#of this bunch my personal favorites are the fifth and last ones!!
larsnicklas · 3 months
hockey writing appreciation club part ii (part i here) hi team. let's support good sportswriting, whether with clicks or subscriptions! here are some more of my favorite articles i've read in the past little bit! i'll keep sharing articles every few weeks or so, and i always welcome recommendations if you have them as well!!
A mysterious illness halted his promising NHL career. Eight years later, hope and a comeback 🔒 Hodgson didn’t think about the mysterious illness that caused him to walk away from the game. Or the tests for lung cancer, brain cancer and liver cancer that he’d endured in a fruitless quest to figure out what was making him sick. He wasn’t thinking about the months of on-ice work and yoga and a grueling weight-loss regimen that led him to this point. He wasn’t even feeling the blunt soreness of the broken rib he had sustained in his first professional game after his long layoff. All he was thinking about was the gimme pass he’d just received. “If I hadn’t scored on that one,” Hodgson joked, “I might’ve had to shut it down.”
How the NHL rookie class has handled life on and off the ice Confidence becomes more than just a buzzword: It's a mantra. The rookies, after all, have to believe they belong -- even among the future Hall of Famers. "It's not like the guys you're playing against are not human, you know what I mean?" Carlsson said. "You realize you can be a good player here too, and you don't have to be worried that you're not going to make it. If you have confidence out there, you're going to be fine."
For players on the roster fringe, every day in the NHL is a treasure — and a challenge 🔒 Confidence is a funny thing. Even superstars routinely lose theirs during a stretch of what qualifies as mediocrity by their impossible standards. Hang around the game long enough and you’ll lose track of how many times you hear a player talk about just needing to “see the puck in the back of the net” to get himself going again. Never mind that he’s been the best player on the ice at every level. Never mind that he’s scored hundreds of goals in the NHL. Never mind that he’s been so good for so long that he’s paid massive sums of money and showered with love and affection every night. Even the toughest players can spiral mentally. Hockey’s hard, and the pressure’s high.
Nils Hoglander on growing up in a tiny village, why he stays on the ice after practice and his 'hidden talent' Is it harder to shoot a moose or stay in the NHL? A hint is a never-satisfied 5-foot-9, 185 pounds of bowling ball persistence and last player off the practice ice on Tuesday. “I guess I have to say hockey is the hardest,” said Hoglander. “But if you’ve never been out in the forest or anything, it’s kind of hard to know what to do. If you bring Petey (Elias Pettersson) he would have no idea what to do, he’s a city boy.”
'Open people's eyes': How the NHL's evolved in the decade of data The chemist's cell phone rings. He finds a quiet area of the lab to take the call. Hockey Hall of Fame forward Ron Francis is on the line. It's the 2014-15 season, Francis' first as general manager of the small-market Carolina Hurricanes. Francis asks the chemist - who's assumed a part-time consultant role with the NHL team - about a few players. How would you rank them? The call is short. The chemist slides his phone into his pocket, slips his gloves on, and walks to his work station. Back to the day job for Eric Tulsky.
After 1,400 games and counting, Alex Ovechkin still doesn’t break 🔒 When Alex Ovechkin was a rookie, his teammates were concerned he might have a heart attack. The Washington Capitals forward, who was 20 when he played his first NHL game in 2005, has always done things his own way. Back then, that meant a pregame routine of three Red Bulls. When the rest of his teammates were drinking Gatorade or water between periods, Ovechkin was downing soda.
Why a first-round pick walked away from the NHL — and found peace doing odd jobs 🔒 Over the course of his 10-year career, Koekkoek admits he paid far too much attention to external noise. He read negative articles about his play. He paid attention to critics on social media. And he put too much stock into various coaches who didn’t believe in him. “I lost that self-value that someone believed in me to take me in the first round,” he said. “I wish I could have kept my swagger.”
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emo-batboy · 4 months
i'd like the chart thanks!
Also, there's another person who wants to rp Leo, can they?
Okay a few people are asking for the chart so here’s the current chart!! (I took out some characters that are still not as fleshed out. That includes Nathan, Ria, Nina, Ashley, Zoe, Ray, Maggie, and the hater and Metropolis characters, but they’re all filler characters rn)
A Wild Battinson Character Lore Continuity
- Felicity
- Oldest of the bunch, right between Millennial and Gen Z
- Works at an office, besties with everyone there. Corporate girlie (does use the term girlboss)
- Like if a Gothamite/Bruce Wayne fan was swiftie-coded?
- She has a pet pitbull, you know that kind of white girl
- Tatum
- Goth U, Comp Sci major
- Keeps everyone he knows online at arms length so we don’t know much, has a small close knit friend group irl but he’s also mutuals with everybody on twitter because he’s that kinda guy yk?
- But they’re slowly convincing him. He’s getting there
- Marzia
- Oh god poor Marzia
- Italian, born in Northern Italy, English is her second language but you wouldn’t be able to tell if it weren’t for her slight accent
- Biggest Bruce Wayne stan, will go feral, but only gets replies from him at the worst moments possible
- *snorts like cocaine* “Please don’t do cocaine” is my personal favorite
- Goth U, she gives art major vibes but tacked on a double major in psychology last minute so now she’s staying a fifth year
- Reads smut, writes smut, part of the poetry club, def on booktok, you know the type
- Alejandro
- Runs an ice cream stand in the park on the weekends when it’s warm enough
- Bi, Dating Leo (pfp is them holding hands because he’s a whipped son of a bitch)
- He’s like if that normal-looking kind of athletic guy who always wore sweatshirts and basketball shorts to class just suddenly mentioned he had a boyfriend one day.
- He’s straight-coded but more specifically “the straight guy that gay guys have crushes on against their better judgement”-coded
- Knew the whole time he was bi but never REALLY liked a guy until Leo 🥺. whenever he looks at Leo, he’s got those madly in love eyes
- Thinks Batman is hot and suffers constant torment from Leo (who has a crush on Bruce) because of it
- Ale just wants to be bench pressed is that too much to ask? But It’s his fault he’s a twunk dating a twink so—
- Goth U, Really interested in tech stuff but he’s actually a sports medicine major. He wants to be a physical therapist for athletes
- Cannot hold his liquor
- Smile Watch
- Who knows
- It’s a mystery
- Lela
- Goth Girl
- BFF’s with Nico (goth girl, e-boy solidarity)
- Also good friends with Natalie, they lined up all their gen Ed’s together
- Chill in a Morticia Addams kinda way. She is Morticia Addams actually
- Mom owns a convenience store, she helps out after classes a lot
- Studied for the MCAT, did pretty well, she wants to be a doctor (probably neurosurgeon but it depends on what internship she gets)
- Currently completing the undergrad to grad program at Goth University with a masters in public health
- Natalie
- Former intern, now ASSISTANT at Wayne Press
- Got the job because she impressed Bruce with her good reporting skills, now works mostly on organizing press releases and maintaining Bruce’s public image
- Great at her job because she knows social media and Bruce Wayne Stans the best (she is one obv)
- (Babysits Bruce when Alfred is busy, how did this happen, why is this her job now? She’s tired of his shit lol)
- Still technically working part-time because she hasn’t gotten her degree yet, but she’s set to work full time after she graduates Goth U in May
- Sometimes while sitting at her desk she just gets that perspective shift where she’s like “how did I get here” Bruce Wayne Stans’ dreams do come true
- Caleb 🤡
- Literally 18/19 but aging faster than humanly possible with the stress he’s under
- Used to work at Bat Burger, left because the babysitting gig required more time
- Lives with his aunt who’s already retired (used to live alone, she never had kids or a husband so she’s loaded) He’s staying cuz his parents are super busy and travel for work :) and guess what crime-filled alley their window overlooks? I’ll give you one guess
- Babysits Tim, used to be a less serious gig but his parents have been out of town a lot lately (just vacationing without their child 🙄) and thankfully Caleb lives right across from their swanky apartment so he’s practically a nanny now (read: older sibling/third parent)
- Took a ton of childcare courses for this job and now he’s kind of interested in working at a daycare maybe? If Tim doesn’t kill him in his sleep first
- Recently graduated Goth High, now takes online classes at Goth Community College while deciding what to do with his life
- Jarod
- Recently graduated Goth High, now taking a gap year before starting GothU in the fall. Him and Caleb were always in the same classes so they’re super close (they’re the youngest)
- Future Comp Sci/English major (he wants to be a video game writer)
- Has a younger sister, and technically the oldest child but spiritually he’s the middle child.
- His parents and Priyanka’s parents are close friends so he kind of grew up seeing Priyanka as an older sister. That’s why they’re Like That.
- Literally so fed up with Priyanka, it’s not even funny (yes it is) but the second you’re rude to Priyanka, he will deck you, watch yourself
- Katie (Sweater Thief)
- ER Nurse at Gotham General Hospital, mostly does night shifts
- Gives chronically online energy when she’s online, but everyone in real life wouldn’t suspect a thing because she’s so good at having her life together (the code switch will give you whiplash)
- Surprisingly older than most of the others despite being Like That.
- Literally graduated with a 4.2 GPA how tf?
