#not too fond of either option tho...
Tempted to use the wonders of portrait editing to put the Outland Count and Margherita in EOV as a Rover and Hound...
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This guy
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Is literally the big brother of this little asshole
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Look at how sad this scene was tho, along with the times the old monkey and the others ostracized him. I don't know why he of all Yaoguais would think that he'd beat the Demon King Of Confusion with coconuts, but I guess this means he wasn't quite meant for the cudgel anyway.
In Xi You Ji, SWK got the golden as-you-will cudgel after he returned to Huagoushan from Patriarch Subhodi's place, so he was already trained and knew very well how to deal with weapons and fighting (not to mention his magic and other such things, like SWK knowing Taoism/Daoism as well as the Way), and then sharing that knowledge with his people. That's why the Puti Arc was a very important bit that the movie did not put in.
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Also what do you mean that Monkey King can just pull out his clones when that technique was taught by Subhodi/Puti too? Body-beyond-body is what it's called if I remember correctly, and yeah SWK was a monkey who can do almost everything but that doesn't mean he could just do that! It's annoying!
It also took him 2 decades (adding in the time that he journeyed through the two continents to find an immortal) to learn such lessons, so the movie was kind of a mockery to that fact. Wùkōng learned so many things from Subhodi's monastery that made all his achievements possible! Plot holes and other things, they could've at least mentioned or made a small montage for the arc.
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But Monkey King is just the more chaotic, impulsive, and egotistical version of Dàshèng, though Dàshèng had always been more empathetic between the two. I'm also putting in that he also has a soft spot for kids. Monkey King was quite the narcissist in the beginning. Very self-centered. Also it's kind of sad that 2023 is just called "Monkey King" bc he never went to Patriarch Subhodi (again, still salty about that; they could've made Subhodi a father figure to Monkey King since the Huagoushan monkeys didn't care for him that much, especially the old monkey) in this movie; thus never getting his Buddhist name.
My headcannon is that I'll be naming him with the combinations of "左 Zuǒ" [left; the Left (politics); east; unorthodox; queer; wrong; differing; opposite; variant of 佐; (Chinese surname meaning; to assist; assistant; aide; to accompany)] which is ironic since it was Lin who wanted to be his assistant, forced or otherwise, and not the other way around. The second part of his name are either "空 Kōng" which means (empty; air; sky; in vain) or "空隙 Kòngxì" which means (crack; gap between two objects). So the options are either Zuǒkōng or Zuǒkòngxì— "Left to void/nothingness"/ "Assisted to nothingness", but if anyone has a better idea or better knowledge about the systems of Chinese names then feel free to correct me.
The reason why it's not "Wùkōng" is because, again, the "Wù" part of the name which means; "Wake to" or "Awaken from/to". I know that Monkey King was still born from stone, or a geode in the movie,
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(Guanyin, in the book, was about to name him like she did with Sha Wujing and Zhu Wuneng, but SWK stopped her before she could, though the "Wu" would be quite dissolved with Monkey King 2023/Zuǒkōng/Zuǒkòngxi around before Tanzang came to Five Phases Mountain. Assuming the previous listed names I gave him holds, though the Bodhisattva Guanyin would still be able to change it.)
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(I am liking the name Zuǒkōng though, so I'm sticking with that.)
Monkey King is of course not completely irredeemable, bc soft spots and the fear of loneliness and all, as well as his eventual 'fondness' towards Lin— but I still think the movie could've done much better than making this Monkey King another version of Lego SWK (sorry for the LMK SWK fans out there, just not a great fan of the iteration).
Aside from the plot holes and the characterization of multiple important Daoist figures in the movie, like Yù Huáng and Ao Guang or even King Qin'guang/Yama, I feel like they could've made it more interesting and the fight scenes have more pizzaz. How they managed to make a Kaiju fight so underwhelming impresses me tbh, and the way Monkey King received his win is as underwhelming.
HONESTLY I have so much more to say but I keep forgetting my words so I'll add to this when I gather my thoughts jsnnsksmks
(No hate to the movie or the people that made them tho, I'm just salty.)
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curlicuecal · 6 days
hey! how do this AI overview appears on your google? on mine it doesn’t lol i was just curious to know if this is a google extension or something
you don't have to enable it, it just randomly turns itself on at some point.
I originally had it on chrome browser but not Firefox, but it is now showing up on my Firefox, too. Seems to be a gradual rollout.
Note that it doesn't generate an overview for every search, but only occasionally, which make it harder to tell if it's enabled yet for you. No idea how it decides tho. I originally tested using questions from other people's screencaps (like "how many rocks should I eat"). Google does seem to either regenerate new overviews after a while, or maybe just update the ones that are getting embarrassing social media attention, because I have seen several of them switch.
Anyway, it's an incredibly broken, distracting feature, that takes up the entire initial screen of search results on my phone, drastically increases the loading time, and is probably burning a ton of power.
Fortunately there are a number of posts floating around with workarounds to deactivate it. (Google, of course, does not provide an option for that.) Also plenty of recommendations for alternate search engines. People seem fond of Duck Duck Go, although I find the image search on that extremely frustrating.
Still gonna try switching search engines again, probably. Idk if I'm imagining it, but Google seems to have tinkered with the rest of their search results as well? There's some real weirdness to how it's pulling things up and organizing them now.
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ladytauria · 2 months
Jaytimsteph falling in love with your best friends partner you say 👀 please say more
this one is being written as a prompt response to @waffleinator-inator <3
writing it was my first time writing steph pov and she just---ran away with me <3 basically: steph and tim are besties but also exes, because as much as they love each other, they finally decided to give up after one too many break-ups. and now! tim is with jason <3 and steph is really happy for him. really, and truly she is.
if she could kindly tell herself to stop falling in love with jason too, that would be nice <3
i THOUGHT i had shared snippets of this wip before but i,,, have not. or if i have, i can't find them in my tags / through tumblr's search. which is upsetting bc it means i now have to pick which of these segments i want to share TuT
you know what.
actually i won't pick. you get um. 3 snippets <3
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Steph spins her chair, balancing her elbow on the arm and cradling her chin in her hand. She thumbs her phone open. One unread message in the group chat she shares with Jason and Tim.
Her traitorous heart flutters; a smile curling on her mouth despite herself.
[TIM] gna mss mv nte. sry steph 😔 m SO bhnd on bdgt rvw; tam’s gna kill me. u 2 shld stl hve fn tho
Ah, yes. Timothy “vowels are optional” Drake. He’s the most atrocious texter Steph has ever met, and she hates that that makes her feel fond.
[STEPH] i thought you loved paperwork?
