#new york city wttt
kaz-playz · 5 months
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This is WILDLY OOC but i think they are silly and funny
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apollo-kins · 5 days
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with reds, golds, and grays
x x x // x x x // x x x
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got bored lol
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borealhauntings · 8 months
every day i think about that one video where nyc shows up but he's literally just wearing new york's alternate outfit. an outfit which proceeds to appear Several More Times throughout the series.
so now my headcanon is just. ny sends nyc to the table meetings in his place sometimes, because ny doesn't like dealing with people, nyc gets restless easily (city that never sleeps? :3), and like. new york has probably heard several people say to his face that the city is basically the only thing that matters in his state. so. :]
but hey, at least nobody's noticed yet ! (literally everyone has noticed you [technical glitch] idiots. you're not subtle)
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d33zn33tz · 1 year
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Welcome To The Table - Ben Brainard (Web Series) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: New Jersey/New York (Welcome To The Table) Characters: New Jersey (Welcome To The Table), New York (Welcome To The Table), Albany (Welcome To The Table), Atlantic City (Welcome To The Table), Buffalo (Welcome to the Table), Cape May (Welcome To The Table), Jersey City (Welcome To The Table), Newark (Welcome To The Table), Princeton (Welcome To The Table), Staten Island (Welcome To The Table), Trenton (Welcome To The Table) Additional Tags: Penn Philadelphia Maine and Mass are mentioned, New Jersey is head over heels for New York, New Jersey is a dad, New York is a dad, NJ is more mom but whatever, Descriptions of a certain person being absolutely in love with someone's voice, It's the Northeast they will swear, Domestic Fluff, Fluff, Family Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Christmas Fluff, Fluff without Plot, All the good fluffs get tagged, Everyone is happy in this yay, Winter Summary:
The cold of the outside world means little when there is nothing but warmth surrounding you and diving into your heart. For all the blizzards there rage, a snowflake gently lands on someone's hand; whispering vows of comfort and peace. And sitting there by the fire, along with New York and all their children, New Jersey felt the promises of paradise were fulfilled.
New Jersey, New York, and their kids hang out together in a bundle of warmth shortly before falling asleep on a cold winter night.
Sooo...I wrote something....
@crazedstoryteller this is for you <3
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stawpny · 7 months
Hii! What are some of your favorite places in New York? I'd like to visit the state one day and I'm curious about what cool places there are besides the city's skyscrapers :D
(happy birthday again!! 🎉)
so honestly, I don’t know many places, but I have some cool ones, especially if you like history or exploring
1: Montauk Lighthouse or Montuak in general: Montauk is like the farthest point out east on LI and it’s so pretty. If you like beaches, you should def go. The lighthouse was owned by George Washington too, and you can go inside and see all historical stuff.
2: Psych Centers: I know I’m not allowed to go in them, but it’s cool to walk around and look at all the old buildings. Atleast for me. Fun fact, one of the psych centers on LI was one of the first places were lobotomy’s were available 😍.
3: Fire Island: Also a very beachy area, but it’s a very nice island that kind of borders LI. Has very nice beaches too. (Robert Moses is the one I go to)
4: Port Jefferson: I love going there and the ice cream from that place is bomb. Has some history stuff about them building boats and things about the harbor.
5: Liberty Island and Ellis Island: Both very cool places, visited them twice so far! I love history and if u like history you need to go to Ellis Island. It walks you through the journey of an immigrant from Europe coming into the US from that Island.
6: The Oculus: I’ve been there once and Jesus, it’s pretty big. It has many layers of like a mall-like building and I think a train or subway does down into the building, but idk. all I know that it’s fucking cool and huge.
7: THE BIG FUCKING DUCK: ok, so I’ve never been in it, but basically it’s a huge fucking duck that’s kinda like a mini gift shop but it’s so cute and big ajmwhajanwnw.
8:Nature Trails: Trust, you can pretty much drive anywhere on LI or maybe anywhere else, and you could find a trail somewhere. Especially around lakes or beaches. love walking around especially in the fall.
9: WTC: alright, ik u asked for things other than skyscrapers, but still, the World Trade Center is literally so cool. people seem to underestimate how big those buildings are and the memorial footprints are. Those huge pools of water are very pretty, and I like how they made the memorial different from others so no one would forget.
