#not tagging the artists i doubt their fandoms would care lmao
ashpato · 2 years
passed peer review so i guess i’ll share
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driftingmoonmenace · 10 months
Just wanted to reach out because of the vent post. If you decided to stop, it's within your rights. But as a DCA fan, please don't stop if it's because of doubts.
Your artwork is amazing. I love seeing all artwork that people create on here for the boys. And I think a problem artists have, is we just feel an urged to create something that someone else hasn't done before. We see a pose or a scene that someone else created; And some people may feel they can't create that anymore because someone else already did it. I get in my head that way too, I think all of us deal with it at least once.
There's a small snippet comic, to wear an artist would compare themselves to someone else in the example of a cake. We compare ourseling others artwork. Thinking that there's is better, so why do we even try. But the fans who love the fandom don't care if two look the exact same. They're just happy to receive more content to look at. Fandoms die because we give up, We can feel small if our stuff doesn't feel seen or well received. And, that feeling is kind of inevitable on a site that only creates views through traction of reblogs. So Don't be afraid to reshare your artwork so that it's new on the tags page.
I don't care if everyone draws the boys in the exact same standing pose waving, or Little Moon being a menace, it's all precious to see. Make things that have already been created. I don't care if you're AU has scenes that share a similarity to 40 or 100 other stories. Because sometimes the thing that they all share is a comfort to others. And people love gobbling up content that they enjoy.
I'd kick your imposter syndrome if I could. You don't need it. You're a peach, a precious creator. And I'm gonna be a menace now and reblog purge your stuff now; so this loveable hellsite can be reminded that all artist's work matter and are appreciated. Please smile, please know the work you put out into the world is appreciated. Please know it's okay if your artwork doesn't come out how you saw it in your head; We don't see the results in your head, we see the result that you share with us and we get to appreciate it anyway. Don't let perfectionism or competition stop you from sharing what you love. I hope creativity and inspiration stay by your side ❤️
Thank you for all the sweet words, and all the likes and reblogs on my stuff too!!! You're too kind and I appreciate all of it truly. 💕
I don't think I could ever really stop creating DCA stuff as long as I got them silly jester boys knocking around in my brain lmao. I just get caught up in my feelings and anxiety sometimes unfortunately.
Everything you've said is very true tho and I agree!! At the end of the day it's all about enjoying what you love and having fun at your own pace and in your own way (and def keeping you, your limits, and well being in mind too!)
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twst-discourse-bot · 2 years
they deleted their ocs but i have reblogs of them and screenshots of all posts (not reblogs they are just genshin fanart from popular artists) https://tamos-reblog-account.tumblr.com/ admittedly she isnt as bad yet this time self hate minorly sinophobic (it was pretty sneaky i almost didnt notice it) like why is it necessary to make your two black ocs with vitiligo hated by the people of liyue (nation based/inspired from china)specifically and then have both move to mondstadt (nation based/inspired from Germany...) her age was 15 this time lmao the way she has the trans flag all over but doesnt include trans in her bio is... sus? furthers my belief shes faking. well i mean... ofc she is she does it all the time. with every blog. they would have been fine if not for that like i was just scrolling the genshin tag and saw the character card for delilah and thought she was the cutest fucking thing. (im a sucker for vitiligo im sorry) was bored as FUCK tho so i didnt bother to read her stuff but then a few posts down i saw mila and thought oh hey shes similar to delilah so i decided to check out the blog when i tell you my heart dropped and then started RACING i saw the behavior and "hate asks" i looked at the pfp i read the ocs texts im loosing my fucking mind THE REST OF THE STUFF ABOUT HER OCS WAS ACTUALLY DECENT FOR ONCE BUT SHE /RUINED/ IT
they did some stuff with twst but i'll leave that to yall to discuss its just another copy of mulan and tiana
she never changes *sigh*
Hello!! Terribly sorry to everyone for the prolonged radio silence :sobsob: I work full time these days and can't keep as vigilant a watch as I used to, but I have time this morning, so I want to update everyone.
I'm using Tamo's ask as a jumping off point, both to say thank you to them for making the official callout post for Jordan/Ray's newest blog, cutemermaidprincess (now deactivated), and to talk about a couple of things that I'll get to in a moment.
To start, I believe you and I had the same idea. I was mainly leaving her alone to see what she would do this time around. I had no doubts that the blog was her yet again, but I didn't want to start something without having proof and end up throwing some poor rando under the freight train. (Sidenote: one of my mutuals recently had something like that happen to them, being falsely accused of something pretty heinous by a callout account and it scared the life out of them. I didn't want to be the cause of something like that.)
But, now that this blog is gone, I think I can start talking again. Here are the screenshots I took before it went down:
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In regard to everyone who sent in asks with this blog's username, thank you! I appreciate what you are trying to do, but please understand that I didn't answer anybody publicly because I have a sort of method to approach this person's habits with. I cannot, in good conscience, take speculation as evidence of a new Ray account, but now that I have the screenshots and the blog is deleted, we can safely assume that it was her again.
While I wasn't crazy about the idea of letting her go after seeing her post the OCs, I was content to just leave her alone to do her thing if she didn't start trouble again, because there's no realistic chance of getting an apology out of her. But she ruined it for herself again, as Tamo said. I only skimmed the chara bios so I didn't catch the Sinophobia this time, I suppose I've gotten careless.
Also, it's extremely shitty of her to use a trait that many people have, vitiligo, as a jumping off point for her fake pity party. She's just adding to the list of reasons why she needs to be perma-banned with every iteration of her nonsense.
It's obvious it was her; I don't know what exactly she's hoping will happen. If she keeps posting in the tags, people will figure out who she is every time. She's better off just giving up at this point, she's made an enemy of nearly everyone in the TWST fandom and I don't think people care enough in Genshin to give her any attention.
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ocheeva · 3 years
interview tag uwu
rules: answer the questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better!
tagged by @queensbrother even though it’s been A DECADE cass how can u possibly need to get to know me better ily
- nickname: no people just. use my name. except @mishikaiya sometimes. her latest for me is chickadee which is literally the cutest but will it ever be a thing outside the bird trio? doubtful.
- pronouns: she/her
- star sign: probably yeah
- height: 167 cm. i don’t do american numbers.
- time currently: 23:49
- when is your birthday: at some point during the year. this is hidden lore only my mum knows bc she was there (presumably)
- favorite bands/groups: see this is why i’m the worst at this kind of thing because there are always these questions and i. don’t do music. generally. like i have made spotify playlists and shit i just sit down to listen to music approximately three times a year so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- favorite solo artists: well...
- song stuck in your head: this is getting awkward
- last movie watched: wait hold on i need to cry for a second over cass’ last movie being fatal journey... god that fucked me up. nie brothers my beloved. anyway it was I Am Mother. it was okay.
- last show you binged: new girl for the third? fourth? time. i live alone and don’t really have conversations at my job so i keep sitcoms on in the background so i get to hear human voices! yes i’m very emotionally stable how did you know. last show i binged and actually paid attention to was word of honor.
- when you created your blog: this one? 2013. my first one was made in 2009
- last thing you googled: something about han dynasty art because fic research lmao  
- other blogs:  i only actively maintain @qinghe-s atm but i also have @masseffectcaps and a few other fandom sideblogs like @celestecraft which used to be hot shit on mineblr. others are only shared with people i love.
- why you chose your url: the first time i played the elder scrolls iv: oblivion i fell in love w ocheeva SO FAST and she’s still my favourite. i don’t have an argonian kink but if i did it would be because of her. she's sweet and caring AND she’s a skilled assassin?? get you a girl who can do both, damn
- do you get asks: no bc the messaging system exists. my fandom blogs get them on occasion although people favour the messaging system there too
- how many people are you following: 257
- how many followers do you have: like a thousand. my most popular blog has 10k which is insane quite frankly. 
- average hours of sleep: i legitimately do not have an average, it’s either like four or at least twelve
- lucky number: not... really. i like multiples of five bc i have ocd and other numbers are generally uncomfortable. i don’t mind seven fsr (but only as a singular digit. idk, my brain does Not make sense)
- instruments: i played the flute as a kid but i assure you i am the least musical person you’ve ever met
- what I’m currently wearing: black leggings, black top, black sweater. my socks are pink though! fashun
- dream job: i simply do not dream of labour. i enjoy teaching to an extent and working for bethesda would be sick i guess but
- dream trip: svalbard. i’ve wanted to visit china for years (i had a layover at a chinese airport when i went to visit cass in straya and part of me was like YES finally! but it was also miserable bc worst flight of my liiiiife god). legitimate actual dream trip though? a couple of weeks alone in venice. i’ve been once but it was a school trip when i studied architecture in high school (like you do in waldorf schools! pretentious as hell) so my classmates ruined the vibe. i snuck away a lot and made my teacher angry when no one knew where i was but it was worth it. i constantly think about going back and spending hours in the narrow alleys and beautiful churches and sitting outside palazzo ducale and being moved to literal tears over the architecture. ugh.
