#none of them believed for a second that eddie was dead
steveshairychest · 1 year
5 years he's been in hiding.
5 miserable years he's had to go by a different name, wear different clothes and tell a different story to everyone he meets. He's been James, Frank, he thinks he even went by Dustin at one point. He's had long hair, short hair, he's been bald. He had a beard for a while and taught music in a small music store, but he shaved it off after a week because all he saw in the mirror was Wayne, his uncle, his family, the man he abandoned.
For 5 years, he's been everyone but Eddie Munson.
The government told him he couldn't be Eddie anymore.
"Eddie Munson is dead." They told him; they even had the death certificate to prove it. "Don't come back to Hawkins. Keep moving. There are still people looking for you." Was the last thing they said to him before dropping him off with a wad of cash in some town he's never been to before.
He'd asked for the date at the front desk of a motel, and they'd told him April 20th. Eddie had crumbled down to his knees and cried, he'd cried so hard the motel clerk asked if she should call someone, asked if he was alright.
"I'm fine." Was his broken reply. He'd taken the key for his room, curled up on the uncomfortable bed, and didn’t move for days. He wasn't alright. He'd been in a government hospital for what he thought was a few days but was actually over a month and then released into the world like some rehabilitated animal. He didn't get to say goodbye to anyone. Fuck, he didn't even know if they all made it out of the upside down. All he knew was that he was alone. And that he couldn't go home. Ever.
He'd eventually gotten over himself and made some kind of life for himself.
It took him a few tries to find something that stuck, something that felt sort of like himself. Every few months, an ungodly amount of money appears in his bank account. The formal bank statement says it's from an estranged relative. Eddie knows it's not. He knows it's the government's way of buying his silence. His expensive rent and struggle to find a job is the only reason he doesn't send it all back to them.
He's lived in his current place for a year now, which is a new record for him, but he's got no friends. Well, he has acquaintances, people he can laugh with every now and then and go out for drinks with, but no one who knows him. No one who knows why he wakes every night screaming, no one who understands why he flinches when the lights in the bar flicker, why he hates the sound of people cracking their knuckles and why his hands shake whenever anyone mentions the scar on his face.
It's late at night when he's covered in sweat and his throat is raw from screaming awake from a nightmare, that he really misses his friends, his family, the people that he went through hell with. He's not allowed to call them, not allowed to send them letters or visit. He's not even allowed to know how Wayne is doing. It hurts. It hurts so much. He can't even look at himself in the mirror anymore because he's aged, and he's slowly starting to look more and more like his uncle.
But his friends are a little harder to escape, it's like parts of them have found him and are trying to haunt him, trying to remind him that he can't be a part of their lives.
Just last week, he walked by a book store and saw a brand new fantasy graphic novel on display in the window, 'written by Mike Wheeler & illustrated by Will Byers' was displayed on the bottom of the cover in gold letters. He's never bought a book so fast in his life. He's read it front to back 3 times already.
He can't even watch the news in peace because they were doing a news story about a small town basketball player who's made it to the big leagues and is winning everyone's hearts with his skills and bright personality. Eddie had cried and wished he'd been there to congratulate Lucas, wished he could have been there to tell him how proud he was.
Even Nancy is haunting him. Her news articles get delivered to his front door every day in the paper and most of the time the articles aren't even sad, but he cries at his small dining table alone, his breakfast cold and his coffee filled with his tears.
He misses his friends. He misses them so much and it's eating him alive. It feels like he's lying on the ground of the upside down all over again, tiny little mouths ripping away at his flesh except this time it's happening from the inside. Each time he's reminded how far away he is from his friends, a small piece of him is eaten away.
He doesn't know how much more he can take.
And then something odd happens. He gets a postcard and it's addressed to him, the real him; Eddie Munson.
The handwriting is hard to read and some words have been crossed out but the name signed at the bottom of the card pulls a sob from Eddie's throat and has him almost crumbling on his doorstep.
I'm sorry I took so long. I'll see you soon.
From Steve Harrington.
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 9 months
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Purple Houses and Paranorman
(Single!Dad Eddie Munson x Single!Mom Reader)
Summary: Eddie asks you and Oliver to go to a special screening of Paranorman with him and Charlotte. WK: 3.9K
Series Masterlist My Masterlist
Warnings: Basically none, modern AU, mention of a dead family member (readers aunt), There’s like one second where Eddie is checking reader out and his thoughts get a little carried away, readers son has a speech delay, reader is implied to be alternative and have tattoos but I don’t talk about it much besides her outfits, fluff fluff and moreee fluff. But as always my blog is 18+MNDI
A/N: So I might have gotten a tiny bit carried away talking about the house, it wasn’t something I originally planned out but it kind of just came to me as I was writing, I’d like for them to all live there together eventually. I’m trying to make it a lil slow burn but I suck at that so hard so we will see how much longer I can go without making them kiss LOL. Also I said these were blurbs and this is almost 4K sooo Oopsie. As always my requests for these guys are open and feedback is greatly appreciated.💜💚
Your phone vibrated and the screen lit up, the contact reading “Eddie🎸🦇” you smiled to yourself before pushing the green accept button.
“Helloooo Edward, what can I do for you on this fine autumn morning?”
“Hey weirdo” He let out a laugh, one you’ve grown to find comfort in over these last few weeks. “What are you and Oli up to today? The theater is doing a special showing of Paranorman and I was wondering if you guys would wanna go with us later?”
“What’s in it for me?” You joked.
“Ummm you get to spend time with your bestfriend and do something Halloween related, which I know you love.”
“Bold of you to assume you’re my bestfriend.” You laughed, knowing he definitely had become the best friend you have but still wanting to fuck with him a little.
“Me? I’m talking about Charlotte, you are her new self proclaimed bestfriend and also you do her hair better than me, apparently. Can’t believe my own daughter likes you more than me.” He sighed dramatically and you could practically see him faux fainting.
“Awww I love her, she’s my new bestfriend too. Verdict is still out on her dad though.”
“WOW I can’t believe you would betray me like this, I thought you loved me.”
“Don’t worry, you’re better at playing monster than me apparently sooo I think we are even. What time do you want to go?”
“I guess we can call it even, for now. How about around two? Gives us a few hours to get the goblins fed and ready to go.”
Jokingly teasing each other had become the norm for you and Eddie, easily falling into flirty banter since the day you met.
“Okay, perfect.”
“Want to meet us there? Or I can come get you guys and we can ride together.”
Something you had noticed about Eddie is how perceptive he was. He picked up early on that you’d avoid going places you’d have to drive especially if you’d never been there before, which in those first few weeks was essentially everywhere. So he always offered to pick you and Oliver up whenever you all did something together.
“Could you pick us up? If that’s okay.”
“I wouldn’t have offered it if it wasn’t okay, babe.” Babe, was something he only started calling you recently but it made you giddy every time.
He was also constantly reassuring you that he didn’t mind helping you when you needed it. He knows how hard it is to do this alone so he was always offering to do anything to make things easier on you. Even if it was something as small as picking you and your son up for a movie. At first you declined his help every chance he offered, used to doing things alone, not wanting to burden him. But he’s told you over and over how he doesn’t mind, that it makes him happy to be able to help you.
So who could blame you if you had developed a not so small crush on him? You tried not to, but he was all kind gestures, big brown eyes and chunky jewelry. So how could you not? It’s not your fault it was like he was your dream come to life. You weren’t positive but you were pretty sure he felt the same. Hugs started lingering just a little longer than they should have, hands started brushing when you followed behind your rowdy children on evening walks, the cute little pet names he would always call you that made your stomach flip, the kisses on the cheek you had started giving each other.
So after you got Oli ready you gave him his tablet and spent a little extra time getting ready. You did your hair in your favorite style and added just a tiny bit more makeup than usual, both turned out perfect. But now you were standing in front of your open closet, staring at it like the perfect outfit was just going to jump out at you.
The October chill had set in throughout Hawkins, the days still sunny but the breeze cold, not quite bone chilling like in mid December, but cold enough that you needed some layers. You were also going to be sitting in a movie seat for two hours even if they were the reclining ones you didn’t want to spend that amount of time sitting in jeans.
After trying on several outfits, you ended up deciding on a black long sleeve skater dress, the neckline scooped just enough to make your boobs look nice. You layered some thigh high socks and leg warmers before pulling on your boots. You grabbed a plain zip-up just in case you got cold in the theater and gave yourself a once over in the mirror.
You couldn’t deny the fact that you looked good, and you hoped Eddie would think so too. He had never seen you this dolled up, usually wearing more comfortable clothes and simpler make-up.
You felt butterflies erupt in your stomach, a mixture of emotions going through you. Excitement to see Eddie was in the forefront, but the nervousness was lingering in the background. Are you reading things wrong? Is it smart to get involved with someone that your son has already started to form an attachment to? You took a deep breath, checking your hair one last time before shaking your head as if it would erase those feelings like an etch-a-sketch, willing yourself to enjoy something for once.
When you decided you were as ready as you’d ever be you got on Oliver’s shoes and jacket before grabbing your purse and taking him outside on the porch to wait on the swing. You smiled to yourself as you looked at the porch you spent many summers drinking lemonade with your aunt. The various wind chimes that hung moons and stars and zodiac symbols chime in the mid October breeze.
You loved this house, it belonged to your late aunt who left it to you in her will when she died. It was beautiful but eccentric, kind of like your aunt herself. It stuck out among the many suburban style houses in your neighborhood. It was a late 1800s Victorian style home, with beautiful arches and various types of windows, a wrap-around porch, and a beautiful backyard with a garden that your aunt cared for until the day she couldn’t anymore. You and Eddie had planted pumpkins back there with the kids in her honor, she’s the reason you love them so much after all. They were almost ready to be harvested and carved, a Halloween movie on in the background and the smell of pumpkin seeds baking in the oven.
But what really made the house stand out was that your aunt had it painted a deep purple color, the shutters and roof black, matching the porch. The door was black but it had a beautiful stained glass window in the middle of it, depicting the same kind of crescent moon and stars that dangled from the wind chimes. Inside there were four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living and family room that held a mixture of her old and your new furniture, and your favorite part, the kitchen. It had been updated since the house was built, but still held a vintage feel. Your aunt had the cabinets and drawers all painted the same purple as the outside of the house, wallpaper with those same moons and stars adorned the walls. The only modern thing about it being the fact that she had replaced all the appliances with shiny new ones.
It was a lot of space, too much for just you and Oliver. But you couldn’t bring yourself to sell it, some of your happiest memories were spent here. So you decided you’d take this opportunity and get the fresh start you’ve been needing. You didn’t have much keeping you back home anyways. You and your mom weren’t particularly close but when she found out your aunt left you everything, not just the house, but her money too, she was furious.
Now that you’ve settled you know it was the right choice. Oli started school and despite his struggles with communication he was thriving in class, you got a job at a local diner where you made pretty decent tips, you had this beautiful house, and last but not least you had Eddie and Charlotte.
A large smile stretched across Eddie’s face when he turned down your long driveway and saw you and your son sitting on the porch. He loves your house, he used to drive by it when he would deal to the rich kids in highschool and always admired it. But when you stood up his jaw actually dropped. He had never seen you in a dress before, you always looked beautiful but right now you were fucking radiant.
He got out of his SUV to help you get Oliver’s seat in and you were even more breathtaking up close.
“Wow. You look… wow.” Eddie shamelessly lets his eyes wander your form for a moment, his cheeks turning red when he reaches that little sliver of skin between your socks and your dress.
“Thanks, babe. You’re not so bad yourself, I guess.” You repeated his words from earlier back to him and he cackled.
“Ha ha veeerry funny, brat.” He stuck his tongue out at you.
“Reaaaal mature, nerd.”
“Hi Eddie!” Oli ran over to hug Eddie’s legs and smiled triumphantly, having recently gotten his new friend's name down.
“Hey little dude! How’s a going?” He gave your son a wide smile while he affectionately ruffled his hair.
“Where Char?” He tilted his head to the side, more concerned with where his friend was than answering Eddie’s question.
“She’s in the car buddy, you wanna to say hi to her while I get your seat in?”
He just nodded, grabbing your hand and dragging you around to the other side of the car where Charlotte was, knowing he’s not supposed to walk down the driveway without holding hands.
Eddie couldn’t help but watch you walk away, internally groaning when he saw that same sliver of skin from the back. The dress is long enough to cover your ass, but not by much and he can’t help but imagine flipping the skirt of it up and-
“Eddie? Are you gonna put the seat in the car or are you just gonna stand there and ogle me?”
You couldn’t help but tease him when you turned around and he was just standing there holding the car seat with his mouth hanging open.
“Huh? Oh! Uh, yeah- yeah sorry.” His face turned beat red and he turned his back to put the seat in to try and hide it, but you saw it. At least you know he thinks you look cute, mission accomplished.
Once the kids were all buckled and ready to go you got in the passenger seat and flashed him a smile. He turned towards you and reached under your seat, his leather jacket covered arm going across your thighs where your dress rode up. You tried to act like your heart wasn’t beating a thousand miles a minute whenever you were this close to him, hopefully succeeding.
But Eddie caught the tiniest little squeak that came out of the back of your throat when he first touched you. Feeling satisfied with himself that he had any kind of affect on you because you made him feel like he was in highschool with a crush on a girl he didn’t have a chance with. But you were constantly showing him that maybe he did have a chance with you.
He pulled a bag from under your seat, plopping it in your lap.
“Me and the princess stopped at the dollar store and got your guys’ favorite candy. I figured since the movie theater candy is like crazy expensive we could get the candy before and get popcorn and drinks at the theater.” He said it so casually, like it wasn’t a big deal that he remembered you and your son’s favorite treats. But to you, it was. Every single time you saw him he gave you another reason to fall for him.
“Wow, thank you Eds. That’s really thoughtful of you.” You smiled at him sweetly, the kind of smile that made him feel like he was going to melt into a puddle in the driver's seat.
“Of course Darlin’ anything for my favorite dude and my favorite girl.” He smiled back at you, the kind of smile that reminds you of sunshine that you wanted to bottle up for a rainy day.
He put the car in reverse and of course he had to put his hand on the headrest of the passenger seat while he pulled out. You just wanted to tilt your head up and kiss his wrist where his jacket rode up. You wanted to be close to him so badly, you’ve been trying to find the courage to ask him to hang out, just the two of you but you keep psyching yourself out. You didn’t have anyone to watch Oli anyways and if he wanted that he never hinted at it. Always suggesting things for you to do with the kids. Which you love, having someone think of both of you the way Eddie does is something you’ve never really had. But what you wouldn’t give for just a few hours alone with him, no kids, just being yourselves. But maybe he didn’t want that?
Eddie glanced over at you as he turned onto your street, you were staring out the window, chewing your lip that way you always did when you were thinking hard about something. Usually something that was upsetting you, so he did what any good friend would do and reached across the center counsel to grab your hand.
You whipped your head around at the feeling of his larger hand engulfing yours.
“You okay?” He ran his thumb over the top of it before intertwining your fingers. He had never held your hand before, and you felt your insides grow warm at the feeling. His palm was surprisingly soft against yours, but his fingers were calloused from years of playing guitar and working on cars. The juxtaposition of rough and smooth was more soothing than you ever could’ve imagined.
“Yeah, I’m okay. Just got lost in thought for a second. Thank you for checking on me.”
You smiled at him sweetly, squeezing his hand in yours. Expecting him to let go after he knew you were alright but he just held on tighter. One hand on the wheel, the other in yours, hidden from the kids by the center console.
“DADDYYYYY! I want an icee, a blue oneeee!” Charlotte said in a sing-song voice.
“Okay baby, we can get a blue icee.” Eddie smiled at her in the rearview mirror and she clapped her hands in triumph.
“Oli, do you want an icee?” His eyes moved over to the other side of the backseat as he addressed your son.
“Yuuppp! Blueeee!” He said in the same sing song tone as his friend. He was always parroting her and saying things she said back to her and it warms your heart. He’s come so far with his communication skills since he started school and started spending so much time with Charlotte, you couldn’t be more proud of him.
Eddie held your hand up until he parked the car and took the keys out of the ignition. Squeezing it before placing a quick and sneaky kiss on the back of your hand, giving you one of those goofy smiles you love so much and exiting the car like he didn’t just make a bomb filled with butterflies go off in your stomach.
You got the kids out of their seats and walked into the movie theater, Charlotte and Oliver insisting on being in the middle so they could hold hands too. Eddie showed the guy at the ticket booth the barcode on his phone that had the tickets on it since he insisted on paying for everyone.
“Icee! Icee! Blue!” Oli jumped up and down as he pointed at the machine spinning the different colored slushy ice.
“Yeah baby, I’m gonna get you an Icee.” You chuckled at how cute his excitement was, letting him drag you toward the concession stand with Eddie and Charlotte in tow.
You ordered two small and two large blue Icees and a large popcorn. You go to pull your wallet out of your purse to pay since Eddie bought the tickets but you feel a large hand on yours, pushing it back down.
He already had his card out before you even open your purse, handing it to the woman behind the counter.
“Eddie… you paid for the tickets, it's the least I can do.”
“Nope. My treat.” A triumphant smile spread across his lips and he sent you a wink.
He always did this, paid for you, drove you, brought you little things he saw in the store that reminded him of you or Oli. It’s not like you didn’t have money, your aunt left you plenty of it and you had your job at the diner. But you knew Eddie did well for himself, he had told you some about his childhood, how he grew up with very little and he didn’t want his daughter to ever feel like he did as a kid. So after he finally graduated he and his uncle opened their own mechanic shop. It was fairly successful, their lower prices and more efficient work times drawing in and catering to the less wealthy people of Hawkins.
“Dada I have to go potty!” Charlotte tugged on Eddie’s hand, pouting toward the bathroom sign that was on the way to your designated theater.
“Alright sweets, let’s go potty. Oli and your bestie will go get our seats.”
She shook her head and pouted, looking at you with big round brown eyes, asking without verbalizing, something you’ve became an expert at understanding after having Oliver. Ever since you had all started going on outings together more often she had been asking you to take her to the bathroom. She had hardly ever gone in the girls room, always having to have her dad take her, so after you took her that first time, she always asked.
