#or ask about it in my ask box!
beeejayy · 9 months
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Hi commissions are now open :D
Okay I'm going to explain shit now, if you'd like me to draw something DM me about it and we can talk! If you want a sketch I'd like to be paid first but if you want anything more I'd like to be paid half of what it costs AFTER I show the sketch to make sure it's what you'd like. I'm VERY nervous about this it's my first time doing anything like this.
Okay! Some things I want to mention though, I will draw anything that stretches from ocs and other fandoms, even though the example drawings ARE all soul eater related.
Though I must say, I won't draw anything NSFW, I don't feel comfortable with that and I'm not confident in drawing NSFW art anyways but maybe in the future. I can't draw furries too, this isn't me hating on furries I simply can't draw animals the most I can do is cat ears. Anything immoral like child x adult is also off the table but that's to be expected. If you have any questions about this too please dm me!
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150en · 3 months
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Gallery of hermits with weird setups. (As shortlisted by Mumbo)
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spielzeugkaiser · 3 days
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Being on the nostalgia train this week really helped stretching my artistic legs again. So here, have some old things and some new! For now I'm done with this.
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corviiids · 1 month
tbh au where L just doesn't seem to zero in on light as kira at all and light is smug at first but then starts to get increasingly frustrated as L keeps taking swings and missing completely. gets kinda close and then announces the biggest suspect is sayu yagami. don't worry about the older one, he's just an ordinary boy. L never even makes contact. light's dropping signs and L is picking them up but completely misinterpreting them. light's like this guy's a fucking idiot lmfao?? i could get away with this forever. but then he gets bored with no one to play with and he's irritated that L keeps giving credit to every random idiot for being kira. light starts dropping more and more brazen clues trying to see if this stupid detective can take a hint and then L arrests him off the massive trail of evidence he's been leaving for months
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sensitiveheartless · 9 months
I’m just picturing Ranpo trying to cheer Dazai up (and missing the mark by a mile) by being like “at least he’s just as stupid as you are!” or something like that idk. Maybe trying to tell him “it’s okay, Chuuya still has no idea how you feel about him! None whatsoever! The possibility isn’t even on his radar!”
Alskdjfjf I love these, thank you anon — and uh, this kinda sent me off in A Direction while I was mulling it over, but it’s still sorta the same vibe —
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(There will, as you can probably tell, be another part of this!)
<- (Previous part) (Next part) ->
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noodles-and-tea · 2 months
BBC Sherlock is on Hulu! :)
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isjasz · 20 days
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[Day 310]
May 15th special getting it done early. It's ma birthday I get to do MEMES >:D
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zurka-durka · 1 month
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saitama in baggy clothes and kingsai requests
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clownsuu · 9 months
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Ha melon bug
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Been having a craving to draw them as a lil beverage 😔💔🥄🥄
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moldyselene · 1 month
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More yuri…yuri save me
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u3pxx · 1 year
How do you choose the colors in your art? Your color palettes always look so cohesive and so pleasing to look at!
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ah, this is gonna be pretty long so i'll talk about it under keep reading :^]
now i am no expert!!! i am just a guy!!!! i'll just be talking about how i do it! ok!
i really like going with warm stuff on my art so it's kind of a given that most colors i use end up wounding up on this side of the color wheel
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so, let's say i'm coloring trucy, a character who wears blue, i end up choosing warmer looking blues, sometimes i end up choosing purple or gray if the other colors i chose makes it look like blue, yannow, color theory and stuff. like this for example!
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now the first one is noticeably blue, but the second one is like a lavender and third one is like, really not blue! it's like a desaturated rose color or something, however, paired with the right colors...
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they're all "blue", aren't they?
by weird colors, i mean colors that aren't like what the thing looks like irl. like, a leaf is green right? but, it doesn't have to be when you color it!
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like when i color things gold sometimes, i use a light and desaturated red-orange for it or how like with the color blue, i don't even use blue at all!
now just because i use warmer tones a lot doesn't mean i don't use the colors from the other side of the color wheel, it depends really, if the color scheme i'm going for is monochromatic or if i really wanted to make something pop
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but of course, you can't just color willy-nilly, you gotta take into account
where and when is your drawing set? what's the mood? are we having fun here or are there Horrors?