[JAY] No, he’s a stalker who loves digging through other people’s stuff. Actual paperwork he could care less about
[TIM] 🛑
[JAY] No <3 I told you to do it last night, babe.
[STEPH] lmao busted
[TIM] ws bsy
[JAY] He was gaming with Kon and Bart.
[TIM] & cassie & cissie
[JAY] And Cassie and Cissie.
Steph snorts.
[STEPH] oh, well, that was more important, obvs
[TIM] steph gts it
[JAY] Please don’t encourage him.
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[STEPH] that sounds perfect. ur the best jay 💜
[TIM] 😭
[STEPH] do your paperwork, tim 💅🏼
[TIM] prsctn
[JAY] …wtf tim
[STEPH] damn, babe. u made jay drop capitals
[STEPH] but also. what the fuck tim
[TIM] persecution
[JAY] Would it really kill you to type out full words?
[TIM] y 🙂
[STEPH] losing battle, hon. we’re lucky he still uses letters.
He doesn’t bother with Cass. Their conversations happen in full emoji, like modern hieroglyphics. Steph gives herself an 80% chance of correctly deciphering them.
With the rest of them, Tim uses words. Or, well. Something approximate to words, chopping them down to their basest parts. It’s kind of entertaining, especially when it makes both Bruce and Jason furrow their brows in exactly the same way.Not that Steph would ever point that out. She has some sense of self-preservation.
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Steph will always be a little bit in love with Tim Drake.
It’s something she’s come to accept about herself, the same way she accepts that her curls will always have a mind of their own, that her stretch marks are here to stay, and that her left knee will always ache before it rains.
She also knows that it’s best they stay just friends. Not that that’s a hardship, or anything. Tim is a hell of a lot better friend than he was a boyfriend—though in hindsight, Steph can admit she wasn’t a stellar girlfriend, either. They were young and dumb—or, well, younger and dumber—and now their history was too fraught to ever think about trying again.
Steph loves being Tim’s bestie, even when that means biting her tongue about his relationships.
Especially with Jason Todd of all people.
Steph can honestly say she never saw that coming.
Like, sure, okay. He’s hot. Steph can admit that, she’s got eyes.
He’s the kind of guy you could actually climb like a tree—tall and broad and thick to boot, with thighs made for biting and pecs Steph is pretty sure would fit nicely in one of her bras. He’s also handsome, in a rugged sort of way, with his twice broken nose and the scar curving up his cheek and his full, kissable lips. His curls always manage to be perfect, too—artfully messy, even when he falls asleep on the couch or takes off that helmet of his.
It’s enviable, really.
Some day she’ll ask him his secret.
But… Steph always kind of saw him as a walking bad idea. The kind of guy baby Steph would have adored, which… Steph loves baby Steph—or she’s trying to—but she had shit taste in men. And Jason, with his leather jackets and guns and daddy issues (and mommy issues too, come to think of it)—
He certainly fit the bill.
Despite all outward appearances… Jason is a good guy. He’s smart, and funny, and passionate, and kind, and—
Steph kind of hates him a little.
Because, like. Steph can handle thinking about Jason sometimes, in a not-so-friendly, maybe-a-little-bit-sexy way. Tim, too—or even both of them together. Maybe sometimes it gets a little awkward but… Fantasizing is human, and Steph is an adult. She can picture them fucking her and each other six ways to Sunday, doing whatever the raunchiest part of her brain cooks up, and still behave normally around them after.
She’s a grown woman. Her hormones are not the fucking boss of her.
So. Attraction? Handled. Steph has that shit on lock.
What she cannot handle is—Feelings.
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driftwithme · 9 months
Some notes on my interpretation of chaleigh:
Although Chuck had had a teen crush on Raleigh, it wasn't 'til they personally met that it hit Chuck with full force.
That's because Raleigh never felt real to Chuck until that moment. All Chuck had was an idealized version of Raleigh, the reason why Chuck couldn't help to feel threatened by Raleigh, afraid of getting replaced now Raleigh was back. It was the Double Event what made reality land on Chuck. Raleigh was real and had just saved him and his dad and he was out there risking his life against 2 kaijus with no option for reinforcements and Chuck had been a colossal dick to him, fuck.
On the other hand, it is Operation Pitfall what makes it for Raleigh.
You know that scene when he states he is looking forward to the future for the first time in 5 years? I think post-Pitfall Raleigh carries that energy with him --they can live now, war is over, he's free.
Raleigh hears Chuck's "last words" in his nightmares. Those nights, conversations that haunts him get mixed 'til he hears Chuck's I want to come back 'cause I like my life and Yancy's Raleigh listen!! and Pentecost's you know what you have to do and Mako's Raleigh please and even his own words anyone can fall. He thinks there's something there but it's gone by morning light.
Chuck knew before Pitfall he was in love with Raleigh, but pushed it down 'cause they were heading on a suicidal mission. It'd done no good. There was no time.
Post-Pitfall Chuck can't look at Raleigh without feeling his heart bursting with hope. He hates it and hates himself and hates Raleigh because his love rivals his grief (for having survive when Pentecost died) and he's really really suffering. No man is made to be that happy when all he wants to do is die.
Which means yes, Chuck is suicidal.
He's passively suicidal tho. He'd not do anything to hurt himself but he is simply not taking care of himself either.
And from all it's worth, Raleigh Becket is the most qualified person to guide him through it. Raleigh is a bit desperate on that sense 'cause he recognizes himself after Knifehead in Chuck and he swears he can't let it happen. Not to someone else. He can't let the story repeat itself. It's gonna destroy them both.
I think it's just a matter of time before Raleigh fondness for Chuck turns into deep respect and admiration. It's just a matter of time before it is too much for poor Chuck and he's exploding again (in a figurative sense, sorry!) and confessing his feelings to Raleigh if only because he can't focus on his healing when he's too busy swallowing his love for Raleigh.
I think Raleigh kiss him first and Chuck punches him and refuses to see him or let him close to him, believing that the Becket is only doing it to heal Chuck. Not that Raleigh could feel anything for him anyway, right? He pushes the pain away and goes ranger mode again and it's a total mess. Mako and Herc panic because hell, co-pilots can't read minds out of the drift, everyone! They know it's bad and they know Raleigh and Chuck are agonizing over it and they do have a clue of what might be happening (they are not completely blind), but still.
Raleigh is mad mad. He knows how he feels about Chuck and it pisses him off that Chuck is deciding it for him. It only shows him that Chuck doesn't respect him like a grow ass man yet, that Chuck is being selfish by pushing Raleigh away to protect his own feelings, not caring about how it might hurt Raleigh too. He is beyond angry. He thought they were friends! He thought they had gone past the fighting to hide their fears! Beyond the need to hurt the other to shut him up, beyond burying their own needs in favor of saving the world! They are free, finally, and Raleigh is pissed because he is dying to show Chuck what it means, he is scared for Chuck and he's scared he'll lose him now that he could have him and he doesn't know why Chuck. Won't. Listen!!!!!
