#otherwise you're not allowed to draw them anymore
girlyliondragon · 1 year
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Venting anger and shit through memes. The other Aggie doodle I'm posting now. Sorry the the bg is crap, I did this quickly compared to my sai doodles. Lizbert would absolutely do this so I'm letting her and it is deserved. lol
Get the fuck AWAY from Eggabell!
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It's not perfect ofc. Very much not, but that's how doodle sites be
Yes ik I'm supposed to be on hiatus but guess what I drew art in aggie for the first time and you shall look at it.
Art: Mine
Do not steal/crop/edit/etc. Do not tag as kin/me
Please do not reblog in general if you ship them or reblog anything shipping them or like the idea of that ship thanks.
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jeannineee · 11 months
eeek! saw that you're taking requests and whilst reading one of your headcannon's about our beloved bat boys... wondering what you think it would be like bathing with each of them 😏😇😅🤤 fluff and nsfw content, and all!!! like i imagine a sort of gentleness in maybe Rhys (?) massaging your scalp while shampooing or something, but then a sort of ferocity as he grabs your hips and pulls them flat against...
OKAY YOU GET IT!! RIGHT? hopefully lol!!!!is this too much??? UGH
love, love, love how you flow with words. seemingly so natural, as if you know each of the boys personally and thoroughly. obsessed with it.
this is my personal love letter to you, thanking you for putting your work into the universe for us all to devour and enjoy and smile like a fool at. you are amazing!!! thank you!!
First of all!!! This is so sweet of you, anon!! The feedback I’ve been getting for my works lately has been so kind. I love all of you!!
Friendly reminder that my requests are OPEN.
Anyway!! Nsfw under the cut (18+ please)
Bathing with the Batboys…
It’s an almost daily ritual with him.
Whether you’re showering, or in the bathtub, he enjoys doing it with you.
This male practically PURRS when you scrub the shampoo into his scalp.
He loves giving you massages in the bathtub, too. Rubbing away the tension in your neck, your shoulders, your back.
He revels in the soft moans and gasps that fall from your lips.
You definitely use baths as an excuse to touch his wings.
He pull you into his lap as you wipe the washcloth on his chest, his shoulders.
You’ll “accidentally” graze his wing, earning a hiss from him.
“You cruel little thing,” Rhys tells you, but makes no move to stop you.
So you continue, swirling your fingers around the spots you know to be sensitive.
And then Rhys can’t take it anymore, grabbing your hand and guiding it to his throbbing cock.
“Look at what you’ve caused, darling.”
You smirk, wrapping your hand around him, stroking him slowly. “Seems like a ‘you’ problem, Rhysie.”
He gives you his signature feline grin in response, before lifting you from the tub, and carrying you to bed.
You won’t be walking for the rest of the day ❤️
This man loves being babied, can’t tell me otherwise.
He turns his back to you in the bathub, giving you full access to his back and wings.
It’s not just the fact that touching his wings is stimulating, it’s also that there is a lot of trust that comes with Cassian being in such a vulnerable position with you.
The sounds that come from him, when you massage his back?
When YOU TOUCH HIS WINGS? Good luck!!
He loves washing your hair, and actually likes braiding it, too.
He’ll pull your back flush against his chest, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
“Have I told you how beautiful you look today?”
“I’m naked, Cassian.”
He will pepper kisses along your exposed skin, smiling to himself as your breaths come in quicker.
He wraps his strong arms around your waist, calloused hands moving to cup your breasts.
“So perfect,” he murmurs, circling your nipples until they form hard peaks.
He’ll keep one hand on your breasts, the other sliding down your stomach, stopping just above where you need him.
When you turn to glare at him, he shamelessly grins in response. “Ask me nicely.”
“Cocky bas—oh…” your words are cut off the moment his fingers start circling your clit.
He’ll draw at least three orgasms from you before taking you to bed. Or the counter, or the wall, if you’re both particularly impatient.
LOVES the intimacy of bathing with you.
He showers you with affection, both as you bathe him, and he bathes you.
“I don’t know what I ever did to deserve you,” he’ll mutter as you massage his scalp, his eyes focusing on the concentration in your face.
It takes a while before he’ll let you touch his wings, but when he finally allows it, it becomes a regular occurrence.
You’ll sit in his lap, arms wrapped around his neck as the water gently steams around the two of you.
You’ll not-so-subtly trace a finger along the membranes of his wing, squeezing your legs together at the string of curses that leave him.
His tone of voice turns you into a puddle.
“Keep it up, sweetheart. See what happens.”
You ABSOLUTELY keep it up, tracing and teasing his wings.
Azriel has lots of self-control, but the second you decide to drag your tongue along his wing?
He bends you over the edge of the tub, hands caressing the backs of your thighs.
He’ll take his time teasing you, with his tongue, his fingers.
Then, when you’re begging, he’ll finally give you what you want.
Definitely smirks to himself at your wobbly legs afterwards. (But absolutely carries you around till you can stand on your own.)
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cyaerandom · 1 month
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Do not interact with this account if you're a minor.
I highly recommend not following me at @cyaerandom, because it's a personal account. If you like what I draw, please consider my art blog instead. I will reblog any scribbles I post here.
ART BLOG @cerberusmahou I'm mainly into ATLA 🪃👣 + 🌾🌊‎ , but I draw whatever and this can change any day. Take this into consideration before following. Mute #riya reblog for art only and check the other stuff I'm into to curate your space. Alternatively, you can install XKit and turn on the feature Show Originals. Art only tag Scribbles tag (cw: suggestive content) Ask me anything, or give me ideas to draw! Unless specified otherwise, I don't take art requests. However, I'm always on the lookout for inspiration, happy to read about your headcanons and talk about our mutual interests. As a general rule expect me to reply by text, but if any prompt gets my brain gears turning, I may draw it.
🌈M/F ATLA. A discord group for LGBT+ adults who enjoy or create straight ships content and want to meet people similar to them!
All joining members must be 20+ years old. Mlm/wlw is obviously allowed and welcomed, but not our focal theme.
Can I use your art as icon and/or for rp? Sure, I'll be honored.
Can I repost your art? Send me a message first, please.
Can I tag headcanons in your art? Of course, I love reading them.
How did you add music to your blog? Wikplayer & CommonNinja.
Which program do you use to draw? Paint Tool SAI.
Which brush do you use for drawing? It's a custom, here's the settings. However, I recommend sketching on a hard brush and using this only for inking or doing a more refined sketch.
Any anatomy book you recommend? Figure drawing by Kan Muftic and Morpho collection by Michel Lauricella.
Could you share your art style inspiration? Here.
Any tips for dynamism? Besides checking on art tutorials (dynamism and gesture drawing), I'd say studying the principles of 2D animation, paying attention to real people's body language, and watching animation compilations from great artists like Richard Williams, Milt Halt, Hiroyuki Imaishi, Yutaka Nakamura, etc. I tend to tag animation gifs I go across and like, feel free to use it as reference library, if it's helpful for you.
Are you open to collabs? If I follow you or you're a writer whose fics I comment, I will most likely be interested. Message me and we can talk, no compromise for either of us.
Why am I blocked? Nothing personal. You probably talk about discourse non-stop, don't follow proper fandom etiquette or were caught up in a blockchain I used. I want to see specific content, so I curate my spaces. Please, message me if you'd like to be unblocked.
We are mutuals and I appreciate you, but your blog isn't for me anymore. Unfollow me, I'd never take it personally. You have to cater your social media to your own tastes and whatever makes you happy. We can interact in other spaces anytime.
I'd like to follow you, but my moral and political beliefs don't align with yours. Is that a problem? As long as you're an adult, feel free. I don't intend to live in an echo chamber and I aim to learn about other realities.
I mainly draw m/f, but I talk and draw about gender and sexuality in a very fluid way. Sometimes seriously, sometimes as a joke. If you need characters and ships to be gender-conforming to a fault, my account is not for you.
+18 only
Do you take commissions? Yes, here's my carrd. Adults only. Do you have Patreon? Yes, here's the link. Once again, adults only.
Check my former pinned post and appreciate this beautiful fanart of my wife and her husband.
