#ok not much to say about this one cause im kinda happy with it and the mistakes arent big enough for me to complain about so im just gonna
eepelene · 9 months
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who's he meeting?!
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stafyliaa · 10 months
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"Miles it's me!"
Prowler!Miles x Spiderhero!Reader (gender neutral)
cw: angst,Jeff being funny,mentions of Jeff death (sorry it's earth 42 😭),tears,no comfort (maybe there will be on part two) "betrayal" and a big misunderstanding
Hii! This is my first time writing hehehe give me a chance and please be nice :D im gonna do a ending to this fic but it's gonna take a while
I'm more than happy to write requests so don't be shy!!
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You are Miles lover..but you are also the friendly neighborhood Spider hero! While Miles is the Prowler! And the worst..you both didn't know that
But you never thought Prowler was a bad guy,he actually helped people too but- he kinda hates you for some reason
maybe he was jealous of the amount of popularity you have and how you are incredible strong and how your suit was soooo pretty so yeah,who cares about Prowler anyways? He's a douchebag
As for Miles..He is the best!!
He looks like he is trying to poop everytime with that "scary" face of him but he is really sweet and respectful boy
he respects your space and supports your decisions,he is great with gifts (handmade or purchased) and never fails to make you feel especial regardless of anything ♡
You were great friends with his family too! They love you! But, something happened
His dad was captain Morales,he passed away doing his job..being a hero without spider powers or something like that yeah good guy
You remembered that when he was alive he didn't liked the ideia of a masked hero around (another jealous man),but after some events you kinda "worked together" to protect the peace at the city
The Spiderhero and captain Morales protecting our dear Brooklyn! couldn't get better
he enjoyed talking about his son and you can't deny it was fun to see what Miles was like from his father's point of view
"My boy has a beautiful significant other,i consider them as my own child! You know? Don't tell anybody but i kinda get jealous on how much of attention my wife put on them cause like,does she like them more then me?!! That's unacceptable hmfp"
Yeah and things like that was really fun too
But that day you couldn't saved him
You tried.. But unfortunately it didn't worked
Miles was devastated..you felt so guilty every day for not being able to save his dad but you always comforted him whenever he need it and he is very grateful for that
If you thought you were nobody under your hero mask you are sorely mistaken! You are everything to Miles,you are his hero
it's been sometime since that happened and everything seems to be okay
Until now
It was a random night you were patrolling the city when you ended up realizing that you were close to where Miles lived
It wouldn't hurt anyone to take a look would it?
But the last thing you expected to see was this
And this i mean
Prowler on the rooftop at Miles building
What if he is planning to hurt Miles? You couldn't let that happen, could you?
You were ready to attack him sneakily but his mask came off
Curious to know who your unbearably annoying enemy is you decided to wait a while
Then..you saw him!Miles Morales was the Prowler,and he wasn't alone..Aaron was with him
You were surprised! Who wouldn't tbh
You decided to stay a little longer to see what he is going to do:
- Miles..we will finally catch that spider,i can feel it.- said Aaron
- Yeah,i can't wait for that Tio (uncle) Aaron
You noticed that Aaron seemed to be hesitant to tell Miles something,then he said:
- Look Miles,they.. could be anyone -you thought to yourself "does he know I'm the spider hero!?-
- What are you trying to say?
- I'm trying to say that - he hesitates one more time - don't forget why we are doing all this ok? Mi hermano (my brother) ..Your dad, está muerto (is dead) because that "hero" couldn't save him,they saved everyone but couldn't bother to save him and - Before Aaron could say more Miles interrupt him
- I know tio,don't worry - his mask returns to his face - esta noche(tonight)..I'm gonna kill that spider
You know what he said
You know what he is planning to do
Miles..the boy you love
Is going to kill you
You are on the edge of the building
The only thing keeping you from falling is Prowler
He got his claws ready to kill you
Your heart is beating fast
"I don't want to die! I can't die yet! I don't want to get killed by him! Miles please!"you thought:
- Who are you?
- I... - he moves his claws closer to your face
With his claws he slowly takes off your mask
When he took the mask off you ,tears rolled down from your eyes
That look of fear and your watery eyes
Made Miles heart break
"This wasn't supposed to happen"
Miles thought
"Why is this happening?":
- Miles.. - you said whispering looking at him
Miles is feeling a lot of emotions
He is scared
He is angry
He is confused
And he is sad
Miles face is revealed
You see a tear fall down from his eye:
- Amor.. - you can hear by his voice that he is hurt
He don't want to do this,he can't do this!
But still
Miles doesn't let go of you:
- Miles..look i know why you are doing this! And i swear my love i really tried to save him!
"My love" he loves when you call him that,you always call him with so full of love on your voice that always make he feels warm
But is he feeling warm now that you are calling him? With so much despair trying to prove your point?
He close his eyes for a second and looked away as if he was trying to ignore you:
- Please! The fact that i couldn't save him still hunts me..Look at me Miles
He looked at you
More tears fall down from your eyes:
- The hardest thing about this job is that you can't save everybody..It took me a while to accept this but it's the truth
It took a while to accept this? That made Miles wonders if you even asked to be a hero at all
He loosens his grip a little
You wanted to tell him everything
How much it hurts you to be a hero
But you keep it to yourself:
- I know it hurts Miles,i know you want to kill me but please..Those people - you you looked around - they need me..let me do for them what i couldn't do for you
He moves his claws close to your face
You look deep into his eyes and said:
-Please..if you find a little sympathy in your heart.. forgive me for everything- you said honestly - I love you Miles
you shut your eyes and...
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Please be patient cause this fanfic will have a ending!! Thank you for reading ♡
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parasytte · 2 years
What if darling/reader lives on a farm or something out of the way/far away? Do jock and cheerleader suddenly get a love for camping (maybe or not just to watch reader in their natural environment) Do they both just show up one day guilting darling into letting them stay for the weekend cause OHNO they were coming to visit you but the car broke down, and it gonna take a while cause you live an hour out of town :(
yes !!!! also kind of unrelated but i think its kinda funny how ppl say "natural environment" because it makes reader seem like a wild animal or something LOL im not making fun of u or anything but its just kinda funny nd it makes me giggle
ok moving on
<3 - <3- <3 -<3 -<3 - <3 - <3 - <3 - <3
you flinch a little at the sound of loud knocking. you make your way to the door as you wonder who could be out there, considering the fact that you don't get visitors often since you live about an hour out of town.
you pull open the door, now seeing two familiar smiling faces.
"casey? elijah?" you say, "what are you guys doing here?"
"we were coming to visit you!" casey says happily, elijah giving a smile as well.
"oh. well.. you can come in," you say as you step to the side, holding the door open for the two men as they both walk inside of your home. once they're both in you shut the door and turn to look back at them.
casey marvels at the inside of your home like it's the most beautiful thing in the world. elijah does the same, "your house is beautiful, baby." he says as continues to look around. casey nods in agreement, turning to look at you with a smile.
"not as beautiful as you, though!" casey compliments. you roll your eyes slightly, but still decide to be hospitable. "you guys can take a seat on the couch," you offer, "want anything to drink?"
they both make their way to the couch and plop down on it, casey saying a 'no thanks' and elijah shaking his head 'no'. when you walk over to them, they take hold of you and drag you down into the couch, casey inbtween your legs and resting his head on your chest and you between elijah's legs, your back pressed against his chest.
you eventually get used to their suffocation and start talking with them. you spend the day together not really doing much, mainly just watching shows or movies on tv or listening to casey's gossiping until eventually the sun goes down and the sky grows dark.
you finally take notice that it's now nighttime. had you really spent the whole day talking with casey and elijah?
"what time is it?" you ask while trying to get up, but they both just tighten the grip their arms have around you. casey pulls out his phone, "hmm.. let me check ... it's eleven pm!" he says with a smile on his face, pressing the side of his face back into you.
"eleven?" you say in a shocked tone, "how are you guys going to get back to town in the dark? this late at night"
elijah's smile turns into a sheepish one, "yeah, well, about that," he says coyly, "we wouldn't have been able to drive back to town anyways.."
