#penny the only one getting a redesign
eve-pie · 2 months
Much like the welcome home cast they're are a few things about the Welcome My neighbor cast that we have yet to discuss such as family members that have yet to be revealed and other canons
For now we will show the one's that's been revealed!
For starters Dream honeysuckle's family mother, father, and little sister
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Fuck you latte
Lucky bug's younger step siblings
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They're twins
Mellow creame's brother
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Not to far in age
Dottie spot's older brother
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He actually talks
Patches bashful's dazzling mother
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She's a sweetheart
And Pepper shanty's lovely twin sister
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Much like Pepper she's Barnaby's cousin obviously
Out of all these designs that some I actually hate I'd say my favorites are everyone but Latte she sucks.... Penny and Ophelia's designs are superior
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dokidokitsuna · 2 months
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The Diary of Penny Polendina
The other day I was inspired to try working on a different NeverFell Projects installment, one that would probably be a lot shorter and quicker to write, because it's not like I care that deeply about Penny, right??
Well, I was incredibly wrong. ^^; So wrong that I'm actually having trouble with this story now...essentially, Penny goes through a bit of a 'rebellious phase' (gross oversimplification, but that's all you get for now) and there are, surprisingly, a lot of aspects of that character arc that I want to explore. Plus, a pivotal connection with Pyrrha, the climax of which I haven't quite figured out yet...
God only knows if I'll be able to finish, or if I'll just write the first 2/3rds of the story and leave it at that. But I figured I might as well warm up by talking about the designs. ^^
Penny's new look is basically 'Disney's Pinocchio, color picked from Arthur Watts' character design'~
I didn't necessarily want her to look evil, just...bolder. Like she specifically picked 'daring' items that maybe her father or Ironwood's PR team would rather she didn't wear, at least not compared to the more innocent frilly pastels she had on before. Between the chest window, midriff, and short sleeves, she's actually showing a lot more skin than before, despite still being 90% covered up. ^^;
Those multicolored wrist accessories are prototype weapons invented by Dr. Watts, that mix and pressurize Dust from the cartridges to cast "artificial magic". This way I get to do a bit of the 'Winter Maiden Penny' stuff in this Vol. 3-locked AU~
Penny's magic usage is one of the things that stumped me when writing this story...In NeverFell, magic isn't just glowy rainbow lasers or weather powers-- it essentially allows the user access to any conceivable semblance at any time; its potential is limitless. Being a beginner, Penny would probably just come up with one signature 'spell' to use in tandem with her Floating Array...but I can't decide what I want her to do. ^^; I think I'd like for her to do something connected to dance, because I feel like that's something unique to her, the way she dances with her weapons before striking. Nobody ever points out how the "robot" in the cast is the one who chooses to spend energy on unnecessary movements that aren't even used to maneuver around an enemy; they're just cute and fun. ^^ I think that's a great encapsulation of who Penny is~
Redesigning Pyrrha is always super difficult, because her original design is so perfect. But I like this end result a LOT. ^^ I may need to adjust the pant legs a bit, but overall it feels like a very believable alt outfit that keeps the spirit of the character.
Pyrrha is another one of the stumbling blocks in this story, because I'm now forced to create at least one malleable personality trait for her-- i.e. one that isn't intrinsically tied to Jaune and/or the plot. Something that she could actually take into a meaningful relationship with a different character... I had the idea to expand her "I'm sorry!" gag into a real guilt complex, where she has trouble letting go of instances where she's made mistakes or hurt someone. In this case, dismembering Penny 1.0 and essentially ending her life. :T She seeks out 2.0 in a desperate effort to make things right, and ends up helping her with ...things, and growing as people or whatever, and all that other stuff I have yet to write. ^^;
I just realized that Pyrrha could use her polarity semblance to pull Penny towards her in a situation where they need to reach each other...that's so cute. ^^ I gotta remember that~
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nobodyfamousposts · 2 years
Why Scarlet Lady Is Better Than Canon: Desperada
Can we take a moment to just appreciate how @zoe-oneesama vastly improved Desparada?
There are so many things to love about this episode. Aspik and Viperion's redesigns. Jealous Adrien. Blushy Marinette. Aspik's redesign. Actual follow up on the previous Luka confession in Silencer. Seeing Scarlet taken out by the akuma. Aspik's redesign. Viperion's snek tongue and hilarious expressions. Seeing more family interaction between Jagged and Penny with the Couffaines. Aspik's redesign. There are SO many reasons to love this episode, but there are also reasons it's better than canon and these are in part due to the issues with the canon version of the episode in the first place.
First off, canonically speaking, despite Desperada being meant as Luka’s breakout hero episode and an Adrien-focused episode, we don’t get the necessary focus on either of them as the the narrative ultimately gave the focus and lesson of the episode to Marinette for “choosing wrong” and “not being able to see past Adrien to choose Luka”, which runs counter to the general rule of the series in that she’s SUPPOSED to be choosing Adrien in all things. So ultimately, what should be an Adrien and/or Luka episode feels very watered down because Marinette is thrown into it where she doesn’t need to be to shoulder the blame for anything going wrong.
Secondly, for a Luka hero debut episode, Luka does very little. We see that he’s great with the Snake and was clearly the “right choice all along” to use it. Which is fine. But much like Carapace in Anansi and King Monkey in Partycrasher, there isn’t much in the way of focus on him or buildup to him becoming a hero. In Luka’s case, he’s played off as the second choice to Adrien, which would set the precedent for canon as a whole if canon hadn’t already made that point clear all the way back in Frozer. And that only makes it more depressing how canon seems glued, nailed, and riveted to this as a plot point.
Third and most important in regards to this particular essay, Adrien’s use of the Snake is problematic. He’s shown to be doing it because he’s psyched that Ladybug chose him as a civilian even if that means abandoning her as Chat and LYING to her about it. Other than a few snide comments from Plagg in the moment which could be easily attributed to his own jealousy in the matter, this is never addressed or brought up again. We never see Adrien learning from how things go wrong or learn how to plan accordingly, he just seems to try different random things without considering why they fail only to be surprised time and again when each of his following plans also fail. Because of this as well as his determination, he says he was reliving the same five minute time span for months in a self-perpetuating hell of failure before he finally acknowledges that he isn’t fit for the role. This could have been a great character developing moment for Adrien as he’d have to use his ability as the Snake to actually be the planner for once or gain knowledge about Hawk Moth and Ladybug that can tie into future episodes. But because they focus in on him wanting to prove Ladybug’s faith in him right (and because of Thomas’s “Rule” that Marinette must always be the one to learn a lesson each episode), it comes off as being Ladybug’s fault for choosing him over Luka rather than the fact that it was his choice to forego his role as Chat to be a temp Snake hero—and that between him and Ladybug, HE was the only one at that time who had reason to know why it would be a bad idea.
Ultimately, depending on how you look at it, this results in making Adrien appear either very devoted to the point of codependent or just very foolish and selfish for being so intent on keeping this lie going that he would rather repeat thousands of loops of failure to keep misusing the Snake Miraculous for arguably selfish reasons.
Compare with Scarlet Lady, which has Adrien keep misusing the Snake Miraculous for blatantly selfish reasons.
“But Nobody!” I can hear you say, “Doesn’t that make him worse?”
To which I say, “Yes. Which is why it makes him BETTER.”
As we can see from this comic, Adrien is fully misusing the Snake Miraculous for petty revenge and he is enjoying the HECK out of it.
Is it wrong? Definitely.
Do I blame him? Not at all.
