#ok no but seriously i REALLY am going to need to hear your thoughts on mammals too i think i will combust otherwise
artistfingers · 1 year
me: i'm just- i'm just gonna peak at mammals. just a little peak to assess where it falls in the timeline.
the summary: alex is in JAIL and he thinks that he's DEAD and yassen just made this HIS problem.
also it takes place after "scorpia rising"
me: *breathing intensifies* *looks at book 9 intensely* ... yassen pov my beloved
*heavy breathing* hey. hi. hey. i really really need you to read scorpia rising and russian roulette and also mammals. i'm so normal about all of these things. like sooooo normal sosososooso normal not weird about them at all
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yoongiseesawmp3 · 1 year
cupid - seungcheol (m)
summary: brother’s best friend!seungcheol. you move in with your brother joshua while you look for a new place, so you finally meet his best friend and roommate seungcheol. you’ve only heard stories, so you’re not prepared for the good looks or the charm that he constantly exudes. after a really bad date, you need someone to save you, and with joshua mia, seungcheol comes to the rescue.
word count: 9.3k
warnings: smut!!! afab reader. unprotected sex. gendered terms (pretty girl, reader referred to as sister/sis). thigh riding. a little oral (m receiving).
“jesus, how many boxes do you have?” joshua complains as you hand him another box of books to lug into his apartment. 
“only a couple more,” you tell him. “these are all the things i couldn’t fit in storage.”
“get a bigger unit next time,” your brother grumbles as you start the walk back into his building. 
“no,” you say stubbornly, and you can almost hear him roll his eyes. “why did you park so far away?”
“why are you complaining!” he shrieks. “i’m doing something very nice for you! be grateful!” 
“i am,” you say as you rush to open the door for him, and he quietly thanks you. “seriously, you don’t know how much this is helping me, big bro. i was about to have a breakdown trying to find a place before my old lease ended.”
“i heard,” joshua laughs. “mom called me the other week and told me to check on you, she thought you were losing it.”
“yeah, well,” you sigh, “if i had to deal with those roommates any longer i was going to.”
“so you’re looking for a place by yourself?” joshua asks as the elevator dings. he lets you go in first, reminding you of what floor to press before you respond.
“yeah, i can finally afford one, so i figured it would be nice to have my own space.”
“i can understand that,” he nods.
“you happy living with your roommates?” you ask. “not ready to give up your frat boy days from college?”
“shut up,” he says. “not all of us got good jobs right after graduation. i need roommates if i wanna live in this area.”
“and remind me of their names again?” you ask, the elevator stopping on your floor. you let joshua go first, following him down the hall and trying to remember the unit number.
“well there’s seungcheol, or cheol,” josh starts. “you haven’t met him yet, he’ll be home later.” he unlocks the door and lets you in as he goes on. “and then mingyu-”
“i remember him,” you say happily, glad to know there’ll be a familiar face here.
“and i remember the little crush you used to have on him,” joshua smiles evilly. 
“i did not!”
“hm, you sure?”
“swear on your life.”
“whatever,” he laughs. “anyway, he’s got a girlfriend now, and we haven’t seen him here for longer than a couple hours since they started dating. so you can stay in his room until you find a place.”
“oh no, i couldn’t-”
“he doesn’t mind,” joshua waves you off, your box placed ungracefully on the floor. “seriously, he doesn’t even keep his stuff here anymore. it won’t be an issue.”
“if you say so,” you sigh. “ok, one more trip?”
“nope,” joshua shakes his head before laying on the couch. “you’ve used up all your favors for today.”
“what a helpful brother you are,” you deadpan. “give me the keys. i’ll go get the rest of my stuff. alone!” 
“sounds good!” josh replies, tossing his keys to you dangerously. “don’t get lost!” 
“no promises!” you shout back, locking the door behind you as you go. you thankfully don’t have much left to bring up, so you’re able to grab a majority of your things this trip. what’s left you can get later, because you’re exhausted. now that you know you have a bed and not an air mattress to sleep on, the idea of laying down is becoming more and more appealing. only problem with you grabbing so many things is now you can’t open the door on your own. thankfully, a guy who must live here too rushes over to hold it for you, nodding when you thank him for the help. he catches the elevator for you both before it closes, sticking his arm out so the doors won’t close in on you as you bring your things inside.
“what floor?” he asks, and you start to reply when you see your floor already selected.
“oh, you’ve got it already,” you tell him, and he nods. end of the conversation, it seems, until you get to the floor and start walking in the same direction. you slow down, waiting for him to maybe turn off at a different door, but, yep, he’s unlocking the door to joshua’s apartment. you stand in the hallway stunned for a moment before you go up and knock the door, not wanting to dig for the keys now that your hands are full. mystery man comes to the door, and you stutter out a greeting.
“don’t tell me you lost my keys already,” joshua calls from within the apartment, and the man, who must be seungcheol, looks between you both.
“you’re joshua’s sister?” he asks, and you nod. he steps aside, letting you in, as he says, “sorry, i didn’t realize. i’m seungcheol.”
“i pieced that together,” you smile. “nice to meet you. thanks for letting me stay here a while.”
“no problem,” he replies. “joshua didn’t really give us a choice anyway.”
“josh you said they were fine with me being here!” you whine, looking for your brother, who pops his head out of the kitchen with a smirk. 
“he’ll get used to it. you hungry, y/n?”
“i can eat,” he shrugs, eyeing you carefully as you put your things down. josh didn’t say his sister was hot. well, that would be weird. he just didn’t say much about you other than you’re a couple years younger and in need of a place to crash, so the fact that cheol can’t take his eyes off of you is a bit conflicting for the man. he looks away before you can catch him staring, clearing his throat before he says, “um, i’m gonna go wash up.”
“oh, can you show me where the bathroom is?” you ask.
“uh, sure,” cheol says awkwardly, walking down the hall as you follow. he points to one door and says, “that’s joshua’s room, not sure if he said that already. your’s is back there,” he points to a door further down on the right, and then to the door behind you, “that’s your bathroom. you’ll share with your brother.”
“it’s like i’m a kid again,” you joke, and cheol smiles softly. “where’s your room?”
“what?” cheol sputters.
“well is there another bathroom? you said josh and i would share this one, i’m just curious,” you go on. “sorry if i’m prying.”
“no, yeah, um, i have the master suite since i found the place for us,” he explains. “the guys let me have it as a thanks for doing all the apartment hunting.”
“it’s a nice place,” you note, and he hums in agreement. 
“ok, well, um, i’m going,” he says, pointing to his room.
“right, right, sorry,” you say, waving him off. you step into the bathroom to rinse your face off, removing some of the sweat from your long day. you head back out into the kitchen to bother joshua and he looks up as you walk in.
“so how do you like the place?” he questions, and you tell him it’s nice. without looking at you he asks next, “and how do you like cheol?”
“he’s a little awkward, actually,” you reply. “you sure he’s cool with me staying here? i won’t be here long, if it bothers him.”
“he’ll be fine,” josh waves you off. “he may just be tired. looks like he was coming back from the gym so he’ll be better after his nap and a snack. he’s like a toddler.”
“noted,” you laugh. “you need help with anything?”
“nah, you can start unpacking your stuff,” josh says. “i’ll call you when the food’s ready.”
“yeah?” he asks, turning to look at you. 
“thank you for letting me stay here. really.”
“anytime,” he smiles. “just remember we share a bathroom again, so no long ass showers.”
“way to ruin the moment,” you laugh. 
you end up going back to “your” room to change, putting some of your clothes away in mingyu’s empty dresser. he really must spend all his time at that girl’s place, you think. you take your toiletries into the bathroom, squatting in front of the sink so you can arrange them among joshua’s countless bottles. as you’re balancing and trying not to knock over something in an expensive glass bottle, cheol walks down the hallway in a tank top and sweats, water droplets still sticking to his chest. the sight of him booking it takes you by surprise, so you fall onto your ass and shake your head, clearing whatever strange thoughts the sight of a damp seungcheol were bringing to your mind. 
meanwhile, cheol joins joshua in the kitchen, opting to sit at the counter while josh finishes the noodles. he wants to say something about you, but isn’t sure how to bring it up without seeming weird. he also doesn’t have much time before you come out of your room, so cheol just goes for it.
“um, does y/n need help moving anything else, you think?” cheol offers, and josh looks over his shoulder nonchalantly.
“you can ask her,” he shrugs. “i’m tapped out for the night though, so i’m sure she is too.”
“ok,” cheol nods. he starts playing on his phone, not noticing you walking into the kitchen until joshua starts complaining about something.
“what, i can’t drink your water?” you whine back, frustrated that your brother won’t let you have one of the bottles in the fridge.
“because those aren’t mine!” joshua informs you. “they’re cheol’s, so at least as him before you take one.”
“seungcheol, can i please have one of your waters? i can get the next case if you want,” you say as you turn around, and it takes cheol a second to focus. you’re wearing an old concert t shirt (cheol is pretty sure he has that same one) and shorts that are barely there. cheol is distracted by the sight of your thighs on display and it takes his brain a second to catch up, so he nods before he really knows what he’s agreeing to.
“wait, what? you don’t have to buy more water,” he says, finally there. “have as much as you want. joshua’s just weird.”
“you’re telling me,” you say as you hop up onto the counter.
“i hate when you do that,” josh says, turning to you with his hand on his hip. 
“you know when you do that you look just like mom?”
“shut up.”
“oh my god!” cheol interjects with a laugh. “are you two going to bicker all the time?”
“no,” you say in unison. 
“most of the time though,” you add, and joshua scoffs.
“only when y/n annoys me.”
“am i gonna have to play referee for you two?” cheol asks. “my god.”
“sorry,” you apologize. “we’ll cut it out. right josh?”
“whatever,” he mumbles, pulling the pot from the stove. “y/n can you get a pot holder from that drawer under you and put it on the table for me?”
“yeah, hold on,” you say, moving with a quickness. “don’t burn yourself.”
“i’m being careful,” josh says softly, and cheol laughs to himself at how quickly you can go from bickering to caring for each other. you both join him at the counter, you struggling to get into the tall chair. 
“watch it shorty,” he teases, making you blush. 
“oh no, i can’t deal with both of you teasing me,” you scold. “so zip it. i’ve got little legs.”
“hm, it’s cute,” cheol says loud enough for you to hear but quiet enough that josh doesn’t catch it over the sound of shuffling bowls. he passes them out and starts serving you and cheol. “thanks man.”
“yeah thanks mom,” you joke, and josh mumbles an expletive before eating his food.
after eating, you and joshua were both so tired you just went to your rooms. cheol however stayed out in the kitchen, promising he would clean up. instead, he politely snoops through your things, trying to learn more about you through your boxes of junk. he doesn’t touch anything, just looks, so he doesn’t feel that bad about it. he takes note of the books laying on top of one box, jotting down the titles so he can try to find some of them later. he smiles when he sees a soccer jersey falling out of a duffel bag, and he’s about to break his no touching rule when he hears a loud, “HEY!” from the hallway. he jumps at the sound, bumping his elbow on one of the boxes and toppling books over. he whirls around to find you, clad in a baggy sleep shirt with tired eyes watching on in amusement.
“what the hell are you doing?” you question, and cheol tries to stammer out a response.
“i uh, i saw a bug,” he lies, and you nod. 
“hm, i thought josh would keep his house cleaner than that,” you judge. 
“i’m the pig in this relationship, it’s probably my fault,” cheol says as he follows you back into the kitchen. “couldn’t sleep?”
“no, i’m still hungry,” you grumble. “the noodles were my only meal today.”
“you need to eat more,” cheol scolds and you wave him off as you open the fridge.
“whose lunchable is this?” you ask over your shoulder.
“look at me,” cheol gestures. “do i look like i eat those?” you stare maybe a little longer and harder than you should, prompting cheol to ask, “find something else you like?”
“what? no,” you shake your head. “i should’ve known it was my brother’s. he lived off of these for a month when he was younger.”
“really?” cheol chuckles. “what was joshua like as a kid?”
“hm, angelic?” you say sarcastically, hopping back up on the counter like you were earlier. you start eating your lunchable as you keep talking. “he was the perfect one and i was the biter.”
“the biter?” 
“i bit so many kids i almost got kicked out of school,” you confirm. “sorry. don’t know why i just told you that. it’s embarrassing.”
“it’s okay,” cheol smiles. “you still like to bite people now?”
“only when provoked,” you say suspiciously. 
“i’ll remember that.”
“so you really don’t mind me staying here?” you ask with cracker crumbs on your lips. cheol finds that captivating, so he keeps his eyes on your lips as he responds.
“i really don’t mind,” he nods. “i’m just happy we could help. josh was worried about you for a while.”
“yeah, well, he never liked my roommates-”
“or the area you were in,” cheol says sternly. “he said it wasn’t safe.”
“oh it wasn’t,” you nod. “but it was cheap.”
“still, you need to be careful,” cheol tells you.
“didn’t know i was signing up for a bonus brother by staying here,” you tease.
“i’m not being a bonus brother, i’m simply a concerned citizen,” he says, hand over his heart. you fall silent while you finish eating, and cheol does his best to commit your form to memory. he wants you to be embedded in his eyelids when he lays down and closes his eyes tonight, and he only feels bad for a nanosecond that he feels this way about his friend’s baby sister. 
“ok, well, thank you for the company,” you say as you look for the trashcan. 
“under the sink,” cheol says, anticipating what you were looking for and keeping his eyes on you still. “all good?” he asks when you’ve thrown everything away, and you nod. “alright, well, good night.”
“night seungcheol,” you say with an awkward wave as you go back to your room. when you’re halfway down the hall you hear cheol call your name, so you turn to find his eyes smiling at you.
“call me cheol, i like that better.”
“oh, ok. night cheol,” you try again, and he happily nods. 
when you wake up the next morning, you hear someone in the kitchen and assume joshua must be up and about. you wrap a blanket around yourself, laughing at the fact that mingyu has a pink fuzzy blanket in his room. you make your way into the kitchen, ready to complain about how cold you were last night. 
“dude, are you rich or something? why’d you run the ac all-” you stop short, staring at cheol’s bare back. he looks back at you, hair ruffled, and has the audacity to smirk. “sorry. thought you were josh.”
“he’s still asleep,” cheol replies, and you consider just going back to your room to hide until you’re sure your brother is out here as a buffer. with his back to you still, he asks, “do you want eggs?”
“uh, sure?”
“are you?” cheol laughs, turning around to face you fully. you’re doing your best to keep your eyes on his face, but when he crosses his arms over that broad chest of his you falter. “i promise i won’t put anything weird in em.”
“that’s reassuring,” you say with a yawn, letting the blanket fall slightly as you cover your mouth. cheol sees your sleep shirt again, this time stretched out from your movements as you slept, and he wonders for a moment if it would look like that after he uses it to pull you closer and- “do you mind if i make coffee?”
“go for it,” cheol says, grateful for the distraction from where his mind was going. “machine’s over there.”
“thanks,” you mumble, half asleep still. you stand in front of the coffee maker for a moment, brain processing what you need to get first.
“you need me to find the instruction manual?” cheol asks, watching you the whole time you were standing there. 
“make your eggs cheol.”
you empty the coffee grounds that were still in the bucket, then take a fresh filter from the stack on the counter. you move around cheol to fill the pot with water, making sure there’s enough for you all to have a cup if you want. after pouring the water in, you notice you’re missing one crucial thing. you check the counter, nothing. you try the drawers below you, then the cabinets below those. still nothing. you move to the pantry and spend a moment frustratedly moving things around in search of coffee and you come up empty once again. as you turn around to look everywhere once again, you almost jump out of your skin seeing cheol so close, watching you with an amused look in his eyes.
“jesus, you scared me,” you gasp.
“i’ll wear a bell next time,” he jokes. “looking for something?”
“the coffee, where do you keep it? please don’t tell me you’re out,” you whine, and cheol just smiles. 
“you can find it on your own, i believe in you.”
“what? no, tell me.”
“and why should i do that?” cheol asks seriously. 
“i don’t know, because i’m cute?” you joke. 
“yeah, you are,” cheol says, holding your gaze, quirking an eyebrow to challenge you. you swear you would deck him if he wasn’t so handsome. you whirl around to look in the pantry again before you hear cheol’s deep voice just barely say “colder.”
you look at him suspiciously, and he’s back to cooking the eggs. he’s keeping one eye on you though, sneaking looks at you and trying not to smile at how ridiculously cute you are being so frustrated over this. he prompts you with a few more “cold”/”colder” clues before you whine in exasperation.
