#parents who move their whole families to los angeles bc their kid wants to be an actor
firelord-frowny · 4 months
a lil tip, a lil Suggestion for anyone who plans to have kids or who already has tiny kids....
if you have a choice, maybe don't live in a location where the only thing surrounding you for miles and miles is just more houses :/
like, either live somewhere where there's easy access to nature/outdoor recreation, or live somewhere where there's easy access to a wide variety of activities - museums, sports, concert venues, rec centers, music lessons, dance lessons, blah blah.
maybe don't live somewhere where it will be a huge inconvenience for you to take your kid out to do/see things that interest them on a regular basis.
it is so fucking depressing to be a kid and to almost never get to do or see anything you think is neat because it's Too Far for your parents to feel like taking you there.
honestly like. it's a big enough deal that i legit feel like parents should absolutely be willing to completely relocate if it means living somewhere where their kid can do what makes them happy.
like, if you live in fuckinnn florida and your kid wants to be a rock climber, you better pack your shit up and move to colorado or whereverthefuck. if you live in kansas and your kid wants to surf, move to california, goddammit.
i mean obviouslyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy it's not always possible to live anywhere but where you're currently living for a myriad of reasons, but if it is possible, even if it's not easy, please please please don't doom your kid to a childhood of longing and unfulfillment just because you live in the wrong place omg.
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miahqs · 2 years
                               it is meeeee again  !  🖤   bringing u  YET  another beauty  heheh 🤠   i  want plots  w/  everyone so  pls  give  this  a  like  so i can come  to u ! 🖤    
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                               excuse me did you see  SABRINA CARPENTER  hanging around palmwood studios? oh no, that was MIA CASSIDY , the TWENTY TWO year old actress who plays DIANNA PEROTTI on GROOVY 70′S .  yeah, you know rumour has it they're - PICKY, and - STUBBORN, but their fans all say they’re + INDEPENDENT, and + TRUSTWORTHY. around palmwood studios they’re known as THE AMERICA’S SWEETHEART . ( cisfemale, she/her)  
*   ◞  ╰   general   .
full name :  mia christina cassidy .   nicknames : mimi , america’s sweetheart .  birthdate / zodiac sign : somewhere in september during taurus season . sexual orientation : heterosexual . parents : catherine cassidy ( 53 )  &  simon cassidy  ( 60 ) siblings:  samuel cassidy ( 28 ) , beatrice cassidy ( 32 )  + traits  :  captivating , warmhearted , loyal , self-reliant , trustworthy , hardworking , generous  &   reliable.  - traits  :  picky , stubborn , materialistic , opinionated , selfish , possessive , gluttonous .  likes :   dancing , singing , creating content for tiktok , road trips , photography , doing picture puzzles , yoga , shopping , horror movie marathons , hiking with her dogs , dark coffee , chai and green tea , banana-flavored muffins , rain showers , stand-up comedy , classical novels , art museums , people who make her laugh , french fries ,  dislikes : animal cruelty , liars and cheaters , secrets , bad mannerism , bigotry , being ignored in any shape or form , receiving lectures , family dinners . 
*   ◞  ╰   quick history   .
mia comes from a middle class family .  a mother who always thought she deserved a better life  &  hated the fact she couldn’t have it , especially with three kids under her belt  &  a father who is a sweetheart , but he’s dumb AF unable to stand up to his wife or make a difference . 
from the minute ... well , maybe a SECOND minute mia was born, her mother already had a plan for her life. baby commercials , tv shows , beauty pageants , singing/dancing/acting lessons , modeling .... school was very much neglected because her mother saw the “ potential “  aka she saw beauty not brains . 
at just 6 months old , she became a regular face on a sitcom  ( inspo: full house ) that aired until she was 10 years old , so the whole america ( and the world ) basically saw her grow up which explains why she had gotten the name of  “ america’s sweetheart “ .  everybody just LOVED her .  
later on , obvi her entire family got rich due to mia’s success  &  her mother made sure their / her fame didn’t phase out , so she established a company in her name that would produce her subsequent films and videos ( inspo: the olsen twins hehe )  which mia didn’t mind bc while she wasn’t filming ( like her mother wanted ) she would be taking singing lessons or being at the studio ( something SHE wanted ) . 
in truth , as much as mia truly disliked her mother , she still obeyed because .... well , she had respect for her  &  besides , her mother did have a nose for business , so she didn’t mind the  “momager “ in her corner .  
once she turned 17 , she also started coming out with her music .  she never recorded a full on album but every song that did came out once in a while was a  MASSIVE  hit because the world just ate it all up .   by the time she was 20 , she was named a sports illustrated swimsuit rookie of the year , maxim’s hot 100 list of sexiest women in the world , magazine covers , music video appearances .... you NAME it , she probably DID it .  the girl has had a career so long she might as well retire at 25 lmao. 
fast forward to this day , the producers of groovy 70′s basically begged her to play a role of dianna perotti which she initially excepted just so she can make a permanent move to los angeles  &  record more music , but now she’s also glad she did bc the show turned out to be a massive hit! :))  
*   ◞  ╰   personality & dating life   .
ok first things first ... mia is  DIFFERENT  .  i do not say this lightly bc the girl legit LOVES everything she does , loves herself ( A SHOCKER for someone in hollywood ) , loves her career , her friends , everything . sure her mother’s a crazy bitch and her father is a loser and she doesn’t talk to her siblings BUT WHO CARESSSSS . 
due to her upbringing and the fact she was worth 10million before her 8th birthday , YES she loves nice things ( read :  materialistic ) and is lowkey selfish .... in some aspects . this is also the reason why she no longer talks with the rest of her family  &  has v little friends  --  a  LOT  of people used her just for her money  &  the fact she generously gave it away to whoever asked .  they all got rich through her ,  and still never had enough so she cut off their supply of money  &  then they tried bad mouthing her to the press for revenge ( it didnt work but still ) 
also due to her upbringing and a career at such a young age , many people still see her as this “ young “ girl that she portrayed .  either that , or they see her as a sex symbol .  either way , it’s all about the looks which okay she doesn’t mind but also kinda does ??? BC SHE AIN’T DUMB LIKE HER DADDY. jkrfnerjhg . 
 so generally speaking , to those who know the real her :  they know how sarcastic she is , how upset she gets when a favorite character of her fav tv show dies , how adventurous she is ( aka will call u up at 3 am to go hiking or some shit bc she cant sleep ) , or how much she’s actually SMART bc the girl reads classical novels and goes to museums ..... 
romantically speaking ....   this will also come as a shock to u but girl KNOWS HER WORTH . yes u heard it right . she won’t go for the playboys , for the bad boys , for the actors ... the last boyfriend she had was a nyc broker okay . which means , she doesn’t fall for stupid shit the boys at palmwood do nor does she care hehe :))) U CAN TRY BUT ...  :)) 
*   ◞  ╰   connections  .
OK OK ok Ok gimme the serena to her blair , the meredith to her christina I BEG OF U ! !  she needs a bestie she can be real with tbh .maybe like a small squad like in the gg series ??  YES PLS. 
maybe like a small squad like in the gg series ??  YES PLS. 
the NATE to her BLAIR aka someone she probably dated while they were teens and they were america’s sweethearts until he did something  or idk we can dicuss what happened but now they dont talk BUT HE STILL HAS A HEART PIN SHE GAVE HIM INSIDE HIS SWEATER UGH. 
the CHUCK to her BLAIR heheheheheh bc WHY NOT have someone in her life that annoys the living shit out of her but at the same time she wants to jump his bones LMAO 
a bad influence friend would be also NOICE . 
someone still using her for money or fame???? YESSSSS 
someone she’s crushing on but won’t admit bc she’s determinated NOT to date actors? hehehehe
someone with a crush on HER ?? :)))  i love skinny loves and unrequited crushes <333
alsooo someone who is her HOME . it doesn’t have to be romantic ( or can be hehe ) but like the person that makes her feel completely safe , warm and protected ? ?  they can also just ... talk , and make each other laugh and smile :)) some fluff never hurt nobody :)) 
also let me just add some wcs here ;  one , two , three , four , five , six , seven , eight , nine , ten , eleven , twelve , thirteen , fourteen , fifteen , sixteen , seventeen , eighteen , twenty , twenty one   :))))) 
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springday-aus · 3 years
Disney Prince!AU with Seonghwa
★ Seonghwa as Disney’s Prince Charming ★
moodboard link
Group: ATEEZ 
Member: Park Seonghwa
Genre: fluff, romance, hints of angst 
part of the Disney Prince Series - could also be a prince!au
Type: Bulletpoint AU 
Word Count: approx. 3k
A/N: I had to spice things up a bit bc after a rewatch of Cinderella, I have realized they have no flavor and got a bit carried away—so enjoy! 
Warnings: family death + mentions of abusive family - you know the classic princess storyline. 
Seonghwa….. is not your average prince
but it’s not depicted in a negative light
so, he’s the prince other nations wished they had
he’s very involved with the state of affairs, often spends time in the villages and conversing with the townsfolk, and often visits schools to read to them or just watch them and it’s so……...wholesome
*cut to him struggling to sit on the carpet with the kids bc his legs can’t fold*
basically everyone loves him because he’s got this angelic aura around him that just makes you feel like you can trust him with anything
and I mean anything
mothers would probably offer him their babies if that was appropriate
he’s just super sweet and tries to remember what he learns in order to take it back and make use of it with the current policies that the parliament is trying to endorse or something
obviously, this is the main image of him to the public
and it’s not fake
but those in the palace know he can get a bit mischievous and sassy
it’s only really seen by those who are close with him, or have been around for a longer time
like assistant!Hongjoong and head butler!Wooyoung
since they’re all close in age and grew up together too, they’re much more comfortable with one another
Hongjoong: *hits his head on a doorway*
Seonghwa: “......... are you an idiot?”
guard!Yeosang and butler-in-training!San: laughing
no, but for real, all of them know he’s basically an angel
the amount of shit he’s putting up with them, but like they make for great entertainment lmao
the older workers at the palace find him adorable
like when Seonghwa tried to sneak-eat the freshly picked strawberries
“my prince, did you just eat a strawberry?”
Seonghwa with a mouthful of them: “no”
he’s like the grandson they all want (and are trying to get, but we’ll get to that later)
other than his charities and visits and public outings, he’s also known to be a good horseback rider
like real good
Wooyoung: “this is the most princely we’ll ever see him”
he’s kidding, but he’s also not kidding
bc lbr: Seonghwa in a horseback riding fit with the shoulder pads and the helmet and the wind and
many gather to see him in his glorious, sweaty state afterwards
it’s funny bc he’s so handsome and there are times when he’ll acknowledge it and other times when he doesn’t
especially since the ateez boys just ignore him or tease him
now it just depends on how he feels that day as to how he’d react
since he’s got such a good reputation, you know what that means?
lots of treaties and lots of marriage proposals
on one hand, many nearby countries know how nice Prince Seonghwa is—and some thought he was naive enough to be deceived by them
and that led to a few wars, but they lost real bad bc they assumed he was too nice
when, in actuality, he’s very knowledgeable since he takes a lot after the king and the queen
that allowed much more respect for the kingdom, especially since he’s the first in line for the throne once he’s married
which leads to the second thing: he gets lots and lots of marriage proposals
have you SEEN him?????
do you know how CAPABLE he is????
the royal family kind of milks this—not in that way tho
it’s in the sense that it’s because they want him to find someone soon and there’s more time for them to learn the ropes about ruling a kingdom
that means lots of balls are thrown in hopes of Seonghwa finding someone to ~catch his eye~ and whatnot
but Seonghwa just uses this as a diplomatic advantage, you know? like a chance for him to meet other royals and build these relationships
and while he has good intentions, the rejected royals are kind of bitter, but they know better than to mess with the Royal Family
meanwhile, party planner!Yunho is lowkey racking in the dough from these events, so he’s fine throwing all these balls lmao
this is where you come in
but, it’s not how others might think
so, you used to be the daughter of a well-of-ish family—you had money for a house and caretakers who adored you and you with parents who loved you dearly
you lived in your own little bubble of love
but then your mother died
when she died, it was almost as if she had taken the lively atmosphere of the household with her
your father buried himself into his work, rarely making time for you anymore and…. there was a drift
one day he came home with a mysterious woman, proclaiming her as your stepmother
along with her came her two daughters, who were as ugly outside as they were on the inside
while you could have done without her passive-aggressiveness, it was nice to see your father happy
but lo-and-behold, you lucked out and he died on a business trip, leaving you alone with strangers to become your only family
it only got worse from there as they openly started to mock you, shame you and push you beyond your boundaries
as they could no longer pay for the staff, they also forced you to clean after them, cook for them, and make all the arrangements that they demanded
or, as your oh-so-lovely stepmother said “you’re below us and you will always be below us”
at first, you put up with it because there’s nowhere else for you
but, slowly, the idea of running away was starting to sound better
and the opportunity came as the palace was starting to look for more servants who would stay in the servants’ quarters
you immediately packed away your things, which wasn’t much to begin with—your mother’s locket being the major trinket you possessed
and ran off to work as a housekeeper, who hid away behind the palace walls and the public eye
since you clean for the palace, it also means cleaning after the balls
other than television appearances, you never really saw the royal family
even as you did work in the palace because……………. they’re running a goddamned country
but, of course, there are rumors and gossip with the other housekeepers which all come from reliable resources
**cough cough definitely Wooyoung cough cough**
so there’s a lot of what you heard, not really from what you’ve seen, despite what some might think when working in the palace
that was until you were called to work at your first ball
which meant you were cleaning after the tables and in the kitchens, going in and out of the ballroom and between dinner tables
getting glimpses of some of the royals
and picking up on some of their juicy conversations
(apparently this one duke almost had an affair with this king’s secret mistress… all the tea)
you get the point
every once in a while you have to work at the balls when they need the extra help
but, there was one that was…………. different
a lot of the balls are for the royals to take and engage and whatever, but there have been so many and Seonghwa………….
Seonghwa hasn’t been interested in a single one despite the purpose being to help him find someone
Hongjoong: “what’s wrong with them?”
Seonghwa: “there’s nothing wrong with them, I don’t want just someone”
Seonghwa: “I want it to happen naturally—call me old fashioned but if this is someone I want to spend the rest of my life with, it has to be someone who knows me”
Wooyoung, in the corner: “that is old fashioned, hasn’t he heard of tinder?”
advisor!Mingi: “I don’t think it would be a good look for the country if the prince is on tinder”
guard!Yeosang: “we should test it out”
butler-in-training!San: “omg reverse pretty woman”
Hongjoong: “everyone get out, you’re all useless”
okay, but like real talk: he’s such a romantic and the whole unofficial arranged marriage is just………. too much
so, his parents were like: so, you want more options?
Seonghwa: “not what I said”
and they expanded the invitation list for one night, meaning ANYONE had a shot with Seonghwa and
he is very popular, so you can imagine how many people were planning on coming and the staff (i.e. you) had to prepare for everything
for the week, the castle was bustling and you were running around to help out and it……. it was all so insane
and then it happens
you’re minding your own business and working and eavesdropping as one does when one works
because everyone is there and who doesn’t love listening to drama that isn’t just from fancy people
but since everyone is here
you failed to remember that a certain group of people were also there
the group of people being your step-mother and step sisters
instinctively, you ducked and hid, moving away from the main room that was swarmed with people who were all trying to obtain Seonghwa’s attention
(who was also trying to hide from everyone else and instinctively failing)
eventually, you found yourself in the gardens, where you tried to make yourself busy
but it ended up being a small walk through the gardens, picking up the occasional liter and small talk with the gardeners
the garden is huge, so you get a bit lost as you wander—physically and emotionally
meanwhile, Seonghwa managed to escape from the others with the help of the other ateez boys
major shoutout to Yunho and Jongho, who insisted on leading the cupid shuffle and cha cha slide
also Yeosang for blocking off people who were trying to shoot their shot with a tired Seonghwa who did not want any of this
he ended up in the gardens as well, walking down a small path with Yeosang trailing a bit farther behind
he spots you on a bench, admiring the flowers under the bright moonlight
and you were absolutely breath-taking
not wanting to disturb your peace, he tried to leave
only to knock into a garden gnome and catch your attention as he tries to not break it
You: “um”
Seonghwa: “I’m so sorry, I was just going to leave, I didn’t mean to disturb you”
You: he looks familiar
You: “I know you from somewhere”
Seonghwa: literally in the most extravagant suit and sparkle make-up as he’s still crouched on the ground trying not to break a gnome that cost like $5 at a Target
also Seonghwa: “have we met before?”
you exchange names and that’s when it clicks
immediately, you try to curtsy or bow or whatever the royals make you do to the ground bc Seonghwa’s still at ground level
and Seonghwa’s just…………. scrambling to try to get you off the ground with flushed ears at you calling him your prince
Seonghwa: “please, you literally do not have to”
You: “I don’t want to be beheaded”
You: “plus, isn’t it like, illegal for me not to?”
Seonghwa: “well, I’m technically giving you orders not to…..”
You: well, can’t argue with that
you slowly get up and dust yourself off, unable to look at him in the eye
even from the corner of your eyes tho, you can see what the fuss is about
bc Seonghwa in that suit and hair swept back is hot™
You: “Prince,  I apologize if I’m speaking out of line, but shouldn’t you be inside?”
Seonghwa: “couldn’t I ask you the same thing?”