"..what do you mean?" you say skeptically. he continues, "my car actually broke down when we got here. we were going to tell you earlier, but we were having such a great date it must have slipped our minds."
"... well- what am i supposed to do?" you say in disbelief.
"let us sleepover, duh!" casey says, still as happy as can be.
"you can't!" you quickly respond.
"why not?" elijah asks. "i-i don't know you just can't!"
"then are you kicking us out?" your attention is brought back down to casey, who's happy face is now turned into a sad, pouting one. "are you really gonna make your boyfriends go out into the cold darkness? alone? in an unfamiliar place? i mean, there's just so many bad things that could happen to us .. wild animals, serial killers, kidnappers ... you really don't care about us that much? do you really want us to get hurt that bad, y/n?" his big honey brown doe eyes are filled with tears, about to spill over any second. he acts like you've ripped his heart out of his chest, tore it apart, then threw it on the ground, stomped on it, then spat on it.
so dramatic.
... but when casey looks at you like that, you can't help but cave in.
"..fine, you guys can stay." you grumble out. casey's mood does a full 180 and the tears in his eyes instantly vanish. he has the biggest smile on his face as he brings his head up to yours, pressing kisses all over your face, which elijah does too.
"thank you! oh, thank you!" he says inbetween kisses. you roll your eyes, pushing him off of you. "okay, okay that's enough- i think it's time to go to bed." you say as you break free from their grip and stretch.
"we're gonna sleep with you, right babe?" elijah asls.
it's going to be a long night.
<3 - <3 - <3 - <3 - <3 - <3 - <3 - <3 - <3
you then all cuddle in your bed the end
god i loved writing this request thank you so much !! idk it was such a fun nd cute one i loved making it anon !!!! i hope you enjoyed it and ask again &lt;33
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todomemolesta18 · 8 months
The amazing digital circus! (review)
So... people actually want my opinion and Im like
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*sniff* Ok, guys! Im gonna try to do my best to review (?) the pilot ep for Tadc! (Spoiler alert: I enjoyed a lot!)
First of all, the animation. IS. BEAUTIFUL.
So elastic, so expresive, so shiny, is just perfect!
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Like, for example, just look at her pupils, how she slightly moves her head, is something little but add a lot of life to the character.
And they are so expresive like you can see their fear and stuff, especially Pomni.
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(I love this shot of her haha)
Everything is so full of life and colours, I just love when animators actually take advantage of animation and go crazy with it.
And the designs are really good too! I love them. The best ones are Caine and Kinger.
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They are so... crazy. And thats great! Besides, I think the giant eyes on Kinger just makes him look more traumatized, which makes sense, because for what we know, he has been in the circus the longest.
Now the characters themselves. I like them. Just so much personality, and fun. Specially Jax.. he is an unapologetic asshole and I just love that.
Ragatha is nice. Hope to see more of her, but rigth know I dont have a lot to say about her, but she is likeable and kind. She is just what Pomni needs.
Il talk about Pomni, but later, cause I wanna comment some interesting stuff about her.
Gangle is cute and deserves a big hug.
Zooble is... okay too. I dont dislike her and she has some funny momens, but like Ragatha, I need to see more of her to make a more complete opinion. I KNOW is the pilot, but I still need more content. IM NOT CRITICIZING, IS JUST MY OPINION. Actually is good that they dont focus a lot on ALL the characters, because it would be a confusing mess, so, well done there, Glitch and Goose.
Kinger was freaking hilarious. Like when Jax mentions how stable Kinger and Gangle are, Kingle start to shake in a really weird but hilarious way. Or when he screams randomly and says that Gangle startled him.
I like this guy :D
Then we have Caine... oh boy, he is one of the most interesting characters, with Pomni and... Kaufmo.
He acts so happy and cheerful and stuff, and like a presenter. He is actually kinda nice, but is obvious that he is hiding something, like when Pomni asks about the exit and he gets all weird.
NOW. Lets talk about my waifu- about Pomni.
She is so realistic and human and relatable and I love that. And not just because she is so super confused and scared and anxious, but for other scenes.
The moment where Ragatha needs help, and Pomni actually extends her hand and grabs her, only to start glitching. She gest scared, apologizes and runs away. But she feels guilty and comes back to apologizes to Ragatha, who forgives her.
I LOVED THIS SCENE SO MUCH. Pomni became more than just the anxious main character and became a bit more tridimensional.
Another moment I loved related to her. This:
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Is a very short scene... but it means so much. How she is just in shock an touches her face, like she just cant believe this is her. This is happening to her. And it adds to the existencial horror of the show.
And the most incredible one and amazed me is when she actually goes in the exit door. Like... she did want to help Ragatha, but this could have been her only chance to escape. Im sure anyone of us, including myself, would have done it.
But then the poor woman is traped in a bucle and starts to get crazy and laugh... I think I would have reacted exactly the same.
Or that last shot of her and her disturbed face.
I LOVED THE INTRO. The comedy too! And the outro was so cute!
This show has showed us the potential it has for the horror AND I CANT WAIT.
This are all my personal toughs! What do you guys think?
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notakoolladz · 23 days
Happy birthday to meeee B)
Even tho im on my haitus i atleast wanted to stop by to drop like a quick thank you to my friends, and followers or just people to like my stuff :)
Even better I made a whole ramble on how I joined the Octonauts community, how it saved me from loosing my sanity and the great community.
Cuz I wanted to do this for my tumblr anniversary but uhh someone loss that old account- so check it out if you want to-
Guys (Especially my friends and followers) please check it out I worked on this late April-/j uhh tw?? Like emo feelings idk
Around late spring to the end of July in 2023 I was currently going through an unsafe relationship to say the least. And around the end of July when the relationship ended, I felt so defeated and vulnerable.
For those concerned I’m doing much better trust me bro! I won’t go too deep but I was scared of being vulnerable and talking it out to someone about it. The one time I did, the person never believed me, causing me to want to just separate from “friends” in real life. 
It’s now August. And I was currently hyper fixated on Octonauts. I was on tumblr trying to find screenshots of the characters so I can put them in some hunger games simulator but then I saw someone asking for a discord Octonauts server link.
I was curious and decided to use the link in question. There I got instantly welcome and everyone was so nice and stuff. Surprisingly it wasn’t hard to become well known in the server too! It just took a few conversations and fanarts of people's sonas/ocs. 
Seeing people who I knew both on discord and tumblr posting and sharing art made me get inspired to post my own art too on my tumblr account. Me and people would even play games together like roblox uno, mm2, gartic, so much! 
Of course there would be the usual rude people on the server or on tumblr. And what I like about these people is that ye know we got each other's backs and all. If someone is dealing with things they would go out of their way to contact them and ask if they’re ok. 
So many things that I've drawn for here are from ideas from these people! From inside jokes to random conversations! I remember when I accidently got my tumblr account deleted these people were so quick to help me out. I’ve gotten so many gifts from them too! From drawings, to even just making it to game night to join whatever game we were all playing! 
I know I just kept calling these guys people and they. Which won’t really help this next part out but I wouldn’t call these people like random strangers. I actually saw and would call every single one of them as a friend of mine and sometimes I feel like these servers and tumblr mostly like the whole octonaut community as just a second home to me. 
(Yall I just want to say if I ever said something rude or out of pocket y'all I’m so sorry lol)
I just wanna thank my friends on discord, tumblr, followers or just people who like my little octonauts blog. Idk how I managed to actually socialize with other users- being honest I don’t think I could nail it off again maybe but like- 
One day we all would go our own paths but I’m so glad to make friends on the internet lol- Kinda reminds me of my animal jam times. Uhh closing statement ummm thank you octonauts for saving my life ig. And my friends lol. sorry to that one person who i know irl i had to block for this- nobody needs to know it LOL
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pit babe ep 7 stray thoughts
- way made him feel undeserving of love….
- so jeff is like that cause he’s plagued by visions..