- favorite food: lamb steak w garlic cloves... also cheese. all the cheese. any kind of cheese.
- favorite song: i thought we went over this
- top three fictional universes you’d like to live in: okay first of all animal crossing OBVIOUSLY. gotta marry tom nook. second... god. star trek because while i will absolutely shit-talk starfleet any day of the week the star trek universe is superior to any other because it has JANEWAY. and also space. and alien ladies. but mainly janeway. i would put so much effort into joining starfleet and being good at my job so i could maybe serve on the same ship as her and make quiet heart eyes if we crossed each other in the corridors. EDIT: lol i got so wrapped up in star trek i forgot about a third huh! obviously i’d want to live in dream valley with the little ponies. the original ponies. i’d hang out with wind whistler and tell her i love her all the time, especially when she uses words the other ponies don’t understand. autistic queen, love of my life, etc. bonus fourth: mass effect. space. biotics! possibly a buff asari girlfriend... or the krogan romance bioware continues to deny me
TAGGING: jesus. okay you know what. i’m picking five people who show up in my notes fairly regularly because we should be friends. so: @filantestar @sidhe-solais @briars-glenn @sarahstreep7 @roddaprime ♡
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trilies · 5 years
an argument for AO3
So I’m in a conversation with someone who is kind of in the “against AO3″ camp, and they asked me a couple of questions. Namely, who wouldn’t be uncomfortable with pedophilia? Isn’t it sketchy that a beta website is asking for so much money despite reaching its goals?
And my answer became so long... I figured it might as well become its own post. Please bear in mind that this is cut from a whole conversation.
But here it is.
No. It doesn't seem sketchy to me at all. Why would it? I know we make jokes about how much money tumblr has cost the various sites which purchase it like Yahoo, but there's some truth there: it's really expensive to host a website to thousands and thousands of people. It's why we see so many tumblr owners trying to shoehorn in ads or make people buy services, or why Photobucket tried to pull that truly atrocious bullshit a year or two back. Without image hosting capabilities (tumblr and photobucket's big thing), the strain isn't as huge.... but AO3 is MASSIVE. It is hosting literally thousands of accounts, millions of stories. That's massive on a server scale alone, ignoring all the other work they do. Yeah, it's in beta... but that's because it's trying to reach a goal of being as good a fanfic archive as they can be, and they don't believe they've reached that goal yet. Being in beta means they can better listen to their uses on shit like tagging systems and make those changes. Not to mention, again, they are INCREDIBLY transparent. If you are worried about where the money is going, you can go on the site and they have all their stuff up there.
As for the pedophilia subject matter.... Please give me a moment. because there's honestly a lot to say on that particular issue, if nothing else. This will take a while, so if you see this and there hasn't been a reply yet.... I'm still typing lmao.
To start with, of course people are uncomfortable about pedophilia. However, there are a lot of problems with how pedophilia is viewed or *used* as an accusation in the current fandom climate.
For example, in honestly EXTREMELY recent times, I was told I was "defending" pedophilia because I disagreed that a character (an immortal food gijinka) was "minor-coded" or "designed as an underage teenager". (As a note, an argument for this view was that the character's breasts were too small.) When I pointed out, hey, that's kind of a fucked up accusation to throw at a complete stranger, especially as I am a CSA survivor, I was told "You have to be lying about that, then, because a real CSA survivor would understand."
c o o l
That's just my personal experience that happened within a couple of months. Other people have talked about running into people who think that a character turning 18 means they're a pedophile for still dating a 17 year old. Or running into people who think a 40 year old dating someone in their 30s is pedophilic. Or believe that even SHIPPING characters who were not yet 18 was pedophilic if you yourself were over 18.
(Of course, you also have the kinds of people who try to use Moral Purity as a way to bash ships they don't like. I once saw someone try to claim that a popular mlm ship, A/B, was pedophilic because one half of the equation looked young.... when some other artists drew him... Of course, on the side, this person liked to also get angry that *their* favorite ship, a dude/chick ship composing of A/C, wasn't more popular. So. You know.)
So that's one half of the problem: the word "pedophile" being so warped that a lot of people now have no idea if the person using it has a genuine concern or if the accuser is trying to smear someone who doesn't ship the same thing. FFnet and Tumblr have gone with the "burn it all down" approach, which hasn't actually helped anyone and is, to boot, sloppily moderated. So we know from history, from experience in cases like mine, that it doesn't help in that area.
The other half of the problem is... How far is too far?
This is where "anti" culture begins to find similarities with the whole Warriors for Innocence thing. If you completely and blindly block an entire tag, or anyone associated with it, you have to ask: who are you hurting? Warriors for Innocence hurt actual rape victim, and queer folk, and a whole lot of others. Far as I can tell, anti culture is on the route to the same thing, because I have yet to see appropriate answers to a lot of issues.
If one says "anything with underage sex in it is bad and should be banned", what about fics that tackle it in a serious manner? The young adult novel "Speak" deals with rape of an underage girl and how she works through that mental trauma; are fics with stories equivalent to that allowed? Do fics with underage sex have to focus purely on how it is Horrible And Bad to be allowed? Does only a chapter have to be allowed? A paragraph? An author's note? A tag? Or are we allowed to never explore dark subject matter?
Is fic with underage content in it only horrible if it's someone over the age of eighteen who writes it? Can a teenager write smut (terribly written as it may likely be) between teenage characters? Can a teenager write smut between a teenage character and an adult character? For the record, i did in fact, over the summer, run into someone who said that teens/minors "shouldn't even know about NSFW", which is asinine to me, because Abstinence Only is a terrible thing to put in schools, and somehow worse in a way when you try to put that into effect in fandom. If the answer is 'yes', what are you going to do, demand to see people's birth certificates in fandom?
(As a note, I think this is a terrible message to put into fandom for teenagers because I believe it will inevitably lead to self hatred and a warped view of sex. If you make the extremely simplified black-and-white statement of "teens and sex should never go together ever in any way", that's going to mess up teens who are starting to experience arousal in their bodies. The message, whether intended or not, ends up as "NSFW things are bad, which means my brain which thought NSFW thoughts is bad, and my brain thought those thoughts because my body had these feelings". )
(This is bad for any average teenager. This will be especially worse to CSA and rape victims, along with queer youth who, in a lot of places, are still struggling with their bodies and/or feelings because the world is still pretty damn queerphobic.)
Speaking of CSA and rape victims, what about those of them who write/read underage ships or dark content as a way to cope with what happened or Just Because? That's a thing lots of us do, especially those of us who don't look like the Perfect Victims people can use as an excuse for whatever crusade they're waging. I've heard anti types go "Well, it's an unhealthy way to cope" or claims that CSA/rape victims who write such dark content are "just as bad as their abusers"... But are they psychiatrists/therapists? Are they the psychiatrists/therapists of *those specific people*? Will you moderate this kind of content by forcefully interrogating CSA/rape victims to out their trauma to a complete stranger? Will you demand to speak to their therapists? Over fanfic?
When I was a teenager, I wrote all sorts of stuff. I wrote dark dub-con fic, because I liked to explore those dark feelings in the process and the aftermath separate from myself. I wrote a fic with a fairly young teenage girl (what age was kh2 kairi? who even knows, I sure didn't) falling for a MUCH older man built like a brick shit house so that there was never any doubt to him being an adult, even giving him her first kiss, because they were my favorite characters, I wanted both of them to have a moment of happiness (that i promptly ruined but hey), and, *in this fic*, I knew it would be alright. I knew the girl would always be in control, she'd be the one making moves, that the guy was nonthreatening and kind and protect her and work alongside her.
(and then I began the process of killing him off in the next paragraph through him saving her life, but, like. Drama (tm), baby)
This was all good for me. At an age where I was young, vulnerable, and figuring out weird shit like arousal and romantic feelings, it was *invaluable* to have a space where I could explore all of that while relatively safe from actual danger, even if the stuff I wanted to explore was a little messed up. This whole thing against AO3 wouldn't have helped me, and I'm pretty sure it's not helping a lot of other people too.
