wowitsverycool · 3 months
ah. i'm in the incomprehensible mind static stage of obsession.
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jeeaark · 5 months
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Rolan is Greygold's third favorite coconut~
Voss is. Well, he didn't deserve his face to be cheese grated at the very least.
Greygold would like the universe to stop hurting all the people they are trying to help please, thank you, and good night
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theramblingsofadork · 2 months
I believe I have finally solved the problem of Surge and Kit’s existence in the Starpoint AU. 👏
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I’ve figured out a way they can still be around (because I love them and want them to have a happier ending too). But not be brainwashed into being different people, and not be dramatically traumatized by Canon!Dr. Starline’s cruelty.
Spoilers ahead for the later half of the Downfall Arc!
After experiencing the events of the Metal Virus/[REDACTED] going down, Starline finally realizes that everyone who has been trying to talk him out of following Eggman during his time working alongside him was right. This.. isn’t what he actually wants. This, is going too far.
Eggman’s not who he thought he was, and he realizes he can no longer accept his idol’s vision of the world. He realizes he has to be stopped.
He’s still fired and thrown away by Eggman when he refuses to use the warp topaz to attempt to fix the mess atop Angel Island, and still has a video log breakdown ranting about his anger and frustration. But this is the moment things really change for him.
Operation: Remaster goes from being a plan to take over the world and win Eggman’s approval, to instead being a way to make up for everything wrong Starline’s done thus far by finding a way to stop Eggman for good.
He’s still full of pride, and can’t outright admit he was wrong for so long about everything, so he refuses to seek out help from The Restoration or the various members of the Starpoint Squad. He’s messed up too much already. He has to fix this by himself. And he’s confident he can.
In this AU, Surge and Kit end up being volunteers, either at rock bottom from losing everything to one of Eggman’s raids, or at death’s door after being orphaned and cruelly imprisoned. When Starline finds them, he’s straight with them. They both know exactly what they’re signing up for. He offers to help them become stronger, in exchange for their help in taking down Eggman.
This would solve the problem of Starline’s unethicality in creating them, cutting out the (speculated) kidnapping and mental manipulation of overwriting personalities to turn them into killing machines.
I imagine he still has to hypnotize them into suppressing the trauma of training, because they still very much aren’t warriors from the get-go, but they aren’t in the dark about what’s going on like in canon, and even gain a certain level of attachment and respect for him. (And vice versa, although they still have their moments of clashing and tension.)
It also gives them the avenue to be real heroes when everything blows over. They’ll probably even end up becoming part of the Restoration. (For real this time though and not just for fakesies.)
Don’t worry though, Eggman fans. I respect him too. So he’s not going down THAT easily. 😏
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lost-generation-au · 2 months
Oh no Ranbot :(
-New person / Oak
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alstroemerian-dragon · 10 months
Hi I saw your tags on that hajihiko art and that bit about your fic sounds really interesting if you don’t mind I kinda wanna hear more if not then I’ll happily wait for the fic!
youve activated my trap card aka asking me to explain my thoughts !!!! this might get long
my fic is basically a long form. uh. character study? relationship study? thats pretty much just hajime and fuyuhiko having Very Intimate And Personal Conversations (Five Times!) over the first. year? post wake up. and in one of them they have a lengthy discussion about the whole concept of any of them having kids
because hiko is like. hiko is the kind of person who is Very Practical And Realistic (though some may say Pessimistic). and he is of the opinion that things can only be calm and good for so long before shit hits the fan again right? so, in that case, having children with them is only going to make things worse. first, putting kids into an actively dangerous situation is pretty high up in his List Of Terrible Fucking Things Someone Can Do (which is fair, because it is, but also because. Yknow. Personal Experience). second, children being with them is, from a purely practical standpoint, going to be a Huge amount of baggage if they ever need to Leave Right Now Very Quickly. kids are also an ENORMOUS weakness if the enemy ever discovers their existence. so in his mind, theyre a huge disadvantage and just generally a Terrible Fucking Idea.
weirdly enough, though, in the conversation, this is not his argument. because in the circumstances, theyre both kind of in a very vulnerable and open place for this conversation, and so he comes at it from an emotional standpoint. and fuyuhikos emotions around them having kids are complicated.
