#p.s. the bird bites
lucifers-rubber-duck · 2 months
Was wandering how the crew would react to a reader with animalistic beahavior (reader that acts like an animal something).
Like how a dog would be possessive of smt, tounge hanging out, suddenly extremely happy, or like a cat doing long stretches and sleeping in small conners.
P.S this is my first request and I really like your format of writing, keep up the good work 👍.(if you don't want to do this I completely understand, it is a rather strange request so no need to fell bad😗)
Characters: Charlie, Vaggie, Alastor, Husker, Angel, Niffty, Sir Pentious & Lucifer
Warnings: None.
A/N: That's a totally fine request! I'm glad you like my writing :} Thanks for the ask Anon and sorry for taking so long.
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• Finds you adorable, she enjoys your shenanigans and makes sure that you don't feel ashamed by them, it's something you can't control.
• She has experience with taking care of pets, like Kiki, Razzle and Dazzle; so she totally would make the space around you comfortable for you to act the way you want. I also think that Kiki would sometimes hiss at you for no reason but Charlie is trying her best to make Kiki like you more.
• She would ask if you were okay with her petting you sometimes, she's not malicious or anything, she just truly loves seeing how your face would immediately soften with her touch.
• Likes when you sleep close to her, all curled up in couch or in bed, your presence helps her relax when she ends up too stressed trying to make the hotel work.
• She's not the biggest animal enjoyer but wouldn't mind you doing your own thing. She does have some experience since she helped Charlie take care of her own pets but watching someone that was previously a human act like that makes her side-eye a few of your actions.
• Would be more helpful if your demon form is similar to a bird, if you had wings she would offer herself to peel your feathers and clean them up so you don't have to do it alone. She was a angel before and had to do the same things but she won't tell you that part.
• You would end up scaring her sometimes tho, she would be going down stairs to grab some water and she would see your figure just down the hall, eyes shining in the shadows as your head quickly turned to look at her, making it even more creepy. She stares at you for a few moments before slowly going back up without her water.
• That would keep happening until she just got used to it and started having midnight snacks with you, even falling asleep with you curled up around her in the couch, she suffers from insomnia and your presence makes her fall asleep easier, but she always wakes up earlier than you so you're always alone in the couch by the morning.
• Stills thanks you thought, in a way no one hears, she's too embarrassed to admit to everyone she has trouble sleeping but you don't mind keeping it a secret, especially when she's being way nicer to you.
• Finds you amusing, I imagine him being rather surprised when he first saw you demonstrate your more animal side, probably thinking at first that you were stupid or something.
• He already likes to mess with Husker, treating him like an actual pet so you would be no different, you may not own your soul to him but living under the same roof means having to deal with his annoying treatment towards you.
• Would pull you around with him and present you to people as if you were his actual pet, ordering you around and making you fetch things for him. And he always talks with you in the most forced cute voice ever, now you get why Husker hates this guy.
• If you ever try to intimidate him by pretending you're going to bite him or something along those lines he'll simply give you a stern look and a slightly more forced smile before saying something along the lines of “What a fiesty one.”. To put it simple, he likes to make your life miserable and there's no way to get rid of him.
• He's also technically a animal, he looks more like a cat than he looks human at least and had to deal with controlling his instincts as well, he understand your struggles and will be there to help you control them.
• If your sinner form was more cat-like than he would find it easier to teach you but has advices for other animal related demon forms as well, he makes sure you feel good with yourself.
• But a few of his own animal behaviors would show up by default because you're there. He would rub his face against your arms, his ears would peark up when he hears your voice and there were multiple ocasions were you two feel asleep curled up around each other.
• But you do similar stuff as well so he feels less pathetic when letting his cat side win for a few minutes. Just never dare to talk about how he purrs around you, he'll have your head if you do so.
• He enjoys annoying you and making bad sexual jokes about your behavior (like calling you a pussy out of nowhere or something along those lines). He also totally would play pranks that would awaken your more animalistic side.
• Like, I imagine you're literally just chilling on the lobby's couch and then suddenly there's one of those cat lasers moving all around the place and you can't help but chase it around while he's laughing loudly in the background.
• Takes photos of you when you're not looking, but not normal distracted photos, he only takes them when you're doing something embarrassing. The only sweet photos he has of you are the ones you're with Fat Nuggets, be with him sleeping in your lap or just playing with him.
• Would probably buy you a dog-collar for your birthday as a prank, but it actually looks kind nice, being all decorated and having you name in the pendant so if you somehow don't feel too embarrassed to use it he would give you a sly smile before coming back to do whatever he does normally.
• If you have any animal characteristics she'll totally stop everything she's doing to play with your tail/ears/wings or whatever you have, you're a walking fluff ball for her.
• Would insist on helping you bathe, she actually knows ways that not even you knew to keep your hair and fur/wings clean and soft. She would make sure you're all cleaned up.
• Would be more than pleased to receive dead animals if you bring them to her. She would make them onto furniture around the hotel and her room or just turn part of them into accessories.
𖤓Sir Pentious
• Secretly finds you adorable, like, have you seen the way he looked at Kiki when she sat on his lap? He's a total sucker for animals but pretends he isn't.
• You can catch his pupils growing bigger and his eyes shine while he looks at you do anything that resembles a small animal, like stretch yourself, get a sudden burst of energy or sit in high places at the hotel, he tries to play it cool when he notices you’re looking at him but is terrible at hiding that he was staring.
• Would build things for you if you asked him, sometimes without you even asking, for you to put out those animal instincts in more healthier ways insitead of on the hotel, and would keep it a total secret, he doesn't want to make you embarrased.
• He would ask, in a very timid way if he can pet you, if you ask why he wants to pet you he would probably say something among the lines of: “B-because I'm petting EVERYONE HERE!”
• He loves animals, he helped create some of them back in the days when he was still in heaven so he has a special place in his heart for them, if your sinner form has animal characteristics you can be sure he'll be orbiting around you in pure bliss.
• Asks you a lot of questions on how your body works, what's your diet, how much time it took for you to adjust, even more personal questions, he's kinda oblivious to the fact that you may be uncomfortable with them, he's just so curious (even more if you so happen to have a sinner form similar to a bird).
• Would have a special area designed just for you in his Apple Tower in the hotel where you like to hang out for a big part of the day, watching him build his ducks or anything else he's feeling like building that day. He eventually breaks the silence between him and you when he has a new question to ask but tries to let you be as much as possible.
• When you do anything that he remotely finds adorable, he will start talking in those sweet voices that you use to talk to pets or babies, he's not treating you like an actual animal, he just can't contain his adoration for your behaviors to himself, don't worry, he won't talk to you like that in public, not after he notice how uncomfortable you looked in front of the others. He'll save his reactions for when you two are just by yourselfs.
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bearandbird · 4 months
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bird and i’s size difference always gets me so worked up. god i love just crushing them with my plump and soft curves. so excited for them to make me bigger and bigger so i can cover them more and more 😋😋
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dont ya just love seeing the little love bites too? we truly are feral for eachother.
bird and i made the best love this morning. these pics were taken then.. and yes you can assume, bird’s inside of me. >:3
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ofallthingsnasty · 3 months
so, just curious, with that whole if crocodile cut your cheek open thing, how do you think he’d react if you were absolutely terrified of him after. Like crying, cowering, hiding, and flinching whenever he came near. P.S. Have a great day/night and don’t forget to drink some water!
references this post and this post
tw. past violence, yandere, gn reader, minors dni
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I think it's the only time he accepts that kind of behavior, really - solely due to the fact that he actually feels guilty. Like I've said before: to get that kind of harsh reaction from him, you'll actively have to rile him up. You'll know when he's getting angry, trust me, and if you just keep piling and piling up your silly little words and snippy gestures, well... He'll explode after a while. Crocodile can't stand disrespect. You snapping back, insulting him, fighting him is an offense of the highest order - and one that makes his blood boil. But even if he regards it as such - he'll still regret hurting you in such a way, losing his cool like that. He thinks himself aloof and calculated, especially in private (that the reality is more than different is readily ignored, at least when it comes to you.) So when you flinch at his touch, when you get awfully silent, when you can't even stand to look at him after you've been stitched up? He'll actually feel the tiniest little pang in his heart. Crocodile didn't want this. He wanted someone to come home to, someone open and soft, someone to play pretend with. He wanted the ease of you waiting for him to be done with his work, not you looking like you've seen a ghost when he finally crawls into bed with you. It's a weird feeling for him - entirely illogical, considering that he has no delusions about the relationship between the two of you. Even worse - he knows that a little fear, a little bit of manipulation makes you sweeter and more pliant. But at the end of the day, this was just too much. And he wouldn't keep you if you weren't to elicit at least an inkling of fondness in him. He can understand why you react like you do - hell, he even gives you space (unlike some others would, looking at a certain oversized bird). A stony face is all you'll get for a little while, even if you cry your eyes out in front of him. But time heals all wounds - even the teeniest, tiniest bites of guilt a Warlord might feel. And with every day, that patience for your misbehavior wanes, gets smaller and smaller until he'll force himself back into your space. You better steel your nerves and get over any acute reactions he might cause - because you'll get a grace period of a few weeks at best.