- ok now i get the peteway posts. oh ways pathetic nature and whiny bitch demeanor have captivated pete body and soul
- oh way might be my little meow meow of the show
- oh god oh fuck i might be a peteway boy
- kim needs to kiss winner to shut him up
- omg person who hurt protagonist was antagonist pikachu surprise face
- scream this is so dramatic. the scheming it’s all coming together (also peep kentakim this is for you le trash prince)
- ok so this is where we find out tony wants to sell babe for bitching
- do they know charlie’s powers also who WAIT IS THIS A NUTHPHOP BALLADnvm just sounded like ambivalent thoughts
- way seems happy i don’t trust this. is he about to break
- oh he is oh no it’s babe. oh i think someone’s gonna ugly cry it can go either way at this point. babe sweeeeep
- oh… maybe i don’t want this babe babe nooooooo nooooooo. oh he’s gonna close his heart off to other people now isn’t he oh fuck noooooooo SOMEONE STOP HIS THOUGHT LROCESS PPLEASE
- i don’t understand ways face here i need subtitles but for facial expressions
- oh poor puppy
- does anyone know if they make the music in house
- this ep might be my fav so far….
- is way an omega y’all
- there’s been a shift in babe…. i can’t explain it but something changed in the last 20 min
- babe being an easy cryer is so important to me actually
- ooo surveillance being a theme again lets goooo
- charlie trauma enthusiasts let’s gooooo
- tony is so fucking evil i hope charlie rips his face off
- how wild would it be if winner was an enigma. like he’s not but could you imagine
- actually i need kenta to rip tony’s face off
- does charlie know about his power. does anyone
- babe looking like a wet feral cat i need to lie down
- SCREAM HE JUST FLAT OUT TELLS BABE LIKE THAY?!,!?!?! like i’d be scared to get punched like ???? it’s wild he just flat out says i took your power like wow i thought he’d lie at least a little
- these flashbacks can never be happy can they… always gotta leave you horny and destroyed
- charlie being like “don’t worry i can fix this. if you want i can just kill myself” like broooooo
- scream do you think charlie woke up one day like “damn he smells fine today” skejdjfjejrjr
- “can mama not break up with papa 🥺” “ 😒😑😩 fine”
- honestly i get babe if someone took away my sensory issues id still fuck them. much more enthusiastically then before probably. i get him now liking kissing too like this makes perfect sense to me
- oh way….. oh god this pathetic man nothing can go right for him ever ima creaming
- i also get babe because charlie is so cute id fold immediately like so what you stole my super powers look at your cutie patootie self how could i stay mad
- oh here we go car sex scene- are they talking about booty holes rn is this happening on my screen… good for them
- oh way… i’m so sorry my baby boy im so sorry… honestly he’s stronger than me i would’ve been throwing shit THE BOUQUET
- ok so are the only ones with special powers jeff babe and charlie (and way ??)
- NORTHSONIC these absolute clowns. does he not understand adoption i love him. nosrthdaonic aenwwvehtjrngn l. what are these two talking about. way omega confirmation ????
- sonic get your boy on a leash his poor impulse control and lack of common sense is staggering
- kim kinda right like let him cook oh ew fuck tony for that too
well what an ep
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221bluescarf · 2 months
Hello there!
When you have the spoons, could you give me a beginners guide to bipolar and what the differences are between types 1 & 2? Dont worry, Im not holding you to some scientific or doctorate level of information. More like... what are things you wish you knew or understood about the diagnoses sooner?
Hi! Ok I hope it's ok if this will be long...
For context I've been diagnosed with bipolar disorder 7 times by different psychiatrists/hospitals, the most recent one changing it to schizoaffective bipolar. What I'll say is my own experience (an experience that is also shared by others I know)
I don't know what I would say as a beginners guide... I guess it's important to start by knowing bipolar isn't being sad sometimes and happy sometimes. Bipolar is a pattern of alternating between 2 mood states: depression and mania (or hypomania) each state encapsulating a host of symptoms.
As far as type 1 vs type 2... The difference between the two lies in the mania. Bipolar 2 has hypomania and Bipolar 1 has mania. Both have depression. the depression in both types can be severe and the severity of the depression does not indicate type 1 or 2.
Hypomania is a less impairing version of mania, but it still has a specific set of symptoms and criteria that make it different from just a "good mood". Both hypomania and mania are abnormal states.
Mania is going to be disruptive, impairs functioning, usually causes damage, and can often lead to hospitalization. It's not uncommon for mania to have psychosis with it.
They can both have increased energy and restlessness, racing thoughts, distractibility, pressured speech, grandiosity, feeling overly energetic despite a couple hours or no sleep, irritability, and aggression.
But the easiest way for me to explain is to re-create the scenario.
Hypomania: Getting 1 hour of sleep and still feeling energized, wanting to be active at all hours. Going on a $300 shopping trip I can't really afford. Feeling like everything is brighter, music is alive, and I'm the best artist. Getting kinda snippy. Cleaning the whole house and volunteering to clean other people's houses.
Mania: zero sleep for 48 or 72 hours at a time, not being able to stop moving, feeling on fire and as if I might explode if I ever stop. Spending thousands a.k.a. my entire savings on odd things like duplicates of the same items. Scratching myself bloody because my skin hurts, crying and laughing at the same time. I start tasks and abandon them as soon as I start, leaving a mess. Music becomes an obsession, the lyrics are speaking to me and telling me to do things. Everyone is mocking me. Anger outbursts, violent at times, including road rage incidents.
Both of these end abruptly and plummet into severe depression.
I don't know what I wish I knew... I guess I wish I knew how hard it would be to manage it. Having to keep everything in my life stable in order to keep myself stable. I thought if I just had the right pill I'd go back to "normal".
I also wish I'd known if you have mania you can't "pump the brakes". I kept trying to trigger hypomania in myself thinking I could accomplish so much. But in reality I would hit mania and accomplish nothing. I just spin my wheels, become a volcano, and everything falls apart. I still fall for it sometimes though.
I hope that's somewhat helpful.
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hey-kae · 2 years
Pairing: Carlos Sainz x female reader
Request: After reading that 5 time orgasm I couldn't help but wonder if you wrote about other drivers too? Cause not gonna lie, I would sell my soul to see gentleman Carlos giving the ofc at least 3 mind blown orgasm written by you 🤤 If it is possible please make it enemies to lover or put some tension between them, it is my fav🥲 Thank u for your amazing fics and writing, they are perfecttttt
Warnings: fingering, oral sex (female receiving), unprotected sex
Sidenote: I’m not gonna lie, I don’t really like how this turned out but I’ve rewritten it so many times that i just gave up. I’m so sorry to disappoint!! I’m im such an angsty mood so that kinda explains it but it’s also the fact that i’m just not attracted to Carlos no matter how hard i try to convince myself to be ( don’t come at me please, he’s just not my type but he is good looking so yeah).
Life as a content creator for Ferrari was significantly easy on most days, just carrying a phone around, filming the right videos and posting at the right times. On other days, the phone was shoved into your hands and you were thrown in front of Carlos and Charles to film one of the now infamously silly tiktoks. Those days spent under the Spanish driver’s glaring stare were living hell, especially since most times, the looks escalated into snide comments you’d exchange until some other team member told the two of you to knock it off and get to work.
It was ridiculous, really. You and Carlos had absolutely no reason to hate each other, it seemed to come naturally for some unknown reason.
After the Silverstone race, you had to visibly fight the urge to roll your eyes dramatically when you were asked to meet with Sainz in the motorhome after he had won his first ever Grand Prix. Sure, as a member of the Ferrari team, you were happy about the victory, but had it been up to you, you would’ve enjoyed the win much more from a distance without having to get up close and personal with the winner himself. It might be an unpopular opinion, but it was yours and you would’ve stood your ground if had the choice to. Instead, you sucked it up and sulked your way back to the red motorhome, your eyes immediately going to search for Carlos, knowing he had already finished his podium celebrations.
You searched for him for several minutes, passing by every room in the motorhome, asking every person you passed if they had run into him.
There was no signs of him.
“Fucking hell, Carlos.” You cussed under your breath, climbing the stairs up to the level where the drivers’ rooms were, knowing that was you last resort.
Sure enough, his room was alive with sounds of him moving around it.
You stormed in, having had enough of him already even though you weren’t even in the same room yet. There he was, now dressed in a Ferrari shirt and some jeans, rummaging through the bag on his desk.
“Why the hell aren’t you downstairs, Sainz?” You spit the words out with so much anger.
