frozenlakebeast Ā· 5 months
tumblr keeps eating this but here. Have Gilbert all fat and being spitroasted by Ivan and francis
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mhmmm stretch marks.
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frozenlakebeast Ā· 1 year
Just gonna plug the Fatalia server for the hell of it :3
Come talk headcanons, AUs, weird history, prompts, whatever! https://discord.gg/ZKSXSrrW9E
(Fatalia=Fat Hetalia)
Is this blog still active because I'd like to show my hetalia weight gain discord server if youd like it
Oh you have one, too? You can find mine somewhere under FrozenLakeBeast's blog (the server, like this blog, is quite slow but very chill!)
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frozenlakebeast Ā· 3 years
me, a mostly kinkfic writer: *pats favā€™s belly* iā€™m gonna get you so fat
me, a fanfic writer: *touches my new fav characterā€™s face* *whispers* Iā€™m gonna get you laid
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frozenlakebeast Ā· 3 years
Okay, I saw this on TikTok, and I have to say I feel šŸ’Æ% better about my chubby self after this. My dude... Bless You!
Hopefully it helps others like me feel better about their thick, life saving thighs, too!šŸ˜†
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frozenlakebeast Ā· 4 years
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Listen Iā€™m just a simple smooth-brain here to give you what you need in this absolute garbage chute of a year.Ā ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ
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frozenlakebeast Ā· 4 years
Beached Event Mini-Prompt List
(For more information on the event. please see this post)
Special 2020 Prompts:
Quarantine Weight
Food Delivery Sampling
Delivery Driver/Customer Relationship
Socially Distant Romance
Post-Quarantine Excursion
Baseball Game / Sporting Event
Carnival /Ā Summer Festival
Convention / Cosplay
Eating Contest
Holiday / Founderā€™s Day
Pool Party / Beach Party
Pride Event
Renaissance Fair
School Food Events / Fundraisers
Broken A/C / Keeping Cool
Drive-in Movie
Ice Cream / Snow-cone / Popsicle Vendor
Lazy Days / Stay-cation
Netflix / Video Game Binge
Road Trip
Skinny Dipping
Smoking weed / Munchies
Summer Sports
Sunbathing / Sunscreen Application
Tour / Exploration
Vacation / Trips to New Places
Amusement Park / Carnival
Beach / Pool / Swimming Hole
Camp / Fat Camp
Muscle Beach / Gym
Museum / Zoo / AquariumĀ 
Snack Shack
Sports Camp
Summer Resort
Summer School
Captive/Captor Relationship
Staff/Patron Relationship
Summer Fling
Back to School / Post-Summer Weight Gain
Bulking / Dirty Bulk
Buried in Sand / Caught Napping
Chubby Lifeguard
Chubby Mer-folk
Chubby Surfer
Cursed Item
Gap Year
Last Yearā€™s Swimsuit
Magical / Sci-fi Weight Gain
Shipwrecked / Trapped
Size Pride
Summer Job Weight Gain
Taste Tester
Too Fat For Things (Rides, old clothes, seats, etc.)
Unknowingly Gaining
Woke Up Fat
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frozenlakebeast Ā· 4 years
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Now that we've had a taste, it's time to get a scoop of something delicious! Pick a prompt and run with it! Draw something fun, write something juicy, and let your chubby!kink flag fly this week!
Optional Challenges:
- single prompt entries
- 100-500 words
- inked drawings
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frozenlakebeast Ā· 5 years
You should read his old amazing little fic! Have fun
@endlesscolddreams submit:
Thanks danie!! Will do once I hopefully finish my thesis this year (Amenn)!!
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frozenlakebeast Ā· 5 years
me making self indulgent posts about my extremely niche interests for an audience of 1 (me)
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frozenlakebeast Ā· 5 years
I thought I was done creating for hetalia but i guess not. Iā€™ve had this thought in my head for ages and maybe it would fit as a sequel to Operation Get Russia Fat(ter) (which I re-read and was kind off embarrassing), but itā€™ll be The One Where Everyone Is Fat.
So hereā€™s what Iā€™m thinking: Itā€™s like 30 years after the SU fell or something, but in an AU where Russia-the-Country is mostly harmless now? Or whatever, thereā€™s no political intrigue because who cares about that, real life is bad enough. Lithuania has to do some government business with Russia or something. Heā€™s not thrilled. Through the same way he got Russia to gain weight, he got him to lose it before he left. But then Liet left and thoroughly washed his hands of Russia.
