#nutty x reader
mmmfanfiction · 3 months
okay, I know I’m supposed to be working on requests rn but I really wanted to write Nutty today so have a bit o Nutty!!
warnings: mentions of addiction(I won’t be staying on it for too long since I’m not equipped to write about it but still), one mention of feet(no not in a fetishy way) mentions of death
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🍭I feel like Nutty has hands on you at all times, and practically drags you around like a child with a stuffed animal.
🍭he also sleeps like on top of you in like a starfish pose (or he curls his limbs with every one of yours)
🍭defo a blanket thief
🍭I feel like he has really cold feet and likes to put them on your stomach when your about to go the sleep
🍭a big sucker for affection 
🍭loves going to fairs with you and winning stuffed animals 
🍭he won’t admit it, but Nutty is SO damn grateful for you staying with him. He knows he can be a lot, and he might annoy some people, hell even annoy you sometimes
🍭and he’s grateful your trying to help him get over his sugar addiction
🍭on a darker note, for a long time, you’ll be his second love and priority.
🍭there’s been times where he ended up choosing candy over your life, and the guilt he felt when you two reset the next day?
🍭it was horrible.
🍭and he still feels guilty from time to time
🍭to leave on a lighter note, he steals your sweaters
🍭Nutty just loves how you smell :)
🍭it feels like he’s being completely wrapped up by you!
Authors note: hey, hope the end wasn’t too heavy, or too whiplashy with how I switched to something lighter. I hope you enjoyed and if I portrayed anything incorrectly PLEASE inform me so I can fix it as soon as possible. Thank you so much, and I hope you have a lovely day/night!! ❤️
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randomanimaticse · 4 months
HTF Masterlist
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None at the moment.. try asking!
None at the moment.. try asking!
None at the moment.. try asking!
None at the moment.. try asking!
None at the moment.. try asking!
None at the moment.. try asking!
None at the moment.. try asking!
None at the moment.. try asking!
None at the moment.. try asking!
None at the moment.. try asking!
The Mole
None at the moment.. try asking!
Disco Bear
None at the moment.. try asking!
None at the moment.. try asking!
None at the moment.. try asking!
None at the moment.. try asking!
None at the moment.. try asking!
None at the moment.. try asking!
None at the moment.. try asking!
None at the moment.. try asking!
None at the moment.. try asking!
 None at the moment.. try asking!
Mouse Ka-Boom
None at the moment.. try asking!
Tiger General
None at the moment.. try asking!
None at the moment.. try asking!
None at the moment.. try asking!
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Alright you ravenous beasts, I hear ya!
I hope you like teasing Lucifer in a public setting ;)
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fawnchives · 8 months
this is how soap & rudy kiss your neck!! guysss this is cannon!!
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skellys-selfships · 27 days
f/o imagine: Freddy Krueger x reader (gender neutral)
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You stand in an oddly familiar setting, the grimy boiler room of your reoccurring nightmares, everything coated in a hellish red light.
You feel tense, that tension only interrupted by a jolt of emotions upon a sharp touch along your shoulders. You feel a warm breath against your neck, shivering, feeling jagged teeth nip at your ear.
Freddy Krueger inching closer to you, your nightmarish demon pressing himself against you. He drags his claws down your thigh, the gentle brush with danger sending shivers up your spine. You let out a whimper as his tongue makes its way up your neck, he sets one hand on your waist, his clawed hand slowly dragging up your torso.
His teasing makes you lean into him, he presses his face against the crook of your neck, scraping your skin with his teeth, enticing you with the threat of biting down.
The thought of him marking you, his teeth diving into your vulnerable flesh, made you pant heavily. His hands exploring your hips and thighs, swayed them back and forth, pressing his groin against you. His raspy groans make your heart race, you shiver in his grasp, the motions between the two of you increase in pace, the noises that slip from your mouth only make him chuckle devilishly.
You whisper his name, breathlessly as his tongue flicks against your neck, dragging its way to your shoulders. Freddy's grip tightens around your hips, his razor sharp claws breaking the skin, only ever so slightly, you groan in a mix of pain and pleasure.
You feel the sensation of his hot breath against your ear, Freddy whispering to you in a low, growly tone, "I could make all your dreams a reality, bitch."
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brodieland · 4 months
.˚ 𓈒 ࣪.𝝑𝝔 Love the guys your dad hates !! ´ˎ˗
Percy Jackson x fem!dionysus!reader Synopsis: a daughter of Dionysus needs a break from the chaos by the water, till a Poseidon boy comes and spoils the quiet. Word count: 1610
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Dionysus, the god of wine, vegetation, fertility, pleasure and insanity.
Y/N Y/L/N, daughter of Dionysus. Being his daughter didn't just make you a half-blood to one of the twelve Olympians, along with his powers of vegetation the insanity trait also followed through with it. Maybe you weren't fully demented, just slightly nutty. Your brain moves a million miles a minute and sometimes its hard to think with so many things happening around you. So every now and then, you sneak away from the hundreds of kids at camp half-blood and make your way to a clearing deep in the middle of the forest. In the middle of this clearing was a beautifully clear blue lake surrounded by an immense amount of greenery and flowers. It was perfect. And the best thing about it was that no one knew where it was.
Or so you thought.
After a long day of helping younger campers with their archery, you were absolutely wiped. When you were finally done with your duties, you rushed back to your cabin, changed into your favorite wine colored two-piece(very on brand), and quickly snuck off without being noticed down to your spot. The lake.
Arriving as quick as you could, you slipped off your clothes down to your bathing suit and made your way into the water. You laid and floated to the top, starfish style, and floated your way to the middle of the pool of water and closed your eyes to relax. After a few minutes you sank down and let the water take you. Complete silence. Under the water was complete silence and you loved it. After a few moments you needed oxygen and made you way back up. After breaking through the surface of the water, you noticed a blurred figure standing by your clothes, looking as if they were inspecting them.
"What the hell" you thought to yourself. You were convinced no one knew of your spot.
You dove back underwater and made your way to the lakeside where this mystery person, and your clothes, were located. When you got there, that's when you shot out the water, asking what they were doing and scaring them in the process.
"WOAH" said the figure as they jumped and dropped your clothes back down to the ground. You rubbed the water from your eyes and that's when you realized, this wasn't just some random person. It was a certain big three kid you may or may not have had your eye on. Specifically a Poseidon boy, or the only Poseidon boy in fact, Percy Jackson.
You wouldn't say you guys are the closest of close, but you guys would talk every now and then. As much as the both of you wanted to be able to talk more, being the daughter of Dionysus made that a little hard. Your dad was never a big Percy fan the way you were, I guess that happens when you smart-mouth a god of wine, and refuse him some wine. Though you found the interaction funny, Dionysus never really cared for any campers other than his own kids. It is what it is though.
"Oh, um, my bad didn't mean to scare you.. like that" you were a little nervous, he was really cute. "So um, what are doing here. I didn't think anyone else knew of this place.."
"Well, I noticed your always disappearing after you finish your camp jobs and stuff, you know? So, I got curious and followed you out here to see what you were doing, sorry if that's kinda weird" Percy started rambling, but the thought of him actually noticing you weren't around and following you wanting to know where you go, made you feel excited.
"Wow, you were curious about me, that's adorable" you started giggling as you said this, amused with yourself.
"Well, yeah I, uh, was" while he was talking Percy was stuttering and looking around, clearly hot in the face. Yours was just as hot though so not much room to talk. That's when you got an idea, and with that you extended your hand toward Percy.
"Here, help me get out" you asked.
"Oh sure" he happily reached out and grabbed your hand, that's when you held on tight and pulled him into the lake with you. You started laughing so hard your stomach started hurting, and if you looked down and saw a six-pack you wouldn't have been shocked.
After a few seconds, Percy emerged and looked at you wide eyed. "DUDE, MY CLOTHES" right, he was fully clothed, whoops!
"Your in shorts, just throw your other stuff back to the shore and you'll be fine" and that's what he did. You tried not to stare so instead you just splashed him and swam off laughing.
And that's how the next few hours went by, swimming and goofing around with Percy. You really liked hanging out with him and he enjoyed it just the same. Sucks your dad didn't like him. And before you two realized it, it got dark, and therefore late.
"Oh my gods, Percy we have to get back before curfew we have to hurry" you hated getting in trouble, you liked being able to stay off radar.
"Oh come on, we'll be fine if we're a little late" Percy said.
"Maybe for you, but I don't know if you remember, my dad kind of works here, so he'd punish me himself. Plus, he's not your biggest fan" you explained to Percy in a matter-a-fact tone. That's when he gave in and the two of you started running back clothes in hand. You guys made it back just about a minute or two late. Despite being past curfew, he still walked you back to your cabin, what a gentleman.
"Hey, thanks for walking me back" you said as you both walked up to the cabin door, stopping and turning to each other.
"Oh of course, no problem" Percy smiled, clearly not a care in the world if a harpie found him here. And funnily enough, that made you happy. Dare you say, you had butterflies in your stomach just standing near him the way the both of you were at that very moment.
That's when the both of you started leaning in closer and closer till your lips finally connected. It was like a dream come true, this was a perfect moment not even your dad could've ruined. Or so you thought, because as Percy pulled you closer by the waist and you pulled him in by the neck, your cabin doors swung open.
"Hey, there kids" Dionysus shouted, despite the smile on his lips, his eyes had a murderous intent behind them as he stared at Percy. The both of you jumped back and separated, standing there embarrassed. Then, Dionysus turned directly to Percy, with the same smile and crazed look in his eyes. "I'm gonna give you a ten second head start, after those ten seconds are up, I'm sending my grape vines your way. And if they catch you, they will wrap around you and you will get hung upside on the nearest tree and I will leave you there for everyone to see."
And without a second thought Percy ran for his cabin as fast as possible, looking back once to shout a 'see you later' at Y/N. "NO YOU WON'T" shouted back Dionysus.
"YES YOU WILL" you shouted and waved at Percy as he kept running. You couldn't see it, but he had a giant grin on face when you said that.
"Dad did you really have to do that" you turned to your dad and asked, with slight annoyance dripping from your voice.
"Of course I did, your my kid. And really Peter Johnson? You went out on a secret date with Peter Johnson?" Dionysus questioned.
Your face got hot when he said date. "Hey, it wasn't a da- wait, how do you know about that" you looked a him with a raised eyebrow.
"Heard about it from the grapevine" with that he patted your head as you both said your goodnights.
You walked into your cabin and changed and started getting ready to sleep. As you were now walking towards you bed, you heard a knock at your window. You completely stopped where you standing and turned your head to see your favorite forbidden kid standing right by your window waving at you. You quickly made a b-line and made your way straight to opening your window and speaking to Percy.
"Hey Percy, glad to know my daddy didn't scare you off" you said while making both you and Percy laugh.
"Not even a god, not even one of the twelve Olympians themselves, could ever scare me from you. Which is why I'm here, to see if you want to hang out again tomorrow, but this time as a date?"
Oh my gods, oh my gods, oh my gods, oh my gods. Oh. My. Gods. He just asked you on a date.
"I'd love to go out on a date with you Percy Jackson" you smiled out at the boy standing in front of you and he smiled back.
"That's amazing to hear Y/N Y/L/N" and with that he leaned back in and planted a quick kiss on your lips then made his way running back to his cabin before the harpies, or gods forbid Dionysus, knew he wasn't in his cabin fast asleep.
After watching him run off, you shut the window and made your way back to your bed, having an amazing sleep. All nightmare free, just Percy.
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bruisedboys · 8 months
shy!reader who’s always a little anxious and hesitant to show affection but one day initiates by asking remus if he wants a kiss and he’s all giddy but she meant a chocolate kiss and she gets red and blushy
eek thank you so much this is so so cute! sorry it took me so long angel. hope u enjoy 💗
remus lupin x fem!reader modern au
You tip your gift bag upside down over the coffee table, colourful foil-wrapped chocolates spilling out across the wooden surface. Your boss at work had a bunch of sweets left over from her kid’s birthday party and had opted to give them all out to her colleagues. Lucky you, you’re one of her favourites. You’re pretty sure your bag was stuffed full the most.
You dig through your goods, sorting them into piles of different flavours and types, and then your favourites and Remus’ favourites. Speaking of, your boyfriend sits across from you on the one-seater couch, immersed in his writing. The laptop screen paints him paler than usual but no less handsome. You know you’ve struck lucky with him and just looking at him from across the room makes your heart race. You like him so much it’s sick.
You pick through the pile of chocolates deemed Remus’ favourites. There’s lots of dark chocolate, a few nutty bars and multiple Hershey’s kisses.
Without thinking (well, you are thinking, but just about how much you like Remus and want to give him something he’ll love), you speak up into the silence.
“Remus? Do you want a kiss?”
To your credit, you are holding up a silver-wrapped Hershey’s kiss in your hand. To Remus’ credit, he doesn’t see it until his head has snapped up so fast you’re worried he’s cracked his neck, eyes wide and lips parted.
“What?” He asks.
You realise your mistake almost immediately. Heat flares behind your cheeks.
“A Hershey’s,” you correct yourself, embarrassed beyond measure. You hold it up for him to see. “A Hershey’s kiss.”
Remus’ eyebrows lower significantly and his wide eyes soften.
“Oh,” he says softly. “Yeah, okay.” He smiles at you and you miss the mischief, too flustered from your slip up. “Bring it over here for me?”
You’re happy to. You get out of your seat, grabbing an extra couple of Hershey’s for good measure. You stop in front of his knees and hold the chocolates out to him.
He smiles and takes them from you, calloused fingers brushing your soft palm. “Thank you, lovely girl,” he says, lifting his chin so he can look you in the eyes.
You smile back. “That’s okay,” you say, moving to return to your seat. Remus doesn’t let you. He leans over his laptop, the screen digging into his chest, and bracelets your wrist with his lean fingers.
“Hold on,” he says, and now you pick up on the mischief in his tone, now that he’s got you trapped. He pulls you in between his legs and you know you’re not getting away until he lets you. “I’d like a real kiss too, if that’s okay.”
Heat blooms all over your face, creeping up your neck like a rash. “Remus,” you say, in what’s supposed to be a complaining tone but instead makes you sound like you’re a lovesick fool. You are, but. He doesn’t need to know that.
“What?” He grins. “I’m serious, dove. Please?”
It’s his please that gets you. You would’ve given him one anyway, but when he’s practically begging you, you’d rather die than not kiss him.
“Fine,” you say, more breathless than you’d like to be.
You lean over him and kiss him quick and sweet, trying not to linger though you desperately want to. Remus has other ideas. His hand curls around your neck, warm and heavy, and holds you against his mouth while he kisses you properly. Your lips part from the pressure, Remus’ thumb pushing into the hair at the back of your neck.
You’re barely breathing by the time you pull away. Cheeks hot, heart hammering. Remus smiles at you, looking not nearly as disheveled as you feel. Unfair.
“Thanks,” he tells you. “If you’ve got any more to give me, let me know.”
You both know he doesn’t mean chocolates.
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mikrokcsmos · 1 year
That That (I Like That)
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synopsis; in which your boyfriend’s loud moans and groans wake you up from your sleep at 4 in the morning and you’re about ready to throw hands — and so is he, but for completely different reasons.
pairing; vlive!jungkook x girlfriend!reader
genre; twinge of angst, mainly fluff and humor, Weverse live au
rating; PG-13
warnings; the word damn (x2) and suggestive dialogue/themes, just boyfriend koo in all his glory tbh
w/c; 1,283
a/n; don’t mind the poor excuse of a banner I tried to make on my own. shout out to @sftk0o for the perfect icons 💕
You tried to ignore it, you really did; believing the first loud moan you heard was a part of the not so innocent dream you found yourself in that involved your boyfriend only moments ago. Eyelids closing as you relaxed your body once more, head snuggling back into your pillow to begin the descent back into said racy dreamland — only for it to be interrupted by a loud distanced slam, your body tensing in fear, heart racing.
“DAMN.” He grunted, no – moaned out loud, you picturing his face instantly – brows pinched in concentration and nose scrunched cutely, bottom lip sucked in between his teeth. Can almost hear the low whine in your head that he always does just as he finishes—
Hands immediately searched the bed next to you for a warmth that was non-existent, all that greeted you being the cold fabric of the sheets that have been pulled back for quite some time it seemed. Another loud slam, accompanied by the same noticeable whine following not even a second later has you pushing yourself out of the bed, but this time not in fear, no.
