#noble false widow
onenicebugperday · 6 months
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@philoursmars submitted: Bonjour ! Une question difficile : QUI est-elle ? (vue chez moi, à Marseille). Thank you ! 
Hello! Definitely a female cobweb spider in the family Theridiidae, and probably a noble false widow, Steatoda nobilis :) Steatoda grossa is also possible but I think less likely with the coloration I see here.
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fitgothgirl · 1 month
Found this lil lady(?) in our shed when taking out patio furniture cushions. I feel bad since I obviously messed up her home situation taking stuff out and she’s scrambling. At the end I zoom out to x1 for reference. @kirstielol this isn’t a widow right? That’s the only thing that makes me nervous lol. Not that I envision myself doing anything regardless. If not a widow, can you (or anyone) identify her? (This is in Santa Clara County, California) Plus also just thought you’d appreciate a spider and egg sac in the “wild” lol.
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luckynein · 1 year
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Friends I found while cleaning up the plants. Love a shiny boy.
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jenfoundabug · 8 months
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Spider scrunch. So cute and shy ❤️
Steatoda nobilis (sadly invasive) in California
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dansnaturepictures · 2 years
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07/11/2022-Lakeside and home 
The Blue Tits are very regular in the garden these days, I don’t recall a period of them coming in so consistently before I enjoyed seeing some in this morning, I took the first picture in this photoset of one. They were around the feeders the same time as Goldfinches, a great rush of bright colour between the two of them which it was so good to have in the garden. Once again after last week on a Monday I saw Meadow Pipits whilst walking down the central path between the fenced off areas, this time getting an exhilarating view of three which came down onto the fence then flew up into a tree. I took the seventh picture in this photoset of two, it is so exciting seeing a bird I see loads elsewhere that I don’t often see at Lakeside. I was thrilled to see two Pied Wagtails very closely on the paths out the front, smashing intimate views of a bird that symbolizes winter for me when they visit the garden so much. I thought I heard some from home today and it was great to see these two flitting around the puddles as I have seen before. Also in the way of little birds today seeing a Goldcrest in trees by Kornwestheim lake at Lakeside was a treat, a cute and somewhat exuberant bird Europe’s smallest which I always like seeing.
In the way of waterbirds; as well as Coots bolstered in numbers a little to the one I’ve been seeing here through the summer and into autumn of late having spread to being on beach lake as well as just Concorde lake Great Crested Grebe had done the same. I saw one on each of these lakes, the one on Concorde that I’ve been seeing on and off for a while I’ve come round to thinking is a young one I believe possibly one of the youngsters born here this year. And the one on beach lake was certainly juvenile which was great to see. I took the ninth picture in this photoset of the one on Concorde lake which I liked seeing. It’s starting to go into those months where many birds are about at Lakeside which does excite me. A Noble False Widow spider was interesting to see in the landing once more before my lunch break.
At Lakeside it was nice to see some pretty flowering by beach lake, dogwood flowers I believe. A great throw back to spring days almost seeing flowering. On my lunch time walk dandelion, red deadnettle and groundsel going strong out the front still and cornflower, orange poppies and yarrow in the flower bed area on the way to Lakeside were nice flowers to see. I enjoyed seeing some pretty flowers I believe sumac great red ones which I took the third picture in this photoset of which have come out nicely, leaves with raindrops on and cress were lovely to see on the balcony on the way out for my walk with bright red rose hips adorned by raindrops and nice firethorn seen well in the front garden as well as the little bit of lavender in flower and smashing snapdragons beside the house which I took the fourth picture in this photoset of were great sights today too. 
It was interesting seeing Lakeside covered in puddles almost after the rain of late, and the lakes looking noticeably really full. What a difference a couple of months make. It was noticeable how low the water level was in the summer the extremes of the year really clear to see here. I enjoyed seeing autumnal colour today at Lakeside and home including bits of colour in the forsythia hedge providing brightness on a mostly moody day there was a touch of sun as the afternoon went on. I took the fifth, sixth, eighth and tenth pictures in this photoset of views here today. I also enjoyed seeing raindrops on the window, a subject I like taking macro photos of now and again as I did a couple of times including the second picture in this photoset. It was great to see prominence of them as the rain splashed the windows and how beautiful they looked, they made nice patterns fittingly as that is a theme in a photography Facebook group I am starting this week.
