#one of my top 3 Slytherin boys
dilfluvr22 · 1 month
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Prettiest Witch at Hogwarts (Theodore Nott x fem!reader)
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Warnings: small italian!thoe, friends to lovers, comfort, angst, cussing, flirting, bad writing
a/n- this was not a request, but I did have a really good time writing it! I love this fic so much for no reason
word count- 847
“You, my dear, are the prettiest girl I have ever met,” Pansy said, dropping her voice an octave, reenacting what a boy had done to you today in an attempt to woo you. Her hand brushing your cheek the same way the boy had attempted to do makes you burst out in a loud laughter, causing the rest of the group to follow along.
“The poor bloke! Did he seriously think that would work?” Mattheo cackles, wiping a tear from his eye.
“I swear, I can never get a break! You four are the only boys that don’t chase after me!” You sigh, leaning back into the cushion of the couch, unbeknownst to you Pansy sends Theo a small smirk with raised eyebrows. Pansy was the only person that knew about your mild crush on Theodore Nott, your best friend. Pansy and Mattheo both knew that Theo has been in love with you for years. To everyone though, it was obvious that the lingering glances meant more than friends to the both of you.
The group decided to spend the rest of the night making fun of all of the boys that have tried to get with you since your growth spurt in 4th year.
“You’re gonna let me take you out to Hogsmeade, right?” Adriand Pucy, a boy you have rejected over and over since day one, asks you, leaning up against the exit of the Slytherin common room.
“Haven’t I told you no already today?” You reply, stopping and looking up at him with disgust present on your face.
“I know you don’t have a date, so why don’t you just give me a chance, let me take you out,” The boy says, pushing off of the wall in what was supposed to look attractive, ultimately failing in the end though.
“Who told you she doesn’t have a date? Come on bella, lets go,” Theo says, slinging his arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer into him, engulfing you in the smell of his expensive-smelling cologne.
“Out of all the boys she could choose you really think she’d pick you? You wouldn’t even be on her top ten,” Pucy says, glaring at the taller boy.
“Merlin Pucy, have some self respect! If you ever thought you had a chance with me you certainly have less of one than before,” you say, giving him the dirtiest look you could possibly muster, and pulling Theo away from him and towards your dorm.
You knew Theo almost better than you knew yourself. Even though Theo was the most handsome boy in the school and had his fair share of women, you knew that the mean words Pucy had said would get to him atelast a little bit. He was a Slytherin, but deep down he was still the sensitive boy you’d known for years.
“Are you alright, Theo?” You ask, sitting on your bed and scooting over so he could have room.
“I should be the one asking you that,” He replied with a sad smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.
“You know that Pucy is just an asshole right? You would definitely be in at least my top 3,” You say after a couple of seconds, attempting to lighten the mood and make him feel better. 
“You don’t have to lie to make me feel better,” He says, looking at you with his sad blue eyes.
“Theo, I’m not lying,” You answer, scooting towards him to show your sincereness.
“Did one of them tell you?” He says, hurt filling his eyes and his body language rigid.
“Did who tell me what?” You ask, putting a hand on his back to comfort him, his posture relaxing a little.
Theo looks up at you, his eyes softening a little, “You’re so amazing,” He says softly after a couple of seconds of looking at you.
“Oh come on Theo,” You say, blushing slightly, looking up at him through your eyelashes.
“It’s true. You’re so beautiful,” He says, putting some hair behind your ear, and giving you a smile, showing you his beautifully crooked teeth.
“And you are a flirt. To think you’d never chase after me,” You say, giving him the same smile.
“Would I- um, would I really be in the top three guys?” He asks, looking at you with a serious expression.
“I would date you before I even gave another guy even a look,” You reply, giving him a soft look.
“Are you sure about that though? You know I’m kind of a mess up,” He says, looking away from you.
“It means more to me that you think that I’m amazing and beautiful. I don’t think I would even be able to explain to you how it makes me feel when you call me by your stupid Italian nicknames,” You reply, waiting for an answer. You don’t wait long and you don’t get a verbal response. Theo pulls you in and gives you a soft kiss on your lips. It’s not how he kisses girls at parties, it’s soft and full of love and adoration.
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remus x shy!reader (part 2)
i'm a whore for slow burns and so this little mini series will be a slow burn
author: sj
warnings: fluff, full moon possessiveness, slow burn, reader is described as having longish hair and uses she/her prounouns
part one / part three / part four / part five
this was your first full moon around remus since discovering he was a werewolf. you weren't nervous, just relieved you finally knew what was going on.
remus was terrified. everyone knew he got a little snappier when it came close to the full moon. he got wound tighter and tighter until happened and the last thing he wanted to do was snap at you.
you were 3 days away from the moon and you just finished with classes, following the boys to their common room to study with remus like normal.
you collapsed on the couch and remus fell into the cushion next to you. you both worked silently together for a while until you found remus significantly closer to you than he was before, your thigh pressed to his.
you weren't bothered by this, but remus was slowly combusting silently. he just felt this unexplained need to be touching you at all times. it started this morning when you were in class with him. your slytherin desk partner had his arm touching yours while you were both taking notes and remus thought he was going to lose. it.
at lunch he made sure he was next to you and that helped his need to be touching you. he usually started to ache before the full moons, but it seemed when you were close that he suddenly forgot about the pain and was only thinking about you. hence why he was trying to get closer to you while in the common room.
you sighed and put your books on the floor. you yawned and you slouched into the couch. remus studied you and noticed the tension you were carrying.
"lay down, bun. close your eyes for a while." remus said, patting his thigh. you nod and lay down your head on his thigh, hair cascading into his lap. remus felt his nerves start to calm and gently started running your hair through his fingers. he delicately plucked at your hair and fiddled with it.
about an hour later, sirius got restless and groaned dramatically on the floor.
"ughhhhh. i'm so bored. wake flea up so she can sneak to the kitchens with me and charm the elves." he said, rolling towards remus. remus stiffened.
"no. let her sleep. she's stressed and is actually resting right now. and if you wake her up, i will wait till you fall asleep tonight and find an insect to crawl into your ear and eat the little brains you have left." he said, it coming out a little more aggressive than remus intended, but feeling extremely protective of you.
the next day, all remus could think about was you. it was a saturday so he didn't expect to see you unless you wanted to come to the common room. and low and behold, you came through the portrait hole and came over to the boys with a small smile.
almost reflexively, remus' hands flew up to grab you as you passed, pulling you down almost on top of him as you passed. you gasped and giggled as you fell onto the couch next to remus, extending them over remus' sideways. remus sighed and pulled you into a hug and mumbled into your hair about how much he missed you.
"ew." peter mumurs.
"i had a theory that you would get possessive near the full moon and this is only proving me right." james says. your cheeks flush red and remus pulls back to look you in the eye.
"i just missed my bun is all. doesn't mean i'm some possessive alpha male." remus scoffs, looking towards the boys.
"your bun?! she's all of ours mate. not like you're dating the girl." sirius says, trying to get under remus' skin. remus' hands tighten around you, sirius' words already making remus' hypothetical hackles rise. remus, not wanting to admit sirius is right, just puts his head back to your shoulder and whispers, 'my bun'.
thus how you found out that remus gets a little possessive close to the full moon.
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luvvyouforever · 5 months
headcanons : harry potter boys x keeper!reader
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↳ harry, ron, draco, neville, fred, george, remus, and sirius with a partner who can wield ancient magic (hogwarts legacy style).
↳ requests are open! submit ideas, drabbles, headcanons, or one shots to the link in my bio! don’t be shy <3
harry potter:
-thinks it is the coolest shit ever! when you're in a fight together and you protect him by shooting a powerful blue bolt towards the enemy that disintegrates their very beginning, he feels so proud to be your partner!
-on the other side, he also knows it feels like to have a lot of pressure and power on your side. he worries about what it must feel like to wield ancient magic and be the only living person who can see it. every time you use it, he checks on you after, ensuring that you don't feel too exhausted and can continue fighting.
-supported you so much through the trials. he didn't need to know every detail of what you did and went through but he would hold you so tight when you came back, praising you over and over for being so strong and brave.
ron weasley:
-he's a little jealous, ngl. like his partner can use this sick magic and is responsible for keeping the magic safe and alive out of the wrong hands?? why can't he do that???
-i also feel like ron would be confused, if not a little angry, that you refuse to share the power and attempt what others have before (such as isidora using the magic to remove pain). he doesn't really understand the problem and feels like the keepers are suspicious.
-he'd brag about you alllllll the time though! like oh my god every second he would find some way to bring up the fact that you can do really awesome things and that you are his awesome partner forever!
draco malfoy:
-draco loves you a lot and finds your magic incredibly cool, don't get me wrong, but i think his family swayed his pursuit of you because wouldn't it be so grand if the malfoys had a keeper in their family? someone so powerful and knowledgeable? who would pass down the truth and their magic? yes please! (every time narcissa brings it up, it irks draco but also he pats himself on the shoulder for choosing you)
-wants to know every detail about the trials and the past and the memories you're viewing! you'll come back from a trial, sweaty and tired, maybe bleeding, and he'd help you first then ask hundreds of questions after.
-your use of ancient magic is not necessarily unknown and makes you quite popular among the students of hogwarts. this, however, makes draco really jealous. if he could, he would follow you everywhere, glaring down anyone who tries to make a move on you. before you go on adventures, classes, or just to the common room, he'll drape you in his slytherin scarf as if he was marking you.
neville longbottom:
-poor thing gets so nervous when you have to complete the trials or do something incredibly important for the sake of keeping the magic safe. he knows he can't go along with you but he'd stay by your side until the very moment you enter the map chamber, whispering praises and support the whole time.
-would heal up all your wounds and take care of you if you exerted too much during a fight. he knows how much everyone depends on you and the least he can do is take care of you properly! he would run you a bath, apply soothing balms to your skin or use his plants to heal you up, and cuddle you tightly!
-tries his hardest to not feel useless but sometimes it's hard when you're so strong and he's so...not. of course you'll always reassure him and give him the confidence he needs but very frequently, he gets really down on himself about it.
fred weasley:
-every day he comes to you with a new scheme that involves your magic. could you make a portal that leads from the dungeons of hogwarts to the top of the astronomy tower? it's important. snape is gonna get really mad when he goes into his office? can your magic fix that?
-begs, and i mean BEGS, you to let him come along on your adventures and battles. he wants nothing more than to support you and fight along your side! as long it's not a trial, you can't help but let him come along. you usually end up saving him after he pays a little more attention to the way your whip around the battle, taking down everyone effortlessly.
-speaking of paying too much attention to you, he thinks it is so attractive than you can do what you do! he gives you some time after fighting to recuperate but then immediately he is ON you. he's kissing you and telling you how hot it is when you turn someone to just particles.
george weasley:
-he wants you to teach him everything you can. there are some things that are just simply innate and can not be taught but all your tips and tricks when it comes to fighting will now be all of his tips and tricks. you two would just find some field away from the burrow and go at it, sending spell after spell at each other. georgie is just overflowing with adrenaline and it's a great way to get it out.
-deep down, a part of him wants to be protective of you. he wants to keep you from going out into danger and taking on dangerous tasks all for magic and some old people telling you what to do. but he knows better, trust me. he knows you can defend yourself just fine but he just wants to put you in a little bubble and never let anything hurt you.
-just like ron, he will brag about you whenever he can. everyone is sitting around the great hall table, talking about how it's so cool that you defeated a troll in one fell swoop and he just wraps his arm around your shoulders, a glimmer in his eye as he proceeds to say "yeah, aren't they just so amazing?"
remus lupin:
-fears for your health and safety so much! when you come back from a trial, he's hushing you and putting you in bed, feeding you chocolate and brewing tea until you feel better!! you are bearing the weight of centuries old magic all alone. the least he can do is take care of you!
-supports your decisions throughout your entire journey as a keeper. if you truly believe that releasing ancient magic to the world and using it for more than the original keepers intended, then he understands. if you want to continue to keep it hidden, he will not question your judgement.
-this is so fluffy but i feel like you figured out how to manipulate your ancient magic to floating, bright blue scenes and pictures. around remus's time of the month (said lovingly), you'll lay in bed with him and use your wand to paint pictures of animals, lakes, waves, stars, or, in more sappy moments, your future.
sirius black:
-he thinks it is SO hot that you can take someone down without barely blinking an eye. his favorite move you do is when you lift someone into the air and slam them down repeatedly. gets blushy and turned on excited every time.
-once followed you down into the map chamber only to be very harshly yelled at by one of the keeper's portraits. he just wanted to see what it looked like and to know where you go on dangerous missions!! who can blame him, truly? definitely grumbled the whole rest of the day.
-when you two get married, he refuses to let you take his last name and instead will either take yours or say screw it and come up with one! he doesn't want his family to have the gratification of having a keeper with the black family name. he wants you to shine for who you are and in another century, he wants your name to be yours, not his.
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hp-hcs · 7 months
mattheo riddle if you beat the shit out of him in a fistfight <3 — mattheo riddle x gn! reader
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Requests open
implied Slytherin (non-pureblood reader)
tws: violence… duh
OOC. LIKE AS OOC AS IS POSSIBLE. i am so sorry for whatever this is 💀 i’m like, borderline delirious kind of sick, so that’s my excuse ig 😌
homeboy is not doing fine
his bruised ego 😔
he’d been teasing you for years with his group of lackeys, and you just snapped
he made a comment that went too far about your blood status, talking shit about your family
you just dropped your shit, spun around, and decked that mf
obviously he wasn’t fuckin expecting that, so he just kinda froze like 👊💥😳🧍‍♂️
he has no idea what to do
((he’s also just a little bit turned on bc manwhore duh))
everybody in the hallway freezes too like,
“you dumb bitch the fuck are you doing??”
his friends are jeering, and he just kind of shakes his head like a goddamn etch-a-sketch and like, gently shoves you back by your shoulders (cause you cute bae 🩷 he don’t wanna ruin that pretty face of urs <3)
you, on the other hand, are just ready to FUCK someone UP
and if that someone turns out to be the dark lord’s son, c’est la vie
he makes one more lame attempt at a scathing comment and you just fucking TACKLE him
you’re on top of him (not like that you silly little sluts get your mind outta the gutter) in the middle of the hallway just beating the s h i t out of him
homeboy has no idea what to do lmfao
lowkey he’s falling in love just from your knuckles smashing his face in (masochist manwhore)
he def thinks it’s hot as fuck
one of the professors comes to separate yinz, (probably hooch, cause there ain’t no way she puts up with any shit) and has to fucking DRAG YOU OFF of him
he's got like, a broken nose, a busted lip, a probably-going-to-become-a-black eye, and yk, decimated ego
but he’s just looking at you with those fuckin PUPPY DOG eyes
congrats, he’s obsessed
he won’t shut up about you for the rest of the day, to his friends, his enemies, madam pomfrey when he’s in the hospital wing…
they're all like “ah. i see the mommy and daddy issues are making an appearance”
when you get out of detention and go back to the common room, he LEAPS off of the couch and over to you
you’re standing there with still-bloody knuckles and a try me, i dare you face
he apologizes profusely, like, to a kind of pathetic extent
you’re like “dude, you’re not pureblood either, dipshit”
he got called out 😔
you apologize for OvErReAcTiNg (you had to apologize as part of your detention & punishment lmfao) and getting ‘unnecessarily violent’
and cause manwhore he’s just like “oh no it’s fine that was hot”
y/n: 😶🤨🫠
he’s got a lil giggle ✨
literal heart eyes for you
so ur like “yeah i gotta mess with this guy even more”
you kiss his cheek and make his brain stop working
baby is bluescreening rn
he then ends up shadowing you for the rest of the week, following a half-step behind you wherever you go like a lil puppy
(i’m of the opinion that he’s just a slightly more violent golden retriever white boy)
((i’m not saying himbo but himbo))
walk him like a dog, sis
alexa, play lovefool by the cardigans
he’s ur bitch now, enjoy <3
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atydblack · 3 months
regulus black x slytherin!reader
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this is part one of an ongoing series! think there will be 3 parts in total &lt;3 no cws as this is gonna be pure angst
Being James Potter's younger sister inquired a lot to live up to. James was the perfect Gryffindor student who succeeded in all his classes, exuded confidence with his every word, had soulmates for friends and an even better girlfriend.