Let’s bear in mind that per Zoe, Adrien has been suffering as Scarlet Lady’s “sidekick” for 8 months by this point. That’s almost a year of having to fight akumas mostly on his own or with unexpected civilian help (which is an issue all its own) while dealing with a bossy and antagonistic “hero” who spends more time on her phone than actually helping with the akumas. Made worse by this girl taking advantage of his state after the fight to give out a false narrative of how SHE saved the day without anyone to point out otherwise.
Dealing with Scar has had such a profound effect on him throughout the series. We can see it in the way that Adrien has been more stressed. His response to Fu upon discovering him. And the way he has been untrusting and resistant to actual help when it finally arrived in the form of Marigold.
Just because Marigold finally showed up to give him a real partner does not mean that his suffering was over or in any way healed. At best, it gave him someone to share in his misery of dealing with Scar and be a support for him in akuma fights/heroing who wasn’t a civilian. Or more accurately, who wasn’t a specific civilian girl he has a crush on…as far as he knows, at any rate.
What it comes down to is that Scar has been a constant source of anger, stress, and resentment for Adrien. Her treatment of him is downright abusive in every way, and Chat has been in the incredibly unfortunate position that there hasn’t been anything he could do about that. Or at least not anything that wouldn’t end up only working to her benefit or making things worse for himself and the city. Even after discovering Fu and being told she was never actually meant to have been the Ladybug user, he was still stuck dealing with her. He really has no choice but to stick it out and let her continue as she is, because the consequences otherwise would be too dire.
This is why the Snake Miraculous is such a game changer…because it is the one miraculous that lets these consequences be thrown right out the window.
This is his one opportunity, perhaps the only time he has or will ever HAVE the freedom to say and do whatever he wants to Scar and not have to worry about the potential aftermath.
No worries about Scar being unable or unwilling to use the Cure.
No issues of Hawk Moth or the akuma getting the Miraculous.
No fears of Scar throwing a tantrum or doing anything to make him look like the villain to the city.
No concerns of Scar trying to run away and potentially losing the Ladybug Earrings.
Five minutes of pure consequence-free actions, where he can do ANYTHING to inflict a fraction of the torment Scar has caused him, to be repeated as many times as he wants!
Ladies and Gentlemen and People of all types: This is Adrien Agreste with a Revenge Boner.
The introduction of the Snake Miraculous gives Adrien the power he’s lacked in his relationship with Scarlet Lady. And now that he’s on the superior end of the power disparity with the freedom to do and say whatever he wants to her with no consequences, he’s taking full advantage of it.
This is a stark contrast to Canon Adrien and how he handled his time as Aspik. This makes Scarlet Lady Adrien exceedingly more selfish compared to the angst-fest that was Desperada in canon. But it is also more enjoyable because of it.
In terms of the Scarlet Lady narrative itself, this is catharsis for Adrien. After everything Scar has put him through, he’s able to get that sweet, sweet payback and see all the ways he can torment her. This is only part of what all that past mistreatment from Scar has been leading up to. This becomes a matter of both continuity, cause and effect, and character building.
Remember the old writing advice of “show, don’t tell”? Yeah. This is Zoe SHOWING you just how much Adrien hates Scar by this point.
In terms of comparing the two episodes, what we have is a difference between an angst-filled self-imposed helplessness versus the aforementioned catharsis. See, this version works better because it makes it clear that Adrien is the one with full control in the situation and what he is DOING with that control. He controls how long the loops last. How many times he goes back. When he stops looping. And most importantly, what he does in those loops.
In canon, part of Adrien’s angst over his time as Aspik is supposed to be over all the times he tries and fails to save Ladybug, but it’s undercut by the fact that his suffering is almost entirely self-inflicted. Both by lying to Ladybug in the first place and then by putting in so much effort to keep the lie going that he would rather allow Ladybug to be taken out several thousand times than simply tell her the truth.
While the narrative seems to want us to believe that Adrien has no real power in this situation, Adrien is the one with the control in each of the loops. He just using it in the worst ways and CONTINUING to keep doing so even when he knows it won’t work. In this sense, his repeated attempts don’t come off as heroic so much as frustrating. And also hypocritical because they’re trying to beautify his actions to hide that they’re ultimately self-serving. When his “suffering” is self-imposed, the angst comes off as pretentious.
Scarlet Lady avoids this because Adrien has no such angst. He’s having the time of his freaking life. Is he a jerk for it? Yes. Is it wrong? Also yes. Should he be called out for it at some point in the future? Definitely. But this is mitigated not only by the power of Second Chance, but also by the fact that it was implied if not outright stated from the start that he had no intention of actually defeating the akuma as Aspik and fully planned to do whatever was necessary to avoid being called on as a temp hero again in the future. This tells us that Adrien’s actions weren’t planned for a specific victory outcome the way Canon Adrien did. It wasn’t that he actually intended to use the Miraculous against Scarlet Lady from the start, but that he realized after that first time seeing Scarlet taken out that this would be a perfect opportunity to let out his unresolved animosity towards her. The way that a lot of people would do if such an opportunity ever landed in their lap to torment their tormentor and get away with it. This makes Adrien incredibly selfish and it makes him all the more real and human because of it.
Then there’s the matter of Luka. In canon, he’s clearly chosen second to Adrien and this should be an issue. However, other than the narrative pointing at Marinette being at fault for choosing Adrien over Luka twice in situations that Luka should be viewed as the “clear better fit for”, nothing is done with it.
In Scarlet Lady, Zoe sidestepped the issue of who would play with Jagged while also pointing out the ridiculousness of firing Vivica in the first place over incredibly stupid reasons. It makes what was an episode that made Jagged look incredibly immature and selfish instead appear much more endearing as it was revealed he did it intentionally to spend time with his kids and both his ex and his kids are fully aware of this. Of course, it was still a jerk move of him to do this to Vivica, yes. But it was endearing and I don't feel what likability Jagged had in season one drop like a boulder.
So instead of the canon narrative of Luka never being good enough compared to Adrien and this somehow being Marinette’s fault, Zoe changed the focus for Luka on how Marinette is responding to his confession the previous episode. This works even better in that it shows continuity is a thing, as is character development. It made the side issue of the episode that Marinette doesn’t know how to respond to this—which makes sense in light of her being a girl who has never been confessed to, now being confessed to by someone she considers a friend and she doesn’t want to ruin that. It handled the situation maturely in the end, and Zoe did a wonderful job showing Marinette’s uncertainty and her reactions as her emotions are still a mess while also showing Luka’s concerns when they’re finally able to talk things out. It was a lovely end to the episode that really felt like a step forward: Luka is shown being more proactive in regards to his feelings compared to canon, Marinette is also coming to terms with her feelings, and Adrien fully admits that Hawk Moth is the only reason he isn’t being forward with his feelings for her.
See what this is? Progress. Slow and simple forward steps that make it feel like things are moving instead of being stuck at a standstill until plot requires them to jerk it forward. This is something Miraculous canon desperately needs.
In conclusion: The Scarlet Lady version of Desperada is an improvement to the canon version because it ultimately puts the onus of control in the matter of the “failed loops” on Adrien where it should be (even if it’s played for laughs), takes the responsibility of “choosing wrong” and Adrien’s failures to defeat the akuma off of Marinette (who had limited control of the situation in comparison to him), doesn’t throw in Luka as a second choice for Adrien with no relevance of his own except that he's second choice, and makes the episode as a whole more enjoyable and less of an exercise in frustration.
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How the bachelorettes will play the The Sims 3:
Will spend 2 hours to create the perfect design for her sim's clothes.
Cheat code for a huge amount of money.
The richest house, the best cars, the biggest TV, etc.
