#of course then. what is/was pyrrha?
kinaesthetiqueer · 8 months
fascinating! nora and jaune both have six chapters, ren has seven. however, i know there's at least a couple of his that are pretty short. the real test would be to check the word counts which, unless i can do word count by heading, i am not doing.
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superiorsturgeon · 1 year
Incorrect Gilded Rose/Pyrruby?
Ruby: *finishing up a dreamy spirit journey after ascending in the Ever After*
Ruby: Thank you both for helping me sort out my emotions.
Spirit Penny: Of course, friend Ruby! It was never your fault! Now farewell!
Spirit Pyrrha: I’m happy we could help you, Ruby. But before I go, may I ask a big favor?
Ruby: Anything, Pyrrha! You want me to take care of Jaune for you? Tell him your last message?
Spirit Pyrrha: *looks to the side, nervously tapping her fingertips together* …actually…could I…maybe…possess your body while you have sex with him…? 😅
Ruby: …
Ruby: …what…?
Spirit Pyrrha: 😖 Can I be in your body during sex with Jaune?
Ruby: No! That’s so weird!! Why would you even ask that?!
Spirit Pyrrha: Oh come on! Pleeeeaaaaase?! Every day he gets hotter and regret my choices more and more!!
Ruby: I’m not doing that!!
Spirit Pyrrha: Please?!
Ruby: No!
Spirit Pyrrha: PLEASE!!!!
Ruby: No!!
Ruby: *naked, on the edge of the bed* WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU’RE STUCK?! We had a deal!!!
Pyrrha!Ruby: I’m sorry! I’ve never done this before! I’m still figuring out how it works! 😭
Jaune: *laying naked in bed, watching his new girlfriend angrily yelling at/apologizing to herself*
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vaguely-concerned · 8 months
Thinking about the symbolic weight of smoking in the TLT universe that comes to the fore in The Unwanted Guest -- the way it moves through from person to person: Pyrrha smoked, and Augustine wanted to impress her in all her stone cold fox MILF James Bond glory (and tbf who wouldn't) so he started too. and even though as far as he knows she's been gone for a myriad and is never coming back, he keeps the habit. Ianthe sees something in the hollowed-out Faberge eggshell of Augustine that resonates with her, all that gilded eloquent emptiness and disdain through the ages, so she picked it up from him to try to emulate it. She picked it up so hard that Palamedes -- the exact spiritual antithesis of the 'smoking! on a space station! what a powermove' ennui Ianthe so admired -- spontaneously unnerded enough to even known how to, simply from a sort of contact contamination of the soul.
G1deon and Augustine sharing a jittery smoke after their near-Harrow experience during soup night, and it's the closest thing to any real sense of brotherhood that remains between them. Pyrrha going ten thousand years dying both literally and for a smoke (and then Camilla sold her fucking cigarettes (for a third of what they were worth, probably Pyrrha's own good, and also more importantly grocery money). what an entirely haunted time to be alive etc.). Augustine and Mercy trading a cigarette back and forth in the middle of their collusion over the love and murder of god.
An act of small and measured self-destruction in the name of something a little bit like connection when you're stuck somewhere in yourself where love itself dares not or cannot tread (ritualized, transmissible)..........
#the unwanted guest#the unwanted guest spoilers#the locked tomb#ianthe tridentarius#augustine the first#pyrrha dve#palamedes sextus#this series is going to make me lose my mind completely one day (affectionate)#the locked tomb meta#the fact that ianthe seems to have had some genuine admiration for augustine makes my head spin. of course though.#of course she sees the person who looks the most like he's successfully made himself impervious to the world#utterly untouchable and impossible to hurt because he isn't even really there#and she believes it! even after seeing the john mercy augustine mess at the end! because it's such a seductive idea#when you've stuck yourself in an inevitable ocean of pain to think you could make yourself numb enough that it doesn't matter#it's the emotional equivalent of 'oh there's water all around? well I just won't breathe in then. easy lmao get on my level'#she holds on to that thing from him even when it's been proved to be both impossible and ultimately untrue even in him#because uh. oh I'm about to be kind of sad for ianthe what the fuck is going on. he might actually have been the closest thing#to parental and especially paternal affection she's ever known. certainly known enough to try to model herself after#IMAGINE how fucked up the nine houses must be when augustine the first registers for anyone as a model of psychological survival#ianthe do you really want to be yourself completely so much that you're willing to be nothing. I mean yeah probably but. oh my god#gaining nothing at the cost of everything
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mayasaura · 2 years
"Appearing in more than one book and not dead by the end of Nona" is such a short set of criteria, but as far as I can tell the full list of characters fulfilling it is:
That's it. Out of the absurdly large cast, there are six recurring characters still alive, and with the way Nona ended, Aiglamene is debatable.