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quietblueriver · 4 months
not sure if you're still taking one word prompts... but if you are, then how about "warmth" or "pale" for Imodna?
(P.S. I love your writing style!)
Thank you so, so much!!! And thank you for the prompt. Here’s a short thing for “pale.” 💜 Heads up for some angst.
As always, she hears Laudna before she sees her, her thoughts providing a harmony to the song she’s humming happily in the kitchen.
Where’s the sugar? Should set the table. I wonder if Imogen was able to find blueberries…
“I’m home!” She sits her haul from the market on the little wooden bench by the door and bends to unlace her boots. “And I brought blueberries!”
It’s been years at this point, but the delight in Laudna’s thoughts when she hears Imogen come home never fails to make her stomach drop pleasantly with love and, even now, a little bit of disbelief.
Oh, excellent. I’ve missed her. I’ve missed you.
“Welcome home, darling.” A long black and maroon skirt sweeps into her vision as she looks up from her boots, and she follows it up and up, over a flowing black top with sheer sleeves and a green striped dish towel that has been flung a little haphazardly over a delicate shoulder until she reaches her favorite perfectly crooked smile and wide black eyes. “I’ve missed you.”
She’s still got one boot on but she can’t wait, so she stands up and leans into a kiss that Laudna receives with a happy sigh. She’s a little off-balance, and it’s the wobble that breaks their kiss, Laudna laughing at her fondly as she helps her keep herself upright.
“Steady, love.” Imogen kisses her again, because she can’t help it, and Laudna pulls back with a teasing tsk. “Finish with your boots and I’ll have a treat waiting for you in the kitchen.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Laudna swats at her with the towel, too far away to actually catch her, and walks toward the doorway to their little kitchen, Imogen staring after her until she catches herself and sits down again, tugging impatiently at her laces until she’s free.
She hangs her cloak on the rack, the pegs of which are various intricately carved birds in flight. Imogen’s partial to the hawk, Laudna to the raven. It’s a C-POP Industries original that Chetney swore was too imperfect for the market but that Imogen was almost entirely sure was just a gift for Laudna, as it appeared on their doorstep less than a day after she’d exclaimed over it in his store.
She picks up the bag of groceries and makes her way to the kitchen, dropping them on the table before coming to stand behind Laudna at the stove, where she’s laid out a rack of cookies to cool. Wrapping her arms around Laudna and relaxing into the cool press of her body, she says, “Those look good.” She catches chocolate and something else, cinnamon maybe. “Smell good, too.”
Laudna’s hands come to rest on hers and she leans back, Imogen supporting her weight easily. “Mmm. A bit pale, I’m afraid. Should’ve left them a few minutes more but I burned them last time, you remember, and I didn’t want to do that again.”
Imogen blinks. Does she remember? Of course. Of course she does. “I remember them bein’ delicious,” she says. “Think I ate half a dozen before they were even all cool. I’m sure these’ll be just as good.”
“Mmm.” You don’t have the most…discerning palate, dear.
The thought comes with an affectionate squeeze to her forearms, and Imogen laughs. “Hey, now. My palate is plenty discernin’.”
The pat to the back of her hand is absolutely patronizing, and Laudna’s tone matches as she says, “Of course it is. I’m sorry.”
Imogen presses up to kiss her cheek and squeezes her hips before stepping back and around to grab at a cookie. It’s still warm, and the chocolate is almost liquid on her tongue, and it’s so good, darlin’. Honestly. She swallows and offers, before taking another bite and another cookie from the tray, “Even better than last time.”
Laudna’s looking at her fondly, and it’s then that Imogen notices something’s not quite right. There’s a flicker in the corner of the kitchen, a shadow over Laudna’s shoulder, and her hackles are raised, the cookie tossed carelessly back onto the tray, as she says, voice low, “Laud, come stand behind me.”
Laudna stays where she is, eyes crinkling at the edges and the corners of her lips tilting downwards, smile still fond but a little bit sad now, too. Imogen’s stomach clenches, and lightning flickers at her fingertips. Shadows begin to bleed from beneath their table, their chairs, the doorway.
“Laudna. C’mon, baby.” Her tone is anxious now, voice unsteady, and she tries to take a step forward but she can’t. She can’t, and suddenly her heart is thundering, her palms sweating where they’re now frozen before her, ready and entirely unable to cast. “Please. Please.”
There’s ichor dripping from her eyes, slow and steady, and her mouth pulls up at one corner as she says, affectionate but resigned, “You know I can’t, darling.”
“No.” The shadows have swallowed the entry to the living room, slither closer and faster. “No.” She’s crying now, can feel the tears making hot trails down her cheeks.
A voice from above, familiar and cold and terrifying. “Is she your favorite?”
“No. Please. Not again. Please. Please. I’ll do whatever you want. Please, just...”
“Close your eyes, Imogen.” Laudna’s voice is gentle, the same one she uses when Imogen wakes from a nightmare—soothing and soft and loving and Imogen doesn’t close her eyes, can’t close her eyes, can only scream as Laudna’s body is lifted into the air by an invisible force, her chest ripped open by a sword she can’t see but doesn’t need to. She hears Laudna’s cry, haunting, and then laughter, Otohan’s laughter, and all she sees is white.
When she wakes, her cheeks are wet, and her chest is heaving, and she’s cold, so cold. She keeps her eyes closed for as long as she can, unwilling to be back in the world where Laudna isn’t, but it can’t last. She turns and blinks into the dark of the room where she’s sleeping, sees Laudna’s profile, Pate tucked carefully into a nest made of Imogen’s bandana near her far shoulder.
Her fingers reach for the place where she knows the sword went through, hover and retreat, fist into the blanket instead.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” There’s no response. Of course there isn’t. There’s no one there to hear her. She doesn’t mean it any less.
“I’ll fix it, Laudna. I promise. I’ll fix it.” She forces herself to close her eyes again, and when she drifts back into fitful sleep, she swears she can still taste the chocolate.
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killemwithkawaii · 2 months
Okay but how sweet would it be for Sally and Kim to have a (slightly awkward, but) wholesome friendship after he gave her that bird pic huh how fuckin cute would that be??
Sal and Kim Friendship Headcanons-
[CW: Unsanitary, bullying, weapon, mentions of murder and death, in-game themes]
>On the day everyone finds out Mrs. Packerton had died, Kim gives Sal the last of the bologna she has in the cafeteria walk-in because she knows how much he and his friends liked it. Sal is touched by the gesture and somehow manages not to gag while thanking her for it.
>When Sal goes through the lunch line, he and Kim always exchange pleasantries and have short chats about the birds in the courtyard, current school events, the latest episodes of popular TV shows, etc.
>Kim insists on giving Sal extra big helpings of food and will scold him if he doesn't finish what she scoops onto his tray.
"You are a growing boy Sally, you must eat so you can become big and strong! Now, go sit and finish before bell, or you get BIG BROCCOLI with NO CHEESEY SAUCE for dessert tomorrow!!"
Sal finds it a little irksome, especially when he's already stuffed to the gills, but does his best to comply because it admittedly feels nice to be subjected to a bit of motherly doting once in a while.... (Push comes to shove, Chug is always happy to help him make those last few bites disappear.)
>If one of them is absent due to sickness, the other takes note and worries. (Kim, because she can't help but be a bit of a mother hen over Sal, and Sal, because he fears the D.O.G. has claimed another person in his life as a victim.) They always expresses their concern and relief when the absentee returns to school.
>They empathize with each other regarding their respective deformities/disabilities and the othering they both experience because of said conditions.
Kim understands feeling self-conscious about appearances, as she's very sensitive about hers, but encourages Sal to be proud of who he is and to not be afraid to knock some sense into those who say otherwise (to do this, she suggests utilizing a sock full of pennies. "Is lunch money that helps you keep your other lunch money! 😉").
Sal always sticks up for Kim any time one of the other students mocks her appearance, whether she's around to hear it or not. ("Kim may not be a looker, but at least she's not a rude, shallow asshat. Hope you REALLY LIKE the crustiest corner of the mac and cheese tray, cuz that's what you're gonna be eating every Tuesday until summer break. 🤷‍♂️")
>When his senior year is coming to an end, Kim gives Sal an old and obviously well-loved birding book as a graduation gift. The handwritten note on the inside of the cover reads:
Spread your wings and fly like the birdies!
Your friend,
(P.S. Keep eating your veggies, you will grow soon!)
While Sal doesn't really use it, he keeps it on his bookshelf as a memento. He pages through it occasionally to look at the nice pictures and to do a little reminiscing about one of the precious few positive experiences he had while attending Nockfell High School.
>After the Addison Apartment murders, Kim is one of the few people who steps forward to be a character witness for Sal during his trial. Despite all the evidence against him, she insists that Sally is a
'... kind, smart, sweet boy. He cause mischief, been in some rough and tumbles, yes, but he NEVER MURDER anyone!! Kim is SURE about that!!"
Ultimately, her testimony was discredited by the prosecution for various nitpicky reasons, but Sal appreciated her vouch of confidence all the same....
