#only kyogre for now though
ask-dawnanddusk · 8 months
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After Vox took a quick break on the shore, he once again entered the water to continue his journey home. The stinging of salt water in his still leaking wound was unpleasant, but it at least served to keep him conscious and aware, fending of the growing exhaustion that was beginning to weigh him down.
As Vox swam forward through a long stretch of particularly empty ocean, he pondered what he would say. His mother would surely be fretting over him, and he was worried about stressing Dawn and Dusk more then necessary.
As he pondered this, he slowly came to the realization that a powerful presence was approaching, and fast. He was alarmed for a moment, before he realized who it was.
It reached out to him, cautious, confused, and as gentle as a Titan of Its magnitude could be. The mere presence would overwhelm near anyone else, but Vox had long gotten used to the feeling of crushing water and hammering waves. The vast mind brushed against his, a clear question in Its intent. He so rarely passed through this section of the ocean, and It wondered why.
Carefully pushing back with his mind, Vox explained what had happened in a mixture of few words and many images. It was a more Primal way of communicating, and whilst it usually left others dazed and confused, the Presence that swam with him understood perfectly.
The sensation of foreign feelings washed over Vox. Irritation, annoyance, and a slight bit of anger, but luckily no true Wrath. A moment later ocean currents bent and shifted, an old power pulsing through the water as the world shaped itself to the other being's will. Vox found himself being pushed forward through the water at an even greater speed towards his home. Sending a quick wave of appreciation towards the Presence, he turned his focus back forward, towards the quickly approaching landmass in the distance.
And while the Lugia sped towards home, the other presence swam towards It's Opposite. There was much they needed to discuss.
Kyogre (?) has revealed itself and is now open for asks!
Best be respectful, lest you wish to be devoured~
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themainspoon · 23 days
A dumb hypothetical that I think about way too often is the "1 of every Pokémon VS a billion lions" one, because to formulate an answer to this question requires answering a bunch of subquestions to work out just how strong/effective a small handful of Pokémon actually would be in this scenario. Because while there are a lot of Pokémon who could fight a bunch of lions and win, a billion lions is in fact quite a lot of lions, to the point where we struggle to fully grasp the number. Even some of the strongest Pokémon who could arguably take down 100's of lions could still barely make a dent in a billion.
But the subquestions I mentioned don't all apply to the strongest Pokémon (a bunch still do though), but instead to a bunch of specific Pokémon who could be extremely effective in this specific scenario. I will now present some examples:
1. Do the Lions have any way of harming Shedinja?
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Shedinja may be a posessed cicada shell with a whopping 1 HP, but it also has the ability wonder guard, which means that only attacks that are super effective can hit it. Lions don't use Pokémon moves, this is because they are lions. Shedinja doesn't need to eat or drink either, it just floats ominously. Therefore, unlike the lions it won't eventually die of hunger or thirst. Are the Lions even capeable of hurting it? And to expand upon this, are they capeable of harming any Ghost type Pokémon? If not, easy Pokémon victory.
2: What about Pokémon that are too hot to touch?
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Firstly, I'm not talking about the whole "The Pokémon Sapphire Pokédex says Magcargo is hotter than the sun" thing, because we know for a fact that simply isn't true. However, that doesn't change the fact that there are Pokémon that are at least partially made out of lava/magma (does how you describe their biology depend on where they physically are at the time?). Just like us, stuff that hot is something the lions would want to avoid. How could they defeat these Pokémon?
3: "To protect its Trainer, it will expend all its psychic power to create a small black hole."
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Ok, to quickly state the obvious: The Pokédex is pretty far from being a reputable peer reviewed journal. But it is also our best source of info on what Pokémon are capeable of, and it repeatedly states that Gardevoir can create "a small black hole". What a "small black hole" means exactly is honestly really unclear. Is it an actual black hole? If it is than Gardevoir could singlehandedly make a huge dent in the number of Lions.
4: Adjusting the Weather Forcast
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So, flooding the entire planet would defeat the lions, and so would a permanent drought. These two are both capeable of causing one of those things each. But both really want to do their thing, and really don't want the other to do their thing. Could they come to a peaceful agreement in the face of a common enemy (the lions), or would they continue to fight? Also, would they even have time to complete their weather based win conditions? Kyogre's would work faster, but flooding the entire planet would take quite a lot of time…
5: The big one, what is usually the ultimate argument in favour of the Pokémon. Is Arceus actually God?
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If Arceus is God, than instant undeniable dub for Pokémon with 0 questions asked. But, there's an issue with Arceus's divinity that many people aren't aware of. Arceus has claimed that it is God and that it created a bunch of the other legendary Pokémon, and the Pokédex corroborates this. BUT! The truth of this myth relies upon Arceus being the first Pokémon. This is where Arceus comes into question, because we already had a first Pokémon:
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Mew, who has been in the series since gen 1, and who is theorised (in universe) to be the common ancestor of all Pokémon. Mew was therefore the first species of Pokémon, from which all other Pokémon are descended. But then how is Arceus also the first Pokémon? The question of whether Arceus is God or just an absurdily powerful Godlike Pokémon depends on whether you adhere to Pokémon creationism or Pokémon evolutionary theory. Basically though, there's a chance that Arceus may not actually be God, which changes things quite substantially.
Some less important questions that still Kinda matter (a little):
Just how hard is Registeel? It's hollow, but made of "a material that is harder than any known metal" (quote from Bulbapedia) could the Lions deal with that?
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Yveltal steals the lifeforce of living things around it, Could it slurp up a billion Lions?
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How many Lions could Guzzlord eat?
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chongoblog · 1 month
My First Pokemon Playthrough
So I've noticed in my time of talking about Pokemon, I've told a lot of various anecdotes that are all a part of my very first time playing Pokemon. I was feeling nostalgic, so I figured I would share what I remember about this playthrough for everyone to enjoy. There may be a tangent or two in there and people who have followed me a while may have heard these before, but hey.
For context, I believe I was about 8 years old at the time, and after collecting some Pokemon cards, watching a kid play Crystal at summer camp, watching some of the anime, and generally being a pretty big fan (I even have Pokemon Yahtzee burned into my memory for some reason...), I finally got myself a Game Boy Advance with Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario World, some Frogger game (after looking it up, it was Temple of the Frog), Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2, and, of course, Pokemon Sapphire.
I remember that my starter was Torchic. I don't remember why I chose that one, although I remember really liking the color red at the time (which I still do), so that was probably why.
I don't remember too much about my team or the general progress I made in most of the game, but I do remember Slateport City. For those who do not recall, in Slateport City in order to advance you need to get into the museum, which is blocked off by Team Aqua Grunts until you talk to someone in the shipyard. There are also Team Aqua grunts blocking the route ahead
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Now, my 8 year old brain for some reason concluded that the only way to get past the Team Aqua Grunts was to intimidate them with a high enough level Pokemon or something like that. So one night, while I was supposed to be asleep on a family beach vacation, I beat down more poor level 13 Pokemon than I could count. I learned later what I was actually SUPPOSED to do, which led to me finally fighting the Team Aqua Grunts.....with a level 42 Blaziken.
And since the Name Rater was in Slateport City and my starter had evolved, I figured it was only appropriate to give him the new moniker "MAGMA MAN"
The rest of the playthrough went about as normally as tearing through the game with mostly Blaziken normally would go. There were a couple exceptions though. First off, at the Weather Institute, after I saved the day from Team Aqua, they were kind enough to gift me a Castform, but my party was full, so I couldn't get it. My 8 year old self did not read this. (Remember this, it will come back later). But I managed to make my way through the game, catching Kyogre with my Master Ball and giving it the nickname "LEGENDARY"
Then we come to the Elite Four where I hit a brick wall. I don't remember my team at the time exactly, but I do remember it was MAGMA MAN which had reached about level 80 or so, LEGENDARY which was about level 48, a level 36 Pelipper, two level ~35 Tentacruels, and some other sixth Pokemon I don't recall. And for some reason, I just couldn't beat the Elite Four with this team for some weird reason. The best I could ever get to was Drake. I felt I was utterly defeated.
That's when we bring a new character into the story. A member of my friend group at the time who we'll call "John" to protect the innocent. Now John had a very "uncle who works at nintendo" type energy to him. The group used to play Gauntlet: Dark Legacy together all the time, and when I got the GBA port of it, he convinced me to trade my recently obtained copy of the Pokemon Trading Card Game Boy game for a Gameboy-Gamecube cables, only for me to learn too late that it didn't work like that, and from there, there were no backsies (but then I got ahold of a copy of Pac-Man VS and Four Swords Adventure then I learned to emulate, so who's laughing now).
Anyway, John saw that I was struggling and he decided that he wanted to help me out. You see, he had come across an incredibly powerful and rare Pokemon that couldn't be found in the wild. He had gotten it exclusive, and I had never seen it before. It was called a "Castform". Now John had Ruby version, so he decided that as much as it ached him to part with it, he figured it would be a reasonable trade to trade this powerful Castform for the slightly less powerful LEGENDARY. I agreed.
And then he moved to Ohio.
To this day, Castform is my least favorite Pokemon because of this betrayal. I was so distraught at 8 years old that I completely restarted my game of Pokemon Sapphire. I don't remember much about that second playthrough, but there's a reason why.
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This rival battle on Route 110 is somewhat infamous for being quite the sudden difficulty spike. And since I knew how to get past Team Aqua now, I didn't have an over-leveled starter to stomp my rival with ease. After losing to her about five or so times, I got frustrated and figured that whatever team I had wasn't cutting it. So I restarted again.
In my third playthrough, I made it all the way to the rival battle on Route 110. Then she stomped me repeatedly. So I restarted again.
This cycle would go on for, like, 15 resets. I didn't count, but it felt like there was hundreds. As I would keep on resetting and playing through the early-game of Pokemon Sapphire (which I had practically memorized at this point), I would start to take things a lot less seriously, sometimes picking the girl character, making my name random gibberish, etc.
Eventually, on one of these playthroughs where I started with Treecko, I actually managed to beat the Route 110 Rival Battle! And on my first try too! And thus began the epic journey of a girl named DE.
Now, I'd figured at this point that maybe only leveling up one Pokemon wasn't the best approach, so I was trying to balance my teams a bit better (I guess my rival taught me something). I was making my way through the game, and one day I'm checking out my best friend's Pokemon in Ruby, and who do I see in his box, but a Kyogre. I take a look at his name, and I can't believe it. It was LEGENDARY. John had traded it to my friend before he moved.
My friend didn't know that it was originally mine, so he offered to trade it back, which I accepted. LEGENDARY was a disobedient little bastard since I didn't have enough badges, but he got the job done. I don't remember the team I ended up using to finally beat the Elite Four, but it included my Sceptile starter, a Sableye that somehow knew only Fighting-type moves, and two Kyogres, LEGENDARY and LEGENDARY2.
And that's my first playthrough of Pokemon Sapphire. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it.
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catboybiologist · 29 days
Y'all ready for a certified neurodivergent moment?
I had to sit through a thing I absolutely did not need any info from, and typed up a massive outline of the soulsborne pokemon game I just talked about. Massively cringe, yes, but hey it's not just living in my head anymore.
I've had this idea brewing in my head for a while now, pretty much ever since PLA came out (and I found it kinda disappointing tbh). Even though Hoenn has lots of love, it still feels like the most "grand" region in terms of the scale and themes of its lore, so I liked the idea of using it for a legends game that focused on the initial clash of Kyogre and Groudon. I had so many ideas brew in my head, and I guess now I sloppily typed them out.
Obviously this isn't actual game design. This is just me being cringey and detailing my dream pokemon game. At 26 years old. Anyways.
Pokemon Legends: Jirachi
In the times when Hoenn was young, the earth and seas shook. Titans roam the land- powerful individual pokemon that shape their environment to their liking. Humans and pokemon work together to keep them under control, but the earth and sea themselves shake, and Titans only grow more numerous. One day, a human wishes on a shooting star to become a hero and save their land, and something from up there answered.
In this game, Jirachi would be a kind of invisible "questmaster", giving an in-game reason for path markers, quest markers, and points of interest marked in stardust and sparkles. Once the main plot is completed, Jirachi would be able to join your party.
Core combat
The gameplay would be souls-like or Monster Hunter like, but with direct parallels to mainline pokemon mechanics. The six stats would be the same, and the four moves your pokemon can learn would be equivalent to the attack interface of a soulslike game- four trigger buttons. You would take direct control of one "primary" pokemon at a time, and use it as a souls-like character.
HP, Def, and SpDef would be largely the same, with the added benefit that less damage taken means more resistance to trips and staggers.
Atk and SpAtk are also pretty clear cut, scales your damage output per move.
Speed would be analogous to stamina or endurance. Dodging would work as in soulsborne games, and consume stamina. Most pokemon walking, running, attack speed, and dodging speed would be largely equivalent, but high speed pokemon would be able to sustain rapidfire attacking, frequent dodging, and continuous sprinting for longer.
Accuracy would be reworked into lock-on or charge up time- eg, a low accuracy move requires you to stay in one place for a longer amount of time before releasing, to charge up or lock on (imagine how swag ass this would look with focus blast).
PP would correspond to cooldown time. Each move would be infinite use, but have a cool-down after its used. So a move with high accuracy, but low PP, could be used instantly, but not spammed. High PP, weaker moves would then see an increased niche as a "default" light attack that can be spammed.
Attacks could also be ranged, up close, AoE, and have other features that would need to be tweaked and balanced in implementation. They wouldn't one to one map onto their in game counterparts, but this would at least provide a vague guide for how these moves work that builds on players assumed existing knowledge of pokemon games.
Special attributes, like never-miss moves and priority moves, would have features that play into this- eg, priority moves could be spammed with no cooldown, and never-miss moves would be immune to inhibiting effects.
Stat changes could be temporary effects applied to yourself when using the move, like a buffing spell in soulsborne games.
Nonvolatile status effects (paralysis, burn, sleep, etc) would work similar to monster hunter- invisibly accumulating triggers that occur as a side effect to to moves, or in the case of moves that directly trigger status like Spore or Thunder Wave, they would not do direct damage, but instead add massive amounts to the accumulated status trigger.
Field effects (weather, terrain, and special effects like wind, gravity, etc) could be set by regular pokemon moves in small areas, but would also be frequently encountered in the overworld.
Examples: the vibes of potential starter pokemon.
This is all just for the purpose of giving examples of how I envision some of this stuff working. Assume each pokemon would have regional variants that scaled their stats appropriately. This is just to show how different playstyles from the mainline games would translate to this format.
Lucario: example mixed offensive pokemon
Moves like aura sphere could be used with no lock on time, and little to no cooldown, forming the basis of a normal, light, ranged attack.
Moves like Close Combat would have no lock on, but give a temporary debuff and have a long cooldown time before they could be initiated again, making for a quick to use but infrequent heavy attack.
Swords dance and/or nasty plot could be used to provide a temporary buff for a period of time.
Focus blast would take a long time to charge and lock on, making you a sitting duck.
Reuniclus: example tanky pokemon
Light Screen and Barrier could lay down static areas on the ground. When an ally pokemon is located within them, they provide their corresponding defensive buffs. Cooldown for reusing them starts when these floor areas disappear.
Recover could be used to heal, but would have a long cooldown.
Liepard: example technical pokemon
Yawn would inflict direct sleep "buildup", but over time as opposed to instantly.
Fake out would instantly proc a stagger from the enemy, but could only be used in a certain time range upon being sent out.
Moves like taunt and torment function as usual.
The trainer and overworld traversal
Even though the player has direct control over pokemon, the MC is still a trainer, and pokemon are still capture in balls.
The trainer would be on the sidelines, with idle animations ordering the pokemon to do stuff.
Only one "controllable" pokemon could be outside of a pokeball at a time, or all of them could be stowed in pokeballs to directly control the trainer. The trainer can interact with NPCs, gather items, etc.
The trainer would also order "helper" pokemon. One or two "helpers" could be added independent of the party that would follow the trainer around constantly. Each pokemon has a list of field "helper" abilities they're capable of doing, independent of what moves they know. By targeting something that a helper pokemon can interact with in the world, the trainer would order that pokemon to zip out and interact with it. Think Republic commando. This takes the role of HMs and other field moves. For areas that require things like Surf of dive, the helper pokemon would exert a field of influence that essentially allowed the primary pokemon to act normally- eg, a surf helper would cause an area of surging upwards surface chop that lets the primary pokemon walk on water, or a dive helper would create small air bubbles centered around wherever the primary pokemon breathes from.