Favorite expansion packs: Late night, Showtime and Island Paradise.
Goes to expensive bars and places to get interesting moodlets. Only the best and expensive thing!
Got "heartbreaker" lifetime's wish the very first in her game.
Of course, she's a popular super star! Admittedly, she constantly has to fight back her good name when her sim is publicly reviled. Oh, that popularity!
Maxed out the photographer's and serfing skill set.
Decided to try to learn a new skills in game. Her sim died in a fire the first time she tried to make macaroni and cheese.
Another interesting thing that helps her escape from reality (besides books).
Never uses cheat codes, trying to achieve everything herself.
Favorite expansion packs: Generation and Seasons.
Creates the perfect modest newlywed couple. One of the sims is her exact copy and the other is her dream spouse.
At first was upset that her sim had many failed attempts at cooking (too close to reality). Eventually pumped the skill to the max.
Gave her sim a career in school.
Mini heart attack every time a thief or ghost showed up at her sim's house.
Goes into the build menu just to listen to music.
Created as many children as the game allowed. Happy big family!
She spent twice as much time designing her sim's hair and clothes as her sister.
Inspired after the game, went to my sewing machine to recreate the clothes in reality.
Love all the expansion, but her favorite is Ambition. Because a career as a Stylist! Also pets, because parrot!
Her sim knows every skill in the game bit by bit.
She'll be picking up every stray animal.
Stopped doing that when one of the stray cat ate her parrot.
Was upset that unlike cats and dogs, she can't put a grave for a parrot.
Collects various gems and collects them in the Sim's house. Gems everywhere!
She thought it was a boring game, but when she found out you could create a sim as a ghost! Or a vampire! Or a werewolf, or a witch? She could become an adventurer? Awesome!
Favorite expansions are World Adventures and Supernatural.
Uses the occasional $1000 dollar cheat code to buy a ticket to another country.
Sim's personal life? No time for that, she has adventures waiting for her in Egypt!
Pumping skill sports to fight with the mummy.
No money for food? Time to look for breakfast in the trash cans!
Enjoys getting interesting moodlets, no matter positive or negative.
Created the sim as a witch and practiced magic during the adventure.
Making stinky potion? Absolutely yes 😈
Often saved to watch a sim die from a trap in adventures or from other things.
She is more interested in the architecture and design of the house than the game itself.
Uses money cheats to buy the necessary items to create the perfect cottage house.
However, she does not use cheats during the game itself. She enjoys creating the perfect house on a small budget.
Favorite expansions are Seasons, University Life, and Career.
The first expansion is for fall aesthetics 🤌 the other two are for pumping up her artist and sculptor skills.
A nemesis with a neighbor who strongly resembles her ex in personality.
Often sits in the city editor (like, almost 90% of her time), redesigning other sims' homes.
Her sim visits countries just to paint beautiful landscape and buy a bottle of "juice".
Also, the gardening skill is half developed.
Her sim was eaten by a carnivorous cow flower. And she didn't even keep the design of the town! Eh, need to start all over again...
Doesn't spend a lot of time creating a sim.
Of course they have the Inventor character, how could they not.
Favorite expansions packs are Ambition and Into the Future.
So many ideas in the game for her new inventions... A jetpack? Why not.
Fascinated by the quest to change the future into Utopia or Dystopia.
Science, invention and robot building skills are maxed out.
Used a cheat code for 1000 dollars just once to buy junk for inventions.
Made a sim Sebastian, so that at least in the game in them were good family relationships...
Synthesized food?! Now that's interesting!
Her Sims often died from burns and electrocution.
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stainedglassgob · 2 years
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[Image ID: DM conversation between @ariskofrain (Rain) and me on Twitter.
Rain: hiya goblin, just wanted to reach out and let you know that i talked with jg about the design of justice spoon for the card game - we agreed to change that design, and i would like to apologise for the initial design being so close to yours, that's absolutely on me and doing less research than i should. let me know if there's anything else you'd like from me, and again, i am sorry.
Me: I’m more than fine with JG or other artists using my designs in the project, I merely wanted some form of credit with said design, as well as the other pre-existing designs that were being used (goodwin, fish, mike, etc.)
Me: Let me know if you saw this message because I genuinely do not want JG to redraw the card.
Rain: well i chatted it over with jg, and it was both of our decisions to make the change - to be clear, it's not the only card that is getting an art change, it just so happened if was one of the cards on jg's list of cards that she wanted to change anyway. and to be clear about what the crediting plans are, we are already including a section for artists whose designs had a notable influence, and you're gonna appear there, regardless of the redraw. but ultimately we're happier with the new piece, as has been the case for any of the various redraws over the course of the project
Me: awesome, thank you so much! i apologize for my forwardness with any of these messages, crediting is something i'm passionate about and i'm very thankful to hear that it'll be included in the game
Rain: i absolutely get it, don't worry, it's important for us too
End ID.]
This was the DM conversation I had after I emailed Wayfinder games with a spreadsheet of uncredited/stolen player designs featured in Blaseball: Wild Cards. In hindsight, I wish I was more forward with my actual demands, but back then I didn’t think people would be on my side or that I would have any of my requests met. The fact that Rain even responded to me (even though our last DM conversation was Rain leaving me on read about a commission) was a surprise. It’s been half a year since the conversation, and Wayfinder continues to not be transparent with design usage and persists in asking for permission to use designs AFTER the cards have been made. Designers aren’t seeing a penny to their name and have received no public recognition from the company. I am a business graduate. Never in my life have I heard of a company that would rather waste time, effort, and money on redesigning cards rather than working with designers from the beginning to make sure everyone is being paid fairly for their work. I legitimately feel bad for the hired artists that have been repeatedly made to redraw a card over and over because Wayfinder didn’t do their due diligence. As a freelance artist, character designer, and Blaseball fan, I am disgusted by Wayfinder’s lack of care towards everyone involved in this cash grab of a card game. The fact that this isn’t even my only grievance towards Blaseball: Wild Cards is severely frustrating and mentally taxing to explain. 
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ikoarts · 5 months
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October 2022 Art (OC-tober)
All my drawings for OC-tober 2022! I did miss out Day 9 + Day 22, I think coz the prompts weren't specific to any of my OCs, but I was happy to get a unique OC drawn for 29 whole days! I'll list the prompts below too
vvv dates + info under the cut vvv
1, 2, 3 - 01-02-03/10/2022 : (The Care Taker ; The Crazy One ; The Guide)
Raven, Calypso, and Sean - Raven being something of a caretaker, caring for her little brothers, and even taking on her infant half siblings, she's very busy all of the time... Calypso, yeah hes just crazie. Sean I figured is a maths teacher, he probably teaches Noah, and is a mentor to him
4, 5, 6 - 04-05-06/10/2022 : (The Grump ; The Beauty ; The Evil One)
Ruben, Antonia, and Russula - Ruben is definitely grumpy, I think the only thing that could make him smile is if you present him with some nice cheeses, or do something really stupid :p Toni, ofc is beautiful, she takes a lot of pride in her appearance, oh the style!! i wanna be her!! Russula.. isnt "evil", not really, but shes a demon lady so thats as close as you'll get x
7, 8, 9 - 07-08-10/10/2022 : (The Pet Owner ; The Mechanic ; The Quiet One)
Wren, Delilah, and Jay - I like thinking Wren would, at some point, have a guide dog, though it's not really canon unfortunately. Delilah is one of my Ace Attorney OCs! The daughter of Ron & Desiree, she definitely has a knack for mechanics, even at such a young age. Jay is like the "fly on the wall" of the Maedas, so is Robin tbf, I think both of them sit in a corner and stare, but yeah totally quiet, unless he feels like being snarky, he just sits and is judgemental
10, 11, 12 - 11-12-13/10/2022 : (The Handsome One ; The Thief ; The Best Friends)
Copper, Angel, Blaire + Ginger - Copper is handsome!!! thats all really. Angel is another of my AA OCs, Delilah's grandma, actually, like Ron she's a thief, though it's more serious stuff, Angel might not even be her real name, who knows! Blaire and Ginger are beloved to me, best friends who found each other thru drag!
