#oooooh I’m out of practice
michellemisfit · 7 months
Thank you @creepkinginc for this week’s @galladrabbles prompt: ‘Speak Soft’
Previous Part | Read from the Start
Apologising isn’t a Milkovich trait.
Punch, don’t ask questions, never say you’re sorry.
Still, he wants to give Ian something. But that’s the problem. He has nothing to give!
How can Ian look at him and not see disappointment?
Fuck it.
“I’ll just go.”
Ian shifts when Mickey tries to move past, trapping him between Ian’s body and the stairs.
“Hey, no, don’t..”
“Why? This can’t be fun for you. You’re so— and I try— fuck, Ian. I don’t mean to hurt you, but I do. I’m not worth it, man.”
They’re both silent.
“You’re worth it to me.”
Next Part
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princessbrunette · 1 month
princess what's your fav thing ab all of the boys like headcanon or smth - like any little thing just ab them i need to know - 🍓
it’s soooo hard to pick a fav i think i would need more time to think about it, but some general things i love about them:
i love that hes usually so focused on whatever his goal of the day is that he seems pretty serious and intolerant like 99% of the time— but i strongly headcanon that sometimes, out of nowhere he says the funniest shit without even trying (aka telling his dad if he came back to obx it would be like a ‘god damn elvis sighting’) like if you’re being your usual goofy self following him around tannyhill trying to annoy him saying stuff like “oooooh you’re giving country club!” and would quickly reply with “i’m giving up with this conversation.” or something — and it’s funnier bc he doesn’t even laugh but he knows it’s funny djfjcjxsjsjs
a beloved headcanon / thing about jj is that he really notices tiny little drops in your mood. i think people would think he doesn’t, because he’s so chaotic and always rambling about something that he might not be observant of his surroundings but he’s always the first one to know when someone’s upset. if someone in the group / someone the group was talking to made an offhand comment that might upset you his eyes would slide over to you so fast, watching your reaction before sticking up for you. afterwards he’d corner you all “hey, you alright?” being quiet and mindful and unlike himself just to make sure you were good <3333 no one ever gives him the same grace n that annoys me
john b:
his voice. honestly just his voice is my fav thing about him. that and the fact i know for a fact he runs incredibly warm so cuddling him is soooo comfy and cozy and it’s like having a portable heater wherever you go :( also my headcanon that his dick is obscenely massive length wise and thickness wise like wtf
the attention to detail and his ability to observe and understand you. i just know he would make his partner feel so loved because you’d feel seen. he’s the type to make notes on his notes app about all the things you like, the things you don’t like, foods that upset you, nicknames you like being called — i’ve said it a million times but he practically studies you like you’re a project he’s working on, never getting bored with learning about you bc he’s so infatuated:( idk i just think he’s such a good bf
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l3viat8an · 9 months
Ro!!! Ro!!!!! Mammon yeah? Still with me??? With a hand kink- he knows how much you love his hands and he knows how to use them😍😍😍
Oooooh yes nonnie I’m with you !!! 🤭
Mammon knows he’s skilled with his hands.
He has to be when cheating playing cards~
But even better then that he loves watching you come undone on his fingers.
Having you sit in his lap, your back against his chest, his fingers playing with your clit and sliding, teasing your wet folds.
The veins on his hands ‘n arms a little more prominent too, after all he’s so focused on fucking his long, pretty fingers into your messy cunt.
Pushing you over the edge again ‘n again, until tears are running down your cheeks and you’re begging him between broken sobs and half moans to stop or at least slow down-
Only hearing him chuckle right against your ear, his voice practically a purr as he tells you, ‘But you’re doing so good for me, c’mon I know ya can give me another one.…lemme spoil my pretty baby~.’ now how can you say no to him?-
Mammon letting out a low moan when he feels you clinch around his fingers at the praise, watching your face change. the way your cheeks heat up and you bite your lip as he moves his hand, fingers hitting a new spot inside of you that has you cumming again~ Eyes rolling back as you moan his name, the demon behind you smirking as he presses a few kisses to your neck and waits for you to ride out your orgasm….
“How about one more?” fuck he really is greedy-
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wolfjackle-creates · 4 months
Oooooh, I love the wip ask game!! You know I'm a fiend for your Answer My Call fic, but... Danny is Vlark's Nephew is calling to me, that sounds like so much fun!
Look out tomorrow night (after 9 pm EST) for Answer My Call! Can you tell how much fun I'm having since this chapter takes place in Boston?
As for Danny is Clark's Nephew. I actually kinda forgot all about this one until I was looking through my "Prompt fills" document. And I followed the link I saved and what I wrote doesn't match it at all? So idk if I saved the wrong link or if I just took the barest bones and went in a totally new direction.
Here's the first 350ish words.
Danny was practically vibrating as he followed Constantine through a random junk yard in Chicago and into a shed. He was going to meet the Justice League! And possibly join them! Totally worth the months he’d spent gathering every piece of John Constantine’s soul.
“All right, your highness. This is the Zeta Tube. They’re expectin’ us. After I make this introduction, we’re even, right? You’re not gonna demand anything else from me?”
“Nope! Your soul back for the chance to meet the Justice League with the potential of joining them. You’ve given them the files I sent you, right?”
“Course. Wouldn’t dream of reneging on a deal with the Ghost Prince.”
Danny laughed. “Sure you would.” Before Constantine could protest, Danny continued, “Now, how does this thing work?”
“You just stand right there. I’ll take care of it.”
Unfortunately, Constantine stood in a way that prevented him from seeing what he did. But then it didn’t matter because the room was filled with a strange energy that bombarded him. It tickled. Danny laughed even as the world spun away from him and reality shifted.
When everything came into focus around him again, he was facing a group of people. But his eyes focused on just one. Someone was talking, but Danny could only stare into equally shocked blue eyes.
“—om. Prince Phantom!” Constantine’s hiss finally got through the ringing in his ears.
Danny looked over at the wizard, but then he heard that clearing of the throat. He looked back at the group that had come to greet him. And there was Uncle Clark, dressed as Superman, standing with his arms crossed, foot tapping, and one eyebrow raised.
“I’m waiting for an explanation,” he said as soon as Danny met his eyes.
Danny opened his mouth. Closed it again. Swallowed. “Um…”
And then Constantine was talking again, thank the Ancients. “Superman, this is Prince Phantom, Crown Prince of the Infinite Realms, defeater of Pariah Dark, defender of—”
“Not you, Constantine.” Uncle Clark continued to stare straight at Danny. “I got a Christmas card from your parents just three months ago. I spoke to you on the phone last month on your sister’s birthday. You were alive then. Why do you suddenly not have a heartbeat.”
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shxtodxroki · 1 year
𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜: 𝙺𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚜𝚞𝚗𝚘 𝙱𝚘𝚢𝚜 𝚆𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙿𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚖 𝙱𝚢 𝙳𝚘𝚍𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚛 𝙺𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚜
Summary: How do the Karasuno boys react when their s/o decides to prank them by purposefully dodging their kisses?
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of food
Characters: Shoyo Hinata, Tobio Kageyama, Yu Nishinoya, Asahi Azumane, Koshi Sugawara, Daichi Sawamura
Word Count: 3.1k
You can find a My Hero Academia version of these headcanons here if you're interested! Also, this is my first Haikyuu post and I only have 1 other Haikyuu request sitting in my inbox, so feel free to send in Haikyuu requests if you have any! :)
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♡ Shoyo Hinata ♡
- Shoyo’s very relaxed whenever you’re around, he’s just so content and happy whenever it comes to you that the thought of you pulling something like this would never even cross his mind, so it’s really easy to prank him and get a funny reaction from your adorably hyper boyfriend
- Oooooh Shoyo is not happy when you pull a prank like this, he loves his kisses, especially after a long day and he won’t appreciate you hiding away from them >:(
- It’s a habit in your relationship for you and Shoyo to meet up after your last class of the day, allowing you to walk him to practice after school and sometimes even stay to watch if you have nothing else going on that day, so you knew this would be the best time for you to try out this little prank >:)
- Of course you greet your boyfriend just like you typically would, wrapping him up in a warm hug before interlacing your fingers with his as he starts chatting with you about his day and the two of you make your way to the practice area so as not to arise any suspicion from him
- And of course Shoyo in none the wiser, excitedly swinging your connected hands back and forth between the two of you as he tells you about the awesome grade he got on his biology test and looks at you expectantly for your response
- “That’s great, Shoyo! I’m so proud of you, I told you that all the studying you did would pay off. I know it was exhausting trying to balance studying and practice, but I knew you could do it.” You smile as you praise your boyfriend, heart melting at the way he beams in response to your words
- But when he leans in for a kiss to celebrate his good grade, you know it’s time to put the prank into action, so you step to the side and watch in horror as your boyfriend faceplants directly onto the sidewalk in front of you, kissing the pavement as he scrambles to pull himself up
- “...What was that for?” Shoyo exclaims after a minute, frowning at you and pointing to where he had just fallen face-first for emphasis. His grumpy, pouty face was positively adorable, and it caused you to immediately lose your resolve as you started laughing and moved to hug your boyfriend in apology
- “I’m so sorry babe, I was just messing with you. Come here, let me make it up to you.” You laugh as you apologize to him, leaning in to kiss the pout off of his face as Shoyo wraps his arms around you tightly
- “I expect at least 10 more kisses from you as an apology for making me fall on my face and embarrass myself, you know.” He responds, and the wide grin on his face when you award him his promised kisses and then some causes your heart to bubble in admiration for the boy, smiling at him and promising to never pull a prank like this again as you finally resume walking him to practice
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♡ Tobio Kageyama ♡
- This kind of prank honestly just confuses poor Tobio, he doesn’t really get that it’s a prank at it just leaves him confused, grumpy and needy for your affection :/
- He’s very easy to prank, but also so oblivious that you’d literally have to spell out that it was a prank in order for him to understand. So you know that you’re probably going to regret doing this to him, but you just have to satisfy your curiosity and see for certain how he’ll react
- So you decide to put your plan into action one day after practice, giggling in anticipation as your boyfriend swiftly makes his way from the court over to your side as he reaches out to grab his water bottle from your hand
- “Thank you, Y/n.” he says, gulping down the water before handing the bottle back to you, moving to grab your hand and squeeze it as his silent show of appreciation and affection for you
- “Of course, babe. You’re doing amazing today, always make me so proud.” You praise your boyfriend, watching his cheeks get dusted with a light pink hue as he smiles shyly at you. Usually Tobio wasn’t very big on PDA, but complimenting him after a game or practice was always the best way to get a kiss out of him, and you took advantage of that knowledge in order to put your prank into place
- “Why did you do that?” He asks simply, putting his hand up to smell his breath as he asks. “I think my breath smells fine… is it because I’m too sweaty? That’s never seemed to bother you before though…” Tobio searches for a reason to your sudden odd behavior, pouting as he waits for you to answer him
- And your adorable boyfriend fell right into your trap, leaning in and closing his eyes in hopes of pressing a quick peck to your cheek, only for his lips to meet nothing but air
- Confused, Tobio quickly pulled back to look at you questioningly, debating why you had avoided his kiss in his mind as he gazed intently at you
- “What do you mean, babe? I didn’t do anything!” You respond just to mess with him, biting back a smirk as his pout turns into a small scowl and he grows even more confused and frustrated
- As he continues to ask you why you’re doing this to him you decide to finally give in, giggling and leaning in to give your boyfriend his long-awaited peck as you fluster him with the sudden contact and leave him more confused than ever at your sudden switch-up
- “Yes you did, I tried to kiss you and you moved away!” He responds, wrapping his arms around you as he stares into your eyes, searching for an explanation. “...Did I make you mad or something? I don’t think I did anything to upset you, but if I did, I’m sorry and I didn’t mean it.”
