#oc: bloodroot
ilikemicrowaves · 5 months
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Tysm @wings-of-fire-adopts for this beautiful boy! His design is so unique and I'm happy have him as my oc!
This is Citrus, He is aroace and he is 17 years old (28 in human years)
Story undercut: please read I'm actually really proud of this for some odd reason
This is Citrus, He is a mudwing, leafwing hybrid. He lives in the rainforest with a rainwing family of 3, his brother, his brothers boyfriend, and their daughter. His actual parents, Shoebill of the mudwings and Bloodroot of the leafwings, were executed publicly in the town of Phtalo when he was still in his egg. In my wofverse, inter-tribe breeding is illegal. The parents and child must be killed, and the hybrid's parts are usually sold. Pretty cruesome.. Phtalo is one of the towns that takes this law very seriously. Thankfully, Shoebills sibs took their egg and hid it in the rainforest. Unfortunately, the egg was taken by the rainwings before Shoebills sibs could return. Tobacco, an elderly rainwing, took the egg and raised Citrus until he was 2 years, along side his own son, Precious. Unfortunately, Tobacco died of old age, and Precious and his bf, Mosaic, raised Citrus together until he was 12. Precious and Mosaic had adopted an unsibed mudwing named Pumkin by the rainwings. She was only 1 when they found her almost eaten by a jaguar. Citrus happily lived with his family until the age of 17, when he discovered that his father's sibs could still be alive. Citrus and his best friend, cabybara of the rainwings, decided to travel back to the town of Phtalo to find them. Citrus used a fake rainwing frill headband to stay hidden. Once they enter the village, they decide to stop for a meal at a steak house. When they entered, they questioned a bulky looking mudwing named Ox about them. She laughed and told them that they ran away cowardly with a hybrid egg but later where found and executed publicly, but the egg still missing. This news shattered Citrus on finding his family. Before they left, the sandwing cooking assistant in the kitchen noticed them. She followed them out until they stopped for a drink.
She approached them introducing herself as Sunrise. She asked them why they were asking about the executed hybrid family. Cabybara lies and says that they heard a story that the sibs of the hybrids father were still alive, and wanted to meet them.
Citrus asked her suspiciously what she knew about them, and she replied that only one escaped and she knew where he was. She agreed to take them to him if she was given gold. They made a deal and they packed their things before setting off into the late night sky. They traveled for two days before they made it to the outskirts of the sky kingdom. Here, they rested at a skywing motel. In the morning, a window was shattered in their room. The mudwing from earlier, Ox, and two other mudwings had followed them. Ox figured out that Citrus was the lost hybrid and knew the queen would take a liking in him.
They barely escape but Cabybara picked up a shelf and slammed it over Ox's head. Flying through the window Citrus lost his fake frills from Ox's attempt to grab him by the neck.
They flew as far as they could before they found a traveling market. Thankfully it was night time so no one could see them. Sunrise stole a cloak for Citrus before they passed through most of the market and decided to sleep inside a barn filled with cattle. Citrus spent the night thinking about his family and how much he missed them.
The next morning, they awere woken up by the barn owner, an old male skywing who kicked them out angrily. Before they set off, Sunrise decided they should do a little shopping. They got Citrus a bag and Cabybara bought some dried fruit.
They flew until they arrived in the town over, SilverHills. There, Sunrise takes them to Citrus's Uncle, Sarcosuches.
Sarcosuchus refused to believe that Citrus was his nephew until he took off his hood. Then, Sarco pointed out how much he looked like his father and that they both have the same droopy ears and small eyes.
Sarco offers Citrus to live with him. Unfortunately, Citrus knows he needs to return to his other family and that Ox is still hunting him, so it's not safe to stay. Hearing her name, Sarco scowled. Just then, the two mudwings traveling with Ox busted down the door.
Sarco yelled at her to stay back, and she grinned upon his presence. They knew each other, but how?
Citrus questions this while they are cornered, and Sarco reveals that Ox is his aunt, and that's how she knew he was a hybrid. She was the reason the village knew about the hybrid egg, she was the only one of his troop against hybrids, and that hatred was strong enough to rat them out.
Will they make it out?
I can't wait to expand these characters stories, I had fun writting this instead of sleeping.
Citrus with his frill disguise:
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Original ref sheet:
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moonami · 3 months
The second day of re-introduction, if you've followed me for a while, you might be familiar with this character, who went through a major redesign and rewrite last year, "Fork".
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He's a major character in one of my original works , a military-horror story called "Outsider," which I'll get into with more details later.
Fork , a native of Dhoergland, who was just promoted to major general and granted the title of "Executioner," meaning that the government, due to the paranoia and panic running wild through the territory after several massacres which were attributed to the enemy, has authorized him and other generals to kill without trial anyone they believe to be a suspect of treason or a threat to the motherland, no matter the situation or status of the person.
Acting as judge, jury and as previously stated executioner.
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Allegedly, a burn suffered in battle during a catastrophic campaign he participated in years prior resulted in the large scar on his face. He has no trouble displaying it in public and makes no attempt to disguise it, saying it makes him look more intimidating which helps when he wants people to listen to him.
He plays the role of mentor and guide to the protagonist, Oshin, a younger fellow who joined the army under Fork's care, and will be sheperded by him into the cruel battlefield in the midst of war.
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Oshin doesn't know the real motives for the general to look after him, or why he's so insistent on having him by his side, from time to time Fork says something about a "promise" he made...But that seems... Odd
The general might be hiding secrets...And has something more sinister going on...
Dhoergland isn't a normal place...And this is no normal war...
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vinvithur · 3 months
This one really is kind of a loose sketch despite how much i like how it turned out lmao.
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skiddles-oc-rambles · 2 years
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posting this to prove i'm not dead. drew the shithead herself in 20 minutes also this was inspired by s3rl's song candy. ok bye I PROMISE I'LL BE MORE ACTIVE HERE 🙏🙏🙏
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elitecabela · 1 month
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Transparent Bloodroot
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mint-yooxgi · 1 year
{2} - Morning Mist - Yandere!Dragon!Ateez X Chubby!Reader
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Yandere AU & Dragon AU
Genre: Mature, Horror, Angst
Pairing: Ateez X Reader
Words: 5,203
Warnings: OC gets called a bitch again. Mention of injuries and vomiting. This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: Alright! Next chapter!! Hehehe, there’s so much to be revealed as this series progresses, so I really hope you all like this part! I’m so happy with the support I've been receiving already for this series, so I really hope you’ll all enjoy the rest of what I have planned. As always, feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy~
Chapter One - Mini Masterlist
The tension that now fills the room is so thick, you can practically see it hanging in the air between all of you. A few of them even look ready to strike you down at a moment’s notice.
“So,” the one on top of your centre counter coughs up some blood, the red liquid beginning to drip down his chin as he grins maniacally, “you’re an overgrown lizard, too.”
“I’d conserve your strength if I were you,” you retort, not bothering to confirm or deny his claim at this time. “I’m surprised you’ve lasted this long already.”
“Are you going to heal him or not?” The fiery blond scowls, taking a menacing step towards you.
