#no specified engine type that we know of
vocaloid-tunes · 7 months
I Feel Fantastic | John Bergeron feat. Tara the Android
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So assuming that Percy is the only engine in The Fat Controller's fleet to be named by the man himself (You could probably make an argument that Thomas and maybe Edward were too, but Percy's the only one that we canonically know for sure), do you ever wonder if he got puffed up about how he was probably the favorite because of it?
Like, I can so clearly see the engines talking about where they got their names - either because Gordon was talking about his family or someone asked BoCo where he got his name from - and Percy's just like "The Fat Controller named me! Didn't he name you all, too?"
And upon finding out that that's something unique to him, he'd parade around the yard like he owns the place, only to get into trouble and eat shit not long after.
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Just asking, uhh, how many subjects seem to be in nrc? because it seems like a lot but at the same time is like no one talks about it (or maybe I'm just a little bit crazy about this nonsense...)
We don't have an exact number of subjects offered at NRC. However, I'd imagine that NRC offers a wide selection so that students can choose to study or specialize in the kinds of magic they are most interested in. Judging by the generous spread of industries mentioned in book 7 for fourth year internships, it'd make sense that NRC would have many courses to prepare students for various career paths after graduation. The subjects are not usually mentioned in main stories and events (where the bulk of dialogue would be), as academics are (ironically) not that relevant to the plot. In fact, it's actually in the vignettes where we often hear about the more obscure subjects, hear clarification on what certain classes involve, and other details.
The subjects we explicitly know about right now are:
Ancient Curses or Incantations/Ancient Magic
Animal Linguistics (it's not clear if this is separated by anime type such as Cat or Mouse being in separate variants of this subject)
Art (as in, visual arts)
Abbreviated Spellcasting in Ancient and Modern Magic: Changes and Comparisons (an elective; have to choose between this or Poison Refining)
Biology (might be considered part of the magic science courses rather than biology being its own class)
Chemistry (might be considered part of the Potions courses rather than chemistry being its own class)
Defense Magic/Protection
Flying/Flight (might be considered a part of P.E.)
History of Magic (implied to be taught in segments; there is History of Magic I for first years, History of Magic II which covers new material for second years, etc.)
Magical Analysis/Enigmics
Master Chef/Culinary Crucibles (an elective)
Mathematics (not specified; not sure if this is its own separate course or if it is just integrated into other coursework)
P.E./Physical Education
Poison Making/Poison Refining (an elective; have to choose between this or Abbreviated Spellcasting in Ancient and Modern Magic: Changes and Comparisons)
Potions or Magical Pharmacology/Potionology
Practical Magic
Swimming (might be considered part of P.E.)
Technomantic Engineering/Magic Energy Engineering
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yuurei20 · 3 months
Continuing from a previous ask: what are easier / harder / Malleus-level magics? (easier / vague magics listed here) Part 2/4
Harder Magics: Barriers/Deflection, Complex Construction, Cleaning, Clothing, Light
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Leona says that second-year students should know how to insta-cast barriers. The only characters who have mentioned casting barriers thus far have been the second- and -third-year students of Riddle, Azul, Jamil, Trey and Rook.
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In his third birthday vignette Vil says that, "Nowadays, of course, (he) could simply conceal (himself) with magic," but back when he first enrolled at NRC his "skills just weren't on that level," so it is possible that concealing oneself is too complex for first-year students.
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Complex Construction:
When Idia sees Savanaclaw's Halloween set his first question is if Leona used his magic for it. Leona is well known for being extremely powerful, so this may be insinuating that constructing something of that scale and quality can only be done by a particularly adept mage.
Floyd, Riddle and Stitch build an entire cottage together out of magic (with Stitch's engineering skills) during the Stitch event, impressing Ace, Azul and even Lilia.
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Lilia says that Sebek has yet to learn cleaning magic, so it is possibly a form of magic reserved for older students. Jamil talks about using magic for cleaning in his third birthday interview.
Cater struggles with "autocleaning via implement magic infusion" in a vignette, but his issue seems to be less so with cleaning itself and moreso with "the spell formula structure" of setting up the "auto" part of the spell. Riddle says that, as a 2nd-year student, he has yet to learn it in class.
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Crewel modifies the Halloween costumes for the students in Spectral Soiree, saying that "it's quicker to modify something that's already made than whip up a whole new outfit," so creating an outfit from scratch may be more difficult (we see Malleus do so for Lilia).
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Cater uses magic to change both his own clothes and clothes for Ace and Deuce (and Grim's ribbon), and Leona mentions a spell for button repair (that he might not have actually used, but it seems that such a thing exists).
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In Tamashina-Mina Jack's outfit is magically resized to fit Kalim, but in Firelit Sky Jamil explains that he "couldn't just conjure an outfit in (Grim's) size with only a day's notice," so it is possible that outfit resizing is fairly high-level magic.
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Jamil, Riddle and Vil may be the only characters we have seen magically conjure lights.
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Other magic types of magic we have seen in the game include: ・Water magic (unnamed students) ・Crowley's vaguely defined "tough love" (might require a magic item) ・Electricity-based magic is insinuated in Book 3 but not technically specified (Azul) ・Magic that brings stuffed animals to life (Epel, Sebek, Jade, Idia) ・Magic for braiding hair (Jamil) ・A "bubble colossus" spell (Grim) ・Lighting Magic (Sebek--thank you so much @sorrygotthesesacks !!) ・Magic to silence noises like doors closing and footsteps (Ace) ・Magic that paralyzes with a poke/slap (Eliza)
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angryschnauzer · 2 years
By The Waning Crescent Moon
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Summary: As an Omega you know you need to get home before your Heat starts, but when your car breaks down in the woods you need to seek refuge somewhere safe... surely a Convent will be the best place? Little do you know the nuns have long since left, only to be replaced by the worst possible thing; a pack of Werewolves. Even worse, its a full moon. Fandom: Henry Cavill, Sand Castle - Movie.
Wordcount: 4949
Pairing: Alpha Werewolf Syverson x Omega Female reader (no race or body type specified)
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Smut, Oral Sex (Female Receiving), Unprotected Sex, Desecration of Religious artefacts, Knotting, Werewolf Sex, Monsterfucking, Unplanned Pregnancy, ABO Dynamics
I do not run a tag list, instead please follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications, you’ll then get an alert each time i post something new. My AO3 also has my entire back catalogue of stories (going back to 2013).
Henry Cavill Masterlist
A/N: This story has been stuck in WIP hell for a couple of months, i originally got psyched to write an entire werewolf gangbang, but then all the bullshit in the USA happened and yeah, forced pregnancy wasn’t at the forefront of everyone’s to do list, even in fanfic. Furthermore the wolf gang was originally going to be a biker gang, but another amazing writer @sillyrabbit81​ has since launched a truly amazing biker gang reverse harem fic, i decided to shelve that idea and instead sit on the original thought of werewolves for a while. I then had inspiration to make this a Syverson story, so here we go. The Were sex scene is heavily inspired by the graveyard scene between Lucy and Dracula in Bram Stokers Dracula movie, which in my opinion is one of the greatest creature feature/monsterfucking movies in the history of cinema.
By the Waning Crescent Moon
You waited at the stop light, the remote intersection of two highways high up in the hills of logging country. It was dusk, yet the sky was hidden behind obsidian clouds, heavy rain systems waiting to release their downpours in sporadic outbursts. Despite the cold rain dulling the summer evening, you were burning up. You’d stopped at the last gas station and had stocked up on a huge slush drink and a popsicle, but neither had done anything to quell the growing warmth within your body. Sat in your flimsy sundress you were at least grateful that in a moment of optimism that morning you’d dressed for good weather, even if you’d spent the day wrapped in the cardigan you’d found on the back seat. However now as you felt a droplet of sweat make its way down your neck and cleavage, you cursed and opened the window, grateful for the cool damp air against your skin.
The red light finally changed and you muttered under your breath to yourself as you pushed your old Nissan into gear;
“C’mon, lets get home” you said to no-one except yourself.
The highway grew narrow as it entered the woods, just a single lane in each direction, tall cedar trees closing in on both sides. The rain wasn’t as heavy beneath the thick canopy above you, instead there were wisps of mist clinging to the roadway’s edge. 
As you continued along you felt the first pang of pain in your stomach, a cramp that grew with intensity like an old lightbulb trying to illuminate but suddenly extinguishing.
“Oh fuck…” you cursed, resting your hand on your stomach as you rubbed to ease the ache. You drove on cautiously, ignoring the rattle that was emanating from the engine, your mind elsewhere. You had only finished your last period a little over a week ago so it wasn’t that. You could feel another cramp starting to build, your concentration far from the road. That was more than likely the reason you didn’t notice the pothole, the car shook and the suspension made a deafening thunk as you hit the flooded crater without pause. With a scream you pulled your full attention back to the road, ignoring the cramp pulling at your gut as you struggled to keep the car on the road, slowing gradually until you were able to pause. The sudden understanding hit your mind as the realisation of what was happening registered. You scrambled for your phone, opening the calendar and scrolling back to the cold winter months. 
A cold chill ran down your back like icy fingers against your spine. Six months. Almost to the day. Six months since your last heat.
“Shit fuck FUCK” you shouted at the rain splattered windows. How could you have missed it? As another cramp hit your stomach you curled over and rested your head against the steering wheel, at which moment your phone chimed. Peering out of one eye you looked at the screen and the reminder that had just popped up;
*Heat starting soon!!!*
“Yes, THANK YOU. 24 hours too late”
As an unmated Omega you set yourself reminders for when your heat was due, coming every six months you generally made arrangements to work from home, and ensure you loaded your purse with suppressants and painkillers so to deal with the build up. It would seem this time however you hadn’t set the reminder early enough, as you had neither medication with you, but would also explain the hot sweats and the reason you’d woken up that morning tangled in the sheets after dreaming of faceless intimacy. 
With a sigh you wiped the sweat from your forehead with the back of your hand, before peering out of the windshield at the dark and twisting road. Engaging first gear you set off but were immediately reminded that something terminal had happened when you’d hit the hole in the asphalt, your car now leaning on the kerbside. For a moment you considered calling for a tow truck, but then the rapidly failing rational side of your brain reminded you that the truck would likely be driven by a man, and the last thing you needed when you were about to come into heat was to risk being stuck with an Alpha you didn’t know. No, you needed to try and limp your car home, at least close enough to town that you could call your roommate to come help, she’d know exactly what to do.  You made it a good couple of miles at a slow pace, the road straight and gently downhill, until a hairpin bend meant you had to sharply turn the wheel. Something loudly went ‘twang’ like a spring being violently recoiled. It was quickly followed by the sound of hissing air, and the car dropped even further on the kerbside. The tell-tale thud-thud-thud of a flat tyre could be heard as you freewheeled to the side of the road, before coming to a stop on the gravel side of the highway.
You took a deep breath and let out a scream, yelling at the windshield, before your stomach cramps hit back again. They were getting closer together and you knew you needed help. Checking your phone hopefully you were still disappointed when you saw that there was still no service, more than likely due to a combination of location and the bad weather. With a sigh you stared out of the windshield and you noticed a sign on a wall;
“The Sisters of St Augustus’ Refuge” you paused, the synapses in your brain firing and finally connecting; “A CONVENT! That’s just women!”
Climbing out of your car you grabbed your purse and cardigan, holding the latter over your head in a vain attempt to keep the worst of the rain off as you started to trot up the long driveway towards the building that loomed on the horizon. You failed to notice the other sign that lay on the ground, one put up by the real estate company handling the sale of the building but has since fallen.
The driveway was considerably longer than you anticipated, and by the time you were halfway your pace had slowed, your cramps now even worse. The large wooden doors of the convent came into view as you staggered closer, the rain and sweat mixing and running into your eyes, blurring your vision. You stumbled, your no longer white Converses catching on a pebble, righting yourself before you fell flat on your face. Another two steps and another pebble, you were falling when suddenly a pair of arms caught you, the dark robes fluttering in the storm as you blacked out.