“Because we need to film a video?” He responded with a frown, not understanding your attitude.
“Here? We’re filming on the main-“
“You know, a congratulations would be nice. It won’t kill you.” He cut you off, taking one too many steps towards you and reaching behind you to slam the door shut.
“Ok, great. Congratulations. Now let’s get this over with.” You gestured for him to hurry up and move along.
“You are unbelievable.” He shook his head in disbelief, moving away from you.
“Well, good thing your opinion about me doesn’t really matter.” Your words made his head snap towards you, anger starting to cloud his expression.
“I’d love to fuck that attitude out of you some day, preciosa.” He chuckled with pure spite, his look piercing its way through you.
The phone in your hand threatened to slip out grip as Carlos’ words startled you, to say the least, so in attempt to attempt to mask this reaction you had, you tossed the small device onto the desktop, the sound of the impact silencing the room.
“What the fuck did you just say?” Your voice was right up there on the scale of shouting at the spanish man.
“Oh, i’m sure you heard me.” He narrowed his eyes at you, moving back towards you until your back was flush against the wall, his arm reached beside him to slam the door shut.
“Why the fuck do you think you have the right to talk to me like that? You are such an entitled prick!” You spit the words out.
Every single one of your nerves was pulsing with feelings you didn’t want to feel, things that you thought were impossible to feel. It seemed like your blood was rushing too fast and your skin had gotten a little too hot. Before you even allowed yourself to consider the possibility of you being attracted to the man currently cornering you, your legs made the decision to leap out of the small space between Carlos and the wall.
The attempt to escape was a little too slow. Carlos’ hand slammed against the wall beside your head, blocking your way and caging you in.
“Go on. Tell me you don’t want this and I’ll immediately stop.”
Unexpected desire fogged your mind, leaving you staring at his lips and struggling to form any sentence.
“Tell me what you want, princesa.”
It took everything in you to say anything.
“Go fuck yourself, Sainz.”
It’s a shame, the amount of power you had to muster to say these four words, especially since they seemed pointless.
Carlos pushed his body up against yours, his every move oozing with confidence. He wasn’t clueless and your reaction to him wasn’t exactly subtle.
“I’d much rather fuck you so tell me if you want it before you lose the privilege, sweetheart.” He smirked.
The fact that he thought sex with him was a privilege made your blood boil, and your thighs clench but you weren’t gonna give that any attention.
“Fuck you.”
“Alright then.” He raised his hands in surrender, taking a step away from you.
Nothing in this world would’ve explained your next reaction, but for now it didn’t matter. You weren’t even trying to understand it.
You grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and crashed your lips against his without thinking about what you were doing.
That was all it took for him to pin you up against, his knee nestling between your thighs, his hands firm against your body.
“You might be annoying but i always knew you were smart, preciosa.” His hand wrapped around your neck, forcing you to look up at him.
“Shut up and fuck me. I’m not here for you to evaluate my intelligence.” It was fucking amazing, how he was still able to get on your nerves even when his lips were against yours and his tongue was discovering your mouth.
“Alright then.”
Your Ferrari shirt was tossed onto the floor shortly after that, his also following yours immediately.
Carlos’ lips kissed down your jaw, down to your chest, slipping your bra’s strap off your shoulder and kissing its spot.
While his kisses busied your mind, his touch slipped down your stomach, down to the front of your pants. He was suddenly eager to undo your pants, quickly slipping his hand into them.
“You were trying to push me away when you’re this wet? I’m disappointed in you, sweetheart.” He smirked as he felt the dampness of your underwear.
“Carlos, i swear to god if-“ Desperate to shut you up, he pushed your panties to the side and thrusted a finger into you.
The words you were planning to throw at him quickly got lost and you caught yourself moaning as another finger stretched you out.
“I like these sounds much better,” he removed his fingers to strip you of your pants and underwear.
Once they were thrown onto the floor, he resumed his actions, his thumb rubbing your clit as well this time.
“Fuck.” You arched your back off the wall, eager for more friction of any kind. Carlos was quick to take notice of your reaction so he added a third finger, eliciting a moan from you.
“Say my name.” He slowed down his hand’s movements.
You gave him no reply.
“Say my fucking name.” His movement stilled completely.
“Is this some ego thing? ‘Cause I don’t mind finishing the job myself.” You challenged him, moving your hand down to try and prove your point.
Carlos didn’t allow you to do that. He pushed your hand away and glared at you.
“Trust me princesa, you’ll end up moaning my name anyway. I was just giving you an easy route.”
His whole attitude changed after that. His movements against your clit were almost aggressive and his fingers were fucking you so hard, it made your body shake.
“Oh shit.” You moaned as you clenched your pussy around his fingers, feeling your orgasm just seconds away. When you finally let go, releasing your cum onto Carlos’ fingers, you made it a point to avoid moaning his name no matter what.
That enraged him, to say the least, so he didn’t give you time to come down from your orgasm. He immediately kneeled down in front of you, pulling one of your legs over his shoulder and latching his mouth onto your clit while keeping up the thrusting of his fingers. It made you groan and whimper in unprecedented ways.
“Oh my fucking god.” The expletives kept spilling out of your mouth as Carlos slowly sucked on your clit and licked every part of your pussy, his nose making you shiver every time it brushed the right spots.
You looked down at him, the sight almost making you cum on spot. He was eating you out like a starved man, the sounds his tongue was making only being more proof of how much he was taking his time with this.
Your hand fisted his hair, tugging of his dark strands as his teeth grazed your sensitive clit, igniting a feeling of warmth all over your body. Concluding that you liked that, Carlos kept repeating that move, making the feeling building up in the pit of your stomach stronger.
Soon enough, you eyes squeezed shut and your body shuddered as another orgasm aggressively ripped through you. It left you breathless, fully relying on the wall for support as Carlos let go off you, standing up to watch you with a sense of pride.
The uneventful moments didn’t last long.
“Bend over the desk.” Carlos ordered as he took off the rest of his clothes, revealing his hard cock.
The sight made you comply so fast. You wouldn’t admit it out loud but you couldn’t wait to have him buried deep inside your wet pussy.
“You’re a good girl when you’re about to get fucked.” Carlos pointed out.
You looked over your shoulder to find him with his hand wrapped around his dick, guiding it towards your entrance.
“Shut the fuck up.” You turned back around, fully expecting to feel him push into you any second now. Instead, you felt his tip press against your clit, making you weak.
“I’m gonna fucking ruin you, princesa.” He circled his dick around your sensitive nub of nerves, making you close your eyes as he began rubbing your clit the same way. He moved his cock to trace the sides of your entrance, teasing you by pushing in the tip slightly into you before quickly pulling back out.
He teased your hole for long enough before redirecting his attention back to your clit. He moved himself faster against it, teasing himself and bringing you closer to the edge as he relentlessly rubbed it with his tip until you felt your walls clench onto nothing, your legs shaking as the third orgasm blinded you.
Your eyes were still closed and your mouth was still agape when Carlos thrusted into you, filling you up while your body while still shuddering from your release.
“Oh fuck, Carlos. I can’t…” you moaned.
“Now was that so hard? Was saying my name so hard?” He taunted, his hand pulling in your hair as he started pounding into you, feeling you squeeze your walls around him.
“Say it again.” He rubbed your clit.
This time, you were to far gone to argue, you mind already not thinking of anything besides the way Carlos’ cock was perfectly stretching you out. You just gave him what he wanted, moaning his name as his hips met yours repeatedly im mercilessly thrusts.
“Sounds so good, princesa.” Carlos moaned, giving your ass a slight slap before his hands griped your hips for leverage.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you felt his cock brush against your g-spot, making you fist your hands.
The sensitivity was starting to catch up to you, making you feel vulnerable under Carlos’ touch as he pounded into you from behind.
You knew you were seconds away from cumming and judging by Carlos’ grunts, he was just as close too. Therefore, you let go, whimpering and softly moaning as Carlos continued his movements until he spilled his load inside you and pulled out.
A minute later, you pulled yourself up to find you clothes but found that Carlos had already picked them up off the floor for you.
“Thanks.” You said as you grabbed them out of his hands. The word hang weirdly between the two of you.
