#oof sorry for the delayed response
hermitagereheadcanons · 2 months
Little Xisuma when he is baby age, will try to take his armour off even tho he isn't supposed to, because its heavy and uncomfortable, so Keralis keeps a sharp eye on him in case he starts to get too figted(is that the word??) With his armour, so he can bring the admin to his base and take care of him because if his sweet Shaswamy regressed to that age the poor little guy must be stressed - 🦋
Keralis had to figure out ways to distract him and keep him happy. Regressed that young, Xisuma doesn't understand why he can't take the armor off, which can be confusing and upsetting. Keralis does a good job keeping his mind off it.
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elitadream · 1 year
I have yet to see the movie, but I've heard from friends that they're happy there wasn't a romance between Mario and Peach. A lot of movies have very forced romances now a days. So I heard that they were happy that didn't happen with Peach and Mario. Thoughts on this?
Oof sorry for the very late reply! >< I really wanted to answer your question sooner, but kept delaying my response because I wasn't sure how to formulate it succintly! 🙇‍♀️
For me, a good romance is primarily defined by three elements: chemistry, pacing and purpose. Does it feel genuine? Does it flow naturally? And most importantly, does it significantly impact the characters involved? To determine whether a romance is pertinent and/or well constructed, I would say it absolutely has to be meaningful in some ways; Otherwise, there isn't really a point to it. 🤔
Considering how the movie's scenario was written and what the story's main focus was, I would agree that a lack of it probably was for the best. If a romance was to be established between the two, I would want it to really take its time to grow and blossom gently through key moments of calm and reflexion (something which the film didn't have in spare quantities tbh 😅) as opposed to being rushed and ending up sort of happening "just because".
The bottom line being: there needs to be more to it than that. If the movie-verse does eventually build an actual romance with Mario and Peach at some point, I hope they will both be changed from it. I hope it will rock them to their core and bring further development to the table. I don't merely want floating hearts and smitten smiles, but true commitment and devotion as well. 💞🙏
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Get to know me better tag game
Thank you for the tag @mrslyncx sorry for the delayed response, it's been a while since I've done one of these haha
Tags, only if you want to do this btw: @nightingaletrash @agentnatesewell @sazanes @lizzybeth1986 @the-legend-of-spyro & anyone else that wants to do this
Last song I listened to: Take It Back by Miracle Of Sound (a mass effect fan song I highly recommend :D also recommend the inquisition one called All As One by the same artist)
Currently Reading: This Is How You Lose The Time War (still haven't finished it but I have annotated the first chapter and want to get back to it sometime soon, hopefully)
Currently Watching: Galavant, and also some cooking shows like Next Level Chef & Chopped, also need to continue watching X-Files, oh and planning to rewatch Tamers soon too
Last TV show/movie: Not counting the currently watching, I did finish Sonic X and oof can't remember the last movie I saw
Fave ships: IchigoxOrihime, RobinxStarfire, SonicxAmy, ZeldaxLink, & of course the respective MC's for Kaidan, Cullen, & Reyes :3
Favorite Color: Purples, but also black
Favorite food: Pizza and carne/costilla con chile
Spicy/sweet/savory? Savory, I can only handle so many sweets and so much spice lol
Last thing I googled: The target audience for Sonic the Hedgehog, lol I was having a discussion with my brother & needed an answer
Song stuck in my head: Bad Habits by Ed Sheeran :] it's a very catchy song and I am a sucker for catchy songs
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anlian-aishang · 1 year
What's your unpopular aot opinion if you have any?
OOF okay I have very many hot takes. I am going to put this beneath the cut at the risk of upsetting others. Read at your own volition and plz don't send me angry mail lol. It's all just a bunch of drawings <3
This is only up to where the anime is so far (posted 12/22/23). It is not about fandom, of which I have way more unpopular opinions 😅
// I don't have respect for Mikasa. I think she's one-note. I don't understand why people like her. She is a total pushover for Eren and has disregard for everyone else. I find it annoying.
// I don't find any Levi x anyone ship superior to others or more obvious than others. In my archive, you'll see that most ship-art I reblog is Eruri, but I really don't see anything in official canon that confirms them over levihan or rivetra or any others. I truly think that the amount of Eruri doujinshi I have read is solely responsible for my soft spot for that pairing.
// Sorry sorry sorry to all my Zeke-loving pals, but I think Zeke is sooooooo not attractive, neither inside nor out. I don't care if his dad was too overbearing or if his childhood was hard. Newsflash: there are plenty of characters who had unhappy upbringings and did not end up fetishizing eugenics :P Also - wow - that beard and those glasses gotta gooooo 😪
// Still don't like Gabi. Still don't like her. Sorry not sorry. Don't find anything about her likable. I have heard the argument that she is just a kid, and I agree with that to the extent that I forgive her for some of her ignorant opinions and Sasha-killing actions - BUT that doesn't mean I should cross the threshold and start to like her.
// I think the Marley arc was very poorly paced. Did they really expect us to fall out of love with all the characters we had gotten to know over the last 3 seasons in like ~10 episodes?
// I think MAPPA's animation is not as good as Wit's. I understand that they are overworked and underpaid, and that really sucks and makes what they did produce commendable. But if we were to just look at face value, an objective side-by-side, I think Wit's style is much better. I feel that it shows - that MAPPA was rushed in production. There are too many still images, not enough shading, too few frames, too many low-quality levis. So many of the frames look like they were first drafts, not meant for final productions. And PLZ I will be the first to say that I could not do better, but I am not very impressed with what I've seen :/ I would have rather them delayed it for another four years to give it the animation quality it deserves.
// I think Hange's character is very complex and deserves more screentime. They can be the most serious and grounding, but also the most berserk at various times. What is going on in their mind? Why are they the way that they are? I wish we could have seen more backstory - or even just one monologue about their duality.
// JEAN'S SCRUFF NOOOOOOOO SHAVE IT PLZ. Marleyan!Eren, too fdsjakfjskalfj I am simply not a facial hair fan x-x Not even Levi gets a pass on that :P
// I don't understand the Pieck hype? Like, I still see her as a bad guy for her RTS actions, and I have yet to see her have any remorse.
// Besides THAT ONE FRAME OF THE ANIME, I didn't think Levi pulled off the suit.