This time it was because of pure and unadulterated anger.
Running on pure adrenaline, head in a fog and mind racing with worst case scenarios to what you’re about to witness has your bare feet bringing you closer and closer to where the noise continues to resonate from — the kitchen.
Just as you’re about to turn the corner, you freeze, hand on wall, a drawn out ‘damn’ piercing your ears that has your eyes welling with bitter tears on the verge of falling. Nails digging into the white of the wall, you push off, utilizing the momentum to push you the rest of the way into the kitchen and in full view of the sight in front of you.
Your voice dies in your throat, before it reaches your mouth, and you remain silent.
Jungkook has his head face down into the edge of the table, fists clenched on either side as his arms flex from the action. Quietly, you edge forward towards his hunched over form, eyes scanning the room around you for any other human other than yourself, and your body sags in relief as you start to piece together the cause of the grunts, moans, and curses.
Food. Fucking food. You should’ve known.
The aroma fills your nostrils, causing your own mouth to salivate and you weren’t even hungry. The smell of freshly sautéd chicken, scallions, and melted cheese wafts in the air along with the nutty flavors of sesame oil from the large skillet that still sits on the burner of the stove built into the table, most of its contents long gone. A bowl of microwaveable white rice sits next to a clenched fist, the other one now raised in the air as if preparing to strike someone, a spoon nestled in the last remnants.
Jungkook, still high off his food induced fever, pushes himself up to immediately unleash the finger guns of a choreo you know all too well at this point, his hips thrusting in time to the tune you have no doubt is engrained in his brain at this point as well as yours.
Despite your best efforts to remain as quiet as possible, you not missing the way his phone is suspiciously propped up against a stack of cookbooks neither of you have bothered opening yet that lets you know he’s currently live on Weverse, a puff of laughter from your lips causes him to pause mid hip thrust, wide doe eyes landing on your amused figure.
“The food was that good, hm?”
A sheepish, guilty grin is all you get in reply, his feet moving him towards you. When he’s close enough, his head dips down to brush a chaste kiss on your lips.
“Did I wake you?” He quietly questions, brows furrowed in worry when he notices the red that is prominent along your eye line. “Did you have a bad dream? Were you crying?”
The questions are in rapid succession, and you have to place the palms of your hands against his lightly stubbled chin, pressing his cheeks together and making his lips pucker at you like a fish to get him to stop talking long enough for you to explain.
“Your wanton moans are what woke me up, made me think that there was—,” you trail off, voice barely a whisper. “—other activities taking place in here that didn’t involve eating food.”
The sharp intake of breath he does let’s you know he understands the hidden meaning behind your words, his hands coming up to pull yours off of his face, and bring your body flush against his. A frown is now prominent on his usually smiling lips.
“Baby, I hope you know I would never cheat on you. Especially not in our house, and in our kitchen. This—,” his large hands trail down your sides, leaving nothing but warmth in their wake. “—is all I’ll ever want or need. You are it for me, jagi.”
A heat makes it’s way up your neck and to your cheeks, his words warming your heart and the inner guilt that festers within you unraveling.
As you stare into his brown eyes, you see nothing but truth and love, nothing but future and promise.
“I know. Im sorry for even allowing the thought to cross my mind. It was stupid of me to think. Besides, I don’t think I have to worry about any person stealing you away from me.” Your fingers interlock behind his neck, arms hanging loosely around his neck. “Food on the other hand? Now that’s what I should be concerned of. That chicken had you making noises I only ever heard you make in the bedroom.”
His head drops into the crook of your neck as he lets out an embarrassed whine, warm breath and lips that brush against your collarbone making goosebumps erupt on your skin and you shiver. His arms circle your waist in a vice grip as his upper body relaxes against your shorter one.
“Sleepy, baby?”
“Mhm. ‘m tired.” He mumbles into your skin sleepily, voice laced with a newfound exhaustion due to his full and satiated belly.
“Let’s go to bed, yeah?”
“Yep, just gotta turn the live off first.”
“Jeon Jungkook, you and your random late night lives will literally be the death of you.”
He reluctantly straightens up, arms leaving your body to stretch up into the air above his head as he lets out a loud yawn.
“No, they won’t, baby.”
“Need I remind you of the candle incident?”
Eyes squinting at you, tongue in cheek, he remains silent and you know you’ve won this round.
“I’ll be waiting in bed, don’t take too long, okay?”
You take a step back as he takes a step forward, lips chasing yours for a quick, yet equally as lingering kiss that makes your breath catch in your lungs. Noses touching, he whispers so only you can hear.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, and your foodgasms.”
You snicker and turn to make a fast getaway, his fingertips only having enough time to graze the swole of your ass as you skip away from him and disappear around the corner until you’re out of sight.
It only takes five minutes for his sock clad feet to slide into the entrance of your room, and two seconds for his body to land on yours as you erupt into a fit of laughter on your shared bed that turns into soft sighs, grunts and moans that you know is because of you this time.
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xxsunoosprincess · 3 months
Heard your requests are gonna be closed soon, so i wanted you to elaborate on a little something that has been on my mind for so long
Overstimulation with sunghoon, hes just so whiney and teary eyed but just cant stop pistoning in your warm cunny😩
Can i be 🎀 anon? I love your works so much!!
ofc you can be 🎀 anon!! I’m glad to have another cutie to play with :3 and hoonie and overstim… 🎀 anon you’re trying to kill me.
Sunghoon and Overstimulation
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pairing: Sunghoon x reader
warnings: 18+, minors DNI, fem!reader, overstimulation, crying, multiple orgasms, freaky asf, squirting, pet names
This night feels like any other night. No, it could have been any other night. But it wasn’t. It’s just… he just got back from tour and he missed you so much, you know? And he tried, he did, he spent so much time jerking off in the hotel bathrooms so he wouldn’t be too intense when he finally got his hands on you. Clearly it didn’t help much.
“Baby, baby, baby, fuck!” Sunghoon hisses out as he buries his cock to the hilt… again. He feels insane, he feels so good, like he’s going to die if he isn’t in your pussy. His head drops forward, the arms that he has propped himself up on threaten to collapse from under him and his hair brushes against your cheek before he finally gives out. He falls onto his forearms, burying his face into the space between your shoulder and your neck as his hips begin moving almost against his will.
“Holy shit.” He whines out as he catches a glimpse of where you both are connected. Your sweet cunt is puffy and pink from overuse, and his past two? No, three releases are slowly seeping out around where his sensitive cock stills ruts into you. “Think I’m gonna cum again, baby.”
Your shaking hands making contact with the soft skin of his cheek is what pulls him out of his trance. He can see how sensitive you are, can hear it in the way your squeal as his fingers start rubbing slow circles on your clit. “I’m sorry baby, just… just need you to give me one more.”
“That’s it. That’s my girl.” He moans out as he feels you tighten impossibly further around his length. The squeal you let out as you, fuck, as you squirt on his length leaves his eyes rolling to the back of his head.
The praise keeps rolling off his tongue, babbling nonsense, as he cums. He’s practically shooting blanks at this point, balls empty as tears come to his eyes. “baby, you’re my… fuck my sweet angel. That’s my bunny. Take it. Fuck, take my cum. Missed you so much.”
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a/n: sorry for taking the past couple days off, things have been a bit nutty. Regardless, happy to be back and writing :p likes and reblogs appreciated xx - princess
taglist: @sunoofairyofsass @cha0thicpisces (dm to join taglist or fill out form)
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cherrychilli · 5 months
Steve Harrington x AFAB reader, grumpy dom! Steve, established relationship, PIV sex, car sex
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A/N: I haven't written for Steve in a minute so I pulled this out of the wip vault and dusted it off.
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The time to back out had passed.
Steve knew he couldn't disappoint the whole group now when it had already been decided that he would drive them out to the lake that Saturday afternoon. With Eddie's license suspended and Jonathan's car in the shop, there was no other option.
For someone who, on a regular day, looks golden in every possible way under a perfect cerulean sky, he stuck out like a storm cloud today.
Steve sat out on the dock with his shades on to shield his annoyed squint and a soda pressed to his lips to conceal his scowl, wishing it was a beer instead.
Those of you who weren't driving picked frosty bottles out of the cooler Eddie had stocked for the outing, bottle caps coming loose with a pop, the nutty aroma of grain and barley fizzing into the wind. It was more than a little amusing to you as you eyed Steve from over your beer, watching the poor boy stew.
On the surface you appear oblivious but you're well aware that your boyfriend's eyes are trained on you too, a heated, razor sharp stare behind those reflective lenses.
His simmering displeasure goes unnoticed by the rest of the group but when you start to strip down to your swimsuit with the others and head for the water it's only a matter of moments before they notice one less member wading in the water with them.
Inevitably, what he'd been dreading begins and he has to deal with it all day. Everyone takes turns asking Steve why he isn't getting in the water with them and each time he's forced to mutter out some vague excuse that only lifts more eyebrows.
It's obvious to everyone that he's hiding something and the stubborn way he tries to refute is comically adorable. Some lighthearted teasing ensues and you can almost see the steam rising off his skin.
Robin gets the ball rolling with a quip about him spending too much time on his hair to risk getting it wet. Eddie joins in on the teasing too. Nancy and Jonathan are too polite to add to it but they laugh off to the side and try to suppress their giggles all the same.
None of it is cruel. it's all harmless, well meaning fun between friends and it's all the more enjoyable for you because you're the only one who knows the real reason why Steve wont just peel off his shirt and get in the water.
If he did, then your friends would get to see the result of all your hard work last night. They'd see the messy, lengthy scarlet scratches that rawed the skin all down his back, the half moon indents turning violet on his triceps and shoulders and the many hickeys like splashes of merlot you sucked onto his chest and his stomach.
You've got a few marks on you as well but you're saved from suffering the same torment as Steve thanks to your waterproof concealer. He endures it all, forcing the occasional dry, humorless laugh until the sun begins to wind down and the rest of you towel off before lugging your belongings back to his car under a cotton candy sky.
It's a little snug inside the BMW but you make it work. You buckle yourself in the front seat and the others pile into the back. Nancy finds room in Jonathan's lap while Eddie's somehow been strong armed into the middle by Robin so she can have the window seat. He doesn't concede quietly and the resultant commotion in the back is enough to distract the backseat occupants from noticing the tension between you and Steve. Well, more so the tension that's emanating from Steve because you look no more unbothered than you had all day, humming to yourself inconspicuously. Waiting patiently.
Nancy and Jonathan are the first to be dropped off. Next is Eddie, and then Robin. You wave goodbye to her as Steve slowly presses down on the accelerator to begin the journey to your apartment, twenty minutes of being alone together starting now.
"You really put me through it today", he spoke, breaking the moment long silence.
Your lips form a pleased smile as you fiddle with your fingers in your lap. It was obvious where all of this was heading but riling him up was part of the fun and you didn't want it to end just yet. You wanted a little more before it's all teeth and ripped clothes when he gets you inside your apartment.
"I didn't make them say all those things, Stevie sweetie", you turn your head towards him and bat your lashes, the illusion of sweetness thick on your features.
His eyes stay fixed on the road, the vein near his temple more noticeable now. "You wore it on purpose, didn't you?", he sidesteps your comment like you hadn't even said it at all.
This time when you blink at him it's with confusion. "Don't play dumb, baby", he warns you with a laugh so mirthless that it draws a shiver out of you. "Oh..", you utter when you realize that he's referring to your strappy yellow bikini. The one he really really liked, because he made you keep it on all throughout riding him on on his sun lounger the last time you went over to swim in his pool. Not that you did much swimming in the end.
You'd been so wrapped up in all the teasing and what hid beneath the layers of his clothes that you'd paid little attention to what you'd been wearing all day.
"Wasn't bad enough that I had to deal with the others today. You had me fighting off a fucking hard on top of it all too."
Your gaze instantly drops to his lap. By the looks of the thick imprint of his cock underneath his jeans he seemed to be done fighting it off.
The car slows into a turn and you realize that you don't recognize your surroundings, much more greenery around than what you're familiar with. You'd had your eyes off the road long enough for him to divert from the route to your house, detouring off a backroad and into an unfamiliar clearing thickly nestled by trees and forestry.
You bite down on your lip to stem the grin that threatens to erupt on your face. This was much better than you'd been hoping for and happening much faster than you could stand to wait.
Pulling into the isolated space, he cuts the engine, car going completely still. "Come here", but he's already pulling you with forceful a hand curled around the back of your neck before you have a chance of following through yourself. It's ungainly how you fumble with unbuckling your seatbelt as it presses uncomfortably against your chest but you manage to unfasten it, leaning further over the console to get closer to him.
You whine when he latches onto your neck, sucking at the skin there not at all gently. If the taste of lake water and sunscreen still lingered on your skin, he showed no sign of it. At least not any sign of disliking it as his tongue licked over your skin and his teeth dragged close to your pulse. When he pulls away you can feel the wet warmth of the fresh hickey blooming on your skin and your heart beating in time with the subtle throbbing there.
It wasn't hard to imagine what it looked like. Deep and dark and reminder of who you belong to. "You're not covering it up this time, understand?", he tells you and you nod. As if you'd want to hide it.
He leans over you then and you retract into your seat to make room for him, back pressed firmly against leather. Steve's intention becomes clear when he pulls at the lever to adjust your seat. You squeak when it reclines abruptly and he climbs over you to push it all the way down.
"Get these off. Now", he orders you, not unkind but firm, pulling at the hem of your damp t-shirt and the waistband of your shorts. He's impatient but so are you, wiggling around and maneuvering your limbs messily underneath him as he helps you to peel the clothing off.
You manage to toe you shoes off as well, elbows and knees bumping Steve and parts of the interior until you're left in just your bikini. The frantic rush suddenly halts and things slow down when he runs a finger down your sternum until he reaches the little strap just below your breasts, hooking his finger into it. " 'Played dirty all day, didn't you honey? had your fun while I all I could do was sit back and watch?", he tugged, the bottom curve of your breasts becoming visible as the material slips.
"Couldn't help it", you breathe out, hands sliding up his biceps. " I like it when you get mean", you confessed softly, eyes all big and glossy and wanting. He laughs, hair falling over his forehead. "I know, baby. Gonna take my time getting back at you". He's done with the gentle interval, yanking your bikini down to expose your tits. You yelp, not because it was unexpected but because he'd done it a little harder than you had expected. A welcome roughness that made your core feel sticky.
He's all over you, weight pressing down on you as you writhe under him, gasping as he marks you up. More fresh bruises to match the one on your neck are peppered across your breasts first before his lips trail hot on your stomach and then your hips and your thighs. The noises he's forcing out of you are needy and pathetic, high pitched, breathy whimpers and mewling cries of his name all tumble from your lips until he pulls away to look over his work.
You're left panting as he appraises you, eyes raking all over in search of more space to fit another hickey or two. "Never looked better, babe", he sits back on his knees, grinning happily. "On second thought...", he grips your waist, encouraging you to turn around and get on your knees. You scramble to get into position, pulling loose the knot on your bikini top and tossing it towards the back seat so that it no longer hangs limply on you in a tangled mess. You grab at the headrest, bare tits pressing against leather as you arch your back for him and present your ass. "Now you've never looked better", he scoffs, open palm landing on your left cheek with a swift slap.
"Shit! please just fuck me already, Steve", you whine, beyond the point of playing dumb and coy.
He pulls your bottoms to the side, thumb brushing against your soaking entrance as he lets out a low whistle. It's a little strange being almost completely nude in his car like this. You usually had a little more clothing bunched around you on the off chance the rocking vehicle might attract any passersby's attention. It makes you feel that much more vulnerable. Hidden but still technically in public. Still at risk of being discovered.
It's all so terribly exciting.
The distinct jangle of his belt being undone makes your spine tingle and the crude sound of him spitting onto his palm before he tugs on his cock a makes you clench.
"Not gonna go easy on you", he warns, catching your eye when you look back at him over your shoulder.
"I can take it", you challenge him and you can tell by the way the corner of his mouth twitches against the smirk he's trying to force away that he liked it.