“but i already checked over here,” you complain, back in front of the machine. “i’ll just go get coffee, forget this-” 
you reach out to turn the coffee maker off, and cheol mumbles “warmer.” your ears perk up, so you move your hand around the counter to get a clue. finally you lift your hand toward the cabinet above the coffee maker, and cheol says you’re getting warmer. 
“hot,” he says as you finally open the cabinet, “hotter, hotter than you are, hottest, you’re on fire! be careful!” he continues, even though you’ve found the coffee and you can now finish the pot you were making. “well that took a while.”
“because someone was being childish,” you chastise him, and cheol smiles like he just won the lottery.
“but it was fun!”
“why didn’t you like that place?” joshua asks as you leave another perfectly fine apartment. 
“there’s no dog park,” you reply, and your brother groans. loudly.
“you don’t even HAVE a dog,” he complains.
“but i want one! i can’t have a dog if there’s no where for it to go!”
 “come on y/n, that place was nice!” joshua tries hyping it up for you. “there was so much space, way too many closets which is good for you and all your junk, and that view was amazing.”
“the view was really nice,” you concede, and josh bumps shoulders with you as you keep walking toward his apartment.
“plus it’s walking distance from me,” he smiles. “so you can bother me whenever you want.”
“that is a plus.”
“and it means you’re close to cheol too...”
“what?” you stop and look at him, and he laughs.
“i’m just saying. it’d be easy for you to visit. doesn’t matter who you’re visiting.”
ignoring joshua’s insinuations, you go back to discussing the apartment you just saw. if you wanted to apply you needed to move fast, but you were nervous. joshua listened intently as you aired all your worries, and like the good big brother he is he calmly countered each ridiculous thought with logic and only a few jokes. by the time you were walking down his hallway, you were convinced that you’d found your apartment. you grab your laptop from mingyu’s room and start working on the application, joshua peering over your shoulder every once in a while to help you decipher what it’s asking for. you’re thankful for the help, and you turn to ask him another question and almost jump out of your skin.
“jesus, make some noise next time,” you gasp, seeing shirtless cheol behind you again. he was leaning over the couch, close enough that his chin could almost lean on your shoulder. 
“whatcha doin?” he asks with a cheshire cat-like grin.
“applying for an apartment,” you inform him, and you’re not sure but you think his face falls just slightly. “do you ever wear shirts at home?”
“why, is that a problem for you?” he asks. you feel like a goldfish, closing and opening your mouth like an idiot trying to decide how to respond.
“y/n?” joshua laughs as he comes back from the bathroom to see you mooning over his roommate. “you good?”
“i’m being heckled,” you finally reply, and cheol laughs. 
“i asked if she needed help, sorry if that’s heckling now,” he says as he moves away from the couch.
“it is when your tits are out,” you grumble, scrolling back to the page you were working on. cheol made you mess up, but don’t tell him that.
“not like you haven’t seen them before, sweets!” cheol teases, and joshua looks between you both in amusement.
“you’ve been staring at his tits, y/n?” 
“no, he just never has clothes on apparently,” you defend yourself. “he was shirtless this morning when we had breakfast too.”
“you had breakfast together?” joshua asks, looking to just cheol now. he had told josh he slept in today and that you must have made the mess in the kitchen. why didn’t he say he ate with you?
“we were in the same room when we ate, yeah,” cheol nods. joshua leaves it at that, mostly because you start whining about something you don’t understand on your application. he rejoins you at the couch and cheol goes to his room, silently cursing himself for letting josh catch him so easily. he didn’t want your brother knowing he was catching feelings, so he’ll have to play it cool from now on. 
speaking of being cool, the boys keep this apartment too cold. after your first freezing night, you wore more clothes to bed thinking that would keep you warm. unfortunately, you don’t know where your hoodies are, so you had to make do. so when you wake up in the middle of the night shivering, you stomp out of your room to go bang on your brother’s door. just as you’re raising your fist to bang on his door, you hear cheol’s open down the hallway.
“you again?” you groan, not missing the fact that cheol still isn’t wearing a shirt. “how are you not freezing?”
“i am,” he replies, and you fall silent. “i was getting up to change the thermostat.” 
“and you were..?”
“gonna complain about it to my brother?” you say sheepishly, making cheol laugh.
“joshua is the one that keeps it so cold, he would just tell you to go back to bed,” he tells you as he walks toward the thermostat. “you know you technically live here. you can adjust this if you want.”
“i know,” you nod, watching cheol move it to an acceptable temperature. 
“so why didn’t you?” he asks.
“i uh, didn’t think about it.”
“that, and i don’t...know..how to use it...” you mumble, hoping cheol drops it.
“you don’t know how to use a thermostat?” he teases with that perpetual smirk he seems to always wear around you.
“no, and at this point in my life i think it’s too late to learn,” you say. “thank you for fixing it tonight, hopefully i won’t wake up frozen in the morning.”
you try to turn and head back to bed, but cheol grabs you by the back of your shirt and pulls you toward his warm chest. he places an arm around you lightly, turning you so you’re staring at the thermostat, trying very hard to ignore cheol’s direct stare as he speaks again.
“it’s easy sweets, just push this notch,” he demonstrates, “then push the up and down buttons to change the temperature. this is good for when you want it to be cool, but if you want to clean out my wallet you can keep it a couple degrees cooler.” he finishes and turns his head back toward you again, and you notice just how close he is. you’re afraid of moving, of speaking, but cheol takes care of that for you. “any questions?”
“yeah, can you move your arm?” you whisper. 
“no,” he whispers back. “why are you whispering?”
“because i’m scared?” cheol looks at you confused. “i’m afraid you’re gonna put me in a headlock.”
“you want me to?” he laughs, finally stepping back to give you some space. “do you need extra blankets or anything?”
“ah, no,” you reply. “i wanted to find my box of hoodies but i have no idea where it is, so the blankets in mingyu’s room will be fine.”
“you need a hoodie?” cheol asks, and without giving you a chance to respond he disappears into his room. he comes out with a mound of blue fabric in his hands before pushing it into your arms. “use this.”
“no, i can’t-”
“take it,” he says firmly. “or i’ll be forced to keep you warm myself.” at the sound of that threat, you hastily pull the hoodie on before thanking cheol and ducking back into your room for the night. he stands out in the hallway, smiling to himself.
you’re busy for a few days after that, finally settled at your brother’s place and able to focus back on work and finding back up apartments if the other place falls through. you’re not home much, and by the end of the week joshua sits you down to convince you that you need to go out. 
“josh, i’ve had such a long week,” you start to justify. “i don’t wanna go out this weekend. i’m afraid i’d fall asleep at the club.”
“no, no, i didn’t mean anything like that,” he clarifies. “i think you need to go on a date.”
“why?” you ask, a little shocked. joshua never cared about your love life, mostly just judging from afar (and sometimes not so afar). you tend to keep that part of your life private anyway, so it’s not like you let joshua be a part of it outside of obligatory meet the partner nights with your family.
“i don’t know,” he shrugs, “i just think you’d enjoy it. i actually have this friend-”
“oh god, please don’t do this-” you start to complain, afraid josh is about to set you up with cheol.
“no, no, hear me out,” josh continues. “he’s your age, he’s sweet, he’s cute i guess, and i think you’d really like him.”
“so i’m guessing you have all of this planned?” you ask, and joshua smiles.
“be ready tomorrow at 8. he’s picking you up, and i’ll be at jeonghan’s if you want to bring him back-”
“don’t say that please,” you request, holding your hand up. “i’ll go on the date but i don’t wanna hear my brother insinuate i’m gonna have sex at his apartment.”
“i didn’t say anything, you’re the one that insinuated,” joshua laughs as he gets up, passing behind you and kissing the top of your head as he goes to his room. “you’re gonna have a great time, sis.”
despite not wanting to go on this date, you were nervous. you don’t want to make a fool of yourself in front of this guy, because he’s friends with your brother and anything embarrassing will be brought to joshua and used to ridicule you for the rest of your life. you also don’t wanna write this guy off before you meet him, because he could be nice. maybe.
that fire is quickly put out when you actually meet the guy. his name is chan, but he claims josh and all their friends call him dino. you wanted to ask why, but you were afraid of the answer. you just smiled politely and tried to lock up quickly, hoping that the faster you move the quicker this date will be over. 
at the sound of the front door closing, cheol is stirred from his nap. he didn’t have any big plans, but he had gone to the gym earlier and exhausted himself so he thought he deserved some rest. he assumed the door sound meant you or joshua was home, but after checking he realized it was just him. he wonders for a moment if he should check on you, but he decides against it. instead he takes a shower and starts working on dinner, choosing a chill night to rest since he has the place to himself. 
meanwhile, your date is going horribly. first of all, chan was super awkward walking with you to his car, and then he didn’t speak much on the ride to dinner. oh, well, he did, except that was only his road rage coming out. you heard this man say more cuss words in a fifteen minute car ride than you’ve heard from anyone else all year. he’s said fuck more times than he’s said your name, and quite frankly you’re not confident he knows what it is. 
once you get to the restaurant, chan basically leaves you in the car. you’re not a damsel in distress, you don’t need a man to open your door for you, but it would be nice if the man you’re on a date with would at least wait until you’re out of the car to head toward the restaurant. you make it to the curb and don’t know where chan has gone until he pops out of the restaurant asking an annoyed, “you coming?”
once you’re seated, things don’t get much better. the waitress is pretty, and she’s obviously more interested in chan than you are. you’ve given up on the date by this point, but you think you can get a free meal out of it, so you keep suffering. when he’s not flirting with the waitress, chan is mansplaining to you and gesturing so wildly you’re afraid he’s going to knock everything off the table. he tries asking you questions but keeps talking over you, and when he does let you speak he either looks offended or checks his phone. before your appetizers come, you’re ready to leave.
“what did i do to deserve this?” you text joshua as you half listen to chan describe the most boring thing in the most cocky way possible. you hope joshua will respond, but there’s nothing. 
“are you mad at me? is that why you tricked me into going on the worst date of my life?” you text again, and still no response. 
“hey, that’s kind of rude,” chan says, and you can feel your blood start to boil.
“weren’t you on your phone when i was talking earlier?” you ask in disbelief, and he shakes his head. 
“no, i wasn’t. because that’s rude,” he repeats. you want to groan and slam your head on the table, but you refrain. “whatever. i’m going to the restroom, text away.”
that you do. you keep texting joshua, trying to annoy him into responding, but he stands tall. whatever he’s doing is more important that your horrible night. you have an infinite list in your mind of things that you would rather be doing right now, so you understand josh’s disinterest.
speaking of disinterest, you look up to find chan and see him leaned over the bar talking to another waitress. this time she’s way into it, hand on his arm and phone out to take down his number. you watch as he types it in, then pull out a barstool and take a seat. now you do groan, and without leaving the table you call your brother, ready to beg for a ride back home. 
“come on, pick up, pick up please,” you mumble, hoping beyond hope that joshua will be your knight in shining armor. you get his voicemail and leave behind some choice words before slamming your phone down on the table, frustrated tears threatening to fall. you’re still new to this part of town, so your brother is your only lifeline right now. you don’t trust your ability to walk home without getting snatched, and you know that calling any of your friends would mean sitting here for at least an hour while they come get you. you’re about to go hide in the bathroom when you think of one other option.
you don’t know where he is or what he’s doing tonight, but you find the “temporary roomies” chat that josh put you into and call cheol from there. you start the same plea, whispering pick up over and over, but cheol answers on the second ring.
“hey sweets,” you can tell he’s smiling. “what’s going on, you and josh having fun without me?”
“cheol, hi, listen,” you start, “josh set me up on a blind date and the guy is a dick and-”
“what did he do?” cheol cuts you off, and you tell him about the car ride, the attitude, and now his interest in any woman that’s not you. “fuck him. fuck your brother too. where are you? i’m on my way.”
“cheol, no, i was mostly calling to see if josh was home-”
“send me the address, y/n,” he says firmly. “i’ll be there soon.”
he wasn’t lying. it feels like only a few minutes have passed when there’s a commotion at the door and you see cheol stalking through the restaurant looking for you. you gather your things and stand, and chan sees you out of the corner of his eye. he comes rushing over just as cheol reaches you, and it’s almost comical watching this stare down as chan gets closer.
“come on, we’re leaving,” cheol tells you, pushing a helmet into your hands.
“what is this?” you ask, eyeing chan awkwardly. 
“hey, pal, we’re on a date, so she’s not going anywhere,” chan tells cheol, and he laughs in his face. 
“sorry, pal, date’s over,” he says, pushing chan back lightly. “go back to the waitress. we’re done here.” cheol doesn’t wait to hear what other bullshit chan might try to say. instead he grabs you by the wrist and guides you out of the restaurant to a motorcycle propped up outside. he looks at you smoothly and motions to the helmet. “i said put that on, doll. can’t ride without protection.”
“o-ok,” you stutter, placing the helmet over your head delicately. cheol stops you and turns you toward him, clicking the helmet into place under your chin, feeling his fingers on your neck sends a tingle down your spine, and you do your best to ignore it. 
“there you go,” he whispers, satisfied with his work. he grabs your head in both hands and playfully shakes you from side to side, smirking as he says, “quick road test, sorry.”
“cheol, you’re crazy,” you laugh, thankful for the distraction. “i didn’t know you drove a bike. this is cool.”
“glad you like it,” he says as he hops on. “now come on, let’s go home before i go beat that loser up.” 
you carefully and tentatively hold onto cheol’s shoulder as you sling your leg over the seat, sliding down accidentally so your chest is pressed firmly to his back. you grab onto his other shoulder and wait, thinking cheol will leave any second. 
“can’t hold on like that,” he seems to whisper, looking at you over his shoulder. “you’ll fall off.”
“well i don’t wanna bother you-”
“please,” you hear him scoff, and then he’s pulling your arms down to his waist. he even takes the liberty of lacing your hands together over his stomach so it’s easier for you to hold on. and suddenly you feel very warm. you can feel the outline of his muscles through his shirt, and being so close to him is getting you drunk off of whatever shampoo or cologne he’s wearing. 
“cheol,” you say before he kicks off, and he’s looking back at you again. “i’m sorry about this. thank you for coming to get me.”
“anytime,” he says sweetly, his eyes flicking to your lips briefly. “now hold on tight.”
before you know it, cheol is kicking off and zooming down the near empty street, ripping a scream of surprise and joy out of you. you thought you’d be petrified right now, but this is actually exhilarating. you’re not sure if it’s the adrenaline of the motorcycle ride or the proximity to cheol, but you almost feel lightheaded. you’re shrieking and laughing like this is a rollercoaster, and there’s a smile plastered on cheol’s face as he listens. 
when you get to a red light, cheol slows down and instructs you to keep your feet up as he places his firmly on the ground. he looks back at you as best he can and asks, “having fun?”
“this is incredible,” you smile. “do an extra lap. i don’t wanna go home yet.”
“yeah?” cheol asks happily, and you nod.
“wait, unless you had plans!” you say. “oh my god, cheol, i’m so sorry, i didn’t even consider that you might have been busy, oh god. i should’ve asked, i should’ve-”
“stop talking,” he tells you. “i’m glad you called. i’d do this for you every day of the week if you needed it.”
“thank you,” you say meekly as cheol revs the bike before carefully driving again. you ride and listen to the sound of the city get whipped by around you, watching the lights and realizing how much you’re enjoying yourself. you lay your chin on cheol’s shoulder and think about the butterflies in your stomach, noticing that they’re going more wild now than they ever have before. 
when you get back to the apartment, you’re immediately met with the smell of food. you’re about to cuss joshua out, assuming he had been home this whole time, until cheol walks ahead of you into the kitchen and asks, “did you get to eat on this horrible mistake i just saved you from?”
“hey, whoa, i was doing this because of my brother,” you say defensively. “it wasn’t my mistake, i was bamboozled.”
“you could’ve said no,” cheol shrugs as he leans against the doorway. then he holds your gaze and asks, “why didn’t you say no?”
“i-i don’t know,” you reply, turning away because cheol’s stare is too heavy for your right now. “i guess, yeah, i did it because i thought it would make josh happy since he set it up, but...i don’t know. it would be nice to have someone, i guess.”