- BFF’s with Leo then became BFF’s with Ale too after they started dating (she is slowly corrupting Ale and I think that’s beautiful)
- Creator of the Babygirl Bruce Wayne Agenda and PROUD
- Priyanka
- Works at coffee shop owned by her mom called Caffe Mood. She plans to run it one day. Currently a barista
- Goth U, business major (accounting)
- Bilingual, knows Hindi
- Despite being gay, She is allowed to think Bruce Wayne is hot, that is her Right
- Mad fucking crush on Georgia, calls her Georgie. Intends to never tell a soul. Will fail miserably
- Dead fucking set on the idea that Batman’s a vampire
- But she thinks everyone’s a vampire so—
- Her parents and Jarod’s parents are close friends so she kind of grew up seeing Jarod as a younger brother. That’s why they’re Like That
- Jarod is constantly on her nerves, wtf Jarod (but be mean to him and she’ll kill you)
- Leo
- Works at bookstore called Gotham City Bookstore
- Gay, Dating Alejandro
- Twink (derogatory)
- Swears his gaydar is the most accurate there is (always wrong)
- Made being gay his entire personality because he had an identity crisis in middle school and proceeded to have a massive crush on some straight guy all of high school (that guy was Ale, Leo’s gaydar is so off)
- BFF’s with Katie despite being a few years younger. They were in a high school production of Sweeney Todd together and the rest was history
- Calls every single celebrity gay as a joke, Ale reigns him in if he’s getting too out of hand
- Used to have a mad celebrity crush on Bruce, still kinda (definitely) does
- Attends GothU, undecided for a while but ultimately settled on mathematics because it’s ironically his best subject
- One of those mf’s that needs to be held back at all costs, god help Ale
- Rose 🌹
- Works a tailoring job full time
- Good friends with Felicity, she’s like the black cat to Felicity’s golden retriever
- 70% super nice and chill, 30% wild card party girl
- Gets drinks with friends a lot, tweets when drunk but no one can tell the difference. It’s amazing
- Does not seem horny, is horny. But like normal about it? If that’s a thing
- Nico
- Kinda plays the straight man of the group if the straight man was emo
- BFF’s with Lela (e-boy, goth girl solidarity)
- KING of twitter roasts. He makes memes to end lives.
- Pansexual, single, and probably writing bad poetry in his diary about it but don’t tell anyone
- Goth U, actually dunno the major. Probs public health with Lela but doesn’t want to be a doctor. More like research parallel to social sciences
- Has a 8/9yo sister named Madelaine whom he would die for despite not expecting to be an older brother so late in the game (what were his parents thinking)
- Has tea parties with her and all that jazz. She steals his eyeliner and chain accessories all the time, also she’s friends with Dick and Barbie (yes, Barbara Gordon) so sometimes he watches over their play dates
- He’s a “tough emo boy” so he totally doesn’t laugh at Madelaine’s puns. He’s a bitch ass liar
- Kellyanne
- GothU, marine biology. Transferred from GCCC with an associates degree to save money but now she’s got a full ride cuz of the WE higher education fund
- More recent Bruce Stan
- Pretty poor upbringing, that’s how she met Bruce Wayne. He bought her whole family groceries one night after her card declined at the convenience store trying to buy dinner
- Now she’s in it for the long haul :)
- Lia
- GothU, fashion merchandising
- Older sister also attends Goth U, but she’s in med school
- More recent Bruce Wayne stan, still not particularly in with the culture and jokes but getting there
- Friends with Georgia and Elizabeth irl. Elizabeth was in the same sorority before graduating first. Got to know Georgia after Lia found her dog with Bruce at the park outside GothU. They party together now
- Elizabeth
- Graduated GothU last May and worked an internship at LexCorp, immediately regretted it but snagged a job at WE (thank god)
- Now works as a research assistant at Wayne Tech in the R&D department for commercial products
- Didn’t really get the whole Bruce Wayne Stan thing until Bruce Wayne personally wished her a happy birthday?? The man is so sweet?
- Absolutely loves her job but still screams at rubber ducks over faulty code in her little cubicle, but that’s the industry she chose so it’s a give and take
- Met Natalie through Stan twitter and now they DM each other about working at Wayne Enterprises
- Doesn’t post much on twitter but follows the main Bruce Stan accounts, irl friends with Lia and Georgia
- Georgia
- Has a dog named Bean
- GothU, majoring in like three languages, polyglot (including Hindi 😏)
- Works at a retail home decor kinda store (home goods?)
- So lesbian-coded, but does not know it yet. Priyanka is her gay awakening. She is now a regular at Caffe Mood (She thinks she just likes the coffee (yeah right))
- Works at Goth U’s admissions department over the summer too
- Once got drunk and locked herself onto a roof by accident, ended up hanging out with Batman (he offered to break into her apartment for her but she said “nah”)
- Jane
- Works at Wayne Enterprises
- Runs bring your kid to work day (idk what her actual job is but she’s an Essential Worker, okay?)
- Very sweet, 10/10, looks on the bright side but never in a toxic positivity way
- Super social too, became work friends with Bruce because she’s nice but not draining to his social battery? They have lunch on occasion
- Watched the Graysons die with Bruce, call that trauma bonding
- Watched her toxic ex’s car burn to a crisp after a joker spree and took a selfie with it (she can have a little revenge, as a treat)
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lfghughes · 11 months
Can we get dad!nico surprising his daughter on her birthday because he was away for a game and wasn’t meant to fly back until the day after but managed to get there early in the morning before she even woke up? I just know he’d show up with a bunch of gifts he picked up on his trip on top of what they already decided to buy her for her birthday
a/n: 100% nico would be that kind of dad. i also believe he would definitely end up getting her or at least trying to get her the pet shes been asking for
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If there was one thing about Nico it was that he would move mountains for his daughter. He had proved that plenty of times during the past five years and today was no exception. Telling your four year old that her favorite person in the whole world wouldn’t be home for her birthday was not easy. You could actually see it tearing Nicos heart when he explained he would be away for work. The small pout that grew on her lips as she nodded her head at him only made it worse. “Daddy will make sure to call you though okay?”
After he had gotten done with explaining it all to her, you placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, the look on his face showing just how defeated he felt in that moment. But again, he would move mountains for her so it shouldn’t have surprised you when the morning of your daughters fifth birthday he had shown up bright and early before she even woke up. He did not show up empty handed either. There were plenty of bags and you knew not all of them had his hockey gear in them.
“First of all, how did you manage to pull this off? Second, how many gifts did you get? She already has all the ones we got lost week!” You told him, pointing to the kitchen counter where you had already wrapped up all her presents that were now just patiently waiting on the counter for her to wake up. “I just kept seeing things she would like and I couldn’t get that little pout of my head.” He explained to you and a small smile spread on your lips. “I think her favorite present is going to be you being here.”
Both of you went up to her room, Nico gently sitting on the edge of her bed as he woke her up. “Hey, birthday princess.” Your little one stirred away and the minute her eyes saw her father she jumped into his arms. “Daddy!!” She squealed as her small arms wrapped around him. “But mommy said you weren’t coming to my birthday party today.” She pointed out, still trying to figure out how you had gotten here. “Don’t worry, daddy is going to be at your birthday party. Also uncle Jack and uncle Dawson sent some presents for you.”
Immediately her face lit up and you weren’t exactly sure if it was the word presents that caused that reaction or the names of her favorite uncles. “Let’s go downstairs.” He lifted her up in his arms as she giggled. “Daddy is going to make some breakfast for you and mommy and you get to open all those presents we got you.” At his words she immediately started clapping her hands in excitement. “Did I get a baby kitty this year?” She asked and a laugh left your lips because she only decided last night that she needed one and you knew by tonight she would need something completely different. “Nope, but I’m sure there’s still plenty of time left in the day to see about that one.”
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tranakin-skywalker · 3 months
Story Masterlist
Figured I should finally make one of these so y'all know what the fuck I'm talking about when I go on about my silly little au ideas. I'll be updating this list as I publish things/ come up with new ideas. Published fics have a hyperling to their ao3 embedded in their title.
