#no wonder why the piece looks so aquatic actually lol
fabsclearskies · 7 months
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ocean man, take me by the hand lead me to the land that you understand
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whirlybirdwhat · 5 years
that Slytherin au
So remember that post a while back where I had a harry potter au for one piece where all the Strawhats were in slytherin due to their strong ambition present at an early age to achieve their dreams? No? well here it is anyway lol
Check out this post for some more reasoning behind the idea – note that I do headcanon some characters to not be slytherin, but for the sake of this au and the actual technicalities of the Sorting Hat theyre in Slytherin.
Here we go!
AU will start off with Luffy as a first year, and all canon age differences, meaning Usopp is in his grade, Nami’s one year older than them, Sanji and Zoro above her, and the rest Adults!
Save for Chopper – a special case, a mythical creature raised as human by Hiruluk in the northern mountain range. He looks somewhat more human than canon but is definitely a reindeer. When Hiruluk died and he was given to the care of Kureha, she sent him to Hogwarts (after a few years of learning from her) due to his wish to know more. He was accepted as a political ploy as an olive branch to other magical creatures – ‘ we accept you!’. He doesn’t care. He might be furry but he’s here to learn and be the best healer ever!!! Hence, Slytherin, the boys got ambition and needs some powerful families to back him up! He is in Luffy’s grade, even though he’s younger (technically)
The biggest reason for the Strawhats to be in this House is because of their ambition - but there are other reasons too!
Sanji is from a family of Gryffindors – heroes who are anything but. He wants to be the exact opposite of them in any way he can. When Zeff adopts him, he unlearns his family taught prejudices against Slytherins and when he goes to Hogwarts, tells the sorting hat in no uncertain terms that he wants to be in Slytherin.
Nami herself is cunning, and I would place her in Slytherin even if this wasn’t a Slytherin Au. She’s the perfect slytherin down to the T except for one thing – she doesn’t know her magical origin, as she was adopted at a young age. She gets a lot of shit for that, which she gives right back, as well as taking some money along the way! She also doesn’t fall in with the Magic is Superior ideology that many of her peers have – magic didn’t save her town, or Bell-mere, or her orange trees, magic isn’t superior. Magic is a tool to her, not a way of life, and science can help a lot! For instance, she made the Climatact Spell Set, with help from Usopp, which combines her knowledge of weather patterns, the environment, brief weather spells, and heat and cool manipulation spells, to create weather based attacks. For instance – it takes a lot of energy to summon and sustain/direct a storm… but if Nami can create one with use of low power cooling/heating spells and the environment – she can do a lot.
-      More Below!
A zoro that is Cursed to always be lost is something that I’ve seen often and Im HERE FOR IT! If someone could direct me to the original creator of that headcanon I would love to credit them for it! To Be Clear AGAIN this idea is not mine, but I want to credit whoever’s it is because I love it. 
 That aside, Zoro is like Nami in that he doesn’t know his magical heritage. However, as a child he got the misguided idea that more wand equals more power, which he somehow manages to make actually work. Thus, Zoro has three wands, each with powerful beginnings. Im thinking powerful dragon heartstrings core for one wand, Thestral for Kitetsu, and  Rougarou hair for the last sword – Zoro’s a bloodthirsty kid and he needs some bloodthirsty wands :/
 Usopp’s a halfblood! He’s kinda scared of Hogwarts as his magical parent (Yasopp) has kinda been outta the picture for the most part, but he’s ready for this!! As soon as the kid practically vibrating with excitement to his left doesn’t explode. Usopp originally desired to be part of Gryffindor – house of the Brave, right? But after talking to Luffy, he’s not so sure.  He wants to be his own hero – all on his own, not because he part of the hero, brave house. When Luffy is sorted before him into Slytherin, Usopp makes the descsion to follow him, and follow his goal. He’ll show the world he can be the best!!
He grows to be really good at herbology and potions – an odd mix, but you know whats odder? Mixing the two to chuck at people for pranks then turning it into your fighting style. Go Usopp!
Brook’s a cursed ghost – he’s bound to his living body, but the body’s just bones and bones lol. He makes it work – people know him first as the Soul King after all! He can barely remember his school days, but hes vaguely sure he was in slytherin – he remembers many parties held in dungeons, looking out to the lake for sightings of a curious aquatic beast (Laboon!)