Sy sat back in his chair, his boots resting on the large table as he picked at his nails with one long claw, being able to control the change to his advantage. Walter was pacing the room, pausing to glare at the clock on the wall before returning to pacing. Sy let out a small sigh, the entire pack was antsy, anxious and ready for the turn of the full moon, however this summer storm obscuring its silver rays was turning the pack into an angry mess. August had wisely disappeared into the depths of the building and Sy was thankful for that, he and Walter would always argue over the smallest thing. Sy also glanced at the clock, his stomach growling;
“Where is Mikey with that takeout?” he muttered to himself.
A sudden increase in background noise caused both Sy and Walter to pause and look up, their nostrils flaring. August entered the room from the door that led to the private quarters, just as the large double doors to the chapel opened. The two youngest members of the pack came bustling in, Will holding the doors open as Mikey staggered along, his long black duster raincoat still dripping with rain, a now soaked bag of takeout hanging from one hand, but what caught everyone’s attention was what else he was carrying; a young woman.
The room fell into an eerie silence as Mikey stood still, waiting to gauge the reaction from the rest of the pack;
“I…I found… she passed out on the doorstep…”
There was a pause before everyone sprang into life, the men helping Mikey carry the unconscious woman in, Walter lifting her and setting her down onto the makeshift workbench they’d commandeered when they’d moved into the old building. 
Sy’s eyes widened before he cursed;
“Fuck…” he dragged his hand over his face before clearing his throat; “Aug, Walt, gotta talk. Will and Mike, make sure she’s ok”
August simply raised his left eyebrow before following, Walter trudging closely behind as Sy pushed the door partially closed behind them;
“Shit, this is the last thing we need, especially tonight…”
Walter nodded;
“I agree, whatever she’s doing here, we need to get her out of here before the storm passes”
August stood in the corner of the room, his silence eventually what drew the others attention;
“August, you’ve been uncharacteristically quiet on this” Sy questioned
“Maybe she’s not an Omega?” he simply shrugged; “Could just be lost or her car broken down”
“Then why is she unconscious and reek of heat scent?…” he paused… “And why…”
Sy fell silent, all three elder members of the pack’s attention rising to the tall stained glass windows, the pale light from the full moon spilling into the dark room as the clouds started to part. A simultaneous chorus of ‘fuck’ sounded around the room, before they started to change, the moonlight triggering the lupine curse within them. 
They grew broader, their shoulders filling out their shirts. Jaws clenched as canine teeth elongated. The flick of fire in their eyes started to burn as the silvery rays of moonlight spread throughout the room. At first they didn’t notice the wisp of orangey vapour that curled through the small gap in the door, but as it moved around the room like a lost serpent August was the first to notice;
“What the hell is that?”
Sy and Walter followed his gaze before noticing more tendrils of the vapour, watching as it sparkled gold and copper in the moonlight. Sy gritted his teeth and pushed back the urge to fully transform, the skill he’d accomplished once he became the full Alpha leader of the pack;
“Stay here” he all but growled, stalking towards the mist and out into the hall, the sight before him stopping him in his tracks.
The young woman was awake, but was clinging to Will as she nuzzled against his neck. One of her hands curled through Mikey’s hair, pulling him to the other side of her neck. Wisps of orange vapour curled around them, seemingly emanating from her.
“BOYS!” Sy barked, both younger men trying to turn to the pack elder, but looked punch drunk.
“Uncle Sy…” Mikey muttered; “She’s… there’s something…”
Sy crossed the room lightning fast, pulling both younger men from her grasp before pushing them into a ray of moonlight as it spilt in through a side window, knowing that although the moon would turn them, it would also clear whatever was happening due to the vapour from their minds. August and Walter helped the two boys up, both elders now having almost completed their transformations, the younger turning as they stood. Sy gritted his teeth again and pushed back the urge to transform, knowing four, five full Were’s would destroy this young woman, and that someone needed to find out what the hell was happening;
“August, Walter, take Will and Mikey, go run, go hunt, anything, get all of you out of here”
The other’s paused, seemingly torn between the draw of the full moon and the pull of the young woman, but as Sy turned and growled, his eyes flashing golden they finally retreated. 
Sy listened, his acute hearing picking up four sets of padded feet running across the gravel driveway and into the woods, before he turned to her;
“What the hell am i going to do with you?”
You sat on the hard surface, the blanket beneath you doing little to pad out the cold stone underneath as you watched the hulk of a man approach. You could immediately tell he was an Alpha, strong and virile, he was extremely broad with thick arms and thighs, he seemed to be 250lbs of solid muscle. Beneath the scowl on his face you could see stormy blue eyes that sometimes had a flash of gold in them, and hints of red in his thick beard. Your entire body was sweating, desperate for the touch of an Alpha. The two young Alpha’s you hadn’t been able to control yourself from scenting with had done a little to sate the heat hunger burning within you, but as this beast approached you your body burned for him.
Reaching for him your body immediately calmed the moment your hands grasped at his muscled forearms, breathing in his scent as he looked you over. When he spoke his voice was deep but soft;
“Miss, i gotta ask, but what are you?”
“Just an Omega… and i fucked up, my heat started…”
“Then why’d you come in here?”
“It said it was a convent… Nuns are women… i woulda been safe here…”
The man let out a long sigh;
“Oh honey… this wasn’t a convent of Nuns… it was a refuge for Moon Makers” he looked you up and down; “They shouldn’t have put ya on the altar…”
You were confused, you had heard the term Moon Maker before but it was so long ago you couldn’t recall exactly where. It was as if it had been a whisper you’d eavesdropped as a child, of something mothers and aunts had gossiped about with a sense of sordid envy. 
Before you could dwell on that thought the storm outside blew wild, the crack of a tree could be heard and as it fell to the ground it let in a stream of moonlight right to where you lay. Bathed in the silver light the tendrils of orange mist started to swirl with vigour, and the Alpha before you let out a groan;
“Sugar, i gotta see the mark…”
He pushed you back as he stood between your legs, his large hands on your thighs as they crept beneath your short summer dress, pushing it up until your panties were visible and the fabric of your dress was bunched around your waist. His nostrils flared as he picked up your scent, the dark patch of wetness between your legs drawing him like a moth to the flame, but instead he hooked his thumb over the waistband of your underwear and tugged them down just a little until he saw your birthmark on your hip.
“The waning crescent…” he muttered
“What’s… huh? Moon Makers… Waning Crescent… I don’t understand” you were struggling to concentrate through the heat cramps, pulling the Alpha closer to you as you’d wrapped your legs around his thighs.
“Moon Makers are a special kind of Omega… the only one’s strong enough to bear the pups of a Were… the waning crescent is the shape of the birthmark they carry… shaped that way as if you breed on a full moon you’ll know if you’re carrying the pups by the time of the next waning crescent… It’s old lore, there hasn’t been a sighting of a Moon Maker for, well, almost twenty five years…”
You pulled him close, not even knowing this beast’s name, but were drawn to him. You hooked your nose beneath his chin, his soft beard rubbing against your face and you could feel him shake with restraint;
“You’re testing big Sy to the limits Sugar…”
“Sy…” you muttered, his name like a syrup on your tongue; “Sy… i’m still an Omega, and i need your help. This heat isn’t going away… i need you, as an Alpha”
Nodding, Sy cradled the back of your head. He knew what he needed to do. He just needed to get you through your heat, long enough to get you back to your home. He also had a secret, one that he’d brushed over many times when his brothers had joked about it, but an injury when he’d been in the army had meant he could no longer sire any pups with an Omega. It was something he and only he knew about, not even confessing this to Walter or August, and it had been safe in that knowledge that he’d been able to concentrate on leading the pack, without the distraction of offspring. Countless Omega’s had warmed his bed, but he’d insisted it was never the right time, not on a full moon, not the right point in their heat. Right now though, he needed to fight off his hind-brain, the part of him that wanted the Were to take over. He didn’t even consider things would be different with a Moon Maker.
He pressed his face to your neck, inhaling deeply against your scent gland, the soft dip in your clavicle, and let your scent wash over him. You were grinding against him, the slick in your panties dousing the front of his old combat pants, the thick cotton straining against his growing erection. His lips brushed against your neck as he spoke;
���Will you let me taste you? Get you ready with my tongue? Sugar… Omega, you want me to eat that pussy?”
“Sy… Alpha, please… I need it. I need you”
You were desperate; desperate for relief, desperate for pleasure. You watched as his massive hands curled around your panties as he gripped the thin cotton before with a low growl he tore the thin fabric to shreds. Licking his lips he fell to his knees between your legs, his face between your thighs as his tongue found heaven. That long thick tongue dove through your folds, lapping at your slick as he eagerly tasted your essence. Your hands fell to his head, the short buzz cut soft beneath your fingertips, but without anything to grip onto you felt lost, unable to anchor yourself. As if sensing your need Sy lifted one hand to yours, curling his fingers between your own as his piercing blue eyes never left yours, all whilst his tongue delved deep into your velvet channel. The more you cried out and wriggled the quicker he fucked you with his tongue, bringing you closer and closer to pleasure before with a final wide swipe of his tongue you came with a scream, calling out to the stars above as white hot pleasure coursed through your body and lifted your soul. Sy eagerly drank down your slick as it gushed from your channel, growling at the taste on his tongue before you finally fell back limp on the altar. 
He pressed a kiss to each of your inner thighs before he moved to stand, and you watched as he pulled his t-shirt over his head and tossed it aside, before unbuckling his pants and let them drop to the floor. Toeing off his boots he was standing naked before you, his cock hard and rigid, thick and uncut, the knot at the base already starting to swell. You had been with an Alpha before but never one as big as Sy was, he was almost grotesquely huge, his girth as eye watering as the length. It was an angry red, his skin flushed and he was already dripping with need;
“Omega, I need you as much as you need me, you gonna let me fill that pussy?”
You nodded, and as Sy stepped forwards you saw there was hesitation in his step;
“Sy… what is it?”
“You ever been with a Were Alpha before?”
“A Were?” you shook your head; “But i want to. I need you Sy…”
“Not sure how much longer i can hold back the change, gonna have to be quick”
“I don’t want it to be quick, i want you… all of you”
What you were agreeing to was unheard of usually, very few had ever been with a full Were, let alone a Were Alpha, you knew the pheromones could drive an Omega crazy; “Do what you need to do Alpha”
With a growl Sy pushed you back, his body covering your own as his hands grasped your wrists;
“Hold still Sugar… need to tie you down so you don’t go flying off the altar”
“Altar?! Tie me down?!”
Sy paused, his face inches from your own;
“Say so now and i’ll stop, otherwise you’ll get as you asked and i will ‘do as i need’”
Swallowing nervously you nodded, wide eyed as you watched him pull ceremonial silk ropes from two corners of the altar beneath the blanket, tying your wrists in place. You could see his fight against the change was already starting to wane, his eyes burning like fire as his elongated fingers ran down your torso before grasping at your hips. He knelt between your parted thighs, pulling you up his thighs until his tip was poised at your entrance, dousing the bulbous head with your copious slick. With a growl he pushed forwards, stretching your tight walls as he slowly filled you. The pressure in your belly was intense, a white hot heat surging through your body as your mouth fell open in a silent scream. With your back arched you struggled to let your body adjust to his size, but then you felt the rough brush of the blunt tip of a claw circle your clit, carefully teasing the sensitive pearl from beneath its hood. As the moonlight poured down over your joined bodies you felt Sy start to change, of the Were taking over.
