#petopher week
Derek: Stiles trained the neighbour's parrot to say "Fuck me, Daddy" while they were on vacation Chris: Peter mooned a police officer during his mugshot so they would get "his best side" Derek&Chris: *simultaneously sip beer*
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you-me-we-04 · 1 year
Might be a hot take but I think a Peter Hale/Chris Argent spin off could be the best possible Teen Wolf spin off. IF they write it as a case of the week/x files type show. Here’s how I would do it, the overarching story is that Peter is trying to bring Derek back to life since that is his nephew (The greater good of the family) and he trying to be a better person (Keyword trying) so he’s decided to guilt trip Chris into this around the world trip to raise his dear nephew from the dead (and since his sister did kinda kill pretty much all of Peter’s family Chris feels likes raising one of Peter’s family members from the dead is the least he can do). So now that our odd couple has their end goal each episode would have it own case of the week with the pair helping people with their supernatural problems. Their doing this because Peter trying to be a better person and Chris is trying to atone for the sins of his family. Plus this format would be a good way of bring back some fan favourite characters without the show feel overcrowd since they could just pop in for an episode and then dip since Chris and Peter are traveling around the world. Add in some flashback to pre-fire Hale pack (even as fair back as Peter’s childhood) and Chris and Kate training to be hunters, meeting his wife.  With major themes of either coming to teams with grief/childhood trauma  and/or Chris and Peter writing a new hunters code that protects humans and the supernatural beings alike. You could have a really fun yet meaningful supernatural show, if it written well....       
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lucky-bishop · 5 months
✨ Fic Writing Review 2023 ✨
Thank you for the tags @rosieposiepuddingnpie and @thotpuppy! I still had a few works in progress that I knew (or at least desperately hoped, lol) would be posted in 2023, but now I can safely say I'm done posting for the year (though I have things raring to go for early 2024) and wanted to share my year in review!
Words and Fics
230,669 words posted across 32 fics
One fandom represented: y'all already KNOW it's Teen Wolf!
Earliest Drop: Doctor's Orders (Steter, Explicit, 2,529 words) on 1/5/2023
Most Recent Drop: Creature of the Night (Stackson, Mature, 7,529 words) on 12/29/2023
Longest Fic: Pretty Good Bad Idea (Steter, Explicit, 28,502 words)
Shortest Fic: Werewolf Healing (Teen+, 1,090 words)
Overall, this makes me super happy! My writing goal for 2023 was 200k words, and I made it with over 30k to spare! I also met my goal of posting at least once per month (although in the summer it was mostly just the biweekly updates for Pretty Good Bad Idea).
Top Fics by Kudos
The Empty-Nester Alpha (Steter, Explicit, 16,306 words)
Pretty Good Bad Idea (Steter, Explicit, 28,502 words)
Lips are for Biting (Stetopher, Explicit, 2,436 words)
Down to the Marrow (Steter, Explicit, 23,206 words)
A Long History (Steter, Explicit, 11,528 words)
Hm. I wonder what my most popular pairing and rating are 😂
My fandom fic events in 2023
The Empty-Nester Alpha (Steter, Explicit, 16,306 words) for the 2023 Steter Valentine's Exchange
Burnin' Up for You, Baby (Starrish, Teen+, 5,765 words) for the Stiles Rair Pair Valentine's Day Event
Promises, Promises (Mature, 2,789 words) | The Witch in the Woods (Explicit, 7,044 words) | What Spring Will Bring (Mature, 1,701 words) | Breaking Bonds (Teen+, 4,354 words) | Born to Run (Mature, 3,419 words) | Touch Me, Fix Me (Explicit, 5,497 words) for Deter Week 2023 (which I will be running for 2024! Details coming soon!)
