#oops i just found this in my drafts
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bicholsdrarrysideblog · 11 months
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been reading These Fics by the AMAZING hsvh that are Canon But From Draco's POV and i was doodling some fanart for them and then I GOT CARRIED AWAY AND MADE A COVER FOR THE FIRST ONE... anyway oops i guess lmao
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fairyroses · 1 year
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— SMALLVILLE, “Reaper” (1.17) & “Tempest” (2.01) 
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boyslit · 11 months
more flight lesson perfects feat. Diasomnia and Octavinelle (with bonus air guitar Floyd)
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cobwebcorner · 4 months
Overall I enjoyed the Separate Ways DLC. This is not a review so much as a series of disconnected thoughts.
It is now obvious to me that the reason Ada likes Leon so much is that she, too, is secretly a giant dork. Muttering little one-liners to herself as she snipes ganados off the gondolas and such. It's adorable. She keeps trying to be playful at Wesker, but unfortunately he's abandoned his original chillness and is in irritable hardass mode, which makes me sad. I'd have liked to see at least a little banter in the beginning, before Wesker started getting impatient.
Ada's character kind of vacillates between low-key goofy like this and shutting down into a cold machine. I want to give the writers credit and say it's on purpose, like maybe she's forcing herself to change modes because Wesker chewed her out too much or the stress of her situation is getting to her, buuut. I dunno.
There's some weird inconsistencies in the writing between SW and the main campaign, like they weren't written at the same time originally, and SW doesn't quite fit at times. The Ada you meet at the start of SW is quite different from the one you first see in the main campaign.
One of those inconsistencies is the way information gets repeated between characters as if they're having the conversation for the first time. The clearest and least spoilery example is near the end, when Ada reports to Wesker that she got the amber...and a little later, gets into a helicopter and tells him that she got the amber again. He reacts as if she didn't call him the first time, or possibly hit his head and forgot about it. I know it's a minor thing but I do find it annoying.
Now to Gameplay!
Unlike the original Separate Ways, this time we get a fully functional merchant. You can fully upgrade weapons and buy a few different guns. Ada doesn't get quite the variety that Leon does, but for a 4-6 hour dlc it's sufficient.
It's fun to me that Ada gets to do little side missions too, so that means Wesker is watching me fuck around hunting for blue medallions like 'Ada. Ada I told you to find the amber. What are you doing. Now you're picking up clothes and selling them? Do I not pay you enough?' No wonder he's so grumpy.
The level design is a great improvement (which let's be honest, the original felt very rushed and low-budget), incorporating some cool new areas plus using a lot of the areas from the original RE4 that didn't make it into the campaign. There's some good new spooky parts, and I loved the new U3 (I don't think it's a spoiler at this point to say you fight U3). The way they added the hookshot to combat is fun, and I'm going to be ruined for new attempts at the main campaign when I try to melee from far away.
Can I say how much I love the music, by the way? The original pretty much just reused a couple mercenaries tracks if I recall correctly, and it got really repetitive and irritating after a while. The music in the remake uses a lot of Ada's themes from the og RE 2 and it's beautiful.
Now a couple SPOILERS
There is no new lore or information about Ada's background, which I appreciate (no seriously I don't WANT to know. let her stay mysterious. Also, why are people upset about this? Don't you know that if capcom's going to reveal information about a major character's backstory, it'll be in a random japan-only magazine or a stage play?). However, we have been given one hint. While examining the body of the burnt cop she comments on the smell of burnt flesh and how she thought she left that life behind. Which is. Dark! That's very dark, capcom! Unless she used to work in a crematorium.
Minor issue, but I'm confused why Luis seems to know Ada well (well enough that Ada's ok with him touching her) and yet have no idea who she works for or what people are helping him out. How did they meet? In the original she intercepted an email he sent to a dead colleague, and you didn't get a sense that she really knew him personally. So now I have more questions that will probably never be answered.