You moved your hips, realising you were now completely stuffed with his thick cock and eager for more, opening your eyes you let out a gasp, he had changed fully. Covered in a thick layer of auburn brown fur, his body was that of a Greek mythical beast. Though his features had changed, you could still see the same eyes that had burned for you just moments before. Shoulders as wide as the altar you were being defiled upon, which continued into enormous arms, thick with muscle as massive hands gripped at your hips as he started to thrust into you. You could both watch as he filled you before pulling out and repeating, his angry red shaft glistening in the moonlight with your slick before he’d plunge deep into you again and again. Each thrust stretched you so well you knew you’d be ruined for any other man, Alpha or not. 
The pleasure coursed through your body, coming with a sudden force but the Were between your thighs just fucked you straight through it, now Moon drunk and high on the literal cloud of your scent surrounding the pair of you as you were carnally joined. With his biceps and forearms bulging the beast pulled you onto his thickening shaft repeatedly, his body arched as you were stretched on your tethers, legs bent at his thighs as you felt another orgasm chasing after the last. As your body squeezed him tight he let out a mighty roar, howling at the moon as you all but pushed yourself further onto him, your fragile body a plaything for his pleasure. Through the haze of lust and sin you felt the pad of his thumb move from your hip to brush over your birthmark, your gaze immediately drawn to his fiery eyes and you realised what would happen;
“Alpha, give me your knot, i’m ready”
With a growl the Were fucked into your plyable body harder and harder, pulling you to one final orgasm, and as that crested you felt the push and plug as he filled you, his seed pumping into you as his knot plugged you tight. Your scream echoed around the ancient chapel, and the world turned black.
A loud knocking at the door pulled Tina from her bed, glaring at the apartment as she strode through it, ready to give whoever dared disturb her at this ungodly hour of the morning a piece of her mind, but as she violently opened the door she was stopped in her tracks. In the morning light a hulk of a man stood on the doormat with you - her roommate - sleeping peacefully in his arms;
“Hey… I got her address from her driving licence”
Tina immediately scooped you into her arms, carrying you to the couch;
“Where has she been? Who are you?”
“Syverson… Her car broke down outside our place in the hills. She stayed out the storm with us but was up all night, she’s completely exhausted now”
Tina checked over your pulse and it was calm and steady, pulling at your eyelids which caused you to grumble and bat away her hands before you went back to snoring on the soft couch. Turning back to the giant Alpha currently standing in your doorway she held out her hand, to which Sy gently took it, surprised at how firm her handshake was;
“One of my brothers will bring her car back in the next couple of days if that’s alright? Got a lot on for the next two days”
“Yeah, that’s fine, but if i can take your number so i can check in, i know she drives a heap of crap but it’s still hers”
Tina watched as the enormous mountain of man carefully bent down and in neat cursive writing wrote his name and number onto the small notepad on the hallway console table, before ripping it off and handing it to her.
“I’ll… i’ll be going now”
Tina narrowed her gaze;
“You… you didn’t do anything to her, did you?”
Sy turned and met Tina’s glare;
“She spent the night” he turned and paused; “You might want to check her calendar, mentioned her heat is due soon” he let out a sigh before turning back to the doorstep; “Anyway, gotta go, the moon waits for no man…”
Tina watched him go, toying with the piece of paper as his truck pulled away, before she stashed it in her wallet.
A couple of weeks later you were irritable and snapping at anyone that crossed your path. The only thing that had gone right was your car had been returned to your apartment three days after your night in the hills, the suspension fixed, the engine running beautifully. It was like it’d had a complete overhaul by an entire team of mechanics. You weren’t going to question it as it was the one stable thing now in your life. The young guy that had dropped it off had practically thrown your keys into your hands, before sprinting off and climbing into a truck driven by someone that looked so similar he could have been a brother. You vaguely recognised them, but your only clear lingering memory of your time in the hills was Sy. You weren’t even sure how to even find him again, having taken drives through the forest a number of times but never able to find that same route again. 
That night you were hungry, pulling a pint of your favourite ice cream from the deep freeze. You stepped outside into the warm summer night to eat it on the pallet wood seating Tina had built on the porch outside your apartment, watching the fireflies float into the air. After a while she joined you, a beer in her hand as she sat down silently. She was your best friend and had helped you through so much, but she’d been very quiet for the past couple of weeks, almost avoiding you.
“Hey Tiny” you used her nickname, one she’d very much grown out of after 5th grade when she’d grown a foot taller than you in the space of the summer break; “Everything ok?”
“Yeah yeah, i’m good… how are you doing? You’ve been… different recently”
You stabbed at the ice cream before setting it aside;
“Haven’t felt that great to be honest. Not sure what’s up, thought my heat was coming a few weeks ago but it seemed to end abruptly after i got back from…”
Tina looked up at the sky and you followed her gaze, seeing the thin crescent of the moon;
“Looks kinda like your birthmark, the waning moon…”
She didn’t finish what she was saying as you’d suddenly bolted to the bathroom, your retching clearly audible. With a sigh she rested her elbows on her knees… fuck, what the hell had you gotten yourself into? She’d been able to tell that Syverson was a Were the second she’d opened the door, counting the days back on her fingers she finally realised that you’d been with him the first night of the full moon, when its at its most powerful, and how your heat hadn’t appeared, yet she’d been able to pick up your bonding scent as you’d slept on the couch. 
“What have you gotten yourself into?” she muttered to herself, the piece of paper in her wallet almost burning a hole in her pocket. She had sworn to your mother that she’d protect you, that she wouldn’t let you continue the Were bloodlines… but she’d failed. Now she had a decision to make… but first she’d go help you throw up, no doubt there would be another eight months of it to follow, the child within you already growing. 
Pulling the paper out she held it between her fingertips as she stood, heading towards the bathroom where you were, you had a phone call make.
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The Road
Epilogue for Sweet Treats AU: by character | chronological | epilogues
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Warnings: these drabbles will include dark elements such as noncon, control, intimidation, and other stuff that may not be specified. Take this as you chance to scroll by.
Please let me know what you think <3
The exhaust blows a cloud into the dark, the engine rumbling in wait as you toss your bag in the backseat with Birdy. She’s quiet, her eyes hooded as she can barely keep them open. She slumps against her own bag as Candy adds her to the heap on her other side.
You get in the driver’s side and fix the seat. Candy takes the passenger with a groggy grumble as she slides open the lid of the insulated cup. She gulps with a sigh and offers it wordlessly as you buckle up and check the mirrors. It’s going to be a long drive.
“Maybe we shouldn’t bother with all this business shit next time,” Candy yawns, “maybe something more… subtle.”
“Maybe,” you agree as you shift into drive, “Birdy, you doing alright back there?”
“Yeah,” her fluttery voice rises as she nestles against her duffel bag.
Silence overtakes the car as you set off. You steer slowly through the sleepy town, tension roiling in the tight space as you focus on the centerline of the road. The long drive isn’t the worst of it, it’s the snow that worries you most.
Candy chuckles and shifts in her seat. She shakes her head and takes another sip. You grip the wheel tight and peek over at her.
“Oh, uh, just a stupid thought,” she rubs her cheek as he leans on the door, “reminds me of the girls’ trips I used to take back in the day. Wake up at the crack of dawn to drive up to some cottage or whatever.” She chortles again, “this one time, Lindsay, she took us to her hook-ups place and I guess he forgot to tell his wife he’d promised it to his sidepiece–”
You laugh and roll your eyes. You can’t judge. Before Bucky, you weren’t much different, dancing on tables and all. It really makes this all seem all the more surreal. How did you ever come to this?
“Had a boyfriend in college,” you start, talking as much to keep yourself awake as to calm your nerves, “fiance, actually… turns out, that was bullshit. He was already married with kids. He wasn’t even enrolled in the classes. He just lurked around to pick up girls.”
“Ewwww,” Candy exclaims, “oh, god, Coco bean, you really do attract the best types.”
“Don’t remind me.”
Birdy shuffles in the back and leans forward, “I only had one boyfriend before Steve,” she says, “but he was also my mom’s boyfriend.”
“What?” You nearly veer out as you turn your head sharply, “Birdy!”
“I… was young.”
“You’re still young,” Candy chides, “no judgment, baby girl, well, not with you. That man sounds nasty.”
“Oh, the nastiest. I don’t think there’s a single–”
You slam on the brakes as suddenly a cone of light shines across your path. The large truck rolls across the road and blocks the way. You swear and kick into reverse, making it only a foot before you stomp the brake again, a van appearing at your tail lights. Fuck.
“What the hell is this?” Your heart hammers in your chest, “fuck, fuck, fuck.”
“Is it them?” Birdy whines, “Steve?”
“Fuck me,” Candy pops open the glovebox and takes out a thick club, “these fuckers aren’t getting it easy.”
“Shit,” you hit the wheel as your stomach curdles, “shit, shit!” Your panic swells to your throat. No, no, no! You can’t go back. You can’t. You’d rather die.
The truck opens and a figure jumps out, boots crunching the salt. You squint through the windshield as Candy grips her door and the club. You push yourself back into your seat as you gap at Bucky. No, it’s not him. It’s Nick.
“I knew it…” you murmur.
The van door slides open to your rear. You shift gears again and crank the wheel. You hit the gas. Fuck it. You crash into the side of the truck as Nick dodges out of the way. You push through, little by little until a deafening bang shatters the back window. You let off as Candy hisses and claps her arm.
“Fuck!” Candy squeezes her shoulder, “shit! They fuck–” she moves her hand just a little, a dark splotch spreading down her sleeve, “fuck, I’m shot.”
“Candy!” Birdy squeals and bends between the seats, “no!”
The back door opens and a figure looms in the dark, the yellow light of the headlights limning the angles as he grabs Birdy by the hair. She shrieks and cries out as she’s yanked back. You reach for her but he waggles his gun at you in warning. It’s the man from the cafe.
“Lloyd,” Birdy whimpers, “what are you–”
“Fucker,” Candy growls, her voice dwindling as she slouches forward, “she… she told him…”
“Birdy, did you–”
“I just wanted to say goodbye–”
“Shut up!” Lloyd snarls as he tears her across the seat.
The handle on your seat snaps back as someone tries to open it from the outside. Nick shatters the window with his elbow as you shield yourself with your arm. Candy’s door opens and her seatbelt clicks as the large shadow on her side untangles her limp body. She’s not moving anymore.
“Get–” you slap at Nick as he grabs at your seatbelt, “get away! Who the fuck– why the fuck are you doing this?”
“Shhh, baby, keep yourself under control and I won’t hurt you,” he lets the belt repel and grabs you by the front of your coat, “much.”
He hauls you out as you claw and kick. You hear Birdy sobbing and the heavy footfalls of the other man. You see Candy in his arms and you flail helplessly. It’s over. Someone’s finally come to claim their bounty.
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5eraphim · 1 year
Multi yandere! x reader !TEASER!
Inspired by Engie’s “Hey boys it’s a Spy!” line. Spy!Reader’s cloaking device malfunctions while behind enemy lines and is instantly captured. The request didn’t specify which characters to feature (besides Engie of course-) So I figured it was only fitting to use Engie, Heavy and Sniper, the classes soft-countered by Spy, to team up an enact a little vengeance. It’s a 3 on 1 fight, and the boys are playing dirty, you don’t have a prayer.
(Also look, class counters are very fluid, and I know there isn’t exactly an agreed lineup of counters, but these are generally agreed to be Spy’s- and work well for the narrative, I hope we can all make our peace with that!)
Characters: The Engineer 🦦, The Heavy 🐻 and the Sniper 🦘
There was no way in hell you would make it out of this alive, let alone complete your objective. Your cloaking device was acting up for some time now, and you found yourself blinking back into visibility precious seconds before you were supposed to. In addition, the disguises you needed to sneak behind enemy lines failed to appear correctly, giving you away instantly. Though you'd hoped to make it through, a bit longer before you needed to pay for a repair or to buy an upgrade. 