Franky’s still a shipwright, but of ~magic~ ships. His brother’s ships are better known, but his are more sought after by… certain people (more on that later.) When he was a kid, he walked straight into Hogwarts, looked for the table that had the people who would buy his stuff, and told the sorting hat he wanted to go there. Later, he runs more with the Gryffindor crowd, regretting his choice, but when he makes friends with a first Year who tells him where to find some Adam Wood in the Forbidden Forest, he stops regretting it so much.
Robin has a very shady past, and she’s only at Hogwarts for a year before disappearing into the world. She has an odd type of magic, somewhat like pareseltoungue, that allows her to read coded and ancient languages with some studying (our girl still puts in a lot of effort though!) She reappears many years later during Luffy’s first (possibly second) year, and becomes the new history teacher (sorry professor Binns!) People find her scary and suspicious, but Luffy likes to talk to her after class, when she tells him history more like a story than a lesson! She’s very good at duplication magic.
 LUFFY. This boy. Where to start – he’s from a pureblood family, not that he cares, and has some serious magic talent – which he plans on using to travel the world and find the mysterious One Piece – a fabled artifact said to have one’s wishes granted. Luffy wants it to be free (his home life with Garp isn’t very good.) He has a couple famous brothers who have been through Hogwarts – Ace and Sabo, both Gryffindors and pretty big shots around Campus. No one knew they were brothers til Luffy busted into Gryfindor Dorms one night and looked for them. Luffy is exetremly good with nonverbal magic (something in this universe that will be elaborated on, as it features into Nami’s magic as well), not so much with verbal as the pronunciation trips him up. Potions is also hard and if it were not a required class he’d have been kicked out.
Will touch on Jimbe later once I figure him out
Now. Perhaps you are wondering – why do a bunch of kids have developed fighting abilities? Well – take a look at the plot.
This takes place not only in a Harry Potter setting, but in Harry’s own world as well. Meaning – Voldemort is rising, Harry’s still the chosen one, yadda yadda yadda. But do you honestly think that Voldemort is the only magical evil? That there isn’t a magical underworld not involved with his horrible schemes?
Cause there is one – and Luffy and crew are neck deep in it. While Harry and co. are off fighting Voldemort, Luffy is ‘sneaking’ around fighting big time criminals.
Imagine – this eleven year old child comes up to you, a big mob boss, and absolutely destroys you. That’s Luffy.
Underage Magic? You think Garp, head of something or other in the Ministry of Magic, is going to stop that from training his criminal grandsons to be the best Aurors they can be? He knows how to undo the spell (there must be something at Hogwarts that blocks the ministry from being informed of spell use during the school year!) and Luffy has been casting magic like it was second nature since he was real young. He’s taught it to his friends too!
 So plotwise, its basically the school reacting to the Straw Hats, who don’t seem to be friends but are, the odd noticings of what their doing while Canon plot goes on, and the inevitable suspicion from Harry.
But oh? What about the ship thing? What’s Franky Doing with that?
 Luffy is forever a pirate – and the sea is one magical thing I have yet to be seen explored in the Harry Potter Universe. Therefore – free realestate!!! Luffy’s going to be a magic pirate when he grows up, he’s been telling everyone this since he first met Shanks,  and maybe no one believes him now but it’ll happen! Magic Pirates!! Yay!!!
That’s all I have for now, so send me questions if you have any! I might make this into (another) drabble series, or maybe just one big one shot. We’ll see!!!
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swervestrickland · 7 years
AJ Birthday Drabble
Summary: Just your regular ol’ fluff and smut. AJ surprises his girl with a night at the Georgia Aquarium.