13, 14 - 14-15/10/2022 : (The Gun Lover ; The Cutie pie)
Richie and Robin - Richie isn't a "gun lover" exactly, only that he has a gun for an arm, sometimes, which he loves, but yea he might be a bit "and then i started blastin"... and Robin is a cutie pie! I've updated his design since this, but he's still cute <3
15, 16, 17 - 16-17-18/10/2022 : (Someone Else's OC (Mitzi from @creaturedrawz) ; The Helper ; The Nature Lover)
Mitzi, Susie, and Buttercup - i hadn't drawn Mitzi yet and i rly wanted to bc i love her... i need to draw for others more x ,, Susie, ofc is very helpful, super friendly and outgoing, and Buttercup is a farm boy, despite living in the city he still ofc has a huge love of nature
18, 19, 20 - 19-20-21/10/2022 : (The Father ; The Siblings ; The Girl Next Door)
Felix, Una + Zin, and Penny - Felix... ugh.. da dad evar... i love his swag ass gay boy style... Una n Zin, some of my IZ OCs, they're siblings, but, it's complicated, they consider each other siblings anyway thats all that matters, Una worries abt him a lot. PENNY, ms americas sweetheart that penny. she is battling demons in hell, with her boobs (gay)... she used to be human, but since fucking. dying. shes having a gradual transformation x
21, 22, 23 - 23-24-25/10/2022 : (The Gang Leader ; The Sad One ; The Gamer)
Caspian, Rushada, and Pumpkin - Caspian isn't a gang leader, but he would get wrapped up in gangs, but dont worry he turns it around <3 Rushada my beloved sadgirl.. again its funny to see her before i gave her a slight redesign, i liked her hands in this one tho. Pumpkin is a gamer, in his gamer zelda shirt and gamer cargo shorts, thats about it
24, 25, 26 - 26-27-28/10/2022 : (The Mother ; The Power Within ; The Lovers)
Alice, Lafayette, Gizmo + Jasmine - Alice <3 my scouse ma.. she kinda just is The mother of my ocs ig ,, Lafayette, i still haven't figured out anything too concrete about his lore, but the hidden power thing is something i feel fits him. Jasmine n Gizmo have been my standout married couple ocs for years now, i just never draw Gizmo LOL, so this is still the most recent thing of him... oops
27, 28, 29 - 29-30-31/10/2022 : (The Scientist ; The Marked One ; The Goddess)
Daffy, Luna, and Rosaline - Last stretch..... im getting tired of typing....... Daffy likes to picture himself as a mad scientist but hes just a dorky autistic dude accidentally making nuclear bombs in his bedroom lmfao. Luna i thought was obvious for the prompt, she's a zombie catgirl so shes just, parts. bits n pieces. Rosaline, again like Lafayette, i dont have much concrete about her, but being my 1 goddess oc it was pretty obvious she'd be the one i drew for the last day lol
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dowhatteverer · 1 year
Pyrrha redesign! This started out as an idea for a different AU where Pyrrha survives the fall and Jaune dies and after Ruby's silver eyes defeat Cinder they're both taken to Atlas and Atlas gets an entire revamp because it was kind of disappointing in the actual show- but then I realized that I don't have time to work on two Ruby AUs because I have a original book I'm supposed to be writing and decided that this would just be Pyrrha's remnant city design because I thought the more tomboyish look for with my new "everything on team JNPR is a tomboy/tomgirl because it was weird that they weren't when their entire concept is because their character allusions crossdressed" thing.
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Ok so Pyrrha has gotta be one of if not my favorite designs in the show. Her outfit is only practical in some parts while the rest was clearly designed because sexy warrior makes weebs swoon, but the color composition, the leg armor, the head piece? Just generally being a very gorgeous character? Perfection! I wanted to keep all of my favorite elements in this design but change it up a bit so she's more protected and not as sexualized, but still very beautiful.
The leg piece as you can see is a mobility aid. I thought that since I'm letting Yang keep her prosthetic arm, I might as well give Pyrrha a limp from a damaged foot (because this was originally for a completely different AU where her leg got injured and she lived) and this is a transformable brace that she uses during combat, but it's very taxing on her knees because it makes her legs uneven and it attaches to her calf so it won't put pressure on her foot, which can get sore very quickly. So whenever she's not in combat, she uses a cane. Yay for more disabled characters!
Team JNPR aren't going to be super important to my AU because I want to focus on Qrow, Ironwood, and Penny and having team JNPR still be the B team would be just too many characters to keep track of. But I still want them to be present in the story.
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cutecatdoodles · 8 months
You have such a wide assortment of cute little characters. So I've been wondering, do you have a process for creating them? And if so what's that process roughly look like? For instance, do you think up a character you need/want first and then design them? Or do you draw out several designs, pick your favorite and assign them a personality?
You know, I actually don't have just one process! There's several ways for me to create an OC:
"I need someone here." I identify something I need (a town NPC, a stage enemy, someone's dad, whatever) and brainstorm a concept, complete with design. The design can later be refined and adjusted as I pin down what I want, with the personality often based on the vibes I get from the initial design sketch. Not all of these get used, and many of the used ones never reach OC status. Examples: Peep, Scarlet Tanaflare, Ark, Bicky Bear
"Speed design, go!" I need a character ASAP due to time pressure. My only idea going in is stuff like "a robot", "a roadblock", or "a protagonist I can draw easily enough to make a full game in 2 days", so I don't have time to refine it and go with the first pass. Somehow, these end up being popular. Examples: Roboki, Button Bit, Penny Panda, Pipistrelle
"You see a goblin." I put a throwaway NPC into an RP or story, but then that NPC keeps appearing or getting expanded and whoops they're an OC now, so I have to design them after the fact (unless it's a visual medium). This even happened with Udon's canonically dead parents to the point I wrote fanfiction for them. Examples: Pipsqueak, Squire, Udon's parents, Julie
"Lemme check the archives." I draw a random design with no intent to ever use it for anything, or for a purpose that didn't work out. It's only later that I remember the design, repurposing it for something I need after-the-fact. Examples: Kitty Seal, Toxic Zone, Starabbit, Wami
"Inspired by true events." The character's directly or loosely based on something that already exists, so I'm doing my own take on a pre-existing concept with a new personality. It can be a canon character, redesigning a character I was gifted, or even a redesign of my own OC! Examples: Tricky, Blend, Cryoza, Flamespin Wallaroo
"I put effort into this one!" Actually putting proper thoughts into a design. For example, when designing Mio, I wanted a classic animal mascot protagonist with a fat, huggable shape so she'd make a good plushie, who was also easy for children to draw, and who had some kind of accessory or clothing that wasn't generically girly. For these characters I take into account how easily visible their movements are, if their colors show easily, and so on. Even if they're far along, their design will be adjusted if something isn't working right and some have gotten complete overhauls multiple times. Examples: Mio, Silk/Dusty, Zev, Izzy
"I'm not even sure." Methods that don't fit into any of the above, like "I just REALLY wanted an OC of this type", "I can't sleep so I'm designing a protagonist out of spite", and "if I made a contest entry what would it act like?" Examples: Tennis & Fitz, Zicel, Shockwave Jerbolan, Kachin
I guess if it proves anything, it's that there is no specific best way for making an OC, haha.