There is an issue with underage people and sex stuff- not just in fandom but in culture at large. We have Hollywood dressing up young girl actresses in super slinky or revealing clothes. We have schools saying girls basically should never wear shorts, and capitalism fucking this up further by only selling SUPER SHORT shorters. We have media of all sorts giving us adults, whether in real actors or character design, in the roles of young people. (See: "how do you do, fellow kids") We should probably take more care about fandom spaces, so that people of all ages don't feel pressured to engage in sexual shit they're not 100% game for or into, or just have it shoved into their faces without consent. It's a complex issue... and it's not stuff that can just be 'banned' and have that fix it.
AO3 has on its plate a very complex problem that will, if we're all honest, never have a perfect answer. It has given us the best that can possibly be asked for. It obeys the law by not having actual child pornography on it (aka visual proof of actual real children, defined by us law as such), which is closest to "objective" we can get at the current stage in humanity and state of fandom. It has a very comprehensive and moderated tag system, so that people can post warnings along their fic so that people don't stumble onto shit they don't need to, and so that people can moderate their own reading experience to some degree.
If some people aren't comfortable with AO3, that's fine. However, most of us are getting annoyed not with those people, but with the people who just blindly say "AO3 supports child porn and is probably stealing money" (statement simplified for the purpose of this post). It shows an ignorance of the fandom history that lead us here, no understanding in either AO3's practices or how expensive it is to run a site, and no consideration for how complex this problem can really be. It would be great if this was a black and white issue, if there was an easy answer as just "banning" certain kinds of content... but there isn't. And that's where I am.
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5sosbitchfest · 4 years
Alrighty, Nonsters.  We currently have 290 Asks in our box!  As much as we might try, I know there is NO WAY we’re going to be able to get through all of them.  Everything exploded this weekend when MessyGate went down!   I don’t want to ignore any asks just because I already answered a similar one.  So, I’ve tried to gather as many similar Asks as possible to let your your voices be heard.  Y’all are definitely NOT alone in your feelings.  Get ready for a lot of opinions on Messy’s Twitter Drama.  
Also, if you sent in an Ask and we haven’t answered it yet, please feel free to resubmit it!  I do try to scroll through all of them but it is a daunting task and personal stuff and work make it difficult for me to get through everything in a timely manner!
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I’m really disappointed in Luke and this band in general, the way they deal with things. “honest policy” with messy? So he knew all of this and it was okay? Or he confronted her on this and he is okay with what she has done? I’m not sure this whole thing would be a deal breaker for me, but it certainly would make me real mad at my SO and some whiny excuses wouldn’t be enough to make things alright. Radio silence would’ve been much better than that story he posted, made himself look like a fool.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: These girls will sooner or later become their downfall if their management or them does not realise they should rely on other things than bringing relationship up front to sell their music. I find it extremely bad that they are behaving as if nothing happened, I hope there will be changes once touring will be possible again and we won’t see these girls tagging along everywhere or being brought up in interviews all the time but somehow I’m not counting too much on that.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I wonder if Luke knows everything that Messy got exposed for or just the parts Messy wanted to show him. Bc Luke said in his Story that he wasn't online lately so maybe he wasn't on Twitter too and Messy just showed him the parts that make her look good and he still doesn't know that she spoke bad about Ashton or how she stalked the fans also after she knew that they didn't hack his email adress cause he wasn't on Twitter so he couldn't see the screenshots.🤷‍♀️
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I'm just waiting for the day one of them date someone who isn't a part of their circle. tired of them passing around the same toxic girls.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: These girls are just digging a whole for these guys and they want be able to get out of it soon
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: It was a chicken move for Sierra to do it as a reply and no one has talked on twitter that she deleted it because they probably think her deleting it is saying it wasn’t true
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: Am I the only one who thinks that guys really only heavily interact with us when they want to promote something or say something about the music? I do understand they have lives so being on Twitter isn't number one priority and with all the drama that surrounds this fandom its very easy to not want to be online a lot, I just can't help but feel that way
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I'm talking about this messy situation (no pun intended) with my friend and she said to me that Messy should consider changing her career if she can't handle that not all people are going to like her. (that ofc doesn't include any form of harassment bc that's not cool)
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I really don't know how to feel about the Luke situation. At first I was upset and disappointed of Luke but now I almost pity him bc real or not either the management would want Luke to defend her or Messy. And I think Luke isn't the kind of person who would stand up against the management or Messy (even though it would probably be better for him if he would). And most people don't realise when they're in a toxic relationship so I can't really blame him. I just hope this ends asap.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I literally was so angry and frustrated with Luke and this whole situation yesterday that I couldn’t even look at him on my home screen, I had to change it. It’s really a disappointing thing to witness. Whether management put him up to this or he genuinely believes this toxicity is okay, I’m just very grumpy with him at the moment. He deserves better and WE (the fans) deserve better.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I think Luke really needs to be in a relationship with sb who either isn't famous and doesn't want to be or with someone who is famous bc they have a successful career too and who doesn't need Like to be famous.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I’ve only seen a few accounts on Twitter who are attacking Messy and Crusty to the core and exposing every bad thing they’ve done with receipts for the sossies defending them! I’m happy that karma is finally getting to those con artist who think they can get away with anything
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: that recent lierra picture is photoshoped lmao. if you look at Sierra's hand you can see color coming off from it and her arm looks hella weird.her forehead looks hella weird and look couldn't have taken the picture because I doubt that he could stretch his arm that far and make a perfect picture. also we haven't even seen Sierra's face so I still don't believe they're together
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: The Lemon pic was like a punch in the face (even though Petunia and Luke are looking cute there). But I've been asking myself lately if Luke has seen the whole drama going around on Twitter or just the posts Messy wanted him to know so the ones who make her look like the victim (and not the ones where she insulted Ashton or she made it clear that she stalked his fans). Cause Luke said he hasn't been online lately.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I mean we dont know how much of the story he truly is aware of and how much s changed to fit her narrative and get L to feel bad for her. Plus he was under pressure from management to do damage control and not standing up for his gf is a very bad look for outsiders who dont understand why she's at fault. It was a pretty neutral statement and he was obviously told to make the post so I dont blame him and just blame her more for putting him in the situation in the 1st place
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I wonder how much toxicity happens behind the scenes, we know S is very manipulative and L is very much a people pleaser so.. and with how much they have to sell their "love" and "happiness" in the relationship. Minipulation is a powerful thing and it could explain why hes out of touch with reality, especially lately since he's isolated with her and doesnt have the voices of the band to raise any concerns and he's been getting skinny again and seems very "meh" rather than happy, idk
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I feel so disconnected with this fandom rn. I feel like no one is streaming CALM and that makes me sad bc it's such an amazing album. The boys aren't even online anymore, everyone is mad at each other and now Luke comes up with this shit... tbh I wish I would wake up tomorrow and see him tweeting something like yeah I'm sorry about my ig story I still love y'all lmao
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: Wait wait wait wait ive been gone from the fandom for a little while now and what the fuck is going on with Luke and S? What did S do that she made a fake ass apology for?? I’m so lost please help me! 😂
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I'm seeing a lot of my mutuals unstanning and I'm just so mad bc Sierra started this drama and got Luke into it and I'm sad that people are leaving bc of this, it's just too much toxicity and it shouldn't affect the band and their connection with the fans but with Luke saying this he makes it seem like he supports the ugly things she does
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I am a Luke stan and I've always loved him bc he has inspired me so much through the years but when he does this things it's like...damn. I feel like he's invalidating the fans' feelings by being like "if you don't like my girlfriend, ur fake" like he has never noticed me on Twitter or anything but my biggest fear is to be blocked by him or just ignored bc I don't like her (although I never expressed it publicly) n yeah anyways :// It feels weird
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: Going back and re-reading the DM’s messy literally confirms that she accesses Luke’s account by saying “we couldn’t get in” or some shit like that
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I hate being a luke stan, sometimes it just seems like he doesn't care? he always puts these toxic gfs before the ones who adore him and pay his bills. might just move into Cashton's lane. unproblematic kings.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: He literally posted a picture of him cuddling her and petunia within the hour
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: The saddest part of this situation is it’s like a repeat of Arzaylea. Luke has no idea what a respectful, mature relationship is. We saw it with Arz and were seeing it again it’s just a little bit different. He stays being controlled and manipulated by toxic partners. I really think homeboy needs to be single for a WHILE and focus on himself. He needs to unlearn the things his past and current relationships have taught him about love because if I know anything, it’s that this ain’t real love.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: Is it bad that I just want the larzaylea drama back?? Like everyone could at least agree on their feelings then...