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egregiousderp · 1 year
GOD I had to stop my Gideon the Ninth Reread because I got into the second chamber and there’s all this detail about the setting and what it says about the inhabitants, and I’d forgotten the Graffiti was “ONE FLESH ONE END, G + P”
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gideonisms · 2 years
I think the thing about ntn is, it's like making a friend who you broadly agree with on the most important things but who you HARD disagree with on some of the details
#ntn spoilers#i'm at the point where i can have actual opinions now i think.#paul. paul.#i loved the campal tragic moment i loved everything with pyrrha and nona's reluctance to remember the ways she'd been hurt the#compartmentalizing of identity the acknowledgement that sometimes we just are going to become someone vastly different#the question of whether love can overcome that or why love matters if everything's just going to change and end and restart again#and the conclusion that it did matter because it mattered in the moment#love as this huge imperfect force of acceptance for others vs love as a determination to cling to them the way you think they should be#all of that was so good#even the stuff with gideon kind of. felt like it belonged in a different book but i agree with the broad character strokes of like#the horror of what's been done to gideon the way she is trying to become a different person making her own terrible decisions etc#but still trapped in this awful framework for her life & death where she only matters as a symbol for others#and her reckoning with that is messy and awful bc of course it is!#but it did feel like it needed more space than the brief chapters we got & hopefully it will come to the forefront in the next book#like all of the elements didn't necessarily mesh well and i think the humor she was trying to go for with the silly name didn't really work#and the stuff with judith was like. the most boring way to handle that imo. did she have to be unconscious the whole book#she's got so much potential as a character#and! my top pet peeve when harrow lobotomy girl nonagesimus is like i'm going to find the real god you suck#iconic yes but it reveals#she's had the agency to walk away from john the whole book and has sat there listening and now is going to find alecto when?#like??#the point of the lobotomy was that she is rejecting the framework for her previous life bc she's decided she cares more about the human cost#like???????#if she was just sort of drifting in the river having alecto's dreams that's one thing but i refuse to believe#she wouldn't be trying to figure out where gideon was the whole time#maybe if she hadn't done the lobotomy i would buy it but she did do the lobotomy!!!!! she literally did do the lobotomy#you have to do a lot of work to get harrow from only caring about gideon's life and i guess religion kind of to just hitting pause on#thinking about gideon for an entire book!#this is not even my shipper brain it makes sense gideon has other priorities is in mourning for her previous self the things she's lost etc#but harrow literally did the lobotomy if u needed to get her to the 9th for plot reasons there were better ways to explain it!!
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eerna · 2 years
I didn’t understand fictional crushes on characters who are canonically horrible at relationships for a long time. why would your fantasy perfect person be someone you know would treat you badly?????? and then I read about Pyrrha Dve
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zevranunderstander · 1 year
okay time for my daily "i stand with john gaius" post but tamsyn muir did not write a bisexual maori man who was a renowned scientist who had dedicated his life to saving the earth and exposing the schemes of the ultra-rich who was then made out to be a terrorist and global threat when his only goal was to help and who ultimately was brought down by his own character flaws and shortcomings while under immense pressure in a situation where everyone he ever loved was being executed in front of him and seconds before death did something he - to our knowledge - could barely control, just for the entire fanbase to go 'yeah he's like a cartoon villain. he's an irredeemably shitty person and everything he does is inherently evil and manipulative'
#myposts#tlt#im not saying he doesn't have bad character traits#like his clear problem to be seen in a bad light by anyone and the lengths he goes so people cannot judge and blame him#and his frankly a bit creepy tendency to rename people#but can i be so real? i think both of these are PERFECTLY explained by his backstory#i think he genuinely has a tendency to shift the blame away from him himself and thats tbh just how some people are#but. he also was made out to be like... the antichrist by people so i GET how that can increase your desire to be seen in a good light#and i think. of course its weird that he renames people but. he explains his philosophy behind it pretty well with titania and ulysses#like. you dont have to agree w him but if youd resurrect someone and they are very much not the same person they were when they died#would you really be comfortable calling them the same name?#i mean its a pretty philosophical question but i dont think theres a morally wrong answer to it#the fact that he had to rename his friends in the first place bc he altered their personalities so they think they aren't from earth?#now that is pretty fucked up#but first of all its also a bit sexy and second of all like. what do you say to your friends when you make them remember earth like....?#'im soooo sooorry guys i blew up palmet earth and almost all people on it? like#what would you do if this legitimately would have happened to you#also ill be real. the scene where hes like 'pyrrha was saying i was lying and that guys as careful as me don't have accidents like that'#about how he killed those cops#and then at the end of the chapter alecto is like 'did you ever find out what happened with your accident'#and hes like 'come on love. guys as careful as me dont have accidents'#like. when he breaks the entire facade of this super helpless guy whom everything bad ever just happens to on accident#i found that a bit hot. ok. that was very very very fucking sexy of him#the only thing i really cant defend abt him is the imperialism but to me this choice has something from the ending of hunger games you know#oh god i will make a separate post on that i didnt know there is a tag limit VHHDVDHDJDJJ
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frociaggine · 1 year
It is a disappointment that Pyrrha in her "I'm the daddy here" phase at no point ever accused Palamedes of trying to male-wife his way out of a situation
I choose to believe she said it ALL THE TIME but not in front of Nona because the few times she tried to explain memes to Nona it ended up in chaos.