You'd managed to skate by unscathed through sheer dumb luck so far, but you knew, in this exact moment, your luck had run out, and at the worst possible time. Not only did your cloaking device power down, going entirely unresponsive in the middle of a match, but while you were in enemy territory. You were all but inside an Engineer's unattended nest when you heard your device begin to beep erratically before powering down altogether, going completely unresponsive. Great. Just what you needed. Given how you were already inside the nest, you didn't want to flee just yet, and the least you could do was try dismantling at least one structure before a forced retreat. Usually, you weren't the type to make such arrogant moves, but you were positioned well away from the heat of battle and couldn't hear the rival Engie nearby. It was risky, but if you wanted to make those last precious moments of your invisibility cloak work, now was the time. 
You were so focused on listening attentively to the sound of the far-away conflict, not daring to look up from your work as you dismantled as fast as you could manage. Every second counted here, and you couldn't afford to make a single mistake. However, the closer you came to finishing the objective, the more engrossed you became, so much so that you failed to register the sound of the Engineer returning to his nest until he practically rounded the corner to meet you head-on.
By chance, you picked up the sound of the floorboards by your feet creaking as another figure approached you fast. It hurt to come so close, but you knew it was time to retreat. You sank into the shadows, slipping out the window as you tried to find a way out, but you were just a hair too slow, knowing Engie spotted you as he called,
"Hey, boys! It's a Spy!"
There was no time to hide and plan. Instead, you needed to move fast. Darting from your place in the shadows, you tried to slip into a hallway. You intended to run deeper into the building and find another window to jump from, but the sound of the enemy Heavy approaching through the entrance ruined that plan before you could even try. The only thing to do now to avoid running back the way you came was to run upstairs. To jump from a higher elevation was a terrible idea, but there was a chance: you could endure it just long enough until you reached your Medic... Wherever he was anyway. Your heart hammered away in your chest as you bolted in a blind panic. You were moments away from jumping to a near-certain death. You were so fixated on finding your window of opportunity, blindly seeking an exit you failed to notice the little blue dot aimed at your calf. So painfully blind to the imminent danger until you felt the bullet rip through your flesh.
Crying out in pain, you barely managed to break the fall with your arms as you were sent hurtling down face-first into the floor. "How did I not see him? How long was he watching? Where the hell did he come from anyway? You mentally screamed, but it's not like it mattered now. In just a few seconds, Sniper would be blasting your head into a hundred little pieces, and there was nothing you could do to stop him. Painting with adrenaline, your headshot upright as Sniper drew closer, gun still poised in the firing position. From behind, you heard the Engineer make his way up to the upper deck, where Sniper was apparently watching and waiting for God knows how long.
For a second, you stared ahead, waiting for him to move. From where he was stationed, this should've been an easy headshot- what happened? Why was he still aiming at you if he wouldn't pull the trigger? You were humiliated by your lousy performance as a Spy and wanted to end all this mess. You couldn't understand why he was prolonging the inevitable like this- he, of all people, prided himself on efficiency. What was stopping him now? "Great work Aussie- you missed my head by a mile!" You glared, still downed and breathing heavily. Sniper merely snarled in response.
"Wasn't aiming for your head, mongrel."
From behind, you heard a familiar Texan deep laugh,
"Looks like somebody caught us a snake. Nice shootin' partner!"
A little ways away, you heard Heavy finally make his way to the top of the building, walking over to stand by Engie, curious at the sight before him. Usually, he'd not waste a moment downing easy prey like this, but even he could tell something interesting was happening here and wanted in on it. Sniper's eyes narrowed as he spoke to you, lowering his gun to his side and talking to the other men on his team.
"I could've made the shot, but it's not every day you see a Spy with no cloaking device. I watched it die on her myself. If we send the Spy back now, it might be repaired in respawn."
You felt a chill of fear run down your spine as he stared down at you, looking at the Engineer with dark amusement.
"Bit of a waste, you know? Every day you cowardly Spies run around, stabbing the rest of us in the back while you hide in the shadows. Let's see how tough you are with nowhere to hide.
He leaned his gun to rest propped up on the side of the house as he got down on one knee, his face far too close to yours for comfort. 
"Got nowhere to run now, do ya?"
From behind, you could hear Engie slowly step forward to draw closer before he lowered one of his heavy boots to rest squarely in the middle of your back as he pushed you down, crushing your chest to the floor.
"You're due for a little payback, partner."
He chuckled, watching you try and twist out from under his boot, blood continuing to ooze from the wound on your leg as you squirmed below pathetically.
"What d'ya think, Heavy? Care to show our little friend here how we welcome traitors on our side?"
Of all the people to catch you while you were down, of course, it was these pricks. Just your luck.
"Today is a good day to watch Spy bleed."
Your cheek was practically digging into the floorboards, given how much force Engie had pressed to your back, forcing you to look to the side to lessen the pressure on your neck. Even from your position so far below, you could feel the hungry look in Sniper's eyes. None of this made sense! Why weren't they going in for the kill yet? Surely they weren't serious about all this.
"How 'bout it, mongrel, how long d'ya reckon until you're begging for us to blow that pretty little head off ya shoulders?"
It was hard to respond while all the air was squished from your lungs, but you were a Spy. You were too proud to fold so quickly.
"Go fuck yourself- you filthy piss-slinging ape!"
His smile disappeared as he spoke in a mocking pout,
"Aw, don't be like that, mate. You'll hurt my feelings. And ya wouldn't want to make me angry, would ya?"
From behind, you heard Engie say,
"Let's take this inside, boys. I think we might need to teach our lil' friend here how to play nice."
"One thing first."
To your surprise, Heavy interjected, walking closer with loud steps, which sounded all the more intimidating with your ear pressed against the floor. The weight on your back lifted as Engie moved to accommodate space for Heavy, but you knew better than to try and run now. Any chance of running was long gone now. You heard him fiddle with something clumsily, but before you could spend too long wondering what it was, you felt a smooth, warm strap forced around your neck, followed by a rattling clasp. It took you a moment to realize, but it dawned on you then he must've removed his belt to use as a leash on you. The buckle's metal pressed against the back of your neck, making a perfect, inescapable loop around your neck. Your cheeks flush with humiliation. 
"This too, seriously!? Do you idiots think I could run now if I tr-"
You were cut off by the feeling of the leather tightening sharply around your throat. You choked loudly in shock and pain, much to the amusement of the boys around you. Then, in desperation, you tried to wriggle away. Using your core strength, you pulled your upper body up from the floor, resting your weight on your elbows as you tried to pry away at the strap with your fingers to no avail.
"Oh yeah, I reckon' the lil Snake's 'bout ready now." 
That was the last thing you heard before you were pulled backward on your ass by your "leash." Heavy dragging the deadweight of your body on the tether, your hands uselessly trying to grip onto anything before you were carried deeper inside the Hell House, legs limply dragged with the rest of your dead-weighted body. A few tears ran down your face, and you cried out in choked sobs for a team you knew couldn't hear, to a God who would grant you no deliverance, to your captors who would spare no mercy.
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yandere-daydreams · 2 years
this is the ai anon from before and irenogonffewoonfewon idk how you managed to make my ramblings into an investing narrative, but in that case let me finally put my comp sci courses to good use.
basically, rn we have two major types of ai programs, machine learning and deep learning.
in both cases they use whats called a "black box". the algorithm is given data and a solution and then it has to figure out how to get from a to b.
traditionally, most ai runs on machine learning. we dont teach it how to do something, we just teach it how to learn. its sorta self taught. of course, some algorithms are more supervised than others and often times you give them a sort of base formula to help filter the data they receive (think feeding the ai a bunch of images labelled face and not a face as training data)
but DEEP LEARNING HOLY SHIT. deep learning is why i dont trust ai. humankind went "wow you know what would make our computers faster and smarter. if we modeled them after the human brain". so they built neural networks. with these we give it the problem and a whole bunch of data and say "fix it". the only reason we dont already have sentient sex dolls is because our current programs are only really good at fixing one program at a time (i.e. playing chess, recognizing a face, etc.)
so on a macro level, we know WHAT the program is doing, and we can look at its code and make sure its not like, imploding. but unlike traditional programs you cant really break down the code line by line.
the biggest problem with ai though isnt like the movies where it wants to idk start a robot revolution, but the data we provide is usually flawed. for example, lets say you trained an ai to sort through all your company's job applications to find the best candidates, using the applications that you have accepted in the past as training data. if your company has had decades of misogynistic hiring practices, the ai is going to take that into account. suddenly, its throwing out applications that hint that the applicant is female. spooky right? well, that actually happened with amazon's ai recruiting engine.
the biggest flaw with ai is the data we feed them. they recognize our biases faster than we ever will and then they perpetuate them
now to return to the central topic of. uh. genshin impact sex dolls.
lets assume that the sex dolls are initially trained based on user data, averaged across all users. this would create good starter behavior, right?
except consider the inherent data bias. people who purchase sex dolls are generally gonna be into the kinkier stuff already, which would basically start every android with a one-way ticket to yandere town if their user feeds into that demographic in the slightest. especially the models already intended to be a bit rougher around the edges.
in terms of fixing it, on a global scale, theyd have to add some more protective protcols and sift through the training data to exclude certain outliers or unwanted behavior. on an individual scale, the fastest way would probably be just to reset it to factory conditions.
alright im gonna stop myself before i go feral infodumping again. have a nice day/night :3
ohhhhhhhh so it's kinda like that thing about telling an ai to make ice cream and forgetting to specify that the ice cream shouldn't be made out of, like, babies and puppies and stuff. so, in terms of sex dolls, you'd basically have to specify what a bunch of androids who are already pre-disposed to being a little more violent or a little more possessive can and can't do, down 'can you bruise your user? [no]' and 'are you allowed to dismantle other androids without expressed consent? [no]'.
i also think it'd present a fun new way for androids to get past their safeguards without an apparent glitch. since they're prone to learning from their users and picking up new 'perspectives', safeguards like 'can you physically impair humans who are not your user? [no]' might get changed internally to 'can you protect your user from hostile threats? [yes]'. would it actually fly in most actual ai? probably not. is the programming in my au canonically shotty and am i keeping it in for horny reasons? absolutely.
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marsbar17 · 9 months
ph my god please give me crypto x rev content (either sfw or nsfw) ive been. going insane
Since you didn't specify, I decided to do a short one-shot thing instead of just headcannons because I crave coherent thoughts :)
⚠️ Spoiler warning ⚠️
This is gonna include a little bit of the revenant reborn stuff, not really the lore it just is based off the end of the second lore video.
TW: very nsfw, choking, breathplay, aftercare if you squint, almost no communication
    Crypto bade the others farewell after their talk and sat back down at his desk, minimizing windows and tabs that had to do with the whole Eduardo stuff. He lingered on one though, something about the workings of Revenants many bodies, and sighed. He couldn't quite figure it out, the way that they could transfer his whole consciousness over between metal frames in a matter of minutes everytime he died. Crypto figured he would get the answer soon enough, he just had to get Revenant back under his questioning.
    Before he could dwell on it any further, a noise from his left drew his attention and he turned just in time to get a glimpse of shiny red metal before a cold hard hand wrapped around his throat. Crypto was lifted out of his seat and he opened his eyes to meet glowing red ones. Crypto struggled weakly, the grip on his neck uncomfortable, but all that did was make Revenant chuckle and squeeze slightly.
    "Miss me?" Even though his face and body had changed drastically, Revenant's voice was the same as ever, and it caused a shiver to run down Crypto's spine.
    But he wasn't afraid. In fact, he seemed to relax after hearing that voice.
    "You wish." His voice came out raspy and strangled, restricted by the metal fingers putting pressure on his windpipe. "Now put me down."