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: Just checked messy’s insta and of course, everyone that still supports her filled her tagged with just the single picture
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I feel like the reason Sierra is getting away with what she’s done is because she isn’t that known. Like yeah she’s associated with 5sos, but they’re also like not that big which is probably why it’s getting swept under the rug. I’ve only seen the 5SOS fandom calling her out for her actions. If this had happened with a well known celebrity, they probably would’ve been dragged and been trending on Twitter. I might be wrong but I feel like this is what’s happening which is just unfair.
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I'm super late and sorry for ruining the good mood after the awesome new sprites reveal! Note: some of this was written before the reveal and some after
(It turned out so long, longer than my school essays and I might've made some wording/formulation mistakes so sorry again.)
Hey so I kind of really have a deep hatred for drama but at the same time I want to talk about what ""happend"" recently because a big part of it seems a bit like BS to me.
(I'm on the SE developers' side btw so if I say something that might offend you I think it's best not to read)
Okay, basically there was some writing for the original chapter 7 "leaked" by a person who was on the team but left months ago and while it didn't seem like that big of a deal at first after hearing both sides of the story I have a bit of a clearer image. So what's written there is what chapter 7 was supposed to be like however it's clear now that the current chapter 7 will have nothing to do with this. Buuut there's a problem there, not going into the whole contract thing (yet) I'd like to say that it doesn't make sense from Cecile's side to call this JUST a fanfiction.
Normally it wouldn't be a problem but what's written there was at some point supposed to be canon, right? This writing is coming from someone who has an insider's perspective unlike us, "outsiders" who were never on the team and have no idea about how the plot is/was supposed to go. A fanfic is, may I quote, "fiction written by a fan of, and featuring characters from, a particular TV series, film, etc." Thus the whole contract thing doesn't matter in that statement since the person/people who wrote this aren't fans, they're people who were on the SE development team.
And so I read the thing (ngl, it was mainly because I was really curious and wanted to see what it was all about) and tbh I can understand Serena's annoyance towards it. I mean, it contains some info on the characters. Info we've never heard of before (and I'm not gonna talk about it just in case some people decided not to read it because I respect that) while most of those were just small glimpses into their personalities/hobbies/background and it didn't seem like there was anything plot heavy, or nothing that I've noticed is supposed to be important for later, it still doesn't change the fact that these informations are canon, right?
I suppose Serena must've read it at some point and approved the writing though that's just speculation on my part.
So long story short, what was posted isn't really a fanfic but more like the plot of an old chapter that got either delayed to a later chapter or like... completed deleted since they left the team and the layout of the chapter is now out to the public so I highly doubt Serena is gonna post something similar to this, or at least if she's still planning on making a Halloween chapter then maybe she'll change how the story was supposed to play out?
Tbh I feel like it would've been smarter to ask first if they can publish the copy of the chapter instead of making a big ruckus out of it. This could've been easily avoided but then again I don't know if they left the team on good terms, not that this part is any of my business though.
Anyway, so then we have the whole "she didn't give us a contract to sign" argument which is... uh, I mean, what did you expect?
SE development started back in 2015 correct? So it's been around 4 years and we're only on chapter 6. Why? Because making the game isn't their full time job and they made that clear multiple times in the past. Besides, correct me if I'm wrong, but 4 years ago wasn't Serena like in her late teens/early twenties or something? I know it might seem cheap to pull out the legendary "she was young" argument but tbh I'm in high school and never have I imagined or taken seriously the thought of making an indie game. If like, next month I decided to do it and found some people who are down for making some assets for the game then a legal contract would literally be the last thing I would think about.
Besides it's not like Serena has ever been secretive about the things she thought were necessary to tell the fandom, or at least I don't get the feeling that she has. Do y'all really imagine her being like "muhahaha! I'm not gonna make a contract with them so I can freely use their work!" ???
The thing with a contract is that it's not only good for the employees but also for the employer if the workers ever do something that they weren't supposed to (like now). And she's not planning on taking "legal" action anyway because like she said, nothing good will come out of it and she technically doesn't have a "right" to do so.
And let's just be realistic here for a second, okay? Like do you guys really think that they're earning a whole lot thanks to sweet elite? There's barely 18k accounts on the site and I'm pretty sure that most of those are doubles or triples in order to go through different routes. Also, we don't know how much of those accounts belong to active players on the game. There's many people out there who play like the first 2 chapters and never touch the game again because they'd rather watch a let's play or they dropped the game. And amongst the people who do play sweet elite regularly (as in, they log in everyday and play the new chapter when it's out) how many people is there who have ever paid for energy? The thing is that the game is still in it's early stages, there's not many chapters yet so it's easy to catch up quickly and tbh their energy system is pretty generous. You receive 5 points per day but you can also use coins to exchange them for energy (which is what most people do in order to catch up).
So point is, I'm pretty sure they don't gain a lot of money out of it and almost all of the work they do, they do it for free in their free time because they like making the game.
So I dunno, it might be pretty shitty of me and naive to think about it in this way but tbh I feel like it was kind of obnoxious of them to just, y'know. Leave because "there's no contract and we're not making any money out of this" then come back months later to post something that we weren't supposed to see and complain about the fact that their writing and sprites are getting used in chapter 6. Like?? I think it's quite clear that the team is planning on replacing all of the sprites and as for the writing what do you expect them to do? Go through every single chapter again and add words to each sentence, replace some words with synonyms and reformulate everything so it can't be considered your writing anymore? That's kinda dumb and a waste of time.
Could've they replaced all the old illustrations first and then posted the episode? Yes but how much time would it have taken? They'd have to make the new artists overwork and they don't have a way to pay them much all at once. Sweet Elite will be around 50 chapters and it's an episodic type of game in which assets get replaced and added as time goes on because if they did everything in one go then there would be almost no time to update the story.
I can't even pretend to understand because quite frankly I'm not an artist, but I CAN at least understand the feeling of wanting to be reconized for the things I do and for the work I put into things. Who wouldn't?
Plus, to be fair I don't think that there's any shame in wanting to be paid for a job but is making Sweet Elite a job? Not completely. Not yet at least. Right now it's more of a part time job/hobby and it's totally okay to quit when you don't feel like working on it anymore. However if the money and the compensation aspect of making it was so important then wouldn't it have been better to say "Sorry, but I refuse to work on this until I sign a contract" right off the bat rather than feeling like you're not appreciated enough and complain about it months later like a really salty potato chip?
Not making a contract, while being a mistake on Serena's part, she never tried to pretend it wasn't. In fact she affirms that she has made many errors and again, like I said earlier a contract is beneficial to both the employees AND the employer so had she been more careful it wouldn't have played out this way. We don't even know the circumstances and her point of view of that whole contract thing, maybe she just thought that it would be better to not make one in order to keep the workers free to leave in any given moment because she knew that she wouldn't be able to pay them enough?
I saw some people in the tags being like "look guys, this is why I don't support sweet elite anymore and why you shouldn't too!" Which is tbh a pretty simple minded way of looking at it. I guess we, as the pitiful hoomans we are, we're more inclined on taking the side of the "weakest" group which means the people who left the team because there was apparently some ""injustice"" but the more I look into it and the more it seems like it was a big misunderstanding.
Dulcet games is so new do you expect to get paid hundreds/thousands for an indie game with a small following in which even the "boss" isn't getting any/much money out of it? Oh, and there's also some being super vocal about leaving because "Cecile's art was the only thing keeping me from leaving" which... lmao. Take it in a humorous tone please but It's like a customer in Walmart saying that they won't come back again because the fancy red t-shirts from the clothing section are gone. Idk man. You can say whatever you want about the team behind SE but I still stand by the belief that it's a great game with good writing and progressive characters. And all the things Serena did so far seem like pretty logical courses of action especially in this situation or am I wrong? Is Serena secretly evil guys? Were we fooled all along.,.,,..,
(Sorry this post started out so serious and ended so stupid, I'm just unable of writing about really seriousssss topics. Serious with 5 Ss because it's so seriousssss. Also did you notice that this whole thing is obvious and dumb if you think about it for longer than 1 minute? The moment someone says they don't get paid for something everyone flips over but the true question is, did they have the means of paying you at that time? Everybody is so quick to jump on Serena's throat without thinking and it's kinda sad. We're so superficial, like if money is mentionned ONCE in a drama suddenly everyone ascends to their most sensitive state of bitterness. As far as we know Serena never forced anyone to stay on the team and it's no secret that she doesn't get much money ESPECIALLY for an indie game company. It doesn't seem like they didn't want to pay them but more like they couldn't afford to at that time and everything wasn't set up in place yet.)
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tenrose · 4 years
Doctor Who Tag Game
Tagged by: @sopheirion​ thank you!!!