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bunnycat4 · 5 months
hobby ideas!
these are some fun ideas of things to do. I would like to do a little reminder at the beginning that if you want to start doing anything, or want to try something, that it doesn't mean you have to like it. you are allowed to try to pick up a hobby, but then decide it's not for you, and you don't want to do it anymore. then you can drop it! that's all cool! and that, it's something I often find, that if I'm not as good at something as people I see, I feel as though I don't deserve to do it- if that makes sense. [I think it's called imposter syndrome. unsure.] but that's not true! and we have to remind ourselves that something we do for fun needn't carry any pressure to it. there is no need to get to a certain level or certain achievement in anything if you don't want to. there aren't rules to enjoying anything! so, if you're bored or want something to do. I make a list of potential
the list starts with things I do, and then I will go through activities I may not actively participate in
of course the first thing I will say is beading. I love beading and if you don't get too excessive with it, it can be quite cheap. I use pony beads, and I like elastic string, but it isn't a necessity. you can get supplies at most dollar shops or art stores I would say. beading is my main interest/hobby, so if you have any questions I am. very enthusiastic and open :]]
review writing is also something you can do. I do it in a notebook or in Google Keep or the Notes app, but I think you can do that anywhere really. you can watch movies or shows or read books and review them on what you think, even analyse it a little if you want. or you can review products if you want. I think it's fun to do, and I pretend I'm telling someone or putting it in the newspaper.
you can also do other types of writing, like poetry or story writing. fanfiction is always an option. vignettes are also a pretty easy thing to do i think. fake news articles. honestly you can write about anything.
origami. im not the best at origami, i can only fold really simple things but all you'd need is paper. If you want to be fancy you can get patterned origami paper in different sizes, but otherwise you can cut anything into a square and fold stuff
fanart forever ✨ i draw a lot of fanart when i cant think of any original stuff to draw. just draw little guys a lot. i find it fun to imagine animal characters as more humanoid.
playing games, either board/card games [i am a board game and card game enthusiast, i would love to talk about them] or online games. it's a fun thing to do and you can get your friends/family involved, or not.
trying recipes is also a fun thing to do. I am notoriously a bad cook but that does not stop me :D I like to try recipes from magazines. This may be a more costly thing to do, check what you have in your cupboard. if you like your neighbours enough you can give them things you make to get on their good side
experiment with makeup. with a cheap eyeliner you can do quite a lot of funky things. try out different styles and shapes, follow tutorials, copy references, etc. if you have sensitive skin you may have to be choosy with what products you buy, and it may take a while to find something that doesn't irritate you. also, would recommend using makeup remover before you go to bed, or whenever you want to take it off
doing your nails. this is another expensive one, i think. nail polish costs a fair bit if you want to get different colours, but its a fun thing to do if your bored. im not sure if the chemicals in nail polish actually matters so i cannot advise on that, but i usually pick up a bottle from the health food store whenever im there.
paint anything. you could paint pictures or buy those things from art stores or bunnings that you can paint. I like painting coasters. you could also paint bottle caps and stick safety pins on the back to make little badges
make/decorate hair clips/pins/headbands. These things are pretty cheap i think, and you might be likely to have some lying around in your home. decorate by sticking stuff on them, like little toys or beads and other things you find
clay. im unsure about the actual price of clay. but you can do quite a few things with it. you can buy airdrying clay from department stores, it takes a couple of days to dry in my experience
loom bands. they are selling them again and they are pretty easy to do. you can spend days on end making them. there are many possibilities
knitting or crocheting. I can actually only french knit but i am learning to crochet. wool 👍 and whatever tools you need
journalling. I'm not sure if that counts as a hobby but i think its good. there are a few different types of journalling and you can find prompts. i have some journalling stuff from my therapist [you do not need to be mentally ill to journal. to clarify.] which i can share if anyone wants? but its fun to talk to yourself and feel more useful for it. just talk about anything
ah, another jewellery making thing. i should have organised this list better. I might redo it later. but you can make woven friendship bracelets by tying little knots and stuff in embroidery thread
you could also do embroidery with said embroidery thread. I dont really remember how to do it anymore but i could ask my friends. Yeah.
paper filigree. I tried this one time and never finished it. probably start by buying a kit. it looks pretty cool
customising clothes, if you have clothes you want to do that with. You could embroider on them or sew little cutouts of fabric on. tie-dye is also something you can do. unsure of how expensive that is.
making pom-poms! you can make them out of wool and a fork and scissors. also stick googly eyes on them to make lil soot sprites :33 which is cute. and hang them on your bags maybe
collaging, maybe. Cut up magazines and stuff, and glue
does going on walks count as a hobby? sometimes i do that when im bored. just walk to a park or a trainstation or anything nearby, or just in a circle. and talk to myself or listen to music or make up stuff about the houses around me, maybe talk to dogs/neighbours.
make flower crowns or clover crowns
make playlists! making playlists is really easy and you can make them for pretty much anything. i make playlists for incredibly specific situations and also for every month of every year. Its a greaaat way to keep track of your mental state as time goes on and ensure you dont get bored of your music. since you'll have loads of playlists. You can also make character playlists and oc playlists and playlists for everyone you know that you'd never show to them.
joining a club is definitely not a hobby but is something you can do for fun. and you get to talk to people which i know gives me a sense of achievement. and you can always drop out after one day 👍
make edits of characters, if that makes sense. like, play songs behind them and cover them in sparkles or something
colouring in, that's a good thing if you dont want to draw. you can buy a colouring book or download and print off of the internet. there are a lot of options in colouring in
gardening as well. you dont necessarily have to plant stuff, you could just weed your garden or pick flowers and put them on your dining table. or you could look after a succulent
do courses on random topics. again, may not be a hobby. but there are places you can do courses for free
reorganising things like your bookshelf, your furniture, your wall, your cupboards
on that topic, decorating your home is also something you can do! Stick things on your walls, line up things you collect. it has the benefit of making you feel more at home and express yourself. I find it calming
sewing stuff. I think this is also more costly if you want to buy patterns. buttt idk.
birdwatching or animal watching in general. you could list what you see or just observe, or even sketch/draw the creatures you find interesting or cool
is plantwatching a word? probably not. but you could walk around and see what little plants you see. and you could get little bits of plants you like and stick them in your journal or press them. you could even keep a plant journal.
nature photography, or photography in general. you could get fancy and use a fancy camera, or really just your phone is surely fine
you could make films maybe. I think that it wouldn't be too difficult to get supplies for that
that's all I've thought of for now! I might add more later, or feel free to add on if you have more ideas! remember that whatever you do, make sure to take breaks every now and again, drink water, eat, go to the bathroom, etc :))
tagging @sleepy-vix because she wanted to be tagged
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yandere-fics · 3 months
Theanna's NSFW Alphabet
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♡ A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex) ♡
Aftercare involves her asking a maid to draw a bath for the both of you, of course she keeps you both wrapped up in robes as the maid runs the bath because while she's an exhibitionist slightly she doesn't want anyone to view either of your bodies. If there's not time for a bath then she'll just wrap you up and carry you wherever she was going so you can doze off on her lap.
♡ B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) ♡
Her tongue since you seem to enjoy it so much whenever she's eating you out. It always makes you so loud even though you don't want to be loud because the councilors are literally right outside the door waiting to be let in while she insisted on undressing you and since she doesn't allow anyone to look at your body they had to leave the room.
Your thighs, it's like all this woman does is think about eating pussy, she also doesn't mind eating ass either if you don't have one, she just wants to have her mouth on a hole, it's like it's what she was born to do, anyways getting back to the main point, she loves the way your thighs try to close around her head and how easy it is to force her apart.
♡ C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically) ♡
It's obviously going to be happening on her face or her fingers, if it's on her fingers then she'll lick them clean and then possible go down there to get a full taste because what she got from her fingers wasn't enough which leads to her eating you out like five times until you're trying to push her away because you literally feel like you might die if she does anymore, then she'll chuckle and call for a maid to bring in some food or water for you. In the omegaverse she'll give you her knot when she's in rut or you're in heat but otherwise is mostly the same and wants her mouth on you.
♡ D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) ♡
She likes threatening to make her advisors clap when she makes you orgasm if you don't stop fidgeting on her lap and trying to get away from it, of course she's not actually going to do this but it's cute when you lose the strength to fight and she laughs a bit because all the advisors in the room having to hear this and pretend they heard nothing are all very very tense.
♡ E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?) ♡
She had a few dalliances in her teen years but it's been a very long time since then and most of them are dead because a lot of her allies in that time period either died or betrayed her(excluding the loser squad and a few advisors who were on her side). She a bit rusty but she picks it up very quickly again.
♡ F = Favorite position (this goes without saying) ♡
Anything where her head is between your legs, she particularly is a fan of you sitting on her face because you always try not to suffocate her at first but eventually your legs can't hold themselves anymore and she gets what she wants which is very nice in her opinion.
