rkdlrhe5a · 1 year
shemale sophiaa latina chaturbate webcam colombia Muslim daddy dick gay porn and shaven sex in the woods xxx POV Gozada gostosa do novinho Paraense Just For One Night with Jodi West Petite Teen Megan Marx gets Surprise Dick in Van Young couple pussy licking blowjob and fucking GabyCerejinha Com o Seu Amigo De Longas Datas Matando a Saudade Um Do Outro Busty chick playin wit her big tits Hardcore lesbian Sydney Brooks vintage toys and oral sexy japanese stepsister loves the lovense live on cam
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Megamind: please Wayne, just come. Do it for me? Do it for love?
Wayne: damn buddy, you know Wayne loves love. I’m in!
Megamind: all right! Now put on your phoniest smile, cos we’re going into the belly of the beast!
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Megamind: phonier.
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Megamind: phonier!
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Megamind: there it is! Into the beast!
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meandmybigmouth · 1 month
Satanists Not Welcome in Schools But 'Welcome to Go to Hell', Says State Official
Satanists Not Welcome in Schools But 'Welcome to Go to Hell', Says State Official (msn.com)
Christianity! Fighting for religious freedom! Not that one the other one!.
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There is no phonier, more racist bigoted hypocrite than a Christian American!
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67 pleaseee 🤍
Oh I like this one a lot 🥺🥺🥺 turns out this medical au is now living rent free in my brain so I’m just writing more of it before I’ve even started the main fic dklfjgdlfdg imagine if I had a normal brain 😅 anyway, thanks anon I hope you enjoy!!
101 ways to say i love you with actions
(67) Sitting next to them when they don't know anyone else around them
Beca tugged a little at form fitting fabric of her jumpsuit, grimacing as she looked around her. How the hell she’d let herself get talked into doing this, she had no idea. She’d only been here a few weeks, why were they getting her to schmooze with the donors, why not the pissy blonde that loved to order her around instead? Posen seemed like she’d be really good at all this ass kissing...
Beca smiled stiffly as she was handed a drink, downing it quickly and swapping her empty champagne flute for another of the full ones on the tray in front of her and ignoring the look that the waiter was giving her. She was going to need a lot of alcohol to get her through tonight.
She watched her colleagues move between donors (which seemed to almost exclusively be old white men, but Beca was hardly surprised by that), full of fake smiles and phonier laughs at tired old jokes, frowning a little as she tried once again to figure out why they thought she of all people was the person to represent the ED. Nothing about her was personable, she knew that, she was almost proud of that. For her patients, Beca could be whoever they needed her to be, a physician, a confidant, a friend, but for anyone else, anyone real? Beca had a lot of walls for very good reasons and it meant that people avoided her, which was fine by her.
So why pick her to schmooze with the big wigs? Why ask her to do this when there were definitely people better suited for this than she was. Like that nurse... Chloe. People here would love Chloe, she could charm them out of millions before they’d even realised what had happened. But Beca? She’d be lucky if they threw a few pity dollars her way. This was such a bad idea... was Gail punishing her for something? Was that it? Their Chief of Medicine had decided that Beca needed a night of fruitless elbow rubbing to take her down a peg or two. That had to be it.
“Dr Mitchell!” 
As if on cue, Gail Abernathy-Mcsomething-Whatever (honestly Beca had no idea how she kept track of all her surnames, no wonder she just went by Dr Abernathy or Chief) breezed towards her with on octogenarian in tow, Beca feeling her heart sink a little. She’d hoped to be a little less sober before she had to make any effort to pretend that she gave a damn. 
“I was just talking about you with my old friend Mr Conners here.” Gail gestured to the man behind her, Beca suppressing a smirk and a snarky comment about how he most certainly was her old friend, “Dr Mitchell is our newest addition to the ED, I had to fight tooth and nail to get her here...”
