#no more sleeping it seems...
goth-automaton · 3 months
Going back to uni on Tuesday and, uh, how do I explain my thesis overseer, that I made no progress, 'cause sleepy bitch disease got worse?
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choccy-milky · 2 months
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MC doing what we all wished we could do (aka napping on the floor with ominis )😴💕
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gummi-ships · 4 months
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Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep - A Fragmentary Passage - Forest of Thorns
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justaz · 2 days
merlin (immortal) giving arthur (pendragon) the only blade that could kill him
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jestroer · 3 months
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XBeans you will- Xbeans please for the love of god become famous
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pumpkster · 1 year
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salty-an-disco · 3 months
I get why people see Shifting Mound and the Princess, per se, as separate entities, but I just can’t agree lmao
Specifically, the default Princess, the one you meet at the cabin. She’s full of possibilities, facet so malleable you can see it changing it even on Chapter 1.
To me, that’s Shifting Mound at her core. Possibilities personified, incredibly malleable, well-spoken even when unsure of her own nature. That’s her core, no wonder she becomes the heart by the end of it, she was always what held Shifting Mound together. That’s why constantly refusing to even interact with her makes Shifty fall apart.
She’s nothing without your perception, and she can only be perceived through her core.
As for the hands at the edges? Those are simply scattered thoughts (unilluminated and without a form to take hold of), they only become Shifting Mound once they have a vessel to speak through. Without the vessels, they remain incomplete. Possibilities of everything she could be left to wander aimless.
You can’t separate Shifting Mound from the Princess because the Princess is a part of Shifting Mound and a part of Shifting Mound is the Princess.
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wayward-wren · 2 days
I might regret this but rogue squadron I am challenging you.
For every fifty notes this post makes I will dedicate half an hour to working on a Hobby Thing.
Hobby Things include:
Watching a TV show or movie
Knitting/crochet project
Cosplay/sewing projects
Playing a video game
These are fun things I want to do but struggle to start because I'm bad at letting myself relax, so if y'all hold me accountable it might help.
I may turn notifications off for this post but I will keep a record of how many notes it has and check it often.
You're free and welcome to suggest which of the above Hobby Things I should dedicate that particular half hour to.
Now with added Spreadsheet so you can see what I've been up to!
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starbylers · 4 months
Theory about the ending of the vid (it’s gonna take ages to figure out the whole thing if it’s even possible 😭). I could be totally off base but:
At the end here they have a bit of a joke, and then El seems to say something to Mike and he darts his eyes away multiple times, kind of nervous-seeming all of a sudden? And makes a face like he’s trying to act innocent or clueless or something? Idk how to explain it you have to watch. But it made me think…what if she asked him about Will? It cuts off way too quick to get more info but:
Slowed it down and added the words I made out
My baseless (for now, except this^) theory: what if Mike found out how Will feels and is in denial, and El knows about their predicament somehow. More context from just before this moment: from what I could tell, the thing they were joking about seemed like a thing El was worried he wouldn’t want to do now that they’re friends. But when he said ‘of course’ (very easy to make out) they can, maybe she was like hmm but how would Will feel?? Idk just an idea I’m chewing on…..
Update: not sold on this idea anymore but look here for a breakdown of the whole video
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intriga-hounds · 2 months
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god it was so peaceful for 3 weeks while baz slept in the pen. now he’s back to trying to crush me every night.
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caeslxys · 2 months
here's the thing. laudna would have stopped it. if she knew delilah was about to fracture the gnarlrock. if she could parse her own feelings from hers.
and here's the thing. imogen has been plagued by nightmares for a decade. and this rock is the first bit of solace outside of her trust in laudna that she has ever had.
and laudna was just involved in shattering it. this tiny bit of solace.
and. here's the thing: laudna would've stopped it.
and. here's the thing. imogen would've stopped it. the only reason imogen didn't go is because she was specifically afraid that she would attempt to intervene and ruin their relationship with the volition before it ever began.
and here's the thing. liliana set out 25+ years ago specifically to spare her daughter. and that seemingly has not ever wavered as her core motivation. but people keep being drawn to the moon. kids keep being drawn towards the moon. and liliana is a mother. she was a mother before she ever knew she was an exaltant.
for 25+ years she has worked to "cure" imogen. the only solace she probably ever received was in at least attempting to console the kids who found themselves lured in by her same pull.
liliana begs imogen not say that they may have to kill each other. she breaks at hearing imogen's resolve. but there's kids, imogen. there's kids here. imogen. she can't leave. she's a mom.
and, here's the thing: imogen's her daughter. the daughter liliana left. or tried to leave. the daughter she only had through dreams. and imogen is working with the volition. and imogen has been her sole drive for 25+ years.
and imogen might have just been involved in shattering the little solace she might have ever had.
and, here's the thing: imogen would've stopped them.