- “I was just messing with you, Tobio. You looked so cute, all confused and pouty.” You respond as you press another kiss to your boyfriend’s nose, giggling again as he grumbles about how he’s not “cute” but still allows you to fawn over him because secretly, he really likes it <3
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♡ Yu Nishinoya ♡
- Oh I just know that he would hate this prank the most out of all the boys, Noya thrives off of your kisses and it is downright cruel in his eyes to deprive him of them :’(
- His feelings are hurt, his day is ruined, it's the whole 9 yards of dramatics with this man when you pull a prank like this on him lol so make sure you know what you’re getting into when you decide to do this
- You decide to pull this prank in the privacy of your own home after school while helping Noya study, since you know that if you did this in front of anyone else, he’d only get more upset. At least when it’s just the two of you, you’re the only one who will have to witness his whining, so you opt for privacy when pulling this prank on your incredibly needy boyfriend
- It works and it gets your boyfriend motivated enough to actually try when studying, though, so you’ll take it!
- You see, the two of you have developed a system when it comes to studying, because it can be… difficult to get Noya motivated to actually sit down and study
- So when you both have time, you review questions with him, and reward each correct answer with a kiss like the cheesy couple you are
- Unfortunately, though, you have to momentarily throw a wrench into this system in order to follow through with this prank
- So when you nod approvingly at your boyfriend’s correct answer to the last question you asked him and you see the bright grin spread across his face as his arms immediately reach out for you, you steel yourself and force your head to turn away from his eager kiss
- And of course, Noya immediately freezes when his lips meet your cheek rather than your lips like he was expecting, taking a moment to process before pulling back, frowning and giving you the most wounded look you’ve ever seen from your typically bright, energetic boyfriend
- “Baaaabe, why would you do that to me?!” He immediately starts whining, arms wrapping around you as he buries his face in your chest with his lips still stuck in a pout
- “Oh my god you big baby, you’re so dramatic.” You tease him for just a moment longer before you’re willing to give in, a mischievous smirk across your face as you playfully try to push him away, only for his grip to tighten and cause giggles to erupt out of your throat
- “Why don’t you love me anymore? Why are you ignoring my affection when I studied so hard for you? I earned that kiss, baby!” He whines even louder now, arms digging into your sides to tickle you and forcing allowing you to finally cave
- “Noya, stop! Fine, I’ll give you what you want so badly.” You manage to break free of his tickles long enough to press a chaste kiss to your boyfriend’s lips, smile growing wider when he leans in once more to reclaim your lips with his own as his way of making up for your earlier lack of kisses >:)
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♡ Asahi Azumane ♡
- Genuinely why would you ever do this to him :( Asahi’s such a sweet boy and he loves your kisses so much, this is so cruel!
- Okay in all honesty, it would probably be incredibly easy to do a prank like this on Asahi, he’s very unguarded when it comes to you, so he’ll never see it coming and his constant kisses leave you with a plethora of opportunities to pull a prank like this
- And because he’s so sweet and sensitive and would never suspect this from you, you know his reaction will be golden, and it’s an innocent enough prank that you’re willing to go through with it just to see his reaction
- You decided to pull this on him right after a long day of practice, since you know that’s the time where he’s the most needy for your kisses, praise and affection
- You, being the wonderful s/o that you are, meet your boyfriend for the last 30 minutes or so of his practice, proudly cheering him on from the sidelines and bragging to the few people not playing at the moment about how proud you are of your amazing boyfriend
- And once practice ends, you can see a red tint on his face as he smiles gratefully at you, hastily making his way to you with his arms wide open in a hug that you know will be accompanied by a chaste peck, just a small kiss so that he wouldn’t get teased too badly over showing PDA in front of his team mates
- But poor, poor Asahi was left incredibly confused when you turned your face away from his kiss, instead opting to turn so his lips landed right on the side of your head
- You hear Suga and Daichi immediately burst into laughter upon seeing your denial of your boyfriend’s affections, already feeling guilty over the teasing he would inevitably endure over this but forcing yourself to follow through with the prank for a little longer despite the pouty look worn across your adorable boyfriend’s face
- “...You’re kinda sweaty babe, sorry.” You tried to force a grimace to add to the prank, but the way Daichi and Suga absolutely fell apart at your comment convinced you that it was already time to give this up and put your poor boyfriend’s mind at ease as he looked down in shame at your words
- Poor Asahi's face was absolutely flushed with red upon hearing what you had said and the laughs of his team mates, though, mouth falling open as he floundered to find any words to apologize in that moment
- Before he could let out the embarrassed apology that was on the tip of his lips/ hiwever/ you reached out to cradle his large frame in your arms, reassuring him that you were just pranking him loud enough that his teammates would hear as you pressed kisses across his face to apologize for your actions
- Your PDA only made him blush more, and his teammates would never let him forget this moment, but his pout immediately disappeared and was replaced with a shy smile as he muttered an “It’s okay, angel” and hugged you back tightly, just happy to be able to kiss you again <3
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♡ Koshi Sugawara ♡
- I can definitely see Suga being just a bit of a little shit to you when you pull stuff like this, in all honesty
- 99% of the time, Koshi's your adorable, incredibly sweet and loving boyfriend who would never dream of messing with you or being upset with you
- But that 1% of the time, when he’s in a particular mood and you try to pull a prank like this on him?
- Oh, he’d definitely mess with you just a bit in return to get you back >:)
- You and Koshi decided to have a cute little date night at his house, as you both have the weekend to relax and spend time together :)
- And whenever you two have date nights, one of your favorite activities to do together is cooking dinner with each other, taste testing each part of your chosen dish and working together to create a meal you’ll both enjoy
- Tonight the two of you are cooking your favorite meal, as Suga wanted to celebrate the high score you got on your recent math test and reward you for all your hard work like the wonderful, caring boyfriend he is :>
- And of course you, the sneaky little menace you are, have to repay your boyfriend’s kindness with a prank, just to mess with him a little
- So when Suga gently prods at your lips with a spoon, silently asking you to taste test a part of the dish, you immediately know what he’s up to, putting the spoon in your mouth and nodding encouragingly at him to show him that it tasted good as you wait for him to follow his predictable pattern he always fell into in moments like these
- And he does, smiling back at you before immediately leaning in to replace the spoon with his lips and capture your mouth in a sweet kiss
- Except this time you lean away from his kiss, giggling as his kiss lands on your chin and he pulls back, frowning at you
- And, while Suga immediately knew this was a prank, he was also quite the actor when he wanted to be, so he decided to get you back a little bit after he kindly made your favorite meal with you and you chose to rekay him with a prank and withholding your affections
- “Sweetie, it was just a prank, I’m so sorry.” You apologize immediately, holding your boyfriend tighter out of guilt. “Of course I still love you, I didn’t mean it. It was just a dumb prank.” You promise, only to be caught off guard when you suddenly hear your boyfriend giggling with his head tucked into your chest, giving you a shit-eating grin and making it clear that he had actually gotten you
- Suga gave you the most genuine pout you had ever seen, eyes welling up with crocodile tears and causing the smile to immediately fall off of your face as he backed away from you, feigning hurt and heartbreak
' “Babe… do you… do you not love me any more? Why would you… why would you avoid my kiss?” He asks, so quietly that it seems like his heart is breaking and you immediately scoop your boyfriend up in your arms to reassure him with a gentle hug and kisses pressed all over his face
- So yeah, it’s probably best not to mess with your endearing, doting boyfriend, because he can and will switch up entirely and find a way to get you back for trying to mess with him like this >:)
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♡ Daichi Sawamura ♡
- Honestly, I feel like Daichi will be able to tell that you’re up to something before you even pull this prank, and while he’s not gonna be as dramatic about it as some of the others, he’s still not gonna be happy about it and he’s gonna make sure you know that lol
- I can see him approaching this kinda similarly to Suga, but he wants to give you a taste of your own medicine so he’ll be a bit more direct with his actions
- Daichi was always kind enough to walk you home whenever you stayed after school to watch him practice and support him, he insisted that he had to make sure his wonderful partner always made it home safe and he always kept your hand tightly clasped in his as you walked home together and chatted about whatever came to mind
- Today, though, your typically peaceful, relaxing walk with your boyfriend was going to take a mischievous turn, a sneaky grin plastered across your face as you began your prank
- Daichi, ever the observant and attentive boyfriend, had unfortunately already noticed something was up with you, though. He saw the way you were nervously fidgeting with your hands as you walked, and the way you sported the grin he only ever saw when you were up to something, but he decided to feign ignorance for now just to see what you would do
- “Honestly, I’m feeling really good about tomorrow’s game. We’ve been working really hard recently, and I think we have it in the bag.” Daichi wrapped up what he had been saying, looking over and smiling at you as he wrapped an arm swiftly around your shoulders and waited to hear your thoughts on their chances in tomorrow’s game
- “Of course you guys do, babe. I can’t wait to watch you absolutely crush them tomorrow, I don’t doubt you guys at all.” You reassured him, squeezing your boyfriend’s hand and giggling as he leaned in to kiss you in response to your encouragement, immediately moving your head so his lips met nothing but air
- When Daichi realized what you had done, he paused for a moment, eyes opening slowly and glancing at you before giving you a sneaky smirk of his own and turning to walk away from you “Fine, be like that. I see my own girlfriend doesn’t love me anymore.”
- Your jaw immediately fell open at his words, frowning at how quickly he had turned your own prank back around on you and chasing after your boyfriend, attempting to press an apology kiss to his cheek and pouting when he moved his head away
- “Babe, don’t be like that!” You whined, wrapping your arms around him and forcing him to stop walking as you held his face in your hands. “It was a dumb prank, I’m sorry, now please let me kiss you to make up for it.”
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- Daichi contemplated making you squirm for a bit longer, but eventually decided to give in this time, leaning in and letting you press a sweet kiss to his lips as he smiled contently
- His arms wrapped around your waist to kiss you back, smirking at how he always won in moment like these even when you tried to mess with him
A/N: Hi everyone, I’m super excited to make my first post for Haikyuu! I’ll admit that I’m not super far into the show yet, I’ve only just made it through season 1 so I apologize if the characters don’t feel as accurately represented, but I tried my hardest to make their depictions as accurate as possible! :) I chose the team members who I’m personally more drawn to to start off with, but as of now, you’re free to request for any characters in the anime, so feel free to send in a request if you have one and it’ll be added to my Haikyuu request list asap! :D
If you’d like to be added to any of my taglists, you can fill out this form here! Thank you for your support <3
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fluff-a-nutter · 7 months
Tickletober prompts: Chase + Caught
((Fandom: The Amazing Digital Circus. Ler!Jax & Lee!gn reader. SFW Only!))
“Y/N I’m gonna getcha, getcha, getcha!” You sprinted through the Digital Circus world as the sounds of Jax teasing you followed your every move. You couldn’t see where the rabbit had gone, but his voice rang out as clearly as if he were right behind you.
