#physical exertion
fishthegenderwitch · 1 year
Thursdays I take two buses to work (alternate location) and if the first bus is late the connecting bus is sometimes missed.
Or in the case for this morning, the first bus was late, the second bus stop was CLOSED due to construction. The sign at that stop tells me to go to the next one, 2 full city blocks south, so I hoof it, checking over my shoulder in case the bus comes. It's foggy, damp, and not cold, so I'm sweating by the time I get to the next stop... which has a sign that I have to go to the stop 4 BLOCKS FURTHER, OVER A RIVER.
I am overweight, not super duper healthy, shitty lungs from COVID, short legs from Hobbit, tired, hungry, sweaty, AND LATE, and I have to hoof it in panic-mode craning my neck over my shoulder every 5 ft while trying to connect an extra 6 blocks this morning.
Not my best start to the day. But I have over 3300 steps today already.
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elegantzombielite · 2 years
"Everyone confesses that exertion which brings out all the powers of body and mind is the best thing for us; but most people do all they can to get rid of it, and as a general rule nobody does much more than circumstances drive them to do."
Harriet Beecher Stowe, abolitionist and novelist (14 June 1811-1896)
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unorthodoxsavvy · 2 years
Whumptober Day 4: Dead on Your Feet
Malcolm awoke in a dark room. It took his eyes time to adjust to the darkness, but when they did, he was able to look around a bit more clearly and process what he was seeing. He was stood in the middle of the room, and all around him spikes erupted from the floor, leaving him only enough room to stand where he was, lest he wanted a spike up his ass. Malcolm already heard the constant kink jokes from anyone who saw the restraints he used to sleep with so he didn't accidentally harm himself while he slept during one of his night terrors- he didn't need to be adding a spike up the ass to that.
Malcolm continued to look around at the walls. They were carved from stone into a vague brick pattern, though it was more like the room had been carved or hollowed out rather than built. There didn't seem to be a door. Malcolm wondered how he'd been sleeping on his feet before waking up, and how he'd gotten in here in the first place. He looked up. There he could see the faint outline of what seemed to be a hatch. It was almost as if he'd been strapped into a harness, placed on this small section on the floor where his body somehow kept him standing up through being unconscious while the harness or whatever was removed and pulled back up.
Malcolm in a harness. Just another thing to add to his ever-growing list of suggestive things.
Malcolm lifted one foot gently and then the other. The spikes were large enough that Malcolm could place his feet sideways between them and essentially walk around the room by placing his feet where the bases met, but he would have to turn his feet sideways, placing them on the sides of the spikes, and one wrong move where he wasn't able to catch himself and he was going to be in a world of pain. It didn't seem worth it to try. Not yet at least. Malcolm had all the time in the world until something happened.
But that was the thing: nothing happened.
Malcolm stood for hours in that one spot, shifting his weight from side to side and he took turns giving one foot and leg a rest. He'd squat sometimes, his knees jutting out in front of him and his ass jutting out behind him. He was able to brace himself on the bases of the spikes near him with his hands from time to time, but he could never take the weight fully off his feet, and they were killing him. He was starting to wonder if perhaps that was the point. Some sort of torture method where he was forced to stand until he passed out or something.
Unfortunately for Malcolm, he routinely went days without eating or sleeping. He wouldn't be passing out any time soon, just extremely dehydrated. He wasn't sure if people could pass out from dehydration. He figured it was something he should know, but he didn't.
Malcolm spent the passing hours talking and singing to himself until his throat started to go dry. Then he started thinking and singing to himself in his head. He made sure to focus on keeping his thoughts flowing so he didn't go crazy. Not that it was going to happen overnight or anything. Just that it was good to make a habit of it now while he was still sane for when his sanity started to slip.
If he'd make it that far. Couldn't people only, on average, last three days without water? He wasn't sure how long it had been, but a rough guess was at least 12 hours. What did dying of dehydration feel like anyway? Would he just go to sleep? Would he become so tired not from lack of sleep but lack of water that he eventually just fell over and impaled himself on the nearby spikes? He wasn't sure, but he also wasn't looking forward to finding out.
Malcolm was occasionally resting his eyes while hunched down, but any time he really started to drift off he caught himself. He might've been less tired if he was more preoccupied, but he still wasn't that tired to begin with.