You: “but this is in your honor, not mine”
Seonghwa: “is it tho?”
Seonghwa: “I keep telling everyone I would like to fall in love on my own and yet………. everyone keeps meddling and making plans and now everyone in the kingdom is after me when I’m just trying to do my best for our citizens”
you’re a bit silent, unsure as to how to respond
Seonghwa: “I’m sorry for just dumping this on you, but, everyone keeps telling me I shouldn’t be so worried”
You: “well, Prince, I think what you need to hear is that your feelings are valid”
You: “it’s only natural for you to want to find someone on your own—freedom is something everyone wants, which is why it’s so hard to obtain”
there’s a bit of an awkward silence
for one bc you didn’t know what he was really like and if you were allowed to say something like that
two being that you didn’t know if you should leave
but he speaks up
Seonghwa: “you’re right—I did need that”
the air loosens a bit between the two of you
Seonghwa: “so, are you also hiding from an influx of suitors?”
you laugh a little, playing like a twinkling melody to Seonghwa’s ears
You: “no, but I am hiding from people”
Seonghwa: “it’s okay, you don’t have to share if you don’t want to”
you two get to spend a bit more time together, just chatting and getting to know one another
he’s really sweet, but also kind of goofy with a handful of cheesy pickup lines that definitely comes from spending too much time on the internet but also Wooyoung
the time is short but sweet
bc, before you know it, it strikes 12 and Hongjoong has a hold on him by bulldozing past Yeosang who just blinks at the small gust of wind
Hongjoong: “Seonghwa! your parents are looking for you! we gotta go!”
he greets you hastily, before grabbing a hold of Seonghwa and dragging him away—in which Seonghwa is still trying to get one last look at you before you disappear off into the night
or, in your case, back to the kitchen to avoid your stepfamily
the rest of the night passes as expected, at least for you as you busy yourself with washing dishes in the kitchen
but Seonghwa found himself like a mercat, poking his head around trying to find you every once in a while
the time you’d spent together was short, but it was the most fun he’s had at these balls
and it showed, as noted by Hongjoong and Wooyoung with the week that followed after
he was spacing out, wondering what could have been if things were different
basically, homeboy was sulking bc he didn’t know when he could see you again or if you had someone or if you were even interested
Hongjoong: “how are we supposed to help him when we don’t even know who it is?”
Mingi: “didn’t you get a glimpse?”
Hongjoong: “I was busy with other things”
Wooyoung: “so you didn’t even ask for a name?”
Yeosang: “it’s (Y/N)”
all the boys:
Hongjoong: “how do you know that?”
Yeosang: “I was eavesdropping”
San: “um—”
Wooyoung: “wait, we know (Y/N)”
Yunho: “so am I throwing another party or?”
Wooyoung: “we can find (Y/N) first and then throw a party”
so, they kind of hunt you down to where you’re cleaning for the day
and Wooyoung asks you about Seonghwa
lowkey bc he wants the tea but also bc he wanted to make sure you’re not one of those insane people that are completely obsessed with him
(considering what he had to witness during that last ball)
and after passing his vibe check
he sends you to the library “to clean”
which is odd because you already cleaned it for the week but
Wooyoung: “I’m technically your boss, so go”
You: weirded out
also you: “okay”
little did you know, Seonghwa was already there, occupying himself with some new books while Hongjoong and Yeosang were keeping an eye out for you
who was lowkey trying to hide in the shadows and failing miserably bc of all the goddamned windows
Seonghwa spots your shadow, quickly getting up and following you
Seonghwa: “wait! (Y/N)?”
you turn around, a bit startled from the call out
Seonghwa: “I thought it was you”
you give a small bow to greet him
You: “my prince”
Seonghwa: “you can just call me Seonghwa”
Seonghwa: “I didn’t know you were here”
You: “I didn’t know you were here either”
he lets out a small chuckle
Seonghwa: “I meant I didn’t know you were staying in the castle”
You: “I’m not just staying here, I work here prin—Seonghwa”
Seonghwa: “well I guess that makes finding you a bit easier around here”
You: “you were looking for me?”
Seonghwa: “well, I like your company”
You: flushed
Seonghwa: “do you enjoy mine?”
You: “I’d be glad to bask in your presence”
and for a moment, it’s just the two of you
*cut to Hongjoong and Yeosang high-fiving in the back*
after that, the two of you spend more time together
it’s cute bc Seonghwa also likes to clean (which explains why there were never housekeepers needed for him)
so it means he also helps you clean and still have fun doing it
speaking of which, you got to find out how domestic he is and it melts your heart every time
especially when he’s interacting with children who visit the castle
so you can tell he really wants a family
bc he’s so good with kids and knows how to take care of people and what more can you really ask for
he’s also a great listener 
like he really knows what you need based on what you tell him
and when you opened up to him about what happened at home
he was just such a big sweetheart about it, asking if you’re okay and checking with you emotionally and it 
so his parents did find out bc Wooyoung has a big mouth and def blabbed to San and everyone else in the goddamned kingdom who knows Wooyoung
rip Seonghwa
also rip everyone in the kingdom who found out bc again
Seonghwa is very desired amongst many
which also led to a lot of jealous people who gossiped about you but jokes on them bc you still have Seonghwa at the end of the day and they have jack shit :) 
back to what I was saying 
when his parents found out, they were totally accepting of it considering how happy the two of you are
(also you were lowkey fearful they were just gonna straight up kill you bc you aren’t royal, but also, they’re good rulers who care about people) 
which also meant they wanted to train you to help him run the kingdom but that’s a different story
anyways, prince charming!Seonghwa is indeed very charming
and gentlemanly and all that other good stuff
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halfrest · 3 years
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* emilija baranac, demi woman + she/her  | you know siobhan ivers, right? they’re twenty-three, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, a couple days? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to manta rays chloe moriondo like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole tears lit under grocery store fluorescents, existing in your mind as a hollowed space, and manicured hands riddled in pen marks thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is september 27th, so they’re a libra, which is unsurprising, all things considered. 
background wise, she’s the daughter of former child actors that fell in love and had her quite young. then they grew into early-2000s reality tv star fame where they played the part of the young hip cool parents, toting siobhan around in the midst of drama amongst other washed-out former child stars. the show only lasted for a few years, but it made up most of siobhan’s toddler life. from then on, her parents got involved in different facets of media. her mom jumped on family vlogs, kept up a huge social media presence as instagram and the sort rolled around. her dad got involved in a company like buzzfeed as a producer? it might as well just be actual buzzfeed? sue me. but anyway, they had money and a pretty great lifestyle just based on their past fame, but i wouldn’t say their family is notoriously famous by any means. there’s probably a small fanbase from their heyday and now they’re basically a Family of the Internet. moms that like to wear knee high suede boots are obsessed with them!
siobhan grew up in this sort of flashy, always on the move, los angeles socialite-esque lifestyle tho! so yes, she’s insufferable! that being said after her time in the limelight as a 3 year-old baby...she was probably forced into the usual things like gap baby campaigns <3 n other miscellaneous stuff that kept her face out there as the lovechild of america’s sweethearts <3 in a way every single aspect of her life was sort of on show for everyone!
as she grew older, she began to resent her upbringing. she didn’t like that people felt like they knew her just bc of her parents. she didn’t like that she was a sort of trophy on display (altho this is quite a dramatic way of her to look at it...her parents were doting altho i’ll also admit that at times it was an extremely suffocating amount). but either way siobhan ended up with a warped view of the world. a constant struggle between figuring out who she really was vs. how people viewed her.
siobhan’s tried on many hats (metaphorically) thru her life just to help her grasp onto something more substantial in her life. writing quickly became her One True Love. in a way it was for her to get her thoughts out there in a safe way where she was the only one in charge of her words. it’s admittedly gotten out of hand! like aaron eckhart once said in a batman movie “u either die a hero or u live long enough to see urself become the villain.” i’m kidding but going back to siobhan’s warped view of the world/social media... in a move she thought was So Powerful she decided to take the narrative back into her own hands. and by that, she meant building up a substantial social media following. she has two twitters and two instagrams. one twitter and instagram is her public self curated n all under the username @siobhanivers (saved by her parents immediately). the second is sort of her sad girl twitter/finsta where she tries 2 keep things secretive and on the DL but everyone knows it’s her? the username for that is @yrworstgirl (edgy!!!!!!!). she goes on long rants about stuff. posts ab everything w long-winded captions ( parallels to having her own life all over the internet but still continuing the trend in a different way ). very weird relationship with social media as a whole. but i guess the way she was raised On The Internet does that to u sometimes.
as a person...siobhan’s quite intense.....for a lot of reasons. she has a lot of feelings about a lot of things that are expressed in different ways, not all the healthiest but it’s to cope. <3 figuring herself out is still an issue so u can catch her slipping into different selves and starting new regimens which she may drop or continue with. the stuff she’s doing this week is probably drastically different from the stuff she’s doing last week.....she likes to consider herself cultured n is always listening, reading, watching something Grand (i can’t relate so i can’t rp this out?). has good intentions despite all of the intensity. always willing to speak up for someone if she thinks they r being wronged in some way. big on social justice. very loud! likes to b social. has a problem where she can get fixated on a person for a bit but wants to be loved :pensive: but also doesn’t :pensive: no she does....does she? yes she does.
anxiety / she does have problems w anxiety and occasional panic attacks just from the pressure she puts on herself n just always being under scrutiny. sometimes she has it handled. sometimes she doesn’t. leaves it vague x / end tw
she’s into journalism n thats what she went to college for. this is real writing unlike her dad’s buzzfeed gig. spits. pretentious fuck. she has her own blog on top of things where she writes articles n sometimes she’s been able to get into magazines. she’s trying to develop her own small online publication but that’s pending. she likes to write about people in her life, her feelings, n she’s very candid about things to an extreme at times. she has a series where she writes about her sexcapades? no names mention but u know who it’s about, she knows who it’s about. it can b good or bad. it’s just a lot. probably involved in the school paper to an extent. probably involved in other stuff too.
at irving for A Lot of reasons. she’s writing a book. i won’t say anymore. bt also….she has to deal with some ghosts of her pasts (ambiguous). she lives at a beach house w cecilia n [insert anna muse].
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tcthetouch · 4 years
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𝓈𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝓂𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝒾𝓉 𝓌𝒽𝑒𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓎'𝓇𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓃𝑔, 𝓅𝑒𝓇𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓈 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓎 𝒽𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒶 𝓈𝑜𝓊𝓁 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓎'𝓇𝑒 𝓊𝓃𝒶𝒻𝓇𝒶𝒾𝒹 𝓉𝑜 𝒷𝒶𝓇𝑒. 𝓅𝑒𝓇𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓈 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒'𝓈 𝓃𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒.
『 jamie lee curtis. sixty-one. cis woman. she/her. 』 oh heavens, is that JUDITH MILLER from FAIR LANE i see roaming around mapleview? minnie may’s always calling them -CYNICAL & -SELFISH. i happen to think they’re not that bad! they’re a pretty cool “RETIRED” ACTRESS  and every time i’ve seen them, they’ve always been +MAGNETIC & +WITTY. i hope i see them around again! 『 may. 21. est. she/her. 』
hello my pals ! after a very long day, i am finally here with an intro for a sexy lowkey demon !
triggers: emotional abuse, brief mention of war, brief mention of considered abortion, substance abuse, brief implication of child neglect, brief mentions of death (but like.... from old age)
So… I’m currently too tired to do the ‘whole chart,’ but… a Sagittarius. Know this.
Now, to understand our dear Judith, you must first understand her parents. Her mother was a wealthy young woman, progressive in her views on social issues… for the time. Nonetheless, she was expected to hold up the standards of the time. Her father was the younger brother of a man deemed ‘a great soldier’ who died fighting in WWII. Followed by the memory of him and his own parents’ obsession with the man, he placed pressure on himself to live up to that standard. Shame there was no war………………….
They met at Judith’s mother’s debutante ball and hit it off. It was, what they perceived to be, a match made in heaven. But that’s always easy to say – it’s harder to prove when a good night culminates in an unexpected pregnancy. To avoid any public scandal on her part, Judith’s mother and father married before she began showing and moved to Mapleview where she would become an excellent mother and he would live up to his brother’s standards by… he was still figuring it out… maybe making the next great scientific advancement? or writing the next great American novel?
Sadly, in spite of her lifetime’s worth of training, Judith’s mother… proved to lack natural maternal instinct. Perhaps it was passed down from her own mother, transgenerational trauma beginning long, long, long ago. Judith’s father was so consumed with his grand ideas that he hadn’t the time to help! Between becoming the next Walt Whitman one day and the next Albert Einstein the next, all while working for his father-in-law, he just didn’t have any time at all!
Their marriage grew strained and, as Judith grew, they made it even clearer that she was the cause. If she, herself, didn’t do something spectacular with her life, then it was all for nothing!
Her father wasn’t forced into the Vietnam War as a part of the drafting lottery. No, as it grew bigger, as the army grew more desperate, as she began slowly maturing, as his marriage continued falling apart, he voluntarily entered in 1965, when Judith was seven. Before drafting even began!
Before he entered the war, Judith was the victim of plenty of degrading remarks and the occasional Unusually Odd Punishment (think bojack horseman w like beatrice seeing ~7y/o bojack take a cigarette and forcing him to smoke all of it bc he couldn’t waste a perfectly good cigarette!). However, the remarks grew more biting after he left for “the war effort.” The two moved back to California, her mother’s birthplace, to be closer to her mother’s father – an even better source of income when his sympathies were being played on.
...but it was suddenly back-to-work, no-sympathies-for-you when the war ended and Judith’s father was still alive… and, furthermore, when the war was lost. 
With her parents’ marriage worse off than ever, Judith’s unconscious attempts to please them and live up to their expectations began sooner than they would have had the war been won. Or had her father been shot. 
Commercials began at seventeen, but they weren’t impressive. Minor roles began at eighteen, but they weren’t impressive. It wasn’t until she was picked up by an actual agent at twenty that she began actually shining, so to speak. 
Which is actually a great accidental pun on my part, as her first big role was, much like JLC’s, in one of the first slasher movies ever made. Hoorah! But it still wasn’t impressive. It wasn’t big or prestigious, Katharine Hepburn wouldn’t have taken the role. 
But what was even less impressive? 
The pregnancy that followed shortly thereafter. 
Her first thought was to find a doctor who ‘specialized’ in such ‘inconveniences.’ Between the knowledge that a lack of maternal instinct ran in her blood, all women in her lineage getting mistreated to the point that they were simply unfit, as well as the knowledge that she would have to immediately quit the career that had just begun if she wanted to raise the child… 
But the father wound up being a hurdle. He was meant to be a one-night-stand, but he started showing up… again… and again… and again… until she relented and confessed to him that she was pregnant with his child (so she assumed, at least). He was insistent that she keep it… so the compromise became she wouldn’t abort it, but she would immediately hand it off to the man to raise on his own.
Daniel, named by his father, was born. Judith kept in occasional contact, but ultimately tried to leave that chapter behind her.
After that small bump in the road, her agent began lining up more career offers for her. They ranged from OK-I-guess to Not-Katharine-Hepburn-But-Close-Enough. So she clearly went for the latter ones!
Now, for someone who tried to stay clear-headed enough… it became pretty hard as she grew more popular, was invited to more parties, and… given the decade, was surrounded by cocaine! Thus began some more god-awful decisions, a list so long even Leo Tolstoy would put it down before he could finish reading it.
A few years through her increasingly successful career and she found out that she’s gotten pregnant yet again, this time being the result of a one-night-stand had during a borderline bender. For a few days, she obviously considered abortion again. But… how good would it be for her image if she cleaned up and had the baby… and, who knows! maybe she would break the chain of terrible mothers! if she was willing to sacrifice hedonism, then she was clearly doing something right! and… she also felt some remorse for barely keeping in contact with Daniel… so hoorah! replacement!
Turns out she also didn’t have that mothering instinct :\
But it was not, at all, for lack of trying. She never intentionally mistreated her child, Mia (named for Mia Farrow) – she had family days with her and hung out with her and… tried to figure out how to bond with her. She was never cruel like her mother or her mother’s mother or mother’s mother’s mother, so on and so forth and what have you, but… she was Innocently Insensitive. Still caught up in The Scene, there were some nights that were… very loud when she forgot Mia was trying to sleep and invited a bunch of people over. 
Some hedonistic tendencies returned and she found herself allowing a nanny to care for the child more and more often. Never malicious, never cruel, even asked Danny Devito to be Mia’s godfather… but still wound up being a really bad mom.
When Mia moved out, she was beginning to realize she was too old to continue going down the road she was on – to continue making the same mistakes over and over. One child was college-aged, the other was… somewhat older, although she’d lost track of the years. Yeah, she sent birthday cards and made calls every year, but time had just begun blurring together…
As a side-note, this was also around the time she was encouraged to write a memoir. She wound up having to get a memoirist which is a wc!!
The “best thing possible” happened when her mother died a year ago. Her father had already passed, but that was in Fresno – a quick trip. Her mother died in Mapleview, where her roots were laid. Also pls picture her eulogy for her mother like the eulogy in “Free Churro.” Anyway...
So what did Judith do?
Up and disappeared! 
It would’ve been a really excellent publicity stunt… if she’d ever returned. 
She likes to pretend she’ll never return to Los Angeles. The mountain air is so clean and crisp, life is so much simpler, people are so much less… corrupt.