It had all started when you had been practicing your acrobatics and Jax had been bored and come to bother you. He was commenting on how your outfit had a panel cut out to expose your tummy. You had told him that you hadn’t had any control and that it actually helped with movement. Since Jax had no grasp on the concept of “personal space” he had come right up to you and poked your stomach. And you had squeaked. Jax had looked at you and slowly the realization dawned on you both.
“You ticklish Y/N?”
Instead of answering you had bolted and naturally, Jax had given chase.
Which was why now you were running in search of a hiding place. Luckily you found a large bush with colorful flowers. That would be perfect. You dove behind the plant and caught your breath, not making a sound. You could hear Jax getting closer, but if you were silent, he’d pass right by. But apparently luck was not on your side because just as you had relaxed Caine appeared out of the blue.
“WELL HELLO THERE MY NEW FRIEND! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” You yelped when the toothy ringmaster shouted and shushed him frantically
“Caine, shhhhhh! I’m hiding!” You hissed in a low whisper.
“HIDING?! WHATEVER FOR, MY FRIEND??” Clearly, Caine had no inside voice.
“Jax is chasing me!” You hissed again, shoving your hand over his teeth. He shoved it off.
“Caine, it’s fine. He’s just trying to tickle me.” You said, glancing nervously around.
You made panicked gestures to the ringmaster, but he either didn’t see or didn’t care. Before you could tell him to be quiet he disappeared in a puff of confetti.
Glancing around, you slowly crept out of your hiding spot. No sign of the rabbit anywhere. Maybe he’d decided to pick on someone else instead. Just as you thought that, a pair of long, skinny arms grabbed you.
“Gotcha, (y/n). Thanks to Caine.” You squealed and tried to make a break for it, but Jax held onto you.
“Ah, Ah, Ah. You aren’t gettin’ away this time, (n/n).”
“Jahax, please! I’m really ticklish!” You whined, pouting at your captor. The bunny just grinned cheekily at you.
“Good. Then I’m gonna have a lot of fun with this.” Without any further warning, Jax dug his fingers into your sides and you squealed, biting into your lip trying to not laugh.
“Awwww, c’mon sweetheart. Lemme hear those giggles.” Jax teased, spidering his way to your tummy.
“EEK- Nohohoho! Not there, please!” You begged, squirming frantically in the rabbit’s arms.
“Shoulda thought of that before exposing your tummy to the world, then (y/n). ‘Cause now I have to tickle it.” He said as he started mercilessly scribbling your belly.
“NOHOHOHO!! PL-PLEHEHEHEHEASE! IT TIHIHIHICKLES!” You laughed, wriggling madly in his arms. Jax snickered.
“Yes, that is the point. Hmmm, wonder what this button does?” You shrieked when Jax poked your navel.
“Oho, looks like I found someone’s giggle button!” He teased, poking mercilessly at your navel while his other hand snuck up into your armpit.
You howled and thumped your feet on the ground as Jax reduced you to a shrieking, laughing puddle.
”J-JAHAHAHAHAX PLEHEHEHASE! I-I’LL DHOHOHO ANYTHING, JUST STOOOOAHAHAHAP!” You pleaded as the rabbit tickled every inch of your torso.
“Hmmmm, anything you say?”
“Y-yehehes! Anything!” Jax grinned.
“You help me with Gloink duty for the next 2- no 3 weeks.”
“AHAHAHAHAHA OKAHAHAHAY FIHIHINE! JUST STOHOHOP TICKLING MEHEHEHEHEEEEE!” You squealed, before going limp in Jax’s arms and laughing your heart out until he ceased.
“Alrighty, deals a deal, (y/n).” He said like he hadn’t absolutely just wrecked your [HONK].
“Y-yohohou are the worst!” You said, pouting at Jax, letting out a squeal when he poked at your tummy.
“Sorry, what was that?”
“Nohohothing!” You quickly scrambled away, clutching your middle. Jax smirked at you.
“That’s what I thought, (y/n).”
Groaning, you flopped onto the ground. But you supposed there were worse things than helping Jax with Gloink duty. And now you could plan some revenge.
A/N: Hey all! Last Tickltober and it’s not Varigo! I fell in love with TADC and Jax would make an evil ler, so naturally I had to write him as such! Also, below is what I pictured (y/n’s) outfit to look like, but if you had something else in mind, that’s fine!
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On thin ice (Hockey player! Miguel O’Hara x Figure skater! Fem! Reader)
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A/N: Not me already have written this part the day after I posted the first one 🤭. I wanna add titles to the chapters but idk what I’d have them be, probably lyrics from songs I like lol. Once again, apologies now for If Miguel is ooc and if the terminology and sports talk is wrong. If you’re experienced in either sport and wanted to lmk if I got something wrong. If you want to be added to the taglist lmk too.
(Y/N)- Your name, (L/N)- Last name.
No warnings, Just Miguel and you interacting lol. Idk if this is consider filler but it’s meant to get the ball rolling lol.
Word count: 1.3k
Series Masterlist
Chapter 2: Do you ever get that fear that you can’t shift the tide,
It’s been about a week since you’ve last ran into Miguel at the arena, surprisingly the figure skating team don’t run into the hockey team as much as you would think despite having to share a communal space on campus. Unfortunately, today was one of those days were you did run into them. You’ve arrived about 45 minutes early to practice, Logan nor coach Kavinsky were here yet. You were hoping to get some alone time on the ice before practice, but it had slipped your mind that today was Thursday, and on Thursdays the hockey team practiced before you rather then after like the rest of the week. As you dropped your gym back on the bench in the girl’s locker room, you were debating to whether you wanted to just wait at the arena till they were done, or walk back to your dorm. The only problem with the latter option is that the dorm buildings were all the way across campus, and by the time you finished the walk you’d have to turn around to walk back anyways.
So you stuck it up, and changed into your practice outfit, your skates in hand as you leave the locker room, deciding to keep your regular shoes on so you could at least get your stretching out of the way before your coach and partner came. You quickly went into one of the empty dance rooms that the arena had to do warm up stretches in, popping in your headphones to listen to your favorite song. After about 15 minutes you still had plenty of time before The Spiders got off the ice, you decided to just walk around the stadium. No destination in mind, just where ever your feet decided to carry you as your music continue to play in your ears. You can’t really say you were surprised to find yourself ending up in the main area with the ice rink, plopping yourself down in one of the front row seats as you let your brain go on autopilot.
You were too busy being lost in the music, you didn’t realize you were staring into space until you say a large tan hand appear in front of your face and began to snap its fingers, pulling you back into the moment.
“hellooo? Earth to ice princess.”
“Huh?” You shot up to sit straighter, blinking a bit as you take out your headphones, turning your head to look at the person who had just snapped you back into reality. “Look I know I’m attractive and all, but you don’t have to stare-“ Miguel begins, a cocky smirk on his face that you just wanted to smack off. One of his large hands going up to take off this helmet, his dark brown hair that was usually slicked back was now messy from the helmet, a thin coat of sweat covering his forehead. You cut him off, “ew, why would I be staring at you?” You question, your face slightly scrunched in distaste at the thought.
“You’ve been looking in my direction at the past 20 minutes.” He smirks as his teammates start to put away all their hockey equipment behind him, not paying attention to you both talk. You gave him a confused look before you realize why he might have been thinking that, “Oooooh-no-no I was just zoning out, I wasn’t staring at you on purpose.” You quickly explain, awkwardly scratching the back of your neck with your gloved hand, attempting to keep eye contact with the hockey player.
For a second, it looked like Miguel’s cocky exterior faltered, before coming back up. “Uh huh…sure.” He tone dripping with sarcasm as he drops his helmet onto a seat, then taking a seat next to you. His action caught you by surprise but you didn’t let it show, you also didn’t want to show the annoyance that filled your body from the taunting comment. “Why are you even here this early? Where is your little boyfriend?” He asked as turns his body towards you, resting the hand closest to you on his knee, his forearm that was further from you going to rest on his other knee. He was manspreading a bit, his eyes raking over your form slowly.
“Jesus why is it so warm in here all of a sudden? Usually I’m freezing my nonexistent balls off…” You thought as you shifted in your seat a bit, feeling the need to distract yourself, you start to change into your skates. “I wanted to get some time on the ice alone before practice but I forgot it was Thursday and- wait. Boyfriend?”
Miguel chuckled at your surprised reaction, turning his head away slightly, the hand that was resting on his knee came up to cover the smile that was creeping up on his face from your reaction. After a second or two he cleared his throat, his hand dropping back down to his knee as he turns to face you again with a neutral expression. “Yeah, your boyfriend, the one you skate with. What’s his name again? Lincoln? Liam?” Miguel knew his name, he just wanted to see if you’d correct him.
Miguel tried his best not to scowl.
“Yeah, Logan-whatever-where’s he at?” He asked, he’s words come out annoyed and a bit rushed. “Well for one, he’s not my boyfriend, just my figure skating partner.” You start as you tilted your head to the side as you look at him, saying it like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Now Miguel is trying his hardest not to let a huge shit eating grin spread across his lips. “And second, he’s probably on his way, he had a class today before practice-some science thing- I don’t know.” You shrugged your shoulders as you finish speaking.
Speaking of the devil, Logan and Coach Kavinsky appear through the front double door. “Ah! (Y/N), already here. Perfect! Let’s get straight into it.” She said with a smile as she seemingly ignore Miguel’s presence next to you, Logan stops next to you as you both took the guards off your skates, him shooting you a knowing look, his lips twitching up into small smirk as his eyes drift between you and Miguel. “I swear to God…if he brings this up later…” You start to think but a voice cut you off.
“Hey Cap!” One of the hockey players called out for Miguel’s attention, “We just finished packing up, you coming?” He asked as he skate to the edge of the rink, before getting out, a few of the other lingering players that were making sure all the equipment was all packed up doing the same. As soon as the other player was done speak to Miguel, he took off his helmet revealing (messy from the helmet and some sweat) light brown hair and brown eyes, his lower half of his face covered with a 5 o’ clock shadow and you noticed his nose was slightly croaked, probably him having broken it from a past game.
Miguel let out a heavy sigh, before turning towards the other player. “Yeah Parker, I’m going.” He grumbled as he brought his hand up to rub his face before giving you one more quick glance and getting up, leaving with the rest of who was left from his team, without another word. For some reason, that bothered you, causing your brows furrowed as your lips fall into a small frown.
“Rude…” you mumbled as you got up from your seat, Logan heard this and let out a small snort as he steps on to the ice. “Don’t overthink it (L/N), that’s just how he is.” Your partner tried to reassure you, you send him a small smile back and a quick nod of your head.
“Yeah, you’re right. I shouldn’t overthink it.” You repeat his words, as you went to enter the rink as well, but it was a bit too late for that, because you already were overthink it.
Taglist: @tayleighuh
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annymation · 5 months
The voices in my Wish Rewrite
I haven’t talked much about it, but in my Wish rewrite some characters would be recasted. I wanted to make this post just to show which actors I’d replace… And it’s pretty much everyone except Magnifico, cause ya know, Chris Pine is Magnifico, and Magnifico is Chris Pine, it’s just how it is.
So let’s get this started!
Asha- Denée Benton
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Im absolutely OBSESSED with this woman’s voice, she sounds like an angel and carries so much personality in her performance, she sounds pure, youthful, hopeful but also strong, everything I imagine Asha as. THIS is what I imagine the 100th anniversary Disney princess sounding like. Not that I didn’t like Ariana DeBose’s singing tho, but I just love Denee Benton more, and hey, it’s my rewrite, so I get to imagine Asha’s voice how I please. Also I can totally see Asha and Aster singing this song.