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sara-wishes · 1 year
Lego Flowers. - 성화
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Seonghwa x Female!Reader
genre: fluff
warnings: sick seonghwa, spoiled wooyoung, really late for sh's birthday, overall just fluffy.
word count: 2.6k
now listening to: Alldaylong by Dreamcatcher
a/n: Sorry this is really late... but I still wanted to publish it even if his birthday had already passed. Hope you enjoy reading and late happy birthday to Seonghwa!
The day had started beautifully. The early birds chirping, the sun shining down upon the newly bloomed flowers -a sign of spring's arrival-, and a gentle and fresh breeze blowing through the streets. 
Well, it was a beautiful day for every person that could go out and enjoy it. For a sick Seonghwa, it already was a terrible birthday. Honestly, things weren't looking bright right now. Not only had he caught a cold right before spring's start, but the only comfort he could find in these trying times was missing. You were nowhere to be found. His carer, his guardian angel during the harsh and restless nights of endless coughing, had disappeared.
He had a vague idea as to where you could have gone, since he remembered having slightly awakened to your form telling him you'd go to buy some food for today's meal. Of course, he hadn't complained at that time, he had been half-asleep, his brain's clarity blurred by a dense fog of tiredness and you had promised to only take a few minutes before coming back to his aid. He had groggily waved you goodbye and had gone back to snoozing mode. 
So now, his only question was, where exactly were you after three hours had passed? 
Regrettably, since you were gone, he would have to make some food himself, in between sneezes and sniffing. 
Struggling to rise out of his bed, slowed down by his sore muscles, he wrapped his blanket around his frame, letting it fall over his head, and slowly began to pat his way across the hallways. 
To his surprise, when he arrived at his destination, the kitchen, he found plastic bags filled with food on the countertops. You really had gone and bought ingredients like you promised. He was glad he had some nutrients to feed his empty and hurting stomach, which had already growled in protest several times because of being forced to have breakfast at 2 p.m. Still, the sight only made him more confused as to where you could be. 
Wrapped in his blanket burrito, he decided eating could wait. He had to call you now, the growing worry over you overpowering his hunger. 
Retracing his steps back to your shared bedroom, he approached his nightstand. He recalled having left his phone charging there. But once again for a second time that day, he was surprised at the sight. Sitting atop his phone he found there to be a dull yellow sticky note filled with your handwriting. Picking it up, it read:
"Good Morning Babe!! I'm sure that by now you have noticed my absence (i hope) and were about to call me to find out where exactly i am right now. But fear not! I had to get some stuff done and I'll be back soon. P.S. Don't worry about the food, I know how much your muscles ache in the mornings so I cooked you some soup and left it in the microwave for you to heat up. 
Promise not to take long! 
Love you, Y/N"
Great, he still didn’t know where you were. But at least he figured you weren’t dead. Although he was still worried and not entirely convinced of letting the issue go and wait for you, his stomach once again reminded him he had slept through the morning without a bite or a single drop of water to satiate his system’s basic needs. Besides, his morning medicine was due and he couldn’t take it until he had something to eat, and being honest to himself, that soup you had mentioned in your note sounded really good right now.
Seonghwa reassured himself that you were doing just fine and once again walked towards the kitchen, now his ailments caused by the cold getting stronger as he woke up fully.
The idol heated the soup and sat on the table you used to share your meals together in the living room. His current plans were to eat, take the medicine, and sleep until Y/N arrived. Yep, what an amazing birthday.
Seonghwa wasn’t entirely disappointed by the day’s events. If you both could not go on your ‘Amazing Annual Date’ at your favorite restaurant today, you’d go when he was feeling alright again. Although he had a lot of work to catch up on, and he already felt terrible about missing out on it because of his illness, he could still take a day off for his birthday. Thankfully they all were taking a few rest days between practicing for any new comeback, promotions or concerts. He still had time to make up for the lost days. He loved you dearly and causing you to stay at home taking care of him was what actually hurt him the most about this whole ordeal.
Sighing, Seonghwa left the now empty dish in the sink, and slowly settled on the soft couch of your living room, gulping down his pills. He could doze off to an animal crossing gameplay or an old The Mandalorian episode until you arrived. Still wrapped in his blanket burrito, with the spring sun shyly peeking through the blinds, he was warm, the tasty soup having also added to his comfort. Seonghwa guessed that as soon as you arrived, the day could still look bright. Slowly, almost without him noticing, his eyelids began to drop and he allowed sleep to take him once more.
A soft clanking of keys woke him up from his peaceful slumber. His brain wasn’t really registering what was going on, his previous dream continuing to play behind his closed eyelids. He even believed the sound was just a figment of his imagination, not trusting himself just yet.
“I’m back!” You announced, opening the door. At this, Seonghwa finally opened his eyes and started to force his body to start functioning once again. “Y…/N..?” He muttered drowsily. 
“Oh! Sorry love, I didn’t realize you were sleeping. I’m sorry I woke you up.” You worriedly rushed to his side by the couch, feeling guilty from interrupting his much needed sleep. 
Although Seonghwa could hear you approaching the couch, still facing away from you, he also could hear the rustling of heavy plastic bags. Curious and now aware of his surroundings, he turned to look at you. You, the love of his life, who was currently holding two giant plastic Lego bags. Star Wars Lego bags.
“What’s this, Y/N?” Said the male, his orbs lighting up at the sight. “Well…I felt terrible that you couldn’t enjoy your birthday due to your cold, so I thought I could cheer you up with some gifts we could build together.” You sheepishly answered him, raising the squared bags over your shoulder level. 
Seonghwa was perplexed. You had disappeared for -he checks the watch- 4 hours?! and had gone off to store after store just to find him the best present you could to cheer him up. Oh god he loved you. Rising from the couch and letting the blanket he had draped on his shoulders fall, he ran to engulf you in a hug. “I love you so much.” Laughing gleefully at his sudden display of affection you asked him. “Do you like them? I got you The Razor Crest and-” turning your voice into a higher squeak, you continued- “the cutest Baby Yoda ever!”
Chuckling at your childish antics Seonghwa hugged you tighter to his weak form. “I love them, thank you darling. For this and for everything.” He answered you, now getting away from your figure, not wanting to risk passing his illness onto you. 
“I’m glad. Now, you go back to the couch, I’m gonna organize the bags in the kitchen and brew you some herbal tea to start building the ship with you!” Gathering the two plastic containers, you left one on the tea table, and strangely, took the other with you to the kitchen, leaving Seonghwa slightly confused and shouting back an “I’ll be quick, you just don’t move!” He decided against questioning you for your weird actions, not thinking much of the happenings, and chose to start opening and arranging the lego pieces for when you came back.
Minutes later -a little bit longer than he expected you to take- you emerged from the kitchen with a wooden tray, containing his favorite mug and a modern glass kettle. “Incoming!” Seonghwa scooped to one side of the couch, leaving you some room to sit, and making a small spot on the table to fit the tray. “Okay, now we can start.” You told him with a smile, settling on the cushion of the sofa.
Along with the soft background music Seonghwa had chosen from your shared playlist, you both started to browse through the blue booklet, which contained the instructions you had to follow in order to create The Crest. 
In the middle of your lego building, the idol chose to address a matter that still bothered him to this moment. “I’m not at all complaining but, I just have to ask, what took you so long while shopping?”
“I’m not really proud of it but- can you disconnect these two please?” Handing him two small lego pieces mid-sentence, you continued as he took them in his hands. “I had to call Wooyoung so he could tell me which lego builds you already had. But that sneaky bastard decided to make me wait for him outside the dorms so I could take him for some Starbucks, instead of telling me over call. Starbucks I paid for, by the way. He’s lucky he’s my favorite.” 
Seonghwa smiled brightly at this. He got so happy when you started to warm up to his members too, and seeing you get along so well with them made him content. Besides, he knew just what you were talking about, Wooyoung would always be Wooyoung. “You should really stop spoiling him like that, one day he’s going to come and make himself at home like we are not even here.” 
“I know but, he knows just what to say to make me cave in, that kid. Anyway, after making me pay for his food, he accompanied me to the mall to get your gifts, so that’s why.” Now finally having cleared things up, you once again fell into a peaceful silence and conversed there and there, continuing to work on your craft.
Some hours later, when the sun had already hidden for the day, and the clock marked 10:08 p.m., your Razor Crest was at last finished. “Aaaaand, the last piece for the birthday king, c’mon you place it.” Seonghwa brushed your fingers and took the small, gray piece and with a satisfying ‘click’, fitted it onto the figure. “Done!” he clapped as he finished, you joining him. The male restrained himself from taking the enormous ship and doing the cute animal crossing move, not wanting the 4 hours of work from both parts to go to waste. Suddenly aware of having sat on the couch, crouched, for two long couple of hours, his muscles felt cramped and his bones ached, so he began stretching like a cat to get rid of his soreness. You got up and followed along, both of you beat from all of the work put into your piece.
Now both of you away from the sofa, having settled The Razor Crest in a glass cabinet you kept in the living room, admired it from your positions next to each other.
“It looks amazing.” He spoke.
“I hope building it didn’t make it worse for you. We spent a lot of time on it.” Resting your head on his shoulder you asked him. “Don't worry, I’m good. I had an amazing birthday after all.” You both smiled content.
“Before we call it a night, I have one last present for you.” After seeing you rush to the kitchen, Seonghwa could only hear some rustling noises you were making and wondered what you could be talking about.