“No, I don’t think I will.” You reply bluntly, raising your dagger the slightest bit higher as they all growl at you again. “He can die for all I care.”
“I thought you said she was nice.” The one holding the bloodroot in his hands narrows his gaze accusingly at Jongho who currently stands the closest to you out of all of them.
“She usually is,” comes his answer. “I’ve never seen her act like this before.”
“She’s one hell of an actress, then,” the tallest in the corner scoffs. “Fooled even the likes of you despite being a hunter.”
Before any of them can react, you’ve thrown your blade at the male. The pommel now sticks out of the wall directly beside his head, wobbling slightly from the impact.
“Don’t you ever compare me to those monsters again.” You spit, eyes lighting with a newfound fury.
“Still don’t like being called out for what you are, huh?” The male on top of your counter coughs once more, gritting his teeth as the male closest to him begins applying the paste to his open wound.
“Ironic for one of our kind to side with them,” the one with the birthmark huffs, crossing his arms over his chest. “You’ve found a real winner there, Jongho.”
“Watch your mouth, boy. I have been around a lot longer than you.” Your eyes flash, scowl pulling onto your features.
“Whatever you are,” the one with the long chestnut hair begins, “we need you to heal him. Please.”
“I will do no such thing.” Your voice is stern, a frown on your features.
“And why not?” The bloodroot gets crushed in the one male’s hand, a harsh look being directed your way.
“Only cowards attack their adversary from behind after their life has been spared.” You meet his gaze. “He deserves what’s coming for him.”
Already, you can see the male’s breathing slowing down, each inhale being a painful rise and fall of his chest. Desperately, the one male continues to apply the paste to his side, blood mixing with the impromptu healing aid to no avail.
“Honeysuckle won’t do anything. You’re wasting your time.” Your gaze locks with the male desperately trying to save his friend.
“Then tell me what to do to save him!” The male retorts, his eyes flashing in panic as he straightens back to his full height.
You remain silent, gaze sharp as you stare down the males across from you.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see Jongho reach out to you.
“Don’t touch me.” A warning that he doesn’t seem to heed.
The second he reaches for you again, you’ve grabbed his wrist in your hand, twisting it so that he falls to his knees. You stand behind him, pinning him to the ground with your foot pressing into the back of his calf as you twist his arm at an unnatural angle.
The others react instantly, four immediately taking offensive stances as snarls paint their lips. Again, the fiery headed one takes a threatening step towards you.
“One more step and that one won’t be the only one knocking on death’s door.” Your tone is sharp, and you watch as they all stand down for the time being.
“We don’t want any trouble.” The chestnut haired man says, raising his hands, palms facing upwards in a sign of surrender for the moment.
“You Hala dragons are nothing but trouble.” You reply.
“How do you know we’re the Halas?” The tallest raises his brow, taking a moment to pull your dagger out of the wall beside his head. “You missed, by the way.”
“That one has an overconfidence issue,” your eyes briefly dart to the male barely clinging to life on your centre counter before meeting the tallest’s gaze once more. “And I never miss. It was a warning.”
“And I suppose our eldest here received the same treatment?” The one who had been applying the honeysuckle paste to his side retorts, somewhat sarcastically.
“I warned him. Twice, and then subsequently spared his life before he tried to end mine while my back was turned after showing him mercy.” You blink, straightening your back the slightest as you stand to your full height. “He came at me first.”
A brief silence settles over you all, a tense understanding passing through the room. Dragon custom states that to attack one while their back is turned after any type of mercy is shown to an opponent is folly, and cause for great shame. In some cases, even death.
“He says he thought you were a simple, innocent villager.” The man with the birthmark says.
“Is that supposed to make me feel better?” You reply, incredulously. “Knowing he would have torn out the throat of an innocent villager in seconds?”
The growl that escapes Jongho’s lips surprises even you.
“What are you complaining about, you liar?” You twist his arm further behind his back, feeling as his whole body physically winces in your hold.
“I’m not the only liar in this house,” he pants, attempting to pull his wrist free to no avail. “I didn’t tell you about what I was because I didn’t want to scare you.”
“You think I’m mad about the fact that you kept being a dragon from me?” You nearly scoff, a roll to your eyes. “Please, I could smell it on you the minute you walked through my woods.”
You fail to see the way shock paints Jongho’s features. Not even other dragons are able to tell what he is when he hides his true nature. So, how could you?
“You mean you knew this whole time?” He voices, somewhat incredulously.
“Of course I knew,” you reply. “I didn’t know you were a fucking Hala, though.”
“Watch it.” The flame headed one growls.
“Don’t test me, boy.” Again, your eyes flash.
“What’s so wrong with me being a Hala?” Jongho asks, tone a little softer than before. As if he’s suddenly insecure about what you think about him.
“Name a village that you’ve plundered that has survived an attack by you in your quest for the crown.” You reply bluntly, and you watch as they all suddenly avoid your gaze in what appears to be shame. “That’s what I thought.”
“We’re no worse than those Wolves.” The one holding the now crushed bloodroot in his hands spits.
“Wolves don’t burn every village they ransack to the ground.” You retort.
“Why do you care so much for the humans, anyways?” The flame haired one narrows his eyes at you.
“Because, believe it or not, I actually befriend most of them.” Again, you hear a low growl escape Jongho beneath you. “I know you think them so far beneath you.”
“You don’t know us.” The chestnut haired male frowns.
“You don’t know me.” You counter, a minor quirk to your brow.
“Clearly not,” Jongho grumbles.
“Look,” the tallest male sighs, “just heal out brother, and you’ll never have to see us again.”
You tilt your head at him slightly, intrigued. “Oh?”
“Don’t make promises I can’t keep, Yunho.” Jongho voices lowly, the hint of a threat to his words.
“Swear to me that you’ll leave this village alone and never come back, and I might save his life.” Your head shifts the slightest bit upwards as you stare down your nose at all of them.
“What so special about this damn village anyways?” The sharp eyed male with the birthmark huffs, arms crossed over his chest.
“I’d hurry up if I were you,” you finally release your hold on Jongho, shoving him to the ground as you step away from him for the moment before motioning to the one on your counter with your chin. “He’s lucky to have two minutes more of life at most.”
They all share a look briefly around the room at one another as Jongho stands back to his feet, rubbing at his wrist the whole time.
“We’ll do it.” The chestnut haired male turns to meet your gaze.
“You have a deal.” The male, Hongjoong, cuts Jongho off with a sharp look.
A single nod of your head is all they receive before you’re moving around your kitchen. Pulling open a cupboard, you begin taking out small jars of ground herbs.
“Apply this to the wound,” you toss a small jar behind you, perfectly aimed at the male who had desperately been applying a paste of honeysuckle to the other’s injury. You turn around to see him staring at you in what appears to be slight awe as you hadn’t even been looking towards him when you threw him the item. “Do you want him to bleed out?”
Immediately, the male twists the lid off of the jar. Using two fingers, he gathers some of the salve onto his skin, applying the balm over the gash on the injured male’s side.
The wound starts to close almost instantly, some colour returning to his skin.