I'm Sorry (like a pipe through the gut) (Petopher, Teen+, 1,675 words) for the May 2023 Petopher Event
A Ways to Go (Stackson, Mature, 10,537 words) for the Stackson Reverse Bang
Welcome Home (Stetopher, Teen+, 1,113 words) | Good Morning (Stargent, Explicit, 1,489 words) | The Best Gift (Starrish, Teen+, 1,999 words) for the Stiles Shipping Central Ficlet Exchange
Down to the Marrow (Steter, Explicit, 23,206 words) | sweeter than honey (Steter, Teen+, 1,909 words) for the 2023 Steter Bang
As We Know It (Stetopher, Mature, 17,063 words) for Fandom Trumps Hate
A Creature of Habit (Steter, Mature, 20,918 words) for Steter Secret Santa 2023
Hey Batter, Batter, Swing! (Steterson, Explicit, 5,209 words) | Creature of the Night (Stackson, Mature, 7,595 words) for the Teen Wolf Holiday Fest
Last year I said I wasn't going to sign up for so many events this year. As you can see, I lost control of my life.
Upcoming Events and Projects for 2024
Oh man! A ton of events, again, lol. I will probably sign up for at least one Valentine's Day event, like I mentioned above I'll be running @deterweek 2024, I'll be down for the Steter Bang and Steter Secret Santa again, and hopefully several months of the Stiles Shipping Central Exchange.
As for projects, also a ton. I can never just be working on one thing at once, lol. I currently have eight requests in my queue, one of which is going to be ready by early January. I have thirty-nine existing idea docs/WIPs for Teen Wolf (including that one request). Which is fucking insane of me. Actually. But for a short list of things that should be (or hopefully will be) coming in early 2024 are:
Possessive Peter Steterek
Stiles gets bit by a grindr hookup (Steter)
Lorde-inspired Stargent painting fic
Alpha form Peter/Stiles monsterfucking in the woods
Outside of Teen Wolf I have a Stranger Things and a few WWDITS idea docs/WIPs that I'd love to work on, but I just don't know if it'll happen. We'll see! Cheers to 2024! That's a wrap! Phew, thank you if you read even half of this, let alone all of it.
Rules & Tags below the cut!
Rules: Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. Would rather eat glass than do this? Please don’t eat glass but don’t feel like you have to do this either.
Tags: Anyone who sees this and hasn't done it and would like to! I know I am very late to the game, haha, but I love seeing stuff like this.
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twilight-deviant · 1 year
I think a Petopher spin-off would be funny because non-TW people would assume it's comprised of two characters who spent so much time together and had silly little adventures that could fill ample time in their own series.
But no. It's two guys who have said a dozen lines to each other. (With half of those being from the movie that came out three weeks ago.) They've met twice.
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dramaticvhs · 2 years
10 of my favorite stetopher fics
unfortunately I haven't read many stetopher fics that weren't purely smut (I like a little plot sometimes, sue me) and I only have around 15 bookmarked stetopher fics. if you have any more you like, please don't be afraid to comment or send the link through my asks! I always love more stetopher (this is me begging (like on my knees begging))
1. The Murder Weapon by twothumbsandnostakeincanon
Is the murder weapon guilty?
my opinion: this hits right in the feels. it's gorgeously written, and I come back to it any time I want my heart to hurt. I would absolutely read 100k more of this.
2. Warning: Contents Are Under Pressure by Shey
God, Stiles needed more Adderall. And a nap. And a good fuck. Possibly not in that order.
Recent NYU grad, and new law clerk, Stiles Stilinski is sixty-five hours into a very long work week, the latest in a string of very long work weeks. He’s suffering from a terrible case of no-time-to-jerk-off, and a shared apartment with painfully thin walls. To top it off, his entitled bastard of a boss seems to have missed the memo on personal space. If he doesn’t get some quality time with his right hand, and soon, he’s going to end up fired, or evicted.
Unfortunately, his roommate is forever getting in the way of his plans, and it turns out his boss is just plain trouble with a capital T.
my opinion: it's hard to believe any stetopher fans haven't already read this one, because PHEW. goodness. not only is it INCREDIBLY hot, it has feels. your (my) all around perfect fic
3. Kinktober 2020: Dom/Sub by Jokers_Wild
Peter can't help it when he hears things in the club, most are just things that see him getting hard in his pants, but tonight there's something else going on. A Dom abusing their Sub, and as much as he'd like to keep out of others business he can't. Chris and Peter find the result of an abusive Dom and help the abandoned Sub come up from a bad drop.
my opinion: it's such a good read. it's quick, adorably smutty (that's a thing) and it always makes me happy when i read it.
