCC is different? (And Techno doesn’t know if he wants to sign up?)
Now, for all the void-screaming:
~Start of the stream~
F1nn5ter cosplayed as Techno!! I heard he would but this is awesome! 
Also poor Techno he can’t breathe Game 1: sky battles "Weeellllcooome guyys to another episode of Skywars!!" - YESSS Techno was so lost but thousands of skywars videos made him invincible Techno to F1nn: "Dress for the job you want, and you dressed as Technoblade!" Game 2: TGTTOSAWAF I actually like that Techno seems not to have so much pressure this time. Like, of course he wants to win but he seems more relaxed. I like the dynamic in this team. Techno has mentioned Tubbo multiple times. I really want to see them interact. (I would love a Tommy/Techno/Tubbo team next mcc, but it probably can’t happen) Decision dome: They get 4 crossbows to kill chickens? I thought it was 1/team, 4 is kinda too much? Game 3: parkour Pete is not doing well? Techno is on 8-1 and Pete just completed stage 6... I wonder what happened.I’ll see why in his VOD I guess. "Believe in the me that believes in myself" - Techno He was so happy to be tied for 1st in parkour hahaha Making fun of people for practicing: "they could have watched anime like me like a real winner" Game 4: HITW “What's battle box?" "It's PvP" "Now I really want to play hole in the wall" Tubbo won!!! GO TUBBO!!! The leafblower guy really knows Techno's schedule! (Please tell us Leafblower man, we would like to know) (Let's hope he's a good omen) TUBBO GOT TOP 5!!! Break time/audience takeover Tubbo is trending hahaha of course he is, he’s in Dream’s team
The whole discussion on the duel hahaha “How could we determine who is a better player? What if...” I definitely like this team dynamic
About his chat calling him bad: "My viewers know that I have the potential to be the best ... This is not a coping mechanism." TECHNO WON AUDIENCE TAKEOVER!!! HOW? The duel really was for who stayed on youtube Game 5: Battle Box "We might not win but it's fun" YES TECHNO PLEASE KEEP THIS MINDSET, HAVE FUN, NO PRESSURE!! The made it so you can't see the power ups hahaha Once again, Techno broke the game They destroyed the Blue Bats (poor fruit) Techno: “Good job Finn”  F1nn: “Someone clip that so I can hear it at night”
Techno is DESTROYING F1nn killed Dream!!! You go, Finn!! "Killing Dream is a lucrative business model" - Techno Techno dragging Scoot for stealing his team/friends. Tommy killed Techno hahaha he’ll never hear the end of it They lost to Green and Red! Did Red only win against them? I am amazed at Techno relaxed attitude. I really hope this stays the same.
Techno is truly too good at 1.16 PvP now Game 6: Ace Race He did so well. He is being suppotive :')
All of them making fun of F1nn pfff hahaha Game 7: Survival Games Calvin "you have me!" when Techno is stressed about doing SG Blue bats are GOOD they’re winning this Awww he went to spectate Phil specifically (before realizing he killed him hahaha) I love how people thought the Blue Bats were underdogs HAHAHAHA BUT 7000 POINTS? Game 8: Sands of Time Techno: How much sand do we have? Finn: A lot? Techno: How much!? I NEED A NUMBER Finn: 7, I have 7 Techno: Oh, ok, that's good"
Techno and his chat have a chaotic relationship Did Dream get the coal dispenser trap? The one Pete’s team got (~2 MCCs ago?)  I'm so mad at MrBeast about how he treats Techno... (I don't hate him, just his treatment of Techno) Dodgebolt: Techno is being so petty hahaha but honestly good for him, he’s had way too much hate and salt  "Last time I dropped out of the top 5 because Dream died in Sand of Times - to be fair he did really good in the rest of the tournament" - even when he is making fun of him he stays nice Dream fans: don't be mean to Techno! Dream is the 1st Techno fan, so hating him is dumb.  Long monologue vs Dream, go Techno! You deserve the love "For at the people that always cite MCC individual rankings: now they have to cite speedrunning!" I'm so surprised than Cyan didn't do better BLUE BATS!!!! What a comeback!!!! Also HBomb won 3 times now, right? He deserves it! He takes this championship so seriously, and he believed in his team from day 1 End of the stream: Okay I am so happy for Techno! He is so happy and relaxed and he deserves not having all the pressure in the world. Like, I know he wanted a good individual placement and that's pressure but that is nothing compared to usual. He seems way better now Techno joined Reeeed  He is so confused by George-simping hahaha I feel so bad for himm he can't talk to his friendsss
He left. Honestly, I would have done the same I really feel the jumping from call to call by Techno, that's me at parties He really wants to keep streaming, it seems like?
I hope we get a Techno-HBomb team one day. It would be great
Philzaaaa So many screenshootss hahahaha
DreamSMP CAMEO???!!!! YES PLEASE it would really funny Bannerlord got murdered by the the training arc "my wife, abandonned"... poor Sora and Dora Haha the screenshot bm to Clavin Among us YEAH "I feel like I've changed over the years (...) I just want to be a good guy that find the TRUTH" Philzaaa joined!!! Dream is so mad (Techno is so nice because he is really trying to not be too mean) "That reddit is going to rot your brain" - Philza, that is why I don't go there I love this chat with Philza. Yes I really want Techno playing Among Us! (And he wants to start playing tf2 with them again! Yes Techno be healthy and happy!) They are talking tf2, I understand nothing. But they are happy so good! Oh they didn't know he was still live hahaha typical Oh Tommy is here now, it'll be fun. Tommy: “I breathe good air” Techno: “That is one of your most admirable qualities” I can't, everything he says is gold "This is a hostile takeover of the Sleepy Bois" - Techno to Scott Tommy is part of the sleepy bois!! Hahaha but RIP vlog gun They are negotiating Philza hahaha (maybe a Phil-Techno team next time?) Tubbo is in the same call as Techno... good enough I guess?  Among us tomorrow?? Yes please Okay Tommy is really the little brother to Wilbur Techno is so uncomfortable with the Shubbles conversation, he just wants to beat up people with his knockback stick but no one is there
~this is the end of me screaming into the void!~
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fizzingwizard · 3 years
Episode 28~ Well, I heard this season’s supposedly got 60 episodes total (don’t quote me, that may be wrong) so we’re almost at the halfway point... I’m gonna wait till episode 30 to talk about that though.
This episode I actually rather liked, even though absolutely NOTHING happens other than the important things at the very beginning and the very end. That’s becoming a pattern this season - lots of nothing sandwiched in between hints of big dramatic things to come. Eh. But yeah, I liked it anyway :P for a few reasons that are probably not that objective. It’s not the kind of episode that’s gonna make you want to rewatch though.
Cap of the week!
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Look we all know Jou is exactly the kind of 12 year old who folds his clothes neatly even when lost in a mysterious parallel world. Also he brought more textbooks (social studies and Japanese). Aka more ammo for Mimi
More below:
Last week we ended with Patamon evolving to Angemon in what was a pretty anticlimactic moment, despite a big villain being there and a cliffhanger ending. Seemed like a waste after all we went through just to get him.
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However, I do think the beginning of episode 28 makes up for it somewhat. Angemon gets to show off how Very Very Cool he is, but it’s also made clear that he’s not up to full strength. Seeing him throw all his effort into the battle to save them even though it’s clear he won’t win was actually pretty great.
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More typhoon winds throwing everyone back XD they must have so many bruises
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Poor Takeru gets thrown back all by his lonesome
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So last episode, I said I thought Darknightmon was gonna go for Hikari and was surprised and somewhat relieved when he stayed interested in Takeru/Angemon. Um... I guess that was a red herring x’D he’s after Hikari after all.
He literally says “I have no use for you” to Angemon LOL sick burn my dude
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Hikari: “There is a new cutest child.”
Takeru: “Um, actually the phrase is ‘smallest child’.“
Hikari: “No. Cutest child. Do not interrupt my moment, impertinent one.”
Grogu: “Did someone say ‘cutest child’?”
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Angemon’s peeved that Hikari stole the spotlight so he immediately jumps into the way and prevents Darknightmon from grabbing her.
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Angemon: “No one treats ME like some washed up has-been!”
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But as hard as he tries, Angemon just hasn’t recovered enough. It probably took all the energy Patamon had stored up just to evolve. His wings lengthen and release into millions of shining feathers, and both he and Darknightmon de-evolve.
I really did kind of enjoy this battle! Seeing Takeru be all strong and heroic, and the desperation with which Angemon tries to protect him... me likey.
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Next it’s a nod to 99 series! D-D-Digimon!
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Yamato screams like he’s at the dentist’s.