“Do you want me to take you potty honey?” You smiled at her sweetly, titling your head toward the bathroom.
“Yes! Please! I like going to the girl potty room!”
“Alright little dude, looks like it’s you and me with the snacks and the seats. They have lady business to attend to.” He grabbed the drink carrier from your hand, guiding Oli to walk in front of him into the bright colored double doors that led to dimly lit theater.
You stood outside the stall while Charlotte used the restroom, “standing guard” as she called it.
“Have you ever seen Paranorman before?” You asked her as you helped her wash her hands.
“No but my daddy said it’s a lot like Coraline and I love Coraline so I hope I will like this one too!” She smiled at you in the mirror.
“I’m sure you will, Oli loves it!” You helped her dry her hands before leading her out of the bathroom and into the theater to find the boys.
“Mommmmyyyy! Sit!” Oliver patted the seat on his left, signaling for you to sit down next to him. Charlotte sat to his right and to her right sat Eddie.
You knew you wouldn’t be able to sit by him before you even got here. But he felt like he was a world away with two reclining seats between you, it made you miss the old movie seats, at least then you’d be close enough to reach behind the kids to hold his hand over their heads. You missed his hand in yours the minute he let go, it still felt empty now even as you held the large cup filled with sugary blue slush in your hand.
The movie went as smoothly as it could’ve with two five year olds. You had to shush them both more than a few times and twenty minutes in, Oliver had to go to the bathroom, Eddie took him, he liked going in the boys bathroom just as much as Char liked going in the girls.
When it ended you corralled the kids back into the car, Eddie offering to drive through McDonald’s on the way to your house to get the kids happy meals and they cheered.
The ride was filled with small talk, jokes, and all four of you singing along to different songs on your playlist because Eddie even let you pick the music in his car. He never let anyone pick the music, it didn’t hurt that you had good taste.
When you were a few minutes from your house, just like before Eddie reached over to grab your hand. You took it instantly, intertwining your fingers and looking over at him with a shy smile.
“I had a lot of fun today, thanks for coming with us.” He glanced over at you at a stop sign, his smile sweet and his eyes filled with affection.
“I did too, thank you for inviting us. Next time I’m paying though.” You ran your thumb along his, the soft gesture contradicting the teasing tone in your voice.
“Yeah, we will see about that sweetheart.” He sent you a wink as he turned onto your street, giving your hand one last squeeze before getting out of the car to help you with the seat.
He got Oliver and his seat out of his car, you grabbed your son's hand and he held onto the car seat as he walked you a few feet to your door. He sits the seat down on the porch before turning to Oli and asking him for a high five, he happily obliged, even offering to bump knuckles with him in return.
“I really did have fun today, I love hanging out with you guys, it’s nice… to have someone else to do things with.” Eddie rocked on the balls of his feet with a bashful look on his face.
“It is nice, I’m glad we have you guys. I love spending time with you, both of you.” You were sure the smile on your face was lovesick and dopey but you couldn’t bring it in yourself to care. “The pumpkins are almost ready to harvest, would you guys want to come over and carve them next weekend? We can put a Halloween movie on, make some popcorn, make a whole thing of it.”
“I’d love that, and I’m sure she would too. It’s a date.” His eyes widen as he realizes his choice of words and you can tell he's about to correct himself so you cut him off.
“It’s a date.” You nod, wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him into a hug that he immediately reciprocates, his arms wrapping tightly around your waist, his chin resting on the top of your head. You give him a final squeeze before pulling away and placing a gentle kiss on his cheek.
“Goodnight Eddie, get home safe.”
He was beat red with a flustered look on his face, you had kissed him on the cheek a few times now, but something about this felt different, more intimate.
“Goodnight sweetheart, sleep tight little dude!!” He waved at Oli before giving your forearm a squeeze and walking back towards his car. You sigh as you watch him drive away, knowing you’ll be counting down the days until next weekend.
Taglist: @comic-harley @yujyujj @witchwolflea @ali-r3n @bmunson86 @ineedtosusoutmyreadinglist @sheneedsrocknroll92 @melodymunson
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anarcoqueer1994 · 2 months
My Steddie T4T headcannon for the gender Euphoria.
Eddie moved to Hawkins right before his freshmen year to live with Wayne.
He is AFAB but when he moves he sees this as his chance to present how he wants, including binding and packing and dressing in masculine clothes. Wayne doesn't understand but he doesn't need to. He loves Eddie and whatever makes him happy. He even signed Eddie up for school under Edward Munson, not his dead name.
He passes for years and no one knows he is Trans except Gareth, Jeff, and Doug.
When he is attacked and almost dies during Springbreak, its Steve that carries him out of the Upside-Down.
Through the blood, no one else notices, but Steve accidentally sees through the torn up clothing that Eddie is not cisgendered.
Steve doesn't say anything because it's not important and not his (her) place to out Eddie. Steve just is focused 9n saving Eddie.
There is alot of damage to his torso including to his breast tissue. Eddie takes this as a silver lining basically opting to get it removed instead of reconstructing.
During the next few months Steve and Eddie get closer as they heal together. Steve never let's on that they know Eddie's secret bc Steve believes it's Eddie's choice to come out.
Meanwhile as this is all going down, Steve is have their own crisis.
For years, Steve has felt weird...off. Steve has always gravitated towards girls but not just because Steve is attracted to them...but because part of Steve was jealous.
Steve wants the soft curves, wants to be seen as pretty and delicate, loves feminine things...Steve wants to be a girl.
But Steve didn't think that was possible, so they leaned into their more traditionally masculine interests, it's not like Steve didn't like cars and sports.
But every once in a while, Steve let themselves wear pretty light lip gloss and soft perfume, always too subtle to notice.
But then Steve found out Eddie's secret and something clicked for in their head.
Steve knew Eddie was AFAB but that didn't change the fact that Eddie was a guy.
So maybe Steve wasn't a guy...maybe it didn't matter that the world decided they were a guy because of the parts they were born with.
Steve didn't have to want to be a girl because She was a girl.
And that thought brought comfort to her but still terrified her to come out. Everyone thought she was a guy, she didn't pass like Eddie.
So she took baby steps, told Robin first. Of course Robin was cool with it and when It was just the two of them in the Harrington mansion, she was able to wear some more feminine things she wanted to wear and felt gorgeous and happy.
As she and Eddie get closer, it becomes obvious they are more than friends. Eddie is the second person she tells. She figures he deserves to know if they are going out.
Of course Eddie doesn't care and finally tells her that he's Trans. Stevie reveals that she knew but didn't want to force him to come out.
It makes Eddie love Stevie more.
As years pass, Stevie eventually starts presenting more feminine in public and its hard but Eddie is by her side. Their friends now all know about both of them.
Steve loves pretty dresses and even early on when she didn't pass, none of her friends let her feel ashamed.
As time goes on they both start hormones.
In the 90s, Eddie surprises her by saving up secretly to pay for her to have top surgery as well.
They love each other so much.
And they both live happily ever after.
Edit: I removed a part bc even though I didnt intend to, there was an accidentally transphobic implication, and like being trans, I don't want to cause any harm to others in my community. Steve and Eddie are a straight couple in this h, there was no need to put quotes around straight.
@gayboysteve I genuinely appreciate your comment.
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munsonshire · 9 months
After Battle
Pairing: Eddie x reader Warnings: Mention of blood, healing, and scars Masterlist
Patching Eddie up after the bat attack is such an odyssey
With all the blood and such you only have time to put some pressure on hus wounds before he passes out
You and Dustin pick Eddie up and try to carry him through the gate, you are able to thank to the fact that Steve, Robin, and Nancy showed up.
You all decide to not take him to the hospital because it is better to keep Eddie's identity secret, it's better to let them believe that he is dead
Steve is the one with the most knowledge on wounds and how to treat them, thanks to all the beatings that he's taken so he tries his best to stabilize Eddie the best he can
The first two days are pretty rough, Eddie keeps going in and out of consciousness, screams in pain when he awakes, and has cold sweats
None of the young ones think that he's gonna make it past the second day, Steve and Robin start to lose hope and Nancy is already thinking of what to do with the body, but not you, you keep cleaning his bandages, reading to him and basically being there with him
Luckily, on the second day the group from California, Joyce and Hopper arrive to Hawkins. They inmediately ask about what happened and get told about Max and Eddie, while the kids go to visit Max at the hospital Joyce and Hopper go to Steves house, where Eddie is staying at the moment. Hopper, after seeing Eddies condition decides to ask for a favour, being the former chief of the police he had a few contacts, after some explaining and a lot of money (that the gobernment had gave them some time ago to stay quiet) he convinces one of the doctors from the hospital to check Eddie out. They end up making a little hospital room in Steves guest room.
Finally, Eddie starts getting better, he wakes up, and there's lots of crying sone between you too, and more when Dustin arrives.
When Eddie gets told what happened and that he barely survived he's so amazed, he barely remembers running toward the demobats.
He gets bedrest for at least 2 weeks, meanwhile, you're on bandage change and wound cleaning duty, after all, you're basically the only person that Eddie trusts and the only one that he lets near him.
The scarring is pretty bad, he knows it's bad and that makes him self-conscious but you try to assure him that they aren't that bad, that when they fully heal they would be pretty metal.
If he flinches when you clean his wounds he's quick to soothe you down and tell you that it's okay.
When they are finally healed you make sure to kiss them every night
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ladykailitha · 1 year
If I Rescue You, Will You Rescue Me, Too? Part 2
The Corroded Coffin boys are here and ain’t down with Eddie have to share a room with Steve fucking Harrington. (Don’t worry they come around, just some faster than others.)
Part 1
Steve woke up to the sound of two heart monitors beeping in rhythm to each other. He moaned and he could feel that there was someone holding his hand.
“Steve?” Robin asked.
His eyelashes fluttered and he could blearily make out her face. “Robs?”
She reached over the guardrail and pressed a button repeatedly. Two nurses came rushing in.
“He’s awake!” Robin told them excitedly.
The first nurse started taking readings on all the machines he was hooked up to while the other came over with a cup of ice chips.
She pressed the cup to Steve’s lips. He gasped when the cold ice hit his mouth and then slid down his throat. He greedily drank more until she pulled the cup away.
“How are we feeling today, Mr Harrington?” the first nurse asked.
“Steve,” he insisted. “Mr Harrington makes me feel old.”
Robin giggled. “You are old.”
“Steve, then,” the nurse said with a smile. “On a scale between zero and ten how would you rate your pain? Zero being none at all, five being it hurts a lot and I can deal with it, and ten being kill me, kill me now.”
Steve laughed. “Um...I’d say a four. It hurts but not a lot, a lot, if you know what I mean.”
The second nurse twisted a little nob on the equipment and suddenly Steve felt a rush of relief.
“That should help,” the first nurse said. “The doctor will be in in about ten minutes to go over your prognosis.”
Steve nodded. The two nurses left and he looked at Robin. “How’s Eddie?” He hadn’t bothered to ask the nurses because they would have told him he wasn’t family and not given him a damn thing.
She stood up and pulled back the curtain. There on the other side was Eddie still asleep with an older man clutching Eddie’s hand to his lips.
The man looked up for the first time and saw them watching him. He cleared his throat and stood up.
Steve watched as the man walked up to him.
“I’m Wayne Munson,” he said, introducing himself. “And you saved my boy.”
“Steve Harrington,” Steve replied and stuck out his hand.
Wayne smiled. “I know who you are, son. This girly and about a half dozen feral children have been telling me all about you.”
Steve blushed. “I’m sure they’re over-selling it.”
Wayne raised an eyebrow. “I really don’t think they are.”
“Is he going to be okay?” Steve asked, looking over at Eddie. He looked so small. So...dim. The Eddie Munson Steve had gotten to know in the Upside Down was always so bright and animated. But there was none of that now.
“Oh yeah,” Wayne said with a grin that Steve recognized even if it was a little strange seeing it on another face. “He woke up before you did.” He jutted his thumb at his nephew.
Steve grinned back. “He always did have a flare for the dramatic.”
Wayne’s grin softened to a warm smile. “That he does. The first thing you should know is, he would want you to know is that the government pulled their cover up bullshitery and he’s been cleared of all charges. He’s a free man. And they’ve given me the name of a good lawyer in case I wanted to sue the town for orchestrating that witch hunt.”
Steve let out a sigh of relief and all the tension that was in his body melted away. “That’s really good news, sir. This town will never believe it but that’s good to hear.”
Wayne chuckled. “I think they just might.”
Steve frowned. “What do you mean?”
“You know what close-minded assholes love more than an outsider to hunt?” Steve shook his head. “A venerated hero to topple. They placed the blame on the dead Carver kid.”
Steve blinked as his eyebrows crept slowly up his forehead. “Jason is dead?”
Wayne nodded. “I’m afraid so.”
“Shit.” Steve reached out for Robin’s hand again and she took his, giving it a squeeze.
Wayne grasped the guardrails of the hospital bed and breathed out slowly through his nose. “They said that he killed Chrissy because she was flirting with Eddie. Then killed Patrick when he refused to continue to hunt him. After all Andy’s witness statement could go for Jason as much as it could my boy.”
“And Fred?” Steve asked in morbid curiosity.
“Attacked by the same animals that got Ed.”
Steve stared at him in stunned silence. “So now everyone thinks that Jason riled up the town to hunt Eddie because he was the real killer?”
Wayne hummed. “Right in one, kid.”
Steve started laughing hysterically.
“Oi!” Eddie called from the bed next to him. “Fucking noisy neighbor. I’m trying to sleep here.”
Steve smiled. “Good to see the bats didn’t suck out all your snark.”
Eddie raised an eyebrow at Steve. “I have an unlimited supply.”
“It’s a Munson family trait,” Wayne agreed.
Steve buried his head in his hands. “Oh god, I don’t think I can handle two of them.”
Robin patted his thigh. “How do you think I felt the last three hours? It was horrible!”
Eddie and Wayne laughed.
“I like your new friends, Ed,” Wayne said with a grin. “Not that your old friends weren’t great. These two are funny.”
“And we aren’t funny?” Jeff said from the door. “You wound me!” Behind him Brian and Gareth were also making dramatic gestures.
“Guys!” Eddie cried. “Hey!”
The three of them shuffled in and they glanced at Robin and Steve warily as they passed them.
Eddie saw Gareth’s bandaged hand. “What the fuck, man?”
Gareth grinned. “Further proof that Jason Carver was the real villain. The dude tortured me to try and find out where you were.”
“Holy shit!” Eddie cursed. “That is messed up.”
They shifted nervously. “Lucas was with him.”
Steve and Robin’s heads snapped their direction.
“Seriously?” Robin squeaked.
Jeff looked over at her and nodded sheepishly.
Eddie reached out and grabbed Jeff’s wrist. “He was trying to lead them away from me but they caught on too quickly.”
Gareth gulped. “You sure?”
Even Steve and Robin were waiting on bated breath.
“Yeah, he told me,” Eddie said. “He was here earlier. He’s–he’s the reason Jason is dead.” He waved his hands wildly when he saw the stricken expressions on everyone’s faces. “He didn’t kill him or anything. Jason came looking for me at the Creel house and found Max and Lucas and Erica. Jason went crazy and started spewing a bunch of hateful shit. So Lucas punched him and because Jason was unsteady on his feet when the earthquake hit, he tumbled out the window to his death. Lucas was pretty broken up about it.”
“Poor kid,” Gareth said. “I guess it goes to show that you can’t be a nerd and jock. You can’t straddle that line and have it turn out well for anyone.”
“That’s bullshit,” Steve said. “Lucas can be good at sports and play D&D. He’s was trying protect his friends. And I hope this doesn’t kill his love for either.”
The room became deathly silent.
Brian turned to Steve. “What are you doing here, Harrington?”
Steve looked down at his hospital gown in confusion. “Being treated for the same animal bites as Eddie?”
Just then the doctor bustled in. He stopped short when he saw the large crowd at Eddie’s bed.
He cleared his throat. “I beg your pardon, I need to speak to the patients regarding their care. Would you be so kind as to step out for a moment? Just a moment. You’ll be able to speak to your friend after I am done.”
Jeff and Gareth shared a glance, but Brian bristled.
“Why do we have to go?” he asked, crossing his arms in front of chest. He wasn’t a small kid by any stretch of the imagination.
“I am going over sensitive medical information,” the doctor said curtly, “that under law can only be given to the patient or to someone they have deemed by signature on a legal document to share such medical information with.” He lowered his glassed and looked Brian square in the eye. “Now do you want to comply and come back in a few minutes or do you want to be escorted out of this hospital by security and not allowed back inside unless under medical duress?”
Jeff tapped his shoulder. “Come on, man, let’s go. It’s just standard procedure. They did they same thing when my cousin Ally had her appendix out.”
Brian went begrudgingly but he did go. Robin followed them out. She wasn’t old enough to sign legal documents yet, her eighteenth birthday a month a way. So she couldn’t supersede Steve’s parents being his medical contact.
Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6 Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10  Part 11  Part 12 Part 13 Part 14  Part 15 Part 16 Part 17  Part 18  Part 19  Part 20
Tag List: @anaibis​ @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1​ @zerokrox-blog​ @carlyv​ @artiststarme​ @swimmingbirdrunningrock​ @gregre369​  @itsall-taken​ @goodolefashionedloverboi​ @chaoticlovingdreamer​ @maya-custodios-dionach​ @messrs-weasley​ @val-from-lawrence​ @plyerice27​ @thedragonsaunt​ @chaoticlovingdreamer​ @sapphirecobalt-1​ @a-little-unsteddie​ @i-must-potato​ @danili666​ ​ @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog​ @justforthedead89​ @whalesharksart​ 
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roseworth · 3 months
hi tumblr user roseworth im desperately trying to figure out how old rose and eddie were by the end of their tenures in tt03 / how long they knew each other and it is... difficult especially because sooo much happened dc-event-wise during tt03. do you have any canon sources or noncanon thoughts on their ages beyond eddie being 17 in part of tt03 and rose being 14(?) when lilli dies ^_^
hiiiiii <3 unfortunately i dont have a great answer for this bc. comic timelines. but ill do my very best
so for rose the only time we get anything about her age in tt03 is in issue #0.5 (when she gets taken by slade) when it says that lili and slade met 18 years ago
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so i assume that makes rose ~17 when she join slade (since lili would've been pregnant for 9 months after this)
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we also get this panel saying that lili died 18 months before rose joins slade, putting her at around 15 or 16 when lili dies. iirc she was 14 when wintergreen sees her for the first time, so we can assume a year went by between wintergreen meeting lili and lili's death (if tt03 is to be believed! but deathstroke 1991 (annual #4) mentions that shes 14 when her mom dies)
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anyways this also means that roy hired her as a live-in nanny when she was 16 years old which is really funny to me. but none of that matters; point is she was 17ish at the start of tt03
this is just my personal headcanon but i assume that the time between titans/yj graduation day -> infinite crisis is around a year, and if rose joins up with slade a little after graduation day then shes with him for just under a year
HOWEVER if we go by what slade says in nightwing #112, rose has only been with him for a few months
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so based on that, rose is 17 (probably closer to 18) when she leaves slade
then infinite crisis happens and we skip to a year later! so shes 18/19 now. we dont get any specifics on her age but just for funsies we can assume that shes at least 18 since shes smoking and cyborg doesnt have a problem with it (he confiscates her alcohol but not her cigarettes), and the tobacco age in california in 2006 was 18
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THEN it gets complicated. i dont have a source for this but i think theres supposed to be a year between oyl -> final crisis, making rose 19/20 by fresh hell (the secret reason she got kicked off the teen titans was because she wasnt a teen #adulthood)
also in fresh hell, she orders alcohol at a bar in canada (in the northwest territories where the drinking age is 19) so theoretically that makes her at least 19. though she never actually gets the drinks because she gets in a fight 2 seconds after this so she doesnt get carded so who knows!
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from there. i dont have much. i assume that a full year doesnt go by from fresh hell to the end of the universe (if anyone knows how long bart & kon were dead for that might change things, but i assume we're not given any exact info on how long it was), so i would put rose at ~20 right before the new 52 happens!!
as for eddie, ill use the same tt03 timeline that i used for rose
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like you mentioned, hes 17 in tt03 #42 (for reference rose is 18/19 at this time)
he didnt join the teen titans that long before this, we see him asking to join in 52 #51, which is like a week or two before tt03 #34 (the first tt issue after oyl) so its safe to assume that eddie is 17 when he joins the team
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anyways after #42, i dont think we get any mention of his age? which is honestly kinda weird since his age is Very Important given that hes selling his soul to neron at 20. we should have an eddie's age tracker at all times
if we assume that hes 17 when he joins the teen titans and oyl -> final crisis is 1 year, then hes right around 18 or 19 when he dies
when he loses his powers then tries to make another contract to get them back in tt03 #68, kid eternity mentions that he'd have "a few years of superheroing," so him being 18 around this time makes sense
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then he dies in #74 </3 no mention of his age anywhere but id say hes right around 18 when he dies
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take all of this with a grain of salt bc a lot of this is just me making up timelines. but i personally think rose is 15 when her mom dies, 17 when slade takes her, 18 when she leaves slade, and 19 as of tt03 #34 (oyl). and eddie is 17 when he joins the team and 18 when he dies!
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flawiette · 1 year
I wouldn’t hate you
Pairing: Eddie munson x f!reader
Summary: you needed to tell him how you felt, he needed to believe it could be true
Warnings: none!
Part 1 Part 2
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If there was something you were accustomed to, it was the feeling of taking up space.
You knew how in the dead of the night, anyone could become their worst enemy, crawling behind their shoulders to tear them apart violently, only to fake nothing had happened the day after.
You knew pain and you knew fear, but you knew yourself and the people around you did too. You were given choices, you were given a voice to speak, respect, kindness, care. Those you were close to saw more than the scars, but the scarred.
He didn’t get that.
It was humid, the asphalt hitted your shoes violently with every step you took.
If anyone were to ask you what was guiding you in that moment it would have been embarrassing to tell them “just an insult they say to the guy I like”, but that was the closest thing you had to him in that moment, so you took it. You had heard that phrase many times, defended him from it many times.
“Trailer park trash” they said.
So to the trailer park you run to.
Eddie had got home with empty eyes and a painful heart. As he sat down on his deck steps he kept asking himself how he could possibly have been so naive and stupid to shoot his heart himself.
Maybe a part of him wanted to be loved, to see you, you, so caring and lovable feel the same way he felt for you.
To reciprocate his adoration.
His mind wandered to the day he met you.
it was the last week of august and you had just moved to Hawkins with your family, he thought, not that the mountain of boxes outside of a house that was just on sale a week prior could make anyone think otherwise. He drove by nonchalantly, just to spot something that might have fallen from a box from its look as he passed it.
Just before he could go and get it he saw you in the reflection of his rear-view mirror.
You were visibly tired from a day of moving but as he held eye contact with you nothing really mattered, You’d smile softly at him to run back home, and as he saw you, you were gone.
Gone, he thought, closing his eyes, just to see you a few feet away from him as he opened them.
For a few seconds none of you even dared to blink, scared that the other one would disappear if you’d do so.
Then you took 3 steps.
3 uncoordinated, heartbreaking, exasperated steps to collapse on your knees before him, your body illuminated only by the dim light of a lamppost
Your face was torn.
So beautifully torn, he hated himself for thinking.
You instinctively carried your hands to his face and weeped faintly.
It must have been the adrenaline, the confusion, the hole in your chest, but as your eyes joined in a sore dance you threw yourself into his arms.
Your hands instinctively took place behind his head, and you pressed your face against his.
Cheek to cheek.
It was messy, you were gripping on him for dear life, your body shaking, your throat emitted sounds similar to sobs.
Now, with your body on his on the ground, he was confused, the only thing he knew was that you, his angel, were in pain, and that for some reason you ran to him even after what he did.
He would have been okay to be killed if it meant he could have stayed close to you more, but he parted with your body to ask, to beg of you to tell him what was going on.
As he did so he noticed something adorning your neck, his scarf.
His love being on sight for only the two of you to know.
You looked at each other with pleading eyes and gaped mouths, your mouth, those soft, plushy lips he so often dreamt of having the gift of feeling on his skin now frozen in place; like a marble statue carved by the most illustrious sculptors.
Until they weren’t.
“It’s not fair” you wailed.
“What?” He whispered.
“Y-you… no… they cant… I don’t-“ you tried to say, miserably failing.
“Take your time, it’s just me” he pleaded with a whisper while stroking your left cheek with his knuckles.
You pressed your forehead just below his neck, trying to ease your mind from the never ending scenarios of him being mistreated to the point of thinking of himself as a joke.
“You are so kind” you broke the silence by crying softly. “I’m so sorry, so so so sorry Eddie”
“What are you sorry for y/n?” He asked in confusion as an explosion of contrasting emotions filled his chest.
You raised your head from his chest with blood shot sad eyes and swollen lips and said:
“Do you really think I would hate you?”
“No y/n no, of course not, just…” he paused for far too long.
“Eddie, what have they done to you?” You cut him off.
And with that you had completely broken his façade, the one that shield him from his past, the one he tried so hard to make it seem he was so far away from, so distant it couldn’t be called his, yet with a few words you crushed it completely, leaving his heart bare in front of you for the second time that day.
You could hear it, just by looking in his eyes you heard every word that was taken away from him, and those they were replaced by.
Every insult, every yell, every scream. Every thread, every joke and every lie; it was just a matter of seconds till you’d cry again, and that’s what happened.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t be there to help you Eddie, I’m sorry you had to endure that, no one should… not you Eddie”
“Sweetheart you moved here what? Three months ago? It started way back, don’t beat yourself up it’s alright now” he said chuckling while putting a fallen hair strand of yours behind your ear, trying to ease your tears away.
“Plus, I’m not worth it” he said with a sad smile.
“But you are,” you whispered, “You are worth it”.
“You don’t know me”
“I do ” you immediately replied.
“Y-You do?” He exiled shakily.
Memories of the living hell his life has always been wrapping around his vocal cords, not letting him free. He thought of how he was abandoned as a child by his mother, how he was constantly beaten, screamed at, spit on by his father; how everyone looked at him like he was dirty, avoiding him; how people took pleasure out of his pain.
Yet there he was, listening to you hum in response, gently pulling your scarf to catch his attention, looking at him with soft eyes.
Such so common object was the proof of a kind heart, one you apologized for not being able to shield, one you wanted to love, one you decided to keep safe.
The two of you stayed like that for a few minutes hugged in a bubble of safeness.
Neither of you cared if it really was just two strangers sharing kind eyes and shy caresses on the ground, it was perfect.
“I would love to” you said with all the fondness in this universe, leaving the poor boy in front of you confused again, at this point he probably had it written all over his face.
“Have dinner with you” you said matter of factly like it was already decided while straining up a bit, slowly parting from the hug the two of you shared.
He smiled like a kid, you thought.
“We are having dinner together then” he shakily whispered while brushing some tears away.
“We are”
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It now was the dead of the night, only a small lamp keeping Eddie company, illuminating his figure with a yellowish light as he was closing the windows of the trailer for the night.
As he was about to lock the main door he couldn’t help but to open it to look at where the two of you had hugged hours prior.
He was imprinting that moment in his mind as best as he could.
In his whole life he never felt like a winner, hell, not even closely. But as he recalled your words he couldn’t help but feel lighter, like everything that happened to him was just a long gone memory.
He wasn’t alone anymore, he didn’t need to hide anymore, he thought as he drifted into sleep.
No, Because you knew him, you really knew him.
You had seen him, you had heard him.
There was you now.
You. You. You.
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Tag: @sadbitchfangirl
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inklessletter · 1 year
What if the scene in the woods turned up a little bit differently? What if-
"I guess I got a little jealous, Steve," Eddie said nonchalant, clearly looking for a reaction. Steve looked at him with a confused expression on his face. "Because I couldn't accept the fact that Steve Harrington was actually a good dude."
Steve looked down, frown on his face. Eddie kept going.
"Rich parents? Popular? Chicks love him? Not a douche? No-"
"Wait, what?" Steve stopped on his track.
"I mean, you know," Eddie did a gesture with his hand, as if it was self explanatory.
"No, no I don't. None of those things are true."
"Uhm, did you forget that we went to the same high school, King Steve?" Eddie joked. Steve huffed a humorless laugh.
"Yeah, well. It's all bullshit," Steve spat the word. "Maybe we remember high school a little differently. I was the worst version of myself when I was popular. Then I decided I wanted to be a better person, and all my friends disappeared. I went to my graduation alone, and I mean, alone. Not even my parents showed up, since I barely graduated, and I had no acceptance letter. I had no friends there. I was not popular, I was useful, until I stopped being of use," Steve scoffed.
Eddie didn't dare to speak.
"Oh, and yeah, because of that, my parents cut me off. Yeah, my family might have money, but I've been working my ass off since I was sixteen in summer jobs because my father has been rubbing in my face everything they do for me and I still keep disappointing them," he said. Steve knew he was rambling, and maybe he should stop, but he was down hill no breaks now. "I came back from the hospital after fucking Hargrove gave me a concussion and migraines for life, and the first thing my father said to me was how much of a pussy I was for having lost a fight, and that they were absolutely not paying the hospital bill, so I owed them three grands for that," Steve took air, and he dropped his volume. "I saw your uncle defending you. He loves you," he mumbles. "You're richer than me, believe me."
"Ah, and for the chicks love me thing?" he stopped, and so did Eddie. Steve pointed Nancy a few steps ahead, "Wheeler over there, I used to think she was the love of my life. We dated for a year, you know. Senior year. She dumped me," he looked Eddie dead in the eye, and he could swear he could see the pain in his face. "She called bullshit everything we had, and I had to accept that. I've been looking for what I thought we had in almost every girl in Hawkins, and all I can find are girls that are infatuated by that King Steve reputation I had, and that's--that's the real bullshit," Steve said and his lip trembled. "And I'm having a hard time coming to terms that maybe I am not meant to be loved how I thought I could be, so, no, Munson. Don't get this confuse you," he points at her again, "this upside down shit is what keeps us orbiting around each other. Trauma." Steve took a deep breath. "But no. Chicks don't love me."
They locked gazes for a second.
"They never did."
Steve looked down again and resumed his way. Eddie could not.
"Still jealous of me?"
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matchingbatbites · 1 year
bang bang (my baby shot me down)
@steddie-week Day 2: Bittersweet & Angst This is something I've had sitting around for a little while. Decided to polish it up because I figured it's pretty perfect for today's prompt!
tw: major character death
When they had prepared for their final fight with Vecna, the party had planned for a lot of things. Everything they could think of, just to be sure that they all knew what to do, what to handle in the moment. 
None of them had planned for Eddie.
They'd spotted him when they arrived, had expected Vecna to pull something, but not this. Not their friend, mutilated and warped by the Upside Down, turned into a pawn for Vecna to use against them.
None of them are sure what to do, and it's Steve who sets his resolve in place, takes the job no one else wants to do. 
"I'll distract him. Maybe… maybe he'll be okay if you guys can take out Vecna."
The others have no choice but to agree, and they split accordingly.
Getting Not-Eddie's attention isn't hard. The thing seems to hone in on Steve, crimson eyes track him across the wasteland as he draws it farther away from the main battle, keeping him from being able to help Vecna. 
It’s an awful game of cat and mouse, Steve playing keep away with his own fucking body as he tries to maintain some distance from Eddie’s mouthful of shiny new fangs. His bat is smashed early on, the wood splintering beneath clawed hands, and he burns through the ammo on the pistol Nancy had pressed into his hands faster than he expected.
The shotgun is his last line of defense, and it’s been doing a good job of keeping Eddie away from him. The creature hisses and growls with every spray of buckshot, and Steve stays vigilant as he reloads, as he continues to dance around the thing.
He’s careful, until he’s not.
His walkie goes off, pulling his attention for a split second too much. Eddie slams into him, knocking him to the ground and sending the gun flying out of his hands. He tries to get up, tries to right himself, but he’s pinned down, held in place by supernatural strength and monstrous hands.
Claws sink into his stomach and twist and Steve screams. The pain shooting through him is white hot and he's sure the adrenaline ripping through him is the only thing stopping him from passing out. His arm flies out, scrambling for anything to help him, and he brushes against the cold metal of the shotgun.
Dread and panic fight for dominance as he grabs the weapon. He grits his teeth against another scream as the claws rake downward, flaying him open. His hands are shaking as he hauls the gun up, aims it in the general direction of the thing that isn't Eddie.
And he pulls the trigger.
The force of the shot is enough to make it stumble backwards, and the noise it lets out rattles Steve to his core. He sits up just enough to take aim again, and he fires another round into the thing’s chest, and it drops to the ground just as a voice breaks over the walkie.
“It’s over! We got him- Vecna’s dead!”
And oh. Oh no.
Steve drops the gun and scrambles to Eddie as best he can, ignoring the agonizing pain in his stomach as he crawls over, as he takes Eddie's face in his hands. When the ringing in his ears fades, he can hear his own voice, "I'm sorry, Eddie. I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry." He knows he's crying, his entire body is trembling under the strain of trying to keep himself together. 
Fingertips brush over his cheek, and there's a weak "Stevie," from underneath him.
He looks up, and where once was glowing red, there's now chocolate brown, and he only cries harder. "Eddie."
The brush turns into a touch, and Eddie cups his cheek in one chilly hand. "You turned me into a real Nancy Sinatra, baby."
Steve sobs, swipes his thumb over Eddie's cheek and vaguely realizes that he can't feel it, that his hands are numb. "I can't believe you're cracking jokes while we're dying in each other's arms."
Eddie gives him a weak, lopsided grin, brushes his own thumb over Steve's mouth. "Got you to smile, though."
And yeah, he is smiling. He can't not smile, not when he's holding Eddie like this, even though the circumstances are the least ideal. He didn’t get near as much time with Eddie as he wanted. The sparks between them during spring break were undeniable, but he hadn’t even gotten to kiss Eddie before the older man was ripped from his hands, torn from existence. 
Steve swallows against the metallic tang filling his mouth. “Wish I could have taken you on a proper date. Wanted to take you out to dinner, listen to you ramble about your nerd game.”
The red staining Eddie’s teeth is hard to ignore as he speaks. “I dunno, I’m kinda digging the whole Romeo and Juliet thing we’ve got going on.”
“You would think this is romantic.”
Eddie chuckles softly, moves his fingers up to brush through Steve’s hair. “Eyes, look your last. Arms, take your last embrace. And, lips, oh you the doors of breath, seal with a righteous kiss a dateless bargain to engrossing death.”
Steve barely gets out a “You’re such a dork,” before he’s leaning in to kiss Eddie. It’s messy, both of them too tired to make it anything close to proper, and Steve feels like there’s something poetic to be said about them swapping spit and blood between them as their last act.
He pulls away after a moment and rests his face in the crook of Eddie’s neck. “ ‘m tired, Eds.”
“S’okay, Stevie.” Eddie’s voice is weak, but Steve can’t bring himself to look at him. Everything is going hazy, all fuzzy and soft. “It’s all over, now. Just go to sleep, everyone’ll be here soon, m’kay?”
Steve just hums softly, eyes slipping closed. 
He’s so, so tired.
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jay7543 · 3 months
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You and V hide in a safe house after a gig gone wrong pt1
TF4M/m4m?/m4f? I don’t fucking know, just in case
Put down the pitchforks and torches!!! I know it’s not a cod one but I’ve been on a cyberpunk kick recently so I wanted to make some. I’ll probably have another ghost one tomorrow or the next day, i literally have a journal page where I write ideas for these lol and most are ghost
The v in the photo is my v in game, I guess she’s technically trans since it’s a woman, with a penis, (don’t ask, I just like to make characters like that in games that let me, it’s the same in baldurs gate).