Wildlife Sightings Summary: One of my favourite birds the Great Crested Grebe, Mallard, Moorhen, Coot, Black-headed Gull including seen well out the front also on the green, Herring Gull, Woodpigeon, Feral Pigeon, very wild and rustic scenes of Carrion Crows, Jackdaw seen well out the front near the Pied Wagtal and before, Magpie, Blue Tit, Goldcrest, Starling, Meadow Pipit, Pied Wagtail, Goldfinch, Robin, possible Wren at Lakeside and Noble False widow. I believe I heard Long-tailed Tit at Lakeside too.
eBird checklist of today’s Lakeside walk: https://ebird.org/checklist/S122037212
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basaltbutch · 1 year
help i think im becoming addicted to inaturalist
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lovezbrownies · 4 months
Fem! Yandere Military Chief
Hello! My third fanfic this is so exciting >0< I can't wait to write more, especially since I have even more characters in mind to write for!
Word count: 1,033
Warnings!: Nsfw mentions, physical abuse (towaards reader), Torture (towards reader and others), murder (not towards reader), hinted psychological abuse (towards reader), isolation of reader, death of a parent, controlling behaviour, obsessive and possessive behaviour, essentially this woman is a red flag.
Name: Gen Ludenhart.
Gen adored you, oh how she adored you. Even in an important meeting like this she can’t focus on the words being said as she fantasizes about finally coming back home to her sweet darling. You and Gen have been in a relationship for three beautifully long years. Gen, being the lovely wife she is, ensured you moved in with her within the first two months of dating and married within a year in.
The work day felt long, but the ride home felt even longer. The anticipation of finally seeing her cute spouse waiting at home for her made Gen count down the very seconds until her arrival back home. And once Gen finally enters her mansion (paid for by the noble court for her deeds.) she feels an immediate relief wash over her now, knowing she is within the vicinity of her beloved darling.
Gen is, as usual, greeted by the head maid. ‘’Call my darling down to the lounge room, will you Reina?” Reina nods, walking off to complete the task given to her. Gen goes to said lounge room, looking at herself in the mirror hanging on one of the walls, making sure she looks her best for you.
The soft clicking of shoes alerts Gen as she seats herself on her favourite armchair, waiting impatiently, staring at the entrance until you finally enter, behind you stood Reina. Gen waved a dismissal wave towards Reina as she holds out her arms, “Ah my dear, how I’ve missed you so~ Come, come, sit.’’ You knew the routine. Gen comes back home, she calls for you, you sit on her lap until she has held her pent up frustration as long as she can and takes the both of you to your private chambers for some ‘’fun time’’.
It never gets old, even when she is pleasuring you she incorporates something new in the way she gives you pleasure, always doting, always caring, always watching. You’ve tried all you could to plan some escape behind Gen’s back, she might be strategically smart but when it comes to you? She’s stupid in love, can’t even see how uncomfortable you are 85% of the time. So that would mean it would be easy to run away right?
Wrong. The only obstacle to your masterful escape was Reina. Loyal fucking Reina. It feels like she can constantly read your plan, anytime you see an opportunity such as an open window or an unlocked door to the outside and begin thinking up a plan she almost immediately cracks down on it and shuts down any chance of escape. Gen doesn’t see it but Reina is devoted solely to Gen, no one’s sure if its out of love or because Gen pays for her loyalty, whatever the case, she is annoying.
Either way, it seems like you are eternally stuck with Gen, to the end of days. Maybe that would’ve been nice, maybe her coddling you would’ve been comforting, had she not falsely accused your father of a heinous crime, ordering him to be executed. Had she not left your mother widowed, now poor and jobless, barely able to sustain herself. Had she not made everyone turn their backs on you after she had blackmailed them. Had she not kidnapped, tortured, and murdered your betrothed, your darling, your dear girlfriend. Maybe then, you would’ve reciprocated all the affection, cuddles, adoration.