Under the dim lightning of the room, you handed Seonghwa a carefully crafted lego flower, its stem green, white and soft pink petals settled on its top. “A flower for a flower.” 
You couldn’t have chosen a more terrible pick up line. There really wasn’t, but as he picked it up, he smiled and chuckled brightly at you. And at that, unknowingly to him, lit up your whole world.
“So this is what you were doing when you disappeared in the kitchen… I could kiss you right now.” He told you, tightly gripping the plastic flower.
“I would love you to, but we still have to celebrate our ‘Amazing Annual Date’. Wouldn’t want to get sick for it. I’ll settle for a forehead kiss tho.” Grinning widely for getting what you wanted, Seonghwa gently grazed your forehead with his lips, in his mind, only a single thought remaining.
‘I only needed you and your love, to have a perfect birthday. Thank you Y/N.’
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anxiouspineapple99 · 8 months
vampire!fives x reader (first person perspective)
prompts: "If forever does exist, please let it be you." & "Something about you made me feel a little more alive and far less alone."
warnings: maybe it is a bit angsty(?), kissing, biting (well hello, he is a vampire), small bits of blood (i think that is all, let me know if i missed something!)
word count: ~760
hello! this is my first fic for this fandom! (kinda) i hope you enjoy. in addition to the prompts i also was inspired by the song iNFiNiTY by FiNCH! :)
p.s. english isn't my mother tongue, sorry for misspellings and other mistakes! (commas are a pain in the ass lmao)
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"Look up to the stars," the raspy voice of Fives breathes in my ear.
We are standing in a clearing, surrounded by trees over trees, in the middle of the night. The air is cold, fresh. It doesn't matter. Even though his skin is cold, he provides warmth: His black leather jacket around my shoulders, his big hands on my waist, his breath on my neck.
Slowly, I lift my head to look at the sea of small lights above us.
"Beautiful," I hum. "That's what freedom must feel like," I add dreamily.
"They bring the light into the dark." His soft lips meet my cheek. Gently, he moves his hands around me and folds them on my tummy. His thumbs trail small cirlces. A pleasant shiver runs down my spine. I can feel his chest agains my back and every time the cool night air flows into our lungs we seem to come closer to each other.
"They are alone, but they are free," he murmurs some time after just hearing our quiet breaths.
The night is beautiful, the sky clear. But not one bird can be heard. No crickets or other small animals in the distance. Just us.
"Just like me," his small kisses begin to wander.
"I have no sense of space... or time," he says. His strong arms embrace me. The smell of his aftershave rises to my nose.
"Fives..." I whisper as he starts to place kisses along my neck.
"I have no one to share those things," he mumbles.
"Not a single soul far and wide... That's the price of eternity," he closes his eyes.
"But I am here," I say and turn my face a little bit to the side so I can see his face. The small five on his temple accentuates his unnaturally light skin.
"Yeah. Something about you made me feel a little more alive and far less alone," he agrees. My heart warms at his words. "But you are not eternal."
"I could be," I smile. I take a small step to the side and turn around so I can face him properly.
His brown eyes flutter open and seem to reflect a sadness I haven't seen in a long time.
"Fives..." I whisper again.
"Don't say it," he closes his eyes again and takes a deep breath through is nose.
I lift my arms and put them around his neck. I step closer. There is just a small space left between us.
I take a deep breath before I start talking again.
"Fives, please look me in the eyes," I almost beg.
He seems to fight with himself but after a view quiet moments, he obeys and his eyes land on mine. In contrast to his sadness, all I can see now is a deep, burning passion in them. A hunger that never can be stilled. 
"If forever does exist, please let it be you," I say.
"No, you... you don't understand. I... am hungry. But I am never fed. I can't taste... anything. I am cold but nothing seems to warm me up. The cold is in my heart. I am tired but I can't sleep. I am not dead, but I don't seem to be alive either. I am thirsty... So, so thirsty but the only thing that is able to quench it, is blood. Warm, fresh blood from the body of innocent people," he speaks and comes closer again.
I look him in his eyes.
"That's the price of eternity," I mutter.
Slowly, I lean in and kiss his sweet lips. He kisses me back. Carefully, but still so passionately.
After a few moments I break the kiss and look him in his brown eyes one last time. Then I start to tilt my head and lean in closer. I put my lips on his jawline and start to kiss a trail up to his ear.
I can feel his breath on my neck. My heartbeat quickens.
He wouldn't be able to resist this time.
Soft kisses wander along my artery that waits for his touch under my skin. Gentle scrapes of his impressive fangs. He hesitates for a long moment before he says, "I need you."
"I know," I gasp, "I need you too, Fives. Please, do it."
Not a second later I can feel how his teeth pierce trough my skin. His hands on my waist again, holding me. Keeping me safe. Some droplets of warm blood land on my skin. I can hear him swallow.
"I love you, Fives," I whisper one last time before everything gets dark.
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losthibiscus13 · 7 months
Tokoyami discussion part 2:
Fruit for thought 🍎:
Dark Humor…
Hey guys! I’m back with another fruit for thought 🍎. However this is going to be kinda short so I hope you enjoy this bite sized discussion! As you guys can see below, this is from My Hero Academia Smash comics. In this particular comic it shows that Ms. Joke is here to do what she does best, and Horikoshi has showed us not one but two students that we have not seen laugh in mha.
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Honestly I thought this reaction was hilarious 😭. Poor Tokoyami though, I feel like his bird head stops him from showing so much emotion. I know this is a funny interaction but it’s kinda sad in a way. I feel like he understands that he can be seen as off putting by others. Even more so by his peers whenever he shows slight emotion on his face like happiness or laughter they seem to say it’s “unnatural” or it’s not like him”. I mean I know he likes to come off as quiet and serious, but it doesn’t mean it isn’t within him to feel positive emotion. It kinda makes you wonder if he’s just too afraid to show any vulnerability in that sense. I wonder if there were moments he wanted to laugh but he couldn’t because he’s too embarrassed and afraid others might be unsettled by it. What do you guys think of this?
P.s: Jirou is so sweet, she can always tell when someone’s uncomfortable about a comment or a joke. She’s not afraid to call the person out if she sees it’s been taken too far 🖤🎧.
Thanks for reading! I’ll try to make the next fruit for thought more…Mindful 🍏. Stay tuned for part 3!
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
Characters I wanna stuff in my mouth and nom nom :D
1. Morell & Shags, deadly pretty mushrooms yum yum, deep fried in batter to make tempura mushrooms
2. Belo, I feel like he would taste like chicken or any fancy bird, roasted like the Christmas turkey
3. Livius, laffy taffy man, chew him raw and pull as I bite to see how long he stretches
4. Magus, Glauk & Ivana, ssaaashimi
5. Krulu, Mother, I wonder what gods taste like
6. Zizz, I feel like he has the best texture, like cotton candy or marshmallows, just soft and pillowy and lovely to chew
7. Obie, Mervin, Cero, any way, any size, any serving, I just really like them and want them to be in me in more ways than one
(violent urge anon)p.s. I really loved the new fic you made! Scratches that itch in brain that goes aaaaAAaaAaaa
[Thank yeee, <;7]
TW: Gore; Cannibalism.
1. Make sure you fry Morell well, don't wanna get poisoned now, do you? Also, wring the ink out of Shags' cap before you do anything or you really will die of ink poisoning...;
2. Oof, just thinking about all that work plucking his wings and getting rid of the hair. Maybe remove the wings while he's alive, make him watch it;
3. With no bones on his arms and legs, you really can twist him into some elegant shapes. If you want to make any of these losers into a pretty, elegant plate- Then I'd suggest him first;
4. Magus is a squid monster, you can make aaall sorts of meals, I recommend the use of teriyaki. Glauk probably tastes very weird, he's a blend of species, I'm not even sure he'd be a good meal. They say shark meat has a hint of sweetness, maybe Ivani would make a good shark steak?;
5. I'm fairly certain eating a god would forever break your mind into complete hysteria. Your ears would ring like whistling shrieks and your eyeballs would sizzle to ash. You die with a smile on your bared teeth, consumed by madness;
6. I think Zizz would just melt on your mouth. Whether you're picturing marshmallow or the most tender of steaks, it's something so divine you almost don't want to swallow it. You'll cry as you eat, because you know your meal will be over eventually.
7. Mervin tastes like sour grapes because he's an asshole to the core. Cero is probably so bitter you'll spit him out, or die with a piece of him lodged in your throat. Obie is likely a very fulfilling, enriching meal!
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Pelipper mail!
[Oh! It's a letter from Polaris!]
"Dear Sprite (and assumably the rest of you, looking over Sprite’s shoulder. My money is on Beedrill, Kittsu, and Tari.)
Bird and I have made it to Sinnoh safely and are currently staying at the Hotel near the sanctuary. Sprite knows the one. Bird was a little nervous on the plane, but I was able to acquire some last-minute accommodations so that she could have her Sewaddle with her while we flew, and that made her feel better :)
Our flight actually landed in Sinnoh early, so we had some extra time before the sanctuary was expecting me, so I took Bird on a tour of the local areas of Sinnoh. We went to a few sweet shops and also saw a plant cloak Wormadam so that might be a new favorite pokemon of Bird’s. We will have to keep this in mind.