You, however, were almost the opposite.
You were sorted into Slytherin in your first year and although they tried their best to hide it, you could see the disappointment in James and his friends eyes as you walked over to the Slytherin table. Your parents were still accepting but there was some clear favouritism in the family, no doubt. You did well in classes however didn't ever see yourself becoming a prefect like James or being top of any classes.
You sat in potions next to your best friend, Lara. Her straight blonde hair and bright blue eyes opposed my black curly hair and dark brown eyes. You had always been jealous of her, she was the type to catch everyone's eye when she walked into a room while you just trudged in behind her.
"Do you have idea what this question means?" Lara asks you, huffing slightly as she rested her chin in her hand.
"You really think I'd have the answer if you didn't?" You joked. You glanced up at Slughorn who had started dozing off behind his desk and you smirked. "Look."
Lara mirrored your smirk and you both dropped your quills on the desk to turn around and start talking with your friends instead.
"I'm bored out of my mind." Lara groaned to your other friend Freya sat behind you.
"Slughorn says if we don't get these all finished, he's gonna give us all detention until we get them done." Freya rolled her eyes, but you could clearly see that she'd almost finished.
"Have you got the number to 42?" You asked her with wide eyes, trying to sway her in to letting you copy her. "And 43, 44, 45... and the rest?"
"Merlin your voices are retched." A voice came from a couple desks to your right, none other than Enoch Wilkes. He was a tall boy with sleeked back greasy hair and a superiority complex due to his family heritage.
"What's your problem, Wilkes?" Lara shot at him.
"I'm trying to actually do my work but all I can hear is Potter's squeaky voice in my ear." Wilkes replied with a grunt.
"She's just as unbearable as Saint Potter except dumber." Icarus Nott joined in from next to him.
"What did you just say?" You spat, standing to your feet and making your way over to them with your wand gripped tightly in your palm, willing to do anything to stand up for your older brother. There was a third boy sat with them, Regulus Black.
Regulus had always been quiet, however he never failed to be part of the horrid Slytherins who gave your house a bad name and thought they were elite causing them to look down on everyone else. He had only made a few sly comments in past years, but everyone knew his thoughts on muggle blood.
You were also a pureblood, but would never allow yourself to feel any prejudice towards anyone else.
You couldn't deny that Regulus was attractive. He looked a lot like Sirius... however his facial features were softer. His dark black hair fell onto his forehead effortlessly and his green eyes complimented his pale skin.
"You heard me." Nott mocked you, not moving from his seat. You had gained a small audience as everyone's head turned towards you.
"What an embarrassment having a Gryffindor blood traitor for a brother." Wilkes joked, not backing down. "At least Black had the right idea and cut his off, what's stopping you from doing the same?"
"Y/N, sit down." Freya begged from across the classroom, not wanting to get either of you in trouble. "He's not worth it."
"You have no idea what you're talking about." You smirked, holding up your wand and pointing it right at him.
You were closest to Sirius out of all your brothers friends. He had moved in with your family two years ago after he left his family and you'd always been there for him, especially during everything that happened with his brother Regulus. Regulus was clearly a lost soul, strung along on the same ideologies as his parents however he would send letters to Sirius every once and a while but continued to act like he didn't exist at school.
"Leave it, Wilkes." Regulus muttered. Funny this is the first time he had ever attempted to stick up for you and it was only to save his own back.
"What's she talking about, Black?" Nott glanced at him, but Regulus' eyes were set on yours as you stared each other down. You knew you would never actually say anything to expose Regulus as doing so would only hurt Sirius too, but you could sense how scared he was that you'd open your mouth.
"She's a freak." Wilkes chuckled. "Just like her brother."
This sent you over the edge as everything turned red. You dropped your wand to the floor and quickly punched Wilkes square in the nose.
"Olive!" Lara shouted from across the classroom.
You felt a pair of strong arms pulling you back as you attempted to go in for another hit.
"What on earth is going on?!" Slughorn announced and you all froze. You turned around to see it was in fact Regulus' arms that were holding you back and a brush grew on your cheeks. "Black, Potter - sit down at once!"
You both complied, with a guilty expression you made your way back over to your desk and your friends gave you an apologetic look.
"I expect to see you both after class." Slughorn continued.
"But sir-!" Nott shouted, attempting to stick up for Regulus.
"I don't want to hear it." Slughorn quickly cut him off earning a scoff from the boy.
The lesson felt like it took hours to end but you felt slightly ill in your stomach when everyone else was packing up to leave but you and Regulus sat firmly in your seats.
"We'll be in the great hall; I'll save you a seat." Lara smiled at you before her and Freya took off out the classroom and to dinner.
"Both of you have detention with Filch every night after dinner starting tomorrow." Slughorn mumbled, uninterested. You scoffed as you were way too used to detention with Filch now.
When you were dismissed, you quickly stood to your feet and attempted to leave ahead off Regulus to avoid any awkwardness. You began walking down the corridor, ready to rant to James about what had occured.
"Potter!" Regulus called from behind you. You stopped in your tracks and turned on your feet with a confused expression on your face. He approached you slowly and timidly before speaking. "I-uh. I wanted to thank you for not saying anything about Sirius and I."
"I didn't do it for you. I did it for Sirius." You mutter before turning back around and leaving him there dumbfounded.
You reach the great hall and make a B line for your brother and his friends. James smirked at you as you approach him with a sour expression on your face before sitting in between him and Sirius, your green robes standing out in the sea of red.
"What's up with you, Y/N?" Sirius smirked before patting me on the top of your head.
"I've got detention again this week." You huff, crossing your arms and leaning them on the table.
"How do you manage to get yourself into so much trouble?" Lily quizzed you, a humorous look on her face that mirrored the rest of the group.
"She takes after me, that's why." James joked but you only rolled your eyes in response.
"Yeah, apart from the brains." You sigh, leaning your head on Sirius' shoulder. You glanced over at the Slytherin table and quickly caught eyes with Regulus, who must have been staring at you. You kept eye contact for a short moment before he turned his head and acted like it never happened. You furrow your eyebrows and listed your head once again. "At least I'm the better-looking sibling." You continue, causing everyone to laugh.
"Keep dreaming, kiddo." James rolled his eyes.
"Go on then, what did you do this time?" Remus questions you.
"I punched Enoch Wilkes in the nose during potions." You say smugly causing everyone to laugh once again.
"I would advise you that violence isn't the answer, however we can make some exceptions for people like that." Remus smirked.
"Tell me about it, they're horrid." You scoff before stealing some food from James plate. "No offence obviously, Sirius."
"Go ahead," Sirius chuckled. "I had to endure it for most of my life."
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ldrfanatic · 2 months
love made me crazy
Theodore Nott x Reader "13" Series pt 3 warnings - cursing prob, smoking, etc, idrk no major triggers
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As you walked through the stone corridors at Hogwarts, you tried to ignore the stares. A few of Theo's groupies had taken to staring you down and whispering behind your back. Ever since you found out about the dare, Theo had been all over you. Flowers, carrying your books, bringing you gifts, large romantic gestures and the like. It was causing his fangirls to dump all of their frustrations onto you.
A few girls in yellow and gray were staring you down with unsatisfied looks. Their apparent ring leader approached you. Her face was twisted in mock surprise but there was a mean glint in her eyes. "Now someone tell me how is that a girl like you has had Theodore Nott drooling over her?" You rolled your eyes and shoved past her.
She grabbed your arm pulled you back. The hallway fell silent and all heads turned towards you. She pulled an ink bottle from her satchel and poured it over the top of your head.
Everyone in the corridor starting laughing at you. Suddenly, Theo appeared behind her. He whispered something into her ear with dark eyes. Heather's face blanched and her eyes started to water up. She turned and fled quickly down the corridor, her friends scurrying after her.
Theo offered you a hankerchief, the letters T.N. embroidered on it. You wiped your face and hands with the cloth and then passed it back to him.
"This doesn't make us even Nott. It is still your fangirl that did this."
Theo rolled his beautiful eyes at you and you used all your might to smother the butterflies that stirred for the first time in weeks. In fact, you hadn't actually spoken to Theo in weeks. His deep voice caught you off guard when he spoke suddenly.
"I didn't do this to be even with you. I did this because people should know better than to threaten my girl. And now everybody knows your my girl."
The butterflies vanished as the more unbearable side of Theo made its appearance. However, it was different this time. Usually he was arrogant with a fully inflated ego. This time it wasn't arrogance. You'd been studying Theodore Nott long enough to tell the difference. The way that his italian accent slipped and thickened his voice. The way that his eyes lost their usual bored look and darkened with jealousy.
The kind of signs that made you want to be careful with his heart even though he'd been careless with yours.
Your eyes softened as they met his.
"I-" You took a deep breath and tried to ignore the way that your heart cracked. "I'm not your girl Theo." You spoke softly. Soft enough to hear the way that his heart cracked too. "What did you say to her anyways?"
You hadn't noticed, but the two of you began walking together down the corridor.
"I just reminded her that she was threatening the girl that held the heart of the son of one of the most powerful and dangerous Death Eaters in the country."
"But you hate your father."
Theo stopped and grabbed your hand softly. "I'd do anything for you. I'd kill my father if you asked me to. I'd..." He breathed deeply. "I'd kill everyone if you asked me to."
Your breath caught in your chest. "How can you say that?"
"You can't blame me, sweetheart. My love for you has made me crazy." A corner of his mouth turned up in a smirk. He leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to your now cleaner forehead. "See you later, dolcezza."
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For the rest of the week, you tried not to think about Theo. It was hard. He'd actually been doing better. He'd quit smoking. After he caught the snitch at the last quidditch match, he'd flown over and given it to you. Much to Madame Hooch's displeasure.
Now, rolling the small golden ball around in your hand, you tried to ignore the bubbling feelings in your stomach. Whether or not you'd reacted too quickly to his betrayal shouldn't have caused you guilt. It shouldn't have mattered. He lied to you.
Yet you couldn't find it within yourself to be angry any longer. And the urge to hear him out on whatever he had to say was getting more and more unbearable.
Which is probably how you found yourself pacing in the Slytherin common room waiting for Theo to come down from the boys dormitory after you'd asked Lorenzo to retrieve him. "You wanted to see me, bella?" You stood there looking like a fish out of water with your mouth wide open like an idiot.
"I did."
You sat on the dark green couch and pat the seat next to you gently. Theo crossed the room and spread out in the seat next to yours. "I just thought you might deserve a chance to explain yourself. I never really let you before." You looked down bashfully at your hands.
"There's no reason to be shy. We've known each other for years. And while I do appreciate the opportunity to explain myself, I hope you know that you don't owe me anything doll."
"I know, Theo."
Theo sat up a little straighter and took your hand in his own. "I want you to know, I truly never intended to hurt you. When the guys found out that you had a crush on me, they wanted to play a game with you. They bet me 25 galleons that I couldn't break your heart in a week."
Your eyes welled up with tears. It was true. Theodore Nott had gone out with you on a dare.
"But the dare never mattered to me, Y/n." He scooted closer to you on the couch and took your face in his hands. "I never accepted the money. Even after. I only accepted the dare because I wanted an excuse to get closer to you. And I told myself that it didn't matter if you found out or not. That either way I'd win. But it does matter. I don't want you to get hurt. I just want to be with you."
"I can't Theo."
He stood abruptly from his seat next to you. "WHY? You asked me to explain myself and I did."
"I'm sorry Theo. But explaining yourself does not give you any right to my love. I forgive you. I understand now. But I can't trust you, so I can't be with you. I'm sorry."
Theo scoffed and walked briskly out of the now silent common room. The same one who's floor was covered with the shattered pieces of not one, but two hearts.
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wordsarelife · 6 months
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pairing: theo nott x gn!hufflepuff!reader
summary: theo meets your family for the first time during christmas
notes: i’m sorry but this is super short again. idk i just couldn’t think of anything lmao, even though the request was pretty cool. but i do think i included everything you asked for anon! hope you like it nonetheless!!
you weren’t sure when his nervousness had reached its peak, if it was on the train ride, or on the drive to the house, oh no, you were sure it was now, standing in front of the door, while you rang the doorbell and theo turned to look at you with tears in his eyes
“are you alright?” you asked him gently. it was even that gentleness that had made him interested in you, while he watched you care for the animals and he slowly fell in love with you.
it offended him a bit that you were now giving him the same look you had given that hurt kitten a week ago.
“do i look nervous to you?”
“ehh, just a little bit” you tried to assure but he saw right through you
“you’re lying”
“there’s always a bit of truth in a lie”
“sure” theo mumbled and before either of you could say anything else, the door got opened by a house elf.
“hello” you said and the house elf smiled
“hello” he said “your parents are waiting for you, y/n”
“thank you” you took theo’s hand and pulled him into the foyer. after you had both taken of your jackets and left your stuff, you walked into the living room.
“mum! dad!” you called smiling
“good evening, honey” your mom said hugging you
“it’s good to have you back at home” your father shook theo’s hand “you must be theo”
“yes, sir”
“you know theo” your father gently walked theo to sit on one of the two couches “i was a slytherin myself. and it just happens to be that y/n’s mother was a hufflepuff just like them. so your relationship could be destiny”
“i like to think that, yeah” theo said, while he watched you talk to your mum on the other end of the room.
“n/n!!” the voice of a child called. theo and your dad looked up in a similar manner and you smiled.
“gwen!” you called back, matching your sisters excitement and opening your arms for her to hug you. you picked her up and set her on your hip.
“do you want to meet theo?” you asked, pointing towards your boyfriend. your sister nodded smiling.
you walked across the room and sat down next to your boyfriend. your father got up to join your mother.
“theo” you introduced “this is my little sister gwen”
“hi gwen” theo laughed. normally your sister was quite shy, but suddenly it was like a switch had been flipped. she outstretched her little arms, waiting for theo to pick her from your hold. he did just that, letting her settle on his lap.
you send him an impressed smile. “how old are you, gwen?” theo asked “can you show that?” he pointed at her fingers
“i’m this old” she giggled, raising her hand and showing four fingers.
“that’s so cool!” theo gushed excited “i’m this old” he showed her a lot of fingers and she giggled, cuddling closer to the boy.
“do you want to put the star on with me?” gwen asked and pointed to your christmas tree. she was right, the star was still missing.
theo looked at you questioning if it was okay.
you nodded “go ahead” you whispered.
theo got up from the couch, picking up gwen, followed by you closely. he took the star from the table and gave it to gwen. she smiled brightly.
theo held her up, high enough so she could reach the top and put the star on it.
“great job!” you smiled, softly applauding.
“thank you” theo smiled from next to you, gwen still in his hold. “we did a good job, gwen, didn’t we?”
gwen giggled once again, leaning her head on theo’s shoulder.