Beca felt her cheeks tinge a little at this, cringing internally. She hated being talked about like a piece of meat, like chattel, but she had quickly come to the realisation that in this business, that was what she was. Not that medicine should be a business, but that was a fight for another day. Tonight she simply had to fix a smile onto her her face and act like it didn’t make her skin crawl to be thought of as a commodity to be obtained, like a trophy doctor.
“She is the jewel in the crown of our emergency department, and I’m sure she would love to tell you about her new project, wouldn’t you Beca?”
Gail’s smile was as dangerous as Beca’s was fake, watching her carefully as Beca nodded, extending her hand to the donor.
“It’s nice to meet you Mr Conners.” Beca suppressed a shudder as the old man grinned toothily at her, pressing his lips to her knuckles as if she was some kind of twelfth century dame to be wooed, “The Chief is right, I would love to tell you about the hybrid operating room-”
“There will be time enough for that dear.” Mr Conners beamed, offering his crooked arm to Beca, “Let’s get you another drink first.”
“Well that I will never say no to.” Beca laughed softly, glowering a little at Gail who waved her fingers at her as Beca found herself dragged in the direction of the bar.
It was several hours before she finally found herself alone again, silently slipping out onto the roof terrace and sitting on the edge of a planter as she slid her heels off, groaning softly as she rubbed at her feet. She would never understand why heels were so important in things like this, so what if she was only a couple of inches clear of five foot? It didn’t make her projects any less valid.
Still, even Beca had to admit that it had been a very successful evening, it felt like she had really gotten a couple of donors onboard with her idea for the hybrid OR, and if that was the case then Beca would be able to save so many more lives with it... tonight could really be a turning point for the ED.
“You scrub up better than I thought you would...”
Beca was dragged from her thoughts by a a familiar voice, frowning a little as she looked up from her feet and thanking anyone that was listening that she managed to stop her jaw from dropping. It was Chloe, looking stunning in a blue floor length dress that watched her eyes and made them shine, her fiery hair falling in soft waves down her shoulders. She looked so different from the woman that Beca worked with on a daily basis, she looked... well she looked beautiful. Not that Beca would ever say so, not out loud.
“You don’t look too bad yourself...” Beca mumbled, wishing her cheeks hadn’t blushed bright red as she had.
Chloe took a small curtsey, Beca noticing that she held a glass in each hand and beyond grateful for the promise of more alcohol right now. Maybe that would help her be a little less cringeworthy, or at the very least she’d care a lot less about it.
“How did you get roped into this then?” Beca smiled gratefully at Chloe as she handed her one of the glasses of wine, perching next to her as she let out a breathy laugh.
“You mean what is nurse doing in a room full of doctors and donors?” Chloe raised her eyebrow, Beca choking on the mouthful she had just taken as she hurried to defend herself.
“No!” Beca spluttered, “Not that at all, never that!”
“I know.” Chloe giggled, eyes sparkling with mischief, “I just wanted to see what you’d do if I said that.”
“Dick.” Beca snorted, smirk tugging at her lips, “So what, they thought I’d blow it for the ED and they sent you as back up?”
“Something like that.” Chloe shrugged, grin still broad as Beca rolled her eyes, “But it seems like you’ve been doing a pretty great job by yourself, they love you in there!”
“Really?” Beca frowned in amusement, “It’s usually the opposite reaction when I leave the room...”
It was Chloe’s turn to roll her eyes, nudging Beca affectionately with her shoulder, “You’re not that bad.”
“Gee, thanks.” Beca said dryly, eyebrows raised, “I really feel loved.”
“Oh shut up.” Chloe giggled, “You don’t exactly make it easy to love you, you know that right?”
“Eh.” Beca shrugged taking a long sip of her drink as she looked out at the city, feeling goosebumps spread up her arms as Chloe moved a little closer to her, “No-one ever sticks around long, I figure why make it easier for them to get close when they all leave?”
Beca didn’t see the concerned look that crossed Chloe’s face, instead cursing herself for her loose tongue. Why in the hell had she said that? That was it, she was cutting herself off. Too many drinks and too many hours of being in a room brown-nosing complete strangers was obviously making her uncharacteristically vulnerable.