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hxhhasmysoul · 1 month
i saw you mentioned that killua has an addictive personality. would u write more on that topic? i agree with you but i dont know how to articulate it for myself hah
I could point to the obvious thing, the chocrobos and sweets in general. Sugar is addictive in real life but like which all such substances some are more vulnerable to them than others. And Killua seems to have developed a chocolate habit.
But I think his tendency towards gambling is far more telling.
Killua loves rivalry, he loves competitions and he will try to gamify stuff he does with Gon. But at least in their competitions with each other Gon can work as a safety valve because he's also obsessive and self destructive and Killua's care for Gon would curb his risk addiction. That and the fact that with Gon they get into really life threatening situations and the self-preservation Killua's family forced into him, kicks in too.
But when the stakes are not life threatening, when it's money... Killua can't handle money. He loses all of their Heaven's Arena winnings on internet auctions. Then Bisky has to drag him away from the slot machines in Greed Island.
When there's no threat to his or Gon's safety, Killua has absolutely no breaks and because Gon leans on him for the planning and for knowledge about the world, considering Gon's much more sheltered childhood, Killua's on his own to control himself and he absolutely can't.
Maybe needing to provide for Alluka will also work as a decent safety valve for the gambling. Maybe he will be more careful with the money he needs for her.
But I don't think he sees that he has this problem. He's always been rich and capable to make quick and easy money. He's also capable of roughing it for a while, and Gon was too. But I doubt he'd want to put Alluka in that situation. Maybe being with her will make him realise he needs to work on this.
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moongothic · 1 month
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If being weak is a "sin" in Crocodile's mind, then isn't a painful defeat and maybe even death rightful punishment for it? A punishment you deserve for your crime of "being weak"? That's an intriguing mindset from him because it makes me wonder how Crocodile might view his own past and the things he has gone through? I might not go as far as to say Crocodile "blames himself" for the things he's gone through, as he doesn't seem like the kind of guy who dwells on the past like that. But I do feel like Crocodile has accepted in his mind that things like losing his hand happened because he was weak, and it was his own fault. That he can not blame anyone else for what has happened to him. He fucked around and he found out.
It's just interesting because to some degree, One Piece thematically does agree with this sentiment, this is a world where the strong eat the weak. (One example at the top of my head; Luffy refusing Katakuri's apology when his sister intervened with their battle, saying he should've dodged the attack properly if he didn't want to get hit.) Chaka falling in this scene and being unable to stop Crocodile may lead to the deaths of so many more, including his loved ones, and if that comes to pass, it's is Chaka's own fault. For being too weak. But also Crocodile has twisted that idea; Crocodile is using his worldview here to justify himself and essentially saying he can do this (take over Alabasta and kill a million innocents doing so) and get away with it because he's powerful. When in reality "weakness is a sin" isn't about the survival of the fittest, but how this is a world where the strong are meant to protect the weak. (See: Luffy) (Also how Pell told Baby Vivi in that flashback about how he trains so he can protect the Royal Family; again, he he craves power not to oppress the weak but to protect them)
But, just to get back to Crocodile again, I feel like this worldview might also give us more insight as to how he acts in certain situations post-Alabasta. Like when we see Crocodile towards the end of Miss Goldenweek's cover story, both when he declines to escape from jail and in his Impel Down mugshot, Crocodile has a smile on his face. That really is the face of a man who has accepted his fate, is it not?
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"Welp, this is what I get for losing to a child in flipflops"
Or when we see him come collect his debt from Buggy; Crocodile seemed quite relaxed and fully admitted he had assumed Buggy would've ran away before he even got there to collect his money. Of course, considdering his trust issues Crocodile would've been mentally prepared for Buggy skedaddling anyways, but the fact that he loaned the clown money to begin with while assuming he'd probably never get that money back-- like Crocodile knew that was going to happen and he just accepted it. And just rolled with it.