“to have someone?” cheol smirks, taking a step or two closer to you.
“yeah, like have someone be mine,” you say shyly, looking up to find cheol closer than you expected. he stands in front of you, smirk hanging off his lips, arms loosely crossed over his broad chest. 
“you have me,” he says, moving so close to you that you can feel his breath on your lips. he holds your gaze, waiting for you to make a move. awkwardly, you lean in, lips almost brushing. you get nervous and try to back away but cheol quickly grabs you by the chin and whispers, “and i’ve got you” before connecting your lips. your hands fall to his chest, obliviously rubbing your hands over his muscles. his touch to your chin stays gentle but firm, holding you in place so he can devour your lips. you’re breathless quick, but you don’t want to pull away. the sound of keys in the front door scare you out of your daze, and you separate from cheol like you’ve been shocked. joshua walks in, unaware (or is he?) of what he just interrupted. pleased with himself, he looks from you to cheol and back to you before asking, “so...how was your night?”
you’ve been avoiding cheol. you can’t believe you kissed him, and you can’t believe you liked it. you liked it so much that you’re afraid of what might happen if you’re around him again, because nothing can happen. he’s your brother’s best friend! it’s like reverse bro code to date your brother’s friend. that would be...weird? and yet here you are, daydreaming about it. 
cheol knows what you’re doing. he knows you’ve been spooked, and he’s annoyed. now that he’s had a taste of you he only wants more, so you hiding from him when he’s out of his room or only leaving yours when he’s in the shower or asleep is really getting on his nerves. you can’t avoid him forever, but damn it if you’re not gonna try. 
you’re currently speedrunning all of your chores, trying to clean the bathroom while your laundry is on and in between you’re washing all of your dirty dishes. you’re doing this because you know cheol will come out of his room soon to go to the gym, so you’re hoping to be tucked away safely in your room before that happens. however, the biggest man in the apartment still manages to move like a mouse, so you turn around to put some plates away and find cheol leaning against the kitchen counter, watching you intently. 
“fuck you, stop sneaking up on me!” you shriek. “i’m serious about that bell now. wear loud shoes or something, god.”
“why, so you can hear me coming and hide?” he asks seriously, and you fall silent. you join him on the other side of the room, stretching to put the plates in the cabinet. cheol keeps watching, realizing this is the first time he’s seen you show so much skin. shorts pulled up just barely over your ass, like usual, driving him insane, like usual. but now you’re just wearing a sports bra on top, and cheol doesn’t miss the way you’re giving him the perfect view of your chest. he’s unapologetically staring, and without facing him you mumble telling him to stop. “i can stare if i want.”
“well can you stop, please?” you beg, turning and crossing your arms over your chest, just pressing your cleavage up more. 
“baby, work with me here,” he groans. “you can’t kiss me like that the other night and then hide from me. and you can’t look like that and not expect me to stare.”
“stop telling me what i can and can’t do,” you grumble, trying to remember what you were about to do. you start to walk away but cheol grabs you lightly by the wrist, and you ask nicely, “let me go.”
“you can leave,” cheol encourages. “i’m not holding on tight.”
but you stay right where you are, a few steps away from cheol. his hand slides down from your wrist to lace his fingers with yours. he squeezes your hand sweetly before tugging you back in front of him, a stupid smirk gracing his handsome face. 
“hi beautiful,” he smiles, making you blush. “so tell me. am i a bad kisser or something?”
“what?” you ask, shocked he would even think that. “n-no, why?”
“well,” he sighs, hands sliding around your waist too quick for you to object, “it’s just that we kissed, and i thought it was pretty sexy, and then you just disappeared on me. which is amazing considering we live together right now.”
“i’m good at teleporting,” you joke, and cheol pinches your hip. 
“answer me, y/n,” he tries again. “why are you hiding?”
“because you’re joshua’s friend,” you say with a face. “i can’t date you.”
“who said anything about dating?” cheol smiles. “we’ve got two beds, sweets. take your pick.”
“you can’t be serious.”
“you don’t want to?” cheol asks, seemingly dragging you closer to himself. he slots his leg between yours, leans in close and asks, “so if i check your panties right now, they wouldn’t be wet?”
“cheol, i-”
“hm?” he asks, pulling back enough to look right in your eyes. “you don’t want this, just say the word and i’m gone. but if you do, baby, please let me do this.”
“joshua can’t know,” you whisper fast before you’re grabbing cheol and kissing him again. his hands slide from their spot on your waist to cup your ass, nudging your core over his thigh. you whimper at the slight drag, and cheol tenses his thigh as he brings your hips forward again. 
“i don’t even need to put my hand down your pants to know you’re wet,” he says proudly. “you ok with soaking my thigh a little bit first, baby?” you nod, and he tsks. “you need to use your words. not gonna do anything unless i know you want it.”
“let me keep going,” you say breathlessly, and cheol easily obliges. he dives back into your lips, hands gripping your ass to keep you grinding over his thigh. you get lost in the pressure between your legs, but you don’t want to be interrupted like you were last time. you try to break from cheol’s lips but he brings a hand up to keep you in place, doing his best to memorize the shape of your lips with his. you realize you need to get his attention a different way, so you reach down to cup his cock through his shorts. he hisses at the contact, lips pulled from yours. “cheol, stop.”
“what, what’s wrong?” he asks, worried. 
“let’s go to my room,” you say with a nod, and his eyes shimmer with lust and a bit of glee. he’s dragging you down the hallway with him, doing his best not to tear your clothes off and leave a trail. once he’s in your room, you push him back lightly so you can be sure to shut the door. cheol takes this time to lay back on your pillows, patting his thigh to invite you back. you join him on the bed, ready to straddle him and go back to grinding down on his stupidly thick thigh, but he stops you. 
“shorts off,” he instructs, and you pull them off eagerly. “let me see your panties.” your legs on either side of his, you sit up and lean back, hoping cheol gets what he wants. he hums and nods when he sees the wet patch, grabbing for your waist to pull you back over his leg. “let’s get you warmed up a little more, need you ready to ride me soon.”
cheol brings your core back down to his thigh, guiding your movements as you whine on top of him. you’re not sure what to do with your hands, so you let one of them wander up to push your bra over your chest, playing with your nipple as cheol guides you agonizingly slow. you try to bounce and get more friction but that makes him hold you down tighter and your whines get louder. 
“that’s it baby, show me how pretty you are when you come and then i’ll give you my cock,” he growls out, a hand slipping down to push past the waistband of your panties. he swipes a finger down to play with your clit and he moans when he feels how wet you are. “all this for me, pretty girl?”
“yes, for you, just like that,” you moan, “make me come please, need to come.”
“you can come,” cheol coaxes. “just waiting on you.” he applies a little more pressure over your clit, and then you’re shaking above him, a soundless gasp left on your lips. as you try to blink away the spots in your eyes, you hurriedly help cheol get undressed, crawling down to his cock before he can stop you. you pull his boxers down as he takes his shirt off, and you gasp when you see his size. you grab him by the base and take a taste, kitten licking his tip and driving him crazy. he wants to wrap his hands in your hair and guide you over his cock, but an equal part wants to pull you up just so he can feel your pussy clenching around him. he lets you decide the pace though, hissing through his teeth as you keep licking him, until you’re ready to swallow his cock little by little. you get halfway down before you need to pull back, and you’re worried he won’t fit. 
“not to feed your ego or anything,” you say after popping off of his cock, “but you’re really big.”
“no that definitely feeds my ego.”
“i don’t think you’re gonna fit,” you say, worried. 
“well get in my lap and we’ll find out, sweets,” he says, reaching for you to help you up and over his legs again. he holds his cock still for you as you line him up with your entrance, and you glance at him one last time, still concerned. “take it slow. i know you can do it.”
“baby, i’m letting you pick the pace,” he laughs. “if it were up to me i would’ve slammed you down on my cock already.”
“hmm someone’s horny,” you joke, and cheol thrusts up in retaliation. you gasp at the feeling of his tip at your entrance, and you do what he says. you take it slow, holding your breath as you feel him stretch you out with every inch. 
“how you feeling baby?”
“good,” you gasp out.
“make sure you breathe,” cheol reminds you, and you nod as you take a few deep breaths. he can feel every movement on his cock, and it’s driving him insane to not be fully inside you right now. he tries to push you down a little further, but you cry out and he stops. he gives you a moment to adjust, and you move on your own when you’re ready. you keep pushing down, taking more and more. “you’re doing so good baby.”
“it’s too big,” you gasp out, looking down to see how much you have left to go.
“no it’s not.”
“but it is,” you whine, trying to pull up completely. that’s the last straw for cheol though, because he grips your hips and slams you down over his cock, your clit even grinding over his pubic bone slightly. you shudder at the feeling, shocked speechless at the feeling of cheol’s cock so deep inside you. he helps you ride him at first, but you take over and start a steady pace. you don’t think you’ve ever felt someone this deep before, and your body feels like it’s on fire. 
“you can take it, that’s it,” he encourages, and you pick up the pace. cheol starts meeting you halfway, adjusting so he can hit your core just right. when he thrusts up and you almost fall over on top of him he knows he’s found the right spot, doing his best to keep his pace steady. he pulls you down so you’re caging him in, and he lays your head on his chest as he takes over, thrusting into you so fast you start seeing stars. you’re moaning into his chest, maybe drooling a little too, and it’s driving him insane. you feel so good around him, so warm, so tight, so wet. the sounds of your pussy are embarrassing to you and intoxicating to him, he wishes he had the patience to lay between your legs and lick you clean before fucking you again. but he’ll save that for later. for now, he needs to find a place to come. “where do you want me?”
“stomach,” you mumble into his chest, sitting back up with your hands on his pecs. “gonna come?”
“if you come first, yeah,” cheol nods. he focuses on bringing you closer, grabbing one of your hands off his chest and guiding it to your lips. you open, and he tells you to suck. after you’ve wet your middle and ring finger, cheol brings them down to your clit, leading your movements and applying pressure as he wants. it’s so sexy, letting him lead you like this, and the way he’s staring at you is making your chest tingle, and his cock is still buried deep inside you as you start getting closer. when cheol pulls you down with his free hand, connecting your lips again, you start to come, whimpering into his mouth as the waves crash over you. he works you through it, giving you only a second or two to rest before he’s pumping you again, chasing his own release. he pulls out and immediately starts stroking his cock, coming with a quiet gasp. you shudder as you feel his come land across your stomach, some even hitting your pussy lips. you lean back to let him see his masterpiece, and cheol looks pleased. 
“let me get a washcloth,” you mumble, moving to get up. once you’re off of him, cheol springs into action, guiding you to lay back down. 
“no, you’ll be sore soon, let me do it,” he says before ducking out of your room. he comes back with a wet washcloth and waters for you both, which you take graciously. he cleans you up carefully, and then he joins you back on the bed. the last thing you remember before falling asleep is cheol pushing your hair back, smiling at you softly.
you wake up the next morning to a knock at your door, followed by another louder knock.
“what?” you groan, rolling over to face the door just as joshua pops in. 
“morning to you too,” he yawns. “i’m getting breakfast. text me what you want.”
“mhm,” you yawn in reply. “close my door.”
josh leaves without doing what you asked, and there’s a beat of silence before you hear the front door close. you feel hands wrap around your waist, pulling you into a strong, warm, bare chest. cheol pops his chin onto your shoulder, cheesing as he asks, “you think he knew i was here?”
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writerslittlelibrary · 8 months
Ok so blackhill x daughter reader
So Natasha and Maria have been stressed lately and on a mission we keep calling them lil mama and mom (I don’t know which nicknames you want) and some agents (avengers don’t because they are used to) snicker about that. (Don’t get me wrong they love when we call them that no matter the situation and will beat up anybody who laughs at that but now due to the stress they can’t) so they kind of snap at us telling us that we have to adress them with respect.
Now the angst 😈 then some days after that mission we get kidnapped and HYDRA got a device that made us see that our mothers were torturing us. So we got tortured irl but saw that Natasha and Maria did it.
Then when they finally get to where we are (some time has to pass) we start to back up frightened and start saying things like “please miss romanoff please don’t hurt me more miss romanoff” (yk like begging but calling them that) and Natasha is startled and says “what did you call me?” So we get even more frightened and kind of scream “I’m sorry black widow I’m sorry please no more please” also when we are in the compound every time we see them we get duper frightened. And they have to make a lot of effort and rehabilitation to get us back to our past shelf.
I don’t know if this makes sense at all. I’m sorry if it doesn’t
We are your mothers
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masterlist requests masterlist
part 2
pairing: Blackhill x daughter reader
warnings: yelling, Natasha and Maria being stupid for a second, torture
genre: angst
words: 1370
a/n: I finally finished a fic, yay😎 hope you like it :)
You do not have my permission to repost, copy or translate my work 
Going on a mission with your moms seemed exciting at first. You and Natasha had spoken about it a lot, and while she was unsure of you joining them, she was proud of you.
Two days in and excitement had died down, now walking on eggshells every time you talked with your moms. They were stressed. Very stressed. The past couple of days hadn’t been easy on them and they carried a lot of responsibility and had a lot on their plate. You tried to help them, but Maria had just ended up telling you to go somewhere else.
You knew it had nothing to do with you, but it still hurt.
To make the whole situation worse, people had been laughing behind your back, and sometimes right in your face due to the fact you called your moms by their names, mom and mama. The other agents made fun of it and you found it annoying but mainly ignored it. You knew they were just some stupid agents, you just wished they’d shut up. 
Today wasn’t any different. All of you were working on finding information, hacking into computers and trying to find out where Hydra was going to hit next. 
“Hey mama, I think I found something,” you said, typing something in the laptop while you tried to secure a location. You heard an agent snicker, and you knew Natasha had heard it too, but she seemed to ignore it. She walked over to you, leaning down to look at the laptop. 
“This proves nothing, y/n. Please take this seriously,” she said, walking back to your mom. You sighed in annoyance, and leaned back into your chair. 
“I am taking this seriously mama. Why wouldn’t I? I know it’s serious, but I really thought I had something-” “Well you didn’t, and you need to start being more respectful. We are not at home. Address us properly,” Natasha interrupted, typing something into her own computer. 
You looked at your mom pleadingly, but Maria just shook her head and went on with her own work. “You could’ve just told me that. No need to yell!” you replied back to Natasha, who looked at you really pissed. “Go take yourself for a walk, and don’t even dare coming back until you’ve remembered your manners!” Natasha replied angrily, and you could hear some agents snickering. 
You stood up aggressively, pushing your chair back and storming out of the room, ignoring your moms scolding you heard. 
You walked outside for a while, the cool autumn air helping to calm your nerves. You felt odd, though, but you couldn’t really explain it. You kept looking behind you, feeling as though someone was following you. When the feeling got worse, you reached for your phone, dialing your mom who, stupidly, ignored your call. You cursed yourself quietly, calling your mama, who, surprisingly, picked up. 
“What?” you heard your mama say, hearing the annoyance in her voice. “I think I’m being followed…” you replied softly, checking behind you again. 
“Where are you?” you heard Natasha ask, her voice suddenly sounding concerned and panicked. “I’m at-” “Hello? y/n?! Answer me!” Natasha yelled through the phone, but you were knocked out cold. 
Natasha immediately grabbed Maria’s attention, explaining what happened. The entire mission was thrown around, now solely focussed on finding you.
Meanwhile, you were being dragged into a van, which drove you to a Hydra base. You were still knocked out when they placed you into a dark room, strapping you down to a chair and quickly injecting you with a serum.
Once you woke up, the room was dark, and your mind felt foggy. You couldn’t remember what happened, but when you went to reach for your head you found out your arms and legs were tied. You panicked, frantically trying to get yourself loose but to no avail. Once you stopped struggling, the door opened, and two figures walked in.
You blinked a few times, not trusting your mind, before you realized it was your moms standing in front of you. “Mama! Mom! Please help me!” you pleaded with them, tugging on the restraints.
They didn’t move from their spot, instead who you thought was Maria lifted her arm, a strike hitting you in the face. “Address us properly,” she demanded, waiting for your answer. Your head swept to the side and tears stung in your eyes. “What?...” you questioned quietly, barely above a whisper. Another strike hit your cheek, this time Maria grabbed your hair, yanking your head back.
“Address us properly,” she demanded again, Natasha now stepping closer too.
You shook your head to the best of your abilities, tears running down your cheeks. “Mom please, don’t get it…” you cried, another slap landing on your cheek. 