“Which one of you can use flames?” You ask, already blending some herbs with a mortar and pestle as you turn your back to them once more.
“I can.” The one with the vibrant hair steps towards you, and you nearly puff out a dry laugh at the irony of his flaming locks.
“Light this,” you toss a bundle of sage at him. “Then give it to someone else while you go boil me a cup of water.”
Again, as soon as the scent of burning sage fills the air, more colour begins to return to the dragon’s features as he rests upon your counter. His breathing doesn’t seem as laboured, either.
“This sure is an intricate poison,” the one who had been applying the salve remarks, capping the jar once he’s done.
“Of course it is,” you reply, pouring some lukewarm water and honey into the mixture you have in the mortar to create a sort of paste. “I made it myself.”
Out of the corner of your eyes, you notice the tallest male studying your blade.
“Don’t get any ideas. Every poison I make, I ensure I’m immune to.” Your sharp gaze catches his own, watching as he gently sets down your dagger on top of the counter in the next moment.
“Here’s the boiled water.” The second tallest male places the cup beside you on the counter, only receiving a nod from you in response.
Softly, you sprinkle some herbs into the water, letting it sit for the moment as they steep.
“Can any of you manipulate liquids?” You inquire, turning back around with your mortar in hand as you approach the injured male in the centre of your kitchen.
“I can.” The chestnut haired male steps towards you.
“Have you ever separated poison from blood before?” You turn to him.
“Once or twice.” He replies.
You place the mixture beside the injured dragon’s head, shaking your own. “Not good enough.”
A crash of thunder is heard overhead, followed by four figures rushing into your cabin.
“Are you okay? What’s going on?” Chenle’s frantic voice reaches your ears.
Lifting your head, you see him, Renjun, Taeyong, and Jaehyun all standing there, gazes locked on the seven figures standing around your kitchen.
“Why are you guys all standing in the doorway- oh.” Mark enters next, voice dying in his throat as he senses the tension in the room. His eyes narrow. “I told you there was a storm coming.”
Johnny and Yuta are the next two to enter, and as soon as they do, growls are escaping their lips. Immediately, they tense, stances switching to the offensive as they lock eyes with the males standing around the room.
“What’s going on?” Johnny cannot hide the hint of concern for you in his voice as he prepares to spring into action at a moment’s notice.
“Alright, everybody out.” You command, noticing how protests begin to form on nearly all of their lips. “It’s too overcrowded, I need space to work. Besides, I don’t need you tearing a hole in my house like the last time.”
The pointed look you shoot both Mark and Chenle has them both shrinking sheepishly beneath your gaze.
Again, Jongho growls lowly.
“I fucking knew it.” Renjun exhales a long sigh through his nose, closing his eyes while shaking his head.
“You take issue with us, but you have no problem associating yourself with the Neos?” The one holding the crushed bloodroot in his hand seethes.
“I’ve know these boys far longer than I’ve known of you.” You snap.
“I really wish you’d stop calling us boys, Pretty One,” Yuta sighs, a slight pout tugging at his lips.
“Yeah,” Chenle puffs out his chest slightly, along with Mark. “We’re men.”
“You are still my little cub, Lele,” your expression softens, even if only the slightest bit as your lips twitch upwards at the corners.
“Cub?” Jongho nearly seethes, eyes flashing as he turns to glare at Chenle now.
“As long as I’m still your favourite,” he shoots a smug grin at Jongho in response.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night,” you brush him off. “Now, all of you except Junnie and Yong, out.”
“We are not leaving you alone with our brother when you’re the reason he’s in this mess in the first place.” The flame headed male snaps, arms crossing in front of his chest. “Especially not with them.”
“Oh, did you get him with your dagger?” Renjun hums, stepping towards the counter only for his path to be blocked by both the male with the birthmark and Hongjoong.
“I would step aside if I were you.” Taeyong sighs, moving forward with Renjun in the next second.
Four low growls echo around the room.
“Look,” Taeyong’s eyes flash. “We’ve dealt with this before, and if she’s already helping you, let us help her.”
“Honestly, we should have killed you the minute you attempted to threaten my wife.” Johnny crosses his arms over his chest, eyes narrowing at the males across from him.
The snarl that tears from Jongho’s lips is nothing short of feral. “Your wife?”
“Not your wife.” You remind him casually.
You hear Jaehyun chuckle lowly, beginning to usher a few of the other males outside. Johnny pouts all the while, muttering about eventually making you his wife someday.
“Yeah, yeah, you and everyone else,” Yuta grumbles, arms crossed over his chest as he sends one final fleeting glance in your direction.
At least it sounds as if the rain has stopped. For now.
“Listen,” you spare a glance at the seven other males standing around your kitchen, “do you want me to help him or not?”
“Please,” Hongjoong takes an eager step towards you.
“Then you need to all go wait outside.” You reply bluntly.
“We don’t take orders from you.” The one with the birthmark snarks.
“You will if you want him to live.” You slam your palm down onto the counter right beside the injured male’s head, eyes flashing in annoyance. “Every second you waste prolongs his pain.”
As if on cue, the male on the table groans.
You take a step back, grabbing that cup with the now lukewarm herbal tea and taking a casual sip.
“This was for him, but it does work wonders for my complexion.” You hum, leaning back against the counter behind you.
“You bitch.” The one holding the bloodroot throws it onto the ground in anger.
“Watch it, Woo.” Jongho threatens, much to both Renjun’s and Taeyong’s surprise.
“Wow, two for eight.” You remark. “You six want to cuss me out tonight, too?”
“We just want you to help our brother.” The one who applied the balm almost pleads with you.
“Then wait outside.” Comes your blunt response, taking another sip of the tea. Only, you hold the cup to your mouth, subtly puncturing your upper lip and adding a drop of your blood to the mixture. It’s the only way the tonic will work properly, anyways.
“I thought you needed me for the poison removal?” Hongjoong turns to look at you.
“Not with Renjun here,” you motion to the male across the room. “At least I know he’s done this before, and that he knows what he’s doing.”
“Then what is he for?” Jongho narrows his eyes at Taeyong. “Moral support?”
“No, you dimwit,” Taeyong rolls his eyes. “There are multiple steps to this antidote, and I know all of them. I’m here to help.”
“Why do you know the antidote?” The tallest male quirks a brow, arms crossed over his chest.
“Do you want to stand around asking questions all night, or do you want us to heal your brother?” You snap, patience wearing thin.
A look is shared between the seven of them.
“We’ll be outside.” Hongjoong nods once in your direction as they all finally step back out through the threshold of your door.
Jongho lingers, hesitant to leave the house. Though, with one final sharp look from you, he at least steps outside, even if he remains just passed the now broken door.
“So, why are we saving the eldest of the Hala’s after you’ve already ensured his death?” Taeyong asks casually, grabbing the discarded burning sage from the side counter and placing it beside the injured male’s head.
“The chestnut haired one swore they would leave this village alone and never return if I did.” You reply, noticing how Renjun already moves to begin the separation process of the poison from the blood.
“You and your obsession with protecting this village will end up getting you killed one day,” Renjun sighs.