The trainer can also provide small support in the form of items, but this would be limited to encourage sensible use of stat boosting moves.
Pokemon would still be captured in pokeballs, but after they are fainted by the primary pokemon. Fainted pokemon could either be captured in a pokeball, or "relieved" of unique held items and resources before releasing them.
Pokemon would not gain experience by defeating opponents. Instead, each one would have material requirements to both level up and "customize" them. Like upgrading a weapon in Monster Hunter, every pokemon would have unique material requirements to level up, change nature, upgrade IVs, allocate EVs, or learn and relearn certain moves. This incentivizes a postgame loop, but could be curved to make the main game give you adequate materials to avoid excessive grinding.
The gameplay and story structure
The gameplay loop is basically monster hunter.
There would be a large number of normal-sized pokemon out in the world, that could be easily defeated and either captured and looted. But, frequently, a "Titan" would appear- a large, boss variant of a particular pokemon. Some pokemon can only be captured from their defeated titan forms, even if they appear in their regular forms.
These titan forms would appear semi-randomly, and requests to "quiet" them by defeating them would take the form of quests posted in the hub regions. These quests would then essentially be a monster hunter hunt- going out and fighting a particular titan.
Titan forms could be unique, or vaguely modeled after existing megas.
The world is divided into 8 main regions, and at least one "bonus" region. There would be 4 ocean regions, and 4 land regions. Each region would be seperate, but open to explore within that region (damn you can really see how much I've played MH:W)
Each region would have a drop table of pokemon that could potentially appear as titans.
Each region would also have one, single titan pokemon that gives the region its character. These 9 titans would be new, unique regional variants.
Each region, and by extension, each boss titan, would be directly associated with a different regional effect. So essentially, the boss titan and the field effect of a region would be reflective of its character.
The plot, like monster hunter, would be a gameplay loop of increasingly powerful titans within a region, building to the boss titans of each region. Once the 8 primary titans are defeated, it triggers the endgame main plotline.
The world
As mentioned previously, the bulk of the gameplay loop and storyline would be defeating increasingly more powerful "titan" pokemon, until you encounter a particular individual pokemon that is actively shaping that region and has ultimately caused the other titans along the way to be empowered.
Each region would have a dominant type, several field effects that come and go within certain parts of the area, and a unique boss titan. Each boss titan is about equivalent difficulty, and the player is encouraged to spread their efforts around to proceed through the "tiers" of titans evenly across the world before making it to the boss.
Hubs: Slateport, Lilycove.
Self explanatory, these would be the hub towns. Like in PLA, no other cities would be founded yet. Mt. Pyre would be integrated as part of Lilycove, and important characters and exposition could happen there. It would be an active cathedral. Kyogre and Groudon wouldn't be "known", but vague, amorphous titans of earth, sea, and sky would be referenced.
Land Regions
Meteor Cliffs and the Tranquil Plain
A gentle, grassy plain south of Mt. Chimney gives way to its southern slope. The slope, pockmarked with craters, has not been extensively explored, but is thought to hold deep caverns.
Regional effect: Pyschic Terrain
Regional Titan boss: Metagross (Steel/Pyschic)
Main game route equivalents: Meteor Falls, Rustboro City, Petalburg Woods, Petalburg City, Oldale Town, Littleroot town, 101, 102, 103, 104, 116, 115
Towering Forest
A deep, lush forest, sometimes so dense that you can't see the sky, fed by the crystal clear river cutting through it. The tangle of the canopy shudders under the weight of unseen pokemon above.
Regional effect: Grassy Terrain
Regional Titan boss: Tropius (Grass/Steel)
Main game route equivalents: Fortree city, Safari Zone, 119, 120, 121, 123
Jagged Stones
Deep, rugged canyons hide a basin-like desert, where a raging sandstorm elicits mirage-like visions.
Regional effect: sandstorm
Regional Titan boss: Tyranitar (Rock/Dragon)
Main game route equivalents: Verdanturf town, 117, 111, 112, all desert subregions
Volcanic Slopes
The peaks, caverns, and North slope of Mt. Chimney know no peace from the continuous onslaught of lava.
Regional effect: harsh sunlight
Regional Titan boss: Camerupt (Fire/Ground)
Main game route equivalents: Mt. Chimney, Jagged Pass, Fiery Path, Lavaridge, Fallarbor, 113, 114
Oceanic regions
Thunder Bay
An unrelenting, static haze hovers over the inlets of of Thunder Bay, impeding exploration of its deep subterranean caverns.
Regional effect: electric terrain
Regional Titan boss: Manectric (Electric/Dark)
Main game route equivalents: Mauville, New Mauville (replaced by a cave entrance), Cycling Road, 118, 110, 134, 133
Shifting Floes
A chill falls over the NorthEast seas of Hoenn, a climatic anomaly. Scattered islands and shifting ice platforms are continually coated with a snowstorm.
Regional effect: snowstorm
Regional Titan boss: Froslass (ice/ghost)
Main game region equivalents: Mossdeep, Shoal cave, 124, 125, parts of 126 and 127
Misted islands
A mysterious area of the ocean in which islands seem to shift locations as they phase in and out of sight.
Primary Area effect: Misty Terrain
Regional Titan Boss: Altaria (Dragon/fairy)
Main game route equivalents: Dewford Town, Granite Cave, Southern Island, Mirage Island (location changed), 105, 106, 107, 108, 109
Deep Blue
The open expanse of the ocean, and the islands within it, hold secrets beyond comprehension in their depths and constant storms. It is said that there is as much below as there is above.
Primary Area effect: rain/underwater (same effects as rain)
Regional Titan Boss: Wailord (water)
Main game route equivalents: Sootopolis city, Cave of Origin, Sky Pillar, Ever Grande City, Pacifidlog, Seafloor cavern, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, parts of 126 and 127
Special Area: the Delta Stream
Ripping across Hoenn's skies is an air current known as the Delta Stream, which powerful pokemon use as a causeway between regions and across the world.
Only accessible in the postgame, and with a "helper" pokemon that can fly. This entire region is above the clouds, and the only points that poke up are the peak of Mt. Chimney, Sky Pillar, and an updraft over Mt. Pyre.
Primary area effect: tailwind
Regional Titan Boss: Salamence (Flying/Dragon)
The Endgame Plot: after the titans are quieted
Once every boss has been defeated, the endgame storyline starts. Despite every titan being quieted, the land still quakes, and the seas still swell. The elders of Mt. Pyre urge you to investigate these at their source: the inner lava chamber of Mt. Chimney (subregion of Volcanic Slopes), and the depths of the seafloor (subregion of Deep Blue).
As you can probably guess, this is the introduction to Kyogre and Groudon.
The first fight with each of them uses your own pokemon, and gives you a "false" win- after you "faint" them in a suspiciously easy battle, they each revive into their primal forms, and head to the mountain island that would become Sootopolis. Hear, they battle on a kaiju-like scale. The MC watches the destruction from Mt. Pyre.
For the second time in the game's story, the MC makes a wish: this is beyond me. I wish a savior would come. Jirachi directly unveils itself for the first time to answer the call, touches the MC, and speeds off into the distance. A cutscene follows Jirachi to Sky Pillar (only a raw, uncarved spike of rock at this point), where Rayquaza is seen coiled around the top. Jirachi leads Rayquaza into the upper atmosphere, where it undergoes a primal/mega evolution. It pivots, shooting down towards earth, building speed.
The player takes control of M-Rayquaza as it slams down to earth, staggering Kyogre and Groudon away from each other, and engages in a special fight where they have to defeat both of them.
After this, Kyogre, Groudon, and Rayquaza may each be found at Seafloor cavern, Mt. Chimney, and sky pillar respectively, and may be defeated and captured. But its highly implied that they only go along with this willingly, and will freely resume their duties as the lords of the land once the MC passes on.
After the plot is completed, steps and murals start being carved into Sky Pillar, allowing access to the Delta Stream.
The post game would allow for infinitely generating Titans, rematches with previously captured Boss Titans as "enrichment" for them, and general gameplay loop grinding for items to train pokemon.
Yay, okay, no ones gonna read this far but uh. Yeah. That's the general idea I had. Hope it made at least some sense LOL
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poisonousroxstar · 10 months
Barry redeeming the son of Archie
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Request: "Hi may I request a Barry x male reader son of Archie leader of team aqua headcannons of Barry redeeming him from being evil and helping him through not being accepted by society until they become co gym leaders . Male reader trains Dragon type Pokemon. Thank you for your time" - @zenitsuharadagoku
Plot summary: Though a loyal son to your father and his plans, you had began to notice the dark consequences for his actions, and eventually help in the downfall of his mission. When team aqua is disbanded, not everyone is willing to forgive you for your crimes. Only Barry, the boy who pulled you from the darkness, is able to see the changes you've undergone, and he is determined to help the rest of world see that too.
This Contains: Betrayal (giving).
Note: Fun fact: Barry use to be a huge childhood crush of mine, so seeing this request I just HAD to do it. Ah, childhood memories 💕 did both platonic and romantic headcanons. It's long, hence the cut. Enjoy!
Note 2: Apologizes for nearly a year of waiting! In the end I rushed a bit, so I hope you can forgive it if it seems to fall flat. Feel free to request again!
Growing up, you not only had your father caring for you, but also the rest of his main team too. They were as much family as Archie was, and you loved them all as they loved you.
So when your father wanted to awaken the legendary Pokémon Kyogre, you were easily on board.
You were his second in command, and by far one of his more diligent lieutenants. A skilled pokemon trainer with strong dragon types, and an efficient member of Team Aqua that always completed his mission.
Of course, there were people who opposed this plan, one of them being a hyperactive boy named Barry. A sinnohnite visiting the hoenn region and helping to put an end at the chaos ensuing.
Originally, Barry was completely against you, seeing you as nothing more but trouble. And in truth, you weren't exactly a big fan of him either.
The two of you clashed often, him always trying to stop and you always trying to stop him from stopping you. It wasn't easy, Barry did have strong pokemon on his side, but you were smarter and more resilient, so the battle usually leaned to your favour due to Barry's rashness and headstrong approach.
If there's one thing you could applaud him for, it was his perseverance. Even when you beat him, that didn't stop Barry from trying again, and again, and again. He'd simply get back on his feet and run at you at full speed.
You and Barry's interactions only ever happened like at, with him rushing at you to battle and both of you clashing it out. That's all there was. At first.
But as time went on, you began to show doubts in Archie's plan. I mean... He literally wanted to WRESTLE KYOGRE?! At first it sounded cool but....now that you put more thought into it rather then blind devotion, you came to realize it wasn't nearly as black and white as it seemed.
But Archie was stubborn, really stubborn. At first, you tried to subtly imply that perhaps this wasn't such a good idea, but it never seemed to register in his head. He'd simply laugh at your hints, tossing an arm around you and proclaiming that "your old man's got it all under control!"
And you love your dad, so you complied nonetheless. At first.
Losing to you really hurt Barry's ego. Again and again, he was never able to trump you. But as time progressed, he realized his headstrong approaches weren't working. From his humility, he learned to be more patient, less rash, and less impulsive. Mostly.
But while Barry began to thrive, you began to crumble. You felt conflicted, guilty and unsure. You knew what you were doing was wrong... But, your dad. You didn't want to let him down. He couldn't realize just how dangerous his mission had become. And it was tearing you apart.
You're not on your A-Game anymore. You actually begin losing to Barry, and your part in Archie's plans became stagnant. Maybe it was a subconscious thing, your mind trying to thwart your mission. Maybe your dragon types saw how this was effecting you, their strong and beloved trainer, so they began to faint on purpose. Or maybe he had just improved since before. Either way, it was clear you weren't on track anymore. You're sure even Barry notices this.
Your loses and guilt eventually helped push you to betray your father's mission, though it wasn't without pain. The look he gave you when he saw you sabotaging his plans, confused and hurt, and so betrayed, when running away was heartbreaking...
Switching over to the good guys isn't an easy transition at all. Nobody trusts you, and rightfully so. Funnily enough, it's Barry that trusts you the quickest -- well, it still took a bit of time, but considering many others weren't budging, yeah he was the fastest.
At first, he didn't believe you at all when you said you wanted to help, thinking this was just another ploy by Team Aqua. But as you proved yourself to everyone, working hard and taking down other Aqua grunts with and even for them, Barry began to believe what you said.
He went from being the first one to accuse you of doing bad things, to the first one defending you when others believed you were still doing bad things. It's such a quick change, it surprises enough -- especially when they all thought he hated you the most. A genuine relationship had formed between the both of you. A deep understanding.
In the end, Kyogre and Groudon are quelled by Rayquaza thanks to May/Brendan. Archie came to regret his choices by then, having realized far too late just the magnitude of what he'd done and what else would've came. When he sees you his first instinct is to charge straight ahead and hug you with enough pressure to almost crush a rock. He's tearing up and apologizing profusely for what his actions, and hopes you'll forgive him. Archie is especially surprised with your new relationship with Barry, and does through some heat his way initially. But he warms up to him, if only for you.
Since this incident, not many people see you favorably, even if you did help. Those you worked closely with have come to forgive you, the general public haven't. So Barry's taken it upon himself to change this nasty image you had. You've changed, he knows you have, and he's gonna make everyone see it. It takes years of hard work and equal dedication to change this perspective to everyone, but it eventually does work. Mostly. There are still some out there who haven't forgiven you and there's no changing that, but you're no longer getting as many nasty stares or hearing as much gossip about you anymore. And you have Barry to thank for that, which he will gladly take praise for *ahem*
In this time, you and Barry have only grown closer together. It's funny how you two started out as enemies and ended up with something so much more. You are both two peas in a pod, knowing each other like the back of your hand.
You and Barry eventually became dual gym leaders together. It had been in the works for awhile now, but you didn't want to open it until the general public had grown to trust you. This was especially hard as Barry was always pestering you to open the gym already, a bit of his impatient past shining through. When it does become official however, it's a time for celebration! All your friends, families, and pokemon gather together to celebrate this new endeavor for you two. A new beginning.
Archie is especially proud, swinging an arm around your shoulder and loudly shouting "THAT'S MY BOY". You can definitely see some proud tears at the corners of his eyes.
Though the start was rocky, you and Barry have forged an unbreakable bond together. Akin to brothers. He has your back and you have his, and neither of you plan to ever change that. As a result of this friendship, I could see Archie becoming more fatherly Barry and vice verse for Barry's dad, Palmer.
While you're both the best of friends, you're also each other's biggest rivals. It isn't uncommon to see one competing against the other, usually Barry. It's never anything truly serious, though Barry may make it so, but none of it will ever shatter the bond you both have.
You both are like brothers at the end of the day, a bond built from
At some point, the feelings you and Barry have for each other deepen into something more. You're not sure when or why, but they do, and it feels good... it feels right.
Barry is real flustered and even a bit shy at times, and may come off as a bit of a tsundere here and there. Demands to hold your hand or else you'll owe him a million dollars!! He's kidding, he's kidding-
You're often the one who does the teasing in the relationship, with Barry usually helpless to your teases. It's cute, watching him get all red face.
If you two ever have a wedding, Archie is going to be so proud... and loud... and sobbing. He'll grab the nearest man, woman, or person in between and yell with the most prideful voice ever "THAT'S MY SON THERE!!". Everyone else who served under will definitely join his cheers.
Overall, romantic life with Barry will remain relatively the same. Yet, there's something new there now. Something to explore your bond deeper. A happy ending, for a new beginning.
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last-lorekeeper · 2 months
New video! Hurray!
[It's a video (see, told ya). Zinnia is sitting atop her desk, Aster next to her. As the last of the students file in, she leans backwards until she's essentially perpendicular with the floor.
Zinnia: Hello my lovely students. Welcome to the cool classroom. We do cool things here.
She laughs and sits back up, crossing her legs.
Zinnia: So, last week and the week before we talked about the tribes of Hoenn. Now, you may have noticed that despite me talking at length about them, they're not really all that present in modern day Hoenn. They're not gone by any means but they're much smaller and less widespread. The Oceanids largely stick to Pacifidlog Town and Dewford, the Gaiads largely stick to Lavaridge, and the Draconids hang out in Meteor Village. Ours is the best and coolest, obviously, which is why its the hardest to find.
She uncrosses her legs and slides off of the desk.
Zinnia: So you may be wondering "Well what happened? Why are all the tribes so small now?" The answer to that is simple:
She holds up a finger.