It had been days, and you were beaten and bruised and barely alive. Every few hours, a guy would come to inject you with a blue serum. It didn’t hurt, but it made your brain feel foggy and made you see things that weren’t really there. 
Your moms had been coming into the room constantly, torturing you and laughing at you, making fun of you. 
You were terrified, but completely obedient to whatever they told you. You had been moved into another room a few days ago, this one with a bed, or rather a mattress, a very thin mattress, on the floor. Your ankle was attached to a chain, which was attached to the wall.
You were shaking and starving, your wounds hurting more than anything you’d ever experienced. 
Little did you know your real moms had been doing anything in their power to try and find you. They had gone over every possible Hydra base, skipping sleep and going through every possible file and document to try and locate you, and tonight, they did.
It was late when your cell door opened, and your moms once again walked in. “y/n,” you heard a relieved sigh, but you didn’t dare look at them. 
You kept your eyes on the ground, sitting up straight and keeping quiet, just like you’d been taught. Natasha ran up to you, laying her hand on your shoulder to try and assess the damage, but you flinched away from her touch, trying to make yourself as small as possible.
“Please…” you cried out. “No more… please miss Romanoff no more…” 
Natasha hesitated in her movement, making eye contact with Maria, who was slowly approaching. “What did you just call me?” Natasha asked surprised, and she, nor Maria didn’t miss the way that sentence made you flinch and made yourself even smaller. 
“I’m sorry Black Widow. I’m sorry, please don’t hurt me. I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” you cried out, tears violently streaming down your face. 
Maria tried to approach you as well, but you flinched away from her as well.
Natasha had tears running down her cheeks, seeing you so afraid of her, too terrified to even look at her. Meanwhile, Maria called for back-up. Soon after, Yelena entered the room, followed by Clint. Natasha was sitting against a wall, her head leaning on it as she cried soundlessly, Maria sitting next to her, tears in her eyes as well.
You were sitting across for them, still covering your face with your arms and you tried to shield yourself.
Yelena slowly approached you, her hands raised as she crouched down next to you. “Baby spider…?” she asked carefully, taking note of your form relaxing slightly as you heard her voice. “Baby spider it’s me. It’s auntie Yelena. Can I help you with your wounds please?”
Seeing as though you made no move to get away from her, she came closer, hugging you tight as she checked your wounds. You finally broke down, feeling safe in the familiar arms of the russian.
Clint helped Natasha and Maria, getting them up and then breaking the chain you were attached to. Yelena lifted you up, taking you to the Quinjet, while your moms were left in that room. They saw your terrible state as Yelena carried you away, and silently cried, knowing this happened only because they got mad over you calling them mom, knowing you’d probably ever call them that again. 
a/n: I might rewrite this ending or make a part two cause, yikes.
part 2
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thebearer · 9 months
Carmy promising to quit smoking when you get pregnant with teddy… and the trials of him pulling through… ugh I love this man
Your voice made him jump, wide eyed and caught. He felt like he was in high school again, sneaking cigarettes with Mikey and Richie at the Christmas dinner.
Your hands on your hip, the swell of your abdomen just beginning to round out- a reminder of why Carmen was quitting smoking.
"I-I thought you were asleep." Carmen said plainly, the lit cigarette between his fingers.
"And I thought you were down to two a day?" You lift a brow.
"I-I am. I just... I need one-"
"-You need one?" You repeat, waving the smoke off dramatically, nose curling in disgust. You hoped it would make Carmen feel guilty, as mean as it was, he needed to stop. Before the baby got here.
"I just... I've had a long day, baby." Carmen sighed softly, eyes pleading with you. "C'mon... it's just one more."
"Fine, Carmen." You quip, an edge to your voice that has him flinching. "Shower in the guest room and put your clothes in the laundry before you come up. I can't handle that smell right now. 'm gonna be sick." You groan, hand smoothing over your bump dramatically.
You turn, fighting back a grin when you hear Carmen follow, cigarette stomped out and traded in for a stick of gum.
"What did you need me t'do earlier? Put the, uh, the diaper genie together?" Carmen trailed you like a lost puppy, desperate to be back in your good favor.
"It's fine. I just want you to shower now, Carm. Seriously, I told you that makes me sick." You whine dramatically.
"Baby, c'mon, don't be like that, please?" Carmen sighs softly. "'m sorry, ok? I-I'm trying."
You cave. You can't be mad at him too long. He was really trying, trying so hard to be better for the baby and it made your heart swell. A few slip ups you knew were bound to happen, but Carmen had asked you to be firm with him- tough love, so he'd actually quit. Or at least get it down to where it was a rare indulgent instead of the nasty habit it was now.
You give him a soft but stern look, lip rolling at the way his eyes rounded. "Shower first, seriously. Then I'll show you." You nod towards the bathroom.
"You wanna come with me?" Carmen asked so sweetly it made your heart skip. "They say it's good to keep yourself busy."
You roll your eyes lightly, grinning anyways. "Fine. But you go in first."
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plants-are-fun · 5 months
”it’s ok, just eat”
I have struggled with this in the past and it comforted me so hopefully it can do the same for others
toxic mom(same), toxic personal trainer
shitty writing
heavy angst, fluff, semi happy ending
small use of y/n
Chris’s pov
i don’t know how I didn’t see it before. Every single time we went out to eat, y/n would pretend to eat. She would slide her food around, cut it, even offer me some, but she would never actually take a bite.
throughout our whole relationship she would be constantly tired and cold, but to be honest I thought that was just a woman thing. I wanted to have her in a car video, but she would refuse and her only reason was “i don’t want them to see me”. I didn’t push it, but that explanation never sat right.
as she started showing the desire to be in our videos, she started rapidly losing weight, but when I asked her about it she would just say it’s what her personal trainer had been working on. I should have pushed it.
so now, here we are in our minivan prepping to film.
“hey mama what do you want to eat?” I say going as matt pulls into McDonald’s. I look back and all she does is get red and start to fidget.
“it’s ok Chris I don’t need anything” She stutters. “Besides, if I were to eat I think that I would throw up. I’m so nervous”
“you need to have something to eat. These videos can get kind of long.” Nick says as he glances over at me looking worried. Matt nods.
“okay Nick just order her a dr pepper to make sure her blood sugar doesn’t crash” I look over to make sure that’s good, but all of the color previously is not drained from her face.
“U-um can you make it a diet?” She whispers.
I honestly just passed that as nerves.
After we got our food and we made it to a random parking lot, Nick passed out the food and may set up the camera.
“shit” she says
“what’s wrong ma?” At this point I am starting to get very worried.
“it isn’t diet.” She says. I look up at her and she looks like she could cry.
“it’s ok, I’m sure it’s not that big of a deal” I say obliviously. “Do you want a fry?”
she starts to stutter some excuse when Matt comes back in and Nick introduces the video.
After Nick starts some random argument with Matt I realize that something is seriously wrong. I can hear my girlfriends breathing start to get heavier and even her stomach growl.
“hey kid I can hear your stomach from here” I say handing her a couple of fries.
“I don’t want to take your food” she says
“it’s ok, just eat.” She takes a fry and starts to nibble on it. As Nick starts up on some dumb rant about his newest fear, I hear the car door slide open and running. Nick just stares at her in aw and starts laughing, but I’m already on my feet.
I run over to her as I hear gagging and heaving. I pull her hair back and rub my hand against her back.
as she comes back up all she is doing is sobbing and rambling apologies
“I’m s-so sorry I r-ruined your video I didn’t mean to I didn’t want to eat but I-i didn’t want you to ask questions! I’m sorry Chris please forgive me-“ I cut her off with a hug.
“baby what happened? Are you ok? What do you mean you didn’t want to eat? Do you feel sick”
I lead her to a sidewalk curb as she slumps over in exhaustion. She spills everything.
“my whole life my mom has always made me watch what I eat. She used to tell me to suck in my gut and all of that overbearing mother stuff. Then when I started dating you I had already not been eating much, but I really really wanted you to like me and I thought I was too big for that. So I cut back on my calories and went to the gym more. My personal trainer has been calling me fat. He says it’s for motivation but it’s just making it worse! Then when you said you wanted to introduce me to your fans, I just got so scared because I know how intense they are, so I stopped eating all together. But I didn’t think that it would backfire so much that I would ruin the video. I’m sorry Chris, I really am.”
she just leans her head against my shoulder and hiccups lightly.
I feel like the worst boyfriend ever for not seeing the signs. Sure, I’ve been busy, but only an oblivious asshole wouldn’t see the love of his life struggling so much.
“first things first, you didn’t ruin the video. Your safety is far more important. We also are going to FIRE that personal trainer. I’m so sorry I didn’t realize you were hurting until now. When was the last time you ate?”
“when we went out and I got that salad” my heart drops. “baby, that was 3 days ago…” she just starts crying again.
“it’s ok, let’s go get something light to eat. Maybe water based? Then we can go to the doctor, or get you a therapist.”
“ok” she whispers
“I love you so much baby” I say kissing the top of her head.
“we’ll get through this together.”
eek I can’t tell if that was good or not but I’m too tired for anything else 😥
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booppooo · 1 year
ok so hear me out.. abby and/or ellie sexting or having phone sex?
Over The Phone.
Abby Anderson & Ellie Williams x Fem! Reader Headcannons
AN: ANON...I love you.
Warnings: sexting obvi, talk of nudes, crude language, text lingo?, modern AU ofc
Okay so the community has established that Abby is a personal trainer, paramedic, or physical therapist right?
I'm going with physical therapist - stick with me
Our girl is big and burly and so beautifully handsome
She's been helping a basketball player who recently busted her knee, and the athlete has been trying to put the moves on Abby
Abby isn't having it: "Hey, listen, I have a wife - you have to stop this. Our relationship is professional, nothing more."
And Abby is texting you about this on her break
Abby: I haven't been asked out in so long I almost didn't know what to say
You: I'm surprised more people don't ask you out, you're quite the catch
Abby: Oh, is that right?
You: Ofc it is...especially in bed ;)
Abby: Stop it, I'm at work.
You: Technically you're on break...
There's like a five minute pause and you thought maybe she had to rush off back to work. Oh, how you were wrong.
Abby: What would you do if I came home early?
You: What for?
Abby: To fuck you dumb? Why else?
You: Are you sexting me right now?!!
Abby: Yeah, go with it
You: Yes ma'am.
Abby: Goddamn - I could tear you apart right now
You: You know where I am baby, I'm always ready for you
Abby: Are you now? Show me.
Cue you sending some scrumptious nudes.
You: Are you sure you can't come home early? I want you so bad it hurts :(
Abby: I wish I could sweetheart. When I do get home I'll make up for it, trust me.
You: How you do plan to make it up? ;)
Abby: With seven inches of silicone
You: omg...go back to work
We all know Ellie is a hard ass, she doesn't beat around the bush either
I think we've also decided she's a tattoo artist
And that's where it starts - you text her about an appointment to get another tat...but it quickly becomes more
You: *1 image attached* think you can do something like this on my arm?
Ellie: totally, when can you come in?
You: Anytime really, I don't have a time preference
Ellie: how's 12 sound? i'll get you smthin to eat too
You: You'd do that for meee?
Ellie: duh, gotta keep my fav girl fed
You: Ellie...are you flirting with me?
Ellie: no, if I were flirting with you, you could tell
You: Okay, prove it
Ellie: you'll see when you get here and there's only food for you
You: Uhhh you lost me
Ellie: why would I need anything to eat when I have you?
Ellie: sure you can
You: Dude...
Ellie: *daddy
Ellie: you sure? you didn't come yet
You: This is getting ridiculous
Ellie: get your head out of the gutter i'm talking about showing up for the appt
You: Seriously?!
Ellie: no, just teasing you
Ellie: i will give you head tho
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starysky1289 · 6 months
Stepsis!Vanessa X Dom!Reader. Late
You hummed quietly as you dug through your pile of unfolded clothes, trying to find something to wear for your interview. You could hear Vanessa in the other room hustling around, she had spent the night and was busy getting ready for work. Her dad, your god awful step father, had given her hell last night about not taking her job seriously and how back in his day he’d of been fired ten times already. You never got why she worried so much about her fathers opinion, but she just needed some sisterly love and support, and you were always open to help her.
You carried the outfit to the bathroom, you’d have to shower quickly so Vanessa could after you.
“ I’m going in! “
“ ok, don’t be to long! “
You put your outfit on the bathroom counter, and quickly stripped down, tossing your clothes in the hamper. You turned the water on, letting it warm up as you turned it to the shower mode. The water felt good as it rained down on your skin, the warmth melted your mind as you started to shampoo. You didn’t wanna get out, no matter what sorta responsibilities you had today.
“ Y/N!! It’s been 20 minutes! “
Vanessa stormed into the bathroom, you shook yourself out of your warm trance. You still had shampoo spuds in your hair.
“ UH- FUCK- “
“ Just move- I’ve gotta shower- “
Only a moment later, she had jumped into the shower with you, quickly getting her hair wet as she grabbed her shampoo. You only blushed and watched, the way the water washed over her blonde locks.
“ are you gonna wash your hair or am i gonna have to do it for you? “
Vanessa teasingly asked, stepping out of the way for you to rinse your hair. You quickly stepped up, running your fingers through your hair. You stepped out of the way, letting her rub the conditioner through her locks.
You scored up behind her, gently placing your hands around her hips, and kissing her neck gently.
“ your so soft nessy…”
“ y-y/n….we can’t..”
“ please…let me be quick…”
You dragged your hand up to her tits, gently rubbing them. She let out a soft moan, and nodded softly.
“ I love you Vanessa…”
“ I love you too y/n…”
Vanessa held your waist, pushing you closer against her. You chuckled softly, the warm water rushed over bodies, as you gently rubbed your fingers over her soft puffy clit. Vanessa let out another moan, pushing into your hand.
“ Will you be good for me? It’ll go quicker if you’re good for me Nessa….”
“ y-yes y/n…I’ll be a..a good girl~ “
You chuckled, and slid in two fingers, gently pumping them into her soft pussy, breathing down her neck at every pump.
“ m-mm…oh b-baby..please it’s feels so -so good…”
“ your doing such a good job..so good for me…”
She was warm, and tight around your fingers. Vanessa melted into you, her whimpers and whines filled the steamy room. You slowly added a third finger, watching her buck her hips against your hand.
“ o-oh Y/N! F-fuck~!! Oh g-god if feels so good!! “
“ that’s it…is my big sis gonna cum all over my hand~? Is she gonna make a mess~? “
“ Y-yes Y/N!! “
You thrusted in faster, biting on her neck to leave small love bites. You groaned at the thought of her ruined in front of you, gently dry humping her ass to give your some friction. Vanessa moaned out loudly, holding your open hand around her waist as she thrusted against your fingers.
“ C-cumming-oh fuck Y/N! O-oh god~!! “
She practically screamed out as she came, riding out her high on your fingers. The water had turned cold at this point, so you gently helped her finish up the shower, aswell as finish yourself.
You both of very late. Vanessa would get an earful from her chief, and you’d probably have a lesser chance of getting the job. But you somewhat couldn’t care, you already had a second interview lined up if this one went bad. As you pulled into the parking lot of the building, you quickly looked down at your phone, Vanessa had texted you quickly.
“ I’m stuck on speeding duty for the rest of the week. But it’s ok, you really helped me out. I’ll be sure to make it up to you soon. I love you sis <3 “
You smiled softly, texting her quickly before dashing in.
“ can’t wait for you, maybe we’ll have a lil sister get together. I love you so much more nessy <3 “
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Tumblr media
“That’s it?  That’s all you have to say?  Seriously?  You call me in on my day off.  I cancel my afternoon with my Marine buddies at the lake.  Ok fine, I’ll catch up with them later.  I drive twenty minutes to get here.  There’s hardly anybody else around.  I come over and you want to talk about landscaping this back region, something that could have waited until Monday?  Really?  I thought considering what happened yesterday that you would be asking to give me a blowjob or something….
“…Oh for fuck’s sake!  Do not fucking pretend that you and I weren’t at Ruby’s bookstore yesterday at the same time.  You and I were in the last two booths on opposite sides of a good sized glory hole.  You sucked my dick for fifteen minutes, edging me a couple times.  You whispered, ‘Let me lick your ass.’  You did just that when I turned and offered my crack for your tongue.  Then I flooded your mouth with my usual massive load.  Now do you remember?