He places one hand on your hip and the other on the foggy window pressing his cock into you in one slow thrust.
"That's my girl"
The next day you anticipate Robin's reaction when she pretends to barf at the sight of the hickeys on your neck and you giggle, amused because you know never to take it seriously.
Eddie's slower to notice because the first thing he does is climb into the back seat of Steve's car after it's been parked, claiming to have dropped his lighter there yesterday.
"Did you find it?", Steve calls out behind him when he joins you and Robin as you get ready to head into a nearby burger joint for lunch.
There's a suspicious pause and some rustling before he finally yells out an answer.
"Nope! Found something better though"
Kicking open the door, Eddie barrels out with your bikini top sloppily thrown on over his shirt, batting his lashes at Steve like some kind of parody of a lovestruck cartoon.
You're too entertained by it to be embarrassed though you can't say the same for Steve who's turned completely red, placing a hand over your mouth as you snicker.
Puckering his lips, the metalhead makes eyes at your boyfriend and you double over with laughter while Robin rolls here eyes and makes her way inside, having had her fill of Eddie's theatrics.
"Come on big boy, fancy another round in the back seat?"
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onsunnyside · 2 years
bratty stepsis and stepbro Ari 🫣
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at a poor soul’s Halloween party:
You stare up at him, eyes glazed over with his spit smeared across your lips. His old hockey mask is up and jeans are unbuttoned and pulled down. He’s so big above you, strong enough to manhandle your legs over his shoulder to keep you spread open.
You should be scared of how loud he’s groaning, or the fact that he cornered you in here with a fake knife—“what are you gonna do, Jason? Stab me?” He didn’t, obviously, but he did kiss you senseless and shove you onto the bed.
Your costume? A sexy farm girl with his flannel tied up over stomach and the smallest jean shorts he’s ever seen.
You gasp sharply when the tip prods at your hole. “Ari!”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m not gonna put it inside, ya brat.” He huffs, slapping your clit with his cock. Your slick coats him and drips down your ass to the sheets. Whoever’s house this was, they’ll have some cleaning to do later. “Not all the way.”
“Don’t you dare, you bastard.” You hold back a moan as his saliva lands on your slit, warm and wet, sliding down to your weepy hole. “You know I’m not on the pill.”
Why the fuck not? You slept around. It was like you wanted to get knocked up—and Ari was entirely into that idea. His fist tightens as his hips speed up, he thrusts into his fist as the leaky head slides through your folds, fucking your puffy button.
“I’ll buy you anything you want.” He prods at your hole again, this time lingering until you push him away. “Drive you anywhere, I’ll even let you use my fingers whenever you want.”
“N-Not worth it.”
“Don’t you wanna feel me deep inside, filling you up? Feel daddy’s cum pumping into your pretty pussy, getting you all fuckin’ messy?”
He lowers until you’re pinned to the bed, trapped under his weight. The underside of his cock rubs up against your clit with every rock of his hips. At the sight of the fat tip sliding between your folds, bubbling with pre cum, you almost give in.
“Let your big step brother cum inside you, use you like a little cumdump.”
“You’re fucking gross.”
He laughs, “says the girl who woke me up by sitting in my face.”
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Headcannons: Milf!abby anderson x reader (part 3)
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part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4
☆ Milf Abby who’s literally the sweetest girlfriend ever. A little old school, but she’s still cute.
☆ Milf Abby who buys you weekly flowers, and who packs you lunch.
☆ Milf Abby who helps you plan lessons and sometimes comes and helps you teach.
☆ Milf Abby who gets baby fever if she sees you with kids.
☆ Milf Abby who said I love you after 3 days of dating.
☆ Milf Abby who has you as her lock screen.
☆ Milf Abby who plans family dates for you and her daughter.
☆ Milf Abby whose heart clenches when she sees how much Aubrey talks about you.
☆ Milf Abby who feels like a teenager because of you.
☆ Milf Abby that’s confused when you text her slang
Abby: ill come pick you up later?
you: yeah baby, I have to go now ttyl
Abby: what is that
☆ Milf Abby who finds pop culture drama interesting because she’s never really took interest in it till you appeared.
☆ Milf Abby who discovers so much and she feels old, but you never judge or make fun of her for it.
☆ Milf Abby who knows you’re the one.
☆ Milf Abby bought you an engagement ring after 2 weeks of dating. It was a simple ring because she knew you didn’t like big and extravagant things (unless it’s her dick-)
☆ Milf Abby who wants to propose to you at a family BBQ
☆ Milf Abby who takes you to meet her family after 4 months of dating, and she knew that this was the weekend she was going to propose.
☆ Milf Abby who held your hand the entire time, when you were being introduced.
☆ Milf Abby who tried staying by your side, but then you snatched away by Aubrey and her cousins.
☆ Milf Abby who stared at you with a smile as you were playing with the kids because you were just that pretty.
☆ Milf Abby who gets cocky when her family tells her she made the right choice.
“You got yourself a pretty girl abs”
“I know”
☆ Milf Abby who was having a good night till her ex-wife showed up.
“What are you doing here?” Abby asked through gritted teeth.
“it’s a family event, can I not be here?”
“you aren’t family”
“Abby she barley sees her mother:
“did you forget we have a child together?”
☆ Milf Abby who wanted to leave but you convinced her to stay for the sake of Aubrey.
“but she’s a bitch”
Aubrey grabbed onto your hand and she ran to her mother. You watched the women’s face drop at the sight of you
“Abby please”
☆ Milf Abby who wanted to slap her ex-wife every time she gave you a dirty look.
“mom this mommy’s girlfriend! isn’t she pretty?!”
The women stared at you with hatred in her eyes. She extended her hand out to grab your other hand in a tight handshake “I’m Kimberly” then you told her your name. The two of you fell into a awkward conversation, until she brought up Abby.
“how long have you been together?” she asked
“4 months” you replied with a smile.
“isn’t it too early to be meeting the family?” she asked, and you rolled your eyes before you responding: “isn’t it too bitchy to judge what I do in my relationship?”
Kimberly stared at you with wide eyes.
☆ Milf Abby who was listening to the whole interaction and she had the biggest smile on her face. That her girl.
☆ Milf Abby who was glued by your side the entire night, but you somehow got lost.
☆ Milf Abby who saw Kimberly walk up to her and she knew this wasn’t going to end well.
“What do you want?” Abby groaned.
“Look I need to say something”
“then talk”
The women took a deep breath before she started spewing nonsense: “I think she’s too young for you! She’s childish”
“that’s your opinion, you know nothing about her”
“well I don’t like her” Kimberly went on.
“that’s ok, but she’s my girlfriend so I don’t know why its bothering you”
“I don’t want her around Aubrey”
that was Abby’s final straw.
“Listen here, you’re barley present in our daughters life. She’s been a better mother to her that you, ever were! You know shit about Aubrey”
“I do” she tried arguing.
“if you did you would’ve know she doesn’t like the nutty chocolate you brought for her”
Kimberly went quiet. Abby continued on to talk.
“You are a shit person. You were a shitty wife, and a shitty mother. My daughter doesn’t deserve that. She needs someone like her. She’s my everything and I would fucking kill for her, so I suggest you stay out of my family’s life”
“but she’s still my daughter”
“she might be but I have full custody” Abby chuckled. “And besides not everyone was made to be a mother, especially you” Kimberly stood there quietly, and she left the party soon after.
☆ Milf Abby who was relieved that she was finally gone.
☆ Milf Abby whose family knew about the proposal and they were helping her plan it.
As the party continued to go on you stood at the table, helping Abby’s aunts with making salads. It was odd, everything became more and more quiet.
You felt arms wrap around you and you knew it was her.
“Hi” you giggled
“hi” she replied. You could practically hear her smile.
“You having fun baby?” Abby asked.
You noticed her sudden silence before you asked: “are you ok?”
Abby took a deep breath. She was nervous. You could tell.
“Yeah, I’m just thinking”
“I want this”
“no” she chuckled. 
“A life with you”
Your heartrate increased.
“I want us to grow old together and throw family BBQ’s. I want us to have a big house, so Aubrey can bring her kids over one day. I want to spend forever waking up next to you, and I want to grow our family….”
During her speech you didn’t notice that she let go of you. You were too busy processing her words at that moment.
“Baby look at me” Abby spoke. You slowly turned around to see Abby’s family surrounding the two of you and her on her one knee, with a delicate ring in her hand.
“Will you marry me?” She asked unsure.
You looked at her with wide eyes, no words were coming out out.
“Say yes! please I can’t wait any longer” Aubrey yelled from the sidelines. You saw Abby chuckle.
You fell down onto your knees before you grabbed her face for a kiss.
“I guess that’s a yes” Abby chuckled when she pulled away.
“fuck yes”
She slipped the ring onto your finger before she got up and yelled “she said yes!” The crowd erupted in screams and cries.
☆ Milf Abby who kissed you passionately as tears flowed from both your eyes.
This was true love.
my pookie: (the tag list): @elliens4
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songforeddiemunson · 9 months
Can you please do a Eddie X virgin reader where there has always been romance and they never acted on it until they confess when there watching a film and then a couple weeks after they make out then have soft sex
Thank you so much for the request!! I made some minor adjustments because that's just the route the narrative took me, but I hope you like it! I'm SO sorry this took so long, it's been a nutty few weeks.
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Eddie Munson x Fem!Virgin!Reader (description vague apart from AFAB for inclusivity)
Summary: Eddie meets a cousin of the Wheelers who is visiting for the summer, and falls head over heels. The problem is, she lives in Chicago, and needs to return in the fall. Can they handle it?
Warnings/Tropes: longing with a bit of angst, fluffy affection, romantic soft smut, mild language, aftercare, mostly this is just really sweet.
Word Count: 5517
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August 1990
You first caught Eddie’s eye on a late summer evening, standing under the twinkling lights of carnival rides at the county fair. It was the sort of cotton candy sky just moments before the sun dipped below the horizon, signaling the end of another august day. The droning cicadas were rapidly giving way to the cricket’s song, but all of those innocuous details faded away as Eddie watched you as you waited in line for the Scrambler, talking and laughing with your companion.
Eddie’s heart nearly leapt in his throat when he saw that the person you were speaking with was someone he actually knew. Nancy Wheeler! his brain screamed, and before he realized what he was doing, his feet were carrying him forward as if he was on autopilot, such was your magnetism.
Nancy caught sight of Eddie as he approached, and her face broke out into a broad grin. “Eddie!” she exclaimed with delight. “It’s so great to see you!” She hugged him as you stood by, a polite smile gracing your lips.
“Likewise, Wheeler,” Eddie replied fondly, and when his eyes slipped to you, your heart nearly ceased its rhythm. The breath was stolen from your lungs, and all you could do was stare wordlessly at the handsome man who evidently was a friend to Nancy.
Unbeknownst to you, Eddie was experiencing the same physical paralysis under your gaze.
“Eddie! You have to meet my little cousin!  She goes by Ivy, but her name is–”
“Oh my god,” you moaned, cutting Nancy off. Blood rushed to your cheeks in mortification.  “I am not little, I’m twenty years old now!’
Nancy giggled fondly. “Well sure, but you’ll always be little to me.”
You rolled your eyes. “I’m only two years younger than you, but whatever.”
Eddie laughed, and your cheeks pinkened even more. “It’s nice to meet you, Eddie,” you said. You struggled to meet his eyes; it was like staring at the sun.
“It’s good to meet you too Ivy, if– if you don’t mind me calling you that.”
You smiled and nodded enthusiastically. “Please do.”
And so you spent the rest of the evening with Eddie and Nancy, keeping things oh so casual but feeling like you might die every time he looked at you. You remained aloof because, after all, you didn’t even live in Hawkins, and eventually you’d have to return home to the city. 
When Eddie first learned that you would be returning to Chicago at the end of the summer, he was crestfallen but struggled to mask it.
“I’m sure Chicago is really cool,” he said with forced bravado. “Way cooler than boring old Hawkins.”
“Oh but I love coming here,” you breathed enthusiastically. “Chicago is cool and all, but this is so nice. I love smelling the mown grass, and being able to go to the drive-in movie theater, and all that great summertime stuff.” You gestured around you. “And the county fair! I love coming to the fair.”
Eddie smiled despite his growing sadness. “You make it sound pretty nice. But really it’s just cornfields…”
“...I love corn,” you countered.
“And strip malls…”
“.....strip malls always have video stores, and I love movies.” you said with a grin.
Nancy returned from buying a candy apple.
You pointed at her. “Candy apples! I can’t buy candy apples in Chicago.”
“Hmm?” she replied, confused, chewing. “I’m sure you can buy candle apples in Chicag–”
“Not from the fair though,” you interrupted. “They’re better from the fair.”
“Point taken,” Eddie said with a chuckle, holding up his hands in mock surrender.
“I do still want to jump in a creek though,” you said wistfully.
“Gross, no. There are leeches,” Nancy said.
“Not in creeks,” Eddie laughed. “Ponds, maybe. But creeks are fine.”
And so the evening wound down. You and Eddie went back and forth over the virtues of city vs country living, but Eddie had to admit, you did have a way of making Hawkins sound pretty great. When it was time to part ways, Eddie desperately wanted to kiss you, so much that his lips nearly burned from the need, but he refrained. What would a girl like you ever see in a guy like him?
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Two days later, on a late Sunday morning, where the summer sun shone relentlessly through a bluebird sky, Eddie picked up the phone and dialed the Wheeler’s number with a shaking hand.
Mike answered, sounding like he just woke up.
“Mehllo?” he mumbled by way of answer.
“Mike! It’s Eddie.”
“Munson?!” that seemed to wake him up. “Dude! It’s been forever!”
“Yeah man! How are you doing?”
“Oh things are good, I’m going off to college next month, and–”
“Is your cousin around? Ivy?” Eddie blurted anxiously, covering his face in embarrassment over the way he must have sounded. “Sorry man, it’s just that I need to ask her something. I would love to catch up with you though! Before you head to school; we should get together.”
“Yeah definitely,” Mike responded, unbothered. "We’ll catch up. I’ll go get Ivy….” 
Eddie heard the handset thump against whatever surface Mike set it upon, and heard him call your name. He faintly heard your voice respond, which made Eddie’s already hammering heart pick up its pace. More fumbling noises ended with a slightly breathless, “Hello? Eddie?”
“Hi Ivy,” he replied, and you thought maybe you could hear a smile in his voice. “Wanna go jump in a creek?”
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Your summertime in Hawkins was coming to a close; in only a few days’ time you were due to return to Chicago and university. As the final days ticked away, a ball of sadness gradually grew in the pit of your stomach. It was the best summer ever, and you were sorry to see its end.
Since the night you met him at the fair, Eddie had taken you cliff jumping into the Bear Creek, something that simultaneously terrified and thrilled you, leaving you more exhilarated than you have felt in a long while. But when you weren’t jumping, you simply floated in the water, watching the dappled sun dance across its surface, loving life.
Eddie also took you to the drive-in theater. It wasn’t a date, since he didn’t technically ask you out like that, and Nancy and Mike also insisted on tagging along. You lined camping chairs up in front of the van and rolled down the windows with the sound up loud so you could all sit together. It was a lovely, balmy night of watching Total Recall, and you ate too many skittles while swatting mosquitoes. It was perfect.
And now summer was ending and it was time to go, and you couldn’t possibly want to return to Chicago less. Why did you have to meet Eddie now?
You sighed as you packed up your things, folding clothes and setting them in your suitcase slowly, unmotivated. Nancy perched on the side of your bed, watching.
“You seem really bummed out,” Nancy remarked.
“I guess I’m not looking forward to going home. I wish I could stay a bit longer.” you replied, not bothering to hide your low mood.
“Would this have anything to do with a certain long-haired boy that lives on the other side of town?” Nancy prodded. It’s not like you were hiding anything.
“That obvious? And he’s twenty-four, he’s not a boy.”
Nancy nodded, with a giggle. “Fair enough.”
“And…maybe. I don’t know. It’s not like he’s kissed me or asked me out properly....” You stalled your packing, and you folded and unfolded the same sweater over and over while you let your thoughts wander.
“But you want him to?” Nancy prodded gently after a moment.