4. smells like love by Areiton
They smell like warm love and want.
That isn't the problem.
The problem is they smell like sex.
my opinion: if you follow my account for fic recs or have read my previous posts, you gotta know I love hurt Stiles. I like when he suffers, it's a personal flaw and all. This was beautiful, a take on Stiles we don't get often
5. Power of Attorney by Shey
“We pinky-swore that if he ever got magically roofied I have his power of attorney. I’m contractually obligated to get him laid.”
Stiles is the smart one, and he’s not leaving anything up to chance. He’s quite happy with this plan actually.
my opinion: please this was awesome. I'd read so so so much more of this, if it was written. short, but hilarious.
6. Madness by spqr
“This is a very awkward way to have a conversation,” Stiles says. “I really wish you would put some clothes on.”
“Stiles,” Peter sighs, “I’m not going to contort myself into one of your t-shirts just so you can pretend you’re not lusting after my godlike body.”
“I’m really more worried about the pants,” Stiles says, “also what the fuck, I am not lusting after your godlike body—”
“Ah,” Peter grins, propping his head up on his hand. “So you admit the adjective is appropriate.”
my opinion: hohohoboy. there aren't words. hurt Stiles, petopher turned stetopher. lowkey dead Peter. amazing Lydia. what's not to love?
7. Asking for Trouble by ViciousHyperbolizer
So, a man and his husband walk into a bar. The punchline: stiles finding out his hookup from the other night is married.
On the plus side, he didn't help anyone cheat, exactly.
On the weird side, he ends up sleeping with the husband, too.
Or the one where Stiles ends up in the middle of Peter and Chris' marriage, and the only place he can end up is hurt
my opinion: so I haven't read this one since February. I'm not sure why, and I plan to read it again immediately. I love that there's hurt with the sex, it's a dramaticvhs favorite!
8. So Well Suited by Bunnywest
Chris and Peter run HA Menswear.
Stiles works at Gamesworld.
They strike up an agreement, sharing kitchen and bathroom access.
Stiles would like to share more, but Hot Suit guys are a couple, so he knows it will never happen.
my opinion: I mean. it's by Bunnywest. We know it's going to be good. I've definitely rec'd this before, and I'll never stop. It's one of those fics where if you haven't read it, you're probably new to stetopher and if you have read it, you're going to reread it.
9. life's for the living by pprfaith
Chris doesn’t know what to do.
Considering the life he’s lived, it’s certainly not the first time he’s felt that way, but that doesn’t help him one lick right now because he absolutely does not have the first fucking clue what to do.
He shoots a look into the passenger side footwell of his truck and hopes for inspiration.
Or: Chris saves a baby werewolf and tries desperately not to move on. One of these things is doomed to fail.
my opinion: I mean, where do I even start? This is everything I ever wanted in a stetopher fic. This is female Stiles, which I normally don't read but it drew me in. Stiles is adorable, and so in love with her grumpy men. 10000/10
aaaand finally:
10. Untangled by silentdescant
Before heading to college, Stiles gets a summer job as a deckhand on the Hale family yacht, and he has a burning desire to embrace his new adulthood and lose his virginity. He’s disappointed to find that the two most attractive and unattached men on the yacht, Captain Chris Argent and rich lawyer Peter Hale, are already in a secret relationship with each other, and he doesn’t want to come between them. Luckily for him, they’re more than happy to have Stiles between them, and they introduce him to their kinky dynamic and invite him to explore his own sexual interests with them.
