#now that I finish my exams
danicloth · 1 year
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And you were crying out for me 💔…
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crow-cap · 4 months
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willczek-art · 4 months
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NPMD Tarot - The Lovers
Others from the project: The Devil, The Hierophant , The Star, Strength, The World
A bit of symbolism under the cut, but I'm curious of other interpretations!!
Card that's all about forming own opinions and being authentic to self? Where the Reversed meaning is about hard choices and dealing with consequences? Even if they weren't the main couple of the musical it would've fitted them well!
There are twists in this one - major one is replacing the angel that blesses the couple with Max - still alive, threatening in all of his bully glory.
I kept the "everyone looks at someone who's looking at someone else" circle - Max is threatening Peter, Peter is in love with Steph and Steph is prepared to go after Max for what he did to Peter.
They have more nervous/covered up body language than the original card, since they aren't communicating that clearly. Steph is more open, even if nervous, Peter is on the fence, but willing.
Gun between them, pointing at Peter? You'll never guess what's that referencing :P
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cryingatships · 11 months
The moment ao3 comes back I'm gonna smooch its forehead and download every single one of my 1800+ bookmarks
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the-owl-tree · 2 months
thank you for giving your breezepelt design pants like nightcloud
nothing but respect for my pants family
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demigod-of-the-agni · 10 months
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A thing for @breakfastatmiles' dtyis challenge on instagram :)
Been a while since I drew the world's most favourite boy (like. almost a year ago???? uh woops) I wanted to draw something for Percy's birthday but alas I had no idea what to draw :'') consider this late Percy Jackson b'day art
Variants under the cut
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ni-kol-koru · 5 months
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⋆ ˚。⋆♡ ˚ Satsuki Momoi ˚ ♡⋆。˚ ⋆
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beanbeanbee · 6 days
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Happy (unofficial) birthday, Murasaki!!! 🎉
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[ID: an 11 panel comic featuring characters from the owl house. Panel 1- a cloaked Darius sneaking around a wall. panel 2 he peaks around the corner, saying "well? Did you retrieve...the package?". Panel 3 Hettie Cutburn (who has old Hollywood style text announcing "surprise Hettie Cutburn!" next to her) says "Darius! Of course! Took some digging but I found them eventually. Tell the boy I say 'hi!'". Panel four- she hands documents labeled "classified" to Darius. Later, Hunter (post timeskip) walks through a door in Darius' home, saying "hey Darius, hey Eber, I'm ba-". Next panel- Darius, Willow, and Eberwolf on the couch. Hunter says "...willow?", She replies "hey hunter!", he asks "what are you guys doing?
Darius says "oh nothing...except looking at pictures of you as a baby!" Holding up the documents from earlier. We see two pictures of a younger hunter framed like panels- the first is of hunter as a baby/toddler aged hunter freshly sprouted out of the ground with a blanket around him, covered in dirt, while the second one shows a young scout Hunter covered in bandages receiving his sprig plushie. Darius' narration reads "courtesy of Hettie Cutburn- she found the only surviving copy of your early life medical records and gave them to me". Willow says "aww, you were so cute!". The final panel shows Hunter looking embarrassed/stunned as Willow takes a photo of the documents, and Darius says "I'm considering it an early father's day present- so, thank you, Hunter". End ID]
MERRY DADRIUS WEEK!!! Thank you to @sergeantsporks for hosting! There's other prompts I wanna do but they'll probably be late (maybe I'll do them in bulk and upload them on the final day). Til then here's a silly comic!
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user-name-h3re · 3 months
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i'm posting these mediocre sketches before school kicks my ass again
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harfanfare · 1 year
Rollo Flamm x Reader || Rhythm
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Warnings: Understated jealousy (?), Reader can’t dance (wants to, though), provisioning of unrequired love, female reader.
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The girl that dances atop the stage is really pretty.
It’s not you, and with some kind of regret, you concede you’ve never properly learned to dance.
The girl is more beautiful than the starry night above the City of Flowers because she feels like a dream. Stars will be tomorrow too, but her? No one knows, so all eyes are on her, to balm each’s heart with her sight.
Her steps are graceful and the way she moves is enchanting. It’s not an easy choreography either - with so many jumps and twirls and turns - but she makes it seem so because a smile never leaves her face. The fabric of her dress follows her faithfully, and you imagine she will look incredible in every photo taken of her.