10: Murals: All over this beautiful state, there are murals EVERYWHERE. especially in the city. I loved walking through China Town or Little Italy seeing all the cultural murals- also, Definitly visit China Town and Little Italy, they are so different but so cool! B)
okay, so ik all of these are about Long Island/NYC, but those are really all the places I go to😭
anyways, I hope you liked this
thanks for the ask!! <3
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washington-wttt · 8 months
* Albany and NYC walking to Washington's room with a camera*
Washington do you have any advice for our new siblings how to survive our lives as a immortal beans?
Well you see there are three simple and easy steps you must follow
Step one: contemplate existence
Step II: have existential crisis(bonus points for crying on the floor)
Step 3: acceptance
Or at least that’s my method
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forever-eternal · 10 months
Pool Side
Gov watches his family have fun at the pool, glad there are no injuries — this time, at least.
Idea from @fl0w3rg0at! Thank you, Lovely!
The Statehouse is massive, that much is known. Not as large or as strange as The Jones Residence, but massive and strange in its own right.
The properties expand for miles, more than enough space for everyone to have their own thing, their own hobbies, without encroaching on others’ space.
Sometimes there are disagreements on times and places, usually solved within a few hours, but there is one thing they never disagree on.
The pool on the back patio.
Absolutely massive, large enough for all of them times three, with plenty of deck chairs and grills and tables to satisfy all of them and more.
It’s a beautiful day, not too hot nor too cold, the perfect temperature for them all to be happy with it; spending the afternoon and evening by the pool.
Some spend most of the time actually in the water, others amongst the grills and tables.
Gov reclined on a deck chair, in buckled sandals– often called his ‘Dad Shoes’, but little Kayleigh had been teaching Paisley to paint nails, so Gov was going to show off their work (he was more than happy to be their test subject, and they did great [do not say anything to the contrary]) – and deep blue, knee-length swim trunks with a black waistband. A white, thin, short sleeve button down rested open over his chest, his compression top and his brace underneath it. DC, one of his eldest children- Daniel-, passed out asleep in the chair next to him, in cargo shorts and a similar shirt with far too many colors for Gov’s eyes. The boy’s crutch settled on the deck table between them. He’s been healing well, after waking up from his comatose state but a few months ago.
Sunglasses rest firmly on Gov’s nose, eyes too sensitive to the bright daylight as he watches his family.
Robin dives and glides through the water like she was meant to be there, dressed in a baby blue two-piece with a white, sheer wrap-skirt that ends a bit above her knees. Popping up every once in a while to splash lightly at the children– and even her own fathers, Massachusetts immediately diving into the water to enact his revenge.
Some of the cities were there, Nicki being all too willing to let his little sister climb his shoulders to avoid their father, while Grayson and Phillip - Philadelphia- gleefully charge at Mass through the water.
There’s yelling and laughter as more of the swimmers join in on the fight.
But Robin is a stone-cold woman, and it’s with that grin he knows and loves– not the same one she wore when dealing with… certain people but one she wore when being an Annoyance On Purpose, very similar but not the same, closer to the she wore when she was being Feral On Purpose– she wraps herself around Nicki’s torso and lets her weight fall back.
The city yells out in betrayal, but is cut off the moment they breach the water, Robin unwinding herself and darting off under the reflective surface.
“YOU LITTLE SHIT–!” Nicki gasps as he burts back up into the air, water dripping down his face as he pushes his hair back. “GET BACK HERE–!”
Ivan stands closer to the edge of the pool, and Robin would never betray her baby the way she would her siblings or parents. The largest State, and the largest of them there, aids his mother by standing in front of her.
“You touch mah baby boy, Nicki, and Imma turn yer knee caps intah chowdah!” she points threateningly at the City, who scowls at her. She’s grinning, still, looking around Ivan straight at her brother.
“Get ovah here and fight me, coward!”
“I’ll give ya a right scrap, ya mutt–!”
Gov snorts as Robin dives into Nicki with a screech, sending them both back under the water and splashing several onlookers.
He snorts as more people dive into the water, devolving into splash fights and playful yelling as he watches from his seat. He watches it go on for nearly 30 minutes, enjoying the time he has to simply observe and relax.
He’s so caught up in the watching, the adoration he feels for his loved ones filling his heart completely and utterly, that he hardly notices when someone makes their way closer to him. It’s not until something– someone– presses into his side with a muffled murmur that he notices.
Ivan had climbed out of the water, likely that the amount of people had grown distressing. It’s moments like this that Gov is glad to have thought to order custom chairs, the regular deck chairs most humans buy would not have held the weight of both him and his son.