What seemed like roughly 24 hours had passed and Malcolm was thirsty again. He'd gotten thirsty about 45 minutes in anyway, and then it had eventually gone away, and then come back, and then gone away again, and on and on like that until this moment where he was thirsty again, and he assumed it would go away again.
He noticed his hunger more as well, probably because he wasn't busy focusing on other things to take his mind off it. When he went days without eating any real food it was because he was so busy he just didn't have time, but even then he'd suck on a lollipop or pop in a mini snickers and try his best to convince his brain to convince his body it was a real meal and that it was, in fact, sustainable.
He was having a hard time differentiating the pain of being on his feet for 24 hours with the pain of everything else in his body from having limited movement. Gently he placed his hands by his feet at the bases of the spikes nearest to him and used them to help push him back into a standing position. Malcolm shifted his feet from side to side in order to get the blood moving again and to force the tingling feeling away. When that was achieved, he gingerly placed one foot at the edge of a spike, then the other, and proceeded to walk around the room like that. Walking, or whatever you wanted to call the balancing game he was playing, didn't feel good, but it felt better than standing. When that started to wear off, he stood back in his spot and continued to stare at the wall in front of him.
Malcolm had no way of knowing what time it was in the outside world or any way to measure time passing. There was no rise or fall of temperature in the stone chamber, which might have alerted him to when it was day or night. No slivers of light, sunlight or other, ever shone through the cracks in the hatch above him. The silence was deafening and still he stood.
36 hours roughly had passed in Malcolm's mind, but he was sure he was off a good amount of hours, maybe even 10 or more. Time was meaningless, and it was loosing it's comfort as a social construct. Malcolm was no longer a member of society. He was a human in it's rawest form. He was something else.
The creature that once bore his name was starving and dying of thirst. It was caged, alone in the dark, and all it wanted was some food and water.
It looked around the dark with hollow eyes, no more thoughts running through it's head as it just stared, waiting to die.
It took so much longer than it could have ever wished for.
It's last thoughts was of someone else a long time ago who had predicted it's death, that some day it would just grow so thirsty that it would keel over and the spikes that surrounded it would penetrate its flesh and bleed it out. As it watched it's blood run from it's body, it reached into the pool and dipped it's fingers in the warm liquid, bringing it to it's mouth. Finally. Something to drink.
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ahmed25646 · 2 years
What is the best time of day to exercise?
What is the best time of day to exercise?
People participate in an outdoor workout and fitness session, June 10, 2022, in Nashville, Tennessee. ©Sara Kauss/GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA/Getty Images via AFP doggie Recent scientific studies have explored the benefits of workouts and sports sessions. Depending on the person’s fitness goals and gender, mornings or afternoons may have an advantage. Atlantico: You recently published a study…
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serialunaliver · 2 months
I just saw this mother live-streaming her 13yr old son walking on a treadmill for "weight loss motivation" HELLO? it's so dark in here????
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fauvester · 10 months
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"go ahead and take the credit for good cardassian genes!"
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papasmurfsbeard · 1 year
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u can’t tell me that being raised in the military then immediately choosing a hands-on profession doesn’t make him BUILT
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alexis-royce · 4 months
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Bandwagon meme for The Ex-Disgraced Academic! Two different challenge ratings are on offer:
For a charming dalliance; they’re rated at 1.5/4 Stars. A little interest, a little charm, and a smart suit will do nicely; The Academic is outgoing and very quick to climb aboard a new adventure.
The second challenge rating is for someone who wants to get to know the real Academic- 4/4 Stars.
DO NOT DO THIS. You will have to expend ludicrous amounts of resources to even get a 50% Luck roll to impress them. On an exceptional success, your actions will be so impressive that The Academic will be sent away to The Boatman or The Tomb-Colonies.
You’ll certainly have their attention then.
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tazmiilly · 17 days
got 8 full hours of sleep except it was 8 hours of nightmares, so I'm still tired as fuck
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unfilteredrealities · 11 days
I might have connected the dots 🤪
So back in April in the year of 2023 I had a Covid infection and it took some weeks until I felt okay again. I wonder if my cardiac issues are related to that. If I might have either post Covid related issues , or maybe even me/cfs and that maybe my Pots might be from that too? Maybe???