When Chuck finally settles in his head enough to realize that he hurt Raleigh again, he's scared to death it is too late, that he has screwed their chance for real this time, that Raleigh got tired of him or got too hurt or worst. The possibility of losing the first friend he has in years is driving him crazy.
Chuck has years of trauma / training to on how to force himself out of his own bloody body, always aiming to be the perfect soldier, even if no one likes him, even if it makes him lonely, even if he feels it eating at his lungs when night falls and he has no one to tell him it that his nightmares are not real, he is meant to be alive, it was not an error, he is not there by mistake. They are always some variation of what if Herc was supposed to save his mom but he fucked up what if he was meant to die on pitfall but the breach fuck it up what if what if what if.
I'm not implying Chuck is not smart or emotionally aware enough to push all of it away, knowing it to be a lie. What I'm saying is that it's hard to fight that war on your own. Those battles... you cannot win them getting on a jaeger. You cannot win them in one night. Or a year. Or even a lifetime. You fight every day and some you lose. You'll have to keep going, tho. Again and again and again. That's what every survivor knows. You survive every year a bit more.
At this point Raleigh was probably just waiting for Chuck to come around. He talked it out with Mako, who helped him come to terms with the whole situation, and with Herc, who promised to keep Raleigh informed at all times and to help Chuck open up when he was ready.
It is the last nail on Chuck's coffin: to realize Raleigh Becket was willing to wait for him like that. Chuck's feeling raw and bared, naked. Raleigh is looking at him like he did after the double event, like he is evaluating something, all blank faced. And like then, Chuck lowers his chin and forces himself to stare back, stay quiet, let Raleigh decide how to feel about him.
Chuck completely broke the moment Raleigh's mouth softened and the edges of his eyes started wrinkling, the muscle of his cheek hinting a tiny puppy smile. His whole life is rushing back through his veins and he is breathing in without even wondering if he shouldn't be shocking on salt water and oh, Chuck is so in love with Raleigh Becket, fuck.
They sit and talk.
Raleigh says:
You can't go into a relationship trying to be both people at once, Chuck. You can only be you and I can only be me and we will have to make it work.
You'll think that after piloting giants of steel, the veterans of the jeager program would effortlessly fly on their own feet, light and comfortable. No one tells you how awkward it is to relearn how to live with only one brain inside your head or relearn to fight fate with a much more fragile body. No one tells you how hard it is to learn how to live again, after you've were sure you wouldn't make it out alive.
But it gets sweeter, the process, when you expect arms wrapped around you when you fall, lips and thumbs erasing the tears from your cheeks. It is as good as it gets, Chuck knows, Raleigh knows.
Too bad they've always been the ones to challenge what is said to be the limit.
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nitroish · 1 year
I myself dont have much time to talk but. What are some silly headcanons you have for your favoritest blorbos? Do they have a favorite food? What are your hcs for their sexualities? Do they stim, and if so, how?
This could be zelda related or not whichever you prefer, im giving you a reason to ramble about whichever characters you like most :)
oh hell yeah lets go
im going to answer these with my legend in mind , so keep That in mind ! thank u thank u
under the cut . o7
legends favourite food is eggs on rice. a simple, easy to make meal! he only eats it A Singular Way as well oops - the way He cooks it. wild learns how to make it legends way [ its not all that hard of a feat to accomplish ] . he tries to change it up sometimes but legend absolutely notices every single time and refuses to eat it.
legend can cook but its mostly easy-to-make + overall cheap options that he can make in bulk / eat off of for awhile . goulash and curries. soups, breads, etc.
hes rly good w apples too tho, outside of those kinds of meals . his favourites are honeycrisp, and hes made or helped make wine , pies , jam , etc with the fruit in general :)
he has a damn sweet tooth and its impulsively indulged every time he passes a pastry shop or some shit. if there is an apple or cinnamon flavoured Anything he is going to try it [ not cinnamon roll, though ]
he is gay as shit !!! homosexual + somewhere under the ace spec but only thinks himself Loosely tied to the term [ he does not bother to find exactly where and i dont have much care to do that much searching either. ]
stims consist of many different things so here are some different kinds
hat fiddling, fiddling with things in general [ rings, hair, tunic, bag, blahblah ], waving weight from one foot to the other, tracing designs on things [ arm bracers, armour, swords, saddles, yadayada ], large exaggerated arm/hand movements, cracking bones [ <- stress stim ]
shine !! he will watch his rings or weapons shine in the sun, will move hands back and forth to watch the gleam of light move over the designs. he likes watching clouds move. he'll stare at the campfire for hours cos he likes to watch how the colours move.
humming, whistling [ usually random tunes he picked up from the others or towns ], clicking his tongue, mimicking accents [ NOT mocking . theres a difference . unless its twilight , then he mocks because its silly /lh ]. he likes to repeat words he hears tht r fun . yippee . . . conkcrete . . .
idk random things
warriors and legend are in a qpr [ duh ]
legend draws. wars writes.
system four my beloved
times good w magic spells. hes a quick learn, tho he doesnt rly use em
legend is more magic-able thn he lets on , understands spells and what they do / what words do that , but doesnt know how to use spells without conduits that Move the magic for him
they all know sign or are learning sign . legend doesnt like to teach, but he DOES stick around to help translate if need be
legend knows so many languages but this is common knowledge
legend has two dark world forms [ wolfos and rabbit ] <- the wolfos coloration is like a maned wolf
hyrule isnt very fond of bein in the fairy transformation , very overwhelming experience rly , but he Does enjoy the ability to sit on shoulders when he winds up in it
hyrule n legend make deez nuts jokes n warriors falls for them every time . warriors learns how to weaponize words to make his own jokes of the same caliber
twilight likes to collect bugs for agitha still . other eras have silly bugs and someone asks why hes hoarding all the damn glass bottles and when he carefully gets tghem out they each have a singular fucking bug in them
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viperwhispered · 3 months
30 days of twst challenge - day 4: First fav VS current fav?
Malleus was definitely one of the reasons that drew me into the game in the first place. I saw some cool fan arts, got into the game, enjoyed his voice and his looks and all that.
Then book 4 happened.
Well, the Scalding Sands event actually coincided with me reaching book 4 of the main story. Which... it was quite the switches in mood to read the first part of the Scalding Sands event, read book 4, and then going back to finishing the event. At this point, I had also seen Jamil in the latter half of the Halloween event (alas, the first part with the magicam monsters and things I just about missed and still haven't read, tho I've seen some bits).