Wesker shows up in the flesh a few times, which is…odd? That's a lot of trouble to go to, Wesker, unless you're running around for your own separate (ways) nefarious purposes…maybe planting bombs? IDK. Not sure why he even needs Ada there, if he's on location himself. I was convinced he was a hallucination, until Ada fixed that problem and he still showed up again. In the end I don't mind, because the interactions he has with Ada are really interesting (if a bit weird) and I'm going to be spending a lot of time dissecting them. You get the sense they have known each other a long time, and Ada doesn't put up with his shit but that doesn't stop him from trying to intimidate her. (I laughed out loud when she just finished his sentence and hookshoted away from the conversation. Queen behavior)
Ada's infection is honestly just weird. It doesn't match the way plagas have been established to work, and feels very contrived, like it's there just so they could keep certain gameplay mechanics and to give an excuse why Luis couldn't just give Ada the amber once he got it. Once those pieces are set up, the infection is neatly disposed of in a way that doesn't make a lot of sense and is never mentioned again. Here I was assuming Ada could direct Leon to the plaga-removal lab because she'd been in there herself. Nope.
Ada and Krauser never interact at all. Not even a tease of a miniboss. Not a line of dialog. Two ships passing in the night (or, one ship running away from the other comically fast). This saddens me, even though I know their dynamic would have been completely different if they did meet, since Krauser's no longer a bitchy coworker. There's a lot of buildup in the section where you chase Krauser, like you expect that Ada is going to GET HIM for what he did to Luis (or at least try), and then it just fizzles out into nothing.
(and I would like everyone to know that I CALLED IT about her disguising herself as one of saddler's handmaidens)
In the end her arc wasn't really believable to me, I'm afraid to say. She seems to just follow along where the story pushes her until the very last moment, when Wesker makes one ominous comment too many and she decides to start defying him. The original version, where she was playing 3D chess and working for another mystery player all along, was much more satisfying.
And finally: it's very interesting to me that Wesker chooses to save/spare her twice in this game, despite being mad at her. Obviously she has plot armor, but it's almost like he's got a soft spot or something. Yes yes I'm sure people can come up with plenty of canned villain motivations for his actions; "he thought she was still useful" or "he's underestimating her resolve" or whatever. That's the boring option. I think it's a lot more fun to look at his actions and go 'wow wesker you not only hauled Ada to safety and a bed out of the rain, but spent at least an hour or so watching over her while she was unconscious to give Leon time to get to the cabin fight. attached much?'
Edited to add: a friend and I have been lightly going nuts trying to fit the Ada and Wesker in the cabin bit into the timeline of the main game, because if Leon chooses to go back to the chief's house to raid his attic once he has Ashley then uh. He really should have run into them? Ada doesn't wake up until the cabin fight, after all, and they both passed out around sundown. Unless Wesker shoved Ada under the bed and then hid in the wardrobe?
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courfee · 1 year
hi i wrote a silly fluffy oneshot about the marauders finding out about jegulus
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sincerely-sofie · 7 months
I made this blog mainly as a place to store art + memes for my fandoms and doodles of my original stories. I’ve posted a lot of the former, but none of the latter, so… Here you go? Have some goofy “incorrect quotes” inspired jokes of a project of mine called The Name-Oath.
Context is indented and italicized, but you can probably read through the doodles below without getting too confused if you skip it:
The first half of the actual plot is your standard fae romance starring a human woman who doesn’t realize the male lead is a supernatural creature, and just thinks he’s really into cosplaying alone in a mansion in some freaky forest. The second half is rom-com shenanigans between the divorced human woman and male lead after the world's ugliest breakup. He desperately tries to get back together at every waking moment and she just wants to hang out with her bestie Summer and raise her half-fae daughter in peace. The human woman is named Eglantine, but goes by Egg. She got stuck with the nickname during high school and decided to start going by it in an effort to have a more "average" sounding name. This did not work as intended, but it certainly helped her avoid getting her name stolen when she first met the male lead. She's something called a skipwitch. This is a whole worldbuilding thing I'm not going to get into here. The male lead is named Kieran. He is a drama king. He spent several centuries under magical house arrest. He can talk to rats. He has pretty hair. This is all you need to know about him, except maybe the fact that he's royalty. Summer is Egg's best friend, and she is the resident fae expert in her and Egg's coven. Competitive and protective of Egg. She hates Kieran's guts, and the feeling is mutual. Egg and Kieran's daughter is named Violet, but she goes by Froggy. She is a terrifying force of nature by virtue of being the offspring of a skipwitch and Unseelie prince. Enjoys microwave pizzas, her pet beta fish, video games, and getting her way. Alois is Kieran's invisible butler. He's a surprisingly talented singer.