This might be a bit silly mainly because of the slang that cyberpunk uses i.e choom, preem, nova, and gonk. I will use those in this so prep for a chuckle while you’re aroused lol. It’ll probably have a fair bit of plot, at least more than I usually have so it will probably be longer as well, the sexual stuff will be towards the end. I will also make a second part so it isn’t insanely long.
You’ve been pretty desperate for eddies, you’ve went to every fixer you know and none had any gigs, none that wouldn’t kill you anyway. That was, until you met V, she wasn’t a fixer but she was a merc who needed help and was willing to pay handsomely for it. She hit you up on your holo and made an offer you literally couldn’t refuse, you needed eddies and were willing to get them in almost any way, and 15k for a simple snatch and grab job? Fucking preem. You decided to meet her at the afterlife, a pretty fancy bar as far as you were concerned, all the best fixers in the city hang out there, and now you’re gonna go.
You walk in and look around, you spot her, V, she’s sitting at the bar in a tattered plaid crop top, barely covering her chest in any way, some nice, tight black jeans, and some long, what seem to be combat boots, exo jacks, you don’t see many people wear them, but she fucking rocks them. You also notice her tats on her upper arm, shoulders, neck, and even one on her chest, dead center, it’s fucking hot. After you finish gawking you walk up and sit next to her at the bar, stealing a glance at her chest every chance you get.
Reader-“V? I’m the one you talked to on holo”
She puts down her drink and adjusts the pink aviators you didn’t even know she was wearing. She looks you up and down, taking note of your chubby and tall stature. She chuckles
V-“so you’re the gonk who accepted my job huh? If I were you I wouldn’t have. that much pay, for that little work? Would’ve never trusted it if I were you, most people would run the other way. Guess that’s why no one took it up till you”
She picks her drink back up and takes a sip, then brushed her hair behind her right ear, letting you see the piercings she has. She talk again.
V-“don’t worry, it’s real, I’m not here to pull one over on you, I need help, and I assume you need eddies, but the job will be a bit more dangerous than i described on holo”
She smirks at you, looking you up and down again, noticing your lack of chrome, only rocking the most basic implants
Reader-“well, I had the thought that but, you’re right, I needed eddies, I couldn’t say no. So, what’s the job”
V downs the rest of her drink and puts on a very serious expression
V-“well, it is a smash and grab like I described, but it’s dangerous, we’re breaking into a militech warehouse”
She pauses, almost waiting for your outrage. You’re taken aback, you almost don’t believe it
Reader-“militech? Fucking militech! Are you serious? I may be a gonk for accepting the job but I’d be fucking insane to go against them”
You run your hand over your face to try and calm yourself down, taking a few deep breaths in the process.
Reader-“I barely even have any iron, I got a pistol a few generations behind the current stuff, and a handful of rounds, I don’t even have the ability to go against them”
V-“well, if it goes well, that shouldn’t matter, I don’t plan on shooting, this is a stealth op, I just needed someone to watch my back and help me carry some of the goods out”
You relax a bit at her words, at least she’s not completely insane enough to take on militech head on.
V-“I’ll sweeten the pot a bit too, I’ll give you something extra for helping me, call it a gift for being gonk enough to help me. You’ll get it when the jobs done”
She chuckles at her comment, smiling and showing off her purple lips, which makes you flash a quick smile as well, she has a certain air about her, you feel calm around her, and honestly, for the first time in a while, happy. You’re definitely still scared but, you’re ready.
Reader-“so, when are we doing this”
V-“few days, got a few things to straighten before hand. Guess that makes us chooms till the foreseeable future”
She smiles and reaches out her hand for a shake, which lets you see the lines all over her arms, more chrome, from the type of stuff you’ve seen, it seems like she has mantis blades. Those are far from cheap, and damn effective to, maybe everything will be good after all. You reach out and shake her hand, making her sizable breasts bounce as you shake hands, and you swear, for a split second you see one of her nipples, puffy, pink, big areola, you’re for sure jerking off to the thought of it later. You both stand and walk your separate ways, one of you sporting a full erection.
A few days later, you’re sitting around in your apartment thinking about V when you get a call, it’s her!!! You answer
V-“hey choom, it’s ready, meet me at the afterlife”
She hangs up, not even letting you get a word in, you make your way to the afterlife. When you get there you see V waiting outside, the same outfit she had on before, somehow looking even hotter.
Reader-“hey V, how you been?”
You ask with a smile on your face
V-“you know how it is, getting shot at, shooting back, night city baby”
She laughs and bites her tongue and looks back at you
V-“it’s all set up, giving you one more chance to back out, it’s dangerous, I get it if you don’t want to”
She says with a serious and almost worried tone.
Reader-“no, not backing out, I trust you”
You smile reassuringly, V gives a sigh of relief
V-“good, let’s go then, car’s over here”
She points and starts walking, expecting you to follow, you of course do. When you get to the car you both get in. V slaps the steering wheel a few times to psyche her self up before starting the engine and going
V-“so, when we get there, you stay behind me, follow my moves, everything goes well, we won’t even have to waste our bullets. It’ll be fucking nova if that happens”
You nod, she nods, and keeps driving. After a few minutes of silent, nervous driving, you arrive, a large warehouse, no outside guards, looks like you’re lucky day. V pulls up to a hole in the fence that surrounds the building that presumably she cut. She gets out of the car quietly and you follow suit. You guys walk in and she stops abruptly, you almost bumping into her, not that you’d mind coping a feel (respectfully of course). She presumably scans the area before turning to you.
V-“it’s clear, let’s go”
You follow her to a side door and make your way in, you two make your way to a back room filled with some preem stuff, guns, armor, and even some implants, top shelf shit. V notices your intrigue
V-“you can grab some stuff, not too much though, we’re looking for some specific shit”
You nod and pick up an armored vest that seems to fit with you style, as well as a new pistol. She notices and chuckles before she keeps walking. She gets to a few boxes near the corner of the room.
Reader-“what’s that shit?”
V-“what we’re here for”
She opens one of the boxes to reveal more implants, even better shit than what you saw before, experimental stuff.
V-“this is the shit my fixer what’s, some new tech, I don’t even know what it does, but hell is it expensive, grab a box”
You both pick up a box and start to leave, after just a handful of steps you hear an alarm
V-“fuck, dammit”
Reader-“what’s happening?”
V-“I don’t know, we tripped an alarm or some bullshit, run!”
You both start to run out of the building, the once barren building now filled with guards, you guys dodge them as best you can but then you come to an impasse, the only hallway out and it’s blocked by militech guards, you two take cover behind some metal crates and they open fire.
V-“fuck! Just fucking perfect”
She sighs and grunts before handing you her box.
V-“take this, and stay down till I say, got it?”
She asks sternly
You say nervously as you stack the boxes and hold them, she gives you a nod and stretches her arms, after a second you see her arms open up, her forearms now open revealing some very shiny, well kept chrome, then the blades pop out from just above her wrists, mantis blades! You’ve never seen them in action before, thank god she’s on your side.
She backs up a bit to get a running start to jump over the crates you two are hiding behind, when she does she sticks on of the blades into the wall and hangs there for a second, the guards all stare at her in shock till, in the blink of an eye, she pushes off the wall and lands on one of the guards, tearing him to shreds, another guard screams and shoots at her, she block’s every bullets with the blades,putting him down as well. You see another guard behind her that she didn’t notice, he aims at her as she flings her head around, you throw down the boxes and pull out the pistol you grabbed and fire at him, taking his head clean off, as you stand there in shock, staring at your pistol, surprised that off all things, that’s what it did, you get a bullet to the shoulder from the second guard that’s on the ground, V noticed
She screams as she lunges towards him and cuts his head off with the blades, she flings them down to get the blood off them then she retracts them and runs over to you and picks you up.
Reader-“I-I’m good, hit my shoulder”
You say, breathless from shock and pain. She pulls a bounce back out of her pocket and jabs it into your chest, causing you too take a deep breath and instantly fill with energy
V-“yeah, don’t mention it”
She rips a piece of one of the dead guards shirts and wraps it around your wound. She stands you up and hands you a box, she grabs the other one.
V-“let’s go, I have a safe house nearby”
You nod and follow her back to her car. You two drive to the safe house and take the boxes inside. She plops down on the bed as you sit in a chair.
Reader-“that was…a lot”
V nods and chuckles
V-“yeah, it was. We’ll be stuck here a few days while shit cools down”
You nod and lean back in your chair.
Reader-“you were amazing, I’ve never seen those things in action before”
She smiles
V-“yeah, they costed a pretty penny but they’re worth it”
She smirks and stands to walk over to you.
V-“well, since we’re stuck here, I’ll give you that reward I was talking about”
She takes off the tattered crop top, finally letting you see those perfect tits you only got an accidental glimpse of the other day
Reader-“what-what are you-“
She covers your mouth with her hand
V-“we’re chooms now right? And I’ve noticed the way you look at me, since that first day in the afterlife, you really thought that nip slip was an accident?”
She laughs and sits on your lap, putting her lips only inches away from yours
Reader-“well, yeah, I-I really liked how you look, I mean, with that outfit what did you expect, I-“
She cuts you off again but with her lips this time, she takes you in a deep kiss forcing her tongue into your mouth and fighting your tongue for dominance, hers is winning, she nibbles on your lips as she kissed you as hard as she can. After about a minute of two of that, she pull away and stands.
V-“now for the real fun”
She takes off her boots to show her perfect feet, so smooth, her nails perfectly taken care of, then she takes off her jeans, revealing a pair of nice black panties, that seem to be a bit more…filled than they should be. When she takes them off you see it, her cock, pretty and pink, and circumcised.
Reader-“you’re-you’re a guy?!”
You say surprised but not exactly turned off. V chuckles and starts to pull of your pants as well.
V-“no, I’m trans, I’m a girl, but I grew…a bit attached to my cock, so I decided to keep it”
She laughs as she pulls your pants and underwear off, revealing your surprisingly thick and long cock. Her eyes widen, mouth slightly agape
V-“damn man, this is a fucking nova cock, what implant you got?”
She ask, genuinely certain it’s not real, you laugh the hardest you have in a while.
Reader-“no, it’s real, all me baby, can’t afford chrome anyway”
She smiles and kisses your tip a few times, leaving her purple lipstick on it as it gets hard.
V-“with this thing you could’ve been a doll, or a xbd star, like damn”
You chuckle again, it was true, you had the cock of a pornstar, but that’s not the life you wanted. She then sits on your lap again, your cocks now pressed together, she takes them in her hand and starts to stroke.
Reader-“fuck, you feel so good pressed against me”
You moan as your tips rub together, her fingers running up and down over both of you.
She chuckles and takes your hand and puts it on her tits.
V-“go ahead, touch them, my nipples are my weak spot”
She licks her lips and you start fondling her tits and pinching her nipples, making her moan and wriggle a bit under your touch.
V-“fuck yeah, preem”
She moans and leans against you, still stroking the both of you, your pre cum now mixing with hers. You pull her in for a kiss, now you’re in control as you taste her mouth and tongue as much as possible. You both moan and grunt into each others mouths as you both approach orgasm.
V-“fuck I-I’m close”
Reader-“yeah, me too V, l-let’s cum together”
She lets out a chuckle through her moans and pants as she now starts exclusively stroking your and her tips. Both of your throbbing tips are weeping from pleasure, almost begging to cover each other with cum. V moans loud and grunts
She yells as she lets out her load all over your chest and cock, you follow suit and do the same to her, some even reaching her tits. You both lean back a bit and wind down from the pleasure, she smiles and leans down to lick her cum off your chest, and wiping yours all over herself
V-“fuck yes, this is gonna be an amazing night”
She gets up off your lap and walks over to the bed leaning over it to present her perfect asshole too you.
V-“now, you gonna fuck me or just sit over there, you fucking gonk”
She laughs and shakes her ass, causing her cock and balls to shake as she invites you into her ass. You stand up and walk over
Reader-“fuck yes”
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fitzells · 2 years
an unedited, unrequested steve blurb. set in episode 9 so season 4 spoilers below!
Your nimble fingers tremble as you sort through the piles of donated clothing, the plethora of sounds from the busy crowd swarming you from where you stand in the centre of the gymnasium. Your head is all over the place, fatigued and somehow simultaneously hyperactive as you try to piece together the mess of what had happened over the course of the last few days. The last few months. The last few years. All of the above.
Just vaguely, you can make out Steve’s voice; he’s standing beside you, constantly leaning over your body to reach towards the boxes of clothes cluttering the table beside you. Everytime he reaches over, you catch a waft of his cologne; it calms you. You’re not really sure why you can’t listen to him, why you won’t listen to him. He hasn’t done anything wrong, you’re not upset with him. You just wish that time could stop for a moment.
Eddie’s dead, Max is comatosed, the ground holding your entire town together was split open for reasons you can’t say out loud without sounding like a total maniac. Everything is a mess, a complete and total mess, and you can’t escape it. None of that is Steve’s issue, so why can't you just turn to talk to him? Everyone else seems fine; Steve’s still looking out for everyone, Robin’s still making quippy remarks, Nancy’s still as neat and put together as ever; even Dustin, who was forced to watch his new found hero die in arms only two days ago seems to be holding it together better than you. Why were you such a mess?
Sure, you’ve always felt as though you had a strong bond with Max. The urge to protect her from all possible forms of harm had been looming ever since you met her; she was your kid sister, blood or not. Eddie and you seemed to click upon first meeting, you never really knew him in high school; you wish you did. Even though you didn’t know the guy for that long, he might’ve been one of the greatest people you had the pleasure of knowing. He was a good person, and an even better friend. You hate that everyone’s formed their own opinion of him, you hate that he can’t defend himself, you hate that you can’t tell them the truth.
“Hey.” Steve’s jean clad hip nudges your own, eyebrows furrowed as he peers down at you. “You okay?”
No, not okay. I’m not okay. None of this is okay. How are you holding it together so well? “I’m fine.”
He nods slowly, not believing you for even a second. He doesn’t want to push it, you’d only shrug and brush it off. “You want me to come over tonight? I know your parents are out of town, figured you might not want to be alone.”
And you don’t want to be alone. You really truly don’t. In fact, you want Steve to come over and stay with you because the mere thought of having to spend another night alone with your thoughts in that empty house in this eerie town makes you want to hurl. Yet, the thought of him having to watch you when you become the anxious, emotional wreck that you seem to morph into everytime you get more than ten seconds alone makes you even more nauseous.
“Uh.” You pause, sweeping a hand over your forehead as you fold the last pile of clothes from one box, sorting them into sections and placing a fresh box filled with garments on the table in its wake. “I need to get some things for Max from her trailer and bring them to the hospital. Her mom wants me to bring some things for when she wakes up.” If she wakes up.
“I’ll probably stay at the hospital until late.” You continue, placing a yellow blouse in the section labelled ‘womens’. “So…”
Steve gnaws down on the inside of his mouth. Why don’t you want him around? You’re struggling, and it seems as though the last person you want to see is him, when you’re the person who’s been holding him together since this whole thing happened.
“Can I go with you? To the hospital— and the trailer. I know you don’t like driving in the dark anymore; and I don’t really want you to go over there on your own.” He’s rambling, he knows he is. He sounds like an idiot; why is he panicking? He’s your boyfriend, he’s allowed to care.
Please don’t shut me out, he thinks to himself. His eyes pierce holes into your temple as he watches purposely avoid his gaze.
“Erm—“ Your voice wavers, cutting yourself off. You feel like you’re about to cry, because he’s so perfect; so caring and kind and loving and you’re here self sabotaging because you don’t want to burden him. You’re driving yourself crazy and worrying him sick. “I don’t—“
You look at his face, the way his eyebrows are knitted together, the way his under eyes are darkened, the way his right arm is hovering in the air because he wants to pull you in close to him but doesn’t want to smother you. Your eyes water. “Actually, yeah. Yeah, I’d really like that.”
“Yeah?” His face lights up, he tries to bite back the grin on his face but he can’t stop it; he’s getting through to you. You nod. Your tears fall. Great, now you’re crying.
He coos at you, heart aching as your face crumples and you wrap your arms around his neck, burying your head in the crook. He sighs, one strong hand around the back of your head to support you, the other wrapping around your waist to keep you close to him.
Across the room, Robin gazes over at you. She gives Steve an encouraging thumbs up, and he shoots her a weak grin, before he’s pressing gentle kisses against your hairline. It’s almost pathetic to you how easy it is for him to ease your worries. Not everything is fixed, you know that; but having him around makes things a lot easier.
The crowds around you don’t seem as loud, the room doesn’t seem as small, you can breathe again. So can he.
“Steve?” Your head’s nudged against his chest, hands still clutching the fabric of his cotton shirt. He hums. “Can you stay over tonight?”
He lets out an airy chuckle, pulling you in close to him. “‘Course I can.”
(this is literally just me venting about how i feel about s4 ending and steve giving me the comfort i needed bc i’m not ok sorry bye)
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cicimunson · 2 years
Last Night on Earth
Summary: Eddie shows up at your after being named a murder suspect. He’s a mess and talking out of his head about spending his night on Earth with you.
Characters/Pairings: EddiexFem!Reader
Warnings: Hella smut and I also hurt myself with the angst at the end.
Word Count: 3.2k+
You cut off the TV in disgust, ignoring your parents’ protests.
“They’re wrong. Eddie isn’t like that at all! He’s not in a cult, he’s not a devil worshiper, and he’s certainly not killing people!”
“Y/N, the dead girl was found in his house. There’s an eyewitness that saw him kill that boy at the lake. Maybe you don’t know your friend as well as you think.” Your mom reaches out to take your hand but you snatch it away from her.
“Jason is lying, mom. He’s always had it out for Eddie and his friends. I can’t believe everyone is falling for this, it’s total bullshit!“
"Young lady, that kind of language is unacceptable.” Your father gives you a stern look. “I understand you’re upset, and I’m sorry that your friend is in trouble, but from what I can tell, he got himself into it all on his own. Now, stop arguing with your mother and go to bed.”
You fly up the stairs and slam your bedroom door, flipping it off.
Of course they don’t care what I think. I know Eddie, and this isn’t true. None of it is.
