#oc: Sunrise
ilikemicrowaves · 5 months
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Tysm @wings-of-fire-adopts for this beautiful boy! His design is so unique and I'm happy have him as my oc!
This is Citrus, He is aroace and he is 17 years old (28 in human years)
Story undercut: please read I'm actually really proud of this for some odd reason
This is Citrus, He is a mudwing, leafwing hybrid. He lives in the rainforest with a rainwing family of 3, his brother, his brothers boyfriend, and their daughter. His actual parents, Shoebill of the mudwings and Bloodroot of the leafwings, were executed publicly in the town of Phtalo when he was still in his egg. In my wofverse, inter-tribe breeding is illegal. The parents and child must be killed, and the hybrid's parts are usually sold. Pretty cruesome.. Phtalo is one of the towns that takes this law very seriously. Thankfully, Shoebills sibs took their egg and hid it in the rainforest. Unfortunately, the egg was taken by the rainwings before Shoebills sibs could return. Tobacco, an elderly rainwing, took the egg and raised Citrus until he was 2 years, along side his own son, Precious. Unfortunately, Tobacco died of old age, and Precious and his bf, Mosaic, raised Citrus together until he was 12. Precious and Mosaic had adopted an unsibed mudwing named Pumkin by the rainwings. She was only 1 when they found her almost eaten by a jaguar. Citrus happily lived with his family until the age of 17, when he discovered that his father's sibs could still be alive. Citrus and his best friend, cabybara of the rainwings, decided to travel back to the town of Phtalo to find them. Citrus used a fake rainwing frill headband to stay hidden. Once they enter the village, they decide to stop for a meal at a steak house. When they entered, they questioned a bulky looking mudwing named Ox about them. She laughed and told them that they ran away cowardly with a hybrid egg but later where found and executed publicly, but the egg still missing. This news shattered Citrus on finding his family. Before they left, the sandwing cooking assistant in the kitchen noticed them. She followed them out until they stopped for a drink.
She approached them introducing herself as Sunrise. She asked them why they were asking about the executed hybrid family. Cabybara lies and says that they heard a story that the sibs of the hybrids father were still alive, and wanted to meet them.
Citrus asked her suspiciously what she knew about them, and she replied that only one escaped and she knew where he was. She agreed to take them to him if she was given gold. They made a deal and they packed their things before setting off into the late night sky. They traveled for two days before they made it to the outskirts of the sky kingdom. Here, they rested at a skywing motel. In the morning, a window was shattered in their room. The mudwing from earlier, Ox, and two other mudwings had followed them. Ox figured out that Citrus was the lost hybrid and knew the queen would take a liking in him.
They barely escape but Cabybara picked up a shelf and slammed it over Ox's head. Flying through the window Citrus lost his fake frills from Ox's attempt to grab him by the neck.
They flew as far as they could before they found a traveling market. Thankfully it was night time so no one could see them. Sunrise stole a cloak for Citrus before they passed through most of the market and decided to sleep inside a barn filled with cattle. Citrus spent the night thinking about his family and how much he missed them.
The next morning, they awere woken up by the barn owner, an old male skywing who kicked them out angrily. Before they set off, Sunrise decided they should do a little shopping. They got Citrus a bag and Cabybara bought some dried fruit.
They flew until they arrived in the town over, SilverHills. There, Sunrise takes them to Citrus's Uncle, Sarcosuches.
Sarcosuchus refused to believe that Citrus was his nephew until he took off his hood. Then, Sarco pointed out how much he looked like his father and that they both have the same droopy ears and small eyes.
Sarco offers Citrus to live with him. Unfortunately, Citrus knows he needs to return to his other family and that Ox is still hunting him, so it's not safe to stay. Hearing her name, Sarco scowled. Just then, the two mudwings traveling with Ox busted down the door.
Sarco yelled at her to stay back, and she grinned upon his presence. They knew each other, but how?
Citrus questions this while they are cornered, and Sarco reveals that Ox is his aunt, and that's how she knew he was a hybrid. She was the reason the village knew about the hybrid egg, she was the only one of his troop against hybrids, and that hatred was strong enough to rat them out.
Will they make it out?
I can't wait to expand these characters stories, I had fun writting this instead of sleeping.
Citrus with his frill disguise:
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Original ref sheet:
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glittergummy · 7 months
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no one:
me: okay fine i'll post more of my cybertronian ocs
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cynth1c · 6 months
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Babe help I made my whole ass English final about my stupid ass wolf ocs.