Written/finished for WIP Big Bang 2021. Banner and chapter headers by Tarvera.
my opinion: I've rec'd it twice and I'd do it ten more times. possibly my all time favorite. there's just really no describing how much I love it.
n that all folks! I hope you enjoy these fics if you're reading them for the first time or rereading them. <3
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ash-mcj · 1 year
12 and 3? For the fic writer ask
12 | share the playlist you have for your current WIP
I literally just put this together this week while I was planning out my petopher long fic—that’s so funny that you happened to ask that question 😂❤️
3 | what’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
probably From the Darkness Comes a Spark… it was my baby for 2.5 years, so it holds a very special place in my heart
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elirandom · 2 years
Inbetween cooking all the things & filling my freezer with lunch/dinner for the foreseeable weeks once I'm back at work, I've been reading buddie fic on ao3 & I feel like I've read everything already. I hate that feeling. I mean, I've read a lot over the past whatever (I went headfirst into this fandom & devoured fic) but since its 752 pages of it I'm 100% sure I haven't read everything. But sometimes you just reach that oversaturated feeling & you're no longer even giving fics a chance. I usually mix my fandoms, just by happenstance, meaning I don't get tired of the same pairing tropes I otherwise usually love. But now it's like my ao3 subscription emails & I aren't clicking. I couldn't be less interested in popular X, Y, Z fandom. We're just not clicking. This usually means I'll reread things I love, like Hannigram, fab's BatLantern or SuperBat for that matter. Or Menirva's AUs. Or various Steve/Tonys. Or Sterek, Steter, Petopher, Daredevil/Castle, McShep. Ygwim. But I'm missing something vaguely enough that I can't pinpoint it, search through bookmarks or epubs. Argh. It's like trying to hunt down a feeling, this is how I felt reading this for the first time. Impossible.
What's your comfort fics that you return to? The lizard brain ones?
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invisible-storyteller · 6 months
✨ Fic Writing Review 2023 ✨
I was tagged by the legend @hedwig221b, and I said fuck it, might as well try something new.
Words and Fics
331,784 words posted on AO3
6 fandoms represented (and I have many more I want to write for, oh geez)
Most Recent Drop: Thirsty and trapped
Longest Fic (Teen Wolf one): A spark of hope (is all I need)
Top Fics by Kudos (Teen Wolf ones, well Sterek actually :P)
Gay love can pierce through the veil of death and save the day 
Everybody wants some (Stiles)
Coming out (sorta?)
Fix my car and fix my tubes
Forget me not, Valentine
My personal favourites (I have to mention them, okay? They are my babies):
It wasn't destiny, we chose this (Sterek)
Complicated Feelings (one-sided Sterek)
5 times Derek talked about death, and 1 time he talked about love (Sterek)
A normal weekday in the Argent-Hale household (Petopher)
My fandom fic events in 2023
@syr-monthly and @sterekyrround events:
My Sweet Bloody Valentine (Forget me not, Valentine)
Summer 3 Event (This is what I went to school for)
Spooktober (A spark of hope (is all I need))
other events:
Kira Appreciation Week (Home is a person). 
Teen Wolf Rarepair Halloween Event 2023 (you can find my fics for this here)
Teen Wolf Anchor Down Event 2023 (Come steady me)
Theo Appreciation Week 2023 (Haunted dreams)
Teen Wolf Rarepair Week July 2023 (you can find my fics for this here)
Petopher Event May 2023 (you can find these fics here)
Wow, was I productive. Go me!
Upcoming Events and Projects for 2024
I'm never sure about events because I don't know when I'll be able to commit, but I had too much fun this year with all the events not to repeat something similar next year.
My projects (oh, boy, I have a lot! But just the ones I'm most excited about):
Pack Secret Santa (I really wanna finish this in 2023)
College smut: "straight" Derek and "straight" Stiles have a threesome but instead of the girl, they focus on each other and then start hooking up
5+1 where Stiles loves calling Derek his boyfriend, love of his life etc and does it any chance he gets
Sterek Purge!AU with slightly dark!Stiles
Stand-up comedians!AU
Sterek PWP with consensual non-con
Soulmate!AU but Stiles doesn't realize they are soulmates and Derek thinks Stiles is rejecting him because he's in love with Laura
and a bunch of other stuff that I'll never have the time to write
Rules & Tags below the cut!