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There’s lots of freaky black lightning that rains down seeming to give dark energy and empower random Digimon who get hit by it. Just to ensure our heroes don’t get to waste time on any more “breaks”
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A single feather floats down where Taichi lands and dissolves. I am not sure what happened to it, if it did anything or if it was what protected them until this point...
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Taichi and Hikari wake up and discover they are alone. So last week I thought they’d get swept off into pairs... I didn’t even consider that they’d each wind up alone. Mixed feelings! On the one hand, seeing each kid interact with their partner and their partner only was one of the good things about this episode (except it wasn’t always true, which I’ll get to in a minute). On the other hand, my fears last week were that whoever ended up with Taichi would be overshadowed by him. Turns out, if no one’s with him but Hikari, that means all the plot stuff is with them and the others have nothing in particular to do. -_-; At least not this week. My hope is that it’s coming (and there were a few promising hints this episode so), but next week’s trailer looks pretty Taichi-centric too..
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Taichi: “Can I help it if I’m so charming cool awesome and dare I say it adorable”
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The impact of everyone being “alone” is cut short by the fact that they can all still communicate via digivice. I would be fine with that, except for what I said earlier - they wind up spending too much time talking to each other instead of their partners. Particularly the ones who like to Plan Things. Eh.
Yamato tells Taichi to protect Hikari, doesn’t even mention that he’s sadly separated from Takeru at this point ;_; He knows Takeru’s okay though because Takeru is also communicating by digivice.
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Sora: “Hello yes, it’s in my contract that I get to be awesome X number of times per episode, and I have doubts that you are making your quota.”
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I love how Tentomon’s job is basically Koushirou’s secretary x’D “Put my calls on speakerphone Margaret” “Yes Mr Izumi”
The partners really are suited to each other... Koushirou gets a secretary, Jou gets a mom, Mimi gets a gal pal, Yamato gets a therapist, Sora gets a sister, Taichi gets a... preschool child who eats paste... -.-’
takeru and hikari don’t count because they’re Special and their main attribute is Cute
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All the kids have ended up alone except for super-charged monsters who want to eat them. Palmon hoists Mimi up a very sheer rock trying to escape Golemon who is not great at climbing but doesn’t seem to know that
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Meanwhile Jou... is like “Ohh yeah, you guys have it so rough, I’m trying my hardest too, keep fighting the good fight y’all”
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He’s relaxing in the hot springs and freaking studying.
Gomamon’s unusually fine with it though. Because he gets to swim. He says “Let’s invite the others here.” They’re both like YEAH THIS IS WHAT I CALL A VACATION
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It’s all fun and games until the hairy guy with the tattoos and veiny arms sharing your hot spring starts staring at your ding-a-ling. Uhhhhhhh.
he does make the “Nanimono?” joke so all is well lol
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No matter what form he takes, Patamon is always an Angel 👼
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Takeru is alone but he has Patamon... but Patamon is...
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... ADORABLE... and conked out. Takeru’s so proud of him though, look at that smile *sniff*
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Taichi remembers to ask Koushirou how conditions are back at home. This kid is too organized.
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Koushirou: “News and variety shows continue as normal even though the world’s ending.”
I’m not going to get into everything he says but it’s pretty much more of the same regarding the power influx from the human world to the digital world and the way the Zurumon’s attacks are wreaking havoc with electronics...
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Taichi almost says “You’re so sugoi!” Almost. He’s grateful anyway. *chews on those Taishiro breadcrumbs till they’re broken down to atoms*
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Then... Hikari’s acting strange!
Agumon: “What are you looking at?”
Hikari: “I don’t know.”
Taichi: “You don’t know but you’re looking at it?”
Hikari: “It kind of looks like Steve Buscemi... it’s hard to tell”
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Taichi’s not too wigged out by freaky Hikari because he’s lived with her all his life, and she’s always been a freak.
Baby Hikari: “Shteeve... bushemiii....”
Agumon: “Your sister’s weird.”
Taichi: “Yeah but she’s MY weird sister.”
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Yamato is fighting, of course. He stops for a moment to be impressed by how well Takeru’s handling himself. Garurumon points it out. I suppose it’s simply time to accept that this season Yamato is just not the disaster boy he was in 99 x’D
Now have some gratuitous adorable Patabutt images.
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Patabutt patabutt pata pata butt butt
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Um... is it just me or is Patamon kinda... oversized all of a sudden lol...
Takeru: “Did you eat all of my candy stash again?”
Patamon: “I just can’t seem to quit”
Takeru: “That’s it we’re getting you into rehab”
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Patamon tries to fly but just can’t ;____; poor baby is totally wiped out. Takeru takes a long time to catch on to that. I REALLY HOPE THIS GOES SOMEWHERE, like Takeru has to protect Patamon instead of the reverse etc... pleeeeease don’t just leave this where it is writers!! The potential for cute is endlessssss
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On the matter of Things That Are Not Cute... -.-;
Jou: “Please stop looking at my junk”
Nanimon: “Stop looking at mine”
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Mimi is much more useful! She discovers a shiny rock!
This rock... could be the raw material for their Crests!!! Squeee~!! I mean, it’s about time something about that came up, assuming it’s still a thing. (Since they already seem to have their Crests loaded in their Digivices and got to Perfect level without any talk of values and personal strengths, I don’t know how much of the old Crest legacy remains in this season.) I, uh, did the same thing in my fanfic so I guess I’m just biased... These could totally be Evil Rubies Of Darkness and Terror but I’d rather have Crests :p Of course I would have expected Mimi to find green stones in that case sooo... maybe not.
Anyway she and Palmon are suitably distracted from running from Golemon and go mining instead. I’m sure that will not cause any problems.
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We swing back to Taichi and Hikari, who are being approached by a big scary monster...
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Taichi: “Watch my Tarzan impression.”
Hikari: “Nooo! I don’t want to be Jane!”
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Fortunately Agumon evolves just to catch them in midair x’D Now is not the time for impressions, Taichi, seriously.
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They are attacked by Volcdramon, which is a dumbass name.
Taichi: “Velcromon the Velcro Digimon?”
Voldramon: “what NO i am Volcdramon-”
Hikari: “Voltronmon? Voldemortmon?”
Voldramon: *sniveling* “why does this happen EVERY time i JUST want to be one of the cool guys youre all such BULLIES”
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MetalGreymon and Volcdramon face off, but something’s not right! Much like... the Digimon in the last episode whose name I already forgot *cough*, Volcdramon seems able to absorb other Digimon’s power. This presents a problem because last time it took all of them shooting into its mouth together to overload it so they could win. MetalGreymon is having a hard time on his own as Volcdramon just absorbs all his attacks.
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Hikari prays to Jesus to save them. Digimon is approved for Christian families 👼👼👼
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ugggghhh I love them
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Taichi promises Hikari everything will be okay. His back-and-forth with MetalGreymon here is kind of cool. Every time MetalGreymon takes a hit, Taichi’s encouragement and coaching?? I guess keeps frustration at bay.
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Buuut eventually they’re both feeling pretty desperate :P It was hard for me to take this battle seriously since, after all we’ve seen MetalGreymon capable of, it seems weird that he should be struggling this much. But obviously they don’t just want to make him invincible. And this problem makes sense: the ability of Digimon to absorb attacks and turn them into energy is definitely a new problem.
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The question is, how do we solve it?
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Apparently it helps if you have a little sister who’s some kind of super battery.
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Taichi: “Nothing shocks me anymore with Hikari. She could announce she’s been Beyonce this whole time and I would believe it”
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WarGreymon appears (again) as his goldeny vision self, defeats Volcdramon, then promptly de-evolves back to Agumon.
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So the question is, why is this happening... From earlier episodes we know Agumon & co are some group of legendary warriors who have had their memories tampered with (??) to some extent (because they do still know each other, or at least Agumon and Gabumon remember knowing each other). Omegamon’s a given for that of course so I suppose that’s why. Hikari seems to be the key to unlocking the legendary warriors, maybe with Takeru. That’s my guess. Of course, Tailmon’s probably already in the bad guys’ clutches, much like Patamon was. I hope she’s still working for them. I want more double agent fun times. Also ANGST
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Hikari: “Thank you, Agumon-” *disappears*
Taichi: “GEEZ I can’t eat, can’t sleep, can’t even breathe without something bad happening anymore, like excuse me for BLINKING”
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Yeah so... Skullknightmon appears and abducts Hikari like it’s nothing xD
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Skullknightmon: “What’s under arm number two? Iiiiit’s your sister!”
Taichi: “Aw damn, I wanted the sports car”
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Taichi quickly gives chase. I assume Agumon’s pretty exhausted after that and probably can’t evolve now. Bad timing. Oooor maybe this is all how Skullknightmon planned it...