“Then why did you bring the others to come check on me?” You quirk a brow, somewhat knowingly. “You always care more than you want to admit, Junnie.”
“You’re one of our oldest and closest friends,” Taeyong answers when the younger male continues to remain silent. “Of course we would be worried.”
“I barely made it home before Chenle was running out the door,” Renjun states. “They all wanted to come make sure you were okay.”
“They’re your cubs, alright.” Taeyong chuckles, grabbing a wooden spoon from one of your drawers and mixing the paste within the mortar slightly.
A low growl is heard once more just outside your smashed doorway, and the three of you share a look.
You roll your eyes, moving to add a drop of honey to the tea. “I damn well near raised them, of course they’re my cubs.”
“Have you heard from-“
“No.” You cut Renjun off in an instant. “They’ve kept to their promise every year since then. They know what would happen if they crossed the fjord.”
“I know it pains you not to see him.” Taeyong adds softly, a worried look being sent your way. “He was your cub, too.”
“He made his choice.” You swallow thickly, steeling your emotions for the moment as memories threaten to resurface. “He chose to go with him and his clan.”
“Do you blame him for it?” Renjun pauses his movements over the injured male’s chest for a moment to meet your gaze.
You blink. “I could never blame him for it. Doesn’t make it hurt any less, though.”
“We know.” Taeyong acknowledges with a nod of his head. “At least they’ve kept those hunters off of our side of the river.”
You let out a deep sigh through your nose. “At least.”
A silence settles over the three of you as Renjun finally finishes separating the poison from his bloodstream, leaching it out through the remainder of the open gash in his side.
Slowly, the wound continues to close.
“I know you’re still conscious,” you direct it to the male on the counter. “Can you sit?”
A weak movement of his arms as he attempts to push himself upwards to no avail.
“I’m surprised you can even move your arms,” you hum, walking over to the doorway to see Jongho eagerly step into your field of vision. “You and honeysuckle boy, come with me.”
“Honeysuckle boy?” Jongho’s brow furrows, yet the male that had applied the paste to his brother’s wound understands almost immediately.
“My name is San,” he offers, pushing Jongho back inside and following right afterwards.
You spare him a disinterested glance as you turn your back to him once more, leading the two males over to their brother on the counter.
“You both need to support him while he drinks half of this. Can you do that?” You turn to face them once more, holding the cup of tea in your hands.
“You can’t do it yourself?” A voice from the open doorway catches your attention and you see the flame headed one standing there with his arms crossed.
You ignore him.
“Where do you want me to dump this?” Renjun holds the liquid poison in the air, the bubble swirling with the faint green toxin.
“Regular spot,” you reply. “I’ll dilute and separate the contents later.”
A nod is all you receive as Renjun walks out the backdoor, many pairs of eyes following him all the while.
“In order for me to answer your question, canary man, let me ask you one of my own.” Your voice draws the tall male’s attention to you from the open doorway as you motion for Jongho and San to support the injured male in a sitting position. “Have you ever ingested a frost berry before?”
A moment’s pause.
“Once.” Comes his answer. “When I was small.”
“Do you remember what happened as soon as the fruit touched your tongue?” Your eyes flash, meeting his gaze briefly as you bring the tea up to the injured male’s lips, helping him to drink half the contents before pulling away.
“No.” He replies, somewhat gruffly.
“That’s what I thought.” You huff, noticing Renjun pushing passed him and reentering your house with a wooden bucket in his hands. “Well, if you’re lucky, your body will immediately reject the fruit, expelling it in any way it can. This usually occurs in the form of vomiting. In certain cases, it can cause you to pass out for hours, with an added effect of memory loss to boot. Sometimes, it causes muscle spasms, and in severe cases, death. Too much of it can be poisonous to dragons, but the leaves have many medicinal properties if prepared correctly.”
Out of the corner of your eyes, you notice San listening quite intently to your every word.
“It still induces vomiting, but it dilutes any toxins from the system that remain.” You continue. “It’s better if people familiar are supporting him in case he has one of the more severe reactions. I wouldn’t want to hurt him any further than he already is. If your friend here is lucky, he’ll only need one spoonful. That mixture tastes awful.”
Taking a step back, Taeyong moves in closer to take your place. Renjun stands on the opposite side, bucket at the ready as the elder of the two raises the wooden spoon to the injured male’s lips.
“This won’t be pretty,” you warn.
The moment the paste reaches the injured male’s lips, he gags, nearly spitting the substance back out. Only, Taeyong slaps a hand beneath his chin, forcing his mouth closed for the moment.
“You need to swallow the mixture for it to work.” You comment, arms crossed as you watch the events unfolding in front of your eyes.
Stubbornly, the dragon shakes his head.
“Stop acting like a child. My cubs are better mannered than you.” You sigh, noticing how Jongho’s gaze darts over to you momentarily. “The longer you hold it in your mouth, the worst it will taste.”
Slowly, reluctantly, the male swallows the mixture.
Comfortingly, San begins to rub the male’s back as he begins to dry heave. Renjun practically shoves the wooden bucket into his arms, the male having enough strength to cling to it for dear life.
“Give him another,” you nod to Taeyong.
The male shakes his head, attempting to turn away from the incoming wooden spoon.
“Come on Hwa, don’t make us force feed you,” San mutters. “It’ll be over soon.”
With nothing but disgust on his features, the male accepts another spoonful of the mixture. Only this time, as soon as he swallows, his head becomes buried in the bucket, emptying the contents of his stomach immediately.
Renjun steps away, nothing but revulsion clear on his features. Taeyong, on the other hand, places the mortar with the rest of the paste onto a side counter, moving to grab the male a fresh glass of water.
Once Hwa has finally finished, wiping at his mouth with the back of his hand, Taeyong hands him the glass.
“Here,” his voice is rough. “Rinse out your mouth.”
The dragon does as he’s told, somewhat hesitantly. After spitting the water into the bucket, you’re beside him once more.
“Drink the rest of this, and you’ll be fine.” You say, practically shoving the remainder of the tea into his hand. “Then, I never want to see your faces here again.”
The man blinks at you, a slight scowl to his features as he swipes the cup from your hand. Reluctantly, he brings it to his lips.
“I promise it tastes better than the first time,” you sigh, already moving to clean up your supplies.
Luckily, Renjun helps you, using his powers to clear the blood that has soaked into your countertop and dripped onto the floor from the male now sitting on top of your counter. Taeyong even begins to help you clean up, washing out the few items that had been used.
Your dagger still sits, glinting on the side of your counter from the light of the oil lamp.
The sound of a cup clattering to the floor draws your attention.
“Hwa, don’t push yourself,” San voices worriedly as the male swings his legs over the side of the counter to stand back to his feet.
He wobbles slightly, using his hands to support himself on the counter as he absolutely glares at you.
“I should have killed you when I had the chance.” His voice is low, rough from the strain of what he’s just been through.
The room goes so silent, you can hear the subtle drip of the water from the roof onto the ground coming from outside.
“Is that any way to thank the person who just saved your pathetic excuse of a life?” You turn to him, drying your hands on a cloth nonchalantly.