She’s having a bit of a harder time sleeping in an unfamiliar place, but having her Sewaddle and Geronimo around does soothe her, and I’ve settled on reading her Sinnohian bedtime stories to help her settle down to sleep, which is working fairly well. There are two beds in the Hotel room, but Bird always seems to end up in mine by the morning.
The sanctuary is doing well! I’m very very pleased with the progress that we’ve made. Today Bird and I are going to see the Walrein pod and see what accommodations I can make for them to settle best into the sanctuary. Wallace will be coming with, of course.
Beedrill: Don’t worry, I am keeping Bird very very safe. Nothing will happen to her on my watch. Also, I think it’s good for her to experience new cultural foods, and pokemon she hasn’t seen before. Even if she hides behind my wheelchair a lot. I took many pictures of her for you, and I sent them in the letter.
Tari: I hope you are your pokemon are doing well, and that you’re still having a good time at the house after I left, and after taking over the account again haha. I left some spare money under the fruit bowl in the kitchen so you teens can go out to the arcade while we’re gone :)
Kittsu: I’m sorry that I left at such a poor time. The expensive fire type food is behind the paper towels in the sink. Please do not let another mew into the house while I am gone haha. Be safe. Please.
Sprite: I’m very very proud of you. I know you don’t love handwriting, so I don’t expect a letter back, but if you do want to, I listed the name of my temporary address on the envelope. I gave you a lot of responsibility while I’m gone, but I trust you to be able to handle the house, and to be able to ask our neighbors for help if you need it.
I love you all and miss you very much! Hopefully, this Walrein issue blows over soon and I can come home.
All my Love,
Polaris (and Bird, who is supervising my letter writing)
P.S. I am amassing sweets and bobbles for those of you at home."
[Attached to the letter are a number of photos. One with Bird in a puffy winter coat, another of Bird posing with a Wormadam, and a third with Bird taking a bite of Dango. There are also a few just regular scenic photos of Sinnoh. The last photo seems to have been taken by someone else, and feature Polaris and Bird posed on either side of a sign that reads "Welcome to the Chroma Sanctuary and Museum for Hisuian Pokemon"]
[A letter was sent back, in pretty bad quality handwriting, ]
Hi Polaris.
Missing you a bunch. We all liked your Letter. Me especially.
I fear I have been taking you for granted. Taking care of everyone, cooking, ect ect. You do a lot for me, and I haven't always appreacaited it. I'm sorry, I haven't appreaciated you enough.
Things have been okay here. I've been sleeping a lot.
Sorry my handwritings so bad. It hurts.
I'll let everyone respond to their parts of the letter from here.
"I'm glad you're keeping her safe. I am trusting you with not only her saftely, but her wellbeing. I sacrificed a lot to make sure she wouldn't grow up as afraid as I was. If you throw that away because you think she can handle certain things, I will never forgive you. The photos are nice. Have her in bed by 8.30, she likes having the light on. -Beedrill."
"Hiya proffesor!! I'm having a good time, thank you for lending me your room, it's so so comfy, I promise I am keeping it clean and stuff!!! Sprite promised he'd teach me how to battle- so I'mm exited for that. You're really cool :). Also I'm keeping an eye on Delta, despite what it may say. We're salvagable, I think."
“Absolutely will do! Please don’t worry about timing at all, the sanctuary is important!! I think Ember’s taken to eating her foot out of plastic water cups- I thought that might amuse you”
'm glad you're proud of me bubs.
Sprite :>
Kittsu :D
Tari xoxo
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whump-princess · 4 months
Hunted and cursed imagines/prompts
Biting into an apple and there’s worms in it.
Things go missing that you literally just saw two seconds ago.
You think you see a figure of a person in the distance.
A vampire sneaks up behind you and bites you. You pass out and wake up in your bed, it’s the same day again.
You find ashes in your pockets.
A tooth in your shoe, a pointed one like that of an animal.
All the coins you have are heads on both sides.
A mysterious rash appears on your body.
You look in the mirror and can’t recognize your self.
Your spoons and forks keep ending up bent. Really bent, all the way back.
Your suddenly afraid of things you were never afraid of before.
Your nails keep breaking and chipping.
You’ve got multiple new gray hairs popping up all over your head.
You suddenly can’t remember your name.
Someone smiles at you as they walk by but you could have sworn they had fangs.
Everyday there os a book on your porch, the doorbell camera doesn’t show anyone leaving it though. The titles all together reveal a secret message.
You keep getting letters written in code. P.S. it’s a vampire who’s is madly in love with you and is getting upset that you aren’t returning their letters.
Cats everywhere. All the cats in town seem to all hang out around your house. All the black cats that is.
You wake up and your hair is a completely different color, you didn’t dye it.
A witch turns you into a frog, someone kisses you to turn you back into a human but now your in a different human body. Where you just reborn?
Dead birds keep showing up on your lawn and you thought it was the stray cats in the area doing it. You haven’t seen the stray cats in months now that you think about it.
You have nightmares every time you sleep next to your new partner. Horrible nightmares about them.
Your partners apartment is extremely hunted, every time you go over something scary happens but your partners never seems to notice.
A motorcycle drives by every night at 3pm, you hear it, it’s loud, but you never see it.
Your on the train and the lights flicker and the only other passenger is suddenly in another seat… closer and closer to you. You move to another car, they are already in that one too.
Nosebleeds. You get them all the time now.
Your tattoo, the words are backwards.
Cats show up in your house, how do they keep getting in.
Your mail box is filled with valentines. It’s not Valentine’s Day, who are these from?
You get these emails, one everyday, it only contains one letter. combined they spell something.
Your suddenly allergic to your favorite foods. All of them.
You get sick and there’s butterflies in your stomach. Literally.
Something had been hurting in your chest, your ribs to be exact. After much complaining to the doctor your able to get some tests done, the X-ray shows a key in between your ribs.
Your an artist, no matter what medium you try you can only ever seem to paint, sculpt, draw, etc… the same person. A stranger you’ve never even met.
Your craving sugar, but it’s so bad trying to eat anything else tastes disgusting. Eventually you eat sugar straight from the bag.
All the produce in all the grocery stores in your town have rotted over night.
Your house is infested with butterflies.
You collect dead bugs, pin them into pretty picture frames, they decorate your wall. They’ve come back to life and are crawling around in their frames on the wall.
Someone keeps leaving voicemails about how great and cool you are and how nice you look… who is this and how do they know how I look?
Crows keep leaving you little shiny stuff. They bring you a ring, there’s dried blood on it.
Your plant is growing some suspicious looking fruits, you can’t find any information on them online. Taste test.
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ask-sebastian · 1 year
Sebastian, hi!
Can you tell us some nice facts about your owl? We keep asking you about so many different things, but it's always the same bird (well, almost always, what was that whole "cow dropping on somebody's head" situation? No way it was done by just one bird! I'm not even convinced it actually happened!) that brings us your letters. What is it we see when it reaches us? The kind of bird? Name? Attitude? How did you get it? It's favourite snacks? Gotta appease the bird that's been working so hard, delivering your letters!
— Lily, the Durmstrang transfer student
Lily, Yes...regrettably--for reasons upon which I shall not elaborate as to avoid, erm, self-incrimination--my relationship with the school owls is strained at present. I briefly borrowed Ominis', but with the number of owls I regularly receive, it was an unfair workload for one bird, so I have since acquired my own.
We happened upon each other by pure chance. I was in Hogsmeade and popped into Brood & Peck to pick up treats for Gregory and Nosy, and she was perched on the counter next to Ellie. Apparently she had just recovered from a broken wing and was up for adoption. It was love at first sight, so I snapped her up immediately. The rest is history, as they say.
Her name is Iris. She's a tawny owl, and she is very hard-working, sweet, and affectionate, though she does get a wee bit feisty (typically with me) when she feels under-appreciated. She may occasionally give a gentle nip for attention, but she does not bite. I am particularly fond of her colouring, as it looks like she has rosy cheeks.
She's not overly fussy when it comes to treats. She happily accepts whatever she's offered, though I have been known to give her a cockroach cluster or ten, because she deserves to be spoilt.
All the best, Sebastian
P.S. I have attached a photo, because she is beautiful and I do enjoy showing her off.
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softsnzstuff · 2 years
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Okay so These two gifs (not mine) inspired me to write 3.3k of unhinged sick!Eddie and soft pining Steve. Takes place pre-steddie. Length got away from me a bit, but hope you enjoy?!
P.s. Thanks @dontfeeltoohot for letting me run this idea past you at an ungodly hour :)
Down With The Sickness
Mike and Dustin approached the lunch table, trays in hand. Mike turned to Dustin,
“Shit. Does he seem extra revved up to you?”
Dustin glanced over at the dungeon master, who was biting back anger and fiddling with a pretzel from his lunch.
“Yeah, shit. He does.” Dustin looked over his shoulder at the table of jocks behind him. They were rowdier than usual today, all in uniform, screaming and putting each other in headlocks for good fun. They’d won the championship game last night and clearly brought the after party to school with them.
Lucas made eye contact with Dustin and Mike accidentally and offered a smile. Dustin waved but was shot down by one of the older boys.