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Then... the unthinkable! Hikari looks at her brother rushing desperately to save her... and turns away!
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Taichi is SHOCKED! Le GASP!
Taichi: “But but but I’m the MAIN CHARACTER”
Hikari: “Not anymore bitch it’s my show now”
Yeah okay jokes aside! This bit was AWESOME. Like, I’m sure it’s obvious that she can tell the voice that “called” her to the digital world is with Skullnightmon. Or at least, her heart’s telling her she has to go with him in order to meet that person (Tailmon, duh). I’ll be surprised if that’s not what’s going on. But... to so coldly just turn her back on her brother... I mean, maybe she also thinks she’s protecting him... but SHE JUST GOT HERE... holy crap...
To think we spent so long theorizing that Takeru would be the one abducted but no it’s Hikari... In retrospect should have been obvious. She’s 1) a girl and therefore a damsel, and 2) the one who was abducted in 99 xP
But I really like her semi-willingly going off with Skullnightmon. Much better than just screaming as she’s whisked away King Kong-style. In 99 she also got abducted voluntarily (I mean, it was coercion, so... that’s not voluntary, but you know what I mean). So they kept that in this season and I like it.
That’s it for this week’s episode! So the bits that I liked were the individual moments with the kids and their partners, of which we had more than usual but still not nearly enough. Nowhere near. In the end it was still a Taichi episode.
As a Taichi fan... it’s not like I’m ever sad that he gets more focus. But I love ALL the kids and they’re NOT getting development. We do keep getting hints about them but it’s so, so, so slow. To be fair, it’s not like we know THAT much about Taichi either. He gets so much focus because he’s always fighting. This season doesn’t seem concerned with personality and character bits like the 99 one, and I am gonna compare them for that. Because I think that was the heart of the 99 show. Without it, it’s missing something. I keep hoping it’ll come back, we keep getting those hints and special moments here and there, but the plot is such a distraction... if it was like a really good plot maybe I’d care less but...
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Next week...  as far as I can see, it’s another Taichi episode xP But I do think they’ll do the same as this episode and intersperse Taichi’s battle with what’s going on with the others too. If that’s how they do it, I won’t mind. It might even be better. Fine, Taichi can fight, as long as the others are showing us more about themselves and getting other things done in the meantime. Mimi and Jou both look promising. Takeru too. Sora and Yamato, not sure..
Koushirou better not just sit at his computer the whole time -___-
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Le owch.
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Taichi: “Look being the main character’s not all it’s cracked up to be. I have three concussions and six broken bones. Also I can’t feel my toes anymore”
hang in there bud im cheering for ya
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jippy-kandi · 4 years
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Digimon Adventure: 2020 – Episode 2: War Game (Review)
Thoughts on the second episode of the Digimon Adventure reboot series.
I loved this episode. Is it because Yamato is in it and I’m an unapologetic Yamato stan? Maybe. But the inclusion of Yamato in the story made things a lot more interesting.
I’m 99% sure the opening credits will change once all eight kids are introduced. I’m sure the other kids will join Taichi in “falling” like in the original opening credits. OG Adventure changed the opening and ending up as the series progressed, too, so it’s very likely they’ll do the same with the reboot.
I liked Yamato a lot -- clearly to everyone’s surprise. *cough* He’s similar to OG Yamato, but still different enough to be his own person. He was less of a lonewolf than the ending credits framed him as and I still liked it. He prefers to do things alone, but he knows what to do to get the job done (teamwork), even though he clearly has reservations about getting close to people. I want to know his background! I really want to see scenes of him with his parents. I hope Hiroaki still has a beefy part in this. Or maybe Natsuko will!? (Sorry, I stan Yamato’s parents too much.)
So it seems Greymon and Garurumon know each other. Interesting. Do they also know the other digimon partners?
Taichi on Yamato: “That’s a human, right?” lol. No, Taichi, he’s an Adonis. ;)
Daigo from Digimon Adventure tri. (Daisuke Namikawa) voices reboot Yamato and I can definitely hear Daigo in him. And while I do like his new voice and thinks it suits him, I still miss OG Yamato’s voice actor Yuuto Kazama in the role. But Namikawa does sound more believable than Kazama as an 11-year-old, lol.
I laughed at Yamato’s disdain at Taichi telling him he’d introduce a friend to him -- and then again at Yamato’s indignation when Taichi goes on to introduce Yamato as his friend to Koushirou. Stop refusing your Crest! XD
Yamato has never heard of the train station Taichi was at before he went into the Network. Ooh, where is Yamato from then?
It’s actually a really big stretch that Koushirou has connections to “web experts” and thus access to classified information at a whim . . . as a 10-year-old. And that he really knows what to do in the Network and everything . . . I know he’s a genius, but come on. :p
I love the sigh Yamato gives when he resigns himself to introducing himself to Taichi and Koushirou. He is seriously winning my heart over with just sounds and facial expressions lol. (But he had my heart already, let’s be real. XD)
What I loved most about this episode was the interactions between Taichi, Yamato and Koushirou. Taichi seemed so much more of a character (and not generic) this episode because he could play off of Yamato and Koushirou. What I loved most about OG Adventure were the kids and their relationships with each other, so having three of them interacting was awesome. I can’t wait for everyone to be assembled!
Yamato calling Koushirou by his last name “Izumi” was a nice touch so that when he does eventually call everyone by their first names, it’ll be really meaningful. (He still calls Meiko Mochizuki by her last name throughout tri. and beyond . . .)
I think I do like reboot Koushirou more than OG Koushirou. He just seems so much more human instead of a walking, talking computer. Plus he’s so adorable, lol.
Taichi reminds me of an adorable little puppy with Yamato. It was like he was all, “Hey, Yamato, can we be friends? Please? Yamato? Please be my friend?” XD His eagerness to befriend him was so endearing.
I like that Taichi physically fights baby Algomon himself. It beats them just watching their digimon partners do all the work. :p
I like Yamato’s quiet confidence. He just trusts that Taichi will understand his tactic to lure the baby Algomon away from the child Algomon “boss”. But after seemingly defeating Algomon, Taichi boasts to Yamato about how he knew what he was thinking, when it was actually Greymon who had to tell him, lol.
I liked Yamato holding his arm out to shut Taichi up because Algomon wasn’t actually defeated, because it reminded me of that scene in tri. Chapter 2 where Yamato stops Taichi that way in the hallway. It was also just funny, lol.
The series is really putting the kids in harms way when Algomon attacks them. I like it, because it makes them seem more involved, instead of just standing by the sidelines and being “owners” of their digimon. But that blow from Algomon that Taichi and Yamato took would severely injure them lol. But I guess if tri. Chapter 4 can get away with Sora being thumped against a cliff and not die, it’s all cool. :P
I have to give props to Toei for actually making Garurumon and Greymon seem like actual characters with their own minds, instead of just “pets” with childlike personalities (which is how I mostly view them in the original series). What a great step up! I really liked them in this episode.
Only two episodes in and we already have a Taito fist-bump! It even felt organic too, even though they just met and Yamato has an aversion to Taichi/making friends. Nice!
I really like the throwback animations to Our War Game. This episode was basically a TV-sized version of the movie and I was here for it. Maybe because Our War Game used to be my favourite Digimon movie (since surpassed by the third tri. movie). I like that they did this because it kind of “connects” this reboot to OG Adventure and it really feels like they could be the same characters in an alternate reality.
The feathers landing in Takeru and Hikari’s hands, activating their Crests, and helping (?) to evolve Garurumon and Greymon into Omegamon reminded me of when Angewomon and Angemon had to shoot arrows at Taichi and Yamato to give them miraculous powers to evolve. I’m sure they’re using a similar “prophecy” idea here.
Omegamon has entered the chat! And it’s only episode two. Wow. How fast does this show want to go? Omegamon is BOSS. Why do the other kids even need their digimon to evolve? lol. Oh, Yamato will leave straight after they win and they can’t evolve to Omegamon for a while anymore. :( Though Omegamon might also be a once-or-twice in a season “miracle” thing? It would work better like that so that they’re not overpowered throughout the entire series.
This episode was so very fast paced. It’s definitely aimed at keeping the attention span of the current instant-gratification generation -- but I do wonder if it’s perhaps too fast? Can they actually keep up and remain interested with things thrown at them at full speed? Because we have knowledge of the old continuity and so we are more ready to accept things like Omegamon happening now, but it might be too much for new viewers? I guess we’ll see how popular the series ends up being.
I think the quality of this series so far is better than the original series. Yeah, I know we’re only two episodes in, but the animation and direction are so much better than OG Adventure. I hope they can keep this level of quality up!