Word Count: 2,280 lol apparently this is what I call drabble
Warnings: uhhh Daddy kink, light choking. that’s it really
Author’s Note: The idea just came to me yesterday, idk. Love y’all bye
Tagging: @llowkeys / @the-geekgoddes / @crowleysqueenofhell / @xxmaddhatter39xx / @justrae9903 / @ajstylesworld / @wrestlewriting (idk if you’ll like it but idk) / @wrestlingbabe / @sexygamommy / @xstylesxclashx / @xuhwheredidkylogox / @remembertheclub /
“I bought out the Georgia Aquarium for the night.” “You did what?” “You heard me.” “No you didn’t.” “Yes I did.” “AJ, it’s your birthday, not mine!” AJ nuzzled into her, chuckles escaping his lips and landing on her neck as warm, humid breath. “I know it’s my birthday. That’s why I got myself a birthday present. Tonight, we sleep with the fishes.” She giggled at his near-literal use of the phrase, entwining her fingers with his own as he dragged her up the steps of the Georgia Aquarium, the night sky bright with the white lights of Atlanta’s windows. The letters CNN glowed red amongst them, with the large Phillips arena behind. Just a few days ago, AJ had lost there, in his home state, clad in Georgia red. She remembered the crowd chanting his name that night, the looks on people’s faces when they realized he’d lost at home. The hometown curse, they called it, though the ATL wasn’t exactly his hometown. Still, it was close enough. She sighed, content. This had been the week long homecoming she’d been aching for, not having seen him in months. AJ was doing them a favor in finding a beautiful, quiet place to be together. And it was just as well: what can you get the man who has everything? “Come on, sweetheart. I want you to see the otters.” Her white sun dress wasn’t enough to keep her warm, so she did her best to hold on to his arm all the way through to the main area. From there, he led them through what she would call the kids’ exploration area, where, had the aquarium been open, children could dip their hands and feel at the different kinds of faceless marine life, like starfish. [Y/N] was enjoying herself so much already; everywhere she looked was a new tank of blue water filled with tiny multi-colored fish swimming in schools, she nearly forgot about the otters. AJ squeezed her hand, pointing to her right. “Look,” he said in a hushed tone, as he dragged her towards the glass. “They’re sleeping.” The noise that came out of her mouth when she noticed the otters holding hands in their sleep was enough to wake them from their slumber. “Oh, no,” she cried, “I woke them.” “Don’t worry,” AJ said, kissing her sweetly on the hand, “I think they’re nocturnal this time of year anyway. I read that somewhere.” “You mean this sign?” she inquired sarcastically, pointing at the nearby sign. “Maybe,” he grinned. One of the otters peeked up, one hand covering an eye, rubbing at it to wash away the sleep. “I’m dead,” [Y/N] laughed, her heart aching at how fucking adorable the otter was. She looked at AJ, as if to ask if he was seeing what she was seeing, and she caught him gazing at her with such love in his bright eyes that it was enough to make her heart burst, so she leaned forward, arms hooking around his neck to bring AJ into a deep, passionate, loving kiss. His fingers lightly grazed the arms around him, causing her hairs to stand on end, her nipples hardening beneath the sheer fabric of her dress, and [Y/N] let out a squeal of pleasure. The otters chirped in reply, and AJ paused their kiss to rest his forehead against hers and giggle restlessly. “This is the best birthday present ever and I’m glad I thought about it,” he declared, hands now slowly inching her dress higher up her thigh. [Y/N]’s breaths shallowed, inhaling and exhaling quickly, hands reaching for the scruff of his beard. The terse hairs beneath her fingertips reminded her of all the moments they scratched at the sensitive skin between her legs, and she grew wetter with each thought. “AJ, baby,” she breathed. “Is there anywhere in this place that’s a little bit more, I don’t know, intimate?” His eyes flashed, as if he’d actually been prepared for a moment like this. “I was prepared for a moment like this, come on, let’s go.” He grabbed her hand and led her through the aquarium, blue waters within the place reflecting off every surface in a beautiful blue glow around them. [Y/N] smiled to herself. AJ looked positively stunning surrounded by blue. Granted, he looked good in every color - red, black, white included. But there was nothing more arousing than the way the man appealed to her in every shade of blue imaginable. He took a sharp turn through a door she never would’ve noticed, had the aquarium been crowded on a normal day. It seemed like a perfectly normal office corridor, and they passed by many doors, each with its own cute aquatic themed nameplates, describing what was held inside. Staffing Lounge, Restroom (Employees Only), etc. As [Y/N] began to wonder if they were going to enter one that said Broom Closet, the walls transitioned from their bland office look, to full on aquatic glass tunnel. She’d never seen this area before. A small brass plate near the glass read, “VIP: Reserved.” Passing through the tunnel, she looked down at