You sighed. “Yeah, I do. It’s kind of all I can think about actually,” you added with a wistful chuckle.  “But what’s the point when I live all the way in Chicago the other nine months of the year?” You flopped down dramatically on the bed with a huff.
“Maybe you can talk on the phone and stuff throughout the year, and pick up where you left off next summer?”
“Long distance?” You allowed a glimmer of hope to creep in. “Do you think that could work?”
Nancy shrugged. “I did it with Jonathan when he moved to California. It’s not easy, but it can work.”
You hitched a deep sigh. “What if he doesn’t want to?”
“There’s only one way to find out,” Nancy replied.
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The sky was overcast as you loaded the last of your bags into the back of the Wheeler’s car, matching your mood. You hugged Mike and Karen goodbye; Ted and Nancy were going to ride with you to the train station. You scanned the empty suburban streets for Eddie, but he was nowhere to be seen, causing your heart to sink even lower.
Just as you were about to climb into the backseat, you heard a sound that pulled your attention toward the woods at the edge of the neighborhood. There was some rustling and you saw that the flora was jostling about. What the–
Eddie suddenly materialized from the trees, calling, “Wait!” as he trotted over toward you. Your heart reversed its previous downward trajectory with haste, and happiness soared through you so abruptly and completely that you thought you might fall over.
“I cut through the woods,” Eddie stated breathlessly. “I was afraid I wouldn’t make it.”
“Just in time,” you grinned.
Ted poked his head out of the car’s driver window. “We’re going to be late if we don’t get going.”
“Oh– Okay, I won’t take long,” Eddie stammered slightly.  “I just wanted to say good bye and ask you…is it okay if I call you?”
You struggled to contain your delight at the suggestion. “Yes Eddie, I would really love that.” You pulled a small notepad from your purse, jotted your number down, and tore the scrap of paper out before handing it over. “Don’t lose this.”
Eddie had the fleeting thought that he would have your digits tattooed on his flesh to ensure their permanence. “Don’t worry, I won’t.”
Ted honked the horn, even though you were all standing right there.
“Okay, well I have to go. Call me tomorrow?”
Eddie nodded, his throat suddenly gone dry. “I will.”
As you sat down and closed the car door behind you, Ted wasted no time pulling away.  You twisted around in the seat to watch Eddie grow smaller as the distance increased. He raised a hand and waved shortly before you went around a bend, causing you to lose sight of him.
The temporary high of seeing Eddie was quickly supplanted by sadness. It was going to be a very long wait for next summer.
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June 1991
Once you were clear of the train platform, your rolling suitcase and duffle bag appropriately situated, you bolted through the crowd as quickly as possible.
Nine long months you waited. Nine months of speaking on the phone for hours nearly every night, talking about everything, watching movies together, helping Eddie write his next D&D campaign, discussing books. You shared hopes, dreams, wishes, and desires. Nine months of longing. Nine months of imagining his lips on yours, his fingers gripping the meat of your thighs, picturing him doing things to you that you’d never done with anyone before. You were tired of waiting.
You never officially declared yourselves to each other, still hadn’t even kissed, so you couldn’t be completely sure that he felt the same way. But you had a pretty good idea; after all, would a guy spend that much time on the phone with you if he didn’t feel some kind of way? He said he was going to pick you up at the train station after all, so that had to count for something.
You were determined. Eddie would not slip through your fingers; this summer was going to change everything.
And there he was. As you entered the terminal with the other passengers, you spotted him immediately.  He was leaning up against the wall, torn tight jeans and black band tee, long chestnut curls cascading around his shoulders. He was beautiful. 
The way his face lit up when he spotted you could probably heal the world, if you could find a way to harness it. 
You let your bags drop to the ground as you ran to him, and he opened his arms to you as you collided with him, slamming him back against the wall. His arms slid up around your back and gripped you tightly, his breath fanned across one ear, setting all your senses alight, and you simply resided in his embrace and felt the object of your affection absolutely envelop you. Oh how you had waited for this.
You pulled away just enough to look at his face. He was undeniably very happy, eyes bright, smiling broadly, his dimple making itself known.
“Hey you,” he said.
“Hi you,” you replied.
“I’ve missed you,” he said softly.
“I've been counting the minutes,” you said. You thought maybe you were going to cry.
“Try seconds,” he whispered, opening his eyes wide as if he was revealing a scandalous secret. 
The rest of the bustling train station faded away. The voices and echoes were reduced to a muffled din, and all the people who hastened past you became less corporeal. As your eyes roamed his face, it felt like you were the only two people in the world.
He blinked and pulled away, and as soon as it started, the spell was broken.
He hastened over to your bags and grabbed hold of them, slinging your duffel over his shoulder and taking your rollbag in one hand. “Let’s go,” he said with a look over his shoulder, his hair bouncing as he hurried through the terminal with you in tow.  He slowed as he approached the doors to outside. “Uh, I’ll take you to the Wheeler’s to settle in, but I wondered…” He paused, his expression belying his own lack of confidence. He looked almost shy.  “I got an apartment about a month back, finally…a space of my own,” he continued. “I wondered if maybe you wanted to watch a movie later?”
“Eddie!” you breathed, excited. “That’s so great! Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I wanted it to be a surprise,” he said with a small shrug. “No pressure, if you don’t want to. I just wanted to put it out there, no strings attached.”
“I would love to,” you beamed. 
“Do you want to know what movie I picked out?” Eddie asked.
“I really don’t care,” you replied, and you laughed together as you walked to the parking lot.
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You waited anxiously for Eddie’s arrival later that evening.
“It’s a daaaate!” Mike sang as if he was still fourteen and not a freshman in college. Nancy slapped him on the arm.
“Don’t tease,” she admonished, but there was a twinkle in her eye.
“It is not a date!” you countered as you checked your reflection for the thousandth time. “Doesn’t someone have to say it’s a date for it to actually be a date?”
Mike rolled his eyes. “Some things are just sort of….assumed.”
You and Nancy glared at him in tandem. “Uh, no thank you. Nobody should make assumptions about anything like that,” Nancy scolded.
You nodded in agreement. “Yeah I mean, what if he just thinks I’m a great friend, and I go and spoil everything going in there thinking this is a date?”
Mike gestured toward you as you touched up your lip gloss. “Says the chick who has been fussing over her appearance obsessively for the last 45 minutes.”
“I’m just being prepared,” you said.
“For what?” Nancy said with a chuckle.
“Just in case it is a date. I never said I didn’t want it to be.”
Nancy laughed as Mike groaned in exasperation. Fortunately, you were saved from further discussion by the doorbell. You ran from the room before anyone could stop you, grabbing your shoulder bag on the way. 
You opened the door and revealed a slightly nervous looking Eddie, and he nearly stole your breath away.
Eddie was resplendent in a blue and black plaid button-up shirt with his black jeans and black converse sneakers. He had clearly made an effort to tame his hair, and his waves were soft and tidy. His breath caught when he saw you.
“H– hi,” he said with a grin.
“Hi yourself,” you said. You chanced a look over your shoulder, fearful of an audience. “Okay let’s go before Mike and Nancy get weird and interrogate us,” you said, grabbing Eddie by the hand and making him laugh while shutting the door behind you.  Eddie held his van door open for you before walking around the other side and starting up the engine. Was that aftershave he was wearing?
Butterflies exploded in your chest. Oh my god, this is a date, you thought to yourself elatedly.
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Eddie’s place was nice, simple, and clean. He didn’t have much in the way of furniture or decor yet, but he had the basics, and it was all his.
You were halfway through Goodfellas– which was really good– and sipping on bud light bottles on opposite ends of the couch.  You were sitting with your legs curled underneath you, your left foot sticking out along the couch cushion.  Eddie reached over and gently laid a hand on your ankle, pulling your attention away from the film.
“I’m gonna grab another beer. You want anything?”
“Sure, you want me to pause it?”
“Nah, I’ve seen this twice already,” he said as he headed to the kitchen.
“Eddie!” you said, smiling. “Why didn’t you rent something you’ve never seen?”
“It doesn’t matter,” he called. “I love this movie.”
You picked up the remote and paused the film anyway.
“But it just came out on VHS!” you said, laughing. "How have you seen it multiple times already?"
He returned with two freshly opened beers and handed one to you. He sat down again, a little closer this time.
“What– you don’t watch movies over and over again every chance you get? Is that…like….not normal or something?” He smirked at his own sarcasm.
“Not that quickly I’m afraid,” you said, and he laughed out loud. 
“I guess I’m a bit of a fixator,” he said. “I fixate on things.”
“I suppose we all have things we fixate on,” you said.
“What do you fixate on?” He asked. He was leaning slightly in your direction. It made your heart speed up a little bit.
“Well lately,” you said, drawing out your syllables and pretending to think really hard about it. “Lately it’s been this guy.”
“Oooh,” Eddie said. “Tell me more.”
“Well, he looks a little rough around the edges, but it turns out that he’s the sweetest.”
“He is?” Eddie played along.
“Oh yes. And he has the biggest, most soulful brown eyes I’ve ever seen. It’s like he’s always seeing the world in new and interesting ways. And don’t get me started on his lips…”
“What about his lips?” Eddie asked.
“They’re so full and plump, like fruit, and I want to nibble on them.”
Eddie huffed a small laugh. “You want to nibble on his lips?”
“Among other things,” you said, a little breathily.
As your eyes flicked down to his lips, he licked them unconsciously, and you knew everything was about to change.
Eddie leaned forward, closing the distance between you, and he raised his right hand to cup the back of your head, pulling you forward. You felt his breath fan across your cheek as he rubbed his nose against yours.
“What other things did you have in mind?” he murmured.
“I want him,” you said simply. “But I don’t know how he feels.”
“Hmm,” Eddie cooed. “I think it’s safe to say he wants you too.”
“He does?”
“Oh yes,” he breathed, and then he kissed you.
Your breathing hitched– it was finally happening.
You enjoyed the simple feeling of his beautiful lips against yours for a moment before you parted your lips to deepen the kiss. You slotted his bottom lip between your teeth and applied gentle pressure. Eddie’s quiet gasp did things to you.
You chuckled, and rose up on your knees before pressing your body firmly against his, the movie now forgotten.
Eddie broke away, beaming. “I thought you probably felt the same way, but I wasn’t sure, and I was afraid to make a move and fuck it all up–”
“Shut up and keep kissing me,” you said.
He did as he was told. He also dialed up the passion, and you kissed each other hungrily, pouring nine months of longing into your efforts. Your tongues danced together, your hands roamed the expanse of his back, and you slid one hand up and under his shirt to feel his flesh.
Eddie gasped at your touch, and pulled away. His pupils were blown wide from the excitement, and you imagined that yours might look the same. He cupped the side of your face in his hands, boring his eyes into yours.
“Are we together? Are you mine?” he asked, and your heart broke and soared with equal measure at the sheer sweet earnestness of him.
“Yes, Eddie,” was all you could muster before he was kissing you again. He tipped you back and gently laid you down across the sofa, allowing his hand to travel up the length of your torso, keeping things chaste, but only barely.
You laid together and kissed deeply for a time, until you decided you’d had enough.
“Eddie,” you said.  “T– take me to bed.” 
“Are you sure? That’s really what you want?”
You nodded, but you couldn’t hide your nerves, and he gently pinched your chin to tilt your head up. “You seem anxious,” he said softly.
“Well, I – I haven’t actually done it before.” 
Eddie’s eyes widened slightly.
“I’ve done some stuff, a little hand stuff mostly, but never, uh– it. Sex. I’ve never had sex.”
Eddie smiled affectionately at your display of nerves. “Relax, babe. It’s okay. You don’t have to do anything you’re not ready to do.”
“But I am ready,” you said, more assuredly.  “I really want to do this with you. I want you to be my first.”
Eddie searched your face for any further signs of nervousness or unease, but all he saw in your eyes now was conviction and honestly. You reached up a hand and laid it on his cheek.
“Nine months I’ve waited for this. I knew a long time ago that you were the one, Eddie. I’ve waited long enough.’
Eddie nodded. “Okay,” he said softly.
He moved to stand and gently scooped you up in his arms, making you giggle, and he carried you over to the bedroom. He kicked the door open with his foot, making you laugh some more, and laid you on his bed, which was clean if unmade. He leaned down and braced himself on either side of your body to kiss you.
“If you want me to stop, just tell me,” he said between kisses, and then stood back up to pull his shirt over his head. He did it in one fluid motion, letting his soft curls dance across his shoulders and back, and he was a sight to behold. You’d seen him with no shirt on last summer when he took you swimming, but somehow this was different.
“May I?” he asked, and paused with his fingers above the fly of your denim shorts. You nodded, and let Eddie loosen the buttons before pulling your shorts down along your legs and tossing them aside.
You smiled up at him as he loosened his own jeans and pushed them down before stepping out of them, leaving him clad in nothing but his boxers. He returned to the bed and laid next to you, gently trailing one palm up your body and pushing up your shirt, resting it at the bottom of your ribcage just below the underwire of your bra. Eddie resumed kissing you; it was something you were quite sure you would never tire of. He was amazing.
After a beat he pulled away to look down at you. “I need to get you ready,” he said softly. “I don’t want it to hurt.”
“Okay Eddie,” you replied.  He pulled your shirt over your head gently, and then moved one hand to your back to unclasp your bra. 
“You seem to have some experience with this,” you said, feeling a stab of self-consciousness.
Eddie paused. “A little. I’m not a virgin, but I’m hardly a Casanova or anything…”
“It’s okay, I don’t need to know.” you looked away. 
Eddie was not pleased with the loss of eye-contact, and he could sense your discomfort. 
“Hey,” he said softly, turning your face to his. “It’s only been a couple different girls. I really haven’t had much action for a guy my age, trust me. And nothing serious, ever.” He kissed your forehead. “You’re special. I want this– I want it to be special.”
You relaxed and smiled. “Honestly, I’m fine.”
“You’re sure?”
“Okay then.”
He pulled your loosened bra off, leaving you in only your knickers. “If you want me to stop, just tell me.”
Your answering smile was cut short as he bent and placed a kiss on your nipple. “You’re beautiful,” he murmured, before he sucked the little bud between his lips, setting all your senses alight. 
“Oh–that feels nice.” you sighed.
As Eddie suckled you, he slowly trailed his hand down the length of your torso, leaving goosebumps in its wake. He paused at the elastic of your underwear, slipping one finger just under the thin white band, but continued no further. 
“You can– ah– you can touch me Eddie,” you managed between gasps.
With no further preamble, he slowly slid his hand into the delicate cotton, and his fingers found your heat. He removed his mouth from your nipple, leaving it feeling cool and bereft, before kissing you lasciviously as he slowly pushed a finger inside of you. You gasped, but as quickly as he had entered, he was gone again. He dipped in smoothly a second time, but then turned his attention to your clit, applying gentle pressure and circling it with his moistened finger.
You arched your back and moaned at the sensation. Your senses were heightened, your heart was racing, and you couldn’t believe that you were here, with Eddie, after all this time. You were delighted; you’d waited so long for this, and you were going to enjoy it.
Eddie slowly picked up the pace and pressure of his ministrations. You felt as if all the blood in your body was rushing to the space between your legs, and your body began to tremble. It felt good– damn good. You could hear the wet sounds of your arousal as his fingers picked up speed, and then, without warning, he slid one back inside of you. You moaned as he pumped you with one finger, sliding out, stroking the sensitive button of nerves, pushing back in. You were teetering on the edge of climax when, suddenly, he stopped. 
“Wha–” you said blearily, as Eddie padded over to his nightstand. 
“I’m just grabbing a rubber babe,” Eddie smiled, as he pulled open the drawer and held up a foil square.
“Ah, right.”
“Just want to be careful, ya know?” 
“Of course.”
Eddie paused to look at you, his face painted with adoration and concern. “You sure you’re still okay with this?”
You nodded emphatically. “Yeah, yes.”
Eddie looked angelic. Flushed with desire, his hair slightly mussed, lips reddened from kissing, his boxers tented by his arousal. He walked around the bed to stand at the end, and he gently pulled your underwear off, leaving you fully exposed for the first time. You had to fight to resist the urge to curl into yourself protectively. You weren’t the only naked one for long, however, as Eddie pushed his boxers down, and you were able to see all of him for the first time.
