#oh wait i think the video is of the dam
horsesarecreatures · 1 year
“I have a very cute, talented homebred mare by Cornet Obolensky and Limoncello II that I want to find A. shared ownership B. yearly lease or C. 80% sale with my ability for rights to breed her by creating frozen embryos by harvesting her eggs around her cycle, final say on her next home if she has to have a next home, and stake in her if she is to go up the ranks of the hunter jumper world. Ideally she goes to a talented hunter jumper kid who has the family financial ability to own her for the rest of her life. Loving home that gives her lots of cuddles and kisses only, no showy girl that calls horses ‘it’ like their just some machine commodity but a home or shared ownership with someone who loves her as much I loved the mare who had her. If it’s a shared ownership I don’t mind if the sharer calls horses it as long as their a talented and accomplished hunter jumper rider.” Lmao.
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luveline · 8 months
hi, i have a request for hotch if that's okay with you :)
when they're on the jet, yn is smiling a lot at her phone so the team starts to tease her because the think that she has a mysterious boyfriend. and she does, but he's sitting right next to her and he's also wondering who's making her smile like that since it's clearly not him
Hotch is trying hard to award you your privacy, but your smile makes it difficult. You're actually squared away from him despite sitting in the seat beside him of your own free will, your phone to your chest, a huge smile curved across your cute mouth. 'Cute mouth', Hotch thinks to himself with derision. He's thoroughly whipped for you. It might not work out. 
You've been secretive and strange on your phone for an hour now. With nothing left to do but wait for the jet to touch down, you can watch whatever or text whenever you want. Hotch just wishes it wasn't so distracting. Who are you texting? He feels ill. 
"Who's that?" 
The dam finally breaks. As soon as Morgan asks, Emily pipes up, "Yeah, who is it?" as Rossi laughs and declares, "I know that look. Young Y/N's in love." 
You side eye Hotch. "Workplace harassment," you say. 
"Who is it?" Hotch asks. 
You gawp but laugh at his unprofessional questioning, pressing your phone screen tight to your chest. "Hotch, it's–" 
"Your not-so-secret boyfriend? Come on, we all know you have one," Morgan says. 
"I know you know, you're like sharks," you say, giving them all a great long look. 
For weeks now, you've glowed. This overzealous smiling and laughing is the straw that breaks the camel's back. Your nosy coworkers can't hold back their curiosity any longer. Hotch was stupid enough to think that your secretive dates and nights spent curled in on one another might be the reason behind your new hopped up sprightliness, but apparently not. 
"So you admit it!" Emily cheers. 
"Maybe. But it's not what's happening on my phone." 
"Well, what is it?" Spencer asks. 
They've leaned in on you, a circle of eager faces. Your sudden decision to admit you —maybe— have a boyfriend is as much as anyone's gotten out of you in weeks. If anyone could tease the truth from you, of course it's Hotch, and so the team looks to their leader pleadingly. 
He's not sure he wants to know. "They won't leave you alone otherwise," he says, hoping that his expression shows his leniency. Your secrets are your own if you want to keep them. 
You smile at him. Again, he thinks you have a cute mouth, and that he's biassed but you definitely smile sweeter at him than anyone else. You and Hotch know something the others don't, amusement like light behind your irises. "I'll show you," you say smugly, "and only you, Hotch." 
"Typical," Morgan murmurs, sitting back on the couch. 
Hotch clenches his sweaty palms beneath the table. "Alright." 
You lean in against his shoulder. Your phone turns on, and he's taking deep breaths as you click to your photo app, and then an album labelled with a simple, '<3'. 
It's photos of him. Most he knows you took, sitting across from you in dark restaurants or kneeling in your apartment putting together a new set of drawers. Your giggles begin in earnest as you swipe through them to a more recent photograph. You couldn't have taken it more than a week ago, when he'd stayed the night with you by accident, too tired to leave. His face is slack in sleep. He realises it's a video when you click a button and the sound of crinkling fabric plays from your speaker. In the video, you unbutton the tight collar of his shirt, stroking his neck briefly with a loving knuckle. The video moves down to frame his arm, his hand clinging to your other one like a sucker. 
Hotch looks up from the video and blinks at you. Your hand on his sleeping neck, the sound of your tired laughter —he can't not smile. "Oh. That's…"
"What did you show him?" Morgan asks, his voice coloured with both amusement and frustration. The team echo his question.
"I can't kiss and tell," you say, still tucked up by his side. 
"I think it's best if you don't, L/N," Hotch agrees. 
He'd lose all credibility. 
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dabuggh3 · 2 months
Heyyy Can you write smth cutesie abt picking hamzah up after he gets too overwhelmed at comic con. I couldn’t stop thinking abt it the whole time watching it was rly funny😭😭😭 Please and Thank you
HIII YESS, no because when I was watching the video and I literally started getting anxious because of how overwhelmed he was. I paused the video😭. But anyways thanks for requesting and I hope you enjoyyy!!💗
Hamzah calls you to come pick him up from comic con because they were done shooting the video for slushynoobz. You get in your car and head over, you arrive and he gets in the car. The first couple mins were quiet, “ So how did it go?, did you like it?”. “ uh it was good there were so sooo many people on one of the floors it was actually crazy, we had to sit down for literally half of it” You look over at him and he was holding something.
“ What did you buy?” He looks down and starts bursting out laughing as he shows you, my little pony oven mitts. “ Hamzahhh” you say laughing. “ Waitttt, okay me and Martin were passing by and there was just like a huge ass stack and we were like what’s this, and we started talking shit and the lady was like oh they’re home made, they’re home made like 5 times, and idk what came over me and I just bought them.”
“ They’re kindaaa cute” you say looking at them. “ I wasted like 30 dollarssss, I saved 5 dollars tho, we bargained with the lady ” he says smiling. “ 30 dollars is actually crazy, but they’re homemade remember”. “ Stoppp, oh my god and someone called Martin the skinniest Spiderman they’ve ever seennn”. You laugh , “ that’s so meann”.
“Babe I swear I was looking at some people and I literally wanted to gag so bad I don’t even know why”. He continues talking then he goes silent, just staring at you,“ What’s wrong” “ You’re so pretty you’re glowingggg” he says admiring you. You turn and smile at him. “Even on shrooms, you’re the prettiest girl I’ve seen”
For the rest of the drive he continues talking, pointing at random signs, and telling you what he’s seeing. You guys arrive, parking into you’re apartment complex, “ Yea and Martin went over and asked him for a hug and I was like boy he don’t want no dam hug from youu, the guy looked so scared I recorded it.” You both laugh so hard, “ Okay we’re here let’s go” “ Huh, I swear the car was still moving”
You guys enter the apartment, and Hamzah changes then plops down on the couch. “ Do you wanna eat something orrr” “ No I’m okay I’ll eat later” “ Okay” you walk over and sit next to him, “ Want to watch something” you look over at him as he sits with his head back eyes closed, “ uhhh yea,” he opens his eyes and turns looking at you. He smiles and leans over to kiss you. He then positions himself, laying on your chest. “ Do you wanna watch Arcaneee??” You say in an excited tone.“ Yesssss” he says smiling.
You and Hamzah lay on the couch as you rub his back. And he keeps pointing out random stuff from the show that he’s never noticed, “ wait was that always there I swear it wasn’t”. 30 minutes pass by and while laying down, you feel his stomach growl. “ Babe are you sure you’re not hungry?” “ No” “ I literally felt you’re stomach growl right now, ima go make you something” you try getting up. Hamzah holds onto you harder while making himself heavier, “ I’m not hungry, don’t leave” he says muffled because his face is buried in your chest. “ I’ll take like 20 mins and I’ll be right back, I’m literally right here next to you in the kitchen”. “ No”. “ Okay then come with me”
Eventually Hamzah agrees and comes with you to the kitchen. You end up making him a sandwich. While making it Hamzah is just hugging you from behind, watching. “ Are you sure the mayo’s not expired, it’s kinda a weird color” “ No it’s not, trust me”. You finish and go back on the couch. Hamzah sits back down and eats his sandwich. He then goes on a whole rant how Martin didn’t want to finish watching Arcane and he’s missing out. Then he starts talking about the slushies, “ I hope they actually enjoy the video, I feel like we looked so dumb” he laughs. “ Nooo, they’ll enjoy it dont worry”. Eventually he starts getting tired so he starts quieting down and ends up falling asleep.