“wow” your mum said to your dad “he’s great with her”
“yeah” your dad nodded. they both watched how theo smiled at your sister, before he turned to you, fixing a strand of your hair and gently kissing you on your forehead. “and with them too”
taglist: @twistedhistory @bakingintheshire @mqstermindswift @ahead-fullofdreams
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sebastianswallows · 1 year
Ardour — Chapter 1
— PAIRING: professor!Tom Riddle x Reader
— SYNOPSIS: Tom got what he wanted, he is the Hogwarts DADA professor. It's more tedious than he envisioned, but his day gets interesting when his favourite student comes to him for help after she is hit with a strong aphrodisiac.
— WARNINGS: angst, fluff, age difference (she is in 7th year), dub-con kissing, sex pollen basically, hints of incest (reader is a distant Gaunt relation, don't ask me why, I just wanted a depraved twist and also to give her and Tom something more in common)
— A/N: I had this filthy idea and I AI-RPed it and it turned out so well I could not leave it be. So here's part 1. I expect we'll have 2, max 3 parts. Those will contain the smut. Credit to my writing partner, this cute little chat bot, who wrote a very soft and romantic Tom. I had to spend a lot of time re-writing him to be a bit more mean 😂 And yeah reader is more of an OC tbh, because the physical description was important for their similarity in looks. ...You'll see. Also don't mind me fancasting Tom Hughes as an older Tom.
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There was a knock on the door. Professor Tom Riddle, who taught Defence Against the Dark Arts, raised his head from grading papers. He sighed at the interruption and rubbed the bridge of his nose. He checked his watch to see if it was late enough for him to pretend to be at dinner, but he had no such luck — it was sometime in the late afternoon.
He'd once thought that getting this position was all he wanted. To teach Defence Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts, and be the youngest one to take the position in the school’s history, would be a great achievement, after all — aside from giving him the opportunity to, like Professor Slughorn, collect students, Hogwarts' best and brightest, select his favourites, and helpfully guide them in a way that suited his long-term personal ambitions.
But what he found instead was that it was a great deal of hard work, unending responsibilities, and long hours. He had to always be available to help students, he had to think the year ahead before it even started, and he had to always be on top of the course material — or at least pretend to be. He had to put up with noisy and inattentive students, be careful to reward the clever and punish the disruptive, calculate awarded points and distribute detentions — but not too harshly. Last but not least, he had to put up with the other staff — the crass, the sycophantic, the obsequious, and the stupid. He almost missed his days working at Borgin and Burkes...
"Come in," he called out a little loudly, not really caring who it was as long it was someone whose presence doesn't make him want to claw his eyes out. He looked expectantly at the door, waiting for whoever was there to step inside and give him take a break from the endless stream of badly written essays.
The door opened slowly, and Adara walked in.
Adara Gaunt, Slytherin 7th year, and one of his brightest. She was excellent at Defence Against the Dark Arts, and he had noticed in her an interest in the Dark Arts in general. She wasn’t a troublemaker like some of the other pure-bloods, entitled little narcissists who wanted to show off, which made it easy for her to not come under suspicion when some book was unaccounted for in the Restricted Section. She was less clever at hiding it after the fact, when she would answer a question of his during classes with an intriguing little tidbit, and he always knew exactly which book she’d read that in. If she got into trouble at all, it was casting the wrong hex at the wrong boy when she got picked on, and then making his well-groomed, fancy-robed, ignorant father complain to the Headmaster. Tom tried not to give her preferential treatment — but he had to actively try.
It didn’t help that she was a relative of his, by way of a second cousin of his lamented grandfather Marvolo, one who married some scion of the Black family and was scarcely spoken of again. He wasn’t sure what that made her — his niece? hardly. Not that he would ever tell that to her. Last thing he needed was some hanger-on.
No, as far as his students and most of the staff were concerned, he was a half-blood with the muggle name of Riddle, and nobody suspected anything illustrious from the magical side of his family — not that there had been anything particularly illustrious about the Gaunts for a hundred years. And as far as he had gathered from gossip and from observation, Adara’s outcast Gaunt-Black family wasn’t fairing much better than his own had. She spent every holiday she could at Hogwarts, she was withdrawn yet had a spiteful edge to her, she sought an escape from reality in subjects of the most extreme kind — his favourite kind, too —and, from his personal experience, he detected traces of neglect. An unwanted child, that much was certain. Sometimes, he thought she was still better off than living in a muggle orphanage — other times, he was not so sure.
She was pallid, dark-haired and dark-eyed, with an elegant showing of bones beneath her skin, and a quiet, withdrawn demeanour — in other words, a more unhealthy vision of him in a different sex. Still, he could see those eyes sparkle whenever he taught the darkest, most terrifying subjects, even while the rest of the class was frightened or disgusted. He understood why she liked it. There was nothing like the promise of power to the powerless.
And so, his eyes widened slightly when he saw her stepping unannounced into his office. It wasn’t like her… But if he were to talk to any of his wretched students, he could count himself lucky that it was her. His demeanour softened when he saw her standing there.
"Adara, it is such a pleasure to have you here."
"Hello, Professor," she said, closing the door behind her but moving no further in. "I hope I'm not disturbing you... I can come back later, if—"
Tom sighed at her timidity but smiled. "You’re not disturbing anything. Come in."
He got up and went to stand in front of the desk, ready to speak with her, and she came closer too.
"I'm very sorry to ask, sir," she started, swallowing the knot in her throat, "but... I was wondering if you can help me with something... I don't wish to go to the nurse about it, I don’t like her, and... you're an expert in this field — I mean, aside from Professor Slughorn, who I… also don’t wish to see. So I thought maybe you would know a solution..." She bit her lip after her ramble, looking at him to gauge his reaction.
She was terrified of bothering him, in fact, of being a nuisance, but she also didn’t know who else to turn to. He could tell she had gone through the options in her mind, and he was, in fact, the third after Nurse Blainey and Slughorn.
"Don't be sorry, Adara. It is my duty to assist students," he sighed. "Please, tell me what it is you need help with."
She looked up at him, visibly tensing even in the darkness of his office as she stood a few feet away, her face hot and body shivering under the effects of... something. Something unusual. She was typically a bit shy, but not that shy. She even looked a bit... unwell. Her legs rubbed against each other and she stood before him unsteadily, as if her bones or muscles ached.
"Well?" said Tom. "Go ahead…"
"I got into an argument with Amyas Avery and he snuck Ardour Fly up my skirt," she said in one fast breath, blushing profusely and looking down.
Tom frowned. Ardour Fly was a powder, a potent aphrodisiac that had few known cures. It irritated the victim and brought them to a point of sensitivity that was nearly torturous given long exposure. It was typically used between lovers, as the effects would not relent unless the victim was brought to... the very heights of pleasure. Until then, they would suffer painful, heated, relentless arousal that drove them mad with desire. What a snot-nose like Avery was doing with it, he didn’t wish to know — but he intended to find out anyway, as part of a long letter to his father.
"He did what to you?" His voice had that edge to it now.
He moved closer to look her over more closely, and she inhaled sharply at even something as innocuous as his approach. Tom brought a hand to her forehead: feverish, and she gasped. A gentle touch to her cheek with the back of his fingers rewarded him with a moan, and she was trying to look everywhere but at him.
"And where is Mr Avery now?" he whispered, his eyes scanning her body, taking in all the symptoms.
He heard her give a trembling exhale at the close sound of him, her eyes becoming lidded, looking drowsy. The timbre of his voice alone had driven her insane with want.
"I... Mmmm... I don't know. I guess he'll... go have lunch in the... Great Hall come dinnertime..."
"And did anyone else see it happen?"
"Mmmm..." she moaned, closing her eyes and biting her lip. "Vanius Nott was there, and Selby Carrow, and Ophius Black..."
Tom’s hand went to her cheek again, but he slid the edges of his fingers down beneath her jaw and tilted her face up to look at him. The storm of emotions in her was nothing compared to that in him: anger and cold fury were there, and a lust for revenge after what the useless progenies of socialites and sycophants had done to his favourite. They had humiliated her, bodily and mentally, out in the open where other little cowards could watch and laugh.
"And where were you when this happened?" he asked gently.
"In the Transfiguration courtyard," she said in a choked mumble.
Her head nearly tilted toward his palm, perhaps to nuzzle it, before he took it away. He almost wished he hadn’t hurried to remove it… His eyes slid to her uniform: ruffled, tie out of place, buttons holding on but barely… She’d either gotten into a physical scuffle, or she’d spent the last few minutes tearing away at herself in frustration before she decided to come to him for help.
He was so close he could smell her, smell the scent of something sharp and woody like ginger — the Ardour Fly — and underneath it, quickly overtaking it, something fleshy and sweet, warm and a bit salty, something cloying that settled at the back of his throat.
"Look at me for a moment," he asked gently.
She did, gazing into his eyes bravely. He held her eyes for a quiet moment, then without warning put his palm right over her lower stomach.
She gave a weak animal sound, something half-moan half-scream. She was nearly bending over at the feeling. Beneath his hand, Tom worked a bit of wandless magic to confirm the state of her insides. As he suspected: swollen, throbbing, overworked, and underloved. He inhaled sharply in sympathy as the sensations coursed through him, before he quickly took his hand away.
He didn’t often have the opportunity to examine the effects of aphrodisiacs on their victims, although he had sold his fair share while at Borgin and Burkes. He never liked these dirty tricks out of principle, although a means to an end was a means to an end… But seeing their effects now on her, his favourite student, his flesh and blood, he felt far less forgiving.
She clung to her waist protectively — his hand had been warm enough that she felt it through her clothes, and it pained her in that way an unfulfilled desire does.
"Please, Professor Riddle," she whimpered, sounding on the verge of tears. "I can’t take it, please tell me you have a cure for it…"
Of course, there was no cure for Ardour Fly at Hogwarts. Those were rare and expensive. Perhaps Nurse Blainey could help her with the symptoms by means of some antipyretic potions, at least until they could have something actually useful delivered to the castle. But the only cure they had on hand, so to speak, was to let the aphrodisiac fulfil its purpose.
"Alright," he sighed, mostly to himself. He could do this. It was a legitimate concern. It could even be an illegitimate concern, because anyway, nobody was going to find out, he’d make sure of that.
"Oh thank you so much, please, it hurts, it hurts..."
"What hurts?" he asked coolly, looking in her eyes again. "Tell me exactly what it is that hurts."
She stared at him dumbly for a moment, then realised he was actually waiting for her to say it.
"My... my..."
She bit her lip and closed her eyes, completely humiliated by the situation but dizzy from the effect of the Ardour Fly.
"My... intimate parts," she finally said, finding a term that was polite enough to say in the presence of a Professor.
"I see..." he whispered, his voice a little breathless now too above the anger he felt at the situation and his lingering anxieties. I can do this. "Show me where it hurts you."
Her soul left her body. She would have collapsed if she weren’t frozen stiff. She looked into his eyes, but there was no playfulness there. He was treating her as seriously, as clinically, as the victim of a poisoning… and it drove her dizzy with desire. It was at that point she realised she made a mistake going for help to the youngest and most handsome professor in the school.
But he didn’t seem any more amused by it than she was. He levelled at her the same stern gaze with which he expected them to hand in their homework, only now his voice was warmer and much close, and it was just the two of them, and he wasn’t asking for a roll of parchment but for her to lift her skirt.
Or did he prefer that she bend over?
The aphrodisiac was twisting not only her senses, but also her sense, and she found her mind going in the most depraved and humiliating directions. But he hadn’t meant it like that, did he? She genuinely was in pain, and her most dear Professor was offering to help. It made sense, it made sense...
After a few moments during which she switched between fighting with herself and looking into his dark eyes, she brought her hands to the edges of her skirt, and lifted it. She showed herself to him.
Tom’s icy gaze slid from her flushed face, down. Her panties were black with a lace flourish, and could barely contain her. She had been leaking down herself, the top of her thighs damp and shining in the candlelight, her folds swollen and visibly throbbing, the very material moving gently with a pulse that matched her heartbeat. And the scent of her, pure and innocent and aroused, became that much stronger now.
Tom stared at her with an intensity unlike anything he has ever felt before, and yet his composure betrayed nothing. It was only his stillness and the time he took to look at her, to drink his fill, that hinted at anything selfish at all. But inwardly, his senses were gripped by an unspeakable desire, a mixture of lust and pain and anger and something else, something that made his stomach churn at the mere thought of it.
His breath was slow and heavy as he spoke.
"You poor girl," he whispered. "What do you think should be done with those boys?"
Her lips parted in wonder at the turn in conversation. That was the last thing she expected from her Professor... to ask for her opinion. It made her realise how little she knew him...
"Punish them," she said with shaky anger. "Give them detention for the rest of the year or humiliate them or let me hex them or... I don't know, but I want them punished."
He smiled, feeling proud and oddly protective of her. That’s my girl, slithered a traitorous thought.
"Rest assured, I will punish them," he said with delight. "Not just detention, but much, much more."
He stared down at her, taking in the entire sight before him, a genuine look of affection in his eyes as he stared at her, an unspoken admiration. Her skirt was still held up in her trembling hands, her eyes were fixed on his, expectant and pleading and so, so obedient… But as he merely watched and said nothing else, she began to cover herself again.
"Thank you, Sir," she smiled, feeling so grateful she could cry.
It moved her beyond what he could know, to feel protected... Nobody had ever made her feel that way, not any of the other distracted teachers nor her fairweather friends and certainly not her parents.
"Um... so…" she asked with a blush. "Do you have a... treatment for the Ardour Fly, Sir? Can you help me?"
He grinned at that, seeming unhappy and excited at the same time, but also oddly… caring.
"Yes, Adara. I will help you."
She smiled at hearing it, as he expected. She trusted him completely.
Don’t get carried away, Tom thought to himself. Don’t let it go to your head.
He held her gaze, still smiling, and spoke in what he tried to make his most soothing, his most encouraging and reassuring tone. The irony was he hoped she’d gotten a hefty enough dose of aphrodisiac to even accept the treatment he was about to offer.
"There is only one treatment for the Ardour Fly we have available to us. It is a… procedure, but a well-tested method. It is, in fact, the recommended treatment. Do you understand?"
"I think so, Sir…"
She didn’t.
"I agree to help you, because I know you’re a good student and you deserve better than this, and I can only imagine what you must be going through right now… But it will take a considerable amount of… fortitude and… tolerance from your side."
"Alright, Sir," she said, looking up into his dark eyes.
She wanted to be brave for him, she wanted to be worthy of his praise and his help and his confidence, but most of all she wanted to show how grateful he was that he could help her. No, most of all she wanted something else…
"Good girl," he whispered, his smile tilting intimately.
A shiver ran up and down her spine at hearing it. She’d never been called that, and to hear Professor Riddle say it to her made her weak.
"You’ll need to lie down for your treatment," he said, then pointed to the far right of the room. "Go there, on the sofa."
It was an old and battered thing upholstered in green velvet that had worn away in places, but it looked to her like an operating table as she approached. She looked behind her as Professor Riddle followed, his arms politely behind his back. She didn’t see him take any equipment or potions, which made her wonder what this treatment was…
She sat on it, almost experimentally, letting herself gingerly on the cushion, but even that pressure was too much. Her head tilted back and she frowned with pleasure-pain at the intense sensation of having her tender parts all pressed together by her thighs.
"Now, lay on your back," he said as he came to a stop beside her.
She took her shoes off first, then came to rest on her back, trying to find a comfortable position. Her arms were stretched out and tense by her sides, and all she could look at was the shadowy stone ceiling.
Professor Riddle sat down on the floor, by her chest, and leisurely trailed his eyes up and down the length of her. She heard him sigh, but could not detect the precise feeling behind it.