Zinnia: The Monarchy.
She begins pacing.
Zinnia: Yep, once again Monarchs come to ruin everything. If you've taken Raifort's class you're almost certainly intimately familiar with that fact.
She stops in front of the smart board and pulls out a pointer. A physical one.
Zinnia: So, the Hoenn Royal Family. It all starts with these motherfuckers.
Two photos of paintings appear on the smartboard. They're both of battle scarred kings with color schemes matching Groudon and Kyogre. Zinnia smacks the smartboard with her pointer.
Zinnia: These are Grodunn and Kjogur, I bet you can't guess which one is which.
A student raises their hand.
Zinnia: That was rhetorical.
The student lowers their hand.
Zinnia: These guys were brothers and the kings of Hoenn way, way, waaaaaayyyy back in the day. They sucked, which is obvious because they're kings. Now, what particularly sucked about them, was they hated each other and they decided to make it everyone else's problem. Because we can't have two kings, no that'd be too logical and reasonable. Oh, also they were the Chosens of Groudon and Kyogre respectively so that didn't help.
Aster makes a noise. Zinnia makes the classic "silly me" gesture which looks mildly unhinged on her.
Zinnia: Oh dear you're right. I completely forgot to explain what a Chosen is. How silly of me. Basically, a Chosen is a person that a Legendary decides to bless with special powers. Usually they do this for a specific purpose, such as Groudon and Kyogre, who use their Chosens to free them so they can continue their eternal war, and Rayquaza, who uses its Chosen to stop the other two.
Zinnia flops down into her chair and spins around.
Zinnia: Anyways, the two started a massive, bloody Civil War in Hoenn. Seriously, these guys make the Aqua and Magma conflict look like a civil disagreement. What's worse, eventually they did manage to release Groudon and Kyogre as one would expect from the Cycle. But luckily, Sir Aaron, Aura Guardian and Chosen of Rayquaza, was there to stop them.
The smartboard changes to an image of the Sir Aaron and Lucario portrait from Cameran Palace.
Zinnia: Together with Coriander, Draconid Lorekeeper, and Sir Galahad, fellow Aura Guardian, they sealed away Kyogre and Groudon's power within the Blue and Red Orbs alongside the spirits of Grodunn and Kjogur, once again bringing peace to the land.
She shrugs.
Zinnia: A lot of that is considered hearsay, though. We don't actually know if its really true. But I have a primary source known as the Ghost of Sir Aaron backing me up on this so...
She shrugs again.
Zinnia: At the very least, Grodunn and Kjogur were real guys and the Civil War for sure happened. Afterwards, the entire Royal Family decided that they'd offended the gods and the only way to fix that was to name every male Norman. No, that is not a joke.
She leaps up from the chair.
Zinnia: Speaking of Normans, lets talk about a personal least favorite of mine, Norman the Mad.
A painting of Norman the Mad and an image of a Spiritomb appear on the board. Zinnia smacks the painting.
Zinnia: This is what he looked like when he was alive.
She smacks the Spiritomb picture.
Zinnia: This is what he looks like now. Well, not actually, this is just a random Spiritomb. Nobody's going down into the Hoenn Royal Tombs to take pictures of this bastard.
She takes a deep breath.
Zinnia: So... what's his deal? Well, basically, he was insane. Apparently Groudon and Kyogre made the mistake of Choosing the same guy and when you're Chosen by two Legendaries at once, especially two who are constantly in conflict with eachother, it tends to drive you a bit, well, Mad. His exploits were kind of funny, looking back on them, but at the time a lot of people got killed because of him. In the end, his soul was sealed within a Spiritomb and locked away in the Hoenn Royal Tombs. That one's also considered heresy but I have a Primary Source for it too. I've met Norman the Mad the Spiritomb and he's an asshole and I hate him.
She takes another deep breath.
Zinnia: Final one and then we're done. Time for one I hate more than Norman the Mad because she hits very close to home. And yes, I did say she. We're getting a queen this time. Byrd the First. Why is she the First? Cause Byrd the Second is currently tearing up the Contest Circuit somewhere. Good for her. Should have called her (Byrd the First not Byrd the Second, Byrd the Second's fine) Byrd the Terrible though cause she was Terrible. She basically exiled and/or killed everyone she didn't like. Draconids, Oeanids, Gaiads, psychics, non-Trifectists. Pretty much everybody, honestly. She's why all of Hoenn's tribes are so small and scattered. Worst part is, she claimed to be doing this in the name of Lord Rayquaza. The only ostensibly "good" thing she ever did was establish the modern routes we use today but that's a matter of opinion and also wasn't worth everything else.
She flops back down into the chair.
Zinnia: And we're done. The Royal Family's still around these days but they have basically no power despite pretending they do. Only one who really matters is Norman the... 16th? 17th? Eh, I don't care, Gym Leader of Petalburd City and step-father to my girlfriend. The end.
The bell rings.
Zinnia: Thanks for coming, guys. Have a good one. We'll be having a quiz on this next week so I don't have to actually do work. Don't worry, it'll be pretty straightforward and simple! Bye!
The video ends]
//Hoenn Royal Family Lore by @darlingvirus
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decks-writing-blog · 15 days
Whatever the Fuck Benrey Is: Chapter Eighteen: Terrible Person
Chapter One
Previous Chapter
Gordon was a terrible person. His plan to gently convince everyone to not do this trip because he didn’t want to go back died upon Benrey suggesting he might walk. If he did that Gordon’s chances of seeing any part of his records were much lower. He wanted to see them so bad, he was willing to make a trip back to the the place he’d had the worst experience of his life in just for the chance to. But then Benrey, normally the least anxious person Gordon had ever known, had been openly anxious and admitted to being so over his safety. How and when had he grown to care about Gordon that much?
Normally that revelation would’ve been heart-warming but not when Gordon had been actively planning on being nosy. He could tell himself all he wanted that he was only going to peek or to skim but… he’d wanted to read and watch all of whatever there was on file for Benrey. And even now, after that delusion had been knocked from him by realizing the enormity of the betrayal, he still kind of wanted to do it. If given the chance, he might not be able to resist the temptation.
And now he had to sit in the middle backseat and try to pretend like he’d agreed to this trip solely to help out his pal Benrey. That was part of it of course; walking would’ve taken a long time and not been fun, Gordon didn’t want him to go through that if he didn’t have to. But he could’ve declined going and let the others take Benrey. Of course then he’d have also been left home alone for way longer than he was comfortable committing to yet. But he was only realizing that now. He was going because he wanted a chance to peek at Benrey’s records.
Just like he had when coming across Dr. Coomer’s clone’s records or would if he ever happened upon Bubby’s. With Benrey he felt worse about it though. Not that he didn’t feel bad about the others, they were his friends but Benrey was… also his friend of course. ‘Special’ was maybe the best way to put it. He was particularly special to Gordon due to how much he depended on him for comfort and company. Gordon’s newfound pathetic neediness made him cling to Benrey. And yet, despite that, he’d been planning on betraying his trust and privacy and if given a chance, would still be tempted to because he just wanted to know more so bad. That drive was the same one that had brought him to Black Mesa in the first place, before he’d become somewhat disillusioned by the mundanitiesof living in a research facility and always working under other people, never doing his own things. It had come back stronger though, perhaps as a desperate distraction from worse thoughts.
As fucked up as the situation was, he hadn’t even had much trouble falling asleep last night. Benrey was just that soothing and comforting. Which only made Gordon wanting to snoop on his private stuff worse. … Hopefully he wouldn’t get a chance to.
Taking a deep breath to try to banish such thoughts, he shifted, leaning his shoulder a bit more into Benrey’s so he could better see the Game Boy in his hands. The angle wasn’t great, making it hard to see, but Benrey moved it a little, tilting it towards him. He was playing Pokemon Sapphire, just booting it up for some reason.
“I’m shiny hunting so, uh… probably not fun to watch,” he said but kept holding it where Gordon could see anyway.
“Why? Aren’t shinies like super rare?” Gordon liked Pokemon well enough but going to so much trouble just seemed a waste of time.
“I want a shiny Kyogre to go with my shiny Groudon.”
“Wow, okay. You shiny hunt for that one too or just get super lucky?”
“Uh… I got sorta lucky. That one only took a few days. I’ve been trying for this one for like a week now. You sleep a lot though so I got a lot of time to play. I’m gonna get all the legendaries as shinies.”
Gosh, Gordon needing him to sleep and recover from bad dreams really took a lot of his time, huh? What had he ever done to deserve that? Yeah, Benrey enjoyed the cuddling too but… even on the nights when he got tired of it and extracted himself, he stuck around the room all night anyway just in case Gordon needed him again. Why didn’t he leave and let Gordon deal with his own problems occasionally? If they weren’t in the backseat of a car with the rest of the Science Team, Gordon would’ve been tempted to ask because he didn’t deserve that.
As it was though, he settled in to watch Benrey shiny hunt. Which was quickly growing boring, indeed. Naturally he’d saved right in front Kyogre, allowing him to start the encounter and then immediately turn the Game Boy off and back on as soon as it showed up as not shiny. Over and over and over again. They’d already been in the car for more than a hour now too and if he’d changed games in that time, Gordon hadn’t noticed.
“Do you… enjoy this?” If this was what he did when Gordon slept, it was time to get him some more Game Boy Advanced games or tell him to just let Gordon suffer while he fucked off elsewhere.
“Eh, it’s kinda boring, not too bad though. I get cool stuff out of it so it’s worth it. Gonna have an all shiny team of legendaries eventually, it’ll be cool. Maybe I’ll take it to a tournament. I’ve heard that those are like a thing. I could uh… go to one now, right?” He turned his head to look at Gordon for a second before turning it back to the game
“Sure, if there are ever any nearby, I’ll drive you.” If he wanted to go to a competitive Pokemon thing, he’d more than earned a ride to one for all the shit he put up with for Gordon’s sake.
“Awesome. But uh… want me to switch to something more fun to watch?”
Yes but… “Only if you want to.”
“Hmm… I’ve been learning the speedrun for Minish Cap so I’ll show you that. It’s pretty cool.”
“All right, sure.” And so instead of confronting the part of him that was a terrible person for wanting to betray Benrey’s trust and privacy, Gordon would continue to distract himself by watching him play video games instead. Damn, he really needed to sort his shit out. … Later though, he’d do it later.
The Black Mesa living area was much the same as it had been before but now it was shrouded in darkness. The generators had reportedly breathed their last a week and a half ago. All of Black Mesa’s fancy high-tech solar panels – special made to be particularly efficient – had of course all been atop the outside parts of the facility and thus subject to the army’s bombings. The elevator only still functioned because of the mini-generator one of the prior salvage teams had brought out to hook up to it.
“I hate this,” Gordon said as he shined his flashlight around the space. The opening room had never felt like much before but the darkness changed that. Five flashlights helped but where their beams didn’t reach, almost anything could be hiding.
“It’s dark.” Benrey was also shining his flashlight around, seemingly randomly, not looking towards where he was pointing it. Weird but it was Benrey so actually pretty normal.
“Be careful Gordon,” Dr. Coomer said as he stepped into Gordon’s line of sight, “sometimes things hide in the darkness. Try not to let your flashlight run out of power.” He then turned and started walking further in. “No time to waste being afraid though. It’s time to start a new adventure.”
“Wait, what? What kind of things? Dangerous things?”
“Things, Gordon, things,” Bubby answered as if that answered the question as he followed.
“I don’t think we wanna know,” Tommy added, also following.
Before Gordon could insist on an answer, Benrey stepped up to him, lightly bumping him with his shoulder. “Middle of the group.” He spoke low so only Gordon could hear.
“Yeah, yeah, I know.” Gordon got moving, pulling the salvage cart behind him. Its handle was just big enough for his gun hand to fit through, meaning him taking charge of it meant no one else had to sacrifice a free hand for it. “You know what kind of things Dr. Coomer was talking about though? Like… an experiment gone wrong, resulting in things that hide in the dark or something.” That was stupid, right? It was just Dr. Coomer being weird again, giving tips that sounded oddly like video game tutorials. There were no things in the dark and the batteries – more Black Mesa tech – were supposed to be able to stay on for a full week before burning out and they had a box of spares just in case.
“No clue.”
“Great, awesome. It’s fine though, we’re fine, everything’s fine.”
“You don’t sound too sure of that,” Bubby said, glancing back with a raised eyebrow.
“I’m trying to convince myself, okay? Because Dr. Coomer just had to say something straight out of a damn horror game when we’re in a dark underground facility that’s almost certainly still got dead stuff in it.” They were to burn anything dead they came across, especially if it was alien. Not that it’d be easy to tell at this point. Hopefully they wouldn’t come across anything.
“If there are things, I’ll uh… kill them.” A glance back revealed that Benrey had taken up the rear, just behind the salvage wagon. He walked backwards, shining his light around behind them. Odd but at least nothing would sneak up on them. “Or try to ‘cause… don’t got a gun so it’d be kinda hard to kill anything that shows up.”
“You don’t need a gun to be dangerous… do you?” Now that Gordon thought about it though, all the violence he’d committed before Xen had been with a gun. Heck, even on Xen he’d mostly been attacking with a gun, hadn’t he? The one that shot balls of energy that were seemingly hard to aim based off how often he’d missed. His skeletons hadn’t been armed but their cocooning hadn’t done damage or even hurt, just held people in place for a brief time.
“Uh… I could make claws, I guess. Hard to hold things with claws though. I do got sharp teeth so I can bite things real good.” Damn, unarmed, he was only slightly more dangerous than the average person. Maybe a bit more than slightly given that something that couldn’t be hurt or blocked by solid objects could easily win a fight solely through attrition, but still not exactly an offensive powerhouse.
So offense wasn’t his strong suit, defense though, he could probably do well if he tried. So between him and Dr. Coomer who was dangerous without a gun, Gordon would probably be fine even if things did show up out of the darkness. Didn’t mean this would be a fun trip but he’d known that going in. … Even if his reason for going in wasn’t good. But now that he was here and already not happy about it, making it worth it would be nice.
Benrey hadn’t explicitly said he didn’t want Gordon or anyone else looking at his records. So probably peeking, if he got a chance, wouldn’t hurt too much. How he was going to do that, was still up in the air as there was no way he could get away with doing it openly. One thing at a time though, once they got there, he’d start looking for opportunities.
If the others were at all unnerved by the darkness, they made no indication of it. Like their first trip through the facility together, their group was various degrees of spread out as Dr. Coomer and Bubby seemed to want go faster than the rest of them were. Resulting in ‘the middle of the group’ being a somewhat nebulous position. Benrey stayed at the back though, seemingly keeping watch for anything that might try to sneak up on them.
They all chatted idly as they went along, the conversation much looser now that they all knew each other better and weren’t in a tense situation. Gordon participated in that chatter at first but… the longer they walked, the more the weight of the facility seemed to press down on him. They all had backpacks with supplies and sleeping bags and it was dark so almost everything about this hike was different from their first journey so it shouldn’t be much of an issue but well… it was still the same facility. The look of the halls they traveled was much the same and the way their voices echoed, though not interspersed with the same kinds sounds as before was otherwise the same.
Not thinking about said first journey was always a good idea, but here it was a bit harder to. Even desperately trying to cling to the others’ conversation didn’t help as much as it normally would’ve. They’d all chatted as they walked during that journey, including when they’d lead him to the ambush when he’d lost his hand. … When they’d all left him to die.
Or maybe not left him but they certainly hadn’t fought for him or cared he’d lost a hand. Why would they have though? He was weak, fragile, and easy to kill while they were all various kinds of not that. Even Tommy, seemingly the most normal one among them, his father was that time stopping guy, meaning he probably also had powers too and likely wasn’t human. It’d be cool to know more but also… it was a reason for him to have not particularly cared when Gordon got hurt. And reason to potentially not be too terribly bothered by his safety now.
Had that changed with any of them? For Benrey it had, he’d confessed to it. The rest of them though… who could say?
What if they were leading him into another ambush for his other hand to be cut off? … For what purpose? … What purpose had the first one been for?
Outside their chatter, it was awfully quiet. No power meant no air conditioning, humming lights, or distant sounds of machines. Gordon strained his ears, trying to detect anything. Military boots, the crackle of a Xen portal opening to drop an alien on them, the shuffling and moaning of a headcrab zombie, anything that said they weren’t alone done here. Something had to be just around the corner or just out of their flashlight’s radius. Because there was always something around the corner, the darkness would only make it harder to see before it jumped them.