I hope this isn’t horrible 😭.
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elly99 · 9 months
Hanni's Playlist
Same challenge as before: including lyrics from each of the songs in Hanni's playlist in a story.
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You wake up from a nap to your phone ringing. It was pampam 🐰💕.
"Heeeyyy! I'm on the way home from the airport. How are you?"
"Hey, honey! I'm good! Been missing you a lot, though. How was your flight? And how was Spain?"
"Ugh, I missed you so much, too! Like a lot a lot. Spain was amazing and I had so much fun! But I'm glad to be home now. Can't wait to see you."
She hears you yawning.
"Oh, were you sleeping, baby? Did I wake you up?"
"I'm sorryyy! I should've texted you first or something."
You can't help but smile. She was being a sweetheart as always.
"It's no problem, babe. What is a problem, though, here I am waking up, but you're not here. Still can't sleep on your side."
"I know!" You can practically hear her pouting through the phone. "But I'm coming! I'll be there soon." Then with her voice lowered she says, "And I'm gonna need a cuddle buddy to get over this jet lag tonight."
Your smile widens just thinking about it. And it breaks into laughter when you hear the other four crying, "Ewww," through the phone in unison. You can hear her just laughing, too.
"Hey, Hanni?"
"I just want to let you know I'm proud and I admire what you do. You guys are amazing! I see posts about you everywhere, I hear your voice in the streets and the TV stations. It's crazy! I see you working hard and you're always such an inspiration to me!"
"Aww, man, you're too sweet! Thank you, baby! That means a lot to hear."
"I'll see you tonight, then? Tell me all about your trip?"
"It's a date."
"I love you, pampam."
"I love you, too! Actually, wait. Amor eres tú."
"What's that mean?"
"It means, 'you are love.' Cuz you're my love! Just some Spanish I learned for you while I was over there. Anyway, see you later!"
She puts down the phone before you can catch the others making a fuss again about her cheesiness. In the silence that follows you're left with her lasting warmth, but a hint of regret. In truth you'd been napping to escape your thoughts. There'd been something on your mind the entire week she was gone and you wish you'd brought it up. But then again, maybe it was better to leave it for when you could talk to her in person.
The doorbell rings once. Twice. Three times. You rush to open the door and before you can even register that she's in front of you she practically tackles you to give you the best hug you could remember.
"Oh my god, I missed you so much!" she growls into your chest. "My baby! Ugh, I love you! How have you been?"
You pull away and look into her eyes. "I've missed you, too. Been feeling kinda down without you. I love you so much, it hurts."
"Aww, but I'm here now, babe! Your pampam's home," she says with the smile that's melted the hearts of millions. But right now it was all just for you. What chance did your singular heart stand against that?
You talk on the sofa for hours, chatting about her trip and the filming of her music videos, getting lost in her eyes and the honey that was her voice. You almost forgot there was something you had to get off your chest.
"You know how I said I've been feeling kinda down?"
Immediately worry flashes across her face. "Yeah?"
"Well, it's cuz while you were away, apart from missing you, I kept thinking about us. About you and how I... Ugh, I don't know how to say this right."
She takes your hand in hers, making sure you knew she was listening. The front of reassurance in her eyes barely masking her concern. "Take your time, angel."
"When we started dating..." In your mind the flood gates open, bursting with the thoughts you'd been keeping to yourself for so long. The dam breaks and tears start to form in your eyes.
She comes even closer, wipes the tears from your cheeks, and whispers, "You know you can tell me anything, right?"
You nod weakly and try to form coherent thoughts.
"When we started dating I knew it would be hard. Like, I know you were way too bright for me. You're a star. So obviously I knew our relationship would have to be..."
"Yeah, like, there's always that fear of people finding out. We kinda have to live a lie and that really hurts. And it's also terrifying."
"I know..."
"But there's something about your love, Hanni. You really are an angel and you're the sweetest person I know and you make everything better. But sometimes it feels like you're an angel with a gun in your hand. Cuz whenever you leave it hurts. It hurts missing you all the time. And it hurts pretending. Lying to everyone about us. I feel like... I die every night with you, just knowing that the next day you'll leave and it'll be like we don't exist. So sometimes I'd like to make myself believe that Planet Earth turns slowly just so I have more time with you. That sounds super dramatic but..."
"Hey, I get it," she says before kissing you softly. "Whenever I leave or whenever we're apart I try not too think too much about it but I can't." She sighs deeply and looks at the ground. "Cuz I love you so much. And love is when you try to place it out your mind but you can't think of anyone else. So I always end up thinking of you... and, like you said, how it hurts to have to hide. And it scares me, too."
She takes another breath as if deep in thought, then she looks back at you with a distinct look of determination in her eyes.
"So let's just stop. Let's stop running from love. Let's stop running from us. I'll die every night with you, too. At least we'll be together."
"Hanni, no, we can't do that..."
"Baby, you know I'll be on your side. No matter what. We in this for love. We in this for life. So it doesn't matter what they say if they find out."
Though tempting, you had to remain rational. You knew she was just being impulsive to try and cheer you up.
"Babe, we shouldn't. Maybe in a few years. We can keep it secret until then."
She sighs again. "Ugh, you're right. But you know I'm always here for you, right? You'll always have my shoulder to cry on. You'll always have my arms to fall into."
But before you can even fall into them, she wraps them around you. And before you can even cry, she whispers "No matter what the future holds, it's you my heart beats for."
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discar · 1 month
HZD Terraforming Base-001 Text Communications Network
Chapter 38 | Prev chapter | Next chapter Chapter Index
Icarus: What IS that awful racket?
Icarus: ...no. It's not.
SilverVixen: Is it pre-Zero Day music? Or did you somehow manage to record something contemporary?
FlameHairSavior: Yellowstone National Park.
SilverVixen: Oh God, you've discovered indie music.
DIVINER: Oh my Ancestors, you're right!
DIVINER: And he's even a music snob like a true indie fan!!
SilverVixen: I'm tempted to show you some of the classics.
DIVINER: Ummm... does that actually WORK? Or does it just make him a bigger snob?
SilverVixen: Point.
Icarus: Why are you even playing it out loud? You can set it to private easily. In fact, that should be the default.
ADMIN [Zo]: It's my fault, really. I asked Varl not to smack him for it.
SilverVixen: Spare the rod, spoil the child.
DIVINER: ...that sounds horrible. I mean, if I have the context right.
MARSHAL Kotallo: Makes perfect sense to me.
FlameHairSavior: I'm not sure I want to hear about Tenakth child-rearing techniques.
DIVINER: You don't actually beat your children, do you??
MARSHAL Kotallo: I don't have any children myself. But no, of course not.
MARSHAL Kotallo: Punishment is an important part of any sort of teaching method. No cook is more careful than the one who has cut his hand. You cannot learn to dodge a blow unless someone tries to hit you.
ADMIN [Zo]: I understand the basic principle, though I disagree with any sort of physical retribution.
MARSHAL Kotallo: Not every problem can be solved by waiting three months. Sometimes more immediate consequences are required.
DIVINER: Okaaay...
DIVINER: Sylens, what kind of music do you listen to?
Icarus: Very little. I found some interesting atmospheric melodies, but I mostly use them as background noise, so nothing with lyrics.
FlameHairSavior: Huh, I almost expected you to say you only listened to some weird math thing.
Icarus: Ha ha. There is no "weird math thing" music.
DIVINER: You haven't found Rush????
SilverVixen: Remind me to show you Rush.
SilverVixen: Oh.
DIVINER: [Squee.gif]
FlameHairSavior: Of COURSE there's some weird math thing that Sylens would like.
DIVINER: There's something for everyone! From Norwegian Death Metal to Pop Rap, the old world was full of music!
SilverVixen: Really, it was. I preferred the classics, of course, but sometimes it seemed like every other kid was inventing a new genre.
FlameHairSavior: What do you do in your spare time, Sylens? You can't be plotting and scheming all the time.
Icarus: I prefer to watch documentaries.