You slip off your jeans and throw on an oversized t-shirt before climbing into bed. You toss and turn for what feels like hours.
I just hope he’s okay. Please, God, let him be okay.
You had met Eddie through a mutual friend when you were looking for some weed for a slumber party. You kept buying from him after that and the two of you had struck up a friendship of sorts. You’d watched his band play a few times and hung out at his place when you felt too high to drive home. Sometimes he would take you to your house and then pick you up to get your car the next morning. He was a good guy. A little wild, a little edgy, but mostly, he was sweet. At least to you.
You’re slowly drifting to sleep when there’s a sharp knock at your window. You bolt upright in bed, not sure if you actually heard anything or if your mind is playing tricks on you. You wait a few seconds and hear it again.
What the hell is that?
You slowly climb out of bed and sneak up to the window, peering outside, and nearly scream when you see Eddie’s face pressed against the glass. He must have climbed the trellis underneath.
He put a finger to his lips and motions for you to let him inside. You raise your window and grab him by his shirt, yanking him in.
“What the fuck are you doing here, Munson? If someone sees you-”
He pulls you to him and slides his hands down your back, letting them rest on your ass..
What is he doing?
You push at his chest. “Eddie, I don’t- Jesus, you smell disgusting. What is that?”
He chuckles. “Lake water. Dirt. Who knows what else? Just ignore it.” His hands stroke up your back once more.
You shove at his chest. “Ignore it? It’s making my eyes water. Go take a shower, please. You can use my bathroom.”
Thank God I have my own bathroom. Imagine my parents seeing Eddie Munson in the hall.
You push him through your bathroom door. “Scrub your ass, dude. I’ll find you some clean clothes.”
You rummage through your drawers and closet, coming up with a pair of sweats you sometimes slept in and an oversized t-shirt.
This will have to do. Honestly, those clothes of his need to be burned.
Almost half an hour later, Eddie emerges from the shower, with only a towel wrapped around his waist. Your eyes roam over his body and you gasp.
“Eddie, what happened? You’ve got bruises and scratches all over.”
He shrugs his shoulders. “It doesn’t matter. Nothing matters, really.”
“What are you talking about?”
He shakes his head. “Not important. What is important is that it’s most likely my last night on Earth and I’m gonna do something I’ve been wanting to do for months.”
“What’s that?”
He lets the towel fall to the floor. “I’m gonna fuck you stupid, Y/N.”
What did he just say?! And yes, please.
He pulls you to him and takes your shirt over your head. “If you wanna turn me in, now’s the time to yell for Mommy and Daddy. Otherwise-”
He fists your panties and yanks, effectively disintegrating them. You gasp.
This man is going to ruin me.
“What’s it gonna be, Y/N? You gonna yell for them…or yell for me?”
You’ve never been so turned on in your life. You have a million questions for him, but for now all you can do is nod. “Come here, Munson.”
He grins wickedly and shoves you back onto the bed. You gasp as he slides a finger inside you and roughly pinches your nipple.
“You want another one?” He eases a second digit in. “You may need a third if you’re gonna be able to handle me.” He slaps your tit and you yelp.
“Quieten down.” His hand slides up to your throat. “Mommy might hear you.”
“Shut me up then, if you think you can.”
His grip on your throat tightens and he plunges a third finger into you. You wince as you’re stretched to the point of pain. “Tap my arm if you want me to stop.” He squeezes your throat harder, his fingers pressing on your pulse point.
Why would I ever want him to stop?
He removes his fingers from you and licks them before holding them out. “Taste yourself. You’re fucking delicious.” You open your mouth and suck on his middle finger. He groans and slides downward, biting the underside of your tit. “I’m gonna bruise every inch of you.”
His grip on your throat eases off as he becomes distracted with nipping your skin, sucking a spot here, biting a few inches away. He travels up to your neck.
“What will you tell people, when they ask why you’re all marked up? Will you tell them you let the freak murderer have his way with you?”
You shake your head. “You’re not a murderer. I know it’s not true.”
“Do you?” He looks up and his eyes bore into yours. “Everyone else thinks I did it. Why don’t you?”
“I just know. You wouldn’t hurt anyone.”
He chuckles harshly. “I’m about to hurt you, baby.”
“Then do it.”
“You want me that badly?” He rolls his hips and his cock grazes your clit. “I wish I’d brought my handcuffs. The dirty things I’d do to you while you’re tied up beneath me.” His hands are still roaming your body, his nails leaving scratches on your sides and belly.
Handcuff me? Yes, please.
You gesture to your robe hanging off your bedpost. “Use the sash.”
“Fuck, say no more.” He sits up and reaches for the robe, slipping the sash from the loops. “Give me your hands.”
You stick them out in front of you and he quickly ties them together, pulling the sash so that it bites into your wrists just a bit. He ties the other end around a top bedpost.
“I knew you would look so fucking hot like this. I’ve thought about it ever since that night you fell asleep with your head in my lap.”
“Really? You never said anything.”
“Didn’t want to freak you out. But seeing how I might not be around after tomorrow, I thought I better act on it tonight, if you’d even let me.”
“What are you talking about? Why do you keep saying that?”
He shakes his head. “Shh, stop distracting me. I’m trying to lose myself in you for a little bit.”
He slides down the bed and leaves little bites along the way, moving between your legs. You spread them eagerly and he sucks a dark red spot on your inner thigh.
“I wonder if I could do my initials. Or at least an E.” He sucks another spot, then another, going a little higher up your leg each time.
“How about S, for slow?” You taunt, withering beneath him. “I want your mouth on me.”
He chuckles against your skin. “My mouth is on you, can’t you tell?”
“You know what I mean.” You thrust up against your restraints.
“Hmm, I don’t think I do. Maybe you should tell me.” He looks up at you and grins. “What can I do for you, Y/N?”
Cheeky fucker.
“You can untie me so I can strangle you.”
He blows on your clit and you moan.
“That’s later, baby. What are you wanting right now?”
His tongue flicks against you.
Damn it, he wins.
“Fuck, Eddie, lick my clit. Please.”
He winks, fucking winks, and then does as you ask. When he sucks your clit and hums, you have to bite your lip to keep from crying out.
There’s no pattern to his tongue movements, it’s all over the board. You groan and he shushes you. “Great, I forgot where I was. Now I have to start over.” He teases.
“What the fuck are you doing down there?” You manage to gasp. He pulls away once more and chuckles.
“Spelling Y/F/N Y/L/N loves Eddie Munson, of course.”
“You are such an ass.”
“Oh?” He cocks an eyebrow at you. “Should I stop?”
“Eddie….” You whine.
He tweaks your nipple and resumes his work on your clit. Your hips lift off the bed and you clench your teeth, willing yourself not to yell out as your orgasm hits you. You can feel Eddie’s lips smiling as your whole body tightens and releases in pleasure. He continues licking and fingering you as you come down from your high, flushed and blurry-eyed from its intensity.
He stretches out beside you, pressing a quick kiss to your lips. “Do you want me to untie you now?”
“Yes, please. Wanna touch you.”
He releases the sash and you roll on top of him, pinning his hands above his head.
You lean down to kiss him, then back away when he gets close, once, then twice.
“I’m going to spank the shit out of you if you don’t let me kiss you.” He threatens.
“Maybe later.” You kiss his chin and then take his earlobe between your teeth. When you travel downwards and bite his shoulder, his hips buck upward. You squeeze his wrists even tighter, working your way down his chest.
“Bite me, baby.” He urges. “Make it hurt.”
You clamp down on his chest, right above his heart. “Fuck, mmm.” He grunts. “Again.”
You move lower and do the same, this time sucking and leaving a large hickey.
“Tit for tat, Munson.”
When you kiss down to his stomach, you hesitate above a rough looking bruise.
“Keep going. I want you to bite every bruise you see. Mark over them.” He urges.
I don’t want to hurt him, though.
You shake away the thought and do as he says and feel his cock swell even more beneath you. “Mmm baby, just like that.”
You work your way down and take him into your mouth. His breath catches and he lets out a low hiss, his hands coming down to fist your hair. When he thrusts his hips you force back a gag and open your mouth wider.
“Make it sloppy.” He grunts. “Spit on it.”
Your eyes start to water as he fucks your mouth, so hard and fast you can feel the back of your throat starting to bruise. He moans and murmurs your name over and over. Just when you’re about to tap his arm because you can’t take anymore, he releases your hair and tugs you upward, then flips you underneath him.
He rubs against you, pulling your legs around his waist. “Lock your ankles.”
“Don’t tell me what to do.” You retort.
He scowls. “Mouthy little thing. Maybe I should shove my cock back in there, shut you up.“
"Do it then.” You rake your nails down his back.
“Nah, there’s somewhere else I wanna put it.”
He pushes his dick into you. You clap your hand over your mouth to keep from crying out. He smirks knowingly, pulling out painfully slowly, then rams back in.
You whimper and he shoves your hand from your mouth, leaning down to drop a kiss on your lips. “You good?”
“I’m peachy, you?”
“That’s it.” He pulls out of you and grabs your waist, flipping you onto your knees. You barely have time to catch yourself with your hands before he’s delivered a hard slap to your ass.
“Not so loud, my parents are downstairs!”
He slaps your ass again and plunges back inside you. “Fuck, Y/N, my handprint on you is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”
You clench your thighs. “Eddie, stop blabbering and fuck me.”
“That’s the plan.” His hips bones are going to leave bruises on your ass, if his slaps didn’t.  His hands slide under your body and he tugs on your nipples, rolling them between his fingers.
“You’ve got perfect tits, you know that? I’ve dreamed about fucking them.” He rolls his hips in a circle. “I’ve dreamed about fucking you until you were a whimpering mess for me.”
He slips out of you once more and sits on the bed with his legs extended out, pulling you into his lap. You reach between your bodies and guide him back into you, wrapping your arms and legs around him.
His face is buried in your chest and he kisses, licks, and bite you while you move up and down on him. “Ride me.” He mumbles. “Fuck, baby, you take my cock so well.”
You lean back and catch yourself on your hands. Eddie’s hand runs down your stomach and finds your clit once more, circling it lazily.
You feel your body tightening up once more and Eddie speeds up his pace, knowing you’re about to cum for him again.
“Eddie….Eddie…” You moan.
When he presses down on your clit, you’re undone. Your orgasm hits you hard, it makes your eyes well up. You can’t support your weight anymore and you fall into the bed. Eddie kicks his legs out behind him and moves with you as you fall, never slowing his pace. He swivels his hips and you grab his ass, your nails biting into him as you urge him to keep going.
“Oh God, Eddie, don’t stop. Please, please.”
He closes the space between the two of you, laying on you with his arms tucked under yours, gripping a shoulder with each hand. His pelvic bone is pressed right against your clit. He continues his sharp thrusts, making sure to hit your clit with every stroke.
“Fuck, Eddie, I’m gonna-”
“I know. Again. Come for me.”
Your legs start shaking. You arch your back and clench around him. When you cry out, he covers your mouth with his.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck…” You bite his bottom lip as you come again, your hips bucking wildly.
“Y/N, I’m close. Do you want me to pull out?”
You can’t even form the word “yes” in your mind. Your body is throbbing and aching, coated in sweat from the both of you.
“Fuck, Y/N, I’m gonna come.” His thrusts become sloppy and his head falls back, his eyes closing. You manage to push against his hips with yours and he understands, pumping into you a few more times before pulling out and shooting his load on your stomach. “Fuck, Y/N, oh God, fuck.” You slap a hand over his mouth. He moans a few more words into your palm before dropping down on the bed beside you.
You lay breathless for what seems like hours, your heart pounding in your chest. Eddie slips out of bed to pick his discarded towel up from the floor, using it to wipe your stomach clean. He disappears into the bathroom and returns moments later with a warm washcloth, which he runs between your thighs.
“We made a hell of a mess.” He chuckles. “I knew we would.” He slides back into the bed with you.
You reach for his hand and lace your fingers through his.
He tucks his other hand behind his head and stares at the ceiling.
“Do you have to leave soon?”
He nods. “I shouldn’t even be here. But something big is going down and I just thought…I didn’t want to die without being with you, at least once. I know that sounds cliché and lame but you’re all I’ve thought about the past few days. Well, that and not getting caught or killed.”
You sit up. “I don’t understand. No one’s going to kill you, Eddie. Maybe if you talk to the police, this whole thing can get cleared up.”
He sits up too and wraps his arms around you. “It’s bigger than the police. I can’t tell you what’s going on, but just know that being wanted for murder is kind of near the bottom of my list at the moment.”
How is that at the bottom of his list? What else is going on?
“Eddie, please, talk to me. Maybe I can help.” You plead and he shakes his head.
“I don’t want you to worry about me. Honestly, it was selfish for me to come here. I just couldn’t stay away.” He reaches out and tucks your hair behind your ear.
Why do I feel like he’s saying goodbye?
“Eddie, let me help you. I know I can help.”
He kisses you. “You’ve got to let me go, Y/N. There is nothing anyone can do.”
You watch helplessly  as he rises to his feet and dresses in the clothes you’d gotten together for him.
Why would he do this? Why would he come here, make me feel this way?
“Do you maybe have a bag for my dirty stuff?”
“Closet. Blue bag on the left.” You refuse to look at him as tears spill onto your cheeks.
He comes back out of the bathroom with his clothes, flinching when he sees you crying.
“I’m sorry. I knew this was going to hurt you. I’m such a selfish prick.”
You don’t respond as he kisses the top of your head. “I really am so sorry. If I make it through the next couple of days, I’ll try to come back. I promise.”
You say nothing as he walks to the window. He looks back over his shoulder at you longingly.
“Will you kiss me goodbye, at least?” His tone is almost pleading.
You shake your head.
“Y/N…” He trails off. “Love you.”
He’s killing me.
“Fuck, Eddie.”
“I do.”
“Please don’t hate me for this, Y/N. I want to tell you what’s going on, I swear I do. But the less you know, the better. Trust me.”
“I could help.”
“I know you could, baby. But I can’t risk anything happening to you. The guilt would eat me alive.”
I’ve got to let him go.
“I love you too Eddie. Please just go.”
“I’m gonna try to come back. Just, don’t wait for me. If something happens, I don’t want you sitting around wondering if I’m going to reappear.”
You meet his gaze evenly. “I won’t.”
He gives a slight nod and slips out the window.
You sit silently until you’re sure he’s gone and then sob openly.
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sunshinereddie · 2 years
trick or treat!
a sequel to my neibolt au fic, to build a home! happy halloween!
“I don’t know about this, Eddie.” 
“Oh come on, Stan, don’t be a party pooper.” 
“I’m on Stan’s side for this one, guys. I don’t think it’s a good idea.” 
“Wh-wha…what are you t-t-talking about? We’ll bluh-bl-blend right in!” 
“That’s easy for you to say, Billy- you’re not the one with real fire on your head! No one will believe that this is just a costume.” 
“Well, maybe you could wear a hat-”
“Fabulous idea, Rich, then my hair and my hat will be on fire-” 
Eddie let out a loud, frustrated breath that quickly silenced the conversation between his friends. “Would you all just stop for a minute?” He whipped around, turning away from the bathroom mirror he had been using to fix his shirt collar. Six ghosts stood behind him, all of them crammed into the small hallway outside the bathroom on the second floor of the abandoned house on Neibolt Street. 
Most boys Eddie’s age spent their free time down at the park playing soccer, or in the arcade trying to get a new high score on Street Fighter, or in the new comic book store in town, reading all the copies of Spiderman and Superman they had. 
Eddie Kaspbrak, on the other hand, spent most of his time in the old abandoned house of 29 Neibolt Street- a place where most boys his age only ever came near if they were dared to. And while Eddie had once been just as terrified of that house, that fear was now just a distant memory. It had been a year since Eddie had discovered the secrets of the house, and what was once dread brewing in his stomach when he would look up at the broken down and rotten exterior of the building when he had first moved to Derry, was now comfort and warm sense of belonging, as he played hide and seek in the maze of rooms and talked to his new friends for hours after school. 
Richie Tozier floated into bathroom, passing straight through the wall and taking a seat on the edge of the bathtub beside Eddie. “Yeah, Eds, tell them they’re being scaredy-cats for nothing!” 
“It’s not nothing, Richie,” Stanley Uris countered. His body stood leaning against the doorway of the bathroom, and in his hands he held his decaptitated head, which was glaring down at Richie with narrowed eyes (Eddie had learned that Stan preferred his head and his body to be separated- he said he liked to give his shoulders a break every once in a while). “I mean, what do we do if someone gets too close? How do we explain ourselves? What happens when Richie throws his bugs at people like he always does? What about if someone knocks into me and my head falls off? Holy shit- what if Beverly sets someone on fire?!” 
“Hey, I’ve learned to control it!” Beverly said, the orange flames on her head shooting up. Mike and Ben, who were standing the closest to her, flinched back. 
“Beverly won’t set anyone on fire, she hasn’t had an accident in almost three months,” Eddie reassured Stanley. “And we’ll be careful, to make sure no one runs into you, Stan. And I already made Richie promise that he won’t throw any of his bugs. Right, Rich?” 
Richie held up a hand over his heart. “Swear on my life.” 
Stanley rolled his eyes. “Yeah, that means a lot coming from a dead guy.” At that, Richie picked a maggot from his cheek and launched it at Stanley. 
Eddie sighed- he hadn’t been expecting the night to be so… challenging. 
It was October 31st, 1990, and Eddie had spent the past week trying to convince his ghostly friends to come trick or treating with him. Richie, Bill, and Ben had been on board right away- even though they knew they wouldn’t be able to eat any of the candy they collected, none of them had been trick or treating since before they died, and they had spent the week buzzing about it. Beverly, Stanley, and Mike, on the other hand, hadn’t been as stoked- and Eddie could understand why. Even though it would be Halloween night and everyone else would also be dressed up as ghosts and zombies and monsters, some of the ghosts of Neibolt House worried that their “costumes” would stick out too much. 