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katakaluptastrophy · 9 months
Periodically, I remember how absolutely fucked up the necromancers in TLT are meant to look. Like, necromancy does an absolute number on people physically.
Harrow is "rather small and feeble".
Necromantic Ianthe is "the starved shadow" of her non-necromantic twin.
Our first description of Palamedes is "a rangy, underfed young man" who is "gaunt".
Silas is "knife-faced...He had a necromancer build."
Ianthe parodies make-over scenes in House novels with "if the hero’s a necromancer it’ll be described like, ‘His frailty made his unearthly handsomeness all the more ephemeral'"
Jod acknowledges to Wake that even small children with aptitude would look odd to non-House eyes: "“I have access to any number of cute pictures of necromantic toddlers with their first bone. They don’t make for fat-cheeked roly-poly babies, but they’ve got a certain something."
In As Yet Unsent, Judith brags about her previous physical fitness: "I could run a kilometre in ten minutes, which was among the fastest for my adept group in the junior reserves." Which is about double the time you might expect for a physically fit woman her age.
In non-necromancer-friendly New Rho, Harrow's body is mistaken for a child's and has to be explained as a result of starvation and trauma to seem plausible: "Pyrrha explained without missing a beat that what with everything Nona had gone through she had been ill and still didn’t eat very much, which was why she was so knobbly and undergrown. The nice lady said that yes, many of the children had problems like that, but it was still hard to imagine Nona was anywhere over fourteen, wasn’t it?"
Tamsyn Muir's descriptions of the Canaan House gang on Tumblr back this up: "Judith is somewhat less completely scrawny than other necromancers on the cast, though she should be less built than Marta is", Palamedes is "seriously underfed" and "bony", Harrow is "scrawny".
And that's just what I can think of off the top of my head - I'm sure there's more.
Anyway, necromancers aren't slender in a conventionally attractive way, they're gaunt in a concerning way...and probably the only reason no one instantly clocked that Coronabeth wasn't a necromancer was because they all just thought it was par for the course that a Third House princess would have had a lot of plastic surgery flesh magic.
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theoppositeofprofound · 9 months
The point about the permeability of the soul is at least in part that we cannot separate love and consumption. You almost always can’t say ‘this is because of the soul juices mingling’ vs ‘this is one of the horrors of love’ and that’s the point.
Is Naberius haunting Ianthe because they grew up together, because they were trained to be two halves of the same whole, because she knew him inside out and there’s a love in that, however violent? Or is it because she’s been using him like a battery and a hand-puppet and a computer program and now he’s threaded up through her. She can’t know! She doesn’t want to know, she refuses to look.
Did Gideon v1 become more militaristic after Pyrhha’s death through osmosis? Or was it because he loved her and trusted her and his first thought in a crisis was What Would Pyrrha Do. Did he love Wake because their programming got jumbled or was it because he met a awful redhead and thought oh, my best friend would have been so stupid for you, she would have been such a wreck…
Did John make the earth angry or did the earth fill John with anger or was it both? Did the love come first or the fury? Does Mercy love her god because Cristabel did or does she do it for the sake of Cristabel? The lyctors all view themselves as living memorials to the dead, of course they’d voice the dead’s thoughts, act out their habits and carry on their infuriating quirks. How else do you remember? You can’t peel apart the analogy and make it all magic or all mundane because soul-permeability coexists with the everyday manacles of affection.
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ludibriadormonoteista · 4 months
Lie Detector
Nora: Hey guys! Guess what I just found in the dumpster! *Slams Device on the Center Table* IT’S A LIE DETECTOR!