Life wasn’t meant to be like this, sitting on the lap of the person who killed your father and your girlfriend and ruined your life completely. But when you don’t agree to her terms, the aggression she was trained to use on a daily basis returns home with her and she tortures you for hours on end, never relenting until you learn your lesson. Life is not perfect or sweet. Life is miserable, she is psychotic. Even the mere mention of her name strikes fear within your heart.
Anytime you see anyone from the outside world, which is almost never, you beg them to save you from the vicious claws belonging to Gen Aliya Ludenhart. The first was Reina, that resulted in a slap across the face. Gen believed that would be the only time so she didn’t want to be cruel, yet. The second was the Chief of Police, Grimm Ludenhart, now, considering he was supposed to save people from criminals, he did the opposite. He let you stay with this fucking psycho, warned her even, told her to be harsher. And she was, this time she had taken her electric baton, and fried your skin for half an hour. All the scarring had been healed and removed by sweet Gen, citing that she didn’t want her darling angel to be insecure of her scarring, and due to public image as well.
People with elemental powers usually made you star struck and jealous of their power. Some people even have two elements, and Gen seemingly is also dual-elemented. Would’ve been amazing if she was a real doting, caring, loving, not psychotic murderer. But she always uses her powers against you, she controls earth, so when you need to be punished she uses her earth magic. When the sessions of torture end she makes you feel all better with her water magic. “See, dear? I do this because I love you, if I didn’t love you I wouldn’t have healed you, no I’d leave you for dead just like that pest ex-girlfriend of yours! You should be more grateful for me, love! Or else you would’ve ended up with a psycho!” She is the damn psycho you ended up with, but okay.
All in all, you will never have a normal life again, Gen A. Ludenhart will make to sure to have complete control over every decision you make, every step you take, she will be watching you. What’s worse is that everyone is on her side, either afraid of what she would do to them if they help you, or they agree with what she’s doing– Ahem her brother Grimm Ahem– and encourage her whole-heartedly. Have fun thinking of all the people who died because you asked her for directions once in some random marketplace.
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rollinouttahere-writes · 10 months
I've got an interesting idea for a bug race for a one piece au! Since there is Fishmen and Minks with many distinct animal and fish features in their appearance so how about a race with insect, arachnid and other invertebrate features! 🐌🦋🐛🐜🐝🪲🐞🦗🪳🕷️🕸️🦂🦟🪰🪱 And what kind of bug would each straw hat member be in this AU?
Okay so fun fact about me, I was an entomology major in college before I dropped out. So thank you for this request because it was very self indulgent!
Insect AU
Luffy would be a jack jumper ant (Myrmecia Pilosula). This ant is very strong even by ant standards. Like their name suggests, they can leap up to 76 millimeters, which is extremely impressive when you take into account that they range from 11 - 14 millimeters in size. On top of that, they possess a potent venom that kills other insects with ease. They are notably aggressive, even towards things much larger than themselves, and can reliably kill prey much larger than themselves. Truly a fierce fighter that can go toe to toe with many enemies.
Zoro would be a centipede, specifically the Scolopendra Polymorpha. This centipede varies a lot in color, and can even be green. These guys pack some pretty serious venom with necrotic properties, not something you want to experience. Centipedes are extremely agile predators that can take down all kinds of prey with ease thanks to their strength and ability to contort their body.
Nami would be a velvet ant (Dasymutilla Occidentalis). Despite the name, these guys are not ants, but are ground dwelling wasps that happen to resemble ants. They have a deceptively cute reddish-orange fuzzy appearance, that makes their venomous sting all the more surprising. While only males of the species can fly, females have a stinger that delivers a devastating venom to whatever has it on the defense. While the effects of it are excruciating, it is not fatal. 