“Good.  You can knock this coy shit off.  You called me to come in, brought me to the back part of the property where no one ever goes, in hopes of doing what?  Did you think that we would play strip parchesi?
“I get it.  You want me to do this, to take the initiative.  You want me to ask for a blow job?  You don’t have the balls to ask yourself. 
“For fuck’s sake.  There’s no need for me to ask you.  You are a fucking cock hound.  Yeah, you may have a wife, three kids in a ten-bedroom house on twenty-four acres, with a detached five-car garage with a two bedroom mother-in-law suite above it, a vacation home in the Virgin Islands, a mid-seven-figure job, and yet you drive half an hour to the nasty industrial part of town to suck rank blue collar dick at a glory hole at Ruby’s bookstore.
“The thing is that you clearly have been doing it for a long time.  That wasn’t a casual blow job you gave me.  You knew how to manage my fat sausage, like an expert.  Your tongue never stopped hitting my sensitive spot.  You throated me with a mild struggle, but you didn’t give up.  And then, you knew how to read my cock to sense when I was getting close in order to edge me properly.
“So how long have you been sucking dick?...  Junior high?  Wow.  Let me guess.  It was some blue-collar factory worker.  Probably some big and beefy guy like me.  Was it?... Thought so.
“Henry, the guy working the front counter who I have known for years—fucked him a few times—told me that you are a regular, and you pay him a hundred bucks to direct the big guys your way.  That’s kinda bold.  Hell, that’s how I wound up at your hole.
“I’m surprised I didn’t pick up your sperm burping vibes until now.  When I came out of the booth yesterday, you threw open your door to see whose dick you had been sucking.  Once we made eye contact, your face went from curious, to excited, and finally to panicked all in one second.  You bolted out of there so fast.
“So here we are….  …Faggot?  What do you want to do?  Your silence is not going to get you my dick in your mouth.  You want my dick?  Tell me….
“…No, no, no.  I know if I were to whip my cock out that you would be on your knees throating me down in no time flat.  No, I am asking do you want my dick in your life?… To rule your life?
“Good.  What about my ass?  Your tongue liked the sweaty musk.  You must be an ass eater too.  You want to worship my shithole too?...
“Cunt, I better start hearing some ‘Sir’s’ after the yes’s and no’s you give.  You understand?...
“That’s better.  I have been using men for my own thing for decades.  You ain’t the first closeted faggot I have come across.  I have worked this situation before.
“Look I work for you whenever anyone else is around, but when we are alone together, I own you.  I’m Sir to you, and you will be Cunt or Faggot.  I will be calling the shots here.  We’ll work out more later. 
“When was the last time you had a man use your cunt?...  That long?  You may not be a virgin, but you will offer the same tightness.  Get naked….
“…You don’t do anal?  I don’t care.  You need to be cunted.  You’re gonna be cunted.  Naked. Now!...  Cunt, I expect you to do what I say, without hesitation.  That’s better. 
“You need to realize that I fully know how to work with a closet case.  Yeah, we are here on a Saturday, when none of my guys are here, we are in the back of your property where no one goes, and most importantly Sarah’s SUV is gone.  Considering you are back here about to be cunted, it’s safe to say that she has the kids.  How long is she gone?... 
“All day?  Well hot damn!  Walk with me.  No, leave your clothes there.  You need to be exposed for a bit….  In the middle of the field here. 
“On your knees.  Your goal is to put as much throat slime as you can on my dick.  That’s the only lube I’m going to use.  Reach up, unzip me, and take it out.  Balls too.
“This is the cock that is going to rule you.  I don’t care how many other dicks you suck, my dick is the one at the center of your universe.  Suck.
“Ahh,… That’s the tongue I remember.  Mmmm.  This is the kind of a blowjob I like at the end of a hard day.  One that I can unwind with.  That’s why I stopped at Ruby’s last night.  But today, I’m in control.  Hands behind you and keep them there.  All the way down to the root.  All… the… way… down! 
“When I put my hand on your head, I’m in control of the blowjob.  You dedicate that airway to me.  Gag motherfucker.  Gagging only puts more throat lube on my dick.  I’m going to give you a minute to really lube me up.
“…Struggle with that fat cock.  I would have expected a more experienced deeper throat.  We’ll get that trained right.  Blowjobs when the man is in control are a lot different, hunh?
“…Ok turn around.  On your knees….  Don’t worry while we are out in the open, no one is here.  Knees spread.  Shoulders on the ground.  Arms at your side.  Palms by your knees and face up. 
“This is how to present a cunt for a cunting.  And what a pretty pussy it is.  So pretty, that I think you earned an extra glob of spit.  There.
“Scream fucker.  I always go right to the root.  No fucking countdown.  No time to accommodate.  Oh, fuck you are tight.  Man.  This cunt is mine now.  I decide what to do with it.  We are going to have some fun. 
“You like blue collar men?  Cunt, I am going to whore you out to some nasty big brutes.  I know places where cunts are used and tossed aside.  There are a few rest stops on the interstate, some truck stop with old school showers, there’s even a mechanic shop I know with a nasty bathroom around back.  I can’t wait to transform this cunt a perpetual sloppy mess. 
“Remember I told you I was going to the lake with my Marine buds?  We are all hard-working men who enjoy using cunt fags.  That’s why we go to the lake, to use them hard.  If you think you can get away from the family for an overnight, we’ll go up there later today.
“Oh there you go.  Now keep that cunt relaxed.  Tightness is hot in the beginning, but ultimately, I like it sloppy.  Oh man.  I’m getting close.  Fucking close.  This cunt was made for my dick.  Here it cums!  Here it fucking cums!  Ahhhh!  Ahhhh!
“Goddamn.  Cunt, you may give great blowjobs, but this cunt is gold.
“When I pull out, your mouth will move to clean me up.  If you want to jack off while doing it, go for it. 
“…Oh look, there’s a little blood mixed in with my load.  A tiny skid mark.  It all goes in your mouth….  Fuck!  Does that feel good. 
“Ok Cunt.  This is what’s going to happen.  I will rule your cunt, your dick, your mouth, basically you.  I don’t care if you still go to Ruby’s to suck on more blue collar dick.  I’m not that kind of possessive.  But when I want your holes, I want them now.  I understand there is the wife thing.  I can work around that. 
“I want to know all details of all the loads you take.  If you spend an afternoon at the glory holes, I want to know how many cocks did you suck, and how many loads did you swallow.  You’ll have a tracker on your phone so I know where you are at all times. 
“Getting away to service me is going to require some changes from you.  The one that pops into mind is get Sarah’s goddamned yoga studio out from over the garage.  I’m going to move in there.  It makes sense to have me on grounds in general, but now I will have a room nearby for my cock to enjoy some nearby cunt.
“I will also accept a raise.  If I’m going to be fucking you, it will cost extra.  Yeah that makes me a whore, but I’m fine with that. 
“Now we get to the part of the conversation where you realize just how much you are owned by me.  You know Ruby’s has hidden cameras throughout their booths?  No?  Not many are aware.  Henry showed me a few very clear videos of you going to town on some rather big dicks.  I have copies on my phone….
“No, no, keep cleaning the mess you left on my cock.  I can show the videos to you later.  My buds at the lake will definitely appreciate seeing them.  You know, having it on my phone, I can show them to anyone.
“If you think that our relationship is going to be all fucking and sucking, I’ve only just begun.  I keep telling you that I own you; I really do fucking own you.
“OMG are you cumming?...  Fuck yeah!...  You are a sick faggot!”
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yorshie · 1 year
Hey, Love your stories btw. Saw requests are open and just wondering if you would write how turtles would be with a partner that overthinks?
Kind of like comfort, mostly fluff scene?
Whelp. I wish I could say I didn't overthink this, but I am not a lying liar who lies. Hope this is to your style anon. I want to apologize in advance for somehow not being able to work Raph smooching his reader into the story, but his Reader is a little too angry for smooches
Bayverse Turtles x Reader, set in 2023 (turtles 22 ish)
G/N Reader (somehow i managed that, but names like sweetheart and babycakes are used.) No Y/N
Warnings/Summary : um... fluff. like comfort. n fluff. angst if you think about the fact that reader is not ok at the beginning of each scene. allusions to sexy times in some of them
Leo peered into your window, found you splayed out on your bed, legs up the wall and staring off into space. He let himself in via the window in your living room, making sure to step loudly as he made his way to your room. 
You hadn’t moved from that spot. He took the moment to shuck his swords, his belt, placing them across the surface of your dresser, before moving to fold his upper half on your bed, beside your gently rising chest.
“Hey.” That low, calm voice pulls you back from wherever you were, the soft touch of a careful finger against the angle of your cheekbone too common an occurrence to really faze you anymore.
“Leo.” You rasped, fingers idly rubbing against your chest as you drank him in. The bed shifted as he leaned a little further over you, lips plush where they pressed against your cheek. “I didn’t hear you come in?”
A soft snort, his movements still slow, still gentle. “I noticed. Where were you?”
You frowned, turned to stare at the ceiling before turning back to the blue banded turtle. “I was thinking.”
“Of course.” He stated it like it was a fact of life, as easy as breathing and as sure as the sun, no judgement in his too blue eyes.
You found yourself smiling despite still feeling a little lost, knowing he wouldn’t want you to apologize. “I don’t really remember how it started.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” 
You paused, thinking, before pulling a face.
It pulled a small chuckle from his snout. “You are the opposite of Dee.” 
At your questioning hum, he elaborated. “You both think too much. But he lets it all out, you hold it in.” He gently tapped the point above the center of your rib cage, before moving to brush that same, careful finger down the planes of your face. He continued when your eyes strayed back to the ceiling, “I’ll listen, if or when you need to talk.”
“I don’t know if it’ll help.” You still hadn’t reached out to him, thumbs rubbing over their counterpart’s opposite knuckles. “I just feel a little- untethered.”
He tilted his head, pressed the ridge of his brow against your face, tucked it under the curve of your jaw, slowly slid down to the bones in your collar. “I can tether you.” He whispered, against your skin. “Let me tether you.”
You probably would laugh at the corny line he delivered so seriously, if not for the fact that it was working. His weight, the immediacy of his presence, grounded your fraying thoughts, reeled them back in until you could see the edges of yourself underneath.
He breathed in deeply near the dip at the bottom of your collar, letting you feel the rush of air, let it guide you back. One large hand slipped up against your own, fingers interlocking as he urged your thumbs to stop moving.
A slow sweep of his thumb, far larger than yours, against the inside of your wrist, the callus on the inside of his digit whispering across the softer skin. 
“Shhhh… there you go.” He leaned further across the bed, pushed your face further upwards, the curve of his snout now against your cheek. “You’re not going anywhere, darling. I’m here."
This time, when he took in a deep, steady breath, his chest brushed against your arm, and you felt his air flutter across your face. After a long, silent moment, you turned your head towards his own, fingers twisting to rub against his knuckles instead of your own.
“There we go. Just breathe.” He took another steady breath, urged you to mimic him. It was as though you had forgotten the feeling, your lungs rushing with air, swelling to a point almost painful. Thoughts quieted, the mental bits of papers and half formed thoughts returning to their even piles inside the floor of your mind.
Leo shooshed you again, and you realized there had been a hiccup in your breaths. He shifted, his arms unfurling, letting you roll closer, onto your side. He moved to rest the dip where his snout met his cheek against the upturned side of your face, rubbing back and forth in a soothing motion.
“Leo.” You breathed again, feeling the heavy weight of his arm across your waist, loosened fist in between your shoulder blades. You tucked your face against the arm in front of you, rubbed your face in time with his against the pebbled skin.
“I’m here. You’re here. Just breathe.” He repeated.
He let you wrap an arm around his neck, fingers curling over the rim of his carapace, holding him in your space. He let out a hum, the sound deepening, becoming that comforting thump thump thump in his chest, faster than any heartbeat.
You hand tightened in his own, your head turning to find his gaze.
He gave you a small quirk of lips, his snout touching your nose delicately. “Hey, you.”
You know he felt the small puff of laughter, close as he was. “Hey, you back.” You let go of his shell, wrapped your arm around the back of his head, pulled him closer, just to hear that noise in his chest thump louder.
Donnie found you in the least likely of spaces, curled up under his desk, his computer chair pulled in tight as if to make a tiny box. He had to fold in on himself to duck down low enough to catch your gaze.
You looked at him easy enough, eyes hazy and out of focus, wincing slightly at his soft whisper:
“Hey,” he drew the word out gently, “what’s wrong?” 
You didn’t want to tell him your thoughts were running a mile a minute, and the only place dark enough to hide from them was under his desk. You didn’t want to confess that your skin felt three sizes too small, and every breath felt like whatever made you, you, would escape if you weren’t careful.
“Overthinking?” Donnie shuffled closer, hands raising, pausing before he touched you. His head tilted to the side, considering, hazel eyes moving over your shivering, overstimulated form. After a long moment, he dropped his hands away from your space, instead reaching up just enough to grab his keyboard. 
“Hold on, sweetheart. I got something that might help.”
At this point you were desperate enough to just nod, closing your eyes and easing your head in your hands. After a few minutes of his typing, the keys clicking loud in the space, he turned on low music.
And, blessedly, you could feel more than hear. The beat vibrated through the lab, the bass high enough that everything not nailed down shivered. You had enough mind to watch Donnie move to close the door, before he was back on the floor next to you, one large arm braced on the overhang of the desk as he swayed into the little dark spot you had created.
“How are you doing? Is this helping?” At your shaky nod, he nods back, hand rising to softly trail the back of his knuckles down the outside of your nearest arm. 
You let out a soft gasp at the feeling, the fire ants dancing across your skin retreating under the coolness of his skin. “Dee?” 
“I’m right here, sweetheart. Tell me what you need?” He rubbed his knuckles back up your arm, paying attention to the way your limb stopped shaking.
You turned to him, stared at the column of his throat, not yet able to meet his too knowing gaze. “More. Please.”
He ducked away for a minute, and you heard the music change, the sound and vibrations starting to oscillate from one side of the room to the other.
“Thank god for surround sound, hm?” Donnie smiled at you when he came back, knuckles returning to their slow sweep.
That got a faint, brittle laugh out of you, your grip shifting on the arms of his chair, opening and closing against the elbow pads.
Donnie moved further into your little alcove, his shell blocking most of the light. “Do you want to come with me, go lay down?” At the quick shake of your head, he tried a different angle. “Do you want to sit in the chair, instead? The ground can’t be very comfortable, and I don’t know when’s the last time I cleaned under there.”
That- that worked. You unfurled, back cramping from how long you’d been hunched over in the little space. You let Donnie pull you into his lap, into his chair, fitting your knees on either side of his thighs and burying yourself in his shoulder.
“There. Much better.” His words came out in a chirp, cool hands coming up to rub along the curve of your back, switching to running his knuckles along your muscles when you shivered at too much skin contact.
The music drowned out everything, and in the all encompassing shake, his touch became bearable, an outside stimulus to focus on. It allowed you to just, stop thinking, stop worrying, condensing all those all-consuming thoughts into a smaller and smaller pile until you could shove them back into the box they’d escaped from.
You sniffled against Donnie’s skin, felt his head dip to rub his cheek on the top of your head, ruffling your hair. Not talking, not yet, just letting the vibrations do their work. Waiting for you to interact back, waiting for the all clear.
If you opened your eyes, you know you would meet his concerned gaze. After this long, being the object of Donnie’s sole focus wasn’t nearly as intense as it was in the beginning. Now, you could see the emotion there, behind the thoughts always moving, always considering a problem, defining a solution.
You tightened your hold, pressed a kiss to say thank you where the bones of his collar connected to his throat, and heard his low hum in affirmation. One hand left your back, tunneled into your hair, fingers rubbing firmly up and down the sides of your skull. 
“There, little better?” He asked, tilting back in his chair, long legs crossing before resting on the desk. He let you loop your arms around his neck, the hard surface of his plastron buzzing with the music’s vibrations more than your skin was. The thick sound of his churr keeping time like a particularly deep drum under the wave of sound.
You pressed yourself tighter to him in answer. “Thanks, Donnie.” 
“Anytime,” He kissed your temple, pet back your hair. “Anytime you need it.” 
Raph found you stalking back and forth along the canal in the Lair. He heard the angry slap of your feet, the harsh breathes coming out too fast, too strong, and felt a tightness in his chest long before he caught a glimpse of your face.