If anyone has any tips for me or suggestions if those stuff can be connected with each other?
I know y’all aren’t doctors but just in case anyone interested in the symptoms I experience atm here they are.
My current symptoms I experience since 2023 are: high pulse fluctuations like between sitting and standing 46 beats or 50 beats in the matter of seconds going up, sweats doing like minimal effort , walking a bit is already too much for my body, right leg is half in paresis but that only happened since a month now and for that I am using a crutch for stability, insomnia, restlessness , I sleep 8h but wake up as fatigued and tired as I fell asleep, feeling like I’m getting a cold, hot flushes , sometimes skin rashes, dizziness, seeing stars, light fever from time to time, feeling like I will black out , I think I’m experiencing crashes after I’m pushing myself too hard , trembles , memory issues , dissociation , pain, anxiety, low moods and the rest I can’t recall this moment because my brain stopped working 😭
Any ideas , suggestions, tips and tricks welcome
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proteusolm · 3 months
It is such a culture shock finding out how different hiking culture is in mountainous areas. Especially in Europe and western North America. In Ontario, to go for a hike is just... going for a walk in the woods. It doesn't imply anything about intensity, it's mostly about enjoying the ambiance of nature. In so many other places it seems to be more of a sport, less about nature enjoyment (though of course it is still there) and more hitting distance and elevation goals, pushing ones physical limits, operating at peak efficiency. I love to hike, but when I read online hiking communities it is fully unrecognizable to me. The amount they spend on gear, special hiking clothes, etc intimidates the hell out of me. I think they'd kill me if they tried to hike with me, I spend so much time aimlessly wandering around, flipping rocks and logs to look for bugs and salamanders, identifying plants, etc.
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thissmycomingofage · 4 months
OK you know what ? Fuck that. Fuck her. That's it. I'm done with her. Done with her.
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e-adlirez · 4 months
Trolls Band Together musical reading
Hiiiiiiiii so guess who got ratgrabbed and yanked down into the abyss yesterday as of the time I'm very impulsively writing this--
I went in not expecting much but a couple minutes in they were able to win me over with the plot and the surprisingly strong moral core despite the very simple narrative
And I dunno why (prolly because uh spoilers that I'll get into in a bit) but I wound up reading the movie through a musical lens, which is what this post is about :D
So if you haven't seen Trolls Band Together and don't think you want to (either because you're not optimistic due to the past two films or because you're by some chance a Disney elitist who's somehow trying to trick us into thinking Wish is somehow better than this banger), MAJOR SPOILERS for Trolls Band Together, you have been warned :]
Aight so the main reason I wound up with the music-based reading on first watch is because of the mention of the Perfect Family Harmony, which is what the protagonist boyband BroZone is trying really hard to hit, and I just so happen to be into music (I play drums :]) and just so happened to have been practicing harmonizing in recent times so I guess it lined up just enough for me to look at the film in a musical light, which was a lot of fun :3
Now, the plot of TBT is a very simple one: it's a big "hey guys how about we work together" kind of narrative, which we've seen before in every group-related franchise ever. However, the one thing that I found extremely fascinating was the fact that this story wasn't just being told by narrative, but by music. Specifically BroZone's harmonies and how they develop throughout the film :]
(Fair warning I'm not gonna be able to go Howard Ho levels of detailed, I don't even know how to distinguish chords by ear :'D I'm just gonna be talking about what I hear)
During the intro sequence, we see that John Dory (who I might end up calling JD for simplicity in this essay) has this thing about the Perfect Family Harmony (the PFH) and is trying to get his band to hit it. Obviously, his tactic for this is perfection and pushing his brothers to be perfect for the sake of hitting the PFH on their tour debut, and insisting that he takes the lead, which none of his brothers agree to while knowing that JD is not gonna be hearing any of their protests. This part is very important, because I'm sure that all musicians would know from rehearsals, if the group can't agree on whose lead to follow and wind up not listening to each other, the result is absolute chaos. Not literally as chaotic as BroZone's stage malfunction, but it do sound like that when none of the parts are working together :D
However uh, there's one thing I also want to point out with both BroZone's tour debut and when BroZone has their first full rehearsal together. When they sing their songs, the harmonies are very subdued and very simple, which is particularly shown in Perfect. There are very little facets to the harmonies, to the point where at any given bar in the performance, the line between backing vocals and main vocalists is extremely clear. The backing vocals even sound distinctly softer than whoever's leading at any given point, minus when the boys are singing in unison. Speaking of which, I could be wrong, but I think the parts in the song are like two at most and on occasion it's just the boys singing in unison? More musically attuned readers are free to correct me on that front, but that's what it sounds like to me.