// On the other hand, S1 Levi gets so much unnecessary hate. Plz be nice to our lil fidget spinning sweetheart and those of us who adore himmm 🥺
// Also, Eren Kruger = A WHOLE SNACK 😤
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I genuinely cannot wait until you catch up. I'm holding off on my responses until you do. because i like to poke at what's happening currently which is a lot harder to do when there's such a delay
Rnsks sorry about the delay :w: it’s just difficult cause I want to answer all asks and this is the best method I know to do it oof. I worry that if I answer new asks first then I’ll never get to the older asks because I’ll keep getting more and more new ones you know?
This is like my second time having an ask blog so it’s new to me, so I appreciate the patience ^^
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morimyulyrics · 2 years
Hello! This is not really Morimu-related, but I would like to ask if you happen to know where to find the drama CD where the Hunting of the Baskervilles Arc was adapted? I've been looking for it everywhere and I honestly couldn't find one.. I was really looking forward to hearing Soma Saito as William in chapter 11.. Thank you for your response!
Hi there! Sorry for the delayed response.
GUUUUUUUH I really wish I knew where to look for it, too. I can't find any rips either. :'( It's available as an extra on the anime's dvd volume 3, and I've tried looking for a copy myself but OOF. People who are reselling their copy sure hike up the price. LOL Would love to rip it and share if I finally manage to get enough $$ for it. Haha
Thanks for the message! Have a lovely rest of your week.
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theloveinc · 2 years
Hi caitie :3 💜💜💜
Few thoughts on this here ⤵️
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I never really get tired of hearing about it/seeing it (cus I think it is a beautiful thing to see ppl over the internet get so close n form genuine connections) but at the same time I do be feeling left out sometimes lol.
Like idk, sometimes you just see the relationship/interaction between moots and really admire it. Like you wish you had smth like that too? Not even in a romantic way. Just wanting to have a moot ur so close with and talk with often. One that can read you, one who enjoys your work, one who actually thinks of you outside of tumblr and has somehow made that known, one that reaches out regularly, once that says cute things to or about u, etc etc.
Like literally it can be so cute and sweet to watch, but you also wanna be a part of it but also know there’s no real appropriate way to do so? Cus you’re a separate moot for one (if not both) of them and your relationship is prolly evidently vastly different tho still fond? Feels especially oof if like, the relationship between u and a moot is undoubtedly positive and great but seems they never reach out to you really despite u doing so all the time?
And then it starts you thinking about if you’re material for that kind of mootship or not and if you ever will be. Makes you wonder if ever people will talk to you or think about you the way you do about them? If you’re really worth talking to???? Idk hekdhdkdshs.
I know people have lives outside of tumblr ofc, and maybe it’s easier for some to relate to each other bc of more similar ages/stages of life. I know people probably mean absolutely no harm in such a way, and that they still prolly love u a lot, just not in the ways you wish they would.
And then there’s the amount of interaction they get in general not from just moots, but anons, and people who like their work, n etc. and ur just like “my turn when”
But yeah idk how much of this made sense if any did at all. But this has just been my experience? Not to vaguepost/talk badly of any moots or anyone ofc. It’s just how I end up feeling at times.
Gets lonely. Real lonely sometimes. Especially when u really start mentally struggling with it.
Sorry if this is really depresso :c
Twylaaa, sorry for the delay in getting to this!!! I really wanted to address everything you have here because you bring up such good points. Hopefully I’m able to cover everything in a way that makes sense, isn’t repetitive and is related.
Part of me honestly feels bad because… some of the stuff you mention here, I definitely could be better at doing, like reaching out to moots who reach out to me, and hyping up both posts and responses that friends, close or not, are having conversations on.
It’s strange though, because… I think people (me included) really get caught up in themselves/what applies to them/what they’re working on, rather than uplifting the community as a whole.
And that’s not necessarily a bad thing, you know… no one is a criminal just doing what they do or having a connection with someone over another or even (and I say this as it’s the case for me) just not having the energy or focus to respond to everything that happens around them… but still, I bring it up because I really think that’s where this uhhh… “discrepancy” between big blogs, small blogs, followers and everyone in between… is highlighted. A lot of people really do get left behind as these interactions do or do not flourish.
And like you said, it’s not like you can really hold hard feelings against anyone for participating in this, and esp. those who it seems like they know what they want… but that doesn’t make it feel any better to see it all happening and knowing it… may never be you.
And then alongside like… not getting follower interaction either? Like regular asks and what not. COWABUMMER (sorry lmfao). Though I do think that’s sort of a different issue all together… relating more to people favoriting certain blogs over others, something that could be combatted but… it’s not important enough/we don’t have that type of community/seems unfair to ask/*gestures vaguely* … you know.
BUT ANYWAY. I do think it should it should be brought up more, how unfair and isolating it can be to see connections between people that also really… do not include the people around that help/helped to bring the community alive.
Obvs, people should chat with their friends and love thy moots and shouldn’t feel obligated to reach out to those who they don’t want/remember to, but like… at the same time, there are still ways to strengthen the fandom community altogether that… just aren’t being done.
It’s truly a complex… dilemma. And it probably deserves another ten paragraphs to unpack it all, so I’m not gonna continue bc I don’t want to start vaguing either LOL… but you know, I guess what I really want to agree with here is the fact that… there’s stuff we can ALL do to be more uplifting to everyone… and it really starts with acknowledging the people who acknowledge you. On every single side, especially the side of those who have power.
This was such a thoughtful and honest perspective, so thank you for sharing!!!🙏🏻🖤
I wrote this on the plane and I can’t figure out how to add my tags, so here’s what they were supposed to be:
I guess this is kinda… stupid to unpack, NOT YOU TWLYA, But like… in general… now that I’ve typed it out it seems so useless to say, because nothing will truly change, and i do believe it’s related to the decline in interest in general… and his we will never have what we had in early 2021, but still, sucks to witness and also… grinds my gears lol, how other writers (but also people in general) are just…, so focused on who’s good at writing or who posts a lot or who makes interesting content, to the point where they ignore all others, even the people sending them asks, obvs I don’t hold it against anyone like we discussed, it’s a PERSONAL problem, but I think a lot of ppl on here can unknowingly and unwittingly be f*cking jerks, the mentality that you should curate your dashboard and only write what u wanna write… I mean, it stands but also, at that point… just post on ao3, maybe that’s rude but like, what do u get out of being here otherwise?, just go on Twitter, LMFAO THO that’s another thing I was thinking about… people are all moving to ao3 only and comments aren’t u know. Rare there, but there’s not much more interaction either given that, YOU DONT HAVE AN ASK BOX!!!!!!! so what are u expecting??, anyway. Idk, thats rude bc… everyone wants interaction I know but… feels odd, [redacted] but also that’s where commenters come in blah blah blah, but that’s just what I mean… why am I getting my panties in a twist over this? ppl should do what they wanna do, also if this seems like I’m sh*tting on non writers, absolutely not, I’m talking abt writers LOL., doesn’t apply to everyone tho, not even really my moots but… if the shoe fits or if you think it fits them…… WEAR IT!!!!!!!!!!