“Sounds pretty lonely to me.” Chloe’s voice was soft as Beca turned her head to look at her, forcing a grin onto her face as she pushed back against the tears she could feel welling in her eyes. Chloe looked so genuinely concerned for her... why?
“Nah.” Beca shook her head, “Do you know how hot this lone wolf thing is for other girls? I have to beat them off with a stick!”
Chloe laughed at this, shaking her head a little. She know when she was being blown off, when someone wasn’t ready to talk about something. She wouldn’t push Beca, not tonight anyway.
“I bet you do.” Chloe beamed, “A hotshot ED doc with that bad girl, loner attitude? Talk about catnip...”
Beca grinned smugly, running a hand through her hair, “Oh yeah? Have you had any thoughts about jumping my bones Nurse Beale? You seem pretty attune to what it is I can offer a girl...”
“Oh shut up.” Chloe blushed as she shoved Beca a little, giggling helplessly as Beca almost fell off the edge of the planter they were sat on, “You’re such an ass!”
“Me?!” Beca scoffed, finding her balance again, “You’re the one trying to push me off the roof!”
“Please!” Chloe scoffed, “The edge of the roof is three foot that way, you’re fine.”
“I wonder what the Chief would say if she knew you were trying to kill off her shiny new toy.” Beca mumbled, sipping her drink again.
“I’d probably get a medal for getting rid of the thorn in her side.” Chloe raised her eyebrow.
“Yeah probably.” Beca chuckled, glancing back inside to where the benefit was still in full swing without them, “We have to go back inside don’t we?”
“Yeah.” Chloe nodded, nose crinkling a little, “But I can keep you company this time, no way they can say no to both of us...”
“Beale, as long as you don’t drive all our funding over to CT by giving all these old coots a heart attack in that dress, you got yourself a deal.” Beca grinned, Chloe blushing a little as she let Beca gently pull her to her feet.
“No promises.” Chloe beamed, “I’ve seen how I look in this dress, I can’t be held responsible for any cardio-related complications because of it.”
“You’re so weird...” Beca shook her head as she followed her into the benefit again, “I can’t believe my only friend is a weirdo...”
“You have more friends than you realise Becs.” Chloe smiled softly, “You’ll realise that eventually.”
“Yeah.” Beca snorted, “Right.” 
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seidkonaz · 9 months
yknow. the runes tell me everything is going to be okay. there is no evidence that divination works. a year and a half ago i saw the same ominous rune over and over in the trees, something bad is going to happen. i lost my job soon after. i never told anybody. who do you tell? there's no evidence that divination works. it doesn't mean anything to see shapes in the trees. trees make shapes. think about it. if you prescribed meaning to every shape you saw in a tree, you'd crazy. or at least neurotic. belief is a grift anyway, especially belief in magic. that sort of thing is for phony tiktok tweens and even phonier "hippie" moms. million-dollar mansions make you spiritual. buy this crystal, it's $200 but it'll heal your heart. bury your tampon in a nature reserve, it's not littering, it's luck. my smudge stick isn't insensitive, i'm tapping into my native heritage. my great great great great grandmother's cousin was cherokee you know. vaccinations aren't natural. take this class. read this book. blessed be. blah blah blah. that's the type of person who believes in things. i would never align myself with people like that. am i aligning myself with people like that? they disgust me. anti-science, revisionist history, ancient rituals that were completely made up in 1967. con artists. liars. am i being conned? am i a liar? there is no evidence that divination works. but i did see that rune. and i did lose my job. anyway, the runes tell me everything is going to be okay now. sowilo. something good is coming. the runes i use are made out of coyote bone. i've been suspicious about good news for a long time. i trust this dead coyote, though. more than i trust anyone else. it doesn't have any reason to lie to me. there's no evidence that divination works. but every night the fog has been rolling in, and i really like the fog. so maybe there's something to this.