Half canon re-write, half me going "hey wouldn't it be fucked up if _?" Basically I packed all my favorite little headcanons and tropes into one five-part monster of a series, featuring things like eldritch demigod Anakin, Force deities, fucked up Naboo politics, sentient droids, and a Galactic Civil War that actually feels Galactic and like a war. Somehow ended up with me both trying to make Star Wars more realistic, and leans way more into the mythological side of the story. Also features a ton of my own original concepts. A pantheon of Tatooine gods and slave culture inspired loosely by Fialleril, Sith religion and rituals, clone culture and language built around the idea that they've been dehumanized and un-personed for their entire existence, and a bunch of stuff about the Coruscant underworld. You can find more about it under my fic:singularity tag
The first part of Singularity more or less covering the events of TPM with a few... creative liberties taken. Status: Published/ Ongoing Word Count: 92,740
Part II of Singularity covering the years of Anakin's apprenticeship between TPM and AOTC, as well as looks into both the lives of Shmi and Padme. I took inspiration from a bunch of the stories in Legends covering this time period but most of it is my own thing. This is the one that goes the deepest into the functions and every day life of the Jedi, as well as life on Coruscant in general. An exploration of the disconnect between the governing body of the Senate and the wider galaxy, the wealth disparity on Coruscant and just how fucking dystopian it is, and generally how something like the Clone Wars could come about. Status: Unpublished
Part III of Singularity. AOTC if I butchered it's body and reassembled it in the imagine of my own design. Some of the movie's plot points remain but I'm attempting to get from Point A to Point B as originally as I can while still keeping with the heart of Attack of the Clones. Status: Unpublished
Part IV of Singularity. The Clone Wars but not the animated version. We are going full Republic comics version baby. Ahsoka is still here tho, because I love her. Basically my idea of what a galactic civil war would actually look like, featuring space battles that last for months on end, widespread disease outbreaks, planets completely wiped out of existence, billions of combatants, and war crimes galore. The size of this war is immense. Like, there's over 1 billion active duty clones at any given time. (Which actually isn't even all that much compared to the population of the Republic at large lol) Probably the most space opera of the series. Status: Unpublished
Event Horizon:
Fifth and final part of Singularity. Essentially it's version of RotS, but with a vastly different ending. And beginning. And middle. Basically it's RotS if you squint. This I think is going to be the one that goes the deepest into the mythological/ fantasy aspects of the story. The Force and all it's weirdness is a huge aspect of this one. This is also the fic that goes the deepest into the Sith and all their awfulness. It features a much beloved headcanon of mine that when a Sith master is killed by their apprentice, part of their consciousness enters into their apprentice as a sort of living holocron. Which means that the current Sith master is essentially possessed by all the Sith that came before them and is constantly having to fight to keep control of their own body. It serves both as a way to pass on all the Sith teachings (since a living master would have a vested interest in keeping knowledge from their apprentice and thus a lot of that knowledge would be lost over time) and as an attempt at immortality. A strong enough spirit can take control of a weak enough vessel. Unfortunately for all those Sith masters, any apprentice who is able to go on and kill their own master isn't going to be in any way weak. A full, proper possession in the Sith lineage has been few and far between. I imagine y'all can guess what this means for Sidious' intentions with Anakin, a living vergence of the Force and for all intents and purposes immortal (even if Anakin won't let himself acknowledge that fact). Status: Unpublished
What started as me asking myself "what if the start of ANH but Vader/Anakin was trans and the twin's gestating parent and thus, recognized Leia immediately?" which then turned into something much much longer than I intended. Oops. The actual story starts during the Clone Wars when Anakin discovers he's been magically impregnated by the Force just like how his own mother was. Deals a lot with gender, parenthood, generational trauma, and repeating cycles. Also clones. Lots and lots with the clones. Their relationship with Anakin after discovering that he's basically a clone of his mother is a huge part of this fic. This particular version is going to follow along the beats of RotS and what comes after more or less (so, things are going to get a lot worse before they get better. Sorry) with some divergence here and there. This is the fic I find myself going back and rewriting/tweaking the most. Which is partially why it's taking me so long to update. I'm trying to make this next chapter one I'm completely happy with instead of having to go back and redo it in a few weeks lol. (Tho I think that's part of the fun of fanfic, the ability to go back and change things whenever you want). Honestly, this one is getting so long I might end up having to split it into two fics. fic: cytokinesis tag Status: Published/ Ongoing
Unnamed Cytokinesis Spin-off:
While Cyto is going to have a happy ending, it's going to take a lot of hurt to get there. Which is why I came up with an au to my au where the twins come early, Anakin doesn't fall, and things are happy... ish. The Republic is still a trash fire on the brink of collapse and everyone still has so so much trauma. Even when I write a happy au, things still suck lmao. I just can't imagine a RotS fix-it where things aren't still falling apart and Anakin gets off scot-free for murdering the president of the galaxy. Status: Unpublished
Ah yes, the fic that is really three differnt aus in a trench coat. 1. In the midst of galactic instability and the seceding of dozens of planets from the Republic, a revolt begins to spread in the Outer Rim. A revolt led by unknown masked force users, and a suspected Sith known only as Vader. The Jedi scramble to uncover the identity of these new enemies, only to discover a plethora of unpleasant truths that make them begin to question themselves and the very Republic instead. 2. After five years with the Jedi Anakin starts to have nightmares about his mother dying and they. just. won't. stop. He asks Obi-Wan for help, begs him for the chance to go to Tatooine and make sure she's alright. He isn't allowed to go. So he takes matters into his own hands. He leaves in the middle of the night, nothing but a note and a cut padawan braid left behind, and he goes to save his mother. Anakin ends up finding more than just his mother. There's a freedom network, one that Shmi is part of. There is a rebellion brewing, stolen weapons and stolen ships. There is a city in the desert, a paradise made by the hands of escaped slaves. And there are things, old things, powerful things, that he never new existed on Tatooine. Like deep ancient caves carved by the planet's mythical groundwater where kyber crystals grow wild and undiscovered. 3. Darth Vader lived, and then he died. In his son's arms he died, but that wasn't the end of it. There is no death, there is only the Force. And the Force was not done with him yet. He returns, four decades in the past, as a ghost haunting his younger self. Forced into the role of a passive observer, no power, no voice, seen only by one little boy and unable to change anything. Cursed to watch history repeat itself. Or at least that's what he thought. fic: groundwater tag Status: Unpublished
I Wonder Which One Has My Eyes:
There was something achingly familiar about the pair of droids following the young princess around, Pooja thought. Or Pooja Naberrie, junior senator of Naboo, is invited to a senatorial event on Alderaan. There she meets and befriends young Princess Leia Organa. A few things click into place. This one is actually inspired by @keistance fic Uncle Ani, where the Naberries knew about the Anidala marriage. I thought it would be so so fun if Pooja realized that Leia was her baby cousin and secretly tells Leia all about her birth parents. Which means she goes into ANH knowing all about Padme Amidala and Anakin Skywalker, something that completely derails a certain interrogation with a certain Dark Lord when he stumbles over that particular fact. I'm fascinated by the idea of Leia coming from a similar place as Luke in canon, where she knows her father as a good man named Anakin Skywalker before she ever knew him as Vader. I think that change in perspective would give her the same belief and drive to bring her father back to the Light that Luke has. Also I think both twins ganging up on Vader to bully him into redemption is very funny. Status: Unpublished
Unnamed Togruta AU:
Or Togruta!Skywalkers. Shmi and Anakin are Tatooine togruta, a rare population of togs that were ensalved from Shili dozens of generations ago and slowly grew to adapt to the desert environment. A characteristic of the Tatooine togs is the forward facing montals, which Anakin has. It's a trait coveted for gladiator slaves since they can be used to pin down/gore opponents. Anakin was occasionally entered into matches as a child where he was forced to fight and kill animals. Had he not been taken by the Jedi, he would have eventually been put in death matches against other sentients. (because I'm lazy I'm just copy/pasting this part from an old ask)
A lot of the ideas are coming from the hyena discord, so I can’t claim them as my own. But they are just too good to pass up. Like togruta making infrasound with their montrals and constantly projecting their moods. So when Anakin first gets to the Temple he’s constantly screaming for him mom at a pitch that only other togruta can hear. I’ve decided that that’s actually how he first meets Ahsoka. She hears him making his lost, scared, where’s mom, where’s family sounds and seeks him out to comfort him. Ahsoka would be about four here, and would have left Shili recently enough that she could still remember what those noises mean, even if Tatooine togruta sound different from Shili togruta. (to a Shili tog Anakin’s distressed noises sound like he’s being maimed, but that’s just because of the generational trauma and general awfulness of being a togruta on Tatooine. What they would think of the vocalizations he makes when actually being maimed we will not think about)
So Anakin and Ahsoka end up growing up together right from the start, and the main reason Anakin is so insistent on being knighted early is so that Ahsoka can be his padawan. It’s a private thought he has to himself at first, but as Ahsoka gets older and no masters are showing any interest in taking her on she starts to panic. Anakin tells her that he’ll just have to get knighted before she ages out so that he can be her master. And then the Clone War starts and he realizes that keeping his promise means bringing her onto the battlefield with him where she could die and he’s not sure if he’ll be enough to keep her alive :) Because Shmi is a togruta too she does not get bought by Cleigg Lars. I am just. not dealing with the implications of that. (Listen. I want to read Shmi’s marriage to him as a good thing, but I have a very hard time doing that.) Now, there’s actually a comic (Legands, I think, not Disney canon) where Gardulla goes to Watto and tries to buy Anakin back after he wins the Boonta Eve Classic. So have some fun thoughts about what would have happened to Anakin if he hadn’t gone with Qui-Gon. In the fic, Gardulla goes to buy Anakin but of course he left with the Jedi, so Gardulla decides she’ll take Shmi as payment for Watto’s debts. After all, if Shmi already had one child who turned out to be a talented podracer, well, she might have more. Hence the younger sibling that comes about shortly after Anakin leaves.
When Anakin goes back to Tatooine because of the nightmares about his mom he finds out that Watto sold his mom back to Gardulla and has to go to her to buy his mom’s freedom. Which would be traumatic, on multiple levels. Anakin finds out that a month before he arrived, Shmi tried to escape with the sister Anakin didn’t know he had, and Gardulla had their chips detonated. Gardulla even gives him their triggered remotes as proof. (Of course unbeknownst to Anakin, Shmi and the sister survived and are living with a village of other escaped togruta.) A lot of canon still happens the same, including Anakin’s fall, Order 66, Mustafar, etc. But when Bail Organa sees Ahsoka at Padme’s funeral he tells her that he can take her to a mutual friend of theirs. Ahsoka thinks (hopes) it’s Anakin at first, and is devastated when she realizes it’s Obi-Wan (and then hates herself for feeling disappointment because she should be happy that Obi-Wan is still alive, but he’s not Anakin, and this means that Anakin must be dead). There’s no Lars family and the Organas would have a harder time explaining a non-human daughter, so Ahsoka and Obi-Wan end up taking care of the twins. They eventually find their way to Tatooine because it’s out of the Empire’s notice and, well, because it’s a connection to Anakin (Ahsoka’s trying to hold onto anything she can that connects her to her brother and Obi-Wan is in his self-harming phase.)
And it’s there that they eventually run into a little community of togruta and a woman who looks suspiciously like Anakin who has the last name Skywalker. But hey, Shmi gets to meet her grandkids at least. Even if it happens at the same time that she finds out that son she thought she’d sent away to a better life and hasn’t seen in 13 years is dead. (Obi-Wan sees how much Anakin’s death destroys Shmi and decides to never, ever tell her what he became. Vader will be his burden and it’s a secret he will take to his grave. Anakin Vader is dead, and he’ll save them from ever finding out how it really happened) Of course, 15 years later Ahsoka goes to rescue some rebels from a walking death omen in black when she realizes the infrasound calls he’s shrieking out of his mangled montrals is devastatingly familiar.
togruta au tag or togrutakin tag Status: Unpublished
Anakin ends up twenty three years in the future, Vader ends up twenty three years in the past.