He settles, placing an arm around the boy's shoulders as Ivan buries his face into Gov’s side. It’s not uncommon for any one of his children to grow distressed or overstimulated by their environment, but Ivan had always been one with the lowest tolerance. Gov thinks it must be from the sheer isolation the lands of Alaska have, but it could simply be Ivan himself.
The splashing dies down, the yelling quiets into normal outside volume, but the jumping and dragging under water does not cease, though most grow content to simply saddle up at the pool sides or allow themselves to float among the expanse of water.
He spies Robin climbing out of the pool, grinning wide and smug at Nicki. He doesn’t entirely know what the goal of their impromptu brawl was, but it was clear she had won something.
What that something was, he had no idea, and doubted he ever would. His dear Infinity’s relationship with her siblings was different from Gov’s relationship with his own; not by much, but enough for both of them to be a bit confused by each others interactions with their family members. His relations with his parents cities, his siblings, had been morphed by how ill and weak he was when he finally became Congress. His Robin’s relations had been changed from how feral and how she unapologetically caused trouble for anyone who annoyed her– or himself, for that matter, she’s always been the protective sort.
But that was alright, they rarely needed to know; but they would always explain it to each other if asked.
He has no idea why humans divorce or leave their partners so regularly, unless it’s physically or mentally harmful. They really should learn to communicate with their partners. And their children, for that matter– though he hardly has a leg to stand on in that matter, he’s been working on it.
“You look a little lost, dear.” his wifes’ voice is amused as she stands next to his seat, hands on her hips, “Have you wandered far?”
“Not at all,” he hums, curling his arm tighter around the largest, yet one of his youngest, of his children. “Simply observing, love.”
She just hums, still amused, taking up residence in the chair on his other side, and it isn’t long before another State, either overwhelmed or simply too tired to find anywhere else– not that either of them would complain– finds their way into her lap. Sebastian had never done well with warm weather.
Or cold weather.
Or any weather different from his States usual rainy days, to be fair.
They sit for a moment— the grilling should be done soon. Then they could all eat before the sun set entirely. Gov doesn’t know how long the States and Cities would continue to party, but he, Robin, and the few Departments that could make it had to wake up early.
But for now, they watch their family enjoy themselves, almost all together for the first time in decades.
He’s…missed it. Missed being around his kids and his parents and his uncles.
Sure, they’ve been around each other near constantly— but he’s always working. He’s missed just being there, watching them all have their fun and keeping them safe.
He feels a hand rest on his arm, but he doesn’t jump. He shifts his gaze to his dear Robin, who had plucked a set of sunglasses that match his own from thin air, and he knows her eyes are curious and concerned beneath the tinted lenses. One of her eyebrows raised as she runs her other hand through Sebastian’s hair.
He can hear, can feel the silent question.
Are you okay?
He smiles back at her, and it seems to appease her, as she settles back into the cushioning of the deck chair.
Gov settled back into his own seat as well, taking a glance at the still sleeping Daniel, the boy easily grows exhausted, much like he did for a while after the Civil War— hell, even for a while during and after the Revolution.
He hums, clutching Ivan closer to himself as his gaze finally returns to the chaos in the pool and the patio surrounding it.
He hasn’t had a chance to properly relax like this in…he doesn’t remember how long. Even in the 20’s they were still working, just not on Government work. The only times he’s been completely free of work had been times he was bedridden.
It’s nice.
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hypertimesstuff · 3 months
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may change her a lil but . here she is !
i think that shes v owlike,,, using her power she can also see through walls and through people <3
(Also — she has glasses which I forgot in the second one)
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emlovesstates · 1 year
Syracuse is rundown of her her dad and Papa’s love story
Colorado,holding a camera: OK Syracuse, when I say action, you start talking
Syracuse: Okay Coco
Colorado: action
Syracuse: hi, I am Syracuse, New York, and I am about to tell you the story of how I ended up with two dads my daddy, New York, and Papa Georgia.
Syracuse: it all started when my mommy died after morning for years and never taking off his ring until the 80s my dad started doing lots of girls he even dated Barbra Streisand. The reason why my daddy never got married is because he didn't want us kids to lose another mommy. Anyways, my dad and papa realizing loved each other in a hospital room after the US got attacked my big brother Monty was taking care of me and my siblings on my daddy and big brother we're in the hospital, my uncles and a few other states including Georgia, were in the hospital waiting for my daddy to wake up. When my dad finally woke up. The only person in the room that he saw was Georgia that is the moment that he realize he was in love with Georgia and Georgia says that he felt the same way.