Well, that’s it from me this week!
Below are EPISODE TITLES for the next four episodes of Digimon Adventure: 2020.
They contain spoilers, so if you don’t want to know the episode titles, this post ends here for you!
The episode titles are:
Episode 3: And To The Digital World
Episode 4: Birdramon Soars
Episode 5: The Holy Digimon
Episode 6: The Targeted Kingdom
It seems we’re going to wait a while for Mimi and Jou’s introductions. But I actually do like that they’re slowly introducing the kids, because it opens up so much space to really introduce them. The series has done a great job with Taichi, Koushirou and Yamato so far, so I’m optimistic that it’ll treat the rest of the kids right in the end, too. Hopefully?
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panharmonium · 3 years
round 3 of in-progress naruto thoughts, featuring me crying tears about pretty much everybody
[spoiler policy disclaimer first, as always: i’m only still in the early stages of shippuden (we just finished the asuma arc).  i literally had zero interest in naruto growing up, so i remain unspoiled for virtually everything that happens past this point.  i would love to stay that way, so please don’t interact with this (tags included, because the notifications now show them to me automatically) with any spoilery commentary, including even general things like “oh i love this show but it gets less good after X point” or “X season is better than Y season” or any general assessments of quality/likability/etc re: future seasons.  Thank you! <3 ]
- well, folks.  i have apparently reached the point in my viewing experience where i am deeply emotionally attached to virtually all of the characters and i care when bad stuff happens to even the most minor of them, because the asuma arc really ripped my heart out and used my feelings as ping-pong balls
- that said - i have to admit, if you’re going to kill a character, that was the way to handle it.  it wasn’t glossed over or dropped like a hot potato; it had a huge arc attached to it and major development for the other characters involved and it came full circle at the end in such a quiet, complete way.  i was hoping from the very beginning that the answer to “who’s the king” was going to be “children” (all i could think about was asuma yelling at kazuma “children aren’t pawns to protect the king!” during the sora arc) and ultimately that ended up being true, and i found that so satisfying.  (painful.  but satisfying.)
- SHIKAMARU.  HERO.  i always loved him, but what an incredible arc he had.  and that episode, “team 10″ - WOW.  wow.  they really kicked it up a notch for that one - that was legitimately beautiful television, not just “good by naruto standards.”  gorgeous animation/composition/editing...this show is in fact capable of magic, when it takes its time.
- grow up, you three.  the shadow of death hangs over us all.  some deaths may be harder to accept than others, but if you can’t get past that, there can be no future!  
^^ this is legitimately my favorite line of the series.  i can’t stop thinking about it.  i love how tsunade is speaking from her own experience, and how she’s not wrong - nobody in this confrontation is wrong, really; shikamaru has his stuff more together than tsunade realizes, and tsunade is just telling the truth, and i just love how this entire line relates so closely to the thematic heart of this arc, which is the sanctity of children and the future they represent.  like...so many characters in this show have seen so much death and tragedy, but we see children/the promise of the future pulling people out of that hole and back into a hopeful place.  it’s literally tsunade’s whole story with naruto.  she’s speaking from the heart, and it’s one of those lines that you can feel resonate across the whole story.
- kakashi, once again, coming to destroy me with his level of devotion to the kids.  not even his own kids, this time.  when he shows up at the end of “team 10″ and offers to take over for asuma and go with shikamaru’s group - i lost my mind.  he’s been keeping an eye on those kids the whole time.  nobody told him about what they were doing; he has no reason to be out at the gates at that time of night - he’s been keeping tabs on them.  he knows exactly what they’re going through.  he knows how they must feel.  he wants to make sure they’re okay.  and when he sees that they’re in an appropriate frame of mind for what they’re planning (aka, not unbalanced by rage or grief or the desire for revenge), he immediately offers himself up as an adult support figure.  he inserts himself into that situation and assumes responsibility for making sure nobody gets hurt.  he puts himself into a position where he can escort them through this experience safely (in more ways than one).  he lets shikamaru take the lead and achieve closure, all while simultaneously monitoring the situation to make sure every choice the group makes is the safest, smartest thing to do.  and then in the battle, he puts himself in between the kids and certain death over and over again - he saves their lives so many times. 
the kids are so grateful to him for doing that.  they respect him so much for it.  they feel supported.  they feel looked after.  they feel validated.  three kids who just lost their adult mentor in such a sudden, violent way - for them to have another grown-up step in and temporarily assume that role, for them to feel a pair of capable, steady hands propping them up before they fall down - that is so important!
kakashi is beautiful to me because he takes every horrible thing that ever happened to him and turns it into an unwavering commitment to help other people navigate the same rocky waters.  everything he does is designed to catch people when they fall, particularly when it comes to children.  he doesn’t have to take that kind of interest in asuma’s team.  none of the other adults are monitoring them like that.  but he understands what they’re dealing with and he knows they could hurt themselves if somebody doesn’t take care of them and so he steps in and assumes that responsibility himself.  and then he does the same thing with team 8′s kids, too, in the next arc, when kurenai is out of commission.  he takes all of his own painful experiences and turns them into ways he can protect other people from stumbling into the same pits he fell into, and i’ll tell you this for damn sure - he’d rather take a deadly hit himself than allow another cohort of children to be wiped off the face of the earth before their time. 
i love that about him.  i love that he turns all of the trouble he’s seen into ways he can be a source of strength for others.  i love that he is always thinking about the kids.  that’s the whole point of this arc: children are king.  kakashi knows that just as well as asuma did, and the way he consistently throws himself in front of the children to keep them safe is my favorite thing about him.
- fucking LOVE that shikamaru turns down the feudal lord’s offer because he wants to stay in the village in case his friends need him.  i feel like this kind of choice is never portrayed as a good thing in media - it’s always shown to be better to get yourself out there, try something new, leave old things behind, take a risk, make a change, as if staying home is somehow the same thing as settling or wasting your potential.  i love how asuma lifts up shikamaru’s decision to stay rooted in his home as a worthy and admirable thing.  the will of fire, indeed.
- the EMOTIONS i felt every time kakashi was helping naruto figure out how to complete the rasengan....when kakashi tells him “i truly believe you are the only shinobi who can surpass the fourth hokage” and then while walking away yamato’s all “you sweet-talked him” and kakashi immediately sets him straight like “no.  no.  i believe he can do it.”  SOBBING.  
- “good old asuma.  he must’ve known you inside and out, huh?”  i’ll be over here crying in the club, folks
- kakashi having conversations with sasuke in his head was Too Much for me ;__;
- we watched a bit past the asuma arc and are now into the part about the gemstone lady but the only thing i have to say about this new arc so far is about jiraiya and honestly i’m going to have to gif it to do it justice.  that scene with him and naruto where naruto falls asleep on him just...struck me down where i sat.  i was actually about ready to cry for real.  my feelings couldn’t take it.  i used to not really care too much about jiraiya in the shonen jump days (and yes, there’s some stupid stuff with him that you have to just look past if you’re going to enjoy things) but i love him so much now and i am finding myself so moved by the way he is rejoining the village and (re)building his connections with the people there, and how much meaning has been brought back into his life by the opportunity to work with naruto in particular, and how like...i mean, this is just my own impression, because i haven’t seen his full backstory yet, but he strikes me as someone who’s been running away for a long time, who had very little hope for the future, someone who experienced some terrible things and gave up, just like tsunade, until he runs into naruto.  and now things have changed for him, and it warms my heart to see it.  i love watching him take naruto on training field trips, and i love the depth of care we see from him towards naruto now - a far cry from the “i don’t like kids” of early shonen jump.  i love seeing him collaborate with kakashi - tag-teaming their teaching and climbing in through the window to check on him in the hospital and teasing him about how silly he looks with a sheet over his nose.  i’ve just become so touched by his progression and by the way the establishment of these relationships with “his” kids and the village as a whole (bonds, connections, all the things that this show can’t shut up about) has almost been a...healing sort of thing for him and has changed his entire outlook on life and given him a new sense of hope/meaning.  
like.  i can’t believe i am out here having jiraiya emotions after how little i cared about him when i first met him, but...here i am.  
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chibi-mushroom · 4 years
Just as a heads up, I wanted to add a disclaimer. This story is not necessarily canon to my AU's canon. I'm a long way off from these two getting to interact and I still have some things to think through. I also need to decide if Namine's backstory is going to stay the same or if I'm changing it slightly. So please bear with me and enjoy!
It was a warmer morning in Skyhold and for once there hadn't been a lot of snow. Riku and Ava were checking the Inquisition's mail when he heard the smaller girl chuckling a little to herself. He didn't know that he liked the smirk that filled her face.