Surely an ambush was inevitable. Maybe not for just Gordon this time but all of them. If so, they wouldn’t bother to help him. Why would they? Someone as weak and pathetic as him wasn’t worth the effort. … He should’ve found a way to power the HEV suit and bring it after all. They had lots of stuff at the temporary lab, some of it undoubtedly HEV suit related.
So even after getting out of this hellhole he’d returned and thus still might die down here. Entirely his own fault this time too, he’d chosen this for stupid evil reasons and hadn’t brought the one thing that might’ve kept him alive. No wonder Benrey was anxious for him, he was an idiot who was basically doomed to die because of his own dumb decisions.
They were going to cut his other hand off and dump him somewhere to bleed out because he didn’t have the HEV suit’s medical systems to help him survive it. But hey, without the HEV suit, there wouldn’t be the awkward fumbling to get the gauntlet off while he was held down and sat on, making it hard to breath while he screamed and struggled while the people he thought were his friends watched. The saw would still hurt though; searing pain before it bit into bone, catching and scraping and grinding.
His arm hurt. The rest of him was numb. He wanted to scream. He couldn’t… not out loud. Only in his head. They were going to cut off his hand. He was going to die down here. It hurt. He still couldn’t scream.
Gordon had stopped participating in any of the conversation. When he’d stopped was hard to say for sure. Too focused on petting down his own anxieties, Benrey hadn’t been paying much attention. But now that it was becoming more and more clear that there weren’t any aliens left ready to jump out and kill the only member of their party who could die so easily, Gordon’s silence was glaring. He should’ve been just as chatty as the others.
Benrey sidestepped around the cart and sped up – turning around too as being right behind the cart was what had allowed him to know he wasn’t going run into anything while walking backwards – until was right next to Gordon. “Yo.”
No response. Gordon kept staring ahead, his gaze blank, flashlight pointed at the ground in front of him, seemingly following the others purely mechanically.
“You okay?”
If Gordon heard him, he gave no indication of it. So Benrey poked him in the shoulder. That finally got his attention as he gasped, turning to look at Benrey. “Huh?”
“You okay?” Benrey repeated, still speaking low but a bit louder this time.
“Uh… um… again? I’m… my ears are ringing.”
“You okay?” Though really the question was moot now, the answer was obvious. “You’re acting weird. What’s up?”
Gordon was a silent for several long seconds, his eyes darting around, never seeming to rest on anything. “Just uh… freaking out a little.” He was awfully quiet for someone ‘freaking out’. Nightmares not counting, last time he’d properly freaked out had been the bucket when he’d yelped before shooting it full of holes. Did him doing so whilst calmly walking through a hall mean it was somehow particularly bad or not a big deal? “I wanna scream.” Despite that, his voice was quiet, barely above a whisper.
“Then scream.” Like he was supposed to and would be normal.
“Can’t. … If I die or uh… something comes out and saws off my other hand, you can do an ‘I told you so’. Just… try not rub it in too much, please.”
So then was this Benrey’s fault? He’d put bad thoughts in Gordon’s head, causing this? Though, this was the place that all the bad things that had happened to Gordon that caused his nightmares had occurred so… maybe not entirely Benrey’s fault. Either way didn’t matter. He took a deep breath and sang out a string of blue sweet voice; the most useful colour apparently.
Gordon stumbled to a halt as it hit him, breathing it in. Benrey stopped too, stepping in front of him to continue his tone.
Tommy, Coomer, and Bubby naturally heard and came back to investigate. Benrey’s tone was pitched to be just loud enough to make conversation next to impossible. Louder than he’d intended but he didn’t care.
Gordon coming on this trip had been a mistake. Such should’ve been obvious but he’d been seemingly not hesitant to go. He was dumb. They all way. Benrey should’ve insisted on going alone. … Or just with the others who weren’t as traumatized by everything because they’d never been in any real danger. They should’ve left Gordon behind with Sunkist and Darnold or maybe one of the others.
Finally Benrey let his tone end. Silence settled on them, heavier than before.
Gordon took a step back, giving his head a little shake. “Uh… thanks. I feel… better, not good but better. Also a bit loud but… I’m sure it’s fine.”
“You shouldn’t have come. Why did you?”
He flinched almost as if the question had hurt. “Just… because. It’s something to do and… wanted to help you out and everyone else is going. I thought maybe it’d be fine.”
Benrey hadn’t even considered this aspect of it not being fine. In his defense, human psychology was a mystery to him. He did know that it had been traumatic for Gordon and sort of what that meant though so he should’ve at least considered it might not be just a casual walk for him.
He stepped back to address the group as a whole. “You guys should go back. I’ll continue by myself to get my stuff and other stuff for the wagon so it looks like you did your job stuff and then uh… meet back up with you outside.” The main benefit of them coming with him after all was the journey down here since he didn’t know how to drive and no one had been willing to lend him a car to figure it out on the way. He could do the trip through the facility by himself without too much trouble.
“We’ve already been walking for hours though,” Bubby complained. “I ain’t turning back.”
“Perhaps just me and Gordon could turn back then,” Coomer said. “Tommy if he wants to as well. Would you like that Gordon? I could use my big strong arms to carry you out of this horrible place. Just this once I won’t even charge you a Play Cointm. When we’re back on the surface I’m sure we could find a way to keep ourselves entertained until our friends rejoin us.”
“Um… thanks for the offer but… I’m okay now. I think uh… think this might be good for me, actually. Kinda like exposure therapy, right?”
Tommy stepped forward. “But Mr. Freeman, isn’t exposure therapy normally done with professionals? People who have uh… trained to know how to do it and how far to push it and… and how to do it in a way that’s safest. Doing it by yourself without guidance might not be particularly helpful. I’m not an expert or anything of course but I did read about it on Wikipedia.”
“Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit,” Coomer added.
“Yes, we know, thanks, Dr. Coomer,” Gordon said. “But uh… I’m fine now, really. I can keep going.” He looked away as he said it though. A sign that it was a lie or unrelated? “I want to keep going. Just uh… do you guys think we could walk a bit closer together?” He gave Benrey an intense look, perhaps indicating he wanted him in particular to stay close. It was hard to tell for sure though just like it was hard to tell if him continuing was really wise or not no matter what he said about being fine now. “I know I’m the weakest guy here but I can take this. I was just out of it a bit and then Benrey snapped me out of… or I guess back into it so it’s all good now. I just gotta stay focused.”
“Are you sure, Gordon?” Coomer took a step towards him. “Don’t push yourself to try to keep up with us because that’s never going to happen no matter how hard you try. You’ll just push yourself to death.”
Gordon grimaced and took a step back, flinching as the back of his legs bumped the cart, his gun hand still firmly wedge in its handle. “I’m sure I’ll be fine. There’s nothing here anymore.”
Coomer stared at him for a couple seconds longer before turning and continuing down the hall. “Very well then! Onwards and upwards!”
Bubby went along with him without hesitation, leaving the rest of them to catch up. Benrey still wasn’t sure but… he fell in step with Gordon. Maybe he had overreacted to Gordon’s quiet freak out. He was new to this whole worrying thing in general, especially over someone else. It sucked. His fault for adopting such a fragile pet. But… would he stop caring so much if he could chose to do so? … No. Most of the time Gordon made him happy; even just Gordon being happy made him happy. It was fun and nice even if it did suck sometimes.
Maybe Benrey should hold his hand as they walked. Touching always seemed to comfort him and whenever he tried to comfort Benrey, it was often with touch, so… but no, he had only hand and it was holding the flashlight. His gun hand was occupied with the wagon. Damn. Bubby probably would’ve made a comment about it anyway though. Benrey would just have to stick close then even if that meant abandoning his backwards vigil. He could perhaps make an eye on the back of his neck but… he’d done that before and it was dizzying. So he’d just turn and check occasionally instead. Probably nothing was back there anyway though so it’d be fine… hopefully.
It was Tommy who called camp time with, “I know normally Mr. Freeman is the one who calls when its time for bed on these adventures but uh… I don’t think he’s going to do that and it’s pretty late. So maybe we should start looking for a place to stop for the night soon.”
“Nah, we can keep going,” Gordon said even though for the past couple hours his walking pace had been slowing more and more, reducing everyone’s else speed as well. As the weakest member of their group they were bound by his limitations. Especially since they were, as he’d requested, all sticking closer to him.
Before Benrey could point that out, Coomer sat down on the floor, forcing the rest of them to halt too even though they were in the middle of a hallway. “I feel like taking a break is a good idea.”
Bubby sat next to him. “This has been a lot less fun than I thought it was gonna be so yeah, a nap break sounds good.”
Gordon groaned. “Can we at least stop in a room with like… only one exit or something. So we can like… guard it easier, you know? Nothing’s gonna come for us or anything, I know that, everything’s gone… hopefully but… you know.”
“Uh… I don’t think we do know, Mr. Freeman. But finding a room shouldn’t be hard, there are lots of rooms around here. I used to work near here actually back when I first started before I changed departments. We could uh… go find my old office maybe. It’s a bit of a detour but… that’s okay because it’s not a long one.”
“Yeah, okay. Everyone, let’s go to Tommy’s old office. Lead the way.” Gordon gestured him forward. Bubby groaned and mumbled something under his breath but stood with Coomer to continue anyway.
‘Not a long detour’ turned out to be about a ten minute walk. Tommy’s old office was small and a bit cluttered with overturned desks. Coomer took care of those with ease, shoving them out into the hallway, leaving them with a little room that, as Gordon had requested, had only one exit.
Benrey put his flashlight in with the others at the center of the camp, all on and pointed up, to take the place of a campfire presumably, before sitting himself against the closed door. If anything wanted to come in, it’d have to go through him. This precaution was enough to ease his own lingering anxieties over Gordon’s safety. Probably nothing dangerous was out there but they were somewhat deep into the facility now so if there was anything around that might want to eat them, it wasn’t easily getting in here.
Just sitting against the door being enough, he pulled the Game Boy. He looked up from it again a short time later though as the four of them turned off all but one of the flashlights and exchanged ‘good night’s. They hadn’t discussed what they were going to do about Gordon’s usual sleeping arrangements but he’d got into his sleeping bag on his own so… maybe he was okay?
Since his quiet freak out earlier, he seemed to be back to normal if a bit on edge. Everyone sticking close to him seemed have helped a lot. He’d had to be purposefully nudged and brought back into the conversation a few times, especially as time went on. But that might’ve just been because he was tired. So maybe he really would be okay to sleep on his own. … Probably not though.
Benrey would go over there and pet his head once everyone else was close enough to sleep to not open their eyes and potentially see. Though if they did see, what harm would it do? Yeah, depending on who saw, they might ask about it and/or make an annoying comment but so what? Benrey couldn’t leave Gordon to have a nightmare instead.
Despite having not done much in his game, he turned the Game Boy off and put it back in his pack he’d place next to himself. Before he could get up and head over though, Gordon moved and began carefully extracting himself from his sleeping bag. He could’ve unzipped it but seemed to be trying to avoid doing so. Probably because it made a sound that he was trying to prevent because he thought he was being sneaky. And maybe he was; if the others heard him, they weren’t turning to look. With a sigh, Benrey settled back down to wait for him. Maybe he just wanted to go somewhere else to do their usual night thing without risking the others seeing. Probably not but Benrey would suggest it.
Once free, Gordon slipped his glasses back on before tip-toeing over to Benrey to sit next to him, back against the door. Right next to him, shoulder to shoulder, so even when whispering softly, he could be heard. “Look, before you say it, you’re right, I need sleep. Sleep is good, I could die without it and all that. But also consider, I don’t want to fucking sleep. So do you think, you could instead help me stay awake? Just for tonight. I promise I’ll sleep in the car ride home and probably when we get home but… I just can’t tonight, please.”
Benrey should insist but… Gordon was here because of him. Even if he was doing better now, he was still clearly not okay and so maybe it’d be better to let him skip sleep. He’d done it before when Benrey had believed his lie about it not being a big deal and had survived just fine. So maybe indeed one night wasn’t good but not a huge deal. “Okay, I’ll help you stay awake.”
“Thank you, thank you. You’re an amazing friend.”
Benrey had gone from a good friend to an amazing friend, he was moving up in the world. Awesome. … How to help keep Gordon awake though? Well he did have one idea he’d been toying with for a while inspired by all their one handed gaming sessions.
He reached over and pulled out the Game Boy again. “You hold one half, I’ll hold the other, we’ll play together. The challenge should help keep you up, right?”
“Oh that’s uh… genius actually. I’ll go get a flashlight so I can see the screen better while you pick the game.”
While Gordon got up to do that, Benrey brought out his small assortment of games he’d brought with him. Not a very varied selection but since Gordon would by default be on the movement side so it made sense to pick a movement focused game to help keep him focused, so… Mario World 3 it was. If this turned out to be fun though, they’d have to try it later under better circumstances.
After a rocky start, filled with whispered bickering about whose fault each death was, they eventually got the hang of it. And thus after several hours, they were halfway through the game and… losing the hang of it. Gordon was struggling to stay awake. Benrey had already nudged him several times now with less and less success in getting him fully back to alert.
Benrey could tell him to get up and walk a bit, maybe do a little exercise. How that supposedly woke humans up, Benrey wasn’t sure because shouldn’t that be more tiring? But he’d heard it enough times that it had be true. Or he could let Gordon fall asleep.
Maybe if he was exhausted enough, it’d be fine. They’d spent most the day walking and Gordon’s quiet freak out had probably still been taxing, right? So surely by now he had to be tired enough to potentially skip dreaming.
And so Benrey stopped nudging him and ceased bringing it up when his sleepiness caused Mario to die. Despite that, he held on for another long while before inevitably losing the fight and slumping the rest of the way into Benrey as his body went lax with sleep.
Carefully, oh so carefully, Benrey shifted him so that Gordon’s head rested in his lap. Humans almost always slept lying down so that had to be the best position to sleep in for them. It would’ve been nice to get his sleeping bag under the rest of him too but that was more moving than Benrey was willing to risk.
Next, he turned off the flashlight and saved their spot in the game, before switching to resume shiny hunting. In an hour or two, the others would probably start to wake. He’d let Gordon sleep for as long as possible but still soon after that, they’d likely be on their way again. But even that much sleep had to be better than none.
Next Chapter
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hyunbunlix · 8 months
Calling [Meowscarada!Felix]
Characters: Meowscarada Felix, fem!Rayquaza OC Rating: A/O for Adults Only Content Warnings/Tags: humanoid/anthro/hybrid characters, mortal x deity, insta-lust which leads to quickly catching feelings, switch Felix, cunnilingus, fingering (f. receiving), blowjob, creampies, cum eating (m), riding, doggy style, multiple orgasms in a single session (f), overstimulation, missionary, mating press, dirty talk Word Count: 8,126 Summary: Felix has never really fit in anywhere. When he's called on to summon the Legendary Rayquaza to save the Hoenn region, he gets both more than he bargained for and exactly what he needed. Note: This is part of a Pokémon mini-series, which can be found here.
Felix had always been blue. Ever since his birth as a little Sprigatito, he’d been blue instead of green. Nobody could explain why—their shiny variant wasn’t blue either—but his hair and fur had never changed to the green they were supposed to be. Now, as a fully evolved adult Meowscarada, he was still blue. Blue hair, blue fur. Even the flowers he summoned for his attacks tended to be blue varieties. At least his ears and accents were a dark blue, closer to the forest green they were supposed to be.
            The point was he had always stood out. Even amongst the hundreds of different Pokémon across the world, he was different. It had caused him to be picked on by some and doted on by others. More than anything, Felix just wanted to be perceived as normal.
            But that never happened. Nor was it any longer his biggest problem.
            When Felix first moved halfway around the world from Paldea to Hoenn, he thought life would get easier. After all, Meowscarada were native only to Paldea, so how would anyone in Hoenn know he was the wrong color? At first glance, it worked, but the second anyone found out he was a Grass-type . . . Well . . .
            “Aren’t Grass-types supposed to be green?”
            It seemed he was unable to completely escape the funny looks no matter where in the world he went. It didn’t matter so much, though, when said world started to end.
            Felix didn’t think he was being dramatic in thinking that. What else did you call it when floods started rolling in from normally calm waters, when earthquakes hit and sinkholes opened up without warning? Ships capsizing, volcanoes erupting, storms lashing towns for days or weeks at a time?