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holds out hands . may i hear your oc lore
since this is a sequel to this unanswered ask from my main
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ill give you my agents (and 2 related ocs) bc giving you all the ocs in one post will be really hard i have SO MANY. too many. ANYWAY sillies under cut!!!
lets start with 3 because thats where the timeline starts
heres a p old timeline drawing thingy that still holds up i think
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yeah just read through it. holds up. three is mostly the target of self projection lmao.
smore fun facts ab them:
they were team callie in the s1 final fest
they are wildly competitive
they sleep with an eyemask on bc the scrred eye glows in the dark (it bothers eight)
they value abilities over looks on gear so most their outfits are atrocious unless someone forces them to look good.
they can speak octarian
if they had a penny for every time they let an octarian who just got to inkopilis live with them theyd have two pennies. which isnt a lot but its weird it happened twice right?
which brings us to the next one which is actually an octoling oc i made back in like 2016??? def splatoon 1 era. shes been redesigned a bajillion times but the story is mostly the same. after the octavio fight she is also one of those octos who tried to get to inkopolis. this one was found by three who was like. i jave no idea what ur saying ur coming with the the old man totes knows octarian from his divorce. this n that and they teach eachother language and culture and its sweet and cool and they probabyl had some wlw stuff going on until 3 had a wholeass gender crisis
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this is her btw. the drawing on the right is more up to date. im still thinking of renaming her. ill never find a name that fits. her original name was marianna but thats too close to marina!!!!!
shes also a fashion designer! she likes to use traditional octarian or military designs in her clothes. her pieces are not meant for turf wars though. shes still in close contact with three, and they hang out a lot. she wants to get three to ask the squid sisters if they could wear some of her clothes on a splatfest. three forgets.
next up!!!!! agent 4. i have two of those. they independently became agent 4 and then unrelatedly also became college roommates.
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hash is more of a canon adjacent agent 4. poser, loser, really dramatic and really loud. kidna does whatever they want and also likes to leave graffitti on the kettles they clear. theyre also an only child. they also call marie mom jsut to annoy her. also their hairstyle is the bob in the front but the back is spiky/shaved. theyre a silly lil punk.
ikarus is a cynical asshole. and also a self centered poser whos set on looking cool for whoevers watching. he has 2 younger siblings and 1 older sister. hes from outside greater inkopolis, thinks hes better than the in city inkopolitans but behaves the exact same. he sucks i love him. he really looks up to n respects marie bc she reminds him of his elder sister. his fav brand is toni kensa
ikarus got the agent job first, n got rlly mad when they found out that theres another agent 4 bc he didnt show up enough nd marie just hired someone else. they share a uniform. they try to annoy eachother by puttinf the weirdest smelling stuff in the uniform b4 leaving it at the canyon. when talking ab em as agent 4 i like to use #4 for hash and n°4 for ikarus
the two also have a 3rd roommate
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she doesnt have a name though. and if she does i forgot it :(
the three actually make a pretty good unit in their apartement. hash and ikarus only find out theyre both agent 4 when its time for the boss fight and both of them show up to get it done with. theyre both very competitive. they end up fighting over it and hash wins. ikarus is on the truck w sheldon and marie and is yelling insults at the battlefield until marie shuts him up so she can sing.
thw three roommates also always do salmon run shifts together. if they fuck up on a wave they always blame it on the one freelancer. yes they also kiss.
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for eight i actually made this ref here recently!
theyve always been really fascinated with inklings and also were going to become an engineer before running off and landing in the metro.
they are very well spoken but also pretty shy. they try to make a good impression on people. finds it hard to trust others.
it took a while until he got used to sleeping in a bed. still sleeps with an eye open sometimes. its a habit.
theyre usualyl the one forcing three into at least okay looking clothes. oh also this tall loser likes to wear heels n platforms. hes literally taller than marina and still wears heels.
he actually started learning inklish back in octo valley from really outdated books. after coming to inkopolis hes been given a buncha annotated language books from marina (and from three, who still had the ones they used w the other octo girlie). but they still end up using some really old phrases and words that kinda leave some people perplexed.
oh also they're not THAT good at fighting (they were never a soldier) theyre smart and persistent though. still ended up severely in debt w pearl bc of the metro. pearl offered he can just work as stage crew for off the hook for a few tours or so and theyre good. he took the offer immediately bc bro barely got income to repay that all normally.
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desudog · 5 months
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???????? I kind of hate the "being a hater for sport" type of bloggers on here recently
Literally also "no standards" is such a cope when pokemon fans are recognized by game freak themselves as willing to eat Literally Any Slop They're Given. Like I'm a pokefan too but "no standards" and "bad taste" is kinda synonymous with "pokemon fan" it's not like it's anything other than video game junk food.
Also just like, cope harder. A game in early access that just dropped is more fun for most ppl involved and also has less issues on launch and the team who made it literally didn't know anything about unreal engine and "learned as they went" meanwhile s&v had falling through floor glitches on professional launch. Put that in your juice box and suck it.
Next; I don't think most of the people who's played and enjoyed the game are convinced they do have good taste. Every streamer I've seen play it opens the stream with not high hopes and gets genuinely surprised at it being fun. I don't think anyone goes into this game twirling their mustache and tipping their top hat thinking they're better than ~mere pokemon fans~ and like, shocker alert. Most of us who enjoy it are... pokemon fans. The only people who I've seen not like pokemon but like palworld are ppl who don't like pokemon because of labor and quality concerns but still hold the creatures dear.
But like, are we gonna pretend there's no enjoyable and original designs in pw? I mean, let's take a look.
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(Apparently the argument for the last one is that is a "bootleg of absol". ???.)
And pokemon? Who has been literally just reusing old pokemon people have nostalgia for as new ones with redesigns? You don't like the lack of creativity of the inspired pals? What about these? What about the pokemon who genuinely look like shit? The ones that "just look like [animal/object]" with no creative spin? If any of these were palworld designs pokefans would be out their ass posting about how uninspired they look.
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(I had more pics but mobile image limit and they saved as unusable files)
Nintendo and Gamefreak both take pokemon very seriously and also do not care about the consumer. It's blatantly obvious the past few years they're just squeezing pennies from us like an old towel and think release quality doesn't matter because we're pigs who will eat any slop. Palworld is a genuine parody/joke game with indie dev team that "just wants to make games people will enjoy, not break any new ground." Nobody is convinced it's a gourmet meal. It's literally the game of people who haven't even used the engine it was coded in before.
Like look, I get it you're autistic. We're all fucking autistic on this website. You took it personally when change happen. You feel unstable in your SpIn because of the recent quality drops. First of all, chill, fucking POKEMON will not be outcompeted by a dev team that includes someone still in SCHOOL and a bunch of people who literally saved every version to a thumb drive bc they didn't know what they were doing. The competition will be good for GameFreak. 2, stop taking it out on random Japanese people you have only seen through fucking machine translated Twitter tweets. If you don't like the game, just walk away. Maybe reblog 1 or 2 lighthearted memes about it. Ranting in the tags and being a cock is just not necessary. I don't like Hazbin Hotel, I'm not going into the tags and shitting on it regardless of how bad quality I think it is or if i yhink the fans have bad taste- because that would be a cock thing to do. Bitch about it privately in dms or post replies, pin a printed out picture of it to your wall to throw darts at, I don't care! Being a dick to someone for enjoying something that you don't just makes you look petty and soulless. And stop grabbing at any even semblance of a claim agaisnt them that you see regardless of truth. Stop desperately looking for ways to ensure the ruin of an indie japanse team. It's literally just a game designed to be silly with elements they know people like, and with their attention to details commonly complained about and improved on in their own game, probably games they also love.