♡ G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.) ♡
She makes a few jokes here and there, mostly about how you can't escape her and how funny she finds it that you even tried in the first place, or she'll laugh about how the advisors can't say shit when she's fingering you in the conference room and then licking her fingers off. It's all a bit of a joke to her actually.
♡ H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.) ♡
She doesn't grow enough hair that she needs to shave, she only has a bit of arm hair on her and the rest is a very very thin fuzz you can't even see. She doesn't care what hair you have really but if you do have pubic hair she might suck it into her mouth to make sure she gets all the flavor of you.(I hate myself for writing that and if she did that to me our relationship would actually be over.)
♡ I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect) ♡
It's not intimate because she keeps taunting you about how you'll never be able to escape her and how weak you look under here, even when you're queen and you've been cooperative and have never tried to escape she's still taunting you like "it's good that you've always known escape from me is impossible."
♡ J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon) ♡
She only gets herself off in the omegaverse, usually jerking it as she eats you out otherwise she just doesn't bother, masturbating would only be taking more time away, valuable time she could be using to eat you out, she is not letting even herself take away from her valuable meal time.
♡ K = Kink (one or more of their kinks) ♡
Has a master thing going on but it's not towards you, it's towards everyone else, she loves that she can just do with with you everywhere and no one can say a damn thing about it, of course she would never let them see your body but everyone hears you and obviously knows that underneath the coat she's draped over you, she is fingering you. She's also very very into overstimulation.
♡ L = Location (favorite places to do the do) ♡
Anywhere is game but especially the council room if she's sure she has enough time to do it there. She might start doing it when you during a meeting and then make everyone leave the room so she can actually strip you away from prying eyes, have you for a couple hours, and then everyone has to stand outside for two whole hours waiting to be allowed back in. Or she might just cover you up and start fingering you right there as they all try desperately to pretend this isn't happening and their life doesn't suck.
♡ M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going) ♡
Knowing she has enough time to fully satisfy her desire for you is what gets her going. She's always down for you but she doesn't always have enough time which means that she's going to suppress that desire but the moment she knows she's about to have enough free time she's going for it even if it's towards the end of a meeting and she still should be technically busy.
♡ N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) ♡
She won't let anyone see either of your bodies unless it's someone she's sharing you with but if she's sharing you it has to be with someone she views as having equal importance to her in which case the only two people who have that status and are capable of sharing are The Evil Dragon, or Raphael her most important advisor, they might be allowed to see you naked.
♡ O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.) ♡
Even in the omegaverse she never lets you give. She just thinks she'd be bothered if you were to give because then it's more time where she can't taste you or if you are 69ing then you're not fully paying attention to what her tongue is doing and either case is just simply unacceptable, she needs your full undivided attention on what she's doing.
♡ P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.) ♡
She never rushes things and she always takes her time, don't worry though even if she's being slow you're still walking away with this experience with more orgasms then you think the human body should possibly be able to handle.
♡ Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.) ♡
She doesn't do quickies, it's all or nothing with her and if she knows she won't be able to fully satisfy her desire for you then there's no point even starting anything because it's going to just make her a bit pissy that she had to stop being with you in order to attend some ball that she's supposed to be knighting the candidates that Abigail allowed to pass the test at.
♡ R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.) ♡
She's always down to experiment just a little bit as long as in that experiment she can still taste you. Ainsley might bring her nipple clamps that electrocute you a bit just to make you squirt on her face just the slightest bit harder. She still prefers to stick to the tried and true method of eating you out until you start sobbing though.
♡ S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?) ♡
She's not going for as long as someone like Ellie but she's still going for quite awhile, she is not stopping ever until she's had your for at the very least five hours, though she may give you a pause in the middle for food and water. So her stamina is pretty good.
♡ T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?) ♡
No she prefers to use her fingers and hands on you if you have afab genitals, if you have a dick though then she's going to use a fleshlight on you(only if you tell her you don't want her eating your ass of course) and she'll get one of the really really weird ones that Ainsley makes so it's probably better to just let her eat your ass instead cause you don't want to know what Ainsley might come up with in that demented head of hers.
♡ U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) ♡
She's a bit teasing if you aren't giving her what she wants, if you're squirming away from her she'll let you squirm just enough so her tongue is on you and driving you crazy but not giving you any real release so that way you'll realize squirming is only hurting you in the long run, it's best not to run from the pleasure because it'll only prolong your suffering.
♡ V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.) ♡
She comments on everything the whole time she's down there from how much you're squirming to every tiny sound you make to how she's going to make you queen and there's nothing you can do about it, look how weak you are under her right now, she also makes sounds like this is the most delicious thing she has ever eaten, like all the chefs in the palace can be fired because this is all she needs for the rest of her days to satisfy her.
♡ W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character) ♡
She gets a little bit turned on feeding you, it's not that she's into feederism or anything, she's not going to make you gain a lot of weight but if you're skinny she's gonna want to feed you enough to make you a bit chubbier and if you're already chubby she'll feed you enough to make sure you stay that way. If you're fit Abigail at least lets you jogging lightly, the most Theanna lets you do as queen is walk with her and dances with her are parties.
♡ X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes) ♡
She's got no chest and her legs aren't the best but her arms are very very nice to look at, very muscular and she's got a bit of flab on her stomach so sitting on her lap after she overstimulates you to the brink of insanity is very very nice.
♡ Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?) ♡
Not super high, don't get her wrong she loves having you but she can go days without initiating because if she knows she doesn't have time to actually do this thoroughly this so will force any horny thought she has to just disappear, or she'll start fucking you towards the end of a council meeting because sure she's technically busy now but she has hours of freetime after this so what's the harm is starting just a bit early.
♡ Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) ♡
She's not going to fall asleep quick afterwards but she's going to want you to fall asleep quick afterwards. She still has plenty of work that needs to get done but she loves walking into a council meeting with you asleep on her lap as the advisors have to keep their mouth shut about the entire thing. Plus it's just cute to have her darling maid and future queen asleep on her lap.
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dogtoling · 11 months
What is art fight? Do all you artists just. Punch in face
ok it's slightly better than that. As a quick introduction, Art Fight is a website with a yearly event that takes place every year in July. Very simply put, you make an account there, upload whatever OCs you have and want to display on there, and then just sit and wait around until July pops up. A week or so before the event starts, there is a theme reveal (this year the teams are Vampire and Werewolf), and people may choose a team to join, or be randomly assigned to a team after the event starts.
For the event itself, the objective is to "attack" artists that are on the opposing team by drawing their OCs. Attacking people on the other team nets your team points, which are tallied at the end of the event. But to be honest I feel like no one cares about which team actually wins. That might be "the objective", but really the objective is doing gift art and trades largely with strangers on the internet and making their day, and maybe getting surprise art in return!
When you attack someone, people might attack you back by drawing your OC, which begins something called a revenge chain! So that's when you're doing art trades (for people who have never heard the term art trade before because i've realized deviantart isn't hip or mainstream anymore, an art trade is an occasion where two artists draw a thing for each other). Not everyone does revenges though and ESPECIALLY not chains, so the main draw of the event is gift art. In general expecting stuff back tends to set people up for disappointment, especially if attacking the same team. Drawing OCs from your own team counts as "friendly fire", and while your team still gets points for it, you get DRAMATICALLY less points than you would for drawing for the opposing team. Either way it is a thing that you CAN still do.
The amount of points you get from an attack depends on the medium (which include stuff that isn't just drawing!), level of finish and polish, the general complexity of the art, the amount of characters in the piece et cetera. You determine these categories yourself while posting your attack, so it can be a bit daunting if you're not sure on things.
Art Fight recently introduced tag search, which lets you tag your OCs with specific tags (for example, "splatoon", "furry", "pokemon" or whatever) and search for characters with those same tags if you have preferences on what you want to draw. It also has some nifty other things, like the ability to customize your profile sometimes to insane degrees if you want, the ability to set permissions for characters (what people are and are not allowed to do with them), a storage for hiding characters if you want to retire them for a specific year but don't want to delete and re-add them later, the ability to link stuff to character profiles such as their toyhouse or full reference sheets, fields for crediting artists for the design or art if you got it from somebody else... et cetera. It also has some achievements, if you're into that kind of stuff.
The barrier of entry is really kind of low and the event is very versatile - you can go the whole fight making pixel sprite attacks, you can do 3D models, you can do halfbodies, you could even just do sketches and call it a day and that's all very valid and usually always fun. Personally I find Art Fight really fun because not only do you get to pick characters to draw that you might never have seen otherwise, but also have a completely good excuse to draw other people's characters and make their day. I usually spend a lot of Art Fight trying out different art styles and dabbling in stuff I normally do less, and don't have much motivation to do with my own characters - for example, last year I did digital art, painting, pixel sprites, pixel animation, 3D modeling and 3D animation and yeah I wouldn't have done any of those without the Art Fight excuse of "yeah why not draw this guy's OC". So it's also a really good way to step out of what you usually do with your art, and try different styles or mediums just to see what it's about.