“If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have been close to death in the first place!” He shouts, drawing the attention of all the males outside your cabin instantly.
“Watch your tongue, boy. You have no idea who you’re speaking to.” Taeyong is quick to step partially in front of you for protection, his eyes flashing in the light.
“Oh, I think I do,” he hums, snarl tugging onto his features.
“Seonghwa.” The voice of Hongjoong warns from the open doorway, stern expression locked on the elder male.
The male completely ignores the other.
“You’re nothing but a pretentious bitch, going around and pretending you’re someone you’re not. You don’t have a shred of kindness in you.” Seonghwa spits. “Stop acting like you’re some ancient, and make it easier on all of us and go die on a hunt like the useless huntress you are.”
A snarl nearly tears from your throat, but both Renjun and Taeyong beat you to it. Both males stand in front of you protectively, the others of their clan preparing to attack at a moment’s notice.
Gently, you place a hand onto Renjun’s shoulder, looking passed the males in front of you and to Hongjoong near the door.
“I want all of you Halas gone in thirty seconds. We had a deal.” Your voice is firm, eyes sharp as you meet his gaze.
A nod is all your receive as he motions for them all to leave with a jerk of his head.
However, just as you go to move passed Seonghwa, the male reaches out to you one last time before the others can even react.
The moment you sense the claws near the centre of your back, you round on the male. A snarl tears from your lips as your eyes flash a deep amber as a loud crack is heard throughout the room.
A cry of pain leaves Seonghwa’s lips as he’s forced to his knees. Tears line the corners of his vision as you continue to crush his hand beneath your grip, claws digging into his skin.
Immediately, Taeyong, Johnny, Renjun, and Chenle surround your back, guarding you with a newfound fury shining in their eyes as the others snarl their discontent.
“Never try to touch me again.” You shove the male away from you, chest heaving as you attempt to reign in your anger. “The next time you reach for my back will be your last.”
“I think it best if you leave now.” Taeyong states, rather pointedly as his eyes shift around at each male still standing inside your house that he can see.
“We’ve overstayed our welcome.” Hongjoong is quick to nod, motioning quite firmly this time with his head for them to leave.
“I don’t think we were ever welcome in the first place.” The one with the birthmark mutters as he exits your home.
A soft call of your name from Jongho catches your attention and you turn your furious gaze onto him.
“Please,” his expression falls. “Don’t do this.”
“Get out of my house,” your voice is low, threatening as you stand to your full height. “I never want to see you again.”
The look he wears is akin to a wounded animal as he follows behind his brothers almost sluggishly. A few of them begin to grumble beneath their breath, shoulders tense as the few Neos around them watch their every move with an intense precision that would have anyone trembling in their skin.
Slowly, the dragons begin to disappear into the tree line, the forest concealing their figures with each step they take. Only, Jongho pauses one final time, turning to look at you from over his shoulder with tears lining his eyes.
“Leave.” You scowl, the word a mere hiss on your lips. “And never come back.”
What you fail to see as Jongho turns back around is the first of his tears beginning to trail down the sides of his cheeks as he vanishes into the night.
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anonymoususeru · 3 months
Vanilla Orchid Cookie, Pas’ non canon compliant OC
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Yeah, tbh, she went through MANY iterations, names and design. I do think her green motifs says enough about who she’s actually raised by AND if she knows her parents or not.
But, here’s a quick lore for her ;3, under the cut.
A mere experiment by White Lily Cookie with Pure Vanilla’s dough added created this young girl. While initially an experiment, Pure Vanilla and White Lily got attached to her. As she was created with a Vanilla Orchid in her dough, that is her name.
Vanilla Orchid Cookie does not remember much of her childhood, it was merely a blur. She remembered the day she felt her being forcibly taken when evacuating due to the war. Nothing else until the stranger trapped the toddler into a strange crystal. Vanilla Orchid swore she could hear something about “I’ll get you out when it’s all over.”
One day, Vanilla Orchid wasn’t fully conscious when trapped but she felt herself being freed, and it’s a peculiar looking cookie. Green hair, eyes, and a strange outfit. The cookie was familiar but also comforting. The kid doesn’t what to think, she doesn’t know where she is. But since the strange cookie freed her, Vanilla Orchid quickly got attached to her, calling her “Mama.” The Cookie introduced herself as “Matcha Cookie”, and while not the best at speaking, Vanilla Orchid felt like she understood the strange cookie perfectly.
Present Day
Despite some troubles, Matcha raised Vanilla Orchid as if she’s her own child. Although at times, Vanilla Orchid was curious about experimenting with things to improve cookies lives. This led to her getting in trouble at times at St. Bloodroot’s Academy. And while it confused her, Matcha told Vanilla Orchid that she should not use her real name.
After a couple happy years together, the two had to relocate to Beast Yeast, with Matcha saying that her..friend recommended an area for the two to reside in, and saying that they moved due to dangers that are going to come.
Vanilla Orchid is extremely intelligent but also naive. There were times she is also allowed in the Faerie Kingdom, and her curiosity knows no bounds, asking if the Silver Tree is flammable or not.
It’s been a happy life for her and her Mama Matcha. But..it turned over its head when Pure Vanilla Cookie explored the area Vanilla Orchid happened to live in as the child was confused why the strange man was shocked and then sad to see her, and why Matcha immediately tensed up when she came to get Vanilla Orchid to come home.
As I’ve said, this OC is NOT canon compliant, but do keep elements of the canon story, such as Matcha being at least Neurodivergent.
Vanilla Orchid being raised by Matcha will NOT change despite Matcha’s origins being revealed. Instead, I have two ideas in mind
Either canon Matcha is a recreation of the Matcha who raised her or Matcha is an older sister rather than creation.
Vanilla Orchid is bodily and mentally 14, chronologically, a lot older.
She has met the other Ancients as a child, doesn’t remember ANY of them, including her parents.
Knows Dark Enchantress as “Auntie Enchantress”, sees her as mean and scary.
Stunted growth since she doesn’t have enough nutrients.
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whirld-of-color · 1 year
Wishing Well AU Masterpost
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Hi hey hello welcome to the Wishing Well AU, where we ask questions like “hey so what if Mango dug up an eldritch horror in his backyard and also the horror revived his dead son at a terribly high cost?” Purple is involved, for some reason. There’s a lot of blood and a lot of sickness and a lot of dirt and decomposition involved.
This AU pulls inspiration from living houses, the movie Skinamarink, games like Anatomy and Lethargy Hill, Subway Midnight, and the analogue horror genre. It’s all kind of body horror, kind of gross, ominous house, red lighting go brrr.
It has come to my attention that this AU is very much something that requires context whenever I incessantly post about it so I’ve compiled all of the posts into a fun little masterpost while procrastinating on my various tasks and things. Here you go.
You can read all of the posts included here in the order they were created via the tag: Wishing Well AU. (there’s also some aesthetic detritus and a few random text posts floating around in there.)
The Important Bits
The Inciting Post: Version 1, Version 2
Payment: Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide. No Cost Too High. Aftermath.