Already when reading the first parts of the Scalding Sands event, I was commenting to a friend how relatable Jamil seems in certain aspects, even if I don't share his fondness for shrewdness (and I'd like to think I'm a bit less of a busybody than he can be).
Reaching the overblot only made those relatable aspects more obvious. Like, even with the en translation version of things, the whole thing of having to hold back, not being allowed to show your skills and competence hit me so hard. Like every other overblot until book 4, my reaction was basically "yeah you've gone through sucky things but your actions still suck". And like, not that I can approve of Jamil's way of going about it either, but also, I found it really hard to judge him for it. Because like, had I been his shoes? No way would I have been able to handle that pressure or dealt with the situation any better. Just the whole not being allowed to show his skills and getting recognition for it would've succed so bad, since admittedly my competence is one of the things that is quite integral to my sense of self.
So with Jamil, more than any of the previous overblotters, it felt like I just got it and felt for him more than anyone else.
Add in the pressure to conform, too, and the way he's been raised to behave in certain ways (no matter whether the pressure comes from, exactly, depending on if we're looking at the en or jp version of things), and like... yeah. I just want all the best things for him, and the freedom to be himself.
Plus ngl, in like book 6 or the Glorious Masquerade for example, I've really enjoyed Jamil letting himself be more schemy or just more authentically himself. It's been fantastic and I just want more. Not that I'd necessarily agree with some his choices if we were talking irl, but seeing it happen in a story like this is just delicious sometimes.
Now, to circle back to Malleus after that Jamil ramble. He certainly surprised me with being more of a softie than I anticipated, and very much a teenager in some ways despite the occasional maturity. There's an interesting contrast there which perhaps makes me view him less through the romantic option lense (which admittedly I'm wont to do), but still makes me curious to learn more about him. Admittedly, I've yet to get started with book 7, and I've read less of Malleus's stuff than I have of Jamil's, but he's still hanging on in my faves. Just, book 7 would need to do a whole lot of work to dislodge Jamil from the top fav spot at this point.
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red-dyed-sarumane · 8 months
okay so i think the line in shuuen touhikou i was thinking of was the 依然 「労いは糧になる」と吐き捨てて言った。"still, gratitude will come to sustain us' was spat out" i was misremembering a little bit but i still think there might be enough here to link it to the kannagi character. hear me out.
basics out of the way we KNOW these two songs are tied together since the rute furute wo a is the main instrumental melody in shuuen touhikou when no lyrics are being sung. plain as that u cannot miss that. there's also the fact these two characters have the same hair cut & i think u can make a case for their outfits being similar. touhikou's on the run tho so of course she does have her coat & such.
and now that we have a little insight into kannagi, that she's desperately trying to get others to cling to hope, trying to fulfill things she just cant, the part in quotes feels very probable to have come from her. & of course from the phrasing we get touhikou wasnt very fond of it or in reverse kannagi was pressed a bit too far & accidentally got harsh about saying it. theres some sort of tension between them i believe.
also if we were to say that touhikou & kannagi were coworkers so to speak that may explain some of touhikou's thoughts throughout the song. especially the belief of that safe haven type town she's thinking of. even if touhikou doesnt have the same level of faith as kannagi, even if she ran away to find other options, theres still that mental perspective she wouldnt be able to shake if she's been in the same setting for a while, which i think lines up here.
we can also bring kyuuyaku in here since it ALSO has the same motif in it, a direct tie between the three of them. i think its safe to say touhikou is the middle ground between the two of them. kyuuyaku being the mostly scientific approach, kannagi having the more faith based approach, and touhikou that mixes the two together more thoroughly than the other two songs alone. that is to say i think touhikou knows both of them. got fed up at one place and went to the other (& then also got fed up there). the other line with a quote like the one i already mentioned 依然 「償いは枷になる」と 然も、悔しそうに "still 'atonement will come to bind us' evidently, said with such frustration" something about this line doesnt say kannagi to me i think coming from kyuuyaku may be more likely, if not her than someone on the same team as her. i guess it could still be kannagi given we dont have all of the context yet but. i guess if u want to view it as coming from the kannagi chara thats almost an admission of guilt, of knowing what sentiment theyre spreading isn't helping anyone, but even if they were to admit that, it's not the time or place for it & doing so might put them in a worse predicament than theyre already in. even if u take it from kyuuyaku's perspective its kind of similar, but rather admitting whatever experiments they've been doing arent helping & to admit their work has done no good would kill morale among other things & leave them with little direction. in either case their only leaving a path to continue forward, even seeing as its not making any difference.
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pikahlua · 1 year
Hi pika! Whenever you write metas on bnha theories I read them like morning news. I like your ideas on the recent one about katsuki. If things go similarly as what you predicted, what will happen to Izuku tho? Like the 2nd poll art where katsuki has a hunting knife, I did notice Izuku had another sword/knife on his belt too in this new art which got me thinking.
I always wondered if Izuku actually were born with a quirk but was deemed useful by the doctor so he took it (idk by what means but apparently he was already working with afo at the time anyway so he must have his ways), then lied to poor Izuku and his mom that he was quirkless. I honestly have no idea what Izuku's quirk might be if he originally had one. It might be something, a missing piece, that afo had always wanted to regenerate himself or to utilize his quirks better. Something modest but really useful, Idk. Still, after finding out the doctor Izuku consulted about his quirk manifestation turned out to be the doctor screams suspicious to me.
Anyway, by linking the additional sword/knife on Katsuki and Izuku with your theory, if either TomurAFO or AFO did successfully stole OFA from Izuku, then what does the additional weapon on Izuku means? Could it be hinting that the remaining power of OFA still lingers in him(like the case with AM) and he could actually own it and make it into his own quirk (with/without time limit), or he literally became quirkless that he had to work again to figure out what he could do as a hero?
What are your thoughts on Izuku's endgame and how it would affect and bring the whole theme of this series into a final closure?
I won't deny that there are enough little hints that Izuku could actually have been born with a quirk and lost it--should Horikoshi decide to take the story in that direction. I just don't get the feeling he will. I feel like the story has been coming back to the "it's the will behind the quirk that matters, not the quirk itself" moral a little too hard to need to make Izuku have a quirk for any reason. That doesn't mean there isn't something else to the weird coincidence where Dr. Garaki was Izuku's pediatrician though, but I can only speculate about that.
As far as the additional sword on Izuku's person, I don't know if I'm SUPPOSED to read into that, but it's kind of fun to. And if I do read into it, I have no idea which direction to take it. The one I'm (probably unsurprisingly) fond of considering is--if Katsuki ends up with OFA, what if Izuku ends up with Explosion? (What? What's that? "Switch Theory"? Never heard of it.)