            “This has happened before,” one of his new friends, a Blaziken, told him.
            “What do you mean ‘this has happened before’? Why would anyone continue to live here if that’s the case?” Felix asked, bewildered.
            “Groudon and Kyogre must be fighting,” he said. “Though who or what angered them is anyone’s guess.”
            “Well, when the hell will they stop?” Felix asked next.
            “Whenever Rayquaza shows up to give them both a sound beating, I guess.”
            “And when would that be?”
            “There’s a whole thing.”
            Blaziken then explained the Sky Pillar, and how one could call Rayquaza down from the stratosphere after they’d climbed (not flown) to the summit. Rayquaza spent most of its time guarding the planet against extraterrestrial threats (which only made Felix’s existential dread worse; he hadn’t even thought to worry about what was in outer space) and couldn’t always pay attention to what was happening down on the surface.
            “Okay, well, why doesn’t somebody just climb up there and make a racket until Rayquaza comes down to help?” Felix asked.
            “Because the Sky Pillar is very particular about who is able to enter it. Before, it would only allow in Pokémon born in a certain region, or certain types. This time, nothing seems to be working. Not even shiny Pokémon have been able to get in. It’s possible a Legendary or Mythical would be able, but finding one of them is a crap shoot, let alone convincing them to deal with Rayquaza. I don’t know if you’ve heard, but Rayquaza is terrifying.”
            “I gathered,” Felix grumbled. “Wait, so, getting into the Sky Pillar is a rarity thing?”
            “As near as anyone has been able to figure, yes,” Blaziken told him. Felix sat back and stared at the wall.
            “Oh,” he muttered. Time to haul his weird blue ass to the Sky Pillar.
Felix had sworn he would never get on a boat again, not until Kyogre calmed the fuck down. As such, he made friends with a couple of Dragon-types, an Altaria and a Salamence, who were crazy enough to take him to the island housing the Sky Pillar. As expected, there was a storm going on, and by the time they arrived, all three of them were drenched. Felix hoped he’d been able to get into the Sky Pillar if only so he could dry off. He stared up at the structure, blinking water from his lashes. The Sky Pillar, aptly named, was huge, disappearing into the storm clouds. He took a deep, steadying breath.
            “Well, here goes,” he muttered, and pushed the door open. Behind him, the Dragon-types gasped.
            “You’ve already gotten farther than anyone else has in decades,” Altaria said.
            “Unbelievable,” Salamence added. They followed him inside the Pillar. The structure let them come in out of the rain, but no further, as though they were stuck behind a force field. Felix, on the other hand, was able to continue all the way to the stairs, which seemed endless and kind of gave him vertigo if he looked up for too long.
            Salamence was right. This was un-fucking-believable. Felix wasn’t even from here.
            “Here goes nothing, I guess,” he said, and started up the stairs. As he went on, his damp clothes and sore muscles made the ascent nearly unbearable. He was lucky to be in such good shape. After what felt like an eternity, he reached another door to the outside. This had to be the top. He gave himself a few minutes to catch his breath, then went back out into the storm. In seconds, he was newly soaked, his hair sticking to his face and his clothes clinging to his body. He was absolutely terrified of getting blown off the tower. His claws protruded from the tips of his fingers, showing how perturbed he was and aiding him by giving him a little bit of purchase as he made the final climb. At the top sat an open triangular roof with very little in the way of walls to keep him from getting blown off the side. It looked like there had been a temple up here once, but little was left intact except the flat expanse of a stone altar. Felix decided he’d had enough. Nobody had told him what to do when he got to the top. How did one go about summoning a Legendary Pokémon?
            He was too frustrated to go about it politely.
            “Rayquaza!” he bellowed. “Get down here and fix your shit! Are you the protector of this world or not?!”
            The answering roar shook the tower so hard Felix almost went to his hands and knees. In comparison to that roar, the storm was nothing. For a moment Felix could feel nothing, think of nothing, besides the certainty that Rayquaza was going to come down here and kill him.
            A green shape burst through the storm clouds, and, beginning from that point and rippling outward, the clouds peeled back, as though repelled by the body cutting through the sky. Felix hadn’t realized how long he’d been climbing; it was night behind those clouds. He could see better in the moonlight than he’d been able to in the rain. Pale light glinted off the Dragon’s green scales as it landed atop the Sky Pillar, tail whipping. Rayquaza had no wings; it flew through sheer force of will and impeccable command of the air itself. Even now, neither its feet nor its tail touched the ground, instead levitating above.
            The Pokémon’s eyes were black save for the glowing golden iris in each. Its hair was green, and from the back of its head protruded four straight green horns, the upper two taller and longer than the lower two. The green scales, like armor, peeled back from the creature, receding into its greenish skin in places, leaving glowing golden marks in their wake. It must have determined that Felix was not a threat. As though to reciprocate that assessment, Felix retracted his claws.
            It was at that point Felix realized Rayquaza had a feminine shape, and with most of her scales out of the way, she was almost entirely naked.
Rayquaza could not figure out who or what stood before her. He was shorter than her, his bright blue hair and dark blue ears drenched from the rain, his clothes sticking to him like they’d been painted onto his lean, sharp body. She didn’t think he was part of the Shinx line, nor was he a Meowstic. He had no scales, so he definitely wasn’t a Vaporeon.
            Right now, she supposed, it mattered very little what he was. He wasn’t a threat. In fact, the threat was elsewhere. She could feel it in the pressure of the air—Groudon and Kyogre were at it again. If she had to guess, they had reawakened their Primal forms, as well, making them even more formidable. In order to subdue them, she would need to Mega Evolve, something she’d not had to do in a long time. She hardly remembered the sensation of it. After being in the stratosphere for so long, she hardly remembered what it was like to truly live in her body at all.
            She let her clawed feet touch the ground. The cat Pokémon was staring, stunned, at her, but he hadn’t yelled again, nor had he tried to get away.
           “What is your name?” she asked him, approaching. Her tail remained floating in the air, wavering in air currents of her own creation.
            “Felix,” he said. She cocked her head slightly. She hadn’t expected his speaking voice to be that low. She was close enough now to accurately gauge his height and build. He had to look up at her, and she down at him. She eyed the ridges of him under his clothes. He looked away from her, flustered, but didn’t protest, nor did he try to un-stick his clothes from his body.
            “Where are you from?” she asked next.
            “Paldea,” he answered, still not looking at her. Rayquaza considered all she knew about Paldea. It was far away from Hoenn, but she knew a fair amount about every region on the planet. After all, she was circling the globe constantly.
            “Are you a Meowscarada, then?” she asked. His eyes met hers; he was clearly surprised. All the same, a little smile came to his lips.
            “Yes,” he answered. “Most people don’t get that right.”
            She smiled in return. “Most people haven’t seen as many things as I have,” she answered. Then, testing, she added, “You’re lovely.”
            Even in the moonlight, she could see his flush worsen. It did nothing to diminish his beauty.
            “So are you,” he said, and she was equally surprised by his forthrightness. He sneaked a glance at her and chewed his lip when he noticed the face she was making. “This isn’t how I thought it was going to go,” he amended.
            “Oh?” she asked, regaining herself. “How did you think it was going to go?” It had been a long time since she’d interacted with another Pokémon like this; it was rare that anyone wanted to be so frank with a Legendary. Typically they either cowered or wanted to control her power.
            “I thought you would appear, punish me for yelling, and then fly off to deal with the miscreants wrecking the continent,” he said honestly. She chuckled.
            “That last part will still happen, but I’m afraid I need a bit of help with it,” she said. He blinked at her, and she continued. “I need to Mega Evolve in order to properly cow Kyogre and Groudon. It’s been a long time since I’ve had to take such measures, and I can hardly recall how to access that part of my power.”
            “So what do we do?” he asked. She smiled again, appreciating that he said we.
            “Unlike other Pokémon, I don’t require the external aid of a Mega Stone. The power to do so is already inside my body.”
            She was acutely aware of the way Felix’s eyes darted over her form then, including a flicker of attention right between her legs. No doubt thinking about putting something else inside her body.
            “Essentially,” she went on, “all I have to do is ground myself in my body once again, and I should be able to call out my full power.”
            “And . . . How exactly do you ground yourself in your body?” he asked. His voice had pitched slightly lower now. Another good sign.
            “There are many ways, but given the state of the world I should really . . . choose one of the quicker ones,” she said.
            “How quick?” he asked, his voice quiet, meant only for their ears despite the empty air atop the tower.
            “Before the sun comes up, certainly,” she mused.
            “So we’ve got all night?”
            She gave him a pointed, pleased look. He didn’t back down from it.
            “You’ll help me, then?” she asked.
            “Sure,” he answered without hesitation. “Whatever you need.”
            Her tail flicked eagerly at that.
            “Don’t over-promise before you even know the full extent of what I’m asking,” she said. He quirked an eyebrow at her.
            “Then why don’t you tell me exactly what you’re asking, so I can be sure I’m up for it?” he challenged.
            “I want to have sex with you. I want to be fully grounded in the sensations of my body until I forget everything else about myself. I want to become a creature of instinct and pleasure and little else,” she said. Felix’s eyes went wide for a moment, then narrowed thoughtfully.
            “Would you have asked anyone who came to summon you to do this?” he asked. She laughed.
            “Of course not. I would have flown away and found someone to my liking. I simply happened to be fortunate today, in that you are to my liking,” she said. “I’m choosing you, Felix. Not just any warm body will do. I want yours.”
            “Then have it,” he said easily. “Have me. I want it, too.”
            She turned around, her tail flicking in a gesture for Felix to follow her. Toward the top point of the Sky Pillar’s roof lay the altar where, generations ago, Rayquaza had been venerated like a god. She used her command over the air now to dry the surface, scowling a little as she thought of the fight ahead with Kyogre and Groudon. Felix must have seen her face and thought it was meant for the altar, because his ears twitched in thought before his face lit up, ears perking.
            “Oh, I know,” he said, and then summoned a flurry of leaves and flowers, irises and delphiniums and poppies, all blue, which landed atop the altar. Not only did it look far more comfortable now, but it was also beautiful. She stared at it, touched by the gesture.
            “Is that better?” he asked softly, watching her carefully. She turned to him and smiled.
            “Yes,” she said. “Very much so.”
            She stepped closer, tipping her head down to kiss him. Other than her lips on his, she did not touch him; there was a part of her that still needed to make absolutely certain that he wanted this, that he wasn’t just doing it to appease her, that he truly wasn’t afraid. She couldn’t explain it, but she well and truly cared what he thought of her; she wanted Felix to like her, which was preposterous since they’d only just met.
Felix couldn’t believe he was kissing a Legendary. What was his life? Her mouth was warm and soft on his, and it took a concerted effort for him not to groan or melt immediately. He hadn’t realized how starved for affection he truly was.
            As he kissed her back, he realized she wasn’t touching him. Why wasn’t she touching him? Had she changed her mind? Did she not want to touch him?
            He broke the kiss and waited for her black and gold eyes to open and meet his.
            “Do you mind if I take these off?” he asked, fidgeting the hem of his shirt. She shook her head.
            “I don’t mind at all,” she said. “They look incredibly uncomfortable stuck to you like that.”
            “They are,” he said as he peeled his shirt off his body. “Cold, too,” he added. A look of concern or perhaps sympathy overtook her features, but as he tugged his pants and underwear off, the expression was quickly replaced by one much darker, hungrier.
            Her eyes scanned him from top to bottom. The trek to the top of the Sky Pillar had left his musculature tense and defined, and her eyes scraped over every dip and ridge of him now. His chest, his abdomen, his v-line, his thighs. Then they trailed him less politely, following his blue happy trail down to his half-hard cock. Her eyes fluttered a little wider, and he bit his lip, resisting the urge to let shyness take over.
            “May I?” she asked, her gaze darting from his cock to his eyes and back again. He nodded eagerly.
            “Please do,” he said. She moved a little closer, and it took every bit of his self-control not to press his body against hers. Even from here, he could feel the warmth radiating from her, and he was greedy for it. Her nails looked like claws, but when she touched him she ensured they didn’t hurt him. Starting at his clavicle she trailed her hand down his body until she held his length in her hand. Her other hand rested gently on his hip while she worked his cock, coaxing him to his full length and girth. While she did, the remainder of her armor-like scales retreated into her golden skin markings, leaving her entirely naked in front of him. A needy throb went down his cock. Her eyes flicked up to meet his; clearly, she’d felt it.
            “You look so good and I want you so bad,” he admitted.
            “Then it’s a good thing we’re here together, hm?” she answered. He nodded.
            Her touch left him for a moment, just long enough for her to levitate up onto the altar. Every move she made was so graceful, and Felix hopped up easily after, catlike. His muscles might have been sore, but they still worked.
            She sat and he moved close to her, their legs basically tangled as she took his cock in her hand again, and he leaned forward to lap his tongue gingerly against one of her nipples. She shivered in delight.
            “Your tongue feels good,” she said. He blinked curiously at her.
            “Really? I’ve been told before that it feels too rough . . .”
            “No, I like it,” she said, so he went right back to work with it. Licking and sucking her breasts brought the sweetest moans out of her, and when he took a chance and left a hickey against the swell of one, she looked at him like he was the loveliest thing she’d ever seen.
            “Will you lie down for me?” he asked. She nodded, doing as he requested, golden and glowing amidst the blue flowers. He shifted to put his face between her legs, coming face to face with how sopping wet she was. It was reassuring to know he wasn’t the only one aroused out of his mind.
            He put his mouth back to work, focusing his tongue mostly on her clit but rewarding himself with lick after lick of her wetness, as well. She moaned and squirmed for him, and when he slid two fingers inside her there was no resistance. She sighed, her back arching as he curled his fingers, pumping in steady strokes. All the while he sucked on her clit, rubbing his tongue over it, and when she came he eagerly lapped up the new gush of fluids, her taste changed ever so slightly.
            “Felix,” she whimpered, sounding nearly delirious with pleasure. Hearing her voice like that made him dizzy; this creature of legend was losing herself for him.
            “You taste so good,” he said in answer. Then he moved up to kiss her, mouth open and sloppy, their tongues grazing together. When they broke apart panting, he gave her a lopsided grin. “See?”
            She nodded. “Do you taste good, too?”
            Before he could form a complete response she had already flipped them over, her command over the air making it so that she hardly had to touch him to do it. When she lowered her mouth to his cock, taking just the tip inside, Felix squeezed his eyes shut and groaned. He was already so fucking aroused, so fucking ready to be touched, that even that little bit sent him spiraling.
            “You’re not going to be able to do that for very long,” he managed to say. She looked up at him questioningly.
            “Hmm?” she hummed around him, taking more of his length into her mouth. The vibration shot straight through his cock, and he groaned again.
            “If I come like that then I won’t be able to come inside your sweet cunt, and that’s what I really want,” he said. Her golden irises flashed at him and she hummed again, this time in approval, as she started bobbing along his cock. He was plenty slick with saliva and pre-cum, making her job oh-so-easy. He brushed her green hair back from her face, tucking it delicately around her horns to keep it out of the way. She looked so fucking good like that, mouth fastened around his glistening cock, and after another couple of minutes, he simply couldn’t take it anymore.
            “You have to stop,” he moaned, and she did as requested, a soft pop of broken suction accompanying her mouth leaving his length. She worked him in her hand just a moment more, looking down at him contentedly.
            “You know, I didn’t expect that,” she said softly. He tossed her a quizzical look.
            “Expect what?”
            “You to be this big,” she said. He flushed. Rayquaza was tall and imposing, par for the course with Legendaries. Considering his height and lean build, one would be within their rights to assume his cock would be proportionate to the rest of him, and therefore not enough to fill her.
            That assumption, however, would be incorrect.
            “Shall we see how it fits?” she asked him. He nodded without hesitation.
            She couldn’t deny Felix, not after he had been so good and so sweet and made her orgasm so nicely. An anticipatory shudder went through her at the thought of how hard she’d be able to come while full of him.
            She would have made the decision to be with Felix regardless of cock size, especially since he’d already shown he was perfectly adept with his hands and mouth, but finding that his dick was plenty big enough for her . . . She was excited, to say the least.
            She positioned herself above him, lining him up properly with her entrance with one hand and balancing herself on the altar with the other. She expected him to be watching the place where they were about to meet, and was surprised to find him looking up at her face instead. As she sank down onto him, she watched his face, too, saw bliss eclipse all else on his features. Once she’d taken him entirely inside, she sighed a moan, and he groaned along with her, a throb of want going through his cock, which she felt acutely with her inner walls.