Purple: Friendship, Promises, Story Role
Baby Teeth, Dear Diary, A Choice, A Decision, A Consequence
Welcome Home
The Basement
The Call, Deep Dark, Bloodroot
Scars, Discoloration, Unfamiliarity, pain, Not A Choice, Love, Fear
Bundle Up
(ooc note here about the Fear poll, if the glitch fixes itself sometime down the line)
The Garden
Orchid Update! Flowers, Reminders, O Mother, Deeper, Rewind
Retrograde, Communication, Dreams, Ticket, Questions (I, II, Eavesdropping, III, IV, V, VI, Rabbit), The Exit
I Hate This House Too
The Train
Hurricane Season, Malmo, Encounter, DEAL
Exit, Homing Dove, am i home yet? / Entry, Pathway
The House
Don’t Look Down
Them ^-^
To Go Again
What Is A Malign?
Drip, Drip
This One Ask (read the garden first)
Character Designs!
Looking Down
Fun Little Memes
Venns Your Diagram
He's BACK IN THE STAIRCASE (ft an unrelated oc)
ah shit. ah fuck. purple's fucking dead
Gold Moment
You be slanging it?
(note that other people’s (@nzn43, @stick-named-figure, @bugsinspace, @sammy8d257 @luizastarry @itzcomedia @codexcracked) art and writing are linked in this post. i am in no way claiming them as my own, its just that the things other people have done for this au are relevant and cool and i want to include them. also parts of this au literally cease to make sense if i don’t include the stuff other people have contributed, and also, i really want to include it all because all of the art and writing is amazing and beautiful and wonderful and some of it is really really funny actually)
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hatchetmanofficial · 2 years
what are your ocs favourite flower?
Alan - Bloodroot
Stu - Foxglove
Erika - Wisteria
Claude - Lilacs
Jules - Gardenia
James - Begonia
Carver - Rose thorns
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gothdaddyissues · 9 months
The Devil Came To A Small Town
A Ghost AU Fanfic ~ Cardinal Copia/Female OC
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Available on Ao3 HERE
The Satanic Church of Emeritus moves into an old Abbey on the outskirts of a bougie small town. Sister Imperator and the shy Cardinal Copia strike up a business relationship with Isabelle, the local witchy shop owner. This sets in motion a series of events that uncovers long-hidden secrets, solves mysteries, and unites the town and Church against a common enemy. And also: two lonely people fall in love...
TAGS: Glacially-slow slow burn. Lots of OCs. Romantic fluff. Mutual pining. Sex. Violence. Humor and melancholy in equal measure. Ghoul hijinx. All the Papas are alive and well, and very silly. Small-town weirdness. Drug and alcohol use. Bad language. Marginally accurate witchcraft. Very-likely-inaccurate religious imagery and practices. Magic, psychic abilities, and prophetic visions. Intolerance and discrimination. A happy ending will happen...
Chapter 1 - The Introduction
Chapter 2 - The Meeting
Chapter 3 - The Surprise Visit
Chapter 4 - The Dream
Chapter 5 - Pumpkin Spice Lattes
Chapter 6 - Bloodroot & Black Nightshade (Coming Soon!)
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bl33ditout · 11 months
i was tagged by @renee-ssance ty friend <3 (sorry for getting to this late btw)
last song i listened to:
i am nearly addicted to this song, the album and just the entire band actually lol
currently watching: the office and i started game of thrones but don't know if i'll continue
currently reading: ...don't laugh but i'm rereading Eowyn Ivey's The Snow Child, look i can't help it that it's a great book and very atmospheric alright XD but before that i read Amy Greene's Bloodroot which was..... interesting
current obsession: ALWAYS my ocs and my stories lol
i tag: @mollyhale @aliceinmadnessland @666yen @bled4days @hexedvampire @violetbudd @wetwithblood @thatgirlfromhotelcalifornia and anybody else who wants to join in! :D
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moonami · 2 years
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Just some silly drawings I did, I had fun doin a more cartoony and simple style~ (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)
@shayminbarizsky hope you enjoy these (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
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vinvithur · 8 months
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Another Beam Saber OC of mine, Sammaiel. Leather n lace baybeee
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sanchoyoscribbles · 2 years
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toxic mew mew!! These are oooold ocs redesigned, they're called toxic mew mew bc they're all based on plants that are extremely toxic (and also, the team in general is pretty toxic, lol)
the lady in the middle poses as a teacher to get into a girl's correctional facility in california and inject this team of juvenile delinquents. this wouldve been a darker series that kind of explores 'well, what if the whole injecting animal dna into girls w/out their consent was done with someone with worse intentions/more manipulative than ryou, and if the girls weren't so cooperative with each other'...
more about them (and original designs for the sake of comparison) under the cut!
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2015 designs
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2017 redesigns! You can see the new ones are hard veers off the rails of what they looked like, but tbh I think the new designs/backstories are more fitting for the type of story I wanted to tell with these girls so /shrug
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Here's some civilian headshot concepts!! subject to change ofc, but. yeah :)
Character profiles:
Iris Amsel / Mew Foxglove / 17
Infused with the White-collar Kite
Fashion sense: preppy, expensive taste
Iris is in juvie because of her expensive tastes. her family is lower middle class, but she's obsessed with appearing more wealthy than she actually is. She started off having her on and off boyfriend steal money from his parents, and then she herself started stealing from her own family and got caught shoplifting from a high end boutique. She looks down on people who don't care for their appearance and puts up a snobby front. In reality she's a very insecure person who worries a lot about the future, and will latch on to anyone who promises her anything steady; which is why Lola was able to promise her lots of money and fame eventually from the mew stuff to get her on board...
Ruka Bates / Mew Bloodroot / 15
Infused with the Bonin flying Fox
Fashion sense: emo girly punk (think gir hot topic jackets/black and red plaid skirts, teased hair and emo bangs, fingerless gloves, raccoon tail hair clips, type 2000s outfits)
In juvie because of vandalism…actually, she didn't, though! She got framed by her bullies who had dragged her along to help them graffiti a building. the original design was something they stole from her notebook full of doodles, so it was easy for them to point at her as the main culprit. she's incredibly anxious and is a huge people-pleaser, so that gets her into a lot of trouble. Lola has kind of taken her under her wing as her favorite, but Ruka is still uneasy about all this mew stuff. She just doesn't want to disappoint Lola, so she goes along with it…
Lola Black / Mew Blacklocust / 24
Infused with Darwin's fox
Fashion sense: cozy, soft-colored outfits, lots of warm beige colors, hair in a bun most of the time and wears glasses. she looks a bit disheveled despite how pretty she is, which puts people at ease.