You didn’t notice him at first, a feat in itself, eyes on your tightly laced sneakers as you wore a ditch into the concrete, blinking constantly to be able to make out the surface.
“Hey.” He tried, not reaching out, not stopping your path of movement. It took two more calls, his voice slipping deeper, until a particularly rumbled ‘baby’ caught your attention, and you stopped so fast your knees protested.
Raph tracked over you, wanting to reach out, wanting to hold you, knowing it was the last thing you would want at this moment.
You were teetering at the edge of an abyss. Work, Life, Pressure. It was a mantra inside your head, everything that was wrong, everything that was out of your control. You couldn’t meet his eyes, only stared at the blearily outline of green and red, feeling yourself start to hiccup the longer you stayed still, knowing you were well on the way to making yourself sick. 
Raph rumbled again, a thump thump thump you could barely hear, a sort of mantra of his own. I see you, I understand, I know. When you jerked your head away, far too gone for comfort, he tried a different approach, finally moving to block your path.
“Follow me.” He jerked his head over his shoulder, but you were already moving past him, knowing where he wanted you, what he was after. You moved so fast, your steps jerky, angry, that he ended up following you into his weight room, found you practically vibrating as you fought to stay in one piece.
“The bag.” He ordered, another jerk of his head, tone brooking no argument. He wasn’t even sure if you could string together two thoughts to make a syllable at this moment without puking, but he knew you needed something physical, before you made yourself sick.
So he stooped to brace the bag, turned it towards you, winced internally at the thought of not being able to wrap your hands. He made a quick gut decision, grabbing an old pair of gloves and tossing them towards you. They were old, and smelled to high heaven, but they hadn’t fit his hands since he’d hit puberty, and they’d save your knuckles. 
When you gripped them, angry, he let the crack in his voice deepen. “You’re gonna wear them, whether you want to or not. I’m not gonna let you bust your hands.”
You rolled your eyes, tears still tracking down your face, but the particular scowl scrunching his features kept you from arguing, and…. Your hands were already aching, where you’d griped the thin bones in your hands too tight.
So you donned the gloves, took a stance, and swung before Raph could get a word in edgewise. The bag vibrated, but the shock transferred back up your arm, drawing out a pained hiss in the process.
Raph chuckled darkly. “Yeah, I bet that didn’t feel too hot, did it, sweetheart? You gonna listen this time, or are you dead set on hurting yourself somehow?”
You still felt the ache in your muscles, focusing on the punishment. You gave another jab, expecting more, expecting to connect with the sand filled bag, but Raph moved faster than you could process, his large hand taking the hit, curling around your glove to keep it in place.
“Don’t be an idiot.” He growled. “Slow down, think it through. You’re not doing anyone any favors punishing yourself.”
You wanted to rip your hand away, wanted to resume, but he held on tight, brought your glove forward until to pressed against the surface of his plastron, pushed until there was no more room to move forward. 
“You do that again,” he threatened out in a rumble, “and I’ll see that you regret it.” 
You shivered, but he moved away, ducked around the bag again, held it steady. 
“Now.” He intoned, and you knew what he wanted, what he was ordering.
So you fixed your stance, danced side to side, imagined your opponent. Imagined a hook coming your way, slipped past with only a faint jitter of hesitation before delivering a hard liver shot, ducking to the other side before jabbing on the rebound, your weight dancing effortlessly side to side the longer you went.
Raph kept quiet, now that you were thinking, problem solving, working out the frustration properly. He kept his eyes trained on your own, watching you come back, watching the tears slow, stop, and a hard determination take its place.
When you finally moved away from the bag, from him, he followed like a shadow, crowding into your space, stopping a hands breath away.
“You feeling better?” He mimicked your nod, continuing, “good. You need to talk about it?”
When you shook your head, lifted your hand to wipe at your face, he stopped you, grip firm and careful as he kept the filthy glove from touching your skin. You stared down at the gloves, nose wrinkling, not missing the chuckle that escaped him.
“Yeah. Sorry bout that.” He peeled it off your hand, before switching to the other, holding both your wrists in his much larger grip, thumbs pushing into sore muscles. “But I can make it up to you, if you’d like?”
You tsked, finding your lip curling up as he let that hopeful thump thump thump once more, moving into your space until he could cage you in between his arms. 
“Sure, Red. Make it up to me.”
Mikey found you curled up on your fire escape, staring moodily at the dirty brick. He landed rather loud, wanting to warn you, wanting to see that wide smile break across your face like it always did when you saw him.
Instead, you stayed focused on the wall, and he deflated a little, before frowning, wondering if you knew it was him, or if you were so out of it you honestly didn’t realize you weren’t alone.
“Babycakes! You ok?” He let his voice carry, his suspicions confirmed when you blinked at the sound of his voice, twisted around in confusion. 
“Oh! Hey Mikey.” But you didn’t smile at seeing him, only pulled your knees up to your chest, wrapped your arms around them, laid your head across the top.
He moved to your side, folded in on himself, shuffled forward until he could press his leg, his arm against your own. “Hey, what’s wrong? Are you ok?”
You hummed, nodded, not moving when he reached out, ran a hand through your hair. “M’ just tired.” You rubbed your head against your knees. “Can’t sleep.”
He tilted his head, considering you, the open window behind the two of you. “You wanna go lay down? I bet I could help you sleep.” He wiggled his eyebrows at you.
You shook your head again, and he removed his hand, leaning backwards and bracing himself on his palms, nudged you with his leg. “C’mon, baby, talk to me? Tell me what’s wrong? Please?”
“Oh, Mikey,” you smiled at his insistence. “I’m just a little caught up at the moment.” At his confused look, you tapped the side of your head. “Thoughts too loud to sleep, Angelo. Wouldn’t be fair for you to deal with that.”
He frowned, moved forward again, tapping a quick rhythm on his knees, watching as you focused on the movement. An idea sparked, and he quickly shuffled forward, mimicking your pose once more, eyes quickly moving around until he found what he was looking for.
“Look,” He pointed, reached out to tilt your head the correct direction when you hummed in confusion. You saw a tall man walking down the street, dressed to impress, fashion impeccable. You turned a confused look towards Michelangelo, wondering what in the world he was about pointing out a handsome man to you.
“Where do you think he’s going?” He asked, nudged your shoulder until you gave a sigh, answering just to get him to stop:
“I don’t know-” at his puppy dog eyes, you tried again, “maybe, maybe off to a fancy dinner? A promotion?” You lifted a hand to your head, rubbed at the ache.
“Hm.” Mikey hummed, considering. “I bet he’s leaving a date with his wife, on his way to lead a double life,” he dropped his voice to a whisper, aware you didn’t realize you were leaning into him to hear his words, “as a strongman in the  illegal underground circus.”
You stared at him for a beat, taking in his pleased grin, before the first bubble of laughter caught you by surprised, escaped before you could reel it in. “What?” You asked, hand coming up to muffle the sound. 
Mikey tugged your hand down, claiming it in his grip as he pointed out another character. “Look at her! See how she walks so fast?” He glanced over at you, saw your eyes tracking the figure. “Bet she’s late for a super villain meeting, and she’s completely forgotten it’s her turn to bring the snacks.”
“Super villain meeting?” You echoed, unfurling a little, letting him pull you closer. “Shouldn’t you tell Leo about that?”
“Eh,” Mikey shrugged, fingers dancing up and down your sides when you leaned into him. “I was going to, but they keep bribing me with pizza.”
“That would work.” You nodded along when he agreed with your assessment, then pointed. “What about him?”
Mikey followed your gaze. “Oh. Him?” He paused a moment, glancing between you and the person. “Hey, how come the people you pick are handsome?”
You sputtered, “What? He’s the first one I picked!”
“Nu uh,” Mikey shook his head, grateful you couldn’t see his face. “You picked the first one, and he was handsome, too.”
“Mikey, you picked the first one.” Your voice pitched up at the end, clearly hiding laughter, and you could feel him shake behind you.
“No I didn’t, I clearly remember you did.” He insisted, hands slipping around your waist when you turned in his grip, legs boxing in your elbows when you jabbed a retaliatory finger into his plastron.
Jab. “You.” Another jab. “Are an absolute.” Jab jab. “Menace, Mi-” 
He kissed you, a quick press of lips before he bubbled your cheek. “Oh yea? Got you smiling, babe.”
You slumped against him, and he braced a palm behind him to keep from toppling back, concerned for half a beat before he felt the shivers of your laugh against his chest. He let out a soft churr, and you nuzzled into the sound.
“God, what would I do without you, Mikey?” You asked, looped your arms around him as far as they would go.
“You aren’t ever gonna find out, baby.” He replied, gathering you closer, letting you slot yourself against him, content to stay outside in the cold for as long as you wanted.
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ju1cyfru1t · 9 months
Hey, this is my first time requesting something, but I was wondering if you could do the ROTTMNT boys x a reader who’s like terrified of needles? Like the sight of one is fine but once they hear about a finger prick or a shot they freak out and start to cry? It’s kinda weird but I experienced something like this earlier and I just got the idea… Thank You!
Hope you love it! :) <3
rottmnt x reader
S/O with trypanophobia/deathly afraid of needles
hurt/comfort? gn reader, romantic? but could be read as platonic.
mentions needles, wounds, and stitches
PLEASE just ignore if any info in this is wrong I’m not a doctor man
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You had gotten injured on a mission and had a pretty nasty, deep cut on your thigh.
Not to worry, Donnie’s first-aid in on the way. So there you were in his lab as Donnie observed the cut through his goggles.
“Yeah, that’s gonna need stitches…”
Your stomach dropped, your horror evident as you squeezed your boyfriends hand. “Stitches?…with, like, a needle? No way!”
“What? Are you scared?~” Leo teased (fucking idiot), laughing a little bit.
“No! I am-” Your stomach flipped and your breathing hitched as Donnie pulled out a special needle and thread from his kit, images of it piercing your skin filled your mind. “Oh god…I can’t do it.”
“Relax! You’re in good hands!“ You looked up at Leo horrified at his words, before both turning to look at Donnie. “Hey! I’ll have you know-“
“Shhhhh! Y/N, really, you’ll be fiiine just calm down bro!” Leo patted your back. Obviously, this was not helpful. First of all, being told to calm down NEVER soothes anybody, and second he called you ‘bro.’
“Mm-mm. No! No way! Look, it’s-“ you hissed in pain as you gripped your leg to cover your wound, “…fine.”
“Not really, Y/N…” Donnie sighed, threading the needle.
“Yeah! What if it gets infected and we have to like, amputate your leg?” You knew Leo was trying to help, but he really wasn’t. Why the hell would he say that anyway? (fucking idiot)
“No, please! I can’t!” You squirmed trying to get up, desperate.
Leo lightly grabbed your shoulders, trying to gently lay you down on the table, “Relaaaax. I know you’re scared, but I’ll be right here the whole time, I swear. Besides, I’m sure Donnie is gonna numb it or whatever, right?”
Your breathing was extremely uneasy tears spilling from your eyes. “No! Stop.”
Leo grabbed your hand again, squeezing it. “Come on, Donnie, isn’t there anything else you can do?”
Donatello sighed, rubbing his temple. “ I suppose…we could try to just patch it up with some gauze, but I’m not sure it-“
“Great! Then bust out that gauze.” Leo rubbed the back of your hand with his thumb.
He didn’t really show it, but he was extremely worried and did feel a little guilty for not taking you seriously at first. He hated seeing you so distressed because he didn’t really know what to do.
“Why not?” Raph looked at Donnie and then down at you, he didn’t really understand.
“I just can’t, Raph, please.” You squeezed his hand tightly, your chest was tight and your face went pale at even the thought of having a needle in your arm.
“He has to Y/N, you’re hurt. Tell em’, Donnie.” Raph nudged Donnie and he sighed, a little frustrated.
“Well, Y/N…it could get seriously infected if you
don’t-“ Donnie began to thread the needle.
You began to squirm, trying to get up but Raph gently squeezed your shoulder with his free hand to keep you down, his face wrinkling in concern. “No! I-…I can’t! Stop, please!”
“It’s ok, Y/N. Raph’s right here, no one’s gonna make you.” Raph couldn’t stand to see you so afraid. “Donnie, can’t you just like, put a band-aid on it?”
To which his younger brother raised an eyebrow, a little annoyed, “No, Raphael, I can’t just ‘slap a band-aid on it.’ …but I suppose I could patch it up with some gauze and medical tape.”
“Awesome! See, Y/N, you have nothing to be afraid of.” Raph smiled down at you, trying to be reassuring. He didn’t completely understand, but he did know he wasn’t going to just let you be distraught if there was another solution.
“Don’t worry, Donnie’ll take care of you. He’s the best in the business, baby!” Mikey beamed, not realizing what you meant. Donnie smirked at his brothers compliment, nodding a small ‘mhm.’
“No! Really, it’s ok! It’ll, ah! Heal just fine..” You looked down at your leg, the stinging, throbbing pain still surging through it.
“Nuh uh! Come on, Y/N. You’ll be fine!” Michael rubbed your back as Donnie dug through the first-aid kit and pulling out, in your opinion, an un-fairly sized needle and some thread.
You felt undeniably terrified in that moment at the image of being stitched up and having a needle pulled through your skin over and over. The color left your face, your adrenaline rushing. “No! I said no! Mikey, please!”
Mikey frowned, feeling your terror with you. “Uh, Dee…maybe you should just patch them up with some bandage.”
Donnie looked between both of you, before shaking his head, “Alright.”
“Good! No needles. You’re ok, Y/N. I’m right beside you.” Mikey smiled in his usual optimistic way and he put his arm completely around you, but was definitely still saddened. He’d never seen you so frightened before, even when you were attacked to be put in this situation in the first place. He made a mental note of this event for future reference.
“Why not?” Donnie furrowed his brows, pushing up his goggles with his free hand, squeezing your hand back in his other one.
“Please. There has to be something else you can do.” You looked at him pleadingly, and he narrowed his eyes, thinking for a second.
“…I don’t know, Y/N. It would be a lot safer to just do stitches. For example, it could get infected, or scar, or-“ He began to thread the needle, tying the end.
“No! Donnie, don’t!” You thrashed around, trying to hastily get up, the pain in your leg worsening at the pressure.
“Y/N, hold still!” Donatello grabbed your arm gently to hold you from standing up. He didn’t comprehend how deep your fear was. “I know it’s scary, just hold on-“
“No! Stop! Get it away from me, I can’t!” You struggled, kicking your feet and tightly gripping his arm. Tears formed in your eyes, your breathing quickening.
Donnie pulled back, dropping the needle back into the kit. He wasn’t expecting that reaction, his eyes softening into concern as he finally realized your genuine terror.
He sighed, a little frustrated but trying to be understanding, “Ok. Alright, how about just some bandage and gauze? Is that ok?”
You nodded, still a little anxious as your hands shook slightly. “Sorry, Donnie…”
“Don’t apologize.” He gently and carefully wrapped the bandage around your leg. He definitely didn’t show it properly, but he did feel bad. He didn’t mean to scare you and if he had known, he wouldn’t have even suggested it. It bothered him to hear how genuinely afraid you were. He would just have to remember for next time, but hopefully there wouldn’t be a next time.
Still working on and accepting requests!!! :)
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tiyawnyana · 7 months
Kinktober: Day 21
Phone/Throat Comm Sex
A/N: I love writing dialog for this goof
Pairing: Lo'ak x (fem) Human reader
Warnings: teasing, sex toy, phone/throat comm sex, nipple play, dirty talk, peneration
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You hear a faint noise. Very quiet, but you strain your ears to listen.
Pacing around the room, it gets louder by your desk, and you quickly realize it's your throat comm and ear piece. You secure it around your throat, inserting the ear piece.
"-llooooo?" Lo'ak calls, "Are you theeeere?"
You stifle a giggle,"Yes? What's got you calling so late?"
"Well I didn't think you'd reply, was really just testing my luck," you can hear that coy smirk on his lips,"why are you awake?"
"Why are you awake?" You chuckle, fixing up your desk.
"Can't sleep-" there's silence for a moment before you hear a huff,"missed you."
"You just saw me like two hours ago," you giggle lightly, peeling off your shirt and getting comfy for bed.
"That was forever ago.. besides we haven't gotten alone time lately," his voice carries a suggestive tone.
You snort, rolling your eyes as you quickly brush your teeth.