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sonlc · 21 days
juice is so cool i changed how i draw eyes just for her (i hope i made that make sense idk how to word it) ....... i hope juice gets everything they want forever and ever
AWW what!!! thats so sweet of you thank you <3
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friendly-jester · 1 month
Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @mystical-salamander <3
Last Song: Hold the Girl by Rina Sawayama
Currently Watching: Delicious in Dungeon
Three Ships: Callowmoore, Farcille, and Percabeth
Favorite Colors: Purple, green, and blue
Currently Reading: Webtoons... so many Webtoons...
Currently Consuming: Water
First ship: Probably Belle and Beast from BatB
Place of birth: Missouri
Current Location: My family room
Last Movie: Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire
Currently working on: Filling up my queue lol
tagging my usual homies (hopefully it actually tags them all for once asdfghjkl) @checkyourhead1992 @tangerinesteve @heystephen @stoic-rose @bizabert
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joleneghoul · 3 months
More adventures in horseriding the game (rdr2) i rode directly into a sign that only hit arthur in the head and sent him flying off the horse 😁👍
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7 days of The Rookie, day five: most underrated character  → angela lopez
I grew up with four brothers in a two bedroom. I’ll be standing at the finish line before you even realize the competition’s started.
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greenskellyblob · 8 months
Why wouldn't an Ancient just do themselves in if they forget about a deadline. Repeat the cycle, do what needs to be done and continue on your merry way.
The perks of never really dying for good! :D
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anxiously-avoiding · 10 months
kinda fun how like. I've been an openly trans person existing in my body for so long that I'll glance at myself in the mirror and see myself objectively for a second and it's weird. oh yeah, I almost forgot haven't had top surgery. I took that thought and threw it in the pile with "things I can't change unless I'm willing to go under the knife" and just. didn't bother thinking about it. Not worth my time or energy. I don't need my body to look a certain way to know who I am, sure, it'd be nice, but I don't need it.
There are so many things about my body that I can't change right now, and I've just learned to accept. When I go out in public, it's really annoying to be constantly misgendered because I don't need to wear a binder to see myself this way, and you shouldn't need me to wear one to perceive me as I am. (I dress like a 14yo boy, damn it, the least you could do is get my pronouns right and then treat me like a child)
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todayisafridaynight · 11 months
Do you ship Jo and Arakawa… or did because Arakawa is dead now 😢
ever since arakawa died ive had to accept jo as a category 5 widower now sorry everyone
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delopsia · 1 year
sending ANOTHER message pertaining to rings but this time for bob!!
to me this man probably doesn’t want something super flashy just because he’s such a quiet personality it seems. to tie into the flower thing that i sent in last time, i think maybe bob would have just a plane outer band, but something i graves on the inside like this with your flower on the inside instead? or maybe like your birthday or wedding anniversary date etched in?? this is another one i can also see him wearing, like the person who mentioned bands with gold and silver :)
More rings! 💃💕
I can absolutely get behind that second ring 😭Bobby absolutely seems like the kind of person after a simple ring, with a hidden "message" of sorts on the inside of it.
I almost think he'd go with a light-hearted engraving, maybe a little "put me back on," because he has a horrible habit of fidgeting with small objects.
Or, if not that, maybe a nifty little "Bob ❤ Reader's-Callsign." Even if Reader isn't in the Navy, they're going to wind up with a callsign one way or another, and what better way to memorialize it than in a ring? ❣ :o
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clamsjams · 2 months
awesome as fuck
(they don’t know i know this trick)
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