“I don’t hate you, i hope you know.” He calmly said as he pulled his pants back on.
It shocked you for a second but quickly started to make sense. Nothing happened between the two of you that made you hate each other.
“I don’t hate you either but you’re a bit annoying.” You smiled at him and he returned it. That was probably the first time you had ever smiled at each other.
“So, would you allow me to annoy you on a date sometime?” He awkwardly asked, his hand scratching the back of his neck.
It weirded you out that you were considering it. It was even more absurd how quickly you agreed.
“Sure. As long as you act just as annoying.” You joked and he laughed.
“C’mon, we still need to film that tiktok.” You reminded him and he groaned.
“There we go again.” You said with a playful tone as you finished getting dressed and reached for the phone.
It’s safe you say that this one tiktok was the easiest but most interesting to film. How wouldn’t it have been when the two of you weren’t sending each other death glares for the first time ever?
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bestieriker · 4 months
i have thoughts about the pjo tv show but they might not be beloved... (long post, mostly just for myself but feel free to read my thoughts) (also lmk your thoughts! im curious if my experiences are universal) (also obv spoilers for ep8)
now i recognize i am watching this show through the lens of a much older person than i was when i read the books. percy is no longer older than me - he is now just a baby to me. and the actors are so young. so that might be the cause of some of my feelings. also i realize that a tv adaption is not going to be identical to the book. but what is tumblr if not a place to vent my frustrations, despite how irrational they may be?
i'll start with the good because there were some things i liked. i thought the actors mostly did a good job. the effects and sets and lighting and design was all very good, visually i think it was great. i like the gods i think theyre mostly well cast. I don't really have many problems with grover.
ok now lets talk about my frustrations. this isn't going to be super organized or logical. first of all, i had a problem with the characterization. most characters were actually not bad, but percy didn't really feel like percy to me. he seemed kinda darker? (whats he gonna be like when its dark!percy time??). like book percy obviously was not happy all the time, but he seemed light and he made jokes and he was a little goofier and i feel like in my mind he smiled more. tv percy kinda just seems sad all the time. and this might be a controversial take, but i feel like they gave some of percy's best traits to annabeth?? like annabeth was the one beefing with ares the most when he showed up. and a lot of the time she'd have a line that seemed so percy like!!! don't get me wrong - i love annabeth and the actress did a really great job! but i feel like she was kinda percy and annabeth at the same time in a way. i missed percy. also hades was different. they made hades fun which is cute but in the first book at least hes supposed to be kinda scary!!! i wasn't scared of hades at all. hades seems like he'd be a fun drinking buddy in this. those aren't the vibes hades should have, at least not at the first meeting.
ok next!!! where is the fun. pjo was such a fun series and i feel like the show has taken on more of a darker outlook! again i realize its a tv show and it was only an 8 ep run so they probably had time constraints, but i miss the fun little scenes that make the books such a fun read! like the "say hello to the poodle" scene ? or the scene where they're telling charon they died in a bathtub? and don't even get me started on the Crusty's bed scene. they just breezed right through that!!!
and thats another thing!!!! in the book they kept figuring things out while they were in the thick of it. which was fine!!! especially for percy - hes brand new to all of this, he has some knowledge but he makes mistakes because he's a kid and he is in a brand new world! and we get to see him and annabeth and grover get out of these tricky situations and figure things out!!! but in the show they know everything basically instantly. like the lotus casino or crustys scheme. i like seeing them make mistakes and fix it!! i don't think i was ever stressed watching this show (good stressed, like suspense stress) which i guess is in part because ive read the books but also because they were never in too terrible a position. and the kronos thing!!! percy knew right away. he was like oh word big pit? must be kronos. he did everything. like that is way too quick for early percy.
and then this is just me being nitpicky but i don't like how they changed things. like the luke betrayal reveal? where was the scorpion. that was so iconic and they just completely scrapped it! i thought it made luke's character kinda scary! like this guy fully just summoned a scorpion to kill percy. instead in the show hes like swinging at percy and percy manages to hurt him. i'm not scared of this luke. young percy, away from the sea, manages to hurt him? little annabeth scares him off? he runs away? ok big man try showing up again we won't be scared. idk it frustrates me.
one more thing before i wrap up the longest (and only) post i've made in ages. Sally Jackson using Medusa's head to turn gabe to stone was SO iconic. and what a great way for her to show us and the world and the gods how powerful she is. like she went from being sally jackson, mother and protector of percy (who was already pretty sick) to Sally Jackson, Capable of Basically Murder in a Super Cool Way!!!!!! i loved that. but in the show they just have gabe snooping and accidentally getting turned to stone? if i had never read the books and was watching this show with no knowledge of the books, i'd think it was just kinda a lazy way to wrap up a loose end. kinda felt like they took sally's power away (i know she divorced him but it doesn't really have the same gravitas).
ok i do have other thoughts but this is so long already and its bedtime. is it weird that i'm worried the younger cast might come across this? they probably won't care what i have to say but incase they do come across my super long post and read it (i would if i was 15 and starred in a show with a built in fanbase), i hope they take it with the biggest grain of salt. bc at the end of the day people like the show, its profitable (i assume), and i'm just a cranky old lady who doesn't like change. most of the changes i understand why they did it and i respect it. i'm just venting here. and you know what? if they release a second season (and third and fourth and fifth) i will be watching.
i guess i just wish they maybe had more episodes, or longer episodes, so they didn't have to rush it as much as (i felt) they did. overall it made people happy so who cares. have a good night tumblr.
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so the mutant mayhem series...
look im happy to get another show and im open to watching it and i will give it a chance.
but some stuff in the trailers really rubs me the wrong way.
april saying "isnt your whole thing a costume" in reference to ...just their bodies is icky and im dissapointed her kinda being mean to them is gonna continue. like- its not an initial shock thing like with 2003 and 2012 april its just "sure we're friends but im gonna call out how different you are even though your WHOLE goal is to fit in and be accepted.". i like her design and her story seems interesting and i hope she gets a real arc unlike a lot of aprils but like- the comments are un-necessary and it feels like shes making fun of them instead of being a supportive friend. [if theres an episode where the guys get fed up and talk to her, possibly having a lesson about expressing to your friends when youre uncomfortable with what they do then ill be overjoyed because that message NEEDS to be in kids shows and it would clarify april just didnt know it bothered them and would tone it down because she doesnt wanna hurt her friends]
in a trailer the others got praise and when it was mikeys turn someone was like "oh what do you do?" and mikey doesnt have a real answer. as a mikey fan i just cannot stand the constant dismissal he gets. if the series is gonna expand on that and take it seriously im totally in though.
i didnt mind the movie artstyle. its not something i enjoy and it kinda gave me a headache in theaters but objectivly there is nothing weong with it and a lot of work and talent was put into it. the show style is...ehhh? i dont like it. i dont hate it. i dont really enjoy the color palette. its not appealing to me and an art style can really change how much i enjoy a show.
and why does leo sound so much older. i cant be the only one hearing that right? like i know thats fairly standard for the shows but the movie had all this hype about the guys sounding and acting their age so???
and structure wise i feel like this is going to feel more like kim possible and spiderman instead of tmnt? cause like ...a HUGE part has always been theyre a secret and they work in the shadows cause theyre ninjas and now theyre just in the open. im ok with change- all franchizes NEED to change and adapt but im not gonna get hopeful till i see it done well int he actual show
speaking of that this is a reminder i by no means think the show will be bad. i want it to be awesome and fun and make its mark like other tmnt shows and films have! i just had to get this off my chest cause it was bothering me. im sure the show WILL be good cause i havent watched a tmnt show i outright disliked yet. the trailers just rubbed me the wrong way.