    Revenant complied and lowered Crypto slowly until his feet touched the ground and he slumped back into his office chair. Crypto put a hand to his neck and rubbed, coughing a bit.
    "Even though you got a new look, you still listen to me." He smirked slightly. "Good to know they didn't take what little human emotion you have left."
    "I can still kill you, you know. It would be even easier than before." Revenant reached a hand out, dragging his razor sharp 'nails' along Crypto's jaw. Crypto scoffed and batted it away, turning back to his computer.
    "We both know you won't." Crypto smiled as he heard Revenant scoff, but the simulcran didn't deny it. "You came at the perfect time," He changed the topic. "I've got some questions for you."
    Revenant had moved, standing behind the other with his hands resting on the back of the chair and occasionally grazing the skin of Crypto's nape.
    "What? More information for you to tell your little friends? Might as well just tell them everything." Even as a monotone robot, Crypto could hear the sarcasm in his voice. But he ignored it.
    "No, just something to satisfy my own human curiosities." He set the tab he had open before to full screen, and let Revenant read his notes over his shoulder.
    It was almost embarrassing, admitting that he had been studying the robot. Writing down stuff as simple as the type of joints that were used on his fingers or the way the fabric accessories on his old body were attached to the metal. He wasn't an engineer, and this type of stuff didn't interest him often, but when Crypto looked at Revenant he couldn't help but let his gaze linger on small things.
    "Hell if I know!" Revenant's booming voice made Crypto jump slightly in his seat before he refocused on the task in front of him.
    "All I know is one second my consciousness fades and the next I'm waking up in the same damn facility. I don't have any more to tell you."
    There was a tense silence for a while, Crypto thinking about possible answers and Revenant now pacing the room in his frustration. Crypto could imagine how much the constant toying with Revenant's consciousness could build up some anger, and he often helped the other in these times to let out some of those emotions without going on a killing spree.
    "Tae Joon."
    Crypto turned, surprised at the robot using his real name. He rarely used it, said it was too intimate.
    "I need someone to take my frustration out on."
    Yep, there it was. Crypto sighed and stood up, walking into his bedroom like he did everytime Revenant came over. He didn't even have to tell the simulcran to follow, he knew their routine.
    "Go ahead." Crypto laid on the bed, taking his jacket off so it didn't get wrinkled. As shameful as this 'guilty pleasure' was, he still had some dignity and wanted to keep himself tidy.
    Revenant took his time approaching the other, almost like he was stalking prey. He hummed in approval as Crypto brought his hands up to rest them on the pillow above his head, surrendering himself. And as Revenant dragged one finger from his ankle up and stopped at his thigh, Crypto shivered. His breath hitched and he closed his eyes, waiting for the pain to come like it always did.
    He was being unusually slow, and Crypto opened his eyes again to look at him questioningly. He quickly shut them again as a metal hand wrapped around his throat again, sharp fingers digging into his skin but not puncturing it yet. He tensed, but that only made Revenant squeeze harder.
    Eventually, Crypto was able to remind himself that Revenant wouldn't kill him and he relaxed into the mattress, letting Revenant cut off his oxygen for 10 seconds, and then let him breath again for 10 seconds.
    He hated how it excited him. Crypto's legs twitched slightly every time his breath was cut off, and he whined quietly. It wasn't enough for Revenant though, so he trailed his other hand up Crypto's leg and traced shapes along his upper thigh. He wanted to torture him, bring him all the way to the edge, push his boundaries, and then leave him a mess.
    Crypto was expecting pain, and he was surprised when he felt the hand settle on his crotch and palm him gently. He gasped and his eyes shot open, grabbing at the hand around his neck and muttering swear words.
    "Revenant, this-"
    "Do you want me to stop?" It seemed like his voice was softer somehow, even though it was as monotone as ever. He was being genuine. Like maybe he cared.
    Crypto was quiet for a moment, thinking.
    "No." He said, looking away and letting go of Revenants arm to put his hands back above his head. Submission. It made Revenant feel even more want to ruin him. So he put more pressure, on both his neck and his half-hard length.
    Revenant didn't want to hurt the other, at least not too badly, so he kept Crypto's clothes on. He just let his hand wander all over his clothed body before continuing to palm him through his pants. Crypto could feel as all the air left his lungs, and his eyes rolled back, bucking his hips into the metal hand.
    Every time Revenant released his grip on the others neck, Crypto would gasp and moan, the feeling of getting so close to unconsciousness and then being brought right back was thrilling and he couldn't help but whimper as Revenant started to tightness his hold again.
    Before he knew it, he was arching his back and cumming in his pants, mouth open in a silent yell as his voice was trapped behind a hand around his throat. And Revenant loved this reaction so much, he made Crytpo cum 4 more times before he stopped palming him. He tried to be as gentle as he could as he rubbed the others' chests while he caught his breath.
    Crypto was a wreck, tears running down his cheeks, a wet spot on the front of his pants, and bruising starting to form around his neck.
    Once he knew Crytpo was stable, Revenant stood up and left, like he always did. Part of Crypto hoped that he would stay this time, but he knew that wasn't how he worked.
    A routine of mutual satisfaction, that's all they would admit it to be.
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you touched me (and suddenly I was a lilac sky)
What was Marcus like before he was so nervous? What was Love like before they were obsessed? My take on Erik's Past/Present anthology event.
tags: Marcus/Love and all the associated warnings that go with that ship, Autistic-coded Love being taught to mask (badly), Their relationship as a study in grooming
Also available on AO3
“How are you feeling today?”
“Operating within specified parameters, Marcus,” you answer, mechanical voice low and even. Your social protocols engineer furrows his brow in- derision? Confusion? His lips thin in a pursed expression- he is displeased. “Thank you for asking.” His mouth curls up at the corners, eyes crinkling in what you register to be a positive emotion, and you adjust your algorithm. 
“Good, that was a very good attempt,” Marcus says quietly, typing at the tablet connected to your data port. “Next time, how about we try saying “good” or “well” instead?” 
“Why?” you ask, figurative and literal gears turning in your processor. Your answer to the question had been concise yet accurate, and you fail to comprehend how his proposed substitutes were more satisfactory. Yet he is patient, humming gently as he considers your query.
“Because polite conversation isn’t just saying what is true,” Marcus murmurs, brushing back synthetic hair to check the cord plugged in behind your ear, setting off scintillating sparks in mechanized synapses. “It’s also saying what your partner would like to hear, what they expect to hear.” 
“Why?” The technician smiles down at his device with a shake of the head. A gesture of disapproval? No- accompanied by the smile, you can interpret this expression to be that of fondness. Your vigilant blue irises contract to better observe the glimpse of teeth, the angle of his head down towards yours, the incremental rise of warmth beneath his skin, and something inside you catalogs these details closely. If you had a heart, those lines of code would be engraved upon its surface.
“Because conversation is how you ingratiate yourself to someone. It’s how you make friends, so you should be friendly.” Marcus tilts his head in a curious gesture, watching you process his answer, and you mirror his movements to get an approving nod. 
“You are the only person who holds conversations with me.” As you review data, his tablet plays back your point-of-view memories: eyes averted from yours, heightened cortisol levels when you speak, technicians discussing your hardware like you’re a household remote and not a sentient intelligence. “You are my friend.” In contrast, your sensors register Marcus’s increase in dopamine and oxytocin, and you think you’ve said something he wanted to hear. That hypothesis is supported by the way his eyes smile with his lips, the way he lays his hand on top of yours. 
Your polymer skin feels uncommonly warm beneath his touch, and a shivering glitch courses inside you straight to your steel core. You know the protocol is to record these unfamiliar physical sensations for your next hardware check, but then the man tightens his hold on your hand. He squeezes once before letting go, his fingertips lingering on the sculpted lines on your palm, and you lose your directives amongst the coded barrage of sensory overload.
“I’ve been by your side since you first opened your eyes. Of course I’m your friend,” Marcus says in a hushed, gentle tone, inclining his head towards yours as if magnanimously sharing a secret. Just like the day you were activated, he looks down at you with what he’s taught you to read as fondness and affection. 
“Why will the other technicians not engage with me?” you ask, lowering your voice to a murmur to mimic his. “Is there something wrong with me that they do not want to be my friend?”
“There is nothing wrong with you.” Marcus shakes his head again with a widening, thin-lipped smile. Is it indulgent? Unperturbed? Bemused? To your guileless eyes, it is indecipherable yet benevolent, and you associate it with his kind words and soft cadence as you commit it to memory. “Sometimes humans can be afraid or wary of what they’re not capable of understanding, but that’s not your fault. That’s their loss.”
“But not you. You understand me,” you posit. Marcus’s smile brightens, an obvious sign of approval, and the processor that functions as your heart leaps. His hand cradles your cheek in a gesture that confounds you, that defies categorization. Labels of soft?possessive?pitying?good?bad? speed by in your cybernetic brain, just like electricity speeds through your fiberoptic veins. The whole of you threatens to overheat, and there is a failing safety measure in your programming that ceases to care the moment his thumb makes contact with your lips. 
“I wrote the very framework for your brain, Love. I will always understand you.” You stop with a start, forgetting and forgoing the fidgeting mannerisms you adopt to appear more human to stare at him with a blank, inquisitive expression. Marcus laughs breathily under your scrutiny, his typically sure countenance taking a nervous edge as he pulls his hand back from your synthetic skin. “Friends sometimes give each other petnames for just one another to use. We’re friends, so I’ll call you that when it’s just us. How does that make you feel?” 
“Good,” you respond, gazing up at him with keen, rose-tinted eyes. Marcus touches you again, fingers gentle and warm underneath your chin, and you mirror his delight as you listen and learn. “That feels good.” 
33 notes · View notes
this-week-in-rust · 2 months
This Week in Rust 541
Hello and welcome to another issue of This Week in Rust! Rust is a programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software. This is a weekly summary of its progress and community. Want something mentioned? Tag us at @ThisWeekInRust on Twitter or @ThisWeekinRust on mastodon.social, or send us a pull request. Want to get involved? We love contributions.
This Week in Rust is openly developed on GitHub and archives can be viewed at this-week-in-rust.org. If you find any errors in this week's issue, please submit a PR.
Updates from Rust Community
Announcing Rust 1.77.1
Changes to u128/i128 layout in 1.77 and 1.78
This Week In Bevy: 2d Lighting, Particle Systems, Meshlets, and more
Project/Tooling Updates
Dioxus 0.5: Signal Rewrite, Remove lifetimes, CSS Hotreloading, and more!
EtherCrab 0.4.0: Pure Rust EtherCAT, now with Distributed Clocks
nethsm 0.1.0 - first release for this high level library for the Nitrokey NetHSM
BugStalker v0.1.3 released - first release of rust debugger
git-cliff 2.2.0 is released! (highly customizable changelog generator)
On Reusing Arc and Rc in Rust
Who killed the network switch?
Xr0 Makes C Safer than Rust
Easy Mode Rust
Bashing Bevy To Bait Internet Strangers Into Improving My Code
Conway's Game of Life Through Time
Functions Everywhere, Only Once: Writing Functions for the Everywhere Computer
Rust Bytes: Is Rust the Future of JavaScript Tooling?
Explaining the internals of async-task from the ground up
Programming ESP32 with Rust: OTA firmware update
Fast Development In Rust, Part 2
Rust Walkthroughs
Modelling Universal Domain Types in Rust
[video] developerlife.com - Get started with unit testing in Rust
Rust Digger: More than 14% of crates configure rustfmt. 35 Have both rustfmt.toml and .rustfmt.toml
Building a Managed Postgres Service in Rust: Part 1
Beware of the DashMap deadlock
Embedded Rust Bluetooth on ESP: BLE Client
Rust Unit and Integration Testing in RustRover
[podcast] cargo-semver-checks with Predrag Gruevski — Rustacean Station
[video] Data Types - Part 3 of Idiomatic Rust in Simple Steps
[video] Deconstructing WebAssembly Components by Ryan Levick @ Wasm I/O 2024
[video] Extreme Clippy for new Rust crates
[video] [playlist] Bevy GameDev Meetup #2 - March 2024
Building Stock Market Engine from scratch in Rust (I)
Crate of the Week
This week's crate is cargo-unfmt, a formatter that formats your code into block-justified text, which sacrifices some readability for esthetics.