the carpet beneath her feet, and she could feel the air around them darkening. With a small gasp, she reached for AJ’s arm, and he whispered, “look up.” Above them was the creamy white underbelly of a whale shark, its massive body darkening the light refracting through the water. The other, smaller fish danced and hopped around it, treading lightly around this massive, aquatic being, though [Y/N] knew there was nothing to be afraid of, as whale sharks were some of the most somber, serene species of shark. “Here we go,” AJ said, breaking [Y/N]’s focus on the awesome sight. He pointed down the tunnel, where another door appeared. It had a keycard lock. “AJ, what is this?” “Trust me. You’ll see,” he stated calmly, though she could practically feel the energy and excitement in his undertones. Her breath hitched as the door beeped open to a sight more wonderful than all she had seen this night. A giant, king-sized bed with a darling blue comforter detailing the very same marine life she could see above. The room was like a piece of tunnel carved out on its own, the walls and ceiling one and the same. She turned to AJ, eyes nearly wet with tears. “This is amazing!” she exclaimed. “I thought as much,” he said, nearing closer. “I’m glad you like it.” “So I guess we really are sleeping with the fishes?” “Damn right, Missy.” Oh, God. So there it was. Just like that? It was a silent implication, one they never really talked about. But she knew. If he called her Missy, it was party time. She jumped into his arms, legs wrapping around his waist and meeting him for a passionate kiss. AJ’s strong, toned arms held her with ease as he took them towards the bed. He laid her flat, fingers entwined as he raised her arms over her head, kissing her everywhere he could get his lips on. He tugged at the fabric of her dress, wanting to see her beautiful naked form so badly it would kill him if he didn’t, but she stopped him, and with her legs still wrapped around him, [Y/N] flipped him over to lay flat beneath her. Eyebrows furrowed, he looked at her inquisitively, yet loving the look of triumph on her face. She gave him a coy smile, eyes filled with lust. You’ll see, they said, and AJ’s cock hardened under her, rubbing at her sex through two layers of fabric. “Ooh,” she moaned, grinding her hips into him as he groaned, his nails scratching slowly down her thighs. Remembering this was his birthday, not hers, she slid off of him at the edge of the bed, to his lightning fast protest. “Trust me, this is better for you,” she replied. “Darlin’, you know I get off on seeing you squirm.” “I know, I know,” she conceded, undoing his belt buckle and sliding his jeans down to pool at the floor next to her feet. “But today I want to see just how badly I can make you squirm for me. I’ll enjoy it, I promise.” With that, his battle for dominance was over, and [Y/N’]’s own began. It really was massive, she thought, staring his cock. Her body shivered at the thought of it inside her. But this was no time for that, and without further ado she wet her plump lips and took her first taste. “Oh, God!” he groaned almost immediately. Nearly, she thought. I’ll have him breathlessly swearing like a sailor in no time. It was enough to have her panties soaking. She took him in further, fighting back the urge to choke as she thought about how fucking sexy he looked when he was writhing beneath her. “Jeez, oh, Jesus,” he gasped, raising himself on his elbows to get a good look at [Y/N] pleasuring him with all she had. She pumped his cock with her mouth so sexually, up and down, up and down, sometimes slowing the rhythm to make him beg for more. “Holy, God, oh, sh-” he continued; the torture she was putting him through was just pure agony. “Mmmm.” He reached to grab her by the hair, but she pulled away just in time, forcing him to deal with his own chaotic emotions. [Y/N], pleased with herself at the state AJ was in, finally jumped into his lap, straddling him. His cock, erect and lathered with his own juices and her saliva, bumped and pressed at her entrance (who knew when she had dropped her panties?) as she gave him an open mouth kiss, allowing AJ to taste himself on her lips. “Come on, Daddy,” she moaned, unable to bear it any longer, “fuck me like you mean it.” “F-fuck, Missy. Ya had me beggin’.” She giggled in reply, helping his cock position itself perfectly at her sopping wet entrance. “Ya ready?” he asked, and before she could let out a “yes” he was inside her, cock expanding her like no other man (as if she wanted another) could do. It was an experience unlike any other, and she did her best to play her part. “Nah, Missy. You just sit tight and let Daddy do all the work,” he replied, arching his hips above the bed and literally fucking her into oblivion. [Y/N] was seeing stars already, it was so intense. She closed her eyes and raised her head up, opening them to catch a dolphin swimming overhead. She looked back down at her lover, smiling as he noticed, too. He flipped her over, pulling his shirt off and over his head as he did. AJ was like that. He wanted her to feel every part of him, touch every bit of him, make him feel warm and whole like he knew he could do to her. He stopped