Also getting mad bc some designs are "furbait" is so unaware. Nintendo also does that shit on purpose they just act like it's not. Grow up. If anything you should be happy all those yucky porn artists have a new tag to divide their time with. Also getting mad about one of the actual heavily inspired pals for being too horny when it's literally based off the "horny lizard that beats its partners and forces them to join its harem" pokemon is just stupid its genuinely stupid. They're animals bro.
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(Gamefreak fucking makes a pikaclone every release its kinda a thing. And their past few releases literally revolve around recycling nostalgic old designs cus they know their real fanbase is 20 to 30 year olds who would buy the next game even if it was literally comprised of flat pngs like bad gmod mods.)
The only criticism I can genuinely agree with is that drawing inspiration aledgedly from a fan made pokemon is bad and the effected pals need to be redesigned.
Behold- innovation!
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(Also on the topic of gamefreak unoriginality, are we gonna pretend pokemon didn't get in legal trouble after basing a pokemon after a real person orrrr)
That person is entitled to their opinion but I haven't thought pokemon fans have standards in the past few years either. Genuinely so many people will suck off gamefreak so hard its cock tip is poking out the seat of their pants and then get mad at people for going haha ark with pokemon. Stop covering for Nintendo, you will not be rewarded. You will just continue to be exploited. Have some fun. You were that kid in school who shat on Digimon when someone else brought up liking it. The people who play palworld are still gonna buy pokemon games. Nintendo won't feel this at all. Gamefreak will keep on making shit games unless someone like palworld enters the scene to force them to up their quality. The worst case scenario is Nintendo doesn't even pay them any mind and keeps making games that are fucking near unplayable on launch.
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ariparri · 2 years
Ismelda Murk • Character Revamp
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Not only is Ismelda getting a redesign, I also gave her a bit of a revamp for her character.
In my canon, Ismelda is your typical teenager going through her angsty rebellious phase. I wanted to change up some things for Ismelda since some facts about her are kinda bordering on some triggering things. Especially the talk about animal cruelty. Though I did keep most aspects of Ismelda's backstory for my version.
🚫No Reposting🚫
Ismelda acts as a calm, if emotionless, girl who does not bother to connect with others. She loves loud punk rock and metal music, dark colors and grunge fashion, anything that goes against her parents' ideals for her. While she does mention a lot of dark and graphic things, it’s mainly for shock value and not that she’s actually into committing such things.
She’s knowledgeable in the dark arts and the gruesome parts of history with magic. She practices a lot with hexes and jinxes in her spare time. Ismelda can be quite the perfectionist in her duelling skills, wanting the spell to be done perfectly from the stance down to the execution. One hair out of line will cause her to lose her temper.
Confident with her skills and strengths, her egotism borderlines vanity. Ismelda’s sordid thoughts are truly an enigma to all but herself. Merula may catch on to her, but even she can't completely unfurl Ismelda’s every pondering.
She disdainfully labels Annalena as the golden child of the family, her parents showering Annalena with so much love and attention while Ismelda is constantly lectured to make something of herself.
After trying so hard to strive for perfection, nothing ever seemed to be good enough for her parents, leading to Ismelda growing an inferiority complex as she is left behind in her older sister’s shadow.
Eventually Ismelda gave up on trying to be a copy of Annalena and tried exploring on her own.
In spite of her vocal hatred for Annalena, Ismelda does wish that they can have some sort of normal bond rather than striving to be perfect like her sister.
With her encounters with Veruca and Carson, they sympathize with her feelings regarding her desire; Veruca is understanding and amused while Carson pities Ismelda and seeks to alleviate her with his pranks and jokes, sometimes even coming up with pranks to use on her sister.
Though Ismelda abases Veruca for her determination with the vaults and finding her missing brother, she genuinely sympathizes with her as they share similar experiences with their older siblings being perfect examples. They also share a small rivalry over who has the superior knowledge of spells, though the two respect their methods in duelling tactics.
With Carson, Ismelda has obtained a comforting bond with him. Ismelda can find the Ravenclaw’s napping spots and is familiar with his fondness for her. She takes joy with her sly defiance to him, enjoying the untold frustration she inflicts on him. While she insists otherwise, she will be moved by his kindness towards her.
Her short lived friendship with Merula suggests that the former respected her efforts, her talents, and her undivided passion to humiliate others. She is one of the few people who can see through Merula and converse with her on equal ground.
After the Portrait incident, Beatrice idolized Ismelda for her attitude and lack of compassion and Ismelda is otherwise protective of the younger witch. However, Ismelda admits to being sickened by Penny’s pristine image. Ismelda has a passing rivalry with Tulip and Tonks as both girls have pranked Ismelda in the past, which leads to Ismelda trying to get back at them.
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Okay, Penny Polendina propaganda time because I just had a dream about her again and I wanted to rant about why she is probably the most tragic character I know.
Penny Polendina I'm sure you know represents Pinocchio in RWBY Lore. Penny Polendina's character contrasts with that of about every other character in that she is blissfully unaware of everything that goes wrong. Despite this, she is rather important due to her position as a private weapon claimed by Ironwood's military. Despite this, she was never developed as a weapon, but a daughter for her father, Pietro, whom sees her as his one and only real daughter.
He's very protective of Penny, and for a good reason. Penny's character arc not only revolves around her finding freedom and self-autonomy through Ruby, the protagonist, becoming her literal ONLY FRIEND, but choosing her one friend over the entire world that's used her.
Naturally, the response wasn't as good.
Penny ultimately ends up becoming the centerpiece for the Vytal Festival Tragedy where she is accidentally ripped to pieces by Pyrrha Nikos, who was set up to fight against her because her power is magnetism and Penny's a robot. This throws everything into disarray, and an all-out siege occurs in Beacon because the Grimm (the main monsters/antagonists) are drawn by negative emotion. Combined with the White Fang and Cinder's party being involved, Penny's death not only affected those who saw her on stage, but also those who saw her as important or not, as a friend.
Ruby was one of them. And it can be said that Penny's death was the catalyst for the turning point of the series where everything goes to shit. Yes, that includes Pyrrha's death, meaning Pyrrha's death wasn't the catalyst. I'm sorry Pyrrha stans.
Anyways, skip forward a couple of seasons. No, I'm not kidding, she doesn't get mentioned for 4 whole seasons after this. Albeit, not to a significant extent. Ultimately it becomes a story about the main characters fighting to survive in this world where everything is under siege. It's as if her character was forgotten entirely. As if Penny's fans meant nothing for 4 whole seasons.
I was one of those fans. And knowing how little the creators of RWBY cared about Penny's character hurt me. Furthermore, when they reintroduced Penny into the spinoff, RWBY Chibi, it added more salt to the wound, albeit I was glad Penny would be in a world she could finally be safe.
Though, not like it matters. Even in RWBY Chibi I wasn't free of feelings.
See, RWBY Chibi is a skit-based miniseries starring the cast of RWBY. It's not meant to be taken seriously. Hell, even with several jokes going off the fourth wall and Penny being one of the most ignorant yet aware characters in the whole series, this position was reserved for Nora. Penny felt like a bench warmer, reintroduced to make RWBY Chibi relevant again. And lo and behold, the Fireflies scene.