He was beautiful. He was perfect.
He deftly rolled the rubber along his length before he laid down next to you, and let his fingers return to your heat. He leaned down and kissed your neck while he worked you open, this time with two fingers. He slid them inside as he kissed your lips and licked into your mouth, and then he gently climbed on top, allowing you to rest your calves around his hips.
You felt his tip prod your entrance.
“Are you ready?” he breathed into your ear.
“Yes,” you said, and he captured your earlobe with his teeth as he slowly started to push in.
“Ah– fuck,” you cried softly. It felt like white fire had ignited where you were joined and traveled up your body, settling behind your eyes, and a kaleidoscope of sparks clouded your vision. You squeezed your eyes shut and ground your teeth together as you moaned through the sensation. It hurt, but it was a sort of pain you’d never felt before.
“God, babe,” Eddie gasped as another shallow, gentle thrust pulled him deeper. “This okay?”
It wasn’t okay exactly, it stung like hell, but it was okay because this was Eddie, and there was nobody else on the planet you were willing to experience this with.
“Uhhuh, yeah,” you panted. “I’m okay.”
Eddie sat back on his heels and grasped your thighs with his hands, pulling you flush against him and seating himself fully inside of you. His eyes met yours and he smiled at you adoringly as he began to move.
You moaned in sweet agony as each thrust ignited new fires within you, but before you realized what was happening, the pain began to give way to intense pleasure. Your gasps of pain grew to cries of ecstasy, and Eddie could feel you yield to him, could feel the resistance temper, and he delighted in watching the change come over you. White fire was replaced by pure bliss.
He lifted your legs to rest your ankles on his shoulders, and picked up his pace. 
Eddie hugged your legs to his chest as he pumped, every thrust hitting deep, the mingled gasps and cries of your lovemaking growing in volume and timbre. You reached out a hand to touch his chest, but he was too far away. Eddie noticed this, and he released your legs to lean forward, bracing himself with his hands on either side of your shoulders, and he kissed you. It was damn hot, the passion of it all, making out so intensely that your teeth clattered together as he fucked you, all of your senses heightened and electrified.
You scratched at his back as your felt your climax building, causing his own pace to falter. Your cries of delight as you came caused his own orgasm to crash into him suddenly, and you both moaned as you rode it out together.
And then all was still.
You breathed together as you came down from the intense sensations you had just experienced, and you could feel Eddie’s heart beating in its cage, his chest pressed against yours. He could feel yours too.
After a moment, he got up, discarded the used condom, and slipped on his boxers, smiling down at your prone, naked body as he did so. “Was that okay? It didn’t hurt too much?”
You thought for a second. “It did hurt at first, that probably can’t be helped. But after a little while, it felt really good. Was I– was I any good?”
Eddie beamed. “Oh babe. You don’t have to ever worry about that. It was incredible.”  He headed to the bathroom, and returned shortly with a damp washcloth. He sat beside you and gently tended to your sore, sensitive area. The cool terrycloth was soothing, and he peppered your face with kisses, making you giggle. He tossed the washcloth aside and laid down with you, wrapping his arms around you to hold you close.
“Do you want to stay here with me? You can, if you want,” Eddie murmured into your hair. He sounded sleepy.
“Eddie, I want to be wherever you are,” you replied. You were feeling quite drowsy yourself.
“I don’t want the Wheelers to think I kidnapped you,” he said with a small chuckle.
“They know where I am, and we’re all adults, so I’m staying put.”
Eddie grinned. You had no way of knowing what was happening in his heart, but he wished he could transfer part of his joy to you, so you could feel even a fraction of his elation.
Eddie had no way of knowing that you were feeling exactly the same way. He also had no way of knowing that you were planning to transfer to Indiana State in the fall. In time, you would share your hearts fully with each other, but for the moment, you enjoyed just laying in his arms, and drifting off into blissful slumber.
Together. ♥
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Thank you for reading! As always, likes, comments and reblogs are the lifeblood of all fic writers. Please show us some love! :)
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azsazz · 3 months
Lucien x Reader [Starfall Week Day 7]
Summary: @starfallweek Day 7 Prompt: Character A and B spend Starfall in a different court, learning all of the traditions.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1,339
Notes: This one also goes out to the anon who was begging me for some Lulu action 💙
The wind brushes his copper hair over his shoulders and the sun makes the freckles dusting his nose shine. You watch your mate spread his arms wide and throw his head back, drinking in a deep breath of the crisp, fresh Autumn Court air. 
He never thought he would be back.
It has been a long many years since he was exiled from the Autumn Court on the happenstance of falling in love. Falling in love with someone that his father didn’t approve of. Falling in love with someone who wasn’t his mate. 
Lucien had every intention of marrying Jesminda, lower fae or no. His young heart leaped happily in his chest whenever she was around. They were both blind to their problems as a couple, brushing off their arguments to roll around in the grassy fields, watching the leaves change color over their heads.
It had taken a long time to get over her. He never really did, honestly. Of course, the love that had been so fiery and new, scorched him when she died. But it was nothing like how it is with you, his true mate.
Lucien turns his head over his shoulder, tears lining his russet eye. The mechanical one whirs softly, and the smile on his lips shakes a little, making your heart ache in your chest. He holds a hand out to you, wanting to share this moment with you. 
The moment he can freely cross back into Autumn Court territory without fearing for his life.
While your mate had found a new home in the Night Court, found you in the Night Court, this isn’t a moment he’d allowed himself to think about, no matter how many promises his older brother made in their passing moments at meetings or gatherings. Their father is finally dead and Eris crowned the new High King of Autumn. 
He swears he can hear it, the joy across the lands carried on the winds blowing you closer to him. Lucien smiles sneakily at that look you give him. So he used a little mixture of his Autumn and Day Court powers to sweep the wind up. He wants you in his arms, how can you be upset at that?
You reach up with your free hand, caressing Lucien’s face, wiping at the lone tear rolling down his cheek. 
“Are you ready?” you ask, with a soft smile.
His throat works around a swallow and he takes your hand, kissing your palm so sweetly. “With you? Of course.” 
The Autumn Court is everything you thought it might be, but even more so because Lucien looks like he’s never left. 
There’s something about being in the territory that has awoken something long lost in your mate. The air, fresher than the other courts, filling his lungs with the scents of pine and sap, cinnamon and pumpkin. The black you thought he looked striking in is nothing compared to the hues of the autumnal clothing he’d almost immediately switched them out for; the olive greens and deep navy’s, crimsons and nutty browns.
Your first pit stop had been the bakery his mother always took him to when he was young. He missed their sweets deeply, and you laughed at the amount of pastries he tried buying. Lucien had hand fed you a caramel treat and your eyes widened at the burst of flavor that hit your tastebuds. There was no stopping either of you from spending a pretty coin on the treats filling your arms sky high.
“This one, my love, is a Starfall tradition,” he explains, handing you a sample of the warmed treat. It looks something similar to a Night Court treat you remember your mother making. Popping it into your mouth you nearly melt at its deliciousness. 
“Luc, we need to buy all of these,” you say in amazement, not waiting for his answer before you’re opening your mouth to speak to the worker. Lucein’s chuckle warms you to your very bones but you pout as he guides you away from the shop.
“There will be plenty more at the Woodland House tonight, my love,” he says with a grin. “My family hires a specific baker every year during the month of Starfall to make sure they never run out. Trust me, with seven boys running around, they were constantly in low supply.” 
You laugh with your mate, enjoying the shining of his eyes at the fond memory. You want to hear more of the good times he’s had in his home court. It’s not something he often speaks about, because there are more bad than good, but when you do get to hear one of his favorite memories, it always makes you smile.
“So, what does tonight have in store for us?” you ask, popping some of the chocolate and caramel drizzled popcorn into your mouth. Another Autumn Court staple. Your mate is going to turn you into a sweet-tooth yet.
“First, we have a formal dinner with the family,” Lucien explains, and you can see how the joy melts into nervousness. He hasn’t seen the entirety of his family since the day he was chased out of the Court, where two of his brothers died at the hands of him and Tamlin. He’s not sure how the remaining brothers besides Eris feel about him. Pyrolas doesn’t care about anyone’s presence besides his own, but he is the son so much like his father. Conleth never wanted problems with anyone, and Oakland was ever the rational one. If any of his brothers might have missed him, he would put his coin on those two.
“We don’t have to go if you don’t want to,” you offer softly. You would never make Lucien do something that he didn’t feel comfortable doing. You’re sure there’s a nice place the both of you can hide out until the party afterwards begins. Or perhaps you can check into an inn and celebrate Starfall in the streets with the rest of the peoples of the Autumn Court.
“No,” he shakes his head and rolls his shoulders, straightening his spine. “I’ve missed out on Starfall dinners for long enough. I’m ready.”
You nod, offering him the tin of popcorn. “Want some?”
“Thank you, my love,” Lucien smiles, taking a handful. “Besides, Eris mentioned that he was pulling out all of the stops this year. Told me that it is going to be the best Starfall this court has ever seen.” 
You hum, wondering just what that sly, new High Lord might have planned.
“What happens after dinner?” you ask, trailing along a path leading up to the Woodland House. You’re not sure how far it is, but you don’t mind the walk with your mate, drinking in the scenes the court has to offer.
“Then, we’ll congregate on the outer porches and there will be drinks of all kinds,” Lucein explains, perking up again. “You’re going to have to try the cinnamon one, my love. It’s my favorite.” Your mate laughs at your grimace. Cinnamon in the form of alcohol is not your favorite. “There’s also one that tastes like Yulemas. You’ll love that one.” 
“Don’t let me drink too much, Lucien Vanserra,” you tease, “Or I won’t be able to participate in the after Starfall activities.” 
You squeal as Lucein drags you off the path and presses you against a nearby tree, dipping down to taste the taunt from your lips. His tongue brushes the seam of your lips and you part easily for him, moaning when he presses his quickly thickening cock into your hip.
You’re breathless when he straightens, feeling as giddy as ever, like the first time you and he ever kissed.
“How about some pre Starfall activities, my love?” he asks, licking the remnants of you from his lips. His russet eye glows bright and his mechanical one clicks softly.
You take his hand and pull him away from the tree, dragging him back up the path. “Come on then, Vanserra. Show me what you’ve got.”
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lunargrapejuice · 4 months
family + loyalty
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chapter one: mafia & mangoes | 9.1k+ words
satoru gojo x fem!reader | mafia au
chapter warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, explicit sexual content, illegal activies, alcohol drinking, profanity, jealousy, pet names
series masterlist
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the navy blue sky starts to brighten into an early morning azure, the sun's rays peeking from behind the city's buildings, just as you knock on the hollow metal door at the back entrance of the hanami ninth night club. the routine clicks of the locks follow shortly after and you're welcomed with a tired, if not slightly hung over, smile from shiro. even this early in the morning he’s dressed in a brown suit that’s a bit big on him, his dark brown hair slicked back and smoking a cigarette.
this was how he looked every time you came by, you swear his suit was the exact same too, but this morning in his slouched, bloodshot eyes, he looked particularly haggard.
“you’re one of my more demanding business partners, you know that?” he says, blowing smoke from his cigarette to his side before tossing the still burning bud on the ground and stomping it out with his shining designer shoes.
“you complain yet answer every time i come knocking,” you retort, holding back your smile, knowing this is just how he was with you. 
the morning air that’s not quite warm enough for the t-shirt you’ve chosen to wear lingers on your exposed skin as he flips through the cash you hand him. he knows you’re good for it, you’ve been doing business with him for over a year now and you’re not about to ruin it nor are you dishonest by nature. but you know it’s just routine and wait patiently. 
he pockets that cash and steps closer inside, leaving the door open so you can hear him while he grabs your things. “don’t get it wrong, i like doing business with you little lady,” his voice muffled as he moves further back into the club. “you may only be a small time customer but even still, your business is appreciated. even if it means gettin’ up this early on a saturday morning,” he return with the wooden crate full of goods. “here you are,” gently he places the box into your arms ensuring you can support the weight before letting go. “see ya next week?”
you smile and nod, shift the crate to sit more comfortably, “see you then. thanks again shiro.” 
he waves goodbye as you turn around and begin to head back into the main street. it’s not far to your destination and you take your time enjoying the early saturday morning that brings a normally unseen beauty to this side of the city. the dozens of small locally owned shops around this area are at least an hour away from opening and the streets are almost empty aside from the handful of early risers taking leisurely walks and the coffee shop that has the sweet, nutty aroma of their specialty coffee lingering in the air. it wasn’t so bad getting up this early when you got to take your time enjoying the little things like this, if anything it helps you prepare for what would be another busy day. the calm before the not-so-bad storm. 
and yet, a storm nonetheless.
as you round the street corner, you support the heavy box with one arm and your hip as you search through your bag for your keys. wallet, chipstick, receipts from the grocery store, loose change but no keys. you make a mental note of how messy your bag is since it’s nearly impossible to find what you’re looking for. just as you’re about to put down your things and dump out the contents of your purse on the sidewalk your fingers find the keyring- 
“getting into trouble, are we?”
you nearly jump out of your skin at the sudden and unexpected voice from behind you, almost dropping the box and your found keys barely hooked onto your index finger in the process. 
with a racing heart you try your best to think clearly, were you about to be caught? get arrested? god dammit, you knew you shouldn’t have gotten so comfortable with this dealing just in case you were caught in the open like you were right now.
“did i scare you? sorry about that, sweets.” his teasing tone doesn’t say he’s actually all that sorry.
in your hurry and the sudden fright you hadn’t registered the voice of the man behind you but the nickname is a dead give away. and now that you think more about it, who else would meet you here this early in this morning if not your number one customer? 
“good morning satoru,” you greet, unable to hide the shakiness in your voice or the fact that your heart rate has not gone down since he made his appearance. you swore it was echoing in the quiet street, only growing louder when he comes into your view, his figure towering over you.
“what’s got you so jumpy?” his dark sunglasses may hide his playful eyes but you know it’s there and see that the smirk on his lips is devilish. “doin’ something you shouldn’t be?”
your breath hitches and slightly paranoid thought passes through your mind, making you fill with guilt and worry.. did he know? 
“haha, i don’t know what you’re talking about,” you reply but god you barely even believe what you’re saying. “i’m just trying to get to work and you show up out of nowhere,” not that it’s an actual complaint and you don’t sound the least bit mad. you liked seeing satoru very much.
he's got the looks of a man chiseled by the delicate hands of the gods themselves and it doesn’t help that he wears gorgeous, perfectly fitted suits and ties that bring out his already breathtaking cerulean eyes from under his snowy, messy undercut. he may be the most gorgeous man you’ve ever seen.
he lifts an eyebrow, no doubt questioning your odd behavior and a little convinced you really were doing something you shouldn’t be but when he smiles wider, almost like he knows your secret or knows he’ll pry it out of you, you think you would spill it if he asked. 
“you’re a terrible liar,” satoru says through his smile and takes the box from you, standing behind you as you unlock the doors to your little bakery and follows you inside. 
you don’t mind him coming in before the bakery is open, it's not the first time and you're sure it wouldn’t be the last. it was a few months ago he wandered in dressed in a similar black suit that he’s wearing today and ordered one of everything you were offering. he's come in almost every day since then and spent enough money that his funds alone could pay for the rent on the shop but truthfully, even if he didn’t spend a small fortune here, you enjoy his company more than you’d like to admit out loud.
satoru places the box down next to the cash register and leans against the counter, silently watching you tie your apron over your light blue jeans and black shirt, preparing for the weekend morning rush. 
aside from miwa, who was god sent working the front of the bakery, you basically run this place by yourself. you baked, you bought supplies, you balanced the books and dedicated your life to this bakery. a dream you shared with your parents once, one you hope they could be proud of had they survived that fateful day.
“tell me, what were you up to this morning?” satoru questions when you come to open the box from the opposite side of the counter. you pretend the shimmer of his beautiful eyes don’t affect you as he pulls down his glasses and flashes his baby blues at you, batting light lashes to try to get it out of you.
you can feel the heat rising to your cheeks under his flirtatious gaze, your heart hammering under his attention and his playfully sweet tone that might get any person to spill their secrets. “i told you - nothing!” 
your denials are not convincing even to your own ears and his devious expression, still partly hidden by his dark glasses, told you he wasn’t believing a word you were saying but he knew he was close to getting what he wanted. 
he was right before, you are a terrible liar. 