Aster- Jordan Fisher
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Oooooh this man, I love him so much. His voice has the perfect energy for Aster, sounding youthful and melodic like a prince, it had to be a literally other worldly voice, and I think Jordan’s voice is PRETTY DANG other worldly, like, this example I found on Spotify doesn’t even do him justice, go listen to his other singing chops on YouTube.
If you look up Jordan Fisher you’ll see the guy is DEEPLY connected with Disney in his career, from singing the song “Happily Ever After” 6 years ago, which is the theme song for the Magic Kingdom, to now being the main singer of 4-town in the movie Turning Red. And of course this one time he made a cover of “You’re Welcome”, the guy just lives and breaths Disney so WHY NOT have him as a wishing star? It just makes sense. But besides working with Disney he also has experience in a musicals such as Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen, Sweeney Todd and more recently he became the new Orpheus in Hadestown… And by god I need a good quality audio of him singing “Wait For Me” more than I need air because that song fits Aster’s character SO WELL.
Magnifico- Chris Pine
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Yeah no surprises here, you can’t have Magnifico without Chris Pine… But HIS SINGING VOICE IN THIS SONG THOUGH??? ITS SO GOOD!!! I listened to “Any Moment” ONCE and now I constantly go back to listen to it over and over and imagine young Magnus and Amaya meeting in the woods. I still haven’t posted about Amaya’s backstory BECAUSE IM TOO LAZY TO FINISH THE DRAFT I HAVE EXPLAINING IT- But let me just say her hesitating to start a relationship with him is VERY accurate to her character. And Magnus being like “May I kiss you” out of nowhere because he: 1- Sees himself as irresistible so he thinks she’d fall for him with just that and 2- he had 0 social skills before he met Amaya.
And then there’s the line “Life is often so unpleasant, you must know that as a peasant” ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! This is LITERALLY something my Magnifico would say, I’m so freakin lucky!
My point is, my rewrite’s Magnifico sounds like THIS when he sings, with a deep, smooth and honeyed voice that makes you want to trust him… Take that high pitched voice Chris Pine did in “This Is The Thanks I Get” and throw it out the window. Disney wasted the man’s talent. I’m so mad.
Amaya- Emily Blunt
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Do you guys see my vision? Do I even have to say anything? Like really, go watch a scene of the Mary Poppins remake, any scene with her at all, that woman has a voice that DEMANDS respect, while also being motherly, it’s practically perfect in every way. I’m using “Open Up Your Eyes” here as an example though because… Well, it fits her backstory… Ya know, the backstory I’m stalling to talk about 👉👈… But it also just simply fits her personality in general!
And no disrespect for her voice in the movie, Angelique Cabral… BUT ITS EMILY BLUNT AS AN EVIL QUEEN!!! Come ooooon! It’s just meant to be!!!
Also side note, since we’re talking about Queen Amable, THIS design that came from an deleted scene is how I’ve imagined her the whole time:
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Like, I could not STAND her hairstyle in the movie, it simply didn’t fit my vision for her character, see, Amaya is sophisticated but she’s also… Practical and likes to feel comfortable, hence why in my rewrite her dress has no sleeves, she values her own comfort more than conforming to the social norms… AND THAT HAIR LOOKING LIKE HEADPHONES WITH THAT CROWN THAT MADE HER FOREHEAD LOOK LIKE A SQUARE DROVE ME NUTS!
So yeah, this is our Queen Amable, voiced by Emily Blunt, with a British accent, in all her glory, we’re moving on.
Valentino- Gregory Mann
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This is just a bonus mention, since Valentino doesn’t even sing in my rewrite, he just speaks in like 3 scenes… And you guys have only seen one of them so far. But either way, let it be known he sounds like Gregory Mann, because Gregory Mann sounds adorable. That is all.
Thank You For Reading!
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sixpennydame · 11 months
Make. Believe. ❖ Drabbles
The WIRED Interview
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A/N: I wanted to explore some of the interviews and other promotions that Actor!Levi does for the final part of Attack on Titan, but that don't quite fit into the Make. Believe. storyline.
Big shoutout to @fictional-d-supremacy who gave me the idea for the WIRED interview. This is just pure fun between Levi and Zeke. Enjoy!
Make.Believe. Series
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“Hi, I’m Zeke Yeager.”
“And I’m Levi Ackerman, and this is the WIRED autocomplete interview.”
WIRED has searched for the internet’s most burning questions about Zeke and Levi, to which they’ll take turns answering. Zeke loves these kinds of things. Levi…
…not so much. But he tolerates it, and always has a good time with Zeke, who seems to be his constant interview companion.
Levi picks up the board with the pre-chosen questions and peels off the first one. “Is Zeke Yeager like his character in Aot?” Levi looks at Zeke. “I mean, I have opinions on this.”
“And your opinions are that of course I am nothing like my character in Attack on Titan.  I do not want to commit mass eugenics, for one thing.” 
“True..” Levi pauses, “but you are a bit of an asshole.”
“What?!” Zeke shockingly yells out. “I’m the nicest!”
“Yes, you are.” Levi looks at the camera and mouths silently, “he’s not,” then smirks.
Levi pulls off the next question. “Does Zeke Yeager play baseball? He does..”
“Yeah, I do, actually. I played baseball in high school and went to university on a baseball scholarship. But then the acting bug bit and I put my lucrative baseball career behind. Who knew it’d become such a big part of my life again.”
“Ok, next one..” Levi reads, “What is Zeke Yeager’s haircut called?”
“Oh this is the 90’s boy band special haircut right here.” Both men laugh. “It’s all about that middle part, baby.”
“That beard isn’t 90’s boy band though,” Levi teases.
“Well, we can’t all have beautiful baby faces like yours, Levi.” Zeke reaches over and strokes Levi’s cheek. “As smooth as a baby’s butt.”
Levi shoos him away. “Alright, alright, not in front of the cameras.”
“Oh right…that’s for later..” Zeke winks. 
Levi rolls his eyes. “This is the last one. Is Zeke Yeager monkey?”
They both look at each other, confused. “Is Zeke Yeager…monkey…” Zeke says slowly. “Is that a complete sentence?”
“Who writes these?” Levi laughs.
“The internet is a strange, strange place.” Zeke straightens up in his seat and looks straight into the camera. “No, dear internets, I am not ‘monkey’. I am just a man - a simple, good-looking, talented man,” he says with conviction. 
Zeke lifts up the board beside him and pulls off the tape on the first question. “Your turn, buddy: Is Levi Ackerman short?”
“Define ‘short’.” Levi laughs. “I mean, yes, by most standards, I suppose I am. It used to bother me when I was younger but now…well, it doesn’t matter to me.”
“But don’t tease him about his height,” Zeke cuts in, “because he will punch you in the arm.”
“No, I just do that to you,” Levi retorts.
“Awww, I’m special..” Zeke pulls the next tape. “Does Levi Ackerman hate Zeke Yeager?” Zeke looks at Levi with puppy eyes, but Levi stays silent. “Well?”
“Define ‘hate’.” Zeke makes a motion as if he’s stabbing his own heart. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding. No, I don’t hate Zeke. Our characters loathe each other, yes, but off-camera, we’re actually good friends.”
“Dare I say…best friends?” Zeke puts a hand on Levi’s knee.
“Good friends,” Levi says as he raises an eyebrow.
“…that are practically best friends.” Before Levi can respond, Zeke reads the next question. “Is Levi Ackerman dating Hange Zoe? Oooooh…”
“I get this one a lot. No, Hange and I aren’t dating, but we do hang out a lot together, when we have time. They were one of my first friends I made on set and will always have a special place in my heart.”
“Just like I have a special place in your heart,” Zeke smiles before tearing off the tape on the board. “Did Levi Ackerman date Erwin Smith?”
Levi smirks. “As if I would be so honored.”
A pause. “That’s all you’re gonna say about that? You’re such a tease, Levi,” Zeke replies. “Last one here..” Zeke tears off the tape slowly, “Is Levi Ackerman single? Apparently, everyone is obsessed with your love life, Levi. Actually, he-“
“I am, at the moment, yes,” Levi breaks in. Zeke stares at him, but quickly hides the surprise on his face. “Well, you heard it here first, ladies and gentlemen. The man is single.” Zeke smirks at the camera, “As am I.” He winks.
The filming ends and the bright lights dim as Levi and Zeke get up from their chairs. “Hey nice job, man. That was fun,” Zeke exclaims as he grabs his jacket from an assistant. “But that last question..”
“I don’t wanna talk about it.” Levi quickly blurts out. There’s an awkward moment of silence between the two men, then, “I mean, it wouldn’t have worked out, right? We both have so much going on right now and for all I know she’s already in Iceland and has completely forgotten about me.”
“Sounds like you haven’t forgotten about her, though. That’s your problem right there.” Zeke puts his arm around Levi’s shoulder. “I’m going out with a very lovely makeup artist tonight for some drinks and she has a very lovely friend. You should come with us.”
He should go; it would do him good to relax a bit with a friend and have a few drinks. But to meet another girl - to flirt and make small talk and feign interest..
..he’s not ready for that.
“Nah, I think I’ll pass this time. I just want to take it easy tonight.”
“Your loss. But I guess I’ll do my best to entertain two pretty ladies on my own.” 
“I’m sure you’ll manage somehow.” Levi laughs. “See you at the Vanity Fair shoot?”
“Another chance to hang out with the world’s hottest shortie? I’m counting down the days!” Levi punches him hard in the arm. “Ow!”
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marina41trench · 1 month
Inumaru Touma - Drama Collection (Spring) RabbiChat
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Touma: Izumi, good morning!
Great work on yesterday’s drama shooting!
Touma: There’s something I’m curious about so I messaged you
Did you manage to finish your math homework…? Iori: Good morning, Inumaru-san.
I managed to finish on time so I’ll submit it later today.
Touma: Oooooh!!
I’m glad!!!! ✨✨
I was curious if you’re holding up well because it was a lot and we have filming as well.
Iori: I apologize for bringing my homework to the set.
I must’ve worried you.
Touma: Don’t worry about it!
The staff were worried about you too!
Touma: Or rather, when I think about it now… Was I in your way when I kept looking because I was curious about your homework 😭?!
Iori: Not really. Rather it was a good opportunity for me to revise and review.
Iori: Thank you for the okara[1] cookie you’ve given me before we left.
Touma: I’m happy for those words 😭
You mentioned doing your homework when you get home, so I thought it’s better if I give you a snack to eat at night
Touma: When I went to the convenience store during break time, I was thinking of a food you could eat with one hand that’s like you, so I picked it! 👍
Iori: Am I like an okara?
Touma: No, sorry. I didn’t mean you’re like it, but it’s like… an okara and you are neat and clean?
Pretty? Something like that?!
Will this convey properly?!?!
Iori: I-I do not understand, but… Thank you for thinking about me.
It conveyed that you’re a very kind person as the rumor says.
Touma: Rumor?
Iori: Isumi-san compliments you and says “Touma looks after people so much it’s annoying.”
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Touma: That doesn’t sound like a compliment, though?! Lolol
Iori: No, it’s Isumi-san’s love language. He was smiling when he said it, so he’s very happy.
Touma: I hope it is…
Does Haru talk about us a lot? 😳
Iori: Or rather, very much.
Iori:  “When we went for a yakiniku, he asked me if I was eating properly as he kept putting meat on my plate. And he always looks at my plate. So annoying.”