Of course, when things take an Unpleasant, Unexpected Turn, he will blow a fuse. Multiple, even.
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Him angy
IDK man this is all just interesting to me
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moonchild-in-blue · 7 months
Eep Token friends, I'm super curious about something. What is that one Sleep Token song that you have an inexplicable connection to? I don't necessarily mean your absolute favourite, or the one you think it's their best.
I mean that one song that feels like yours. That one that moves you in ways you can't really comprehend. The one that feels like it was made for you specifically.
For me it's Drag Me Under. It's not my actual favourite, but it's the one I feel like it's mine. Can't exactly put my finger why, but yeah.
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gummi-ships · 4 months
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Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep - A Fragmentary Passage
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didderd · 6 months
i had a sleep paralysis nightmare this morning.
so i decided to make content out of it 👍
but really, sometimes if i'm not feeling well, i daydream about one of the characters i simp really like helping/comforting me.
n this time i started daydreaming about Nightmare comforting me. bc this was the worst sleep paralysis i ever had, and it left me feeling on edge for a bit after waking up. (i don't usually get nightmare-ish sleep paralysis)
n so i decided to make it into a little Nightmare x reader drabble where reader has a sleep paralysis nightmare, based on the one i had this morning.
this goes from horror to fluff real quick lmao. hope yall like it! :>
if you want to skip the sleep paralysis, go straight to the pink sentence!
(tw: sleep paralysis. sleep paralysis demon.)
You're laying in bed, with half of your vision blocked by the hood of your jacket. All you can see is your bed.
You go to lift your hood.
But you can't move.
But you feel your arms move.
You feel yourself move to grab your hood. As heavy as it may feel, you're sure you did it.
But your hood is still there.
You don't see your hand.
Panic wells up in your stomach. You can't move. You can't see.
Gathering the little strength you have in your groggy state, you try to push yourself into a sitting position.
Again, you feel yourself scoot up the wall behind you.
But you don't see anything change.
Your vision feels frozen.
Closing your eyes, you try again to push your hood up.
When you open them, you can see your hand grabbing your hood.
But your hood is still there. and your hand is frozen in place. even though you feel it at your side again.
It's like your vision is broken.
But closing your eyes helped?
You close your eyes, and attempt to push yourself up again.
Opening your eyes, you think you're sitting up now. at least a little bit.
You close your eyes again and attempt once more to push your hood off your head.
It's off your head. You feel it on your neck.
When you open your eyes, you're laying down and your hood is blocking half your vision.
You try again.
You're sitting up. You can see your room.
You can see your window.
Something passes by your window. A shadowy figure. It looked humanoid, but were those antlers?
You're scared.
It happens again.
Your mother is in the room now. You're trying to ask for help, but she seems confused, and you can't get the words out.
She's standing near the window. Not too close, but you're scared.
Something. someone. appears at the window. but not outside it. They're inside.
Their eyes are wide, and they have an unsettling smile. Something about them seems deeply wrong.
You try to scream, and point at them to alert your mother.
Nothing but air comes out.
When your mother turns around, she only seems more confused. She doesn't see them.
Are you hallucinating?
You see something else in the corner of your eye. A dark figure.
You turn your head to look at it.
... Nightmare?
It's Nightmare. He's standing at the foot of your bed. Looking at you with a calm, yet concerned expression.
You remember you'd been living in his castle for a while now. This is your room in the castle... So why is your mother here?
Looking back, your mother and the unsettling person is gone.
Everything seems clearer. You feel like you can move better.
You look back at Nightmare as he walks closer. "Nightmare?" You spoke. You can speak again.
He stops next to you and places a hand on your head, comfortingly petting your hair. "You are safe. It is only sleep paralysis." His tone is soft, made to comfort you, and it works. You feel some of the fear melt away. You feel protected.
"Sleep paralysis?" You remember what it is, and it makes sense, but you ask anyways.
"Yes." He leans down and places the hand not petting your hair on your chest, just below your collar bones. "You should wake up now."
Everything fades out.
And you open your eyes.
Nightmare is sitting in a chair next to your bed, with a hand on your forehead. He'd pushed the hood off your eyes while you were asleep.