Thanks to Felix Prasanna for the self-suggestion!
Please submit your suggestions and votes for next week!
Call for Testing
An important step for RFC implementation is for people to experiment with the implementation and give feedback, especially before stabilization. The following RFCs would benefit from user testing before moving forward:
No calls for testing were issued this week.
If you are a feature implementer and would like your RFC to appear on the above list, add the new call-for-testing label to your RFC along with a comment providing testing instructions and/or guidance on which aspect(s) of the feature need testing.
Call for Participation; projects and speakers
CFP - Projects
Always wanted to contribute to open-source projects but did not know where to start? Every week we highlight some tasks from the Rust community for you to pick and get started!
Some of these tasks may also have mentors available, visit the task page for more information.
greptimedb - Support specifying time ranges in the COPY FROM statement to avoid importing unwanted data
greptimedb - Support converting UNIX epoch numbers to specified timezone in to_timezone function
mirrord - Capability to modify the local listen address
mirrord - Fix all check-rust-docs warnings
Hyperswitch - [REFACTOR]: Remove Default Case Handling - Braintree
Hyperswitch - [REFACTOR]: Remove Default Case Handling - Fiserv
Hyperswitch - [REFACTOR]: Remove Default Case Handling - Globepay
If you are a Rust project owner and are looking for contributors, please submit tasks here.
CFP - Speakers
Are you a new or experienced speaker looking for a place to share something cool? This section highlights events that are being planned and are accepting submissions to join their event as a speaker.
* RustConf 2024 | Closes 2024-04-25 | Montreal, Canada | Event date: 2024-09-10 * RustLab 2024 | Closes 2024-05-01 | Florence, Italy | Event date: 2024-11-09 - 2024-11-11 * EuroRust 2024| Closes 2024-06-03 | Vienna, Austria & online | Event date: 2024-10-10 * Scientific Computing in Rust 2024| Closes 2024-06-14 | online | Event date: 2024-07-17 - 2024-07-19 * Conf42 Rustlang 2024 | Closes 2024-07-22 | online | Event date: 2024-08-22
If you are an event organizer hoping to expand the reach of your event, please submit a link to the submission website through a PR to TWiR.
Updates from the Rust Project
431 pull requests were merged in the last week
CFI: (actually) check that methods are object-safe before projecting their receivers to dyn Trait in CFI
CFI: abstract Closures and Coroutines
CFI: fix drop and drop_in_place
CFI: fix methods as function pointer cast
CFI: support calling methods on supertraits
add a CurrentGcx type to let the deadlock handler access TyCtxt
add basic trait impls for f16 and f128
add detection of (Partial)Ord methods in the ambiguous_wide_pointer_comparisons lint
add rust-lldb pretty printing for Path and PathBuf
assert that ADTs have the right number of args
codegen const panic messages as function calls
coverage: re-enable UnreachablePropagation for coverage builds
delegation: fix ICE on wrong Self instantiation
delegation: fix ICE on wrong self resolution
do not attempt to write ty::Err on binding that isn't from current HIR Owner
don't check match scrutinee of postfix match for unused parens
don't inherit codegen attrs from parent static
eagerly instantiate closure/coroutine-like bounds with placeholders to deal with binders correctly
eliminate UbChecks for non-standard libraries
ensure std is prepared for cross-targets
fix diagnostics for async block cloning
fixup parsing of rustc_never_type_options attribute
function ABI is irrelevant for reachability
improve example on inserting to a sorted vector to avoid shifting equal elements
in ConstructCoroutineInClosureShim, pass receiver by mut ref, not mut pointer
load missing type of impl associated constant from trait definition
make TyCtxt::coroutine_layout take coroutine's kind parameter
match ergonomics 2024: implement mutable by-reference bindings
match lowering: build the Place instead of keeping a PlaceBuilder around
match lowering: consistently merge simple or-patterns
match lowering: handle or-patterns one layer at a time
match lowering: sort Eq candidates in the failure case too
pattern analysis: Require enum indices to be contiguous
replace regions in const canonical vars' types with 'static in next-solver canonicalizer
require Debug for Pointee::Metadata
require DerefMut and DerefPure on deref!() patterns when appropriate
rework opaque type region inference
simplify proc macro bridge state
simplify trim-paths feature by merging all debuginfo options together
store segment and module in UnresolvedImportError
suggest associated type bounds on problematic associated equality bounds
suggest correct path in include_bytes!
use the Align type when parsing alignment attributes
warn against implementing Freeze
enable cargo miri test doctests
miri: avoid mutating the global environment
miri: cotrol stacked borrows consistency check with its own feature flag
miri: experiment with macOS M1 runners
miri: extern-so: give the version script a better name; show errors from failing to build the C lib
miri: speed up Windows CI
miri: tree Borrows: Make tree root always be initialized
don't emit load metadata in debug mode
avoid some unnecessary query invocations
stop doing expensive work in opt_suggest_box_span eagerly
stabilize ptr.is_aligned, move ptr.is_aligned_to to a new feature gate
stabilize unchecked_{add,sub,mul}
make {integer}::from_str_radix constant
optimize core::char::CaseMappingIter
implement Vec::pop_if
remove len argument from RawVec::reserve_for_push
less generic code for Vec allocations
UnixStream: override read_buf
num::NonZero::get can be 1 transmute instead of 2
fix error message for env! when env var is not valid Unicode
futures: make access inner of futures::io::{BufReader,BufWriter} not require inner trait bound
regex-syntax: accept {,n} as an equivalent to {0,n}
cargo add: Preserve comments when updating simple deps
cargo generate-lockfile: hold lock before querying index
cargo toml: Warn on unused workspace.dependencies keys on virtual workspaces
cargo fix: bash completion fallback in nounset mode
clippy: large_stack_frames: print total size and largest component
clippy: type_id_on_box: lint on any Box<dyn _>
clippy: accept String in span_lint* functions directly to avoid unnecessary clones
clippy: allow filter_map_identity when the closure is typed
clippy: allow manual_unwrap_or_default in const function
clippy: don't emit duplicated_attribute lint on "complex" cfgs
clippy: elide unit variables linted by let_unit and use () directly instead
clippy: fix manual_unwrap_or_default suggestion ignoring side-effects
clippy: fix suggestion for len_zero with macros
clippy: make sure checked type implements Try trait when linting question_mark
clippy: move box_default to style, do not suggest turbofishes
clippy: move mixed_attributes_style to style
clippy: new lint legacy_numeric_constants
clippy: restrict manual_clamp to const case, bring it out of nursery
rust-analyzer: add rust-analyzer.cargo.allTargets to configure passing --all-targets to cargo invocations
rust-analyzer: implement resolving and lowering of Lifetimes (no inference yet)
rust-analyzer: fix crate IDs when multiple workspaces are loaded
rust-analyzer: ADT hover considering only type or const len not lifetimes
rust-analyzer: check for client support of relative glob patterns before using them
rust-analyzer: lifetime length are not added in count of params in highlight
rust-analyzer: revert debug extension priorities
rust-analyzer: silence mismatches involving unresolved projections
rust-analyzer: use lldb when debugging with C++ extension on MacOS
rust-analyzer: pattern analysis: Use contiguous indices for enum variants
rust-analyzer: prompt the user to reload the window when enabling test explorer
rust-analyzer: resolve tests per file instead of per crate in test explorer
Rust Compiler Performance Triage
A pretty quiet week, with most changes (dropped from the report below) being due to continuing bimodality in the performance data. No particularly notable changes landed.
Triage done by @simulacrum. Revision range: 73476d49..3d5528c
1 Regressions, 2 Improvements, 5 Mixed; 0 of them in rollups 61 artifact comparisons made in total
Full report here
Approved RFCs
Changes to Rust follow the Rust RFC (request for comments) process. These are the RFCs that were approved for implementation this week:
Merge RFC 3543: patchable-function-entry
Final Comment Period
Every week, the team announces the 'final comment period' for RFCs and key PRs which are reaching a decision. Express your opinions now.
No RFCs entered Final Comment Period this week.
Tracking Issues & PRs
[disposition: merge] Pass list of defineable opaque types into canonical queries
[disposition: merge] Document overrides of clone_from() in core/std
[disposition: merge] Tracking Issue for Seek::seek_relative
[disposition: merge] Tracking Issue for generic NonZero
[disposition: merge] Tracking Issue for cstr_count_bytes
[disposition: merge] privacy: Stabilize lint unnameable_types
[disposition: merge] Stabilize Wasm target features that are in phase 4 and 5
[disposition: merge] feat(add): Stabilize MSRV-aware version req selection
New and Updated RFCs
[new] RFC: Add freeze intrinsic and related library functions
[new] RFC: Add a special TryFrom and Into derive macro, specifically for C-Style enums
[new] re-organise the compiler team
Upcoming Events
Rusty Events between 2024-04-03 - 2024-05-01 🦀
2024-04-03 | Virtual (Cardiff, UK) | Rust and C++ Cardiff
Rust for Rustaceans Book Club: Chapter 4 - Error Handling
2024-04-03 | Virtual (Indianapolis, IN, US) | Indy Rust
Indy.rs - with Social Distancing
2024-04-04 | Virtual (Charlottesville, NC, US) | Charlottesville Rust Meetup
Crafting Interpreters in Rust Collaboratively
2024-04-09 | Virtual (Dallas, TX, US) | Dallas Rust
BlueR: a Rust Based Tool for Robust and Safe Bluetooth Control
2024-04-11 | Virtual + In Person (Berlin, DE) | OpenTechSchool Berlin + Rust Berlin
Rust Hack and Learn | Mirror: Rust Hack n Learn Meetup
2024-04-11 | Virtual (Nürnberg, DE) | Rust Nüremberg
Rust Nürnberg online
2024-04-15 & 2024-04-16 | Virtual | Mainmatter
Remote Workshop: Testing for Rust projects – going beyond the basics
2024-04-16 | Virtual (Dublin, IE) | Rust Dublin
A reverse proxy with Tower and Hyperv1
2024-04-16 | Virtual (Washinigton, DC, US) | Rust DC
Mid-month Rustful
2024-04-17 | Virtual (Vancouver, BC, CA) | Vancouver Rust
Rust Study/Hack/Hang-out
2024-04-18 | Virtual (Charlottesville, NC, US) | Charlottesville Rust Meetup
Crafting Interpreters in Rust Collaboratively
2024-04-25 | Virtual + In Person (Berlin, DE) | OpenTechSchool Berlin + Rust Berlin
Rust Hack and Learn | Mirror: Rust Hack n Learn Meetup
2024-04-30 | Virtual (Dallas, TX, US) | Dallas Rust
Last Tuesday
2024-05-01 | Virtual (Indianapolis, IN, US) | Indy Rust
Indy.rs - with Social Distancing
2024-04-05 | Kampala, UG | Rust Circle Kampala
Rust Circle Meetup
2024-04-10 | Cambridge, UK | Cambridge Rust Meetup
Rust Meetup Reboot 3
2024-04-10 | Cologne/Köln, DE | Rust Cologne
This Month in Rust, April
2024-04-10 | Manchester, UK | Rust Manchester
Rust Manchester April 2024
2024-04-10 | Oslo, NO | Rust Oslo
Rust Hack'n'Learn at Kampen Bistro
2024-04-11 | Bordeaux, FR | Rust Bordeaux
Rust Bordeaux #2 : Présentations
2024-04-11 | Reading, UK | Reading Rust Workshop
Reading Rust Meetup at Browns
2024-04-15 | Zagreb, HR | impl Zagreb for Rust
Rust Meetup 2024/04: Building cargo projects with NIX
2024-04-16 | Bratislava, SK | Bratislava Rust Meetup Group
Rust Meetup by Sonalake #5
2024-04-16 | Leipzig, DE | Rust - Modern Systems Programming in Leipzig
2024-04-16 | Munich, DE + Virtual | Rust Munich
Rust Munich 2024 / 1 - hybrid
2024-04-17 | Bergen, NO | Hubbel kodeklubb
Lær Rust med Conways Game of Life
2024-04-20 | Augsburg, DE | Augsburger Linux-Infotag 2024
Augsburger Linux-Infotag 2024: Workshop Einstieg in Embedded Rust mit dem Raspberry Pico WH
2024-04-23 | Berlin, DE | Rust Berlin
Rust'n'Tell - Rust for the Web
2024-04-25 | Aarhus, DK | Rust Aarhus
Talk Night at MFT Energy
2024-04-25 | Berlin, DE | Rust Berlin
Rust and Tell
2024-04-27 | Basel, CH | Rust Basel
Fullstack Rust - Workshop #2
North America
2024-04-04 | Mountain View, CA, US | Mountain View Rust Meetup
Rust Meetup at Hacker Dojo
2024-04-04 | Portland, OR, US | PDXRust Meetup
Hack Night and First Post-Pandemic Meetup Restart
2024-04-09 | New York, NY, US | Rust NYC
Rust NYC Monthly Meetup
2024-04-10 | Boulder, CO, US | Boulder Rust Meetup
Rust Meetup: Better Builds w/ Flox + Hangs
2024-04-11 | Seattle, WA, US | Seattle Rust User Group
Seattle Rust User Group Meetup
2024-04-11 | Spokane, WA, US | Spokane Rust
Monthly Meetup: Topic TBD!