Touma: A-and his expression at that time is…
Iori: He was smiling from ear to ear.
Touma: He was smiling from ear to ear 😆
Touma: I see~~!
He was mad at me and said, “You don’t have to because I don’t eat it! You should eat properly too!” but he was really happy! I’ll give him more meat next time!
Touma: The seven of you are living together, but have you all dined out?
Iori: Yes, sometimes.
But most of the time we’re accompanied by our Manager or the agency’s staff.
Touma: Whoa, I’m jealous! That sounds fun!!
And you’re with your Manager!
Iori: We’re going to stand out since we’re a large group. So there’s preparations being considered.
Touma: Oh yeah, since there’s 7 of you there’s bound to have problems!
What did you all eat? 🤩
Iori: A lot of meat, as expected. And there’s a delicious okonomiyaki restaurant in our neighborhood. We go there to eat as well.
Touma: That’s sooooo nice!! Having 7 people eat okonomiyaki and being lively sounds fun!! 🤩✨
I should invite Utsugi-san next time
Iori: And just like you, Nii-san also asks us, “Are you all eating properly?”
Touma: Mitsuki-san does that too~! Now I’m getting really curious!
Iori: When he says that, he intentionally gives us neatly cooked meat.
There are no words to say about his consideration.
Has someone done that to you?
Touma: Aaaaaahhhhhhh
Haru was mad at that too…
Touma: So that means it’s him showing his
Touma: Love…
Iori: Well
Iori: It is.
Touma: Yeah! I’m glad to start a good discussion in the morning!! Thanks Izumi 😭😭
Iori: It’s nothing… Perhaps I’ve talked too much
Touma: I’m happy that our bonds deepened just like in the drama 👍
Iori: My role was admiring you, and I enrolled in the same school as you.
Touma: Yup! And soon we’ll have a confrontation against Nikaidou-san in the climax!
I’m gonna do my best so I can show you the cool me ����
Iori: Not to me, but to my role as your junior.
Touma: Well, yeah. I got happy when you complimented me while I was practicing skateboard techniques lol
Iori: Your reflexes were always great, but I was amazed how you learned a trick in such a short time…
Iori: It's good learning material.
Touma: Eh, I’m so happy…
Touma: I’m as happy as being told “I don’t care what anyone says, I’m proud to say he’s the world’s coolest senior!”
Iori: Like I said, that’s my role’s dialogue as well!
Inumaru-san, are you the type to be startled when you meet an actor who played a villain?
Touma: Eh, how can you tell?! I’m not sure if I’m just bad at it, but I just go, “Ah!” suddenly 😂 lolol
Iori: We also have a member who is easily influenced.
Touma: I’m glad that Izumi’s a good guy…
Iori: I think I understand the reason why Isumi-san opened his heart to ZOOL.
Touma: Really?! Isn’t he showing his pitiable side too much?!
Touma: Are you going to bring your homework in the next set?
Iori:  I don’t think it’s possible now that we’re going to spend more time filming.
Touma: Then I’m going to bring you snacks to accompany you again!
That way I show my status as your senior! 🔥
Iori: Something else besides an okara that’s like me?
Touma: Maybe konpeitou[2] or macarons?!
I’ll think about it 💪
Iori: Thank you very much. I’ll look forward to our next filming.
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TL Notes:
[1] - okara - also called sou pulp or tofu dreg, is an edible pulp separated from soymilk during the tofu production.
[2] - konpeitou - is a small sugar candy that has a spherical shape with bumpy textures.
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This is my first wild Wednesday post (my face is on fire just thinking of typing this)…
I’m imagining coming home after a night out with Josh and you’ve both been touchy all night, but you’re feeling yourself so you tell him to sit in the corner of the room and just watch you. You’re so lost in yourself that you kinda forget about him until you hear a moan come from his direction. You look over and see his hand wrapped around himself, so you stop and ask “did I say you could touch?” And he just loses it.
Oooooh, just making him watch you as his dick is pounding painfully against his toned stomach. Watching as your wet fingers glide in and out of you, making him shiver as he hears the way your pussy sounds as you fuck yourself, so wet for him it's glistening, mocking him. He's begging you, "Just a taste, please." He loves the way you taste, and you laid out on display for him like this is torture. You interrupt his begging as you start to cum, moaning and writhing as your orgasm slams into you. He's downright pitiful, pouting and watching what he wishes was at his own hands.
Only when your orgasm is passed, you look to him, like a dog waiting so anxiously for a treat, you smile and tell him, "Come and taste me baby." And he practically runs to the bed, falling clumsily on to his stomach between your legs, eating you out like he's waited his whole life, as though he was gasping for water. His hands are desperate as they clamp on to your thighs, his fingers pressing hard into the muscles and he moans between your legs as he grinds against the mattress. Your sensitive pussy is practically weeping for him, he laps you up and you don't think there's an entity on earth that could pry Josh away from you in this very moment. He'd let your house burn down around him if it meant he could make you cum on his face.
Your hands pull his hair, only adding to the fire of passion the two of you have kindled. Your back arches off the bed and his hands cradle you there, practically wrapping you in his arms anyway he can. You cum hard, so much harder than you even can on your own, he doesn't relent his movements. His moans vibrating through you are heavier and more frequent. Soon you're a mess, spasming from the wave that crashed into you and Josh is left with his head resting against your thigh, his warm breath panting next to your pussy. You both are practically dead to the world.
A sign of life from him as he runs his hands over your hips and back down to your legs, he kisses gently before he sits up. Your eyes widen and your mouth is agape as you silently take in the state of him, half hard with his cum all over his stomach and your sheets. "Did you-" "I've never done that before." He whispers with a bewildered smile. "Just fuckin love you." He whispers, before coming down to kiss you. "And with the way you tasted and the way you sounded, I never stood a chance." He rasps against your lips, both of you beaming before embracing the other in a deep kiss.
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cera-writes · 10 days
hey hey hey! I’ve already requested a fic from you before so no pressure to write any of this, but I was wondering if you could write some Gambit smut that focuses on his fingers or his hair? Idk I’m kinda obsessed with his gloves and his long hair they’re important to me. Or if you could indulge me, some Nightcrawler stuff(smut or not smut up to you) with some religious stuff? Sincerely, a fan with a bit of a thing about religious symbolism (again, no pressure to write any of this, kind of silly requests)
A/N: Oooooh, anon. YES. 🤤 Pairing: Remy Lebeau x AFAB!Reader Tags: nsfw, fingering, hair grabbing, bondage, one night stand, focusing on Remy's hands~ Prompt: Reader has a thing for some of Remy's other assets and he shows the reader how he uses them ;) Song inspo: Taste-Ari Abdul
The Hand that Deals
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"What's your pleasure tonight, cher?" the smooth, Cajun-accented voice of the handsome man asked, leaning against the doorway of the dimly lit bedroom suite. His piercing eyes locked onto yours, lidded with desire as they traced over your body, taking in every curve. "D'you crave da touch of Gambit's fingers? Or perhaps you can't resist the allure of Gambit's long, silky hair?"
The smirk that played upon his lips was simultaneously playful and devilish, leaving you breathless with anticipation. Remy LeBeau, also known as Gambit, was every bit as charming and seductive as you had imagined, and tonight, he belonged to you. He'd promised you a night of fun, and you weren't about to turn him down on that offer.
Struggling to find your voice, you managed a sultry whisper, "I want... I want to experience everything you have to offer." Your heart raced as you took a step closer, drawn to him like a moth to flame.
Gambit chuckled, low and husky, as he reached out to cup your face with his gloved hand. "Then, mon amie, prepare yourself for a night you'll never forget," he promised, his thumb stroking your cheekbone with a tenderness that belied his roguish demeanor.
As he led you to the plush king-sized bed, your gaze fell upon his gloved hands, their supple leather almost glowing in the ambient light. The fingers of his right hand moved deftly, seemingly effortlessly, as he shuffled and reshuffled a deck of cards. Your mouth watered at the sight, anticipating the feel of those gloved fingers against your skin. Gods. He had you weak.
Remy watched you watching him, a knowing smile tugging at his lips. With a grace born of years of practice, he tossed the cards into the air, where they seemed to hang suspended for a moment before raining down upon the bed, covering the sheets in a colorful blanket of kings, queens, and jacks.
He turned his attention back to you, languidly bearing down upon you until you found yourself lying on the bed, your head resting on a pillow strewn with playing cards. "Now," he purred, "let's see what kinda hand fate has dealt us tonight."
His right hand came to rest on your hip, his gloved fingers toying with the hem of your dress, tracing idle patterns along your skin. The heat emanating from his touch sent shivers down your spine, making you arch into his caress. You let a hiss of surprise and something akin to anticipation slip past your lips.
As if sensing your desire, Gambit began to slide the fabric of your dress upwards, revealing your thighs, then your hips, and finally your waist. Your breath came in ragged gasps as his fingers danced higher, inching closer to the apex of your thighs with each pass.
You couldn't help but moan as his gloved fingertips grazed your mound, teasing you with featherlight touches that left you desperate for more. Remy chuckled at your response, clearly enjoying the power he held over you.
His touch became more insistent, his fingers delving between your folds with an expertise that made your head spin. You bucked your hips, seeking more pressure, more friction, anything to quell the burning desire that threatened to consume you.
And then, just as you thought you couldn't take any more, Gambit pulled back abruptly, leaving you whimpering with need. "Not so fast, mon amie," he admonished, grinning wickedly. "We got all night. Hope you can keep up, chere."
With agonizing slowness, he slipped his fingers into his mouth, coating them with his saliva. The sight of his tongue darting out to catch a stray drop sent a jolt of electricity straight to your core. "Tonight, your pleasure is Gambit's pleasure," he murmured, leaning in to kiss you deeply, invading your mouth with his tongue.
His fingers returned to your center, now slick and warm, gliding effortlessly over your sensitive flesh. You cried out into his mouth as he circled your clit with expert precision, each touch sending waves of pleasure coursing through you.
Just when you thought you couldn't bear it any longer, Gambit slipped one finger inside you, curling it forward to find that spot deep within that sent you careening over the edge. Your orgasm hit you like a tidal wave, crashing over you in relentless waves as he continued to stroke you with a rhythm that seemed to echo the pounding of your heart.
As your tremors subsided, Remy pulled away, giving you a moment to catch your breath. His red and black eyes twinkled with mischief as he rocked back on his heels, regarding you with a smug grin. "That, mon amie, was jus' the warm-up. You ready for more?"
You nod, unable to find your voice as your body still hums with pleasure from the intense orgasm he gave you. Remy chuckles and leans in close, his breath warm on your ear. "Good," he whispers, "cause Gambit ain't done witchu' yet."
He pulls away, rising to his feet in one fluid motion. His gloved hands slide into the pockets of his trench coat, and he saunters over to the side table, where a deck of cards lies waiting. He picks up the deck and begins to shuffle them with practiced ease, the cards fluttering between his fingers like a flock of birds taking flight.
Your gaze is transfixed by the hypnotic motion of his hands as he performs a series of intricate card tricks, each one more impressive than the last. You can't help but wonder how those same fingers could make you feel such exquisite pleasure.
When he finishes his display, he turns back to you, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Now, let's see what kinda hand fate has dealt us tonight," he says, dealing a single card onto the bed between you. It's the Ace of Spades.