FlameHairSavior: Of course.
DIVINER: Wait wait! What kind of documentaries?? Because I doubt you care about, like, the biography of the first president of the United States or whatever??
Icarus: There is a fascinating series called "How it's Made," which are short videos on what were, at the time, ubiquitous parts of daily life. There is a similar series with higher production on the History Channel, though as the name implies, that focuses more on the people and the history.
DIVINER: Oh I love that series!!
DIVINER: But the Quen weren't able to get much useful from it! So much of the data is corrupted! I don't think we have a single video about advanced technology!
Icarus: Unfortunately, I was not able to find much more that was useful. I did find an interesting video on how to build an electric engine, but I lacked the materials to replicate it. Besides, GAIA's machines are superior, and more readily available.
Icarus: That is true.
FlameHairSavior: Wait, if you couldn't get much technology out of this show, why do you like it so much?
FlameHairSavior: What kind of things did you learn from it?
Icarus: ...
Icarus: Cheese.
FlameHairSavior: I'm sorry, did you just say that you like to watch a show about how to make CHEESE?
Icarus: Yes.
Icarus: I do not see how that is relevant.
MARSHAL Kotallo: It's not all that complicated.
Icarus: The chemistry is quite fascinating, and the old world used a very interesting process to increase efficiency. And they used milk from an entirely different animal, which was never reintroduced into the ecosystem.
SilverVixen: Oh right, you don't have cattle.
SilverVixen: That means none of you will ever have a proper steak au poivre with cognac and frites.
FlameHairSavior: I refuse to believe those are real words.
SilverVixen: It's French.
SilverVixen: So no, they're not real words.
Chapter 38 | Prev chapter | Next chapter Chapter Index
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Fanfiction to cope with The Shibuya Massacre:
Satoru faced the curses, alone. The volcano's hand ignited with cursed energy but it did absolutely nothing. He tried again, and again.
"Dam..." Satoru purred, amused. "Was it supposed to do something?"
"It was," a voice from behind intervened. "But I stopped it."
A figure emerged from the shadows.
"Because I am the strongest." she said.
A white streak cutting her long blonde hair in a warrior's braid, clad in a golden armor, the woman's hands glowed with a blue fire. The fire hit the curses and turned them into frogs. It picked them up and threw them in a trashcan.
"That wasn't badass at all, Miss I am the strongest! " Satoru teased her.
"I literally sent them to another universe!" She replied, falsely shocked.
"Oh really?" Satoru continued.
She slapped the trashcan's lid.
"This bad boy sent crazy demonic objects in another universe. Then a space cow got possessed by the objects and I had to face her and I won thanks to my planet friend." She proudly explained. "It was made by my great-great uncle."
"Wow, impressive!" Satoru whistled.
"So," she started. "Is there something I should know about the dark thing outside?"
"It cuts all communication. It lets everyone in, but no one except jujutsu sorcerers out" He succinctly said.
"You're a jujutsu sorcerer?" She asked.
"Exactly!" He laughed.
"I just have to change every nonsos's magical signature to a jujutsu sorcerer's to teleport them out of here..." she whispered to herself.
Satoru tilted his head like a puppy, confused but excitedly waiting for how she was going to do that. He watched her deeply concentrate for several seconds. Her feet got off the ground as she glowed in a bright navy blue light. It reminded him that every time Megumi watched Attack on Titan, Satoru liked to brag he could kill Titans easily. This time, he faced someone that could actually kill every single Titan at once. That would kill him in a matter of seconds. He even saw universes in her eyes, which was supposed to be impossible. And She unleashed her power and the non jujutsu sorcerers disappeared. Satoru realised he forgot to tell her about something.
"Where did you send them?" He yelled, more puzzled than ever, except for this one time.
"Outside." she brutally replied. "Now are you going to exorcise every curse or what?"
"Didn't you sense the people turned into monsters?"he buzzed with anger, mostly at himself. "They're going to kill everyone!"
"Why do you think it took me more than five seconds?" she snapped. "I turned them back you idiot!"
"How was I supposed to know that?" He asked, shaken up.
"I don't know, by keeping up with news from Otherworld like it was said in the treaty we made with Tengen." She scathingly replied.
"He never told anyone!" Satoru protested."Why are you so angry at me?"
"You were angry at me first!" She shouted. "I hate it when people get angry at me when I help. Ok you're worried but I don't joke about me being the strongest. The only stronger people are me with my planet friend or me with this guy or me with the Zendra Star or me with the demonic objects. Give me your number."
"What?" He exclaimed, confused by the non sequitur.
"So I can send you videos of me doing extra powerful things!" She explained.
"Man I wish I could do that!" He said, disappointed because the Jujutsu world is not visible in regular videos. "It's (03)-0212-0322."
She tapped on her wrist for like a minute and then Satoru got a notification. He clicked on the videos and what he saw was beyond what he could ever imagine. So many things had happened to her, and she overcame it all! He heard the sound of a body hitting the ground but he did not pay attention because in the video she was literally teleporting even more people than there were in Shibuya then closing a black hole as easily as breathing. Without even being tired because she had asked for help at the right time! He looked at the rest of the videos, fascinated, and squishy sounds could be heard. Not from his phone, but it didn't really bother him.
He looked over at her and what he saw made his heart skip a beat. Not the brain in a jar, but Suguru. Suguru was there. His six eyes told him it was true, and his soul recognized him.
"Is it him? Is he..."Satoru whispered, hope and love exceeding the hard truth that he killed him , almost a year ago.
Suguru coughed, finally breathing. Satoru threw himself at him and hugged him tightly but not too much, to let him breathe.
"Yo, Satoru. It's been a while." He weakly said.
Satoru had missed the way he softly talked to him.
"How are you alive?" Satoru asked.
"Kenjaku. But mainly thanks to your new friend." He replied. "What's your name by the way?"
"Tara Duncan. You know, if you don't want to eat, I can always use my trashcan." She gently said.
"How did you- nevermind. Satoru, can you do my hair like you used to? I'm feeling a bit dizzy." Suguru asked.
"Yes, I will. Who's Kenjaku by the way?" Satoru asked gently.
Tara and Suguru both pointed to the brain in the jar. If this were a cartoon, interrogation marks would've floated above Satoru's deeply concerned and confused face.
"Oh, I don't know how that works for jujutsu sorcerers, but I transferred some of my blood to you. It might have positive effects on you. Can you try to do magic?" She addressed Suguru encouragingly.
Blue fire appeared in Suguru's hands, and he projected multiple swirly tendrils of light. Those tendrils went stiff after a couple minutes, then they got absorbed back in Suguru's hands, like a dog's leash rolling back into its container. The remaining curses were tied to the other ends, as well as two teenage girls and jujutsu veil stuff. Tara swiftly turned all he brought that were not teenage girls into frogs and threw them in her trashcan.
"Nanako! Mimiko! " Suguru exclaimed.
"Geto-sama!" The teenage girls excitedly yelled.
They had a family hug. Satoru smiled fondly and Tara averted her gaze because she was aware that she wasn't concerned by the family reunion. She also took advantage of the moment to seal the trashcan and put it into her pocket.
"Satoru! Will you be their dad?" Suguru happily asked.
"Only if you'll be Megumi's mom!" Satoru replied with the biggest smile you've ever seen in your entire life.
They looked tenderly into each other's eyes, both laughing like idiots in love.
"Who's Megumi?" Nanako asked, confused.
"I guess it's Satoru's kid." Tara replied.
"Don't you know him?" Mimiko asked, even more puzzled.
"I never met this Megumi and I just met Satoru on my aunt's orders. How could I have any more information than you?" Tara explained.
Nanako picked up the jar.
"Ewwww!" Mimiko commented.
"I've got a jar of diiirt!" Nanako smirked.
Tara smiled stupidly, recognizing the reference. Then Satoru helped Suguru to get up and they giddily strutted or traipsed towards the jujutsu sorcerers rendezvous point. Everyone looked at them, shocked.
"What about the people he murdered?" Nanami asked, deeply concerned.
"What murdaaaaaa?" Satoru jokingly replied.
Horrified looks from everyone in the room but Satoru's only looking at Suguru. Tara got from her pocket a quartz rectangle.