Eddie pulled off the plastic vampire fangs he was wearing to speak more clearly (the fangs were an amazing addition to his costume, but they did make it awfully difficult for Eddie to speak properly). “Look, guys, I get that it’s scary going out,” he said, in a gentle voice that very much contradicted the scary-vampire costume he was wearing. “But I promise, it’ll be fun! And we won’t even be out for very long- I have to be home by nine, anyways. So, whaddaya say?” At his friends’ silence, Eddie added on one more thing, “Besides, last Halloween, Henry Bowers totally kicked my ass and stole the candy I had been collecting for an hour. If I run into him again this year, I’m gonna need some terrifying ghosts to scare him shitless.”
At that, Beverly and Mike smiled. Eddie looked to Stanley, who was still thinking it over, until he finally lifted his head back onto the stump of his neck and blew out a breath. “Alright, I’m in,” he said, with a small smile. 
“Me too,” Mike said. 
“Me three,” Beverly said, the flames on her head burning a bright orange. 
Richie shot up from the bathtub, letting out a loud, cheering whoop as he did a loop-di-loop in the air. “Hell yeah!”
Eddie smiled widely as his friends broke out into conversation again, thought this time it didn’t consist of arguing- only excitement, as they spoke about which houses they remembered gave good, full-sized candy bars and how they were going to be the scariest-looking kids in town. He stuck his teeth back into his mouth and turned back to the bathroom mirror to continue getting his costume ready; he had bought a tube of fake blood from the Halloween store, and had to paint it onto his face in the most vampirish way he could think of. He thought back to when he had gone to see that scary vampire movie a few weeks earlier, and tried his best to copy how the monster in the movie had looked. Eddie wasn’t nearly as spooky-looking as his friends, but he didn’t care about that. He didn’t care about which house gave the best candy, or even how much candy would end up in his bag by the end of the night.
All Eddie cared about was that he was going to get to spend one of his favourite nights of the year with his best friends. That was the best thing he could have asked for. 
By the time Eddie had finished up with his costume, the sun had almost completely set, the sky now shades of orange and red. When Eddie stepped out onto the front porch of the house, there was a cold breeze in the air, and Eddie was starting to wish he had listened to his mother and brough a coat to wear. But, he was quickly warmed once again as Richie stepped out beside him, grabbing his hand and pulling him forward. Richie’s ghostly hand might have been cold, but seeing the wide grin on his face was enough to warm Eddie’s heart. “Come on!” he said, as he floated down the stairs and Eddie stumbled down behind him. “We gotta get started before all the good candy’s gone!” 
Eddie laughed as the rest of the ghosts trailed out of the house behind them. “What are you so eager for?” he asked Richie, having to speedwalk to keep up with his pace. “You can’t even eat the candy you get.”
“I know,” Richie said, his head doing a full 180-degree-turn on his shoulders to look back at Eddie, while his body still faced forward. “But you can! And I know that your mom doesn’t let you buy candy, only that gross sugar-free crap that tastes like dirt, so we gotta get you stocked up on candy until next Halloween!” 
Eddie’s eyes widened, and he felt his cheeks heat up. “You’re gonna give your candy to me?” 
Bill laughed from beside him. “Well, duh,” he said, showing off his mouthful of sharp teeth as he smiled. “Wha-wha-what’d you thu-th…thi-think we were guh-gonna do with it?” Eddie hadn’t put much thought into it, and the realization made his blushing face grow even warmer and his smile grow wider. 
Richie let out a snort of laugher and gripped Eddie’s hand tighter. “Come on, let’s go this way,” he said. “I know exactly where to start.” 
And he did. Richie took them to a house owned by an old lady, with eyesight bad enough to see the ghosts just as children in costumes, and with a heart big enough to give each of them two full-sized candy bars. The seven of them travelled from house to house, their pillowcases growing heavier and heavier and their enjoyment of the night only increasing as the night went on. Eddie had always liked Halloween (after all, what was there not to like about getting free candy?), but he had never spent a Halloween night like this before. He had never had a group of friends quite like this before, who could make him laugh so hard that he shot juice out of his nose, and who were always there for him after a bad day at school, who he always knew would warmly welcome him into 29 Neibolt. 
Eddie looked over to Richie, who had been walking right at his side all night, and nudged him with his elbow. “Hey, Richie” Eddie said softly. 
Richie took a break from scaring the group of little kids who were passing by them to look over to his friend. “I only promised that I wouldn’t throw bugs at people,” he said defensively. “You never said anything about general scaring.”
“That’s not what I was going to say.” 
“Good, ‘cause I ain’t stopping. So, what’s up? Want another Kit-Kat?”
Eddie shook his head. “No, if I eat any more candy I think I’ll barf,” he said. 
“So… what is it?” 
Eddie thought for a moment, looking around at the rest of his friends. They were all busy in their own conversations, comparing the treats in their bags. Eddie turned back to Richie. “Thanks,” he said. “For coming out with me tonight. It means a lot.” 
The threads stitching his lips together stretched thin as Richie grinned widely, throwing his arm around Eddie’s shoulders. “ ‘Course, Eds!” Richie paused, and Eddie watched as Richie’s smile softened from that goofy grin of his to a more genuine smile. It was a smile that Eddie had only seen a handful of times during their friendship, but he knew well enough what it meant. Richie leaned his head down against Eddie’s shoulder, and lowered his voice so that just Eddie could hear. “Thanks for not forgetting about us,” he said. 
Eddie kept his smile, though it was wavered by a small wave of confusion. “What do you mean?” 
Richie shrugged. “Well, it’s just… I don’t know. Sometimes when you don’t come around to the house for a few days, I think… I sometimes wonder when will come the day that you’ll move on. That you’ll make new friends and…” He didn’t finish his sentence, but he didn’t have to. Eddie knew exactly what he was talking about, and it broke his heart. “Don’t get me wrong, I love Bev and Bill and Stanley and Mike and Ben, I love ‘em loads, but… you’re my best friend, Eds.” Eddie didn’t miss the way Richie’s voice cracked slightly at that last part. 
“Hey,” he said, shrugging Richie’s head off his shoulder. When Richie didn’t look at him, Eddie reached out and grabbed his hand. It was cold as ice, but Eddie held on tight. “I already told you before,” he went on. “There’s no way I’m forgetting about you. Not ever, got it?” 
Though Richie’s eyes were a complete milky-white, Eddie could still see the joy returning to them as Richie’s smile grew once again. Richie’s chest puffed out in confidence, and the stitches on his mouth seemed like they were about to break open at the size of the smile on Richie’s face. “Good,” he said firmly. “ ‘Cause if you do, I’ll-”
“You’ll haunt my ass forever,” Eddie finished for him. “Yeah, I know.” 
The two fell into laugher just as Beverly, a few feet in front of them, turned and called for them to catch up. “Come on, slowpokes!” she said. “Mike says there’s a place around the block that’s giving out ice-cream sandwiches!” 
The two boys didn’t have to be told twice. Richie grabbed Eddie’s hand, and Eddie laughed as his short legs stumbled along to keep up with Richie’s speedy floating as they caught up with the rest of their friends.
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panicatthediaz · 1 year
Tumblr media
These three parts make for a nice chapter, I think, so they have been posted to AO3! Future chapters will probably be longer. Here we are on part 3. As promised, season 4 events. Have fun! [Part 1] – [Part 2] – [Part 4]
@madaboutmunson @lamburrito @benjaminrussell @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @dijkstraspath @swiftiebuckleys @spectrum-spectre [Let me know if you want to be tagged!]
Pin a String to My Chest – 3
The spring break from hell
Of course, none of this was what Eddie had expected to happen. He'd known, on some level, that things weren't okay with Chrissy, but he didn't think he would ever see someone murdered by a freaky, evil mind-controlling wizard from another dimension.
Not that he had known that was the case that Friday.
That night, the only thing he'd known was that she died an impossible death in the middle of the Munson living room.
He panicked.
And he ran.
Eddie really hoped, after he managed to catch his breath at Rick's boathouse, that his uncle could forgive him for running.
Then he was found. Dustin, his own little sheep, and Buckley, band nerd. Max, his new neighbor. King Steve Harrington himself.
And even though their explanation was absolutely insane, it… it helped that they believed him. His only hope became seeing his uncle at all, forgiveness or not, no matter what the old man thought.
Nancy said, a while later, that he believed in him. That he'd been the first to deny that Eddie could have done any of it.
The relief he felt was huge, but it was tainted by the second impossible death he had to witness.
With Jason right there, the city's golden boy who'd never do wrong, who the fuck else would believe in him?
Then there was a whole parallel dimension that might as well have been hell, flesh-eating bats, visions of the villain's origin story and said hell bleeding into their world with a vengeance, and finally a plan that could just get them all killed.
Sure, why not? These people are absolutely insane, but fuck, he could really come to care about them. Even Harrington, which at any previous point of his life would've seemed extremely unlikely.
But, well, he wouldn't begrudge someone's character development.
Maybe he could do something different himself. Something… better. His job — and Dustin's — was to distract the bats, lure them away from the Creel house long enough for the Vecna Slaying Team to kill him, then get out of the Upside Down.
He would do his very best, he'd decided. He'd do it well, loud, and in style.
Master of Puppets was an easy decision.
Just as easy as sending Dustin back through the gate and turning back around.
If he was going to run one more time, might as well do it in the opposite direction; keep the bats away from the gate and from Dustin.
Draw attention to himself then run with it. Literally.
It didn't work every time. It didn't work back in his first senior year, when Hagan was dumped by Steve, and it certainly wasn't working now.
Never handled crowds that well, he thought a little hysterically when the bats dropped dead all at once, as if feeling overwhelmed in a tiny space full of people could be compared to being eaten alive and bleeding out.
He didn't have room for much thought after that, the pain too all-consuming to focus on much of anything else.
At least… At least Dustin would be safe. He'd look after Hellfire, the kid was passionate enough.
Never change, Dustin Henderson.
But… he would, wouldn't he? This wasn't—
The kid wasn't supposed to come back. He wasn't supposed to see him die.
I love you, man.
But at least, there was some truth in all the bullshit he'd just said.
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schrijverr · 2 years
Life Is Ours, We Live It Our Way 2
Chapter 2 out of 18
Genderqueer Stevie with platonic soulmates Robin and Eddie living their best queer life.
In this chapter, Steve and Eddie recuperate in the hospital, sharing a room. They form a trio with Robin and agree go to the city after Eddie and Robin have come out to each other. The three of them go to a gay club and Steve first encounters words that will stick with him.
On AO3.
Ships: none
Warnings: hospital, Steve's childhood mention, brief AIDS crisis mention and the overhanging period typical homophobia of the 80s
When he wakes, he is in the hospital.
It’s not the Hawkins Hospital, Steve learns. It’s a government secret lab hospital and he and Eddie are both under observation for their bat bites. Seems the scientists took Robin’s fear of other dimension rabies seriously.
But he only learns that later, because when he wakes up, Hopper is standing over him, looking thinner and pale and bald. Which is confusing, because he should be dead, but if Steve is also dead that makes sort of sense. Then the hurt sets in and he croaks: “Ugh, I thought the afterlife wasn’t supposed to hurt.”
That makes the Hopper above him laugh softly, before he disappears and comes back with a glass of water, helping Steve drink. He says: “You’re not dead yet. Don’t be dramatic.”
“Yeah, Stevie, don’t be dramatic,” a shit eating voice comes from the bed over and there is Eddie in all his annoying glory. He is barely upright, a bandage around his neck, but he looks alive with the comic on his lap his hair up in a bun and out of his face.
“Eddie?” he asks, now ever more confused.
“That’s my name, don’t wear it out,” Eddie replies with a grin.
“You’re alive?” he has to check, because from where he is sitting, he is in a random white room with two people, who should, by all logic, be dead. It’s not doing much to convince him he’s still alive.
“I am,” Eddie assures him, face turning soft. Then it turns into a teasing grin. “I didn’t swoon like a damsel, because I didn’t idiotically let my wounds get infected, by not cleaning them and telling everyone I took care of it.”
And now that Steve looks back, that might not have been the smartest move, but they had to keep going and they didn’t have time for that, so he had assumed he’d be fine. Wrong, apparently. Still, he defends himself: “At least it wasn’t another head injury this time. I still have to get the vision in my left eye back from the last one,” before he remembers no one knows about that.
“No one mentioned you being blind in one eye, Steve,” Hopper frowns.
Immediately Steve backtracks: “I’m not blind! It’s just a bit blurred there, like a smudged window or something. Nothing to worry about really.”
Hopper sends him a look that tells him, he doesn’t believe Steve for a second. “I’m mentioning that to a doctor,” he tells him, before walking away.
Belatedly Steve yells after him: “You haven’t even explained how you’re alive!” but Hopper is already gone, so now it’s just him and Eddie in the weird white room. He sighs as the door falls close, then turns to Eddie. “Where even are we, man?”
“I don’t know, some sort of lab,” Eddie shrugs. “I’ve only been awake for a day, haven’t heard much. Max broke a bunch of bones and her vision is fucked, but she’s awake and gonna be fine. The other are fine too, by the way.”
And Steve hadn’t realized how much he needed to hear that until Eddie told him. He lets out a breath as if it’s punched out of him and says: “Thank fuck.”
Eddie fills him in that Eleven (who is totally epic, by the way) killed Venca through her powers with the help of Jonathan, Will, Mike and a new friend of Jonathan’s named Argyle (who is the chillest dude on earth).
Before he can learn more about what went down, however, the room is filled with doctors and he is subjected to all sorts of tests for awhile.
He falls asleep again when the doctors are done, too exhausted to stay awake, despite the fact that it can’t have been for more than an hour or two. When he wakes up again, almost everyone is there again. Steve has never gotten this many hugs in his life before and he doesn’t care that the pressure hurts, because they’re all there. They all made it. Steve didn’t fail.
Finally he gets fully caught up with everything that has happened, before he gets lectured because Hopper blabbed about his vision in his left eye. Which is rude. But he has only been under for four days, which is good to hear. He’ll recover completely, just has to do some (a lot) of physical therapy for his muscles, which were eaten. Yay.
“We’ll be therapy buddies, Stevie,” Eddie grins and it should be fucking stupid and he’s only telling him that to be annoying, but after everything, he can’t even be mad about it.
Eddie is part of their group now. He is already on Steve’s mental list of people to check on and his headcount list. Trauma bonding, Robin called it, Steve just calls it natural clinging. So, he just smiles fondly and says: “I’ll cheer to that,” before spilling the cup of water he holds up, which makes Eddie’s startled look morph into a snort.
They – Eddie and him – have to stay in the hospital for quite a bit and since Robin is practically glued to Steve’s side, the three of them get impossibly close, just from continuously being cooped up together.
Robin and Eddie together are mildly terrifying. Especially since they’re both out for Steve’s blood for no reason. They have mercilessly teased him for his six nuggets speech, then dragged him for not cleaning his wounds and now they’ve moved on to his ridiculous flirting and mom behavior among other things.
“Yeah, yeah, see if I drag you out of hell again,” Steve pouts, though he isn’t actually mad, after Eddie makes another overprotective mom joke. He can’t help that he wants to be sure Dustin drank enough, alright, the kid had been crying.
“I want you to know that I am grateful. However, I don’t remember that at all,” Eddie tells him casually. “For all I know, Dustin dragged me out.”
“Dustin?” Steve repeats indignantly, even though he doesn’t remember either.
“Yeah, man,” Eddie grins cheekily.
“You think Dustin could have dragged you out?” Steve raises a brow.
“I don’t know, the kid has potential,” Eddie shrugs. “I mean, if you really wanna prove it, do enlighten me about how difficult it was to carry me, like a damsel.”
And now Steve has to confront that he can’t, so he doesn’t have much proof that he carried Eddie out, other than being told and a few flashes. It’s not like he can recall it perfectly. And judging by the grin creeping over Eddie’s face, he knows that too. So, Steve just groans and says: “Rob, best friend rules, back me up.”
Robin, who had joined the teasing, but smartly retreated before Steve set his counter offense, looks up from her magazine. “Alright, normally, I wouldn't have dingus’ back.” “Rude.” “However, it was pretty cool, so I’m helping.”
“It was?” Steve asks, genuinely curious. In this weird hospital room, he has been feeling more and more settled, thinking he can be alright with being the mom-friend and temporary badass, as long as he isn’t in charge of everything. He’s this close to finding himself, he can feel it. But he hasn’t stopped to think of how others perceived his actions in the Upside Down.
In a way it’s surprising that it hasn’t crossed his mind, since has spend most of his life trying to conform to what others want to see. A giddy sort of pride bubbles in his chest.
And because Robin is practically his other half, she puts together the same line of thinking pretty quickly. She gets off her chair and plops down on his bed, giving him a hug as she grins, ruffling his hair (which has not been kept as perfect in the hospital, so he doesn’t even pretend to care).
“Okay, am I missing something?” Eddie asks from the other bed, raising an amused yet confused eyebrow at the duo.
They share a look, before Steve shrugs: “It’s a long story.” It’s the type of thing that Steve isn’t ready to tell yet.
Robin backs him up: “Yeah, you have to get tortured by Russians and barf together, before sharing secrets on the bathroom floor. It’s a whole initiation process.”
“God, I don’t even want to know,” Eddie grins, catching that he shouldn’t push, before switching topics. “So, Robbie, you were gonna tell us about Stevie’s heroics.”
“Ah, yes!” she lights up. “Like, it was obviously stupid, because you were injured as hell and I practically got carpet burn watching you slide down on your knees when you saw Eddie. I’m glad I missed them cleaning that wound, because yuck.”
“Robin,” Steve pouts. He’s not here for a lecture, though he’s getting less sure if he wants to hear about him embarrassing himself, which is sounding more likely.
“Sorry,” Robin says. “Anyway, I was freaking out and Dustin was freaking out and Nancy is trying to keep us cool, which wasn’t easy. It’s good Steve used to be lifeguard, let me tell you, because I could not have broken your ribs like that, Eddie.”
“You’re the one, who broke my ribs?” Eddie exclaims. “Those hurt!”
“It can happen during CPR,” Steve immediately defends.