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dreamsgazer · 1 year
OK SO mine isn't really a request because I have ideas but I can't write so they go nowhere and stay in my head because I'm incapable!!! anyway, I was thinking about a situation where reader and tangerine met on the train and they hit off right away like there's something special between them eheh, like they like each other but turns out that they're both on a mission and have the same goal - so they fight because reader steals the WHATEVER IT IS IDK that's in both their interest and manages to get off the train right under tangerine's nose when he was about to stop them, doing so in a fight reader rips tangerine's necklace, and basically breaks it and ultimately keeps it (and fixes it) . just in case. because they like him. genuinely. in fact she's very sorry for ruining the mission of the twins but it's a matter of life or death sooo rip AND they're also indirectly but maybe directly? the cause of the nasty scar tangerine now has on his neck because he risked his life because of this failed mission. and then I mean we all know what happens canonically but we Dont Care do we.... it's all a scar and a memory in the end.
ANYWAY they finally meet again when they're forced to team up by their handlers for another mission and like tangerine and lemon are mad mad because everyone was about to die on that train!! because of reader!!!! duh. also R feels very guilty because all that has happened / could've happened. and tangerine of course is angry because he was losing his life but also because he kinda was disappointed in their behavior and maybe in himself for trusting so easily a person.. anddd idk maybe there could be some angst because I love it and that's it THIS IS SO DUMB AND LONG I'm sorry I know I'll probably look to this request in a while and cringe so bad. but I'm just curious to see how you would continue it, like what do you think would happen, what are the first things they say to each other, how does it evolve things like that 🥰
of course, if you don't feel like writing anything that's totally fine and don't worry at all❤️❤️
p. s. : im sure ive taken the prompt where reader steals / ruins tangerine's mission from other fics as well so kudos to whoever came up with the idea :)
Dear Anon, first of all, thank you so much for your patience. I’m usually slow to answer, and with things being very busy at work I’m even slower. Please, do not cringe, it was awesome to read your ideas, and I was so happy you sent this message. Thank you so much ❤️ , and I hope you enjoy how this turned out!
A Darling Mess
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" you groan, letting your head hit the wall behind you. The golden necklace glints between your fingers.
You didn't mean to steal it. You really didn't. You didn't mean to run into the Twins and most certainly didn't mean to hook up with the moustached one in one of the bathrooms on that cursed train either.
More accurately, you shouldn't have wanted to hook up with him, but as soon as the two of you had crossed paths in one of the carriages, you knew it was going to happen. And when it happened it was quick and glorious and earth-shaking, and you hoped you were going to see him again. 
Then everything went to shit, you two fought for that damned suitcase - his hands apparently were really good for many different things - and you barely ran away from that train with all your limbs.
Your smartphone buzzes incessantly. It's your handler.
"Where are you?"
It's not like him to sound so distressed.
"Not sure about the exact position, it's an alley near Nagoya station. I think I need a lift."
He tells you about a derailed bullet train and how it seems a lot of people - assassins like you, but still... people - died. One of the Twins as well, according to the info he got. The moustached one. You feel a pang of pain in your chest, which is stupid because he was just a stranger you fucked on a train.
A year has passed. Tokyo has slowly just started to become a mission you will remember with regret for a long time when you find yourself pointing your weapon at Moustache Guy again. While he's doing the same. And his brother is aiming a gun at you as well.
You are more surprised to see him most definitely alive than to have him threatening you.
“You owe me a great deal,” he hisses, low and dangerous “You fucked up our mission, stole my fucking necklace, and almost got me killed. Almost got my brother killed as well! Why shouldn’t I murder you on the spot?”
You frown “First of all, the necklace got caught in my jacket while you were using me as a human punching ball. Second,” you add, eyes only quickly flickering on the huge, angry scar on his neck “one of you is going to kill me for sure, but I can guarantee you I will take the other down with me.”
Anger blazes in his eyes and you push further, adrenaline pumping in your veins “Third, asshole, you and your brother here screwed up since the moment you decided to leave the suitcase and the boy you were supposed to escort unguarded! What utterly morons do that?”
A pause and then you decide to further test your luck “Last but not least, I’m sorry you two almost got killed. I can apologize for my part in that, even if it’s a small one. But I won’t accept you blaming me for the rest, Moustache Boy!”
His nostrils flare, and he glares at you. It’s unfair that he looks even more ravishing with that savagery seeping from him in hot waves. Also, you probably shouldn’t get distracted by that, since the danger of being shot is a very real one.
Lemon’s laughter is short, and he nods at you, interrupting the impasse “This one got quite a temper, uh? I kind of see the fascination with the... situation.”
Tangerine snarls an insult at him, but it carries no real venom. 
In the end, after some calls from your handler and his reminders to the Twins that they have to collaborate with you on this mission and an offer to triple the pay for all of your messed up trio, guns are put away, hands tentatively shaken, and scowls mostly kept under control. 
You know they still blame you for your part in the train debacle. Yet, true to their professional reputation, they carry through the mission. It’s a long one.
Living in such proximity inevitably leads to some kind of tepid intimacy. Lemon is the first one to soften up a bit. He starts to ask you if you want some coffee. He asks you about your favourite book, once he spots you reading it to fight your insomnia. He thanks you after you retrieve a USB pen that will help with the job. And one day he gives you a sticker of some train and tells you that despite everything you are not a Diesel. You are not sure what it means, and Tangerine indeed scoffs at the words, but after that things are a little less tense, between the three of you.
Tangerine slowly stops glaring at you and once he almost compliments your ability in combat, after you knock out a goon that was going to stab him. 
The progress is little but steady, and one night, for a hilarious twist of the events, the moon finds you two looking outside the same window, in the little apartment you have been given as a base.
“I’m sorry you got shot.”
He nods at your words, slightly sniffing and making his moustache move over his very kissable lips. 
“Thanks,” he hesitates before quickly murmuring his own apology about blaming you and only you “I think my ego got a tad hurt realizing you shagged me just because of a honeypot mission.”
“I didn’t,” it's the quiet murmur that gently interrupts his gruff confession. 
He scoffs “I very much think we did it in that bathroom, love.”
“Not that,” you roll your eyes at him “I meant it wasn’t a honeypot mission. I- I did not hook up with you because of work. I didn’t even know you and Lemon were the ones having that cursed briefcase, at the time.”
Tangerine just looks at you, and you look back at him “I have your necklace. It got a bit damaged, but I had a jeweller fix it. I know it’s stupid, but I thought-”
Your voice dies down a bit and you are not really shocked to feel his calloused hand gently cupping your face, making you look at him “What did you think?”
You swallow “I thought I was going to find out where Lemon put your grave and bring the necklace there.”
You feel a tear roll down your cheek, and then another, and another. He kisses them, one by one, his lips lingering on your soft skin, and you sob “I’m so stupidly glad you didn’t die.”
He chuckles against your lips “So am I, my darling.”
You kiss him and he kisses you back, and the morning after Lemon is not surprised to catch you coming out from Tangerine’s bedroom.
Sensing your hesitation, he winks at you “Glad it happened. Be good to him, ya?”.
And of course, you nod back, with all your heart.
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whore-mel · 6 months
You slowly wake up. Your head is aching and your throat is sore. You look around. Where the fuck were you..? you're in some kind of basement..
"...w-what.." You mumble confused, you don't remember how you got here....
"Well, good morning, sunshine" A voice suddenly says, cutting off your train of thought. You flinch slightly.
"Who's there!?" You ask panicked.
"Behind you, dumbass."The voice says annoyed. You try to turn around, but then you realize that you're tied to a chair. You're even more confused now.
"I'm..tied to a chair.." you mumble.."Who..Who are you!? Did you kidnap me!?" You say angrily, you're slightly scared. The voice sighs and mocks you.
"'diD yUo kiDnaP m-'. NO, If I was the one who kidnapped you, I wouldn't be tied up too, sweetheart." He says annoyed. He sighs again and slouches slightly, you can feel the back of his head hitting yours.
"And do you seriously not remember me? Maybe it's because I don't have my mask and voice modulator on.." He mumbled. You try to think of who it could be. You don't know, honestly. And your brain ain't helping, you don't remember shit from yesterday.
"Uh..no..who are you?" You ask awkwardly, he sighs in annoyance again. 
"Uh..I can't really say.." He responds..you deadpan, that didn't help much did it..?
"...ok?? Well, do you know how we got here..?" You ask, trying to get something..an answer out of him.
"Yeah! And it was your fuckin fault!" He snapped. You frowned slightly, you didn't even know this man and he's accusing you of getting you both stuck here.