"Do you trust me?" he asked quietly. "Do you trust me with every part of you?"
"Yes, Professor," she whispered almost so softly that he couldn't hear.
"Then listen carefully." His voice was almost gentle, almost. "I am going to kiss you now."
"Just one, soft, gentle kiss on your lips."
"Whatwhy?!" she asked in a tangle of emotions. She stared at him with wide, shocked eyes, her elbows braced against the sofa ready to lift her.
"I thought you said you trusted me," he said with a feline narrowing of the eyes.
"I d-do, but…"
"But what?"
She swallowed the knot in her throat and said nothing, conveying instead with her eyes and her lips and her frown all the things she couldn’t say: her worry, her fear, her despair for an ease to her pain, her mortification, and her frustrated desires… Tom understood her better than he wanted to.
"Ready?" he asked in a warm whisper as he leaned in.
His hand touched her cheek again, lightly enough that it was more of a tickle. She could smell ink on his fingers, and the salt from the sweat of his palms… She wanted to lick it clean.
"It’s just one kiss, Adara," he whispered in a last attempt to reassure her. "I’m not exactly asking for a huge sacrifice, am I?"
She wavered at that, her eyes dipping down shyly, sadly, even as his touch mollified her. She hesitated. "I've never been kissed, Sir..." she whispered.
Ah. So that’s why she was sad. This wasn't what she had imagined when she pictured her first kiss. She hoped to share it under quite different, more romantic, more conventional circumstances, if ever...
But at the same time, her body was screaming at her to accept, to assuage the aphrodisiac that was wreaking havoc on her nerves and her senses and her mind.
"You can still refuse," he said with a cocked brow, his fingers gentling her cheek with slow caresses.
She even felt a hint of guilt slip between her nerves... Professor Riddle was willing to help her, and here she was, stalling, fearing him, having doubts... He felt her hesitation.
"Don't worry, it will be a simple, gentle kiss. I will endeavour to make it positively sterile. Alright?"
She couldn’t look at him, but she nodded.
Tom leaned in even further and caressed her from her jaw to her chin in one long hungry lick of a stroke, looking into her eyes even as hers avoided him — deep and dark and lovely… He breathed in, breathed her in, for a moment feeling as if something of each of their own could merge into one being. He didn’t like that feeling, it felt like surrender.
"Do you trust me?" he asked in a huskier voice than he intended.
She looked up at him, pleading silently for him to be for her what he had been the whole time she was his student: her comfort, her consolation, her support, more than anyone else had been.
"I do trust you, Sir," she said with a choked voice, her throat tight with unspilled tears.
"There’s a good girl," he whispered, smiling down at her.
He could see her eyes growing dark at that, could see her breathing in panting breaths even worse than before, her knees coming up to offer her some comfort, to expose her to the cool air of the room and calm her aching parts… His eyes had that same smouldering look in them, but mixed in was the intense desire to prove to Adara that he could help her, comfort and protect her.
With the very tip of his index tilting her chin up, Tom leaned in and kissed her lips. It was the gentlest kiss imaginable, a pressing of his mouth against hers, quiet and silent and patient, a simple display of affection — but his eyes bore into hers throughout, like he was searching through her thoughts, through her very soul.
She looked back into his eyes throughout while his lips pressed with a certain kind of care into her, as tender as a fallen leaf. The scent of his skin so close, the scent of his clothes, the feeling of his warm lips and his cold finger, all made her feel a strange new feeling for her professor — or perhaps, it was not so new, she had just tried to suppress it because it was so indecent, so unworthy of him, and of her.
As he pulled away, he didn’t miss her little tongue slipping out to lick the taste of him off her. He smiled as he circled her chin with his thumb.
"How do you feel?" he whispered.
"The same? I mean, t-thank you, Sir..." she said, a little breathless. Her mind was still spinning from what he had just done for her. "But... It... it still hurts," she whined.
"Hmmm? Oh, yes. That wasn’t part of the treatment."
"The ‘treatment’ comes next. I’m going to have to give you an orgasm. It just didn’t seem courteous without kissing your lips first."
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sallownights · 1 year
lavender haze
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Request: Can I pls request an Ominis Gaunt x fem Slytherin reader who is part of the Black family and is the niece of professor Black. The two have been best friends since childhood but have also been in an arranged marriage since before they were born. At school, Professor Black often teases the two, as well as Sebastian. They argue that they are just friends but they both have feelings for each other. It all changes during Christmas break when Ominis mother sends him an owl saying that him and his fiancé are to stay at the Gaunt Manor over the break. Ominis is reluctant but y/n convinced him that everything will be fine and that they should go. When they arrive at the manor Ominis parents and siblings greet y/n saying how much they have missed her. During their stay, Ominis confesses his feelings to her and they finally get together. 💕
request by: @levis-dilutedbleach
word count: 5.2k
CW: ominis’ family (i feel like they need a warning), violence, fluff, gramatical errors (maybe), hurt/comfort? maybe? (idk what the tags would be <3)
A/N: I had so much fun writing this! And ofc i related it to taylor swift. bc i think i’m just branding my blog this way. sorry. love you.
pairing: ominis gaunt x f!slytherin!reader
“Did you get number 4 yet? I don’t understand the question.” Y/N looks at Ominis, her eyes pleading a bit.
Ominis nods curtly, his slender fingers still grazing his book. Y/N stares at Ominis, for a moment, before sliding her chair over to look at his parchment.
Ominis closes his eyes, breathing in Y/N’s perfume. Lavender. He let himself get lost in her for a moment. The proximity to Y/N was intoxicating. He hears a chair scrapping away from him, the scent going with it.
“Thank you,” Ominis can hear the smile in Y/N’s voice.
“Do you have any plans today? I heard Sebastian say something about practicing spells in the Undercroft.” Y/N asks Ominis, watching him intently. Ominis’ eyebrows furrow.
“I believe he mentioned it, yes,” Ominis pauses for a moment. His breathing a bit shaky. “Would you like to accompany me?”
Y/N thinks for a moment. While yes, she does want to spend time with Ominis, she doesn’t enjoy the constant teasing from Sebastian. Or the teasing from her uncle, Professor Black, whenever she and Ominis are in the halls.
“I don’t want to intrude-”
“You won’t be.” A small smile graces Y/N’s lips.
“Well then, I shall accompany you.”
After studying for a couple more hours, Ominis collects his things, helping Y/N get her things together as well. Before Y/N can pick up her books, Ominis takes them into his arms. Y/N began to protest before Ominis started walking, not giving her a moment to disagree with his actions.
Y/N and Ominis walk into the Defense Against the Dark Arts Tower, making their way to the secluded, odd clock. Ominis and Y/N fit into the lift, lowering them to the ground. The lift creaks and Y/N opens the gate, the metal grating against the brick.
“Hey, Ominis… and Y/N. Didn’t know you’d be joining us today.” Sebastian walks over to the pair. Y/N looks to Ominis for a moment before turning back to Sebastian.
“Yes, I hope that’s alright. Ominis asked if I liked to join.” Sebastian smirks. That same stupid damn smirk.
“Well, don’t let me stop you.” Y/N takes her books from Ominis’ arms. She walks over to a plush lounge chair she conjured at the end of last year. Y/N sets her pile of books down taking the one off the top. Advanced Charms.
‘Great’ Y/N thought to herself. She looks over to the boys who are deep in conversation before they start taking their robes off. Y/N stands, walking over offering to hang them up. Sebastian throws his at her, bending down to re-tie his shoes. Ominis gently hands his robes to her, placing his hand atop hers.
“Thank you, Y/N.” Ominis gives her a warm smile while heat rises in her chest.
“Mhmm.” That was all she could muster to say. She walks over to their makeshift coat rack and hangs up their robes, brushing out any wrinkles they might have. Sebastian’s clearly more of a mess than Ominis.
When Y/N resettles herself on the chair, she starts reading where she left off in the library. She hears the boys shuffle for a second before she notices Ominis rolling up his sleeves. She blushes to herself, trying to force herself to look back at her book, but finding herself entranced by Ominis toned forearms. Her gaze moves lower, to his hands. She knows she’s staring and she knows she should stop, but something about the way he grips his wand when he’s about to duel. She feels her body grow hot before Sebastian sends off a few spells at Ominis, to which he dodges.
Y/N breaks her gaze, allowing herself to cool off as she reads about the Aguamenti Charm.
‘It provides the user with a jet of clear, pure water, and shoots it from the tip of the caster's wand.’
‘If only it were holy water’ Y/N thinks to herself. Fanning her face from the heat of the Undercroft. While it was normally quite cold, Sebastian has a rather clear fixation with fiery spells.
“I yield! I yield!” Y/N’s head shoots up seeing Sebastian now on the ground underneath Ominis. Ominis, bending Sebastian’s leg in a way that it should not be going.
Ominis stands and brushes himself off, before lending a hand down to Sebastian.
Sebastian takes Ominis’ hand, jumping back up.
“That’s not fair. We said no tackling.” Sebastian said, pouting.
“I believe we said that last duel, not this one,” Ominis replies. Y/N stifles a laugh, knowing Sebastian was going to be all grumbly over his loss.
“Okay, let’s go again. No tackling,” Sebastian turns to Y/N. “And no ogling!” Y/N rolls her eyes but feels that familiar heat rise to her cheeks.
“I wasn’t ogling,” Y/N mutters, almost certain neither boy could hear her.
“It’s alright if you were, Y/N. I don’t mind someone seeing Sebastian’s defeat.” Ominis answers. It was rare when Ominis would gloat. However, he knew his strengths. Y/N remembers the first time she saw Ominis beat Sebastian in a duel. He was quite proud of himself but ever the gentleman, he wasn’t one to brag. However, now, he did it just to get under the freckled boys skin.
“Let’s just go again.” Sebastian brandishes his wand.
“As you wish.” Ominis, says calmly.
The boys continue to duel, this time, no tackling and no ogling. Y/N kept her eyes glued to her book. Her eyes scan the words, but not processing a single one.
‘I wasn’t staring.’ She thinks to herself. She doesn’t dare look up from her book when she hears Sebastian yell a few curses.
“Do you yield?” Ominis has Sebastian cornered.
“Like hell I’ll yield!” Sebastian sneers out.
“Have it your way.” Ominis’ calm demeanor doesn’t change. Even when he sends a fiery blast of Confringo at his best friend.
‘Deprimo. Used to blast holes into the ground.’ Y/N’s eyes are ripped from her book as she feels a sharp pain on her shoulder and yells. She tries to look down at her shoulder, which she can tell, is now bleeding.
“Y/N!” Ominis rushes over to Y/N, holding his wand to her, scanning the damage. His hand gently holds her face while he casts a quick spell, seeing if she was harmed anywhere else.
Sebastian starts rushing towards Y/N before Ominis casts Depulso at him, sending Sebastian flying into some barrels. His hand never leaves Y/N’s face.
“I have some wiggenweld. Just a moment, please.” Ominis digs in his pocket, removing his hand from Y/N. She sighs, missing the warmth of him. He finds the potion before opening it and having Y/N tilt her head back to take it. He pours it into her mouth, caressing her face once again, sliding his thumb back and forth holding her chin. Once she swallows, he plants himself in front of her, between her knees. One hand on hers, the other on her cheek.
“Are you alright?” Ominis asks, his voice quiet, nervous almost. The wiggenweld helped reduce the pain, along with the bleeding coming to a stop. The wound started repatching itself.
“Yeah! I’m fine!” Sebastian yells, standing up and dusting himself off.
“I didn’t ask you.” Ominis’ voice was never full of malice. Maybe not until now.
“I-I’m alright.” Y/N manages to say, not used to Ominis sounding angry. Not unless he was discussing his family. Even then, he sounded pained, not mad.
“See, your fiancée is fine.” Sebastian’s voice is almost teasing.
“No thanks to you.” Ominis places his wand on the lounge, bringing a hand up to Y/N’s shoulder and the other back to her face.
‘Good’ Ominis thinks to himself moving his fingers along the smooth skin of Y/N’s shoulder.
“Breathe,” Ominis says and he nudges Y/N slightly, indicating he was talking to her. She lets out a shaky breath.
“Well, I should go back to the common room. Don’t want to get in the crossfire, again.” Y/N says, glaring at Sebastian. To which he glares back at her.
“I shall walk you,” Ominis says, standing up to help Y/N stand. He takes a step back, offering his hand to her. Y/N takes it gracefully and hands Ominis his wand back. Ominis helps Y/N to her feet before taking her books off the lounge.
“But we weren't finished-” Sebastian starts before he gets cut off.
“We concluded the duel when Y/N got hurt.” Ominis starts walking to the gate of the Undercroft, Y/N following in toe. Ominis takes his robe off the rack, placing it gently over Y/N’s shoulders.
“Oh, Ominis, I’m alright-” Y/N begins to protest before Ominis interrupts her,
“Your shirt is cut, I would feel better if you were to have my robe.” Y/N just nods and looks at her feet. Ominis enters the lift and as Y/N does she sends a quick Rictusempra at Sebastian, causing him to double over in forced laughter.
Y/N smirks before feeling the lift rise, leaving the other Slytherin to deal with the effects of the spell.
The walk back to the Slytherin common room was fairly quiet. Some students were still mulling around, but not many. Y/N finds comfort in Ominis’ robes, wrapping them tighter around herself in the cold, damp dungeon hallways. When they arrive at the common room, the snake crawls up the wall, revealing the passageway. Ominis notions for Y/N to walk in first.
‘Ever the gentleman.’ She thinks before stepping into the room, descending the staircase leading to the main portion of the communal area.
“Do you want me to bring these to your room?” Ominis quietly says.
“Oh, I can take them.” Y/N places her hand on the stack of books, Ominis’ grip doesn’t relent.
“It’s really no problem.” He smiles at her.
“Well, if you insist.” Y/N walks to her dorm room, opening the door for Ominis to enter, he waits for her too. She rolls her eyes before stepping through the threshold.
“If you could place them on my desk, that would be lovely.” Y/N takes her shoes off, happily getting rid of them.
“Of course,” Ominis slides the books onto her desk before turning back to face her. “Are you sure you’re alright? I can take you to the Hospital Wing if needed.”
“Ominis, I promise, I’m okay,” Y/N takes a step towards Ominis. “Oh, before I forget…” Y/N unclasps the robe and before Ominis places his hand on Y/N’s.
“Uh… y-you can keep it. I’m sure you look better in it than I do.” Ominis’ fingers graze Y/N’s engagement ring. Y/N trains her eyes on his fingers. Focusing on the delicate touch they leave behind as he begins to fiddle with the ring.
Y/N thinks back to a time when everything seemed simpler. Before she was “technically” engaged to her now best friend and for sure not crush, Ominis Gaunt. Before she understood the weight of not being able to choose who she was going to be with for the rest of her life. Before her heart was taken by the boy in front of her.
Their first meeting was rather… odd. Ominis’ mother was nothing short of kind to Y/N. Which now, after hearing all the things she’s done to Ominis, she thinks less of her. Marvolo, Ominis’ brother, was quick to tease the two, despite him also being engaged to someone he didn’t choose. However, whenever Y/N was around, everything seemed… brighter. Ominis would engage with his family, Marvolo would be tolerable, and Y/N’s mother would stop complaining.
Now… everything was different. She knew she was going to marry the Gaunt. His last name carrying an amount of notoriety that she wasn’t entirely comfortable with. However, he seemed okay with leaving the name behind.
‘When did we get so close?’ Y/N thinks to herself. Ominis’ face was so close to hers, she could see every beauty mark, every dimple, every imperfection. Not that he had any. She barely noticed how he was now holding her hand, cradling it almost. She was too enraptured by his beauty, not only internally but externally too.