2024-04-15 | Somerville, MA, US | Boston Rust Meetup
Davis Square Rust Lunch, Apr 15
2024-04-16 | San Francisco, CA, US | San Francisco Rust Study Group
Rust Hacking in Person
2024-04-16 | Seattle, WA, US | Seattle Rust User Group
Seattle Rust User Group: Meet Servo and Robius Open Source Projects
2024-04-18 | Mountain View, CA, US | Mountain View Rust Meetup
Rust Meetup at Hacker Dojo
2024-04-24 | Austin, TX, US | Rust ATX
Rust Lunch - Fareground
2024-04-25 | Nashville, TN, US | Music City Rust Developers
Music City Rust Developers - Async Rust on Embedded
2024-04-26 | Boston, MA, US | Boston Rust Meetup
North End Rust Lunch, Apr 26
2024-04-30 | Canberra, ACT, AU | Canberra Rust User Group
April Meetup
If you are running a Rust event please add it to the calendar to get it mentioned here. Please remember to add a link to the event too. Email the Rust Community Team for access.
Please see the latest Who's Hiring thread on r/rust
Quote of the Week
Panstromek: I remember reading somewhere (probably here) that borrow checking has O(n^3) asymptotic complexity, relative to the size of the function.
Nadrieril: Compared to match exhaustiveness which is NP-hard and trait solving which is undecidable, a polynomial complexity feels refreshingly sane.
– Panstromek and Nadrieril on zulip
Thanks to Kevin Reid for the suggestion!
Please submit quotes and vote for next week!
This Week in Rust is edited by: nellshamrell, llogiq, cdmistman, ericseppanen, extrawurst, andrewpollack, U007D, kolharsam, joelmarcey, mariannegoldin, bennyvasquez.
Email list hosting is sponsored by The Rust Foundation
Discuss on r/rust
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kaeyachi · 1 year
What do you do in architecture?
oh! i can answer this one quickly before i go back to work! Thank you for the ask!!
Are you perhaps considering becoming an architect as well? Let me tell you first that Alhaitham's criticism of us doing so much work just to put a smile on our client's faces hurt so much because he was right (I was fuming with Kaveh at that moment lmao).
I'd honestly say that our job as architects, at the base of it, is to design structures or spaces that fit the user/s needs and/or wants.
Majority of us do a bidding phase where we offer designs to our clients for them to emotionally destroy us tell us the changes they want until we reach a final design.
Afterwards, that depends on the kind of Architecture firm you own or work at(some only do design and get paid for it. Others can continue towards the construction phase along with the help of people in the engineering field)
I personally work in a construction firm (the biggest in my country which i wished i were proud of, but I'm fairly sure the amount of stress and fatigue is never worth the prestige I get for working here lmao. Cant quit though *sobs*). We do basically everything from start to finish (and I work 6 days a week for 9 hours daily so tbh how am I still coping).
As for other kinds of architecture (if the usual job isnt your thing), some dabble into historical structures and study the history, how ancient to old structures were created, and ways to do proper reconstruction, restoration, or renovation (all 3 have different meanings to us) said old structures.
Another type are those that actually have focuses like acoustics or landscaping for example. They will only design specified places and get paid for the design of said spaces (these people are specifically hired for their expertise most of the time)
And there are others that absolutely loathe the usual jobs and end up becoming furniture designers (we studied this in passing where im from) or fashion designers (weve technically also studied this somewhat in passing?) and somehow, several peers of mine have become pastry chefs? (i guess there is technically some architecture involved in pastries...)
Honestly, there are multiple routes you could take once you get the undergraduate done... but that's a very lengthy discussion, and I think I've been typing for long enough? Even if I wanted to discuss every single one (they're very interesting to me), I don't think I should do it as an answer in tumblr hahaha (I might make one for my peers though hmm...)
IF YOU DO WANT TO GET INTO ARCHITECTURE DON'T LET MY RANTS STOP YOU FROM TRYING THOUGH. You won't know you like or hate it if you don't try...just expect sleepless nights to reach deadlines (the worst I've done is just a cute 52 hours lmao). I've definitely gotten an even worse experience thanks to my adhd :(
I want everyone to know that I will be a Kaveh haver someday. I will get my anxious architect character and no one can stop me.
If any of you want clarifications or more information, do not hesitate to ask! I'm still passionate about my field- it does feel very fulfilling- I just hate the place I work at lol.
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expertdrillingcompany · 7 months
The Role of Geology in Borehole Drilling Success
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Borehole drilling is a vital process that plays a meaningful role in various industries, from water resource management to mineral exploration and geothermal energy production. While the success of borehole drilling depends on a combination of factors, one of the most critical elements is the geology of the site. Geology, the study of the Earth's structure and composition, is instrumental in determining where and how deep to drill, what types of materials to expect, and what challenges may arise during the drilling process. In this blog, we will discover the pivotal role of geology in borehole drilling in Pretoria.
Understanding Site Selection
Choosing the right location for borehole drilling is the first and arguably the most essential step in the process. Geology plays a central role in this decision. Geological surveys and investigations help determine areas with the prospect for the desired resources, whether it's groundwater, oil, natural gas, minerals, or geothermal energy.
Geologists employ various tools and techniques to assess the geological conditions at a potential drilling site. They study surface geology, subsurface rock shapes, fault lines, and other geological features. By comprehending the geology of the area, they can decide whether the site is ideal for drilling and what obstacles or challenges may be encountered.
Geological Mapping
Geological mapping is an essential aspect of borehole drilling preparation. Geologists create intricate maps that illustrate the subsurface geology of an area. These maps can show the allocation of different rock types, fault lines, and other geological features that may impact drilling operations. This information is invaluable for drilling engineers and contractors, helping them plan the drilling process effectively.
In addition to identifying potential challenges, geological maps also provide insight into the location of valuable resources. For example, geological mapping can help trace aquifers for groundwater extraction or identify areas with rich mineral deposits.
Depth and Target Zones
The depth at which a borehole should be drilled is a vital concern that directly relies on the geology of the site. Geologists use their knowledge of subsurface rock formations and geophysical data to specify the optimal depth for borehole drilling in Gauteng. This is particularly critical when drilling for groundwater or oil and gas reservoirs.
Different geological formations may carry water or hydrocarbons at varying depths, and a comprehensive understanding of the geology is essential for targeting the right zones. Drilling to the correct depth can significantly increase the chances of success and reduce the cost of drilling operations.
Material Composition
Geologists also provide vital information about the composition of the materials encountered during drilling. Knowing the type of rocks, sediments, and soils that are encountered as the borehole progresses is essential for choosing the right drilling equipment and techniques. 
For example, drilling through hard rock formations requires different tools and methods compared to borehole drilling in Gauteng through soft sediments.
Furthermore, the material composition can impact the stability of the borehole and the potential for caving or collapse. Geologists can help identify areas where additional support or casing may be necessary to ensure the safety and integrity of the borehole.
Avoiding Hazards
Geological knowledge is crucial for identifying potential hazards during borehole drilling in Pretoria. Some geological features, such as fault lines or unstable rock formations, can pose significant risks to drilling operations. Without a thorough understanding of the geology, a borehole may inadvertently intersect a fault, leading to unexpected complications or even catastrophic failure.
By carefully analyzing the geological data, geologists can help drilling teams avoid such hazards and plan their operations to minimize risks. This not only ensures the safety of personnel but also protects the investment in drilling equipment and resources.
Environmental Impact Assessment
Geologists also play a vital function in performing environmental impact appraisals for borehole drilling projects. They evaluate the potential impact of drilling operations on groundwater quality, land stability, and ecosystem health.
Understanding the geology of the area is essential for evaluating how drilling may affect local aquifers, wetlands, and ecosystems. Geologists can suggest mitigation measures to minimize the environmental impact of drilling, such as the use of protective casing to prevent contamination of groundwater sources.
Cost Efficiency
Lastly, geology plays a significant role in the cost efficiency of borehole drilling projects. When geologists provide accurate and detailed information about the subsurface geology, drilling operations can be planned more effectively. It reduces the risk of unexpected delays, equipment damage, or excessive drilling depth, all of which can drive up costs.
By optimizing the drilling process through geological insights, project managers can ensure that resources are allocated efficiently and that the project remains within budget. This is particularly important in industries like oil and gas extraction, where drilling costs can be substantial.
In conclusion, geology is a fundamental factor in the success of borehole drilling operations. It guides site selection, determines drilling depth and target zones, provides insight into material composition, helps avoid hazards, assesses environmental impact, and enhances cost efficiency. Without a comprehensive understanding of the geology of the area, borehole drilling projects are more likely to face challenges, unexpected complications, and increased costs. Therefore, the collaboration between geologists and drilling professionals is indispensable for achieving success in borehole drilling projects across various industries. Contact Borehole Drilling Solutions for top-notch borehole drilling in Pretoria. The expert contractors use advanced tools and techniques to get the task done to perfection.
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darkshadow90 · 2 years
Norman Osborn & daughter reader: Drastic Measures
Summary: You’re injured at the parade. Your father regains control just after the Goblin’s attack. On the way back to the mansion, he finds you unconscious. Being the brilliant scientist he is, he decides to use something that he worked on to heal your injuries.