mid-stroke, pulling the hanging straps of her white dress even lower down her arms, revealing round, plump breasts. She could feel his cock harden even more inside her. He enjoyed a nice ass, of course, but he wasn’t going to say he hated to squeeze a breast or suck on a nipple now and again. So that’s what he did. It was [Y/N]’s turn to moan in pleasure as sucked expertly at her breast, stopping now and again to leave bites along its roundness, a thumb rubbing harshly at her clit, like he knew she enjoyed. He began to tease her, knowing the combined sensations of sucking her nipple, rubbing at her clit, and his quick strokes inside her would be her undoing, so he would slow himself, cocky smile and proud eyes locking onto hers. “Daddy,” she cried. “Don’t tease me like this.” He reached a hand back up to her neck, lightly choking her, making her feel all the more light-headed and dazed. “Not yet, darlin’. Almost.” She held back tears of agony mixed with ecstasy, nodding tersely. He was so close, she could feel it. She clenched around him, her own body begging for release. His breaths were coming fast and shallow, groans spilling from his mouth as well as her own. “God, Missy,” he gasped, “I’m gonna come.” She took the opportunity to dig her nails right into his back, lips right at his ear. “Come for me, Daddy. Oh, God, Daddy, please come for me.” “Yeah?” “Oh, God, yes,” came her reply. And his warm seed spilled within her, her own walls spasming with every stroke, both of them moaning each other’s names with reckless abandon. When at last they settled, AJ dropped his body onto hers, sweat sticking between them, and she held onto him, not once moving underneath him but squeezing him tightly as if to say, “I’m here and I’ll never let you go.” Content, she looked up again, surprised once more, having forgotten where they were. The blue water was marvelous, giving both of them a sense of peace they would probably never feel any place else than beneath this wonderful aquatic view. AJ finally rolled off of her, propped up on an elbow at her side, watching her watch the fish skittering by above. “Happy birthday to me,” he whispered. [Y/N] smiled sweetly at him, opening her mouth and then closing it again, deciding not to speak her mind. “What is it?” he said, puzzled, entranced as he stroked her hair. She laughed. “I guess the only way you can top this now is if we have sex in space.”
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theemmataylor · 7 years
A Frozen Medley || Sebastian, Gaston, Emma, Evelyn, Alaric, and the Mikaelson Brothers
I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | XII | XIII | XIV | XV | XVI
"Klaus, I..." Kol's eyes watered in response. "Don't make me live without you."
"You have to, Kol." Niklaus reached up and grabbed him by the face this time, his eyes suddenly seeming to burn with intensity, even in the gloom, even despite the tears. "You have to. You have to."
It was Kol's turn to shake his head. "You're not fucking dying, Niklaus." Kol tried to look away, hating everything about this conversation. "Please live for me. It's selfish and you can hate me for all the ways you will suffer. But I... you can't kiss me and then die."
"I will live for you, Kol, for as long as I can. I will fight. But only if you give me your word that you will do everything you can to survive."
"Okay. Okay, I'll find a way." Kol sighed and frowned, looking around their tent that had seemed so happy the night before.
"Breakfast is ready," Emma called from somewhere outside and Kol watched Nik's face.
"I just wanna go back to bed and pretend like this shit isn't really happening."
"But then you'd skip breakfast, and," Nik wiped his own tears away, "How would that help you survive?" Turning, he called out: "Thank you, Emma. We'll be there in a moment. Don't let that cat lick out of the pot, would you?"
"It would help me survive by saving rations for a later day. And I burn fewer calories while sleeping."
He was being stubborn, he knew this. "It's called hibernating, Niklaus. Bears do it. Not that anybody would consider me a bear, I suppose." He smirked and stepped closer. "Though, I don't think bears are really your type..."
Nik smirked, pulled Kol in by the chin for a rougher kiss than was absolutely necessary, then dragged him outside. "Elijah, tell our brother that hibernating is a terrible idea."
"You cannot hibernate, Kol, you would not survive the attempt," Elijah said without looking up, still working on the generator.
"Kol, I do believe our older brother is ignoring Emma's deliciously prepared breakfast. Shall we drag him to it?"
Ric was standing near Elijah, watching him, worried, needing Elijah to take care of himself. But when he heard Nik and Kol teasing, he backed off, figuring Elijah would listen to his brothers better.
"I can try," Kol argued, eyes back hesitantly on the cat. "So she... knows Emma? What's going on there?" he whispered to Klaus.
Nik looked up at the snow leopard who just twitched her ears back before leaping down from the platform, landing quietly near them. She walked over and brushed against Emma before going over to nip Alaric on the side of the hand and give him a gentle tug towards the food.