"Hmm," he muses, tapping the card with a long, gloved finger. "Dis a very interestin' card. It represents both beginnings and endings, life and death... and in dis case, pleasure and pain."
A shiver runs down your spine as he says the last words, but you can't help feeling excited at the prospect of whatever he has in store for you next.
Gambit reaches out with his right hand, gently cupping your chin and tilting your head back. "I want you to keep your eyes on mine while I touch you," he commands softly. "Don' look away, no matter what happens. Can you do dat for me, ma chere?"
You swallow hard, conflicting emotions warring within you, but ultimately, you nod your agreement. Remy's gaze holds yours captive as he trails his left hand down your body, tracing lazy patterns across your skin with his fingertips.
Every time his gloved fingers brush against you, it sends a jolt of electricity through your entire being, making you quiver with anticipation. He takes his time, exploring every inch of your body, teasing you with featherlight touches that leave you aching for more.
Finally, he reaches the apex of your thighs, his fingers hovering just above your center. You can't help but moan as he begins to circle your clit, alternating between light, teasing touches and firmer, more insistent pressure.
Your eyes are locked on his, the intensity of his gaze matching the building heat within you. You feel yourself growing wetter with every passing second, desperate for release, but he doesn't seem to be in any hurry.
"Please," you whisper, your voice barely audible. "I need..."
Remy smirks, leaning in to kiss you deeply, his tongue probing your mouth as if searching for the secrets hidden there. He breaks the kiss abruptly, leaving you gasping for air. "Whatchu need, mon amie?" he asks innocently, resuming his torturous ministrations.
"I need you to fuck me," you blurt out, your inhibitions melting away under the weight of your desire. Remy raises an eyebrow, looking impressed by your boldness.
"Well, since you asked so nicely..." He slips two fingers inside you, curling them forward to find that spot deep within that sends you careening over the edge once again. This time, he doesn't stop, pumping his fingers in and out of you relentlessly as you writhe beneath him, caught in the grip of another powerful orgasm.
As your tremors subside, Gambit pulls away, sucking on each of his fingers as he regards you with a self-satisfied smirk. "Dat was just the appetizer," he purrs, reaching for something behind him. When he brings his hand back into view, he's holding a length of silky, black rope. "Now, let's see what else we can get up to, shall we?"
Despite begging for Remy to fuck you, the man refused to give in to your pleadings, instead continuing to tantalize and tease you with his fingers. You cried out your frustration as you writhed on the bed, crashing against wave after wave of delicious agony.
Remy's handiwork left you barely able to catch your breath before he yanked on the rope, drawing taught against your sensitive skin. The rush of sensation sent your mind reeling, and you moaned in desperation, calling out for him to finish what he started.
"D'ya have any idea how beautiful you look right now, chere?" Remy whispered, his breath hot on your neck as he tightened the knot around your wrists. "All tied up and beggin' for Gambit's touch. Mon dieu, it drives me wild."
The ropes bit into your delicate skin, sending a tingle of pleasure-pain rippling through your body. Your senses were heightened, every nerve ending alive with expectation as you awaited his next move.
Remy stepped back, admiring his handiwork, a devilish grin splitting his features as he looked you up and down. "Y'know, Gambit has always been partial to a good ol' fashion game o' cat and mouse," he mused, circling the bed like a predator stalking its prey.
You shuddered as the realization hit you; You were the mouse, and Remy was the cat, ready to pounce when the moment was right.
"But Gambit thinks tonight, he'll be da mouse," he continued, shrugging off his trench coat and letting it fall to the floor. Next came his magenta armor underneath, revealing a simple, form-fitting black shirt that clung to his chiseled physique. Beneath the fabric, you could see the outline of his toned muscles, making your mouth water in anticipation.
As Remy completed his transformation, shedding his clothes and revealing the exquisite form hidden beneath, you felt your heart race, anticipation turning to desperation as you yearned for his touch once more.
"Look at'chu, so eager and anxious," he purred, crawling onto the bed and trailing a single finger down the curve of your spine. " Gambit can't decide if he should give you whatchu want or make you wait jus' a little bit longer."
You whimpered, arching your back to meet his touch, unsure if you could handle any more delay. Your entire body throbbed with desire, and even the lightest brush of his fingers sent shivers racing through you.
Remy laughed, the sound low and dangerous as he straddled your hips, his long, silky hair cascading over you like a dark curtain. "Oh, Gambit think he knows exactly whatchu need," he murmured, leaning down to whisper in your ear. "An' he'll give it to you... on one condition."
You turned your head, meeting his gaze with a mixture of need and fear, desperate to know what he wanted from you. Remy grinned again, his teeth flashing white in the dim light of the room. "I wan'chu to beg for it, chere."
You whimper in response, knowing that you'll do anything to satisfy him, to feel his touch once more. "Please, Remy," you moan, your voice shaky with need. "I need you inside me. I can't take it anymore."
His grin widens at your plea, and he traces a finger along the curve of your spine. "Good girl," he whispers. "But Gambit thinks we need to make things a little more... interestin'."
With a flick of his wrist, Remy conjures a deck of cards. He begins to shuffle them deftly, the sound of paper on paper filling the room. Your eyes track the movement of his fingers, transfixed by the skill on display.
"Now, here's da game," Remy says, holding up the deck. "Gambit's gonna deal out a poker hand. If you get a pair or better, Gambit'll give you whatchu been beggin' for all night."
Your heart races at the thought of being so close to satisfaction, yet still having to prove yourself. "And if I don't?" you ask, dreading the answer.
Remy laughs, a dark and dangerous sound. "Well, den I guess you'll jus' have to keep waitin'," he says, his eyes glinting with amusement.
You nod, knowing there's no other choice. Remy deals out five cards onto your stomach, their faces turned away from you. You hesitate for a moment, unsure of what to do next.
"Go on," Remy urges. "Flip em' over."
Slowly, you turn over the first card: the ace of spades. Your heart skips a beat – a good start. The second card is revealed: the king of hearts. Still in contention.
The third card is the queen of diamonds, followed by the jack of clubs. Four high cards - not bad. But it all hinges on the final card.
With shaking hands, you flip over the fifth card: the ten of hearts. A full house! You've done it!
"Ha!" Remy exclaims, looking genuinely surprised. "Impressive. I didn't think you had it in you."
He leans down, his lips inches from yours. "Alright, since you won fair and square, Gambit'll give you whatchu been askin' for."
Remy undoes the ropes around your wrists, watching with interest as you rub the feeling back into your hands.
Finally, he unties your ankles, and you stretch your legs, reveling in the newfound freedom. Remy stands back, admiring your naked form, his eyes roaming over every inch of your skin.
"Now that you're loose," he says, a hint of mischief in his voice, "it's time to see if you can really handle what I have to offer."
With that, he quickly strips off his clothes, revealing his toned and muscular physique. Your eyes are drawn to the bulge in his briefs, and you can't help but lick your lips in anticipation.
Remy steps closer, until he's standing right beside the bed. He slips his fingers into his hair, pulling it free from its tie, allowing the long locks to cascade down his back. "Grab onto Gambit's hair, ma chere" he commands, his voice low and rough.
You don't hesitate, reaching up and wrapping your fingers around his silky mane. The texture is unlike anything you've ever felt before, and the scent of him fills your nostrils, making your head spin. He's so sexy.
Remy smiles, clearly pleased with your enthusiasm. "Now, hold on tight," he says, positioning himself between your thighs.
With one swift motion, he thrusts his cock deep inside you, sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through your body. You cry out in ecstasy, your fingers clenching even tighter around his hair as he begins to move, pumping in and out with increasing speed.
Each powerful thrust sends electric jolts of pleasure racing through your veins, and you can't help but moan and writhe beneath him, your body instinctively responding to his every move.
Remy's fingers find your clit, rubbing and teasing as he continues to fuck you with reckless abandon. The sensations are too much to bear, and you feel yourself building towards a powerful climax.
"Oh fuckkk!" You scream out, wrapping your legs around his waist and gripping his hair tight in your fists.
"That's it," Remy growls, his voice barely recognizable as he pushes you closer and closer to the edge. "C'est ça chérie. Laisse-moi te sentir exploser autour de ma bite."
You know he's close. All that teasing had riled him up and you knew he wouldn't last inside of you too much longer. He rails you faster, sloppier, as he thrusts a few more times before you clench around him.
With a final powerful thrust, he sends you hurtling over the precipice, your body convulsing in the throes of an intense orgasm. Remy groans as he feels your inner walls clench around him, and with a few more quick strokes, he joins you in bliss, his release pouring deep inside you.
As you both lie there, spent and satiated, Remy's fingers lazily trace patterns on your skin. Despite the intense sexual encounter, you can't help but feel a sense of connection with him, a bond forged through shared pleasure.
For now, though, you're content to simply enjoy the afterglow, basking in the warmth of his touch and the knowledge that, for tonight at least, you got exactly what you desired.
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I’m seeing so much “bearded Aziraphale” this and that but it strikes me as so wrong for his characterization. the only way I will tolerate potential Beardziraphale is in the first few episodes as a depiction of how fundamentally off and uncomfortable Aziraphale feels in Heaven before inevitably defecting and reverting back to his creature comforts.
bonus points if his Heaven outfit is a modern slate-gray three-piece suit with a Heaven’s Dress Tartan patterned tie. extra bonus points if his hair has grown out slightly and been tamped down into a horribly neat combover with one (1) errant curl at his forehead, Clark Kent style. extra extra bonus points if Heaven has issued him a pair of clear plastic framed glasses to replace his beloved Benjamin Franklin spectacles.
(god i love asks like this im on bended knee to you)
oooooh okay so - personally, im of the same opinion re: the beard. i love the aesthetic, the idea, what it would signify, but idk if i'd want it to actually happen? and personally i adore the design and significance of aziraphale's outfit when he discorporated in s1, because look at this!!!
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and i would specifically like this in the context that aziraphale actually kinda... flourishes? in being SA - is confident in this role? that he still holds on to some of his style, his design - and therefore a core part of himself, whilst girlbossing it in the corner office in the sky💅 but similarly has assimilated to heaven in a way that isn't... good.
but then alternatively, considering the image you've so kindly bestowed upon me✨ idk how id feel about aziraphale being in any shade of grey, not whilst he's in heaven (i have multiple thoughts on the significance of the different shades of white/cream/grey/tan that makes up the angel pallette, ive talked about it somewhere in the meta abyss), but i could definitely see him in a sterile, plain, well-tailored (and yet at the same time ill-fitting) white three-piece, with none of his usual adornments (except maybe his right? switched to the other hand? 👀) - idk how id even feel about him wearing any heaven's dress? is that too 'aziraphale', as opposed to 'supreme archangel'?
THE HAIR THOUGH, IM SEEING YOUR VISION!!! i want to see it neat and perfectly styled, except maybe the little Clark Kent curl you mentioned, that escapes to mark the peculiarity of it. but i also want to see him with not a single hair out of place - so much so that it makes crowley practically beg to run his hands through it and restore it back to the frazzled, fluffy curls he normally has 🥺 and take those shitty plastic specs straight off his nose and snap them in half just for good measure 🫠
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maskyish · 9 months
Banri's Birthday Rabbit TV 2023 - Episode 3 - "Biggest Supporters"
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PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3
Please note: I am NOT a professional and my level of JP is very, very basic. I do this for practice and to share with other fans for fun. Please take my translations with a grain of salt as there may be mistakes. If you see any, please let me know and I can correct them. If anyone else has this card and wants to translate this at any time then please feel free to do so!