Alas… somewhere in the back of her mind, has many plans to return to her old life. But she needs to make amends first, right?
(tread lightly if any triggers under ‘backstory’ are triggers for you!)
born in mapleview. parents were awful but also it was a case of transgenerational trauma so there are nuances there. father “abandoned” her and her mom to go fight in the vietnam war bc he wasn’t able to fight in wwii like his brother. came back and joined them in fresno and judith’s mom was like “well u guys lost.... cant say it was unexpected with someone like u fighting :\” judith was like “well i’ve learned i’m what ruined their marriage even tho i’m also the reason they got married so guess i’ll go make something of myself bc i want them to be proud.” eventually got cast in a halloween-esque movie, because of course. got pregnant, yeet’d it to the father, “it” being daniel. became a class-a hedonist. got pregnant again, but got clean and kept her, named her “mia”. was a pretty good mom for a while, then forgot that kids weren’t “used” to the 1980s/90s equivalent of modern-day raves. mia left for college. judith was like “wait,,, im too old 2 keep living this life omg.” mom died a year ago. was like “oh wow perfect excuse to come back to mapleview and pretend i never lived in los angeles ever in my entire life goodbye all ties and connections!!!”
spent the majority of her life trying to live up to the expectations set by her mom when she basically said “you better be something great to make up for being alive” + trying to unconsciously make up for ‘ruining’ her parents’ marriage.
ngl family took inspiration from the sugarman-horseman family in bojack horseman bc i just finished rewatching it and :\ i miss it :\ which, in turn, means there’s a tiny bit of muse inspo from the eponymous, but,,,,,,,, like she may not be a good person,,,,,,, but if u’ve so much as seen up to s2e11,,,,, she aint THAT bad.
further basis was fictional director kelsey jannings (of such fame as “women who love women who love recycling”) when she said that celebrities tend to stagnate at the age they got famous. and judith got famous when she was 20.
I FEEL LIKE I NEED TO MAKE IT EXCESSIVELY CLEAR THAT SHE NEVER HAD MALICIOUS INTENTS TOWARDS HER CHILDREN. she just knew she wasn’t ready to be a mother with daniel - it was terrible timing and she genuinely worried about how she would be as a mother ( considering how poor maternal instincts were... basically passed down through generations ) - and she didn’t know how to connect with mia, especially as an addict in the hollywood machine that was literally filled with drugs, thus proving her hypothesis that she would be a poor mother correct. like... I JUST NEED TO MAKE IT CLEAR THAT THERE WAS NO ABUSE INVOLVED. SHE AT LEAST DID BETTER THAN HER MOTHER WITH THAT ASPECT.
but, as marina once said, “[she’s] now becoming [her] own self-fulfilled prophecy. oh, oh no! oh no! oh no!”
saddie disguised as a baddie.
also spent the majority of her life as an absolute hedonist. remains one, but is currently clean and trying to remain that way... maybe...
wants to be good so very bad, but doesn’t know how to be.
in spite of said hedonistic and escapist tendencies, she does have a very strong work-ethic. you know. thanks to both her parents + her capricorn moon.
no way to avoid saying she’s selfish, though. no way to.
** all are open to any gender
her other child (a wc on the main!)
her memoirist (a wc on the main!)
her childhood friend from when she was still living in mapleview (a wc on the main!)
some fans! idk!
arm candy. pls. she’s bi so. they can be a himbo or a herbo or a thembo. 
you see she’s decently older than all of the characters so i feel like most of this will rely on brainstorming and/or chemistry in threads
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siobhanfm · 4 years
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『EMILIJA BARANAC ❙ CIS FEMALE』 ⟿ looks like SIOBHAN IVERS is here for HER SOPHOMORE year as an ENGLISH student. SHE is 21 years old & known to be CANDID, AMBITIOUS, PRETENTIOUS & MELODRAMATIC. They’re living in NOLAND, so if you’re there, watch out for them. 
basics: libra, pansexual, from los angeles. that’s all u need to know. :~)
as many know! i’ve had to workshop her bg a bit so i hope this makes sense! background wise, she’s the daughter of former child actors that fell in love and had her quite young. then they grew into early-2000s reality tv star fame where they played the part of the young hip cool parents, toting siobhan around in the midst of drama amongst other washed-out former child stars. the show only lasted for a few years, but it made up most of siobhan’s toddler life. from then on, her parents got involved in different facets of media. her mom jumped on family vlogs, kept up a huge social media presence as instagram and the sort rolled around. her dad got involved in a company like buzzfeed as a producer? it might as well just be actual buzzfeed? sue me. but anyway, they had money and a pretty great lifestyle just based on their past fame, but i wouldn’t say their family is notoriously famous by any means. there’s probably a small fanbase from their heyday and now they’re basically a Family of the Internet. moms that like to wear knee high suede boots are obsessed with them!
siobhan grew up in this sort of flashy, always on the move, los angeles socialite-esque lifestyle tho! so yes, she’s insufferable! that being said after her time in the limelight as a 3 year-old baby...she was probably forced into the usual things like gap baby campaigns <3 n other miscellaneous stuff that kept her face out there as the lovechild of america’s sweethearts <3 in a way every single aspect of her life was sort of on show for everyone!
as she grew older, she began to resent her upbringing. she didn’t like that people felt like they knew her just bc of her parents. she didn’t like that she was a sort of trophy on display (altho this is quite a dramatic way of her to look at it...her parents were doting altho i’ll also admit that at times it was an extremely suffocating amount). but either way siobhan ended up with a warped view of the world. a constant struggle between figuring out who she really was vs. how people viewed her.
siobhan’s tried on many hats (metaphorically) thru her life just to help her grasp onto something more substantial in her life. writing quickly became her One True Love. in a way it was for her to get her thoughts out there in a safe way where she was the only one in charge of her words. it’s admittedly gotten out of hand! like aaron eckhart once said in a batman movie “u either die a hero or u live long enough to see urself become the villain.” i’m kidding but going back to siobhan’s warped view of the world/social media... in a move she thought was So Powerful she decided to take the narrative back into her own hands. and by that, she meant building up a substantial social media following. she has two twitters and two instagrams. one twitter and instagram is her public self curated n all under the username @siobhanivers (saved by her parents immediately). the second is sort of her sad girl twitter/finsta where she tries 2 keep things secretive and on the DL but everyone knows it’s her? the username for that is @yrworstgirl (edgy!!!!!!!). she goes on long rants about stuff. posts ab everything w long-winded captions ( parallels to having her own life all over the internet but still continuing the trend in a different way ). very weird relationship with social media as a whole. but i guess the way she was raised On The Internet does that to u sometimes.
as a person...siobhan’s quite intense.....for a lot of reasons. she has a lot of feelings about a lot of things that are expressed in different ways, not all the healthiest but it’s to cope. <3 figuring herself out is still an issue so u can catch her slipping into different selves and starting new regimens which she may drop or continue with. the stuff she’s doing this week is probably drastically different from the stuff she’s doing last week.....she likes to consider herself cultured n is always listening, reading, watching something Grand (i can’t relate so i can’t rp this out?). has good intentions despite all of the intensity. always willing to speak up for someone if she thinks they r being wronged in some way. big on social justice. very loud! likes to b social. has a problem where she can get fixated on a person for a bit but wants to be loved :pensive: but also doesn’t :pensive: no she does....does she? yes she does.
ANXIETY TW // she does have problems w anxiety and occasional panic attacks just from the pressure she puts on herself n just always being under scrutiny. sometimes she has it handled. sometimes she doesn’t. leaves it vague x // END TW
decided to go to radcliffe after spending a year traveling post-highschool. liked that it was on the east coast and that it was lesser known than other schools she was considering. she felt super proud that she got in on her own merit thru her writing bc....at the end of the day siobhan wants to succeed by her own doing!!!
she’s into journalism. this is real writing unlike her dad’s buzzfeed gig. spits. pretentious fuck. she has her own blog on top of things where she writes articles n sometimes she’s been able to get into magazines. she’s trying to develop her own small online publication but that’s pending. she likes to write about people in her life, her feelings, n she’s very candid about things to an extreme at times. she has a series where she writes about her sexcapades? no names mention but u know who it’s about, she knows who it’s about. it can b good or bad. it’s just a lot. probably involved in the school paper to an extent. probably involved in other stuff too.
plots? brain empty? but i’m down 2 clown if u are! message for plots! we can brainstorm! smiles w all my teeth!
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trepidatious · 4 years
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(   natalia  dyer  &  alexandra daddario   )   bopping  along  to  vanilla twilight  by  owl city  is  vienna schuyler  ,  the  twenty-one  year  old  cisfemale  thrown  back  to  their  sports journalism  days  with  none  of  her  memories  .  voted  most  likely  to  break  into  area  51  ,  vienna  was  known  for  being  passionate  &  bashful  ,  go  figures  you’d  always  find  them  on  the  ice  rink  ,  but  grew  up  to  be  tranquil  &  withdrawn  .   ✎   kaya  ,  22  ,  she/her  ,  pst  . 
mia thermapolis ( princess diaries ) , hyuuga hinata ( naruto ) , casey carlyle ( ice princess ) , amy antsler ( booksmart ) , nadine franklin ( the edge of seventeen )
shrinking violet , grew a spine , adorkable , homeschooled kid , geek , she is all grown up , extreme doormat , the confidant , eyes always averted , nice girl , shy finger twiddling
1 9 8 8 - 2 0 1 0
          born in albany, new york to philip and danielle schuyler, the schuyler twins had been the center of their parents’ world from the moment they took their very first breath. they never had to want for anything and their childhood was often spent in upstate new york, visiting a family cabin during the holidays. it was those winter adventures that inspired vienna to pick up her first pair of skates, wanting to join the teens who’d she see skating across a frozen lake. at first she stumbled through, barely being able to keep herself upright, but by the end of the holidays she had mastered how to glide across the frozen landscape. after that it was only a matter of time before she started begging for lessons which inevitably lead to small competitions and private coaching.
          after developing a familiar routine on and off the ice, her parents getting transferred to bellevue, washington caused the schuyler family to move across the country and a seed of doubt to be placed in vienna’s head. while at first apprehensive that her ice skating career would never get to see the light of day, her nerves were quick to dissipate once she joined a local rink and continued her budding career as a skater. homeschooled so she could have time for her private coaching, vienna never got to socialize with others her age, often sticking to the sidelines and offering shy smiles to her fellow competitors. instead her downtime was spent alone, although sometimes in the company of her twin, as she binged movie franchises from star wars to lord of the rings.
             by the time she was a freshmen in high school, most of her summers were spent in san diego for a weekend, attending comic con whenever the dates didn’t coincide with her skating life. socially inept with no skills other than skating, vienna’s parents made it a point for her to attend a university like them, not believing that their daughter’s skating career would be enough to keep her afloat despite the success of her international junior career. vienna found herself reluctantly agreeing, being too timid to argue and chose to join rvu knowing her old coach from new york had moved down to california.
            a wallflower entering university, attempting to make friends and being in a school setting had felt like a rug being pulled right from under her. in her classes she was hardly acknowledged, only having her presence known whenever she was paired up for a group project. without the private tutor she was used to having her whole life, class settings were often spent with her lost in thought, filling her mind with daydreams of the future and random thoughts about whatever film she had watched the night prior. even when confronted outside of class, she’d often have a soft tone with whoever she was talking to, her eyes cast down as if she was only a few minutes away from stuttering. when you did notice her, it wasn’t uncommon to find a beginning of a blush forming on her face, a nervous smile becoming her default expression whenever interacting with someone.
            stretched thin with her studies and unable to qualify for the 2009 u.s. nationals championship, it was common knowledge within the skating community that vienna would still continue training during the current cycle of competitions instead of participating. skipping most of the major international competitions, she instead put her energy and skills into having a set of polished routines ready for the 2011 circuit. but with her degree being in sports broadcasting, espn had invited her to be a co-commentator for the 2009 world championships held in los angeles. with the conversation being about a topic she knew like the back of her hand, her commentary came fluidly and her usually bashful nature was nowhere to be seen as she observed the performances before her. with that attempt successful, it was no surprise that she was invited to vancouver to once again commentate on the competition.
2 0 1 0 - 2 0 2 0
            graduating from rom valley university in 2010, she became a paid intern at espn, attending different competitions whenever she wasn’t competing in them. the internship only lasted a year, with her putting her broadcast career on pause to focus full-time on the 2014 olympic circuit. the next few years passed by in a breeze with her getting silver at the 2013 u.s. nationals and sixth place in the world championship, earning the united states a third spot in the olympics. during the 2014 u.s. championships, vienna placed first in the short and free programs, winning the national title and securing a spot on the u.s. olympic team. the rest of her career followed similarly, with her once again competing and placing in world’s as well as winning a bronze team medal in the 2018 olympics.
            before the throwback to 2010 happened, vienna had taken another pause in her competitive career, having suffered a stress fracture that put her out of commission. however, as a now internationally decorated medalist, she found herself returning to her broadcast roots, once again commentating at the different competitions and being interviewed on numerous talk shows. throughout her years post-graduation, she had kept in touch with a few people but for the most has kept to herself, preferring her own company over any amount of people. now able to turn on her charisma in situations non-related to skating, she had found herself content with where she was in life, with her days of smiling bashfully at the ground long gone, instead being replaced with confidence.
Q U I C K  F A C T S
unfortunately she’s one of the few who DOES NOT remember anything after 2010
all the self-growth and confidence she developed post-graduation??? long gone and home girl doesn’t even realize it sdfghj
definitely still a bashful mess who is avoiding eye contact whenever possible but hey, she’s definitely approachable and currently lacks the ability to be rude to anyone
doesn’t realize the whole marvel cinematic universe becomes as big and major as it is now so if anyone spoils anything she’d either think they’re an oracle of sorts or a secret writer for the mcu
she’s the biggest nerd and fan girl like i saw a few actors/oscar winners on the taken list and if any of your muses were a part of a marvel, lord of the rings, star wars, etc ( if it was at comic con then consider her a fan tbh ) she would have lost her shit being like “i went to school with this person omg” or “my friend is the scarlet witch!!!”
knows random facts about the stars and outer space and probably used to tweet at nasa a lot
her favorite barbie movie is the rapunzel one solely bc homegirl is staring and singing about the stars sdfghjk
probably asked her acting friends to be an extra in whatever movie they’re in
she says it as a joke but one of those “ get me in the movie. jk.... unless ????”
believes aliens are real and probably talked about it in 2010 and in 2020
like her theories about area 51??? and the government???? she could talk about them for days tbh
avoids drugs like the plague. will not even be anywhere where there’s weed smoke bc she’s scared it’ll pop up on her drug test bc she’s a paranoid dumb lil bean
probably doesn’t really drink that often but when she does it’s tito’s vodka
big nerd who speaks sindarin, can read aurebesh, and can somewhat speak togruta despite the limited amount of words that are known
named after the billy joel song and proud of it
ANYWAYS PLS PLOT WITH ME !!!!! my discord is medieval 4loko gang#5402 but feel free to hmu on here <3
i have a stats page here and wc page here !!!
but also come check out her pinterest board here
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ohmydcrling · 4 years
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hi, sorry to disturb you, but can you tell me where the office for bae “baby” bong-cha  is? y’know, she’s the 26 year old client here at Masters? kinda’ looks like lee sungkyung if you squint? one of the guys over at I.T. said she is vibrant and gregarious but sheltered and shallow, does that ring a bell? i have her coffee order right here.
name: bong-cha bae fc: lee sungkyung pronouns: she/her age: twenty-six sexuality: ??? degree: n/a  occupation: actress & model
↳  positive/negative traits
+ vibrant, gregarious -  sheltered, shallow
↳  likes/dislikes
+ pandas, pink, poppies, parasols  -  busts, bagels, bottled water, beets
↳  other
birthday: may 3rd
sun sign: taurus 
inspiration: mary-kate and ashley olsen, shirley temple, lindsey lohan, baby june, raven symone, dakota fanning
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on the screen before she could walk, talk, or even hold her own bottle, bong-cha grew up as a television superstar along with her twin brother (to be named? to be filled? HM!). 
second generation, her parents moved from south korea to the states to pursue american show business, but unlike their children bong-cha’s parents had trouble finding the same quality of work in los angeles as they did before they’d moved. so when bong-cha and her twin brother proved popular, they put a lot of work into sensationalizing them so that the whole family could benefit from their popularity. 
in the middle of all the fame, she claimed the stage name baby, after a recommendation from her parents and her agent.
VHS movies, fan club cruises, clothing lines, television series, and blockbuster movies centering around the dynamic child duo blazed across the united states and lifted them onto the perfect pedestal meant for a huge empire.
they were the faces of every kid’s lunchbox, the child detectives to solve the mysteries of their ghost-written book series, and the protagonists of famous and staple coming of age movies.
bong-cha’s brother decided he was done with it after finishing high school, enrolling into college and slipping under the radar to get an education. bong-cha on the other hand was still passionate about acting. after he left she suffered not having her obligatory plus one. 
baby moved to south korea to pursue projects there, taking part in k-dramas and reveling in the new spotlight she’d acquired doing more lead roles that didn’t bank on having her brother as a counterpart. she received agency and independence, and it felt stupid to complain about being popular, but she was in so many projects that she began to burnout. 
after taking a year-long break, she moved to new york city, where she was interested in getting back into the american media scene that had given her her initial success. she wanted to be in more serious and artistically inclined projects and be seen for someone that wasn’t just a washed-up actress trying to make it without her brother. because she knew she wasn’t. baby can sing, she can dance, she’s multilingual, she can play the piano, and she knew if she weren’t talented her career wouldn’t have flourished in south korea. it was all the proof she needed that she just needed her own identity.
baby came to masters in search of rekindling her passion for acting as an art, and since masters is the best international management company in the world... 