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R.I.P. Mr. Explosion, Teruyoshi Nakano You might think that Nakano was responsible for some flimsy, phony effects work from the lean 70s, but the exact opposite is the truth. It was easy for Eiji Tsuburaya to create such wonderful special effects because he had an ego and was not afraid to throw his weight around at Toho to get what he wanted (knowing Toho used his name to sell their movies). Teruyoshi Nakano, meanwhile, had no such clout and had to create his wonderful effects scenes with next to no money. Tsuburaya may have had the better work overall, but Nakano had the harder road to hoe. His two magnum opuses, The Submersion of Japan and Godzilla (1984), show you exactly the magnificent effects he could deliver with a proper budget. Go back and take another look at that dam destruction scene in Godzilla vs. Megalon. I will put it up against the frankly phonier-looking American dam destruction scene in Superman: The Movie any ol’ day of the week.
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headlightsforever · 2 years
Gunn’s self-discovery was tempered by profound insecurity and bouts of inertia. At 23, he fears he is already washed up: “I get the feeling that I started writing a few years ago with something like the proper Poetic vigour, & that everything since then has been weaker and phonier, tho more polished—all my writing since artificial inducement, a recapitulation, by reference to past work.”
from “Thom Gunn’s Anti-Confessional Poetry” in The New Republic
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anthonybialy · 6 months
Really Pretend Politics
Fantasy fans enjoy fiction enough to apply it to the everyday.  Some imagined lessons don’t translate.  There’s the problem of making literal translations work, but some movie magic will surely turn dreams into reality.
Performance politics are popular amongst those who take gestures most seriously.  There’s no help by simply claiming to be assisting, if you can believe it.  The tiresome act isn’t any phonier than the rest of liberalism.
Paying people who have failed to muster much cash with funds taken from those who have doesn’t quite seem to have enriched either party.  Ancient capitalists used to conduct this transaction by working for each other.  But your ancient methods sound an awful lot of needing to do something in order to survive, and such self-reliance-based barbaric notions epitomize cruelty.
Planners of abundance created yet another perfect example of why everything they believe turns life into a barren wasteland.  Common ground doesn’t seem to motivate those affected to work together or at all.  Creators as demotivated as recipients, but everyone’s eager otherwise.
Enabling an economy by removing obstacles creates a level playing field that offends the useless.  The most optimistic either don’t think advancement is possible or don’t want to bother themselves with anything as undignified as toil.
A full shift is really more for peasants without student loan debt that Supreme Court fascists refuse to excuse.  Failing to recognize the value of creating it seems too confusing.  Woke studies majors are so smart that they didn’t take classes in any subject that could lead to a lucrative career.
Extension cords trailing behind cars puttering along at the speed of rather sluggish golf carts keep our planet existing.  Hybrids are based in the presumption the outlet is magical.  Amateur climatologists surely grasp how the globe’s temperatures work.
Oblivious researchers have found a way to liberate motorists from the thought of fuel pouring into a tank, which is more of an omission than emission.  Instead, the planet’s most pious defenders can instead focus on invisible energy beams powering smugmobiles.  Hiding emanations don’t make them dissipate.
Chopping down trees to keep life clean isn’t just in defiance of photosynthesis.  Progressive states bringing back paper bags are leading us into a different century.  It’s just one that’s already occurred.  Enjoy your receptacle that rips while attempting to enjoy a drink using a straw that dissolves as it tastes awful.  Plastic happens to be an effective way to carry the result of commerce or direct potable fluids into one’s mouth.  Pretending sipping leads to filling venti bodies of water with clogged junk may not save Earth, but at least they make you feel like you’re suffering with purpose.
The embodiment of liberal meddling coincidentally make life even worse.  Confiscating rights is supposed to make us enjoy the lack of overwhelming choice.  The actuality defied smug intentions turning into widespread misery.  Masks were a perfect symbol of embracing symbols.  Doing something is trickier unless increasing smugness levels counts.
Making it impossible to use natural gas to cook will similarly advance society as long as raw meat seems futuristic.  The style of range you likely have right now was once touted as an efficient way to heat pans, perhaps because it is.  Such controlled burning to permit pancakes to be consumed after heating remains clean, as the experiment’s results don’t change.  The inability to alter evidence through perception shocks those who claim to believe in science.