"What!? How is it my fault, asshole!?" You asked, annoyed.
"Well, I was trying to kill you. BUT you-" He starts speaking, but you cut him off.
"WHAT!? What do you mean trying to kill me!?" You gasped, you scowl and try to think about it. Then you remember the first half of last night, getting a call at 2 am. 
"HEY! you're that asshole with the knife! Uh.. ghostface! Fuck you!" You yelled at him. He chuckles and sighs again.
"NO, fuck you for getting us here. I was happily chasing you. BUT THEN you decided to act all brave and run out the house into the forest. And you thought it was a great fucking idea to SCREAM IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FOREST late at night, which was really fucking dumb"
He argued back, which did shut you up for a moment. He rolls his eyes, and you stare at the wall Infront of you. Then you smack his head with the back of your head, since y'all are tied back to back.
"OW, The fuck was that for!?" He frowned, and you sighed.
"That didn't explain how I was the one who caused this." You replied with a smirk, kinda happy that you hit him. He mumbles something under his breath.
"Your screaming caused them to notice us and capture us, sweet cheeks" He rolled his eyes. You're now even more confused, and annoyed.
"Who's them..?" You softly asked. He groans and smacks your head with his. You frown.
"You're dumb. But think of the worst person you could imagine." He nods with a smirk. You gasp in shock and horror.
"We were kidnapped by cannibals!?" You screeched (like a pterodactyl, caw caw)
"OW, my fuckin ears, sweet cheeks. Lower that tone. But no. It's worse." He slowly nods again. You gasp once more.
"Is..is it..Satan!? We were kidnapped by the devil!?" You gasped. He sighs, annoyed.
"If I kidnapped us, why would I be tied up, love? Think logically" He shakes his head in annoyance. You deadpan and roll your eyes.
"You're not-"
"YES I AM! IM THE DEVIL!" He yells at you. You didn't even finish the goddamn sentence. You grimaced and sighed.
"Tell me who kidnapped us!" You argued, getting fed up with his childish behavior.
"Fine..we were kidnapped by.."
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gaycrittercentral · 1 year
Im curious and new to the fandom what are Sam and max's personalitys I don't understand them really much but I like the characters! Do you have any tips to help..? A easier way to understand their dynamic
Oh hi welcome to the fandom bud!! :D hmmmm let’s see, how can I summarize these two dumbasses…well, the show bible is a fantastic place to start if you’d like to hear from the creator himself! There’s a lot of really interesting stuff in there, including a page or two that goes into detail about both of their personalities. Really neat stuff!
But let’s see, if I had to summarize them…well, I guess I’d put it under a cut cause I’m gonna ramble a bit lol
I guess I’d say that they’re just a couple of lunatics who enjoy doling out their slanted version of justice and accompanying it with their constant banter. They’ve been best friends and partners in crime ever since they were children (and in fact still have tons of baby photos framed around their office lmaooo) and it shows. They’re often described as having their own language, and they have incredible physical comfort with each other, with Sam frequently seizing Max to fling him at people or use him like a weapon (Max likes this, notably) and Max occasionally using his partner like a cat tree. And while they like to poke fun at and do slapstick on each other frequently, it’s clear that they’re incredibly close and really care for each other. Also they’re gay as fuck lmaooooo canon just doesn’t know it
Ooh here’s something I think gets misinterpreted a lot! Sam is not as reasonable and moral as he might seem. He just looks that way in comparison to Max, but he is honestly just as deranged in a lot of ways. He just hides it behind his carefree cadence and friendly smile lmao. It’s the kind of thing where if you ignore what he’s actually saying, he sounds calm and friendly and nice, but then you tune back in and realize he’s suggesting they wrap Max in tinfoil and stick him in a microwave for fun, or casually threatening some bizarre form of violence against something. I think it’s best summarized by this meme lmaooo
Tumblr media
That said, he is still the more reasonable of the two of them, and probably the only one capable of feeling guilt or shame. It’s just that hanging out with Max kind of obliterates any chance of those feelings sinking in for long.
Oh and for Max, one thing I think is good to remember is that despite his frequent zero braincell behavior, he does in fact have a decent amount of intelligence. Which is kind of frightening, actually. He’s not as verbose as Sam, or at least doesn’t like to be, but he’s got smarts enough to make witty jokes and concoct his own plans and whatnot. He’s just also a goblin who likes clobbering people with flyswatters and would totally eat pizza off the floor lmao.
Conversely, Max isn’t exactly as deadly as he claims to be, either. Like, he’s still an absolute terror, but I think it’s important to remember that all one really has to do to keep him at bay is push his head away lmaoooo he arms too dang short
Ok but that’s all a bit in the weeds, so let’s see…basically, Sam is a cheerful goof who would really like to be a cool film noir detective, but is too busy having fun to keep up a serious facade for long. And Max is an irrepressible scamp who just likes to cause trouble and get into fights and wander around aimlessly. Sam does have his own weird sense of justice that he wants to uphold, but Max is kinda just happy to be along for the ride, and both of them are really only fighting crime and solving cases because it’s fun for them. And they’re a little codependent. Lmao.
Ooh, y’know what else has some really great analyses of these guys across different incarnations of the series? @h-worksrambles’s excellent discussions of their voices! Here’s the one they wrote on Max and his voice actors over time, and here’s the one on Sam. There’s a bit in the latter one where they talk about how Sam has a sort of shallowly-hidden temper that tends to burst forth on occasion, which I had never really given a lot of thought to but that I feel has deepened my understanding and enjoyment of his character! Definitely check those out, they’re a great read. :>
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liauditore · 9 months
Pssst if you’re still doing the shipping bingo, how would team rancher/solidaritek fill your bingo board?
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ok but.. real talk i think ranchers is like. my number two "I actually ship this no strings or footnotes attached" ship right after ethubs.
I am usually not one to be moved by ships that are just "they are fun and healthy together and love eachother" but oh GOD the ranchers. See I think the thing is they just.. make sense for eachother even if you don't expect it until the point they realise they're soulmates.
Jimmy's situation has been talked about to hell and back at this point but Tango is also very out of his element in the life series. He says himself that pvp is not his specialty and he doesn't have the time or resources to make his skill set shine. So he ends up either somewhat ignored or outcasted for most of the games. (<-- fyi fun fact this is where the whole 'mech pilot tango' idea came from lol. i feel like he'd have a dva-style mech outside of the life series)
In particular i LOVE his relationship with team BEST and I NEED desperately to talk abt it more. the way he's constantly talked over by his own teammates, intimidated, asked to sacrifice his own lives for their sake, "tango's Easy", etc. etc.
‘Cause inside, nothing’s fine It should be clear to prying eyes But I won’t let the feelings See the light So tell me, why should I even try? I’m frozen away in time
(Koala, Will Stetson)
They both have this habit of hiding their own insecurities behind a facade of boisterousness, but no matter how much either of them puff out their chests and raise their voices, their message of "please take me seriously" never seems to get through.
The Ranchers are just.. two losers against the world. and they inspire confidence within the other that they can't find in themselves. and yes the world forces them apart but you can Feel that influence they've had on one another in the background.
Guess I went and caved I wonder, is there another way? Because I want to believe That one day I’ll be okay So now, I’ll give it another try I can finally see with a clearer mind Even if the bumps in the road Might try to stop me, Still it’ll be alright Keeping it inside Isn’t clearing up the sky So you tighten your hand in mine Following the light like a cute Koala Laughing in stride
Plus I, uh... Unhinged but I have this thing with the life smp where there's this running theme throughout the story about how it doesn't really matter who wins or who dies first.
Because for every epic battle and every tear-jerking death there was fun and laughter and stupid, trivial drama before and in between and those little moments may not be as memorable or written down in history but they're what makes the series enjoyable. Yes, we're all gonna die, but isn't it cool that we laughed with eachother and made dumb jokes and adopted a frog and said "I love you" on the way there?
j-just like real life. life smp. evangelion moment im sorry
Though both of us will die one day Though this life is useless anyway When you’re here by my side, you make me feel like it’ll be okay And yet we laughed despite it all At this life which has no meaning at all Two lonely and broken souls leaning on each other’s sides I’m glad that you’re you, that I’m me, and for us two I’m kinda glad that you’re evil too When the day starts anew, hope I spend it with you I’m glad that I fell in love with you
(I'm Glad You're Evil Too, Rachie/Anthong translyrics)
The Ranchers epitomize that.