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outside of her career: 
although kind and well-meaning, baby is clueless about what life would be like without her privilege. she’s the type to hand someone a wad of cash without thinking about whether they might find it insulting.
she’ll smile at anyone that looks at her for a moment too long, and she does stop to take photos with fans even if her bodyguard hates when she does it. 
she’ll use her award-winning smile to get herself and anyone else out of trouble. 
she WILL pout to get whatever she wants and she has no qualms about throwing a tantrum to do so, either. sometimes baby is too accurate a stage name. thankfully, it’s hardly used for evil.
her favorite pastime is playing the piano. catch her playing chopin on her off days. 
she’s a little confused but she’s got the spirit, you know? 
very very supportive, will help you achieve your dreams by using her money or her connections without complaint or much thought. she’ll vouch for you without thought until you prove to her you don’t deserve it. is the type to withhold love and affection when done dirty. 
wanted connections: 
a gf or ex(no gender preference) that is/was using her for her money
a lost or missed connection she lost touch with who used to be thick as thieves with her
an old PR romance that either turned sour or ended bc the contract did 
or we can brainstorm together !!
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pan-de-queer · 5 years
all my pieces fit with yours (bechloe)
Genre: Romance
“Did they really look like a couple—or a family? Ocean blues turned to watch glowing brown eyes and small pale fingers excitedly pulling at the container. A small smile curled at the corner of the Chloe’s lips, her chuckle fond as she wondered about the family of two seated next to her—the family she’d been accidentally included in by assumption.”
Or: Beca’s a single mom, Chloe sits next to them on the plane, and things get gay but not too noticeably gay (i think).
Author’s Note: Not my proudest piece that ending feels so lacking oof But I tried. Hahahaha just glad i’m getting back into the fandom word by word. Single Parent AU. Unbetaed. (also posting this bc this blog is actually my “main” or whatever my friend said it was and i’m trying to arrange all my writing in one place??)
all my pieces fit with yours
Flying back home to Florida was both surreal and terrifying. Not that Chloe was scared of seeing her family again, but that she wasn’t ready to have to say goodbye all over again. Los Angeles was beautiful and amazing and she loved her kids and the club she’d finally been allowed to head but home was just different and it had taken her a whole year to adjust to LA after she moved out five years ago. She could already feel the sting of the future tears she was going to shed.
Thankfully, her seatmates were plenty distracting. Not in the oh-great-I’m-sitting-next-to-an-annoying-ass-for-four-hours way but in the oh-shit-this-woman’s-really-fucking-pretty-and-her-child-is-adorable kind of way. They were already seated when she made her way over to her seat. A cute brunette was strapping an even cuter little brunette into the window seat, the little girl giggling as the older one tickled her every time she tried to dodge the straps.
She had finally arrived at the aisle seat of their row, shooting them both a bright smile before collapsing her luggage handle and mentally preparing herself to throw it into the overhead compartment. The bag was a little heavier than she was used to as she’d tried to stuff all her necessities and gifts into one carry-on (she loved her job, but the wages left one a little bit wanting) and her friends had been the ones to carry it for her throughout the trip from her apartment to the airport. She struggled a bit with the carry-on until the older brunette—long, wavy brown hair, cold blue eyes lined with dark eyeliner, a knowing smirk—stood from her seat.
“Need some help?” she asked, smirk small but noticeable and Chloe couldn’t stop the sheepish laugh from leaving lips.
She nodded, smile bright. “That would be wonderful, thank you.”
With the brunette’s help she’d managed to toss her luggage into the compartment and secure it before they settled into their seats.
Chloe turned to the woman with a bright smile, the sincerity pouring from her heart and past her lips. “Thank you so much, I might’ve delayed the plane without your help.”
The woman chuckled, shaking her head. “It was nothing. Although if the plane tips, I’m blaming you.”
Chloe faked a scoff, lips twitching into a smile involuntarily. The girl was cute and had a sense of humor. She thanked the aca-gods for small graces. “Thanks anyways. I’m Chloe.”
The brunette took the offered hand, slender fingers cold and callous. “Beca, and this is my daughter, Erin.”
The smaller brunette waved shyly from her seat, a sheepish smile showing off her missing front tooth. The inner teacher in the redhead lit up. “Hi Erin, it’s nice to meet you. I love your shoes.”
Little Erin beamed at the mention of her PJ Masks crocs, her feet straightening to show both footwear. “Who’s your favorite? Mine’s Owlette!”
Chloe grinned as the fasten belt light glowed and the flight preparations started. She leaned forward slightly to look at the little girl to reply, “Catboy’s my favorite, but Owlette’s really cool, too.”
The redhead didn’t miss the way the older brunette grinned at her reply, all three women settling into their seats as the flight attendants checked on the passengers’ belts. The takeoff was filled with Erin’s excited chatter of her favorite show, Chloe adding to the conversation until the seat belt light turned off.
The redhead watched as Beca got her daughter settled with an activity book, an iPad, and some earphones before setting up her own laptop and headphones. Chloe figured the conversation was over and pulled her own light reading out of her bag before her seatmate turned to her with a slight smirk, icy blue eyes swimming in amusement.
“So, PJ Masks?” the older brunette chuckled, shaking her head lightly as she let her headphones hang around her neck.
The redhead shrugged, grin still bright as she wrinkled her nose. “I’m a second grade teacher. You need to be in the loop if you ever expect your kids to listen to you.”
Beca’s eyes softened as her smirk melted into a gentle smile. “None of Erin’s teachers watch kids’ shows. You’re pretty dedicated. Your kids must love you.”
“I may or may not be their favorite teacher,” Chloe faked an innocent shrug, her smug smirk belying her supposed humility (the redhead didn’t bother mentioning that she was the godmother to twin five-year-olds).
The brunette chuckled, “The humblest one, too, I’m sure.”
The teacher’s smirk widened into a blinding grin in reply, shooting the brunette an exaggerated wink that made the woman blush. The brunette’s eyes skirted to her closed laptop, opening it and starting it up as she settled further into her seat. Figuring the conversation was over, Chloe turned her attention to her book and started reading.
The following two hours were spent working on their own things, the redhead getting so engrossed in her book that she hadn’t noticed the shift in company until she’d shifted in her seat and realized that her shoulder suddenly felt much heavier than normal. She looked to her left to find a head of brown hair and sleek black headphones resting on her shoulder.
The redhead strained her head to see a peaceful smile curling thin, pink lips as the brunette seemed to be sleeping peacefully. Chloe didn’t have the heart to disturb the woman (and, she had to admit, it was a damn cute sight), so she adjusted herself to make the angle less awkward and settled back into her seat. She could feel the slight vibrations from the woman’s headphones buzzing on her shoulder and her eyes strayed from long brown lashes dusting pale, smooth skin to the laptop sitting in front of the brunette.
The screen was dimmed but the teacher could make out the jumping waves and turning knobs as a program to make music and the redhead was silently intrigued and impressed. Before she could figure out what exactly the brunette was doing, a small, squeaky voice piped up past the brunette resting on her shoulder.
“Mommy makes music,” the little girl informed her, noting the way warm blue eyes scanned her mother’s screen.
Chloe smiled softly at the little brunette—Erin, her memory kicked in as she turned slightly towards her. “That’s really cool. And what about you, Erin? What do you do?”
“I’m in first grade! I’m turning six next year!” the little girl declared before the redhead softly shushed her, pointing to her sleeping mother. Erin repeated the gesture, shushing herself as she leaned back into her seat.
The redhead chuckled, smile soft as she whispered, “That’s awesome, I’m a second grade teacher—”
“So you’ll be my teacher next year?” Erin asked, voice hopeful and big brown eyes wide and pleading.
“I don’t know, sweetie, I’m pretty sure I teach in a different school from yours.”
“But you’re my favorite teacher. You’re really pretty and you like Catboy and I like Owlette!”
“Aw, thank you, Erin. I’d love to be your teacher someday.”
“And then we could play my favorite games in class! Like, Faces!”
Chloe gently shushed the excitable brunette again, grimacing slightly as she checked on Beca. At the sight of steady breathing, Chloe let our her own relieved sigh before she turned back to Erin and asked, smile returning, “What’s Faces?”
Erin tried her best to keep her tone quiet, but the excitement was evident in the bouncing girl’s glowing brown eyes. “It’s a game we play in class. Whoever makes the funniest faces gets to be the new leader at game time. I’ve won three times!”
“Wow! So I’m dealing with a champ here, huh?” the redhead teased, Erin grinning proudly in response. “But I know how to make some really silly faces, too.”
“We should play!” Erin nearly shrieked, but Chloe was quick to place her finger over her lips, quieting the first grader immediately. Instead of replying with an affirmative, the thirty-year-old scrunched her face up and crossed her eyes, earning a little giggle from the girl a seat away. The pair played Faces to pass the time, interspersing the strange looks they gave each other with little stories and jokes.
The next face Erin shot the older woman was a wrinkled pout as the little girl’s hands flew to her stomach. Red brows furrowed in concern as Chloe asked, “Are you okay?”
Erin turned to her with big brown eyes and frowned. “I’m hungry.”
“Oh, okay.” Thankfully, the redhead could spot the food cart rolling down the aisle and she turned to Erin with a small smile. “Want me to buy you something?”
“Mommy says not to let strangers buy me food,” Erin pouted and Chloe’s heart melted just a little bit more.
“Well, we’ll tell your mommy that I bought you food right when she wakes up and you’ll be the one to choose it, is that okay?”
The little brunette’s face lit up at the proposition and the little girl nearly jumped over her own mother to look at the offered snacks. As the attendant passed Erin her sandwich, she beamed at the teacher and chirped, “Your family’s lovely. I just got engaged to my girlfriend last month and we’re still talking about kids. I’d love to have what you two have someday. Would you want a blanket for your wife?”
Chloe sputtered at the assumption, trying to find a way to explain the strange situation. Warm blue eyes looked up at expectant brown before the redhead reluctantly settled with, “Yes, that would be great, thank you.”
Did they really look like a couple—or a family? Ocean blues turned to watch glowing brown eyes and small pale fingers excitedly pulling at the container. A small smile curled at the corner of the Chloe’s lips, her chuckle fond as she wondered about the family of two seated next to her—the family she’d been accidentally included in by assumption.
“Erin?” Chloe called, handing the little girl a wet wipe with her free arm, moving slowly and gently to keep the older brunette from waking. The little brunette took the wet wipe and cleaned her hands before handing the dirty cloth back to the redhead’s expecting hand and digging into her sandwich.
The little brunette replied with doe-like eyes. “Yeah?”
“Where are you and your mommy flying off to?”
The little girl’s eyes lit up as she practically bounced in her seat. “To Disney World! And to daddy’s office place, but mommy said we’re going to Disney World!”
Chloe wondered why her heart clenched at the little girl’s reply, a tentative smile flitting on to her lips. “That’s sounds great! So you’re going back home to your daddy, huh?”
“No, we’re just visiting,” the little brunette informed her as she started turning her attention back to her food. “Daddy goed to us last time, so now we go to him!”
“I see,” the redhead hummed, trying to piece together what she now knew. Deciding she didn’t need to (or want to, for now) know much more, she changed the topic smoothly. “That sounds like lots of fun. What are you looking forward to in Disney World?”
Erin declared, “Meeting Olaf. He’s my favorite ever.”
“I love Olaf, too! But my favorite is Sven.”
“Sven is silly.”
“So is Olaf!”
The girls giggled until the attendant returned with the blanket and provided it with a beaming smile. Chloe listened as attentively as she could to the little six year old who prattled on about the wonders of Disney and how she was going to own her own island one day like Moana (although if Chloe remembered that movie correctly, that wasn’t quite how the film went) while slowly and gently draping the blanket over the girl’s mother. The conversation lasted for another good thirty minutes before Erin finally finished her sandwich, face covered with crumbs and sauce as the little girl played with her sticky fingers.
“Erin, sweetie, could you please clean yourself up?” Chloe sighed fondly, managing to dig out another handful of wet wipes (single-handedly, as she’s been doing for a majority of the flight) and slowly hand it over to the five-year-old.
The redhead watched the little brunette make horrible attempts at wiping herself clean, the teacher’s affection for the child growing with every savage attempt to scrub away a stray spot. With a fond chuckle and soft shake of her head, Chloe slowly reached out to wipe off the crumbs and cheese on chubby pale cheeks (still all too aware of the head on her shoulder) before the plane jolted everyone forward.
A small squeal slipped past Erin’s lips as Chloe gripped her armrest for support.
“Wha-What’s…?” Beca straightened, cold blue orbs foggy as she tried to piece together what was happening.
The seatbelt sign lit up as the captain announced some turbulence and Chloe moved to quickly secure Erin’s belt before urging Beca to wear hers and pack her things away. As the turbulence continued, a soft little whimper left Erin’s lips as the little girl held her hand out for support. Beca reached out instinctively, pale slender fingers curling around chubby white ones—only to be pushed aside as Erin started to shake.
“Chloe,” big brown eyes started to water as the five-year-old held out her shaking hand. The redhead turned to Beca uncertainly, silently asking for permission with a slight tilt of her head. Beca held her hands up in defeat, cold blue shining in quiet amusement as the teacher quickly reached over to grab hold of the little girl’s chubby hand.
Chloe rubbed soothing circles to the back of Erin’s hand and hummed and sang softly in hopes of getting the little girl to stop shaking. It took some more gentle coaxing from both women to get the smaller brunette to lean back, chubby little hand still clutching Chloe’s, as the turbulence slowly passed. Eventually, Erin fell asleep gripping Chloe’s hand and it took another few minutes for the older women to gently pry Chloe’s hand out of Erin’s iron grip.
Beca chuckled at how lost the teacher seemed.
“It’s fine, Chloe,” the mother shrugged. “Thanks for being so great with her.” Beca paused, head ducking as a blush spread up her neck. “And for, uh, letting me sleep on you.”
Chloe ignored the flutter in her stomach. “Erin’s amazing and it looked like you needed the rest.”
“Still, thanks, I know how weird it can get having to sit with a bunch of strangers on a long ass plane ride.”
“It’s a pleasure, really. Erin’s very charming.” Chloe paused before giving in to the curious voice in her head. “You and your husband have raised her very well.”
Subtle. Nice.
“Oh, no, I’m single. Never married or anything.”
“Oh, sorry! I didn’t mean to assume, and Erin said you two were going to visit her father.”
“Ah yeah, well, it’s—it’s kind of a weird story. Not that I regret it, or anything, or that it’s a bad memory. Erin’s the best thing to ever happen to me, but it’s still kind of weird.”
“Well, I’d love to hear it. That is, if I’m not prying too much.”
“Nah, it’s fine. Um, well, uh, I met Erin’s dad in college. He was this weird, overenthusiastic nerd that worked with me at the campus radio station. I found him really annoying at first, still do sometimes, but he got to me eventually and we started dating a little before the end of our freshman year. He’s an amazing guy, and one of my best friends, but just before our senior year, we both realized we were gay—so we broke up. Again, kinda funny and kinda weird.
“A couple weeks after we broke up I found out I was pregnant with Erin and, well, Jesse—that’s my best friend, ex-boyfriend, and second favorite gay—wanted to keep her. We had a huge argument about it. Didn’t talk to each other for nearly a month unless it was to shout at each other. Eventually, I got… attached—and decided to keep her… And I’m really glad I did.”
“Erin’s lucky to have such amazing parents.”
Beca could feel the heat crawling up her neck as steel blue strayed from the redhead back to her sleeping little monster. “Well, she makes it easy.”
A soft smile curled full pink lips as the redhead watched Beca wrap her little girl in the blanket she’d been using. The warmth spreading in her chest wasn’t completely unfamiliar, but the redhead couldn’t quite place what—exactly—it was. All she understood was that Beca and Erin were going to be two very unforgettable women.
Clearing her throat (and her thoughts), Chloe tried to keep the conversation going. “So Erin tells me you make music? Is it, like, a hobby or…?”
Beca leaned back in her seat, the usually shy smiles Chloe had gotten used to shifting into a confident smirk—clearly this topic was Beca’s expertise. “Yeah, I do both, actually. I’m a music producer by profession and mix tracks for fun.”
“That’s so cool! Do you get to play your original mixes at events and stuff or are they just for you?”
“Uh, well, I haven’t dj-ed at an event since Erin was born. I just make them for my friends and Erin nowadays.”
“So what you were working on earlier on the flight, was that for work or for fun?”
“It can’t be both?” Beca chuckled at the redhead’s pointed brow quirk, shrugging as a teasing smirk curled her lips. “Fine, okay, that was for fun. I was making Erin a mix that she could listen to once we got to our hotel. I was kinda hoping it’d keep her usual restlessness at bay while I unpacked and stuff.”
Chloe softened at her admission, ocean blues melting just the slightest as the brunette tried to play off her words. “Has anyone ever told you that you’re an amazing mom, Beca?”
Thin pink lips pursed at the compliment, Beca’s blush crawling slowly and steadily up her neck as she ducked to try and hide it.