And of course, the most important tidbit: the site is always, and I mean always, EVERY year, down at the start of the event. Every year the first week of Art Fight the site is completely unusable. The good news is, you can join Art Fight even in the middle of the event, and joining the site doesn't require you to partake in every upcoming Art Fight or even to pick a team. You can simply spectate and not partake one year, then come back the next and pick a team. TL;DR it's fun.
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fandomsnstuff · 7 months
It's that time of year once again for @taznovembercelebration ! If you want to play in this space, the post about it should only be a few posts down on my blog, or on the blog for the event itself. But here we go! Day 1!
Day 1: royalty AU
It's been months since Lup's kingdom was taken over by Governor Kalen and she was taken captive. It seems he's finally decided that today will be her last.
Read it on AO3
She hardly sleeps anymore. She has moments of blissful unconsciousness, but it's not sleep, and it's certainly not rest. The darkness only comes when the pains of hunger or Kalen's torture become too much for her body to handle.
She has no idea how long it's been. The dungeon is dark, lit only by lanterns Kalen's men carry whenever they deign to feed her their scraps. Otherwise, she's encased in darkness, with only her thoughts and the ambient sounds of skittering rodents to keep her company. This place hasn't been used in a century, she's alone down here.
She spends most of her time curled up in the middle of the floor, trying not to let the chill of the surrounding stone get to her. She hasn't been allowed any comfort, not even a change of clothes. She's wearing the same nightgown she was in when they tossed her down here.
It was a warm midsummer night when Kalen stormed the castle. Her men fought hard, but Kalen and his lackeys struck them down. She almost got out. Magnus, her knight and friend, came and woke her as the fighting broke out. He took her hand and led her through hidden servant's hallways, but as they emerged in the kitchens, they were surrounded. At least ten of Kalen's men were waiting for them. They stared each other down, Lup waited for Magnus to draw on them and carve out a way to escape.
Instead, he dropped her hand and grabbed her upper arm, dragging her out in front of himself. "I've got her!" He declared, "I've got the queen!"
The sting of betrayal didn't hit her at that moment. Magnus is much more clever than most give him credit for. He's been in the guard since he was barely old enough to join. He worked his way up to being the queen's personal guard without a drop of noble blood to hoist him up. It had to be a ruse.
But as her days in the dungeon grew in numbers and blended together, her faith in her old friend began to waver. He would accompany Kalen when he came to her cell to interrogate her, demanding to know where her husband was. He stood by as Kalen hurt her when she refused to tell him anything.
He doesn't speak to her. He won't even look at her. She wants to plead with him to tell her what's going on. She wants to scream at him. She wants to clock him in the face so hard his nose bleeds.
She curls in tighter on herself, burying her head in her knees. Her only solace is that Barry wasn't home when Kalen came, and he's out there somewhere, safe and sound.
She lifts her head when she hears the creak and thud of the heavy wooden door into the dungeons opening and closing. The orange glow of lanterns approaches, and Lup rises to her feet. She has to present an air of dignity. She can't let Kalen think he's broken her.
Kalen approaches with the lantern, Magnus two steps behind him. He grins at her and she wants nothing more than to claw his face to ribbons.
"It's your lucky day," he says to her through the bars, "you're going on an outing."
She says nothing. She keeps her expression calm and neutral.
Kalen nods at Magnus, who unlocks the door to her cell. He enters, but keeps his eyes lowered. He has a length of rope in his hands, and the sword she gifted him when she knighted him on his hip. He ties the rope around her wrists, and she almost laughs. Months of starvation and torture, yet Kalen still feels the need to have her wrists bound when she's taken out of the cell. As if she'd have the strength to fight or even run after everything.
Magnus takes her by her upper arm and leads her out of the cell. They follow Kalen out of the dungeon, through the halls of the castle, and out to the courtyard. The sun is just sinking below the horizon, so she isn't blinded as she steps outside. There's a chill of approaching winter in the air that raises goosebumps on her skin, but the fresh breeze is a welcome change from the stale dampness of the dungeon.
She's led beyond the castle walls and into the town square. Lit by torches around the square's perimeter, there's a massive crowd gathered. It must be nearly everyone in town. They stand around a structure built at the opposite end of the square.
Kalen barks, "move!" And the crowd splits, allowing them through. She can feel the people's eyes on her, they're all dead silent as Magnus keeps walking her forward. She keeps her eyes forward, and doesn't dare to look at any of them.
The structure comes into view. It's a wooden platform built six feet off the ground. There's a square arch over the center with a rope hanging from the crossbeam.
Lup's heart races. Her calm expression twitches for only a moment. She risks a glance over at Magnus, but he only looks ahead, his jaw set. They follow Kalen up a set of stairs on the side of the structure, and Magnus places her in the middle and puts the loop of the rope over her head. It's almost taught, there's nearly no slack to the rope. She tries to catch his eye, but he steps away to a lever off to the side of where she stands.
She takes a deep breath and looks out at the crowd. The faces of her people look back at her, she wonders if they're happy to see her go.
"People of Faerun," Kalens voice carries through the square as the sky darkens to navy blue, "as the sun sets and we move from one season into the next, we mark this country's transition into a new era."
Lup thinks that Kalen could've been a good leader in another life. He's not a bad public speaker. It's just too bad he's a tyrannical asshole.
"Too long have these royals reigned over you! It's time for the people to take control! Now watch as we send this supposed queen back to where she came from." He looks over at her and says, "any last words?"
She looks out at the sea of faces before her. Some she recognises, most she doesn't. There's a line of Kalen's men between them and the gallows on which she stands.
"It has been an honour," her voice is scratchy from lack of use, "to serve you as your queen. I hope this new era brings the prosperity and happiness you desire."
Kalen laughs, "as if you care about the common man's happiness!"
"I have always cared about their happiness," she snaps, whipping her head to look at him. She meets his eyes and glares with all the malice in her heart. "I came from nothing and the moment I got any semblance of power, I have done everything I can to make this a place worth living."
His smug smile has disappeared, and he bares his teeth at her. His fists shake where they're clenched at his sides. He opens his mouth, no doubt to command Magnus to end this, but he's interrupted by a shout from the crowd.
One lone voice, in a far corner of the crowd, chants, "long live the queen! Long live the queen!"
Kalen growls. "One of you go get him," he spits to his men standing below.
One moves into the crowd and starts towards the voice.
Then, from the opposite end, another joins, "long live the queen!"
Then it's three voices, then five, then fifteen, and soon it's the whole crowd yelling for Lup's long life. Kalen's men try to quell them, but it's hundreds of citizens against a few dozen of them. They push and shove and knock weapons out of their hands, kicking them away until they're lost under their feet.
Kalen yells, "silence!" But the people do not stop.
Long live the queen!
Long live the queen!
Lup might've cried, if she had any tears left to shed.
She hears Kalen's footsteps behind her as he marches over to Magnus. "Shut these people up and kill her," he hisses. "I have their queen with a fucking noose around her neck. This is my kingdom now."
She looks over and, for the first time since her nightmare began, meets his eyes. He nods. He draws his sword and holds it over his head as he bellows, "silence!"
The crowd quiets almost instantly, once again standing still and looking forward. Lup keeps her eyes on Magnus. The fire of the torches glints off the sword as he makes a swinging motion with it. He shouts, "long live the queen!"
And the world falls out from under her.
She lands in a pile of hay, disoriented and confused. Then Magnus lands on his feet in front of her. He sheaths his sword and pulls out a smaller dagger.
"We gotta go," he says, cutting the rope from her wrists and neck.
He lifts her into his arms and takes off into the crowd. They're shouting and fighting Kalen's guards again, but Magnus weaves through them expertly. He carries her through a confusing maze of alleys and backroads until they reach the backdoor of a tavern. An old man waves them in and opens up a cellar door hidden underneath the bar. He says something to Magnus about a carriage as he carries her in. He just nods, and the old man closes the door behind them.
It's cold and dark like the dungeon, but he sets her down on something soft. A bed.
He walks away, and she blinks spots out of her eyes as he lights a lantern in the corner of the room. He leans over it with his head bowed.