Favourite Doctor: Ten, ten and always Ten. I just love David’s portrayal’s of the Doctor more than I can say. I love the good, and I love the bad. I love when he’s being an idiot, when he’s flirtatious as hell with Rose (omg the memories) like you two get a room, when he finally snaps, when he’s a dumb oblivious as fuck and you want to smack cause he’s being an asshole, I love when he’s heartbroken. The faces David pulls are the best thing in the world. Like his ‘I don’t want to go’ ARE YOU KIDDING ME DAVID??? And the whole Doomsday episode, his blank face against the wall omg I’m gonna cry right now. And when this bitch has the audacity to disappear before saying it aaaaahhhh. But also the way he talk quickly and absolute nonsense. His ‘er’. When he’s being silly as hell with Donna, those were the good times. When he’s angry yelling, but also when he’s cold angry in the end of The Family of Blood. When he realize things and make the ‘oh i’m so stupid thing’ but also when he’s realizing sad thing like with the end of Donna. Bitch when he cries under the rain like some edgy boy, I cry too. His smile when things are getting exciting, but also the smile going into his eyes that is just for Rose and only Rose Tyler The various face he makes with Donna, all  the non verbal communication. Also when Martha decides to leave and you can see that he’s (too late) proud of her, and after that when he sees her again he’s being honest with her..The way he pronounces certain words if that makes sense???? Also David’s whole acting in Midnight, that was insane on so many levels. And least but not last : his iconic hair. I don’t think I need to tell more. And aside from that, I love all his season’s arcs, all his companions are my top three favourites. And of course, my close second favourite is Nine, cause without Nine, Ten wouldn’t be the Doctor he was.
Favourite Master: tbh I’m not that much into the Master, but I guess it’s Simm!Master cause I love his arcs. But I also love Missy as a character (not sure about her arcs though)
Favourite Sonic: I love both Nine/Ten’s sonic and Eleven’s sonic. 
Favourite Companion: aaaaahhhh not this question lmao. So I can’t really choose between Rose and Donna. I just love them both too much. So I’m not even a hardcore shipper of anyything by tumblr’s standards at least lmao, but the Doctor and Rose (both Nine and Ten) as been the first fictional couple I deeply rooted for (like I’ve enjoyed a lot of other ships before but never as harder and deeply) and that I still root for after all these years (in fact Clexa is the only other one that goes that hard, but everything else is just phases, they come and they go but they never stay). I love the tragedy of them, bitch who am I kidding, I love it that much cause it’s a tragedy lmao. I just love how they both make each other better, but also how they flirt like dumbass teens, how they communicate, how they cry for each other. BUT, and it’s very important, I love Rose for herself. She’s not just interesting because of the Doctor. She’s so relatable for instance? Like she’s not from a wealthy family, she clearly doesn’t give two fuck about fashion (or was it 2005 who was like this?), she’s not too smart, too pretty (ok she’s definitely is for me), too much of anything, she’s average. And I love this a freaking lot you can’t imagine. She has flaws, and yes that’s exactly what we want in a character. Yes she has moments when she’s being selfish (but who doesn’t? especially when in love), and yet she has some of the most beautiful selfless moments,sacrificing herlself in Doomsday is the best cause she was literally gonna end up in the void but she didn’t hesitated for one second. Also when she’s showing empathy for other people, she’s being caring and understanding. And she doesn’t take anyone’s else bullshit, she call them out, and that include the Doctor first. Just because she loves him doesn’t mean it’s gonna stop her from telling him to stop being a punk ass bitch. Also she evolved so much between s2 and s4, and I don’t think it’s character inconsistency, it’s just that it happened off screen. BY THE WAY I WOULD VERY MUCH A SPIN OFF ABOUT ROSE TYLER HOPPING WORLDS THANK YOU VERY MUCH @BBC!!! 
Now Donna? Where do I start? She’s also average, and also very relatable. In fact, personnally I think she’s the most relatable for me. Using humour, snark and sass to hide 10 thousands insecurities? Yes that’s the most relatable thing ever. Donna is the funniest character but she’s also the one who has the saddest ending in my opinion. Cause she grow up, she sees the world, and she understand that she is THE shit, she matters, she is important, and then she forgets all about it. That’s so cruel, and heartbreaking and angering, cause she deserved everyfuckingthing, she deserved the world. And her departure hit me so fucking hard. She’s going back to her life, thinking she would be not enough, I can feel that so deeply. Aaaahhh I’m hurting myself writing this. But she’s so amazing, she’s smart, thinking out of the box really make her so great, and she’s the one who take the least shit about anything. She stands up, yells, makes a scene, but she get straight to the point. Also she’s not the young and conventionally attractive companion and she knows that. And she’s so funny and sassy, and close to the Doctor. I mean she’s the Doctor Donna for a reason, she’s like a human version of the Doctor, with the sass, the babbling, the clumsiness. God I love Donna so much, I wish I had so much more of her. Also she has absolutely zero romantic feelings for the Doctor and the fact that they are the bitchy bffs of the universe is the best. 
Favourite Story: I love a lot of stories, but my favourite is The Stolen Earth/Journey’s End no doubt. The story is a perfect mix of happiness, having every RTD’s characters together, all my fave working together is the absolute best, and of sadness, the departure of Donna (I won’t re talk about it ok) and Ten letting Rose go AGAIN. And the fact that there’s everyone he loves in these episode but then he ends up all on his own. God why do I love being hurt so much??? And the Daleks are also my favourite villains (it’s just such DW bullshit as a villain tbh lmfao) so I have everything I want. Generally speaking I love RTD’s arcs, cause the sign are here the whole seasons (Bad Wolf, vote Saxon, the bees disappearing and she’s coming back) but it’s not a ‘HEY LOOK THERE’S SOMETHING FISHY TO SEE HERE HEYYYY’ or ‘WE ARE STARTING THE SEASON WITH ONE QUESTION, ONE PLOT POINT AND THAT’S WHAT YOU’LL WANT TO BE RESOLVED BY THE END OF THE SEASON’,  it’s subtle, it’s casual mention, and it’s when you’re in the last three episode that you’re starting to realize something is wrong...That’s one of my favourite type of writing ever (that’s probably why I love Sanderson’s books too). It’s not some mystery to solve, cause there weren’t any mystery to solve, because me, a dumbass viewer, weren’t even paying attention at first. But it’s here, it fills the plot. And when you see it you’re like ‘of course’. It’s not forced on me if I can say it like this. It allows me to see other stuffs. It’s not attention seeking I guess? But yes the end of s4 is my favourite story, all is in place. All characters do what they do best. There’s laugh and there’s tears, and I love it.
Favourite Soundtrack: everything Murray Gold has been doing for the show is pure gold and I think that’s a thing the whole fandom can agree upon. My artist of the decade according to Spotify is him, and considering I haven’t listened daily to his songs (except for some still regularly) I think that say a lot about how much I used to love both his music and the show at some point. My favourite of his are Doomsday’s Theme ofc, Love Across the Distant Stars, I am the Doctor, Rose’s Theme, Amy’s Theme, Clara’s Theme, Vale and cry. All of them. And that include the one soundtracks for episodes I don’t even like lmao.  
Dream Actor for next Doctor: I don’t know, why not John Boyega? He deserves to be the main character and be treated well, of a sci-fi show. 
Dream Composer: Murray Gold come back to me. Or I would love a glimpse of what Lorne Balfe could do.
Dream Story: Something that involves seeing Rose and Tentoo, and Martha as the Earth counselor, with Thirteen still having feelings for Rose. And Rose too.  But the plot? Idk lmao. However the end would be sad cause Thirteen would have to see Rose and Tentoo coming back to their world, and I would cry. Also Thirteen would aknowledge Martha as the smarter companion the Doctor had ever had lmao.
A Companion You’d like to see back:  Martha, but like not as a companion cause she made it clear that she would not come back, and that wouldn’t be fitting her character if she changed her mind. But she could always be accidentally stuck in the TARDIS, I mean it happened once. But really I would just love to have her coming to the rescue when shit on Earth goes too far and the Doctor needs help of a specialist. That’s Martha you need Doctor.
An Enemy/Alien/Creature you’d like to see again: I’m always here to see the daleks. 