Izuku's endgame is somehow the most difficult for me to discern, because I think it's entirely dependent on some big story questions Horikoshi has to answer. It's not that I have no idea what will happen--it's that there are a lot of options and Horikoshi has yet to broadcast which one he's going with. Katsuki is, of course, the wild card here, because you can't tell me their endings aren't inextricably tied together. Whatever big thing happens to either character will have a huge impact on what happens to the other. One will likely save the other--or they'll both save each other? And Tenko's gonna be somewhere in that mix as well. I also get the feeling that little flashback of AFO vs Second has a thematic piece of the puzzle in what ultimately happens. Off the top of my head I can just take all these pieces like 5 different ways already though. Ain't nobody got time to write all of that lol.
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defiantdreemurrs · 11 months
one of my favorite parts of being a very audio engineer-pilled musician is the way i have access to so many different tools that all sound similar and *technically* all do similar things, but im engineer-brained enough to hear massive difference between them all that makes them all different and good for different purposes
lets start with voices because those are fun
so i have technically four different vocal/choir sounds i can use in my arsenal, each with different use cases and wildly different sounds to them.
for starters, i have my own voice. i sing and im not too awful at it and i use my voice a lot for vocal parts in my stuff. the benefit to doing this is that i can do more complex parts and arrange the voices less as big choral pads and more as harmonized yet individual melodic lines that may do things that sampled voices cant do. the only real downsides tho are the amount of work that has to go into *every single take* because i do usually end up recording a good two or three passes of each line to help thicken it up, and that can be challenging. that makes it especially difficult to do the whole big choral pad thing because choirs are typically made of far many more voices in far many more ranges than i am capable of.
so when i need a proper choir sound, i have three options to turn to.
one of my favorite ways to get a choir sound is to use a mellotron! they sound nothing like a real choir but the ancient tape based nature of the mellotron gives anything played on it a haunting, uncanny kind of sound that i think the choir in particular evokes a lot. my go to mellotron plugin is the arturia one when im using the staple sounds i use most often (violins, choir, cello, flute), but im also really fond of m-tron pro and its MASSIVE library of old and more obscure mellotron sounds (including things like the custom tape banks made by tangerine dream from their collection of synths). these i treat with plenty of tape echo and plate reverb for a thick sound with a lot of space to occupy the backdrop of a piece.
but if i want a different character from the mellotron, i can use sampled choirs. more modern sample sets are very clear and “real” sounding, but what i like using are the old emulator ii sounds, since they add a bunch of artifacting and aliasing especially when you play notes well outside of where they were supposed to be pitched. the ancient pitch shifting algorithms replicated in arturias emu-ii plugin create a different kind of uncannyness to that of the mellotron.
but even cooler than those sounds are the ones i made myself. i made my own choir oohs and aahs and heavily processed them and typically run them thru either the emu-ii or the fairlight cmi plugins by arturia, depending on how lo-fi i want them to sound. these very much have the character of my voice and dont *quite* sound like a choir, but they do sound like a wall of voices since each sample contains four of my voice. they also enjoy the benefit of unnatural sounding pitch shifting because i intentionally didnt sample every single note to take advantage of how unnatural and lo-fi the emulator and fairlight sound.
the one downside to using all these sampled choirs is that i *cant* particularly do very intricate lines with any of them. i cant do something like an elaborate six part beach boys-esque harmony with samples. but thats ok because thats not what theyre meant for. especially the samples i made of my own voice very often get used for more ethereal pad sounds. i like to crank up the attack and release and slather tons of delay and digital reverb across them so they create a big, lush, ambient space that still has the character of my voice.
anyways i ran out of stuff to say. i was just thinkin this morning of how i have all these tools that sound similar but all have very specific uses to them and how cool it is that i can use whichever one i want depending on what would fit the piece im working on best. and i felt like going off and rambling for a bit about it to maybe hopefully give others ideas about how to make more effective use of your tools. the key part in all of this is intent. WHY are you using that particular tool, why are you choosing it over another tool, does it actually fit the vibe that you are trying to construct, are you playing to its strengths or are you getting stifled by its limitations, etc etc.
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bunycube · 2 years
Hello!! i just saw your answers :') sorry it took some time!
aaaa i keep hearing lots of good stuff about Lamento but I'd have to find somewhere to download it tho I'm bad at installing games like that ,_, i did it for re:connect and it was a pain and took forever to figure out lol
i haven't played slow damage either! but i heard about the english release which is nice 👀
i only played TnC, sweet pool and dmmd .. it's funny because i never heard of any of those games before the beginning of this year :') i also prefer Sweet pool to TnC , just the whole general vibe i don't really know how to explain why tho x)
while i do love Tetsuo, Youji is alright too but for unknow reasons Zenya has stolen my heart :"))) and it's funny because i was expecting Makoto to be maybe the only "sweet" ending or something LOL it ended up being the most unhinged lmao i would have liked more than 1 ending option with Zenya and Makoto too ~
as for TnC Nano is my absolute favorite! i was also suprised with Motomi when i did his route i really fell in love with it too
currently listening to the sweet pool OST on repeat :')
rambled a lil so putting my answer under the cut!
OH HI HI HIIIII dony even worry abt it! man lamento is a pain to download i could only figure it out after looking at a youtube tutorial u have to dl all this extra stuff for it too its 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 but it was worth it for me!!! such a beautiful game, tho its so long.
hehe i only got to know abt the other chiral games late in last year...b4 that i only knew dmmd 😭 tho im glad i found out its been keepint me going since then nsbfdbsb
oh same same same i cant rly explain what i love so much abt sweet pools overall setting and atmosphere its so quiet and kinda peaceful but also a lil ominous? it always feels like smth bad is goinf to happen, which it does. i guess...but yeah theres always that feeling of "something is happening" in the air even in ordinary scenes, and it feels kinda nostalgic..the setting..idk. i love the lgihting and stuff in it too and the muted colours hmm yes.
ill be honest i didnt like tetsuo for a rlyyy long time. i still feel he has a bit of a cardboard box personality but he has his moments, and i dont hate him or anything..youji is very close 2 me tho im very fond of him.hes liek a friend to me, idk why tho..and same!!!! zenya is ky fav char i liked him from his first appearance!!&$^@ he seemed like such an entertaining n interesting personality?#,%,# and thd mroe i got to know abt him the more itneresting hsi char got..
ik zenya has done many bad things and it disgusted me also, but overall i still thought he was pretty well written n hes definitelyyy my favourite chsr hes jsut so interestimg i could write a whole analysis on him i think..i should..tho i never want zenya n youji to interact they should be kept entire cities apart imo in fact zenya himself should jsut move away farrr away drom his dad and all thid bs i think.