Her father was a rival of Ryou's father while Ryou's family was in America, and her dad became obsessive about surpassing their work before he died in a chimera-related accident. Lola sees this as Ryou's fault (if the mews had been more effective that wouldn't have happened type thing. She put together that he was behind the mew project because she's a genius, but she 100% uses her smarts for the wrong things and has NO moral code) She sneaks into the correctional facility all the girls are at to inject them all and herself to surpass tokyo mew mew. (this story takes place 5 or so years after tmm does). She appears as a very kind person who really wants to help disadvantaged teens, but in reality she's a very cold, jealous person who could care less what happens to her girls so long as they get her what she wants. She absolutely knows how the system works, and believes no one would care or notice these kids getting used since they're delinquents…
May Greensdale / Mew Mayapple / 16
Infused with the Mangshan Pit Viper
Fashion sense: casual sportswear, lots of jerseys (but she decorates them with bows) shorts under all her skirts, lots of varsity jackets and bedazzled merch of her former high school team
May is in juvie because of property destruction/arson. May is actually a very hyper girl who's known for being friendly/popular at school, as well as being a soccer star! She made decent grades and was well-liked by everyone, had a good relationship with her parents and siblings…so it was a shock when she got busted for setting the school on fire after a big game. (one that her team won, no less!) In reality the stress of being good at soccer (expected to get a scholarship) was getting to her, and she's someone with poor impulse control/very black and white mentality, so rather than just talk to her parents/coach and explain she doesn't have passion for the sport anymore she…decided no school= no soccer team= no pressure. She actually agrees to the mew stuff pretty quickly because it sounds fun, and she actually does like helping! but her very impulsive nature gets her and the others in trouble a lot and makes the others mad at her, which stresses her out...the others do see her as a bit of a ditzy girl, but she's actually pretty smart when she doesn't give into her own whims and actually thinks things through!
Cheryl Ambers / Mew Wintercherry / 17
Infused with the Death Valley Pupfish
Fashion sense: has a very tomboyish style, baggy hoodies with basketball shorts, has been wearing the same pair of beat up sneakers since middle school, hair always kind of a mess and just tossed into a ponytail.
Cheryl is in juvie for assaulting a teacher. She'd gotten into multiple fights at school before that because she has intense anger issues and neglectful parents who never taught her to cope with her strong emotions in a healthy way. She's always had a lot of issues with authority, so becoming a mew feels like meeting an 'adult who finally gets it' (is 100% manipulating her) and is letting her fight as much as she wants rather than telling her what to do. she and Iris are roommates and HATE each other at first (then over time become friends and possibly more) and keep enabling each others awful habits. when people are nice to her she genuinely has no idea how to react because she's been on the defensive her entire life.
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sunnydaleherald · 10 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, August 2 – Thursday, August 3
LORNE (takes the phone away from his ear, covers the mouthpiece with his hand, talks to Fred and Gunn) They say we need bloodroot. GUNN Bloodroot? Man, we just raided the spice rack in the kitchen. There ain't no bloodroot in there. LORNE (puts phone to his ear again) Uh, 86 on the bloodroot, ladies. Anything else we can— Well, yeah, I have, uh, (reads off the labels on the jars Fred and Gunn brought) paprika, ginger, allspice, clove— Cloves? That'll work? Oh, got it. Beautiful. Hey, soon as FTD's delivering in the city again, expect a big "Thanks a Bunch" bouquet from me, girls. Ciao! (hangs up) Ha ha ha!
The Sunnydale Herald is looking for at least one new editor. Contributing to the Herald is a great way to get your Buffy on! Find out more here.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Worried But Proud by badly_knitted (Joyce, Buffy, Giles, PG)
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Rebellious Teen by veronyxk84 (Buffy/Spike & Dawn, PG-13)
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Surprise Party by EllieRose101 (Buffy/Spike, Scoobies, T)
A Matter of Mothballs by 23Murasaki (Scoobies, T)
Reprieve by Scribes1015 (Buffy/Angel, M)
Soul Guardian by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, G)
Love Day by Scar_Eve (Spike/Drusilla, T)
Backstage 48 - Listen to the Mockingbird by Aadler (Giles, Drusilla, G)
Lawyering up by Aragorn_II_Elessar (The Flash crossover, Lilah Morgan, T)
dream(ed) girl by voices_not_echoes (Dawn & Drusilla, T)
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Spuffy Undercover by To Be Hers (Buffy/Spike, G)
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for it is in giving that we receive by jedibuttercup (Firefly crossover, Buffy, FR13)
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5 o'clock weather by Julikobold (Buffy/Spike, OCs, G)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Can't Salvage This - Chapter 1 by fatalfae (Angelus/Buffy, Angelus/Dawn, Spike/Buffy, M)
shining just for you - Chapter 1-2 by buffysbeanie (Buffy/Faith, ensemble, T)
Cornered - Chapter 1 by Lythande1972 (Buffy vs. Angelus, Buffy & Scoobies, not rated)
These Violent Delights - Chapter 1 by Mirrored_Illusions (Stargate Atlantis crossover, Buffy, G)
The Girls Without the Gift - Chapter 1-3 (COMPLETE!) by duh_i_write (Cordelia, Anya, Drusilla, M)
Nanna’s Gift - Chapter 1-12 by VolcanicThread (Giles/OC, Ethan/Joyce, Cordelia/Willow, ensemble, E)
The Problem with Rifts - Chapter 1-2 by G85atkins (crossover with The Avengers and Dragon Age: Inquisition, Buffy, T)
An Avalanche of Echoes - Chapter 1 by Mirrored_Illusions (Stargate crossover, Buffy, T)
binds - Chapter 1-3 (COMPLETE!) by The_Eclectic_Bookworm (Jenny Calendar, OCs, G)
Lost and Found - Chapter 1 by SpiderQuinn (crossover with Supernatural, Buffy, T)
Vanilla and Spice - Chapter 1-7 by MaggieLaFey (Buffy/Spike, E)
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Use It or Lose It, Ch. 36 by Dynamite (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
More Found Family Ties, Ch. 6 by Julikobold (Buffy/Spike, G)
Keepsakes, Ch. 39 by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
A Second Chance- Their Story, Ch. 2 by Loup Noir (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Because I could not stop death, Ch. 6 by Desicat (Buffy/Spike, R)
The Plunge, Ch. 7-8 by Harlow Turner (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
The Plunge, Ch. 8 by Harlow Turner (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
The Roads not taken, Ch. 9 by Lluvia (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
The Time I Dated a Puppet, Ch. 7 by ClowniestLivEver (Buffy/Spike, R)
From Hell with Love, Ch. 20 by temporarytitle (Buffy/Spike, R)
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Vegas Mishap, Ch. 6 by mmooch (Iron Man crossover, Buffy, FR13)
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Keepsakes, Ch. 39 by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Dream, Ch. 15-18 by Dusty (Buffy/Spike, R)
Creative Solutions, Ch. 5 by Harlow Turner (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Part of the Family, Ch. 3-4 by Harlow Turner (Buffy/Spike, Oz/Willow/Tara, PG-13)
College Is Awesome! Ch. 2-3 by Grief Counseling (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
The Time We Had, Ch. 49 by Dusty (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Buffy Summers gifset by maliaatate (worksafe)
Drawing: Will you be slaying? by kiestrokes (worksafe)
doodle referenced from a something blue screenshot by spikedru (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Drawing and fic rec: Girlfriend Club by tubesock86 (Tara & Spike & Anya, worksafe)
Drawing: twilight energy spuffy by tubesock86 (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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The Buffy Re-watch: S1E10 (part 1) [Nightmares] by jvstheworld
So I've been watching season 6 of BtVS. I don't think I like it much. by spangelmybeloved
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Best cold open? by ArcadeViolet
My thoughts on Buffy season 1 and season 2 by Quiet-Living8975
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Pop Culture Role Call: Rolls-Royce - Angel S05E03 - Unleashed
[Recs & In Search Of]
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More Links Than A Bag Of Sausages by petzipellepingo
[Community Announcements]
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Kink of the Month for August announced at thespangelkink
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Final roundup of 2023 Summer of Giles
[Fandom Discussions]
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Giles giving Buffy nicknames by angelique-of-the-volturi-guard
I don’t think there is a show out there that hates pinball machines more than Buffy by anon, disco-tea, aphony-cree
Things that bug me with portrayals of the Fanged Four in many fics by gh-0-stcup
I don't dislike Andrew's presence in season 7 of Buffy , but... by thericeballofcamelot
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Is Snyder's insistance on making Buffy participate in school things... kind of solid? by whimsiebat
If you could remove any story line or plot point from BTVS and Angel... by emperor-spriggan
Would you date one of the main cast? by Smart-A22
Riley's Age by TomorrowNotFound
Poll: You have a choice to become one of these characters... by rfresa
No One Else Could've Stopped Dark Willow by cvscvs2
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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James Marsters Dublin Comic Con 2023 Schedule via jamie_marsters
Get Your Stakes Ready: Buffy Watch Parties and more at mag.remarkist.com this August
Saving the World: A Buffy Quiz, Gothic Heroines, Slayer Bracket Challenge, and 90s Grunge at mag.remarkist.com
Submit a link to be included in the newsletter!