You're pacing back over to your bed when your eyes catch onto the drawer you had some things stashed away in.
"I know we haven't gotten much time together lately.. we could always do something, a date night?"
"Too far away," he whines like a child and you snicker quietly,"Need you now.."
"Lo'ak, I am not a booty call," you laugh lightly, then you hear him gasp dramatically.
"Wait- I have an idea," there's rustling on the other end for a moment before he's back, a little breathless,"Just had to close my room off."
"For my brilliant idea- go and grab one of those toys of yours from the dresser."
You jump, gaping like a fish.
"Yes, I found where they were, doesn't matter-"
"Lo'ak!" Your voice is high pitched and an embarrassed blush covers your cheeks.
"Whaaat? You're not so secretive, just F Y I," he snickers, then sighs,"seriously though.. I thought this might be fun.. phone sex.. if you want to try it?"
You sigh, nibbling on your lower lip. There had been a persistent heat between your legs for about two, three weeks now? You missed him, he's been so busy as of late- you only got to see him for appropriate moments with others, never really alone.
You shake your head, heading over to the dresser,"Fine.." and look at the few things you had. A 3D printer was really a god send, along with a left over toy that thankfully was never used nor opened before you.
"Fuck yeah- OK set the mood, what are you wearing?"
You snort, rolling your eyes,"The tanktop you tore, it's a crop top now and," you look down at the shorts, cringing at the faded earthly ducks,"underwear."
"You're wearing those duck shorts again, aren't you?"
You quickly tug them off,"Nope- not at all," then grab the blue vibrator you had made.
He chuckles,"Sexy, now take it all off, baby."
You shiver at the purr in his voice, swallowing thickly before listening. You grab a towel and toss it into your bed. Your top ends up tossed away from your bed as you clamber onto the plush blankets and lay on top of the towel with the vibrator in hand. Your practically buzzing with excitement.
"O-okay.. it's off," your voice wavers.
"Good girl," you hear his voice getting a little breathier,"Want you to tease your nipples for me."
You nod, before quickly speaking out a soft 'Okay', dragging your fingers down your chest to softly touch your nipples. You tease as he asked, tracing around them before pinching softly to harden them up. You whine lightly at the feeling.
"Wish I was there, wanna bite on those perfect little nipples," he breathes.
"Lo'ak-" you pant,"Wish you were here, miss you-"
"I miss you, baby," he huffs,"Too perfect for me."
You heart swells and you grin,"Touch yourself for me?"
"Fuck- of course," he groans.
You hear rustling and he huffs in relief, a skin slapping against skin sound coming from his end and you smirk weakly, trailing the buzzing toy over your clit. You increase the pressure and sigh in bliss.
"Baby- put it in yourself," he speaks soft and it almost sounds like a plea.
You blink then nod, turning it off, sitting up to gently prod the tip at your entrance before inserting in one fell swoop. You gasp, a punched out moan sounding on the other end and he groans.
"You touching yourself?" You whine, head tilting back just slightly as you picture him gingerly stroking himself off.
"Ye-yeah, god," he tries to stifle a whimper but it still sends that zing between your legs,"wish I was there, oh fuck-"
"Don't- don't cover your noises, please," you plead with a whine,"Want to hear you."
You hear him exhale followed by a broken off moan. You languidly thrust it in for a few moments before finally turning it back on; you toss your head back and moan brokenly as it thrums inside of you.
"Uhhn, mmf, fuckfuck," your voice is a whimper. Your thighs clench for a moment before you're able to calm down just slightly enough to be able to thrust it in and out of your cunt.
"Imagine its me," he breathes hard.
You can't help the snort,"kinda hard when it's barely half your size."
He snickers as well,"That's true, but- just imagine it, please?"
"Fine, fine, I'll imagine your dick shrank."
"And that it's vibrating now."
"No- wait, that's okay," and you both snicker.
It's then that you break off into a whine,"Hhhn, fuck, Lo'aaak," as it pulses inside of you.
"Shit- yeah, baby? Like how it feels?"
"Yeah- yes, oh god."
"Wish I was there to see you, we'll have to use those next time, won't we?"
You blush at the thought, but an idea occurs,"You could- can fuck me open with this, then your cock?"
He groans loudly, the sound of skin slapping gets quicker as he jerks himself off.
"Could tease you with it- fuck, I have so many ideas now," he moans.
You giggle lightly, panting,"We can try all of them, hun," while thrusting it with more of a sequence. At this point you're dragging it against your pulsing walls, whining pathetically into the mic.
"Promise? Want to cum in you all the time- want everyone to know you're mine," he speeds up.
"That's so- so dirty, Lo'ak," you whine.
"Yeah- want to dirty you up, fuckfuck."
You reach a hand up to pinch at your nipples, whining breathlessly. They harden up and you can't stop thinking of the last time he sucked on them; they were tender for a week! But it felt too good for you to really be upset.
"Miss your mouth on me-" you groan, switching to the other side.
"I'll bite you all over, mark you up," The tone in his voice has you whimpering hard,
"Mmph, fuck, Lo'ak, Lo'ak!" You moan, thrusting the toy into yourself faster. The vibrating is hitting all the right spots. The wet squelches have you almost feeling embarrassed but you can't seem to care enough. Your head cranes back against your pillow as you cry out in bliss, your other hand leaving your nipple to press against your sensitive clit.
"That's it, baby- Eywa, I wish I was there to see you," he moans, and you can faintly hear the wet slapping of his hand jerking his cock off,"Want to touch you, that toy of yours is nothing compared to me, isn't that right?"
You whine, panting,"doesn't even fill me the way you do- uhhn," your hips buck involuntarily and you gasp loudly as the vibrations pulse hard against that spot inside of you.
"That's right- oh fuck- I love being inside you," he whines and it has you clenching around the vibrator,"Love seeing you take all of me- the fact that I can see myself poking through your belly- ugh, fuckfuck-"
You can't think, only moaning brokenly into the air.
"You're so good for me, baby," his voice is desperate and he's breathing harder.
Your thrust that vibrator into yourself despite your wrist cramping, your middle and index finger rubbing harder into your clit.
"Mmmf, fuck, pleaseplease," you babble nonsense,"Need you- God, Lo'ak! Oh- please-"
"Love when I get to eat you out," his grin is clear,"You're always so wet for me- you taste so good."
"Hnn, fuck- want you to fuck me with your fingers," you moan out and you grin at the shakey moan.
"Want you to cum on my face," he whines, and your back arches, vision going white as you cum to the image.
You collapse, slowly coming back to your senses to hear him speaking.
"Love it when you ride me-" He stutters, breath hitching as he belts out a moan. It breaks off into a whimper before he's silent for a moment. You assume he's finished, judging by the faint hard intakes of breath.
You whine, quickly reaching down to pull the toy out of your sopping cunt, wincing as you drop it onto the towel.
You breath for another few minutes before huffing,"We're having that date night tomorrow, alright?"
He chuckles weakly on the other end.
A/N: love him
(Lmk if you want to be added!)
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ladybugsimblr · 9 months
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Rolling Stone - Fall Bailey Kay, One of One
Shoutout to @soulsimmin for the other musical artists noted on the cover and general Team BK shenanigans. Somebody cut the check.
Article Below
Category: Baaad Bitch
10.59pm The initials BK pop on the screen indicating Bailey Kay has joined the Soom call. The camera flashes on and my heart skips a beat. I hear her soft but firm voice say “Kiss” and another face appears in the view. Bailey’s husband Quinton leans in for a kiss as requested. The two quickly exchange “Love you’s” and adoring looks and then he’s gone as fast as he appeared. Bailey Kay turns to me and I now have her undivided attention. She flashes that gorgeous smile and my heart skips a beat again.
“Sorry. Hi! Thank you for agreeing to meet with me this late. I hope you’re a night owl too.” Absolutely not. I’m normally in bed by 10pm, but who says no to the Queen B when she agrees at the last possible second to her first interview in ages. I awkwardly reply “I am tonight!” and she laughs, exclaiming “I like you!” Phew! Any remaining tension and nerves are gone. Let’s get into this.
Channeling my glitteriest of kitties I jump right in and ask “Where are the visuals? We the butterflies are begging for the music videos and performances.” Honestly I expected a glare or an eye roll in return, but I get a sly smirk instead. “You are the visual”
I instinctively look at the small image of myself on the screen thinking I did too much with my look for this call. Bailey must have sensed my confusion and continues: “Butterfly is about celebrating life, love, and freedom, overcoming struggles and transforming into your best, highest self. I didn’t want to dictate how anyone experienced those things with the typical visuals. But I did want to get the party started so I gave you the first step- the music.”
“So you dropped the album and bounced to let us party and figure it out for ourselves?”
“You are funny! But yes, kinda. And look what happened! You all started your own challenge and created the visuals, and all I had to do was sit back and watch. Also I really didn’t leave y’all empty handed. I thought we killed it with the pics in the Butterfly Box. But I can’t forget the hive is the hardest to please and I love that. Keeps me on my toes.”
“Ok, I see the vision, but why literally leave the country and go on vacation during an album rollout? That’s unheard of!”
“Ok two reasons. The first is that was what I needed to do. That was my way of celebrating. I told my baby girl that putting out an album was like graduating. I fought hard to overcome my own issues and dark places and now that the project was out to the world, I needed to release and just be with my family, my babies.”
“And the second?”
“Because I can. I’m THAT girl! Deadass!” Again with a smile and a laugh. BK might be the nicest bad bitch I’ve ever met.
“What do you say to the critics who say the album is going to fail? There are rules to the game if you want to succeed.”
“I say check the streaming numbers and sales.” That eye twinkle and smile return one more time. “Rules are meant to be broken. Sometimes. Note to self: Redact that line before my terrors read this. But seriously if we did the same thing, the same way, every time, art, music, life would all be extremely boring. Tackling the unheard of and never been done before is my shit. I live for that. As far as succeeding… I’ve been lucky enough to have more success in my entertainment career than I ever dreamed of. Whatever I do from here on is the extra sauce and will not be measured by industry standards.”
“Speaking of the future, what more can we expect for Butterfly? Please say tour.”
“Ha! Ummm performances are coming. It’s time for me to party with the butterflies.”
“Ok, will they be on multiple stages in cities near all of us?”
“I can't with you! But I can say I’ll perform songs from Butterfly and the rest of the catalogue, on stage, soon. Stay ready.”
And ready we will stay. Ready for the Queen BK. One of One. Number One. The Only One.
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sentientgolfball · 9 months
that recent dew request got me SOFT!!! i love your writing so much, so how about i request phantom x reader also engaging in a playfight but since phantom has been recently summoned, he's not used to holding back and ends up unintentionally scratching the reader with his claws. i wonder how freaked out and horrified he'd be once he realized !!!!!!
Ok so I went a little overboard with this one cause I'm HEAVY on the Phantom brainrot. Semi continuation of this but all you really need to know is Reader works as Sister's assistant and has been at the Ministry for a decent amount of time.
Also...thank you so much that really makes me so happy WAHHHH
My requests are open !
Your eyes darted up in the direction of the door for the millionth time since Sister Imperator left her office for the day. You had stayed behind to get some extra work done for the upcoming Samhain harvest party. You rolled your shoulders to sedate the feeling of anticipation building up within you. As time dragged on with nothing happening you began to relax and get some proper work done, that is until you hear it. The slightest creak of the floorboards. You tense for a moment pausing your typing to listen for it again thinking you just imagined it. You get this deep feeling within your gut that you need to turn around right now or who knows what will happen. You shift in your chair and scan the surprisingly small space. 
There’s no way he’s here. I would’ve seen him come in unless he crawled through the fucking window. What am I thinking of course he would crawl through a window. 
You turn back around in your chair only to be met with the glowing purple eyes of your favorite scarred face. You jump ever so slightly but cover it up with a laugh and a shake of your head.
“Nice try star,  but you’re gonna have to do better than that.” 
“Seriously? I spent all day perfecting that trick and nothing.” He makes a pouty face as he looks at you from across the desk. 
“It’s going to take a lot more than sudden popping into existence to get me” you laugh “but I wouldn’t mind hearing about that little trick.” You just wanted to know exactly what to look out for for future encounters. You hoped you sounded innocent enough, though apparently you didn’t. 
“Can’t do. A magician never reveals his secrets.” He looks at you smugly. 
You roll your eyes with a smile and finish the email you were writing before standing and slipping your hand into his. You walk back to your room together and you can literally feel the excitement sparking off of Phantom. You shudder when you feel a zap of accidental quintessence pulse through you. With the harvest party so close, the Ministry is fully done up in autumn colors and cheap decorations. It was hard to make a Satanic abbey filled with demons look any more haunted, but it’s the thought that counts. 
Phantom had become completely enamored with the concept of Halloween. The day the very first fake cobweb appeared he had burst into your room on your day off to interrogate you about why the Siblings were getting annoyed with him for cleaning it. When you explained to him what Halloween was and how humans celebrate it he was so excited that the lichtenberg figure scars on his body began to pulse with barely contained quintessence. He spent the remainder of the night on your laptop binge watching movies and looking at costumes. He also picked up a nasty habit. From that day on he turned his daily ‘visit you at work’ moments into daily ‘try to scare you shitless’ moments. You ended up having to explain to a rather sad looking Phantom that you’ve been at the Ministry for quite some time and a ghoul jumping out and yelling ‘boo’ is not going to scare you. Little did you know, that would only egg him on. His little scares started to become big scares trying everything he could think of to get to you. 
You both pause when you finally get to your room. This immediately makes you suspicious as Phantom usually opens the door first. You turn to look at him. 
“Phantom I swear to Satan if one of your bats is in there again.” You say slowly pushing open the door and peaking in. You sigh in relief when you don’t see anything moving. 
You walk in with him hot on your heels. His smile falters as he looks around the room. 
“Aw come on I left it right there!” He says pointing to your desk. Your eyes scan over him. 
“Is that who you were looking for?” You motion to his shoulder. He turns his head and yelps when he sees the tarantula on him. You walk over and take it gently into your hand before he can smack it. 
“Is this one of Papa Secondo’s? How did you convince him to let you borrow her for this?” 
He stays silent.
“You didn’t convince him, did you?” 
“I thought it would work! Aren’t most humans anthropomorphic?” 
“That’s what I said.” 
You smile and shake your head “Well I’m going to take this little lady back to Secondo before he turns the Ministry inside out.” 
You leave your room and immediately notice Phantom is not making a move to follow you. That’s your sign that he has something else planned. You mentally prepare yourself for whatever it may be as you make the long walk to Secondo’s chambers where you deposit the tarantula safely into his waiting, and worried, hands. 
Your internal clock still hasn’t matched up to the time change and it is suddenly a lot darker on your way back to your room than you anticipated. The candles being your only source of light for your journey. You pause in front of the open Chapel doors and stare at a glowing stained glass window. You smile contentedly taking it all in, this time of year was always your favorite. 
And then all the candles are snuffed at once. And the heavy doors slam shut. And you smell something. It’s a scent you’re not familiar with. It smells like a strange mix of all the things you’ve come to associate with each element. You turn in a small circle trying to get your bearings in the dim lighting and that’s when you see the thing that makes your blood run cold. The flash of a silver mask standing in front of one of the windows. You can feel your heart jump to your throat as you recall the legends you were told when you first joined the Church. 
Never walk alone at night or else the ghoul who lurks there will find you and dispose of you assuming that you’re a trespasser. He has no name. He only reacts to—
“Special.” You say out loud in shock. 
The moment you do the masked figure rushes at you. You curse and immediately turn to run the opposite direction but you’re no match for the speed of a ghoul. You feel the clawed hand grip your wrist, but luckily you had enough momentum to pull away before he could fully hold you in place.  You sprint down the hallway without a second thought doing everything you can to put distance between you and the ghoul. You pass a small utility closet and that brings you to your senses. You can’t outrun a ghoul no matter how much of a head start you have. You double back and jump into the closet leaving it open just enough to peak out. You keep a hand over your mouth trying to keep your breathing as quiet as you can. You watch through the crack as Special stops right outside of the closet and sniffs the air. Time feels like it moves in slow motion as you watch him. Your chest clenches. Your stomach drops to the floor. You can feel yourself shaking. An image of your death flashes through your mind. 
The ghoul seems to catch something and laughs before taking off in the direction you had gone before ducking into cover. That laugh. It wasn’t full of malice or danger. It was giddy, full of pure excitement. You recognized that laugh. 