He opens his eye a second after you, and smiles warmly. "There you are."
You blink up at him, but immediately decide not to do that again, as the fear of falling back in runs through you. Instead, you decide to sit up, and Nightmare retreats his hand as you do, looking slightly more concerned, as he likely noticed your fear.
He places the same hand on your back to rub soothingly, and leans a bit closer, using the other to gently guide your chin to look at him. "Don't worry. You are safe.. I'm here." His words are firm, but so gentle.
Your face is warm at how intimate his hand on your chin feels, and his very smooth and handsome voice in your ears, yet it also helps so much to relax you and make you feel safe.
Half to distract from the warmth in your face, even though he's definitely noticed, judging by how his expression turns more smug than concerned, and half out of genuine curiosity, you finally speak. "Um... was that- was that really you in my dream?"
It seems to work to distract him as he answers. Moving his hand from your chin to tuck some hair out of your face as he does so.
"Darling, that wasn't a dream, that was a nightmare." His expression regains a bit of concern for a moment as he pauses, but it's gone before he speaks again. "But yes, that was me. I'd felt your fear as I was passing by your room, and when I came in, I saw that you were having a nightmare, so I decided to lend my aid." His hand had moved from your hair once he was done righting it, and is now resting on the bed, next to your thigh.
"I'm sure you know of my ability to enter and control dreams and nightmares. Sleep paralysis is no different. I was happy to help you out of yours, little shadow." His smile is fond as he raises his hand once more to cup your cheek, and rub his thumb over it, leaning a little closer as he does.
Your cheeks feel warm again, at how close he is, and how gentle his hand is on your cheek. You can't help the urge to lean into his touch, and so you don't even try to fight it, placing your hand over his as you lean into it.
Even though you know you weren't in any real danger, you still feel like he saved you. You're grateful to him. You're not sure how to repay him, but you do know what you so badly want to do in this moment.
Placing your free hand over his collar bone and lightly grip at his sweater, you lean a bit closer to his face, and look down at his mouth. but you stop there and look to the side.
You retreat that bit you'd just leaned in, your face feeling much warmer now. You don't know what you're doing. Maybe your lack of good sleep gave you too much confidence. As if The Guardian of Negativity would want to kiss you. What were you thinkin-
Nightmare chuckles. You look back at him with widened eyes.
His smug expression is mixed with that of fondness... You sometimes forget that he can basically read your mind... Fuck.
You look away again. Your face feels like it's burning.
But you quickly look back when he gets much. much closer. His hand moving from your cheek to the side of your neck, and brushing into the hair on the back of your head, while his other hand slides down your back to the lower half.
He chuckles again, no doubt at how red your face is, and your shocked expression. "Darling, if you thought I wouldn't want to kiss you just as bad as you want to kiss me right now, you'd be sorely mistaken.~" He just about purrs, inches from your mouth.
The hairs on your neck and arms stand as he speaks, and both your hands ball into his sweater over his chest. You didn't think you could get warmer, but you do.
His cheeks are looking a little flushed too as the lid over his socket lowers, and he looks down at your lips, before slowly, and gently closing the gap.
It's a very tender and loving kiss. Not what you were expecting coming from him, but it's amazing.
You lean into it the moment the shock melts away. You feel like you're melting in his arms.
After another long, blissful moment, he pulls away, before picking you up to move you over and make room for him on your bed, and climbs in next to you.
Once he's laid down, he pulls you close again, and combs through your hair, nuzzling your face, before sighing into your cheek, and then kissing it. "You make me soft..."
You're so full of warm feelings right now, it's almost overwhelming, and you hope it's not overwhelming for him. It's all so hard to believe, but seems so genuine. More genuine than you'd ever seen Nightmare. To think he'd let his guard down so much with you.
You almost let out a giddy giggle as you bury your warm face in his sweater, just under his chin, and he wraps his arm tighter around you, using one of his tentacles to pull your blanket over both of you.
As you lay comfortable and warm in his arms, feeling his chest rise and fall against you with his breath, you start to feel yourself falling back to sleep. You forget you even had that nightmare before all this.
The last thing you hear and feel before you're asleep again is Nightmare placing a kiss on the top of your head and speaking, almost in a whisper.
"Goodnight, little shadow."
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