Ruby: Wow, really?!
Jaune: Does it still work?
Weiss: *Scoffs* As if. It was obviously thrown out for a reason.
Nora: Oh, is that so? How about we play a little game to test it out?
Ren: Maybe we shouldn’t-
Weiss: HMPH! I humbly accept your challenge. Do your worst, Valkyrie.
Nora: It’s on, then! First question: Have you ever spied on Jaune while he was hitting the showers?
Jaune: HUH?!
Weiss: Wha- What kind of question is that?! Of course not!
Blake: So it does work.
Yang: HAH! Off to a great start, Ice-Queen.
Weiss: T-That doesn’t mean anything! Never in my life have I-!
Weiss: Fine, I admit it! I accidentally had the displeasure of peeking on Arc ONCE!
Blake: Just once?
Weiss: Okay! I might have run into him a few more times-!
Weiss: A couple more-!
Weiss: A dozen-!
Weiss: Dozens-!
Weiss: I did it close to a hundred times! AT BEST!
Jaune: *shook*
Ruby: Why does it keep getting worse?
Pyrrha: You too? Eh-! I mean-! What?!
Ren: I think we heard enough-
Yang: Geesh! A picture lasts longer, you know?
Nora: Looks like you’re telling the truth. Good job, Weiss! How do you feel?
Nora: …Alright, who’s next?
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juanarc-thethird · 2 months
After Pyrrha along with Blake and Yang save Jaune from Glynda... do they ask for a reward from him? One that will make all three of them very happy.
In Glynda's office, said owner of the place is found knocked out on the floor. While three girls are standing thinking what to do.
Yang: What if we leave her lying on her couch? Maybe she thinks it was all a dream?
Blake: I don't think that will work, but it's better than nothing.
Pyrrha: So it's decided, we'll leave her confined to her couch and hope she doesn't scold us later.
The three girls nod
Jaune: *Behind the desk* Can I come out now?
Pyrrha: *Smiles* Of course, it's safe now.
Jaune: *Stands up* Wow, that was close. Well, if you'll excuse me, the gym is calling me.
He begins to walk towards the exit until he is stopped by the collar of his shirt grabbed by Yang.
Yang: Where do you think you're going lover boy?
Jaune: To the gym?
Yang: Oh no, we deserve a reward for saving you.
Jaune: My thanks are not enough?
Blake: What "thank you"? You never gave them to us. Also, that's not enough.
She says while looking at him with her predatory gaze.
Jaune: *Nervous* Like a massage?
Pyrrha: Oh you're going to massage something, that's for sure.
She says between a somewhat dangerous smile.
Jaune: Is it something family friendly?
They don't respond and just smile.
Jaune: Oh boy...
Back to Jaune's room
Yang: *Naked, supporting herself on the desk* Oh fucK!~💕 Yes! Destroy that pussy! God!~💕 Go you're going to split in two!!
Jaune slides his fingers through her hair and pulls them towards him.
Yang: Oh FUck YeS!!!~💕 Pull my hair!!💕
Pyrrha: I thought that she doesn't like her hair being touched, much less pulled.
Blake: Yeah, but Jaune is the exception.
Jaune: *Grabbing her hips with his free hand* Oh fuck!
Yang: What's the matter big boy? To much pussy to handle?~💕
Jaune: I-I'm about to cum!
Yang: *giggles* Do it! Cum for me! I want to feel your hot cum inside me!
Jaune: Oh Fuck!~💕
He shoots his hips into Yang, thrusting his member deep inside her.
Yang: OH FUCK!!~~~💕 I'M CUMMING!!!💕💕💕
Jaune's balls can be seen moving with each load of cum. Yang's legs shake from the intensity of her orgasm. If it weren't for Jaune still holding her firmly in his hands, she would have already fallen to the floor.
Yang: *Look up to see his face* I wove you~💕
Jaune: *Kiss her deeply*
Blake: Ok, now is my turn~💕
Blake is on the bed on all fours, her hips in the air while her chest touches the ground.
Blake: Come on big guy, fuck me like the bitch I AM!!!!💕
Jaune, without thinking twice, shoved his cock into Blake's ass. All the way until he could touch her ass with his pelvis.
Blake: Oh, my God!~💕 You're raping my ass!~💕 Master is raping my ass!!!~💕
Yang: Oh boy, she got into one of her own role plays.
Jaune continues to fuck her deep, grabbing each cheek of her ass and spreading her open. She could feel his heavy balls hitting her pussy with every thrust.