"More seriously, here's your honeymoon itinerary and therapy schedule." Tara handed the rectangle to Suguru. "Also, my domain in Omois is big enough for you and your kids."
"Wow, thank you Tara!" Suguru said, touched by the attention.
"Wait... Tara, as in Tara'tylanhem T'al Barmi Ab Santa Ab Maru T'al Duncan? The heiress of Omois?" Takuma Ino intervened.
"Yup. Don't add any more information." She threatened.
He gulped. Now if you've read anything about her, you know that if you provoke her there's a good chance you'll spend the rest of your life as a fly-liking amphibian. Like any sensible person, he did not want that. To keep it rocking, he didn't say anything more.
"Sooo... Do you still want to kill me?" Maki boldly asked.
"Meh." Suguru replied. "I've realized that killing people is actually boring. I like to kill annoying people, but it's even more annoying to get rid of the body. And I can't not do it because I don't like the smell. So now I think I'll find out how to teach people to manipulate cursed energy to get less curses. Or just find Ladybug to make some lucky charms to give to people."
Immediately after he said that, Satoru passionately kissed Suguru on the mouth. When they made out for more than ten minutes, Tara got sick of it and teleported them to the aforementioned domain. She appeared back, then they all got into the cars back to Jujutsu Tokyo school.
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meetinginsamarra · 8 months
Whumptober Day 19 "I'm not as stupid as you think I am"
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John was stopped short in his tracks.
Sherlock is afraid of me! Well, I should not be surprised. Actually, I guess I pretty much deserved this. The way I assaulted him in the mortuary. My formerly best friend, my Sherlock, who has never been afraid to face an aggressive and dangerous criminal gets scared of me when I approach him.
John retreated one step and carefully held up both hands in a pacifying gesture.
Shit. He thinks I am angry at him and will hurt him again. I should have seen this coming. What have I done?
The sight of a trembling and scared Sherlock who was obviously in pain but instinctively wanted to flee from him broke something inside of John. The huge dam he had built up over the last months, holding back the all the resentment, the guilt, the pain, the hatred of everything and everyone, exploded. Releasing a flood of feelings that had built up for far too long, forming a torrent of jumbled words.
“No, Sherlock. No! I’m not going to hurt you. I swear Sherlock, I’ve already done so much damage and I am so, so sorry. I don’t know what came over me back there in the mortuary but seeing you like this… I hated what you’ve become… didn’t understand why… actually I did maybe but this was until later… I mean you said it was a plan and Mary made this video and you… you took this oath so…”
John interrupted himself, needing to inhale. Then he went on to pour out unfinished half-sentences and fragmented thoughts in what must have been the most incoherent and messed up apology of all times.
But Sherlock seemed to understand. The tension in his body relaxed. A small and tentative smile made his whole face lighten up in unconcealed joy.
“It’s okay, John. I…” Sherlock wanted to see John better so he propped himself up in the bed, ignoring the pain in his back and chest. But still, he winced.
“Please, let me help you, Sherlock.”
“No, thank you. It’s nothing really. I am fine.” Sherlock declined.
The lie was so obvious that John suddenly cottoned on to what Sherlock tried to hide.
Oh. OH! I am not as stupid as you think I am.
“Do you worry about the scars on your back? I’ve already seen them, you know. When I waited for you to wake up.”
find the fic on AO3 HERE
chapter 4 "(Mis)Communication" is now up, including prompts 15-19
Please tell me if anybody wants to get tagged or untagged (just say it, I won’t get mad).
@helloliriels @calaisreno @7-percent @lisbeth-kk @peageetibbs @gaylilsherlock @totallysilvergirl @alexisnoir @blogstandbygo @jobooksncoffee @missdeliadili @kabubsmagga @mary-johnlocked @vaticancameos221 @kestrelwing64 @sabsi221b @jelly-of-many-ships
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polarmary · 4 months
Omg omg omg omg omg omg Mari's turn
Mari, you are someone really kind and sweet... You say you struggle with words, yet the way you express your kindness and concern through your actions is something I'll never get tired of thanking you for. You are truly sweet and kind, not forgetting your beautiful art that I'll also always be happy to compliment! Heh!! This song feels, like it's name says, a tiny bit of light, like a small candle in the middle of the cold, gently warming up your hands. You feel like that, so gently warm.... Oh! As I was looking which other song to give you, I saw this one and... My heart said I should give it to you, it's called Kokoronashi (video, it also has Portuguese subs <3)
As I was looking at the video, I noticed that I feel I know less about you than even the subtleties from Mg, and yet you are quite kind... This song is special, you know? The vibe, the strong and beautiful vocals... The feelings and the lyrics. This time more than instinct, it was my heart who chose to give you this one, I hope you enjoy it, I love you a lot. And your third one....
The Spotify one isn't the version I wanted tho. The song is Electric Angel (Rin & Len ver.), I SAW IT AND SAID OMG GIVE HER THIS ONE!! ITS SUCH A PRETTY AND ENERGETIC SONG!!! And look it can either be for you, for your pookie, for koto, you can adapt it to your needs, yes yes. ITS SO GOOD I LOVE THIS ONE!
I love you mari <3 sorry to keep you waiting heh I hope you enjoy them
Omg yay my turn arrived!!! Ty Seari &lt;;333 (and sorry for the delayed answer, I only saw it now T~T)
Alright, first of all, you just reminded me about Erased after so long and now i have the urge to rewatch it again LMAO......why do I want to make myself suffer again......Anyways- I never heard the eng version, it's pretty good!! It's a song that has somewhat of a hopefull feeling? idk how to describe it....but ty I love it!! I had completely forgotten about it.
The other two I actually have never heard before and dam the vocals on the second one- I could realy feel the emotion....I want to hug him too now and the lyrics omg. That song was so pretty, I think I'm going to snatch it to my spotify tbh. The last of the 3 is honestly adorable and groovy, it reminds me of something but I haven't figured out whatbut it did fill me with a happy vibe!! (and I see what you mean about how it can be for either, ty ty hehe)
About your words- I really don't know what to say. Honestly I never know what to say in response to kind words and compliments....but thank you, really 🥹 I love you too <333 I know I don't talk much...I'm kind of self conscious about what I say because I'm always paranoid of oversharing and ruining the mood or something of the sort- I'm sorry😭😭I'm always free to share stuff if people ask but I really avoid taking the iniciative... But anyways!! Thank you so much for the 3 songs, I loved all of them in their own way and thank you for taking the time to think what songs you'd assign me really T~T <33
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allthingsfangirl101 · 2 years
Long Time, No See–Keys
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Walking down that familiar street made a dam of memories break. Tears came to my eyes when I saw the coffee shop Keys and I used to go to all the time growing up. We didn't start liking coffee until high school. Before that, we'd always get hot chocolates in the winter and lemonades in the summer.
My heart jumped into my throat when someone walking toward the coffee shop caught my eye.
I held my breath as he turned around. I smiled, my eyes slightly filling with tears as he recognized me.
We both laughed as we ran toward each other. When we met up in the middle of the street, I jumped into his arms. It instantly felt amazing to be in his arms. The last time I saw him was the day he left for college.
"It's so good to see you, Y/N," he whispered as he tightened his arms around me.
"I missed you," I said, my voice breaking. Someone honked their horn and I smiled when Keys instantly pulled me closer to his chest and spun us slightly so he was shielding me from the car. I looked up at him and he smiled down at me.
"We should probably get out of the street," he chuckled.
"That's not a bad idea," I giggled.
With his arm still wrapped around my waist, he led me back to the sidewalk in front of the coffee shop. Keys unwrapped his arm from around my waist but instantly grabbed my hand.
"Are you busy?" He asked, slightly hesitating. "If you're not, maybe we can grab a cup of coffee and catch up."
"I'd like that," I smiled. With a smile on his face, he led me into the coffee shop. He walked up to the counter and glanced at me before ordering.
"Two medium coffees, cream, two sugars."
"You remembered," I teased.
"Of course," Keys shrugged.
"I've missed you," I chuckled.
"I've missed you too," Keys smiled.
We stepped aside and started walking to a table as we waited for our drinks. Things were slightly awkward as we waited. I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief when our order was called.