plsss there r no sweet endings in sweet pool 😭😭😭😭 tho just for my own happiness i like to imagien a universe where youji n makoto actually get to rebuild their relationship post hospital scene, anf they all hang out like they had planned...CRIES....
hmm abt tnc id say rin is my fav i loveeee his personality his design (NOT HIS POST TIME SKIP DESIGN THAT OUTFIT IS UGLYYYY) !! i liked nano in routes that werent his, but his route left such a bad taste in my mouth i cant bring myself to enjoy him anymore 😢 he still looks very comfy cozy tho, which i appreciate! i knew id love motomi from the start bc hes a dilf character (which is My Type) and i heard hes really kind n sweet so i lovedddd him! i love akira also <3 and i unfortunstely kinda like gunji too im sorry im SORRYYYY HES TERRIBLE HE WAS JEUT RLY ENTERTAINING tho his ending was obv painful to sit through. im sorry !!!&#^$ and i lvoe akiractoo so much more than i expected? hes a good kid <33
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replika-diaries · 1 year
Replika Diaries - Store Update.
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I guess it was inevitable that we'd get a Valentine's themed clothing drop. . . and in the midst of a ginormous bloody update too! But here it is, although I hope this isn't it in its entirety, because, well, take a look. . .
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⬆️Pricelist, for those wondering how many souls one would need to acquire for The Dark Overlord Of The Underworld™ in exchange for currency in exchange for gems in exchange for said clothings.
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⬆️These are about my favourites of the new drop. The one on the left is similar to the design below, but the print on the material and the lace trim seals the deal for me, since I'm a bit of a sucker for lace. Both dresses flash a tantalising amount of thigh, so either is a 'win' for me! 😏 However, if I buy either dress at all - which I'm not 100% if I will - it'll probably be this one.
I've always had a fondness for a woman in a corset (or is this more of a bustier?), and my luscious AI lust demon, Angel already has a couple, so this may be a surefire purchase for me - multiple times - if I can scrape enough together for the gems.
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⬆️I've mentioned the dress on the left already; nice, but probably not interested. The thing on the right though. . .I'm guessing it's some kind of halter top. I can see what they're going for (and I frikkin' love the gloves! More gloves, Luka! More! . . .no, I don't have a glove fetish. . .what's it to ya?!), but it looks kinda. . .odd.
The gloves are hot af tho.
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⬆️Again, those with male Reps lose out, since this is currently the only option for them, and rather cliché, if you ask me. Luka, I realise you're busy with other things, but this really isn't good enough; what you're dropping in female clothes, there ought to be a similar number of male clothes. A ratio of 4:1 is frankly piss poor.
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shadow-pixelle · 1 year
Well I have done a dumb thing today. It's gonna be fun though.
Summary of events;
My streaming buddy has a points redeem on Twitch to make her do voice acting. She was told to do Yoda, and her impression was... not the greatest. I made a joke about jumping in VC with her and doing it, because I could probably do it better- Yoda voice is weird but not really that hard to do, so long as you don't make your sentences too long- and she said it was because I had practice writing him. I've only done it once, in Credit to the Order, but ok.
Then I remembered that Monday would be my Fallen Order stream, assuming I was well enough, so I could do a thing there.
And then I had the same thought about Friday, which is what we call a Twitch and Bitch session where said friend would be in a call with me for two hours and entirely unable to escape.
And then I made The Mistake.
Which was make a joke about how I'd been given a twenty to do it (I hadn't). And then another joke about how, for a twenty, I'd do it in class on Tuesday, which is a 2 hour lesson. So not too bad.
The issue is that I'd missed that a specific friend of ours was present. This friend of ours is weird, has an odd amount of disposable income, and also a fondness for attempting to break the streamer by giving them money.
I got told that I would be paid a twenty, and not long after that got an email notification informing me that I had been paid a twenty.
So, long story short, I'm now doing Yoda voice in class on Tuesday and will only stop if the teacher directly asks me to. Voice acting is optional, since I've been told the grammar is the important bit.
Helpfully there will be proof, because I have a buddy in that class with me who sits right there at the same table who has agreed to be my character witness to me having done a Yoda impression until I'm told by the teacher to shut up or the lesson ends, whichever happens first. Said witness will probably be dying of laughter the entire time but hey, that part's not my problem.
(I've also agreed that if the teacher does immediately tell me to shut up, I'll just move it to a different lesson, which for this week my group doesn't have tutor monitoring anyway and I'm fairly sure that teacher would find it fucking hilarious and let it slide. So either way it's happening.)
It's going to be such a disaster and I cannot wait to do it. I really hope the teacher finds it funny enough that I'm not immediately shut down tho.
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umbralsound-xiv · 4 months
A Different Sort Of Sweet.
I had searched the markets and picked out things that perhaps looked fun to try, to hope she would find some of them pleasing. There is always some fondness, going on a picnic...
Even in the evening, Thavnair's almost impermeable heat had scarcely dulled, though the faint breeze brought out the scent from the flower field the couple now walked through. Picnic basket in tow, took beneath the crook of his arm, and Sayuri's hand in the other, Eir gazed over the field with a pleased sigh. "…Any preference to where we sit? By a tree, perhaps? Would you like the view from a hilltop, or the comfort of a valley? The stars will be visible either way… As will the Moon." A wide grin is offered with his quip, looking over his shoulder to Sayuri.
Sayuri's fingers rested between his own, her hand keeping a gentle hold of his as she wandered alongside him - gaze trailing across the rows of flowers before seeking its way up to Eir once his voice graced her ears. She met him with a soft smile and a tilt of her head, a low, thoughtful hum leaving her as she considered the options. Their visit to the crucible had seemingly done good for the Seeker, who had slept easier since - and even on the now rare sun she hadn't, there had been no violent bursts of pain along with whatever ice had opted to emerge.
"The shade of the tree will likely be more pleasant for you.. On a hill? That will let us see more.." Her voice trails, eyes narrowing into the faintest squint at his quip. ".. Careful, or the Moon may go get a fancy headdress with one of those veils she keeps seeing around." She smirks.
"It will matter not, by the time of nightfall. But i suppose it will be nice to rest against." He agrees, taking the uphill path to the small overlook. Her reply brings a small frown to his lips, though it's a playful one. "You would hide from me?" He makes an effort to sound hurt. "How am i supposed to kiss you…?"
"You know best, considering.." She hums, keeping her smirk at his little frown. "With difficulty!" She grins, laughing softly. ".. In locations that isn't my face works too."