If you could travel with one of the Doctors, which Doctor and why?: Ten? Because he’s my fave, but also Thirteen because I’m gay and I would like to take my chance lmao
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katzuyas · 7 years
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I was tagged by my darling @tetsya, bless ur sweet heart alex //smothers u in smooches
I’m a fic writer, nothing new here (not my pic but I’ve had it for ages so I’m not even sure where I got it from tbh)
a slytherin through and through, even tho recently my tests all say ravenclaw but tbh?? I’m still a proud slytherin deep in my heart bc as they say the hat always takes ur opinion into consideration ;3c (the gif does not belong to me but I couldn’t find the original post anymore orz)
welp that me hi uwu
my beloved ships: kurohina, miyusawa and victuuri ♥
I love dogs, especially my floofy baby hina ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
I actually like taking pics of pretty flowers when I find some...
...and other pretty things like this little waterfall in the japanese gardens I went to when I was in chicago last year
I actually love watermelon, especially when it comes in a drink and looks as pretty as that one uwu
this was a lot of fun so I’m gonna tag @saniika, @mooksmookin, @softeviktor, @horns-of-diamond and @miyukei! do it if you feel like it, no pressure!
tagged by @story-kat & @miyukei, thanks so much lovelies ♥♥
RULES: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions. Then tag some friends.
I choose:
       haikyuu!! | ace of diamond | yuri on Ice
The first character you loved:
        hinata shouyou | miyuki kazuya | victor nikiforov
The character you never expected to love so much:
        matsukawa issei | sanada shunpei | christophe giacometti
The character you relate to most:
        oikawa tooru | 
The character you’d slap: (not really slap bc I don’t hate any of them THAT much but I’d surely pitch some snide comments at them bc boooy do they need to fix things)
         tsukishima kei | furuya satoru | yuri plisetsky
Three favorite characters (these are in order of preference):
           hinata, kuroo, oikawa
           eijun, miyuki, mei
           victor, yuuri, chris
A character you liked at first but not so much anymore:
          kageyama tobio | kataoka | I honestly don’t think one exists???
A character you did not like at first, but they’ve grown on you:
         terushima | kanemaru | jj
3 OTPs:
          kurohina, oihina, bokuhina
          miyusawa, sanasawa, kuraryou
          victuuri, phichris, jj/isabella bc gdi they deserve this let them be
tagging: @maniacani, @wamuura, @airisu7425, @ladyseara, and @sleep-furiously, hope you have fun guys~
tagged by @aphhun thanks so much sami~
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to know better!
a - age: 25
b - birthplace: poland tho it could’ve been us lol
c - current time: 10:47am
d - drink you last had: the republic of tea’s get gorgeous red tea
e - easiest person to talk to: definitely my daiya peeps on twitter
f - favourite song: currently camila cabello’s crying in the club
g - grossest memory: I don’t think I have any?? I usually just throw gross shit out of my mind asap
h - horror yes or horror no: no thank you
i - in love?: I wonder
j - jealous of people?: oh yea
k - killed someone?: lol no
l - love at first sight or should I walk by again: with fictional charas? hell yes; real people? nah I’ll pass and if u walk by again I’ll pass a second time unless u talk sports anime to me
m - middle name: magdalena ;3c
n - number of siblings: 0
o - one wish: not be so tired all the time
p - person you called last: mom
r - reason to smile: vitya nikiforov //heart eyes&smile
s - song you sang last: there’s nothing holding me back - shawn mendes
u - underwear color: gray
v - vacation: home alone with no one interrupting me, bless
x - x-rays: got my jaw done for braces
y - your favourite food: pizza!!!
z- zodiac sign: gemini
tagging: yo okay since my sister in angst has come back to the land of nerd you go get this one @fuckgrimm ;3c
tagged by @matsinko thanks you so much for the tag, I love writer memes <3
Cite the final lines of five of your fics – your favourites, or the most recent ones. Tag five writers who should do this next.
(I’m gonna go with my personal favs bc they usually end up with few notes so pls check them out if ur reading this?)
to keep you warm - victuuri
The sky around the faraway glaciers was greying and soon the sun would peek from behind them to drown the world with light. Standing at his side, Yuuri pressed their shoulders together. His warmth seeped into Victor, slow and careful, mindful of his melting, and Victor in turn pulled the winds closer around them, locking them in a cold whirl of crisp air.
Together, they watched the new day rise.
oh ye of so little faith - miyusawa
He'd never thought this was possible, he'd never believed. But Eijun... He always knew. He always knew that one day, that this day would come.
Still smiling, Kazuya allowed Eijun to lean in and press a kiss to his lips this time. And happiness never tasted sweeter.
One shot - miyusawa
Eijun pulled the trigger.
The gun recoiled, numbing his hand... and his heart.
You could have loved me when you had the chance - oihina
"Goodbye, Tooru."
He picked his bags and walked away, leaving the man he loved behind on the platform. He didn't look back, and there was no need to. Because this time Tooru didn't come after him either.
And as the wide doors slid shut behind him, the train starting to move and slowly gaining speed, he sagged against the wall, the sobs wrecking his body, and Shouyou was sure that he would never come after him again.
Dressed like a daydream - bokuhina
He scooped up Hinata into his arms, held him close, and while they were still both breathless, pressed a thousand kisses to Hinata's face.
The forehead, temple, brow. Nose and eyelids, cheeks and jaw, chin and lips. And then again. Until Hinata's warm laughter, tired but satiated, filled the air and Bokuto's heart.
Hinata was magic, madness, heaven, sin. But to Bokuto, he wasn't just that.
To him, Hinata was everything.
tagging: @aphhun, @shslshortie, @amaanogawa, @iwritevictuuri and @sagechan, have fun if u wanna do it but no pressure~
tagged by @softeviktor thanks, sweets //sends smooches
Rules: tag 20 followers you’d like to get to know better
Name: kat Nickname(s) : kat lol Gender: female Star sign: gemini  Height: 5′7″ish Favourite colour: literally any pastels Favourite animal: dogs <3 Average hours of sleep: 5-6 tho I always try for 8 and fail rip Cat or dog: lmao see above DOGS FOR LIFE Favourite fictional characters: victor nikiforov, kuroo tetsurou, hinata shouyou, miyuki kazuya, sawamura eijun, christophe giacometti Number of blankets I sleep with: 2, sometimes 3 in winter Favourite singer/artist: singer would no doubt be sam tsui, the band is harder but hmmm I guess I’ll say one ok rock Dream trip: japan, anything japan Dream job: writer When was this blog created: somewhere in 2011 I believe?? Current number of followers: huh idek lemme check... almost 6.5k ;3c
skipping the tags on this one, sorry ;u;
Task: answer questions with the initial of your first name and what comes to mind 
Four letter word: kick Something you shout: kurwa (it’s polish for ‘whore’ lol) A boy’s name: kristoff  An occupation: kitchen help Something you wear: knee-highs A colour: khaki A food: kiwi A drink: kinky witch A place: kraków Movie title: kung fu panda Animal: kitten Title of a song: keep holding on - avril lavigne 
(ngl I had to google some of these holy sheet it was hard)
I’ll tag @story-kat and @matsinko and @tetsya for this bc it was super fun!
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Rules: Always post the rules, answer the questions given to you, then write 10 questions of your own, and tag 10 other people.
Note: posting this again because the first time I did it wrong. Lmao! Sorry. Hope this time it’s ok.
Tagged by @flyingcatstiel - thank you darling!
1. How many languages do you speak? List them, even if still learning or already forgetting. 
I speak 4 languages, spanish, english, french and portuguese. Spanish and english I think I know them well especially the first one I hope!  Although I’m always learning more english every time I can because I tend to type whatever comes to my mind really fast and I’m full of typos (sorry). I’m still learning Portuguese, and I’m starting to forget French sadly, I can read it and listen to it and understand a little but speaking it is becoming hard.
2. Favorite Dean/Cas moment on the show?
This is very very hard, I used to love them so much on the show! And now I found them so ... nothing..... so depressing. But well to answer the question I guess I like all the little moments from season 4 and five. Like them sitting on that park, having Cas confessing that he has doubts, the phone conversation on My Bloody Valentine when Cas appears at the morgue, Cas letting Dean know that an archangel is protecting Chuck, almost all the moments from “Free to be you and me”, the “Cas, personal space” moment, the fbi badge incident (the first time, the second was just lame writing to make Cas appear dumb). There are a lot! But from those two seasons mainly, I have a few faves from season 8 (the hug in purgatory of course), but it’s all tainted by how Dean treated the whole crazy!Cas debacle. Let’s say that after season 6 I became the bitter Cas fan that I am today. 
3. Favorite fanfic tropes in destiel fics?
Ohhh, I love rom coms! I only read aus so the rom com trope is on my top five. I love misunderstandings like in Peanut Butter-Pumpkin Wedding Cake by  Sparseparsley. I love Au!angel Cas, gedry on LJ has a lot of them, they are old, buy sooo good, it’s a shame we don’t have more from her. And above all I love bamf!Cas give me give me give me! Example: The Team by palominopup.