So you’ve got Anakin just fresh off the child murder suddenly flung into the Rebellion era and being faced with how much he supremely fucked up. Meanwhile Vader like not even a week after Bespin suddenly back in the Jedi Temple in the middle of the Purge. And because his vision is shit he doesn’t realize at first that it’s a bunch of clone troopers shooting at the big black angry mass that suddenly appeared. Which leads him to accidentally saving a bunch of baby Jedi, who of course imprint on him like orphaned ducklings. Vader figures he must had died at some point and this is a divine punishment for all the atrocities, trapped in a purgatory of reliving all his greatest mistakes. So in a bit of an uncharacteristic move for him, he doesn’t murder to death the gaggle of preschoolers he’s accidentally collected, and instead, in a series of absurd events sort of unintentionally helps to start the Rebel Alliance in a bit of cosmic irony.
Status: Unpublished
War Machines (title pending):
Jedi are living weapons. Far into the Outer Rim, the Hutts obtain a planet killer. Dystopian au where the sith empire was never wiped out and controls half the galaxy and the Republic is more of an authoritarian dictatorship that uses teh Jedi as living weapons of mass destruction. Force sensitive children are taken from their families and trained as soldiers, raised with a cloned ‘handler’ who was designed specifically to be able to keep their Jedi in line. The Jedi are eldritch, incredibly powerful beings that are forced to wear suppression gear that keeps them confined to their physical form. Only the handler is able to turn it off the gear and allow the jedi the full use of their abilities. Some force sensitives are wired into ships or turned into actual weapons. On Tatooine, Gardulla realizes one of her slaves is a powerful force sensitive and begins having him trained like a jedi to be her own personal one man army. Status: Unpublished
the thing that lives in dead stars (title pending):
A gambler Watto may have been, but stupid he was not. Anakin Skywalker was too great a prize to risk losing, not when the man betting had the gleam in his eye that told of a winning hand. Not that it mattered in the end. The boy won, and Watto lost, and the hutts got themselves the only human in the entire galaxy that could win a pod race. At least the outlander didn’t leave with the boy as well as his pretty Noobian ship. Or Anakin wins the race but not his freedom. Six years later, the circuit brings him to Coruscant, and the attention of a Sith Lord. My very fucked up Anakin raised as a Sith AU. Status: Unpublished
Shapeshifters AU:
aka space vampire Vader aka sun dragon Skywalkers. So I think we've established by this point that I can't get enough of Eldritch Skywalkers. They are my JAM. So of course I made another eldritch Skywalkers au. There's a few main points to this one. 1. Anakin, and subsequently Luke and Leia, being freaky part-Force abominations, can shapeshift. However, they cannot shapeshift into anything they like. This isn't FMA Envy/ Mystique/ whatever. They can't just look at a person and copy their face. Instead they have to have a deep emotional connection to what they are transforming into, and that transformation is always accessed by strong emotion. While they could theoretically shapeshift into a person they care very close to, the thought of doing so is very unnerving and almost violating, so they don't. Instead, all three Skywalkers have a habit of changing into creatures from Tatooine mythology. 2. Anakin and Beru are half siblings. I love this idea. I cannot express to you how much I love this idea. It just scratches something in my brain so well. Beru is Anakin's younger sister by about a year, and got left on Tatooine with their mother when Anakin was taken by Qui-Gon. She is not a part-Force abomination, but grew up knowing all about Anakin's weirdness. 3. Luke AND Leia are both given to Beru (and Owen) because of said knowledge about Anakin's weirdness. She is probably the best and safest option for raising two baby shapeshifting half-Force abominations. And thus the twins grow up on the same stories Anakin did, with the added knowledge that he could turn into those creatures, and thus, so do they. 4. At some point Anakin found out he could consume the midi-chlorians of other Force sensitives on account of the whole half-Force abomination thing. And since midi-chlorians exist in a persons blood, well. Space vampire. Sidious has a lot of fun feeding Force sensitive people to his pet monster. 5. Speaking of- Vader is more often than not a fuck off huge black hole of a sun dragon. Like, legitimately. In this, sun dragons are essentially living stars in the shape of massive serpents. Vader is what happens when one of those living suns becomes a black hole. 6. Vader is just all around fucked up honestly. He no longer gets to decide what form he takes. His body and everything about it is determined by Sidious' will. His master decides what he turns into, and Vader was always meant to be a monster on a leash. So of course that's what Sidious keeps him as. 7. The twins somehow get roped into the Rebellion. Don't ask me how, I haven't figured out that part just yet. Status: Unpublished
For a Son:
He could not bring her son back to her. Could not even return his body to lay to rest. The least he could do was bring her the grandchild she never even knew she had. He knew it could never forgive what he had taken. Obi-Wan finds out what happened to Shmi Skywalker. Word Count: 4,018 Status: Published
Lessons the Desert Gave:
No one ever understood how the sand would sink into open wounds. How, no matter how much you scrubbed and washed and clawed, the sand always found its way into your blood. The desert has a way of sticking with you, even long after you left it. (Turns out growing up a slave can really fuck a guy up.) Ficlet/ one-shot collect of character studies looking at all the ways Anakin's childhood would have really messed him up. I'm open to prompts/ requests for this one. Word Count: 1,820 Status: Published / Ongoing
Dead Letters:
Post RotS. Obi-Wan gets drunk and messages Anakin on his old comm from the war, forgetting that Anakin is dead. For some reason, he keeps on doing it. What could it hurt? Anakin is dead, his comm destroyed on Mustafar just like his body. So he keeps sending messages, because for just a second, it means he can pretend that Anakin is still alive out there somewhere. Then he discovers he doesn't have to pretend. This one could so easily be a crack-fic. Darth Vader gets drunk texts from Obi-Wan telling him all about how awful Tatooine is and that he'll never make fun of Anakin again for hating sand and he keeps getting sunburnt and also Anakin's son is so sweet and cute and just like him until he turned into a surly teenager, why couldn't he just stay an adorable little boy forever? Status: Unpublished
Jewel Box:
Sidious’ obsession ran deep. What he wanted, he would have- wholly, utterly, and completely. His want for the boy was no different. Sidious POV of Anakin through the years featuring all the horrible messed up things he thinks and does. Big BIG warning for child abuse, grooming, and rape/non-con in addition to Sidious' all around awfulness. This is probably the most awful thing I've ever written. Like holy shit it's fucked up. It's taking me ages to finish because I keep having to take breaks from it. And I'm not even going into any graphic detail. Title comes from that one line in the RotS novel where Sidious calls Vader's suit a jewel box. Status: Unpublished
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supernovafics · 1 year
Tumblr media
✧∘ଂ ࿐ ཾ 𝑳𝑬𝑻𝑻𝑬𝑹 𝑶𝑵𝑬. ✭・.・✫・゜・。.
pairing: ex-bestfriend!steve x fem!reader
word count: 683 words
warnings: explicit language, minor mentions of parental trauma 
series masterlist | last part — next part
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
❝ 𝒊 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒂 𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒆, 𝒊 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒂 𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒚𝒐𝒖. ❞
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Dear Steve,
Do you remember how we met?
Weirdly enough, I remember the exact moment. Mainly because I was so fucking nervous. (side note: being the new kid in town sucks absolute ass)
But, anyway, I moved in next door to you and our parents hit it off immediately since it turned out that our dads were going to be working with each other. 
As they all nonstop talked for a solid fifteen minutes in the front yard and I stood by like the most lonely twelve-year-old fifth wheel ever, you pulled up on your bicycle coming from God knows where. 
Our parents were quick to introduce us, and then they made you hang out with me. It was nice finally seeing and interacting with a kid my age, but I also thought that you would hate me since our parents were essentially forcing this “play date” to happen. However, you were actually really nice and I was kind of glad that my parents forced me to meet you. 
We went to your backyard and sat by your pool, and I remember that it was insanely hot that day and I really wanted to go swimming but had no idea where my bathing suit was packed among the boxes scattered in our new garage. I could tell that you really wanted to swim too, and although I told you that it would’ve been completely fine if you did it without me, you shrugged like it was no big deal and said that you didn’t want me to feel left out. Which, now looking back on that moment, is probably when I knew that I really wanted us to be friends. 
It surprised me how much we had in common and how so much of that commonality came from how insane our parents were. In the moment it felt funny, but now I can’t help but see how sad it was because of how nonchalantly we were talking about our parents being so neglectful to us. 
You told me the story about when you were in first grade and your mom forgot to pick you up from school because she booked a spa appointment that went until 5pm, and that’s how you learned how to walk home. And I followed up by talking about the time both my parents missed my dance recital when I was eight because my dad worked late (even though he said he wouldn’t), and my mom somehow showed up so late that she missed the number I danced in. 
Now I’m realizing that those fucked up storytimes were probably what cemented our friendship. Because somehow we both found someone that actually fully understood what all of that parental shittiness was like. 
The next day I went over to your house again, since mine was still in complete disarray from unpacking, and I brought a bunch of my favorite movies and we watched them in your living room. 
It’s funny because I think you hated all of them, or at least most of them, and I remember thinking something along the lines of: “I can never talk to this guy again. How could he hate The Great Gatsby? He’s an idiot!”
Of course, none of that happened, because aside from your horrific judgment of movies (which I hope has changed by now), I already saw you as an important person in my life. 
I think we probably spent that entire summer before school started attached at the hip, and when school did finally start it felt okay walking in as the new kid because you were there. Helping me and protecting me from the idiots. 
Twelve-year-old me truly never thought that there would be a time when we weren't the greatest of friends with each other. And I know how naive that probably was for me to think.
But, actually, I don't believe it was entirely that naive to think because we were different. You and me, our friendship, was different than just any other one.