"Did you get a love letter or something?" Riku inquired.
"Not at all. In fact, I think Namine's going to have quite the headache when she sees it."
"What is it?"
"Oh just another letter from Lord Odin in Kirkwall."
Riku rolled his eyes. Usually Namine handled all of the correspondence between the Inquisition and the noble class. After all, she had a knack for working with nobles, despite coming from a poor Antivan trading family herself. Still, this was the third letter this month from the man. Lea never liked to talk about Kirkwall even though he was a viscount there. Surely Namine would have told him if Odin had been reporting trouble, wouldn't she?
"He's been writing a lot recently. Is everything ok in Kirkwall?"
"As terrible as it's always been." Ava shook her head. "Listen, I have a job for you to do today."
"A job? But I promised Sora and Ephemer we'd-"
Suddenly Riku felt a very sharp point at his neck. He knew without looking that Ava had unleashed one of her daggers with the fancy waves on the hilt. She was good with a bow, but he had personally seen her be absolutely deadly with her daggers. The smirk that had been on her face once was now gone, but she still looked amused. He wondered what she looked like under that fox mask, and whether her eyes shone with good or ill intent.
"Ask Strelitzia to take you to the greenhouse and pick Namine a nice big bouquet of flowers." She instructed.
"You want me to…?"
The dagger pushed a little deeper into his throat. She hadn't broken skin yet, but the blade was really the only thing he could pay attention to.
"Pick the girl some flowers. I'm sure she would be grateful for them."
The bard removed her dagger and beamed at him. She was dangerous alright. He was relieved she was on their side, although there were days he had questioned even that. As she sauntered away with the letter from Lord Ordin, Riku rubbed the spot where the dagger had been just moments before. He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see none other than Sora himself.
"So, I guess we gotta take a rain check, huh little boss?"
"I told you to stop calling me that." Riku brushed the Qun's** hand off. "It's Riku."
"Force of habit. No more difficult to stop than Lea and his nicknames."
"I guess. So, what's going on with the ambassador? Ava certainly seems quite amused."
"Namine's got a letter from Lord Odin in Kirkwall. Again. So I'm supposed to go get flowers for her for some reason." Riku sighed. "You have a good idea about how women work; what's all this about?"
"Dunno, I'm not in on the war table conversations." Sora shook his head. "Hey, I've got an idea. I'll go visit Namine and see what's up. That way you can stop being shy and tell her how you feel."
Riku sputtered, trying to argue about the way he felt. They had gotten close, but it was out of a need, not a want, right? The sky was tearing apart and they still needed to find out about so many loose ends that hadn't been resolved yet. Besides, he had no idea how Namine even felt about him. It would make meetings at the war table much more awkward if he couldn't even look at the ambassador.
"I'll take your inability to speak as a yes then. Don't worry buddy, old Sora will figure out exactly what's going on with the woman of your dreams." Sora clapped him on the back.
Sora left behind a still sputtering Riku as he hurried over to the ambassador's door. Ava had just left and Sora took a moment to listen in at the door. He didn't know Namine as well as he probably should have; she was usually working on something at her desk while he was out with his chargers**. She seemed super sweet though, and harmless enough.
He did have to admit that his horns made it hard to actually get his ear to the door, but he managed to hear the faint sound of vellum being shredded while Namine muttered something. There was a movement. She must have been tossing the vellum into the trash. More steps- walking back no doubt. The room was silent now as far as he could tell, although knowing Namine, she was likely writing out some forced and overly polite response. It was how all nobles tended to write. He waited a moment and then knocked on the door.
"Come in." She replied.
"Hope I didn't catch you at a bad time or anything." Sora entered.
"No, just writing a response to a noble in Kirkwall. After that I have a few personal responses to send out. One of which is to my parents. They've been mailing me nonstop since your chargers swooped in and kidnapped my sister on her wedding day."
With a chuckle to himself, Sora crossed his arms over his chest. He recalled how Noctis had asked him for help to rescue his beloved Lunafreya from having to marry a man from some wealthy Antivan family. The chargers had been a little less….formal than they could have, running in while the ceremony was going. But the look of relief that crossed over the bride's face when she saw Noctis made it all worth it. They had even gotten a chantry** brother to marry them in a small but intimate ceremony a few days later.
"That's right; it was a lot of fun. Hard to believe it was only a couple of months ago." Sora smirked.
"No Sora, it wasn't fun. Swooping is bad."** Namine sighed. "It's been a headache just trying to reassure both sides that the other will come around eventually."
She paused.
"Although I'm happy for her. She smiles so much now, and I know that's because of Noctis and the other chargers."
"That's what we do. Brighten the world one smile at a time."
Namine held her tongue. Luna got off easy. Although her parents were fuming, her potential groom found someone to replace Luna rather quickly. The marriage was supposed to help the Montilyet family work their way back into being able to trade in Orlais again. If it hadn't been for that rival family… She breathed out a sigh. There was no way to turn back time. She just hoped when it came time for her own nuptials that she could avoid the worst.
Sora leaned in satisfaction on the table where she worked. Most of the tables here were quite sturdy- none as steady as the table closest to the commander's quarters, of course. But then, that table was hardly ever used for writing these days, it seemed. At least once he had heard some sort of magic being made between the templar commander and their apothecary- but he was just getting off on a tangent. Namine had eyed him as if to ask what he was there for.
"Why don't you give this Odin guy what he wants?" Sora asked, hoping to draw out what was in the letter and change the subject.
"Give him- Sora, this is politics. You can't just give people what they want at face value. There are usually strings attached. Things go wrong when you simply ask for what you want."
"Someone smuggling some ancient book out of Kirkwall again?"**
Namine tilted her head, unsure if she were supposed to understand what he was referring to. He waved off her confusion, looking over her desk. There, sitting on the top of a pile of papers was a letter written in very fine ink. There was a green wax seal on the envelope that held a picture of a lotus. The ink itself was also of a high quality. The letters didn't have an occasional blot from the way it came out of the pen. Someone had spent a lot of money on the supplies for this letter.
"Nevermind." Sora shook his head. "So, this one of your responses?"
One glance at the pile of papers told her exactly what he was referring to. She raced to cover them up, a slight blush on her face from embarrassment. He didn't need to know details of the Montilyet household. He had already learned of her parent's reaction to the scandal that was Luna's wedding. Seeing how everything happened there would likely cause extra precautions when it came her turn for matrimony. She was a caged bird with no hope of escape.
"Hey, sorry, I swear I was just trying to lighten the mood. I know you're frustrated about that Lord in Kirkwall." Sora softened his voice when he saw the way her face fell.
"If you must know, his name is Naveen. He lives in Tevinter and he's the son of a very prominent magister." Namine spoke just above a whisper.
"Is he helping the Inquisition?" Sora looked at her with a cocked eyebrow.
"Not….exactly." Namine responded.
She gripped the letter harder and her hands began to shake while she bit on her lower lip. It was just like her to ruin everything. Sora could likely understand everything now. It wasn't her place to tell about Naveen, and yet there they were. The Qun likely hadn't meant to see the letter, Namine hoped. Sora didn't seem to be the kind to snoop. Still, she hadn't told anyone about this yet and needed a chance to vent a little. The letters were coming more often and Naveen had been speaking more frankly of his heart in them. Whether that was sincere or flattery she had no idea. Namine quickly moved to the entrance. Before closing the solid door, she checked the hallway to see if anyone was coming.
"Hey, I didn't mean anything by it. Sorry, Namine." Sora pouted.
"No, please, it might be better this way." she wrung her hands together. "But anything we say can't leave this room."
"What's going on, Namine?"
"Promise me you won't laugh."
"On my honor as a Qunari"
Namine took a deep breath before sitting down and replacing the now crinkled up letter from Naveen. She wasn't looking at him, but instead at the hands she had neatly folded in her lap. Without realizing it, she was biting her lips again. Slowly, she looked up at Sora who was waiting patiently to hear what it was that she needed to get out of her system. Even if he couldn't tell Riku about the letter, he could at least assure his friend that Namine would be alright.
"Had you ever heard of the Montilyet family before you met me?"
"Well, not really, but I was also pretty busy doing jobs all over for the longest time." Sora shrugged. "Why?"
"Well, a long time ago, our family owned hundreds of naval ships. We protected merchants leaving and coming into Antivan waters. After a scandal, we lost nearly everything and had to settle being small scale Ferelden merchants. We get by, but I can tell my parents miss it." Namine explained. "Then when I was younger, I made some choices I'd rather not talk about before being invited to come join the inquisition."