4. Fruit or vegetable you don’t like (mango is not an acceptable answer, pick another one)
Mmm I don’t know. Maybe avocado? Don’t kill me! But I tried it so many times, and was like meh! Mango, I love though.
5. Tell me about a destiel fic you’ve read recently and really enjoyed. [please include title, author and link]
I’m re reading old ones lately because I couldn’t find anything new to really enjoy. BUT, you rec Angel Cookies by noxsoulmate and it was such an amazing surprise! Everyone go read it, it was great! 
6. Which one of your own (recent) fan works (fic, art, gif set, vid, side blog, etc) you are proud of? If you don’t have any, give a shout out to a (recent) fan work that you really loved. [any fandom, please include title, creator and link] 
I love 99% of the fics by palominopup, she is amazing, I’m waiting for her to finish her last one to read something new, because I don’t read wips. 
In art I fell in love with Cas with Brilcrist work, sadly she deleted a lot of her spn stuff, but what you can find is amazing. But she is my favourite spn artist, although it’s not recent. 
7. Recommend me a new TV show to take my mind of SPN. Tell me why it will help. 
I will always recommend Brooklyn 99, it’s not new, and it’s a comedy, but it’s amazing imho. Out of the really new tv shows, not much to recommend, I watched a lot of pilots and it was all meh. I watch two realities that I always come back to, because it takes my mind out of things, Face Off, about fx and make up artists, zero drama and only work. And Project Runway, that yes, it has some drama, but I love Tim Gunn and the new season is amazing.
8. Are you going to watch season 13 of Supernatural? If not, when did you stop watching the show? (I’d love to know why but you don’t have to justify your decision)
Idk, and if I do watch it would only be the episodes when Cas is in, so I guess not a lot to watch there. I only watched spn for Cas tbh, I stopped watching mid season 6 when it all became too painful, after that I stopped watching for a few months again and then returned but only for the Cas’ eps. I hate the show. I hate what they did to Cas, what they did to deancas, and I hate how out of touch with reality the writers are. They are writing a two mains show, when 99% of the shows now on tv are ensemble casts. Above all things I hate the homophobic, misogynist, racist that is Robert Singer, and how his views translate into the show. Spn had the opportunity to be epic, now is just some show everyone complains about.
9. Cats or dogs?
I like both, but I’m a cat person forever and ever.
10. What is your happy ending for Cas on the show?
Cas in a motorcycle, being human or not, happy with who he is and putting himself first, riding into the sunset :D. But seriously though, Idk, the show surely destroyed Cas, I don’t know if there can be a happy ending for him at this point, sadly. But if something that I’m sure I want for Cas is to be at peace with his decisions and to find a place to love, and people to love him back. 
My questions, mmm let’s see...
1.What other shows you watch?
2.What is the most amazing place you’ve been to? It doesn’t have to be somewhere exotic, but a place you felt happy to be at.
3.Do you think deancas still have a chance to be together? Or the ship is already dead, killed by the writers and producers (and you know the actor that says it doesn’t exist? (skip this one if you don’t care one way or another)
4.Please recommend me some books? Fanfiction has taking my life, I need to read other stuff too.
5.Pet peeves?
6.What movie can you watch over and over without ever getting tired of?
7.If you could have a soundtrack for your life, what songs would be on it?
8.Where do you think spn stands now? Is still a good show? It entertains you? Or gets you more mad than happy?
9.If you can have a superhero power what would you choose? Why?
10.What movie/tv show did you think was going to be amazing but turned out to be horrible?
Tagging a few people, @zeeimpalaangel @lldyj @bitemyholyass @haven3333 and Idk if you guys want to answer anything about spn but I’m tagging you because curious! if you do @goldmetalvictor and @deathtwonormalcy
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atsumus · 7 years
I was tagged by @kakkoweeb, thank you so much! ^-^
Rules: Answer the 11 questions, then come up with 11 new questions of your own I’m too lazy, so just use the same ones again lmao and tag 11 people to answer them. 
1. put your music on shuffle and give me your favourite lyrics from the first five songs.
New Romantics by Taylor Swift: “The rumors are terrible and cruel but, honey, most of them are true. 'Cause, baby, I could build a castle out of all the bricks they threw at me.”
Pearl by Katy Perry: “She could be a statue of liberty. She could be a Joan of Arc. But he's scared of the light that's inside of her, so he keeps her in the dark.”
Letting Go by Gabrielle Aplin: “The higher you hope, the higher you go, the further you fall, breaking your bones. It's time to let go. The higher you try to follow the light, the brighter it shines, burning your eyes. It's time to let go.”
On Top of the World by Imagine Dragons: “ And I know it’s hard when you’re falling down, and it’s a long way up when you hit the ground. Get up now, get up, get up now.“
Fearless by Taylor Swift: “There's somethin' 'bout the way the street looks when it's just rained. There's a glow off the pavement.”
2. how do you feel about kids? Hmm.. I’m not too fond of kids and not sure if I ever want some myself, and I hate it when they do nothing but scream for no reason, but I like spending time with my best friend and her baby and I absolutely don’t mind taking care of my little cousins for a while now and then. It’s interesting to see them grow up, and they can be cute too after all..
3. if you could be one fictional character for a day, who would it be and why? Oh my god, that’s such a hard question ashdksglgf.. I think I’d want to be  Yaoyorozu Momo (from BnHA) for a day because her quirk is just hella cool and I wanna make lots of cool things with it and all lol
4. if you could have dinner with any celebrity, alive or dead, who would it be? Oh gosh.. I guess I’d choose Taylor Swift or someone from One Direction lmao. I don’t really care about celebs, so I don’t know stuff about any of them aside from those and they seem to be cool people :D
5. at a glance, who is your most popular artist in your music collection (i.e. whose songs do you have the most of)? I have the most songs in my library from Die Ärzte (a German band), but I doubt they’re the most popular. I also have lots from Eminem, Arctic Monkeys, Coldplay, The Wombats, Taylor Swift, One Direction..
6. what would be your last meal? Sushi (spicy tuna, salmon, cooked tuna with mayo) and chocolate (needs to be Kinder chocolate!) I guess... 
7. favourite toy as a kid? Dinosaurs! I had so many! I actually still have them somewhere in the basement I think..
8. what song fits your favourite character the best? WHAT DO YOU MEAN FAVOURITE CHARACTER?? I HAVE MORE THAN ONE! But hmm, if I go with Kageyama, I’d say “Neptune” by Sleeping At Last. (And for Oikawa, how about “Sassy Girl” by Kat Graham lmao jk please don’t kill me.
9. ramble about something current affairs related. You know, there was the G20 summit in Hamburg, and whoooo boy, the black bloc was active again (fucking morons). I get it, you wanna protest and hate capitalism and all that’s cool.. BUT DON’T GO AROUND HURTING PEOPLE AND THEIR PROPERTY?!?!?! I’m completely against all violent protests, and honestly, setting people’s cars on fire is just super shitty. And they didn’t just target the super rich people, but the ones who probably put money aside to afford a car for a long, long time. This is not how you stop capitalism.. that is just... horrible... you... fucking... idiots...
10. what fandom discourse makes you angry? EVERYTHING. Well, first of all, all the bullshit that goes down in the Voltron fandom.. I’m staying fucking 10000000km away from these people, it’s horrible. How about you learn to be tolerant towards people who like different things than you.. huh? HUH???!? And the same just goes for all fandoms actually... And of course, the hate some (of my favourite) Haikyuu!! ships are getting is making me super angry too, but I’m pretty used to it by now unfortunately. I just hate most people on the internet... or most people in general... *sighs*
11. what’s your opinion on smut? Nice to read I guess? Depends on what and if it’s well written and all.. but it is a little frustrating that fics with actual plot get less clicks and kudos and comments than a short smut one shot of a popular pairing... :/
Aaaand I’m tagging some people: @kyzurya @jiyong @holesaresentient @daddies-cum-whore @ukimya @akaashi-tooru @kagamine-sphere @blueberrytobio @seamarmot @josai @rykrae Just do it if you want to :)
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pnchy · 7 years
name : angelo nickname :  angie/gelo zodiac sign : leo height : 5`8′’ orientation : aromantic-bisexual ethnicity : african american favorite fruit : i cant choose, theyre all so good :’^) favorite season : spring favorite books :  i dont read as much as id like to. favorite flower : hm, i doubt succulents count as flowers, but they are my favorite plant. favorite scent : fresh air from outside tbh favorite animal : any big cat coffee, tea, or hot cocoa ? : hot cocoa average hours of sleep : 6-8 hours cats or dogs ? :  cats, honestly.. favorite fictional character : hm. probably Izaya Orihara or Korra. dream trip : well, theres a lot of places id like to go to. perhaps japan. when was your blog created ? : last year in february what do you post about :  memes, positive memes, nintendo, bnha, zoology, etc. do you get asks on a regular basis ?  : no aesthetic : nature favorite band/artist ? : bad suns or last dinosaurs fictional characters i’d date :  no thanks. hogwarts house :  no lmao
countries  i’ve  lived  in : bitch i havent left my state favorite  fandom :  acnl. hardly any discourse there. 