Rules: Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. Would rather eat glass than do this? Please don’t eat glass but don’t feel like you have to do this either.
If you wanna @0hheytherebigbadwolf since you always bless my page with awesome posts.
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kirah69 · 3 years
Oooh, demisexual Chris with Peter comforting him and telling him he's not broken? For the Petopher Week prompt
A little late, but here it is. Maybe not as you imagined it.
[Warning: mentions of abusive family]
Rumors were loud again today in BHHS. A girl cried with her friends. Everyone talked about the second most popular boy in the school. Said boy disappeared as soon as the lunch bell rang.
Chris Argent had dated several girls, no one knew how many exactly. It never ended up well. The girls insisted that he had dumped them before they had sex or anything, but most of the school thought that he dumped them after getting what he wanted. One of the girls spread the rumor that Chris hadn't wanted to have sex with her because he was gay. The next day, Chris had missed school, and a few days later he came back with a broken arm. Everyone knew it had been his father, but no one said anything. The rumor about Chris being gay wasn't mentioned again. Even with that reputation, Chris was smart and attractive, and the captain of the lacrosse team, so the girls insisted on dating him.
Peter sighed in exasperation when even his friends wouldn't stop talking about it during lunch. He knew Argent hadn't slept with those girls because he never smelled like sex. He didn't even smell aroused around them. Or around boys for that matter. So Peter wasn't sure what happened with him, but he was sure Argent wasn't after the sex. He wasn't the bad boy Peter's friends thought he was.
Peter was tired of listening to them gossiping, so he got up and left without answering their calls. He went to the changing room, where he knew Argent would be hiding. And there he was, just sitting on a bench with the math book in his hands.
“What do you want, Hale?” Chris asked with barely a glance toward him.
Peter sat next to him with a huff and ignored his glare.
“My friends won't stop gossiping about you. You're on everyone's lips.”
“And you're jealous.”
“Hah! You wish! I'm still the king of the school, and I don't need rumors about fucking and dumping girls to be the most popular.”
“I don't-.”
“I know you don't,” Peter said, pointing to his nose. Chris rolled his eyes and looked away with a slight blush on his cheeks. “The thing is, I don't get why you break up with them before the sex. Or why you go out with them in the first place if you're not interested. More so, knowing that there'll be this kind of rumor.”
“It's none of your business, Hale.”
Chris reeked of shame, confusion and anger. Even if Peter hadn't had his enhanced senses, it was obvious on his blushed face, his hunched shoulders and his clenched fists. Much to his reluctance, Peter took pity of him.
“It's okay if you're ace, but you should handle it in some other way. I'm sure you don't want the bad boy label. That's more my thing.”
“What? 'Ace'? What's that?” Chris asked confused.
Peter looked at him with a raised eyebrow. Well, it shouldn't surprise him that the son of a conservative family didn't know about those things.
“Ace is short for asexual. It means that you don't feel sexual attraction, that you don't like sex or even hate it. I'm not an expert, but there are different degrees, I think.”
“It's not... I'm not...” Chris groaned and rubbed his face with both hands. “I don't hate sex. I'm not adverse to it. It's just...” He sighed and finally gave up, his shoulders dropping in defeat. “They want it so fast. A couple of dates and they already want to do it. And I just can't... I don't feel it! I want to have sex, but with someone I really feel something for.”
“Mm... Demi, then.” Peter nodded.
“The fuck now?” Chris asked with a frown.
“Demisexual. Just what you described. You only feel sexual attraction toward people you're deeply emotionally attached. I think it's in the ace spectrum, but I'm not sure.”
“It even has a name,” Chris muttered, though Peter could hear him just fine.
“Yeah, it's not that weird, nothing you have to worry about. But, as I said, you should handle it better or the rumors will only get worse.”
Peter got up and stretched as if he had been sitting for hours. Now that he knew what was going on, he could go back to his normal life, to being Argent’s rival.