And I honestly think that if I didn't mess things up as badly as I did, we would still be in each other's lives right now.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
next part
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ncteez · 1 year
-sycophant anon
here's a bunch of thoughts, about mingyu being accidentally hot.
firstly (absolutely playing off this ask). it's a normal college class, an early morning where everyone nearly looks the same in your eyes. tired, burned out, and wanting to go home. normally a person stretching doesn't get your attention but um...that guy, sitting right in front of you......raising his arms in a deep and clearly very good stretch, moaning unintentionally at the feeling of his body relaxing. pausing mid-way to stop because he didn't realize how loud he was being, or how some of his tummy and back skin was showing.
secondly, the same guy who fell down 14 stairs in the frat house during a party is....somehow....the same guy dancing in a crowd of unknowns, moving his body in a way that doesn't reflect that lack of coordination earlier............and he looks kinda aroused..........
thirdly, mingyu, your best friend who works out way too much. his other best friends who work out with him know he likes you, so they take it upon themselves to send you snaps of him working out....shirtless....also groaning through it to release the adrenaline of lifting a slightly heavier weight compared to last time.........the video ends with him looking at the camera then widening his eyes and saying "DON'T FUCKIN' SEND THAT TO H-" and it cuts off
fourth, when ur on the third date with the clumsy guy you met on a dating app, you decide right then and there that there's gonna be a fifth, sixth, and seventh date, because this is the first time you didn't uber to the restaurant, and it's the first time he picked you up, and the first time you've seen him grip his steering wheel, and the first time he's hummed casually to one of your favorite songs, and the first time you've seen him in the lighting of a high-way tunnel and--
fifth, you go to get your car washed and that puppy-looking dude is way too buff. he's washing your windshield like his life depends on it, and the fact that they allow you to sit in your car through it doesn't help bc this mf straight up planted his chest on your window by accident to wash the hood and showed u how perky his nips are ;o;
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bisamwilson · 3 months
15 questions, 15 friends
tagged by @roguecassians! thanks maggie :)
are you named after anyone?
i am not, but my middle name was inspired by brooklyn on general hospital (not brooklyn, but close-ish)
when was the last time you cried?
thursday night bc margaret and i rewatched two towers and sam's speech never fails to make me bawl like a baby
do you have kids?
i do not, nor do i plan to! i do have two very cute nephews tho
what sports do you play/have played?
lmao. i was a dancer as a kid/younger teen (stopped when i was 15 bc of the pre arthritis in my ankle) but other than that in high school i lettered in the great sports of academic team and orchestra lmao
do you use sarcasm?
probably too much
what is the first thing you notice about people?
this is probably gonna sound weird, but their teeth? i tend to zero in on people's smiles and their teeth bc i love the different ways that people smile! i think there's so much personality hidden in a person's smile so it's what i tend to latch onto first
what is your eye color?
scary movies or happy endings?
definitely happy endings! it's the life of a hopeless romantic who doesn't believe in love to fall for every cheesy rom com i can find
any talents?
i am very good at balancing things on my head! when i was a kid my mama made me walk up and down the stairs multiple times in heels with a bible on my head without it falling off before i was allowed to wear the little wedges i wanted to my fifth grade graduation ceremony and now i've just got a knack for balancing stuff on my head. someone once put a connect four board flat on top of it while i was sitting down and stacked all of the chips in a column on top of each other one by one on my head and i held it for like five minutes
i'm also a half decent writer when i actually write i guess
where were you born?
kentucky! bluegrass girlie
what are your hobbies?
i watch a lot of movies and go to the movie theater a ton! i haven't gone a bunch this month bc i was finishing up my oscars a thon but generally i go to the movies 3-6 times a month probably? if not more?
do you have any pets?
my beautiful rat who is not actually a rat but a 15.5 year old chihuahua who definitely served in the infantry in world war one and has zero thoughts in her head. i love her <3
how tall are you?
5'4! but i seem shorter bc my proportions are wacky
favorite subject in school?
high school? math (especially ap stats) for sure with latin as a close second. in college my favorite class was called star wars and religion and my second favorite class was and economic introduction to game theory
dream job?
a job that i enjoy and keeps me satisfied intellectually where there's a good work culture and work/life balance that allows me to like. take care of my needs and wants and be comfortable enough in life, which is what i have! i'm not want to want a specific generally unattainable career, i just like. want something to keep me fulfilled and financially stable yk?
i never actually tag the number of people i'm supposed to but no pressure tagging @firstelevens @logicheartsoul @writerkenna @apatheticjoy @livingincolorsagain and @thatmexisaurusrex
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bagheerita · 3 months
B, C, K, N, P, S ❤️️
Ooooh... I really had to think about some of these.
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
I feel like often I haven't considered a pairing until I read a fic that does it really well or that gives me a premise I can get behind, but the only time someone, as in another person specifically talking to me, changed my mind was when a friend from one fandom suggested I might enjoy a fic from a different fandom we were both in… so I read an FMA Ed/Roy mpreg fic that I would not have otherwise given the time of day to… and I really enjoyed it ngl. 
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
Sesshomaru/Kagome from the Inuyasha fandom. I do not understand why this pairing was so popular. If you want to hook Sesshomaru up with a human woman, Sango is standing right there ffs, she is such a better choice, lmao. I don't really get Reylo either, and there are plenty of other het ships that just make me scratch my head.
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
Wesley Wyndam-Price from Buffy/Angel. I love this man, and I love his development from someone who has no idea what the fuck is actually going on, to developing both physical and interpersonal competence, to finding a real family, to losing it through accidentally following some bad advice and betraying everyone, to finding love, to losing everything. His devotion to Fred makes a primordial, demonic, god-being care enough to help the protagonists fight an overwhelming army. I mean come on. This might be the one character I really did not mind at all that Whedon killed, because I felt like he had done everything and achieved everything he could possibly achieve and there was nowhere else for him to go. Perfection💔don't tell me anything about the comics i don't care
N - Name three things you wish you saw more of in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
For the fandom of Stargate in general… 
More alien headcanons!! There are some really great people writing some fantastic fics for the Wraith, so I'm going to complain specifically about how I want more fics and HC for the Nakai and Ursini in SGU. Also the Reol from SG1 ("The Fifth Man”) have SUCH potential, I want to see more of them!! 
I would love to see more SGU people in SGA plots, if that makes sense. (I have a fic where Sheppard gets booted as military Commander, and I'm thinking of replacing him with Telford. 🤔)
more crossover ideas in general, within the Stargate brand. What if Vala and Cam came to visit Atlantis while Sam was there?  What if the whole gateing-through-the-sun-time-warp thing sent Rush to Pegasus instead and he ran into Todd? What if “Rising” was actually “Solitudes” and Sheppard and O'Neill are the ones trapped under a bunch of ice when their chopper puts down unexpectedly to dodge the drone?  (I just think it would be neat.🙂) 
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
The last question had a 3 in it so my brain stuck on that track and I came up with 3 SGU AUs I'd like to see
The Lucian Alliance doesn't attack as they're dialing Destiny in ep 1 and even though they have to evacuate bc the planet's about to explode, everyone who doesn't want to go through the gate can beam up to Carter’s ship and evac to Earth. So it's a tense situation but there's enough time and focus that Telford and O'Neill get to send the “right people team" that they wanted to send. I wonder who that was? Presumably this team was already on Icarus base, it just contained fewer civilians. I'd like to see them not do any better, or mess up in different ways. 
Everything happens the same, but Camille is more assertive sooner and gets Young and Rush to stop being such dicks to each other, and everyone has a more mentally healthy experience.
When I first read the title of the s1 finale “Incursion,” I thought it was going to be about the Nakai returning. So, an AU where that happens, OR both the Nakai and the Lucian Alliance show up to invade Destiny on the same day and everything is chaos ❤️
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
Wow, I really don't know if I can answer this… I feel like everything I think about the characters is my headcanon to an extent? And what I canon in my head changes for every fic. I think I HC the Wraith as being a lot more into casual touch than they are shown in canon, that just jumps to mind. (But like, there's not much to them, socially, in canon, so it's really all hc, and I don't think I can list all the backstory/society I've made up for them across several fics.) Narrow the question down a bit and I can maybe do better.😂
Thanks for the ask! 💖
Ask game!
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carebearbro · 1 year
Okay so here's my idea if I could make a care bear show with six bears. it's actually seven bears, But like just imagine it's six bears then the seventh joins the group last in like season two ( and I may or may not have had Equestria girls on the brain)
So first is grumpy bear because he's got to be the main character in every generation. He'll be the smart guy of the group and definitely one of the most mature but he's known to freak out and make mistakes too. I imagine he'll start of super grumpy and uptight but later on learns to loosen up and becomes more laid back until his personality becomes more like he is in utm
Second is good luck who's more the voice of reason of the group. He's still pretty cocky like he is in utm, but more chill and laid back. Kind of the dad friend of the group always looking out for the others and give the best advice he can. But of course he'll mess up and have difficulties too.
Third is too loud bear ( because let's face it we want the outsider bears to come back ). He's the energetic loudmouth of the group always loud and reckless. But he is still a good friend and sometimes his loudness can be helpful. He always gets himself and sometimes others into trouble, and has to learn his actions have consequences and learns from them. But he doesn't change 180. He's still loud. And he still has his motorcycle because i think he deserves it
Fourth Is me bear ( no messy sorry but maybe he'll pop up here and there ). Being the beauty queen and prima Donna of the group. Always trying to make herself the center of attention but later on learns to share the spotlight. She still retains her sassy attitude but becomes more caring ( hah pun ). Her friends would call her M instead of me to avoid confusion.
Fifth is surprise bear. Who is the chaotic gremlin of the group. Similar to too loud, but more crazy and unpredictable. Also a joker. Does jumpscare others but does it unintentionally most of the time. Haven't really thought of her character development yet though.
Sixth is secret bear. Who's the quiet shy friend of the group. In this version she keeps her orange fur ( maybe with a little pink tint ) and talks in pantomime or sign language like in the original. Starts out really insecure shy, but becomes more confident and learns to believe in and love herself more.