“Still rude,” Eddie tells him.
Before Steve can argue CPR techniques, Robin cuts in: “Boys, boys, it doesn’t matter if Steve broke your ribs and gave you mouth to mouth, you were fine.”
“He did?” Eddie asks, voice almost a squeak as he blushes, though Steve doesn’t know why.
“A person needs air,” he shrugs casually.
Robin looks between them for a second, having a look that Steve doesn’t catch onto for once. She then quickly moves on: “Whatever, Eddie was breathing again. Nancy ordered us through the portal and when we turned back Steve was climbing through with you over his shoulder.” She gives Eddie a look, that she turns on Steve. “And then you both fell flat on your face and neither of you were conscious.”
“That doesn’t sound very heroic,” Steve tells her tentatively.
“It wasn’t in my opinion, Nancy calling you an ambulance all cool and collected was much better than you two idiots,” Robin shrugs. “But it took us all the days before you woke up to get Dustin to stop gushing about how cool it was. We assumed neither of you wanted the reminder.”
“Henderson was gushing?” Steve asks, right as Eddie groans: “Not again.”
He looks at Eddie and blushes. He knows it sounds conceited, but being cool for the kids has been one of the things he has done that he has chosen himself and actually likes. And after the past year, he can’t help but be glad the kid still likes him. But he can imagine how it sounds to Eddie, who probably knows him as egotistic King Steve.
“Yeah, it was all ‘oohh Steve was so cool carrying Eddie like he weighed noting’ and ‘oohh Eddie saved my life, he’s a hero!’ It was getting kinda annoying,” Robin shrugs.
“Dustin said that?” Eddie asks and Steve feels happy for the guy, he deserves the kids looking up to him after he what he did.
Robin realizes that too after she sees Steve proud look, because she smiles: “Yeah, all the kids look up to you, Eddie.”
“You deserve it, man,” Steve smiles.
Eddie hides behind his hair, concealing an embarrassed look and his blush. Part of Steve wants to see him, but for now he just contents himself with grinning at him. Before the conversation drifts to other topics.
A day after Hopper comes in, still looking gruff, but Steve is happy to see him, especially after being in his shoes during one round with the Upside Down. So, he greets; “Hey, Hop. How’re Joyce and the kids doing? The move back going alright.”
“They’re doing great, El is still a bit clingy, but that’s to be expected,” Hopper tells him, fondness creeping in.
“It’s still weird to see the police chief and him not immediately arresting me,” Eddie comments as Steve tells Hopper how great it is to hear that.
“Yeah, yeah, better get used to, because I have good news for both of you,” Hopper says.
“You do?” Steve asks, while Eddie just raises an eyebrow like he thinks it’s nonsense.
“I do,” Hopper says. “I have been reinstated as chief of police and coordinated with Dr. Owens on a cover story for what happened here. With that, we’ve gotten Eddie cleared of charges, so no longer wanted for murder. You’re actually quite the town hero.”
“Really?” Eddie says, eyes shining like he can’t believe it.
And Hopper confirms telling them about how Eddie has supposedly saved a bunch of kids from the murdering Henry Creel, who has been following in his father’s footsteps. He concludes: “That also means your uncle can see you now.”
“He can?!” And screw shining, Eddie is sparkling and Steve thinks it’s a great look on him.
“Yeah, kiddo, he’ll be by later,” Hopper assures him.
Steve lets them have a moment, throwing out a “Nice, dude,” before saying: “It’s not that I’m not happy for Eddie, but why is this good news for me?”
Hopper turns more careful and he softly says: “Well, your- Once we manage to contact them, your parents could come too. I’m sure they’re concerned,” and Steve knows that years as a police officer making house calls for noise complaints and his last stay at the hospital means Hopper knows there is a reason they haven’t been able to contact them.
From beside him, he sees Eddie frown and he wants to hunch in on himself. He’s more ashamed that the other now knows he’s so much of a fuck up that his own parents don’t even care, despite what Eddie said in the Upside Down. He can’t bring himself to be sad about them not even picking up the phone.
Tiredly, he suggests: “You can try calling his secretary. If he isn’t fucking her, she usually picks up the phone.”
He has never been so blunt about it with Hopper, not to mention someone like Eddie. Though he supposes that after everything he can get away with a little whining about his parents, even if Eddie has had it worse. They’re on that level, right? He hopes so, because he’s too tired to care.
There is a beat of silence, wherein Hopper gathers himself. He awkwardly coughs and says: “But that is not the only thing. Here’re your glasses, kid. You’re allowed to drive again with those. And don’t think, I won’t pull you over if I see you behind the wheel without them.”
“Aye, aye, sir,” Steve promises, smirking cheekily as he opens the case to hide how much he hates this.
It’ll be another thing that chips away part of him that fits with the vision Hawkins has of him. Steve Harrington can’t have glasses. It’s a sign of weakness, until you have gray hairs and it’ll be distinguished, his father used to say. And yeah, he has been working on caring less about being the image his parents try to maintain, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t hard.
Dutifully, he puts on the glasses anyway, because he knows Hopper expects him to. It is nice to see clearly with his left eye again, the right one only being a dummy lens, but he knows he must look like an idiot. To throw off suspicious, he puts on his best ‘The Hair’ smirk and asks Eddie: “So, how do I look?”
He expected some funny insult or dramatic joke-y exclamation back, but instead Eddie just smiles and says: “Pretty as always, Stevie.”
And he likes that more than he should for some reason.
So, he shoves the feeling away and tries to focus back on Hopper, while also ignoring the looks he is throwing them. Steve is great at pushing stuff down and smiling. He has his charms and his mother has always pressed him about how important it is to be a conversationalist, so it’s easy for him to drag Hopper into another mindless conversation about everyone.
Finally, Hopper leaves and while Steve is glad to drop the small talk, he knows Eddie well enough to realize that the moment Hopper is gone, he will ask his questions with little regard for how intrusive they might be. His mother would probably cluck and call him uncivilized, but Steve appreciates the bluntness most of the time. Appreciates that there is no double meaning for him to miss or mistakes to make.
“Your parents haven’t tried to buy their way into the secure lab, hospital, thingy?” Eddie immediately asks.
“Why would they?” Steve shrugs, too tired to lie. “It’s not like they came last time, when they were very much allowed in. Besides, I haven’t spoken with them since right before Christmas. How would they know I was in here?”
Against all laws of the universe, Eddie falls silent for a moment. Then he casually says: “Oh that suck, sweetheart. Your parents are assholes.”
He says it so matter of fact, like that is the only natural conclusion, instead of Steve not being worth the trouble as they often like to remind him. He just tells him that what he is going through sucks and that his parents are assholes.
It’s the best response Steve could have gotten, so he just snorts and says: “Yeah, you’ve got that right.”
They share a smile and Steve now gets to see the depths of Eddie’s face better. It’s a good face, he decides. Handsome. Then immediately disregards the thought and starts flipping through one of the comics Dustin left last time he was here.
When Wayne finally comes by (the next day, the second it was allowed. Steve tries not to think about it), he is asleep.
Well, he wakes up halfway through and then decides to pretend to be asleep to give them their privacy. And tries not to look too much into the why of it all when he feels like crying while listening to Wayne repeat that he is so happy that Eddie is alive, how much he worried and how much he loves him.
It’s stupid for Steve to feel jealous about that care. He knows it is. Steve has never had to worry about money like Wayne and Eddie, never had to be put into the care of an uncle. He had everything growing up. He shouldn’t be feeling like this.
But when Wayne talks, you can feel the pride in his voice. You feel it in your bones that he cares so fucking much about Eddie. And you can feel that he loves Eddie no matter what, there are no expectations there, besides trying to be happy.
And Steve just wonders what that’s like. He remembers Robin telling him about just trying things until you find something that sticks, something that you like. Eddie knows what he likes and Steve wants that for himself too. He remembers that trip he and Robin were supposed to take before it all went to shit again. He wonders if Robin will still be up for it once he gets out of here.
Once he leaves, Steve ‘wakes up.’ He’s pretty sure Eddie doesn’t buy it completely, but neither of them mention it.
Before the strange vibe has time to settle between them, Robin comes bustling in already talking about her horrid shift at Family Video and how Steve needs to get better soon, before she will die of boredom.
Steve feels relief at seeing her, the person who has accepted him and is always there for him when he needs a shoulder. His soulmate, honestly. He can’t help his smile. “I’m sorry for my slow recovery after being mauled, Buckley.”
“Apology accepted,” she grins back cheekily. “Anyways, I heard you got your glasses and I need to see you in glasses, because you are, like, King Steve. Not anymore, of course. I mean, I haven’t seen your hair this bad since watergate, which is saying a lot. But you still have that image and I need to make fun of you for it now, even though you’re probably gonna be annoying and still get babes with them and shit.”
Her word vomit is so welcome and he loves her. He knows she will bully him for the glasses, but she won’t mean it. He always knows she doesn’t mean it. That’s why she’s allowed to do it.
So, without further ado, he grabs the case on his nightstand and slips the glasses on, before turning towards Robin and letting out a deadpan: “Tadaa.”
She keeps a straight face for all but three seconds, before she’s cracking up and calling him a nerd, blabbering about how the tables have turned. He allows her a moment to have her fun, before huffing: “Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. I was less clumsy than you, even with shitty depth perception, so don’t get too big of a head.”
“Was dangerous to drive before this?” Robin squeaks.
“I didn’t know that it wasn’t. I thought it was fine,” Steve defends himself. “Besides, better that we find that out now than on the road. Though, I’m sorry we missed out spring break trip to the big city. You were looking forwards to it.”
“Not your fault, dingus,” Robin informs him, her tone gentle now.
“What were you going to do in the city?” Eddie asks from the other bed.
Because of course Eddie will ask, it’s only natural and Steve is panicking, because he can’t very well tell Eddie that they were planning on finding the gay people, so Robin can be herself for a change. So, he just looks helplessly at Robin, begging her to take the lead.
Robin gives Eddie a calculating look, before saying: “To visit my friend, Dorothy,” and as she says it, it feels like more than just a cover up.
A feeling which is only cemented by Eddie’s eyes turning as big as plates, before he’s grinning and saying: “Really? I know her like that too. Is she friends with both of you?”
“Just mine,” Robin answers. “But Steve is cool with her.”
And Eddie nods like that means something to him, like that whole conversation cleared something up. So, confused Steve asks: “Was that something I was supposed to grasp or was that nonsense you made up to mess with me?”
The two share a look and Steve feels a little left out, before they come to a conclusion and Robin explains: “It’s gay code. Covertly asking someone if they’re gay.”
It takes a second for it to click, but then he sees Eddie’s nervous face. Immediately, he assures: “Oh, that’s cool, Eddie. Hope you have better taste in men than Robbie does in women.”
“Oi, I have great taste, Steve!” Robin protests.
“Muppet,” is all Steve responds, before they’re both laughing again, this time Eddie confused, though Robin assures him, she’ll explain later.
But with Eddie in the know about it, Robin can openly talk about her plans. She sounds so excited and Steve smiles fondly at her, already vowing that they’re going this year one way or another even if it kills him. And with Eddie also part of the scene, he offers up: “You should go in June. Lot of gay shit is happening then. They’re commemorating the riots in New York then. They happened in ‘69, I don’t know if you heard about them.”
“I was just born then, so no,” Robin tells him, before asking for more information.
So, Eddie talks to her. He tells her about the shitty police, the arrests, the drag queens, the transsexuals, the sex workers, the black community, the poor. How they stood up. How they raged and rioted. How they showed themselves for who they were, daring anyone to say a thing.
And Steve knows he isn’t part of that. It isn’t his history. But he can’t help but look up to these people, wanting to tap into their strength and how they found themselves and built a community of people like them, uncaring of what others think. He admires them.
They remake their plans right there in that hospital room.
The three of them are going to the city in June, Steve is driving because Eddie’s van is in need of many repairs after it had been left on a random parking lot while he ran. They’re going to rent a motel room, sharing to save costs and Robin has already declared it will be the most fun she is ever going to have.
A small part of Steve can’t help but agree, already looking forward to the getaway. Just the three of them. A few days of not being responsible for the kids or worrying, but in the city having fun like people their age are supposed to have.
It’s something to look forward to and it’s what helps Steve and Eddie as they get better and better until they are released.
Robin is still a frequent guest along with Dustin and the other brats, but Wayne also comes over more and Steve can’t pretend to be asleep each time. It’s quite obvious the man doesn’t trust him near his boy and with Steve’s last name and reputation, he can’t really blame the man. Though he can’t deny that it hurts to not have the approval of someone so kind and accepting.
He throws all his charm Wayne’s way. Tries to think of what would impress a hard working man like Wayne, while also taking in account his love for Eddie. So, he tries to talk about sport, asks after work and showing genuine interest, praises Eddie where he can within his NDA and shows a little bit of his own weird side (bragging about the kids).
However, he wins Wayne over without intending it, by not noticing the man while he talks with Eddie.
They’re finally allowed out of bed, the nurses trusting them not to rip open their stitches – a right they had to earn back after a stint where they tried to visit Max and subsequently did just that. And Steve is making the best of it by sitting on the foot of Eddie’s bed, who had the worst injuries out of them and for whom moving hurt more.
He’s sitting with his legs crossed holding a pencil and being very confused while surrounded by books. Wayne appears in the doorway behind him, right as Steve asks: “Can you read the passage to me again? The words keep jumping and I don’t get it, what do the classes mean again?”
Naturally that means Eddie has to launch into a detailed explanation about everything again and Wayne recognizes it as his fantasy game that kids at school made fun of him for. But there he stands and watches the Harrington kid listen with rapt attention, asking questions and smiling fondly at the theatrics of his nephew.
Once Eddie is done, Steve says: “Dustin’s a fighter right? I’d like to be his backup when I play. What would you recommend?”
“Paladin, holy warrior with an oath of protection, it suits you,” Eddie tells him without hesitation and Steve takes his word for it with only a little blush and duck of his head.
That’s when Eddie notices his uncle and calls out a happy greeting. Steve immediately straightens up and is already apologizing and telling them he’ll get out of their way, much to Eddie’s disappointment, Wayne sees, so he says: “You can stay, son. I don’t mind. You seem to understand his rambles better than me.”
“Oh, uhm, thank you,” Steve replies softly. “Dustin, he talks about it a lot, so I had some background. They wanna play once Eddie is allowed out of here and I thought I’d surprise them by joining, so Eddie is teaching me. That way I won’t make a complete fool out of myself.”
Wayne nods and tells him that’s awfully nice that he’s willing to try and just like that Steve has his approval. All he had done was listening to his friends, because he likes listening to his friends. It makes them happy and he feels less alone. It’s just him and that is enough for Wayne.
It feels a bit like a revelation.
His own parents don’t show, though he gets a card from France on one of the last days in there. The handwriting is that of Stacy, his father’s secretary. He knows because he has seen it on all his birthday cards and Christmas gifts.
Their walk out of the lab/hospital is victorious with Max joining them on her crutches, which will likely be permanent, or at least partially. The three have to go back for physical therapy, Steve the least and Max the most, but other than that, they’re free.
And it truly does feel like freedom. The Upside Down likely is no more, this time more certain than the ones before. They have won and now they get to move on.
Steve is luckily also right that the others will be delighted when he joins their DnD game. Even Mike doesn’t grumble about it, which is a huge win.
In the end, he doesn’t know if he’s dismayed that he actually genuinely likes DnD or if he’s happy about it. After all his complaining about the nerd game, it feels a bit like karma that it’s fun. But he also tried something for himself and liked it.
Yeah, he can argue that he is doing it because Dustin has been begging him for literal years to try it, but he knows that’s not it. He planned to do only a one shot, because he knows the kids find their first session after a stint with the Upside Down the hardest. So, he just wanted to be moral support and then leave them to it.
But it’s just fun. Actual fun.
Eddie is a great DM and all the kids try and help Steve when he’s confused about it. And when he rolls an 18 at the last second and slays one of the beasts, it feels good to celebrate with them. It puts his need for protection into something else, ensuring he can slowly let go of the hyper-vigilance in his real life, because he gets bursts of it in fiction.
So, they play DnD, hang out, watch movies and force Eddie to study so much he complains about his eyes hurting. And slowly the summer creeps near.
When June is there they decide to go Thursday the 26th till Monday the 30th. Since Eddies van still isn’t running (lack of funds, time and willing mechanics), Steve is driving and the three of them pile into the car with all their stuff.
Before they leave Steve checks in a million times with everyone, making them promise to just call if they need anything. They call him a worried mother, but he knows they appreciate it and the joke has long lost its sting. If he is their mom, then he is. He likes the role.
He is a protector and he knows he can’t bring his bat, no matter how much he wants to. But if he has a small knife with him that’s no one’s business but his own.
The car ride there is infuriating. Eddie is a horrible navigator, especially since he is in the backseat and he argues the entire ride with Robin about the radio station that should be playing. They take three wrong turns and Robin nearly pees her pants again before they can find a gas station. And it’s the best car ride ever.
It feels like the post-graduation trip Steve didn’t have and now he gets to do it with a few of his favorite people.
As expected, the motel is very shitty and they have a room with two queens. They agree that no hookups are to be brought to the room, before Robin exclaims that it is too hot to share a bed, even with Steve. And after spending weeks together in a hospital room, neither Steve nor Eddie care much about having to share.
That first night they go to a Chinese restaurant, none of them have ever tried the food and Steve is excited about it. This is what the trip is about for him, trying things and finding stuff he likes. He finds he likes Chinese food, but he likes it more to hang out with Eddie and Robin and just doing stupid youngster stuff.
During the next day, they mostly fuck around town, taking dumb pictures, making fun of hats in stores, finding the perfect mug to bring back to Wayne and checking out all the record shops, because they ‘just don’t have good music like this back in Hawkins, Stevie.’
For the evening, Eddie knows a gay club in town and drags them with them. This, Steve isn’t all that sure about. He hasn’t partied since his King Steve days and crowds aren’t his biggest friend nowadays, but this is for Robin and Eddie, so he gladly goes along. He knows this is their night, so he offers to be the designated driver, which is on brand after their stint with the Russians. Still he has to ensure them over and over again that it’s fine.