Banning joy and progress would be as close as Democrats get to efficiency, so forget it ever happening.  Incremental autocrats go step by step because they either don’t know what they want to prohibit next or wish to avoid revealing their tiresomely nefarious intentions.  You may feel inclined to believe pushy suzerains never think that far ahead, which mirrors how they don’t think about what’s happening now.  Lurching to whatever hysteria infects them next is not exactly the most efficient way to shape our future.
Taking the simplest conveniences is part of the ever-charming Democratic mentality that everything people have is a privilege granted by visionary politicians.  Unworthy subjects need to provide a reason to justify having anything, which is great unless you believe in rights or practicality.  We’re really lucky to possess anything, from stoves to straws to currency.  And we haven’t even gotten to decadent rights like demanding warrants.
Everyone suffering is how we learn empathy.  You selfishly don’t want to spend a term hurting just to see how all the other wretches feel.  Don’t forget what Joe Biden did to you if you’d like to remain a good person.  Making a show out of doling out currency buys votes as long as the interest hikes to compensate doesn’t kick in first.  A magical president turned bills themselves into virtually worthless slips.  It’s as if increasing the supply makes something less valuable.  I wonder how demand affects the process.
Tossing around currency was supposed to enrich us poor bastards.  The party into utter control thought out doling, perhaps because they were using money that was technically taken from others.  Targets of pilfering were probably thieving barons, anyway.  Generosity is unparalleled aside from how this style of altruism technically requires money taken from others.  A trifling detail about presuming everything belongs to everything else is how nobody ends up with much of anything.
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italeean · 11 months
...I actually don't like pineapple on pizza, if my parents ever bought a pizza and it have pineapple, I would always pick them off from the pizza before eating it.
So basically, I'm a phony, phonier then a belony.
So I will change my 🍍🍕anon to just 🍕 Anon
*placing a big kiss on your cheek* /p
Glad to know we have the same taste hehe ^_^
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1n6odwe7rust · 3 years
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As stated several times b4 via omonte.org >>> #telepathy trumps #telephony. Let #US hope #Z3 & alter-egos don't turn #metastatic by getting #phonier. 🦅☝️🐸🇺🇸🌎 H/T @realdonaldtrump @zuck @tedcruz @elon.ai @jeffbezos @google @twitter https://www.instagram.com/p/CWOuCGQpPgw/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jakeperalta11us · 6 years
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May 9, 2022
Ms Notley: You know, meanwhile this Premier didn’t hesitate to tax inflation. One call from the insurance lobby and, poof, the cap on premiums was gone. Tuition hikes every year, like clockwork. When the Premier sped up his billion-dollar handout to big, profitable corporations, it took him just two days, but when it’s hundreds of thousands of struggling families, he makes them wait months, and he won’t give them a clear black-and-white answer. Can the Premier explain why there is such a big difference about who it is he shows up to work on behalf of?
Mr. Kenney: Well, Mr. Speaker, the NDP is phony about a lot of things, but they’re not phonier than – the phoniest issue for them is the cost of living, because they brought in a tax whose entire purpose is to increase the cost of living on Albertans. Their carbon tax . . . [interjections]
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pop-punklouis · 2 years
hi hope, re: your tags about a new team that respects fans, I think this is why the plan is to grow his brand and have a mass audience because these are not issues that general concert going public has or experiences. Its a one and done situation and people who have money spend on tickets and merch. Unlike a person who adores the artist and does everything to financially afford it. I feel this is the least hassle strategy they plan to go forward with, less of the coddling and hand holding...?
i understand this, but you can be a bigger, mainstream artist and still respect the fanbase regardless of how goliath it is. it’s common courtesy and decency. no one would be happy if their show had zero updates for nearly three years and then when it was updated, a leg of the tour had to buy tickets all over again in new venues where said artist is in much more demand than he was before his grammy-winning album came out when most people bought these tickets. this isn’t just long-time fans being upset. this is messing with peoples time and money which upsets anyone. fanbase, general public, anyone.
there are countless artists who are in as much demand as him if not more who practice better communication and treatment of their consumers. also, it’s a basic foundation for longevity and success to foster connections with the core of your fanbase and care individually about the faces that are buying your brand bc once that aspect is gone, there isn’t a long-term gameplan. it is short-term and feels like a cash grab and gets phonier and phonier. there’s no reason to defend it or justify why it’s happening. it’s not a good strategy and lives on very shaky foundation and has for a while.