Chloe found it cute how Beca would be so confident one second and fall into a blushing mess at even the smallest compliment. She’d only known Beca for a handful of hours and the teacher already felt such a strong fondness for the woman. Chloe never believed much in fate or destiny, but she had a gut feeling that there was something different about the Mitchell girls.
Leaning back in her seat, Chloe’s sly grin turned soft. “You know, Beca, I feel like we’re going to be really fast friends.”
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rosesandrorys · 4 years
✧・゚(   demeter + alexa demie + cis female  ) 𝒎𝒂𝒎𝒎𝒂 𝒎𝒊𝒂 !!  have you seen (   veronica “rory” flores ) around ? (   she ) have/has been in kaos for (   two months ). the (   twenty four year old  ) is a/an (   bartender ) from (   los angeles, united states  ). people say they can be (   hot-headed  ) but maybe that’s not too bad ‘cause they can also be (   steadfast  ). whenever i think of them, i can’t help but think of (   iced coffee at nine pm, the smell of the earth after rain, a four leafed clover poking out of a crack in the road  ).  ・゚✧  (  penned by neha, 21, est, she/her ).
hiiiii everyone first of all i am so happy to be here the main is b e a u t i f u l and gives me so much greek god inspo! i’m neha this is my bby rory!! i’m going to add my big bio/about blurb that was in my app so if you want to you can read all about her, but if you don’t have time here’s a little tldr; for you! 
rory is my LA club kid QUEEN, she basically grew up super poor but going to a school wanting to fit in with the rich popular kids, long story short she started selling club drugs n stuff to them, gained the friendship and money but once hs ended it, everything ended and she basically had to start over, only now she had the uphill battle w/ addiction to drugs/partying/bad decisions to also handle! she’s on the island bc her mom met a rich guy and he has a villa on the island he wants her to fix up, which is also doubling as a kind of ‘get clean’ retreat tho it ain’t rlly working even tho sgenuinelynunienly sometimes want to do better. she’s a hustler and has a sharp tongue, but on the inside she has a heart of gold and rlly just wants to be loved for who she is for like the first time ever <3
PLOTTING STUFF: she’s been on the island for two months now, but lil girl is all about having those connections bc she thinks its the only way she can have value (ugh poor kid) so lmk!! they could’ve met through the whole partying/drugs route, at the bar where she works at a bartender, or maybe at the hardware stores that she frequents because she’s fixing up the villa! i have more specific plot ideas but i don’t want to make this post too long so hmu or like this post for me to come to you!! 
ok, that’s my two pieces said, now here’s the longish bio section if you want to learn more in depth about her :)Tw for abuse, drug use/dealing, addiction
Rory is from LA born and raised! Her mother is a single mom and it was just them for a long time, with the rotating cast of her mother’s boyfriends. The two could just never seem to get close to financial stability and she grew up rough, never having enough money to keep up with the kids at school, then having to fend for herself once she got home because her mother worked nights.
At home, it all depended on what boyfriend out of the rotation her mother was currently seeing. The best strategy for all of them was avoidance, so Rory spent her days on the streets or at work, never really wanting to deal with the boyfriends. Throughout the years, she suffered abuse and neglect from these men, and though she tried to tell her mother, who was always just a little too busy, a little too high, or a little too blind to the effects. Besides, they needed the extra money that the various boyfriends gave. 
Despite it all, at school Rory shined. She was smart, that much was clear, and she exuded a certain aura of warmth that could make anyone, even the girls with birkin bags and ice cold hearts fall in love. Her school was a dichotomy of rich and poor, and if she worked her ass off and put in maximum effort, it seemed she could fit in with both. But she didn’t want both, didn’t want the stigma of her background to follow her everywhere. She wanted to live in the world of marble countertops and athleisure accessorized with diamonds. So, with extreme effort, she pulled herself up to the social ranks of those girls in school, always going over to their houses to study, pretending she never learned how to drive so that they wouldn’t know she couldn’t afford a car, let alone the mercedes and italian sports cars they drove to school.
But keeping up has its price, and that price began to climb as she was integrated deeper. Rory needed money for twelve dollar salads and fifty dollar spin classes, and the money from her job (which she said her mom forced her to do to learn responsibility) wasn’t cutting it. She was a scrappy kid turned into a precocious young adult and she’d been scrambling all her life, this was just another bootstraps moment. She had the connections from her neighborhood, and what did rich kids like more than drugs? The answer was nothing, and Rory made the leap easily, starting off small and gradually building up a mini drug empire in her high school. She finally had spending money, but more importantly she had friends and people who cared about her, and she wasn’t going to give that up for the world. 
Rory wasn’t dumb, she knew this couldn’t last forever, so she was also making solid plans to further herself in life. But an addictive personality ran in her veins as evidenced by her mother who was addicted to it all - drugs, boyfriends, and bad decisions. The moment it all started to go south could be pinpointed to the moment she herself started to use the drugs. Her friends were doing it after all, and she didn’t want to be a buzzkill. The drugs were an escape from her shitty life that was going nowhere, after all. They let her put on the rose-tinted glasses that she’d been denied since birth, and Rory ate it up. 
But with every ascent, comes a crash and as the lag time from the drugs started to affect her performance in everyday life, grades started to slip, dreams fell to the wayside and prospects started to vanish. By the time she finished highschool they’d say - what a fall from grace. Because she’d forgotten one very important thing. If her friends made a mistake, it could all be very easily swept under the rug and forgotten by way of their parents’ money. Rory, however, had no safety net, and at the end of highschool she was left in the lurch: same terrible grades and attendance as her friends, but no large donations to get her into prestigious schools. Or, for a fact, any schools. She’d peaked, and what followed graduation was a spiralling descent back to where she’d started. The friends she’d been so fiercely loyal to moved on to college and beyond and she was left with nothing but the endless LA party scene filled with people she didn’t care about and worse and worse decisions by the day. 
If it’d gone on for a couple more months, she’d probably have died. But the money started to dry up as her friends left, and the final blow was a drop gone wrong - high as a kite, she’d decided that handing off a major package to a much larger man in a dark alley was a good idea, and the inevitable tussle and robbing left her hurting. She was high and dry with no income and no savings. Twenty-two years old and nothing to her name. It was time for that scrappy kid to scramble once again, but that kid now had a mild drug problem and a chip on her shoulder the size of Texas. 
It wasn’t going to be easy. But one thing Rory was always good at was cultivating her connections. Though her friends had moved on, Rory’s combination of dimples, winning smile, and just enough ass kissing had created just enough opportunities with the people in their lives, and the people at the parties she frequented. She had an in to the rich, and damn if she wasn’t going to exploit it. Odd jobs here and there was her life now, just enough to keep her drug addiction alive, just enough to keep her name in the back of the minds of the wealthy. She knew this would change her life somehow, she just wasn’t quite sure how yet.And who could’ve predicted how it happened. 
It was mundane, a job making drinks at a classy party, one of those ones where the host barely shows up, where the adults sip their martinis and the kids do blow in the bathrooms. The party wasn’t anything remarkable, but what followed was. She was getting picked up by her mother, and the host of the party, a middle aged salt and pepper type man recognized her mother. They had gone to school together or something, Rory was exhausted and didn’t really care, but apparently her mother turned on the same charm inherent in Rory, and the next Friday had lined up a date.
Things progressed extremely quickly from there on out, with lavish dinners and getaway weekends for the two lovebirds. It was astonishing to watch, and the whispers of ‘gold-digger’ from the country club ladies couldn’t even come close to puncturing Rory’s mom’s thick skin. Both women had been to hell and back after all, had worked all their lives for pennies, and finally something serendipitous had happened. All the toxic exs were dropped within the first six months, the crappy two bedroom within a year, and after a year and a half marriage and a kid on the way - though nobody could quite say which one came first. It was a strike of lightning, transforming the tiny flores family immediately. Call it fate or fortune, but Rory was finally back in that world that she’d strived to be in.
This time, when the spiral came it was well supported and well recognized by Rory’s new step-father. He’d already been through the gambit of raising rich kids, two who were now nearing their thirties, and he could see the signs instantly. Bloodshot eyes, partying all night, sniffles and gaunt features. Rory was getting pulled in again, and fast, but this time there was finally someone looking out for her. She couldn’t escape the lure of the partying and the drugs alone, and this marriage had essentially busted it wide open for her, kicking away any barriers that had been there before. They couldn’t control her, really. She’d been scrambling so long that cutting off the money didn’t matter, she had her connections and her grit that had gotten her this far. 
What Rory needed was an out, a way to escape the vicious cycle addiction had pulled her into and her step-father had just the thing: a house on a tiny island in Greece,  a fixer upper that needed some love. Of course, he could easily drop a few thousand down and have it renovated much quicker, but he knew Rory had lost her purpose, so he offered it to her on a silver platter.Pride almost kept her in LA. The thinly veiled excuse to get her out wasn’t fooling anyone, but the last straw came when her step father asked her a very simple question: “What’s left for you here?”. For her whole life, LA had only given her pain, hardship, and drugs. Now, the latter was the only thing left. So, she took the deal, and the girl who had never left LA booked a ticket for the other side of the world.
Now, Rory has been on the island for five months. It’s not exactly rehab, but the drug usage has diminished bit by bit, She’s starting to find her footing and become part of the community. She still has that chip on her shoulder, but putting her energy into building something feels good. She’s never built anything in her life, and the house with its extensive gardens needs a lot of work so it’s keeping her extremely busy. When she first got there, the first thing she did was immediately pick up a job as a local bartender because she hates being dependent on her step-father’s money, for fear of him taking it away (trust issues much). The LA dust and glitter is slowly clearing from her eyes, and she’s discovering a much kinder and greener world.
Rory is super charismatic and thus far has been turning on her charm in order to further things in life. She doesn’t have to do this anymore, so her genuine warmness is starting to shine through more. She’s been stung by basically all the relationships in her life, so she holds real companionship extremely close, loyal to the end and extremely passionate and protective. 
Bitch has trust issues and a bit of an edge though, so getting to that deep companionship is really hard.She’s also a rough kid, had to claw and fight her way through her life, so she’s definitely a little rough around the edges. She doesn’t open up quickly, and she has a quick temper that acts as a learned defense mechanism. She definitely has a nasty streak when it comes to defense mechanisms, and can be quick with her wrath.
Years on drugs leading up to this quieter life have made Rory a bit antsy, and though she still does some drugs she’s transitioning to chasing an adrenaline high - her addictive personality is always going to be her fatal flaw.
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theodcra-blog · 4 years
��  kim  doyeon.  she  /  her.  cis  female.  —  i  know  that  theodora  “  theo  ”  jung  is  one  of  the  roses.  which  makes  sense  because  the  twenty  year  old’s  parents  are  hollywood  royalty  known  for  producing  and  recording  multi-platinum  awarded  albums.  rumors  say  that  they  are  the  quixotic  of   the   group  ,  but  who  knows  if  that’s true.  +  plucking  petals  off  of  daisies  in  the  name  of  a  crush  ,  steeping  teabags  for  too  long  ,  the  scent  of  perfume  left  behind  on  a  pillowcase.
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                   hello  !  im  xan  and  im  late  as  usual  but  alas  ...  😔  im  22  ,  from  the  est  timezone  (  even  though  my  sleeping  schedule  …  does  not  reflect  that  sjbdwjkbdjdw  )  &  i  go  by  she  /  her  pronouns  !  i  truly  ...  never  know  what  im  doing  with  intros  they  just  turn  out  long  &  messy  aha  ... are  u  ready  ?  *jungkook vc*  let’s  get  it  !  😋
━  ˙ ˖  ☆     QUICK STATS  !
full name: theodora marie jung.
nickname(s): theo, teddy, dora (  but only by bullies 😠 ).
zodiac: libra sun, aqua moon ( click ! ) 
sexuality: bisexual.
occupation: singer / songwriter, model. 
birthplace: los angeles, california.
current residence: wherever this rp is taking place aha x
━  ˙ ˖  ☆     BACKSTORY ! ( tw: sexual themes )
so her parent’s story was actually a pretty big scandal in the 90′s ! basically theo’s mom was the pretty famous front woman of a band ( think stevie nicks in fleetwood mac ) who was long engaged to the guitarist of that same band....until one day it was announced she was quitting the group and starting her solo career, leaving her fiance, and signing to a new label.....which was run by theo’s father, a young up & coming producer taking over the family business. not even three months later theo’s mom releases her first solo album, produced and co-written by theo’s father, basically detailing this years long affair the two had been having... in a series of really catchy, moving, and wildly successful songs. 
the public went crazy over the drama, especially when rumors started circulating ( through detailed analysis of the lyrics to all of theo’s mom’s solo songs ) that the well known band had actually been quite toxic. basically it was enough to convince media outlets and fans alike to forgive theo’s parents for being cheaters and breaking up the band JSDBWBDJWBD. by the time theo was born in the last year of the iconic decade that launched both her parents into stardom, everyone couldn’t be happier the two stars were getting the happy life they deserved <3
so here comes baby theo.....and the world kind of just immediately labels her as america’s sweetheart. her mom had some minor health issues which just meant it would be safer to not have anymore kids after theo, so not only was she this little angel to the public, she was also her parent’s little miracle baby ! lets just say she had some big shoes to fill bc of all the expectations ..
luckily no one had to worry abt her being a demon child JSBDJWDWJ because she turned out to be a very sweet kid ! she was a HUGE daydreamer since she spent a lot of time alone growing up </3 her mom had retired from singing and was now helping theo’s dad run the label, and the two of them were always busy looking for new talent to sign. she didn’t have any siblings and although she had a really attentive nanny it just .. wasn’t the same ?? so to #Cope JSBDWBSBDJW theo was always creating these super elaborate little fantasy worlds. it wasn’t uncommon for u to find her deeply engrossed playing barbies alone like she had scripts and everything 
by the time she was a preteen her parents were both really pressuring theo into thinking about a singing career, so wanting to please them ( and knowing that it was something she was kinda into anyway ) theo said ok sure ! and that’s where.....things start to take a turn. since she was so young she had this very very clean, innocent, cute image ( think disney stars ) & most of the music she was making was used for kids shows or movies. she didn’t really mind it so much but she noticed that her creative process wasn’t really valued ? or taken very seriously by her parents, because in their eyes like that’s their kid you know she’s still young, she’s always had her head in the clouds, they just really didn’t think it was a big deal if they took control. 
so theo put up with it, but the years kept going by, she kept getting older, and nothing was really changing. she still had a squeaky clean image, little say in the type of music she was making, but on the outside everything looked great. the public loved her, she was a role model for kids ( even though she was a teenager now ), it was all perfect.....until it wasn’t. when she was 16, she had a scandal akin to the vanessa hudgen’s nude photo leak, except it wasn’t as explicit ( not a nude, just a suggestive pic ) and it was way way worse considering theo was a minor. 
legal action was immediately taken by her parents, but once something’s out there you can’t really stop it from circulating, so the photos existed, just not on any official media sites. it was traumatizing for theo having her privacy breached like that, especially because instead of talking about how disgusting it was that someone would leak those photos when she was just a teen, gossip sites & fans alike were too busy talking about how her image was ruined. since she’d had such a clean, innocent reputation, people kinda forgot that... she was an actual person going through life growing up, and that she wasn’t perfect. 
theo, being the optimist she is, was like hey you know what? this is my chance to stop making music i dont love. after what was probably her first truly honest convo with her parents, they agreed she should be free to figure herself and her art out. so for the remainder of her teenage years theo fell off the face of the music world....
only to pop back up in the modeling one ! like most celebrities, social media had a big say in this. since reputation wasn’t something theo had going for her anymore, what she did have was a hell of a following still and two famous parents ( not to mention ... shes tall JSBDJWBDWJ ) she did maybe one runway show before deciding she hated that. tbh she hated any modeling that felt too constricting, which is why she never ended up doing anything for big names & mostly does stuff for foreign brands & magazines. 
she liked how much aesthetics had to do with modeling, and to some extent being a part of shoots satisfied that creative itch she had, but music was always her first love. theo really wanted to go back and revisit it, but she was scared the public’s reaction wouldn’t be what she hoped /: 
so following in her mother’s footsteps, theo’s re entrance into the music scene was an ep ( 100% written, produced, edited, you name it, by her ) she released on the eve of her 18th bday basically explaining everything she went through with art. it was only four songs + an interlude, which would become the most talked about part of the whole thing because it was snippets of various reporters talking about that photo leak.
the public had mixed feelings ! unlike with what happened with her parents, not everyone was ready to “forgive” theo. and since she hadn’t done any promo for her music, or for her career as an artist independent from her parent’s famous label, it wasn’t like she was making crazy money and getting all this recognition. but !! she was insanely insanely happy, and that’s when she realized making music wasn’t something she did for other people, just something she liked to share, so what did it really matter if she could be more famous if she was an artist under her parent’s label ? 
cue present day theo, model & singer, although the labels are pretty loose. although her music is getting way more recognition than it did three years ago, she’s still trying to do things independently from her parents, and she still has yet to become a chanel ambassador or anything crazy SDWBKWKFW. because of that she’s kind of garnered this new reputation for herself as one of those celebs that don’t really feel like celebs, like maybe she’s just like u except let’s be real she’s rich and her experiences are NOT universal even if her cute insta pic talking about ~her feelings~ in the caption makes u think they are
━  ˙ ˖  ☆     PERSONALITY + TIDBITS !