"I got it," he smiled as he stood up. I let out a shaky breath as I watched Keys get our drinks. He came back and handed me mine.
"Thank you."
"How long has it been since I bought you coffee?"
"Five years?" I guessed.
"Then I owe you five years of coffee dates," he chuckled. My heart did this weird clenching thing when he said the word "date".
"What have you been up to?" I asked, trying to shake away the sudden nerves.
"A friend of mine and I created a video game."
"Really? That's amazing! You've always talked about coding your own game someday," I chuckled. "I'm proud of you, Keys. What's the game? Maybe I've played it."
"I don't think so," Keys said, suddenly sounding strange.
"You sure?" My smile faltered when he looked away. "Keys?"
"Technically, we sold it to a company," he explained. "But they claim to have shelved it."
"Claimed to?" I asked. "You don't sound like you believe the company shelved it."
"Millie doesn't think so."
"Who's Millie?"
"My friend I built the game with," Keys explained. "She thinks that Antwan is lying about shelving our game."
"Antwan owns the company?" I guessed.
"Yeah," Keys sighed. "He owns Soonami."
"Oh," I said under my breath.
"You've heard of it," Keys said in a slightly teasing tone. "Anyway, Millie believes that Antwan stole our AI engine and used it in his first-person shooter game, Free City. She thinks he's lying about it so he doesn't have to give us the royalties."
"Do you think she's right?" I hesitated to ask.
"I don't know," he said slowly, almost as if he was in a daze. "There are some things that kinda. . . I'm not sure, honestly."
Keys looked around the coffee shop but didn't look at me. Something about this subject seemed to bother him. So, I changed it.
"Tell me about your game," I requested. I smiled before clarifying, "The game that you and Millie created."
"We called it, Life Itself," Keys said with a small laugh. "It was meant to be a fishbowl game. In other words, people don't play it. They watch it grow."
"More of an observational experience," I caught on. "So the computer-generated characters interact and evolve, right? That's a great idea!"
"Thanks," Keys chuckled. I smiled when I noticed his face get a little red. "So," he cleared his throat, "what about you? What have you been up to? After graduation, you had planned to stay here. Maybe take over your dad's bakery?"
"That's still the plan," I chuckled. "My dad actually just put me in charge of any and all wedding cakes."
"That's great," Keys smiled encouragingly. "Are you enjoying it?"
"I am."
"You sound surprised," he laughed.
"I guess I kinda am," I chuckled. "I've worked at my dad's bakery every summer since we were fourteen. I never expected myself to spend the rest of my life working there. But I really am enjoying it. It's fun to see how excited people get when they see what I made them."
"Y/N, can I ask you something?"
"Of course," I shrugged.
"We talked about going to MIT and building a video game together," Keys started slowly. "And that was the plan until suddenly, senior year you changed it. Did something happen? Did I do something to make it where you didn't want to come to MIT with me?"
"What?" I stuttered. "You didn't do anything, Keys. Me not going to MIT had nothing to do with you."
"Then what happened?" He asked. "I didn't feel right about going without you and, the truth is, the only reason I went without you is because you practically begged me to go. Did you not get in?"
"I got in," I said, looking down at my hands wrapped around my cup.
"Then what happened?" Keys pushed. "Why didn't you come to MIT with me?"
I've kept this from him since before he left. I knew that telling him now would only make him angry.
"Y/N," he whispered as he reached over and grabbed my hand. "Talk to me. What happened?"
"Do you remember spring break our senior year?" I started slowly.
"Yeah," Keys mumbled. "You got really sick toward the end of the week. You missed that whole next week of school. Y/N, what does this have to do with you not going away to college with me?"
"I was diagnosed with a brain tumor."
Keys eyes widened and his grip on my hand loosened. He slowly seemed to realize what I said as it sank in. He opened and closed his mouth, struggling to find the right words. I held my breath, waiting for him to get angry but it never came.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He finally asked, his voice coming out barely audible.
"Because you would've stayed," I whispered. I looked up at him and both of us knew I was right. "You had been dreaming of going to MIT since we were in middle school. I couldn't be the reason you gave up on that dream."
"My dream was to go to MIT with you, Y/N."
"I know," I said, my voice breaking. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I wanted to, Keys. I just couldn't. That stupid little tumor would've ruined everything. The rest of high school. Our last summer. College."
"What if it had killed you?" Keys whispered. "I would've lost you."
"It wasn't that big," I stuttered, trying to reassure him.
"I don't care if it wasn't big," Keys snapped. "It still could've killed you, Y/N."
"I know," I whispered.
Keys took a shaky breath and got quiet again. I pulled my hands into my lap and nervously started picking at my nail polish. I squeezed my eyes shut when I heard Keys stand up. I opened my eyes when the chair next to me moved. I looked over to see Keys sitting there.
"I'm sorry," he whispered.
"You don't have to be," I whispered, still a little surprised he hadn't left. "I'm the one who lied."
Keys draped his arm across the back of my chair and scooted closer to me until his knee touched mine.
"Is it gone?"
"The brain tumor?" I mumbled. He hummed in response as he moved his arm from the chair to my shoulders. I reached over and grabbed his other hand. I lifted it to my head and placed it over the scar.
"It was completely removed," I whispered. I dropped my hand but Keys kept his there. "After the surgery, they checked everywhere to make sure none of the cancer was left."
"It was gone?"
Keys let out a sigh of relief as he finally lowered his hand. "When was your surgery?"
"About a week after you went to MIT," I explained but my breath got caught in my throat. "The whole time they prepped me, I was beating myself up for not telling you. I kept wishing you were there."
When my voice broke, Keys quickly pulled me into his chest. He wrapped his arms tightly around me, gently rubbing my back.
"It's gone," he whispered. "But if it ever comes back, I promise I will be right by your side."
"And I promise to tell you if it does."
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Higurashi When They Cry - Watanagashi Chapter 9
Time for the third of my four remaining daily posts this year!
Keiichi's new plan is to never be asleep at any point in time, ever. Mion wasn't asleep either, so Keiichi says she was up all night playing video games instead of studying, but Rena knows that's wrong.
Somehow, Rena decides that the mayor's disappearance is a great way to accumulate more Rena Points. All the other characters have all sorts of reactions to that too, including some nameless faceless ones.
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W-Wait, I understand now! This is Attack on Titan's horrifying LUNCH SUBPLOT!
Well, I won't worry too much about it.
Although I can't wait for the horrifying revelation that the reason Toddler 01 hates pumpkins is because of the Jack O'Lantern Ghoul or something.
Also Keiichi suggests that Mion and Toddler 02 might be sleeping together. An interesting idea.
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Dear lord.
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I feel like I should be able to make a joke here, but every horrible label I can think of is probably true about Rena on some level or another of the narrative, if we account for Keiichi's dubious speculations at certain points within certain scenarios.
Toddler 02 isn't sleeping with Mion, obviously. Toddler 02 is in the Wet Place. Also, she's in Trash Mannequin Mode.
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Yeah I would shudder too if she was that huge.
Toddler 02 wants to know Keiichi's secrets. Keiichi is getting fed up of how repetitive this arc is.
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So true!
Keiichi decides to make this arc less repetitive by actually divulging secrets for once, but then he gets scared and changes his mind.
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Toddler 02 tells an awesome story about cats. It's super cool if you like cats. Keiichi isn't sure who the cat's supposed to be.
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I'm not sure that's true.
Keiichi starts mucking up this awesome story by introducing even more, less cool animals.
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Ah yes, your inability to rely on a Toddler is definitely because you're extremely confused.
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haha oh fuck that's badass
Toddler 02 also tells Keiichi to completely erase Camera and his girlfriend from his mind. Well that's callous. Have some respect for the dead, Toddler 02! Everyone knows dead people love being the center of attention.
Toddler 02 is also sick of Kaiji Joke Parts. She wants Mion to stop being a character in the story instead. Well that's no good at all Toddler 02! Shame, shame, shame, shame, shame on you.
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what the fuck this got deranged fast
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Keiichi gets another Shion phone call. Shion wants to be a detective. Like L. From Death Note. Playing at being your sister, are you, girly? Well I wouldn't blame you for that.