“She’s so… beautiful,” someone next to you breathes with awe.
You believe Rollo thinks so too.
Even if the thought of never being looked on like that stings, you can only blame yourself as he didn’t want to come here at all. When you suggested checking out the show that is being held in a Topsy-Turvy Event Hall, Rollo scolded you for distracting yourself. It might be a Friday evening when most of the students are already headed to the dormitory, but the work of student council members is never done. Before the weekend, at least.
Your whingeing has been guerdoned: Rollo agreed on taking a break. He was hesitant while doing so, and almost annoyed at the cheery smiles that appeared instantly on three faces, yours, the vice president’s and a school treasurer’s. The papers and cups of cold tea were left instantly, and in the next few minutes, all four of you were heading down the staircase.
A square is crowded every season with tourists, so neither you nor Rollo is surprised that the two other students got separated from you before even reaching the main stage. You are thankful for their attentiveness because it allows you to be alone with Rollo.
“They are selling enchanted drinks again!” You exclaim, pointing to a stall with indigo macrame hung around a tent. Some attractions were opened at certain seasons a year, and you remember the elixirs being a hit last year.
“It looks like so,” Rollo states flatly. “I wonder why people are so fixated on this kind of never-lasting things.”
Knowing Rollo is a man of harsh words, you brush off his comment.
Blue potion with edible glitter — you are sure it’s edible glitter because most of the useful mixtures are rather lustreless — catches your eye. It looks like a piece of starry sky tucked into a glass bottle. It’s also supposed to help you with your studies if you drink it, so it’s even more magical.
“Would you like to try one? This one helps you focus… But, yeah, I guess you already can do that perfectly,” you pick up the next vial. “Oh, after drinking the yellow one, you should be able to sing more professionally! And the green one is for rhythm… I would need that one. Yet, the most interesting one here is-”
- a love potion.
Even the vial is heart-shaped. The mixture inside is either pink or purple, you can’t really define it because of the amount of bubbles that constantly stir the mixture. You might not be the best alchemy student ever, but even you know that that potion has some enchanting aroma that might bind your senses.
Maybe that potion is your only chance ever to get with Rollo. Your heart is heavy at the thought of enchanting him to love you.
“I have no intention of buying anything,” Rollo’s curt voice slings you from your thoughts. He takes vials from your hands and puts them back, any moment ready to push them out of his mind. “Anything but croissants. I can treat you to one of those.”
…And that’s how you get free food, dear students.
“Will you? Thank you, thank you, thank you!” You would love to hug him, Rollo is… Rollo probably wouldn’t appreciate this kind of gratitude in the middle of the street. Or wherever. It’s hard to imagine Rollo being happy about a hug as he seems unused to physical contact, yet that might be a reason why you should try to open him up.
For a last moment you think about the enchanted concoctions, but Rollo turns around and you need to catch up to not get separated from him.
Way to his favourite bakery Rollo knows by heart. He guides you through the crowd and it’s easy to follow him as he stands taller than most people, the distance being even larger when you count his hat. He glanced over his shoulder to check if you were still beside him after you get out of the most crowded area.
“We’re here,” Rollo announces as if you hadn’t been accompanying him to the bakery whenever you had a chance. He strides to the counter, where several types of croissants under a glass cover are creating a delicious exhibition. “Choose whatever you like.”
It's a very tempting offer, and you decide to take it once you glue yourself to the glass of a counter.
“I…” You start, pointing at two specific desserts. Two croissants with your favourite fillings are too delicious to pick between them. “Can I get two? I will treat you something in return, once I'll have money on me.”
“You’ll get a stomachache,” he says curtly but slides his card to a lady behind a counter that picks up another baking for himself, halfway dipped in chocolate and topped with cut-dried strawberries. “Be careful. They’ve been just taken out of the oven, so you’d better don’t burn yourself.
You let yourself bite into the device, as you take another turn, this time the way leading into the main square. There is a grand scene that is always used for music performances.
There is one being held, a solo.
You glance at the dancer, and they look around the crowd. You think there are your two missing clubmates, and beckon Rollo over.
“Hey, there are—”
Your surprise silences you.
Rollo stays planted on the ground, eyes on the dancing girl with something like awe. You know that look. You caught a glimpse of it many times on the surface of the glass in student consul’s showcases; your face, so desperately stretching in a soft smile, not to look suspicious.