"But in all of this commotion trying to set my family up, I guess...I sort of lost who I am….and what I care for. Now there are important decisions to be made and I'm just expected to sit still and look pretty."
Sora nodded, understanding what it was she was trying to say. She continued on about how she had met Ava when she was younger and learned about the ways of the bard from her. Although Namine was slim on the details, she did mention how much of that training now helped her avoid having to pick up a weapon again. Still, all of that had come to naught, as she still had no leads as to where to find the contracts that would help regain their trade ability. There was a wistfulness that came from her voice; it wasn't about the trade at all, even though she hadn't said it straight out.
"I may not know what path will be best for you, but I do know this: you just keep on trying and you'll reach your goal."
"Do you really think so?" Namine asked.
"Of course!" Sora stood, placing a foot on the seat of his chair. "For the Inquisition!"
She looked at him with confusion. What on earth was he doing? Sora looked down at her in the hopes he could rally her to join him. When he looked down and saw that she didn't understand what he was doing, he held his hand out for her to pull him onto the chair next to him.
"For the Montilyets!"
He placed one foot from the chair to her table. She followed his lead and scrambled onto the table afterward. With more confidence, she repeated her own family name. There was something about Sora and his rallying cry that made her want to believe that she could restore the trade abilities before she would have to face her future.
"For Namine!" Sora raised a fist into the air.
She raised a fist as well, although she kept silent this time. A small smile played on her lips. Maybe there was hope after all. Odin would give up trying to marry off one of his daughters to Riku, and Namine would find a way for her family to trade again. There was hope, there was work to be done-
There were still papers covering her desk.
Subconsciously she had stepped back to get down from where she was standing. It was sort of silly how they were standing on the table, no matter how old and sturdy it might be. Besides, Sora never seemed to wear shirts, even into battle. Instead, he opted for the Qunari vitaar, which was a poison that was fatal if it touched anyone who hadn't been born into the Qun. He wasn't wearing any now, but Namine became aware of just how close they had been standing by the strong smell of the soap he applied to get it off afterward. He didn't want to risk Kairi touching it by accident.
It was the strangest thing. Somehow she felt like she had begun falling in slow motion. As she stepped back there had been a knock at the door. Something registered in her mind that someone had entered the room, and something dropped to the floor. She gave a yelp and closed her eyes, expecting to hit the floor.
But she never did.
Instead, the scent of firewood and smoke crossed her senses and she could feel a strong pair of arms around her, holding her up. She hadn't even fallen very far. When she opened her eyes, she saw the Inquisitor. Her cheeks went crimson and she looked back to Sora who was smirking like a cat.
"Did...I interrupt something?" Riku asked.
"No, not at all." Sora hopped off the table. He picked up the bouquet and turned around before taking a step out the door. "Saving these for anyone?"
"Actually, those are for Namine." Riku responded.
"Aww, what a kindly gesture. You'll have to let her go at some point if you want to give them to her. Unless you *wanted* to hold her this long. Here, I'll leave them here for you both to enjoy." Sora put them down and then headed down the hall a short distance so he could still hear what was happening.
Riku nearly dropped Namine upon hearing that, but after catching her again, he carefully let her down. She wasn't quite ready to stand on her own, so she placed a hand on his arm to steady herself.
So that was the result of so much violence. She thought, which caused her to only glow more red.
"H-here. Ava suggested I bring these over for you. They're from the greenhouse." Riku handed her the bouquet.
"Thank you. I-I'll have to send her my thanks as well."
There was silence for a moment.
"Is everything okay? Ava said you might get aggravated by that letter from Kirkwall." Riku inquired.
"Yeah, it was just another noble. With you being the leader of one of the most influential groups in Thedas**, it only makes sense that everyone wants you to marry their children, but I figured you'd want to focus on the rift for now."
He stared blankly at her as if he didn't quite understand what she had said. Namine looked away and bit her lip again. Maybe she should have just said something to him when she got the first letter. She had learned a lot from her past, but nothing like this was covered in her training. She wasn't sure if she even *should* be feeling anything in this particular moment.
"Namine I-"
Riku was interrupted when Kairi ran into the room, Sora attempting to stop her.
"I heard a scream. Is everything ok in here?"
"It's fine! Nothing going on!" Riku blushed.
"I was just trying to reach something and Riku caught my fall!"
Both spoke at the same time in a rushed voice that Kairi knew as being a lie, but with the way they were blushing and how Sora had been trying to stop her, she automatically understood what was going on to some extent. When she smirked the same way Sora had only a short time ago, the Inquisitor and the ambassador looked to realize that she hadn't let go of his arm since he put her down. Quickly they slid apart, blush laying heavily on their cheeks.
"Sure, sure." Kairi chuckled, now dragging Sora out of the room.
When they had closed the door behind them and walked a short way away, Kairi slipped her hand into Sora's.
"Let's sweeten the pot on our bet, shall we? An extra fifty gold goes to the winner if they get together before the empress's ball at the Winter Palace."
"My dear," Sora smiled as he squeezed her hand "I think you have a deal."
Okay, notes time!
So if you saw my picture for Sokai week, you'll have an idea of what Sora is supposed to look like. For those who haven't played Dragon Age, the Qun or Qunari is both a type of people who are born with horns on their heads (with a few very rare exceptions) and the religious lifestyle they lead. They're super interesting and I love learning about them.
Sora's chargers are his best friends/band of fighters. In this particular au it consists of Mulan, Noctis and the Chocobros.
The Chantry is the major church of the world, and it kind of controls the templars who keep the mages from letting demons possess them. Long story short, a lot of people have lost confidence in the Chantry in telling them the truth and doing the right thing.
For those of you who have played Dragon Age Origins, the 'swooping is bad' line should be very familiar to you. I laugh so hard at it with every playthrough that I was practically contractually obligated to include it.
Can't say too much about the book getting smuggled out of Kirkwall, as that goes into spoiler territory. But just know that the Qun tried asking for their book back and someone ended up dead. (in canon. Not sure what I'll be doing in the au yet, haha)
Thedas is the name for the world in Dragon Age.
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ezrisdax-archive · 4 years
I think the only rhythm game I ever liked was parapppa the rapper. And that game is like one of the worst games with timing button wise. I’m sad but not surprised about khmom, I knew that kairi getting her dues was low 😭. I’m still going to watch a let’s play of it though. I love the kh soundtracks so much!
Can I ask you to do the pairing ask with the kh cast? Like sora and riku, kairi and olette, and Aqua and Cinderella.
oh man I remember parappa the rapper, I had to just watch friend play that one, I do like rhythm games in theory but in me actually playing them I’m more likely to throw a controller through the wall in frustration. well let me know what you think of it! I did enjoy the hollow bastion area at least in the game, I always liked those songs.
Send me a ship and I'll give you my (brutally) honest opinion on it
okay no lie a lot of this is just cause this was a big ship when I was like thirteen/fourteen. but I loved them, like come on in KH2 when Sora’s looking for him and then they meet up again and he finally sees Riku and breaks down? that was prime material right there.
like I don’t tend to do childhood friends to romantic pairs a lot cause that idea doesn’t often appeal to me but I do love it for them. The only thing that of course bothers me is that Kairi gets kicked out of this or vilified somehow when it comes to fandom material for it. I do see that happening less and less these days though so that’s something.
I think I just like how much faith they have in each other? like how whenever they’re split they still talk about the other and believe the other is doing the right thing or will be able to help somehow. Riku’s got a lot of self doubt but Sora believing in him 100% is just cute to me.
I actually only came into this pair recently when I picked KH back up a few years back and while I do like Xion/Olette more I really like this one too. For what little interaction they had they were already a lot of fun and on the same wavelength in areas. It’s a shame they didn’t get to see each other again in KH3 or interact again, like even so Olette knew Kairi was safe??? Do those guys ever learn that?
Anyway, I’m always here for the rarepair femslash pairs and these two would be a lot of fun! It appeals to me in the sense there’s not a lot of angst going on, don’t get me wrong I do enjoy the angsty pairings but also not having one is just refreshing. Give Olette a world hopping girlfriend 2k20 and give Kairi someone she can just talk to about everything and laugh with.
They are gay and square can’t tell me otherwise. Okay look! I’m weak for the princess and knight trope!! they fit it!! For what little we even got of them interacting it was surprisingly gay? Aqua offering her hand? Cinderella taking it without hesitation? Wake up Disney, this is the true love story in the making you’re missing.
But I just like the idea of them, cause Aqua doesn’t get to interact with a lot of women her own age which??? square fix this. Anyway, I do like to think Aqua pops back in and checks on those worlds and runs into Cinderella again and they can get to talking and Aqua tries so hard to keep the world hopping thing a secret but somehow Cinderella figures out some of it anyway. And then Cinderella sews something for Aqua to wear with her to remember her when she’s out saving those worlds. And they get to be girlfriends.