not even gonna lie to u guys....she is baby. i dont mean that in a uwu shes 20 but im gonna weirdly make her act like a child way im not a freak shes just baby ! like i mentioned earlier theo was a HUGE daydreamer growing up, and tbh she still is except now that’s she’s older her overactive imagination can kinda get her into trouble. a good example of that is the fact that since she’s so keen to see the silver linings in life and the bright sides, she can neglect the bad sides of people and situations so things still fit into her romanticized vision /: this was the cause for many heartbreaks in theo’s life, and she’s still guilty of doing this although she’s trying to work on it !
very much the kind of person to treat everyone like a friend ( that means strangers too ) until you prove you should be treated otherwise. it takes a lot for her to not fuck with you, so if she doesn’t like you then you probably did something to deserve it /: she’s always had a curious personality as well so it’s really easy for her to connect with people just because she’s constantly fascinated by what she doesn’t know about a person. sometimes it can make ppl uncomfortable just how casually she can have a deep convo, but she just never had that filter where she has to know you for 5 years before she opens up about her trauma </3 you know how when bp’s rose and red velvet’s joy had dinner for the first time rose made joy cry bc she was talking abt her family and stuff ? JSDBWBDW theo is rose ... she’s out there sharing trauma deepening that bond day 1 of knowing you baby !  🤧
despite all that she’s still kind of maintained this elusive air to her? it’s not like she does it on purpose, or like no one knows the real her, it’s more like just when you’ve learned one new thing about her you realize there’s that many more things you don’t know. it also doesn’t help the fact that she’s constantly romanticizing everything, most of all herself, so she’s really crafted this “dream girl” persona without fully realizing it. im not exaggerating when i say john green wants what she has </3 
a lot of times people see her as naive, not because she often sees the good in people or anything like that ( although she does ), but because she has this overwhelming sureness that everything works out in the end. to be fair though, for her, things usually do. call it good karma, luck, whatever you want, but the fact of the matter is even when it looks like there’s no way a situation can turn out well for her, somehow it does. it’s a healthy combination of money, privilege, and a charming personality but to theo it’s proof that she’s right.
naturally.....as an air sign JSBDJWBJWBD she’s a huge flirt ! the media’s always linking her to someone because she really makes it seem like she’s dating half of hollywood when the reality is she’s just being friendly. when she actually likes someone it kind of turns into a huge deal like she gets infatuated with her crushes, swears she’s in love — and then poof. one day she wakes up & realizes she’s kinda over it ... until the next person comes along of course <3
hates conflict and confrontation.....and i mean HATES it to the point where she doesn’t even confront stuff within herself ( i.e. “negative” feelings like sadness ) until one day it all bubbles over and she’s having a legit breakdown and dying her hair red. 
yes, that’s exactly what happened last year, although if you ask theo about it she’ll just be like aha what do you mean i just wanted red hair luv x 
pictures like these ( click ! ) of theo when she'd be walking around LA in her school uniform used to go viral on twitter. 
desperately wishes she was the type of singer ppl would throw their bras at on stage when the reality is she’s out there making some chill bedroom pop kind of stuff so rip that dream </33333 
knows how to play the piano and the guitar, but keeps joking one day she’s gonna make an album and only use her recorder as the instrumentals.
has a white british longhair kitty named zoe.
is 100% that bitch that can only drink sweet drinks & fruity cocktails and u know what she’s valid for it ! 
if she wasn’t famous she’d be making slime. legit running a slime making insta, those were her guilty pleasure & shes so mad they aren’t that popular anymore JSBDJWBDJW
u know that post that’s like “i hate making tea i always feel so bad about throwing away the tea bag i feel like i should just eat it” ? thats theo 
━  ˙ ˖  ☆     WANTED CONNECTIONS !
BEST FRIENDS: a power duo the public either loves or hates, ride or dies, that 1 person theo would drop everything for no matter what.....yeah 🥺 they’d be the person she’s closest to & vice versa !   
CHILDHOOD / FAMILY FRIENDS: their famous parents were friends, so it’s only natural they wanted their kids to be friends too. just imagine the stories ..... the memories .... maybe they got along really well and are still friends today ! or maybe theo pushed your muse off of the swings ( she claims it was an accident ) and your muse never forgot and to this day they’re sworn enemies.....</3 or less dramatic......they just drifted apart and now it’s like hey we used to be so close aha thats awkward let me just smile at you and walk away ....
LIKE SIBLINGS: someone who sees theo as a sister, and who theo considers her unofficial sibling. most likely she’s gonna bother the shit out of this person as siblings do but they really mean a lot to her because it’s the family she never had /: 
CONFIDANTS: the one person theo keeps finding herself talking about the things she usally keeps inside with. i think it’d be funny if both of them find it weird to do things like go out to lunch or shop together because that’s not what they’re used to !
ACQUAINTANCES: friends who are only really friends when both of them are wasted or friends who only comment heart eye emojis and fire sign emojis under each others insta posts but don’t actually talk much for whatever reason
FRIENDS THAT DATED: maybe things just ended amiably between them, or maybe it’s like an “everyone told us we should date so we tried it and boy was that the weirdest thing we ever did” situation. either way the outcome is they’e still friends <3
CAHOOTS: what is this u may ask ? someone theo can be in cahoots with. she has a dumb idea that no one else is likely to say yes to? she goes to ur muse. ur muse has an idea no one in their right mind would say yes to? they go to theo. these two are in cahoots !  
BAD INFLUENCE: although that america’s sweetheart reputation is gone, overall theo is still seen as a “good girl” by the public. she’s not one to be in a lot of scandals so i think it’d be really fun if your muse is corrupting that ( whether they’re doing it on purpose or not ) and whenever theo’s with them she just somehow always manages to end up in trouble. 
THE BIG EX: theo’s first real relationship, and first real heartbreak. everyone before them had been an infatuation, but your muse was the real deal. maybe the media ruined it, or they ruined it themselves by being too scared of their feelings to stick around, or maybe one of them was willing to try but the other wasn’t. either way it ended badly, and whether those feelings are resolved or not....thats a secret i’ll never tell x
SUMMER FLINGS: give me past & current ( or maybe even recurring ) summer flings where they both know it’s temporary but boy is it fun while it lasts. google their names together and you’ll find paparazzi snapshots on the backs of vespas, on million dollar yachts, holding hands in museums or sunbathing on the beach but by the time fall comes creeping in the romance is over. 
HOOKUPS: friends with benefits and it’s not awkward between them, friends with benefits and it’s super weird between them because they may be crossing over into real feeling territory, one night stands / hookups that were huge mistakes, one night stands or hookups that were or are being kept secret from the rest of the roses for whatever reason, someone who leads theo on but never gets serious about her, or someone she leads on but she never gets serious about, her go-to hookup on a night out when she’s partying, etc. 
WILL THEY WON’T THEY: a friendship that always teeters on the line of something romantic ! maybe they’re both oblivious to the chemistry / tension or maybe they’re aware of it because they get jealous when they hear about the other being with someone else… maybe they refuse to do anything about it because they don’t want to complicate things or maybe they purposefully cross lines when they feel that jealousy…..could be more angsty or it could be more wholesome depending on which way it goes 😈
ARTIST TO ARTIST: i don’t think .... we have any other singers / ppl in the music industry but i could for sure be wrong JSBDSJBDJWD but ! i still would love to have people theo’s worked with before. maybe if your muses has been acting since they were little, theo could have mingled with them back when she was doing music for kids shows & movies. maybe your muse is a model and theo and them have done shoots together before. maybe theo’s written a current song for a movie / tv show your muse was a part of. maybe your muse is a model and theo asked them to feature on the cover of one of her albums. maybe she hired your muse to act in the music video of one of her songs ! maybe your muse can also sing even though that’s not their main thing and theo’s asked them to feature on a song with her. there are soooo many possibilities that could be lots of fun <33
MISC: “we used to party together all the time until that one thing happen that neither of us talk about and now we don’t do that anymore”, someone who took care of drunk theo once and ever since then she’s taken that as an open invitation to knock on your muse’s door at 3 am completely wasted, “we tried to date but the paparazzi caught us on a date and we were too scared / sick of the public eye so we never got far”, flirty friends who say no i’d never sleep with you haha…unless you’re down?, your muse was theo’s first time OR theo was your muse’s first time, stereotypical happy go lucky and grumpy relationship where the grumpy muse pretends not to enjoy the other’s presence, enemies but it can’t be anything petty it would have to be pretty serious so if u want that drama.... 
that’s the end i promise it’s finally over 😭😭😭 i truly just ramble & ramble im really so sorry abt that JSDJWBDJWBDJWBDJW i tried to include as much info as possible to make plotting a little easier for all of us so lets pray this works </3 u can come message me on discord to plot @ seulgi ily ʕ´• ᴥ•̥`ʔ#8172 so give this a like if u wanna .... do that ahahahaha x 
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gore-hovnd · 5 years
So a few days I posted that I’d outlined my headcanon for Jack’s life up until the events of TWS and I got some good advice to post it. So I prettied it up and fleshed out a few concepts and now I’m throwing it at tumblr
Now, these are just my headcanons, and yes I’m forcing HH into it bc I love the ship and even though it’d never happen in canon, it was fun to kinda toy with the whole “how they met” idea. So yeah, here’s this and I’m gonna go lay down lol
I’ll see about doing one for Brock too? Just depends on how long it takes for me to think of stuff up for him. 
Jack’s Timeline
      • Jack Rollins was born in 1974 to John and Leanne Rollins in the mountains of Colorado, right outside of a major city
      • At the time of his birth he was their fifth son but would end up being the middle sibling of nine
          ◦  The reason Jack’s parents had so many children was because Leanne had grown up an only child and recalled how lonely it was. She never wanted her kids to be lonely so she decided she wanted a lot of them. Originally, she’d planned to stop at five but Leanne and John decided they wanted to keep trying until they had a girl.
      • Jack’s siblings consist of: 
          ‣  Matthias - 1964
          ‣ Titus and T.J. - 1966
          ‣ Lawson - 1970
          ‣ Cooper - 1980
          ‣ Benjamin - 1982
          ‣ Samuel - 1983
          ‣ Annalise - 1985
      • Jack was born premature and doctors didn’t think he would survive
          ◦ Because of this, Leanne favored him and always kept a close eye on him
      • During Jack’s early life, his parents thought he may have had a learning disability due to the fact that he rarely, if ever spoke. 
          ◦ It turned out that Jack was selectively mute
      • John didn’t take well to this diagnosis and wanted to try to force Jack to speak
          ◦ He suggested doing this by forcing Jack to verbally ask for things like food, water, bathroom breaks, etc. 
                ‣ Leanne rejected this and instead decided that Jack would be treated by a therapist
      • Jack began to speak more in middle school
          ◦ It started out with asking / answering questions in class, asking to borrow a pencil from classmates, etc. 
      • By the time Jack was in 8th grade, while still shy, was able to speak with relative ease
      • In 1987, when Jack was 13, his mother passed away due to an ongoing heart condition
          ◦ Because of this, Jack’s family feared he would stop talking again
      • While Jack didn’t stop talking, he also didn’t seem to mourn the loss of his mother either
      • Concerned with this, John had sent Jack to a new therapist
          ◦ The new therapist claimed Jack was going through a period of dissociative shock 
                ‣ It took years of therapy and counseling for Jack to open up and properly grieve 
      • Jack ended up going to a different high school than most of his peers from middle school and had to basically start over. 
      • For a little while he would keep to himself and didn’t really take the steps to make any new friends
          ◦ Until three months into the semester when he was paired up to work on an assignment with a boy named Dalton
      • Dalton took a liking to Jack and introduced him to the rest of his friend group; consisting of Cole, Braxton, Lucan, and Matt
      • The boys grew close together; they would hang out after school together and Jack would go to their drama club performances even though he was too shy to be in one himself. 
      • During spring break of his freshman year, Jack found out and met Braxton’s two dads, Arthur and Christopher
          ◦ Before this, Jack had never met a gay couple before
                ‣ Meeting them sprung questions of Jack’s own sexuality
      • When Jack’s dad found out about Braxton’s parents, he reacted very negatively and this scared Jack back into his shell
          ◦ He rarely spoke to his father about anything after that
      • For the entirety of his sophomore year and the majority of his junior year, Jack tried to ignore his sexuality
      • Until finally, nearing the end of his junior year, he came out to Arthur and Christopher and asked them for advice
          ◦ The two of them told Jack he could always confide in them
      • At 18, Jack developed a crush on a new student who’d moved to Colorado from Los Angeles
      • This boy’s name was Christian and the two of them began to date soon after meeting
      • Jack told Christian that he didn’t want to go public about their relationship, basically stating he liked to keep his personal life private
          ◦ Christian agreed not to say anything
      • The two of them dated for a few months but that all came to a screaming halt during winter break
      • Christian had gone over to the Rollins’ home asking for him and responded with “Jack’s boyfriend” when John asked Christian who he was. 
      • John was absolutely livid and kicked Jack out without a second thought. 
          ◦ Jack and Christian got into a huge argument over this and broke up due to it
      • Jack’s uncle, Mike, had offered a place for Jack to stay
          ◦ He slept on Mike’s couch for the final semester of his senior year
      • Once Jack graduated, he enlisted in the Marines and disappeared without telling his family anything. 
      • Six weeks into boot camp, he’d given into the guilt and wrote letters to T.J., who was the only one of his siblings who still spoke to him, as well as his uncle
      • While in the Marines, Jack pretty much shed his childhood shyness entirely and grew to be more self confident. 
          ◦ He also became a trained sniper and demolitions expert
      • In late 2000, Jack was in an unfortunate accident while on deployment that left him blind in his left eye
          ◦ Because of this, Jack was discharged 
      • After being discharged, with pretty much nowhere to go, Jack spent 9 months on the streets. 
          ◦ But in August of 2001, when Jack was 27, an agent got in contact with him and told Jack he worked for a government funded agency that recruited and rehabilitated veterans for reenlistment. 
      • Jack agreed to sign a contract and go with this agent
      • During training, which was long and grueling, he met a man named Ellison Lomack and the two of them quickly became friends.
      • Jack spent five years going on missions for this agency, assuming that he was once again an active duty Marine
      • In 2006 he was given the opportunity to be brought onto an elite STRIKE team that could earn him up to $95,000 a year. 
          ◦ Jack was chosen to be the Second in Command of STRIKE Team Alpha
      • His orientation to this team was when he’d found out he was part of HYDRA
      • Being told, essentially, that he would either continue working or be killed, Jack chose the former
      • Being the chosen SIC, Jack had to go through extra training and bonding with the STRIKE team’s commander, Brock Rumlow
          ◦ Brock told Jack when they first met; “I trust you with my life, you gotta learn to trust me with yours.” 
      • In the first few months, Brock was almost glued to Jack’s hip any time they were at work or in the field
          ◦ Including times when Jack was diffusing bombs, which freaked Jack out
      • Over time, Brock and Jack began to work together like a well oiled machine, Jack’s calm and calculating personality working well with Brock’s brazen and abrasive one. 
      • And in 2009, while drinking after a highly successful mission, Brock and Jack had drunk sex in the hotel room of the British Prime Minister, hardly slipping away before they got caught
      • Jack began to recognize his feelings for Brock after this night but refused to pursue anything, feeling as though it would be safer to preserve their established relationship
          ◦ Everything pretty much went back to normal
      • Two years passed and their relationship grew stronger, but never took a romantic turn. Until one night on a particularly difficult mission where everything had gone tits up and they only had 24 hours to fix it. 
            ◦ Brock is stressed out about it and laments that he isn’t afraid to die, but admits he wished he could’ve spent more time with Jack before he did
      • Brock and Jack share a kiss under the stars in a desert and fuck on the hood of their military issued Jeep while their team sleeps in a safe house 20 feet away. 
      • After this mission, that they were able to pull off by the skin of their teeth, Brock and Jack make things official. 
          ◦ Both of them lead relatively private lives and don’t make it known to the rest of the team that they’re seeing each other
      • Three years pass and six months before Project Insight, Brock brings up the idea of getting married for the sake of spousal immunity just in case things don’t go as planned.
          ◦ So they get married, something simple at the court house and neither of them change their names. 
      • Afterward, Brock and Jack are living happily as a married couple and they fantasize about what kind of life they hope to share when Insight goes through and they’re finally free from HYDRA’s demanding grip
      • Project Insight comes along and Brock and Jack meet the infamous Winter Soldier
      • Project Insight launches and things go horribly wrong
      • Brock splits up with Jack at the Trisk, telling Jack to head back out and that he’d meet him outside. 
          ◦ Initially, Jack follows the instructions given. But a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach has him turning around to go and get Brock 
      • The helicarriers crash into the building and Jack gets caught beneath the rubble
      • He’s stuck there for two days before he finally succumbs and the entire time, all he could do was fiddle with his ring and think about Brock.