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wumblr · 4 years
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even if this works i’m still gonna be mad about it. reckless, irresponsible, profiteering on a basic utility, deliberately pursuing an unregulated area so he can be the first to make government backdoor spyware deals in it, stubborn, inflexible, un-peer-reviewed, maverick-ass, savior complex even though he’s never done anything, paypal mafia robber baron, spending a cool million on the wrong ventilators for PR, launching a for-profit internet satellite megaconstellation no one asked for during a pandemic, making jokes on twitter about gentrifying mordor after buying a lithium mine while under two separate active investigations specifically for his business finances and twitter behavior, superficial understanding of the basics, “i read two books a day,” phonier than a call center, dropped out of a stanford PhD to pursue business after two days, scam-running, union-busting-ass chump
i did try to let this post rot in my drafts (i try to limit my elon musk hateposts to one per month) but it’s been less than 72 hours and he’s pissed me off again four more separate times
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
Because of You
todoroki shouto x fem!reader
warnings: :’)
word count: 1,820
a/n: so....... I felt like I needed to write something other than smut..... so, we back on my todoroki shouto loving bullshit!!!!!!! please enjoy this, I love this so much!!!!!! this was also a request by an anon:)
“If I know what love is, it is because of you, y/n.”
Shouto shares those words, his heart hammering away as he stared at your face. His lips pressing together as he stared at the audience in front of him. They were expecting a heart-moving speech. They were expecting words that would resonate within them for ages. They wanted to cry with him, and they wanted to feel his heart, his love for you. Camera’s were on him, his fingers shaking as he looked at his prepared speech. Words he’s looked at millions of times. It’s thick in his throat, tears forming in his eyes as he still smiles. There’s noise within the crowd, and Shouto sighs, looking over at you. His will steeling over as he stares back out into the crowd.
You are his world, his everything, the reason why he smiles. You are the reason why even after his life shrouded with hate, with darkness. He stands with a kind perspective.
“If you don’t know anything about y/n, I can summarize her essence in a single story.”
“Do we really need to go out on patrol?” You sigh from the bed. Your hair is messy, falling chaotically in your face as Shouto dresses for the day. “We’re going to be out there with Deku and Bakugou, I think we can call it off for today!”
Shouto glances over at you, a chuckle on his lips as he shakes his head. “They’re covering the north, we have the south.”
“They are all weirdly territorial, I am positive if I piss off Bakugou enough, and edge-on Deku they’ll take over for us!” You moan as Shouto walks over to you, his costume fastened completely. A stark difference to your pajama-clad state. He sits on the bed next to you, a smile on his face.
“I’m sure that would work, and while I think there is nothing better than staying in bed with you, we have to go.” Shouto sighs, his hands brushing your hair away. You pout, but he watches on amused as you climb onto his lap. Your head leans against his chest.
“I know,” You mumble as Shouto wraps his arms around you, and the two of you fall silent. “I demand all the cuddles in the damn world as soon as we’re done.”
“Of course, my love.” Shouto agrees, and a defeated noise escapes your throat as you slip off his lap. “I love you.” He says cheekily, and you flip him off. Your hands grabbing your discarded costume on the floor and slipping it on.
Shouto can’t keep his eyes off of you as you change. Your form was alluring and beautiful as you finish up.
“Alright, Todoroki, let's go!” You bark, turning on your heel and walking off. You moved as if he was the one making the two of you late. Even so, Shouto could not stop the butterflies in his stomach as he slipped a black velvet box into his pocket.