“The fuck are you looking at them for Sinclair?? That shot you took last night? It makes you a winner. Don’t associate with that table of losers.”
Eddie jumped on the table, startling everyone. “Oh, this is rich! You must be joking.” He started walking across the table towards them, “You guys really think you’re better than everyone - why? Because you can toss balls into laundry baskets?”
Eddie crossed his arms and laughed loudly as he jumped down from the table pushing Mike and Dustin aside.
A small crowd was gathering now, Robin included. Her nervous energy manifesting as she kept silently reaching out and wincing as if trying to stop the impending conflict from happening.
“Did mommy and daddy give you a extra kiss at dinner because you were such a good boy at your game?” He mocked in a baby voice before moving on.
Eddie was in a grand soliloquy now. He looked around the cafeteria, encouraging audience participation, “Do- do you guys think Jason here is cool because he can throw balls into laundry baskets?”
Jason was staring daggers at the older boy, but it ended up being Andy who took any action.
“HEY! It’s not as easy as it looks, you fucking freak. Think fast!”
Andy chucked the basketball he was holding at right at Eddie’s head. The entirety of Hawkins High watched in what seemed like slow motion as Eddie, who surprised himself, caught the basketball.
“Give it back!” Andy yelled.
Eddie smirked, getting a high off of the dumbfounded look on half of their faces. He’ll admit he didn’t know if he’d catch the ball either, but now that it was firmly in his hands he decided he’d fuck with them just a little more.
“What? You want this back?” Eddie held up the ball with one hand. In his dungeon master voice, he bowed and said, “As you wish.”
Eddie used both hands to bring the ball to his face and licked the whole side, bottom to top, making direct eye contact with Andy and winking. ‘They wanted a freak, that’s what they’ll get’ he thought. He tossed the ball back in their direction, all the jocks moving quickly out of its way with their hands up as if they were under arrest.
“What are you? Fucking five years old??” Jason shouted while a few other guys flipped him the bird.
Andy was pissed. He will not stand for his dominance being challenged in this school. White hot with rage, he placed his left hand on Eddie’s shoulder and used his right to punch him in the side - hard.”
Eddie bent over at the waist as the two younger boys rushed to his side, leaning over and asking if he was okay.
“Fucking freak.” Andy spit out. He pivoted around to walk away but landed with his face directly in the chest of Principal Higgins, who had quickly caught word of the scene unfolding.
“Both of you grab your things and meet me in my office. You’re suspended until Monday.”
As he passed by Robin on his way out, he said, “Totally worth it.”
Monday (7:10am):
Since Wayne was out of town this week and last, Eddie spent most of his suspension playing guitar in the trailer and smoking pot late into the evening.
Last night, however, he went to bed early. He told himself it was because he could be back at school tomorrow, but in all reality, he felt tired. Not just sleepy, but a sort of whole body tired that he couldn’t explain.
He’d hoped it would get better with some sleep but it only got worse. His entire body felt heavy. It ached the way his side did after Andy punched him on Thursday. His skin felt tingly, like a mix of goosebumps but being too hot.
“Heh’NxxT! NxxT!! Hh’NxxxT!!!”
He swiped at his nose. Through the brain fog (and start of a killer headache), he noticed he was sweaty - hair stuck to his forehead and his clothes feeling damp. He could also notice … that someone was knocking on his door???
“Eddie! I know you’re in there. Wake up!!”
Fuck. It was Monday and that was Max. He had been driving her to school with him recently since they lived so close together. Now that the suspension was over it was assumed that he’d resume providing rides.
He groaned, not liking the way it caught in his now extremely sore throat. Coughing into his fist, he got up from his bed and threw on dry sweatpants and a long sleeve Metallica tee before grabbing his keys and answering the door.
“Dude it’s like 7:20 already what are you - shit are you okay?” Max looked him up and down as he stood in the doorway. This was definitely the least ‘metal’ she’d seen the man look.
“Just peachy, Mayfield. Now are you gonna keep blocking my door or am I taking you to school?”
“School… um. You look like shit Eddie. I can get a ride from someone else if you wanna stay home.”
Eddie opened the door to his van, “Thanks, you really know how to make a guy feel special.” He sighed, “Nah you won’t make it in time if someone else gets you. I’ll drive you but I’m not staying.”
“I should say so.” Max mumbled.
“What did you say??”
“Nothing nothing, I said thanks for the ride.”
They drove the ten minutes in mostly silence, except for the occasional sneezing from Eddie, which was happening more and more frequently.
“H’nxxxT! Hehh NxxTT! NXXXT!!”
Eddie sniffles thickly and swears he hears Max whisper, “gross.” But when he gives her a knowing look, she averts her eyes back out the window and puts her chin in her hand.
“See you later Eddie.” When Max gets out of the van and starts skateboarding toward the school, Eddie makes a mental note to ask Robin if she might be able to give Max a ride back home.
He would usually do it, but he just feels fucking awful. As soon as he gets back to the trailer, he puts on a sweatshirt and grabs a box of tissues for his room. His throat feels like he choked on sandpaper, so he brings a small cup of water too before crawling back into bed.
Monday (3:50pm):
Steve pulls into the parking lot of Hawkins High. He wasn’t working today, so he told the boys he’d pick them up after AV club. He’s surprised to see the redhead sitting on the curb with her headphones on.
“Hey Max! What are you still doing here?” He yelled from the window.
She took the headphones off and let them hang around her neck, “Eddie was supposed to come get me but I think he forgot or something. Looked like shit this morning anyways.”
“I’m taking the guys home anyways, so you need a ride?” He offered.
Max nodded and sat shotgun while they waited for the boys to come rushing out. Max was the last one to get dropped off since she lived the furthest.
Steve pulled up in front of Max’s place. He nodded as she thanked him for the ride and went inside. As he was backing up to leave, he remembered Max saying that Eddie looked like shit? He didn’t know what the hell that was about but he was literally right across the street. He decided he’d better check on him.
He parked in front of Eddie’s trailer and knocked on the door. He stood back and waited for a minute with no answer. He was gearing up to knock again when he heard a muffled “NxxT!! H’Mptcch!! Hissschiew!!”
“I know you’re in there. Sneezy asshole.” Steve stuck his hand between the two couch cushions of the porch sofa. He knew the Munsons hid a spare key there, and well, desperate times call for desperate measures he told himself.
Steve opened the door and let himself inside, surprised to find it dark inside. “Eddie?” He called out, slowly making his way toward the metalhead’s bedroom. “Dude what the hell? Leaving Max? Not cool.”
The sight in Eddie’s bedroom stopped Steve in his tracks. Eddie curled up at the end he of his bed, blankets thrown everywhere. The floor was littered with tissues and a half-empty carton of orange juice. There was a plastic lined trash can near the head of Eddie’s bed, but a quick yet hesitant glance told Steve it was thankfully empty.
Steve knew what Max meant now. Even through the dimly lit room, he could see how pale the older man looked, dark circles hanging from his eyes, and a bright flush across his lightly freckle cheeks.
He jumped at the sudden movement when Eddie groaned and brought a hand up to his face, “mmmmmshit! Shit shit shit. Wha time’s it? I fell asleep and forgot about Red.” Eddie started hitting himself with the palm of his hand, upset that he could make such a silly mistake.
Steve grabbed Eddie’s wrist to make him stop and put the other hand on his forehead. He was burning up and definitely out of it.
“Hey hey it’s okay I got her. She’s home now Ed’s, she’s safe.” He sat on the lip of Eddie’s mattress and rubbed his shoulder, unsure if he was crossing some sort of boundary. “Listen man, you’re really sick. Let me take you to my place. We’ve at least got like. Medicine and food.”
Eddie whined, not liking to appear so helpless and weak, but the room was spinning and he was just so tired. After a bit of convincing, they were in Steve’s car on the way to his house.
Steve looked over at his passenger, “How long have you been this bad? Did you… did you drive Max like this???”
“No no, wasn’t too bad this morning.” Eddie mumbled. Steve let the pause simmer, encouraging Eddie to elaborate, “I felt kinda bad yesterday. Worse this morning. All kinds hit at once when I got home.”
“How’d you get so sick so fast?”
Eddie looked a little sheepish. “Um. I licked Andy’s basketball.”
“Jesus fucking christ, Munson.” Steve was ready to bust his balls for that one, but a glance at Eddie told him it wasn’t the time or place.
Steve helped Eddie inside and to the guest room. “You can lay down if you want. I’m just gonna go get the thermometer.”
While Steve was away, Eddie looked around the room. He wondered briefly what it must have been like growing up in a house this nice. Having a pool, central heating, always food in the fridge, and the house itself incredibly clean.
The daydream was interrupted when Steve came back in, shaking the small glass tube. He handed it to Eddie who put it under his tongue. They both sat on the bed, waiting. A silence that long should have been awkward but they were both independently enjoying the others’ company.
After a few minutes passed, Steve took the thermometer from Eddie and squinted at the little red line. “101.6 Eddie, geez. Lemme get you some Tylenol.” He handed Eddie two small pills and a glass of water.
“Do you want anything for dinner?” Steve asked.
“Not hungry.” Eddie muttered, “Can we watch a movie?”