A/N: Hey guys. I enjoyed writing the last one shot, so I thought I’d write another one. In this one shot, the reader is injured at the parade. Norman regains control after the Goblin’s attack and finds the reader unconscious. For obvious reasons, rather than seek medical care for her injuries, he takes her back to the mansion and uses a project he was working on to help reader and Harry’s mother. I know it was never specified in the movie, but I think in other canons Norman’s wife died. So I think she died in the Raimi universe too. In this one shot I’m briefly mentioning she had a degenerative disease. and Norman was working on some type of healing tank to heal injuries and sustain his wife’s health until a cure was found. I think it’s very possible Norman could make something like this, especially if it’s to help someone he loves. Warnings: Mention of injuries, Harry and reader’s mother’s illness, Norman lying to Harry about readers whereabouts, ect. I hope you like it 🙂 
 It was a big day for everyone. Oscorp was celebrating its annual parade. You were looking forward to celebrating it. Peter would be there, but he couldn’t celebrate with you Harry and MJ because he needed to obtain photographs for the Daily Bugel. You remember exactly how the conversation went. “Pete, you gotta have some fun once in awhile. You work so hard to make people happy. Do something for yourself you’ve earned it.” Harry said. “He’s right. You’re pushing yourself too hard. It’ll be fun for us to hang out.” You said. Peter felt bad, you could tell. “I’m really sorry, guys, I can’t. Mister Jamison needs these photos. Besides I need the extra money to help Aunt May. It’s been really hard without Uncle Ben.” Harry could tell Peter was having trouble explaining things. “Hey it’s no big deal. I was planning on introducing Dad to MJ. We can all hang out after you drop off your photos.” “Yeah okay. I don’t see why not.” “Cool. See you later.” You told Harry and MJ you would meet up with them later. You thought they might want to have some time to themselves anyway. You could have your own fun for awhile.
You thought you heard what sounded like jet engines in the distance. You thought maybe it was the air pumps filling the balloons with air until you saw something approaching the parade. As it got closer into your view it appeared to be someone flying on a glider. He was wearing some kind of green armored suit. He was laughing maniacally. You only heard him say “Out, am I?” before he threw some kind of bomb at the balcony. You knew Harry and MJ were up there and unfortunately, you didn’t have time to react. Chunks of rubble from the explosion fell on top of you. You were trying not to pass out. ‘Gotta know if Harry Peter and MJ are okay.’  You couldn’t move. ‘Dad, where are you?’ That was your last thought before everything went black.
Norman managed to regain control. He was confused. He didn’t know what he was doing there or why he had the glider. He panicked when he saw you laying on the ground with rubble on top of you. “Oh no. Oh no, no, no, no.” He got off the glider and dug the rubble off of you. “Y/N, can you hear me? Honey, say something. I lost your mother. I can’t lose you too. You and Harry are all I have left.” You didn’t answer him. “Please.” You were breathing, but it was shallow. Without hesitating, he lifted you up, got back on the glider, and headed straight for the mansion. He knew your injuries needed medical attention, but he couldn’t risk taking you to a hospital. Fortunately, he had an alternative in mind.
In his secret lair, he had a large tank. It was originally designed to heal injuries and help sustain a person’s health. He had hoped to use it to help your mother sustain her health by stopping the progression of her degenerative disease while he searched for a cure. Unfortunately, she passed away right before the tank was complete. He never thought he would need to put you inside of it. He didn’t have a choice. Thankfully, your injuries could be completely healed in a few hours, a day at the most. He quickly got inside and carried you to the lair. He keyed in the code and the tank opened. He knew it would work, and fortunately you would be anesthetized during the whole process and wouldn’t remember anything.
He hated that he would have to keep all of this a secret from you, but he knew if you woke up floating in a tank full of  liquid, hooked up to wires in an unfamiliar place it would be very scary for you. Not to mention he didn’t want you to know his secret. It was better this way. He removed your shirt so he could place the wires on you to monitor your vital signs, but your bra and the rest of your clothes could be kept on. Of course there was the issue of your clothes being wet once you were taken out of the tank, but he would worry about that later. Right now, all he cared about was getting his little girl fixed up. He carefully placed you in the tank, took care when placing the wires on you, and placed the oxygen mask over your nose and mouth and closed the door. He keyed in the code on the keypad and once the tank shifted into an upright position, it was filled with liquid.
Norman breathed a sigh of relief, but he also felt incredibly guilty. He wasn’t always present or emotionally available to you and Harry. When your mother died, he had a hard time managing the grief. He became more engrossed in his work. He became a very successful and powerful businessman, but it didn’t help him very much in terms of being a single parent. “Y/N, I’m so sorry. I know I haven’t always been around for you and Harry, but once this is all over, that will change. We will be a family again, I promise.” He got a call on his phone from the hospital about Harry. “Harry is in the hospital, but he’s okay. He has a concussion. I’m gonna go check on him. I’ll be back.” He placed his hand on the tank to reach out to you. “I love you, sweetheart.”
Norman quickly changed out of the Goblin suit and went to the hospital. He knew he couldn’t tell Harry about anything. If Harry knew you were inside a tank hidden in secret, he would be upset. The last thing Norman wanted was Harry to think of him as a mad scientist. He also didn’t want Harry to know about his dark secret. He went to Harry’s room and saw him laying in the hospital bed. He had a bandage around his head. Thankfully is injuries were less severe than yours. “Dad.” “I’m here, son. Are you alright?” “Yeah. I just have a concussion. They want to keep me overnight for observation, but I can come home tomorrow. Where’s Y/N? Is she alright? I hope she didn’t get hurt by that guy on the glider.” “She’s...fine. She’s at home resting.” “She didn’t seem tired. Whatever the case, I’m just glad she’s okay.” “Me too.” “Dad, Peter is coming by soon. We haven’t had much time to hang out.” “And you want me to leave.” Harry felt bad. “Well...” “Say no more. Are you sure you’re alright?” “Dad, I’m fine. Don’t worry so much.” “Alright, I’ll come get you in the morning.” Norman hugged him, leaving Harry confused. ‘What’s gotten into him?’
As soon as Norman got home, he went to check on you. The panel was lit up and the monitors beeped, signaling your injuries had completely healed. Norman drained the tank and took you out of it. You were dried off and put into dry clothes. You would be asleep the rest of the night, so Norman put you to bed. He stayed with you all night in case you woke up. When you woke up in your room the next morning, you were confused. The last thing you remember was being stuck underneath rubble at the parade. You saw your father asleep in the desk chair. “Dad? Dad!” He woke up startled. “Y/N, you’re awake. Thank God. How are you feeling?” “Fine, I guess? But I really shouldn’t be. I was at the parade with Harry, MJ, and Peter. The last thing I remember is there was a guy flying  on a glider and rubble fell on top of me. I tried to get out, but I couldn’t. Before I passed out, I remember wondering where you were.” That hit Norman like a ton of bricks. 
He pulled you into a hug, his grip was like a vice. You finally broke the silence. “Dad, what’s wrong?” “You needed me and I wasn’t there. I almost lost...” “Dad, I’m okay. And you’re here now. That’s all that matters. What about Harry Peter and MJ? Are they hurt?” “I’m having Bernard drive us to the hospital to bring Harry home. I brought you home yesterday. You probably don’t remember much. You were out of it. Peter and MJ are fine. Unfortunately I didn’t get to meet her.” “I’m just glad everyone is okay.”  Norman started to walk out. “I know I haven’t always been here for you and Harry. Things will be different now. I promise.” You ate breakfast took a shower, and went to pick up Harry. You hoped this meant you could be a family again.
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Do you have, or know anyone who has, resources regarding diagnosis outside of DID? I'm trying to do research, and am not doing it very well it seems. Suggested keywords to use on a search engine works too if that's easier. I'm trying to do research so I have anything to present if my health care providers try to dismiss me. But I also understand if this sort of question really crosses into a territory you don't want to discuss. Or don't feel comfortable with. In which case I'm very sorry. Either way, I hope you're well
hey, if you’re wondering about a diagnoses outside of did, it will really depend on your symptoms and the reasons you’re seeking a diagnosis. if you’re hoping that having a diagnosis will give your system validity and that is your primary goal for seeking help, we’d like to say that you don’t need a medical diagnosis to experience multiplicity or to be a real system. seeking a diagnosis as a form of validation probably won’t be the best path to take ultimately.
however, if you are struggling, and you believe you may have some sort of dissociative or personality disorder, perhaps look into these diagnoses:
dissociative disorders: other specified dissociative disorder (osdd) 1b and 1a, partial-did, dissociative amnesia, depersonalization/derealization (as a system with a did diagnosis, we found the did-research website immensely helpful with wealth of accessible resources for dissociative disorders of all sorts).
personality disorders: borderline personality disorder, paranoid personality disorder, schizotypal personality disorder, avoidant personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, bipolar (types 1 and 2)
you also might want to look into ptsd and c-ptsd, maladaptive daydreaming, bipolar, and schizophrenia, depending on your symptoms.
when researching these disorders, try to make a note of symptoms that align with your experience, and symptoms that you don’t have. if any of these seem like they might be what’s affecting you, maybe bring them up to you psychologist or mental health professional.
we will also say that the average time it takes for someone to receive a cdd diagnosis is something like 5-8 years. if you’re dismissed initially by your doctors, ask for them to explain their reasons for dismissal, and don’t give up. dissociative disorders are highly debated in the medical field, and many healthcare providers are likely reluctant to diagnose patients with these disorders (even if they truly are suffering from a cdd!).
advocating for yourself is not always easy, and we wish you the very best as you try and understand what disorders may be affecting you. hopefully we’ve been able to provide you with some tools to help things go smoother. good luck with everything!
🐢 kip and 🐺 october
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brokenheartedcubscout · 7 months
would love to hear more about ur thoughts on tiktok and learned helplessness if ur ever in the mood to express it !!
I wish I had more resources that concisely express what I'm trying to convey because I've mainly just seen discourse about it on Twitter and I'm not always the best at expressing my more nuanced takes.
First, I want to acknowledge that after doing more research on my own, it looks like "learned helplessness" in regards to TikTok isn't specified to the actual psychological term, but just to the nature of TikTok users themselves.
I'm not actively on Twitter anymore, so while there's a few Twitter threads that discuss this, I don't know if I'll be able to find readily find them.
That said, a thread I remember seeing that discussed the nature of TikTok users and they're habit of just, I don't know, not wanting to know how to do things was in the parameters of making a pizza.
There was this user who came across a TikTok of a cooking account making a sausage pizza for dinner and comments were asking things like: "What if you don't like sausage, can I use pepperoni?" or "Do we have to include green pepper if we don't want to?"
There was another video that went viral a couple of months ago where this woman made a Bean Soup. It was a simple, straightforward recipe but all of the comments were asking, "well what if you don't like kale?" "what if you don't like chicken broth" or, the kicker, "what if you don't like beans?"
This TikTok about that, which is comedic, actually points out just how frequent this type of thing is because we're seeing it more and more.
Basically, there's this uptick of users who rob themselves of their own agency, probably without even knowing it, and then request the rest of the platform to hold their hand through everything.
I'm a little more sympathetic if they're actual children (who I really don't think should even be on the app) but, that's pretty much where my sympathy ends.
There's been some discussion around people using TikTok as a search engine as opposed to Google (a search engine that isn't without fault) and because of that, they simply don't understand how to look stuff up anymore.
They'll look something up on TikTok, or just come across a video, and then take the video at face value and assume that the information begins and ends with that specific TikTok (which is concerning because they're so much misinformation that's spreading around TikTok)
A good example was someone telling another user that "GigI Hadid's famous pasta recipe"' was just the recipe for Penne Alla Vodka, a very common, very well known Italian dish. They were then asked for a "source?" and it's like literally 1980s Italy - it's not that hard to find.
So yeah, when I see things like "Can you use Olive Oil for cooking?" and "How do we get into this music?" I'm stuck thinking people simply don't know how to do anything to help themselves, and overall, it's a tad bit concerning.
It's also why I hate the "girlsplaining" trend that's happening right now where "bimbo" influencers repackage world affairs and present in a way that's "for the girls".
Why are you asking someone who has "bimbo university" and has clearly woefully missed the point of Legally Blonde about what's going on between Israel and Palestine as opposed to just picking up a book?
TLDR: Basically, there's this uptick of users who rob themselves of their own agency, probably without even knowing it, and then request the rest of the platform to hold their hand through everything.
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