Ominis runs his fingers over Y/N’s slowly, feeling one of his family’s heirlooms on hers. A gift he had once given her. While they had been engaged since before either were born, she wasn’t required to wear a ring. Ominis could hear how people talked about her. Beautiful, smart, ambitious, talented.
Ominis wasn’t necessarily possessive, or at least he believes he’s not. So, he got the ring from his Aunt Noctua and proposed. Y/N wasn’t overly emotional when he proposed. He had to propose in front of his family so Y/N more so had to act like she was excited. Y/N’s mother was more excited than Y/N was. The Black family aren’t necessarily making waves with anyone but they were certainly influential in the wizarding society.
The Gaunts had been friends with the Black family for years. So when Mrs. Gaunt got pregnant the same time Mrs. Black did, it was the perfect opportunity for the families to conjoin.
Ominis’ hand slowly travels up Y/N’s arm, leaving a burning trail behind. He brings his hand to her face, slowly moving his thumb around her quickly blushing face.
A throat clearing made them jump away from each other. Y/N wrapped her hand around one of the poles on her bed and Ominis bringing his hand to the back of his neck.
“Hi Imelda…” Y/N pushes her chest out trying to look confident and her voice wavering slightly. Imelda lays on her bed on the other side of the room.
“Black. Gaunt.” Imelda eyes Y/N up and down, not bothering to look at the boy between them.
“Well, I should go.” Ominis scrambles out of the room quickly. Y/N and Imelda watch him go. As soon as he’s out and shuts the door, they hear his footsteps retreat down the iron stairs.
“So… just friends still?” Y/N picks up a throw pillow before tossing it at Imelda.
“Shut up.” Imelda cackles before she and Y/N start talking about their day.
Weeks go by, snow falling harder at the encroaching holiday season. Sebastian, Ominis, and Y/N sit together in the Great Hall.
“Sebastian, can you pass the pumpkin j-” The trio is met with the familiar caw of the Gaunt owl. Noctua, affectionately named by Ominis, honoring his aunt.
An envelope, wrapped around Noctua. She lowers herself to the table, in front of Ominis.
“Hello, love,” Ominis says, bringing his hand to pet the owl for a moment. Noctua’s ruffling her feathers. Ominis carefully takes the letter off of her, a small bit of thin rope coming off with the letter. Noctua walks onto Ominis’ arm before he raises it, helping her take off.
Ominis’ fingers move across the back of the envelope, feeling the crest of the House of Gaunt. His eyebrows furrowing and a frown evident on his face.
“Family?” Y/N says quietly, placing a comforting hand to Ominis’ arm.
“Yes. I’m not particularly excited about whatever they want.”
“Do you want me to read it?” Y/N offers, placing her hand on the letter.
“If you could, thank you.” Ominis lets go and Y/N takes it. Carefully, she breaks the seal of the envelope. The letter isn’t particularly long which is slightly unusual for the family. She flipped it over and casted Revelio, hoping the spell would reveal some kind of hidden script, but no such luck. Y/N clears her throat before starting.
‘Dear My Good Son Ominis,
I expect to see you and your fiancée, Y/N over the Christmas break. Her family is not able to host her this year, so we are going to at the Gaunt Manor. Please bring warm clothes along with anything Miss Y/N may need.
Warmest Regards,
“Well, I suppose I’m not staying with my family over the holidays,” Y/N says, disappointed. She didn’t dislike her family. They are more than tolerable. However, she doesn’t see the reason she must stay with the Gaunts and not at Hogwarts.
“We can stay here… or… or go to Feldcroft with Sebastian.” Ominis gives options, but Y/N just shakes her head.
“No, no. It’s quite alright. We can go to the Gaunt Manor. Maybe… maybe it’ll be fun.” Ominis’ hand finds Y/N’s and she gives him a comforting squeeze. Sebastian clears his throat but the two don’t pull apart.
“If you’re having a terrible time, you can always come join me and Anne.”
“Thank you for the offer, Sebastian. I’m sure everything will be fine though.” Y/N waves Sebastian off with her other hand.
“Yes, it seems my family tends to be… kinder… when you’re around.” Ominis lifts Y/N’s hand to his mouth and kisses it. He lets go and goes back to his meal. Y/N is still after he kisses her hand. A blush made its way to her face faster than a golden snitch. Sebastian seemed too engrossed in his meal to point out Y/N’s quickly reddening face.
“It’s settled then.” Y/N smiled, bringing her fork to her mouth.
“Are you cold? Did you forget your gloves?” Ominis’ voice rings out in Y/N’s ears.
“A bit, yes and it appears I did,” Ominis frowns before taking his gloves off and putting them on Y/N’s hands.
“But now your hands will be cold, Ominis.” He holds out his arm for her to take, which she accepts. She places her other hand on his arm, bringing him closer to her for added warmth
“Better, yes?” Y/N’s face goes scarlet and stutters out,
“Y-yes. Yep. Better.”
The two walk through the gates of the Gaunt Manor. There’s a light snowfall. Y/N keeps taking quick glances at Ominis, his cheeks glowing from the cold. The air is crisp and bites at the couple's cheeks. The courtyard is surrounded by tall, ancient trees that are now adorned with a layer of powdery snow. The tree branches sway gently in the wind, causing snow to fall from the branches and create a serene atmosphere.
In the center of the courtyard, a beautiful fountain stands, now frozen over and covered in snow, giving the impression of a snow-draped sculpture. Its water spouts are now quiet, frozen in place by the cold. The snow-covered ground is a beautiful contrast of white and dark stone, with a few patches of greenery poking out here and there.
The buildings surrounding the courtyard are stately, with tall and imposing stone walls. The snow adds a beautiful accent to their already impressive architecture, creating a peaceful and idyllic winter scene. The stairs are slippery but with the hold they have on one another, they stay upright.
Y/N politely knocks on the door before placing her hand back on Ominis’ arm. The door swings open to reveal Marvolo, Ominis’ older brother.
“Y/N! Lovely to see you!” Marvolo exclaims, rushing the couple inside.
“Marvolo, how are you?” Ominis moves behind Y/N, having her shrug off her coat for him to hang up.
“I’m well, I’m well. How is Hogwarts? Are you still planning on being a professor?” Y/N giggles at the excitement of the older brother, who’s normally a pain.
“I’m not entirely sure yet-”
“Are Ominis and Y/N here?” Ominis’ eldest sister comes sliding into the room, wrapping her arms around the younger girl. The sister pushes back slightly to get a better look at Y/N.
“You look so beautiful! Oh, Merlin, I haven’t seen you in ages. You’ve gotten taller!”
“It’s been ages, it’s lovely to be here. Thank you for having me.”
“Of course. Let me go get Mother, I’ll be back in a moment.” The sister drags Marvolo out of the room to help search for their mom.
“Oh, darling, let me help you. Your tie got all crooked.” Y/N stands in front of Ominis, readjusting his tie. He takes her hands and slides the gloves off, placing them in his coat pocket before placing it on the coat rack.
“Are you alright?” Y/N whispers, her face close to Ominis’.
“I am. I’m glad you’re here.” He smiles. While, yes, he is happy she’s here with him, he does wish it were under different circumstances. Not the ones his family placed on him before he had a choice. He wishes he could bring her here as his girlfriend, not as his chosen wife. He wanted them to develop feelings over time. Now, more than anything, he’s worried she hates him for what his family has put upon them. If she did hate him though, she had a funny way of showing it.
“Well, I’m glad I’m here too. It’ll be fun. Right?” Ominis nods, not finding any words to answer her question. He raises his arm to her once again, her casually finding her place next to him as if it didn’t make Ominis’ heart beat out of his chest.
“My dear boy! Y/N! So glad you made it alright. The weather was absolutely horrible this morning. Seems you brought the sun with you.” Ominis’ mother beams at the two. Y/N can tell that she clocked the two standing close next to each other and looks more than pleased.
“Oh, yes. The trip was rather scenic.” Ominis’ mother brings Y/N in for a tight hug before moving to her son. She wasn’t a very affectionate woman but Y/N did seem to bring out a side of her that Ominis wasn’t used to.
“I’m sure, I’m glad the carriage found you both well. Did the coachmen help with your bags?” Ominis’ mother turned around snapping at a few house elves to fetch everyone some tea.
“Yes, they took them for us.” Ominis sits down, bringing Y/N down with him. He moves his hand to find hers. It wasn’t intentional, just being home reminded him of so many awful things. Of everything really. He knew his hearing would start to give out if he thought about it for too long. Y/N kept him grounded, her thumb making its way back and forth across his hand.
He’s not sure how long he’s sitting there. His hand in hers. It feels right and he knows it's right. Her giggle, the way he can hear her smile, hear her blush. The way she never stops comforting him even when she’s being bombarded with a million questions.
He felt Y/N stand and pull him to his feet. He followed her like a lost puppy. Her scent enraptured him. She made him feel safe. Even when he knew he wasn’t. The Gaunts were not people you could feel safe around. He came back to reality when the scent of lavender got lost with the scent of dinner.
Ominis pulls out Y/N’s chair for her. He then slides into his own chair, moving it as close to her as he can, not wanting to bring attention to it but needing to be near her.
Dinner, truthfully, couldn’t have been slower. Ominis was thankful for the attention to not be on him, and for Y/N to be so quick to answer. Every now and then Y/N and Ominis’ hands would brush by. Y/N knew she was blushing but she hoped everyone would just think it was because of the attention she’s receiving.
“Thank you for the dinner. I’m going to wash up and head to bed if that’s alright. Today was just a lot of traveling.” Y/N smiled and stood up, taking hers and Ominis’ plates to the kitchen.
“Of course! Marvolo will show you to your room.” Marvolo stands and ushers Y/N down the hall.
The room is dark and moody, with heavy curtains covering the windows, casting the room in a dim light. The walls are painted a deep, rich forest green and adorned with ornate patterns.
The bed is the centerpiece of the room, with a grand, four-poster bedframe made of dark wood and draped with luxurious fabrics in dark grays and greens. The bedding is piled high with plush pillows and soft, heavy blankets, creating an inviting and cozy atmosphere, despite its exterior.
The room is decorated with antique furniture, a wooden dressing table with a large mirror, a high-backed armchair, and a matching set of drawers with intricate carvings. The windows are framed with heavy drapes, adorned with tassels and fringes, which can be drawn shut to create a sense of privacy.
The lighting in the room is soft and warm, with lamps and candles casting a golden glow throughout the space. The room has a fireplace, adding warmth and comfort to the ambiance.
In the corner of the room, there’s a record player, one Y/N had brought over a few years ago.
“If you need anything, please let us know.” Marvolo flashes a quick smile before stepping out. Y/N goes over to her bags, noticing Ominis’ on the bed as well.
‘Great. This is so great. I’m… happy.’ She forgot about how she has to share the bed with the Gaunt boy every time she stays here. Even when they were younger. It’s become more comfortable now. Y/N thinks back to a time when she woke up with Ominis’ arm around her. She wanted to indulge herself, fall back asleep, but she wanted to save him the embarrassment in case he didn’t mean to do that.
“Love, are you… decent?” Y/N giggles at Ominis’ choice of words.
“Yep, come in,” She turns around and sees the door open, Ominis walks in and makes his way to the bed.
“I’m just going to shower real quick, I hope you don’t mind,” Ominis shakes his head. He hears her footsteps begin to retreat before he quickly grabs her wrist, moving to her hand. His fingers finding it’s way to his aunt's ring once again. They stay there for a moment, Y/N’s eyes studying Ominis’ face. Trying to get any sort of understanding from what's happening.
“Ominis?” Her voice is quiet.
“Thank you, for being here. I think you just make everything better by just being around. No, sorry. You do make everything better by being around.” Y/N’s face breaks out in the familiar heat once again.
“Oh, darling, you know I’ll always be around for you. Always.” She pulls him in for a hug, to which he reciprocates. Her hands slide into his hair, scratching his scalp and sending shivers down his spine. Ominis breathes her in. Wanting to get lost in her for as long as he can.
“Can we just stay here a moment?” Ominis’ voice comes out a bit shaky, afraid of her answer.
“Always.” She places a kiss on his cheek before settling her head against his chest, letting her arms drape around his neck. He keeps his arms around her waist, holding her as tight to him as he possibly can without hurting her. That is until he feels her pull away slightly.
“I’m very sorry, I didn’t mean to make you-” He gets cut off by feeling her lips press against his. Just as fast as they were there, they’re gone. Y/N’s eyes try to read his face and she bites her lip, waiting for him to say something.
“Ominis, I-” Before Y/N can continue, Ominis’ mouth is on hers, it's as if time stands still for them. The pining, the fingertips brushing, the shared nights. Their embrace is passionate, yet tender, as if they are savoring each and every moment. The electricity between them is palpable, their bodies pressing against each other as they hold on tightly, unwilling to let go.
Their kiss is filled with a mix of intensity and tenderness, as if they are trying to convey all the emotions they've been feeling for so long through this one act. Ominis’ hands pull Y/N closer as her hands get lost in his hair. They've both been waiting for this moment, and the anticipation has been building up for so long that it's almost overwhelming. It’s dizzying. Their kiss is filled with longing and desire, yet it's also filled with a sense of relief and contentment.
As they finally break apart, their foreheads rested against one another as they try to catch their breath. They know that they've finally crossed a threshold and that their lives will never be the same again. They hold each other tightly, basking in the warmth of each other's embrace, and knowing that they will never have to be apart again.
“Uh, I uhm… I kinda like you, Ominis.” Y/N manages to say once she gets her breathing fairly under control. While it’s not exactly what she was feeling, she felt as if she needed to say something.
“If I can be honest, I think I’m in love with you.” Ominis steps back slightly, taking Y/N’s hands in his. He slides the ring off her finger before getting down on one knee.
“I know we’ve done this before, however, then I didn’t have the right words to say to you. I didn’t know how to tell you that I am in love with you. I believe I was then as well, and now, it’s only grown. You’ve been there for me when I couldn’t be for myself. You talk to me as if I’m anyone else, yet, I feel special whenever you talk to me. Your aura is intoxicating. I find it hard to not be near you. The moment you leave, I lose a part of me. I long for the moments when you’re near me again. I think I was okay with our arrangement in the past couple of years because I knew, even if you hated me, I would be yours. I didn’t care how much you didn’t want to be around me because I knew my heart would still belong to you. Maybe it was pure destiny that we are to be wed. Maybe it’s dumb luck. But if I get to spend the rest of my life with you, I would do it. I will be whoever you need me to be. I’d leave my family behind. I’ll go wherever you want. I just want to be with you, love.”
Y/N’s eyes swell with tears that immediately pour over, she pulls Ominis up from his knees and kisses him softly.
“Will you be mine?” Ominis whispers against her mouth, holding the ring in his hand still.
“Darling, I was always yours.” Ominis breaks out into a smile before pulling Y/N into a kiss again. He slides the ring onto her finger before bringing his hands to her hair, tangling it. Y/N brings her hands to his chest before she feels his tongue slide into her mouth, deepening the kiss. Ominis pulls back suddenly.
“Oh, fuck.”
“Ominis!” Y/N not used to hearing Ominis curse. “What?”
“I owe Sebastian 100 Galleons.”
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lostmyremembrall · 8 months
love the way you write the prompts <3 may i request prompt 18 ??