Shion thinks she has a Schrodinger's Stalker depending on whether or not Keiichi has a Stalker. Keiichi says "I don't have a Stalker," and then immediately thinks to himself "Or DO I?!"
God that sucks shit. Well anyways
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Shion can make him worse.
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Boooooo! Be more like Mion. (<-I would say this to anyone)
Shion reveals that her family being seen as evil criminals goes back to the dam. It all goes back to that damn dam. That dam looks like a DAMN dam.
Also a little kid teleported to the mountains or something.
Also Mion is apparently the ultimate evil.
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Wow so much for the broiling tension between Shion and Ooishi. I guess I really WAS wrong about that.
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Man she's really Ling from Death Note hard. Although I still haven't watched it.
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Uhhhhhhh maybe you should tell her about the MAYOR'S DISAPPEARANCE???
Well, not that I like her or want her to have access to information.
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Oh, oh good, she's not entirely out of the loop. I mean "bad". I mean "neutral".
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Bah! Hypocrisy.
Oh, Shion actually trusted the mayor so much she told him a bunch of cool secrets. Is that the same thing as how Rena said Mion was the mayor's best friend or something?
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wait what the fuck this is exactly what Rena said but about Mion, not Shion
Rena are you Keiichiing?
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The problem with this theory is that there's no reason someone as lame as Keiichi should be target numero uno.
Keiichi decides Shion's theory is correct and that it means certain doom for Toddler 02.
Meanwhile, in Side Story Land...
Somebody's been SCHEMING??? A shrine-visiting SCHEMER???
Ooishi's investigation says that someone made the events of this arc plausible on purpose. A sinister incompetent locksmith or some such.
Actually, it just so happens that the sinister incompetent locksmiths were a major-Toddler 02 duo. Well that's a silly coincidence.
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messyhairdiaz · 1 year
The passage below from "hold your head high, heavy heart" (which is a large chunk of the ending, but I'm haunted by the depiction of grief here overall, but especially in relation to Jee-Yun):
“Oh, Buck,” she whispers, and somehow those two words break the dam inside her. Every tear that she hadn’t yet shed wells up and spills down her cheeks. She cries for Buck, who doesn’t deserve the things that happen to him. She cries for Jee-Yun, and swears to herself that no matter what happens she’ll know Buck. Maddie swears that if Buck—if Buck—
She takes a deep, gasping breath and cries harder. She wasn’t supposed to think that word but now she has and she can’t stop. Buck could die. Her baby brother, the little boy she raised from the time she was still only a child herself, he might never wake up again.
But she promises to herself, if that happens, despite the grief and the pain she will feel she will never wall him off. Jee-Yun will grow up knowing him, seeing pictures of him, videos, hearing stories. She prays to a God who has never much seen fit to answer her that he’ll be here himself and Jee-Yun won’t have to rely on the memories, but she promises nonetheless. She won’t do to her what was done to Buck.
So she cries. For Buck, for Jee-Yun. For his team out there in the waiting room, Chimney and Hen who see him as a brother, for Bobby who sees him as a son. She cries for Eddie, who sees him in a way it’s not her right to put a name on, but she cries for him, and for Christopher who may not yet know there’s even anything wrong.
She cries for her parents. They don’t deserve it, and would not cry for her, but she cries for them anyway, because they’ll never understand what they’ve lost, whether Buck pulls through or not.
And she cries for herself. Because life has rarely been kind to her for long. And because she’s scared. She’s scared that even with all her promises to herself there may be more of her mother in her than she realizes, just waiting until the moment life deals them a similar hand to show itself.
She cries until her eyes go dry and her mouth feels filled with cotton balls and there’s a pounding in her head that demands a glass of water. Eddie’s probably vibrating out of his skin waiting for his turn, and the others probably aren’t much better. So she stands and brushes a kiss across Buck’s forehead—his warm, living skin under her lips reminding her that as bad as this is he’s still warm in a bed upstairs rather than cold in a drawer down below.
“Wake up soon, baby brother,” she whispers, brushing his hair back from his forehead. “You have people waiting for you.”
When the idea for this fic popped into my head I knew I wanted to do two things: have Maddie essentially tell her parents to fuck off, and to show that she is not like them. And I thought about it and realized that Daniel would be even more on the surface of her mind because the parents are there, so how will that direct her feelings about Buck possibly dying?
So I think it makes her even more aware of how wrong her parents’ choice to tuck Daniel away was, because she now knows exactly what it feels like to be facing down the death of the child you raised, and as painful as it is she could never erase him, nor could she do that to her daughter.
But then there’s this line:
“She’s scared that even with all her promises to herself there may be more of her mother in her than she realizes, just waiting until the moment life deals them a similar hand to show itself.”
I included this because I don’t think there’s a daughter alive that hasn’t feared she might one day become the worst parts of her mother, and I don’t think even in her anger and grief would Maddie forget that.
“his warm, living skin under her lips reminding her that as bad as this is he’s still warm in a bed upstairs rather than cold in a drawer down below.”
Ok here’s a fun fact, I more or less stole this line from one my own fics lol idk I like the harshness of it, I think it juxtaposes the difference of life and death better than just saying some version of he’s alive and not dead.
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edogawa-division · 2 years
A Daughter's Lacrimosa
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Kaoru always hated this part of her birthday. She knew she didn't have to do this. No one would blame her if she just stopped. However for whatever reason Kaoru continued to do this every year on her birthday ever since that fateful day eight years ago. 
It was peaceful and Kaoru wasn't sure if that made her feel better or worse. It felt like the world was mocking her with the lovely day. The sun's gentle rays on her face and the chirping birds made Kaoru want to scream. How could the world be so cheerful in the face of her grief? As Samatoki Aohitsugi said, “life is not fair” and Kaoru had learned that the hard way a long time ago. 
Kaoru stopped as she looked at the entrance of the cemetery. She was alone as Yuriko and Kanra understood as that was how she preferred it as they patiently waited for her return. She took a deep breath as she entered the cemetery. Despite only visiting a few times Kaoru knew by heart where to go. Walking by a sea of grey stone Kaoru read the names of those on it, her way of distracting herself from the grief logged in her throat. Grief nearly tore itself from her mouth as Kaoru finally spotted what brought her here. The dark gray of her family's grave always made Kaoru want to run away but she stayed, she owed her family that much. 
It was with a shaking hand that Kaoru reached out and traced the kanji that made up her family's names. The feeling of the polished stone brings cold comfort to the grieving genius. 
Raito Shinozaki 
Shizuka Shinozaki
Yakumo Shinozaki
Tears began running down her face as she reached the end of her brother's name. Gently placing her forehead on the grey stone. Kaoru felt her tears falling from her face, wetting the grave beneath her. 
"Hey Papa, Mama, Nii-san it's been a while since I've visited you guys. It's my birthday today but I'm sure you already knew that." Kaoru sobbed out.
It was at that moment that the dam that was Kaoru's grief broke as she let out a violent sob. Her tears nearly choked her as Kaoru wrapped her arms around the gravestone. A pitiful attempt at comforting herself. The cold stone couldn't replace her family's arms. It couldn't hug her back and tell her it'll be okay. Oh, how Kaoru hated that fact more than anything. 
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! It's my fault you all died!  All because I had to pick a stupid fight with Nii-san!" Kaoru wept to the grave begging for forgiveness. It burned her to know she caused her family's death. Even eight years later Kaoru still had never truly forgiven herself. 
If there was one thing on this planet that Kaoru wanted for her birthday it was for her family to say “we forgive you”. Kaoru knew she would never hear those words. That she would never again hear her father's voice read her stories, her mother singing while she cooked and her brother's taunts as they competed against each other in video games. Kaoru could feel the sharp pain in her heart becoming unbearable just thinking about that.  Whoever had said "time heals all wounds" was a liar, she thought. Kaoru knew that the pain she felt would never completely fade. 
Kaoru wasn't sure how much time had passed but it was enough that her tears had long since dried. Slowly rising from the ground, Kaoru took a deep breath trying to calm herself. Giving the gravestone one last look Kaoru began to walk away. As she walked away three ghostly figures appeared with sad smiles on each of their faces.