The club is strange in the best way. Steve mostly just lets his eyes glide around, trying to take it all in, but being overwhelmed by new stuff everywhere he looks.
He’s sure that he and Robin at least look like newbies and very out of place, but Eddie moves like he’s at home and it makes Steve wonder how long he’s been coming here.
They get drinks, Steve coke, Robin and Eddie beer with fake IDs that aren’t well checked. For now they stick together, trying to get used to the crowd of people. They watch as couples grind on the dance floor all sort of combinations, dressed in clothes ranging from day wear to practically bikini’s to evening gowns.
Steve loves it.
He doesn’t feel like going into the crowd himself, but happily watches as Eddie drags Robin onto the floor and spins her around. The two doing goofy moves and grinning like idiots. They’re obviously having fun and being themselves, and Steve is so glad for them, because this is their place and they deserve to be happy.
His eyes glide over more in the crowd. There are women in full suits, but also in short dresses, some are kissing, other just talking. He lets himself watch them, but doesn’t focus on them in the same way he didn’t focus on Robin like that after she came out to him.
It’s the men that catch his attention more. Mostly the outfits. They’re so diverse and Steve just wants to take it all in. A majority are nothing like what Steve has been told a man should be. There are men dressed in crop tops and short shorts, men with glitter in their hair, men without shirts and even men in dresses and full makeup.
He recalls Eddie telling him and Robin about drag queens and figures that they must be that. A part wants to go up and talk to one of them, feeling strangely drawn to the dramatic faces, sequins and glamour, but he doesn’t want to make a fool of himself either, so he stays to the side.
On the dance floor, Robin is dancing with a beautiful babe. She catches his eye for a second and lets hers grow wide with an ‘are you seeing this!!!’-look, which makes Steve smile. Eddie is in the midst of it, dancing like a maniac and somehow making it look good. He grins fondly and shakes his head, before making his way back to the bar for another coke.
Tonight is busy, so he has to wait a moment before he gets his drink, which isn’t really a problem for him. He’s content to stand there and lean on the bar.
A girl in a white dress shirt with a checkered slipover slides in next to him at the bar and orders a drink for herself, before noticing Steve and smiling. If it were another context, he might assume she was flirting, but instead he just gives her a friendly smile back.
“You new here?” she asks him, leaning close to be heard over the music.
He laughs a little and blushes, asking: “That obvious?”
“Not that much, you just look a little lost,” the girl smiles kindly.
“Got to admit that I am a little,” Steve tells her. “I’m just here for my friends. To support them and stuff. Plus, I have a car. Steve, by the way. Nice to meet you.”
“I’m Brooklyn, call me Brook,” she replies. “It’s nice to see someone show up, like that.”
“It’s nothing,” Steve shrugs. “We’re from a small town, I’m just happy to see them smile and be free like this.”
“Ahw, that’s so sweet,” Brook says, leaning in and showing her cleavage a little. “Hopefully you have time for a conversation with little old me, maybe take a bit of a break from watching your friends.”
And Steve has been purposefully not flirting, but it really sounds like she is flirting with him. So now he’s a bit confused. Not wanting to make the wrong move, he says: “Sorry, if this is, like, totally inappropriate to ask, but are you flirting with me? Are you also here as support? Or am I reading this wrong?”
Brook looks at him for a second and he thinks he fucked up here, already on the point of apologizing when Brook grins and says: “Oh, you really are a newbie. Don’t worry about it, it wasn’t offensive. Glad you checked. But, yeah, I was flirting, I’m bisexual.”
“Bisexual?” Steve repeats, he has never heard that word before.
“Sorry, I keep forgetting you’re new to the scene in it’s entirety, you look at home here,” Brook tells him. “Bisexual means being attracted to both men and women. Though some people still use it to say they’re both female and male, so always good to ask when someone says. But most are shifting transgender or transsexual with that last one. People are still looking for a better term for people who are not a man nor a woman in zines and stuff, but don’t worry about that.”
Confused Steve looks at her grin, a million thoughts race through his head, but all he manages to form coherently is: “You can do that?”
“You can do whatever you want and be whoever you want with whomever you want,” Brook informs him cheerfully.
From the other side of the bar a group of women call her name and she looks genuinely apologetic as she scribbles something on his hand (where she got the pen, he does not know) and says: “If you have more questions, call me. It was nice meeting you, Steve.”
“Yeah, you too,” Steve tells her a little distantly, realizing what she left is a number, right as she fully disappears into the crowd again.
Once she is gone, he sips his drink and stares into the void before him with unseeing eyes. He didn’t even know those were things that existed, but Brook just threw them around casually, like it’s a natural part of the world. Common. Just there, existing.
It makes his head spin a bit. He tries to tell himself it’s because it’s a lot of new information to take in, he remembers how he felt after he heard Eddie talk in that hospital room. However, another more hidden and smaller part of himself whispers that it sounds nice.
Steve has never fully identified with what is expected of being a man. For a long time, his father would yell at him, telling him he wouldn't raise a sissy or a fag. But Steve couldn't help that he liked making sure his friends are okay more than roughhousing with them. Couldn't help that he liked it when his mother took the time to fuss over him and his hair, instead of making his little suit dirty playing in the grass like the other kids at functions.
Besides, he likes cooking after it had become a necessity when microwave meals and take-out were tiring. He had to learn how to do his own laundry, his own dishes and keep the house clean, because his parents expect it to be clean, but fired the help. And if he finds those tasks soothing than that is only a good thing.
And it has never been his fault that his father doesn’t understand that he hates the idea of being a career man. That he wants to stay home, be married and stay home for his kids. To give his home life like his current house doesn’t have, be present like his parents weren’t, care for his kids because he knows how he needed it.
He has always been too softhearted for his father, for his friends, for what society had planned for him. But here in a dingy club in the big city with strangers and his two best friends, he feels like that doesn’t matter much.
It’s both freeing and terrifying.
Before he can spiral on the terrifying part, Eddie practically falls into the bar next to him, grin so wide it can split his face. “You enjoying yourself, Stevie?” he asks.
“Yeah, man, this is fun. People here are nice,” he replies. “I saw you talking with someone earlier, that work out?”
“Nah, I’m not really looking for a hookup,” Eddie shrugs.
“Okay, but if you are and you’re stopping yourself because you’re scared with everything that’s been happening, I do have condoms and I can give one to you no problem,” Steve tells him seriously, because he just wants his friends to be happy.
Eddie gives him a look that is both amused and a bit awed, making Steve a bit uncomfortable, if he’s honest. Then Eddie smirks: “You truly are a mom, prepared for everything. Why do you even have those with you in here?”
“Maybe because I watch the news and I want you to be safe, dick,” Steve rolls his eyes. Then shrugs: “Besides, some people are bisexual, I got a girl’s number.”
“Only you can get a girl’s number at a notorious gay club,” Eddie laughs. Though he ignores the first part of what Steve says, he can tell the other is touched, but he doesn’t push it. The crisis that’s been going on isn’t exactly a topic of conversation for a night like this.
Soon Robin is joining them, her eyes wide and bright, face flushed. Loudly and happily she exclaims: “I kissed a girl, Steve. Me! And I touched a boob.”
“Hell yeah, Robs,” he grins, giving her a high five as Eddie snorts before also congratulating her on her first gay kiss.
She is so pumped that she drags the both of them to the dance floor jumping around like a maniac and her elbows hitting Steve multiple times. But she’s laughing and Steve is laughing and Eddie is grinning like a fool too and making sure Robin doesn’t hit too many people. They must look like idiots, but none of them care too elated and happy.
It’s nearly four when they stumble out of there, all of them high on life. They’re giggling, Robin and Eddie because they’re tipsy and Steve because he’s just so happy. He has pushed all he’s heard tonight to the side to be in this moment, for once not worried about the future.
They crash onto the beds when they get home. Robin fully dressed, Eddie shedding his jeans, before passing out. Steve is the most lucid, he actually changes into pajamas and brushes his teeth then falls on the bed next to Eddie.
He just lies there for a second, listening to the breathing of Robin and Eddie. It’s peaceful and quiet and it settles his nerves like nothing else.
Beside him Eddie is warm and, as Steve had discovered in the hospital, a mover. Though maybe not. Eddie shifts for a few moments, but then his hand hits Steve’s chest and before he knows it, Eddie has gripped the shirt and dragged him close, like it was nothing. He traps Steve with his arms so that his head is pillowed on Eddie’s chest, his legs pinned by Eddie’s.
Steve can’t help but hold his breath, waiting to see if Eddie will do anything else. Move again, maybe. But it seems that holding something – holding Steve –is enough to settle Eddie. His deep breaths fanning over the top of Steve’s head.
With the peace returned, Steve lets out a breath and relaxes. A part of him tells him it’s weird to cuddle with friends, that real men don’t do this. But he pushes those thoughts away. He and Robin cuddle often enough and it’s always soothing, he can cuddle up with Eddie – who is his friend, thank you very much – and it is just a friend thing.
Right at that point the word ‘bisexual’ pops in his head again.
Immediately Steve pushes it away, he isn’t gay, or bisexual. Or, at least, he doesn’t think so. But then his mind replays Eddie tugging him into the hug like he weighed nothing and a warm flush goes through his body.
He tries to tell himself it’s because he’s embarrassed. He’s just being moved like some sort of rag doll that’s a blow to his masculinity. That’s all.
However, his mind betrays him yet again, wondering when Eddie got so strong. His hold on Steve is tight and though Steve could escape if he wants, it would be a struggle. He knows Eddie has been working out more with the physical therapy (and to be better should something else happen. Good old trauma, their old friend).
Steve lies there and tries to decide if he finds it attractive. It may just be admiration for muscles that Steve wants for himself. That’s normal behavior. That’s what he should feel.
Again, his mind betrays him by whispering how he doesn’t want that at all, that it felt safe to be dragged around like that. He likes that Eddie tucked him into his side like it was nothing, that he sunk into the mattress with peace once he had Steve in his arm, as if he could only rest with Steve in a protective hold by his side.
Before he can decide whether he likes the muscles or how it makes him feel, the hour takes him and he falls asleep.
Steve wakes up to giggling and then a bright flash. He groans and buries him deeper into the warmth that is shielding him from the world. However, the warmth shakes a bit and he hears a rumbled laugh above him. The noise makes him frown. It takes him a second before he realizes where he must be; Eddie’s chest, all cuddled up.
He doesn’t want to make either of them think he’s uncomfortable with Eddie and cuddling up with a man, but his heart is pounding as he sits up as fast and normally as he can. He glares at the two of them, matching grins on their faces, and rubs his face as he asks: “What are you two shitheads laughing about now?”
Robin shows him a still developing polaroid, though the image is clear. It’s of him and Eddie in the bed, Steve drooling on Eddie’s chest, cuddling close, fast asleep. Eddie on the other hand is awake, his hair a mess, one arm wrapped around Steve as he flips off the camera. Written below in Robin’s messy scrawl is: ‘Indy 28-6-‘86 morning cuddles after the club’
It’s a really nice picture if Steve is honest. Fucking embarrassing too and he is blushing. But it also feels homey and comfortable. He likes it and he’s unsure why.
“You alright there, princess? Or still asleep?” Eddie asks in a teasing yet genuine voice.
The pet name is new, but it makes something float up in Steve’s chest. It always comes up whenever Eddie calls him a pet name, but he usually shoves it away. Now, however, he can’t help but note it’s the same feeling he got last night when Eddie pulled him close.
“’m awake,” he grumbles instead of letting his mind drift. “Just been rudely awoken by two assholes.”
“Ahww, you love us, Stevie,” Robin teases him and she knows she is right. She has taken to Eddie’s nickname for him and Steve doesn’t mind. He likes the name.
“Yeah, we’re so sorry,” Eddie tells him without sounding a little bit sorry. “How can we make it up to you, sweetheart.”
“Go get breakfast while I shower and I might forgive you,” Steve tells them, but he is already smiling.
“You heard him, Robbie,” Eddie says, swinging his legs out of bed and grabbing the first pair of pants he finds on the floor, putting them on. They’re Steve’s light wash jeans, but Eddie makes him work with his messy look.
He slings an arm over Robin’s shoulders and drags her out of the room, both laughing as Eddie calls back: “Don’t use all the hot water, princess.”
Then Steve is by himself in their little room and he isn’t sure whether he hates it or is glad for the brief moment of peace. He loves his friends, but he has much to think about. However, he also doesn’t really want to think about it.
With a sigh he peels himself out of bed and gets in the shower, turning on the water. The pressure is shit and doesn't get hotter than lukewarm. Yet Steve welcomes it anyway. As he washes off the grime and sweat of last night, he mulls over his thoughts.
‘You can do whatever you want and be whoever you want with whomever you want’ that’s what Brook told him.
And it’s overwhelming and enticing all at once. Steve has only known for a year, maybe two, that it’s okay not to mold yourself to whatever other people want. So, someone telling him he can be whoever he wants, is wild.
Though it’s not just that. Robin, Dustin and Eddie all have told him not to conform to some bullshit because it was expected, that isn’t new to him. Not anymore.
No what’s new is that is that Brook casually informed him he doesn’t have to just like girls, he can like boys too and that’s fine. Hell, he doesn’t even have to be a boy, if he doesn’t want to. And Steve had never even considered the possibility.
…But now that he has he can't get it out of his mind.
It feels like something illegal, like something that isn’t allowed. Exciting but also scary, like the first beer he had or the first joint, or even that first time he played DnD.
He knows that he can talk to Robin and Eddie about it. That they will listen and try to help without judgment and only excitement for him, but he doesn’t even know what he wants yet. It feels too personal, not fleshed out enough.
Steve has never been good at knowing what he wants and he just wants more information before he opens his mouth. So, he decides to make the most of this trip and ask around when hanging in queer spaces. That’s what this trip is about anyway, right?
Steve is really like, ‘I personally relate to the queer things I have heard and read on a deep level and I think I’ll feel at home, but I am not queer, why would you think that?’ And just lives his life like that without question until he’s actually in the middle of it.
Also I went into this to write genderqueer Steve, I named by document ‘Genderqueer Steve’ yet it takes him 15k words to first hear about the concept… I have issues with letting my fics get out of hand, gonna be honest with y’all lmao
Doing queer research for this has been fun! USA Queer History isn’t my history, but it’s connected anyways and writing about queerness always makes me emotional
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munsons-maiden · 2 years
maybe I'm just delusional. but i straight up believe he's not dead and that it's possible to bring him back
whether that's with the time jump or if they somehow find him when they enter the upside down next season, I firmly believe he's still alive
joseph literally did more interviews than natalia and charlie, why would they give him so many if he didn't become main cast? and with joseph teasing that he'll be in s5?? something feels off
When I went to bed yesterday, I was 100% certain that this was it.
But I whole-heartedly agree that it was so, so off and so wrong.
The whole promotion, all these interviews. What Joe said before Vol 2 aired; that he and Charlie Heaton were pressing for Jonathan and Eddie to meet in season 5 because they won’t get to meet in season 4 when he was asked what he’d have loved to see in this season. That he heard whispers about the plans for season 5 and was super excited. Like...why would he say these things, implying to be in ST5 when he knew he wouldn’t be? That man is a total sweetheart, he wouldn’t just build up hopes of the fans without reason.
The whole point of the Duffers being sorry about killing Chrissy off, that they would have changed the script to let an absolute side character stay when planning to kill Eddie off, anyway?
The whole meaninglessness of his death. There was NO POINT. The bats fell from the sky SECONDS after he died.
I don’t understand it. Barb’s death, Bob’s, Alexeij’s, Billy’s...they all had a purpose in the story. But Eddie’s? No. It was cheap shock value.
And don’t get me started on Eddie’s wounds. Like...I’ve worked in an ER for a whole year and I’ve seen things I can’t even tell you without a trigger warning but I’ve seen the gifsets of our lovely gif creators, lighter than the original versions and it. Doesn’t. Make. SENSE. The wounds are not deadly. I know these bats choked him like they did with Steve, but since he could still talk there couldn’t have been internal damage to his throat. No internal damage generally - there wasn’t even a lot of blood on his shirt. There was no gaping wound in his throat, nothing. He was way worse off than Steve, yes, but...none of these wounds could have been deadly, not even combined. We know the Duffers don’t shy away from depicting horrible wounds. Remember Bob and Billy. And don’t let me get started on poor Max. I’m trying to make sense of it and I can’t. I can’t wrap my head around what happened.
How long has Dustin stayed with Eddie - Dustin who, himself, had a freshly broken leg, a lot of adrenaline in his system, shock and panic. Who of course had to leave Eddie there, but how long did he wait?
What are the odds that Eddie just went into shock?
I’m sorry for the essay but the more my mind keeps forcing me to rewatch this horrible scene in my memories, the more I keep thinking that - just like you said - something is sooooo off. Like, is it my broken heart wanting to cling to a shred of hope here, am I being delusional and the Duffers simply didn’t care about this character (and if they didn’t, WHY ALL THIS PROMOTION???). Or do they have plans for Eddie and wanted to wait how the audience would receive him?
No clue. There are these two completely opposing voices screaming at me in my mind and I don’t have a fucking clue which one is the rational one.
I don’t even know at this point whether the Duffers would do something as “risky“ as a time jump.
When Eddie died, and then Max, my first thought was it’s gonna be like Infinity War. That each of our heroes would lose a loved one to give motivation to bring said loved one back in ST5. Dustin losing Eddie, Lucas and El losing Max.
They can bring Eddie back. They brought back Hopper - yes, they teased that in the post credit scene after the finale but they wouldn’t have needed to to still make it make sense. And Eddie’s odds have been better than Hopper’s and Max’s combined.
I’m just not sure if they want to bring him back. Maybe the audience’s reaction could still give them a nudge, I don’t know. Create art. Post about how his death was horrible, how we want him back, and do it RESPECTFULLY (PLEASE!) and maybe if we’re loud enough, they might hear us.
I’d love to hear all your thoughts on this.
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