languages  you  speak : English, learning spanish and soon korean. favorite  film  of  2016 : eh.. last  article  you  read : possible evolution of lions. shuffle  your  music  library  and  put  your  first three  songs  here : crown the empire - machines, haelstorm - mayhem, nothing more - christ copyright
last thing you bought online : bitch im broke 
how would your enemies describe you ? : dude idk and i dont care  who  would  you  take  a  bullet  for ? : @applejuiceasshole tbh
tagged by : @itsmidnightbaby tagging : anyone i guess. i only did this bc i like talking about myself lmao
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loveihaventmet · 7 years
Some Stuff About Me
Put your music player of choice on shuffle and list the first 10 songs “Stranger in a Strange Land” by Thirty Seconds to Mars, “Falling to Pieces” by The Script, “Horizons” by Parkway Drive, “Forever” by Fireflight, “Already Done” by Danny Schmidt, “Lua” by Bright Eyes, “Your Ghost” by Greg Laswell, “Eyes Closed” by The Narrative, “Like Spinning Plates (Live)” by Radiohead, and “Songbird” by Fleetwood Mac.
If you could spend a week anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Would you take anyone with you? I would want to spend a week in Ireland. I would take my fam with me.
What is your preferred writing implement? (eg. Blue pen, pencil, green pen) I like pens, but I’m really particular about what kind I use. They have to feel smooth when I write with them.
Favourite month and why? I really like December. It’s just an exciting month to me.
Do you have connections to any celebrities (even minor)? List them. Yes, a semi-famous musician named Danny Schmidt. He’s a family friend.
Name 3 items you could pick up from where you are. A knockoff Yeti, scissors, and a small lamp.
What brand logo is closest to you currently? Westcott. A scissors brand. Lmao
Do you ever play board games or other non-computer games? Got any favourites? Not really, but I really loved Parcheesi, Clue, Monopoly, and other ones when my Nanny was alive. Me and my sister Mel would be at her house in San Antonio. She, I, Nanny, and my Uncle Scott would sit around the kitchen table and play boardgames. Those were some of the best days of my life.
A musical artist you love that isn’t well known. Danny Schmidt.
A musical artist you love that is well known The Tallest Man on Earth. 
What is your desktop background currently? A picture of a mountain stream in Montana.
Last person you talked to, and through what you talked to them. My friend Jamie, Facebook.
First colour name you can think of that isn’t in the rainbow Chartreuse.
What timekeeping devices are in the room you are currently in? ... who cares?
What kind of headphones do you use? Sony ones.
What musical artists have you seen perform live? Brooks and Dunn, Big and Rich, Beyoncé, Danny Schmidt, and I’m sure there are others.
Does virginity matter to you? Barely.
What gaming consoles do you or your family own? We don’t play video games but we do have those really old Nintendo rectangle things.
What pets do you have? What are their names? A kitty named Macy. 
What’s the best job you’ve ever had? Probably the one I have now, lol.
What’s the worst job you’ve ever had? Working at Reba’s Pizzeria in high school.
What magazines do you read, if any? I don’t really read magazines, but I really enjoy Cosmopolitan because it’s just ridiculous sometimes and their sex tricks don’t work at all.
Inspiration behind your URL? A combo of “metacognition” and “bitchin’”.
Inspiration behind your blog title? I am a psychology fiend.
Favourite item of clothing? I don’t really have one.
Are you friends with any exes? Hahahaha.
Name at least one book you loved as a child. I loved “The Napping House” by Don and Audrey Wood.
What’s your native language? If that language has distinct regional variations, which variation? (eg. AU English, US English) Texas English. ‘Murica.
What email service do you use? Gmail.
Is there anything hanging on the walls of the room you are currently in? Yes, many things.
What’s your favourite number, and why? My favorite number is 19. I just love that number.
Earliest moment in your life you can remember? When I was two, I used to go to this little Early Childhood Program and I remember I had one friend named Elliott Gordon and another named Jeffrey Pfluger. 
What did you have for dinner yesterday? Mostly wine, but also some soup.
How often do you brush your teeth? Once every fortnight. Jk. Twice a day.
What’s your favourite candy/chocolate? I love Heath bars.
Have you had other blogs on Tumblr? Do you have any other blogs currently? YES, omg. My old blog is pistolsandpixies-blog.tumblr.com, and I recently deleted the other one I had for seven years.
If you were suddenly really hungry, what would you choose to eat? I’d probably just whine about it. XD 
What fandoms would you consider yourself a part of? I’m not really a part of any fandoms.
If you could study anything, what would it be? Psychology.
Do you use anything on your lips? (eg. Chapstick, gloss, balm, lipstick) My favie is spearmind Chapstick. 
How would you describe your sense of humour? Scenario-based, sometimes dark, etc.
What things annoy you more than anything else? When someone is super one-sided in a friendship/relationship and never asks you questions about yourself.
What kind of position are you in at the moment? Doggy. Jk. 
Do you wear much jewellery? Not tons, mostly because I don’t want to lose it. I’m not wearing my rings right now because I’m fat and they don’t fit.
Who is the leader of your country, currently? Any other levels of government with leaders? (State, region, province, county, district, municipality, etc) Daddy Trump
Last 3 blogs on your dashboard, not including any of your own No idea
What do you carry your money in? A dingy pink Vera Bradley wallet
Do you enjoy driving? Why or why not? I would say yes, for the most part. If I’m driving in midday/evening it’s better because I have a propensity to doze if I’m driving too soon after I’ve woken up.
Longest drive you have ever been on? Hard to say, probably 4 hours.
Furthest away from home you have ever been? The furthest is probably when we were in Montana. 1,600 miles away.
How many times have you moved house? About five or so.
What is on the floor of the room you’re currently in, not including furniture? Tile.
How many devices do you own which can access the internet? This is boring.
Is there is anything that is guaranteed to always make you happy? Cats. Dessert. Thunderstorms.
Is there anything that always makes you sad? My ex, really hot weather, when my hair misbehaves. 
What programs do you currently have open? Google Chrome and iTunes.
What do you associate the colour red with? Love.
Last strong smell you can remember smelling? Tiger Balm.
Last healthy thing you ate? Almonds.
Do you drink tea or coffee, and how much per day? Coffee. 1 cup per day, rarely 2. 
What do you associate the colour blue with? Sadness.
How long is the closest ruler you can find? Less than two feet.
What colour pants/skirt/etc are you currently wearing? Dark denim shorts.
When was the last time you drank water? Just a couple minutes ago.
How often do you clear your browser history? Not too terribly often.
Do you believe nude photos can be artistic, rather than erotic? No doubt.
Ever written fanfiction for anything? Yes, omg. It’s so embarrassing. When I was in seventh grade, I wrote erotic fanfic about Ronnie Radke. I will never, ever show you.
Last formal event you attended A wedding last weekend.
If you had to move your birthday to another date, which one would you choose and why? October 31, because everyone loves Halloween.
Would you prefer to be at a beach or in the countryside? At the beach.
Roughly how many people live in your town? About 6,000, maybe.
Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you? Yes, I do. Her name is Cierra Brown. I went to high school with her and kind of hated her eyebrows.
Favourite place to shop? Can be a certain store or a place where there are multiple stores Target, probably.
Do you have a smartphone? What kind? If you don’t, do you want one? LG Phoenix 2, currently.
What is your least favourite colour, and why? Yellow really appeals to me. I just love it.
How do you spell grey/gray? With an e. 
Go to your dashboard and describe the image shown in the radar section (below the “Find blogs” link) I don’t feel like scrolling up.
What difference is there between how many followers you have, and the number of blogs you follow? Well considering I have about one half follower, nottttt too sure
How many posts do you have? Not tons.
How many posts have you liked? A couple dozen.
Do you post mainly reblogs, or your own content? Mainly reblogs.
Do you track any tags? Not that I know of.
What time is it currently? 5:42 PM.
Is there anything you should be doing right now? Neooope.
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