            “I believe that’s a perfect fit,” she breathed, giving herself a moment to simply sit on him and get used to it. He nodded his agreement. When she started moving, though, his expression immediately changed, his eyelids drooping halfway while he moaned.
            “Perfect is right,” he groaned. She placed her hands primly on his chest, using him for support while she moved up and down on him, taking care to pull up as close to his tip as she could before dropping back down. She was already so wet with spit and cum that every bob came with the slap of damp skin on damp skin, obscene in a way she hadn’t realized she’d missed so much. She’d been a loner most of her life, taking her duties as a protector of the world seriously, but here, now, she wondered if she might want something else just as much, or more.
            “You feel so good, Felix,” she whined, fighting to keep her rhythm steady. As much as she wanted to furiously rut against him until she came again, the rest of her wanted to draw this out, to savor.
            He took that choice away from her. All he had to do was pull her down a little by the back of her neck and then he had her nipple in his mouth again, sucking ardently. She whined louder, unwittingly picking up her pace, short, hard bucks on his cock that had him hitting the deepest parts of her until she couldn’t stand it anymore. Another orgasm hit her and she couldn’t stay quiet about it, moaning high and loud. Felix released her breast and took hold of her hips with both hands, forcing her to keep moving through her high, which only made it harsher, longer. She was panting little gasps and moans now, and his eyes didn’t leave her face throughout the whole thing. He looked positively enraptured, like she was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. It had been a long time since someone had looked at her with something other than fear or trepidation.
            She didn’t want him to stop. She didn’t want to leave this behind.
Feeling her orgasm on his fingers was one thing, but on his cock was infinitely better. Felix hadn’t been prepared for how perfect it would feel, how her squeezing him like that would almost send him over the damn edge, too. Between the feeling of her, the sounds she made, and the way her face contorted in pleasure, he almost couldn’t take it. He let his hands slip from her hips to her thighs, and her movements slowed and then stopped, though the blissed-out look on her face didn’t lessen at all.
            “Would you like more?” he asked, his voice low and soft. She nodded instantly, her black and gold eyes opening to meet his.
            “Please,” she said, and she sounded so desperate for him that he groaned. He urged her up and she complied, whining as his cock slid out of her, dripping wet onto him in the process. He sighed raggedly as he moved out from under her and instead put himself behind her. He pushed her forward onto her hands and knees, and she swept her tail aside to give him room.
            “Lower,” he said. She did as he asked, spreading her legs wider and leaning forward until her chest was against the flowers. Felix made a throaty noise that would have been embarrassing in any other context. She looked so fucking sexy spread open like that.
            “Ready?” he asked in a low voice.
            “Yes,” she answered immediately, shifting her hips slightly, the end of her tail flicking.
            Biting his lip, he pressed into her slowly, letting them each feel every bit of the other. He took his time like that for maybe half a minute, long, slow, deep thrusts that let them both savor. She whined with each one, always the loudest while he was deep inside her, and Felix’s answering moans agreed with her. They sounded good together, their voices a perfect harmony in his head, their bodies a flawless fit.
            “Felix,” she whimpered, “more.”
            His restraint snapped. In the span of two thrusts, he’d gone from a leisurely tempo to fucking her ruthlessly; he couldn’t fathom disappointing her, couldn’t imagine giving her anything less than what she needed. He reflexively reached for her upper right horn, pulling on it just enough to make her arch her back, to make his thrusts rattle through her that much more deeply. She made a ragged noise of pleasure.
            In retaliation, her tail wound around his body, putting pressure on his back and forcing him to drill into her harder, making every thrust punishingly rough for both of them. Felix couldn’t control his noises anymore. His strength faltered, but hers didn’t, keeping the brutal pace he’d decided to set.
            “Fuck,” he growled, “fuck, you’re going to make me come.”
            “Good,” she moaned, “good, I want to feel it so badly. I want to feel you filling me up.”
            “Shit,” he hissed, grabbing for her lower left horn with his free hand, forcing a harsher arch into her back. She squealed, but her tail kept pushing him, making his cock jab her front wall soundly with every thrust. He only realized when she started shaking and crying out that she’d been using him to hammer her g-spot, wringing another orgasm from her body.
            He felt her waves of pleasure acutely with his cock, and like the flip of a switch, he came, too. His moans were deep and low, jagged in his throat and to his ears, his vision going fuzzy for a few seconds as he came harder than he could ever remember coming before. He supposed that’s just what sex with a Legendary was like.
            Her tail loosened around his body, and he relinquished her horns in return. Just in time, too, because her golden markings started glowing, and right then, with his cock buried in her cunt and his cum pooling inside her, Rayquaza Mega Evolved.
            Her tail split into two halfway down the length of it. The gold markings peeled off her body, leaving black echoes in their wake, and became like streamers around her, waving in a breeze that came from her body. Her lower horns thickened and curved forward, becoming perfect goring weapons. If Felix was Groudon or Kyogre, he would have been terrified. As it was, he knew in the core of his being that Rayquaza would never hurt him.
            When her transformation completed, she was still shaking and whimpering, the very last of her orgasm tapering around his cock. He shivered, too, and distantly wondered how the fuck he was supposed to go back to normal sex after this.
            “Thank you,” she whined. Slowly, Felix pulled his softening cock out of her, groaning with renewed want at the gush of their combined fluids that followed. He couldn’t help it; he leaned forward and started lapping it up. Her wordless whines escalated in volume and her trembling worsened, but Felix didn’t let up until she was clean.
            “Fuck,” she whimpered. She rolled over and opened her arms for him, and he immediately curled against her, mindful of her altered horns. They lay there for a while; Felix dozed off at one point and when he woke up, the sun was beginning to peek over the horizon. His stomach sank.
            “It’s time?” he asked softly, pulling away from her. She nodded, her expression solemn but her eyes soft. She floated down from the altar, her scales reemerging from the black markings on her body, turning her back into the fearsome, armored warrior the world knew best. Felix jumped down, too, and got dressed.
            “There are two Pokémon at the bottom of the Pillar that helped me get here. We can’t leave them,” he insisted. She smiled, and he noted that her teeth had become more vicious in her transformation, too.
            “Of course,” she answered. “I’ll escort all three of you to safety, and then do what needs to be done.”
            “Please be careful,” he blurted. She moved close to him and leaned carefully in to kiss him. Her horns didn’t so much as graze him.
            “Don’t worry,” she said, her smile taking on a cocky slant. “I’ve never lost to these two.”
            He beamed back at her.
True to her word, Rayquaza escorted Felix and his Dragon-type friends to the nearby island city of Sootopolis. Salamence and Altaria seemed unable to believe they were seeing and speaking to the Sky High Pokémon in the flesh. This was a sentiment shared by the residents of Sootopolis, who first panicked upon seeing Mega Rayquaza, only for that panic to turn to confusion when she dropped off three regular Pokémon. That confusion then morphed into shock when Rayquaza kissed the smallest one goodbye.
            Suddenly, the weirdest thing about Felix was not that he was blue. He might have had to answer a lot of questions, had Rayquaza not left immediately to deal with Kyogre and Groudon, which caused a new extreme weather surge. Between Mega Rayquaza’s Delta Stream whipping the winds into a frenzy, Primal Kyogre’s Primordial Sea influencing storm conditions, and Primal Groudon’s Desolate Land making the heat and humidity nearly unbearable, they all had to seek shelter and wait it out until it was over.
            It felt like an eternity. The howling storm was broken up only by the screams and roars of the Legendaries, and that was just as, if not more, horrifying. Was Rayquaza winning? Was it a true three-way fight, or had Groudon and Kyogre decided to team up against the newcomer? Felix couldn’t tell anything by sound alone. He just had to believe what she’d said—Rayquaza had never lost to Kyogre and Groudon, and she wouldn’t start today.
            At last, things went quiet; both the fighting and the weather had ceased. Felix immediately understood this to mean a few things. First: Rayquaza had defeated Groudon and Kyogre. Second: She’d exhausted herself and lost her Mega Form, thus losing her Delta Stream ability and bringing back her base Air Lock ability, which equalized pressure differentials and regulated all weather in her immediate vicinity, like when she’d punched through the storm back at the Sky Pillar.
            Felix was the first one up and outside, and everyone else, understanding nothing about him except that he was inexplicably close to Rayquaza, followed his lead. He made his way up the cliffs to the tallest point in Sootopolis City and shaded his eyes as he looked out over the water in the direction she’d disappeared.
            It was possible that the fight had been a draw. Maybe Rayquaza had had just enough strength to defeat Groudon and Kyogre but not enough to get back to dry land. What if she was floating in the ocean somewhere, dying?
            He’d known her for less than a day, but he already couldn’t imagine a world without her in it, entirely for selfish reasons. Forget the defender of the planet shit; what was Felix personally going to do without her?
            He nearly fell over with relief as he saw her green body cutting through the air, her tail flicking like a rudder. She wasn’t moving as quickly as before, but she was alive. Felix directed those who had followed him to move back, to give her enough room to land. Weirdly enough, they all listened to him without question. It was as though, in their eyes, he had Rayquaza’s authority.
            She landed, and this time, she touched all the way down, no longer having the strength to levitate. Even her tail dragged on the ground. Her scales were banged up, but she smiled at Felix all the same.
           “Told you,” she said, her voice a wisp of what it had been before. When she collapsed, he was there to catch her.
The residents of Sootopolis City were more than happy to let Rayquaza and Felix stay for as long as they wanted. After all, their city would have been the first wiped completely off the map by Kyogre and Groudon, and gratitude like that necessitated at least a week of free room and board.
            Rayquaza recovered her strength quickly. To her surprise, the city folk were friendly with her. It wasn’t just awe inspired by her victory, either. They were genuinely kind and at ease with her, something she couldn’t remember experiencing in the past. It took her a couple of days of observation to figure out exactly what was different, though.
            It was Felix. They’d seen the way she treated him—the way she looked at him, the kisses she freely gave and received, the way he held her hand or the way her tail would absently brush against him—and determined that, no, she wasn’t actually that scary after all. She was powerful, ageless, but she was just a Pokémon, same as all of them. It had only taken Felix—sunny, friendly, kind Felix—to show them that she wanted the same things as everyone else.
            On the fifth day, he asked to talk with her privately. She, of course, agreed. She liked being in his presence and loved the way it felt when his attention was only on her.
            “I’m sorry to bring it up now,” he started quietly, bringing her back to the room they’d been sharing at the local inn. They had each been offered a separate room, and Felix had refused his. “But it’s eating me alive, and I can’t relax until I know one way or the other.”
            “You want to know when I’ll be leaving,” she guessed. His expression creased with hurt, and she immediately realized her mistake. She’d said when, not if. Like she’d already decided.
            “Oh,” he muttered, forcing a laugh. “Well, that settles that, then.”
            He made to turn away, but she reached for him, taking his left hand with both of hers.
            “No, Felix,” she said. “I misspoke. I misspoke, out of habit. I’ve never felt like there was a place I belonged down here, but now . . . Maybe that’s not the case. I . . . I’ve never felt wanted like this before. You saw that I wasn’t someone to be feared, and convinced others it was true. I don’t want to leave that behind. I don’t want to leave you behind.”
            He turned back to look her in the face, scanning her features, his face so open and hopeful that her heart squeezed.
            “I think,” she went on, “that the reason I stayed up there for so long, alone . . . was because I thought there would never be a place for me down here . . . But I see that isn’t the case anymore . . . I want to stay . . . With you . . . I don’t want to be alone anymore.”
            He made a sound like she’d sucker-punched the air out of him, but he was smiling. He squeezed her hands with both of his.
            “Then stay with me,” he said. “You know I wasn’t about to ask you to leave.”
            She leaned in to kiss him, and he kissed her back right away, his ears perking. He had to break the kiss after a few seconds, though, because he couldn’t stop smiling, which made it difficult to use his mouth for anything else.
            “You have the prettiest smile I’ve ever seen,” she blurted, his sunny expression knocking all the thoughts out of her head. He laughed.
            “Thanks,” he said. “Yours is pretty radiant, too.”
            That drew her smile out, and he beamed even brighter. “There it is!” he declared. “Now that that’s settled, I have another question.” She looked at him inquisitively. Suddenly, he looked bashful, his ears swiveling a little and giving it away. “Um, I mean, I figure since you’ve been up in the stratosphere for so long, you probably don’t have a great idea of what’s going on down here. Not that I think you couldn’t learn quickly or anything. But I thought it might be easier if I just asked you to live with me instead?”
            She laughed, grinning now. “That sounds lovely. Thank you.”
            He sighed in relief, his shoulders sagging as his ears came back up. “Great,” he said. “I figure you’re still going to have to be away sometimes because aliens are real apparently? But I have an apartment in Slateport and I get lonely, so whenever you’re down here amongst us mortals, I’d love to have you there.”
            “Do you have two beds?” she asked abruptly. He flushed.
            “Um, no,” he said. “I kind of figured . . . I mean, we’ve been sharing one bed this whole week, and after what . . . Oh my god.”
            She giggled. “I’m teasing you,” she said. “I like sharing with you. I’d like to continue sharing with you.”
            He took a few steps past her and collapsed facedown on their hotel bed. “Why would you do that to me?” he whined, though it was muffled.
            “Because I think you’re pretty when you blush,” she said, turning to face him. He rolled over to look at her again.
            “In that case, I have one last question,” he said, still a little red in the face. “Do you only have sex when you need to Mega Evolve, or do you get regular horny like us mere mortals?”
            She gave him a crooked smile, approaching the bed and climbing leisurely over him. “Why do you ask?”
            “Because sex with you was probably the best I’ve ever had and if you decide you don’t want to do it again I might have to become a monk,” he said, sounding gravely serious. The full effect just made her laugh again, then lean down to kiss him.
            “I get regular horny,” she confirmed. “Though it takes a very special individual to make me feel it, so once I’ve found one, I’d prefer not to let them go.”
            “Is it me?” he asked, his eyes wide. He sounded perfectly genuine, like it would be wrong of him to assume. She decided now would be a good time to sit directly down on his dick. She hadn’t realized he was already half-hard, but he groaned instantly, and she shifted her hips side to side. He squeezed his eyes shut.
            “Of course it’s you,” she said, and leaned down to kiss him again, which he instantly opened his mouth for. Unable to keep still now that they’d started, she retracted her scales, leaving her naked while she grinded against him.
            “Let me at least take my pants off, please,” he whined, and she lifted off him just long enough to let him do it. She looked him over carefully, noting he was almost at full mast now despite the minimal contact. “Oh, don’t look at me like that. You can’t seriously tell me that you didn’t notice me panting after you all week.”
            “I have been very busy,” she teased. “The townspeople have been very curious about me.”
            He pouted. She kissed him again, unable to handle it. “I noticed,” she amended softly, “but I didn’t want to assume things about you . . . About us . . .”
            She sat down against him again, rubbing her slit along his shaft, stimulating both of them and helping him get wet enough to take her. He moaned, and her tail flicked excitedly.
            “I appreciate that,” he murmured.
            “It’s what you deserve,” she said. “If we’re going to do this . . . be together . . . then we’re equals in it. I won’t assume things about you, and you won’t assume things about me . . . We’ll talk, and we’ll learn, and we’ll grow together.”
            “Yes,” he moaned. At that moment, his cock slipped inside her hands-free, and he groaned loud and deep, his eyes losing focus for a moment. “Fuck.”
            A little shiver went down her spine. He somehow felt even better now than he had the first time.
            “Besides,” she continued, “where else am I supposed to find a fit as perfect as this?”
            “Nowhere,” he said, meeting her eyes. “You’re mine, and I’m yours.”
            She smiled lazily, working her cunt up and down his cock at a leisurely pace. She leaned down, her chest pressing against his while she kissed him. “That’s right,” she breathed against his mouth. Then she moved her mouth to his neck and sucked on the skin. He made a sound somewhere between a moan and a whine, his hips fidgeting up against her, shoving himself more deeply inside her and coaxing her into a quicker pace. When she pulled her mouth off him there was a stark pink mark in her wake. She ran her tongue over it, and he shuddered.
            “I need to fuck you,” he groaned. “Please.”