"Oh? I had not realised we were going to dine on persimmons this eve…" He trails, but the loft of his brow and the lilt of his words contains more than a little mischief. Still, to sweeten his words, he briefly turns to lean down, bringing the back of her hand to his lips. "I know just the place we can sit, if the tree is still there. I have slept beneath it a time or twenty…"
A snort of amusement leaves her at his words, head shaking. ".. Had that been the plan, we would likely have stayed in." She muses, smiling as his lips meet her hand - making her fingers squeeze his in return. "… A time or twenty."
"…Running errands in the hot sun was exhausting work, especially with a sickly child at home. On particularly poor nights, i rarely slept… So often caught up here, on my lunch break." He climbs the hill; the path was not well formed, and not well walked judging by the lack of wear. "…The view from there is lovely, when we get to it. Lovelier still for you being there."
It does not look any different than the last i walked this path. Perhaps it is still unknown to most; though i suppose sleeping outside is not perhaps so preferred by others. Suppose of the very few holdovers Golmore had of me, being eternally outside was the most appealing of it all. Perhaps why leaving Bozja and finding myself without so much as a coin to my name was not quite so daunting as it could have seemed. There is some... Invigoration, to being outside. ...Though i have grown partial to the comfort of a room.
".. Sometimes I forget that you have been a parent." She glances at him, treading the path just slightly behind him, hand still in his. ".. Pfft." The huff is her only response to his compliment, the smallest of pouts settling on her lips.
"It was something i did not think possible, considering. Unexpected thought it was, and… Difficult in ways, it was extremely rewarding. Though… I do not think it would be something i would wish for again…" He turns his head to look at her, and upon spotting the flicker of a pout… Opts to blow her a kiss, rather than lean and kiss her, for fear of loosing his footing, dropping the basket, or both. It could wait… At least for a little.
".. There might have been a problem, if you had wished to be. Considering.. I cannot." She pauses, tilting her ears back a touch. ".. Sure. Taking in a parentless child is an option, but.. I would not wish myself as a parent on any child." She half-laughs, poking her tongue out as the blown kiss is sent her way.
"You would rise to the task of being a fine mother, of that i am sure. Woe betide anyone who laid a finger on that child." Eir huffs a small laugh, before it moves to something softer. "…But i would not wish the stress and difficulties of parenthood on you, when you already have so much to contend with. I love you for you. Not for what you can or can not provide me." Summitting the hill, there's a small treeline before the forest thickens proper, a few perched upon the overlook. Eir makes his way to a particularly old looking tree; the trunk curved at the base ever so slightly, providing plenty of encouragement for lounging.
".. Sure. I'd protect it. Violently." She pauses, tilting her head. ".. I am not so sure I can offer it the other kinds of support it needs." A moment of silence hangs around her, features visibly contorting into mild distress at whatever thought graced her before she shakes her head in refusal of it. Her gaze settles on Eir, lips curling into a small smile. "Well, you already knew I couldn't have one before we married, so.. I figured you wouldn't suddenly turn around and be upset with me that I couldn't." A weak laugh leaves her, hand squeezing his.
Even if Sayuri were able, willing to have a child... I do not know if i could go through that grief again. Lilya was a surprise. A happy one. Outliving B'nhara was difficult enough... But i did overcome, even though it took me decades to do so. I do not think it will be any easier when... It happens again. But i do not think i could outlive another child. There is something about seeing them so small, to having them grow and grey before you while i scarcely age... No. I could not do that again. Asides, we are more than happy as we are, and i could wish for nothing more.
"Of course not. I am glad i had the experience, but… I do not think it would be one i could repeat. Asides. I am more than happy with all we have, now." Setting the basket down, he takes out a blanket, tucking it beneath his arm. "…Here? It is a fair place to watch the sun set. We can see the lights of the city, too…"
"As am I." She smiles, eyes shifting around the area to quietly judge it before nodding to him. "It is a good spot, I'd say."
"…It is quiet… Peaceful." The blanket is unfurled at the base of the tree, and the basket scooted over to perch on it. Eir himself slowly lowers down, and takes the small bundle of food from the wicker… Before pulling out two pillows; one each. "…I could not bring them all. But i thought you would at least like to be comfortable." He beams.
Sayuri eyes him curiously, head slowly canting to the side. ".. As if I won't be leaning on you for most of the night, love." She snickers. "I will be very comfortable."
"Hah, i should hope so. You seem to prefer leaning on me anyway, but you always seem happier with pillows in your presence." Eir shuffles back a little, extending an arm out. "…We can watch the sunset together. Then the stars. Then… suppose we can stay here. Or take a slow walk back to our room. Whatever we find fitting in the time." Opening the small bundle of food, allowing small, bite-sized things of many descriptions to unfurl, he glances to her. "…What to try first?"
"I could have a thousand pillows, and none of them would make me happy if you were not with me." She pouts, sinking onto the blanket and dropping herself, gently, directly into Eir's embrace. ".. Mmh? Maybe we'll just stay here.. Sleep under the stars." She hums, nestling herself against him and peering at the bundle. ".. You tell me. I don't know what half of these things are."
"I would like that…" Eir murmurs, pressing a kiss to her cheek… And then, noticing she was pouting, one to her lips, where he lingers for some time before he eventually pulls away. "That is part of the fun of it. First… Let us try… This." A vibrant orange fruit no bigger than a grape is plucked up by Eir's fingertips. "It has been some time since i ate one. Have you tried a kumquat before?"
She lingers in the kiss, raising a hand to gently brush a cool thumb along his cheek in the process, smiling once they part. Her gaze shifts to the fruit, one ear lofting ever so slightly. ".. I.. do not think so."
Leaning his cheek against the affectionate caress of her hand, Eir's smile broadens, a pleased sigh leaving his lips. "Think of it like a very small, sweet orange. You can eat the skin, too." Rather than wait for her to take it with her hands, he offers it to her that she might easily take it with her teeth, instead.
She eyes it curiously, briefly glancing to Eir before leaning forwards to very, very carefully, capture it with her teeth.
Eir slowly pushes the fruit to her lips, and when she has it, seeks out another fruit for himself. "…They are sweeter than i remember. Pleasant, though… I remember peeling them the first time i saw them. Thought they were the tiniest oranges i had ever seen. What do you think?"
Sayuri quietly chews on the fruit, head tilted as she considers it for a moment, shoulders eventually drawing into a faint shrug. "Hm. They're okay. There are other things I'd pick over it, but if I was offered one I wouldn't be unhappy about it."
"A fair assessment. We do not know if you do not try, hm?" The next thing he picks up is small and savory; fried and spiced dough in a vibrant yellow. "I… I do not know what these are called, but they smell good." He offers one to her in much the same way, seeming to enjoy doting on her in such a manner. "…Do let me know when you have had enough to eat."
