#no code machine learning
nextbrainai · 9 months
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Discover how no code machine learning is revolutionizing the way non technical staff can harness the power of AI. This guide will walk you through the basics!
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itskimhill · 11 months
Discover the importance of column selection in machine learning and unlock the potential of feature selection. This guide will help you understand the power of feature selection in no-code machine learning.
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ace3899 · 1 year
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Programming as an Aesthetic.
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nixcraft · 5 months
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gayvampyr · 1 year
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any sliver of a chance i had of appreciating AI has been completely decimated by this clownery
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ugackminer · 1 year
So, I made a tool to stop AI from stealing from writers
So seeing this post really inspired me in order to make a tool that writers could use in order to make it unreadable to AI.
And it works! You can try out the online demo, and view all of the code that runs it here!
It does more than just mangle text though! It's also able to invisibly hide author and copyright info, so that you can have definitive proof that someone's stealing your works if they're doing a simple copy and paste!
Below is an example of Scrawl in action!
Τо հսⅿаոѕ, 𝗍հᎥꜱ 𝗍ех𝗍 𐌉ο໐𝗄ꜱ ո໐𝗋ⅿаⵏ, 𝖻ս𝗍 𝗍о ᴄоⅿрս𝗍е𝗋ꜱ, Ꭵ𝗍'ѕ սո𝗋еаⅾа𝖻ⵏе!
[Text reads "To humans, this text looks normal, but to computers, it's unreadable!"]
Of course, this "Anti-AI" mode comes with some pretty serious accessibility issues, like breaking screen readers and other TTS software, but there's no real way to make text readable to one AI but not to another AI.
If you're okay with it, you can always have Anti-AI mode off, which will make it so that AIs can understand your text while embedding invisible characters to save your copyright information! (as long as the website you're posting on doesn't remove those characters!)
But, the Anti-AI mode is pretty cool.
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theinsaneapp · 1 year
Physics Informed Neural Networks
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Physics-informed neural networks, a deep learning method that bridges the gap between machine learning and scientific computing.
PINN has superior approximation and generalization capabilities, which made it gain popularity in solving high-dimensional partial differential equations (PDEs), and has been used in various applications such as weather modeling, healthcare, and manufacturing.
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sharikbashir · 9 months
WiFi Hacking with python
wifi hacking python code:
import subprocess try: profiles = [line.split(":")[1][1:-1] for line in subprocess.check_output(['netsh', 'wlan', 'show', 'profiles']).decode('utf-8', errors="backslashreplace").split('\n') if "All User Profile" in line] print("{:<30}| {:<}".format("Wi-Fi Name", "Password")) print("----------------------------------------------") for profile in profiles: try: password = [line.split(":")[1][1:-1] for line in subprocess.check_output(['netsh', 'wlan', 'show', 'profile', profile, 'key=clear']).decode('utf-8', errors="backslashr eplace").split('\n') if "Key Content" in line][0] print("{:<30}| {:<}".format(profile, password)) except IndexError: print("{:<30}| {:<}".format(profile, "")) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: print("Encoding Error Occurred")
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koifsssh · 7 months
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npc rainy...
he is supposed to be friend shaped, acts as a sort of friendly face to make the place less empty and lonely! someone you can talk to whenever you want!
of course such ai has to come from somewhere! let's just say he's "recycled"!
err... don't let him learn that though!
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kaiasky · 2 months
A little bit emotional about this stackexchange post where someone, presumably a kid, teaches themself C using K&R the c programming language.
and so it's like. Outsider art almost. K&R doesn't have many large examples, so it's somebody figuring out programming idioms from first principles basically. And like--yknow--it's all there. it's all fucking there!
It's like how people talk about meeting aliens and them playing go and they might play some things differently but they'd know a 3-3 invasion.
idk. for some reason this has got me choked up all evening. K&R hands you like. here is how to reason through the execution steps of an if statement, but iirc it doesn't have any examples of complete code. It sure doesn't hold your hand on like, idiomatic code. and so you hand that to somebody and they say okay and.
they write fucking CODE. they write fucking CODE and you look at it and you go this isn't idiomatic but dear god. you have fucking written CODE you have felt the computer in your bones. i have never met you and yet I know you.
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nextbrainai · 9 months
Discover the incredible potential of AI and machine learning without any coding skills required. NextBrain offers a user-friendly platform for no code machine learning. Start unleashing the power of AI today!
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piratesexmachine420 · 21 days
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Starting to realize why people don't write binaries by hand anymore
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d0nutzgg · 10 months
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This is part of a new project I am doing for a Facebook app that can alert someone when there is suspicious activity on their account, and block people who post rude comments and hate speech using a BERT model I am training on a dataset of hate speech. It automatically blocks people who are really rude / mean and keeps your feed clean of spam. I am developing it right now for work and for @emoryvalentine14 to test out and maybe in the future I will make it public.
I love NLP :D Also I plan to host this server probably on Heroku or something after it is done.
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qrevo · 4 months
worst thing about computer science classes is hearing teachers defending generative AI
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theinsaneapp · 1 year
Princeton University Student Built An App (GPT Zero) To Help Teachers Find ChatGPT Cheats
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An app developed by a Princeton University student helps determine if a text is written by a human or by the artificial intelligence tool ChatGPT.
Read Full Story: Princeton University Student Built An App (GPT Zero) To Help Teachers Find ChatGPT Cheats
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izicodes · 2 years
20 key points on becoming a Junior Full-Stack Web Developer | Resource ✨
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I follow a user on Twitter called Swapna Kumar Panda! He's a tech educator and mentor from India. He tweeted a thread about mentoring someone into getting their first tech job. He laid out what he did to help him in the tweet and I thought I would bullet point them here for anyone interested!
But do go ahead and read the full thread because he does do into details on what he did!
20 key points on becoming a Junior Full-Stack Web Developer:
[ 1 ] Save time by being smart [ 2 ] Stop comparing Education [ 3 ] Practice during learning [ 4 ] Avoid Tutorial Hell & FOMO (Fear of Missing out) [ 5 ] Learn and start using Git as early as possible [ 6 ] Start with simple HTML & CSS (which he provides a roadmap) [ 7 ] Learn basic JavaScript (which he provides a roadmap) [ 8 ] Build small projects (he provides 150+ projects) [ 9 ] Learn TypeScript [ 10 ] Be modular [ 11 ] Learn React [ 12 ] Learn Next.js [ 13 ] Problem Solving Skills (which he provide practice Algorithms for various programming languages) [ 14 ] Back-End with Node.js & Express [ 15 ] Database with MySQL & MongoDB [ 16 ] Build complete projects (which he provides 150+ Full-Stack Web projects) [ 17 ] Make Personal Portfolio [ 18 ] Build Resume [ 19 ] Build Connections [ 20 ] Be ready for a few failures
Hope this helps people! But make sure to check out the full thread on Twitter! Have a nice day programming! (✿◡‿◡)
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