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see how it changes the mood? the things we're supposed to be feeling when we look at the drawing? yeahg. ill use warmer colors when i want the drawing to look happy dreamy etc but ill break out the blues and greens when we're in sinister town pftt
also, just wanted to share again how other colors can change what another color looks like:
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now as for making colors more cohesive... seriously, just slap that thing on top of your piece and it helps the colors get together even more! like of course i choose my own colors but gradient maps + overlay layers are kind of like adding that one final thing.
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i'll use this one as an example, left one is no gradients maps/overlays and the right one is with them. i just really prefer some good ol' ourple tones in my art so there are a couple of things i add on top to really bring out the warmth in here, like so:
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uhhh don't be afraid to use tools in your program to correct the colors you don't like ala color balance tone curve contrast brightness etc etc.
hell, you can even color pick from like irl pictures and adjust accordingly to what colors you want.
i also do have like colors that i consistently use when shading things after countless trial and error; like how i'll use purple to shade red, blue to shade with green etc etc
ig that's all, hope this helps!
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phantomrose96 · 23 days
Your sham sacrifice fic is so good! Jack and Maddie's reaction to the idea that they killed Danny is particularly haunting. I am curious though - how did they decide that it probably wasn't Jazz? Was it because of her response to all of this?
(Sham Sacrifice: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2)
Thank you!!! 🥰
I think there are a lot of things that point to Danny over Jazz... The math says that one of their children died in the portal well... which one? Their daughter who's maintained absolute top marks in school, who's shown no real change in demeanor, happiness, energy, engagement, reliability, ever since the portal opened?
...Or their son, whose grades have plummeted ever since the portal opened, who comes home late or not at all, who's become cagey, unreliable, secretive, and impossible to really connect with anymore?
And only one of them has a dead-ringer ghost who appeared with the portal opening.
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sensitiveheartless · 7 months
Though I just realised after the whole skk FINALLY mutually confess, but uhh how did Dazai knew Chuuya was at the supermarket??? Did he have Chuuya's schedule memorized???
I’m so glad you noticed this, because I couldn’t figure out how to work it into their dialogue in the comic, but YUP—
My thoughts for this particular comic series were that Chuuya is a creature of habit, and Dazai is a weirdo(affectionate) who memorized all Chuuya’s weekly scheduling habits back when they were in the mafia (for strategic purposes, he will insist) and Chuuya hasn’t really deviated from those habits since, so Dazai will periodically have moments like this throughout his day:
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…so yeah, after Ranpo convinced Dazai to go clear things up with Chuuya, Dazai ran across the city while doing intense internal calculations to take all known variables into account, and finally decided that Chuuya had to be shopping at that particular grocery store :0
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alllgator-blood · 2 months
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I MADE THE EXECUTIVE DECISION TO BUY THE LAST REMAINING MARKETABLE BISHOP PLUSHIE BECAUSE A SECOND ONE SOLD OUT TODAY.....I will not confirm which one it was until it arrives. Am disappointed the poll didn't decide my fate due to divine intervention, but I'd rather have one of these doofuses than have the last one also vanish 5ever. I contacted the maker to see if there'll be a restock in the future, so if you guys end up voting for the one I didn't get. I'll get that one in the future <3
THEY'RE SO GOOFY LOOKING, I SHOULD'VE POSTED PICS SOONER BUT I DON'T THINK YOU CAN PUT PICTURES ON POLLS. I made a poorly drawn tribute to these goobers because they're so silly I need them all:
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Thank you to everyone who voted on the poll and again I am so sorry it didn't go according to plan but I definitely cannot control when people decide they desperately need plush toys of the antagonists of hit indie game Cult of the Lamb (2022)
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Graph of the Cats (2019) references so far this year! (The graph shows their streak without incident; for example, on August 24, they lost a 20-episode streak of not referencing Cats). An interactive version is linked in my pinned.
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preseriesdean · 11 months
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— And yes, I know about Sam too. Bonnie to your Clyde. — Yeah, well, that part's true.
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