            She obliged, flipping them over and staring up at him. He yanked his shirt off and threw it aside. Then he started snapping his hips desperately into her. Her hands drew down his body from his shoulders to his ass to his thighs, feeling his muscles at work. He panted another moan, pulling her left knee to hook over his shoulder and leaning forward, his arms planted into the bed by her head. The new angle made him drive deeper into her, rubbing her front wall the way she loved, and she moaned, too, letting her eyes droop closed for a moment.
            “That’s it, Felix,” she hummed. “Filling me so well.”
            “Uh-huh,” he groaned. “Giving that sweet cunt what it needs.”
            She sighed again, letting his voice wash over her. There wasn’t a single thing about him that wasn’t attractive. Apparently, she wasn’t paying him enough attention, because his left hand sneaked between their bodies and started rubbing her clit. She gasped, her eyes flying open, only to see him smirking at her.
            “When I said I needed to fuck you,” he said, “you didn’t think that meant I was only concerned with my orgasm, did you?”
            She moaned wordlessly as he straightened up a little, allowing him a better angle to tease her clit while still driving deeply into her.
            “No,” he said, answering his own question. “That’ll never be enough for me. I don’t get off until you do. In fact, when you get off, it helps me.”
            “Such an attentive lover,” she said, watching his cock fuck in and out of her. “How did I get so lucky?”
            “Ask the stupid Sky Pillar,” he said, chuckling. She laughed too, the genuine answer so unexpected. He bit his lip, watching her face, and despite what they were doing, he looked so genuinely enraptured by her.
            “You’re so beautiful,” he said. “How did I get so lucky?”
            She couldn’t help flushing just a little bit. She moved her other leg onto his shoulder, locking her legs behind his head and pulling him forward. The angle of his cock changed inside her and she fidgeted in delight. He groaned, his face so close to hers, and she tried to kiss him, a sloppy affair which quickly became her stroking his tongue with hers.
            “Harder,” she ordered, uncrossing her legs behind his head and letting him carry out that directive in any way he saw fit. He straightened up, his hands keeping her thighs pinned back against her torso. The angle made her groan and roll her eyes back; he was finding all of her sensitive spots so quickly. Her breasts were pressed together between her thighs, and he teased one of her nipples with his thumb. If she hadn’t been so far gone with pleasure, she probably would have found his multitasking quite impressive.
            As it was though, that was enough. She made a low, throaty noise as her orgasm washed over her, a euphoric feeling with her cunt stuffed full like that.
            “Oh, that’s it,” Felix moaned. “That’s fucking it. You feel so good coming around me like that.”
            All she could do was nod as she continued to moan wordlessly. The sensation changed again, though, when Felix pulled her legs back down and lifted her hips up, targeting a completely different spot. Her moans tapered up until they became little cries, her prolonged orgasm nearly overwhelming her entirely.
            “Fuck, Felix, fuck—”
            “Just a little more, I’m so—”
            He wasn’t able to finish his sentence, cutting himself off with a choked groan. She watched his face, the way orgasm took him over completely, his lips parted and his eyes mostly closed and his muscles so deliciously tight. She’d been unable to see him like this during their first time, and what a fucking treat it was now.
            His cum was warm inside her, pump after pump. Even when he couldn’t make himself thrust anymore, the pulse of his cock emptying into her felt so fucking good, adding to the overstimulation. He let her hips down onto the bed again, panting and gasping above her as their orgasms died together. When his eyes were able to focus again, he gazed down at her with affection so soft that she whimpered quietly.
            “Thank you,” she murmured. He looked confused.
            “For what?”
            “For choosing me,” she said. He smiled gently.
            “Always,” he said, despite the fact that it was too soon, despite the fact that he could not possibly have known.
            And yet, she chose to believe him.
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aura-acolyte · 1 year
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Hello, hello. The name's Mare Birch (call me Marie at your own peril) and I'm 18. You may know me as the Hero of Hoenn who saved the world from Groudon and Kyogre and Deoxys' Meteor. Or maybe you don't know me at all because nobody ever seems to recognize me even though I've saved the entire world at least twice maybe more.
Anyways, I'm the Chosen of Rayquaza which basically meant Rayquaza looked at me and said "yeah, I wanna give her superpowers. That seems like a good idea." And it was cause now I can save so many people!
I am also a powerful user of Aura. Like, really powerful. I like to consider myself a Human/Lucario hybrid which isn't technically true cause genetically I'm 100% human but my Aura is mostly Lucario. As a friend of mine put it, I'm human with a Lucario flavor packet.
If you're ever in trouble or need the world to be saved, just call my name and I'll be there! Uh, actually, that doesn't really work cause super hearing is one of the few powers I don't have so instead, like, send me an ask or something. My askbox is always open which is probably a mistake but hey, what're you gonna do.
List of Pokemon because they won't all fit on my trainer card:
Kaen the Blaziken: My starter and one of my most powerful Pokemon, he is a master of speed and is capable of Mega Evolving into an even faster Mega Blaziken.
Kyoshi the Lucario: My mentor and other strongest Pokemon, she taught me everything I know about Aura. He uses any pronouns.
Okami the Mightyena: The only Pokemon I've ever caught in a traditional manner. She once attacked my Uncle but now she's my loyal friend.
Kusanagi no Tsuru the Doublade: Kusanagi for short, Kusanagi is a powerful Doublade who taught me swordplay. I often weild her like a pair of swords. She uses any pronouns.
Henka the Sylveon: A Sylveon who hatched from an Egg I was given. She evolved during a battle with Drake.
Shiruto the Swampert: My other starter. Yeah, that's right I got two. Nobody else was taking him.
Ataque the Tinkaton: A Tinkaton I picked up on my trip to Paldea. I'm pretty sure she's secretly evil. Warning: She will Bonk.
Other facts about me:
I'm a Champion Class trainer meaning I've beaten the Hoenn E4 and Champ but I am not the Champ because I don't wanna be.
Latias is my bestest friend ever.
I have a girlfriend named Zinnia. Go bother her at @last-lorekeeper.
I'm 4 feet tall exactly. It's the worst.
(OOC: Hey, hey! It's me, BackSet. It's been a while so I thought I'd revamp my pinned. Now it explains Mare a lot better and is a lot more characer for her. Anyways, there's not much I need to explain here but some general disclaimers: Mare kinda sort of breaks the Power Ceiling for Pokemon. Most of the time I make sure to only put her up against threats on the same power level because of that. Legendaries, freak science experiments, natural disasters, etc. She also participates in a lot of High Stakes Events by virtue of her having a Savior Complex and being super powerful. She's got a whole Spider-Man "Great power, great responsibility" thing going on. That said, I have two rules about High Stakes Events: 1. I will not plot with minors. and 2. I will not plot with anybody I am not already friends with. You wanna plot, you're gonna have to gain my trust. Kapiche? Kapiche.)
(Icon by @plasmaapologist)
(Also, here's art from @awn-moo)
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And some art from my friend Jupiter (she's tagged in the post and I don't want to bother her by tagging her a second time so just go to the post to find her blog)
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chaoticsoulsword · 2 years
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I didn’t know how to capture this moment except in a gif (or maybe in a video but the quality and size would still be wonky) so my apologies in advance.
But I’m DESPERATE to talk about it.
This is the moment when both the leaders gather EVERYONE in the square to apologize and share BIG NEWS. Maxie begins with the first part, taking full responsability (even though it wasn’t even their faults this time around) and also encouraging both teams’ admins to do the same (to which Archies also complies - and that’s very daddy-ish of both leaders). Next, Maxie explains that they were humbled by the experience of losing control over Groundon and Kyogre and that there’s no point in fighting over land x water.
But then!! THIS IS THE MOMENT!! This is the moment Maxie stares at Archies and allows him to finish his reasoning. This is the moment of their understanding, their ACTUAL RECONCILIATION!! Archie follows the queue and then reveals that Team Magma and Team Aqua called a truce.
The way Maxie and Archie SHARE the news is just so important. Maxie just stares at Archie as if he were saying “go on, tell them we’re no longer fighting”. And Archie KNOWS and he’s HAPPY about it. Archie’s expression is not of someone displeased (he does have those kinds of animations in the game). But here, he’s happy. He’s happy to deliver the news that the teams finally achieved some kind of peace. AND ON TOP OF THAT, Maxie adds that they’ll help rebuild Pasio (which is basically a very common prompt in Hardenshipping fics post legendaries, mine included lol).
So yup, they pretty much left their differences behind, as they just merely teased they would in ORAS. BUT FINALLY, FINALLY they acknowledge it. Because, in the beginning of this chapter, they both confess to their admins, respectively, that they’re not interested in fighting their rivals. But they don’t know they have similar feelings. They don’t know YET.
However, Looker probably mediated them. Besides, they’ve never attacked each other, it was an accident. And it’s true they blamed one another at first, but as soon as they realized they were wrong, they were mature enough to move past it, which proves that, in fact, they’re also mature to acknowledge the feelings they have for each other.
Not wanting to battle, joining forces, fighting to save the world, those are things that brought them together, and to some degree, they seem very comfortable and happy about it.
Because truth be told, they never wanted to be rivals. They were part of the same organization, they’ve shared the same ideals at some point before developing opposing goals, blinded by their violent and extreme methods.
The amount of growth in this single gesture of Maxie staring at Archie so he could conclude the reasoning and share the news is BONKERS. They’re genuinely getting along again, and Maxie revealing that they only fight because that’s how he acknowledges Archie’s feelings is just... This is HUGE.
I’m speechless at the depth of this storytelling. They didn’t have go to this hard for a ship but they did it anyways.
Maxie and Archie at this point of the game are not even villains anymore. They made their divorce about everyone else and now they’re making their reconciliation about the world they want to build together.
I’m at my limit and I’m an unhealthy amount of not normal about them.
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doubleddenden · 2 months
I think I might understand why they went for Legends Kalos now.
As of February 2024, there's only a small hand full of Pokémon not available in any Switch game to some catchable or battling capacity:
While it's true they could just drop into a Unova game, these pokemon already exist within the Kalos dexes without having to create new lore or forms for them.
Not to mention- if they do this correctly- they could also include the rest of the Mega evolutions not available outside of Let's Go or the 3ds.
So that means:
Rayquaza (oh good lord)
With that said, there's still a few forms that might not be available
Primal Kyogre and Groudon
Ash Greninja
And Ultra Necrozma
There's a strong chance for Ash Greninja to make the cut, the rest might or might not make it. But still, that's an impressive feat if they don't fuck it up.
Unlike Sinnoh which had a relatively small native dex, even in Hisui, Kalos has a huge dex it can work with and most of these can be worked in one way or another.
Basically if they don't fuck it up and do things RIGHT (this is Game Freak we're talking about though, which is entirely possible), we could have almost all or even every lost Pokémon and forms on the Switch console at last. Just in addition to new forms, variants, etc we're guaranteed to get.
Okay, I talked myself into it. This was probably a good move. I'm cautious after SV was glitched to hell and back, and 2025 probably means January, but still? Optimism doesn't hurt.
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Since you were in distortion world for some quite time before how's life there and how's giratina I would love to hear you and it's relationship if there's any ofc anddd did you saw any other person while you were in there? Maybe a certain pirate and a red nerd? :3 (talking about r/s/e adventures manga where Archie and Maxie did went to distortion world for a while lol)
Oh, it was just wonderful. I do miss that place... It was just everything I so desired. I find myself longing to go back. It is more than unfortunate I have returned home to this vile Earth... As for the legendary known as Giratina, we did have any ill relationships. Quite honestly, I found myself talking to it often. There is nothing else to do down there, after all. Whether or not it enjoyed my company, I do not know. I do know that it, to my surprise, did not seem to despise me. We lived in harmony for quite awhile before I was released back into our current world.
As for your last question, no. I cannot say I have. Though, your descriptions lead me to infer that you would be talking about Maximilian and Archibald. I do not know how or why they would end up within the realm of the distortion. To my knowledge they did not interfere with Giratina at all; only legendaries such as Kyogre and Groudon. Perhaps Rayquaza at some point in time.
//RSE MENTION ... I didn't know they went to the distortion world in the manga?? That's neat. I really need to get around to reading it I have SUCH an rse brainrot you have no idea. (Been playing Sapphire and also have been talking about rse hardenshipping a lot with one of my buddies...) The only reason I'm not having Cyrus mention them is because I didn't read it so sorry!!! I feel like that'd be interesting though as my Cyrus is in the timeline of ORAS. Especially with how different they are from their counterparts! Especially especially adding onto how my friend and I play them...
But for now it'll be noncanon however that could change if I ever read it haha. Needa get my hands on those mangas... I only have one pokémon manga and that's a pmd one lol
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new-eyes-extra-colors · 4 months
a little snippet from the omega ruby oneshot i'm working on.
“Groudon isn’t the only one of their ilk,” Maxie said, and everything crashed into May at once: Groudon. They were out here for a reason; she wasn’t just sightseeing with her new best friend. They had to deal with Groudon.
“Not the only giant scary world-ending monster,” she said shakily. “Okay.”
Maxie frowned and held a hand out halfway to her arm, like he was about to touch her but thought better of it. “Ms Maple, are you alright?”
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine.” She waved a hand dismissively. “What were you saying?”
He narrowed his eyes like he didn’t believe her, but continued anyway. “I was saying Groudon has a counterpart. Their equal and opposite, the incarnation of the sea itself, Kyogre. Rayquaza is supposed to keep the two of them in balance. I didn’t think of it at the time since we had other more pressing concerns, but I wonder why Groudon’s rampage didn’t attract Rayquaza’s attention. By all accounts it should have.”
May fiddled with her bracelets, running her thumb over the cool polished surface of her key stone. “Lugia’s the incarnation of the sea,” she said.
“Wh—oh. Yes, I suppose you would think that.”
“It’s true.”
“I have no rebuttal,” he said. “My expertise is in Hoennic mythology, not Johtoni. Though I will say, given recent experiences, your gods seem more… benevolent than ours.”
“Yeah, I can see that.” It had been all over the news, about a year before her family had moved to Hoenn: Lugia had appeared in the Whirl Islands, just off the coast near Olivine, to partner with that boy from New Bark who bested Team Rocket for what was hopefully the final time. May had compared herself to that boy a lot over the course of the last two years, but never did she expect she’d also be dealing with a partnered legendary. All things considered, she would trade Groudon for Lugia in a heartbeat.
That was a mean thought. Groudon was her responsibility now, no matter how scared she was, and whether she liked it or not—and if she wanted this to work, she needed to like it.
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bahamutgames · 14 days
Random Video Game Themed Question Prompts - Part 2
Part 2 of this little video game prompt thing! I thought this one would be easier because it's actually all Pokemon themed! But they asked a lot of questions I just don't know cause I haven't played all the games lol. But regardless, this was very fun! And I'm having a bit of Poke Mania after beating Platinum!
Thank you all for dealing with this and indulging me as I answer random questions for fun lol. If you wanna see some Pokemon opinions, go ahead and click the readmore :)
Part 1
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1 - Favorite Pokemon
My favorite Pokemon for ages now is Charizard. I know it's a basic pick but think about for a bit and it makes total sense. Dragon. Fire. Salamander theme. Green elements. It's kind of tailor made for me. Not to mention Firered was my first game, and Charmander my first Pokemon! Also, I love him in Smash Bros. ALSO YEAH I LIKE POPULAR THINGS OKAY THAT'S WHY THEY'RE POPULAR-
2 - Favorite Game
Personally I am still really biased to Pokemon Firered. It's my first, so I have a lot of really good memories with it. I love the GBA, I love the sprites and music. And it's just a deeply important game to me. Though I do think SoulSilver is better in pretty much every way, I just have too much love for Firered. But if we're not counting spinoffs currently Emerald is my favorite!
3 - Favorite Spinoff
This one is easy, it's Pokemon Snap. Both games are seriously some of my favorite video games of all time. And it's the closest we'll ever get to a Pokemon Shmup/On-Rails Shooter. I also just love taking pictures in video games and I love seeing Pokemon in their natural environments, so it's pretty much tailor made for me. A close runner up would be Pokken but the only reason it's not number 1 is cause 3D Fighting Games are harder than 2D ones lol.
4 - Favorite Legendary
It's Mewtwo, let's not beat around the bush on this one, it's Mewtwo. He's one of my favorite characters ever, one of my favorite Smash Bros. characters, the star of one of my favorite movies, he's bad ass. I just really love Mewtwo. But some of my other favorites are Lugia, Groudon/Kyogre/Rayquaza, and Kyreum!