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captmickey · 2 years
Sorry for the delay, I was having an Oof Moment. But:
1. That birthday in the caves fic lives in my head rent free. Someone hug the lad. ‘He already knew what to wish for’ ahhhhh i love! Beloved! Yes, your friends love you and care about you and you love and care them in return! yes!
3. You made me care about Guybrush and Link, the former of which I didn’t know about before i read 3adv, and the latter of which existed nebulously in my head in fable hero space. Achievement! 3adv introduces these characters so very well and and builds them up and I think that’s lovely.
4. Elaine/Guybrush. I will gladly read a plunderbunnies fic from you even with my lack of canon knowledge. They’re adorable, how can i not
7. Immortal Guards makes me cry if i think too hard about it. How dare. The ending to Perspective also makes me cry. You are too good at making me cry. This power is too much for one Mickey to hold.
8. The character interactions, the banter mixed with the care and love. You write platonic relations so so well. Your 3adv interactions are iconic and very well balanced, and you write dad!no1 with the utmost care and affection. I just. Ahhhh i wanna hug those interactions if that makes any sort of sense, which probably not
9. It’s probably not a project of interest right now, but Knightly Comfort. Absolutely no pressure but ahhh the isolation the loneliness. I want to hug a lad. Pls give him hugs. And soup.
12. Every once in a while I come back to your 3adv onshots and reread them all while rubbing my hands like a raccoon. I love these lads so much. So so much.
Okay so like.... I originally had a much longer individually written response to each of them, until I stupidly exit out and in the process deleted ALL OF IT. So instead I’m just gonna write one big overall response because I’m both lazy and annoyed with myself at the moment so here we go.
All of this? All of this had me just sitting and smiling. Like, the fact that I made you, someone who EXELS at writing the heart twisting breath taking scenes, cry has me kinda want to pat my shoulder like, what an honor that is that this is a thing. The fact that I got you to like Link and Guybrush (as well as the Plunderbunnies) has me feeling proud that what I wrote about them went through smoothly, as well as convey that platonic dynamic with others. I mean, seriously that has me feeling rather good with myself that this is the reaction i’m getting (as well as tallying up yet another point to Banter Power to which, ha haaaa). It uh... also reminded me to finish Knightly Comfort because that is one of my earlier KQ fics and that one deserves to be wrapped up properly.
Seriously, all of this had me grinning and I’m glad to have received this~
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harveyhawkscripts · 6 months
[A4A] Meeting a Long-Distance Partner on New Year's Eve [Romantic] [Mini Script] [12 Days of Scriptmas]
AN: Happy holidays! Scriptmas was a whole lot of fun! Sorry the last script is late; there was a family emergency, but everything is fine now. I hope you all enjoyed 12 Days of Scriptmas!
Google Doc
- Okay for monetization
- Please credit me as Harvey
Hawk :)
- Tweaks, improv, and
pronoun changes are okay! Just please do not rewrite the script completely.
Synopsis: The speaker and listener are in a long-distance relationship and have not seen each other face-to-face in a while. The speaker is late due to a delayed flight, and they race to get to their love before the stroke of midnight.
[SFX and Action]
Break - Listener response
(...) Longer pause
(Voice instruction)
Word Count: 510
[Phone ringing]
[City bustling in the background]
(Out of breath) Hi honey!
Yeah, I’m on my way. I’m so, so sorry I’m late. My flight got delayed, then my luggage took forever, and now there are all these people, so – so, yeah, I’m running behind.
I miss you. It’s been, what, almost a year since we’ve met face-to-face? God, it feels like forever. I can’t wait to see you.
Um, I’m passing the park on Rose Street right now.
Yeah, I’m walking. Speedwalking, but walking.
I know it’s almost midnight, but there’s no way I’m getting a taxi in all this traffic. It’ll be faster on foot.
I’ll be safe, babe, I promise.
I have a map, and I can always pull up my GPS just in case. Besides, I’ve been to your place before, it’s just been a while.
I’m sure I can find my way just fine. And I’ll be there in time to give you a New Year’s kiss, too!
Don’t worry about it, I’m fine! You just stay where you are, and I’ll come to you.
Are you sure you wanna wait on the porch? It’s super cold out! Wouldn’t you rather be inside where it’s warm?
Aw, that’s sweet, babe, but there’s no use in both of us getting sick.
Fine, fine. Just make sure you bundle up. In fact, you might want to fix some hot chocolate to keep warm.
Yes, I am craving hot chocolate. You don’t mind, do you?
Thanks babe, you’re the best!
…Wow, the city is so big and bright. I know I’ve been here before, but I’m always so amazed by it. I can’t wait to move out here with you.
I know, school first. It’s just hard to wait.
(To passerby) Oh, excuse me sir! I’ll get out of your way.
(To listener) Yeah, I’m good. Just a lot of people. Everyone is out partying, y’know? I’ll try not to get swept up in the crowd.
(To crowd) Pardon me, ‘scuse me. Oh, um if I could just get through –
[Thump, followed by phone falling]
Oh no!
[Footsteps as speaker retrieves phone]
Babe, are you still there?!
(Sigh) Oh, good. Sorry about that. Someone knocked into me, and I dropped my phone. I’m okay, though!
Wait a second – is that the time?! I thought I had, like fifteen minutes before midnight!
(Groan) My watch froze! I’m so sorry, I didn’t even notice! Okay, I’m running there now!
[Footsteps pick up]
It’s fine! I’ll be there soon! Ugh, stupid crowds – oh, excuse me, ma’am. Just gonna slip by here –
[Crowd chanting]
(Panting) No, I’m almost there!
It’s not fine! I told you I’d be there by midnight, and I will!
I’ll make it, just you watch!
I’m turning the corner now!
(To crowd) Excuse me! Excuse me! I need to get through!
Let me through!
Phew! Just hold on, babe! Nearly there.
I can make it!
Turn around!
Happy New Year, babe. I love you.