And last is funshine. The fun rebel of the group who also has baby energy. He keeps his fun loving energy, but is also more kinder in this version. And has doubts in himself. This version would have him be to kind and forget to care for himself, but learn to later. And probably would have a self discovery journey too ( trans bear go brrr )
I imagine them to go on journey's while also having slice of life adventures and of course character development arcs. ( And may or may not have ship teases) That's definitely a very interesting group. It's definitely too much energy for me to take! Having Too Loud, Surprise and Funshine is a pretty wild bunch. While I was never a big fan of Too Loud and Me Bear, I think it's mostly because they were basically the villains of that movie for most of it. But the versions of them at the end when they became nice and are much more enjoyable, so they'd work well. it's definitely a really fun mix of Bears. Grumpy, Good Luck and Funshine would definitely be my favorites out of that group!
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foundfamilynonsense · 2 years
You know what I hate? When readers claim there’s an ambivalent ending of a book because the author doesn’t force feed it to you.
Except sometimes the author 100% does force feed it to them and they still can’t grasp it.
I’m referring mostly to the death of characters. For example there are heated debates about whether or not Winston dies soon after the end of the 1984. As if it is not painfully obvious that’s what happens. Earlier in the book we hear about a group of men who were executed by Big Brother. It’s said they were arrested and pled guilty to a bunch of horrible crimes and were released (exactly what happened when Winston was captured). They were seen in the chestnut cafe (y’know the same one Winston frequents after being released) where a song comes on (the same one that comes on at the end of the book) and all three men are seen looking at Big Brother’s picture and crying (like Winston does when he discovers he loves Big Brother).
But even if you forget that detail there’s still the knowledge that Winston was told “we’re not going to kill you until you love Big Brother” and the last line of the book was that Winston loved Big Brother.
There’s a similar issue with possibly my favorite book of all time: Ghachar Ghochar
The last line of the book is literally someone (who has been built up as this all knowing guy) walking up to the narrator and saying something along the lines of “sir you should wash your hands, you have blood on them.” The character is referring to the actual blood from the broken glass but come on people. That mixed with the huge conversation his family had about how to kill someone the proper way. And yet when we read it in class even my professor was asking what people thought happened to the wife. Saying it was up to interpretation and there were many possible answers.
No! Just because we don’t see the light leave their eyes in scene does not mean they could be alive!!! Writers should be able to trust their readers. And readers shouldn’t be constantly worried that writers are trying to fake them out.
And you know what? I blame popular movies these days. Not to be a crank academic but like. If you see a building blow up with someone inside they should just be dead okay? I shouldn’t have to think “yeah but the writers are just trying to scare us they didn’t actually kill that character off.” But I have to think these things because now we have Loki back from the dead for the fifth or sixth time and Boba Fett got swallowed by a monster in the eighties and yet here he is with his own show.
Writers should be able to kill people off screen and not have people going “well we don’t know”
But they can’t do that because shitty companies like Disney feel the need to squeeze money out of every character while still trying to have actual stakes. So they only sort of die. They got away from the explosion just in time, or they’re just in a coma (stranger things), or they crawled out of the monster’s stomach after everyone left or it’s their clone with that person’s consciousness (Star Wars) or it’s another timeline’s version of them or he was legally dead for three days but was brought back or the heart monitor was tampered with to fake his death (marvel). This is actually terrible, terrible writing okay? Occasionally a death fake out can work but nine times out of ten it’s just stupid. Because now we have people saying “we don’t know for sure he’s dead because we never see the body and even then who knows”
Anita in Ghachar Ghochar is dead. So is Winston Smith in 1984. Both writers actively killed these characters. They did not leave it “up to interpretation” just because they didn’t show the blood spill from their head.
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Last Day, Best Day! + Some Updates (Part III)
Hey everyone! Here is Part III of the camping trip, what you all have been anxiously waiting for 😉 On Friday, the last day of the trip, we all woke up, packed up pour things, and had breakfast. The kids had hot chocolate and tostados (toasted bread with butter and jam- a classic Uruguayan breakfast), and I drank some very-much needed coffee. The students then had the opportunity to refine their lyrics and choreography for their team song and dance so that the counselors could judge and award tokens to the group with the best performance. I helped the green group again, and I suggested that they add a more “complex” line in English to impress the judges. They thought of “we are win”, and I had to explain to them how it would be “we will win” because it’s in the future tense. This proved difficult for them to wrap their heads around because they had not learned the future tense in class yet. When they finally performed, they all forgot the phrase and instead cheered “we are win”, but I had to laugh.
The first activity of the day was called “Scavenger Hunt”. The students were given a sheet with things that they had to find and collect, such as an open pinecone, a smooth stone, etc. After gathering all the items, they had to ask me in English how old I am, where I’m from, and what my favorite food is. The first team to present all the items to a counselor and write down my answers to their questions would win tokens. They had the most trouble finding a four-leaf clover, so most of them just drew a four-leaf clover and showed me the drawing.
After the scavenger hunt, the students had free time. All of the boys rushed to the futból field, and the girls played four square. We then had a quick lunch before completing the last activity of the day, which was a group reflection. The kids passed around a large poster board and had to write a word or a phrase in English that described their favorite part of the camp. Most of the boys said “futból” which didn’t surprise me one bit, but I was surprised at how reflective a lot of them were. It was then time for what everyone had been waiting for… the final token ceremony! The counselors counted the tokens, and we announced the teams in third and fourth place before declaring the winner… it was the green group! They won a huge box of alfajores (like a whoopie pie), and the other groups each got a bag of sweets. We all then boarded the bus to head back to Montevideo, and I slept like an angelito that night.
Although it was challenging to counselor a bunch of fifth graders and encourage them to speak in English, by the end of the camp, I could tell that they were less timid about talking to me and that they lit up when they could get their point across. I’m glad that I could give back to the community in that way, and I hope that I left the students with the realization of how fun and enlightening it is to interact with people who come from distinct countries and speak different languages.
I also wanted to give some updates about what I’ve been up to recently:
Constantly going to the supermarket and buying water. In Uruguay, it’s generally safe to drink the tap water, but because there has been a historical lack of rain recently, the country is experiencing it’s first drought! Instead of distributing water from their reservoirs, providers are taking water from the Riverplate and adding salt to purify it. As a result, the tap water is extremely salty! Everyone has been buying gallons of water from the stores, but most stores have now placed a limit that one person can only buy at most 4 gallons of water at a time.
Playing voleibol! I joined ORT’s club volleyball team at the beginning of the semester, and I’ve been going to practice every Wednesday. It’s been a great way to meet locals and work out!
Checking things off the bucket list. In the past few weeks, I’ve been to the zoo, saw a movie, watched people dance tango in the street, and played pool with friends! I always try to do at least one new thing every weekend so that I take a break from studying and discover more about Montevideo.
That’s all for this post! Nos vemos pronto!
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lostmotherhood · 2 years
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I don’t dream of a career anymore… or some sort of vocation…
Slowly over the course of my life I stopped dreaming… the last I can recall I wanted to be an author in high school. I wrote a few books technically speaking. (Lost about half of them in the last 17 odd years.) Wrote a bunch of poetry too, something like 200 pages worth. My favorite class was English, didn’t overly care for my teacher but enjoyed the class. Enjoyed it in the one semester of college I completed, too. I love writing and reading. Have for a long time. I don’t do them very much anymore, not surprised though.
Im not really sure why. Or why I lost the dream of being an author. I mean, I remember as a little kid having fleeting moments of dream jobs. Ice skating is one of the few I can recall. Writing was the only thing that stuck for any period of time. But I never truly pursued it, or anything else really.
I did gymnastics around 4, that didn’t last long. Vaguely remember being deathly afraid of the bars, no confidence that I could do any of it. I bowled with mom around the same time, only one season from what I can tell. Basketball and track in fourth grade. Violin in fifth grade, that I wanted to be able to fiddle, but when explained what I’d have to do with my fingers I didn’t even try. Just gave up and told myself I couldn’t do it. Sixth and seventh grade I played field hockey, ended up the goalie. From what I can remember I enjoyed it. Loads of gear to protect my ass, smallish goal to cover, more defense. I had a decent coach too, which helped it carry over two years. But that fell off too. I’ve told myself it was because of how clique-y teenage girls were. I’d guess it was more that I lacked self confidence to hold my own in a group. That was the last sport or instrument I did.
Pretty clear pattern of lack of self confidence and self esteem. Writing, just as a hobby, low standards and low pressure. Perfect, but that didn’t go anywhere either. I also wonder if that really was a dream, or did I fall into it because it’s a single person activity and didn’t create external pressure for me. I’ve been complimented in the past on my writing skill, nothing out of this world, but compliments none the less. So I have some talent with it at least.
Some days, I wonder what would have become of me if I had just had different parents raising me. No genetic difference, only the environment and parents. Is it really worth it to wonder though? Time wasted on something that can’t be changed? I suppose it could be a possible story line… LOL!
Hopefully, getting this down will help me process somewhere in my subconscious. I’m really tired of all these parts not being on the same page, or even in the same country… a little harmony here and there would be awesome. 💜
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charastarte · 11 months
T​abletop Roleplaying Games and Writing Stories
P​icture this; You're writing a fiction novel. Your characters are doing stuff, they have powers and gadgets, it's a grand ol' time! But then bam! You've hit a wall. The dreaded writer's block, it happens to the best of us. Not only that, sometimes the plaanning ofi t all makes our heads spin!! Believe it or not, a flourishing facet of nerd culture have had to combat this issue for decades,, the Tabletop Roleplaying Community.
F​or those not aware, Tabletop Roleplaying Games (TTRPGs) are a series of board games that do away with singular dice and a laminated game board, in favor of paper, pencil, and several shiny dice that you will slowly start collecting thousands of. How do you play you might ask? Generally depends on the game, after all monopoly is a different beast to chutes and ladders. We'll take the oldest one, Dungeons and Dragons as an example. Specifcally it's latest version, Fifth Edition.