You take a moment to sigh in relief about the fact you aren’t about ready to be horribly murdered by the ghoul from Ministry legend before deciding you were so getting Phantom back for this. You quietly step out of the closet and creep down the hallway you saw him go towards. You hide behind a pillar when you see him standing there frantically looking around. You hear him growl before watching him rip the mask off.
“I can’t smell anything with this thing on.” 
He turns around and starts walking back to where this little game all began. You hold back a smile and lean against the pillar nonchalantly as if you weren’t just on the verge of tears. You watch him pass you before you speak. 
“Come here often?” 
He screams and drops the mask, turning around to face you. You laugh and pick it up, holding it out to him. 
“This is impossible! I’m starting to think you’re not human.” he pauses and you can see his nose twitch as a satisfied grin spreads across his face. He can definitely smell your fear. 
“Nope. Nuh uh. You didn’t get me.” You give him a light shove with your shoulder. 
“Oh I definitely did. I finally found what freaks you out! The big bad ghoul that goes bump in the night!” 
He grabs you and gives you an excited and triumphant shake. When he lets go you feel a small stinging sensation on your arms where he grabbed. You check yourself over and see the little pinpricks from where his claws accidentally dug into your flesh, a small amount of blood already welling there. It wasn’t deep, certainly not the worst scratch from a ghoul, but you did not feel like walking around the Ministry at night with blood on you. The idea of the legends still being true flashes in your mind. 
“Hey uh Phantom.” 
He turns and looks at you and all the elation from his success disappears in an instant. You immediately try to soothe him before he freaks out. 
“Hey no it’s okay. It doesn’t really hurt, I'm fine. I just need you to heal them, okay?” 
He stares at you frozen in place, eyes flicking from your face back to the blood back to you. He looks lost, like he’s not even entirely sure what he’s seeing. You can practically see the storm of thoughts in his head. 
“Phantom.” You say gently. This time he snaps out of it. He’s shaking like a leaf as he silently reaches for you. He hesitates for a moment before carefully putting his hands on you. The air is filled with the smell of ozone and frost as you watch his scars pulse to life with his quintessence. And then you’re screaming as the small sting turns into a horrible burn. He rips his hands away immediately and backs up so far he bumps into the wall. 
You take a moment to catch your breath and scream out a rather creative string of curse words as the feeling turns into a dull throb. 
“Okay. That one’s on me.” You knew he had a hard time controlling his magic when his emotions ran high, but you weren’t exactly thinking logically after the night's events. 
He mumbles something and you tilt your head. He notices and repeats himself just a bit louder. 
“Omega should still be in the infirmary.” He looks up at you with the saddest puppy eyes you’ve ever seen. You mentally smack yourself for not remembering that. 
“Alright let’s go see Omega then.” You smile and move towards Phantom only for him to back away. You pause and feel your chest tighten a bit at the once clingy ghoul keeping a five foot distance from you. You’ve never seen him so quiet, so reserved in your time together. You don’t really know what to do, so you just turn and make your way towards the infirmary. You feel a little better hearing the sound of his shoes clicking after you. 
The infirmary isn’t busy and Omega is able to see you immediately. The lingering scent of your fear made him believe that something horrible happened, but when he saw the little claw marks he sighed. Phantom seemed to take his reaction a different way and immediately started to babble out an explanation with you occasionally interjecting to correct his overdramatization. However, when you got to the part about the added pain Omega seemed concerned. 
“Phantom, you isolated the wrong thread. Have you not been practicing your healing?” 
His ears dropped down as his tail wrapped around his leg. His only response was a high pitched whine. 
Omega sighed “I don’t know if I should yell at you or Aether or both” he pinches the bridge of his nose “starting tomorrow you’re to come here. Don’t be late.” 
He gets up and stalks off to another room without saying anything more. 
You and Phantom leave and head back to your room. He walks next to you this time, but he’s still quiet and it doesn’t sit right with you. He follows you into your room and looks up at you when you close the door.
“Are you really okay?” 
“Yes star, I’m fine. It was barely even a scratch.”
He doesn’t look convinced. You hold your arms out to him.
“Hey. Come here. I want my favorite little love bug.” 
To your surprise, he jumps into you immediately. The force of it knocks you backwards and you land on the bed with him clinging to you. You laugh as he buries his face into your chest muttering apologies and promises to never do it again. He clings tightly to you for a while and you let him, happy that he seems back to normal. Relief washes over you when you finally hear him purr. 
“Hey by the way.”
“Where did you get that uniform?” 
“Oh I borrowed it from Dew.” 
You furrow your brows “And he just let you?” 
He laughs “Well yea. It was his and Swiss’ idea for me to use it.” 
Suddenly the whole situation makes sense. There’s no way Phantom would’ve come up with the idea of masquerading as the special ghoul on his own, much less actually use the idea. You pull his face up to meet yours in a quick kiss. 
“I love you, but never take the advice of those two again.” 
“You’re just mad that I won.” 
You roll your eyes and pull him closer in your little spoon. You lay there with him listening to him ramble about how he did everything, slowly getting lulled to sleep by his weight and the rumble of his voice.
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luveline · 11 months
Hi jade I’m the anon that asked about the non zombie au Steve blurbs! I just thought of a story idea: Steve with a gf that’s recovering from ED?
hi babe!! hope this is ok<3 fem!reader
cw implied eating disorder recovery
"Ready?" Steve asks. 
You lean back in his bed and cross your arms over your tummy. "No… are you sure we have to go? I'd way rather stay and watch a movie here. Please?" 
"Please," he says back. "I really wanna see this one, he's, like, a tomb raider."
"You realise there were two movies before this one, right?"
"Yeah, but I didn't know you knew that. I think you'll like it too, babe. You think that Ford guy is handsome." 
"I think you're handsome, and I can see you right here." 
Steve takes his jacket off. As soon as he does you feel awful, throwing your legs over the side of the bed to stop him undressing further. "I'm kidding. I'll go. Come on, you're right, Harrison Ford is really handsome." 
"Are you sure?" he asks, jacket held in his hands loosely. "I know you haven't been feeling the best, so if you don't wanna go, it's fine. We can go later in the week." 
"I– I don't wanna–" You hate stammering around him, but admitting how you feel about this carries an awkward weight. A fettering kind of shame. "We'll have, like, nachos and popcorn and stuff, and movie food is really–" 
"I get it," he says, nodding.
Steve puts the jacket down on his dresser and grabs your hand, pulling you back enough to sit with him again on the bed. Sheets crumple under your hands. You're in for a Harrington pep talk, you can tell. You need it so much you don't try to fight it.
"Stuff like that sets me off," you mumble, though he already knows, "and I've had a really good week this week, I don't wanna ruin it." 
"The week isn't ruined if you have a slip up, you know that," Steve says gently.
It's just hard. Even though he loves you. Even though he understands. It's raw to be seen at what you feel is your worst, while you trust Steve to be kind about it, because something tells you that your worst is the worst. You know you aren't lesser for having this problem, but knowing and feeling don't align when it comes to this. 
"I don't want to go somewhere that's going to make you feel shitty, though, seriously," he says, his arm slipping behind your back. He kisses your cheek, and speaks warmly in your ear, "if you don't feel like you can do it tonight, then you don't have to." 
"This is silly. I can't keep interrupting our lives because I'm worried about how eating butter is going to make me feel." 
Steve rubs your back. "Don't do that, honey. You don't have to make it smaller than it feels."
"Steve," you say quietly. 
"I know this isn't small for you. I promise it's not small for me, either, and it isn't disrupting my life. You getting better is a thousand times more important to me than seeing a movie, so if you feel like you can't be there, we won't go." 
"Are you sure?" you ask. 
Steve hugs you. "Yeah. Yeah, of course I am. I'm proud of you. Not everyone understands it, I know, 'n' I know that makes it harder, but I'm on your side." He pulls away to make sure he's said the right thing. 
You smile at him fondly, reaching up to brush rogue strands of hair off of his forehead.
"Let's stay here and have the dinner we planned," he says, nodding hopefully. 
You nod back. "Okay… Thanks, Stevie. I promise we'll see the movie soon." 
"That's alright. I don't like that you knew that guy's first name anyway. Can't have a movie star stealing my girl, I can't compete with that." 
You snort and flick his arm. He flicks you back. 
"You sweep him completely," you tell him. 
The total and inarguable truth. You don't need a movie star when you have him. Steve hugs you again, this time pushing you down into bed to rub his face against yours. "That's what I like hearing."
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intimacyequalsdeath · 4 months
Will you be my Valentine? Sugar Day 5 Billy Loomis
Hi babies! Welcome to day 5! This one is going up a little later then usual since I no longer have fics written in advanced and am writing this one day of, also do keep in mind after this event I will be returning to regular fics and requests!
Notes: Minors DNI (You will be blocked idc), SFW, No specific descriptions of reader or specific pronouns used, if so they/them will be used unless sometimes otherwise specified.
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"Billy you promised!" You screeched at him over the phone.
It was about 9pm the night before Valentine's day and Billy had promised you he would take you out. Yet here he was calling to tell you that he and Stu had something to do. You know what they had to do but when it came to that and Billy it was better not to argue.
"I know babe but this is the only night me and Stu have for this. It came up last minute I swear"
'Whatever Billy, go play serial killer with Stu and leave me alone"
You knew it was a low blow but you couldn't help it with how angry you were. You heard Billy's breathing hitch on the other end of the phone as if he wasn't expecting your reply. Before he could answer you, you added insult to injury and hung up the phone.
If Billy wanted to act like this, two could play at that game.
===================Time Skip======================
It was now closer to midnight and you hadn't heard from Billy since you had hung up on him. It wasn't a surprise or at all worrying though as whenever him and Stu went out there was no telling how long they would take.
Tonight also Billy was pissed at you, you were sure of. So there was no telling if you would even see Billy tonight. You were laying in bed replaying the events in your head when you heard a banging sound coming from your window.
You quickly got out of bed, not wanting it to wake anyone in the house up and headed over. You were met with Billy giving you a sour look as you opened the window.
"What are you doing here Billy?"
"You really think I'm going to let you talk to me that way and not come see you?"
"You all done with Stu then I take it?"
Billy rolled his eyes before fixing them on you.
"Look, I'm sorry ok? I couldn't help that we got the perfect opportunity to go through with the current victim tonight. Stu called as I was getting ready to come over and get you and I didn't really have a choice"
You didn't like being mad at Billy, and being in a relationship with him meant you had signed up for EVERYTHING Billy had to offer. Even if that meant the Ghostface side, but this wasn't the first time Ghostface had gotten in the way of your relationship.
"Billy. I understand that, but this isn't the first time you've blown me off entirely to go do stuff with Stu. I understand having to go to last minute things but I want you to at least try harder to make time for both me and you and Stu's...fun and games"
"You knew what you were getting into when we started dating. I made it perfectly clear to you who I was-"
"I know that Billy! I know what I signed up for but I at least thought you would try a little harder to at least give me a portion of your time. You always put Ghostface stuff over me"
You sat back down on the edge of your bed with your arms crossed. Billy sighed as he watched you pout before he sat down next to you.
"Look, I'm- I'm sorry alright? I'll admit I have been putting you out a lot lately, especially with how big Ghostface has been getting. You know I don't mean to treat you like that"
He put his arm gently around your shoulders and pulled you into his chest. You put your head over his heart to be able to hear his heartbeat.
"I know Billy, i forgive you. I know you don't mean to but that doesn't make it hurt any less when you have to call off date nights to go do stuff with Stu"
Billy nodded in understanding as you spoke and you felt him sigh again before he spoke.
"Maybe I'll tell Stu we need to slow it down for a bit"
You looked up at him shocked. Was he serious? He would seriously tell Stu to slow down on Ghostface just for you?
"Billy you don't-"
"I know but I want to, Besides we need to slow down anyway. We've been doing too many at once and if we aren't careful we'll fuck around and get caught"
"That guy they found in the library bathroom was a close call"
This made both of you laugh as you thought of the time that you, Billy and Stu had to sprint through the woods to not get caught.
"Hey what about you and I go somewhere?"
"Billy it's midnight" "Yeah but that means it's also officially Valentine's day so why not start early?"
"Where would we even go? Everywhere is closed by now"
"Who says we have to go somewhere in town? Why don't we go to our spot in the woods?"
You grinned ear to ear at Billy. Your spot in the woods was a giant rock by a creek that the two of you had found back in freshman year right after you had start dating. The two of you went there for each special occasion an every time Billy felt like skipping school.
"Oh Billy I'd love too"
Billy grinned before standing and grabbing your hand to tug him along with you. As you both made your way out of the window into the crisp night air you had two realizations.
One was that you loved Billy Loomis and two was that at this point you could barely remember why you were even mad in the first place.
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lizard-queen-izzy · 4 months
Everyone shut up and sit down. I'm talking about TMA. I am listening through for the first time, I'm through S1 and halfway through S2, and I already have many Thoughts. Today, we will be focusing on my evil ship thoughts, because I missed my chance when this was coming out so now I will subject you all.
I know Jon and Martin get together at some point, and yknow, that's all fine and good.
There is so much potential for something there, and they would be so incredibly messy after the S1 finale.
[I've lightly scrolled through the jontim tag, and I truly don't think there's enough of you talking about how tragic they are. Platonic or romantic, they're so so sad.]
They both worked in the research department before Jon was made Head Archivist, and even though they definitely weren't close, they were definitely friendly. My Firm Belief is that Jon was the only one who took Tim seriously despite his more lax attitude, he saw his strong work ethic and his dedication and treated him accordingly. And Tim was the only one who listened to Jon, the only one who thought he had anything to add and took his suggestions.
I believe they were hired around the same time, and once they met there was a silent understanding that they were there for eachother. It was nice to just have someone in their corner in this new environment.
When Jon got promoted to Head Archivist, he was adamant about Tim being on his team, because he knew Tim would help get the results needed. [I have a whole, how everyone got assigned to the team timeline thought out but that's not why we're here]
Tim is the only member of his team who Jon doesn't think would have written Antonio Blake's statement as a joke to scare him. Which means he trusts him the most out of all of them. Which wouldn't be as important if he showed distaste for them equally, but he regards both Tim and Sasha highly, and only really seems to have an issue with Martin at this point. So why would he trust Tim to not have written it but not Sasha? Unless he's known him the longest and has reason to put that faith in him.
AND THEIR CONVERSATION AT THE BEGINNING OF MAG 33?? You're gonna listen to that, the first time we as the audience meet Tim, and tell me you don't hear how much these two care for eachother? Even when Jon starts getting upset/loud, he calms quickly for Tim, and doesn't let himself fully yell at him. He also leaves it up to Tim to fix the mistakes, an example of him trusting Tim's judgement and work. And Tim is so calm with him! The man keeps getting worked up and starting to get loud, but Tim stays calm and let's him self correct and say what he needs to before proceeding himself. He knows Jon is stressed and has a lot on his plate. He knows these mistakes needed to be discussed with him and corrected somehow, but he's still not going to force Jon to re-record the statements if he really doesn't want to, he's willing to find another solution. And then he leaves to go work on it so Jon can get back to recording the statement.
And Tim telling Jon he doesn't understand the filing system and Jon explaining it calmly to him, admitting he doesn't really get it either but that's how it is.
You also have to see my vision for how the S1 finale effects them. A traumatic experience where they were both scarred mentally and physically in the same ways. Something that should have brought them even closer, maybe finally made them feel comfortable being proper friends outside of work. But they both react to it SO differently. And that is the beginning of their downfall. That is the beginning of the end.
Because Jon spirals. He stops trusting everyone. He pushes them all away and starts crossing boundaries. HE SPIES ON TIMS HOUSE. And he can't even calm down long enough to see why this bothers his coworkers. Why this hurts Tim.
The beginning of S2 from Tim's perspective is awful. Your first friend in this workplace is overworking himself, throwing himself back into work the second he's cleared physically well enough to go back. But he clearly hasn't moved past it, and you can't blame him for that. Everyone copes differently, but then he turns on you. He stops trusting you, starts pushing you away, starts spying on you. Can you imagine how much that hurts? To have the first person in this terrifying new job who ever put their trust in you, who ever believed in you, to turn on you just when you need them the most.
Anyway. I very well may be back with more JonTim thoughts as I continue to listen. But this is what I have for you today.
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