OOOHHHH THE FIREFLIES SCENE. Unironically awakened me to how romantic and sweet Penny could be, and revitalized hoe much I loved her character.
For those who don't know, the Fireflies scene is a scene where Penny and Ruby are in the woods at night checking out fireflies. Ruby points out how they're like little lights, and calls Penny a firefly. Penny returns the comment, albeit literally. But ultimately, after spending some time together bonding over the fireflies, Penny and Ruby ultimately realize they're calling each other 'their light.' Whether I'm remembering this right or not, not only was it FANTASTIC ship material, it showcased how Penny is happier with Ruby in her life in a world where nothing is asked of her.
Anyways, 4 seasons after Penny dies, she is rebuilt with her memories intact thanks to her father recovering it from the wreckage of the arena after the storm settled. There's a heartfelt reunion after Penny's redesigned self is unveiled, but now she reveals that she been employed as the protector of ALL OF ATLAS, she sadly reveals that there's not much time for reunion. To make matters worse, yet ANOTHER plot is under way with Penny as the center. Penny and Ruby, before then, find time to make up for lost time, albeit not under better circumstances. However, despite all that, Penny still proudly calls Ruby her first friend, and that she couldnt have pushed this far without her. Ruby feels the same, and vows to protect her.
It's this series of moments that really cemented for me my main thesis for this next part, leading into volumes 8 and 9 - that Ruby and Penny are quite literally Romeo and Juliet, star-crossed lovers never meant to be, the TITULAR romantic tragedy. I'll get to that, however.
Anyways, the plot unfolds and Penny is framed for the murder of a ROOM full of executives, and Ruby and friends are labelled fugitives. Ironwood ultimately turns of Penny, and Penny struggles with the burden of having to protect Atlas despite her doing everything right. What happens next? Oh, I dunno, PENNY IS MOUNTED WITH INFINITELY MORE RESPONSIBILITY BY BECOMING THE WINTER MAIDEN.
I literally had a dream about that happening years ago after Penny died. I should've said something 💀.
Anyways, not only is she the protector of Atlas, Winter Maiden, AND framed for murder, but now she's INFECTED WITH A VIRUS THAT WILL KILL HER.
In a final bout, Team RWBY agrees to use the artifact they're protecting to use a loophole that will remove Penny's soul from her body, turning her into a real girl (completing the Pinocchio allusion), and Penny in what she doesn't know are her final moments hugs Ruby. She utters the words, "do hugs always make you feel this warm?" And ultimately is sent off with Team RWBY to stop Cinder's plan to destroy both Atlas and Mantle.
Penny becomes the main target due to being Winter Maiden, but since her human body is untrained and significantly weaker, she ends up fatally wounded. To make sure Cinder doesn't get Penny's Maiden Powers, she for the first time ever gets to make an order. She begs Jaune to kill her. And regretfully, he must.
Enter Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet are from two families set apart and destined never to make peace. However, despite that, Romeo and Juliet fall in love. Believing they will make it out and escape free, they fake their deaths of their own accord to fool their families and change their names. Penny is like Romeo, and Ruby as Juliet. Romeo was the second to choose death, believing Juliet had died by poisoning herself. Penny only chose death because she thought Ruby died. In circumstances that forbid her from being happy with Ruby, which is shown to be possible by Chibi, Penny chose death, losing her one chance to be happy. Ruby is unaware of Penny's Death, but the narrative leading into Volume 9 shows "death isn't the end," as evidenced by Little becoming Somewhat after dying. This is vital to the revival part of Romeo and Juliet.
In Volume 9, Ruby is overwhelmed by grief of the whole situation. During the Mad Teaparty where supposedly everyone who's died comes back to haunt Team RWBY, Ruby chooses death as well. She drinks the tea that kills her, believing it's her fault that Penny died.
How did Romeo (Penny) die? Well, after finding out Juliet supposedly killed herself (she didn’t, she would come back to life because the poison was temporary), Romeo ACTUALLY poisoned himself, dying for real. But what happened after that? Juliet, seeing Romeo dead for real, decides also to actually poison herself. They would die lovers, together in death. Ruby believed she would see Penny again for real, only to be given a second chance and ultimately overcome the Mad Teaparty.
The storyboards for the epilogue showcase that everyone knows Penny is dead, and Winter believes she's "never coming back." Since Ruby has overcome the story of Romeo and Juliet, it should be fair that life would somehow give Penny another chance like Little.
But what happened? Volume 10 isn't greenlit, meaning in the most meta way possible, Penny's chance (and yes. A SLIM chance) at life again is denied by REALITY ITSELF. All the cards point to it. Everyone knows it. Everyone wants it. But we can't have it.
And now Penny's story will go down as a tragedy, as Romeo and Juliet, forbidden to be. Is that how you want it to end? Ruby only loving Penny as a memory, when reality shows they can be happy, like in Chibi?
Do you want to see Penny have a chance? Vote for her. Penny did nothing wrong. Give Penny a chance.
Thank you for following my vague, incoherent interpretation of Penny's story.
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melodromacy · 2 years
design refresh: Alostair and Olson (WIP)
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currently doing a design refresh on what was originally a redesign of hazbin's alastor. Alostair at this point is his entirely own person. also context, Olson is the microphone. He talks.
some story about alostair:
he was a cab driver in 1930s new orleans and briefly began a radio show before being the tragic victim of a murder by someone only known as the Tsavo Killer, and was shunted out of heaven due to not having religious beliefs, thus becoming someone quite powerful in Limbo - he's not particularly an evil person, per se, he's just blunt and a bit brash. he's powerful due to his status, really. Often times, the lower and more unfortunate one was in life, the higher they were in status, within Limbo.
Alostair wasn't particularly a well-off person. He survived off cab fare and a few pennies of royalties he'd get when the few things he ever published saw light. He was relatively destitute and never cashed in much on his radio show, considering he had only a few episodes before his death. And because of his tragic death and the way he lived in life, his status was quite high, in Limbo. he became a minor lord, beneath only Charlea-Marilyn and her parents, born and shaped within Limbo themselves.
he's basically played how alastor canonically is ATTEMPTED to be played. canonical alastor is (attempted to be) whimsical, albeit blunt, dry, and all the while intimidating, though rather powerful.
Alostair is powerful. It's not shown first thing, but his powers reach far and wide and are almost eldritch in nature. His attitude is playful (in that "old-school musical", Mary Poppins type of way) and he rides on the coattails of the concept of whimsy. His demeanor of speaking is blunt and a bit brusque; he will not hesitate to ask someone if that is really sure that this is what they are wanting to do, and will not hesitate to call someone out on nonsense. His humor is often deadpan and dry, but his humor is never wry or sarcastic. It's often sly and again quite whimsical, like the subtle humor employed in old school movies that are often comedic in some undertones, while being overall serious across the course of the movie.
In terms of casting: Alostair is a black man who speaks with a transatlantic accent, and occasionally throws in incredibly-dated 'jive talk', which started during the Harlem Renaissance (his era, 1920s-1930s). Much of his slang and speaking cadence is outdated and is subject to criticism by other members of the Hotel.
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aknolan · 1 year
Sending a fun ask, what are some of your fave rwby moments. Either funniest joke or most Poetic Cinema TM moment or anything in between. What are some of your fave moments/scenes and why
Ooh good one! Really there are so many options, and of course I'm biased towards Penny quite a bit but there's still so many good moments there!
The way she returns in v7 is a really good one, the way the intense music stops and suddenly the alarms can be heard again, and it feels a bit like being pulled out of this fantasy where the heroes get to slash some monsters and it's all so cool and back into the reality: this is a city. This is a crisis. But the city does have someone ready to deal with it! And then her music starts up and it's great, and Penny is back!