“Why do you care about my reputation, Hale?” Chris asked when Peter was already at the door.
“Because I don't want yours to shadow mine,” he answered with a smirk.
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petopher-events · 3 years
Petopher Event!
(March 2021)
To get some more attention for our chaotic couple Peter Hale and Chris Argent, we need to make more content for people to see! I have checked out the blogs of those who follow this one and we have some really talented people ready to support Petopher!
So, time for our first Petopher Event!
If you think you are interested in creating content for this event (including fanfiction, fanart, music playlists, moodboards, edits, fan videos, etc.), please like and/or reblog this post so I know how many people I have interested - which will determine which type of event it will be.
I will announce the details of our first event on March 1, 2021.
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lucky-bishop · 1 month
Can I ask what you are working on now?
Sure! It's probably not all that different from the last time I got one of these asks! I am trying my best!
I am still working on my Steterek WIP, Possessive Beasts. Updates have been fewer and farther between but I love it so much and it will continue being updated!
I am working on two requests. One is Derek/Stiles and another is Derek/Stiles/Scott (one of the last outstanding Derek/Scott requests I have).
I am working on part two of my Stiles/Derek/Kira series, The Path Forward! That's almost done and ready to post.
I am working on chapter two of like a god, like a man, from Deter Week. It's also slow-going, but I'm committed to finishing it at some point.
Petopher throughout the years based on Peter by Taylor Swift from TTPD.
A few porny/cracky things, mostly Steter. There's three in my open projects at the moment.
The first of my two Fandom Trumps Hate projects! Steter, with Stiles and Derek's friendship as a focal point as well. I'm also working on outlining the other one.
Projects in the background that I'm not working on as actively as I'd like to be: Stiles gets bit by a grindr hookup, poly parents of Beacon Hills, Stargent painting, Stackson enemies to ??? enemies who fuck???, Scream Carpenter sister 'cest
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mostly-vo1d · 3 years
But dimension travel AU where canon petopher somehow end up in a dimension where the fire never happened and they're getting married tomorrow, but through a series of miscommunications both think they're the only one who was sent there
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A hunter and a werewolf walk into the sewer
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hd-hale · 5 years
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Let’s stop running from us
My final (belated) piece for @steterweek‘s free day was for ‘Steter plus one’ in the form of Stetopher, the OT3.
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panto-x · 5 years
“A box full of marshmallows” - Stetopher Week Day 1
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski/Peter Hale/Christopher Argent
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Peter Hale, Chris Argent
Summary:  Chris and Peter plan a camping trip to take Stiles out of town for a weekend, so their young boyfriend can get away from all the stress and pressure at home and in college. Stiles doesn't expect there to be even more surprises.
Word Count: 1500+
Author’s note: This is a work for Stetopher Week 2019 (Day 1 -  Camping/Burnt Marshmallows/Bonfires)
You can also read this on Ao3!
“Oh, this is exciting!” Stiles was grinning from ear to ear as he grabbed his bag that he had packed for the weekend and followed his boyfriends out of their apartment.
Chris and Peter had planned an entire weekend away from all the pressure and stress in Beacon Hills. A camping trip with just the three of them and Stiles couldn’t be more thrilled about it.
No Scott constantly ranting about the crush he had on that one girl in his Microbiology class – Madeline? Marissa? Maryam? Who even knew at this point! No nagging from his father to finally find someone to be in a real relationship with, no matter how amazing Chris and Peter were to him. But especially no more worrying about his classes and upcoming exams for an entire weekend!
While they were loading everything they needed for their camping trip into Chris’ pickup-truck, Stiles managed to steal a kiss from both of his boyfriends. “Thank you for doing this. It’s exactly what I need right now.”
“Of course, sweetheart.” Chris smiled at him and opened the door for both, Stiles and Peter to get into the backseat. “There is nothing better than spending the weekend camping in the woods with two handsome guys like yourselves.”
Stiles gave him a look. “Oh, right! I see! You just want to get into my pants. Oh, I should have known!”, he joked but couldn’t keep a straight face as he climbed into the backseat right after Peter.