And now, they are sitting in a car because Russia is driving Lithuania to his house so they can work. And Russia keeps stopping for food. Lithuania sees that heā€™s put all the weight back on, and seems adamant to keep going. After he stops for the third time, Lithuania asks if heā€™s really that hungry. Russia says yes, he is, and Lithuania argues. He is clearly not, his stomach is pushing against the seatbelt. So Russia unbuckles. So what if heā€™s gained a little weight? (Lithuania scoffs, a little.) Everyone has! Lithuania argues again, that not everyone has. Russia says sure, but a lot have. Look at Poland! Lithuania says that Poland did it on *purpose*, because he wanted a change of pace and was bored with being rail-thin, He wanted to fill out his clothes more, and worked hard for his chubby little belly! Unlike some people, who just donā€™t know when to stop eating and never figured out willpower.
The car is quiet for the rest of the ride. Russia stops one more time, for a milkshake. He doesnā€™t ask if Lithuania wants anything.
They get to Russiaā€™s house and they do some work before dinner. China spends a lot of time there now, and has also put on some weight. Not nearly as much as Russia, but heā€™s definitely bigger than he was before. Theyā€™ve made up. China asks if Russia is hungry, and he says yes, very, he canā€™t wait for dinner. Lithuania just looks at him, there is no way heā€™s hungry after he just ate enough for four people on the ride over.But then they all eat dinner and both China and Russia keep trying to push more food onto Lithuania, who refuses and watches the large amount of food casually consumed. And then they have dessert.
And thatā€™s all Iā€™ve got, Iā€™ve just been replaying this part in my head all weekend. I donā€™t know where it would go from here.
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frozenlakebeast Ā· 5 years
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frozenlakebeast Ā· 5 years
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frozenlakebeast Ā· 5 years
ā€œWe are setting off tomorrow and should be home by afternoon, master.ā€ Genji said, smiling in the dark of his hotel room. He paused and moved to pull the pizza box closer to himself, happily munching down a bite or two while he listened to the omnic on the other end of the line. More than half of the pizza was already eatenā€œYes, it went well. Jesse can be diplomatic when he cares to be, and my presence seemed to be as helpful as we hoped. I only wish we had wrapped up sooner.ā€
He finished the slice, using his free hand, the flesh one, to rub his stomach. Heā€™d grown in the past handful of weeks, soft at the waist. Right now he wore sweats after a long day of keeping his stomach and soft sides cramped up in his torso armor.
ā€œI am having dinner right now, actually.ā€ he replied to the voice on the other end. ā€œWe bought pizza and retired to our rooms. Jesse was tired after behaving himself all day.ā€
He switched the phone to his flesh hand and scooped up the second-to-last slice in his hand. He was so full, but used to pushing himself to eat now. He deserved a reward, didnā€™t he? His robotic hand moved to his middle as he listened to Zenyatta speak. His voice was so wonderful and soft. He closed his eyes, trying to imagine that his master was here now. Touching him. Tending to his belly.
ā€œNnā€¦ I need new armor.ā€ he told his teacher, smiling. ā€œItā€™s too tight. I have red marks across my stomach. I canā€™t tell which are from the armor and which are stretch marks from overeating.ā€
His face flushed darkly as his master replied, and he nodded.
ā€œI will show you. When I arrive home.ā€ he promised, robotic hand moving lower. To the underside of his belly, wobbling it the way Zenyatta often did. ā€œI miss you.ā€
He smiled at the response and give his belly a pinch, licking his lips. His robotic fingers were too articulate and thick Ā to be Zenyattaā€™s, but he could pretend. He switched off the relay that gave him feedback from the arm, and suddenly it was even easier to pretend his master was here.
ā€œWhen I return, we couldā€¦ retire to our rooms, withā€¦ with some food, if you would like.ā€ he offered, barely able to control himself enough to keep the robot hand away from his begging cock. One more slice left. He took it, gulping it down quickly enough to make his stomach gurgle. He belched. ā€œNn. Excuse me. I am rather full nowā€¦ I may have overeaten again.ā€
He said that after every meal, these days.
The rest of the exchange was brief, but they agreed that as soon as he arrived home they would spend the night together and catch up. As soon as the call ended Genji gripped his stomach with his flesh hand, slipping the robotic one in his shorts. His gut filled his hand all the way and then some, which caused his dick to twitch in the cool, metal fingers.
ā€œNnā€¦. master.ā€ he moaned softly, curling into the pillows.