Blake: Please Master, have mercy on me!~💕 You are destroying my ass!!💕
Jaune: Shut up! Your ass is mine!
*SMACK!* He spanks her.
Blake: UGH!~💕 Forgive me Master! Please cum inside me as my apology!💕
Jaune: I don't need your permission!! FUck!~
Jaune throws his body at her, impaling her deeply with his big cock. Shooting his cum, filling her whole.
Blake: Yes master!💕 Pump all your semen inside me!💕 I can feel my belly getting full!!~~~💕💕
She screams as she squirts hard, leaving everything soaked beneath her.
Pyrrha: My turn~💕
Jaune has Pyrrha in Mating press position on the floor mat. Her legs are resting on top of his arms in the air, while her pussy is ravaged by his huge cock.
Blake: I knew she was a screamer, but this is too much.
Yang: But it's hot~
Jaune uses all his strength and weight to fuck her hard and dirty. Years of training with her did bear fruit, and Pyrrha is indeed grateful for his hard work.
Jaune: Pyrrha, be quiet, you're being too loud!
He kisses her with passion and increases the intensity of his hips. Pyrrha can't think straight anymore, she can only think about his cock. Her mind is a mess, she can only moan and kiss Jaune.
Blake: Oh, Jaune is already about to cum.
Yang: How do you know?
Blake: He clenches his ass when he cums.
Jaune: *does exactly that* Mnmn!~💕
Pyrrha: MMHHH!!~💕
Blake: See
Yang: Wow
Jaune's balls throb with every load of cum. Little by little you can see how the semen begins to come out of Pyrrha. Leaving small puddle of semen under her.
Blake: He is already at his limit.
Yang: Do we let him rest?
The two girls look at each other
Blake/Yang: Nah~
Jaune is lying on his bed while the three girls share his meat between their mouths.
Jaune: *Begging* Girls please, I can't take it anymore. I'm dry.
Pyrrha: *Slurp!* Nop~💕
Blake: *Lick* Never~💕
Yang: *Kiss* You wish~💕
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notmaplemable · 2 months
Wolf Ruby: Hey, does your team want to come to the fair with us?
Pyrrha: Sure, but we have to wait for Jaune to get back.
Weiss: Of course we have to wait for Arc.
Yang: What's he out doing?
Pyrrha: He should be coming back from he weekend job.
Ruby: He has a job?
Pyrrha: Yes, apparently he needed the extra money for tuition, and wouldn't let me help him. You know how stubborn he can be sometimes.
Ruby: Yeah.
Yang: How long is he going to-
Jaune: Hey girls, what's up?
RWBY: ...
Jaune: *Wearing a mailman outfit* What?
Pyrrha: They came over to see if we wanted to go to the fair with them.
Jaune: Oh, sure. Sounds like fun. Just let me change real quick. *Walks inside his dorm with Pyrrha*
RWBY: ...
Yang: Pfft, did you see Jaune in those little short shorts?
Weiss: I don't believe your one to comment of short length, Yang.
Yang: It's different when-
Ruby: *Loud panting*
Yang: ...You okay, Rubes?
Ruby: Jaune's going through his bad boy stage.
Yang: Bad boy? Jaune?
Weiss: What on Remnent are you-
Ruby: AND I HAVE A NEED! A NEED FOR SEED~! *Runs through the door into JNPR's dorm, leaving a Ruby shaped hole*
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superiorsturgeon · 2 months
Jaune: *typing* Hmm…
Pyrrha: What are you doing, Jaune?
Jaune: Just updating my huntsman resume!
Jaune: I think I’ve got everything, but can you look over it and see if I’ve forgotten anything?
Pyrrha: Of course!
Pyrrha: *takes laptop and starts typing*
Jaune: …
Jaune: …Pyrrha, I don’t think “submissive and breedable” belongs in the list of my special skills.
Pyrrha: *pets Jaune’s hair* Well, I think it’s one of your best qualities! 😏
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willsonlmt · 9 days
Jaune: Yeah, I hold pyrrhas hand she says it keeps people from hitting on her. I don't mind it just what a good friend would do.
Jaune: Of course I help pyrrha relax. I give her lots of massages and cuddle with her while she either vents about her day or just needs comfort. It's called being a good partner.
Jaune: Yeah, it was a bit weird sleeping in the same bed at first, but pyrrha explained it's better for our schedule and brings us closer together. My sisters and I slept in the same bed all the time, and we're close as can be. So she made a good point there.
Neptune: So, how long have you and pyrrha been dating?
Jaune: Oh, we were not dating. Pyrrha is way out of my league and could never like me that way.
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