Chris chuckled as he closed the door behind Stiles and quickly got into the driver’s seat. “I think we both know that that is Peter’s intention. Not mine,” he said, glancing at the two men in the rearview mirror. “Not that I would say no to that of course,” Chris added not even two seconds later as he started the car.
Peter let out a huff but smirked, leaning as close to Stiles as his seatbelt allowed. “Don’t act like that hasn’t been on your mind ever since we told you about the trip, sweet boy,” he teased and reached out to let his fingers brush through Stiles’ hair. “We both know how much you love having me or Christopher inside of you.”
Stiles nudged him. “I can’t deny that,” he said with an almost sweet smile on his lips.
 The three of them had been dating for almost four years now. Shortly before Stiles’ nineteenth birthday, the two older men had invited him into their relationship.
Over the years Stiles got to watch how Chris and Peter, despite being married for over sixteen years and having dated for more than nineteen years, grew closer and seemingly happier with their relationship with every passing day. And even though they had been married for way longer than they had even known Stiles, he knew that they both loved him with all their hearts and never gave him a single doubt about their relationship.
 “Isn’t he just adorable?”, Chris asked when he pulled to a stop in the middle of the woods where he and Peter had used to camp all the time back when they were still in their twenties. He glanced back at Stiles who was fast asleep with his head leaning against Peter’s shoulder.
Peter grinned. “Absolutely. And he has no idea what’s going to happen today.”
“Shh! You don’t want to spoil anything, do you?”
Peter shook his head. Of course he didn’t. He wanted to see the look on Stiles’ face after all, once their little surprise had worked out.
“Sweetheart,” Chris whispered as he reached back to brush his hand over Stiles’ leg. “Sweetheart, we’re here.”
Stiles blinked his eyes open and let out a soft groan. It took him a moment to remember where exactly he was and once he did he gave Peter and Chris a sleepy smile. “Then let’s put up the tent and start a fire because I think I’m starving.”
With a low chuckle, Chris got out of the car and grabbed their tent from the truck bed,starting to look around for a good spot to put it up. “Little help here?”, he called to his boyfriends once he had found the perfect spot.
Stiles chuckled but immediately made his way over to the man to help him. “I really hope you guys packed marshmallows because what kind of camping trip doesn’t involve marshmallows.”
“No worries. I packed more than enough for an entire basketball team,” Peter promised, “But first the work and then the marshmallows. I know you and you are not getting away with letting us do all the work while you stuff yourself with that sweet stuff this time.”
“Agreed.” Chris nodded heavily when Stiles fake pouted at them.
“You guys are no fun. Why do you think I made sure to find myself two strong boyfriends in the first place?”
Peter huffed. “So you feel all protected when we cuddle you at night? Or so we can open the peanut butter jar when the lit is on too tight and you crave one of your weird comfort food combinations while studying?”
“Or because you like being carried to bed?”, Chris chimed in. “Or maybe it is because you totally have –“
“Yeah, yeah, yeah”, Stiles interrupted him. “Those are all the reasons.” He let out a huff but couldn’t hide the faint smile that was playing around his lips. “You won. I will help set everything up first and then we will find out how many marshmallows I can eat before starting to feel nauseous,” Stiles announced with a wide smirk.
 It took quite a while before everything was set up and Peter had finally managed to light the bonfire. Satisfied with himself he sat down next to Chris on the blanket they had put down between the pickup and the firepit.  
“Wow. You people have no idea how to do camping do you?” Stiles raised his eyebrows when he came out of the tent wearing an oversized jumpsuit that looked way too comfortable, while both Peter and Chris were still wearing their dress shirts, looking way too formal for a camping trip.
“What?”, Chris asked, “I thought you liked that we have a sense of fashion and now suddenly it’s bothering you?”
Stiles huffed as he moved to sit in between them. “It’s not bothering me but you look – well, out of place.”
Peter thought about for a moment then deliberately shook his head. “I don’t think so.”