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portalopened · 1 year
"Woah, hey are you okay?" she asked the man who had just taken a tumble in front of her. Everyone else ignored them, but Melody knelt beside him, offering assistance. (For Johnnie(sorry for the delay!)) || @summerxmelodies
A new world brought with it new adventures. This was a strange way to stumble into an adventure. The portal had opened at an inopportune angle so to anyone who couldn't see the portals it looked like he had just tumbled into existence and fallen to the concrete, which he technically did.
"Hm..." Johnnie groaned, rubbing the back of his head, it was throbbing and unpleasant. He definitely needed an icepack if his healing was taking its time.
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"Could be better-" he mumbled in response as he sat up "oof I hope it's not a concussion, that would be the last thing I need on my travels."
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synchronmurmurs · 4 years
@a-midsummer-nights-odyssey replied to your post “<p>So... I want to try writing again and the one of the first stories...”
Maybe I'm hella wrong, I might've dug too far for this one. but hey I always have fun with these so if this doesn't gain traction it's not a total loss on my part XD
a-midsummer-nights-odyssey replied to your post “<p>So... I want to try writing again and the one of the first stories...”
And then, Calix is actually latin for "chalice". Kinda odd choice, I know, but if you think about it we don't exactly know what happens in the ascension process so literally the first thing that came to mind was "he drank from the devil's cup"
a-midsummer-nights-odyssey replied to your post “<p>So... I want to try writing again and the one of the first stories...”
Credo Calix Luca, and Kyrie Siena Luca. Luca is Italian for "bringer of light" (do I even need to explain that one XD), Siena is the name of a lovely city in Italy and double the "n" and you have that lovely shade of reddish-orange-brown sienna (like Kyrie's hair ����)
a-midsummer-nights-odyssey replied to your post “<p>So... I want to try writing again and the one of the first stories...”
Okay, I'm a huge sucker for character naming anD I'VE HAD IT IN MIND ABOUT CREDO AND KYRIE'S FAMILY NAME AS WELL, I just had nowhere to go with it. SO, I've spent the past like 45 minutes (my sense of time is ass, forgive me) filtering thru my own lists and scribbled down randoms and I maaaay have something??
And again, these were listed in descending order, but I wanted to reply like this so it can inspire other folk too, because I really dig these!!!
I love Luca so much omg, because while it means different things for each sibling, it still works out so damn well ughghhh. Man though, if only their parents knew the shadows cast over their son when they gave him a middle name like Calix. 😭😭 My poor boy.
Thank you for this! 🙏💖
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Do you also 'Try' AU of your characters? I was thinking in suggest to 'Try' a Gothic or Dark Vanellope that never meet Ralph and in the end get depressed enough or decides that if everyone is against her, she will be against all.
Send me ‘Try’ and a character and I will write how I would play that character
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She’d had it.
Had it, had it, HAD IT.
Taffyta ‘n the others all thought they could just push her around, stomp all over her, treat her like dirt? Like they always had done, for as long as she could remember? For, how many years had it been now? Fifteen? Twenty? Thirty?
They were about t’ learn that dirt could fight back.
For years. For years and years and YEARS she had, if not exactly let the other kids shove her around, then at least not put up a massive resistance in the hope that, maybe, they’d one day get bored of their game of trampling her self-worth into the dirt and just... accept her instead. She wasn’t asking a lot, even; she just wanted them to respect her, to acknowledge that she was just like one of them. Not some weird, different, diseased loser to shove around and take the piss of every time it suited them.
Yeah, that had gone just about as well as you’d expect.
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But now? A certain line had been crossed; call it the candy straw that broke the camel’s back. The one final humiliation that tipped the poor girl over from just wanting to be accepted to...
Wanting something more satisfying than that.
Wanting to bring down on everyone else’s heads something of what they’d been doing to her all these years.
They deserved it, every single one of ‘em. Taffyta an’ Candlehead an’ Rancis. The other kids. His Royal Buttface King Candy. Everyone in this game who didn’t even have the slightest ounce of compassion for one tiny, lonely girl who just wanted someone to accept her.
So she'd to sabotaged the race track.
Not during game hours of course, she wasn’t dumb. But just before the next random roster race, she planned to deliberately collapse one of the crucial ramps right as the racers got to it, dumping into the taffy swamp below any of them unlucky enough to not stop in time. That stuff could gum up a car’s engine like nobody’s business, and was downright painful to remove when it got all over you, to boot - guess who she had to thank for finding that out, Taffyta - and honestly? She was feeling vengeful enough to enjoy every moment of the racers’ suffering.
Thanks to her many years of living rough, she knew this game inside and out in a way that no-one else did. If she wanted to, she could make life really miserable for everyone, then disappear in an instant, and they’d never be able to catch her.
And she wanted it. She’d played nice for far too long, even in the face of constant revulsion and ridicule and even outright cruelty. Now, it was time to play them at their own game.
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It was a game she was sure to win.
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adoringhaikyuu · 3 years
craving your warmth
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pairing: akaashi x gn!reader
request: would you write an akaashi keiji scenario where he just wants to cuddle his s/o but they get dragged to a team dinner instead?
warnings: none <3
word count: 1.3k
notes: thank u for coming to me w this concept it's so cute (i feel like this is kinda ass tho and didn't portray ur request as best as it could so i'm sorry about that jskfhgd)
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akaashi felt weirdly drained today. though it was the end of the week, he'd never felt a pull like this, a desire to go home, not necessarily to his house, but to you.
his head wasn't fully there during practice, but if his teammates noticed, they didn't mention it. he was mentally counting down the minutes until he could hold you in his arms and sink into your embrace. he always loved the way your hands would rub his back, and your fingers would play with his hair, lulling him to sleep as he laid on your chest. he found himself almost reminiscing on the court, zoning out completely, but luckily no balls came his way.
a blow of a whistle knocked him out of his reverie, his body suddenly recharging at the sound of coach yamiji signaling the end of practice. within no time, all the volleyballs were put away and the net was tucked back into its box in the closet.
akaashi was sipping his water, drowning out the sounds of his teammates discussing plans, maybe? he clearly wasn't listening––when it felt as though his prayers had been answered. you walked through the open gym doors and he could feel a weight lifting off his shoulders as he jogged over to you.
he wasted no time in throwing his arms around your waist and pulling you in for a hug, making you let out a quiet and surprised oof when he held you tight.