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accsta-blog · 5 years
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 hello  friends  ,  i’m  admin  ris  but  you  can  call  me  that  Big  Dumb  if  you  want  !  i  play  TWO  characters  ––  my  little  demon  RONAN  ACOSTA  and  my  sweet  forrest  princess  COSIMA  CHASE  who’s  on  her  own  main  blog  ,  so  i  will  probably  double  like  everything  possible  bc  .......  support  and  love.  anyway  !!!  below  you  will  find  some  information  about  ronan  including  wanted  connections  ,  but  feel  free  to  LIKE  THIS  if  you’d  like  me  to  come  plot  w/  you  or  just  feel  free  to  slide  into  my  dms  +  u  get  bonus  points  if  u  tell  me  a  joke  :~)
shawn mendes. twenty-two. cismale. he/him. shawn mendes. | i can’t believe i just saw RONAN ACOSTA walking out of cadence records. they’re a single POP/POP ROCK artist who’s been in the industry for SIX YEARS. the tabloids love to focus on their WITHDRAWN nature , but they’re also pretty CHARISMATIC and they seem to give off a vibe that reminds people of SUNGLASSES & BALL CAPS TO AVOID THE CAMERA , SURPRISED REACTIONS , & HIDDEN CHAOTIC BEHAVIOR. | admin ris. 21+. est. she/her.
𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐚𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬.
  loose,  un-gelled  curls  ,  hidden  hickeys  ,  hiding  from  paparazzi  ,  sweet,  completely  faked  smiles  ,  a  room  full  of  laughter  ,  bad  boys  who  look  like  good  boys  ,  broken  hearts  ,  hidden  agendas  ,  honest  moments  behind  closed  doors.
𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐬.
 full  name  :  ronan  mateo  acosta  /  orientation  :  pansexual  /  style  :  relaxed.  jeans  ,  tight  fitted  t-shirts  ,  put  together  but  casual.  /  family  :  angelo  &  cynthia  acosta  ,  musicians.  /  tattoos  :  butterfly  on  shoulder  ,  guitar  on  foreman  inside  ,  family  surname  on  ankle  ,  song  lyrics  (  his  moms  )  foreman  inside  ,  traveling  music  notes  around  wrist  ,  heart  outline  side  of  middle  finger. /   hometown  :  los  angeles  ,  ca.  /  zodiac  :  aries.
○ ronan grew up in the public eye , though his parents attempted to keep him very humble and out of the spotlight until he was ready. his parents are both famous musicians , his dad originating in protugal and his mom in the states , he moved to los angles after he met her and it was a true , sappy love story. they really did attempt to keep ronan’s life private but he was always Known like any famous celebrity’s child.  ○ ronan was a pretty SWEET as a kid –– though he was definitely spoiled. his parents thought that giving him everything he wanted would keep him ... behaved ? i don’t know why they thought that. but they did. give the boy what he wants and he’ll listen to us. and at first , it was working because he was still young + didn’t have his own access to their money. yet. however , as he started getting more and more , he was getting more and more stingy + pretentious.  ○ and then ronan starts to want to do his own music. he learned guitar , piano , and even the violin and begins to find his voice. as his voice finds itself and he finds his love for much , ronan & lachlan forms –– a duo group via youtube with his best friend when ronan was 15 going on 16. because of famous background , they quickly took off and because of how ronan’s parents wanted him to be seen , ronan was formed into a very pure + angelic mold and his best friend was pulled into this mold too. except , things didn’t work out being forced into a kid friendly mold for the duo as they got older , and they split about three years ago.  ○ after the split of ronan & lachlan , ronan began putting out his own music and that’s when Demon Ronan really comes out –– except , his music is mostly pg and clean and appeals to a Youngerish crowd , and he’s still keeping up with the same imagine as he was before. ronan’s music basically matches shawns with the exception of some songs + a little bit of an added rock element ; although my favorite song to put to ronan is nervous bc it’s literally the OPPOSITE of him + one of his biggest hits. his image and sound is very sweet and pure with a soft hint of ... thirst trap thrown in to keep people interested. at first , ronan didn’t really mind this and then after the split of his group + finding himself as a teen , ronan realized he REALLY didn’t fit the mold the world wanted him to.  ○ so you’d think that he’d start emerging as his true self , except his manager urges him he needs to keep him imagine pure or it might crash his career –– he’s popular to younger fans and can use this image to support things he cares about and to stay relevant. however , as time goes on , ronan just gets worse. partying , drinking , all that fun stuff all while hiding from any camera that comes in the room. it begins to be a game for him –– how long can he keep this up ? rip to all this team who had to clean up after him. gd mess. ○ anyway ! the general SUM UP of ronan is that on the outside , he’s PURE and sweet and kind with a simple addition of towering 6′2 height and perfectly sculpted arms + abs and thanks to the occasional wet shirt , the people get to see just enough to toggle the line between innocent and thirst trap. it’s definitely a thirst trap. don’t let him fool you. however , when you see the real ronan he’s a MESS who’s partying on private jets , getting drunk in the middle of the day , and having his messes cleaned up for him constantly.  ○ personality wise , ronan is FUN , no matter which side of him you may know. if you’re introduced to the fake , public eye ronan –– he’s sweet and kind and funny , but if you really known ronan –– he’s flirtatious , Wild , always offering unsolicited advice , a Pure Comedian , and a hot freaking mess and u know what ? he’s the worlds hot mess. 
𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐫𝐚 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬.
○ ronan is publicly pansexual and talks about it openly on social media & is happily an ally and support to his lgbt+ fans. this was something his manager advised against and then he was spotted kissing a Boy and took to an interview to talk about it and regularly advocates for lgbt+ youth. though there was some backlash against this , he was still coming out of his duo phase and highly regraded as a good role model + used his platform to advocate which just Progressed his pure image. it’s the one thing that’s not fake tbh.
○ ronan also talks openly about current events + issues but is careful to make sure he was research and doesn’t heavily share too much across platforms but does like to show his support for certain things. it almost feels like it would be part of his Sweet facade but he really does care about some things. believe it or not.  ○ ronan has very few close friends , though he was have some people who completely call him out on his bullshit. it’s really a surprise that the world still thinks ronan is so pure and angelic because this boy is .... a freaking ........ mess. he’s got PLENTY of party friends who happily don’t give a shit about his hannah montana style life but not many friends who .... do care that he’s a messy lil demon who’s fooling the whole world.  ○ he comes off as super humble but this boy ..... is not. not humble at all. name brand everything. best everything possible.  ○ he's actually not a terrible person despite being a demon , he’s just got super chaotic energy but hopefully like ur chaotic fav chaotic energy :~) ○ in my head , ronan is slowly starting to chip away at his innocent front –– partly intentionally + unintentionally. his new music is less innocent + his thirst traps are getting Thirstier and people are starting to realize the make up that’s always caked onto his neck and the glazed look in his eyes in the middle of the day. he can’t really get away from people noticing. his manager is going through extremes to preserve his imagine instead of having his morph into a new one. 
𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬.
○ he’s got a pr relationship / stunt wanted connection on the main. they are currently “ dating ” and honestly it’s hilarious. pls take this so ronan can text them stupid fake couple things and they can laugh n be dumb together. i do feel like they’re surprisingly close + this muse backs ronan up when he’s almost caught being chaotic. they got together on the nudge of ronan’s management team - why your muse as chosen can be discussed ! but they help better his image + they so really Look like a couple but they’re just friends :~)  ○ other things include fwb , exes , friends , party/bad influence friends , etc. specially , i would love a close friend , the closest thing ronan would say to best friend. they get him and his chaotic energy. they just get each other and he’s comfortable around them.  ○ would also really love some type of will they / won’t they who likely thinks ronan is in an actual relationship but they also know ronan is a hot mess and this person is NOT his type + they suspect it’s a stunt but he refuses to tell them the truth. 
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jecngs · 5 years
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                it’s  ya  girl  𝒅𝒓𝒊  (nineteen,  she/her,  pst  but  i’m  in  the  philippines  for  two  weeks  so  that’s gmt+8 !),  a  soft  edgy  born  with  a  name  that  means  "dark  one  of  the  lord"  on  friday  the  13th  !  if  you’re  meeting  me  for  the  first  time,  some  fun  facts  are  that  i  have  the  incredibly  dangerous  combo  of  high  ambition  and  poor  time  management  and  i’d  Risk  It  All  for  a.c.e,  ateez,  and  loona  !  so,  anyway,  here’s  my  poor,  poor  girl,  miss  amelia  !  why  i  did  her  so  dirty  is  a  Good  Question  i  do  not  have  the  answer  to,  but  let's  plot  !
𝗕𝗜𝗥𝗧𝗛  𝗡𝗔𝗠𝗘:  amelia  christine  jeong   𝗡𝗜𝗖𝗞𝗡𝗔𝗠𝗘:  lia,  li,  call  her  amy  and  she’ll  beat  u  up   𝗔𝗚𝗘:  twenty   𝗗𝗢𝗕:  november  29,  1998   𝗭𝗢𝗗𝗜𝗔𝗖:  sagittarius  sun,  aries  moon   𝗢𝗥𝗜𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡:  bisexual   𝗢𝗖𝗖𝗨𝗣𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡:  actress
         ♡   daughter  of  edith  byun  and  christopher  jeong,  two  major  players  in  broadway  (and  later  on  the  film  industry),  she  was  practically  famous  in  the  industry  before  she  was  even  born.  it  was  without  a  doubt  that  she  was  anticipated  to  be  nothing  short  of  talented  and  successful  once  she  popped  out  of  the  womb!  imagine  legendary  dance  couple  keone  and  mari  madrid’s  child  but  if  they  both  had  a  reputation  akin  to  idina  menzel  or  lea  salonga.  that’s  basically  lia.
        ♡   with  this,  her  parents  unfortunately  succumbed  to  public  pressure  and  wanted  to  ensure  that  their  daughter  would  meet  these  expectations.  to  fall  short  would  be  the  greatest  misfortune  on  her  reputation,  and  they  simply  would  not  have  that.  was  it  the  healthiest  mindset  to  have  raising  their  first  and  only  child?  lmao  no,  but  it’s  the  mindset  that  came  with  the  fame  they  had.  eyes  would  be  on  her  the  moment  she  came  into  the  world,  so  she  had  to  be  everything  the  public  wanted  her  to  be.
        ♡   a  few  months  before  lia  was  scheduled  to  be  born,  her  father  was  cast  in  the  us  tour  of  miss  saigon  (pretend  there  was  one  in  1998),  and  it  overlapped  with  the  due  date!  he  was  supposed  to  be  performing  at  the  pantages  for  a  few  weeks  in  that  general  timeframe  of  when  her  mom  could  be  going  into  labor,  so  they  took  a  risk  and  just…  moved  to  los  angeles  because  he  wasn’t  going  to  miss  the  birth  of  his  child!  so  ever  since  she  was  born  she  resided  in  the  hollywood  area!
        ♡    she  was  homeschooled  for  a  majority  of  her  childhood,  but  ur  a  Big  Fool  if  u  thought  it  was  by  her  parents!  they  were  incredibly  busy  with  their  own  careers  so  she  had  a  nanny  and  a  homeschool  teacher!  and  to  be  Quite  Honest  her  nanny  was  more  of  a  mother  to  her  than  miss  edith  could  ever  be!  to  lia,  her  parents  were  more  like  a  dream,  a  fantasy,  some  sort  of  ethereal  beings  —  untouchable.  [cue  parental  longing]
        ♡   despite  how  much  the  media  loved  to  talk  about  amelia  and  her  parents,  she  didn't  actually  get  to  see  them  all  that  often!  they  loved  her,  there's  no  doubt  about  it,  but  they  didn't  exactly  know  to  express  it...  despite  being  acclaimed  performers  SGKSDJGHDS  so!  basically  in  lia's  mind,  succeeding  meant  getting  love  from  her  parents  because  they  always  seemed  to  pay  the  most  attention  to  her  when  she  was  doing  something  impressive  —  they  loved  to  show  her  off  to  their  colleagues  like  some  sort  of  dog  who  can  do  tricks.  lia  ate  up  this  "love",  though,  because  there's  nothing  that  beats  the  glimmer  in  their  eyes  when  they  watch  her  perform.
        ♡    lia  took  private  lessons  for  everything  ranging  from  acting,  voice,  and  dance!  fun  fact:  she’s  classically  trained  in  several  dance  styles,  such  as  contemporary,  jazz,  ballet,  tap,  and  hip  hop!  she  was  basically  set  to  follow  her  parents’  footsteps  with  all  of  this  training.  she  played  several  child/teen  roles  in  musicals  thanks  to  her  family,  and  it  was  an  almost  effortless  kickstart  to  her  career.
        ♡    when  she  was  high  school  aged,  lia  was  admitted  into  la  county  school  of  the  arts,  but  she  wasn’t  there  for  long.  despite  growing  up  being  taught  how  to  handle  lingering  paparazzi  and  answer  questions  interviewers  sent  her  way,  she  was  never  quite  taught  how  to  handle  the  Hell  that  is  high  school.  she  wasn’t  accepted  well  into  the  social  climate  and  was  frequently  bullied  and  judged.  they  didn’t  believe  that  she  worked  to  be  there,  she  was  only  there  because  of  her  parents.  they  didn’t  actually  know  anything  about  her,  but  they  made  these  assumptions  that  eventually  led  to  her  pulling  out  of  school.  she  had  been  excited  to  finally  see  what  it’d  be  like  to  make  friends  of  her  own  —  friends  that  weren’t  just  fed  to  her  because  of  who  her  parents  were.  she  didn’t  know  that  same  fact  would  make  it  all  the  more  difficult.
        ♡    she's  a  theatre  kid  through  and  through,  and  that's  all  i  have  to  say  about  that!  lia  grew  up  adoring  the  theatre,  not  only  watching  the  shows  her  parents  were  casted  in  but  almost  every  single  one  she  could  become  an  audience  to!  it  was  to  no  surprise  when  the  public  found  her  in  minor  and  supporting  roles  as  a  child,  and  it  was  pretty  much  expected  for  her  to  become  one  of  the  next  big  names  in  broadway  —  she  was  anticipated  to  make  the  Big  Move  to  new  york  once  she  got  her  footing  in  the  industry!
        ♡    as  time  progressed,  she  continued  to  pursue  theatre,  slowly  taking  on  more  mature  roles.  every  now  and  then  she  would  be  given  television/film  offers,  but  it  was  more  of  a  side  gig  at  the  time.  theatre  was  truly  what  she  was  passionate  about.  even  though  it  was  a  profession  forced  on  her,  it  was  no  lie  that  she  actually  enjoyed  it.
        ♡    she  began  to  develop  her  own  fame  outside  of  her  parents  around  the  time  she  was  seventeen/eighteen,  with  a  supporting  role  in  an  independent  film  that  garnered  pretty  notable  success.  around  this  time,  her  parents  invested  in  a  publicist/agent  just  for  her,  a  relative  of  edith  who  was  also  involved  in  the  industry.  it's  true  when  they  say  it's  bad  to  mix  personal  affairs  with  business  because  things  began  to  take  a  bit  of  a  turn  for  miss  lia!
        ♡    her  pr  team  was  really  big  on  transforming  her  the  Big  Name  everyone  expected  her  to  be,  all  the  while  creating  an  identity  completely  separate  from  her  family  where  she  can  thrive.  and  that’s  exactly  what  they  did.  they  created  an  identity.
        ♡    she  had  a  love/hate  relationship  with  being  associated  with  her  parents.  on  one  hand,  it  was  a  burden  having  to  constantly  live  with  the  expectation  of  being  just  as  successful  as  them,  but  on  the  other,  it  fueled  her  fantasies  of  being  the  dream  family  she  had  always  wanted  them  to  be.
        ♡    they  stressed  the  importance  of  whom  she  associated  with,  they  slowly  transitioned  her  out  of  theatre  and  immersed  her  completely  into  the  film  industry,  lining  her  up  for  roles  that  would  eventually  become  quite  memorable.  they  took  who  lia  was  and  restructured  her  as  they  saw  fit,  and  lia  went  along  with  all  of  this  because  they  constantly  reassured  her  that  this  was  what  was  best  for  her  career.  she  didn't  want  to  go  against  family,  for  to  ruin  any  connections  with  her  parents  would  be  a  step  closer  to  losing  them  completely,  so  she  played  along  in  this  role  made  just  for  her.
        ♡    her  brain  eventually  became  fine  tuned  to  see  relationships  as  “how  can  this  benefit  me?”  rather  than  actual  companionship  which  Sucks  bc  she  totally  wants  friendship  —  she’s  always  craved  it  —  but  in  the  back  of  her  mind  there’s  always  this  lil  checkbox  where  she  has  to  get  something  from  this  which  is  Not  Healthy  but  she  doesn’t  know  what  to  do  about  it  because  she’s  in  too  deep  to  change  anything
        ♡    she’s  become  so  detached  from  her  individuality  and  become  the  rising  starlet  her  team  shaped  her  into.  she  hasn’t  been  in  a  musical  production  in  a  long  time,  so  it’s  as  if  they  ripped  a  major  part  of  her  identity  away  from  her.  but  i  guess  that  was  the  plan  all  along.  i  don’t  wanna  say  that  her  mom's  cousin  has  some  lingering  resentment  toward  her  due  something  along  the  lines  of  always  living  in  her  shadow…  but  her  mom's  cousin  has  some  lingering  resentment  toward  her  mom.  it’s  just  cleverly  disguised  because  lia  is  technically  thriving  when  you  look  at  it  from  the  outside.  inside,  she  yearns  for  her  past.