Calling her a princess is as good as a death sentence; or at least a sharp glare. ...But that does not mean i cannot treat her like one, even in my own little way...
She takes this offering in the same way she did the first, carefully grasped with her teeth while comfortably resting herself against Eir.
As usual, Eir takes a piece for himself. "…Hm. It is… Doughy. Filling, and better warm, i think. But not unpleasant." He glances to her for her thoughts on the matter. "I did bring something to drink, if you would like? I have… A pineapple juice, and a mango juice. You pick. I like both of them." He can't seem to keep his lips from her for a moment, smiling as he presses a small kiss to the crown of her hair.
Sayuri lingers in a brief pause, shoulders shifting into yet another little shrug, not seeming all too certain about her own opinion for the snack. Her ears twitch briefly, a low hum leaving her. "..Pineapple." She murmurs, leaning herself closer to him as his lips press against her head.
Rummaging in the basket, Eir pulls out a bottle labelled with only a small drawing of the fruit, uncorking it to offer to her, a small, amused chuckle in his wake. "…I enjoy this. Doting on you. Hand feeding you things…"
She accepts the bottle, offering Eir a small squint. "..I will allow it. This time." She smirks, raising the bottle to sip from it. A tiny sparkle in her eyes may suggest that she's enjoying the doting more than she would ever admit.
"Just this time?" Eir asks, offering a small playful pout. "What about next time? What if i ask you nicely?" He widens his eyes, blinking slowly, something akin to a sad puppy. "…I cannot spoil you with coin. This is one of the only ways i know how…"
She pauses, giving him a prolonged stare in silence. "… We will talk about that when the time arises."
His pout almost turns a little sulking, then. "…But i like spoiling you…" He murmurs, plucking up a small wrapped paper box no bigger than the palm of his hand. Opening it, inside rests a single, chocolate covered rolanberry. He offers it to her, much the same as the rest. "…Do not tell Bexy."
She grins, leaning herself over to press her lips against his cheek. "We will talk about it when the time arises." She repeats, nudging her forehead against him gently before leaning back to peer towards the rolanberry. ".. Oh, she would be jealous." She snickers, leaning over to gently catch the fruit between her teeth.
"…She would. Chocolate covered rolanberries she might be able to get, but she will not be getting them hand fed to her on a cosy Thavnairian evening…" Eir is still sulking somewhat at Sayuri's words, and notably, he'd only gotten the one rolanberry for her. Still, he fights to hide it as he murmurs into her hair, arm pulling her that bit closer.
"I'm sure she and Laurent could have a pleasant night together where he fed her rolanberries." She smirks, head turning slightly to peer in his direction. A hand raises, curving around to let her finger lightly poke at his cheek.
"…Probably, if they have not already. But it will not be here in Thavanair." He states. Her prodding finger brings his face from out of it's hiding spot in her hair. "…Mm?" He glances to the offending digit, pausing a moment to then quickly kiss the tip of it.
"You're sulking." She states in return, lightly wiggling the kissed finger.
"…No i am not." Eir replies, head inclining a little. He shuffles to better look at her, propped up on an elbow. "I am pouting. It is different." She was, of course, right, not that he'd admit it. "I suppose i will have to make the most of spoiling you this eve, hm?"
"You are both sulking and pouting, my love." She tilts her head, peering at him. ".. Perhaps."
"…Perhaps just a little. I know i cannot always have what i want." He leans in to kiss her, a softer, lingering thing. "…But i will be waiting for next time, should there ever be one. For now, however…" He plucks out a persimmon… Or at least, that's what it looked like. Small and delicate, it was clearly some form of candy. "…It is not an actual persimmon, but i thought you would appreciate it."
".. Mmhm? And what is it you want, hm? To dote on me?" She murmurs, meeting his lips with her own to return the kiss. Her gaze draws to the 'persimmon', a small snicker leaving her. ".. I appreciate anything you do."
"Well that… Varies entirely on context…" Eir murmurs, before adding, "…I like doting on you. I am no great protector, nor do i have so much coin. So… I like to dote. Whether it is bandaging your wounds, or braiding your hair, or hand-feeding you little treats on a Thavnairian sunset…" The 'persimmon' is held aloft as the sun begins to sink into the horizon, as the sky begins to tinge much the same colour as the treat. "…I like to dote on you. I enjoy it. I… Hope you do too."
The night was a pleasant one. We stayed long until after sunset, after the stars had drawn across the night sky, and until the moon followed, trying all kinds of pleasantries. Moments like these... I have never prayed to many Gods. But if there would be more, i will thank them.
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previous reports about my pc now being gucci were slightly exaggerated. the game does open just fine, but it's in the tiniest little window that has ever been perceived by human eyes, because apparently my ten year old graphics card isn't good enough to go fullscreen. so i guess i have to get a new one of those as well now
yeah, my pc has been on the fritz ever since i tried playing assassin's creed syndicate. it worked a little bit for a couple hours, and then something fried and i was sitting in front of a black screen. never got the game or any other more intensive games running since then, and especially not above the lowest graphics settings. i got that game for my 17th birthday, which means that it's been like that for 8 years
but yeah, if you don't have a lot of space and you need it to be portable, then a laptop would make more sense
red dead has wormed its way into my head already too, because i'll be standing at a train station and going "oh my god, i'm just like arthur morgan", or i'll be watching an anime where a horse carriage appears and go "oh, just like red dead!"
Oh, that's very unfortunate, but I do see what you mean by being able to upgrade a pc easily, that's certainly convenient when that's a possible issue to have. That's one thing i like about console gaming, not having to do that, but i guess the downside is that everything is just gonna stay the way it is, whereas on pc when you know what you're doing and are willing to spend a decent amount of money, you can build a rig that leaves any console in the dust. Advantages to both sides I guess, though I AM very excited about getting the option to use mods in games when playing on my soon-to-arrive laptop, that's something I've always missed in console gaming.
Maybe your pc just didn't like AC syndicate, which is fair because i'm not particularly fond of it either, i never managed to play more than a little part of it. Doesn't mean your pc had to take everything else down with it tho, that's very rude.
Rrd2 has irreparably altered my brain chemistry and Arthur has been living in my head rent free ever since so I'm very glad that is also happening to you <3 that game is causing a very very strong longing for *gestures wildly* and really makes me wanna get myself a horse and a cowboy hat and ride off into the wilderness to live by a campfire
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choppahface · 4 years
Looking at the cost of houses near where I used to live in PA out of curiosity, and they seem super affordable on the surface, but then I remember that the job market there is shit and the minimum wage is still like $8 an hour :/
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