Another really great moment is when Penny becomes the Winter maiden, though really I want to mention the time right before it. When Fria asks "are you the one?", and Penny doesn't answer. Which I've made an entire post about back when it happened but I still think it's an incredible moment. Because she has no good answer here. If she says no, then who? The only others around are Cinder and Winter. It's pretty clear why she doesn't think Cinder should be the winter maiden, and Winter... has just told her that she will do what Ironwood asks. If she says no, Mantle is doomed. On the other hand, can she really say yes? Penny knows Fria's situation. Is this a question she even has a right to answer? Shouldn't this be decided by Fria? And so from her lack of an answer, Fria can tell that this is someone who knows who was chosen and thinks that this choice wasn't right. This is also someone who won't claim to be the right person herself. Which then makes her the right person. It's really a very good moment, imo.
When I think about funny moments really one of the biggest things that comes to mind is Yang's detachable arm trick. I like to think Penny eventually gets a chance to redesign her body and she adds detachable limbs so she can do this too.
Just imagine Yang and Penny doing the detachable arm trick at the same time and their arms both just fall to the ground still held together because these things are mechanical so with no further signals they just stay like that. Peak comedy.
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song-birds-stuff · 10 months
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I decided to redesign my Welcome Home oc Dr Dolly feeling she needed a change, making her look more like a wacky scientist character from the late 60s-early 70s, plus giving her more puppety proportions, I would also like to share some additional lore for her.
I have made a full backstory from before the neighborhood, her full name is Dorothy Dolly and was born to a wealthy family, though the only family she knew was her mother, who was less than pleasant, her mother never spent a penny on her daughter and the moment she discovered her daughters talent for machines, took it as an opportunity for Dr Dolly to do all the home keeping and fix any broken appliances so her mother wouldn't need to spend a dime on an expensive mechanic, being mad when Dr Dolly's work isn't immediately fixed on the first try and when guests were over would make Dr Dolly was forced to hide her prosthetics, she had no accident that made her lose such limbs she was simply born without them and made the wooden prosthetics with great difficulty using her prehensile tail, but her mother still insisted on hiding something so 'ugly'
Eventually, when Dr Dolly was old enough, she had just about enough and after quite a big fight she left to the big city to study to be a scientist on her own terms.
This, however, wasn't easy, she couldn't get into a good school after cutting her mother from her life, to the point of changing her surname from Dollip to Dolly, it made her need to study on her own and have jobs that never lasted long, one day though, in an effort to relax, she visited a comedy club, where she met Barnaby, he was having things from tomatoes to a whole sink thrown at him but in the chaos, Dr Dolly was the only one to laugh genuinely at his jokes, and when she laughs she LAUGHS a good mad scientist cackle
After the show, Barnaby and Dr Dolly met outside on the steps and talked a bit, Barnaby had also moved to the big city recently, trying to make it big as a comedian and make his mama and friends back home proud, both he and Dr Dolly relating to how the big city wasn't what it was cracked up to be, eventually decided on being roommates and becoming good friends for a while
The two friends were in the big city a few years, a few times Barnaby's mama and longtime friend Wally visited, Barnaby helped Dr Dolly no longer feel bad about her prosthetics and show them off proudly instead; but eventually the stress of the big city became quite a lot but when Barnaby heard Wally recently moved to a small and friendly neighborhood, decided he needed the change and it didn't sound too bad to Dr Dolly and both packed up their things and left.
Some additional tidbits for Dr Dolly, when asked about her prosthetics she will make something up or give an out of pocket claim thinking its funny, usually followed by the camera cutting to the one who asked having an utterly mortifying expression.
Personality wise she can speak rather proper but never as elegant or flamboyant as someone like Sally, shes quite stubborn even if she tells her friends and fellow neighbors sleep was important she herself sleeps twenty minutes minimum on a good day due to working on machines which usually explode twice at LEAST before their fully working, if she were to have a voice, likely something slightly raspy but with a softer voice to show her roots of once being in a rich and powerful family, matching her vocal mannerisms.
And for those curious, she is a lesbian and is 28, nearing 29 before the show was taken off the air.
She is also the only puppet that is 5 feet instead 3 like Wally or 4 feet like Julie or Frank.
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Ironically thinking of a team name for Newton, Zero and Infi * gotta find a fourth person for them * but they're basically going to be the jnpr in my au that's going to be based on this blog ( yaay...)
Zero is getting a redesign along with Newton and infi * some will stay the same however*
Have some info dump of this version;
Their ages in this au and personalities;
Age; 17 * chapter one*
personality is more or less the same * very sarcastic * but he is VERY protective of his team friends and his younger cousin. Ironically he's the comic relief *like how jaune is*
The difference; unlike giratina and the sky warrior he isn't power hungry. If anything he's the opposite.
Semblance; being able to control any shadows * weather it's demons or not* he needs to be careful when uses it or it will drain his Aura
Aura color; gray
Dislikes; Puns, DAWM's stupidity * mainly Anthony's and will's* , Mercury's additude toward Anthony, the idea ozpin let his cousin in so easily, the unstable Semblance * spoiler; it's none of Zero's team members*, CRDIN, Ozpin, Secrets, Liars, Theives, Spiders, creatures of Grim, the idea his cousin has silver eyes
Likes; Newton His friends, science, enjoys slaying Grim a little too much, listening Eminem and alter rock, Video games * very great at cyberpunk and any shooter games *
Weapon; Giratina * it's a knife that turns into a gun*
Theme song; Who's ready for Tomorrow? By RAT BOY & IBDY
Voice Actor; ~ for this AU unknown. Anyone wanna drop siggestions?*
Newton Graceland;
Age; 17 *chapter on*
Personality is more or less the same with him being a dork and enjoy making Terrible jokes and I mean TERRIBLE. Otherwise he means very well. He's the leader of NIZ_ and Zero's current partner. Just like zero he's a major science nerd.
Any difference to the anime counterpart personality?; other then age *like zero* no not really. Still a sweetheart and a smart dumbass in one.
Semblance; Electrical Manipulation
Weapon; He owns a sword and a sheild he respectfully naked Sheildon
Likes; Zero His friends, Science, making puns *God help zero*, food, video games, sleep, learning, helping people
Dislikes; the unstable Semblance , Zero's sarcastic remarks, any type of rudeness, admittedly has a fear of birds *for plot reasons I won't say why..unless the q&a finally spikes up*, fighting *he prefers it if everyone could get along* , any type of criminal activity
Aura color; Emerald Green
Theme song; Inu K A 3I * from the kill la kill soundtrack*
Voice actor; ~ unknown for now~
Side note; he's a mixture of Yang and Ren of the group * while zero is like a mixture of Jaune and Qrow and infi being like pyrrha and penny- these are just examples obviously they're NOT going to be like them*
Age; 17 *chapter one*
Personality; not only does infi enjoy being in high places *she's the team eyes in the sky* but she enjoys hacking into anything that can help the team. Outside if missions she's a very kind and sweet but can be gullible at times * she ended up falling for mercury and Will's prank many..many times * however she's extremely hyperactive and can very excitable in small things * like outfits*
Likes; Her friends, clothes shopping with Anthony, talking about boys with Anthony, make-overs, DAWM's band, Duncan, Creatures of Grim, apples, watching Newton and Zero playing games together, newton's puns * she finds them funny*
Dislikes; the unstable Semblance, Creatures of Grim, what she ended up finding, secrets, Zero's blood thristiness, bullying
Theme song; ~ for right now unknown~
Voice actress; ~unknown for now ~
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