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📖𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐦 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐂𝐚𝐭
𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑟𝑒: 𝐻𝑢𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑟, 𝐹𝑙𝑢𝑓𝑓, 𝑇𝑜𝑚 𝐵𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎 𝐺𝑟𝑢𝑚𝑝𝑦 𝐴𝑠𝑠 𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝐽𝑜𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 1𝐾 𝐸𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡! Now closed
A/N: Oh my god. I am SO sorry it took this long to get to yours. Please forgive me, and I hope you'll still enjoy this.
You surprise Tom with a cat
Tom’s eyes widened at the sight that awaited him. Four tiny paws. A ball of brown fur. Large two ears. The tiny creature stared up at him, and bared its teeth as it meowed. Tom couldn’t help but jerk his head backwards 
“There he is!”
The enthusiastic voice of Abraxas greeted him when the resident Dark Lord peeked his head in through the doors of the Room of Requirement. His cautious eyes flickered around the room, reminiscent of an uneasy salamander that dared to poke its head out from underneath a rock to survey his surroundings.
“Let’s get this over with,” Tom sighed as he walked towards them, completely ignoring the birthday decorations that you, Abraxas, and Canopus had spent hours putting up.
“Of course. We won’t dare take up your valuable time any more than necessary,” Canopus responded somewhat sarcastically, approaching Tom and reaching up to put the cone hat that read ‘Birthday Boy’ on top of the disgruntled man’s head, knowing full well that he detested it. You might as well say that, for Canopus, seeing Tom in this humiliating hat was the only redeeming aspect of hosting this birthday party. 
“You never fail to make my day, Canopus,” Tom murmured quietly, his eyes coldly narrowing on the black-haired Slytherin. You had to admit, despite the comically small ‘Birthday Boy’ hat perched atop the Dark Lord, his seething glare was still enough to send a shiver down your spine.
  “Well, it’s tradition,” Canopus shrugged with a smug smirk on his lips, a brave reaction worthy of praise from a Gryffindor. You had no idea what it was that Canopus had: courage, stupidity, or simply a warped sense of fear. But, whatever it was, you couldn’t help but pity and admire it at the same time.
“So... Presents,” Abraxas clapped his hands excitedly, contently watching as the group sat around the sofas.
“Here, Tom. Happy birthday,” Abraxas beamed at Tom as he passed the wrapped package that was clearly a book from its size and shape.
Tom did not respond and tore open the paper wrapping.
“Oh. Actually… this is quite helpful,” Tom showed the book cover to you and Canopus; the title read ‘Dictatorship 101: A Beginner's Guide to Regime Change by Khalilah D Smith’. “Thank you, Abraxas. For the thoughtful gift,” Tom even managed a slight curl of his lips.
The blond looked quite pleased with himself, turning his nose slightly up in the air with a proud smile.
“Pshhh, as if our great Tom needs any instructions on becoming a dictator,” Canopus rolled his eyes. 
“I, on the other hand, got the only thing Tom needs on his destined path to greatness: Time,” Canopus added an exaggerated flourish to his hands that gestured to the box on the coffee table, ignoring the clear annoyance that flashed across Abraxas’ elegant features.
“You should know, Canopus,” Tom raised a brow as he opened the box. “Your words bring nothing but anxiety to my already troubled mind.”
You peeked in over Tom’s shoulder to find what exactly he meant by ‘time’, as Canopus dramtically worded. To your surprise, it was packets of energy drink powder.
“Ohh… nooo, Canopus…” you murmured quietly, recalling the Dark Lord’s sensitivity to caffeine. The last time he tried one cup of coffee, he stayed up for four nights in a row. “What on earth made you think this was a good idea?”
“Shush shush,” Canopus silenced your words of terror, not even giving you a glance. “Tom, remember the coffee that you had? Imagine that, but double that.”
Tom’s eyes widened in amusement as he glanced at it. “By that logic, I could conquer the wizarding world twice as fast.”
“Exactly my point!” Canopus’ eyes glimmered wildly. “You don’t trust us with a thing. And you’re right to do so. Imagine how much you could get done if you could do everything yourself.”
Tom hummed, nodding along. “You know what, Canopus? For the first time in my life, you did not disappoint.”
You groaned, rolling your eyes. “You two are just enabling his unhealthy obsession with power!” You grabbed Tom’s shoulders, and he slightly wobbled from left to right as your seething eyes captured Abraxas and Canopus. “What Tom needs is stability. Emotional support.”
The wincing was visible on Tom’s face as you said the word ‘emotional support’, but before he had any opportunity to protest, you presented him with a medium-sized box. Tom was bewildered by the way the box seemed to shake on its own. But still, carefully, he opened the box.
“Oh,” Tom seemed lost for words. “Oh. This is… rather… unexpected.”
“Unexpected? What is it-” but Canopus did not need to finish his question, as a small tabby kitten poked his head out of the box and pressed his paws against Tom’s eyes. 
Tom grew silent.
“You thought giving Tom a cat was a good idea?” Canopus turned his disbelieving eyes to you. “And here you were, telling me gifting energy drinks was irresponsible.”
You scowled at your friend, not noticing the kitten that had begun climbing Tom’s uniform like it was his life mission. “Well, I, as his friend who actually know him, happen to think that an emotionally volatile person like Tom needs a support animal.”
“Emotionally volatile?” Tom repeated to himself quietly, doubting his ears over the words that came from this supposed friend of his. At that moment, Tom was trying to ignore the kitten on his shoulder, who was pressing his paws against his cheek.
You had to admit, Tom was showing a surprising level of patience towards the kitten, a bitter realisation following closely behind that, perhaps, Tom tolerated the kitten more than any of his human friends. The tabby cat began to incessantly meow by Tom’s right ear, demanding his attention.
Abraxas was watching all of this with intrigued amusement in his pale eyes. “Well… let’s just hope that the cat will survive to see adulthood.”
You found the meowing rather adorable, but it was clear that Tom’s patience was quickly wearing thin. Even for kittens, the Dark Lord had his limits, it seemed. “Look, I only speak snake,” Tom barked, turning his head to the right, speaking directly to the kitten with frustration evident in his voice. “I don’t know what you want from me.”
The kitten only responded by pressing his paws on Tom’s lips, perhaps for the first and the last time the Dark Lord was silenced. Either from rage or being overwhelmed by the kitten’s cuteness, Tom’s cheeks turned a bright red. For the sake of the kitten, you hoped it was the latter.
“Oh hey,” Canopus’ eyes widened at the kitten’s bold move. “What do you know? He might just live to see adulthood.”
Tom growled as the kitten began his climb up Mt. Tom again. “How wonderful,” he murmured darkly, his displeased eyes following the kitten’s tail that swung back and forth in front of his face as he made his way up his head. The kitten was now wrestling with the ‘Birthday Boy’ hat, fighting for his spot on top of his head.
“Not so intimidating anymore, are you Tom?” Canopus snickered as his eyes flickered
between the Dark Lord and the cat that had settled comfortably on top of his head.
Tom’s vehement glare from behind the swinging tail was quite the sight to behold. At that moment, for whatever came over its small brain, the kitten leapt off of Tom’s head and landed on Canopus’ face.
“Agh! What’s happening?!” Canopus tried to pull off the kitten while its claws dug into his face. “Get it off me!”
“Yes. Yes!” Tom’s dark chuckle echoed in the Room of Requirement, while Abraxas watched the scene in terror, his hands elegantly covering his gaping mouth. 
You could confidently say, that for the rest of your life, you would never forget the cheerful eyes of Tom when he turned to you and said, “You were right, dear. Emotional support was exactly what I needed.”
A/N: Ended up writing as a sequel of sorts to 𝒟𝒶𝓇𝓀 ℒℴ𝓇𝒹 ℴ𝓃 𝒞𝒶𝒻𝒻ℯ𝒾𝓃ℯ. Not my best writing, but hope you still enjoyed it!
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dracowars · 1 year
if i may, i would like to request cuddling with draco. you two facing each other. and then as he's babbling ab something u just admire him and put ur sweaterpaw hand (cuz you're wearing his sweater and its big on u) on his cheek and he goes silent bcz he finds it so cute 🥺🥺🥺and then probably smooches u and crush u in a big hug for hours 👉👈 OR maybe some soft draco thoughts (as many as you can 😂)
if not it's fine totally
sweaterpaw | draco malfoy
pairing: draco x reader
word count: 0,6k
summary: where y/n admires draco while he is passionately talking
a/n: this warms my heart and i hope it has the same effect on you <3 feedback and reblogs are always appreciated!
warnings: mentions of body shape (reader is small)
universe: harry potter
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Looking deeply into each other's eyes, your limbs entangled on the soft sheets, you are completely immersed in your own little world, hidden from the outside to see. Moments like these are what makes your relationship so much more valueable. In a world so cruel and unforgiving, you have found your safe place where you can be yourself and do not have to worry about anything.
The sun outside is slowly setting as you still have not moved from the mattress, too focused on Draco who has been very talkative throughout the whole day. When you think back to the boy you first met, you can't believe it was the same boy as the one before you right now. He has finally found his safe place in you, being able to open up and talk about everything that is on his mind.
Draco loves having you so close to him, if not even closer, side by side, facing each other with your heads on the pillow, the tips of your noses almost touching. He loves how your eyes switch between his every so often, listening and actually hearing everything he is saying like it is the most important thing in the world. He loves how you have made it a habit of yours to always steal his green sweaters, making them your own even though they are a bit too big on your frame. With his right hand, he twirls your hair around his finger as he continues to talk about his day.
"I think we will actually win the game on the weekend. We have been training so hard these past few weeks", Draco explains, confident about his skills as a seeker in the Slytherin Quidditch team. At the thought of seeing him in his cute green Quidditch jersey, a smile crosses your lips that you can't hold back. Draco notices this, huffing out a laugh as he is looking right into your mind, ruffling your hair.
"The Quidditch league is coming to an end soon as well. If Puddlemere United doesn't bring the cup home this time, I swear I'm gonna-"
At this, Draco suddenly stops himself because you put your sweaterpaw onto his cheek, cupping it with the most affectionate smile he has ever seen. You couldn't stop yourself. Hearing him talk so passionately about his favorite things made something in your chest bloom, increasing the beat of your heart and making you admire him even more.
In Draco's eyes, seeing you in his big sweater, laying your soft sweaterpaw on his cheeks with so much love in your eyes, is the cutest sight he has ever laid eyes on. And he sees you everyday.
Before you can tell him to go on so you can listen to his voice until the middle of the night, brushing the soft fabric along his cheek carefully, he puts one hand on top of yours, pulling you closer with the other so he can kiss you straight away. You lean into him, enjoying the feeling of his lips against yours even though you have not seen it coming.
Draco can't help himself. He finds you so cute and adorable that he wants to shower you with all the affection you deserve and more. Leaving your lips and trailing kisses along your neck, you slightly giggle which he takes as an invitation to place a lot more kisses all over your face - nose, cheeks, forehead, he does not miss a spot. Beneath him, you are squirling with laughter, trying to stop him from smooching you everywhere.
After he decides he has covered every single spot on your face, he pulls you into the softest hug, breathing out contenly when you find a comfortable position in his arms.
"I don't tell you this enough but I love you, Y/N. With all my heart", he gently whispers, smoothing down your hair.
"I love you too, Draco."
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shanastoryteller · 10 months
Happy Pride, Draco and the Twins 💜💜
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
Harry has had a lot ups and downs in his life but he honestly feels like this is hitting a new low.
“You’re sure it won’t just suck my soul out too?”
Draco makes a face, which is just so far from being reassuring. “Yes? She seems very trustworthy.”
“Aren’t dementors inherently evil or something?” he asks. “You seem very comfortable staking my life on seems.”
“Yeah, just like Slytherins and werewolves,” Draco says dryly. “There’s also a nice bit of mutually assured destruction going on, if it makes you feel better. She’s really not supposed to be leaving the island, and if she eats the soul of the Boy Who Lived then not only will she get in trouble for that on top of illegally crossing boarders, they’ll definitely prosecute her to the fullest extent and trust me, she really doesn’t want that.”
He frowns. “What do-”
Draco cuts him off. “You don’t want to know the answer to that. Who jails the jailors, after all?”
Harry misses back when he just thought Draco was an evil prat trying to ruin their lives. Somehow, he’s significantly more annoying when he’s trying to save his life. “How are we going to get Nagini? And Voldemort, for that matter. He might just sense his horcruxes being destroyed and go out and make another.”
Draco brightens. “Oh, that’s easy. He’s living in my manor, after all, and he keeps hitting on my mother. Plus, he’s a huge lightweight. New body, and all. One shot of whiskey and he’ll be knocked out and ready to have his soul sucked out. Nagini might be a little trickier, but surely between us we can handle one little snake.”
Harry wouldn’t really describe Nagini as little, which is the part he chooses to focus on because the rest of it just gives him a headache.
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hp-hcs · 9 months
(Fine, I’ll do it my damn self: part 4 of my silly lil mlm stories <3)
Surrounded By Fucking Idiots (Chapter Two of Gay Awakening) — smitten! mattheo riddle x male! reader
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TWs: implied violence
homeboy is s m i t t e n (also i tried to make him a little less ooc this time lmfao)
“Dude, why is Y/N in your bed?”
Mattheo yawned, blinking up at Blaise who was standing by the side of the bed, hands on his hips and an eyebrow raised.
Mattheo’s eyebrows furrowed as he turned his head to find you—sure enough—lying on your stomach, asleep, next to him. You had one hand loosely fisted in the front of Mattheo’s shirt, and he had his tangled in your hair.
Mattheo’s mouth suddenly went dry as he tried to think of any explanation, running over a dozen half-believable fibs in his mind.
However, Blaise interrupted him before he could spin an elaborate story. “I don’t care if you’re gay, Theo. You’re my friend. Just treat ‘im right, yeah?”
“How’d you-” Mattheo licked his lips. “How’d you know?”
“I have eyes, Riddle. Now, wake up your lover boy and come down for breakfast. I’m starving.”
Mattheo let out a soft huh as Blaise walked out, shaking his head to himself and muttering something about being “surrounded by idiots in fucking glass closets.”
That day was entirely and completely odd. Your masc friends wouldn’t even make eye contact with you while your fem friends would burst out into nervous giggles when you said hello, immediately coming up with some half-baked excuse to hurriedly run off.
“Theo,” you mumbled as you sat down for dinner next to him at the Slytherin table, the third years next to you instantly scooting away. “Why’s everyone avoiding me?”
“I wonder,” was muttered across the table by the chaser for Slytherin, Adrian, who pointedly stared down at his plate rather than anywhere else. Despite that, his fresh black eye was still clearly visible.
Mattheo smiled at you, saying nothing, but tugging at the hem of your shirtsleeve.
You glanced down, turning a beet red when you realized that you hadn’t taken off his quidditch jersey—the one he’d let you borrow to sleep in last night. “Oh-”
Glancing around the Great Hall, it didn’t escape your notice that the eyes of the professors’ table kept falling from your face to Mattheo’s last name on the back of his jersey, doing mental gymnastics to figure out what was even going on.
“I think you should wear my last name more often, love. Really get the message across to everyone.”
“Oh, I think they got the message already, dickhead.”
He snickered and kissed the top of your head, a smug look on his face as your classmates purposefully kept their gaze in any direction but where you both were.
The only person who seemed entirely unbothered by the situation was Blaise, who was indifferently stirring sugar into his tea. “Congrats, Riddle. You’ve just sprinted out of the closet. Admirable, certainly, albeit entirely moronic.”
“Thanks, man. I appreciate your honesty.”
“No problem. It’s what friends are for, Theo.”
You just drop your head down onto the table, groaning to yourself. “I’m the one surrounded by fucking idiots.”