theres the guilt, right? theyre all classified as war criminals, basically, and are guilty of some of the most heinous acts known to man. they may be being left alone, and they may be repentant and in recovery NOW, but the effects of their actions are gonna be felt for a long time, probably decades. do they even deserve the joy of childcare? of having their own children and raising them and seeing them grow? additionally, they have no idea how long theyre gonna be stuck on those islands. maybe even forever. keeping their kids trapped there when they did nothing wrong aside from. well. Being The Kids Of The Remnants. is almost cruel, right? but if they dont want that, they basically have to give their kids up at some point, maybe even to the future foundation to be integrated into the new world. but when do you do that? when theyre babies, so they never know who their real parents are and never have to reckon with the impact they had on the world? or when theyre young adults, with the full knowledge of what their parents did and who they are, and that the world, which will definitely be utterly fucked for a long time even after the tragedy is officially classified as ‘over’ (whatever that means), will despise them just by virtue of who gave birth to them?
either way, theyre gonna lose their kids at some point. and thats going to hurt. not just the kids themselves, being thrust into a world like that, but the remnants too. those are their children.
fuyuhiko also just… has a lot of guilt and fear around having kids because of his upbringing. you cant tell me he isnt so afraid of turning into his parents, of endangering his own kids, of being too angry and too volatile and too broken to care for them properly. so in his mind, the only real fix to the situation is to just never have them in the first place.
but hajime… hajimes situation is a lot different. first off, in my funny little brain space hajime is very very much a trans man, and though his relationship with identity and gender specifically is very messy due to The Horrors, he clings to his identity as a man in the same way he clings to the name hajime hinata, as an anchor to stability and purpose. if he is hajime hinata, then he is also a man, because hajime hinata was one. this is of course a huge simplification and i could make a whole other post about hajimes fucked up gender shit but its NOT THIS ONE so were moving on. anyway, his relationship with having his own kids therefore is very complicated, as many trans men will tell you, and this is… complicated by another thing i wont go into because its very sad and not really the point and also kind of a spoiler. anyway.
but aside from just himself, hajime is also extremely practical. the difference between his practicality and fuyuhikos is that while fuyuhiko’s practicality is rooted in a childhood of danger and violence and ruthlessness, hajimes is rooted in analytics, because thats just the way his brain works now. numbers and percentages and chance. on top of that, though, what balances out that practicality is that in hajimes brain, one of the most important things about Being Human is Having Human Connections. its how he fights the boredom, fights off the constantly encroaching emptiness in the back of his head. people are complicated and messy and a lot more unpredictable than his izuru conditioning would have had him believe, and he revels in that, in understanding that people have habits and recognizable traits while also doing the weirdest shit possible when you least expect it. having human connections helps him feel human, helps him feel his emotions the most strongly, and he clings to that.
so he understands, on a very base level, why some of them would want children. he understands that a lot of them probably will when they wake up. he understands that they will all adore those kids when theyre born, that the fifteen of them will be a village, will do everything in their power to make sure those kids are happy and safe and understand the dangers of the world while not being subjected to the worst of it until theyre ready.
but hajime also understands philosophy and psychology on a very high level. because you know. the horrors. so he also can reckon with the fact that its not an easy question to answer. should they have kids? would it be ethical to have kids? they dont have an answer thats going to satisfy everyone. some of them are going to stubbornly insist none of them should. some of them are going to be desperate for them. some of them arent going to care. hes skilled in medical knowledge (again, the horrors), and if there are accidents they can be dealt with, but some people arent going to want that. he and/or mikan could probably handle childbirth, as long as theyre not actively in danger, but again, theres the question of whether they even should.
thats. the basis of their conversation. they dont end up with an answer, and i dont think i honestly have one either. could they potentially have children at some point in their lives? probably, yeah. but the logistics of that, of when they would, when the kids would leave, how they would be raised, is a lot more complicated than just ‘cute domestic childcare.’