He takes a deep breath, straightens his posture, and walks to her. He takes a knee in front of her and bows his head. "Your Majesty," he says, "I'm so sorry. I let them capture you because I didn't think I could fight through the men that caught us and I thought I could get you out within the week. I failed you, I failed in my duties. I let them hurt you and treat you worse than an animal. I stood by as they disparaged you and your family. I understand if you will never trust me again, and revoke any and all rank I ever held. There is a plan for me to escort you to the king. He is safe in Astral with your brother, and they're making plans to move on Kalen once you're out of the country. If you wish for someone else to accompany you, it will be arranged, just say the word."
Lup stands. "Magnus," she says, with all the gravitas she can muster, "you haven't called me Your Majesty in 20 years."
His brow furrows and he finally looks up at her. "What?"
She crouches to be on his level. "I wouldn't want anyone else to escort me to Astral."
"But," he looks like he's on the verge of tears, "I let them torture you and starve you and they said terrible shit about you all the time, and i just stood there-"
"But you didn't let them hang me, did you?"
"Listen, Magnus," she puts a hand on his shoulder, "when i get my strength back, I reserve the right to give you one good slap in the face and one good punch to the stomach-"
"-but I've trusted you with my life for a very long time now. You saved me tonight, so I know my life is, and always has been, in good hands."
His lip quivers, and he envelops her in a hug. "I'm sorry, Lup."
She wraps her arms around his neck and pats the back of his head. "You did good, Mags. We're gonna be okay."
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genericdragon · 3 months
Hello! Since my art and designs seem to be getting more attention recently(??????) and stuff like this has come up a few times, I thought I'd lay down some ground rules about my art and characters.
Art Rules:
Generally if you want to use my art anywhere PLEASE ASK ME FIRST!!! I'll most likely say yes I just want to know about it. If you're reposting it on a different platform or sharing it on Discord or whatever I'd also appreciate if you could tell me what other people are saying about it or send me a link to the post. Also free to use as pfps or whatever as long as you ask first. and unless I say otherwise (there are some things I don't want my name attached to yknow) ALWAYS MAKE SURE TO CREDIT ME!!! ("genericdragon on Tumblr" will suffice). If it's art that I made specifically for you you're free to use it anywhere without asking just remember to credit me.
Please don't edit my art in any way, shape, or form, aside from maybe cutting out the background or whatever. (including drawing on top of it, changing colors, etc)
You're allowed to trace/heavily reference my art for practice (don't know why you'd want to tho) but DO NOT POST IT ANYWHERE OR USE IT FOR ANYTHING ELSE PLEASE.
Unless we're very close friends/mutuals do not expect free art from me. You can commission me on artistree or follow me on artfight (<- you are VERY likely to get free art this way.) I might do requests but only if it's something that I'd want to draw even if no one requested it. (no fetish baiting. I know it when I see it.)
Character rules:
If you want to use my exact humanization as your headcanon for that character or use them in your AU then be my guest! Again, just make sure to credit me for the design, and please tag me in anything you do with them :)
That being said, there are a few story related things that I'm not comfortable sharing with other AUs, but it's usually stuff that I don't post on Tumblr so you probably don't know abt it anyway. Just ask me if you're unsure. However I will also ask that you don't create an entirely new backstory for them if you're putting them in your own AU.
I can't stop you from taking inspiration from my designs but please don't just change a few things from my design and call it your own. They're not technically my original characters but I am still very attached to my humanizations and I'm not comfortable with them being modified like that. I'm glad that ppl like my designs but I don't want them to run too far away from me until they're not mine anymore yknow?
You are always always ALWAYS welcome to draw my character designs, especially when interacting with your own or other people's :) Tag me in any art you make of them!! I want to see it!!!
I made another post about it but self-shipping is allowed (as long as it's not a teenager who's way younger than you) just make sure to abide by the rest of these rules.
Also drawing nsfw of my 18+ characters is fine. (Unless I explicitly say they're a teenager or they are known to be a teenager in canon you can assume they're an adult) You can show me or not idc. Just don't send it to me without warning I don't wanna be jumpscared
Other Stuff:
I do not control the hyperfixation. If you followed me for one specific fandom/character that I don't post about often I can't guarantee that you'll see any more of it. Portal is the one thing you can ALWAYS expect me to come back to but the other stuff just comes and goes. Not saying that I'll NEVER come back to it again just don't hold your breath. Feel free to unfollow or block any tags you're not interested in, I don't take any offense to it.
Please do not reblog any art older than like... 3 or 4 years. I'll leave it up for now but if you reblog it I WILL delete it, sorry.
Continuing from that point, this is my blog and I will delete things as I see fit. Please do not download and repost my art if I delete it. If it's gone then I don't want it to be public anymore, please respect my wishes.
I won't throw a hissy fit if you like art but don't reblog it, I totally get that some things just aren't for everyone, but reblogging really does help a lot and I appreciate it :)
Please don't feel intimidated by me! Apparently some people think of me as a Big Scary Popular Artist and I have no idea where that impression came from but I'm not. I'm just a weirdo girl making my silly little drawings. Also PLEASE don't say anything to the effect of "your art is so good it makes me feel bad" or using my art to put yourself down. I have Kind Of Complicated feelings about my art so when people do this it really messes me up. Just don't, it makes both of us feel so much worse.
Asks are always welcome, although I do try to draw art in response to asks but sometimes I just don't get around to it, or it's for a fandom I'm not currently interested in. (Sorry to that one person who sent me an INSIDE related ask that's just been sitting in my inbox for several months)
I do have an nsfw blog, you can dm me for the url, although I may choose to withhold it from you for any reason. (I'm shy 👉👈)
Other than that just uhhhhh be reasonable treat me like a person respect my boundaries etc. I'll update this if needed but this is the most important stuff for now I think
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krikeymate · 1 year
In the werewolf au
What if Christina was actually a werewolf and tara just didnt get the gene? Or because of her size she is unable to wolf out/shift?
One night on the full moon christina comes to their house and she grabs tara and obviously tara cant fend off a huge werewolf so she starts getting carried by the scruff and shes trying to take tara home after abandoning her because she couldn’t wolf out. Sam comes and tries to stop christina and they fight and tara is so small compared to them that she ends getting hurt in the process. Sam is able to scare Christina away and when she looks down she sees her little sisters body in her barely conscious state….
(This doesn’t go with my ask but imagine if tara is eventually able to shift into her wolf form but because of her size shes looks just like a small wolf pup 🥺)
Listen, listen... late-bloomer Tara. I already have a plan for fangs for the support - yeah you fuckers never offered anything better so the name has stuck now, way to let me down guys 😞 - but this is SO GOOD that actually now I'm making a split timeline ALREADY. It probably differed enough that I could give it a whole other name but I'm just gonna split it A and B.
Tara has always been a poor excuse for a wolf.
Most wolves transform by the time they're 5. Sam was 3. At 8 years old, Tara hasn't shown a single sign of transforming. No claws, nor fangs, not a single extra hair on her body. Her nails are blunt and her teeth are dull, her eyesight is ordinary and her hearing is poor. I mean, she has asthma for Selene's sake. What sort of wolf has asthma? None. Except Tara.
Tara's not a wolf at all, she knows, no matter how much Sam tries to convince her otherwise. With every full moon that passes, her mother gets angrier, her father gets more distant. The other kids won't play with her anymore, because only pack can play with pack, and if you're not a wolf, you're not pack.
They drill it into them over and over in their lessons. Only wolves are pack, no humans allowed. Humans are threats. Tara asks her father once what happens if a cub never transforms, and he laughs and tells her that all wolves transform by the light of the moon eventually, there are none that don't. He tells her not to worry, and that her own mother had been a late bloomer herself. She had been 7! That was a year ago. He looks at her suspiciously now, like she's done something wrong, like she wouldn't give anything to be normal.
There's another full moon tonight, Tara doesn't even bother joining her family downstairs. She doesn't want to see Sam's sad pitying eyes, or her parent's angry glares as they're reminded their daughter is a freak of nature.
She's drawing a picture for Sam - Sam always brings her something back from the moon-runs, and she wants to have something to give to Sam for a change - when she hears the growling from behind her.
It's her father.
Tara's never been scared of her father before, but something about the way he's looking at her makes her slip off her desk chair and back away.
"Dad," she calls out. "Why aren't you outside?"
The wolf takes another step forward, Tara takes another step back. In a flash the wolf leaps at her, and Tara drops to the floor, rolling onto her side. Her father's jaw snaps at her twice before attaching itself to her shoulder.
It hurts like nothing she's ever experienced before. Her chest begins to tighten as she begs him to let go, tears beginning to fall.