Let them interact again, please square I’m begging you.
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yo-namine · 4 years
Okay, time to talk to myself about Re:Mind and Limit Cut Episode. 
Spoilers galore under the cut!
I'm just gonna start off by talking about how the DLC handled my biggest gripe with base KH3, which was obviously how Kairi was written in the last few hours of the game. Like I said in my other post, Re:Mind doesn't totally fix those problems, but... Well, here's what we get:
Kairi's "murder" is reframed a bit in the DLC. Base KH3 presents it as Xehanort killing her just to provoke Sora et al. into "clashing" with him to make the final key. In Re:Mind, we learn that Xehanort was actually stowing Kairi away (by "crystallizing" her, which... means she wasn't dead? But Sora still takes all the steps Chirithy gives him that are specifically for restoring a heart from death, and it works, so...?) as a fail-safe of sorts in case he needed another Light. Xemnas foreshadows this a bit when he says that Kingdom Hearts needs the Princesses of Heart in case the whole 13 Clashes of Light and Darkness thing doesn't work out. And for what it's worth, I do think this is a little better for Kairi as a character just because it shows that she was "killed" due to something unique and special about her, rather than what she was to Sora. She's still being used, and she's still sapped of her agency, but presumably no other character could have worked in that role against Xehanort, so... that's something, I suppose.
During the Xemnas/Saix/Xion fight, there's an added scene where all the Lights get to take a shot at Xemnas, and Kairi actually broke that motherfucker's guard and made him stumble when no one else could... And then she got captured, bloop, but at least this time it was because she was actually fighting and simply got bested. I can appreciate that. I liked seeing her shield Axel from Xion's attack, too.
And of course, she does get the chance to take on Xehanort later. She has a nice battle set-up (a sort of warp dash ability similar to Riku's and Roxas's, shotlock, reflect, and a GORGEOUS link attack with Sora), and it's a little cathartic to play as her taking Xehanort down. However, I don't think she ever learns that Xehanort took her as a safety measure for his plan or why she was the one chosen for this in the first place. She doesn't speak to Xehanort at all, which makes her big battle with him at the end feel rather... impersonal? And never mind him "killing" her in KH3; Xehanort's ultimately responsible for her losing her family when she was four years old, as well as the destruction of her home world. I'm not saying Kairi and Xehanort needed to have some long overwrought conversation or anything, but there definitely should've been some dialogue between them.
Kairi's actually involved in Naminé's restoration after all!!!!!!!! I remember the Ultimania's explanation of Naminé's return leaving a bad taste in my mouth because it seemed like they framed Kairi's death as ultimately a good thing, because hey, at least her murder freed Naminé from her heart. But that's not what actually happened; instead, Kairi and Sora go to Radiant Garden at the end of the game, and she lets him use the keyblade to release Naminé's heart from hers. And honestly, that scene right there? That was probably my favorite part of this entire DLC. The fact that Kairi really did play a part in restoring her Nobody is a much better payoff to her earlier lines in the game about wanting Naminé to have her own experiences. She wanted to give Naminé her life back, and rather than that being something wrenched from Kairi against her will, it was something she did for Naminé of her own volition.  I just. 😭
/tl;dr thoughts on kairi
As for everything else in Re:Mind:
I loved the background moments with Sora and Kairi in the ending cinematic. Each one is framed so that you can't see their faces, so they all feel like you're looking in on something secret. The "Behind the Curtain" trophy name is pretty fitting (and just downright cute, lol). And like I said above, I loved the scene where Kairi and Sora restore Naminé's heart. You just see him pull the keyblade away from her chest, and then she cradles Naminé's heart in her hands and fjsldfjskd. I teared up at that. It was just such a sweet and gentle little moment. Sora and Kairi taking Chirithy to Ven (and Sora even giving them a little push, lol) was really sweet, too. I loved their body language while they watched Ven run off, how you see them turn toward each other just slightly.
I also like how Sora and Kairi's relationship evolved from "Even if we're apart, our hearts are always connected" to "Heart connections are nice and all, but I'd much rather actually be with you."
Demyx and Riku interacting was something I never knew I needed. Riku's like "PLEASE be careful with that vessel, it's very important--" and Demyx is just "Bro, I got this," and hoists it over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
Sora and Roxas actually talk to each other! I liked the scene where Sora's Station of Awakening starts to peel away to reveal Roxas's, and you get little glimpses of Roxas's memories. And it turns out that Sora actually did release Roxas's heart from his, and it wasn't just Xemnas kicking Xion into his chest that did the trick, lmao. I like that change.
Xemnas mentions that the original Organization doesn't remember Xion, but they do have records of her. That's a nice little tidbit to have for my Day 4 AU. 👀
Saix says the Guardians must be desperate if they're getting a Princess of Heart involved in the war, and Axel's like "Nah, she's our trump card." Aw. I also thought it was interesting how Saix purposefully uses Axel and Roxas's names to try to trigger Xion's memory of them.
I had to watch the recusant's sigil bit like four times before I understood what the hell was happening, lmao. The sigil represents the Sea Salt Trio's actual connection to one another that they had to "reclaim" from Xemnas, which... okay, but why was that needed? The thing I always liked about this trio is that they're the only one that we see develop fully from the beginning to the end of their relationship. They were always the most believable (canon) trio to me because of that, so throwing in this whole "The sigil binds us together!" thing just seems kind of stupid and unnecessary. They're friendship is good enough as-is. You don't have to add in this nonsense to represent their bond; their relationship development itself already did that. But whatever, they still had a really cool combo attack.
Scala ad Caelum is expanded on! I really enjoyed exploring it and solving the little puzzles to put Kairi's heart back together.
There are so many cute dialogue exchanges during the Guardians vs. replicas sequence, too! Ven and Roxas compliment each other, Aqua scolds Axel for talking too much (twice, I think? Axel fusses at her the second time, lmao), Terra says something to Riku that I couldn't quite catch, and Riku's like "All thanks to you!" It's just so cute and charming, and it really made the Guardians finally feel like a team.
Mickey Mouse straight-up Boromir-ing his way through the Nort replicas was... I think I loved that? Yeah, no, I loved that. I was laughing through half of it because I kept getting knocked back, but it was a great sequence (visually and gameplay-wise).
Connecting all the keyholes was very satisfying, and was just a beautiful visual altogether.
Sora and Kairi's reunion was adorable. And then Sora sees Goatanort enter the scene, and he just looks at Kairi and is like, "You ready, B?" and Kairi's like, "FUCK yeah, I'm taking his trachea through his kneecaps!!!!!" Okay, not really, lmao. Actually, Kairi's surprised when Sora asks her that, like she didn't expect him to let her help, or maybe she felt like she wouldn't even be able to, but she says she's ready anyway. Kairi’s under-confidence in her fighting skills is a little more apparent in the DLC. Like she says "I can do this" right before the final battle, but it comes off as her trying to reassure herself. She even has a counterattack where her battle quote is "Please work!" and I don't remember hearing her say that in the base game. Girl knows how outclassed she is compared to most of the other Guardians (and Xehanort), but she fights like hell anyway. Attagirl. 🎉
And as for Limit Cut:
Aww, I love that Terra calls Riku "a great leader."
Cheers to David Gallagher for saying "Are you sure about this?" with the exact same inflection as the John Cena meme.
Riku's a master now, right? When will he get some spiffy keyblade armor???????
Okay. Riku is having dreams about looking for Sora. Sora is dead (?), and "the edges of sleep and death touch." Kairi has been asleep for the past year so that the Radiant Garden team can study her heart in effort to find Sora. Nomura? Nomura? Nomura. You cannot fuck this up, man. You can do this. You can write the Destiny Trio working together again. You can write a full story in which Kairi has an active role. You can write her and Riku interacting. You can do it. I believe in you.
The data battles are so hardddddd. I wound up just watching all the LC cutscenes on youtube, lmfao. But I do want to try to beat at least some of these bosses. Tragically, Riku is TRAPPED IN MERLIN'S HOUSE, so you can't leave to grind or anything. Boo.
I don't really care about Yozora. I think we got a confirmation from Sora that Nameless Star is Stella (?), and that's cute for her I guess, but I genuinely don't care, lmao. But I definitely understand the compulsion to include beloved characters from old cancelled projects in your newer ones, so I hope Nomura has fun with that. ...That sounded sarcastic, lol, but I meant it. I hope he gets to do something cool and creative with this recycled cast. It just might not be a story I'll end up following, is all.