“you can trust me,” he adds and your heart lurches like it believes him. “i won't tell. i’m just curious about what kind of trouble you’re getting yourself into,” he smirks, pulling off his glasses entirely, leaning in closer to you.
you can feel the butterflies from your stomach in your throat as you find it hard to speak with his scent filling your nose, his warmth palpable but still so far away. it's not fair, you think, he knows just how to fluster you and ever since you met him he’s been shameless in doing so.
what started out as compliments you thought was just him being nice, or just enjoying your baking, had turned into intense flirting starting after he showed up as you were locking up one night about a month ago and pleaded with you that he’d pay anything for whatever you had left over from the day. just as you do now, you found it impossible back then to say no to his charm and ended up spending the whole night at the shop talking over cake and mochi.
“come on sugar, tell me.”
“fine!” you break your gaze away from his and focus on the box, hoping you're hiding your burning cheeks well. after you’ve opened the box you grab his hand, putting the contents he wanted to know so badly about in his palm. 
his mouth opens slightly, eyebrows knitting. “a mango?” he questions, looking between you and the fruit in cute confusion.
“yes, a mango that could get me into some trouble. it’s imported from africa, but it’s against customs so i buy them and some other fruits and sugars.. illegally,” you whisper the last word as if someone might hear you even though the shop is empty besides the two of you.
satoru chuckles in amusement but to your surprise, he doesn’t tease you. “why all that trouble for a mango?”
“for someone who eats the goods i bake almost every day you should be able to tell the difference from the other fruits i use versus other places you’ve been,” you tease, taking the fruit from him. “these mangoes are sweeter and creamier than ones you would get here. i’m hurt you can’t tell the difference,” you clutch onto your chest dramatically.
without skipping a beat, he says in an oddly serious tone, “i thought it was because you make them that they taste like that.”
it’s as if your heart is doing somersaults in your chest as you stare at him. god dammit, why did he have to be so adorable and handsome? you might be more happy about it if you knew he wasn’t like this with every pretty girl and handsome man he sees. you’ve seen it first hand with some of your other customers. it didn’t stop you from indulging a bit. his attention is nice and harmless flirting never hurt anyone. right?
the chiming of the bell above the door breaks the trance he had put you in and you’re thankful for the interruption before he was able to poke fun at your flustered state or see the crush you had on him written all over your face.
“morning miwa,” he greets your assistant and only employee.
miwa has gotten quite used to satorus presence in the bakery as well. not long ago she insisted that you should go out with him despite his flirty nature. ‘he’s so beautiful. i bet he’s strong too,’ she sighed dreamily before going on about how she could never go after him, as her heart was already spoken for, and you have his attention so you must go for it.
easier said than done miwa.
“morning mr. gojo,” she replies, pumping her light blue eyebrows at you when she passes by, as if to say ‘go for it girl!’ before disappearing into the back to clock in and get ready to help with preparations for the morning rush. 
you roll your eyes at her and turn around to return to your own preparations. 
satoru watches intently as you cut mangoes, mix dough, run into the back to place things in the oven and get the display case ready simultaneously. he’s sat and watched you prepare for the morning rush a few times by now but you still find the time to talk with him, admire him as he texts on his phone but quickly pull your gaze away when his eyes find yours, and reply to the other questions he has about your illegal activities. 
where are you getting them from? you sure they’re trustworthy? how much are you paying? is this the only dealer you’ve worked with? and the questions go on and on.
“i thought you said you were a businessman, not a cop.”
you try to play it off innocent but a part of you is worried that maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to tell him. you trusted shiro and whatever means he used to procure your imported goods and you know better than to tell anyone of him or what he does for you. 
he hasn’t said it out loud but you’re not naive. your little deals are only small time compared to his normal business but he didn’t need anyone looking into him for any reason. you weren’t about to get in the middle of that or find out what the consequences might be if you did. 
“i’m no cop,” he answers with a sneer. “just looking out for you, don’t want you to get ripped off.” 
a small ‘oh’ comes from under your breath and you avoid his eyes. were you being too paranoid? maybe but you’d rather be safe than sorry in situations like this. after all the effort you put in for this bakery; all the money, sweat and tears you poured into this shop and your treats, losing them wasn’t an option. 
truthfully you don’t believe he is a cop and feel the truth in his words when he says them, though you aren’t sure exactly what it is satoru does for a living but it’s better you not tell him of shiro. 
“i appreciate that,” you mean it honestly despite your defensiveness before. “i shouldn’t say more though..” satoru may be attractive, easy to talk to and affecting your heart more than you want him to but indulging his curiosity to the full extent was not something you could do this time around.
the phone in his pocket begins to ring before he can reply. relief, you’re thankful to end this conversation quickly before he can press more.
he motions with his finger to give him a moment and turns the other way to stand closer to the door of the bakery. you focus your attention on the dough in front of you but it’s hard not to listen in when the shop is so quite. 
“what is it? … this early? ... k, be there soon. … no, i’ll call him and we’ll meet you there.”
he doesn’t sound pleased when he hangs up and immediately goes to make another phone call but you don’t stay around to listen to what he’s saying. instead you slip into the back to get the pastries from the oven and put a couple in a to-go box for satoru.
he’s just getting off the phone when you return and searches his suit pockets for his car keys. “sorry sugar, duty calls.”
“as if i’d let you hang out here all day anyways,” you tease, coming around the counter to stand in front of him and hand him the togo box, stopping him when he reaches into the wallet. “it’s on the house today.” 
his smile could melt your heart and it almost distracts you from the unreasonable amount of yen he drops into the tip jar; way more than what the treats you’ve packed for him cost.
“you don’t ha-”
“i’ll see ya later,” he gives you a wink before slipping his glasses back on and taking the bag from your with a brush of his fingers against yours, making his way out the door. “don’t get into too much trouble without me,” he calls behind him but doesn't look back.
you are trouble, you think, watching him leave and hating the disappointment you feel when his tall figure disappears into the distance as the bell chimes when it closes. you know you shouldn’t be falling for customers and especially ones such as satoru gojo at that- an undeniable flirt. you had your fair share of experiences with men like that in the past and normally stay far away from them but something about satoru has you unable to hold back and, even if it’s to your dismay, he knows just how to pull you in more.
honestly, he seemed rather shallow at first. nothing more than good looks, sweet words and money but the more time he spends around you the more mysterious and deeper he becomes, even still. you can tell he’s really dedicated to his work and works hard. he’s never said exactly what he did besides being a ‘businessman’ but plenty of times it called him away and each time he went without question, not without his dilly dallying. more than that, just today his comment about how he wanted to look out for you didn’t seem like the man you had first thought he was. he didn’t seem like the type to care about other people's business and if they’re being taken advantage of but you could tell he was honest when he said that, none of his normally teasing and playfulness behind his words.
“i don’t understand why you two haven’t gone out yet,” miwa breaks you from your thoughts, coming from the back with two large trays of jelly filled donuts, melon pan and other goodies to fill the display case with.
you sigh, overthinking about what could be if this were more than a little crush between a baker and her handsome customer with an insatiable sweet tooth.
would you say no if he asked? probably not. you doubt anyone says no to gojo. is it a good idea to go out with him though? you honestly couldn’t say. 
it’s not that you were looking for commitment, being a small business owner took up most of your life and you were fine with that; living the dream you had since you were a child, fulfilling what you shared with your once complete family, meant more to you than falling in love. baking was the only love you needed; it didn’t leave and came in all sorts of different comforts. 
you could always make something delicious that made people smile, that was a reminder of a bitter sweet past or a brighter future. like the first taste of a comforting treat after a long day or the familiar scent of a pastry shared by two lovers long ago. seeing those moments and more unfold because of what you baked was enough for you, it brought you happiness in its own way after so much of your own loss.
you aren’t even sure if you could handle a relationship, if it was in the cards for you, but maybe going out and sleeping with him, getting it out of your system would be the way to go. just maybe it would quiet or stop the bubbling feelings instead of you. or maybe it would make it worse.
but you’d be lying if you said you haven’t thought about what lies underneath those designer suits and you know satoru thinks he plays it cool when you wear small summer dresses or plunging necklines and tight pants but you’ve caught those cerulean eyes lingering on your figure more than once.
the other side of this dating coin was going out with him and ending up falling for him; getting yourself caught in something you didn’t particularly want to be a part of. it’s not that you couldn’t put in the hard work that relationships require, though it may be hard to find the time but for the right person you would give it your all. but was it worth the potential loss? could you even handle any more loss? 
satoru didn’t seem like the type to settle down and you weren’t interested in playing games with a man who liked to play them exclusively. putting your heart out there for more than just baking was easier said than done but there was always the possibility your heart didn’t need to get involved, despite how unlike you that was.
a part of you wonders if your heart is already wading deeper than the ankle deep waters of those unbelieve blue eyes.
none of it even matters though because he hadn’t asked you out and it would be inappropriate for you to ask him out as the owner of an establishment he visits frequently...  or maybe it’s the thought that the rejection would hurt just too bad and then you’d likely never see him in your little bakery again, which seems much worse than the rejection, that stops you. your little flirtatious moments when he dropped by were enough, it didn’t need to be more. for your sake and his.
but a girl can still dream. 
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“i can’t believe we’re doing this shit right now. doesn’t he know it’s only eight in the fucking morning?”
“what the hells gotten into you this morning?” geto questions, tossing the black duffle bag into the back of the cadillac with a loud clunk and a slam of the door. there were no off hours with a job like this, both of the men knew that and accepted it, not that it stopped either of them from bitching every now and again but satoru was unusually irritated today. “you know the boss likes these things dealt with quickly.”
both men slide into the car, gojo behind the wheel and geto stuck with all the items left in the front seat by his companion. he tosses what he can in the back or sticks it in the center counsel but satoru can feel sugurus eyes on him the entire time.
he doesn’t look back at his partner as he turns on the car and puts it in drive. “there’s nothing quick about this.” 
he knew suguru couldn’t argue about that. there was absolutely nothing quick about chasing someone that was already a full 12 hours ahead of you, even if you have good intel on where this problem may be. countless things could go wrong and there would be hell to pay if they couldn’t finish the job and bring back what was taken. not that he or geto are worried about that. they were chosen for this job because only they could see it through better than anyone else.
it makes gojo a little less sour knowing they asked him and geto to fix this little problem together since no one else was capable of handling it but he hadn’t had nearly his fill of asking about whoever it was his pretty little baker did illegal business with.
before he can think about his subconscious calling you ‘his’, satoru catches his companion opening up his white togo box full of an assortment of goodies and immediately puts the car back into park after not moving an inch. he wasn’t going to get a chance to stop for more treats while on this mission so he’d have to make them last and he wasn’t planning on sharing anyways.
“these are mine,” satoru reaches over and shuts the lid over sugurus fingers, moving the box to his lap aggressively.
“what? are you five years old all of the sudden?”
“shut up. she made these for me and i’m not sharing,” he reaches into the box not caring what he grabs out because no matter what it was it was bound to satisfy his craving. 
bite sized mango turn over, and damn were these illegal mangoes good. 
he can’t help but smile at the memory of you all sweet and guilty. worried over illegal mangoes. your innocence is so cute. he didn't know what kind of trouble to expect you to get into but that was not it.
gojo knows suguru recognizes the mochi and sakura leaf logo of your bakery, various boxes and containers were always in his apartment or car and gojos raved about your cakes and mochi like it was made of gold. he made geto try it so could he understand the craze from his best friend who has no impulse control and a sweet tooth from hell but satoru also knows he’s dropped plenty of hints he thinks you’re attractive as well so it’s no wonder he keeps going back. 
“she makes them for everyone, dumbass. that’s her job.”
“i’m still not sharing.”
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“a paloma and extra shot of tequila, please,” you order before your butt even hits the cushion of the bar stool.
slumping into the seat you close your eyes and let out a long exhale. it’s been a long and exhausting few days with miwa on vacation with her boyfriend, kokichi, and you running the bakery by yourself. she works so hard, puts in so much effort for your little shop so how could you say no when she asked for a few days off for a get away with her beloved? she was sweet enough to plan her vacation on weekdays instead of the weekend too so that you didn’t have to suffer the weekend rush by yourself. 
you don’t remember the days before miwa being this busy and exhausting but business had grown a lot since then. it might be time to look for additional help but that would have to wait for another day when you could go through the shop's finances and see if you could even afford it on top of paying miwa what she deserves.
tonight, all you want is something stiff to help let all that stress slip away before you head home and get ready for another solo day. 
the bartender puts your peach colored drink and shot glass in front of you without a word and walks to the other side of the island to attend to a couple who arrived right before you. you don’t come to the bar often, never really finding the time and not really having anyone to go with but when you do decide to come out by yourself, you always come to the light ox bar. it’s quiet and modern, playing all your favorite songs over the speakers and the bartenders are generous with their drinks, lowkey enough to wind down after a long day and it’s right in between your apartment and the bakery.  
you quickly take the shot, the clear liquid burning your throat, though not unpleasantly, on the way down. oh yes, this was exactly what you needed before getting back to grind tomorrow.
“haven’t seen you here in a while,” a familiar deep voice comes from behind you after a few minutes of nursing your drink in silence, stewing over issues that you wish you could have left at work.
toji fushiguro, a man you met at this bar two years ago and have only ever seen at this bar. very handsome and equally mysterious. you know only 2 things about the man; his name and that he loves to drink whiskey. 
at least those are the only things he’s confirmed about himself, you’ve speculated other things plenty. you don’t know his age; he’s older than you for sure but not quite old enough to be the age your father would have been and not quite young enough to be your brother. the scar on his face and his muscular build had you guessing he’s ex military or police but his personality doesn’t quite fit either occupation. 
he’s not married or if he is he doesn’t wear a ring or say anything about his spouse. he ‘s hardly told you a thing. you don’t mind not knowing much about him though. he may say otherwise but you know he’s a decent guy. he’s been good company on some hard and good nights; scaring away a few unwanted suitors and listening to you rant or talk about whatever's on your mind but never judging you for it.
he’s been one of the only people you’ve opened up to about your past, your parents demise, why baking even matters so much to you.
“yeah.. the shop’s been keeping me pretty busy,” you admit, sitting up straight in your seat but not turning to face him. you stare into your drink, stirring the ice with the small black straw, watching the droplets of condensation soak into the coaster as he takes a seat next to you.
out of the corner of your eye you see him sip on the golden liquid in his glass and smile. “means business is good then, yeah?”
“it’s good,” you reply, though your tone doesn’t sound like you’re happy about it and toji quickly catches on. 
he lets out a quiet huf, moving in his chair to rest his elbows on the glass counter top of the bar and looks over at you with dark emerald eyes. “you don’t sound too happy about that.”
i am happy about it.. right? you ask yourself while taking another sip of your drink. yes, successful business was what every business owner hoped for, what your parents hoped for. you had to be happy about that. what you weren’t happy about was the exhaustion, the long nights, the loneliness despite being around customers all day, the fact all you think and worry about is your business. baking was the way to get out of reality but it’s hard to feel like that on days like today when you didn’t have enough hands, money or time.
you force a half hearted laugh. “i am.. it’s tiring living and breathing business.. if i was able to just bake i’d love that but it’s everything else i don’t like. i don’t like having to worry about hiring people or about making rent on the shop or how to advertise or bring new customers in.. all that stuff, it’s not me.. not what i’m passionate about but there’s no one else to do it for me.” 
you only ever do it because you have to in order to keep your bakery dream alive and normally you wouldn’t complain. responsibilities weren’t always things you were passionate about or loved to do, it was what you had to do no matter how you felt but it gets hard to put on a brave face when all you do is worry and stress about responsibilities, when it feels like it’s you against the world. you didn’t have anyone to lean on, no one to reach out to for help that didn’t require you to pay first.
you were.. alone.
as much as you don’t want to admit it to yourself, satoru provided you a small relief from all of this. he may not be able to help with the books and workload overwhelming you but he made you smile, made you laugh and loves your treats more than anyone else. it was a breath of fresh air in your busy work life to have him stop by, like a rest stop on a steep upwards hike where you can catch your breath and enjoy the view instead of worrying about getting to the top. he hadn’t been by the past few days though, not since saturday morning and, a little begrudgingly, you find yourself wishing to see him walk through the door and tease you to his heart's content. perhaps that’s got you in a bad mood too.