For the first time, you didn't like the idea of love at first sight.
You know where it’s time to step out. Many negotiations you held with people on behalf of students of NBC sensitised you to their expectations and what you should do.
You smile weakly, before gently tapping Rollo on his arm. “I… will get going.”
But Rollo, amazingly, has already shaken off from mysterious enchantment. If you could only do so as easily, permanently. “Are you sick?” He asks, and when you avoid his eyes, his tone voice drops half a tone. “What happened?”
“Nothing, it’s… Can… I… just go?”
“What happened?” Rollo repeats. His eyes scan you, the first time quickly, and when he doesn’t find anything visible, he gets more alarmed, actually looking stiff. “Did you actually burn yourself? I told you to be careful.”
You don’t know what to tell him but start with a measurement that doesn’t bring him any relief.
“It’s not that, Rollo. I…”
“Do tell.” He insists, although if you said a word, you know he wouldn’t question you any more about this. But he would find out in some other way, and he might think you don’t trust him enough - and this implication you really want to avoid - and… “Tell me.”
…And you want to believe that he’s worried for you.
You stare at the ground, and clasp your hands behind your back once you notice their subtle shaking. Why are you reacting this way? Ahh… “I just don’t enjoy dancing. I think I will just return to school and finish organizing the documents…”
“You’ve always liked to see people dance though.”
So he has noticed.
“I don’t have a talent to dance myself.”
“You just need to learn,” he says, his tone softer than you’ve ever heard him. And as you’ve been listening to his voice o lot, you think you might’ve imagined it. Rollo glances at his watch and urges you to come with him. “It’s almost time to ring the bell. Let’s go. I will help you.”
You don’t like climbing the bell tower, and going up hundreds of steps isn’t something easy even with Rollo as your motivation. It’s the anxiety that keeps you going.
“I didn't buy the enchantment, though,” you break the silence, and Rollo looks over his shoulder. He is one step in front of you, and he probably slowed his pace to let you catch up to him easily. He’s a master of climbing stairs and ladders after all. “To dance. The bell won’t do anything if… I don’t have any magic on me, no?”
“Don't depend on these kinds of things,” he grumbles. “If you do, you will never achieve anything. For example, if you drank the potion, of course, you'd know how to dance. But just for tonight.”
You question his motivational quote. “But isn't the magic helpful sometimes?”
“It makes one fully depend on it.”
And the conversation ends here because you’ve reached the top platform. Rollo opens the trapdoor and holds it for you. As you step out, you’re immediately hit with a breeze of cold air, but it’s more kind of refreshing than freezing.
Once the trapdoor is closed, Rollo awaits, frozen for a clock-measured minute and three seconds.
And then he rings the bell. It takes much force to move it, and you are almost sure Rollo doesn’t even boost his strength with magic. But, what’s unexpected, this one time he uses magic to repeat the movements of the bell and have it ring on its own.
He leaves it to ring at the same tempo and turns to you. The magical earplugs in your ears only moderately muffle the sound of the bell. No music from the Topsy-Turvy Event Hall reaches you anymore. You can only hear the rings clearly, and wouldn't hear Rollo if he said anything.
He doesn't even try to, and without even a shred of a smile, he takes your hand in his.
His right hand wraps around your waist, and the fingers of the left one intertwine with yours. He stands taller than you, mighty, righteous. His gaze lingers on you as if he judges you.
It’s never a fair judgement, because the slightly offbeat of his heart drives his reason senseless.
He takes the first step to the back, and you follow along.
Rollo's movements are fluid and graceful, yet precise and purposeful. He leads you with ease, his body guiding yours. Waltz is a dance that emphasises the partnership, but with you not knowing the steps, it feels to you like some sort of majestic tango.
You’re overpowered within the first seconds of dance.
Step, step, DING, turn, step, turn, DONG.
You know your cheeks are flushed, and you blame the height and cold wind for it. Maybe it is a tiring dance, and you believe it’s acceptable to be this tired yet happy if you are dancing for all of eternity. It feels like the bell started to strike the omnipresent tempo a lifetime ago.
Rollo knows when your waltz-tango should end. He stops the chime with a fluid movement of his hand, magic stopping the well-kept rhythm from a bell.
Your heart maintains the tempo. Even if each beat is strong and loud, you worry about how it will come to a halt at any second.
“I’m surprised,” he starts, sounding unsurprised but kind…-ish, “that you aren’t in a dance-related club yet.”