"I can't even begin to process what that is," Nik confessed, watching the cat's every move.
After giving Ric the hint, the cat got in Elijah's face and stared at him until he looked up, froze, then slowly backed away as he stood.
Evelyn jumped over the electric fence -- too lazy to walk around to where the gate was, but apparently not too lazy to jump -- and went up to Moran and LeFevre. She wrapped around them and gave them a few nudges as well.
Alaric pet the leopard between her ears, but only really went for food once Elijah was up. Ric smiled softly at him and then again at the cat as she jumped out to deal with the other men.
"Okay. Okay, we'll eat," Sebastian said, nodding toward camp for Gaston to lead the way. "LeFevre, is there... family? That should be contacted? If someone makes it back? A lady?"
"No. Not for me. And you?" He led the way and watched as the leopard bounded ahead and leapt over the fence, then back atop the platform where she lay down and stretched. Despite the repose, she looked alert enough, and he realized that despite not knowing her at all, between their perimeter and the cat, he felt surprisingly safe.
"Hmm. My sister. And... Well, she can inform anybody else." Not that the list was long. And not that she would know to say anything to Montparnasse. But he would hear. Eventually.
Finally, everybody was seated, Emma was serving out breakfast in their mugs, and she thought. "Elijah... you told me not to let myself become isolated and get lost out here. And with... whatever is happening... I kinda get the sense that we're all in danger of that. Can I... can we agree to no working meals? If I'm gonna... anyway. That makes you all my family now. And I want family meal time, dang it."
Elijah looked somewhat surprised by the suggestion but after only a moment, he nodded. "Thank you. I think that's a wonderful idea, and an important one." He met her eyes and gave her a smile.
Gaston waited for Emma to sit before sitting down next to her. "When we get home," he said, "I fully expect all of you to come to the Caribbean with me."
Nik smiled and ate.
Elijah laughed softly. "Family meal time and a family vacation? You know, if we keep up these spirits, we just may make it through this."
"We will." Gaston touched his mug to Emma's, then Kol's.
Emma smiled warmly and rested her head against Gaston's shoulder for just a moment then started eating. "I've never been to the Caribbean, it sounds like a great idea."
Kol, in turn, bumped his mug against Nik's. He didn't expect it to go around the circle, but good spirits were good for his brother. Nik needed to believe they would live. He needed to have faith that they would make it out of this. "Sunshine," he agreed. "Sunshine would be nice again." Though he'd just seen it the day before, it felt like it had actually been a month or more.
Meanwhile, Alaric had rested a hand on Elijah's leg, happy to be able to touch and be with him through this. He couldn't imagine what would have happened if he hadn't come on this trip, if he'd left the company. He couldn't imagine how much he would have worried. Ric leaned in and kissed Elijah's ear. "I love you," he whispered, then got busy eating.
Elijah smiled again and, when Alaric was still chewing, he turned and gave him a kiss, then laughed. "Such a romantic affair we're having, my darling."
Nik smirked and tapped his mug to Sebastian's, giving him a slightly quirked eyebrow and a strangely teasing but certainly friendly little smile.
Sebastian bumped Alaric's mug, who in turn just took Elijah's and ate from it before giving it back. "Be nice," he said playfully. "This might be as romantic as we get the chance to be."
"So," Kol said finally. "Since we're not really on the assignment anymore. What's the plan. Just camp out until it's time to try and hike? Or are we gonna try and document this?"
"Document," Nik and Elijah said in unison. Nik huffed in mock annoyance at Elijah, then scooted over closer to Emma and leaned on her other side, so she was firmly sandwiched between him and Gaston. "If nothing else," he said, and took another bite, "imagine the wonderful found footage thriller it will make."
"Nothing of the sort. It will be more of a -- Life Aquatic type piece."
Nik snorted. "Does this mean we get to call you Stevesie?"
"If you must." Elijah gave a long suffering sigh and pressed his leg against Alaric's.
"Fine, but if we're going to document, we're still going to be professionals. We have lights, but they shouldn't be kept on long." He looked at Elijah. "We'll need you to try to get things in one take." Alaric was in director mode now, and there was little to be done when he was like this. "Emma, we might call on you to help with phrasing and scripting. Normally we try to do it on the fly, but I don't know that we can risk that this time around. "We want people to know what happened to us without turning into the ghost adventurers who lost any credibility years ago."