5 - Favorite Mega
I'm sorry all these answers are so predictable It's the Mega Charizards. With a preference for X, but they both RULE. I actually love a LOT of Mega Evolutions though. Some of my other favorites are Gengar, Aerodactyle, Gardevoir, Mawille, Aagron, Banette, Garchomp, Abomasnow, Steelix, Lopunny, and Audino!
As for Gigantimax... Eeeeeh I think these are kinda stupid looking for the most part, apologies. Alcremie kinda clears though in my opinion. Coalossal, Appletun, Durraludon, the Kanto starters are ok though.
6 - Favorite Regional Variant
Honestly, really looking at it. I'm not sure which is my definitive favorite but DAMN Galarian Linoone is just PERFECT. It's better than actual Linoone imo and I think I like it more than Obstagoon too honestly. I also like Alolan Golem, Galarian Corsola, Alolan Muk, Hisuian Zoroark and Hisuin Goodra. This is still one of the best concepts introduced into Pokemon, btw.
7 - Favorite Starter
It's Charmander. Sorry guys it's just the coolest and evolves into my favorite starter. But since that's such a predictable answer at this point I'll do you one better and list my favorite Starter from each region (I pick my favorites based on their final forms lol): Charmander, Totodile, Mudkip, Turtwig, Snivy?, Fennekin, Popplio, Grookey, Sprigatito.
Also I think Kanto, Jhoto, and Kalos have the strongest set of final stage starter Pokemon! Meganium, Typhlosion, and Feraligatr in particular are 3 of my all time favorites.
8 - Favorite Region
In terms of Pokedex? It's between Kanto, Jhoto, Unova, and maybe Kalos? In terms of games? Kanto, Jhoto, Hoenn? In terms of where I'd want to live? While I haven't played them all it's between Kanto and Hoenn I think.
9 - Favorite Pseudo Legendary
NOW THIS IS A TOUGH ONE! Lately the Pseudo Legendaries have genuinely become some of my favorite Pokemon from each region. Of course, right? They're all dragons lol. Goodra is probably the winner because I love slime and dragons. But some REALLY close runner ups are Tyranitar, Garchomp, and Dragapult.
While some are certainly stronger in terms of design and concept than others, I like them all though. The only one I'm eh on is Baxcalibur and even then I see the idea and I think some small design tweaks would really fix it for me.
Also random side note, but if they removed all the Pokemon currently in Smash and had to replace all of them with new ones. While I'd cry over Charizard and Mewtwo leaving... Just replace them all with all the Pseudo Legendaries. In fact, the Pseudo Legendary from each region would be a shoe in for each smash game if I was in charge!
10 - Favorite Mythrical
Darkrai. Next question.
Okay but seriously, I ADORE Darkrai. For a lot of similar reasons to Mewtwo. Bad ass design, cool concept, and their movie is one of my favorites. You guys know I love edgy badboys with hearts of gold and tragic backstories. Darkrai's movie is seriously one of my favorites and one of the only ones I've rewatched.
For runner ups? I didn't realize Genesect is Mythical? I LOVE Genesect. Also had a great movie. Also Meloetta is hot dude
11 - Favorite Rival
I've only played the first 4 games but personally I think I have to give it up to Blue. I think he's a lot cooler and more interesting than people remember. I feel like he gets remembered as a mean guy, but actually I feel like he's playfully a rival with you. Because he actually helps you a LOT during the game. But then as the game goes you progressively see him get more and more obsessed with power. And then finding out he's already the champion and having to tear him down is REALLY cool. I think it's one of the best parts of RBY.
Personally I haven't been super thrilled with the friendly rivals but I did think Wally was a neat idea where he starts out as a sick kid but genuinely gets pretty good. But it is messed up that you have to tear him down too lol. Just looking at the designs I like Bianca, N, Hubert, Shauna (though I remember her being annoying), Gladion, Marnie, and dude Klara is so fucking hot dude
12 - Favorite Professor
From the games I've played, Oak has kind of been the most interesting one no contest. But I do LOVE the designs of Juniper, Sonia, and Sada cause they're so hot dude
Although I kind of get the vibe that Kukui is gonna be my favorite by the time I get there.
13 - Favorite Elite 4 / Gym Leader / Champion
TOUGH QUESTION! I don't want this spoiled so I'm gonna only look at the ones I've beaten. Starting with Elite 4: It's probably Lance. He's really cool. Though Karen is absolutely up there. And I also like Lorelei, Phoebe, Drake, and Bertha. Also seeing Koga get upgraded between 2 games was cool.
Gym Leader: It's probably between Claire and Flannery? Dragon types obviously but also slightly older mean girls/tomboys. You know how it is. Erika is cute, Janine being Koga's daughter is cool, Giovanni was a cool concept, Whitney, Jasmine, Morty maybe, Roxanne, Norman is a great concept, Gardenia, Crasher Wake, Candice. Volkner has a cool design.
Champion: Again, probably Blue. I think it's the best built up for sure. And while seeing Lance get upgraded was cool, it's just Lance no offense. Steven could've been an ALL TIMER but Emerald kinda dropped the ball with that sadly. So, if not Blue. It's Cynthia. I'm sorry for being so thirsty on this post but she's SO hot and so cool and has such good taste in Pokemon.
14 - Favorite Villain Team
I think Team Rocket is neat but they're a little basic. But they're done pretty good in the first game and I think it's cool that they're a little more grounded than the rest. And Galactic is pretty crazy but I feel like the whole team isn't that cool as much as they're like, insane.
I probably have to go between Magma and Aqua. And while Aqua are pirates so objectively they're cooler. I think Magma's grunt designs are my personal favorite grunts so far. I genuinely want their evil hoodies with horns on them. And they love Groudon whose the coolest of the trio from Hoenn.
15 - Favorite Character
It's between Mewtwo and Darkrai. Again, they're both deeply important characters to me and both star in some of my favorite movies. But ultimately I do have to give it up to Mewtwo for being an edgy badboy made in a lab, his movie is also just really really good and I love him in Smash Bros and the Birth of Mewtwo and he's just so cool. I love Mewtwo. Darkrai runner-up
16 - Favorite Route/Town/City
I hate to say it but I don't really remember a lot of them off the top of my head. ATM I'm obsessed with Route 209's night theme from Platinum though lol. Going soley off of memory I would probably want to live in a place a little busy but not TOO crazy crowded. Maybe I'd like something like a beach town in Hoenn? Sunnyshore in Sinnoh was also a neat idea.
17 - Favorite Soundtrack
Ooof, tough question. I am certainly the most nostalgic for Firered personally. But I think from my playthroughs so far, a lot of Platinum songs really stuck out and stuck with me. 209, vs Galactic, the Celestic town guitar strumming theme lol. I also feel like I'm gonna REALLY like Black/White's ost cause from what little I played a lot of those songs stuck out to me. But yeah, I might have to give it up to FireRed personally. With my favorite song from it being Vs Champion Rival.
18 - Least Favorite Pokemon
SO... I hate to be a hater. But lately there have been some serious stinkers. However, I have 3 main "least favorite Pokemon". Number 1! Intelleon. Stupid design. Stupid motif. Never seen fanart that made it into a hot girl. How does it go from emo to 007? Huh? Wha? Stupid.
NUMBER 2! Calyrex. Stupid design. Looks stupid on the horses. Looks stupid off the horses. Drags down the cool horse designs. It's the best you could do for a KING pokemon? Seriously? I hate it.
NUMBER 3!! The worst of the worst: Quaquaval. No joke the only Pokemon to dethrone Intelleon to me. I HATE this Pokemon. I get the theme. I see the vision. But it's SO stupid looking. Again I don't want to be a hater, I know people like it. But it's design STINKS dude. I just hate it. Idk.
19 - Favorite Battle
My favorite battle COULD'VE been when you team up with Rayquaza to fight Groudon and Kyogre. But sadly that's only in my fanfic.
There's some really good ones. I love teaming up with Steven to fight the Magma admins. I liked fighting Giratina a lot, I thought that was cool and a nice surprise. I liked having Wally come back suddenly and be super strong at the end of victory road. But ultimately, again, I think I have to give it up to the RB Champion Blue fight. I know I keep saying it but it's so good and so well built up in my opinion. And unlike the friendly rivals, while I think Blue is friendlier than people believe. Watching him become more power hungry makes it feel good and like you have to cut him down when he starts getting out of line. Idk.
As for the Anime? I really like when Mewtwo fights Genesect and only beats him by giving him the overview effect lol. There's a lot of really good ones in the anime if I sat down and thought about it though.
20 - Favorite Type
It's Dragon Type, hands down. Dragons are cool, I love a lot of dragon types, and I LOVE the idea that ANYTHING can be a dragon, even a tree. It matches my love and philosophy of dragons a lot.
Outside of the obvious dragon pick. I like a lot of Fire types, Electric is one of my favorite powers but I'm not super married to a lot of Electric types, I'm always shocked by how many Water types I'm OBSESSED with considering I'm not crazy about Water powers. Ground, Poison, Dark, Bug, there's a lot of good types lol.
21 - Favorite Move
This is really tough. I love a lot of the big HM moves that make my runs super easy. Fly, Surf, Waterfall, ect ect. I love stuff like the elemental punches conceptually. I also like a lot of the dragon moves like Dragon Claw / Draco Meteor conceptually. But I think my all timer is Blast Burn! Again... Charizard lol. I had it on my Charizard in FireRed as a kid.
22 - Favorite Ability
I'm gonna be real with you... I don't know about any of those dang "abilities". But I do always like ones that up the type of the Pokemon. And I'm sure there's some really unique ones if I ever felt like reading through them all. Maybe I'll come back and update this one later. For now, let's go with Dragon's Maw cause it's a dragon theme.
23 - Favorite Item
The only items I really focus on are the held items. I really like, similar to abilities, ones that make certain type moves stronger. I use those a LOT during my playthroughs. I also pretty consistently get Quick Claw and make use of that, I think conceptually that and Dragon Claw are cool. I think King's rock conceptually is cool. As for Pokeballs I thin Ultraball looks cool, Net Ball, Heavy Ball, Dusk Ball... I never use them but they look cool lol. For battle items... uuuuuuh... Max Revive... idk.
24 - Favorite Z-Move / Max Move
I haven't gotten to Sun/Moon yet so idk what these even look like. I watched them all before but fuck me if I can remember them lmao. Just from skimming through: Splintered Stormshards, Pulverizing Pancake, Genesis Supernova, Bloom Doom (reminds me of The End FF8), Savage Spinout, Neverending Nightmare, Devastating Drake, Corkscrew Crash, Black Hole Eclipse, Tectonic Rage are all cool...
I actually think Tectonic Rage might be the best cause I was NOT expecting that shit lmao. Maybe that and Black Hole Eclipse!
25 - Favorite Shiny
Another good question! Off the top of my head I'd probably have to give it up to Charizard, cause edgy black Charizard is just SOOOO bad ass, but I can take a look through the Shiny Dex real quick and pick some other favorites: Nidoking, Golbat, Venomoth, Muk, Kingler, Weezing, Dragonite, Mewtwo, Mew, Yanma, Umbreon, Shuckle, Heracross, Tyranitar, Sceptile, Swampert, Gardevoir, Altaria, Relicanth, Metagross, Rayquaza, Lopunny, Bronzong, Garchomp, Giratina, Gigalith, Crustle, Haxorus, Druddigon, Braviary, Mega Gengar, Tyrantrum, Salazzle, Pyukumuku, Naganandel, Hisuian Sneasel, Hisuian Zoroark, Appletun, Veluza, Sandy Shocks, Iron Thorns, Hydrapple
That's a lot and I still think I missed some lol. But some of these I'd never seen before and actually gasped when I realized how good their shinies are. Like Haxorus, Salazzle, and Appletun whose shiny I now PREFER over the regular one lol
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forjustice · 16 days
12 and 14 for Wallace
#12: Vigilante justice seems to be all the rage with Pokémon Trainers these days. Who do you think should be most responsible for justice: the people or the League? Or should they both share the same responsibility?
"It is our responsibility to seek justice for our people. But only the people can truly decide what justice is, and whether we provided it. If someone decided we could not provide what they needed and sought it themselves, would I be annoyed or even angry with them at first? Of course. Perhaps, though, after enough time has passed for those things to be hindsight, I might see things from their point of view, or perhaps not…"
Now he's thinking about Zíniya. About his uncle, Archie. About how they both tried to get justice themselves in every 'good' way possible before deciding that the only means for achieving it was by any means necessary. The use of force had in fact been necessary to liberate Hoenn--Joseph Stone and the Grand Hoenn League would not have stopped causing trouble without the Heroes of Hoenn deposing them. Yet when it came to the methods that Zíniya and Archie favored…
"It's quite complicated."
#14: What with all the kids running around solving everyone's problems, can Leagues still be trusted as leaders of our communities?
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"I've heard, in other worlds, that other versions of me allowed the Heroes of Hoenn to enter the Cave of Origin to face Groudon or Kyogre alone--or sometimes both. I think those versions of me should resign their positions as both Sootopolitan spiritual authorities and League members IMMEDIATELY. Leagues that allow children to solve all their problems absolutely cannot be trusted. Part of me even regrets letting the young Heroes of my region get involved at all."
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j-ellyfish · 11 months
Do you think pokemon are immortal as long as you bring them to pokemon center?
Sadly, no. As early as Gen1, it is established that Pokémon can die since the Pokémon Tower exists in Lavender Town and it's a 7-floors-tall cemetery. Fun fact: my first game as a kid was Silver (Johto and apparently Paldea - unless the DLC will change this - are the only two regions lacking a cemetery area), but my second one was Blue. When I reached Lavender Town I felt sick and traumatized because I had no idea Pokémon could actually die T-T Like yes Gen2 Lavender has a cemetery too but I don't think I had reached the post-game in Silver yet when I started playing Blue.
But I digress.
When Pokémon fight in battles, at least in legally allowed ones, they are never at risk of dying. It's sort of like a contact sport and each battle is like a round, so when the Pokémon faints/is out of energy it simply means they're too tired to keep fighting safely. Pokémon Centers are like an 8-hours-sleep concentrated in a few seconds. Pokémon gain back their energies the same way an athlete does after a match.
Pokémon can be killed, and this is the case for Cubone's mother in the events that preceed your adventure in the Kanto-based games. Team Rocket is plainly stated to have killed Marowak because she tried to protect her baby, which they wanted to steal. Many Pokédex entries also state how some Pokémon may endanger their life or even die under certain circumstances, for instance: • Charmander dies when the flame on the tip of its tail goes out. • Primeape can die of anger - this is referenced in Gen9 with its new evolution Annihilape, which gains the Ghost Type (implying that the player's Primeape actually died upon evolution). • Lapras was said to have become almost extinct due to poaching. However, in Gen7 games it's said that so many regulations were made to preserve this Pokémon that now there is an overabundance of them and waters with too many Lapras face a decreasing population of Fish Pokémon (which are then implied to be eaten by Lapras). • Spoink dies if it stops bouncing, because its heart doesn't beat on its own but is activated by the bouncing movement. • Most Basculin die when attempting to go upstream in rivers (and their souls are absorbed by the one Basculin that makes it, which then evolves into Basculegion).
Fossil Pokémon in general are implied to have died in various Prehistoric ages since they have become fossils and only brought back thanks to science.
It's unclear what the life span of each Pokémon species is, but I guess they're pretty longevous in general, as long as nothing bad happens to them. Also, while it's unclear, maybe most Ghost Pokémon are immortal, especially with cases of Pokémon that the Pokédex describes as being the reincarnated form of something or someone else (ie: Phantump being the souls of children who died of starvation in forests, Yamask being the spirits of dead humans from an ancient civilization, Greavard and Houndstone being the reincarnation of other dead dog Pokémon) ... And, I suppose, some Legendary Pokémon like Groudon/Kyogre/Rayquaza, Palkia/Dialga/Arceus/Giratina, the Regis, the Galarian Wolves and Calyrex, Diancie, the Tapus, Xerneas/Yveltal/Zygarde, etc ... are immortal. Not all of them though. Some Legendary Pokémon are implied to be considered "Legendary" just because they're extremely rare. Latios and Latias are among those, and Latios canonically died in the Pokémon Heroes movie ...Even though I'd consider the anime and movies only semi-canon and not fully. The Legendary Beasts (Entei, Raikou and Suicune) might be immortal if we're talking specifically about the ones Ho-Oh revived from the Brass Tower, but other Beasts are probably mortal.
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