"hi baby." you laughed lightly and held him back and he silently sighed in relief, realizing his shirt wasn't sweaty––his thoughts were basically delayed, mind only thinking about holding you as soon as he saw you, legs moving before he could think.
he hummed in response, squeezing you tighter, not even looking up when he heard the squeaking of sneakers and a bundle of footsteps against the gym floor behind him.
you could tell something was off, while he was normally affectionate, the most he'd do was give you a kiss on the cheek or the lips while slinging an arm around your waist as he greeted you, a soft look in his eyes as he asked you about your day. today, you'd barely made eye contact, but in the brief moment you'd caught his eye before he wrapped you in his arms, you could see a sense of relief? in his gaze, one that struck your interest and piqued your curiosity.
you ran a hand through his hair and he swore he could feel his limbs melting, the tension leaving his body. "what's wrong, keiji?"
he buried his head into the crook of your shoulder and neck, sighing softly as he essentially hunched over you and draped himself onto you. "s'nothing." he shook his head but before you could push further, he straightened up slowly, keeping both his arms around your waist loosely. he opened his mouth to speak up, to finally take you home (since you were coming over for a few hours, you always did on fridays), when he was interrupted by his friend.
bokuto was all smiles as he made his way over to the two of you. "hey hey y/n! you guys ready to go?"
you nodded and turned when you felt akaashi perk up a bit, surprised to see a confused look on his face.
"ready to go...?" he trailed off in silent question.
bokuto's face fell the slightest bit, "to the team dinner, man! remember we've been planning this for weeks!"
akaashi tried not to let his disappointment show, "oh, right. yeah." it's not that he didn't want to hangout with his teammates, his friends––he was just craving you and the comfort that you brought him. but he wasn't going to blow them off, he didn't want to be selfish. so he agreed to go, holding your hand the entire time until you made it to the restaurant.
you sat next to each other, obviously and the whole time he had a hand on your thigh, almost tethering you to him. he was kind of quiet throughout dinner, but it's not like he was normally very extroverted and loud, so it wasn't too alarming.
it wasn't until you had all eaten, the table surrounded with the sounds of idle chatter that you made the decision that akaashi was clearly struggling to make. "i think we're gonna head out, guys." there was a chorus of goodbyes and half-hearted complaints but you could only focus on the subtle shift in your boyfriend's energy beside you.
after the both of you put your share of the bill down, you put your coat on, grabbed your things and took a hold of akaashi's hand, saying goodbye over your shoulder as you stepped out of the restaurant together.
he swung your hands lightly, eyes stuck to his feet as he walked, suddenly nervous. what if he was being clingy?
he opened and closed his mouth a couple times before speaking up, his voice small. "is it um...too late for you to come over now?"
you shook your head, "i texted my parents at the restaurant and they said it's fine." you squeezed his hand to get his attention and he looked up at you. "what's wrong baby? can tell something's bothering you."
now it was his turn to shake his head. he waited a few seconds before responding, "just–––tired..."
you hummed, deciding to accept that for now, and walked in a comfortable silence to his home.
soon, you were both making his way into his room, akaashi didn't want to force you to go to his room if you didn't want to, but he couldn't help but think the gods were on his side when you made your way there yourself. he followed you, a small smile on his face when you jumped back on his bed in starfish position, opening your arms and extending them towards him. some higher being wasn't helping him out, you were just that perfect for him.
he slid his way into bed and laid on your chest, letting out a deep breath when you wrapped yourself around him, one hand in his hair, the other on his back.
you let him relax for a bit before speaking up softly, "so are you going to tell me what was on your mind earlier?"
he really couldn't hide anything from you.
he subconsciously buried his face into your chest sheepishly, mumbling out a response. "i just..." he sighed and raised his head to look at you. you let your hands fall to his shoulders and he tried not to whine at the loss of contact.
"i really missed you today...more than usual. was thinking about you all throughout practice and i really wanted to just come home and cuddle..." his voice got quieter in the end as he trailed off and you couldn't help but smile. "m'sorry––"
you shook your head and placed your hands on his cheeks, making him look you in the eye. "aww you don't have to apologize baby, i don't mind if you want some affection. you can tell me these things, you know? i want you to." you kissed his nose and a blush rose on his cheeks. "plus, i love cuddling with you."
"i'm glad." he smiled and looked at you with a gaze full of adoration. "thank you, love." he paused, hesitant to speak up again before remembering your words, you can tell me these things. "my parents are out on a business trip this weekend so...would you maybe wanna stay the night?"
your smile widened, "i'd love that. but only if i get to wear one of your shirts to sleep."
akaashi chuckled, "of course," before lying back down. "but could we stay like this for a bit?"
you placed your hand back in his hair, and he sighed contently, nuzzling into you. "of course, baby."
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yinses · 4 years
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types of kisses
| jjk edition |
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GOJO SATORU  — you’ve had a bad day- make that a terrible week. nothing was going right yet the tasks just build on top of one another and gave you no opportunity to bounce back. when he finds you, you’re barely holding on, just pin drop away from shattering. gojo is as busy as you are, if not more so with the council on his back about his new student. so you bite your lip and bare a grin. a shower should help ease away the worst of it and then you can try to tackle another day. but before you can turn away, he’s tugging you firmly against his chest. you don’t realize the waterworks have started until his thumbs are swiping against your face to rid the tears. his palms slide down to cup your cheeks, squeezing them in until your lips purse at the attention. “why don’t i kiss it better, hmm?” he doesn’t wait for an answer, already leaning in. he knows what you need. always does.  
ITADORI YUJI  —for a second he thinks he may have taken it a step too far. the two of you had been play wrestling for the better part of five minutes, nearly toppling each other over the edge of the couch. all over next choice in movies. yuji thought he had better reins on his strength but watching you gasp with a winded expression caused a chill of dread crawl down his spine. “i’m so sorry i didn’t mean-” he sees it coming, but the shock of potentially hurting you delayed his response as you sprung into action. a soft oof leaves him as you pin him to the cushions, fingers trailing up and down his sides until the frown breaks with laughter. you don’t stop until the worry lines fade away. yuji is breathless as he speaks, cheeks flush and heart beating a rapid staccato. ”so i didn’t hurt you?” your mouth hovers over his, leaving the faintest of kisses as you speak. “you could never hurt me.”