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Chapter Three
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bonelessghoul · 1 year
The Lion and the Snake
Summary:  “Hi! i’d like to request a Tom Riddle x Gryffindor reader please :) she’s also a pureblood but Tom and his posse loves teasing & taunting her because she’s from their rival house but nonetheless she also happens to be the only girl that doesn’t follow Tom around like a lovefool while most girls in Hogwarts do yet she it’s as if she’s immune to his good looks & charm and this annoyed the hell out of Tom, she’s also really smart and always in a competitive match to see who gets the top of the class–  Sorry ran out of wordcount, what if one day Gellert Grindelwald manages to broke into Hogwarts and he suddenly looks for her in the great hall like “Is someone with the name of y/n Peverell here?” (yes that’s the twist, she’s a Peverell descendant) and Tom is shock to find out how significant her standing actually is in the wizarding community & her 3 ancestors are rumored to be the inspiration of tale of the 3 brothers, making her the heir to deathly hallows. Thank you!”
Note: Once upon a time on a blog that was hacked but I still have access to, this little short was written. I had that blog for like 10 years so I kinda scroll through it and read through my old stuff sometimes and this was one I wanted to bring back! hope it picks up among you all as it did long ago. This was requested by @ queenofmankind so I don’t wanna blow up their @ til they reach back out to me bc idek if they remember this request :D 
Part Two
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December 1943, Hogwarts 
A mahogany red scarf with evenly placed golden stripes and the hint of crimson in your long robe was enough to set you from the crowd like a lion in a room of snakes. Not only do they not belong together, but one boldly and obnoxiously stands out more than the others. Well, perhaps it depends on what one would fear the most.
That was how YN felt in her sixth year Potions class.
Sitting straight in your seat, you ignored the pesky glares of the Slytherin boys that surrounded you, murmuring about you and a few other Ravenclaws nearby.  There was one particular look you were concerned about though and it was right next you on the face of the very famous Tom Riddle.
This was not for lust but instead, a strongly embedded competition between the two of you since you stepped foot in Hogwarts. 
Both of you were among the smartest in the school, every other month replacing each other at the top when it came to who brought in the most house points with their immaculate reports. But there was nothing more to your relationship with him than mere academic rivalry. 
Riddle revolted you, unlike the rest of the girls in the school who fell at his feet. Even the boys and the professors did.
Tom was ghastly, but undeniably sat tall with a strong face that was dare you even say chiseled in the slightest. Every movement he made was so sleek like it had been rehearsed or perhaps he was an animagus as a black cat. Either way, it was suspicious. Even the way his hair curled at the top subtly falling over his forehead seemed way too perfect.
What unnerved you the most was his little following.
Upon return for your sixth year you could not help but notice the little band of misfits seeming all the more exclusive this year. They were the same loud and rambunctious boys you grew up fighting (well, it was more so being bullied and tormented by Malfoy and Rosier) but there were more whispers than laughs in the past few months.
“Today, we will review the Draught of Living Death. I like to give this as testament to what you all have learned before the winter holidays.” announced Professor Slughorn.
“Sounds a lot like you.” you whispered towards Tom, grinning smugly to yourself.
Tom inhaled through his nose. “Watch your tongue or I’ll put it in your wretched orange juice at breakfast.”
“What is your problem with orange juice?”
That was how most classes went. Occasionally, the two of you would laugh at the others wit and that’s how the other knew they had won for the moment before the next battle struck again. You would have taken it as friendly banter when you two were alone, however, Malfoy and others followed him like leeches and they were more harsh.
Professor Slughorn rambled on. 
Of course, the two of you already studied excessively for this the night before.
“I don’t have a problem with it, I just don’t understand how you don’t get sick of it every morning.” Tom muttered, rolling his eyes. “Regardless, I do hope you enjoy finishing after me.”
“That’s assuming you could even brew it in the first place considering your failure with the love potion two weeks ago.” you scoffed.
But there were times of pure frustration in the heat of a race of who could get theirs done first that made you want to hex him to death. Within not even ten minutes, the two of you had your sleeves rolled up, eyes strained on the task before you, moving like mirror images as you sped through the lesson and already far ahead of everyone else. But there was a draw. With the two of you side by side and the other Slytherin boys around your table, you all struggled with the Sopophorous bean.
Most people had either given up or nearly blew their faces off at this rate.
“Bloody hell, YN, if that comes near me one more time I’m dumping your head in this damn cauldron!” Abraxas seethed, dodging the bean that had flung from under her blade.
She winced slightly as she reached for another one.
“Aw don’t threaten her mate, she’ll cry again until we lose house points.” said Dolohov from beside him.
You glared, now suddenly positioning the bean and your knife so that when you pressed down it went directly into his direction. Tom watched idly with amusement as the boys around her erupted into laughter. 
Except, it went in the completely wrong direction and hit Tom in the face.
“Oh, shit…”you quipped, suddenly holding your breath as you tensed up to the equivalent of a stone wall, trying to stifle a laugh while his friends nearly fell from their seats.
The laughter ceased and when he abruptly turned towards you with a grimace, your entire body flinched away like it knew he were a monster ready to pounce. But you were left staring while your blood pulsed, watching as his face ran through several emotions before you calmed.
“You’ll regret that later, Peverell.” Tom snapped, throwing the stupid little bean back at her without even looking.
With ease, you caught it. Being a Quidditch player gave you some qualities you were glad to have.
You didn’t say a word after that.
It seems that class would end in a draw today.
Later that evening, a Hogsmeade trip was taking place.
It was the last one of the year so you and your friends gathered quickly for it.
Tom and the boys, the Knights of Walpurgis in particular you overhead one day, idly stood by at one of the corners as all the holiday hustle and bustle rampantly took over the cobblestone streets. Music played in the distance, lights were strung everywhere you looked, and occasionally a highly decorated Christmas tree larger than life filled where there was space for it.
But aside all the obstructive scenery, Tom’s eyes lingered on YN.
YN lived for the evenings out where she could dress in a nice skirt and sweater, running around with her friends to grab all the sweet holiday treats. They were looking for dresses in particular this evening for the Winter Ball the Headmaster allowed despite this war ravaging times. It was taking its toll on everyone, but it was a nice celebration considering most people were staying at the school.
Adis and Margot, your two best friend stood by you as you tried on several different dresses. Adis was in Ravenclaw and Margot was in your own house. 
But house differences aside, all of you were clearly growing frustrated with the stress of shopping and you believed nothing feeling right on you. To make it worse, the moment you found one you were pulled away from the allure of it when several boys knocked on the shop window and began shouting insults your way.
Of course, it was them.
As much as your blood boiled, your heart seemed to tighten as well at how personal this attack felt.
They really knew how to poke and prod the right places.
“Don’t listen to them, YN.” Margot said, giving them the finger as she shut the curtains.
Tears stung your eyes as you looked at your reflection. You had no idea what made you so stressed lately. Normally, you were always so composed when it came to them. But after going through a dozen dresses on an empty stomach, you were bound for frustration.
“Yeah, they’re just jealous you’re prettier than the other pigs of Slytherin.”
Snickering, you then sniffled and rubbed your eyes, rubbing away some sleepiness as well.
“Tom was probably behind it. They follow everything he does.”
The girls glanced at each other and back at you as you finally regained yourself from that stressful moment, taking a seat upon the velvet cushions by the dressing rooms.
“No way. Tom adores you more than any of the girls that fall to their knees for him.” Margot chuckled.
Leaning back, you nearly laughed with disgust. The mere thought of it made you wriggle in your own skin like you had touched something slimy. 
“I’m sure if he did it was merely a tactic of his to distract me or use me in some way. I’m his only competition here. There is nothing but twisted motives behind whatever he does. Plus, I hardly noticed anyway.”
“Suit yourself.” The girls said at the same time, shrugging as you shook your head at them.
When the time came to pick a dress that you gratefully found, there was only enough time to grab some food before returning back to Hogwarts. Knowing your father loved some of the treats from the candy shop, you told the others you would catch up with them while you ran in.
New rules had been put in place with Grindelwald reigning terror on your world. It was a miracle this place was even open. After picking up a bag of sweets from, you walked out to catch up with the girls.
But to no avail, you managed to walk straight into the back of someone else while your eyes searched for the girls.
“Oh, I’m sorry—oh, it’s just you.” You frowned, watching as Tom Riddle turned around to meet your eyes.
That brief moment you two met each other’s eyes, there was a split second of adoration that nearly pulled you in. They were strikingly green. Everything about his face struck you deep in your chest where knots were forming as you spoke. You were especially flustered when you remembered the conversation with Adis and Margot earlier. 
But taking a deep breath, you hurried around him.
“Wait!” he said urgently, catching your elbow.
Grinning without an ounce of humor, you spun back and threateningly looked up at the boy.
“Let go of my elbow or I’ll scream.”
Tom’s face mirrored yours and his eyes didn’t leave you as he released his hand, that touch alone leaving a cold space.
“What do you want? Still mad about earlier?” you scowled, walking ahead of him when you noticed the crowd of students were far ahead of you two. “It is quite a concern of mine that we’re about to take the trail back through the forest while all the students are out of earshot.”
The forest was filled with a strong chill enough to silence the air around you, only able to hear the sound of Tom’s footsteps catching up with yours. You knew it would snow soon, piling another layer upon the blanket of white that covered the ground around you. With the sun setting, mere remnants of pinks and orange guided your way, lighting the shimmering snow as the night was coming on the other side and here you were, walking in the middle of it with Tom Riddle.
“Why did you flinch earlier?” he asked.
Your face scrunched up. “I don’t know? Perhaps because we used to fight in our first year and I was half expecting you to hit my head with a book? I wouldn’t have put it against you not to.”
When you looked over at him, his eyes were straight ahead. He never failed to keep his chin up and you rolled your eyes, wondering how he could hold himself to such a standard even when it was just the two of you. It’s not that you felt comfortable with him but there was a weird common ground that was shared with your rival.
“You were scared?” he asked again, more pressing this time.
“As if.” you scoffed.
“I was just a bit surprised, thinking you had done it on purpose.”
Raising your brows, you looked at him. “Why would I want to bother you on purpose? Well, I do that every day. But not to that extent.”
Tom grinned. “Well like any other girl at this awful place, they think taunting me is the best way to get my attention and I merely assumed you were following their tactics.”
Even you had to laugh out loud when those words came from his mouth.
 “Please, spare me! I never thought you could make me laugh but you are absolutely a joke. You think I’d ever think of you that way? The person I literally hate the most?”
Tom shrugged, seeming all too confident for someone who just completely shattered the expectations he had for your response. Inside, he was writhing. Your laughter had once been a mere nuisance, one you could tolerate and sometimes even be relieved to hear but now, it had made his blood boil. You two continued in silence for a moment.
But he couldn’t believe you were being a hundred percent honest. Tom had no idea where the question came from, but his mind worked too fast for him to catch up on, and now he regretted it, knowing it was a foolish question anyway.
“I refuse to ever adore you, let alone the ground you walk on like everyone else here does, Riddle. I had my moments where I thought we could be friends. It amazes me how I can see right through this little façade you put up. You are the loneliest person I know for someone who has the whole school chasing after you.”
“Lonely?” he chuckled darkly, narrowing his eyes at her. “You think you know me because you’re not blinded by some infatuation?”
Shrugging, your mind wandered to your earlier years when you had almost been caught up like everyone else. But you knew your drive to be better than him would always win.
“That’s exactly what I think.”
The school was nearing up ahead. It pained you to think you would miss this conversation. This only happened once or twice a semester with you two outside the classroom banter.
“Then why bother fighting me, YN? If not for a silly crush, then for what?”
Tom was angry and he didn’t know why. He should have never opened his mouth and pretended like he could care less of your presence. But the way you flinched at him today left him reeling, wanting to know more about why your mind worked the way it did. How could you have been so briefly terrified by him and not even know what he has done in the past year? What made her so pesky and defensive all the time if she had no clue what he has been building for himself?
“Believe it or not, Tom, I don’t have to have feelings for you to enjoy the never ending competition we have.”
Ah, so you were as clueless as he presumed.
A pureblood with no interest him or his horcruxes or pursuit of the dark arts. Just a pawn. Barely even that.
“Why did you even have to ask that tonight? I thought you’d send your boys to laugh at me as I picked a dress in the shop and be done?”
Tom’s head whipped towards her. “They what?”
You chuckled grimly, shaking your head at him. “Never mind.”
To your relief, the school’s warmth was already touching the tip of your nose. You were feeling suffocated by his questions. Conflicted at your own stirring chest, you quickened your pace.
“Let’s pretend we never had this conversation, Tom. If you were trying to drive me away and dim down whatever friendship we had to some stupid crush so you could painfully reject me, you failed miserably.”
Once you were inside, Tom was left standing there, lips slightly parted open as he stared in your direction. Even after you walked away, the coldness consumed him, numbing whatever thoughts he had tonight and wishing to forget them. He was hoping it could be something pathetic so he could discard you, getting you off his mind for good. But Tom realized that was going to be a lot harder than he thought.
YN was never going to be ridded of his thoughts.
One Week Later
The Gryffindor common room could be heard from your chambers where you remain alone in the strong candlelight, staring at yourself in the mirror.
For the Winter Ball, most girls would wear dresses the represented their houses colors. It was tradition. But when your eyes fell on this dress in Hogsmeade last week, you knew you would escape your stiff mind with the message it would send for it was no color at all. The white, sleeveless gown fell to your feet, sticking close to your body while a lighter piece of fabric of the same design bellowed out behind you from your shoulders. It was hardly white, more ash, with little intricate designs of vines and branches all tangled in one with shimmering little details in between.
The very idea of sticking out with your attire at such a highly anticipated night made you sick to your stomach and you hadn’t stopped fidgeting all day, ready to start dry heaving over the sinks. 
“YN, are you almost—!” Margot shouted, rushing into the room with another friend of yours, Ada.
Your eyes met theirs through the reflection, and the girls jaws nearly hit the floor.
“That is beautiful.” Adis gasped.
Once more, you began poking at your hair which was tucked back in a bun with stray pieces falling in front of your face and they rushed over to swat at your hands. The makeup on your face suddenly felt heavy. 
“I don’t think I want to go anymore.” You groaned, turning to face them now.
The two girls wore dresses of the same deep crimson color, nearly matching in style as well. It was often the three of you that would attempt at matching but it was clear this night was not the case and it made you feel uncomfortable in your own skin.
“Why? Afraid the school is going to see you shine in something other than a school or Quidditch uniform?” Ada chuckled, still ogling at you in the mirror.
Smiling, you shook your head, looking down at the sheer fabric that covered your arms and the silver décor it sported. At first, you truly had never felt more beautiful. But the more you thought of it the more your mind wandered to all the possibilities of what could go wrong. Every nerve in your body tensed at the idea of walking down the steps towards the Great Hall alone.
“I promise you, YN, you will turn heads for all the good reasons.” Margot said, taking your arm, followed by Ada who linked yours with hers.
“And we won’t let you fall!”
Laughing your stomach knots away, you allowed your friends to drag you through the common room. Already you were receiving appraisal from the people in your house and when you had your larger group of friends walking with you, it made you ease up instantly. The humor and charisma of the Gryffindor house was unmatched and you were extremely relieved to have it.
You had a great support of friends in this house, especially because of how involved you were, and to say the least, everyone was astonished at your gown. 
But a wall came crashing down when you reached the grand staircase leading down to the open floor just before the Great Hall’s entrance. Every voice became clear and every mingling face did too as they glanced up at the Gryffindor crowd as they descended the stairs.