"Little Athena I wish you'd understand that you don't need to ask for forgiveness from us. So put down that grief of yours." Raito Shinozaki pleaded as he looked at his daughter with sorrowful eyes. 
"Oh my sweet girl, we never blamed you for our deaths." Shizuka Shinozaki murmured as she gazed at Kaoru's retreating figure. 
"Geez, for a genius you sure are an idiot for thinking we'd hate you. I made my choice shielding you from the crash and I don't regret it, not even for a moment." Yakumo Shinozaki smirked, sticking his tongue out at Kaoru's back. 
"We love you." The three gently whispered as they faded away.
Kaoru stopped in her tracks and looked around. "I could've sworn I just heard? No, I couldn't have. It's just the grief making me hear things." She murmured, continuing walking down the path to the entrance. 
To Kaoru's surprise, Yuriko and Kanra were standing there at the entrance. Saying nothing as she walked into Yuriko's open arms hugging her tight and burying her head in the crook of Yuriko's neck. Kaoru felt Kanra gently wrap her tiny self around both of them. She stood there content basking in the presence of her adoptive family. 
"Are you okay?" Yuriko whispered in her ear a concerned look on her face.
"I will be," Kaoru murmured back. Detangling herself from Yuriko and Kanra, Kaoru grabbed their hands giving them a quick squeeze. Silently promising to herself that she won't let anything happen to her new family as long as she lived. "Now let's go home. We've got the rest of my birthday to celebrate!" Kaoru declared pulling the two with her as she began walking home.
Perhaps one day she'll forgive herself for the car accident that took her family away from her. For now, though Kaoru wanted to spend the rest of her birthday with the family she had made herself. 
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dabuggh3 · 2 months
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Im sad and touch deprived so I wrote this ⭐️enjoyy!! <3
You and Hamzah weren’t having a good day. You guys got into an argument early in the morning about petty stuff, due to stress. You went to work and he went over to Martins to film. Through out the day you guys didn’t speak at all, no text, no phone call, nothing.
While having your lunch break you thought about the argument and it just got you more mad. Through out the day you were silent and just straight faced. Some of your close coworkers even asked you if you were okay. But you just brushed them off and said you didn’t get a lot of sleep.
It was around 8 and you were clocking out of work, you head out to your car and just sat there for a little, “ He didn’t even text me if he was going home yet” you thought to yourself but usually he came home later at night anyways. You play your music and start to drive, half way through the drive you and Hamzah’s favorite song starts to play. Your face softens and you think how stupid the argument was, you love him too much to stay mad over something petty.
Before you head home you decide to stop by Nanis gelato to get some for him and you. You get to your apartment and put the gelato in the fridge, you wanted to wait for him. You get out of your work clothes and get into something comfortable. You clean up the apartment as you watch, 10 Things I Hate About You. You hear your phone ring. It was a text from Hamzah, “ I’m going home” you smile,“ Okay drive safe”. You finish cleaning and decide to start cooking something.
You were still deciding dinner, when you hear the door open. You turn and see Hamzah smiling softly, “ Hi babe”. You look at him,“ Hi baby”, he turns and reaches for something. He turns back around with flowers, “ I’m sorry about this morning I was being stupid and petty, I’m sorry”, he says locking eyes with you, while fidgeting with his hat. You smile, “I’m sorry too, it was dumb”, you walk up to him, giving him a hug.
Hamzah puts the flowers down on the counter and hugs you harder. He turns his head and kisses your check repeatedly, wanting to hear you laugh. You guys let go of each other and you give him a kiss. “ Thank you for the flowers, I got you something too”. You walk over to the fridge and showing him the gelato. “ What, nooo no way” he says excited with a smile, “ thank you” he kisses your forehead giving you another hug.
He leans on the counter facing you,“ So how did it go with Martin”. “ It was good, we finished the video” “ That’s good, oh I was just thinking of what to make for dinner, what do you think? you want anything specific ?” you turn to look at him. He looks at you making that dumb face he makes when he has something planned, “ Do you want to go out to eat?, a date.” “What, yess duh” you say. “ Perfect then go get dressed”
You and Hamzah go out to eat at a new place you’ve been dying to eat at. You guys talk about your days and laugh about dumb things. “ No he said that and I just had to sit there with a straight face”. You laugh, “ You know dam welllll”. You guys head back home blasting music. Once your home, you guys lay on the couch eating your gelato. “ Can I try some” “ Of course”
It’s the little things fr 😭. Also what song would you guys have be you and Hamzah’s ( hope that makes sense lol)
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commaclear · 1 year
That one ask about sally finding out abt fundy and dream got me thinking… and ik after the last chapter this is sorta ooc for htid!sally but the brain rot controls me not the other way around
Like imagine quackity noticing fundy slip off to the bathroom a few minutes before lunch starts. He sees the way fundy painfully avoids dreams not so quiet whispers to grab his attention during class, shamefully looking over to the other side of the room. Now it would be wrong to keep paying attention to what clearly wasn't his business, especially when he's got his own boyfriend shit to take care of. But something about the way fundy gets paler and paler by the second, and the hollow look in his eyes that quackity has seen one to many times from Wilbur, makes quackity think he should keep an eye out for fundy.
A few weeks later quackity noticed dream had completely given up on gathering fundys attention, coming to school with a bruise on the side of his face from an altercation after school in the courtyard. Fundy had stopped trying on his work. He would just stare at the problems on the sheet like they're about to get up and dance around if he looks away. Quackity had called sally numerous times, it was the sixth call when she finally picked up that he learned fundy was transferring to the catholic school half an hour from there. "Fundy," quackity got the boys attention, " you mind coming over here?" Fundy looked over from his shoes to the chair beside quackitys. He slowly marched over and set his bag down on the floor. Sally could yell at him later for getting dirt on the new bag, it wasn't like that was the worst thing she'd say he's done these past few weeks.
"How was your day?"
"You were here." Fundy replied monotonously
"Ah well, you've seemed sort of... out of it these last few weeks" Fundy shrugged in response,
"How's home?"
"Good, we started inviting the pastor for dinner."
"Oh. how's he?"
"He's nice, brings these nice spring rolls from the Chinese place near by," Fundy said, analyzing the patterns in the ugly carpet quackity keeps below his desk.
Quackity awkwardly chuckled, " you know, your dad buys spring rolls from this place near his work all the time. They're like crack to him."
"Yeah he would buy them on his way here. We'd eat them in the parking lot and talk"
"What would you guys talk about?"
"Movies, new video games. Anything.." Quackity looked over to see Fundy sniffling
"Hey..." quackity placed his hand of fundys back, and that just seemed to be what broke the dam. Fundy crashed into quackity, sobbing into his shirt.
“I mi-hic - miss him so much! I hate it here!” Fundy cried
Quackity shushed him softly, rocking the two of the back n forth, “it’s okay it’s okay”
“No it’s not quackity!” Fundy had never said his name like that before, “I-I hurt dream!”
“He’ll understand Fundy” quackity hugged him tighter
“I don’t wanna go home anymore!” Fundy sobbed, “it’s just a reminder that I’m a-“
“Fundy,” quackity looked the teen in his eyes, “You are perfectly fine just the way you are, nothings wrong with you” quackity felt a sort of ache with how fundys words were all too familiar to him.
Fundy calmed down and loosened his hold on quackitys shirt, “I’m sorry. I just-“ he rubbed his eyes before tears started to fall again, “I miss my dad…”
Quackity opened his mouth before he was cut off by a ping from fundys phone. Fundy looked over to see he had 10 messages and 4 missed calls from sally.
“Fuck.” Fundy looked over at quackity, “sorry.”
“It’s fine bud, I can walk you out and explain to your mom-“
“No! No it’s fine” Fundy grabbed his bag and left the room quickly. Quackity sighed and opened his curtain to see sally waiting impatiently in her car. Thankfully she seemed to let Fundy off the hook after taking a look at the kids face. Quackity saw Fundy lean his head onto the cars window as they drove away. He left the school shortly after.
“Hey Q,” Wilbur gave quackity a chaste kiss as quackity walked into the apartment, “work go okay?”
“yeah. “ quackity looked at the English work scattered across the table, “slime?”