NANAMI KENTO  — he’s wearing the tie you got him, and you can’t resist. it was the exact fantasy you’d played out in your head when you first caught a glimpse of it in the store. now here you sit astride his lap, the same strip of fabric twisted around your fist as you pull him close. “sometimes its not fair,” you breath, lips running a sinful trail from his jawline to cheek and back again. nanami twitches beneath you, hands hovering between your highs and thighs with uncertainty. “what isn’t?” he voice is soft when he asks, as if simply imploring could solve all your problems. satisfy the lust burning within you. with a sharp tug you pull his mouth to meet yours, tongue slipping through his pliant lips to mingle with his. you’d show him just wasn’t fair about how handsome he was.
MEGUMI FUSHIGURO  — he’s always the last to budge in the morning, keeping a firm grip on the sheets and a tighter on his dreams. after learning to sleep alongside one another, simply shifting as you rise no longer disrupts him. so you have to take an extra step. the first peck causes him to groan. the next he tries to bury his face into the pillow and grumbles when you laugh in his ear. you’re just finding that special spot at the nape of his neck when you’re suddenly swept under the blanket and met with a sleepy glare. “five minutes … you can’t give me just that?” in response you snuggle closer and peck him quickly on the lips. “how about five more kisses?” he begrudgingly accepts the trade, plus a few more.
SUKUNA RYOMEN  — he needs you to be quiet or he’s going to have to stop. maybe its because you both know its a lie that you don’t try to hold back the whimpers bubbling up from your lips. he loved the sounds you made. but he would rather lose that than the feeling of you tightening around him, hips bucking back for more, if you got caught. so he covers your mouth harshly with his own, teeth nipping at your tongue in reprimand. it has the exact opposite effect as you practically vibrate around him, toes curling into the mattress as you garble out pleas. of what he doesn’t know, but he’s done catering to the needs of others. they would just have to file a noise complaint. he’d take you however he damn well pleased.
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mickules · 3 years
Are you gonna do tumblr plus? Because you’re my favorite blog but I’m broke and have no money 😭
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Oh. . .Oh nooooooooo
HA, yeah, no fear, I'm not signing up for tumbl's li'l scheme.
Art for me is a definitely a passion, but I've zero plans on monetising it at the moment since I'm lucky enough to make a decent wage driving trains. I don't even have ads enabled on my youtube cos making money from fanworks is a copyright nightmare that I don't want to navigate. That and navigating my tax return
(also tho, "favourite blog"!! AHH! you flatter me! :D)
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[from this comic] @mortonmurphy Sorry for the so response there - I'm not so good at replying in a timely manner, but thank you so much for such a lovely, heartfelt ask! I totally sympathise with feeling intimidated; I've felt the same way sending asks before, it can be oddly daunting! I'm so happy to hear you liked that comic; It seems to have resonated with a lot of people and that's really so wonderful, just warms my heart! The Dangan cast have such good chemistry, there are infinite scenarios and dynamics to play with; Taka and Hina being supports for each other as survivors is a top tier hypothetical! DR + AA cross-overs are PEAK EXCELLENCE, they just fit so well together! Ace Attorney is an old, old friend to me, and I've had that [particular comic idea] sorta floating about the noggin, I'm really pleased with how it turned out :) Thanks so much! :D
@a-lien-kai (!! Oh!! :-O high praise that it's my nonsense that got you liking Taka :D Glad you're liking this strange little AU I've been having fun with!) good news; I've drawn a little Gundham before in [this dump] ! but I'll post him here again; before and after putting on his face for the day:
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[from these asks here] Oh my absolute sympathies; being born to a family of morning people is a terrible fate.
from the [same ask dump] as the Gundham one ^ (:-) happy to hear you get smiles from my art!! thanks so much! :D) Resting Ishimaru Bitch face kills me XD, and Taka, Peko and Maki share such a similar intense energy, that I love the idea that it's a shared genetic family trait.
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SORRY FOR THE DELAY THERE!! (might be a moot point, but I figure it's worth still answering!) Putting it on tumblr and tagging me should be a good way for me to find it, that's totally fine! I've also no problem with you mentioning my account name on AO3, that's A-OK by me ;) I appreciate you checking just in case. (also, gift fic!! I'm still like -> :-0!! so cool!)
Yesssss! It's a good sign when multiple people wanna share the same fic! I love the enthusiasm! "Trinkets" by Sapphin3 has a very interesting idea; I do enjoy people exploring how those who died in the killing game might react to the consequences of their untimely deaths, (and "Touch starved" is a short but very sweet look at some Taka/Hiro step-bro interactions) A+!
OH! I've read the first few chapters of "The Problem with Perfection" by DracotheDeathEatingCupcake, and I'm really digging the exploration of Taka as less self-assured, dealing with the anxiety caused by the constant pressure of the expectation he's under. It's got such a strong narrative voice, you really feel the stress and insecurities that Taka is fighting with, and the ending of ch.1 OOF what a GUT-PUNCH!
I've not read Killer Killer, but as a concept; a serial killer targeting serial killers is sincerely REALLY COOL, kinda like the whole 'Sparkling Justice' background character from SDR2, and more Mukuro is always appreciated. . . Though I do feel it'd work perfectly well as a stand-alone concept, outside of the Dangan universe, I might check it out.
I've also had some kind DMs along this vein and I'm very flattered by the interest, but I have to say that I'm not planning on doing requests or commissions, I do very much appreciate the enquiry however!
(I don't mean to single this particular asker out - especially since they don't have their own tumbl but thought it was a good opportunity to mention!)
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@randomqueenkitcat1121 Absolutely Do! I hope you have a great time with it! You can get persona 4 golden on steam which is like a HD remake - the original came out on the PS2. I'll admit I've not managed to finish it yet cos I am capital B- BAD at video games, but it really explores some A+++ themes! (AHHH! what lovely compliments!! :D Glad you enjoy the dorks and their shenanigans! :D )
I think Avatar is a good show! I watched it a lot when I was younger, as it had a ton of re-runs on terrestrial tv. The world concept and building is excellent, and it works so well with how the plot requires a world spanning journey. The characters all have real rapport, and genuine growth across the series, all wrapped up in gorgeous animation, trés bien. In general I tend to gravitate towards more 'sci fi' concepts than 'fantasy/swords and sorcery' ones, so avatar is certainly an outlier there.
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[from this fanart!] These suggestions all have REAL cryptid energy, and honestly; the idea of a free-range Hooty equivalent? Nightmares
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[this post] and its [re-draw]
@cicicookie12 I too live the curse of pale ass Irish skin; you have my many sympathies, and my factor 50+ suncream.