“Me neither,” Chris agreed, trying to hide his smirk as he took a glance at Peter. Oh, their boy was so clueless, it was perfect.
Stiles just rolled his eyes. “Anyway. You promised me marshmallows and now that everything is set up and there finally is a fire, can we start the actual fun?”
There was a soft chuckle coming from Chris and hadn’t Stiles been too occupied with finding a stick to roast his marshmallows, he would have noticed that both men shared a nervous look.
“They are in the ice chest over there.” Chris nodded towards the tent and reached for Peter’s hand the second Stiles got up to make his way over to the portable chest.
“Woah, you guys literally brought tons of marshmallows! Now I know why I love you!” Stiles grinned but frowned when he reached for one of the bags. “What’s this?”, he asked as he grabbed the little black box that had been carefully placed on top of all the marshmallow bags instead.
“This is – did one of you – are you –“, Stiles stuttered as he opened the little box to reveal a beautiful silver ring. “Guys! Will one of –“ He was interrupted when he turned around to find both, Peter and Chris down on one knee in front of him.
“Mieczysław Stilinski, do you want to marry us?”
It took a moment for Stiles to find his words again, not even bothering to stop the tears in his eyes from falling. “Yes. Yes of course I do. A thousand times yes.” His voice was quiet, even more so through his tears but neither Peter nor Chris had any difficulties hearing exactly what Stiles was saying and both of them were up within seconds, arms wrapped tightly around their boy.
“I’m sorry. I don’t want to cry. But I’m just so happy,” Stiles whispered into their shoulders and Chris let out a soft chuckle, wiping a tear from his own cheek.
“It’s okay, sweetheart. We are just as happy that you said yes.”
When Stiles finally managed to pull back again, he grinned down at the ring that was still in his hands. “One of you has to put it on my finger now because I’m shaking way too much to do it myself.”
“Christopher? Would you do the honors?” Peter smiled at Chris, who immediately nodded and took the ring to carefully put it on Stiles’ finger.
“It’s beautiful,” Stiles whispered. “Thank you so much. You really did surprise me. I love you both more than anything.”
“We love you too, baby.” Peter pulled him close for a soft kiss. “And now you are officially going to be a Hale too.”
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How’s about Peter, Chris, and Stiles as freelance hitmen in a loving, committed relationship.
Stiles specializes in long range sniper work, Peter in knifework, and Chris arranges “”””accidents””””
Between the three of them, there’s never a hole in their target research, never a type of security they can’t get past, never a piece of evidence left behind.
They’re also the BIGGEST bitches about each other’s work.
“Ugh, why do we let you do this?” Stiles would complain every time Peter took a job. “You literally make the biggest mess. Look at how much DNA you left behind. We could make ten clones of you with all this evidence .”
“Oh, you’re one to talk about evidence, Mr. ‘Every-Single-Job-I’ve-Ever-Taken-Can-Be-Traced-To-One-Gun,’” Peter would shoot back.
“That rifle is my child-“
“Boys, boys, you’re both terrible,” Chris would intervene. “Any truly clean murder won’t leave behind any reason to believe that a murder has happened at all.”
At which point Peter and Stiles would gasp in offense, and the conversation would devolve into petty sniping as they continued to bleach the floor of the warehouse they borrow from time to time.
Of course, as soon as they got home and realized that the target got in a lucky scratch on Peter, Chris would run for the first aid kit while Stiles hurried Peter over to the sink to clean the tiny wound while fretting.
“Stop pulling away! Do you want this to get infected?”
“Chris is just going to put neosporin on it anyway, I don’t need-“
“Excuse you, which one of us is connected to the medical field-“
“Your best friend’s mom is a nurse, that doesn’t mean you know anything.”
“Sit down Peter, Stiles is right, you need to clean it before we put the antibacterial on.”
“Yeah, or you’ll get gangrene.”
“Stiles, no-“
Of course Peter ends up letting Stiles and Chris take care of him however they want, because it always ends with the three of them cuddled together on the couch, watching Forensic Files and agreeing that above everything else, at least the three of them are better than the idiots on that show.
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