S​o in Dungeons and Dragons generally you're in a tolkein-esque, medieval fantasy world. To decide what you're options and motivations are your group makes Characters, kind of a resume that encompasses your personal fantasy hero (or villain) in all aspects. Their physical strength and mental ability, to the color of their hair and what clothes they wear all of it is on the Character Sheet. From there, you use your character sheet and a set of dice to determine things, do you hit your target? Do you make it across the Ravine? Do the winds of Fate turn against you sharply?
T​hat isn't to say everything like conversation or walking across a room required a dice roll, but it added a chance of failure and one that we didn't expect. This is where you can begin to see why using TTRPGs to write fictional stories might be an interesting way to write. When the author and reader don't know what's going to happen, you can feel the suspense and excitement. So what does this type of writing look like?
I​ decided to try it with two different TTRPGs, Dungeons and Dragons and Vampire: The Masquerade both of which are near and dear to my heart to see how this affected my writing process, and honestly? I might do this more often!
The Tales of Ezatria is my D&D one, and is only something I can write in this (at the time of writing) early stage in my career. Utilizing it's categorization as "fanfiction" to it's fullest, I was able to use a wide variety of custom content made by the D&D community to it's fullest. There are sayians, Devil Fruits, and a whole bunch of stuff from various medias particularly of japanese origin. This has given me the ability to play with concepts I love from media in my childhood, but add them in a new original way that I think can be fun. My favorite example of this is in one of the main characters, James Elery. He is an Alchemist, from an anime called Full Metal Alchemist. In the anime they are scientists who use a magic called alchemy to change the physical make up of an element they want to manipulate. However, why would science exist in a world where magic and the Gods are readily available to explain things? This is where the class of alchemist comes into play. The alchemist uses magic to gaze into the physical makeup of the mundane world, and once understanding was achieved they began to manipulate and experiment with it. Ezatria as a world is full of things like that and it has been fun to let this small band of adventurers loose in the world.
T​he Last Supper uses Vampire the Masquerade, and it has been something I've worked on for many years. I was intensely inspired durring my theatre years to use the Giovanni Chronicles 1: The Last Supper for a play, but over the years the focus has shifted to a traditional written format. It focuses on a group of mortals who become Vampires in Central Europe 1444. I find the historical aspect to be most interesting here, as a big medieval history nerd it's allot of fun to latch onto the craziness of the era with a ton of wars, religious conflicts, and political strife and play around with it. A particularly fun challenge for me as a cis man is the character; Novia Recotra. Novia is a woman who sees the problems that the various patriarchies have caused and deduced that men are responsible for these problems. Her goal is to completely rebuild society from the ground up, with women in complete power. The challenge for me personally is writing dialogue that is realistic, relatable, and also gets a real message across. I think it'll be super fun to explore over the course of the story!
I​ think there's allot to gain from using a TTRPG to write a story, it adds a new layer of fun to the writer, an everpresenting sense of chance for the reader, and can help fight against the dreaded Writer's Block! If the descriptions above sound interesting to you, you can read tales of Ezatria here;
A​nd The Last Supper here;
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extremeconsumption · 11 months
TV: Reservation Dogs, season 2 episode 4 - "Mabel"
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I absolutely love this show. I guess maybe I'm not supposed to - there are a lot of complaints about the lack of afro-indigenous representation, Bear's father made a bunch of tweets using the n-word last year, the Ocean Spray viral guy acts on the show and he was chastised for rapping along to a song containing the n-word some time back.
There is no way I'm going to live my life being the n-word police. And I don't know if I need black representation on every show that I watch. One of my favorite shows is Mad Men, and THAT show didn't feature a prominent black person until the fifth season or so.
Back to the show, this episode was incredible. A great showcase for the community depicted in Reservation Dogs and every character gets to shine in some way here. The death of Mabel is handled is handled beautifully, showing that she was a complicated woman, there was some good, some bad to her... but it was all human. I loved the ending when she appears as a ghost... "Hey shitass!"
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mmhaterade · 1 year
The 2023 Hater's Guide to the East Region.
This blog is not in any way affiliated with the NCAA, its entities, subsidiaries, or member institutions. This is a humor site and should be treated as such. We're all on our way out -- act accordingly. 
1. Purdue (29-5). Since the 1993-94 season, Purdue has been undoubtedly much better in men’s basketball than their fellow in-state rival Indiana. During this time, the Boilers have 635 wins (580 for Indiana), 7 Big Ten championships (3 for IU), 22 NCAA tournament appearances (18 for IU), 10 Sweet 16 appearances (4 for IU), 3 Elite 8 appearances (1 for IU), and a whopping twelve top-4 seeds in the tournament (3 for IU). Purdue has also been lucky enough to have employed just two head coaches during that time, while IU has cycled through the husk of Bob Knight and four other coaches (now a fifth). And yet despite turning into a juggernaut and dwarfing all the success of their hated rival…IU still lives rent free in the head of every Boiler fan. Rent free because this team will ALWAYS be the little brother to Indiana basketball. 
2. Marquette (28-6). Marquette is good for a Final Four run once every quarter of a century. Unfortunately, we are still five years away from this inevitability, but any showing other than last year’s evisceration at the hands of North Carolina would be a welcome sight for a program forced to endure Steve Wojciechowski for seven (!!!) years. Holy shit, he was there for seven years?!?! To experience Wojo’s coaching is to know what it’s like to wear a ball gag combined with a Roundy’s paper bag (with no holes) over your face. This year’s team was picked to finish ninth in the Big East -- by a bunch of idiots who underestimated the magical power of 77 ounces of Real Chili. No school has a cooler victory chant than “Ring Out Ahoya,” and fuck you if you think otherwise. P.S.: Tyler Kolek has previously or is currently finger-banging your sister.
3. Kansas State (23-9). Reading about this squad’s history is simply depressing, considering their best run (Elite 8 in 2010) is better known for a double-overtime thriller where Gus Johnson orgasmed on live television. If you search “Kansas State men’s basketball history” on Wikipedia, you receive an error message that redirects you to the page for the Kansas Jayhawks. SI once published a fluff piece on famed wide receiver Jordy Nelson. The author loves to visit abandoned farms, pull down their pants, and rut mud. Wait, that may actually be a sociology class at K-State.
4. Tennessee (23-10). Historically, Tennessee ranks third in the SEC in all-time wins yet has only one Elite 8 appearance and has only won their conference tournament twice since 1943. Sounds like Kentucky has owned the shit out of them for the last 75 years! Their Wikipedia site also asks if you meant to search for their women’s team, because of course you did. Speaking of them, do you remember Tyler Summitt? Are you wondering how he is doing after being named a head coach at such a young age? Well, he had an extramarital affair with one of his players, his wife was criticized for mentioning she hired him as an assistant at the Ohio high school where she was employed, and he’s receiving his mother’s state pension which will pay him $173,000 a year for the rest of his life. I hope he gets pegged by Ron Jeremy wearing a barbed wire condom.
5. Duke (26-8). My greatest regret in life is that they were not the first #1 seed to lose to a #16 seed. Do you want to know why people hate Duke? It’s not just because they win a lot of games, are always given the benefit of the doubt, and are ESPN’s favorite team. The real reason people hate Duke: every single person associated with this school, be it their faculty, staff, alumni base, fans, or even tangential supporters is a sniveling asshole. Fancy yourself not giving the proper respect to the Blue Devils for a 26-win season or an inevitable march through a mirthless conference tournament? You can fully expect to hear some sanctimonious whining until you bend the knee. Coach K retired last year and yet he will not GO AWAY. He is the Jason Vorhees of college basketball. They are going to trot Mr. King of the Assholes out for every UNC/Duke rematch for the next twenty years; after he dies, his goddamn casket will be wheeled out to the court. I have nothing good to say about this vile school. Fuck this fucking team forever.
6. Kentucky (21-11).
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7. Michigan State (19-12). Tom Izzo is 68 years old but looks 88. Just look at him – he looks so inept; you can almost picture him trying to use FaceTime while screaming a spiel of f-bombs. The former Division II All-American has never left the state of Michigan save for a two-month stay as an assistant coach at Tulsa back in 1986 (Editor’s note: he is probably wanted for murder there. He has managed to coach the Spartans to eight Final Fours since 1999 (including three straight from 1999-2001) but has one championship (2000) and just one other championship game appearance (2009). Izzo does have an awesome recruiting class arriving for 2023, but in the meantime his best player is…Joey Hauser? Joey Hauser gets posterized more than Lauren Boebert got raw dogged during her days as an escort. 
8. Memphis (26-8). Fun fact: putting “Memphis State” on the uniforms guarantees you will forget about the vacated national championship game appearance. Memphis? Never heard of them! Memphis State? Yeah, great up and coming program! Completely different school! Derrick Rose? Never heard of him!  The Tigers’ current head coach is best known for starring in a 1994 movie about “blue chip” basketball recruits being paid to attend fictional Western University. Memphis' top assistant coach left his two previous head coaching jobs (at Missouri and Tulsa) amidst NCAA investigations. A perfect fit! The NCAA may be a corrupt, money-grabbing institution, but what kind of illegal activities draw the attention of the NCAA while coaching at Tulsa? Midget strippers for recruits? Dungeon methamphetamine lab? Fans of this team are super into barbeque bukkake.