@yaysof11037 I dunno why we're surprised - Taka's speedo is so in character it's ridiculous, how did we not all see this coming?
OK LOOK, I DID NOT MEAN TO FLATTEN HIS ASS! There are only so many ways to draw someone FACE DOWN ASS UP in a SPEEDO and not make it the WRONG SIDE OF SPICY
Speedos leave nothing to the imagination
consider it an optical illusion.
In general I'd have liked to have seen more one piece swimming costumes (like Komaru's from the promo image) for the sportier/shyer girls, and more abs on our strong women which is what they deserve damn it!
However, there does seem to be some thought put into matching the characters personalities which was a pleasant surprise to say the least. Sakura, Korekiyo, Chihiro and Kiibo's are PEAK; tho' I wish Sonia had kept her wetsuit, plus we were robbed of Kazuichi and Hajime's matching camo speedos, which would've upped our disappointing speedo count from 2 to a slightly better 4 It would've been hilarious if Celeste had remained fully clothed the whole time.
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Fingers in his ass never left.
(next set of asks [about parent trap au]) (previous set of asks [mostly about takaaki/hiroko] )
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itsapeterthing · 3 years
Secrets (Five) || Bucky Barnes
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pairing: bucky barnes x reader
summary: as time goes on at the compound, you begin to come to terms with your new abilities and your relationship with your husband, bucky
a/n: i'm so sorry for the delay, but i hope you enjoy!!
word count: 2.5k
warnings: pregnancy if you squint
Prologue, One, Two, Three, Four
masterlist || request || taglist
"You might have to get a matching set of earrings, but I don’t think it’s too shabby.” Nat said, leaning back in her seat.
Playing with the newly gifted bracelet on your wrist, you chuckled.
“I guess it could be worse.” You joked. “And this is supposed to stop me from... you know... turning the whole room to ice?”
“Not stop-” Bruce corrected you. “Control. We’re never going to be able to... reverse... what happened, but at least this will help you control it.”
Nodding your head along with what he was saying, your eyes strayed from your wrist to your husband standing against the far wall of the lab, his arms crossed and eyes focused on you. 
The two of you hadn’t spoken to each other since the first day you had woken up from being captured and he had held you in his arms. You were still struggling with coming to terms with who your husband was and even who you were. Knowing you needed your space, he had respected your wishes, keeping a painful distance from you for the past three days since you had woken up in the icy room of the Compound.
His eyes snapping away from yours, they landed on an article of clothing laying on one of the countertops in the lab.
“What’s that?” He asked, speaking up for the first time that day.
You, Bruce, Nat and Sam glanced at one another before your eyes landed on the suit on the table. Crossing your arms, you focused your attention at the ground.
“A suit.” Bruce clarified.
“Yeah, no shit.” Bucky said, picking up the cloth. “For who?”
“For me.” You said, speaking up, still not meeting your husband’s eyes.
An awkward silence hung in the room for a brief moment after your confession, before Bucky found his voice again.
“Can I talk to you outside?” He asked, pushing open the doors of the lab.
Nodding, you said nothing before following close behind your husband into the hallway of the Compound. When situated outside, you looked up at him.
“What?” You asked.
“What?” He repeated. “Don’t ‘what’ me, Y/n. Since when did you start having them make you a suit? I thought once this was all over you wanted to go home.”
Rolling your eyes, you crossed your arms.
“I never said that.” You said. “You just assumed that. I mean, what do you want me to do, Buck? I have abilities that other people don’t have. I can’t just go home after this and pretend like this isn’t a part of me anymore- like this never happened. I have these abilities and I should use them for good. I have to. You don't have to worry about me. I made this choice for myself.”
Staring at the resolve written all over your face, Bucky laced his fingers into his hair, tugging the short strands.
He understood what you were saying. He understood that you felt a responsibility to do good, but he thought of himself too- how he fell into the position he was in now.
He didn’t make the choice to be an Avenger. The choice had been made for him the moment he fell from that train and was taken into the hands of Hydra. He wanted better for you than a life you hadn’t chosen. He wanted better for you than a life where you were constantly risking your life and wondering if you would live to see another day.
He wanted more for himself than losing the love of his life because of a sense of duty.
“You don’t choose to go into stuff like this, Y/n.” Bucky said, unlacing his fingers from his hair and throwing his arms in the air. “You’re forced. You can still get out of this, doll. Don’t stay because you feel like you have to- you don’t owe anybody anything. You have the choice to go home and forget about all this and that’s what most people like me wish for.”
“Fine, you know what?” You said, throwing your hands up in the air. “You’re right. I don’t have a choice. I was forced into this shit because I didn’t know who I married and some guy tried to kill me because of it. Don’t stand there and act like you know what’s good for me when you’re the whole reason I’m in this mess.”
Slipping the bracelet off of your wrist, you held it between your fingers and watched as the floor below you began to turn to ice at your feet and frost started to coat the bracelet in your hand.
“Look at this, Buck.” You said, waving the bracelet. “Look at this! You think I can just go home and pretend like I wouldn’t turn you into a fucking popsicle if this was off for more than two minutes? I can’t pretend like this isn’t happening to me and if I have the chance to do something good with it then I will.”
Watching Bucky’s eyes soften as he stared at you, you slipped the bracelet back onto your wrist, the ice melting away with it. Shaking his head, you watched as the angry demeanor that he had been portraying seconds ago faded away as his shoulders relaxed and his hands went still at his sides.
“I just want what’s best for you.”
The way his voice cracked as the words slipped out of his mouth and he could barely meet your eyes made your heart tug in your chest. You knew he didn’t mean you any harm. You knew even after everything that he was just looking out for you, but you also knew that he had a clouded sense of what was right and wrong for you.
Relaxing your shoulders, you slowly walked over to your husband, resting your hand on his bicep.
“I know that, Buck.” You said softly, urging him to meet your eyes. “But when are you going to realize that you don’t know what that is?”
Looking into the room through the window of the door, you fiddled with the bracelet on your wrist, all the thoughts of what could go wrong running through your mind. Feeling the cold touch of vibranium wrap around your wrist, you stopped your fidgeting.
“Stop worrying, Y/n.” Bucky said from beside you. “Everything is gonna be fine.”
“What? I’m not worried.” You lied.