Tsumugi & Anesagi & Okarin & Shirou: Oooooh….! 
Banri: This is kind of embarrassing… 
Tsumugi: It really suits you! I want to show everyone…! 
Okarin: If Momo-kun and Yuki-kun saw this, they’d be super excited! 
Shirou: You look like a real model. It looks good! 
Anesagi: Well, don’t you clean up nicely….! Although, not as good as my prince! 
Banri: Haha, thank you very much. I’m happy to receive such high praise. 
Morino: Awesome! It looks great on you, Ogami! With this, tomorrow’s photoshoot can go on just as planned!! 
Banri: Jeez, you’re sure in a good mood. 
Stylist: I had no idea what was going to happen, but you all really helped us out by coming…! How can I thank you….? 
Banri: It’s fine. Due to our line of work, we’re used to unexpected situations like this, so we really understand how you feel. We’re happy to help. 
Tsumugi: Ah, excuse me, let me give you my business card. If anything pops up, please feel free to give our office a call. 
Stylist: Will do! 
Anesagi: Nice speed, Takanashi-san! 
Tsumugi: Thanks! I felt encouraged by your advice when choosing the cheese curry bread! 
Stylist: Oh, excuse me. I’ll adjust part of the hem just a little bit. 
Morino: He really does look just as lean as he was back then… 
Shirou: Then as expected, Ogami-san was popular in high school too? 
Morino: He was! This guy had all the girls falling for him! 
Banri: Hey, don’t say whatever you want just because I can’t move right now— 
Morino: Am I wrong, though? Just how many times did I ask you for advice? 
Morino: Girls would talk to me, but when I thought about it, it was only about what Ogami’s type was, or if he had any girls he liked! 
Okarin: Ogami-san is kind, considerate, and perfect, so I’m sure he gained a lot of fans without even realizing it. 
Morino: Exactly! 
Morino: It wasn’t like they publicly squealed, but more like the girls were earnestly supportive. Rather than something like fan popularity, Ogami was just genuinely liked by them. 
Anesagi: What a sinful man… 
Okarin & Shirou: A sinful man, indeed… 
Banri: Please don’t harmonize over there! 
Morino: The girl I liked also liked Ogami…. 
Tsumugi: R-really….? 
Morino: I was so frustrated I could die, so to be honest I started spreading rumors such as Ogami having really sweaty hands, and that he sneezes loudly. 
Banri: Stop with your strangely elaborate reality! (1) 
Stylist: ….. Alright, I’m done with the adjustments! The fitting is now complete! I really can’t thank you enough! 
*clap clap clap clap* 
Morino: Alriiight! Seriously, thanks a lot, Ogami! As a thank you, let me take your photo! One that could make your partner faint! (2) 
Banri: Well, I don’t know when that time will come, but I might like to be photographed since you’ve become a pro. So I’ll leave it to you. 
Morino: Great! A man who looks good by the window!
Tsumugi: Wow…! It’s like a sweets buffet! It’s so lovely…! 
Anesagi: Oh my god, this is the best! I would love to have a wedding like this. 
Morino: They also made test treats for tomorrow, so I’m glad you guys can try some. 
….. But, is this really okay as a thank you? 
Shirou: Of course. Those kids will be happy to even be sent pictures like this. 
Okarin: Oh, Utsugi-san! If you’d like, shall I take a picture? 
Shirou: Are you sure? Then, please, if you would. 
Okarin: Yay! 
Anesagi: As you can see, we’re having a lot of fun, so it’s totally fine. 
Morino: Ahaha! Glad to hear it…! 
Okarin: Ogami-san, I brought you some champagne if you’d like! 
Banri: Thank you. Even though the wedding isn’t until tomorrow, it already kind of feels like a party.
Anesagi: …..Isn’t it about time for the plan? 
Shirou: Yes, I think so. 
Banri: What plan? 
Tsumugi: Banri-san! Actually, when we were discussing whether you were going to model or not, we had also decided on your surprise! 
Tsumugi: The video call connected, I’ll put it on speaker! 
Banri: A surprise?! 
Riku: Hellooo! Can you guys hear me—? 
Iori: Wait, Nanase-san. Don’t cover it with your finger. It’s on the camera part. 
Mitsuki: Woah, you’re actually wearing a tuxedo! It looks amazing! 
Tamaki: Seriously! Ban-chan, you’re sooo cool! 
Ryuu: Wow….! You look like a model! 
Gaku: Woah, what a flashy place. 
Minami: Is it a church garden? There are so many sweets…..
Touma: Wait, isn’t Ogami-san seriously way too handsome….? Is it alright to have such a cool manager? 
Momo: B-B-B-BA-BA-BA—BAN-SAN…..!
Yuki: Oh, Momo fell over. Ban, are you getting married without telling me? 
Banri: Y-you guys! What’s with the gathering?! 
Nagi: We wanted to see our beloved manager. 
…. Oh! There are 2 pretty fairies in the garden. 
Tsumugi: Fufu. We were able to rent this lovely garden! 
Anesagi: Oh my god….. If it wasn’t for this being through a screen, I would’ve fainted….
Yamato: Heeh, it’s a nice place. It has a really good feel to it. 
Tenn: You look amazing, Anesagi-san.  
Gaku: Your face is red. Are you doing alright?  You should take a break in the shade over there…
Anesagi: Thank you. I’m alright. I’m in tip-top shape. Ahh, the champagne is so good. 
Momo: Okarin! Eat enough delicious food for me too, and be sure to bake it into your memory…! 
Okarin: Haha! Thank you very much. I’ll bring home lots of souvenirs!
Haruka: Utsugi-san, scooch a little closer. I can’t see you. 
Minami: Isumi-san, you can come this way. The screen is easier to see. 
Torao: Isn’t it about time you started missing us? 
Shirou: Indeed. Since I was lonely, I took lots of photos to send to you all. 
Torao: W-well aren’t you honest about it….
Sougo: It looks like a wonderful place to celebrate. 
Tamaki: Right? Oh, wait a sec, let’s record the screen! 
Banri: A celebration… No way….
Sougo: Yes way. We have a present for you, Banri-san. 
Riku: It’s fan service from all of us! 
Banri: EH?! Fanservice…. Is it really alright to receive something so luxurious? 
Yamato: It’s gonna go by fast, so don’t look away! 
Mitsuki: To start us off, an air hug from Iori and Riku! 
Riku & Iori: *Huuug!* 
Iori: … Ahem. Ogami-san, we’ll be in your care from now on as well. 
Riku: Banri-saaan! Thank you! 
Banri: Of course! Thank you for the cute hug! I love you both! 
Mitsuki: Up next will be me, Yamato-san, and Nagi! 
I love you, Banri-san! *Mmm, chu!* 
Nagi: *Mmm, chu!*  I LOVE YOU BANRI! 
I wish you much happiness from now on as well. 
Yamato: H-huuh? Well, I’ll go along with it since it’s for Banri-san……. *chu!* 
Banri: Haha! Thank you! Getting blown kisses from you three made my heart skip a beat! 
Tamaki: Alright! MEZZO’s next!  Let’s go, Sou-chan! Wave your arms really big! 
Sougo: Leave it to me. I’ve been stretching. 
MEZZO: We love you thiiiis much! 
We look forward to working with you in the future too! 
Banri: You two….. Thank you! I love both of you, too! 
Ryuu: Then, it’s TRIGGER’s turn next! Let’s do it! 
TRIGGER: Let’s share a dream you never have to wake from. 
Banri: Uwahh, so cool…! TRIGGER literally shot through my heart! 
Anesagi: Fufu! You wouldn’t be able to be in one piece after receiving fanservice like this! 
Yuki: Now then, Ban. Will you also accept our fanservice? 
Momo: I’ll make a heart with Yuki….! Please accept it, Ban-san! 
Re:vale: Heaaart! 
Banri: Thank you…! I got the best Re:vale heart! 
Okarin: Surely! They were both perfect! 
Touma: Alright! We’re the last ones up. Let’s do it! 
ZOOL: Only look at us…!
Banri: S-so cool! The power of just a wink…! 
Shirou: Please let me take a video with my phone later! 
Riku: And now….. Everyone will go! One… two… three! 
TRIGGER & IDOLISH7 & Re:vale & ZOOL: Happy Birthday! 
Banri: Thank you…..! It was amazing, I’ve never had such a luxury! The fanservice medley from everyone was the best! 
Banri: I am so fortunate to receive a gift packed with so much love like this. 
Riku: We’re the fortunate ones…! It’s because of you and our manager that we’re able to make all of our fans happy. 
Tenn: I agree. It’s because of Anesagi-san that we can stand like we have. Please continue to stay by our side.  
Momo: We’ve known Okarin for a long time, but we have never forgotten this feeling of gratitude.  We’re always relying on you. Let’s continue towards the view at the top together! 
Haruka: Thank you for believing in us, and for making us believe in you. I really do think…. that I’m happy you’re here, Utsugi-san. 
Haruka: Well then…. Ready, and….! 
TRIGGER & IDOLiSH7 & Re:vale & ZOOL: Thank you for everything! We look forward to continue working together! 
Tsumugi: ……. T-thank you so very much!! I will do my very best to make sure you smile! 
Anesagi: ….. It kind of feels like a proposal, huh. No matter what, I will always be on your side. I’ll always think of you. 
Okarin: I want to forever and always protect the scenery that Momo-kun and Yuki-kun have shown me, and go towards it together! Re:vale really is the best! 
Shirou: I am so grateful to have the privilege of being by your side to watch over the growth of everyone in ZOOL. This must be my first time getting to thank you. 
Banri: We are everyone’s #1 fans and your biggest supporters. 
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End of rabbitv. 
TL Notes: 
The word used is 絶妙 so a more literal translation could be something like “Stop making it exquisitely realistic!” but I didn’t think “exquisite” in English really fit the tone of what he was saying since “exquisite” is usually used in a beauty/fancy context so I went with "strangely elaborate".
The phrasing here is literally something along the lines of “knockout your partner” but it sounded more violent than I think intended when worded like that so I changed it to fainted lol . 
Side note: This is so unimportant but even though I translated them both as “cool”, Banri describes TRG as やばい (yabai) and ZOOL as 格好いい (kakkoi)
And thank you to @marina41trench for helping me brainstorm on some lines I got stumped on!!
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avida-heidia-5 · 5 months
While we wait for the 2024 Formula 1 season to arrive, I thought I’d entertain myself by playing a little tag game I’ve just created. Feel free to participate if you have the time to do it. 😊
1. Who or what got you into F1?
2. Who was the very first F1 driver you supported? Do you support them now? Have your opinions on them differed or stayed the same since then?
3. Who’s your current favourite F1 driver?
4. Is there a driver pairing or pairings you support? What made you attracted to that pairing in the first place?
5. Do your parents, siblings or relatives have a favourite team and/or favourite driver(s)?
6. Do you have any favourite races? Are there any that stand out to you the most?
7. Do you have a favourite circuit? Can be from the past or from the current calendar.
8. Have you ever been to an F1 race in real life? Feel free to tell us your experience going to one if you like.
9. Have you ever met an F1 driver in real life?
10. Do you have a favourite F1 car? If so, what is it?
11. Do you have a favourite one win wonder?
12. Do you have any favourite quotes from the F1 world? This can either be inspirational or hilarious.
(This is all the questions I could come up with, I’m afraid! My brain is absolutely worn to a frazzle! 😮‍💨)
Now tag as many people as you like! I tag the following peeps: @kaossbells, @argentinagp, @hurricane-heatt, @skitskatdacat63, @racingliners, @formulaes5, @princemick, @4xmulti21champion, @schumigrace, @hungriestheidi, @ellalovesvettel, @twinkodium, and @wanderingblindly. Feel free to participate if you would like to. No pressure! 😊
If I haven’t tagged you in this but you want to participate, you have my permission. Go absolutely wild!