Elijah nodded and looked at Niklaus. "Just one camera at a time, I'm afraid."
Nik frowned but nodded, seeing the sense in it.
"What about the three of you?" Kol nodded at the gunmen and Emma, "Can we get you all on film? Can we document your experience for credibility?"
Emma blushed a little, but nodded. "I suppose so."
"I prefer not to be on cameras," Sebastian said simply. Then there was a long pause. "If you make it quick. Concise. But keep most of the retelling of what happened to other people. Like Gaston or one of you."
Nik looked at Kol and gave him a tiny nod. Whatever happened, he would do Sebastian's story justice, whether Sebastian thought it was worth telling or not. If they made it out alive, they could edit out as much as the gunman wanted, but if not? He was a good man, one of them, someone they loved, and he deserved to be known for it.
"Now, here's the question I suppose we most need to ponder upon, now the decision has been made to document... Does the magic stay in?" Elijah twitched an eyebrow as he asked. "Do we tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth? Or a story the public can believe?"
"How do we tell part of the story without telling all of it?" Emma asked quietly. "What I mean is... this has been a day for us. But how do we say, ‘lol guys we just abandoned our camp for a month and didn't tell anybody.’ How do we tell them that we didn't run off or get abducted without telling them the truth?"
"By lying," Nik suggested, and rubbed his forehead. "Or leaving it as a mystery -- whatever happened to the Mikaelson team? Why don't they remember how they passed a month? But perhaps, Elijah, this is something we should decide on the cutting room floor. We'll film for both."
Elijah nodded.
Emma frowned but nodded. She nudged Niklaus and could feel the uncertainty of everyone.
Once she finished, she stood, using a hand on Gaston's shoulder to help her up, and then walked over toward Evelyn. "Are you hungry?" She asked, though that wasn't really what she wanted to know. How's my brother?
The leopard gave a small nod and looked pointedly at the two gunmen. Gaston had just finished and so he stood. "I hear you, belle, I hear you," he said, sounding good-natured and calm as he climbed back up to resume watch on the tower. Evelyn jumped lightly down again and shifted back into her human form, brushing her fingers against Emma's shoulder as she walked over to take Gaston's mug.
"Thank you," she said, looking at Emma after getting food and sitting. "You know, I enjoyed meeting you. I thought you looked like prey." She smiled, and her eyes, which had earlier been a sort of almost toxic looking violet, shifted into the rich, mercury color of her hair.
"Like prey?" Elijah stood. "Is that a compliment?"
"The highest."
Frowning a little, unsure whether or not to believe her, Elijah nodded. He stepped past Moran and touched his shoulder affectionately as he did so, moving to resume work on the generator. Nik started gathering up dishes as soon as anyone was done with them, and he ensured they were clean -- not that it really mattered. They weren't going to be growing many bacteria out here.
For many of them, there didn't seem to be much in the way of something to do. Sebastian went back out to do the rounds of the markers, making sure they were still flashing, though he could see from here that they were. He wondered exactly how far this spell stretched.
Emma crawled into a tent to gather her things, then returned to a seat positioned near the fence, using a small pen light she held in her mouth to take notes.
Kol followed Nik around for the most part while Alaric helped Elijah however he could, switching out his own hands to work on the generator when Elijah's got too cold. And like that, they all worked through as much of the day as their energies would allow.
To be fair, Emma wrote, compared to yesterday, today was mild. I don't know what the boys will choose to say on film. But if I don't have the truth, if I don't share the truth, then I might go mad.
Most of the time, the snow leopard either stayed at Emma's side or followed whichever gunman was out on a round. The cold was slowly deepening, as though the world was only just now learning that it was no longer summer, and she wanted to make sure that if one of them was out there, he came back alive safely; Emma needed them both. While Evelyn would like to get all of them home, despite them being humans, Emma was the one for whom she cared the most. The girl was sweet, both delicate and iron-strong at once, and she meant far too much to Eli for Evelyn to be willing to give up on her.
At one point, when it was nearly dinnertime and there were a few sparks flashing between Elijah and Alaric as the crank generator began to work -- Elijah estimated there to only be an hour or so of work left on it -- the leopard was out padding silently alongside Sebastian. The night had deepened to the point where Gaston could no longer see them out here; the little flashes of red light seemed to almost be the perimeter of the world, and the tiny, bobbing stars from flashlights were its center. The leopard looked back at them once but then the breeze shifted ever so slightly and she immediately flattened her ears and hissed, stopping in her tracks.