“You’re joking, right?” He asked, a hint of a smile gracing his face and what you would even call a chuckle slipping from his mouth. “At our wedding you twisted your engagement ring the whole time and remember when you took those pregnancy tests for Grant? You spent the whole time messing with that stupid bracelet on your wrist I was worried your skin was gonna turn red. Even that little- God what is it called? That thing Becca made for Mother’s Day last year?”
“Are you talking about that macaroni necklace?” You couldn’t help but laugh.
“Yes!” Bucky exclaimed, snapping his fingers when you finally said the name. “That thing. You were messing with that thing so much that when you saw me hit my head on the cabinet door you snapped the pasta right in your hand.”
You knew exactly what he was talking about.
Your kitchen sink had stopped working properly that day and rather than call an actual plumber, your husband had insisted that he knew what he was doing and he would be able to fix it just fine. You watched as he worked, his head inside the cabinet as you leaned against the countertop fiddling with your newly gifted necklace from your daughter around your neck.
When water began to shoot out of the pipe, your husband cursing as water blasted his face, he attempted to pull away, knocking his head on the doorframe on the way out. As soon as you heard his shout, you felt the piece of macaroni shatter in your fist as you squeezed it tightly.
“Oh God, Buck are you okay?” You asked.
“God damn it!” He cursed again. “This hurts like shit.”
“Are you bleeding?” You asked, now standing in the puddle of water that coated the floor.
Pulling his hand away from the spot on his head that he had just hit and not seeing any blood, he shook his head.
Breathing a sigh of relief knowing that you wouldn’t have to be making a trip to the hospital that day, you took in the scene around you as the water continued to spray out of the pipe flooding the floor of your kitchen.
“Yeah?” He asked looking up at you, you just now noticing the droplets of water coating his eyelashes and face.
“Can we call a plumber now?”
Looking around him and the puddle of water he was sitting in, he sighed, giving in.
“Yes, doll.”
“You know, it’s kind of funny thinking about it now.” You chuckled to yourself. “I was worried about you hitting your head on a cabinet and you’ve survived shit that only happens in movies.”
As Bucky laughed along with what you had just said, you stared up at your husband, catching the smile that had crossed his face for the first time in a week, noticing now the dark circles under his eyes and the scruff that hadn’t been shaved in days. He looked exhausted, as if he hadn’t slept since the last time you laid in bed beside him. You hadn’t checked the mirror yet, but you could guess that you didn’t look much different.
“I guess I am kind of worried.” You confessed.
“I know, but there’s nothing to worry about. I promise.”
For the first time since you had found out about his double life, you trusted in what he said.
When you nodded your head you felt as his hand brushed along your back, resting in the curvature of your spine. With his free hand, he slowly opened the door of the room, revealing your son and Sam on the other side.
Upon hearing the door open, your son’s head darted from the table he was sitting at towards where you were standing in the doorway. As soon as his eyes landed on you, you watched as he pushed himself away from the table, the metal chair he was sitting on scraping against the floor, practically toppling over as he hopped out of it and ran into your arms.
“Oof!” You grunted as his arms wrapped around you, his face digging into your stomach. “Miss me?”
He nodded against your stomach.
“You have a great kid.” Sam said, sitting in his spot at the table your son had just been at, coffee in hand. “Your daughter too, but this one gives me a kick.”
“Yeah?” You asked chuckling and as soon as you did your son pulled away from your embrace.
“I was so scared ‘cause I thought that those guys killed you, but then Dad came back with Captain America and Black Widow and then we came here and-” Your son began rambling, throwing his arms in the air wildly. “And then yesterday Captain America let me fly-”
“You took my son flying?” Bucky asked Sam beside you.
“Depends on what you consider flying.” Sam shrugged taking another sip of coffee.
“-and then I got to play with the shield and it’s so cool, Mom!” Grant finished saying, catching his breath.
“Wow buddy that sounds... dangerous.” You said eyeing Sam while ruffling your son’s hair. “But I’m glad you had fun!”
Just then you heard the door on the far side of the room open, Natasha emerging with your daughter in her arms. The first to move was Bucky making his way over to Natasha, taking his girl into his arms and bringing her over to you.
“Hi sleepy girl.” You cooed, reaching out for your daughter who had clearly just woken up from a nap.
When your hands met her skin, however, she quickly pulled way from your touch, curling more into her father’s chest.
“Your hands are too cold, Mommy.”
Practically feeling your heart shatter in your chest, you looked up to meet Bucky’s eyes just as downcast as yours. Pulling yourself away from your daughter, you clasped your hands together, biting back the pain that you felt from her rejection.
Noticing how you began backing away, Bucky frantically took his daughter’s hand in his vibranium one, staring down at her.
“C’mon your mom’s hands aren’t that cold, right?” He asked. “What about mine. You always say my metal one is cold, right bug?”
Resting her head against his chest, she shook her head.
“Buck, it’s fine. She's right.” You eased, backing away from everyone towards the door. “Does anybody else feel hot in here? It’s really hot. I think I’m just gonna take a breather outside-”
“Y/n-” Bucky called.
“It’s okay, I’m just gonna slip outside real quick.”You said, pulling on the handle of the door and swinging it open. “I’ll be right back.”
Before anybody could protest further, you stepped into the hallway, shutting the door behind you. As you walked down the hallway, you were realizing for the first time that you didn’t recognize this place and you didn’t know where you were going. The more you thought about it, you barely recognized anything anymore and you didn’t know where you were going to go from where you were right now.
How did you end up here? How did you go from having some guy across the bar from you catch your eye to pacing down the hallways of the Avengers Compound, ice flowing through your veins? Frustrated, tired and confused, you felt a sob you didn’t even realize was there catch in your throat. Throwing your hand to your mouth, you leaned against the hallway wall, feeling tears begin to fog your vision.
“Y/n?” Bucky called, following you down the hallway. “You know Becca’s weird like that sometimes. She just woke up and was tired and cranky-”
“James, it’s fine.” You said.
After a brief pause, you heard his voice again, the tone more shaky than the last.
“Buck I said-”
“Y/n watch out!” He shouted.
Shooting away from the wall, your head darted to the big windows at the end of the hall, an unfamiliar object coming straight towards them from the outside.
Before you could even have time to discern what was happening, you watched as the glass of the large windows shattered across the hallway and heard them hit the floor, small bits nicking your skin along the way. You listened as loud beeps emitted from the device, growing quicker by the second. 
Snapping your attention back to Bucky, both of your eyes wide, the last thing you recalled was the feeling of his hands securing the back of your head and your lower back as you fell to the ground.
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