BUT THATS. yeah. its really funny that this ended up so long because that conversation is maybe a whole 18% of the total length of that chapter and thats. being lax on what constitutes as ‘part of that conversation’ fjshfjsjfjjsjs. the thing about me is that i can not shut the fuck up to save my life, so they discuss like. SIX different topics in that conversation. it makes me very afraid that people wont be able to follow it or will get tired of all the dialogue but. Thats Just Something I Will Have To Deal With.
someday ill post this fucking fanfiction. im trying to get at least. four? of the chapters done before i start posting because i have a long history of starting to post chapters/segments of a fic only for my fixation to crumble and then i never finish it. im hoping building up engagement w this blog will help so people will talk to me and keep my writing lmao. im glad youre interested though!!!!!! ive put a lot of love into all the writing ive done for dr so far
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itslookingback · 2 years
rusty quill releasing a cryptic video we love to see it
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akagamiko · 2 years
do you survive the narrative?
yes, but you’re not the same.
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take it how you want, you were in the belly of the beast and tore your way out. you've been reborn.
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iobsesswaytoomuch · 10 days
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Hazza!! Greek doll be upon yer!
This will have no significant importance at all.
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(This was my exact reaction)
0 notes
ventussolder · 1 year
Rare current music take from me, panopticom dark side mix DO be sounding better than light side.
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howlingday · 5 months
Harley Quinn arc: Pyrrha gets her therapy session
"Um, hello? Dr. Quinn?"
"Pyrrha!" Harley sang, waving her arm towards herself. "Come in, come in! I was wonderin' when you'd get in here!"
"Well, Nora, Ren, and Jaune all said you were good."
"Oh, that's so great! I'm glad to see my reviews are so high. Now, would you like to take a seat for your first session with Dr. Harley Quinn?"
"Is there a form I need to sign?" Pyrrha asked.
"Ya know, you're the first person to catch in the middle of the session." She began to rifle through her desk. "I get so caught up in these sessions that I always forget until the session is over to get these papers signed." She giggled. "Of course, I'd nevah breathe a word about my patients, paper or no paper."
"Oh, well, if it's not too much trouble..."
"It ain't, Ms. Nikos." She pulled up the non-disclosure agreement from the cabinet and handed it to her. "If anything, I'd get in more trouble because I wasn't catching these soonah."
Pyrrha looked over the paper carefully, pen in her hand and ready to sign. Once she did, she handed the paper back over to Dr. Quinn, who took the paper and placed it delicately on the desk. She gave a giggle, then slid her notebook in front of her.
"So, I take it this isn't your first therapy session."
"Er, no, it isn't." Pyrrha shifted uncomfortably in her seat. "After a... falling out I had with one of my agents, I was recommended to seek counseling."
"Ooh, juicy~! Care to share?"
"It wasn't anything too serious. My agent just made some suggestions that I didn't feel comfortable with. When he pressed the issue, I may have... threatened him."
"Oohoohoohoo~!" Harley quickly caught herself. "I'm sorry. That was unprofessional of me. I just didn't expect you to be the threatenin' type."
"I... guess not."
"What was it yer agent tried to get ya into? Somethin' sleazy?"
"Yes, it was... It was a swimsuit photoshoot."
"Ick! And at your age?"
"Mhm," Pyrrha nodded, "my new agent was concerned of 'lingering issues' and recommended I receive counseling to ensure I'd be able to compete."
"I know just the type." Harley shook her head. "Where I come from, there's a lotta folks like that, tryin' ta get ya to do things ya don't wanna. Thankfully, ya ain't gotta deal wit the creeps like them."
"I... guess so." Pyrrha sighed. "Still, there are times when I think about what he said would happen if I didn't do it. Things like how I'd 'fall out of the spotlight,' that I'd 'get replaced in no time'. Things like that."
"Mhm, and do ya think that may have affected yer sense of self-worth?"
"Would it?"
"It did fer me. See, when I was younger, I met a guy and he made me feel special. When I left him, or he left me, he'd find someone else to take my place. Then I met the gal he replaced me with."
"Yuh-huh, and some piece of work she was!" Harley sighed. "I tried to talk some sense into her, but all I got for it was this nasty scar on my neck and my current beau's home getting burned down."
"Oh my!"