“too much responsibility for such a little girl?” 
finally you turn to look at him with narrow eyes that shoot daggers into his side but it’s hard to stay too mad when you’re met with a smug ass look on his face. you playfully shove him in the arm and continue trying your hardest to glare at him but he’s got one of those smiles that rubs off on others and your toughness is broken though almost instantly.
“i’m an adult, alright?” a fact he already knows about you. “not some little girl who's too far in over my head.” though you're starting to doubt that slightly tonight. your business may be successful for now but maybe it was more than you could handle, more than you wanted to handle. were you ever meant to do this alone?
“anyone would feel like it’s too much if all they thought about was work,” he acknowledges and downs the rest of his drink. “sounds like you could use a break.”
“a break.. hell i’d even take a distraction just so i don’t have to think about it for a little while.” 
you follow suit and drink the rest of your paloma in a few gulps, finally feeling the warmth from your first shot helping your body relax. a break, a distraction.. neither of those options seemed possible at a time like this. if you take time off you have to close the shop and then you don’t make money and then you can’t pay rent on the shop or your apartment or buy items you need or pay miwa. you want to cry just thinking about it. so many things relied on you working and trying to figure this all out. a few drinks before bed was the most of a distinction you could afford.
toji calls for the bartender and doesn’t say anything before he’s pouring tojis brand of choice whiskey and two shots of tequila. you sit in silence, feeling the alcohol warm your insides, and watch the bartender pour your drinks. you’ve always known toji came here a lot, every random time you’ve shown up he’s usually here but you’re still not used to how he doesn’t even have to order because they know him so well.
he slides you one of the shots and takes the other for himself, clinking them together before you drink them and put the glasses down in tandem. your worried, tired eyes don’t go unnoticed by him when you reach up to play with the ice from your paloma with a straw once more.
he leans back in his chair, crossing one leg over the other, his ankle on his opposite thigh, and washes away the taste of tequila with his whiskey. you can tell by the look on his face he’s not a fan of tequila and whiskey was not a great chaser but one shot wasn’t going to kill him. 
“i could distract you,” he says too casually but implying too much for your liking.
your cheeks burn and you find yourself speechless under the gaze of his narrow green eyes through dark lashes.
“what? scared of me all the sudden?” he raises an eyebrow and the corner of his lips turn up ever so slightly at the embarrassment on your face. like he was enjoying this embarrassed side of you.
“no!” you say probably too defensively and definitely too loudly but somehow you get your voice to quiet and slow. “it’s not that..”
you aren’t even sure what it is, what’s got you tongue tied and excited at the same time. you know toji to be cool and straight forward, he radiates the confidence of a man who gets what he wants, does what he wants and doesn’t let anyone stand in his way. so it shouldn’t surprise you that he’d say something as bold as this, as casually as he did. maybe it's the fact you can’t believe you’re actually considering taking him up on his offer.
“then what is it?” he doesn’t wait for you to answer before he uncrosses his legs and leans in closer to you, one hand on the back of your chair, the other still holding onto his glass. he’s giving you space to get away, tell him no but you don’t. he smells of cedar and whiskey; and right now you find it more intoxicating than the liquor in your system. “worried i wont be nice? you should know by now, i’m not a nice guy.”
✧˚ · .
you don’t even make it past the entryway of your apartment before toji's lips, hungry and primal latch onto yours, traveling down your jaw and to your neck, his black hair tickling below your ear. the weight of his chest pins you against the door, his strong hands grabbing onto your ass and lifting your feet off the ground in the process. you take the opportunity to encase him between your thighs, feeling his hardening cock against your clothed core.
it’s impossible not to grind against his length but toji is having none of it, using his forceful grip to still your eager hips. 
the cold air on your neck when he pulls away from your supple, reddening skin has goosebumps littering your body. his eyes are dark and focused on your every moment, down to the heaving of your chest and the hot air escaping your lips; a predator locked onto its prey. 
“eagerness will get you nowhere with me kitten, you’d better behave.”
you nod in agreement, unable to get the words out of your mouth as you fight for breath. you’d listen perfectly if it meant he’d distract you.
his lips find yours once more and your hands make their way into his hair, tangling in the soft black locks more and more with each deepening of your kiss. with ease he supports your weight and carries you from the front entryway to your bedroom, following your breathless instructions between devouring kisses.
your body meets the mattress with force, your hair scattering behind you, your legs remaining open for him. you stare up at tojis face in the moonlight coming from your window. he doesn’t look like the man you thought him to be under the dark, silvery night; his figure towering over your much smaller body and his intense gaze sends a shiver down your spine and wet warmth between your legs.
his defined core and arm muscles ripple and flex as he lifts his shirt off of himself, relieving the unexpected mural that is spread across his entire chest and arms; tattoos of black clouds and flowers and in the center of it all, a large red snake baring its bloody fangs.
your eyes widen, your mind thinking of all the times in media you had seen art like this on others and you can feel your palms getting sweaty. what had you gotten yourself into? swallowing the saliva caught in your throat, you ask, “a-are you in the yakuza.. or something like that?”
“something like that,” he admits, looking down at his tattooed body and then back to you. “have you changed your mind? i warned you i wasn’t a good guy.”
despite talking and drinking at the same bar with him for a few years, you may not know much about him personally but you never thought or got the impression he’s put you or would put you in danger. it’s not like you were planning to date toji anyways, dating a mafia member was out of the question but fucking one didn’t seem like the worst idea you’ve had. who even knew if you’d even see him again after this and truthfully you aren’t sure it’s worth overthinking. 
no, you hadn’t changed your mind.
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3 months ago
“you wanna stay for dinner?” yuki asks gojo as they both find their discarded clothes on the ground and redress.
annoyance immediately fills satoru. she always asks and the answer is always no. why must she persist each time he comes over? he had meant to stop this little fling they had going on a while ago but each time after a hard time at work he found himself at her doorstep and in her bed; he just needed something to take the edge off, something to remind him he’s more than a man who’s only use is to eradicate problems and people for this family. more than a tool.
yuki had been apart of the family for years since her father is a higher up in the organization. she knows about his and satorus way of life and was happy to provide satoru some kind of release; after all she benefited just as much while in between boyfriends and lounging around until she was needed by her father.
and even when they did fuck, satoru wasn’t in a relationship with her and he never would be so why play pretend and sit together for a meal like a normal couple?
he looks behind him at her, watching her tie up her long hair into a ponytail from the other side of her queen sized bed. she raises an eyebrow at him when he doesn’t answer. 
truthfully he is starving but whatever yuki could cook, or order because she doubt she does her own cooking, was not what he was craving. he needed something much sweeter after the day he had. 
“not really,” he grumbles and returns back to buttoning up his shirt. 
“well i guess i better tell you now then,” she smooths out her baggy sweater and looks at him with an expression that makes him wonder if she’s happy or upset.
god, if we were together you’d think she was getting ready to dump me, satoru thinks to himself, trying to anticipate what news she might be breaking to him.
“my father is discussing an arranged marriage to help strengthen the ties with the kusakabe clan so.. we should probably stop whatever this is,” she motions between them with her hand. 
perfect timing. it’s much easier on him for her to put a stop to it anyways. it doesn’t come as a surprise that she’d be married off either. the relationship between the kusakabe clan and the gojo clan are in the beginning stages of a conflict that could stop their business together entirely. they’re getting more and more fed up with the treatment from the gojos but satoru knows it would be quite a loss if they were to cut ties entirely.
“fine by me.”
she walks him to the front door, giving him a smile when she looks between his legs and then back up to his face, as if to say goodbye to his dick because he highly doubts she’ll miss him all that much and he can say the feeling is mutual.
“know of any good bakeries nearby?” he asks with cold indifference.
she gives him a deadpan look. 
“are sweets really the only thing on your mind right now? right after denying having dinner with me too?”
sure, things were supposed to be casual with him and gojo could admit she never tried to make it anything more than that, offering dinner was supposed to be casual he’s sure. satoru isn’t the kind of guy who you wanted to date anyways, she had to have known that upon first meeting him and since then he has no doubt her opinion on that has only grown stronger since they started this thing. 
she punches him in the arm, “you ass. i thought you were going to give me some sweet goodbye.” 
there’s only silence as gojo awaits the answer to his question. it’s not like he was never going to see her again, he’d probably be at her wedding along with the rest of the family.  
she sneers in response to his silence, crossing her arms and rolling her eyes. “there's one on the corner up the road. take a right when you get out of here and go up a bit, it’s by the park.”
unexpectedly to even him, he pulls her into him, blonde hair brushing against his ear with her tall height. a friendly hug and one that's reciprocated, though it may even be the first one they’ve ever shared.
“thanks for all you’ve done for me,” he says quietly, giving her a squeeze. “take care yuki.”
normally satorus body feels a little lighter after leaving yukis place but that isn’t the case tonight. even when he found himself balls deep he couldn’t shake the thoughts that plagued his mind. very rarely did he question his choices but tonight he wonders if he’s doing the right thing sticking with the family, following orders - albeit on his own terms - and doing everyone else's dirty work. did he even deserve a better life after all he’s done? at what point are you in too far and there’s no turning back, no second chance at happiness? since when did he even care? and most of all, had he doomed the others he brought into it thinking he was protecting them?
he doesn’t even know what happiness looks like at this point. he thought it was the money, power and rising through the ranks until he could have it all but the deeper he gets the more he dislikes it and is convinced this isn’t happiness and that no one, not even the boss, ‘has it all’. 
it hadn’t always felt this bad and he’s sure tomorrow he might feel differently but for tonight, it keeps his shoulder slumped, hands bunched in his pockets and snowy hair covering his eyes as he walks down the street kicking rocks as he goes. 
just like yuki said, on the corner of a strip of shops across from the park is a small bakery; pink sakura leaves and a small mochi emblem on the door leading inside. when another customer exits, the smell of vanilla and sugar fills the air around satoru and his stomach grumbles. he just might die if he doesn’t eat something sweet soon.
“welcome!” the blue haired girl behind the counter greets him before turning to help an elderly lady standing at the cash register.
it’s a cute little shop; small but manageable and easy to get in and out of. there are two tables and some chairs sitting by the big window with the shades pulled up, bringing in the lights in the street and from surrounding shops. a big display case is at the end of the counter white counter, some smaller display cases on both sides of the cash register, only a few more things of bread left in each.
gojo heads straight to the main display, not nearly as empty as the others but still telling of the good day you must have had. his eyes sparkle and his mouth waters at the tasty looking treats still inside. the purin looks beyond perfect; caramel glaze dripping off the top of the custard and onto the little plate like it was about to be a part of a magazine. assorted cookies, strawberry shortcake, dango and a little sign saying ask at the counter for mochi, with the flavors of the day listed. 
“what can i get you?”
the friendly voice tears satorus attention from the baked goods and he’s met with the face of a woman that looks just as sweet as any of one of these treats. your sparkling eyes are illuminated by the lights of the display case, they are the most beautiful eyes he’s ever seen and your beaming smile is a sight for sore eyes; honest and kind. it helps him throw all his worries out the window, all that’s on his mind now is the pretty girl and sugary sweets in front of him.
everything looks so delicious, including you, how could he possibly pick?
“one of everything, please,” he says. he doesn’t have to say much to lay on the charm, he lets his eyes do most of that and it seems to be working.
your pink cheeks and surprised eyes only makes you look that much more adorable. oh, was satoru glad he made his way here tonight.
“everything,” he smirks. ✧˚ · .
satorus mouth waters just thinking about all the treats he ate that night while he makes his way to the bakery. he may buy one of everything again today since gas station candies were not cutting it for him these past couple of days while he was gone for work. nothing was the same as your pastries, no gas station clerk was as pretty as you or made him smile the way you did.
he couldn’t get to the bakery fast enough.
he also couldn’t be more disappointed about the line out the door once he arrives. this busy on a thursday in the early afternoon? he’s come by at this time before and it’s never been like this but he supposes he has no choice but to wait. as the line moves forward and he’s able to peek through the window he notices the shop is missing its blue haired cashier. you come from the back with a tray full of freshly baked cookies and an aura satoru swears he’s never seen from you before.
coming in as often as he did, probably overstaying more than he should but he couldn’t help and you never complained, meant that satoru got to see some sides of you most customers didn’t. he’s seen you frustrated and overworked, he’s also seen you in relief, amusement and content happiness. but even through all his flirting with you he’s never once seen the pleased smile that’s on your face today or the glow behind it; not even a little stressed with how busy it is and the fact you’re running things by yourself. 
he’s seen this glow, this smile before - he himself has provided it to others - but he’s never seen it on you and it lights an unfamiliar, uncomfortable, feeling in his chest that he can’t swallow down. 
it’s not necessarily that he was hoping you’d be sad in his absence. okay maybe he was, knowing you were missing him would boost his ego quite a bit. but he never thought he’d come back to see you basically illuminating the bakery in your after sex glow or that he would be annoyed about it.
you’re a grown ass woman. so what if you were having sex? why should that matter to him? you aren’t his girlfriend or even anyone he’s dating at all. it shouldn’t matter that he’s wondered before what you would look like underneath him or how pretty your face would be after he makes a mess of you. he made himself hold back because he wanted to keep coming back here and he knew if he fucked you and never asked you out again that would have to stop. 
you haven't had sex yet because he made it so but that didn’t mean he wanted to see you like this because of somebody else. plus, he knows he could make you feel a million times better than whoever this guy was.
the line dies down as he walks in and he wonders if you spot him near the door behind others. either way, you are unable to give him your attention with the last dozen or so customers that remain in the shop waiting to be taken care of, himself being the last one. he approaches the counter just as the couple sitting at one of the tables near the window walks out, the door bell jingling behind them.
“hey satoru!” you greet with a smile that was somehow brighter than the one you had worn when he first saw you today. “it’s been a few days, i was starting to worry about you.”
so you were thinking of him in his absence? good.
normally he’d take off his glasses, showcase his ocean eyes but today he keeps them on, thankful the dark lenses would hide his deep stare that he’s trying to keep from you entirely. 
like you were unsure if he heard your welcome, you try again and he catches the unsteadiness in your voice. “i’ve got some new cake i’ve been trying to perfect, it's german chocolate. want a piece?” 
“you must have been getting lonely trying new recipes by yourself.” he can hear the hostility behind his words.
“i don’t really mind baking by myself,” you say and he watches you bite your bottom lip and look down before trying to meet his gaze again with more confidence, a flirty lace to your tone. “but having a taste tester is always better.” 
a very unwelcomed image of someone else tasting you pops into his head. 
“i’m sure,” he replies through a clenched jaw.
hurt is painted all over your face and he feels his chest tighten knowing he was the one that made it so but your expression, dropping down to his tie instead of his face, is quickly morphing into something more akin to shame and then confusion.
if he’s being honest, he’s feeling just as confused as you look. 
satoru didn’t get jealous, he’d swear up and down he’s not even now and yet, the thought of you with someone else has his blood boiling. the thought that while he was gone another had your attention made him beyond irritated, left his heart beating out of sync. 
what were you doing to him? 
it’s not too late, he decides in the awkward silence permeating between you. after all he was satoru gojo; handsome, charming, funny and he already had you on his hook. he may have to stop coming by after making you scream his name in bed, he’s not one for second dates or these particular attachments, but it was worth it to satisfy this annoying sting in his chest and finally give into his desire. 
he calls your name, bringing you from your own thoughts and when he finally looks at you without his glasses on, the way your eyes light up, a complete 360 from your previous expression when you were deep in thought, brings him to smile and leaves a comforting warmth pooling in his chest. 
you were too cute and he couldn’t wait to eat you up, show you there’s no one better than him.
“may i take you out on a date this weekend?”
✧˚ · .
main masterlist | chapter two: maybe not so lonely ➮➮➮
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imma-queencard · 1 year
Who owns you?(part one!)
Pairings: Mafia N.Yuta x female Reader!