Steve had thrown on Ghostbusters while he ate a sandwich. Eddie was next to Steve on the couch. He was trying to enjoy one of his favorite movies but he kept interrupting himself.
“Hesschu! Itsssschu! Hehh tissschiew!! SnF Hepssschiew!! Fuck!”
Eddie had only barely wiped at his nose when he started to cough productively into a tissue.
“Gnarly dude.” Steve joked.
“I’b sorry this is so fucki’g gross.” Eddie blew his nose and grabbed for another tissue.
“Hold on I think I can help with all that.” Steve gestured at his nose and chest. He left the room for a couple of minutes and came back with a humidifier, a towel and a little container.
“What is all that rich people crap?” Eddie was in a more playful mood now that the medication was doing it’s job.
“It’s a humidifier, dingus. This’ll help with the congestion.” Steve had already filled it with water and plugged it in. He pushed a button and steam started to come out the top.
Eddie stared at Steve, mouth hanging open slightly in confusion.
“Here-” Steve grabbed a rubber band off the table and came behind Eddie and pulled his hair into a loose bun. “You lean over it and breathe the steam. I’m gonna put this towel over your head so you get more of it. But take your shirt off before.”
Eddie shot an eyebrow up, challenging the younger man, “you first, Harri’gton.”
Steve rolled his eyes, trying his best to be casual, “no that’s not what I meant. It’s for the. Just do it.”
Eddie gave in and took his shirt off, resting his elbows on his knees to lean forward over the steam. Steve took in the sight of Eddie’s bare back, smiling at the light dusting of freckles.
Shaking himself out of his trance, he opened the jar and took some of the substance and rubbed his hands together before rubbing it on Eddie’s back. “Not too cold I hope.”
Steve rubbed between his shoulder blades and then moved up, massaging at his shoulders. Even through the stuffy nose, the older man could smell menthol.
“What is that?” He asked from under the towel.
“It’s Vaporub. It helps me when I’m sick.”
“It… it feels good.”
Steve smiled as the next sentence tumbled out of his mouth before he count stop himself, “If you lean back for a minute I can put some on your chest.”
He was worried at first it would be awkwardly silent, but Eddie lifted the towel from his head and let it hang around his shoulders as he leaned back slightly.
Steve had moved around to he front of the couch and knelt down, adding more Vaporub to his hands. He worked his hands from the center of Eddie’s chest out towards the edges, the older man leaning into the touch.
Steve could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he slowly glanced up. Eddie’s big brown eyes met his and they both smiled. Steve wasn’t sure if the other man knew about the crush he’d developed or not. Either way, he stood up and excused himself to wash his hands while Eddie went back to the steam.
Steve flicked on the bathroom light. He leaned against the counter and stared at himself in the mirror.
Eddie is really sick. You can’t make a move on him right now. Just be cool!
He splashed some water on his face and ran his hands through his hair before joining Eddie again on the couch.
“Issschiew! Tsssch!! H’sssciew!!”
“Bless you.” Steve said.
“snff! Tha’gs. This rich people stuff is really worki’g it’s magic.” Eddie had pulled his shirt back on and the humidifier was slowing down. “Listen Steve, I’b pretty tired. Think I’ll head to bed.”
“That’s a good idea. Get some rest, Ed’s.”
“Goodnight Steve.”
Tuesday (4:56am):
“Eddie.” Vecna’s deep growl rumbles through the Upside Down. He’s running but the vines keep grabbing at him. “Nancy? Robin?” No answer. He sees a house in the distance - somewhere he can hide. He breaks into a sprint and grasps for the handle. He swings the door open and slams it behind him as he leans against the door panting.
“Eddie? Did you find it?” Chrissy.
He looks up and Chrissy’s body is thrust against the ceiling, her bones breaking in every which way. Shit!!!!
Eddie tries to scream but no sound will come out. If he could just think of something happy maybe he could get out. If he could just find Steve.
Eddie looks around, doing a full 360°. “Steve??” He can’t find him anywhere. Demobats are swarming. He can hear Steve screaming but he can’t see him.
Steve rushes into the guest room, wearing just pajama pants and an oversized tee shirt. He turns on the bedside lamp and sees Eddie thrashing around on the bed screaming his name.
“Steve! Steve!! Where are you Steve?!?” The cries are desperate and panicked. A nightmare for sure.
Steve perches himself on the bed by the pillows and pulls Eddie up against him by the shoulders.
“Eddie it’s okay, I’m here Eddie wake up!”
Eddie’s eyes shoot open as he grabs at Steve’s wrists, which are wrapped around his chest. His other hand cups his left ear as he cries out in pain and the tears start flowing.
He’s so embarrassed, hot tears soaking his cheeks as he leans against Steve and just sobs. “I couldn’t find you! And- and I was all alone!” He chokes out.
“You’re not alone now, Eddie. I’ve got you. Shhhh” Steve pulled Eddie even deeper into the hug and rested his own chin in the older man’s hair. He didn’t like the massive amount of heat radiating off of him.
Once Eddie calmed down, Steve brought the thermometer back. “Eddie I’m gonna take your temperature again. I think your fever spiked.”
Eddie nodded and leaned against Steve’s shoulder while they waited for the reading. Eddie was still holding his ear.
“Does your ear hurt too?”
Eddie just nodded.
“Ed’s it’s over 102 now, I think we should take you to a doctor.”
“Can’t afford that Harrington, are you crazy?”
“You need to get professionally checked out, Eddie. I’ll handle it okay?”
Steve let Eddie lay back down while he went to the other room and put in a call.
Tuesday (8:30am):
Eddie was sniffling on the couch while Steve gave him the rundown.
“Dr.Watkins is one of my dad’s good friends. I told him you’re my cousin. I babysat his kids a while ago, he owes me a favor. It’s no charge, Eddie.”
Eddie seemed unsure, but the knock at the door meant he didn’t have time to reconsider.
After a few minutes of introductions and getting set up, Dr.Watkins was ready to start examining. He started by looking in Eddie’s throat, ears and nose. Eddie explained his symptoms while he hit his blood pressure taken.
Steve was in the kitchen scratching his head and pacing. Dr.Watkins was in the other room listening to Eddie’s lungs with his stethoscope.
“Well Mr.Munson, it appears that you’ve got yourself an ear infection on top of the flu. I can write a prescription for antibiotics for the ear infection, but the flu you’ll have to wait out unfortunately. Rest and fluids, you know the drill. You’re in good hands with your cousin Steve though.”
Dr.Watkins scribbled the name of a medication on a piece of paper and handed it to Eddie. The boys thanked him as he left the house.
“Jesus, Munson. You don’t do anything in halves do you?”
“I think you already know the answer to that, don’t you? Cousin.”
They both laughed and Steve handed Eddie a glass of water. “Here’s your fluids, sick boy. Now go get some rest. I rented out Breakfast Club for us to watch tonight.”
“Whatever you say, doc.” Eddie threw his hands up in surrender as he slowly backed up towards the guest bedroom. “And Steve?”
The younger man turned around, “Yeah Eddie?”
“Thank you for taking care of me.” Eddie smiled and Steve felt his heart skip a beat. For a brief moment he thinks that maybe Eddie feels it too.
‘Maybe,” he thinks, ‘If Eddie feels better I’ll tell him how I feel tonight.’
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harmonie-writes · 1 year
The Hunt pt. 10
Werewolf! Wonwoo x hunter! Reader
Summary: After going in different directions to work on different cases, you receive an alarming call. Driving to a small town that has wild nightlife and strange occurrences, you begin your search for your missing hunting partner. This case you are about to take on will rival the others you’ve completed in the past. What could possibly happen as you search for your brother in arms?
Warnings: false identity, potential violence, language, depictions of gore, death, alcohol, mentions of nudity, angst, fluff. Story is purely for fictitious purposes and doesn't portray actual people.
Word count: ~1.3k
»»————- ➴ ————-««
Previously on The Hunt:
The dejected sigh you let out causes Wonwoo’s heart to squeeze. The mental and emotional damage that your "job" has caused is immense. Maybe it was against his better judgment, but he reached for your hand in hopes of comforting you some. Seeing as you didn't pull away, he slowly ran his thumb in circles over the back of your hand.
Curiously, your eyes met the side of his face. It has been a while since someone had comforted you in such a gentle way: like you were made out of porcelain and glass rather than gunpowder and lead. Closing your eyes, you burrowed yourself further under the covers of the blanket, one hand still being held by Wonwoo. It didn't take long for sleep to reach you, but with the warmth radiating off the man next to you, you remained untouched by any nightmares that would normally plague your mind after horrible hunts.
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»»————- ➴ ————-««
Sunbeams peek through the curtains of the window to shine light over the bed as if it were the sun's personal mission to assault your face so God damn early. Scrunching your nose, you start to readjust yourself but freeze. You are alone. You are alone in Wonwoo's bed. Sitting bolt upright, you take a look around. The door is shut, and the window itself is closed, minus the few rays making their way into the room. Everything is as it was last night. Your duffel bag is still sitting by the door, and to your knowledge, there's nothing new or missing from the desk or night table.
Swinging your legs over the bed, you decide to investigate. The coolness of the floor has your toes curling, but you slowly push past the uncomfortableness in favor of peeking into the hallway. Opening the door, you're met with silence, and it's almost eerie considering how large the pack is. You figured at least one person would still be in the house.