He takes no notice, dragging her from the room. He's so tall her feet hardly brush against the floor. It's all she can do to walk in tandem to reduce the pain.
He drags her through the house, out into the garden and through the gate at the back of the fence, left open for the full moon. He takes her deep into the woods behind their home and throws her to the ground in a moonlit clearing. He lunges and she scrambles further away, into the centre.
At the other side she can see her mother and sister. Sam tries to move forward but her mother nudges her back with a growl. Sam lets out a confused whine.
While she's distracted, her father leaps forward and clamps his jaw around her leg. Tara thinks she hears a crunch, but she can't hear much over the sound of her own scream. The next thing she knows, a paw is swooping down at her face, and she barely manages to raise her arms to protect it. She feels hot breath against her neck, and then it's gone.
Tara struggles to breathe through the pain. Her hands become slippery with blood as she curls up. It drips into her eyes as she tries to peer through her blurry vision to figure out what's going on. She wonders if they left her here to die.
As she breathes deep, her hearing comes back to her, and she learns she's not alone after all. She can hear growling and barking, a yelp. There's the sound of fighting in the distance.
Tara wants to move, to get up, but the pain is too great. All she can do is lie there crying, curled up and shivering in the cold.
Eventually, the noises stop with a howl, and a nose brushes against her neck. She can't help the whimper that escapes her. The wolf responds with a whine of their own, tongue darting out to lick at her shoulder wound.
They nudge at her arms, rolling her onto her back, and when Tara peeks through her hands it's her sister's familiar amber eyes above her.
Her tears begin to fall faster, a sob escaping her lips as she reaches up to grab at Sam's neck. The wolf laps at her tears, nuzzling against her. The warmth of Sam's body on hers keeps the chill night air at bay, and she finally begins to feel safe. It leaves her exhausted.
Sam pulls her up by her teeshirt, fangs tearing through the material, and pulls her to the side. Tara finds she can't stand on her injured leg, the pain of trying unbearable. The wolf crouches down with a bark, tail wagging so Tara understands what she's telling her to do. Tara climbs onto Sam's back and wraps her arms around her neck. They used to do this all the time, until last year when her parents said Sam had to spend the moons with the pack now, that she couldn't spend all her time babysitting Tara.
Sam stands up and takes her home.
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instaquarius · 7 months
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Full Resolution of the Commission sheet here
What you can do with your art once finished:
After getting your commission from me there are few thing you should know:
        1. You can (should) upload the art to your gallery though pls credit me if you do so. Otherwise do whatever you like with it<3 It is made FOR you after all, therefore you're allowed to repost as the customer.         2. You can use the art anywhere you want. On forum, sites etc. You can reupload it anywhere.         3. You can add details or text. I know that especially on RP sites your character may change - eye color, scars etc. You can change them of course! It is yours after all. (Just again, remember to credit me as the original artist though if anyone asks) It helps get more recognition etc.         4. Do not remove my Watermark. If you do, then please remember to add a different one and to write me in description of the work. That's all I ask - It's easier to see who made the art.
Information form: 
Comment below if you're interested, send me a note, or contact me through discord/etc. To order send me a note here or on DM me on discord InstaQuarius#9023 containing important informations ir you can even just use the template to make it easier:
Type of commission: (Sketch, Lined, Single Shading, Deluxe, Etc.) Info about character: (What are they like, Personality, basically any basic info so I can get a feel of how to draw your character) References: (Send multiple, I'll ask for more if I need it!) Poses/What's happening: (What do you want them doing? Sitting, jumping, emotions showing, etc. Make sure to give enough info so I won't have to change much in the drafts.) Of course, if you don't have any and want to leave it for me to take care of, then just say so.
I'll start a basic sketch and send it to you. Tell me what you want adjusted, changed, etc during this phase. (NOTE: I will NOT be able to edit anymore once I've started the Lineart process/coloring.)
You can pay half first, before I start the sketch. After the sketch is done then I WILL require the rest of the pay before I start the coloring/lineart if you asked for any of the higher tiered commission options I am offering.
I always send WIPs (even sometimes spam them in my personal server on discord for progress, especially if I'm just REALLY happy with how an art project is turning out so be warned. lol) But also sometimes I will not respond right away, possibly because I am busy with work, or just simply stressed and need some me/down time but please do not be rude about it if I take forever on a drawing.
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Examples used in this sheet  (for better res):
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bakuliwrites · 5 months
Ooh I'd love to hear about Dark Star! 👀
I would be delighted to talk about it! Thank you so much for asking!
WIP Ask Game here
So, Dark Star is my BG3 fanfic about my Sorlock Tav, Orlando. More detailed info about her here and Chapter One here. She is a Deep Sea Tiefling who grew up in a family of Warlocks who all worshipped a Fathomless being they simply call The Deep Abyss. Orlando managed to escape her family with her mother and brother, but through a series of events, wound up trapped in the House of Hope as a child, where she met a young Enver Gortash. Some things I'm exploring in Dark Star:
Gortash's backstory and his time in the House of Hope. It is here that Orlando and Gortash begin their romance, which started as a childhood crush and bloomed into more as they aged. I wanted to write a story for a Tav with a history with Gortash, rather than a Durge story (though I do enjoy Durgetash).
I don't have any intention of doing a redemption arc for Gortash, but I do want to show his internal conflict when it comes to pleasing Orlando (she wants him to do the right thing) and providing a stable future for the both of them (which, for Gortash, means making questionable if not morally reprehensible decisions). Their relationship has, over the years, become more toxic, but there is a lot of deep love there, still. (If you're curious, I have a little standalone story about them in their younger years here and some letters exchanged between them here)
Lots of eldritch themes in this. Orlando has her own patron that I came up with (a baby Fathomless she rescued!), but her family has the Deep Abyss. She wants to sever her ties from this particular Fathomless, but is struggling to do so. Similar to Raphael, Orlando has an Ascended form, but it is directly related to the Deep Abyss (I'm going to draw up a design for this at some point haha).
Orlando has her own questline, so depending on which ending you get, she'll end up with Gortash, ruling over Faerûn together. Or she will end up with Astarion and Karlach :) I like poly romances and wish you could romance them both in game! I plan to have a ton of wholesome moments between them throughout each chapter.
And finally, here's a little excerpt that I haven't yet posted :) This fic has WAY more Gortash content than I initially intended. My obsession with that man hit me like a train haha. This occurs right in the beginning of act 3, during Gortash’s coronation. Orlando and Enver haven’t seen each other in a few years, but have been corresponding via letters to one another.
Orlando glides up to the dais, the hem of her white dress like silken snow pooling around her feet. She lays her hand softly over Enver’s, a touch so deeply familiar, it could knock him off his feet. For a moment, the throne room in Wyrm’s Rock is still, as if the very building itself is holding its breath. Enver has half a mind to scoop Orlando into his arms, to lay kiss after long awaited kiss to her lips, to make up for the years they’ve been apart. But in the company of others, tadpoled or otherwise, he opts to merely intertwine their fingers, giving her hand an affectionate squeeze. 
Enver is grateful for her discretion. A grand display of adoration would hardly be appropriate for his coronation ceremony. And he does not yet know where Orlando’s allegiance lies. Will she remain faithful to him? To the plan? Or will she deliberately work against him? With the killing of Ketheric Thorm, he cannot be sure anymore. Orlando is more lethal than she realizes, but that is not why Enver is interested in allying with her. No, it is her determination, her softness that will win the hearts of those in Baldur’s Gate. Enver Gortash, the iron fist of Bane, and Orlando, his gentle wife.
“I thought you dead,” he murmurs to his beloved, allowing himself a moment to rest his forehead against hers, to let his eyes flutter shut while he basks in her calm aura. How long has it been since he has felt this at peace? Her thoughts gently nudge his. 
“Your mind is open to me, Enver,” Orlando whispers in his head, a tender voice in the cacophonous din, “You are fraught with worry. What troubles you?” 
He lets her in, lets her wade past the wrathful, shadowy thoughts that have eclipsed his mind. He is controlled, calculated, and pulled together in front of this gathering of nobles and smarmy politicians. But there is a tiny corner of Enver’s psyche that is reeling, chaotic. Orlando is a reminder of softer days, hours spent idling with one another in the dark corners of the House of Hope. Secret meetings, stolen kisses, furtive glances. 
Yet, she is also a reminder of sorrowful, difficult days. Days of punishment for Enver’s insolence. His disobedience. Days of separation, because a note exchanged between the two of them was discovered, and they were no longer allowed to be alone with one another. Notes that contained plans of escape. Plans for a life lived beyond the confines of the House of Hope. Dreams crushed to dust by the cruelty of a world built on lies and false hope.