When she hissed, Sebastian did two things. He raised his gun, and then put on thermal goggles.
Naturally, they didn't help. Why would they?
It felt strange to defer to anyone, let alone a feline, but this woman, this cat, had already helped them.
He kept his leg against her so that she could guide him if she wanted to pursue, and his finger rested beside the trigger. "Say the fucking word, darling. I'll fire into the darkness, no questions asked." He had zero doubt she could find a way to signal him without speaking.
The wind was shifting, taunting, and her shoulder was taut against his leg as she tried to be sure she had really smelled something. When the wind settled down a moment later, coming towards them now, she sniffed again and slowly relaxed -- as a very large thermal signature came bobbing up over a small ridge.
A polar bear.
The bear neither saw nor smelled them, and the cat stood up straighter, tail twitching curiously as the bear approached. When it got close enough to notice, it stopped and bounced away a few feet, holding a paw against its chest like a caricature of someone shocked nearly to death.
Sebastian kept his gun up. If the bear charged, he would need to shoot. Still, as much as he knew they wanted to document, this could also provide food... meat for them for days. He stepped back a little, hoping the bear would wander through their markers and alert Gaston. This project was shot anyway. So why not feast?
It took a few minutes for the bear to decide not to be startled, and then it came trudging up to them curiously. It wasn't the largest polar bear, but it held its head up as high as Moran's when it got to them. It sniffed them both curiously before backing away quickly when the cat walked under it, then onto it. The bear grunted and snorted and looked at Sebastian as if he could save him from this invasion of privacy, but then Evelyn relented.
The bear wouldn't taste very good, she thought. She was down on the ground again then, and with one last sniff, the bear decided it had had enough. It raced away, looking worriedly over its shoulder at them until the darkness swallowed them up -- but the cat's thoughts had mirrored Sebastian's and the smell of its feet had given her an idea.
She turned away from their perimeter line and bounded about twenty feet away before looking expectantly at Moran, clearly impatient that he was so slow to follow.
He followed, of course he did. But his thoughts were still on whether or not he should have shot it. Whether or not it tasted good, it was protein and would keep them alive.
Sebastian kept his thermal goggles on and followed her out, curious as to where she was leading him.
Eventually, the ground seemed to stretch under Moran's feet. There were occasional cracks and groans with each step on the ice --
Evelyn had led him to the sea.
She stood there sniffing delicately for a moment before darting out in a new direction on the ice, and when she stopped, she chattered at Moran, tail thrashing in excitement. Her paws were at the edge of a hole through which the seawater sloshed, and judging by the ice hanging off of her face, she'd already plunged her head in once before he got there.
"Fish. You want me to fish? With what? Bullets?? I'll lose a hand if I stick it in there..." He huffed, frustrated that this ice could cost them both their lives, but started patting himself down, looking for anything he could use.
Evelyn shifted back. "I am not overly familiar with guns. I understand what they do, but... are they fast?" She wrapped her arms around herself, studying him.
"Are you insane? You'll freeze. And the water slows the trajectory. And a bullet is... if i shoot the fish in the side it'll be a waste of both ammunition and..." he caught sight of the creature swimming beneath them, shot, and the fish slowly came to the surface. "Fine. I'll try to get enough for each person." It would likely need to be more than the seven people they had in case he missed or ruined his target. "I'll... need help collecting them."
The sound of the shot startled her and she flinched, but otherwise didn't react to it, waiting until the air felt still again.
"No, no. Not the fish. Ignore the other fish. They're perfect just as they are. The bear's feet smelled like seawater, and his trail led here. This is a hole for seals. They make these, they come up to breathe out of them, I saw another one like it when I was looking for you. If we come back... When the seal comes up, can you put a bullet in its head? I can drag it out and between the two of us, we could bring it back easily."
She knelt and grabbed the fish, then set it aside. There was no reason not to keep it, it was a meal. Crouched on the ice, she looked up at him. "You understand? We can come back later, with something to pull it on... and catch a very large meal. Days of meat for everyone."
He huffed, nodding. "Yes, princess, i understand."
Was that so difficult to say the first time?
"Princess? I believe you meant to say either Your Grace or  my queen. Princess." Evelyn gave him an offended look, shifted back, and picked the fish up in her mouth before turning and heading back the way they'd come. This time, at least, she went more slowly, making sure he kept up.
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