9. Florida Atlantic (31-3). This is nothing more than a made up college who recruited Smash Williams of Friday Night Lights. Here’s a series of headlines detailing the adventures and exploits of FAU’s #1 fan, Florida Man: 
Florida Man Breaks into Joe’s Crab Shack, Steals Alcohol, Leaves Poop as Payment
Florida Man Busted with Meth, Guns, and Baby Gator in Truck
Naked Florida Man Humps Tree, Punches Deputy
Drunk Florida Man Drives Lawnmower on Highway
Florida Man Gets Trapped in Porta-Potty, Busted for Drugs
10. USC (22-10). Coach Andy Enfield will always be remembered for orchestrating Florida Gulf Coast’s Dunk City. Still amazing ten years later! However, USC is at least the third program in this year’s field to have a “Kevin O’Neill era” at some point in their history. In case you’ve forgotten (and you probably have), Kevin O’Neill got into an argument with a prominent booster from a former employer (Arizona) while coaching at USC. USC has pretty much whitewashed any record of this guy coaching for them but the point remains: if your favorite team has a “Kevin O’Neill” era, your school has made a grave error. Here's former Marquette coach Mike Deane ripping Kevin O'Neill.
11. Providence (21-11). Ah, the luck of the weird creepy Friars. Providence is among the luckiest teams we’ve seen. This should tell you everything you need to know about the best season (last year) in their program’s history. Look at that chart about halfway down, among all the horrible low-level teams, it’s Providence! Not to be confused with the University of Providence in Great Falls, Montana because of their equal amounts of overweight white hags – which is interesting because Providence didn’t admit women until the 1970s. That was not long ago!
12. Oral Roberts (30-4). Oral Roberts was an American televangelist whose preaching emphasized “seed faith” which strangely, has nothing to do with masturbation. Roberts made a living extracting money (er, contributions) from poor folks via direct-mail campaigns, eventually leading a $120 million-a-year organization! Too many religious leaders use their sway as a tool to criticize those they feel are weak-minded or need saving. And they always need money! The late George Carlin once said “Religion convinced the world that there’s an invisible man in the sky who watches everything you do. And there’s ten things he doesn’t want you to do or else you’ll go to a burning place with a lake of fire until the end of eternity. But he loves you – and he needs money! He’s all powerful, but he can’t handle money.” Oral Roberts was no different – the money he raised went towards fine Italian silk suits, diamond rings and gold bracelets (always airbrushed out in photos), three Mercedes cars, and a home in Beverly Hills. Roberts was sued in 1988 by City of Faith Medical Center, who claimed Roberts and his son Richard were frauds who did not visit or heal patients in the hospital. That’s a perfect summation: these Golden Eagles are frauds.
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13. Louisiana (26-7). Making their first tournament appearance since 2014, the “Ragin’ Cajuns,” coached by noted Creole chef Tony Chachere, whose roots date back to 1905 when he founded this college originally known as Southwestern Louisiana. They will be a popular pick in the first round due to their surprisingly competitive games as a #13 seed: upsetting Oklahoma in 1992, a five point loss to Tennessee in 2000, and a six point loss to Louisville in 2005 (since vacated). Their beautiful swampland campus features a full-scale hunting and fishing camp. You will remember their most famous player Elfrid Payton as “oh yeah, that one guy!” Whenever you play this team, you receive a free entry into the Tony Chachere's Creole Club.
14. Montana State (25-9). Montana might be a gargantuan place, but there is no reason for this state to have TWO universities, particularly when they both offer the exact same majors of study in Cattle Decapitation, Crisco Wrasslin,’ and Bobcat Normalization. All of their dorm rooms come with built-in sleep apnea equipment. Their live mascot is a 450-pound vegetarian named Lard Biscuit.
15. Vermont (23-10). Beautiful state? Check. Cool college town? Check. Legal weed? Check (if you are 21 or older). Killer mascot? Check. The 2004-05 Vermont Catamounts in the NCAA tournament introduced me to the genius of Gus Johnson. His play-by-play call of this game is sublime; when UVM guard T.J. Sorrentine hit a LONG three in overtime to extend a narrow Vermont lead over heavily favored Syracuse, Gus lost his mind. Given the chance, I would pick Vermont every year in our annual NCAA draft/pool, knowing full well they will not advance. They are allergic to offensive rebounds, have not beat a top-125 team all year, and must be sacrificed to meet Weber's insatiable blood lust.
16. Texas Southern (14-20) or Farleigh Dickinson (19-15). Texas Southern, of the Southwestern Athletic Conference (only two teams with winning records) is becoming a regular “who gives a fuck, we are watching the NIT game instead” play-in team. FDU finished second to Merrimack, losing in the conference tournament final. Merrimack is ineligible for the Big Dance as they are still transitioning from Division II to I. So FDU is fortunate to be playing at all (not for us, they fucking suck)! I wonder if the guys on the teams selected for the play-in games ever feel like Chris Farley’s character in the classic SNL skit Japanese Game Show. No, no…you’re not watching a tournament game, It’s a totally different game!
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cantalouupe · 3 years
nsfw!!! diluc x gn!reader
a lot of cum, semi public sex, humiliation, degrading, mean diluc
Diluc often fucks you in the back of The Angels Share. A spare room was something like an “employees only” space that you could find the entrance to right around the corner of the bar side. Mainly used for storage so it was rarely entered, which made if a perfect place for Diluc to take you when he needs to let out pent up stress from the day.
It seems to be his favorite spot and you aren’t sure exactly why, but you have a lingering suspicion it has to do with the fact that there are a bunch of people right in the other room. He carries that fact into his words, muttering things like “if you don’t keep it down, they’ll know you’re getting fucked in here” that makes you feel like you’re burning up.
Currently you two are in that room, bent over a spare table and stuffed full of his cock. Unbeknownst to everyone out in the tavern, you’d been in here for upwards of an hour, with Diluc behind you, slamming his hips into yours.
He seems to be on a mission because he’s now on his fifth orgasm, pushing to the hilt so he releases it all inside of you - as he’s done with the past four orgasms. Unfortunately for you, it doesn’t seem like you’ll be coming at all tonight, the red head making that clear when he said “Don’t fucking cum” in between thrusts.
Every time you get too loud or too close, he stops and his hand comes down into your ass, hard. He has to do it especially often because you won’t keep quiet - can’t keep quiet - not when he makes you hold back for so long. After a particularly loud moan he tells you that he wishes he could be fucking your mouth at the same time as your hole so he could shut you up which makes you squeeze tightly around him.
That clench pushed him over once again, filling you for the seventh time in a row. You shake with the feeling of him pulling out to scoop any dripping cum onto his cock head push it back inside you.
“It must feel so full inside,” he punctuates his words with deep hits of his cock. “You take my load so well.”
His praise makes you tense, right on the edge of letting go, eyes screwing shut and for a moment you actually think he’s going to let you. The moment dies quickly when he slips back out, hand cracking down on your already sore ass cheek, successfully cutting off your orgasm again.
More smacks are given for extra measure, showing his disapproval before he even started speaking.
“Didn’t I tell you not to come? You’re terrible at following directions.” You whimper against the wooden table under you - you didn’t want to be bad, but it felt so good, how were you supposed to hold on? He was dangling your release right in front of you, it was so difficult not to reach out for it.
You wanted to cry in frustration and fuck back onto his cock, impale yourself on his length so that you could finally come. He’d be even more mad at you though, so you don’t, instead choosing to give a small wiggle of your hips.
Hands go to pry your cheeks slightly apart, giving him a good look at your slick and fucked out hole. Your face feels hot while he looks and you clench around nothing, which accidentally pushes a glob of his cum out.
He tuts, using his fingers this time to scoop it up and shove it back inside. “Good cum sluts keep it all inside,” you hear the suck of his mouth on his dirtied fingers, before he speaks again. “You’re good, aren’t you? My personal cum toy?”
You nod, embarrassed but eager to please.
“Tell me.”
God, your voice is so shaky when you respond, “I’m your good cum slut.”
It’s good enough for him, though, and he doesn’t make you say it again. Focusing back to your used hole, it grows silent and you feel tense again in anticipation.
“You can still take one more,” His low voice decides from behind you, and you feel the push of his head. There’s no resistance and his whole cock slips in without a hitch because of how sopping wet it is.
You would protest against it but he’s already scolded you once, the pain blooming on the skin of your ass as a reminder. The pressure of holding on for so long, being pushed and pulled from the edge repeatedly has tears welling in your eyes and you do nothing to stop them.
“One more,” He tells you in warning, rubbing comfortingly along your skin while he fucks you for the last round.
You repeat that like a mantra inside your head, focusing on holding out just for a few minutes, just until he comes for the last time. You’ll be rewarded at the end, you’re sure of it.
Waiting for the supposed reward you though you would get was waiting for something that would never happen. Once he finishes for the eighth and final time, he makes no move to clean you up or begin any sort of aftercare. He instead helps you stand up straight, pulling your clothes back on you.
You blink at him, confused. “....what about-“
“I told you already,” he replies smoothly, cleaning himself off. “You have to keep it inside. Now come on, I’ve got work to attend to.”
Gaping at him and rooting your feet to the ground, you shake your head. “Theres no way i can.” You could already feel it, the slick leaking out of you - it would come out, surely, with nothing keeping it in.
“You can. Now let’s go.” A hand rests on the lower part of your back to guide you out and into the main part of the tavern. Luckily no one payed any mind to you, either too drunk or too busy chatting away to even notice you.
If you had been standing in that spot for a long time you wouldn’t be surprised. Moving made the cum leave your hole faster than it did just standing still. But, when a table of people from the adventure’s guild call you over with happy grins you’re forced to walk to them.
One of them questions if you’re okay, noting that you look a little flushed, but you deny it, sputtering out some sort of excuse while praying that you don’t get a wet stain from the slickness leaving you, feeling dirty. Diluc was right when he said you were his slut.
From across the room and behind the bar, a dark pair of eyes watch you shakily sit and speak with the others there - acting normal even though you were filled to the brim.
It made him feel restless for the remainder of the night, and by the end of it you were back in that restricted room, getting fucked until you were coming all over yourself.
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