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sqwormywormy · 2 years
Peter and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Kayne Fragment
First meetings with the dreamlands community oc ♥️
Parker gasps back into awareness, or at least tries to. His chest feels like it's in a vice, and his body is buzzing all over like every inch of flesh and organs had fallen asleep hours ago. The strangest part is how numb his face is, specifically his mouth. He tries to unclench his jaw, move his tongue, even just swallow down the lump of dread that's growing in his throat. Nothing.
It's an alien feeling, your body completely unresponsive to the deep rooted, instinctual need to drag as much air as possible into your lungs. He's light headed from how little air he's getting, hyperventilating just through his nose, and Parker has to make the conscious effort to push everything to the side and steady his breathing.
He sits up, pulling his knees to his chest and squeezes them between his shaking arms as he looks around.
He's .. wearing a hospital gown? Nevermind, he'll deal with that later.
Flowers are blooming around him, small white ones on individual stems. There's still some morning dew on them, and each blossom glimmers like they're spun out of glass. He counts eight petals per flower on the handful closest to his right hand. Bloodroot, if he's remembering correctly.
(The first time he'd tried this, Parker had been convinced it wouldn't work. How would simply looking around help at all? He'd done it anyway. It's his go-to method now.)
Parker's breathing is calmed by now, only the occasional shaky exhale rattling through his frame, so he lets go of his knees and moves his arms behind him to lean back and release the tension coiled throughout his body. He feels so drained, and he's only just woken up from whatever bender he'd been dragged into last night that he had forgotten about.
'Where the hell am I?'
The rest of his body has lost that buzzing feeling he'd woken up with, but his face is still partially numb, and despite his best efforts Parker can't seem to get any words out.
'God, I hope my jaw's not broken.'
Hesitantly, Parker reaches up to feel along his jawline with his finger tips. Nothing feels out of place, except that he can't feel any of it. Looking down his nose, nearly cross eyed, Peter skims his fingers up to his lips and promptly witnesses his own mouth open and bite down on his fingers.
'Jesus Christ!' Parker yanks his hand out from between his own teeth and starts... Laughing.
No, he's not the one laughing. Horrified, Parker realizes his body is laughing of its own accord.
"No dice, but I'll let you guess again."
He can feel his mouth moving, feel the vibration of the words through his chest. It even sounds like his own voice... Somewhat. The tone is off though, too cavalier.
'Who- what are you?'
"Oh.... darling -"
"-Sugar, sweetheart, honey bear... You don't know? That breaks my heart." A pause. "Well, I don't know either!" His words break off into a loud cackle, and Parker can feel a wave of goosebumps at the disturbing sound coming from his own vocal chords.
"What I do know-" Parker stiffens up when the voice, his voice, speaks again. "-is that we seem to be in quite the pickle. You, sitting out in the middle of nowhere, with nothing but this sheet to cover your soft, fleshy body. And me- well..." Parker can feel his lip scrunch up against his nose in what he can only assume is a sneer. "Seems like I'm along for the ride , as they say. 'Who's they,' you may ask? Well I'm not qui-"
'-Can you just.. give me a moment?'
"Mmmmmmm..." Parker feels himself quickly slipping from fear to irritation the longer this.. whatever it is talks. "Suuure. You're lucky I'm already so.. attached to you, HAH!"
Parker rolls his eyes.
He waits a moment, but it seems the voice is actually cooperating on this… for now. Ok, alright. He takes the blissfully silent moment to try to take stock of himself. The voice was right, he only has the hospital gown on to cover himself and... Is that a tag?
Parker shifts to sit cross legged, grabbing the card stock tied around his toe with string.
'Name of deceased.... Yang, Peter. Case number 1934-005381, time of death.. Jesus Christ.'
That answers one question, but brings up a few hundred more. Parker squeezes his eyes shut and pinches the bridge of his nose, taking a steadying breath. He will deal with all of those later, best to first find out where he is and where some spare clothes can be found.
Parker unties the tag and, with lack of any pockets, reties it to his ring finger so it's less in the way of his walking. For some reason it feels wrong to just toss it, maybe because he has so little to begin with.
He pushes himself up to stand and looks around. He'd been laying near the edge of the forest in a small clearing, and after squinting at the treeline, Parker makes out what looks like a thinner patch of trees.
'That might lead out to a road. Frankly, there's not much else I can work with anyways.' Parker reasons, tentatively pushing his way through bushes and undergrowth to weave his way between the trees.
A few more minutes of silence, then a long, over dramatic sigh. "This is soooooo boring. You're killing me here, Petey. Can I leave timeout yet?"
Peter pauses in his walking, startled. 'How do you know my name?'
"It was on the tag , sweet cheeks. Despite what you may think, I can read."
'So, you can see everything too then?' Parker starts walking again, mulling over the logistics of sharing a body with this... Being. Entity. Pain in the ass.
"Yep," he pops the 'p'. "Well, kind of. I can see everything you can see, but nothing else."
'Oh.' Parker falls silent again, watching his steps as he navigates around rocks and tree roots.
'So, what do you remember?'
"You want to know all that I remember?" There's something suspicious in the voice's tone, but Parker is too distracted to really care.
'Sure, best to know what I'm- We're working with.'
"Good point! So for starters, I can recall your basic arithmetic, grammar, syntax, spelling- like Mississippi. M-i-s-s-i-..."
Parker marks this down as a learning moment for himself.
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