“Meet me in my office after the ceremony,” Enver breathes, before pulling away and cloaking himself in bravado once more.
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thelostgirl21 · 6 months
Seriously, I wish people would stop reading into my tone so much, and trust my words when I communicate.
If I say I'm not being dismissive of your thoughts and ideas, I'm not being dismissive of your thoughts and ideas.
If I say I'm fine with you holding and sharing views that differ from mine, then I'm fine with you holding and sharing views that differ from mine.
If I seem to struggle with understanding a concept and I say it makes no sense, it's always it makes no sense TO ME (how in the world could I ever know how it makes sense to others?! I'm not in their brains, and can only speak for myself!!! It makes no sense *TO ME* that I could ever be saying that what you say makes no sense to anyone else but myself!!!)!
If I ask "how else can this be understood?" or "how else am I supposed to understand this?", I'M NOT ACCUSING YOU OF BEING UNCLEAR, FOR FRAK'S SAKE!
I'm genuinely asking you to explain your own interpretation, so I can conceptualize where you are coming from, and how you are perceiving things!
It means I really, sincerely, don't understand what you are trying to say to me, am asking for a pause and for some clarification, and will likely continue to ask the same question over and over again until you either frame that explanation in a way that makes sense *TO ME*, or I can see we utterly fail to connect on that subject, and should simply move on.
"You sound like you're trying to dismiss...", "It seems like you think..."
I have no idea how to properly convey tone in written forms of conversation, and am usually more comfortable communicating while phrasing things in a way that I've been told "sounds academic".
That's literally just how I talk and how my brain works. I'm not attempting to "sound pretentious" or anything. I speak that way.
And while I interpret informations and draw conclusions based on whatever data and information I've got available, I will readily change and modify it in light of any new information that comes my way.
I make tons of connections between information all of the time and get fascinated by them, and see the world as a bunch of ideas and concepts.
Please don't mistake my enthusiasm or assertiveness when speaking about any subject I'm passionate about with stubbornness or rigidity.
On the contrary, my thoughts and ideas remain extremely fluid and flexible, and I'm not scared in the least of being wrong and of making mistakes. I have no ego in that sense.
I'll be the first to embrace being mistaken as mistakes are an absolutely fantastic learning tool.
How else would I be expected to grow?
I can't easily change my tone, but I can clearly state my intent using words.
So, if I say "that's not what I meant", and especially "that's not how I meant it", can you at least give me the frakking benefit of the doubt, and give me time to clarify my thoughts and find a way of phrasing them that will hopefully allow you to understand the message I'm sending, before assuming you know what I intended to say better than I do basing that assumption on how I sound?
And perhaps, conceive of the thought that there's a huge difference between thinking you may be right and knowing you're right with absolute certainty.
Other P.O.V. being valid does not mean I remotely have to agree with them, or say they are right, either. Simply respect that people see things differently than I do.
And I do.
I may be wrong and you may be right. Or I may be right and you may be wrong.
Hopefully, you think you're right; otherwise I see absolutely (I SEE... my opinion / perception / interpretation... Look, I'm not taking any chances anymore by this point!) no point in you arguing something that you believe to be deeply wrong.
Do people do that outside of playing devil's advocate? Or listing possibilities they've yet to make up their minds about?
How does this even work?!
Ah, for me?! Or to me?!
Look, I'm wondering how does this even work, but without denying the possibility that it may make sense and work for others...
What I'm trying to say is "I'm basically confused about why we're supposed to feel self-conscious or "bad" about thinking or hoping we've got the right interpretation, until we detect a flaw in our logic and then come up with a new one in light of new information we've gathered, or being exposed to/gaining some novel perspective on a subject..."
Does that make any sense?
But yeah, I am utterly unable to tell if people are bored or upset with a subject when I'm talking or arguing with them in person...
So how can I be expected to read into what kind of emotions my arguments are going to inspire in others, or what part of my phrasing might upset them, if no one is telling me how to rephrase thing?
Especially when it's just words on a screen with no clear tone indicator.
"When you say this, it makes me feel this, perhaps you could phrase it like that instead?" would be extremely helpful!
Rather than "you sound like this" or "you're making it sound like that..."
I can't figure it out by myself. I don't hear that "sound". It's a very abstract notion, the idea that my arguments might "sound" like anything.
I need clear rules and systems to properly communicate. That's just how I'm wired, and no amount of wishful thinking or good will on my part is going to magically make me be able to hear those subjective sounds coming off my words.
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subconsciousmysteries · 10 months
I'm removing type from my bio. I'm sick of the primitive narcissistic way people use enneagram and I'm not even going to be polite about it anymore. If you know anything about this shit you know that you're supposed to work on ALL your ego fixations, all nine of them. Go read Almaas. Most of all you're supposed to balance all nine lines that exist inside of you which basically represent all your fragmented warring selves. Enneagram is a powerful healing tool when used right because it allows you to better visualize the fragments of your personality that are struggling with each other and need to be unified to make you whole. or as MPD therapists call it, "integrated".
I'm much more interested in that than going in circles debating how people shallowly perceive me over the internet. Or shallowly trying to perceive other people over the internet. Stop this obsession with how you are perceived. It's navel-gazing self conscious 4 bullshit that has become the promoted norm in this community. No wonder everybody is "mistyping" themselves as 4s, you have to be a walking dysfunctional 4 case who is obsessed with categorizing how others perceive you in order to fit in to this community at all. Stop looking for your true type. Stop thinking your One True Type even exists, cuz it probably doesnt. Start living life without the idea of type in your head and then during reflection time you can use the enneagram framework to see if you find patterns in your behaviors and feelings, and the behaviors and feelings of others. You'll find heaps. Remember if there is no movement, ie if you're saying something is "3" but there is no wing action, and no 9 or 6 movement to back it up and connect it back to the whole, your observation is kind of meaningless.
People are holding back so much authenticity in this community because they're scared of getting retyped if some sanctimonious wanker puritan typologer thinks that one thing they said is out of line with the way they were previously typed. It's such a shame because we draw the most typological insight when we are being totally authentic about our experiences and allowing ourselves to speak whatever comes up and relate to whatever comes up, which could really be fucking anything. When we limit ourselves to one core type or one tritype or one xwx xwx xwx, we make our scope of self realization so needlessly limited. The only people this serves are neurotic, narcissistic busybodies on the internet with a terribly unbalanced 1-4 line who want to turn everyone into a caricature for the sake of their own fragile, self-serving ideologies.
The truth is we have all nine types in us and we will exercise all of them at different moments. it's unhealthy image type nonsense (specifically unhealthy 1-4 line nonsense, also 5/6 resistance of ambiguity you're guilty too) to believe otherwise.
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tinywitchgoblin · 28 days
hello ! could i request a bad batch ship please? ive never done one of these before so bare with me 😭
im afab (she/they/he), 5"2 and quite curvy, slim waist and large hips / thighs. i have greeny-blue eyes and dark red hair (dyed) thats around bust length (and a straight fringe), along with 2 ear lobe piercings (on each ear) and a septum piercing. i've got an gothic / alternative sense of style, like wearing all black with fishnets, legwarmers, bold makeup (like with heavy eyeliner and eyeshadow), large spiky earrings and chunky boots, etc.
im an artist ! i LOVE drawing, especially characters / people because i just love the way humanoid characters look (like the human form and stuff). my favourite part on the human body is the back and shoulder area - its really weird but i just love all the details like the shoulder blades and muscle definition etc. i also love music and travelling ! my favourite genre of music is drum and bass (along with metal / nu metal) !
i also have autism and i stim with my hands and mouth a lot - like shaking my hands or tapping my collarbone. when im comfortable with someone i literally just meow or like do "mow/mrow" sounds at them randomly. im so embarrassed by it but i can't help it because ive been doing it since i was young 😭 i hate large crowds and start to panic if there's a lot of people around me and we're in a small space (like a shop for example) and i have the need to leave the place immediately. i also cannot deal with any sort of confrontation or if someone is to start raising their voice at me because it makes me tear up and i'll sometimes cry bc of it. like i get arguments happen but you don't need to shout at me, man 💀
when you first meet me im super shy and quiet, but when you get to know me i do not shut up 😭 i will keep yapping all day about the things i like especially if it's my hyperfixation at the moment. romantically, im super physically affectionate (my love language fr) because i struggle to verbalise how much i love said person, so i just cuddle and smooch said person until they get the point lol. i also prefer to hold someone's arm (although i don't mind holding hands !) as it makes me feel secure and i like squishing said persons bicep (not hard and if they're okay with it ofc ^^) bc squishy,, and it feels comforting in my hands.
sorry theres so much here lol
ty :) ❤️
I'm so sorry this took me a whole ass month to answer but thanks for being patient!!