Data greeting is SO much fun. I sank a couple of hours into that the other night just creating scenes and playing with effects. The controls are really easy to use, and it's even fun to just explore environments like Radiant Garden and Scala ad Caelum without messing with photos at all. I hope we can unlock more character outfits and poses in the future, but I can definitely enjoy it as is for now.
Overall, I'm pretty happy with this DLC. True, about half of Re:Mind is a rehash of the Keyblade Graveyard scenes with some extra content here and there, but it's sort of justified story-wise since we're in a timeloop. I enjoyed the extra Kairi scenes and the interactions between the Guardians the most. Limit Cut is mainly just bonus bosses, but like I said, I do want to actually beat those once I can figure out a strategy for them. And I'm obviously having way too much fun with Data Greeting, lmao, so yeah. Not a bad update.
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wingsoffireaus · 5 years
Fanfiction Recommendations
Just a few of my personal favorite Wings of Fire fanfictions. I'm going to try and keep them organized but no promises.
Also please give these fics love by leaving a review. They are honestly really good and lot of them have like maybe five reviews at the most. I'm trying to get better at leaving reviews myself. It is so important to make sure they know it is being enjoyed by others.
If anyone has a fic they don't see on here let me know since I might have forgotten it or not read it yet. Thank you and enjoy!
Healed by @sandshadow
Summary: Flame has a lot of issues and has been sent away to the healing center in the Sky Kingdom to deal with them. The last dragons he expected, or wanted, to see there were Umber and Sora. As Flame spends more time in the healing center, and with Umber, he starts to heal in more ways than one. But can he overcome the hate that's been growing in him for so long? T for coarse language.
A personal favorite of mine. And Flumber has quickly become a favorite pairing of mine in this fandom. The only problem I have is there's not a lot of Flumber outside of this fic. But that's okay since there has been an addition to the lore (is that the right word here?) of the fic with an adorable two-shot that takes place a little bit after the events of this fic.
But on other news it's honestly just a good character piece as well. Umber and Flame get great focus and we also get to see Sora again. And there's therapy. Honest to goodness these characters are getting therapy. Praise the Moon's!!!!
10/10 will read again. (Honestly its become one of my therapy fics that I read when I get upset. 😆)
Embracing Peril by Ilral (for the life of me I couldn't find out if there was a Tumblr for them so please let me know so I can add it onto this post.)
Summary: Peril always knew she was different, of course, but it still surprised her just how many ways the world came up with to make her distant. Oh well, at least Clay is here now to buoy her up. And they might just have more in common than she realizes...
A pretty good Cleril fic that deals with a lot of potential prejudices the dragon society might have. A lot of these aren't my headcanons but I can still appreciate the work that went into the fic. And the characters are written pretty well. I like seeing Clay and Peril as an established couple.
A perfect example of it being possible to enjoy a fic even if you don't necessarily share all of the same headcanons as the author.
How to Dance with Rainwings by @quasimagical
Summary: Deathbringer had never anticipated the harsh reality of being pushed away by the love of his life. But when the RainWing queen presents him with a new assignment, he finds himself trapped in the middle of an even more puzzling predicament. AU.
OMG. It's a Jambringer fic. Honestly this one is really cute and I totally ship it. Just a warning Glorybringer isn't the only ship the author breaks up. And while I personally don't ship all the ships they went with I'm the type of person who can still roll with it. Haha.
Another issue is it actually has not been finished but from what I've heard the author does plan on picking it up again sooner or later. But it's definitely worth a read. It's good to see a Deathbringer fic where he is actually treated as a character and not... Well you know exactly what I'm talking about.
Anyway give it a read and review! It's worth it. :)
The Prince and the Body Guard by @a-croissant (based off of their bio on ffnet so hopefully that's right.)
Summary: A oneshot between Turtle and Pike. When Turtle notices that Anemone gets rid of Pike, and Pike runs away, he decides to go after him.
That's right it's a Pike/Turtle one shot. Low key this is really cute. That's kind of all I have to say about it. I ship it and it's adorable.
Character Fics
Winter: A Character Study/Faded Portraits by @sandshadow
Summary: Winter lies awake thinking of everything he's done wrong. The family he disappointed, the love he lost, and the friends he pushed away, but as the night wears on he comes to a new realization about himself.
Wow! Two @sandshadow fics on the list? What?!
Nah but seriously guys this is potentially one of my favorite fics in the fandom. Because I don't know if you know this but I am a Winter fan. And I am still bitter about how he was treated at the end of DoD.
(Also if I have to read any more Winterwatcher fics about him apologizing to Moon for being reasonably upset about a legitimately traumatic experience I am going to scream. )
Anyway. This is what I wish his epilogue in DoD had been. Read it for yourself. Leave a review... I practically an essay myself. My bad. 😅
Winter Returning by Fatespeaker (I can't find a Tumblr for this author so if anyone knows please let me know so I can add it to this post.)
Summary: A week before Icicle's trial, Winter returns to the Ice Kingdom for a very awkward visit. Tensions are high. Old conflicts have resurfaced. With his tribe still reeling from the recent disaster, his family destroyed, and a complicated friendship to deal with, Winter is left picking up the pieces of his old life...and discovering hope for a new one.
Surprise, surprise. It's another Winter fic. I love this boy so much.
Honestly this is done pretty well and we also get to see Winter interact with his family some more as well as getting to see him face some of his own trauma.
It's angsty in all of the best ways.
Aftermath by Fatespeaker (this author has some pretty good stuff honestly.)
Summary: When it comes to living family, Starflight definitely got the short end of the stick. He's kept his distance from his mad scientist father. Well-meaning Fatespeaker wants to help her friend by interviewing Mastermind, but even the briefest of conversations can dredge up uncomfortable truths. War is complicated...its aftermath is messier still.
Kudos to the author for touching on a pretty controversial character. I mean I completely understand why people dislike him. But I can't help it. The fact that his first thought when meeting Starflight was "look at my beautiful boy isn't he astounding!" It was just so refreshing in all the best ways.
I knew the shoe would drop, and what a shoe it was, but I still have a weird fondness for him. And don't fuss me. People can like characters who did horrible things and the thing is I think he's not beyond saving. It will be a lot of work but its possible.
Mastermind- The Scientist and Mastermind- The Monster by The Friendly Space Marine (Again. I don't know if there is a Tumblr for this author. I am so sorry.)
Summary: Mastermind. The NightWing who would become infamous for experimenting on live RainWing subjects. But what is the story behind Starflight's often demonised father? Why did he do it? What drove him to such lengths?
Mastermind. The NightWing embodiment of the mad scientist archetype. A dragon held in contempt by his own son. A monster responsible for unspeakable crimes against the RainWings. What made him do it? Did he ever truly realise the gravity of his actions? 
I really like this take on the character! It adds a new layer to him that nobody really wants to acknowledge or see which I think comes back to the fact that people want to always see characters as good or bad. And I've already stated that I hate that mindset. Like... Wow, people with that mindset must live in a very boring and frankly cold world. I'm sorry for your loss.
Story Driven
Stories that are a little more story driven. Although some are very character-based too so this was kind of hard for me separate. Anyway enjoy!
Finding Peace by @warriorofspectra (for some reason it won't link. I don't understand Tumblr!!!)
Summary:Peacemaker has enjoyed a happy seven years. Raised by his mother and living amongst the RainWing and NightWing Tribes, he would ask for no better life. But with the emergence of nightmares, which have grown increasingly vivid upon arriving at the Jade Mountain Academy, Peacemaker begins to question whether or not the life he lives truly is his own or the shadow of another.
Ey... I already talked about this one before but it's definitely up there as one of my favorite fanfictions and probably my favorite Peacemaker fanfiction.
I don't even want to say anything in too much detail because it's just too good. All you need to know is the characters are great, including OCs. Peacemaker is adorable and almost makes me feel bad for hating the strawberry scene... Almost. Seriously just read it. And then take a peak at the authors side drabble series from POV of the other characters. There's one about Winter that I read just because it makes me so happy to see him again. Agh!
In the Light of the Moon's by Qebui (which is actually a group of people. So I have no clue if there are any Tumblrs associated or not)
Summary: We know the Dragonets of Destiny. Five dragons hatched on brightest night. However, what if the dragonets had hatched in the moonlight instead?
That's right we got a thrice born Starflight and Sunny Fanfiction. Not too much to say about this one. I just love this concept and I like what the authors are doing with it. :D
And... I think that's pretty much it. Wow, this was a lot of hard work. But fun. Lots of fun. And it was good coming back to some of these. Again if there was any I missed please let me know and I will glad I do an updated list adding them to it.
Thanks so much and see ya next time!
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