Shutting the bedroom door, you figure you might as well get dressed so you can figure out what's actually going on. Digging through your bag, you pull out a clean flannel and some jeans to throw on, as well as your boots. You attempt to rake your fingers through your hair to remove any signs of a bird's nest that you may have gotten at some point in the night before finally making your way into the hall.
Your footsteps seem loud to you as you make your way to the stairs. Images of the warehouse flash through your mind, reminding you of the silence that seemed to linger around the old building.
Reaching the bottom of the stairs, you're not surprised to find it empty. Your eyes wander across the kitchen and dining room before scanning the living room, where your eyes catch a folded note on the coffee table with your name on it.
Unfolding the note, you see that it's from Wonwoo.
Didn't want to wake you this morning. You looked like you needed some rest and looked peaceful. All of us were needed for patrol. 
Be back soon,
The note is short and to the point, but you still flip the page over, hoping that there's more. And luck would have it, there is. Scrawled in different handwriting is a small note.
P.S. There's breakfast in the fridge for you. - Mingyu
You can't help but smile at how welcoming this wolf seems to be. Pocketing the note, you make your way to the fridge and pull out the bowl of fried rice that's still slightly warm.
Scooping a bite into your mouth, you wonder when they're going to get back before your eyes settle on the newspaper on the counter. Brows furrowing you grab the paper and make your way to the porch. Maybe you'd be able to see the pack when they arrive, and maybe you'd find something in the paper that seems just a little too odd for your liking.
»»————- ➴ ————-««
Finally reaching the tree line, Wonwoo shook out his fur only to stop once he caught sight of you sitting on the porch steps. He pushes past some of his pack members before breaking into a jog to get to you. 
As he makes his way up the steps, he looks down his snout and sees you circling some random clippings in the paper before looking up to greet him.
"Good morning, Wonwoo." You give him a smile and a tap to his shoulder with your free hand.
He huffs a reply before nudging the newspaper in your lap with his snout.
"Oh, this? I'm just keeping up with things… y'know?" You tell him, placing the paper next to you. "You do know that you can also talk to me as a person too," you tell him, raising your brows in amusement, which promptly earns you another huff.
Your ears and eyes are greeted by the breaking, compacting, and shifting of bones, and you are once again reminded that after a shift, they'll be stark naked.
Coughing you shift your eyes to the tree line, and immediately facepalm forgetting the rest of the pack is also still out in the yard and now human. "You know, I wasn't sure what I was expecting because that shouldn't be a surprise."
You hear Wonwoo chuckle as he takes a seat next to you. "It's also going to take us time to get used to you being here, too."
You're about to answer when you realize how much heat radiates off the man sitting next to you, and you can't help but scoot closer. 
"So, what oh-so-interesting things have you found in the paper?" Wonwoo asks, leaning over to see what you've circled.
Shrugging, you hand him the stack of papers and point out a couple of things to him. "This one right here seems a little odd. Mentions of grave robbing happening a few states over, seems to be happening frequently enough to be a problem." 
Wonwoo raises an eyebrow at you.
"You know your species isn't the only thing that goes bump in the night," you give him a brief look before continuing, "sometimes grave robbing is connected to ghouls. They eat decomposing flesh of people. Some cases have even said they even take the faces of those they eat."
Wonwoo's lip curls in disgust at that little fact, but you just shrug and continue. 
"There's a couple more, but I would need to find out more and talk to some of the locals around that area."
He nods slowly at the information before handing you back the newspaper, "Do you want to go to the library and see if you can find any information?"
You're a little stunned at first, but smile after. "Yeah, it would be nice having some company."
Wonwoo stands and reaches for your hand. 
As you're about to grab it, you cough. "Jesus, I forgot you were naked."
"Right… clothes first. Then, library," Wonwoo scratches the back of his head, a small flush coating his cheeks.
Finally taking his hand, you smile, "clothes then library."
»»————- ➴ ————-««
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valleynix · 1 year
Wait, what did the pink flower mean-
Also how does c-Daniela differ from the real one? Like does she look any different?
as for the meaning of the mysterious pink flower left outside Lunatic's door:
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y'all know i go crazy with symbolism, no matter how small KJSHFKJHFSD
but! as for how C-Dani differs from the real one:
they actually look relatively the same? the main differences i can note are that C-Dani's Cadou scar is a little more noticeable and darker, she has more scars on her face/body (from her sisters constantly fighting for attention and the horrible version of Alcina), and she's a bit more... feral. she also has a pretty big scar below her Cadou one that kinda stretches along the length of the shaved part of her head (poor baby)
(on a happier note, she's actually rather calm when Lunatic is nearby, considering even the copy of her likes freaky things, but she still bites a lot and may get a little rude at times without necessarily meaning to)
those are pretty much the main differences! it's hard for Reader to really notice specific things that differentiate the copies from the real ones when they're about to be eaten alive, but yknow-
(also, p.s. if you want your heart ripped open, i suggest listening to Line Without a Hook with them. it matches how their relationship will be so well (that Lunatic is so utterly devoted to her but doesn't believe themself worthy of her, and C-Daniela may be a lady but she still loves her ragged bird dearly </3))
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zeroducklings · 2 years
I can't decide between asking about Clipped or Lines for wip ask game.. both?
(P.S. i love your writing sm 😍)
And I love you sm anon ♥ You can have both :D
So here's a snippet for Lines. The gist of the plot is that Rose (who's barely 18) is staying in Bludhaven, and Slade decided that Dick will babysit her whether Dick and Rose agree with this fact or not.
(...)Dick offers to help Rose with medicating her upper arm, but she maintains that she’s self-sufficient and he doesn’t insist, even if he’s tempted to suggest stitches.
«You don’t need to fuss over her, y’know.» Jason has casually strolled to the kitchen island in the meantime, and is busying himself by making sandwiches. «She heals.»
«Not as fast as Slade.» Rose mumbles while tying up the ends of a bandage she applied. «But yeah.»
«You have a healing factor.» Dick observes. He leans on the edge of the table with the small of his back, and keeps surveying the process of what she’s doing. «I didn’t know.»
«It’s a recent thing.» She mumbles again and messes up the knot, and Dick is tempted to offer help again but Rose glares at him before he can say anything. Dick raises both hands in surrender. «I wasn’t supposed to get hit, I know,» she adds. «I’ll do better.»
«I told you, you did great.» Dick replies with a small frown. «Getting hurt doesn’t mean-»
«You don’t need to coddle me, I’m not a child.»
«You’re annoying when you mom people, Grayson.» Jason comes back with sandwiches and Dick closes his mouth, biting back a retort. 
Jay hops up to sit on the table, but instead of grabbing a sandwich he leans down and snatches the flaps of the bandage to tie it on Rose’s arm.
«Hey!» She protests but Jason clicks his tongue and glares at her. 
«And you quit acting like a brat.» He comments, making quick work of the thing and then straightens back up. «How exactly have you two managed to coexist so far...?»
«We were doing fine before you got here.» Dick replies with a pacifying smile, taking a sandwich. «Mostly anyway. Thanks for the food.»(...) And here's a snippet of Clipped too. I'll put it below Keep Reading cause nsfw. It's set in a Future State inspired situation, where vigilantes and heroes have been declared illegal. Deathstroke cooperates with government agencies to capture those still on the run, and he managed to put his hands on a good chunk of the Batkids. And it's a very dark story, undoubtedly the darkest among those I've published & I'm currently working on. TW: non consensual touching, threats of underage rape/non-con, Evil Slade which is a warning in itself lol.
(...)«Damian is what, fifteen?» Slade asks with a noncommittal tilt of his chin, like he’s considering. «I already mentioned we have a system in place here. Anything you refuse to do, I’m going to make him do it and don’t worry, I will bring you video proof of it.»
«He’s just a kid…!» Dick widens his eyes, not wanting to believe it. Then he tells himself that for Damian’s sake, he’d better start to believe it really quickly. He shivers in repressed anger, he has no leverage here, of any kind. He just hopes his compliance will actually serve to guarantee a shred of safety for his little brother. 
He turns to the wall with his eyes closed shut, bringing his bound wrist behind his head to press both palms on his nape, fingers interlocked as instructed. This whole thing is entirely his fault, he better do whatever he can to keep protecting Damian.
«Among your brothers you’ve always been the most reasonable, little bird. Now be very still.» Slade moves closer and Dick feels a gloved palm cupping the underside of his buttcheeks. He does stay still, even too much given how frozen in place he’s standing, but can’t avoid a full-body twitch when he feels the prod of leather on his most sensitive areas.
A palm sneaks on his chest and he can feel Slade’s breath against his neck, they're almost pressed against each other.
«You should have seen Timothy when I did this… the sweet little thing had his ears completely red.» The other says in a low whisper and presses on his entrance, which doesn’t yield because Dick just froze even more, his eyes open wide to the wall. «And Jason… oh, I was so surprised to find two holes to inspect instead of one.» «Wh-what…» Dick stutters, heart rate and breathings picking up. «You… you…!» His voice quickly turns seething with outrage. «What have you done to my brothers?!»(...)
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