Usopp would be a spiny leaf insect (Extatosoma Tiaratum). Despite the name, males don’t have many spikes beyond the ones on their face and some defensive ones on the legs, but they can fly so at least they have that going for them. One of their means of defense is to do a threat pose that makes them resemble a scorpion (and the nymphs mimic the appearance of a toxic species of ants), which sounds like a very Usopp thing to do in my humble opinion. 
Sanji would be a budwing mantis (Parasphendale Affinis). This is widely considered to be the most aggressive mantid species. I will preface this by saying that this mostly applies to females, but for the sake of the AU, I’m going to ignore that and allow Sanji to have these qualities. The budwing mantis is a voracious predator that regularly kills prey three times the size of themselves, and will do their damnedest to intimidate even bigger animals. These guys are ambush predators with insanely fast reflexes. Males are especially eager to find a mate (however fatal that may be). 
Chopper is a bumblebee, specifically the Bombus Balteatus. Why did I choose that one, you ask? Because it was the fluffiest looking one I could find. As for the rest of the reasoning, Chopper just has cute bumblebee vibes to me. He likes using his honey in his medicine when applicable. This is another case of us ignoring insect gender-roles.
Robin is a noble false widow spider (Steatoda Nobilis). This spider is commonly mistaken for black widows even though I don’t get how because they look nothing alike I mean really it’s like saying wolf spiders look like a brown recluse, so they have an unfairly bad reputation. While their venom is medically significant, it’s on par with a bee sting and nothing to worry about.
Franky is an atlas beetle (Chalcosoma Atlas). These are massive beetles with a very tough shell and most notably, have three long horns both for defense and mating purposes. Despite their intimidating size, they are actually quite friendly and make for great pets.
Brook would be a prairie mole cricket (Gryllotalpa Major). Despite the name, these aren’t true crickets, just a close relative. Lacking the specialized legs that crickets use to chirp, they instead rub their wings together to make noise. They dig burrows specifically designed to have excellent acoustics so as to help more females hear their “music”, which is surprisingly complex and can have up to five harmonics.
Jinbei would be a lobster. Not really an insect, but a relative of them no less.
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baelontargaryen · 1 year
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Daenerys Targaryen Appreciation Month 2022
Day 26 → The Key Five: Arya Stark
“As you command.” The knight gave her a curious look. “You are your brother’s sister, in truth.”
“Viserys?” She did not understand.
“No,” he answered. “Rhaegar.” He galloped off.
—AGOT, Daenerys VI
“I think you are Rhaegar Targaryen’s sister,” Ser Jorah said with a rueful half smile.
— ASOS, Daenerys IV
“No,” said Alleras. “It was Prince Rhaegar’s young son Aegon whose head was dashed against the wall by the Lion of Lannister’s brave men. We speak of Rhaegar’s sister, born on Dragonstone before its fall. The one they called Daenerys.”
— AFFC, Prologue
“Wasn’t there some princess too?” asked a whore. She was the same one who’d said the meat was grey.
“Two,” said the old fellow. “One was Rhaegar’s daughter, t’other was his sister.”
[...] “Daenerys,” Davos said. “She was named for the Daenerys who wed the Prince of Dorne during the reign of Daeron the Second. I don’t know what became of her.”
— ADWD, Davos II
Ser Barristan went to one knee before her. “My queen, your realm has need of you. You are not wanted here, but in Westeros men will flock to your banners by the thousands, great lords and noble knights. ‘She is come,’ they will shout to one another, in glad voices. ‘Prince Rhaegar’s sister has come home at last.’ ”
— ADWD, Daenerys III
And then Prince Aegon spoke. “Then put your hopes on me,” he said. “Daenerys is Prince Rhaegar’s sister, but I am Rhaegar’s son. I am the only dragon that you need.”
“Some,” allowed Homeless Harry, “not many. Rhaegar’s sister has dragons. Rhaegar’s son does not. We do not have the strength to take the realm without Daenerys and her army. Her Unsullied.”
— ADWD, The Lost Lord
So it was. “I was seven when Elia died. They say I held her daughter Rhaenys once, when I was too young to remember. Aegon will be a stranger to me, whether true or false.” The princess paused. “We looked for Rhaegar’s sister, not his son.” Her father had confided in Ser Daemon when he chose him as his daughter's shield; with him at least she could speak freely. “I would sooner it were Quentyn who’d returned.”