        ♡    in  the  past  few  years,  she’s  been  conditioned  to  want  the  world.  she  thinks  she  is  owed  it,  but  this  sentiment  is  also  fueled  by  her  longing.  she  has  this  hunger  for  success  that’s  highkey  kinda  unhealthy!  she  isn’t  even  capable  of  discussing  these  things  with  her  parents  because  they’re  all  busy  all  the  time!  her  team  would  tell  her  to  say  yes  to  projects,  pr  stuff  including  false  articles  later  debunked  just  for  the  publicity,  whatever  works!  she’s  been  forced  into  this  addiction  for  attention  but  it’s  pretty  much  a  result  of  her  channeling  the  negative  energy  toward  her  career…  to  help  her  career?  but  in  a  way  that’s  detrimental  to  her  own  health.  her  sleep  schedule?  fucked  up!  she’s  ruining  herself  from  the  inside  out  and  she  doesn’t  want  to  admit  it!
        ♡    her  sentiment  toward  her  public  identity  is  akin  to  lottie  person  of  the  snotgirl  comic!  who  she  is  interpreted  as  on  social  media  isn’t  the  whole  truth.  she  posts  as  if  she’s  under  careful  watch  because,  well,  she  is.  anything  her  team  didn't  like  simply  didn't  cut  it  and  was  deleted  almost  immediately  followed  by  a  sharp  scolding.  "image  is  everything"  is  one  of  the  many  sentences  ingrained  into  her  mind.  an  effortless  kind  of  everyday,  that's  what  she  was  supposed  to  be.  idk  how  to  explain  it  well  but  u  know  those  instagrams  where  it  looks  super  casual  but  is  probably  super  planned?  yes?  idk  in  my  head  she  has  an  instagram  feed  like  hyulari  or  pameluft  where  it  looks  rly  normal  but  it's  rly  pretty
        ♡    i'm  trying  to,  like,  put  it  into  words  what  her  persona  is  perceived  as,  but  it's  something  along  the  lines  of  a  person  you  think  you  know  but  you  really  don't.  you  see  her  posts,  you  see  who  she's  with,  where  she's  having  coffee,  but  who  is  lia,  really?
        ♡    clearly,  this  entire  situation  can  get  extremely  overwhelming!  the  melatonin  she  takes  to  help  control  her  sleeping  habits  also  gifts  her  with  the  side  effect  of  irritability,  so  there  have  been  times  when  she  “slipped  up”  and  Snapped!  her  fans  are  quick  to  defend  her,  however,  claiming  she’s  tired  and  needs  rest,  or  place  blame  on  the  individuals  who  dare  disrespect  her  privacy  and  personal  space. 
        ♡    scandals  are  also  something  she  isn’t  immune  to.  she  frequents  club  and  party  settings  often,  and  rumors  often  circulate  about  her  activities,  but  it's  easy  to  shift  blame  on  bad  influences.  her  image  isn't  exactly  squeaky  clean,  but  hey,  as  her  team  likes  to  say,  "total  prudes  don't  get  attention"
        ♡    people  who  work  with  lia  either  love  her  or  hate  her,  there's  really  no  in  between.  she's  friendly  or  stuck-up.  some  believe  she's  ungrateful,  maybe  they're  onto  something.  she  doesn't  cause  trouble  on  sets,  but  people  love  to  make  assumptions  about  this  girl  whose  identity  they  can't  seem  to  crack.  but  they'll  be  damned  if  they  don't  see  her  come  in  every  morning  with  a  smile  on  her  face.
        ♡    if  it  wasn't  clear,  she  despises  the  identity  she’s  forced  into!  it  feels  like  a  role  she  has  to  play  almost  24/7,  and  she’d  easily  give  it  all  up  if  it  didn’t  mean  losing  everything  good  that  came  from  it.  she  missed  the  girl  she  used  to  be,  the  girl  anyone  could  easily  approach  to  talk  about  their  day.  she  doesn’t  know  amelia  anymore.  she  hasn’t  been  amelia  for  a  long  time,  only  lia.
        ♡    she  learned  recently  that  the  contract  with  her  team  is  set  for  a  renewal  soon,  which  prompted  a  crisis  within  lia.  to  terminate  the  contract  would  mean  freedom,  but  at  what  cost?  spicy,  stay  tuned.
        ♡    lia  and  her  relationship  with  her  own  identity  has  definitely  affected  her  personality  and  how  she  portrays  herself  even  when  she  is  at  her  most  comfortable
        ♡    my  base  inspiration  that  Started  It  All  for  lia  came  from  me  watching  a  stephanie  soo  vlog  KSDLHGDSG  so  yea  she's  like  this  likable,  kinda  loud  and  blunt  personality  but  that  comes  more  as  a  surprise  to  people  who  get  to  know  her  because  she's  been  molded  into  having  a  more  suppressed  type  of  character  —  friendly,  but  never  too  much
        ♡    for  the  sake  of  her  sanity,  i'm  gonna  say  that  she  still  holds  on  to  her  personality  in  fear  of  becoming  too  absorbed  by  her  public,  consumable  image,  but  there  are  times  when  she  confuses  the  two.  she  can  slip  up  and  say  something  a  bit  too  blunt  in  an  interview  or  find  herself  holding  back  with  her  close  friends.  she's  essentially  become  a  blend  of  her  true  nature  and  her  public  image  where  it's  almost  the  same  thing
        ♡    incredibly,  incredibly  insecure!  lia  does  not  have  a  hold  on  her  own  identity,  so  even  the  smallest  things  will  make  her  question  everything!  she  constantly  wonders  if  there’s  a  party  happening  that  she’s  not  invited  to,  if  people  like  her,  if  people  are  gossiping  about  her.  so  many  aspects  of  her  current  identity  have  been  conditioned  to  be  close  enough  to  genuine  that  she  actually  doesn’t  know  what’s  real  anymore.
        ♡    she  can  be  a  little  bit  manipulative  if  it  comes  down  to  her  career.  she  doesn’t  really  mean  it  but  she  can’t  help  it  at  this  point!
        ♡    if  she’s  friends  with  someone,  even  if  it’s  for  some  symbiosis-type  relationship,  she  will  play  into  that  role,  she  will  act  as  if  it’s  real.  even  if  she  doesn’t  believe  it,  she  wants  to  believe  it  because  she  also  is  unsure  if  she’s  capable  of  real  feelings??!  she  thinks  she’s  devoid  of  emotion  but  she  just  …  doesn’t  think  about  it.  like,  she  doesn’t  want  to  admit  to  herself  that  she  cares  about  people  bc  she  knows  the  Ugly  side  of  her  brain  will  hyper-analyze  the  relationship  and  find  ways  to  sabotage  it  for  herself  to  the  point  where  she  can’t  enjoy  it  anymore  —  so  i  guess  it's  safest  for  her  to  think  that  this  really  isn't  her!  coping  mechanisms  let's  roll  out!
        ♡   she’s  definitely  had  her  fair  share  of  significant  others  in  the  past,  but  they’ve  been  mixed  into  a  bag  of  a  bunch  of  pr  relationships  (she's  had  so  many)  so  she  doesn’t  know  if  she’s  capable  of  actually  loving  someone.  it!  all!  seems!  fake!  but  she  definitely  craves  affection  and  will  try  to  find  it  wherever  she  can.
        ♡    tldr  she's  actually  a  nice  gal,  outgoing,  caring,  but  she  can't  help  but  think  that  she's  a  robot  because  she  thinks  too  much  about  how  people  see  her
       ♡    super  prone  to  asian  glow
       ♡    loves  anything  peach!  peach  soju  with  yakult  is  her  favorite  alcoholic  beverage,  peach  is  her  favorite  color,  but  she  doesn't  like  actual  peaches???  make  it  make  sense
       ♡    credited  as  lia  jeong  in  everything.  feels  weird  if  someone  addresses  her  as  amelia  if  they're  not  reading  an  official  document  or  really  close  to  her.
       ♡    feels  a  strange  connection  to  "the  i  love  you  song"  from  the  25th  annual  putnam  county  spelling  bee
       ♡    her  favorite  film  genre  to  work  on  is  definitely  romance  because  it's  fun  to  pretend  to  be  loved!  coming  of  age  is  a  close  second.
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atomchois · 5 years
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(hello it’s kit again with another bangtan boy. insert real application here when it’s posted bc i didn’t save it bc i’m garbage so rn just have the parts i can remember)
( kim seokjin, cismale, he/him. ) — ATOM CHOI  has lived at the L.A Coterie for SIX (??) MONTHS. They’re  TWENTY FIVE(??) years old, and working as a BUG BOUNTY HUNTER. Sometimes when you walk by their door, you can hear KEANU REEVES by LOGIC playing.
Atom was born in Los Angeles, California, his parents having immigrated only a few years before with his older sister. The move had been financially tough for the family, and it was something they never quite recovered from. Growing up Atom was taught to not ask for much, and to expect even less. He knew it wasn’t because his parents didn’t love him, they one thing they were in abundance of during his childhood was love. But it got to a point in his life where it felt like it wasn’t enough. Seeing kids at school with their amazing lunches and fancy clothes made Atom feel... Kind of worthless.
It was during high school that he started to lash out, it started with stealing small things and getting away with it, which then turned to stealing bigger things. There had been more than once Atom had to run away from cops, and for some reason he loved the adrenaline of the chase. He smoked, drank, and got into fights, and it was during this stage of his life that he met Carson. Atom had never met anyone like her before, and it wasn’t long before friendship turned into something more. They loved each other, but they were so bad for each other, egging each other on and provoking when maybe they shouldn’t be provoked. It was the two of them against the world, until Carson realized that the world had more in it than just them. Knowing she had to get her act together she broke up with Atom, leaving him devastated.
Atom couldn’t stand the thought of staying in California, so he packed his prized possessions, some clothes, and all the money he had in a bag, and hitch hiked. He didn’t know where he was going, and it took weeks for him to settle, couch surfing with strangers he met (most of which, also liked to party), until finally he settled in Vermont. One of the guys he’d met on the road had a room for rent, and he couldn’t turn it down. After Carson, Atom didn’t think he could fall in love again, not like that. That was until he met Alek.
As much as he should have seen the signs, Atom didn’t realize just how hard and fast he fell for the man a few years younger than him. It didn’t take long until they were spending more time with each other than without, always at each other’s houses, and by the end they were almost inseparable. Which, is what made it so hard to juggle time when Atom finally found a purpose in life. Through a friend of a friend, of an acquaintance of a friend, Atom was introduced into the cyber security world. Informally for those who don’t have government based jobs, this is simply hacking. It was the first thing in his life that Atom had been good at, and he became obsessed. The ninety five percent of his time he spent with Alek was slowly dropping lower and lower. Which very much was a problem as Atom convinced Alek to move to California with him due him wanting to both go to college, and his homesickness.
The move had been hard on Alek, having to leave his family, and his mom, and his everything. And Atom should definitely have been more attentive to him. However, it was the first time in his life he was good at something, and could really be great and apply himself while actually still enjoying the task. Over the months he paid less and less attention to his boyfriend, only crawling back to him late at night when it suited him most. Alek was growing to resent him, and Atom had no idea. They started to fight more and more until one day it was the last straw, and it was over. 
Now, you’ll find Atom in his room, engulfed in darkness except for the dim light spilling from his monitor, wrapped in a blanket with his earphones in playing his favorite music. He rarely leaves, concentrating hard on sorting through more and more layers of code, until he has something suitable to report to a company. Bug bounty hunting is huge if you know what you’re doing, especially if you can successfully find and properly report a bug within companies like Apple or even Facebook. While those are few and far between, there are other companies that offer good money, too. With the large payouts that Atom can get, let’s just say he doesn’t spend it wisely, often opting to flaunt it rather than save it. What else are you doing to do when you grew up poor?
Atom goes out to raging parties maybe once a month, spending hundreds upon hundreds on alcohol and drugs. 
He’s an actual goblin when he’s working, having stashes of food saved in his room so he rarely has to leave. It’s a problem. Please make him shower.
After his two very much failed relationships, he’s decided the whole love thing isn’t for him. However he rarely goes out to seek one night stands, only really taking people as they come.
When he is your friend, he’s boisterous and loud, an image of who he was before he started to rebel. 
With being boisterous and loud comes being dramatic AF. Death is solution to any minor inconvenience. 
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ofrparker · 5 years
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✧ · ˚ . matthew daddario? nah, that’s just riley parker. you know, they’re the twenty-six year-old mechanic/musician from alderley edge, cheshire… still doesn’t ring a bell ? come on, dude ! they’re all over ME.MIAMI’S homepage. it’s impossible for them to stay off of it because of the fact that they’re super choleric & refractory. they’re not all bad though, ‘cause they can be individualistic & bold too ! you can totally tell they’re an aquarius… it’s almost scary. look, if you want to remember them, just think of a smashed guitar, band tees stained with motor oil, and taking a swig of jack daniels instead of using mouthwash in the morning and you’ll be golden. ( he/him, cis male.  /  sam, 22, she/her, est. )
so, this guy right here…riley ignatius parker-warrington…will throw hands if you call him anything other than parker. it’s what everyone calls him. you gotta be really special to call him riley and not immediately get decked for it. tbh most people probably think parker is his first name anyway so! moving on
parker was born to a wealthy family in a small but affluent village called alderley edge in cheshire, england. he’s the youngest of four sons so he has three older brothers.
his family, the parker-warringtons ( known more commonly as the warringtons ) are so stupid rich that it actually hurts to think about. they’re basically the british rockefellers. parker’s great x6 granddad started the family business back a couple centuries ago and nowadays they’ve got their hands in everything from business to architecture to real estate to education to oil…they own a lot of stuff. the warrington building in downtown london was completely made up just now is basically the rockefeller center of the uk.
parker spent his early years sheltered and pampered and homeschooled by tutors and nannies bc his parents never had time for him but it’s whatever he got over it really early on in life.
parker’s always been a huge troublemaker with a restless nature so his wealthy, uptight, lowkey shady af parents who are obsessed with the family’s image could never really deal with him and eventually decided to just ship him off to boarding schools all over europe, just one after the other after the other bc he kept getting kicked out lmao.
about the only thing he enjoyed about his childhood and schooling were his music lessons. he was taught to play piano, violin, and even the harp. other things like math and history and science didn’t come easily to him at all, but music? he was great at it and he’s always loved it. during his teen years while away at boarding school was when he first procured an electric guitar and learned to play. along with that, he also discovered punk music, aka the greatest thing in the entire fucking universe if you ask him. far as music goes, he’d found his calling in his early teenage years.
at school he was basically that rebellious kid in all the movies who wore doc martens with his prim & proper school uniform and carried around a pocket knife and cut class to go smoke while vandalizing school property and constantly started got into fights with all of the prissy prep school boys.
literally the only reason he actually graduated rather than flunking out was because his father was able to pull some strings aka bought his very last boarding school a whole new library wing. parker did actually consider running away a few times, but there was a part of him really reaaaaally deep down that actually enjoyed some aspects of school ( though he very strongly believes many education systems across the world need a serious overhaul and etc etc etc don’t ask him unless you want a lecture ). anyway, the moment he was done with school, he did finally skip out on…well, everything and everyone and ditched the country altogether, heading out first to seattle washington, then to los angeles, california, and then he finally settled in miami when he was twenty-two, so he’s lived there for the last four-ish years.
started his band, rabid porcupine, right after moving to miami. they’re a punk band, popular among the subculture and virtually unknown to everyone else. parker is the lead vocalist, guitarist, songwriter, overall face of the band but don’t get it twisted his whole band is important to him.
he went to school to be an auto mechanic while living in seattle, and so that’s actually his day job. his parents have threatened to cut him off many times and though they haven’t done it, parker has sorta cut himself off and chosen to be self-sufficient. he relies solely on the money he makes from his job and from playing in the band to support himself because he wants to be independent and he doesn’t want his family to be able to say that they gave him anything.
fun facts !
he hasn’t been home in like six / seven years but he still has the heaviest most posh british accent you will ever hear in your life + he knows he’s fulfilling a stereotype here but he doesn’t care he fuckin loves tea
his three older brothers are named sebastian, nikolai, & rian. he doesn’t get along with any of them but by far he has the worst relationship with rian, his identical twin who’s a few minutes older. unlike most stereotypical twins they’ve literally never been in sync and have never gotten along
most people think that he’s a jerk bc he’s incredibly standoffish and temperamental but he’s actually…not that bad? like he’s sure he’s permanently grumpy but he also holds the door open for people and says thank you to janitors and probably helps old ladies across the street and would literally rather die than be rude to wait staff in a restaurant
often struggles with verbalizing / explaining his emotions.
very observant and good at reading people
basically the walking talking rl embodiment of the jerk with a heart of gold trope.
knows he’s not the easiest person to befriend but if you are his friend, then he’s gonna be loyal af, the realest ride or die of all time
however, he tends to take the tough love route when he’s trying to help someone out. like just bc you’re his friend he’s not gonna coddle you bc you’re upset he’s gonna tell you how to how to deal with your problems & emotions
which is funny bc lmao he’s angry af 1000% of the time. will throw hands anytime anywhere
also took a lot of music lessons back in the day. he’s actually a very talented pianist who probably could’ve gone on to play professionally if he stuck with it but nah. he likes the guitar. you’ll probs never catch him playing the piano which is a shame bc he honestly is a beautiful pianist :/
he has a motorcycle which pretty much built it himself from scratch and it’s just…it’s literally his child ok he will freak if you so much as lay a hand on his motorcycle ok /f r e a k/ like don’t even look at it the wrong way
feminist af
parker is grumpy and angry and standoffish but look he really is and really tries to be a decent guy. anyone who knows him well would see that very clearly and honestly, that’s probably why they stick around even though he can be difficult.
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