Anyway the main point is, the brothers are forced to maintain these very fixed and restricting harmonies that more or less sound the same, and of course they are-- JD (if he composed the songs) wrote them and he insists that his brothers follow them to the letter, meaning they can't improvise or go beyond what we hear in the film. Granted it's prolly because of their specific genre of music and the fact that the boys are supposed to be teens at eldest and literally a baby at youngest, but the harmonies don't ever diverge or serve to give the song more layers. They remain exactly the same, more or less perfectly in unison, and even during their first group rehearsal with the band back together in (almost) full (could be wrong can't really relisten to that part of the movie rn), their harmonies are perfectly in unison but lacking in dimension, just like how they were during their disastrous concert.
In these, it is very clear that JD hasn't changed a single bit since the last his brothers saw him. He's still obsessed with the idea that he's the leader (even though a BroZone superfan like Poppy remembers him better as "the old one" and it even took her a bit to remember his part in the band), even though in reality, he's kinda nothing without the other members of the band. Which kiiiinddddaaaaaa shows seeing in Perfect his voice sounds very similar to Clay (I bet if I listened to the soundtrack first I wouldn't have been able to pick out JD's voice), and even his part in the PFH is the same as Floyd's.
As I mentioned earlier, due to the circumstances behind this extremely impulsive rant, I can't really check BroZone's first rehearsal after reuniting rn, but I bet it would've been the same case, because what I DO remember about that scene is that JD was being the same old JD, and everyone was trying to tell him that they've changed since they last saw him (contrast to him not changing a bit because he's trying to maintain that illusion of perfection he's been chasing this whole time). From what I remember, anyway, their harmonies were basically in the same boat as Perfect: clear, subdued, restrained against the singers' will to follow a lead vocalist at all times.
Now, we're gonna shift our gaze from the brothers for a second and take a look at the twins Velvet and Veneer. Yes they are iconic and yes their songs are iconic, but one thing I wanna point out is that when I first listened to Mount Rageous on the soundtrack, I had a really hard time picking out Andrew Rannell's voice because it was backing vocals-ing so hard that it was near impossible to not hear Brianna Mazzola's extremely dominant vocals (no hate to either, Brianna Mazzola SLAYED as Velvet), and the comments section of the video I was listening to for the soundtrack seemed to share my sentiments about wanting to hear more of Andrew Rannell, but hear me out:
We know from the film that Veneer is the nicer sibling. He's a material gworl with a heart and he genuinely doesn't like hurting Floyd, especially when you listen to how they address each other and converse with each other in the film. Now, seeing just how much on speaking terms Floyd and Veneer are on, how conflicted Veneer feels about keeping Floyd hostage and torturing him, and how Veneer is always worried about Floyd's health... it would make sense for Veneer to use Floyd's music essence or talents very sparingly, wouldn't it? With that, compare him to his diva sister Velvet, who squanders Floyd's essence even for dress rehearsals, and always sings for the back row and flexes as many riffs and runs and belts any and all opportunities she gets (hence why she CARRIES Mount Rageous). Makes Andrew Rannell's more subdued and in-the-background performance as Veneer more deliberate, doesn't it? :3 (Still wanna hear his voice more tho, it'd be nice to hear what Veneer can do on his own)
Something something the Veneer siblings are direct foils of BroZone something something Velvet is a direct foil for JD and Veneer is a direct foil to Floyd something something Rageous Twins-Floyd angst anyway back to the thesis of this thing--
Now, you'd think that JD keeps up his perfection shtick all the time, but he very obviously doesn't and it is shown first in his jam session with SpBruce and Branch in Bruce's family restaurant-cafe-lazy Susan thing, through the harmonies. At first I thought it was just because their voices had clearly matured since their childhood (which it partially is), but the other reason is the fact that their harmonies are so much fuller than they were in Perfect. They even give Pentatonix vibes in their little vocalizing bit, that's how full and multifaceted their harmonies are in the song; and the main reason is because in that jam session, everyone's in it just for fun, therefore everyone is free to add their little bit of vocal flavor into the song.