— TWOW, Arianne I
“Was ever snow so black?” asked Lord Wyman. “Ramsay took Lord Hornwood’s lands by forcibly wedding his widow, then locked her in a tower and forgot her. It is said she ate her own fingers in her extremity … and the Lannister notion of king’s justice is to reward her killer with Ned Stark’s little girl.”
—ADWD, Davos IV
“And do you imagine the Hornwood men have forgotten the Bastard’s last marriage, and how his lady wife was left to starve, chewing her own fingers? What do you think passes through their heads when they hear the new bride weeping? Valiant Ned’s precious little girl.”
— ADWD, The Turncloak
But the wolves insisted; Roose Bolton could not be suffered to hold Winterfell, and the Ned’s girl must be rescued from the clutches of his bastard. So said Morgan Liddle, Brandon Norrey, Big Bucket Wull, the Flints, even the She-Bear.
“Ned’s girl,” said Morgan Liddle. He was the second of three sons, so the other wolves called him Middle Liddle, though not often in his hearing.
“Ned’s girl,” echoed Big Bucket Wull. “And we should have had her and the castle both if you prancing southron jackanapes didn’t piss your satin breeches at a little snow.”
“Winter is almost upon us, boy. And winter is death. I would sooner my men die fighting for the Ned’s little girl than alone and hungry in the snow, weeping tears that freeze upon their cheeks.”...
— ADWD, The King’s Prize
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daybreaklynx · 2 years
EDIT: I posted pt 2 & pt 3 & pt 4 of this :D NOW A FIC TOO!!
i think the concept of deadpool eddie and spiderman steve is so funny because if i'm not wrong deadpool doesn't know spiderman's real identity in the comics and he's all in love and looks up on spidey and stuff and imagine if eddie found out. his crush is. THE KING OF HAWKINS
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bit of ramble of this silly steddie as spideypool au:
they're waiting on a mission together for the idk criminals to strike or something and eddie is talking as usual then he suddenly remembers his tattoo and he lowers the suit on his chest "I have a spider tattoo! isn't it just fate sweetheart?" like his usual flirty self and steve is a bit flustered by the sudden skin revelation like a 1700 guys getting shown an ankle anyway to not let it see he just says "that's a black widow fucker. I was bit by a noble false widow" and eddie POUTS a little then calls steve a total nerd and AND and steve still on his high school antics is like I'M NOT A NERD and eddie is yes you are you know the different spices of spiders and steve replies yeah because I am one anyway. anyway I just think their dynamic is so funny i need someone to write this
they also both went to hawkins then steve got bit by a spiderman and suddenly he wasn't the king anymore he was just a Tired guy. later on like in their late 20s in the big city they meet again and eddie is deadpool don't ask me how he just is. things. anyway they're now gays with superpowers congratulations
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the-soul-starved · 25 days
I got it wrong it’s not a house spider we have it’s a noble false widow (most likely)
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onenicebugperday · 1 year
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@forgedfromglass​ submitted: Wanted to share my bathroom spider with you, they set up on some ornaments by the bath and have been a much appreciated companion, so shiny, although I'm worried they're not eating now it's winter and there's no little bugs about
I'm in East Midlands UK in case you know what species this fancy friend is
You can always move them to somewhere sheltered outdoors if you’re worried about food sources! This lil friend is a noble false widow :)
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hawkpartys · 1 month
assign me a beast, creature or perhaps even a varmint
man if i had any decent springtail obs it wouldve been over for you. so instead get false widow'd on
Noble False Widow
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luckynein · 1 year
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The “widow” progression in my back yard has been interesting. Originally it was a hot spot for black widows, then the brown widows came in and I encouraged them being there and slowly the black widows reduced. Then we had a majority of brown widows for quite a long time! Now, they seem to be far less, and I’ve started to see a bunch of noble false widows. They’re beautiful, though brown widows are prettier imo so I hope they stay too.