"I doubt something so drastic happened to you, but let me tell you something I told myself when I was going through it. Something that literally save my life. Every voice in my head was telling me this new gal was supposed to be the newer, better, hotter version of me. And I admitted to some facts."
Pyrrha leaned in.
"One, yes, she was younger than me. And yeah, maybe she was hotter than me. And sure, I went to easy on her and she whooped my butt. BUT there was one thing she didn't have on me. She'd NEVER be Harley Quinn, and I made sure she never fucking forgot it!"
Pyrrha leapt at the profanity.
"Sorry, sorry!" Harley waved. "Totally unprofessional. But maybe you should try it out sometime. Next time you feel like you could be replaced, just tell yourself this one thing. Look in the mirror, and say 'I'm Pyrrha Nikos! And ain't nobody gonna replace me!' Got it?"
"Y-Yes, Dr. Quinn!"
"Call me Harley, sweetie. Everyone already does."
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camping-with-monsters · 9 months
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ah! finally finished coloring this! put it on halt for a while! anyways uh. funny ghost bird guy from funny music game or something like that
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Hey Barnaby! I found this pretty gem that I put on a necklace!
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OOHOOHOOHOO!! My THaT iS A VeRY BOOTiFuL NeckLace! It ReMiNDs Me Of The GEm I HaVe! MaY I HaVE It?
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instantpansies · 1 year
crowdsourcing a 200k @hellsite-hall-of-fame x perry the platypus fanfic: part 5
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tbonechessor · 1 year
Murderbot very pleasantly reminds me that the best critique of corporatism/capitalistic systems takes a certain amount of understanding towards its nuances that doesn't just reduce it to outright fascism.
Because it's easy to fight guys in suits with guns who tell you what to do, duh. But that's just Star Wars. You can't just call them "Corporate security" and call it a day. (I'm mostly kind of side-eyeing Outer Worlds here, but there are lotsa others that do this too.)
When corporations in murderbot need to do outright muscle-based operations or anything to do with actually pulling weapons on some poor people, it's ALWAYS very risky and less-than-ideal for them. (which usually results in more interesting, underhanded, illegal sneaky schemes oohoohoohoo)
because outright combat means risking/losing assets, people, public trust, and trust from other companies. And why are those things you don't want to risk? Because they are the things that ACTUALLY generate your money.
(Woah, hey, means of production, look at that)
You want people to actually have the freedom to, mostly pursue what they want. Because, ideally, the corporation wants to either be the one primarily providing you the means to pursue it or charging the shit out of you along the way. Whatever works.
But again, not in a way that is so outright cartoonishly evil and throat-stepping that it basically bars you nearly completely and doesn't leave any room for them to have a believable public image of any kind. (Looking at you, anything that does the OH-NOES-YOUS-GOTSTA-PAY-FOR-OXYGEN shtick).
Because then the ideal pursuit of meaning becomes gaining freedom from your big, rich, greedy overlords with big lasers. You don't want that. People wanting to destroy your business is bad for a business. Good-ish? for an empire. Bad for an actual business.
Your evil corporation cannot outright KILL the pursuit of meaning in industry, science, and art through FORCE. That's Lame and too easy. It must kill it very, very slowly by making the bus ride to those things taxing as hell over the course of several years. There IS a difference, and it's important.
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lyriakisser · 1 year
👹 yo bro 👋 come over here 👋 come over here check out my new shoes they’re the 👹 BRAND NEW ☺️ oooone twoo~ buckle my shoooooe~ 🤗 threee four~ buckle some mooooore~ 😇 fiiiive six, nike kicks! 👹 OOHOOHOOHOO that is so FIRE! 🧍🏼‍♂️ ahahahaha
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plushie-neopet · 4 months
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bro this is my house
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getting this while trying to attach another petpetpet felt pretty accurate. joyless.
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easily enough fixed, though. I actually carry a rubber duck in my bag irl so, good taste lil dude.
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wh--- it feels like I'm getting a lot of random events...
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I appreciate that tho.
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what??? I have 71395np now. It... it looks like it really gave it to me 3 times? Is this a Valentines' Day thing..? Or did I win and fail to notice? oh. I also got premium now - does that triple it? I have no idea.
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oohoohoohoo snatches pink forest background as soon as possible yessssss
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