If you listen to JD and Bruce's harmonies in the chorus, you'll find that they sound more full and multilayered than ever in such a way that they didn't need five entire band members to pull off. And most importantly, the line between the leading vocals and the backing vocals are a little blurrier in the sense that leading and backing vocals for the most part are on the same volume, and they opt to sing a multilayered unison for when Poppy joins in, who is also adding her own mezzosoprano piece to the song and is given the room to do so. Everyone is given the room to do so-- Bruce's bass and Branch's tenor in particular get to shine while JD provides support with his baritone-- and of course they're given room for every single one of them to shine, because this isn't a concert, it's just a fun little jam sesh that also serves as a bet to showcase BroZone to Bruce's kids. It's ironic how the one time JD doesn't feel the need to be perfect, is the time you can really see why BroZone is such a good boyband that everyone fell in love with during their time.
Now, I did mention BroZone's first rehearsal (and I don't have much else to say about the rehearsal besides the fact that JD's obstinance means that they're doing a repeat of the tour debut), so I'll talk instead about the next time they manage to work (or in this case, sing) in harmony: A Better Place and its iconic pre-chorus.
Now, first of all I will mention the moment prior where the group has that little heart-to-heart about the PFH and how they don't need to be perfect to hit it, they just need to be together. While this is a very cheesy line, it's actually very true if you think about it from a technical musical perspective: when you're singing, you technically don't need to be perfect to sound good, and the same goes for if you're singing in a group. The most important thing about singing in a group is that you're all together, you're all on the same page, and you're all in agreement on who's going to take the lead for everyone to base their singing off of; and they have all three of those things. All of BroZone is together and able to communicate with each other, and they're all on the same page because they're all agreeing to follow Branch's lead. Ignore for a second the poeticism of Bitty B now taking up The Leader position in the vocals, the fact that the group was able to agree on who'll lead and who the others will listen to is not only a good showcase of what having a good team and leader is like, but also what it takes for a group to be able to sing together and not sound like a house of people trying to sing Happy Birthday. (It's also an achievement with this bunch but I digress.)
In A Better Place, we get to hear everyone put their own bits of harmonies into the song: we get to hear Clay's beautiful vocalizations in the pre-chorus and the chorus, Anna Kendrick joining in with her soprano is always a treat for the eardrums, Camila Cabello's improvisations are very tasteful, the LAYERS that make the pre-chorus so addicting to listen to, we even get to hear Crimp adding a bit of ukulele and it's very cute and she looks so happy you guys <:], Floyd's little vocalization at the end sounds heavenly even though the poor man hardly had anything left in him Lord bless him-- and under all of this, Branch's voice still sounds prominent enough to act as a baseline that doesn't overpower but ties all the other voices together, like a concertmaster of an orchestra being the one to set the pitch and make sure that everyone is on the same page. Everyone is listening to each other, everyone is adding their own flavor to the song, and everyone is in harmony.
Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk :3 if you managed to stick it out to the end then uh holy crap I commend you soldier, your brainrot must be as severe as the Trolls tag on Tumblr made yourselves out to be :D /j
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good-beanswrites · 9 months
Ahh ive been reading some of your writings and they're just so warm and fluffy to read (if that makes sense??) Though i cant really express it in the tags ;; also if its alright, may i please request blanket with mikoto or tears with fuuta? - @erimnar
Omg thank you -- I've been so grateful for your tags! :)) And thanks for the requests, I had a lot of fun with these woo! I went with a real fun one for Mikoto/Blanket (once again, picture T1 minigram vibes) and I'll post a slightly angstier one for Fuuta/Tears soon 👍
“Mikotoooo, just share with Muu,” the girl pouted. “I mean it!”
He scooted out of her reach. “What are you gonna do, stab me about it?”
Muu’s jaw dropped, but there was no real horror behind it. “Maybe!” She lunged for him again. 
After a strange rattling from the walls had woken some in the middle of the night, all the heat in the prison had seeped away. Es had left to fix it immediately, and no one had seen them for hours. In Mikoto’s opinion, they seemed better versed in law than plumbing and mechanical fixes. He had no idea how long they’d all be shivering like this in the winter chill.