It's 19 fucking pages, 4000+ words.
My longest ever essay before this was 11 pages and that was waaaay too much for an 11th grade English assignment. I know it's college now but we were expected to do 3-5 pages.
Anyways these were the two family trees I made for it... to show my progression over the last 7 years (2016 to 2023), or 11 years old to 18 years old.
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doll-carcass · 2 years
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Sunrise, the daughter of Celestia and Rainshine
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chimkin-samich · 2 months
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Wild West AU my beloved!
In order:
their first interaction (cause as we all know, she doesn't spare a glance to them on their actual first meeting)
Moon and The Lioness hiding while Sun baits their targets-
A little banter in the Saloon with some of The Lioness' old acquaintances , specialized in technology and quite flabbergasted to see such advanced automatons "in the hands of a criminal"
+ a little bonus under the cut
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Did you know that apparently Mary Jane was much cheaper and used as a substitute for tobacco often in the wild west? I didn't either but I read that fact a few days ago and I couldn't stop thinking about it-
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onisefo · 3 months
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:) season of flight area as a way to practice backgrounds
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fizzlefer · 3 months
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my newest pony sunrise surprise! i'm really in love with her so i'm gonna be drawing her a LOT in my free time <3
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smokbeast · 1 month
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I also have allot of fnaf content I wanna work on but alas, hn, but lil sketches of the boys I did a while back!
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solkatt-arts · 2 months
Decided it was time to make a blog dedicated to my art! I’ll mostly post what I’m into atm and right now that’s mlp and ocs :) here’s some art to start off with:
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Twinkle is my ponysona🥰
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jadequarze · 6 months
Ly'rill with 👔??? (Love your art!!!!)
👔 OC in what they would wear to a formal event (such as a wedding)
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They will DEFINITELY wear an outfit that's part of her motif/m.o (And show off how hot she is, literally)
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the-ace-of-fools · 6 months
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“I thought there might be some measure of hope still left for you.”
“Hope?” The word was uttered with disdain. “I thought you were smarter than that, elf,” Miraak said, turning his ethereal form to the surrounding peaks. “I don’t want it. I don’t need it. I would sooner spend a second eternity in Apocrypha than allow it to poison my mind.”
He turned to Solinar again.
“There is no hope, only action.”
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ilikemicrowaves · 5 months
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Happy New Years everyone!
This year has been so special to me. It was big for my art journey and music journey. I made so many friends here and I am so thankful for you all.
Some of my favorites pieces this year:
Icewing plague
Carnelian as a Harris hawk
Hanging around
Father Morrowseer
And thank you @avianreptiles @some-pers0n and @ask-the-rag-dolly for making my year brighter in every way :)
Art summary:
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glittergummy · 1 year
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here's sunrise to go with vacuum! :)
she's another throwaway from @hexusproductions fic i commissioned, seen with vacuum and naturally quite close friends
she is a go-getter and has a strong, fierce fighting spirit, a natural solider and best friends with vacuum!
tidbits as per the usual:
her alt-mode is a light aircraft (haha) but nothing too specific (i just needed to consider that before finishing her design rip)
she hangs with vacuum quite a bit, being the confident one to pair with such a meek mech, and stands up for him when he cannot advocate for himself
she is skilled as a fighter, spending a lot of time training but always having time to chat with vacuum while he's on shift for clean-up
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anime-grimmy-art · 9 months
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I pushed back on posting this cos I wanted to make some more interactions, but Im just rly not up to keep working on this xD
Anyways! I loooove the follower voicelines and interactions a lot, which is why I made a document to note them all down!
You are free to use it and PLEASE, if you know some interactions and voicelines, feel free to add to the list!!!
Here's the list:
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chimkin-samich · 9 days
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Blood and Oil
Part 1/3
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pixelchills · 8 months
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It's honestly so lovely to see how much Solros has grown apart from Animutant Sunrise... and still being just as sweet guy as the Sunshine he was originally based on :3
I sometimes imagine what would happen if my FNAF AU and Dreamflower were happening at the same time in the same universe... Solros and Luan going to the Megaplex and meeting Sun and Moon.
I think Sun and Sol would be besties lol. Sunrise would definitely help Solros to heal his inner child. 
What would Moon and Luan do...?
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