I ship you with...
Tumblr media
Wrecker absolutely loves physical touch. It's one of his biggest love languages (along with making/sharing food). One of his favorite things to do is pull you into his lap whenever you're not doing anything specific and just relax. His brothers aren't super into a ton of physical affection, so when you and he started dating (and maybe even before), he gave you all of the hugs and cuddles! It means so much to him, and you really like it as well.
As for your stimming, Wrecker doesn't see anything wrong with it. He just knows you're different, and that's okay! He was a bit confused about the meowing at first, but once you explained it to him, he never really mentions it anymore. Not in the ignoring sense, but just in the sense that that's part of who you are, and he loves every part of you. If you're into using stim toys, he'll ask Tech to make you a couple of them to help you get out some of the latent energy, and if not, he'll do what he can to help you stim in whatever ways are most comforting to you.
Wrecker is relatively social by nature, but he understands that you get overwhelmed very easily. You and he have developed a system that allows you to non-verbally communicate to him that you need to go somewhere private and relax. He's super protective of you, and when you find yourself in a stressful situation, he will do his best to keep you safe (both physically and otherwise). And if someone raises their voice at you, by god, he will stand there menacingly until the other person backs off, and he'll hold you and make sure you're okay once they leave. Again, he wants to make sure you feel safe, because he loves you and doesn't like seeing you hurt.
Thanks for reading! If you want a ship request like this, drop it in my ask box (but be warned, it might take a while for me to get to it- oops), and don't forget to reblog <3
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gomzdrawfr · 2 months
Hi! I was wondering if I should send this non-anon or not, but preferred to keep my identity a secret, I guess.
Dunno why but felt like saying this after seeing your posts. I was once a shipper in the fandom, liking both canon x canon and canon x oc ships, until I saw something that made me uncomfortable with the first of the two. That is until I've reached your account.
Sure, I was cautious with ship content (not that I'm saying it's a bad thing. Just made me kinda uncomfortable after that incident) but when I let my guard down and saw some of your posts, I realized that maybe not every shipper is as....uh...y'know the type of people I'm talking about right?
All I'm saying is...thank you. Because of your adorable posts (and the balance of both types of ships [canonxcanon and ocxcanon. I love PriceRaven so much istg]), I tried to look for artists like you. Thanks to you, I can also go and try to find artists similar to yours in context of shipping. And I did and I did not regret it (even if I don't ship anymore, but it was delightful to see the things people create now that I've...healed from it?).
I'm still trying to be careful in the fandom with the things going on. But seriously though, thanks a lot! If there's one thing this fandom needs is people like you. Ones who don't cause a fuss and also knows boundaries when shipping as well. No hate, no discomfort. If people say otherwise and hate on you because of shipping content, damn them. They should be grateful if anything as you did nothing wrong and just wanted to create what you wish.
Anyway, sorry for the long ask (end up ranting. Sorry bout that). But yeah, hope you have a great day! Maybe one day, if you allow me, I could sketch out Raven? If it's alright with you.
Thank you again!
hi!! thank you for the ask and hey no worries, you're welcome to rant in my ask or share your experience
Im sorry for what you went through, fandom often do come with its uhhh moments to say the least, im glad you've healed from it and is able to enjoy things the way they are at your own pace
its definitely good to curate your own space, adjust your settings and block out on things that are uncomfortable, even though there are still some things that will definitely pop up despite the cautious measures, but hey! shit happens and the most important thing is to understand that you're not alone in this, and take a rest from the media once in awhile
Im actually really touched that you find my page a nice place to visit ((yes PriceRaven is like my bread and butter I cant live without them and will yap about them forever)) which also lead you to other artists!
im straightforward, Im okay with almost anything interest wise in the fandom (ships/dynamic/fics genre etc), if im not okay with it i'll just move on or mute/block certain words, simple as it should be.
Although people do find my angst stuff "threatening" LMAO but eh im over it pft if they dont like it then its fine let them be
as the saying goes "no matter how perfect the apple is, someone will still hate it" so fuck it yk, it is what it is (my life motto and also blog's motto HAHA)
Thank you for your message though, Im really grateful for it and im genuinely happy, enjoy your stay here
AND OFC YOU CAN DRAW MY OC RAVEN!! FEEL FREE TO SEND IT TO ME ONCE YOU DID :D (take your time ofc dont mind the excited goofball i am)
have a good day as well!!
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fanvamp · 7 months
This is just a fanfic of my transformers OCS, mostly just to jot this story down and get it out of my head cuz im not gonna be able to draw it out like I wanna. Enjoy??
Chapter 1
"You lost HOW many mechs?!"
Starscream's voice carried out even into the hall from behind the shut door. Inside, Abyss stood at attention with his head high, but his eyes on the table before them. He was big, even for a cybertronian standards- he had to be, being one of the few seekers within the Decepticons to have a B2 Bomber for an alt mode. His obsidian paint shone dimly in the room.
Abyss simply stated with a dull defeated tone vibrated his lower jaw as he spoke, " The unit you instructed me to lead was numbered at 150. We lost 136."
He never moved once. His expression gave away nothing but steel resolve, but inside he was screaming. Screaming at himself, at the Auotbots that destroyed his unit, at Primus for allowing this massacre of the very soldiers he promised to bring back.
Starscream stood before a window, but he wasn't looking out at the view, now anymore. His eyes were fixed on the mech that was nearly twice his size. Every single glint of the light that reflected from his optics signaled danger, but he was uncharacteristically quiet. His wings were at their highest point, giving away his anger at his subordinate. "136.." He hissed and his eyes narrowed. "Explain to me how my best trained soldier managed to lose 136 MECHS!!?"
He shouted the last words, making Abyss flinch. But he fell quiet again as he crossed his arms and waited. Abyss looked to the side as he collected the fragments of his tortured memory.
"We had intel of an autobot camp fifteen clicks from base, and I gathered my unit to wipe them out." His eyes narrowed as Abyss struggled to keep himself from slamming his arm into the wall beside him, before he spoke again. "But I failed to send a scout to properly assess the situation. I failed to take caution, and ran in blindly."
He faltered, for a moment. He never met Starscreams gaze once- he felt he didn't even deserve to look his superior in the optics. He clenched his fist and kept talking.
"I made my soldiers run in blindly into a massacre. I'm entirely to blame" Abyss managed to keep his voice steady, but inside he was relieving the memory of the scattered pieces of his soldiers freshly torn on the ground, the sound of metal tearing and energon bursting free from its restraint, the brutality of the wreckers as they slaughtered the unit he had been tasked to lead- offline, because of his insolence. He hsd watched them die around them and could only feel shame, and guilt.
Starscream simply glared at him. Perhaps it was his imagination, but Abyss could practically hear the gears turning in his head. Thinking of a brutal way to punish him no doubt. The silence was suffocating, especially from the red and white seeker that wasn't known for being quiet. Abyss wanted him to scream, to cuss, to smack (or try to, really) him around. Anything, but the quiet.
Starscream stared at his subordinate. Any other day, he'd probably be letting out his life's frustration on this failure before him. But there was something so... Different about Abyss. He seemed like the weight of cybertron was resting on his shoulder pads. Stoic, almost. What intrigued Starscream was this sudden change. Especially from the recruit a millennia ago- that recruit was brash, energetic, and arrogant- another brute. But a brute that could fight and lead, and had trained under Starscream from afar to lead his own unit. He could hardly believe this was Abyss before him and not some imposter.
After time had stopped it's torture, Starscream finally spoke. " You will lead again. Everything about your stupidy says otherwise, but I am feeling particularly generous today- be grateful." He grit his teeth, glaring at Abyss. "Not because I pity your lack of intelligence, but because you're too valuable an asset. Be a shame to have to destroy someone that can fight. Lead better, Abyss. There are no retakes."
Abyss looked at him for the first time. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. One one servo, he was grateful for the second chance. On the other.. this could happen again. And that thought terrified the steely seeker. Abyss bowed deeply, lowering his gaze to the floor. "Thank you, Commander. I will not fail you again- this show is of my own making."
Starscream glared at him. This went against everything his fury was telling him what he should do. Although he felt smug about the way this mech twice his size bowed so low before he him, he just hoped he wouldn't regret this decision. "Get out." He hissed.
Abyss stood and lowered his head, before turning around and walking out of the room. He would begin again, this time with a spark of stone. Never, never again.
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