Slime looked up at quackity, “Wilbur’s helping me with my homework!”
“Oh, why’s that?”
“He said if I get it done early we can watch balto before bedtime.” Slime smiled
“Sounds fun” quackity mouthed a thank you to Wilbur before going to their room and changing. He looked in the mirror, trying to forget the day he had
-****** anon
I've read this like three times trying to figure out which response is funnier, because I very much enjoy your angst (and inflicting on the other anons) but also this cuts me deeply how dare you bite the hand that for once is feeding you fluff.... So:
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goldenhypen · 2 years
ALSOOOO OMG SO SO FUN EPISODE 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Spoilers for everyone who hasnt watched it AHEM
THEYRE ALL SO CUTE AND THEY LOOKED SO TINY PARAGLIDING OMG I LOST IT. SUNGHOON BEING SCARED AND JAY SHAKING LIKE GAWDDD I WAS LAUGHING IM SORRY 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 and jungwons camera falling off this episode was soooo fun ☹️☹️☹️ JAKE LOOKED ESP TINY DURING THE PARAGLIDE THINGY AND THE WAY HE WAS STILL TALKING ABT FISH. ISTG THE FISH- LIKE WE'VE BEEN WATCHING THEM TRY TO CATCH FISH FOR 4 WHOLE EPISODES AND YET NOTHING... Omg when hoon would get their hopes up like mf would just SCREAM "OMGOMGMG I GOT IT!!!!!! oh wait NVM" 😭🙏 he's hilarious without even trying ☹️ heehoonyunki living their best lives standing in that lake (? Was it a lake idk actually) from early mornings until like sunset they're so crazy.. i could never. And sunki clowning jay omg so many cute & funny things happened ☹️ LMFAO THE FIRE AND EVERYTHING LIKE THEYRE SO CHAOTIC ??????? AND SUNOO'S LAUGH I WAS LITERALLY CACKLING ALONG WITH HIM THEY WERE SO LOUD AND CUTE
AND AND AND AND the memorable moment 🙏 when rikis instructor for the paragliding let him hold onto the thingy AND THE RAPID SPINNING RIGHT BEFORE THEY LANDED HE WAS SO HAPPY THERE WERE TEARS IN MY EYES ☹️☹️ RIKI IS EVERYONES BABY Andddddd sunoo just casually talking to his instructor as if he isnt 10272827282727feet off the ground literally FLYING he was so unbothered omg
pLS YES THEY WERE SO ADORABLE and when they failed to land on their feet too sksjskd i laughed i’m sorry 😭 aND PLS JAKEY WAS SOOO CUTE :((( he was so excited for it too and when he gets excited about things i just m e l t omg and then when the paraglider instructor guy was trying to do the fun tricks with jakey and the way he got scared sjsjsjsj pls he’s so precious ,,, and yes omg 😭 when he started talking about fish with the guy pLS that was one of the highlights for me ,,, yk why? 🥹 it’s cuz jakey was the one to initiate the conversation ,, and seeing the lil extroverted side of him come out ,,, yk how much i wanna be like him in that way 😭 *sigh* he’s so cool 🥹 bUT SKSJSJSJ THEN THERES THE FACT THAT THEY HAVENT BEEN ABLE TO CATCH A N Y FISH ,, NOT EVEN A BITE THIS ENTIRE TRIP 😭 PLS 😭 AND HOON ALWAYS GETTING OUR HOPES UP 😐 we can’t trust that man anymore when it comes to fishing skjsjsjs but then back to them getting excited ,, when they drove past the part of the river (i think it is LOL maybe?) that they saw in the videos pls they were so excited :(( it makes me so happy :(( pls is it weird that i wanna go out fishing with jake 😭 it probably sounds like kinda a weird thing for me to want to do but my dad rlly likes fishing and takes me and my family out during fishing seasons and so i’ve grown to like it sksjsjsj so like ,, fishing with jake omg 🥹🫶🏻 sksjsjsjsj but yeah ,,, SKSJSKDJ ALSO YES TO EVERYTHING ELSE YOU SAID ,,, honestly i’m rlly sad that this series is coming to an end 😭 i’m a sucker for series where groups go on trips and stuff ☹️
YES OMG PLSSS RIKI WAS ALSO SO EXCITED AND IT WAS SO ADORABLE TO WATCH HE WAS HAVING THE TIME OF HIS LIFE UGH SO SO CUTE and sksjsjsjsj yes 😭 the extroverted sunoo rlly came out pls it was adorable tho once again wish i could be extroverted like that <//3
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iceyrukia · 2 years
liberal feminists be like: oh there’s rampant pedophilia, incest, misogyny, sexual abuse, rape, racism, human trafficking in the porn industry? really? well I’ll be dammed that sucks :( I didn’t notice even though I go to these sites and see videos titled: “ TINY ASIAN ( BARELEY LEGAL ;) ) TEEN SLUT GETS HUMILIATED BY STEP-FATHERS BIG WHITE COCK”. and the suggested video with a thumbnail showing a prepubescent girl-oh I mean women (I’m sure it’s a women people wouldn’t post a lil girl right??) in pigtails sitting in a pink bedroom filled with children’s toys looking innocently up at the camera isn’t wierd. yes that might be a kid but let’s not assume the worst that’s just a women that likes pigtails, and toys so don’t assume ok. also ur a weirdo for thinking that way actually ur the pedophile for pointing it’s out me thinks 😕. oh I forgot we were talking about those aesthetics in the context of porn. hmmm well idk what if a women likes it so stop 🛑 with all the infantilism #supportallwomen. and no let’s not question why any man would to fuck a women that resembles a child. as long as it’s not a lil girl it’s not actual pedophilia it’s just a kink u judgey prude. plus those aren’t the norm in porn what kind of videos are you watching LoL I only 🤥 watch every other video that casually uses the words “ bitch/whore/slut/ cum dumpster” as replacement for the word women tho HAHAHA just normal kink stuff ya know and stop slut shaming me becuz it’s not misogynistic since I’ve reclaimed the words slut and bitch 😤 like I’m so cunty 🥵 for that ughhh it’s just #badbitch things you wouldn’t get it 🤪. no you don’t get it by calling myself a slut it cancels out the history of the word and I’m sure the men watching these videos don’t associate sex as an act of hate towards women. constantly jacking off to “ slut devours my dick” only rewires men’s brains to see women as human being even more. oh tbh I only watch feminist lesbian porn because I support women😏. uuummm no it doesn’t mimics the dynamics of straight misogynistic porn and doesn’t cater to voyeurisric creepy men what are you taking about??? shut up stop trying to ruin everything. gurl alllsooooooo gay porn exists so much idk why you’re trying to claim all porn is bad. this is NOT comparable in any way to men saying that women should stop taking about rape because men can also be raped ok because uhhh porn makes me horny and that’s all that matters so there #notallporn. ✊WeLL Anywayzz like I was sayin uh damn 😔 I hope all the human trafficking and rape stops. I hope all of that junk * motions vaguely* gets regulated soon in order to soothe my guilty conscio- I mean for the safety of all those women getting abused. wait ur saying that it should be our priority as feminists to stop this??? nahhhh I think the men running these sites making profit out of actual rape videos have our best interests in mind they’ll come around! also what if all the good ethical porn by the totally consenting sex workers gets deleted as collateral damage for going after these companies. Ur so insensitive and short sited god 😬 im sure the millions of porn videos out there will be screened and regulated don’t worry!! even if a women is traumatized by her rape video floating around it doesn’t take precedent over the other good videos ur being unfair. like I freakin said #notallporn. oh you can never really tell whether porn is consensual????? well, YOU can’t tell that it isn’t so there 🤷‍♀️# unoreversecard # checkmate. ur just being a negative nancy 🙄 anyways until that time comes when the porn industry magically regulates itself I’m still gonna watch porn sooo yea- oh now wut do you have to say? hmmm? the existence of pornography and my bdsm kink are all due to living under a misogynistic patriarchal society?? Impossible!!! how can it be bad if it makes me feel good 😂 that’s stupid af. socialization? oh I’m immune to that because I’m a strong independent smart women stop patronizing me. it’s makes me feel good to wank off to porn so it can’t be bad how many times do I have to tell you????
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