Shouto laughs as the crowd stirs in humor of his story of you.
You were such a pain sometimes, but it didn’t matter to him. It didn’t matter then, and it sure didn’t now.
No, especially not right now.
Shouto looks back at his carefully pieced speech. An overwhelming need for him to stray from his words. He doesn’t though, he knows that’s a one-way ticket for him bawling in front of hundreds of people he didn’t know well enough. He stares at the next sentence, his eyes returning to your face for support.
Your expression makes him stop breathing as he faces forward again. His jaw clenched as he nods his head slowly.
“I wish… I wish I could explain to y/n the way her eyes look when she’s happy. I wish I could explain to you how the sound of your voice never fails to give me butterflies. How your smile makes my heart skip a beat without fail, and how every time I am with you… I am complete.”
Shouto wipes a tear away. The crowd is silent again, and he looks down at his suit. The black jacket formal and fitting, because you loved it when he dressed up. You loved the way he looked like when the two of you attended balls and fancy events. Your hands never left his person because you were so in love with his different wardrobe. Not that you disliked his personal style! You just were so vocal about how sexy he looked when he was in a suit and tie.
“Y/l/n y/n, there is nothing that I wouldn’t do to make you feel my love for you.”
Shouto watches as you walk beside him, your hands shooting out to wave at fans. He chuckles as you easily take pictures with your fans. Shouto falls even more in love with you as you squat down to talk to small children.
It’s bad how focused Shouto is on you. He was unintentionally ignoring his own fans. A smile on his face as they took pictures, but it wasn’t for the camera, it was instead for the woman who held his heart. The velvet box in his pockets only feeling heavier as they approached the corner. The corner where he planned to propose.
You didn’t have a single clue it was coming, and Shouto was very thrilled about that.
You stood back up and joined Shouto as the two of you continued walking. Your warm smile never leaving your face as you continued greeting fans. Thankfully, they were all in passing, and no one was able to stay and chat.
“You okay, Shouto?” You ask, noticing your boyfriend’s almost erratic breathing. Well, it wasn’t erratic per se, but a lot more elevated that he would typically breathe at. Yes, you knew these things. “You’re not freaking out, are you?”
Shouto shakes his head. He denies your words as he feels the corner of where he would sink to his knees approaching. It's all coming at a faster rate than he remembered. His heterochromia eyes locked on your e/c one’s deeply worried, but Shouto shakes his head.
“Sorry, you just take my breath away,” Shouto whispers to you, and he chuckles at the way your eyes widen. Your face snapping away as you feel embarrassed. Your hands cover your face as you groan.
“Why are you so cheesy!!!!” You whine, a smile embellishing your features as you take a step closer to your boyfriend. Your head leaning against his shoulder before pulling away. Your eyes are wide, your expression unbelieving.
“Shouto, what is this?!”
“Y/n is someone I believe we should all admire. She’s a true hero. A f-fearless individual who always puts others before herself. No matter the situation, no matter how beat down she is, she always is the first to ask if you’re okay.” Shouto curses under his breath, the tears still falling down his cheeks as he looks at your face. 
It encourages him to continue, but Shouto wants to give up. He loves you. But he never felt he needed to proclaim his love in front of people. Especially to those who didn’t need to know anything about it in the first place.
“Love is not what you say, instead it is what you do. Y/n never fails to make me feel her love.” Shouto gasps this line into the microphone, his hands clutching the paper as he tries to continue. He’s doing this for you after all, but he’s breaking at the seams. “Fuck, y/n… I love you so, so much…”
Shouto is heaving, his eyes wide as you’re crying.
Your hands are tangled in his hair, your breathing quick, tears spotting your rosy cheeks.
He stares at the speech, the words looking phonier by the second. So he does it, he discards the kind and inspiring message. His emotions bleeding through his sleeves as he almost snarls, his chest hammering.
“Why the fuck didn’t I agree with you? We could have stayed at home, and you would be okay?”