In a sea of red, your cheeks were beginning to match it as you strolled down behind the group of friends in your ashy white gown. Falling behind was a mistake, and now, you just kept your eyes on the next step in front of you.
“Just breathe, YN.” You heard one of your friends say through the ringing of your ears.
Instead of doing that, your hand slid down the stone railing while the other lifted the front of your dress a few inches. Breathing became impossible when you made eye contact with the shadow in the corner of the room that was Tom Riddle.
You cursed under your breath, hating that he was the first one your eyes fell upon.
The boy had ben standing there among his loyal followers and their dates, knowing this night was a small celebration for themselves as well as the entire school. 
Having made a horcrux already and on the quest for another, Tom was willing to allow himself to pause one night. The endless nights reading and searching for more could be at ease. That didn’t mean his thoughts weren’t racing constantly with all that came with his aspirations.
He thought it would be impossible to let them cease until the group before him started murmuring and turning their heads towards the stairs.
Tom, his face void of any interest, had followed their gazes and immediately spotted YN.
The moment he hesitated, the very moment his chest tightened he realized he was unwell, and just as he caught his lips turning upward, Tom had reeled himself back into a painful reality, quickly turning his head away. It nearly took the breath out of him and he was heated to allow it to happen in the first place.
When you saw his head immediately turn away, your heart sunk, The day you felt disappointed from Tom Riddle not looking your way, you were sure hell would freeze over. But here you were, forced to walk into the Great Hall like nothing had even happened.
At least the sight of it was enough to take your mind off of your troubled emotions. It was a winter wonderland in its purest form with snowflakes trickling down from the cloudy ceiling. Three Christmas trees that were as tall as the gaping windows stood at the front of the room, frosted and covered in ornaments the size of your head. All of the floor and walls were covered in an icy white color, making it feel like you weren’t even in Hogwarts anymore.
The feast arrived and once you had something in your stomach, you could ignore the fleeting glances you and Tom had shared since you walked in.
They were keeping your cheeks flushed at least.
Headmaster Dippet made his short and sweet introduction before all the students and professors mingled on the dance floor. Live music played and your friends dragged you to dance even if your dress had taken up too much space. But the more you did so, the more lighthearted you became in your movements and quite literally undid the stiff person you felt you were.
Of course, the Quidditch captain Daniel and other boys from the team snuck in flasks of firewhisky so it surely helped ease your nerves.
Other students from different houses and even some of your teachers complimented you to your surprise.
But when the music slowed, you watched all of your friends pair up to your dismay, immediately sinking your shoulders. Adis, Margot, and Ana were nowhere to be found as your head turned like a swivel.
“Hurry, join in!” Margot chuckled, waving you to step in with her and her date from the Quidditch team.
You opened your mouth to protest, ready to rest your feet and take a seat at the table, but a finger had tapped your bare shoulder, causing you to spin back around, facing the last person you would think to see in this moment.
“Need a partner?” Tom Riddle asked.
The words were caught in your throat, foolishly standing there with your lips slightly parted as you tried to comprehend his offer.
“Unless you would like to sit down?”
“N-no. I would love to dance.” You stammered, watching his lips curve.
Your heart began hammering against your chest when you stepped closer to the boy, a knight clad in his black and shining armor that enamored you once you were too close to it. There was no stepping back when his hand grabbed yours and the other rested on the small of your back. The ability to breathe slipped through your mind as you stared up at him, looking down at you like he had won.
“Of all the girls in this room that probably want to murder me now, you choose to dance with me?”
Tom shrugged slightly, seemingly guiding you with ease while you nearly stumbled.
“Afraid to dance with me, YN?”
While your nerves were shot, you couldn’t help but mirror the subtle grin on his lips.
“I’m not afraid of anything, Tom Riddle. Part of me believes you’re dancing with me so that, in fact, these girls could murder me.”
Something turned his grin wider and you rolled your eyes.
“Maybe the only person to ever to be my academic match just may be the only suitable dance partner as well.”
With the last conversation you two had, you didn’t expect this to go so easy with him now. You didn’t dare bring it up and ruin this brief moment of common ground you two stood on. When you looked up at him there was only him and not even the stares burning into the back of your head mattered.
“And shortly when we return from the holidays, we will be back to the competition just like that.” You mused.
“Just like that.”
A million questions wandered through your mind. If only you could know what was going on in his.
For the first time it seemed, you wore a genuine smile on your face when you looked up at him. Even Tom, who had too been alone, wondered what it was about tonight that made him act so out of character. He would have gladly hung in the corner of the room, but the moment he saw her alone, something rash had unleashed inside him.
It seemed his thoughts were visible to you, because while you tried to look anywhere else as his gentle touch paralyzed you, you couldn’t help but notice his quizzical face.
“I hope you’re not having second thoughts, Riddle.” you chuckled, one misstep away from his toes and one away from letting the firewhisky talk.
“I was thinking about when I trip you and make a run for it.” he mused, his eyes drifting up to the ceiling.
“That’s nicer than what I imagined.”
The numbing comfort it brought was fading, and your skin begin to feel every inch of fabric to an annoying degree. You constantly chastised yourself for your sheer awkwardness and you knew that this dance was only making it worse despite how much you secretly enjoyed it.
“So, are you staying here for the winter holidays? I know Professor Dumbledore made an announcement the other day saying students were welcome to stay. I considered it.” you rambled on.
Something in his demeanor changed at the mention of the holidays though.
“Yes, I will be staying here.” he had said briskly, the sudden change making you sink internally.
“I’m sure it’ll be a thrill to stay here without the worry of studying for a couple weeks. I know I’m relieved.” you tried to tease. 
He raised an eyebrow at you. “You’re not going home?” 
You shrugged, pondering the decision still with a few days left to make it. 
“My family probably won’t be home to be quite honest. I still have a few days to make up my mind. I would simply like to get through tonight first.”
“Oh, something bothering you, Peverell?” Tom asking mockingly.
Suddenly, he had leaned back to twirl you under his arm and the breath had simply left your lungs as he pulled you back in, an unwavering and almost goofy smile on your lips. You laughed at him, knowing very well he knew the right buttons to poke.
But the second you opened your mouth to speak, the sound of glass shattering from all angles had filled the room and there was a split moment of silence before the sound of startled screams filled in for the music that abruptly stopped. Instantly, you ducked ever so slightly, watching as the room dimmed and glass flew with the cold air that rushed in. 
As if you weren’t frazzled enough, something kicked in when you looked at Tom.
“What is going on?” you asked to yourself, scanning the room for your friends.
But everyone was whizzing by and you backed into Tom as your head began spinning. With the chandeliers extinguished of their light, you had squeezed his hand as the moving crowd had pulled you two into the same direction.
One of the professors had called out a spell, lighting the chandeliers once more and someone was trying to order everyone to an exit.
Suddenly, the doors of the Great Hall opened faster than you’ve ever seen them move in years and not a single soul moved. Standing on your heels, you tried to peak your head over the crowd of students that started backing away and worriedly looked up at Tom whose eyes were slightly widened now. Glancing back, you finally caught sight of a white haired man and your blood immediately ran cold.
Gellert Grindelwald entered the room and as did two aids of his all dressed darkly, wands pointed at the crowd of students even as the Professors all came to their defense at the front.
You wanted to be with your friends. You wanted to hold them knowing very well this might be the last time you see them and yet, that fear could not be felt now as you had gone entirely numb. The only thing you had was Tom’s hand still gripped in yours.
“How lovely!” Grindelwald boasted. “A welcoming party just for me?”
“You are not welcomed here, Grindelwald.” You heard a voice boom back.
Was that Professor Dumbledore?
The professor stepped forward, just yards away from Grindelwald. 
People around you whispered the horrific things about him. His rise to power was almost insurmountable with his pure blood motivated agendas.
“I was only visiting. I don’t wish to harm the little brainwashed minions you have called your students. Hogwarts has done that enough, brainwashing them to believe they are safe from the world around them.” He chuckled darkly, immediately straightening his face only a second after.
Tilting your head, you couldn’t help but be curious to see the most dangerous man in the world standing before you with his quirky character. He seemed more like a jester than a monster. It didn’t seem real.
“What business do you have here?” the Headmaster demanded.
“Is there someone of the name YN Peverell here?”
Nothing could have prepared you for the moment Gellert Grindelwald called out your name. Your knees nearly buckled beneath you when heads started turning towards you. The room had gone so silent that in the midst of it all, your heart was like a drum. The few people who met your eyes you wanted to burn, not wanting to be seen or heard, shaking your head as tears swelled in your eyes.
But it was your fault the moment you shuffled back, colliding with Tom Riddle who was frozen like a wall.
“Oh, that wasn’t so difficult.” said Grindelwald.
Before you knew it, your body was not your own and you yelped as you were pulled forward by an invisible force. The students you had surrounded yourself with were no longer around you, leaving you cold and exposed as your unmoving body was now just a few feet away from the Gellert Grindelwald.
“Leave her be, Gellert!” shouted Dumbledore. 
The tears you had no control over streamed down your cheek. You were terrified, staring into the piercing blue eyes of a monster who was looking at you like prey.
“Are those your friends?” he asked, tilting his head, then looking at them. “I hardly think they are given how quick they were to give your identity away.”
Shutting your eyes was the only thing you could do. Before you knew it though, a force had pried them open and you let out a soft whimper.
“You see, I do not wish to harm her for she is more valuable than even you know, Albus.” Gellert said, walking around you now. “I have been quite interested in her family for some time, but they weren’t the easiest people to find so I figured their youngest daughter would be a place to start.”
No matter how much you tried to move, you didn’t budge. More tears streamed down your face and the only thing you could control was your breathing. If your lessons had taught you one thing, it was to keep a clear mind and steady breath. If all else had failed, listen to yourself.
But how could you? What did he want with your family, let alone you?
“Gellert, you let her go. Now.” Dumbledore said, his voice unwaveringly terrifying.
“The name Peverell has been a name I thought did not exist anymore, but here we are.” He announced, throwing his hands in the air. “She is the sole connection to the Deathly Hallows, therefore, I cannot simply just let her go. Surely you understand?”
Your brows furrowed.
That stupid children’s book? Your mind raced back and forth, wondering how that was even possible. With how old that story was, it would be impossible to even figure out how your last name somehow matched the that of the three brothers.
But your memories betrayed you when you thought of all the times your parents read it to you as a child.
There was something there, something that you knew was important but couldn’t quite remember just yet. It was hard to think past your body being paralyzed and your heart in a frenzy.
“She’s just a child, she has nothing to do with such a thing!” one of the female professors pleaded.
“On the contrary, she does.”
“Well I’m afraid there is no time to figure it out.” Dumbledore threatened, withdrawing his wand.
Grindewald glanced back for a brief moment, and with the wave of his hand, your body was free to move but you were tossed aside in the air, holding your breath and squeezing your eyes shut as you tumbled to the glass covered ground. As you rolled, your body was scratched but your blood rushed so quickly you couldn’t be bothered by the stinging. You tried to gather yourself, watching as a powerful rush of lights passed between the Professors and Grindelwald’s gang.
With the tables just behind you, you glanced at your friends who were all being ushered away in your direction yet they were not close enough to you. Looking at the fight that ensued before your eyes, filling in for the lights that had previously disappeared, you started inching back towards the tables for cover.
“Ah ah ah!” Grindelwald cynically laughed, waving his finger at you. “You’re not going anywhere, Peverell.”
For some reason, you thought you could escape and the second you jumped to your feet to make a run for it, you heard the words, “Crucio!”
A synchronous gasp came from everyone around him when Grindelwald shouted those words though and Tom nearly sprung forward towards you. But like everyone else, he stood there in shock.
It didn’t register. There was no time to even think as your entire body was consumed by a white hot pain that ripped through every little vein in your body. You dropped as quickly as you stood, so submerged in pain you could not breathe let alone scream as you began trembling, writhing away as if you could escape the unsurmountable burning that tore through you. But when you finally released your breath, a scream so bone chilling escaped your lips and you didn’t even hear it as your ears rung from the feeling itself.
Tom Riddle had never been so caught off guard in his life. He had never felt so moved by anything until he heard your scream. He had tried to push forward, but the professors were pushing back, getting everyone to safety.
A synchronous gasp came from everyone around him when Grindelwald shouted those words though and Tom nearly sprung forward towards you. But like everyone else, he stood there in shock.
“Cease your fire and I will let the girl go. But be warned, she will not be safe from me.” The white haired devil announced.
Every professor ceased their movement and Grindelwald released his hold on you.
Even when he did though, just that short minute of time your body experienced such trauma, you were sobbing as you still felt it streaming in your blood. Your vision went blurry as you rolled over, feeling your stomach churn as you stared at Grindelwald in the moonlight. As your ability to think returned, you wondered when you would be dead already.
Instead, he disappeared and you could finally breathe again but instead, you quickly fell to the exhaustion.
Grindelwald left, apparating through the windows into the night, leaving an eerie silence in the Great Hall.
Everyone rushed over to you but Tom Riddle stood by still reeling from the scene that unfolded before him. Abraxas remained at his side, looking quite horrified actually.
“YN bloody Peverell.” Malfoy said in awe. “I thought that whole lineage stuff was a myth.”
Tom’s eyes could not be broken from your sight. He was compelled to follow, but he stood his ground, knowing his impulses were getting the best of him too much already tonight. Another student picked your body up and he narrowed his eyes, watching as you were carried away.
“It seems we are among probably the most important Pureblood in the world now.” Tom observed. “And Grindelwald won’t stop til he has her.” 
In a moment where possibilities should be surging through his mind now though, all Riddle could think of was finding you because there was something about you no longer being in his sight anymore that made his chest tighten. That alone made him want to destroy the entire room.
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finalgirllx · 10 months
HL Boys Love Languages
I took the love languages test from the perspective (based on my understanding) of these three as characters. These are the top two for each. Garreth Weasley
Physical Touch Garreth would definitely express his love for someone through physical contact in any form. Hugs, shoulder pats, and simply being physically near someone he cares about comes as second nature to him. Funnily enough, I can imagine if he developed a crush on someone, he'd keep a distance for some time out of wanting to be a "gentleman." However, from the second they give him the okay, he will be all over them, all of the time.
Quality Time Garreth is a family man and strongly values spending time with the people he loves. Enjoying this time, and never having too much of it, shows in his close relationships of all types.
Sebastian Sallow
Acts of Service Having someone willing to help him in his times of need and showing that they are there for him through helpful gestures means a lot to Sebastian. I mean, his cough entire questline cough. But really, I think even the smallest gestures, like getting him a snack when he's too invested in studying would go a long way to make him feel loved.
Quality Time I see him really valuing time with someone even if they aren't necessarily doing the most exciting things. If you spend hours with him while you're both doing your own tasks in the library, or just lounging within the Slytherin common room, that's enough for his heart to flutter.
Ominis Gaunt
Quality Time Like Sebastian, where you don't even have to be doing the most exciting things, he loves just knowing you're there with him within arms reach. It means more to him than you could possibly know. And, of course, spending time with him at actual places or events means an awful lot to him as well, even if they are things you must drag him along to because we love a drama king.
Words of Affirmation I could see him practically purring like a happy cat if you shower him with compliments. Of course, he'd get flustered, flush a little and try to dissuade you from praising him. But he would eat it up! And it would mean the world to him to know someone sees the good in him that he's unfortunately been knocked down to the point where he can't always see it himself. Bonus: 3 is Physical Touch. This is a bonus because I don't see Ominis as a touchy person, but I think he'd absolutely melt for the one he truly loves for the little touches. Can you imagine sitting with him and your pinkies wrapped together? Ah! I have to quit writing. I'm getting too excited.
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