The prisoners walked around all morning in a mismatch of spare layers. Mahiru giggled inside one of Shidou’s extra doctor coats, far too big on her. Mikoto hadn’t stopped laughing that Shidou owned extra doctor coats in the first place. Yuno’s stylish hats could be spotted on several of the prisoners, Mikoto included. (He’d given his own beanie to Kazui, earlier.) Fuuta had handed out a concerning amount of sweatshirts, and Muu had some fashionable scarves that gave enough warmth to be useful.
In addition to the ridiculous getups, they each carried their bed sheets around their shoulders. Mikoto was surprised to find himself the envy of the group.
A while back he’d requested a weighted blanket; he remembered finding one helpful when work got too overwhelming. Milgram had provided a fairly large one, though he felt it hadn’t worked as well here. He didn't expect it to cause a stir until Shidou pointed out that its weight would make it even warmer than his own. Following that, it didn’t take long to attract the small army of murderous children that were after him. 
As he stepped away from Muu, Yuno leapt at his other side, ready to snatch the blanket off of him. Although Haruka and Amane were too nervous to make a grab at him, they stood anxiously nearby rooting for his loss. Mahiru had jumped in as well. Her quick movements forced Mikoto to spin around and draw it even closer around his shoulders. Caring less about the blanket, but always ready to tackle someone, Fuuta joined the scuffle.
It wasn't like Mikoto cared about the blanket, either. He had no issue sharing it with the others. He knew the attitude in the prison had been dropping recently. Despite the brief camaraderie from sharing articles of clothing, everyone’s mood had been especially bitter today. As physical discomfort added to their mental strain, things could go south quickly. The place needed to liven up a bit.
He stepped back from the blanket thieves, flicking the corner of it from Fuuta’s hands. 
“Not so fast!”
Fuuta fumed. “You asshole…”
Yuno, meanwhile, seemed up for the challenge. “You’re quick!”
“I’ve had a bit of experience…” He flashed a wicked grin. Mikoto didn’t talk about his family much, but a few of the others knew he grew up on fairly good terms with a younger sister. His big brother instincts had developed just fine.
He darted this way and that. He faked and sidestepped and spun. As his opponents grew bolder, he ended up sweeping the blanket off his back. He swung it around the room with less effort than expected. He was stronger than he looked, and easily kept the girls at bay while wrestling Fuuta for the blanket. He let out a laugh as he fought back against all the grabbing hands. Taking advantage of the height difference, he lifted it directly over his head.
The position wasn’t the most secure, though. His taunts were quickly replaced by feigned cries as the others dragged him to the ground. As they pinned him down, a cheer erupted from Haruka before he covered his mouth. The others joined in the celebration as they claimed their prize.
Mikoto lamented, “you’re so cruel… you’re all so cruel…” It was good, he thought, hearing them all laugh.
The loss of his blanket wasn’t his only punishment. Heaving an exhausted breath, Yuno flopped down directly on top of him. She tucked herself and Muu into the blanket. Then Mahiru wiggled in, beckoning to Amane and Haruka. By the time they all nestled in, there was just barely enough room for Fuuta to squeeze in with everyone. 
Mikoto wheezed from under the pile of prisoners.
“Okay, okay,” he said. “You win. Fuck -- let me breathe...”
Mahiru just made herself more comfortable. “But you’re so warm!” The others muttered their agreement. Not one showed any sign of moving. The prison was far too cold to give up heat like this, after all.
“That’s because you all made me work so hard!” He huffed. “Come on.”
“What are you gonna do?” Muu giggled, doing a poor impression of his voice, “murd--”
“-- Aw, shaddup…”
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good news: i sketched a dragon bunny that'd work as an adopt
bad news: even just a sketch has completely depleted my spoons, i honestly don't know how i would manage to line it anytime soon, let alone set up genes And handle the interactions needed to run an adopt shop
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suchacomet · 9 months
“the locked tomb is about love vs. freedom” “the locked tomb is about death” “the locked tomb is about the dangers of codependent relationships” “the locked tomb is about climate change” “the locked tomb is about identity with regards to the soul” yeah sure but above all else. the locked tomb is about bodily autonomy
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