Now here are my answers below the cut! Warning: I can be a touch rambly!
1. Who or what got you into F1?
My parents introduced me to F1 in 2004 when I was around 4 or 5 years old. I vividly remember watching pretty much the whole of the 2005 season on the telly and how amazing a lot of the races were back then. 😍 Since then, we’ve been keeping up with watching races, following the news, and visiting Silverstone for Free Practice sessions and fun events like the Classic Weekend and the Lap Of Lights whenever possible.
2. Who was the very first F1 driver you supported? Do you support them now? Have your opinions on them differed or stayed the same since then?
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I was drawn to Kimi Räikkönen when I was young because I found him attractive. 😳 This was before I knew anything about F1. 😅 Once I got into the habit of watching the sport regularly, I was happily cheering him on. That McLaren was a BEAST…when it was reliable. 😬
I didn’t know much about Kimi’s story back then. As I grew older though, I did some research on him and came to understand why fans love him so much. He kept a cool head during qualifying and race days (He’s called The Iceman for a reason!) and I just love his personality in general: Quiet, composed, honest, and straightforward. And who could forget the memes that spawned during Kimi’s return to F1?
Even though Kimi’s retired from the sport (seemingly for good 😢), I still love and support him with all my heart, whatever he gets up to. 💙❄️
3. Who’s your current favourite F1 driver?
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Sebastian Vettel. Oooooh Sebastian Vettel! Where do I even start? 🥰
I have an insane adoration for this man, even more than Kimi admittedly. Seb is just…on another level to me. 😍😍😍
He’s the sweetest, most loveliest man on the planet. He’s kind, generous, talented, and cultured. He’s also an environmentalist, and I fully support his journey to try and make our planet a greener, tidier, happier, and healthier place. 🌎🌱 I’m always fascinated with what he has to say; whether it’s something positive or negative. He has a ridiculous knowledge of everything related to F1 and our environment, and I love him even more for it.
Seb is also retired from F1 and I still miss him dearly, but that doesn’t stop me from loving and supporting this man. I adore him to absolute BITS! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
4. Is there a driver pairing or pairings you support? What made you attracted to that pairing in the first place?
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Sebastian Vettel and Mark Webber have an interesting dynamic to me. I’ve enjoyed seeing their relationship develop and fall apart and repair themselves back together on track, from when the two were teammates at Red Bull all the way up to today. It’s good that they can laugh about their mishaps and misfortunes afterwards. I don’t know, these two just fascinate me. 💜
Other favourite driver pairings include (in no particular order): Seb and Kimi, Seb and Charles Leclerc, Fernando Alonso and Giancarlo Fisichella, Fernando Alonso and Lance Stroll, Lando Norris and Carlos Sainz Jr., Lando Norris and Daniel Ricciardo, Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz Jr., and FINALLY, Alex Albon and Logan Sargeant.
5. Do your parents, siblings or relatives have a favourite team and/or favourite driver(s)?
We’re happy to support any team, but we’re primarily McLaren supporters in this household. 🧡 As for drivers, my mum loves Jenson Button and my dad is a Nigel Mansell and Fernando Alonso supporter. My sister just recently started getting into F1 and she supports Lando Norris. We never have any complaints or disputes over our choices, which is nice. 😊
6. Do you have any favourite races? Are there any that stand out to you the most?
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There’s quite a lot of races I’ve enjoyed watching over the years. I don’t like the current races that much; I’m more of a 2000’s & 2010’s grid enjoyer. My favourite race of all time has got to be the 2012 Brazilian GP. It was the most nail-biting race I have ever watched! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time! 😱 To me, nothing can top it!
However, the race that stood out to me the most – and the race that firmly cemented my enjoyment for the sport – was the 2005 Japanese Grand Prix. Kimi was a BEAST in that McLaren! From starting dead last on the grid to snatching victory on the final lap. What a show he put on! 🤩👏🏻
7. Do you have a favourite circuit? Can be from the past or from the current calendar.
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Spa-Francorchamps will forever be my favourite circuit. It’s home to one of the most iconic battles in history. (“BUT HERE COMES SEBASTIAN VETTEL!!!!”) Plus the foresty backdrop is absolutely stunning. 😍 One of my dream goals is to visit this iconic circuit and watch a race in person one day. 🙏🏻
I also love Silverstone, Hockenheim, Monza, Sepang, Interlagos, and the Nürburgring.
8. Have you ever been to an F1 race in real life? Feel free to tell us your experience going to one if you like.
No, I’ve never been to a race before. Not yet, at least. I would really love to go to one with my family and friends though. 🤩🙏🏻
9. Have you ever met an F1 driver in real life?
Unfortunately, as of writing, no. We’ve taken many pictures of drivers, but I’ve yet to actually come face-to-face with them and take their autographs and have pictures with them. 🙁 One day, I’m hoping this will all come true. 🤞🏻
My parents briefly talked to Esteban Ocon when he was a reserve driver. (They don’t know which team he was in at the time and I don’t know either. This was around 2015, if that helps. 🤷🏻‍♀️) My mum was extremely lucky to talk to and get an autograph from Jenson Button’s dad John when he was alive. I believe this was around the time before Jenson won the World Championship. They’ve yet to get Jenson’s autograph. Again, one day! 🤞🏻
10. Do you have a favourite F1 car? If so, what is it?
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I don’t have many favourite cars, and I’m not a car nerd like my dad is. However, the McLaren MP4/20 is a certified favourite of mine. The black and white West McLaren livery in general looked very smart. I’m happy it lasted a very long time from 1997 to 2005. 😍 I wish they brought those colours back in modern races, like for special occasions or something. 😭
I also love the blue and yellow Mild Seven Renault livery from 2005, followed by McLaren’s delightfully retro Gulf livery from 2021, and Hungry Heidi herself: the Red Bull RB9 from 2013.
11. Do you have a favourite one win wonder?
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Robert Kubica. This man went from having his horrific accident during the 2007 Canadian GP to winning the race a year later at the same circuit. What a legend! 🤍
12. Do you have any favourite quotes from the F1 world? This can either be inspirational or hilarious.
Let’s start with my favourite hilarious quote: Kimi’s got hundreds of iconic moments during his time in F1. I actually use his infamous quote “Just leave me alone! I know what I’m doing!” quite often in normal conversations, so…I’ll go with that! 🤣🤣🤣
As for inspirational quotes, hmmm, that’s a lot harder. The one that came to my head first was Daniel Ricciardo’s “Enjoy the butterflies” quote. I also love Sebastian Vettel’s “You can’t always be the best, but you can do your best.” and his retirement speech, among others. If I had to choose one….uhhhhh, let’s go with Daniel! I love them all equally though. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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bitchsister · 2 months
(Lucky charms AU ) what are Gale and John’s convos like when they talk about Curt? could be before or after Gale became their little plate licker . Or both!! Is Gale shy about it ? Does John try to rile Gale up with stories ?
Oooooh FUUUUN.
These days they FOR SURE gossip about how pretty Curt looked last night, but let’s go back to the beginning.
Bucky sat beside Gale at the bar of their favorite lunch spot, knees nudging beneath the counter as they sat silently, thumbing through case files they’d been staring at all day and catching up on the text messages they’d been unable to open since seven that morning.
“Jesus.” Bucky scrambled but Gale had already seen it. Curt had sent John a picture of himself with what looked like a joint between his lips and his cock stiff between his legs, blue eyes staring into the lens like they could eat a soul. “Fuck - sorry.”
Gale shrugged, shoving a fry smothered in ranch into his cheek as he blinked at Bucky, the image burned behind his eyelids.
“He’s like.. I dunno. In fucking heat or something.” Bucky grabbed the whiskey he’d ordered only a moment ago and took a gulp, shivers dancing over his spine. “It’s constant. And I’m not complaining, I swear — it’s fucking great, I’m just — you gotta wonder how the boy keeps goin’, you know?”
Gale silently nodded, willing to stay quiet if it meant Bucky would go on to fill the silence.
“He’s got all this energy I didn’t have as a college student. I felt like I’d been beat into the ground when we were in school.” Bucky recalled the nights he curled up in Gales room and cried.
Gale cried, too.
They missed their parents, and the safety of being in high school. They cried about their student loans, and how they could do nothing on Saturdays besides whine and rub their pennies together.
“He’s like that bunny with the drum. What’s he called again?” Bucky’s brain had turned to mush, though all he wanted to do then was catch a speeding ticket to NYU’s campus to then force Curt to spend a school night back at his house instead.
“I know what you mean.” Gale nodded
“What’s he called, though?”
“What’s it matter, Johnny?”
“It’s gonna bother me all day if I don’t figure it out.” Bucky waved a hand at Gale who had much more interesting things to think about — like how Curt tasted, or how he sounded when he came.
Was he a whiner? Did he pant? Or did he like to squeal?
“Can I see?” Gale asked abruptly, though he almost immediately wished he could stuff every word he’d just uttered back down his throat. “I — I mean -“ he became flustered, but realized it was only because he was stating a want. “If that’s okay.”
It was hardly something Gale allowed himself to do.
And being a therapist meant he also had to check his own behavior. Sure, his request may have been inappropriate, but he and Bucky shared a friendship — just like any other relationship, Gale needed to express his needs and wants clearly and precisely if he wanted to get anywhere with them.
Bucky didn’t need to agree to them, or like them.
But, just as Gale had predicted, Bucky’s expression had turned sinister, almost like a taunting court jester. “Oh, you wanna see?”
“Yes.” Gale stated firmly, his posture straightening when he rolled his shoulders back. “If you don’t think it’d be a complete and total invasion, that is.” Gale knew there must be a boundary, and he’d never want to upset Curt by ogling at his naked body without some form of consent, even if it came from Bucky who sighed heavily and laid his phone between them, their heads practically pressed together once their faces grew closer to the screen.
“Well, read these first.” He scrolled through a never ending thread of messages, spanning out for months and months as he picked the ones with Gales name in them. “And ask again if it’d be an invasion.”
A picture of Curt’s legs spread, fingers slicked with spit teasing his hole.
Just finished class. Thinkin of ya big boy. Show Gale 🖤🖤
A video from a creative angle, Gale would have to admit, of Curt rutting his hips against a pillow while he shoved his fingers down his throat like it was a cock.
Tell Gale you need to come get me soon. After u show him this ;) I miss youuu hurry uppppp
Then, a message from three days ago that came in right after Gale had shared a sip of his latte with Bucky, telling him all about the new cafe down the street with the best matcha he’d ever tasted while Curt laid in his usual spot the window on the far side of the study and practically preened himself, smoking a joint and typing away on his phone.
Do you think he’ll taste my cum now?
Do you think he can tell u milked me down ur slutty throat before he walked thru the door?
Can I tell him???
Gales breath hitched in his throat, his gaze growing more intent on the screen in front of him that drew the two of them in, just like moths to a flame. “God.” He whispered, feeling every emotion under the sun. “He’s fucking unreal.”
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