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theonetrueyeet · 14 days
spider ramble... particularly about false widows
in a Mood™ abt spiders currently, ESPECIALLY false widows. been going back over my arachnid section of the invertebrate module bc i have exams soon and its late and im frustrated abt how false widows get portrayed by the media and percieved by the british public... this is gonna be long and rambly and probably not make much sense and go off in a million and one diff directions sorry i just feel like talking abt spiders. this also came about bc of the big fuckoff house spider that was in my room last night on the top of my door frame but since it was late (like. midnight) and also out of my reach i went eh. ill deal with it in the morning. and then i woke up in the morning and no more spider to deal with! which i should be more stressed about i feel but im so exhausted from the run up to exams and other life stuff that im just like ok cool thats Around somewhere now ig. im guessing it was a female from the size but i cant be sure... anyway without further ado onto the main show.
so here in the uk we arent exactly known for our venomous animals. we have some but they're nothing really that dangerous (to us as humans at least. im not going into venom-prey specificity rn ive had ENOUGH of that recently). we have the european adder (which is also percieved as terrifying bc its a venomous snake but it poses very little risk to us as humans bc they are very shy and i have a lot to say abt adders but thats for another day), wasps, bees, some venomous fish (didnt know this until i found one rockpooling they r pretty neat), even some stinging jellyfish and siphonophores like the portuguese man o war. and then we have the spiders. all species of spider are venomous (minus the uloboridae family, aka the cribellate orb weavers which im not too sure off the top of my head if we have those in the uk... we might have one or two species?? idk but they arent venomous and i think theres another family that has some non venomous spiders BUT THE POINT IM MAKING IS PRETTY MUCH ALL SPIDERS ARE VENOMOUS). there are 650ish spp of spider in the uk and of those VERY FEW are at all medically significant. of these few are the rabbit hutch spider, the cupboard spider, and... the noble false widow. these 3 spiders are all known as false widow spiders. we also occasionally get the meditterreanean false widow, but to my knowledge these only arrive on imports and dont have a population within the uk.
belonging to the genus steatoda, false widows are usually seen as these terrifying death spiders that will kill you just for looking at them when really... they arent actually that dangerous. most cases of bites being severe are either a) a result of an allergy or b) it was actually caused by something other than the bite itself (such as a bacterial infection in the bite, or the "bite" not actually being a bite) or even c) greatly exaggerated by the tabloids (shocker)... like ok we dont have many scary animals in the uk but. we dont need to overexaggerate the ones that really arent as bad as people think! badgers probably pose more of a threat to you than a false widow does. have you seen a badger?! they look so cute but they are VICIOUS those things will FUCK YOU UP and give you TB on top of getting absolutely mauled. a false widow will, at most, just make you feel a bit ill for a couple of days. me personally i would take a falsie over the badger. false widows also only bite in defense! most of the time they bite because you didn't see them and happened to be a very big thing up in their personal space! tbh i would bite too
false widow bites are, to most people, no more harmful than a wasp sting. so its not exactly a fun time but its not exactly the limb destroying death bite that the british media loves to make it out to be. most bites are probably dry bites or have near neglible amounts of venom, so won't cause anything more than a bit of pain. when venom does get involved it gets a bit more complicated bc it depends on how ur body reacts to it. as i said before, most ppl its not much worse than a wasp sting but it can cause things like muscle spasms, sweating, and a raised temperature. it rarely gets worse than that. of course you can be allergic to it which will cause anaphylaxis which is a medical emergency, but this is an exceptional circumstance. most ppl bitten by a false widow will not experience that. the panic over false widows in the uk is a mixture of media-driven mass hysteria and arachnophobia.
anyway in conclusion shoutout brandon collier who did an amazing talk abt false widows during the bhs venom day both at the 2022 and 2023 events both of which i was lucky enough to attend. if i cant go to venom day this year you will see me on the news.
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dansnaturepictures · 11 months
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1st July 2023-Tree out the front it did look so lovely out the front with the green in the sun tonight, smashing sky out the back, Noble False Widow spider and lovely moon out the front tonight.
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