They are doomed. They both know this, I think. Neither of them can fight, they're left begging for scraps by session 2, no one on the server takes either of them seriously and they lost a life literally like 10 minutes into the first episode.
But they built a home together, raised livestock, stood up for eachother. and they were happy together.
and isn't that what really matters?
and neither of them are even aware of how much they really meant to the other one. the game ends. tango tells jimmy to go home. go. they certainly don't break up to the extent of Some Other Pairings In This Series but i like to think tango distances himself, thinking jimmy would be happier with his friends and not stuck with him. jimmy thinks the same. but they still wave hi and call eachother rancher and now they're running a salad restaurant together or something i guess.
It's just.. everything that gets the two of them condemned and made fun of in their other relationships is what's Celebrated in theirs. They can just be themselves, mistakes and silliness and imperfections at all, with no pressure to perform amazing feats and make amazing stuff and I think that's great.
um yeah i like ranchers.
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intertexts · 5 days
- they actually rerecorded this episode. bizly wanted dakotas lesson to be strategy so ORIGINALLY they were fucking. playing chess. for two hours. according to charlie "they had chess dot com open. I don't know where condi was but I was physically prone on the other side of my room like hiding behind something" SO THEY HATED IT. AND THEN RERECORDED IT AND ENDED UP WITH THIS.
- DAKOTA IS OFFICIALLY 18. HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAY. really funny that this happens in the hyperbolic time chamber where time in the real world doesn't actually move.
- grizzly: "in the beginning were you guys told to tell me that you were quitting the Prime defenders?"
condi: "no, not at all. that just came out naturally I think"
charlie: "I was so sad to see how heartbroken dakota got at that"
condi: "I mean vyncent doesn't really... get it. a lot of hardship has come from being the prime defenders I don't think he sees it as worth all that. dont worry i dont think this is a permanent state of mind for vyncent, hes a malleable little boy, but its where hes at right now. itll change with time but right now hes a little jaded"
charlie: "williams whole plan was, now that he's basically wisp-free and given a new lease on life (< side note. phrase that causes me harm specifically) his plan was to find a way to return this smoke soul and help save ashe and then after that.. who knows"
- dakota ended that scene with "I never wanted to do it alone" and that's what gave him the idea to have them help him with the boulder. he didn't want to do it alone
- the only reason william is still here at all is because of dakota and vyncent. if they weren't here he would've been gone ages ago
- chaos beano :]
- cue anime talk for like 10 minutes. prime defenders the weeb podcast ever <3
- OK AWESOME. BIZLY TALKING ABOUT THE CHAOS DEMON: "the way it kinda works is like... the chaos demon lost all sense of personality. yknow it was a soul at one point, but the longer you're in a place like where he was, you just lose what makes you you. imagine you're in a place where people are screaming all the time and you don't even know if the screams are coming out of your own mouth and it's just eternal nothing and everything (< horrifying!). and then when he latched onto you, dakota, it became like feeding off of your negative emotions"
- "What is dakotas worst fear personified? Who is dakota afraid of the most?"
grizzly DOES NOT ANSWER THIS >:| however he does say "it was a really good choice to show him the fall right away. had he not turned into le frog I think I would've played dakota a lot more serious. but because it went from the fall to doug to le frog *then* to ashe, I think it just pissed him off more than it scared him"
- "people try to scare us by looking like ashe a lot"
"okay, no, its only been TWO people and one of them IS ASHE."
- charlie: "yeah I was nervous about that encounter considering I looked at my sheet and all I have is a chainsaw and a shotgun in the middle of an active volcano"
- charlie slime has put together a william playlist it's it's my life mission to find it now. I found the ashe playlist I can do this. I need to judge his music taste.
- theyre talking about jason dying in one of the big darkstar battles and everything and grizzly goes "wow it's crazy how dakota was there and saw all of that"
HELP THAT'S SO FUNNY. frankly i would love to see the two hour chess hell session that's so funny to me oh my god. ALSO DAKOTA 18 WHOOOO he can get shot now!!! great!!
literally took so much psychic damage over the quitting the prime defenders talk. head in hands. im so ill over them... oh boy can't wait to see william stay wisp free and enjoy his new lease on life and be a normal uneventful teenager again !! im sure thats what the next few episodes are about!! ^__^;;
but mac he's literally an angel with a shotgun fighting til the wars done!! he wants to live not just survive!!!
prime defenders weeb podcast of all time... were they talking about one piece. thats my guess. one piece & dragon ball. also the more they talk about chaos demons the worse it is!!! fucked up!!! especially with the new knowledge from the oneshot etc! can't wait for someone to get tossed in there!!
all he has is a chainsaw and a shotgun in the middle of an active volcano.... i love u william wisp. god. also PLAYLIST... good luck finding it....
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theslay3d · 2 years
hi can u make some percy x child of hades hc ??
Percy Jackson x Child of Hades!reader
Gender:Gender Neutral
Warnings: None i think
A/N ok so this is like my first head cannons that I've done so im sorry if this sucks. I might redo it one day when im better at it. Also wasn't sure if its supposed to be romantic but it is sorry.
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+Starting this off with the fact he's lowkey scared of you at first. Not scared but like intimidated by your powers.
+Likee idk if you've seen the headcanon of Bianca being able to turn invisible but you can do that with your powers. Which freaks him out when you sneak up on him. 
+You also use that power to prank the Ares cabin with him. You're usually not one for pranks or anything but Percy always ends up talking you into it.
+As i said before he was a little intimidated at first cause you had this super scary glare on your face the whole time you met him. You didn't mean to it was just your natural face and you were kinda tired so. 
+You were also good with a sword which leads to lotsss of sparring sessions together. Which usually ends up with one of you hurt and having to go to the infirmary.
+You were also close with Annabeth which means you and her usually end up talking about all the stupid stuff Percy does which surprisingly doesn’t get him killed.
+I would say it's like a sun and moon relationship but you both are pretty dark. Percy can be happier sometimes but still it's more like Moon and Stars.
+He loves baking, especially his mom's baking so sometimes when he's missing her you'll shadow travel(takes lots of energy but worth it) to her house to get some of the stuff she baked for him. He's always so happy when he gets it his eyes light up like a puppy
+One time he really wanted to dye a streak of his hair blue but wanted you to also get a streak of color which ended up with both of you having a different streak of color in your hair. 
+You also use your powers to scare him a lot but it's usually after he scares you. 
+You guys also sneak out of camp to get pizza one time you tried to doordash it but that didn't end well.
+He's super nice to you also like at first I feel like it was definitely playful banter yet also a little enemies till you got to know each other more.
+You both definitely try to out power each other in battle like. Oh you're raising some dead people? Percy’s gonna make a little hurricane around him. It's all playful but you both compare how many monsters you killed after battle. 
+You like to read a lot. Most demigods do have dyslexia but you don't so you are able to read a lot without struggle. Percy always listens to your rants about the characters and the stuff going on with a smile on his face.
+He loves listening to your voice so if you are deeply interested in a topic he'll listen to you rant for hoursss. 
+You don't go outside much as you're not very social and lots of campers are kinda afraid of you but Percy will encourage you to go outside and if you don't want to he’ll gladly stay in either one of your cabins and just watch movies or something. 
+If you're more of an affectionate person Percy's always there to hug you or hold hands whatever you want but if you're not he’ll wait for you to hold his hand or hug but he’ll usually always be locking pinkies with you.
+Skin care nights though. You both dedicate a night towards doing skin care and stuff especially if you've both had a rough week like him putting a face mask on you AHHH.
+Painting each other's nails omg. Percy usually has some sort of blue/green color on his nails and you'll usually have some sort of dark color especially black. Anyway i think that he will have his ring finger painted to the color you have on your nails and you'll have his color on your ring finger. Idc if this is cliche let me simp and die at this
+Matching bracelets is a yes you got him one with seashell charms and he got you one with skulls on it. I love matching couple things 
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