He was so round. Just how Zenyatta liked him. Round and soft and full. He hiccuped and gave his stomach a soft slap, tugging off his sweats as his heart rate picked up. He could picture Zenyatta in his mind, encouraging him, asking him how he felt, touching him. He was so close. He wished his master were here. One day. Maybe soon. If he keeps growing rounder, heā€™d be able to awaken in Zenyatta something that would make him want this as much as Genji does. He bit his lip and moved the metal fingertips down. If it were Zenyatta, he would be gentle, so gentle and sweet. Exploring.
He came, still pretending that it was Zenyatta holding him. It was a sorry replacement of the real omnic, but it felt wonderful. He fell asleep with his masters name on his lips.
He had hung up the phone, hadnā€™t heā€¦?
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frozenlakebeast Ā· 6 years
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I did this for me but also because people seem to not know how to draw fat on here. Please, DONā€™T DRAW FAT CHARACTERS AS THIN PEOPLE WITH A POT BELLY! YOU HAVE SO MANY OTHER OPTIONS! DONā€™T BE A COWARD!
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frozenlakebeast Ā· 6 years
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Is that a pachimari-size Roadhog? Waitā€¦ no, itā€™s a giant Chunkrat!
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frozenlakebeast Ā· 6 years
Proof that Freddie Mercury is One of Us
First off, I never planned to run a kink blog, but here we are.
This post is for @missjanedoeeyes - and I wouldā€™ve submitted it, but I couldnā€™t include all of the photos I wanted to (and also didnā€™t want my main blog to show up in the depths of the dumpster) so I just ended up creating a whole separate blog specifically to post this. But hopefully I can make good use of it and be a little more vocal in our pantry. Could this be a kink/Queen blog? Maybe? Thatā€™d be fun. Except Iā€™d freak out the vanilla Queen fans and the kinksters may not share my affinity for those who gave us Fat Bottomed Girls.
Speaking of which, letā€™s get on with the real reason Iā€™m here:
Freddie Mercury is an FA. And I want to make him our Queen.
I know what youā€™re thinking. ā€œJust because he wrote Fat Bottomed Girls, it doesnā€™t mean he likes them. Besides, heā€™s gay, isnā€™t he?ā€
Yes he is. Or perhaps bi. Thereā€™s an ongoing debate, but it doesnā€™t matter.
Turns out, Freddie didnā€™t even write that song. Brian May, the lead guitarist did. But in 2008, he told Mojo Magazine, ā€œI wrote it with Fred in mind, as you do especially if youā€™ve got a great singer who likes fat bottomed girlsā€¦ or boys.ā€ Mojo asked how Freddie could deliver such a convincing heterosexual performance on this song, to which he replied, ā€œOn the face of it, itā€™s a heterosexual song because itā€™s called ā€˜Fat Bottomed Girls,ā€™ but I was totally aware of Freddieā€™s proclivities and the fact that he was going to sing it. Plus, some of the inspiration for the song came from stuff that I saw in Freddieā€™s lifeā€¦ So itā€™s actually not so much of a heterosexual song as you might think.ā€
Another song (one that Freddie did write) jumped out at me, but only until I watched the music video.
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Itā€™s not one of his best, but it gets a little kinky in some places?
The entire song is basically Freddie appreciating bodies. I was unfazed watching in the beginning, there were just some close up shots of backs and legs and stuff, but when I got to a part in the middle where heā€™s describing someone:
You got red lips Snakes in your eyes Long legsā€¦
K. Whatever. But then:
(SHARP INHALE) Grrreat thighsā€¦
And during that line, he does THIS.
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The song continues, and he approaches a group of lovely ladies, and begins to dance around them. All three of these ladies are big. Not just ā€œthick girlā€ big, theyā€™re genuinely heavy.
He proceeds to sing, pointing to the biggest girl,
Body language, body language, yeah Sexy body, sexy, sexy body I want your body Baby youā€™re hot!
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The next part is a little abstract, but she flies through the air and lands on a gigantic cake.
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Iā€™d say my case is closed, but thereā€™s one more hard piece of evidence that I think all of us should treasure:
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I hereby decree Freddie Mercury our frontman.
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frozenlakebeast Ā· 6 years
Chubby Prompt Generator
I made a chubby prompt generator! I used prompts from roundelet, iwritetheweirdstuffā€™s 20 day list, and my own. If you have others to add tell me, Iā€™ll put them in!
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