→warnings: Humiliation,degradation, Slut shaming, slight violence, Ragging & suggestive.
→characters: N.Yuta(Suzaki Ryo),Reader,Kohei,Tsukasa(Oya High) and others.
→taggings: @sashe-xhelse-blog @elviinwonderland @iraa567 @nuttie-nv-blog @anthropologymajorkpopmultistan @seventhcallisto others whom I couldn’t tag as tumblr hid their acc from mentioning!(sorry!)
P.s: This is based on his role Suzaki Ryo played on High and low the worst X. A quick easy summery. There he played as the right hand of Kohei,the current leader of Senomon high school. Suzaki Ryo,ex leader of Nami high and a third year student who got shifted then into Senomon high school and made everyone obeyed Kohei as their leader. The said to be the puppet of Kohei Amagai.
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You always hated Kohei,the current leader of Senomon high. He was such a leader who couldn’t even have his own grip on all the gangs running around in Senomon. He was nothing without his right hand,Nakamoto Yuta. No,the puppet. You hated both. Specially the latter. Why on earth would you let a person commanding you as if you were his slave when you,yourself was far more capable than he already was.
Everyone feared him, the Nakamoto Yuta. The fear of him made people obey Kohei. He was always standing like a shield around Kohei. These two hot yet cold men. Specially Nakamoto Yuta. But it was none of your concern. You were just a first year fresher in Senomon high while residing in a devastated alley of Senomon. You had no time crushing over him like your classmates,friends,neighbours or other girls. You had a younger spoiled brother and a sick grandma at home to worry about. Two mouths to feed alongside yours.
You rolled your eyes seeing Kohei with his puppet, Nakamoto walking their way towards the main gate. You cringed at the sight.
You still remember the very first day of your first year here at Senomon High. All of you were forced to line up in front of this mafia group on the rooftop of this campus. All of you were shaking in fear. All heads down. Kohei stopped in front of you,checking you from head to toe just like he did to the previous girls.
He grabbed your wrist to pull you forward. "What about this chick Nakamoto?Do you like this one?" He asked looking at his friend.
You tried to pull out your wrist out of his grip,"What are you doing! Let go!" Only making Kohei tightening his grip. You winched in pain gritting your teeth at him.
"Wow,this chick speaks, Nakamoto!"
You cried out as he twisted the wrist,"ple-please it hurts! I'm-i'm sorry" You pleaded thinking you might have angered the leader by speaking up. You should have just shut your mouth like the other girls who were slutshamed before you.
"Previous one seemed a slut. You want this one? Or the previous? I dont think you like leftovers,dude" Your ears turned red in embarrassment.
"Or maybe you like leftovers? But you can slut this up behind the close doors,huh? That's more fun!" he laughed. You bit your lip in order to suppress your tears falling out. None ever talked to you like this.
"You're not going to go whoring around like your classmates,bitch?" you flinched in fear. He grabbed your chin making you look at him,
"Will you be a good slut for my friend?" you shut your eyes in anger & embarrassment. You didn't even dare to look at the man named Nakamoto as you already felthim staring at you. Penetrating you down with his stare as if claiming his thing with his own eyes.
"Answer me,slut!"
You scoffed hearing two girls whispering to "Nakamoto is so hot!" You looked at the person. He looks the same. Handsome. Just like the first day. Red suited him. Everything suited him..
You were kind of glad that he didn't utter a single word during and after that day. But you always felt a stare haunting you whenever he would pass by. Maybe this was just a delusion of yours. Maybe you were so traumatised with the event that your mind kept making scenarios about this. You looked at the group in awe.
Yeah,It was your chance to confirm your delusion for real.
Your fingers nervously reaching the white silver necklace around your neck when your eyes opted up to look at him. You saw him paused in his track. Few feets away from you. Staring directly into your eyes. You gulped down when he didn't even move his eyes when he got caught red handed. You didn't how long you stared into his cold eyes before looking down in embarrassment. You huffed when he resumed to follow Kohei inside the campus giving you one final look.
This was not your delusion. You were mind was not making up things.
He had his stare for you.
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You dropped your pen on the table. Life was already hard. And these studies were making it harder. But at last you finished your studies for today. You felt sleepy. You looked at the wall clock.
2.00 am. Time to sleep.
You tidied your night dress and yawned. You looked at the open windows of your room. You decided to close them before you plopped yourself on the bed. You got up to shut the windows. You reached out to your window but your hand froze. You gasped out loud. Your eyes fixated on the person across the road. What the hell!
Nakamoto Yuta.. standing there.
Leaning against the lamp post opposite to your house. His eyes towards your room. Your fingers instinctively pulling down the hem of your night dress that was already covering you enough. You rushed out downstairs wrapping up a shawl against your upper body to make it more civilised.
"Wha-what are you doing here?" you asked almost whispering while marching towards him. His eyes observed every single of your moves.
"You-you just can't stand here at midnight! I-I live in a society and have reputation to worry unlike you..and-and there are some unannounced rul-" you paused when he just lazily looked away as if you were stuttering some boring lectures.
"Nakamoto.. There. are. some. rules. You just can't stand in front of a-in front of a marriageable woman's house at such hours!" You hissed out looking around. Afraid of any of your neighbour watching you in this situation. Then spreading rumors about you. This side of Senomon was far away from the so called western progression.
You did care about your reputation. Your grandma's reputation. You didn't want to get involved in rumors. Specially with the man standing in front of you.
He tilted his head towards you this time. "Then why you as a marriageable woman just in a night dress standing in front of a profitable bachelor like me in such late hours,huh? Does it count. .."
he trailed taking a step towards you," does it count in the unannounced rules of your society where you live in Y/N?" he spoke huskily looking at you. Your cheeks turned red in embarrassment.
" You-jus-just leave.." You muttered under your breath and rushed inside your house locking the door behind.You let your body leaned against the wooden door. This was the first time this man had ever spoke to you and gave you second hand embarrassment on spot.
You ran in front of the mirror of your room to check your attire. You furrowed looking at your reflection. Your satin night dress reaching below your knee and the shawl covering your blossom perfectly. Though your hair was messy, you looked appropriate.
The audacity of this man!
You walked up to the window slowly to check if he was still standing there. You peeped behind the curtain. He was now leaning his back against the lamp post more while brushing his hair off his forehead. His eyes met your curious ones which were glistening behind the white curtains. You grunted as you got caught.His lips curved upwards in satisfaction when you shut the window with a thump on his face.
A cocky bastard.
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It had been hell of two weeks since the Nakamoto Yuta stood in front of your house. This was the first time and hopefully the last time also. He left that night after some time but also snatched your sleeps with him.
"What does he think of himself!" You murmured recalling the event while wiping the counter with the mop. You still couldn’t believe that man had the audacity to say something unwarranted and unwanted thing on your face. In front of your house.
"You still thinking about that red suited hot guy?" the old woman,the owner of the cafe you worked asked sitting on the cash table.
"It's just that.. Had some bad experience with that group and can't tolerate them" You said putting the mop behind the counter. You had been ragged by them. Why would you like them? And who liked them anyway? The old woman was about to say something when the bell chirped in.
You were about to welcome the guest with a smile. You furrowed,"tsukasa?" The blonde handsome man walked up to the counter with a smile,"Hey Y/N..um.." he looked at the menu card and continued, "I'd like to order two cappuccino.. Mind me join there?" he asked out pointing a table in the middle. You looked at your owner for her approval as you were in the middle of your shift.
He saw your hesitation so quickly added," Of course,I'm paying for both and in double..if you excuse her for a moment.." the old woman's eyes beamed hearing the word 'double'.
You were both happy and confused seeing Tsukasa here. You met him last spring at Oya High when you went to a hospital there for your grandma's surgery. He happened to be the right hand and best friend of Fujio,the leader of Oya High. The most powerful house and region. He was so helpful despite his position. He was kind and sweet. Always lending a hand whenever you needed one. That was how your friendship bloomed on a spring day.
"So why are you suddenly out of your cave of Oya high,hm?" You asked putting the two mugs on the table and took your seat across him.
"Things are obviously different now.." he replied taking his mug with a quick 'thanks'.
"I'm actually shocked seeing you here. No offense!" You tried to joke out,eased out yourself.
He smiled," It's just I was passing so decided to stop by.. By the way yo-" you cut him off. You pointed the scar on his forehead, "You again caught into new fight?"
He touched the scar and laughed out casually,"Oh!That? Old fight.. Your senomon pride Nakamoto's doings. He is better than we thought."
Suddenly the bell chirped in again and you both saw Kohei followed by Nakamoto and three other men entering the cafe. Nakamoto's eyes instantly found his way towards you and tsukasa. His gaze stiffened. You cautiously saw them shooing around customers off a table on centre. Cursing them aloud. Then occupying the table as if it was their own from the beginning. You sighed.
That was so of them.
"Are you gonna stop whoring around and take our orders,bitch?" You heard kohei screamed suddenly. You felt tsukasa tensed. You were quick to grab his hand and mumble a 'please?' You didn’t want you and your friend to get insulted in front of all the customers.
You walked up to them holding the notepad tight to your chest. "Your orders?"
"Orders? We thought you were busy whoring around with guys from different regions. Are you done sleeping with all the men from Senomon?" Kohei asked clicking his tongue. You looked around to find the customers gossiping. Some of them are even pointing at you.
You bit the inside of your cheeks,"wha-what would you like to order sir?"
"Regular!" one of the men replied and threw a menu card at you. You nodded and literally rushed to the counter. You decided to stand there until their order arrived. So,you were now a whore.
A whore.
None even objected. So many people but none stood for you. Whom do you even expect to object anyway?
"How long would it take,huh?" one of them asked clapping and whistling.
"Everything takes time,kids." your owner replied pushing up her glass. Not bothered about this situation as she was already used to this.
"Or your chef's also whoring around just like your order?" Another shouted making the whole cafe bursted out laughing. You felt Tsukasa's eyes on you. You forced him a smile. Your eyes wandered at the said group. It's just so easy to insult people here and there for them.. Your eyes glanced at Nakamoto who's jaw was tightened. And his hand grabbing the glass so tight that you feared it might break. His eyes fixed on Tsukasa's back.
This looks bad..
Suddenly a tray arrived at the counter. "Serve this to the couple sitting on table 4." your owner ordered. You nodded.
You took a deep breath and walked to the desired table which was past their table. You almost screamed out when Kohei stepped in front of you out of nowhere. "You fuvking serving every single person of this damn cafe except us! WHO FUVKING OWNS THE SENOMON!? " He screamed. You flinched and didnt know that you were backing from him steps by steps.
"It-it's coming.." you stuttered closing your eyes..gripping the tray harder in fear.
"You Don't understand, do you? I FUVKING OWN THE WHOLE SENOMON!I OWN THIS CAFE,I OWN YOU AND ALL THOSE SLUTS OUT THERE!I will fuvkinh crush that whole place!" He screamed at top of his lungs and pushed the tray out of your hand. You closed your eyes in humiliation when all the foods scattered all over you. The cafe just became pin dropped silent.
"You fuvking have to pay for this you old witch!" he gritted his teeth pointing his finger at your owner. He pushed you with his shoulder while cursing the old lady. You were already so shaken up to the situation that your leg tripped into the chair behind you as his large frame pushed you,you fell onto the floor on your knees. You cried out in pain. You looked back to see Kohei and his goons threatening your owner before leaving the cafe with some kicks on the door.
You looked at the mess on the floor. You grabbed the tray and started putting the leftovers on it. Why did you have to live in Senomon out of all those places? Couldn't it be Oya High?
Your eyes teared up feeling all the eyes on your helpless frame. You bit your lips when you saw a pair of leather shoe stepped in front of you. You looked up to see Nakamoto Yuta towering you with his long frame. Your eyes found his. You didnt know why you even searched empathy in his eyes. But found none to your dismay. Rather he just kept staring at you with his infamous expressionless eyes while putting his hand into his pocket. As if nothing had happened. As if it was the most regular thing you could see in a cafe. You looked away in disgust.
You started putting the foods on the tray. Did he have more insults to come in your way? Then you saw the leftovers near his right shoe. You scooted but paused expecting him to move aside for creating space for you. But he just started tapping the floor with his right heel feeling your eyes on his shoes.
Your eyes teared up in humiliation. You were literally hovering over his shoes and all he did was tapping the floor rhythmically! You could hear some customers talking shits and whistling at you. That was some jokes to them.
Tsukasa rushed towards you,"Y/N are you alright?" Before you could open your mouth to say it was alright, Nakamoto grabbed Tsuaksa's shoulder to stop him reaching you. Then pulled the blonde towards him by his collar.
"Tsukasa..long time no see.." he said clicking his tongue. Tsukasa just scoffed and was about to say something harsh when Nakamoto beat him on that.
"Do your charity in Oya High not here. Don't make me repeat. Leave." Nakamoto breathed out tracing the scar on Tsukasa's face which he had painted a month ago. Last thing you wanted right now was to get your friend involved into internal feuds of Senomon.
You looked at your friend with pleading eyes. He huffed," I will wait for you outside" The blonde spoke and left before sparing a long glance at the red suited guy.
You sighed in relief when Tsukasa left. But your relief didn’t last long when you heard a customer shouted,"Pick up the food slut. You deserved it!"
You looked pathetic and they enjoyed looking a person like this. That was how they live here after all.
You gave your last look at his shoe hovering over it. But he didn't move just kept staring at you. You sighed. What did you even expect from him? Move aside? At least that was how a human treated another out of courtesy. Did you really deserve this? In front of all the customers?
You took a deep breath. That was your job. There was nothing wrong with that. You kept repeating to yourself and extended your fingers to grab the food. His right shoe kicked the food away in a second when you were about to pick it up. Your lips parted in shock. Your eyes shot towards him in disbelief when you heard him,
"He doesn’t own you. I do"
You were speechless already. Your eyes shot widen when he bend down to your level. He tilted his head to the left and licked his lower lip,
"If you want to whore around babe,don't go seeking help in different regions. You know where to find me."
Your ears turned red in embarrassment hearing his words. And the boos from the customers worsened the situation. You looked away angrily. You had enough. Was it that easy to call you whore here and there. You stood up angrily holding the tray. You put the tray on the nearest table with a thump as he also stood up fixing his red jacket.
"I don't manwhore like you and your fucking leader! I'm anything but a whore,you motherfucker manwhore!" You screamed in one go shaking terribly in anger and didnt waste a minute to walk towards the counter. Making the whole cafe silent than ever had.
You heard him chuckle,". You are my whore butterfly the way I can be yours"
You looked back speechless. Was that man flirting with you in front of all the people? Or insulting you or insulting himself? You were paranoid now. Your eyes wander around to see some customers' eyes went wide just like yours.
If you were shock then,now you wanted the whole earth to swallow you up when he started walking towards you. Unbuttoning his red jacket slowly. Exposing his black v neck shirt showing underneath which was giving glimpse of his pale chest. His few hair strands falling on his wide forehead and the way his lips curved into a smirk... You swallowed the lump in your throat.
"That's fuckinh-public indecency!" You heard a teenage girl exclaimed oggling at his physiques shamelessly.
You took few steps backwards hitting the counter. He stopped few inches before you smirking. He just caged you between him and that damn marble counter. You closed your eyes in embarrassment when he lowered his face to match yours. His lips moved to your right earlobe. His hot breath on your face. You could even smell his cologne from there.
You blushed wild when his lips brushed against your earlobe. You swore your breath got hitched. Your fingers gripped the hem of your dress tight with closed eyes. Praying to God to save yourself from this sinful man. Your heart thumping out loud. Fearing it might bursted out inside your ribcage. He chuckled huskily seeing his effects on you. Then he whispered against your earlobe,
"That's how you rebel,sweetheart.. On your own. but I,Nakamoto Yuta,Do own you."
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Author note: Hi! I dont know if it matches up your wait but thanks for reading this whole thing!<3 tumblr deleted my draft a week ago so it took me enough time to write this up again. I was really satisfied with the deleted draft sadly! :3 if you have any idea to share,please reach out to me. I'd love to hear them out and write them up.
There were others too who asked to be in taglist.. I tried mentioning them on top but couldn't add them as the app might be hiding some user names(maybe?). Thanks for asking and supporting though!❤️
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