You cock your head to the side. “Is this a… sarcasm?”
“No. I think that musical-related things would suit you better. You could dance on that grand stage we approached earlier.”
“Like that girl?”
Rollo frowns. “What girl?”
…He doesn’t remember? How could anyone forget for a second about a person one has fallen for? You couldn’t. You can’t. You’re dumbfounded.
“A dancer. On a stage. Today.” Rollo looks more confused with each suggestion. “She was dancing to a… fast music in a flowy dress?”
“Ah,” finally, recognition sparkles in his eyes. A wave of relief is followed by anxiety, but Rollo shrugs your both overwhelms off, with a flick of his hand. “Yes, like her or… even better. The piece she danced to would fit you if you only embrace your passion. I think your performance would be more dreamy.”
You chuckle.
“If I would do that, what would you do without me in the student council club?” By this slight teasing, Rollo stiffens a little. You place your hand on your chest. “But as your right hand, you can’t get rid of me so easily.”
You swear you see him smiling subtly, and it’s no trick of light.
“As my right hand, you have the power to do whatever you want.”
“Then I want to stay.”
“Hm,” Rollo ponders. As you notice his gaze, you feel as if he’s contemplating which future holds the best fate for you. He lowers his eyelids, sighing slightly. “Is that so?”
“Yes,” you smile. “But if I hold any power like you say, I would like to use it to have you dance with me again.”
“Strange request,” he says curtly but doesn’t deny your request. His follow-up question makes your chest fill with warmth. “Do you know any dances? Except for waltz,” he says as if you could call your ‘waltz’ anything other than pretending to know how to dance.
“Macarena?” You suggest and he looks at you sceptically. In response, you flash him a bashful smile. “No?”
He sighs but takes your hands in his.
“Let me teach you, then,” he says, slowly. “Let’s start with a proper greeting,” but his greeting isn’t proper, because he doesn’t look at you. Because he avoids your gaze, you can have a shameless view on his red face, that must match the temperature with his quickly warming up hands. You always thought Rollo’s hands were cold, until this moment. “An elegant bow…”
He bows and you lift the brim of your skirt in response, trying to copy the fluidity of the curtsy.
He brings your hand up so carefully as if it is made from the thinnest glass, and presses his lips to your knuckles. So cliche, so old-fashioned, but chivalry isn’t dead as it fills you with energy, surprise and some embarrassment that makes you want to live this moment forever. “And a kiss.”
“Now I’m charmed,” You laugh softly, a smile on your face, yet you were mentally prepared to faint. You wonder if doctors would detect you lovesick if your heart actually stopped. “What’s after that?”
Rollo glances up at you, his eyes brighter than ever. He brings you closer to him.
“Let’s talk about rhythm.”
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myokk · 25 days
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(they are Not fans of professor binns)
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r-truth · 4 months
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+ bonus!
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mysicklove · 6 months
i gave my hot microbio professor a christmas/thank you gift (it was a little mug with pathogens on it) and when i handed it to him he was like, “aw mello you didn’t have to do that. that’s very sweet of you.” in the softest tone and i was like BDGSYAGDYSHS SHUT UP BEFORE I TRY TO KISS YOU OG MY GOD
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lilacthebooklover · 3 months
'And something shifts in Shadow Milk's gaze, a sort of vindictive delight drawing that confident smirk into a vicious grin. "Well now, Pure Vanilla Cookie," he says, the amusement and anticipation dripping from his voice palpable. Pure Vanilla can't quite hide the way he tries to recoil, but the vice-like grip upon his wrist remains terrifyingly unrelenting. "This certainly changes the script up a little, doesn't it?"
The question is too light, too cheerful, too casual for what this truly means. For right there on Shadow Milk's face, painted in damningly permanent blue hues, is the unmistakable mark of a four-point crown. Pure Vanilla's forearm burns where his own identical mark has been exposed for all the world to see, Shadow Milk peering at it with a sense of sickening awe that's impossible to miss. Because there it is, imprinted on his skin and written in the stars: undeniable proof that they've been predestined to meet since the start.
Shadow Milk Cookie is his soulmate. And Pure Vanilla has never been more afraid.'
(Vanilla Milkshake fans, when I tell you I am COOKING-)
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minorheroics · 2 months
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diversity win! the old lady holding your fiancé hostage loves the gays!
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