You shake your head, taking the ring and placing it on your finger. The bloody mess that surrounded your body invisible against the black concrete.
“I-I’d… I want t-to marry… marry you.” You whisper as Shouto binds your wound. Ice applied to the breakage of the skin, but it’s too deep. “I’ve been dreaming… about this since… fuck, since the day I met you.”
“Shut the fuck up, y/n.” Shouto hisses, his overwhelming emotion making him bark at you.
“Look at me…”
“P...Please look…”
“I’m broken because of you now! The only thing I do these days is think about you and all that we had! A-All that we were going to have!” Shouto’s words are heavy, and the pain in his face is palpable.
Sobs break through the crowd. The harsh reality of what this speech was about ringing clearly through the crowd.
“I want you to be happy.” You whisper as Shouto presses harsh, chapped, and broken kisses onto your lips. His promise to keep you alive a fleeting memory as your skin begins looking miscolored. The sirens of the ambulance are nearing. But the pained sobs wretches through both of your bodies. Sobs that keep the hope from stirring within either one of you.
“You’ll find a beautiful woman.” You whisper. “Make her happy, b-because my love… you never failed me. o-once”
“Stop talking, idiot!”
“I love you, Todoroki Shouto…”
“I love you, y/n… please don’t close your eyes love…. y/n! Fuck, y/n don’t fucking close your--”
Shouto clutched the podium in front of him, sobs rattling his body as he shook his head. This was a bad dream, it had to be a bad dream. You were so young, so beautiful, with so much laid out for you in the future.
“When you died, you broke my heart… and no matter how hard everyone tries, it’ll never be the same as it was before.” Shouto’s sobs had stopped, the crowd in tears as they stared at him. “I cried because of you, laughed because of you. You taught me to love and showed me that there is something to believe in. But now, I’m heartbroken because of you, and you’re not here to teach me how to undo the damage.”
With only a blast of cold air, Shouto left the stage. Hands clenched, body trembling. He couldn’t stand to see your tranquil body in a coffin. A mockery to the life you possessed.
And because of you, Shouto would never be the same.
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juniper-tree · 3 years
For the WIPs, what’s “goodnight kick”?
Thank you for asking! <3
Ah well, the “goodnight kick” idea honestly came from some weird sources: mainly an AU fanfic I abandoned, because it made more sense the further I could separate from my idea from the source.
So the concept is a noir-tinged magical gangland war between two powerful sects, one of which at least pretends to be morally upright, who both use arcane magic to undermine business deals, see the future, commit grand thefts and murders, and essentially try to wipe each other out. Among the people caught in the middle is a Philip Marlowe-esque detective who defected from one side to go solo, and has no more loyalties.
Magic noir and paranormal detective fiction is obviously nothing new, but I have some ideas that may make it fairly different from the norm.  
He stared at me with hard eyes, but there was a dark depth to them, colder than the knife at my throat. Maybe all of us had it. The regret, the guilt. Once he’d been my friend. Now he punished me for daring to look at him at all.
“I could kill you, you know. Right now. With no consequences.”
The laugh I tried only pushed my neck against the blade. The sharp sting wasn’t worth the watery bravado I managed. Didn’t fool him either. “Well, a lot of people saw me walk in here. And my cleaning lady expects me to pay her tomorrow. Nervous, that one. Calls the cops over a mouse.”
His smile was phonier than my swagger. “You talk like any of that matters. You always were the funny one.”
He pulled the knife. I wasn’t sure if the sticky slide I felt was really a cut or not—it was so smooth and silent. Not until I saw the red stain on his fingers, when he tossed the knife onto the desk beside him. It was a message.
“The police won’t come here. They don’t have to. We’re the real law. Or have you forgotten that, too?”
“You set the kid up.” The cut pulsed with pain. “A sacrifice.”
“We do what we have to. What nobody else will.” He shook his head, but his eyes never left me. “You never had the stomach for it.”
“Not for that much blood. Sight of it makes me dizzy.”
I wiped at my throat. Another ruined shirt. I was down to two.
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