Colorado : good job, sweetheart keep going
Syracuse : because my dad is stubborn and likes, denying his feelings
New Mexico behind one of the cameras: damn!
Syracuse: he decided to start dating a bunch of people mostly women until 2020 when we couldn't go out anymore then almost 2 years later Arizona ask my father if he had any plans for Valentine's Day or a crush on anyone my dad cannot get out of this and he told me that he has never seen more persistence since Louisiana tried to convince him to takeoff his wedding ring.
Louisiana sitting in a chair watching this go down: getting him to take off his wedding ring was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do
Gov: well, I mean
Gov: Syracuse continue with the story
Syracuse: OK anyways my dad eventually told Arizona that he has a crush on Georgia then after munch convincing Dad finally ask Georgia out. The two said I love you right away.(this is fiction. It doesn't matter. When they say I love you.) because they have known each other for years and years since the 1700s now , New York, and Georgia are happy in their relationship, although things didn't go as they wanted to go especially with the family
Syracuse : you see my dad didn't want to tell my uncle's or my big brother Monty not right away he wanted to have some time to spend time with Georgia get a handle on the relationship but once again,
Arizona intervened,
Arizona: HEY!!
Cali: Arizona it's true New York wanted to enjoy the relationship a little bit before he told his entire family and he never got to do that
Arizona: his family should know tho
New York: I was going to tell them eventually
Colorado: guys let's Syracuse continue with the story
Syracuse : Anyways when my uncle Connecticut felt like there was something going on with New York that he wasn't telling him. Arizona tried distract him from the truth, but failed New York intervened, and told uncle Connecticut that he was in a relationship with Georgia after a screaming match and scaring Arizona. Arizona, went to tell New Mexico who is pissed.
NM: oh, my favorite part of the story
Utah: not my favorite part
Syracuse: uncle Connecticut, congratulated and threatened Georgia out of the love that he has for his little brother, even though he knows that Georgia would never hurt New York, and could never hurt New York. My dad later found out that New Mexico is pissed at Connecticut and he stupidly decided to take full responsibility for the incident that happened. That scared Arizona. My father decided to make apple pies to make everything better because Apple pie makes everything better.
Connecticut: NO,IT DOES NOT!!!
New York and his kids: YES IT DOES.
Syracuse: uncle Connecticut was half wrong and half right at first the pie did not work because dad in New Mexico and uncle Connecticut got into a fight that was broken up that we're still not sure who won and we don't need to know who won(Utah told her to say) after the fight was broken up they all enjoyed my father's apple pie.
Syracuse: the next day after the fight was Valentine's Day, New York, and Georgia gave each other their gifts dad gave Georgia a bear with a heart on it, and Georgia give daddy a Bieber holding a heart. Dad and Papa were making out when uncle Connecticut dressed up in a nice suit ready for a date he asked his brother. If he looked good and daddy said yeah, now get out Georgia New York went back to making out.
Then a few days later on the Friday, my father and Georgia decided that they should tell us kids about their relationship. On that Friday and Georgia went back to Georgia. Go get his kids so they can come to New York and visit our mansion. Then my father and Georgia told us kids that they are together we were all happy. All of us were in that room, except for in Long Island, and he was the last to find out.
Colorado: OK good job sweetheart that's part one of the story now say the outro
Syracuse: OK that's all for now bye I'm gonna come back for part two* she waves at the camera*
New York: good job sweetheart, but you basically got the entire story down
Syracuse: no, we got to get to your wedding that's when he really because my stepfather
New York: you're right it is
Hey guys, I hope you guys enjoy this
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kaz-playz · 2 years
IQS!!!!! :D
Illinois: *yawns* 
New York: Yeah, being that pretty must be tiring. 
Illinois: Then you must be exhuasted. 
Springfield: Will you two shut up? Some of us are lonely.
Chicago: I don’t even use tubberware anymore. 
New York: What are you saying? Say it again. 
Chicago: Tubberware. 
New York: Say it again. Slow. 
Chicago: Tubberware. 
New York: Slow, very slow - actually, say the first syllable. 
Chicago: Tub. 
New York: Wrong. 
Chicago: What do you mean, wrong? 
New York: I thought I caught that. You’re saying tub. It’s P. 
Chicago: What are you talking about? 
New York: Tupperware. Tupper. 
Chicago: It’s tupper!?
New York: It’s tupper, always has been, always will be. 
Chicago: I thought it was tubberware because it kind of looks like a tub.
Chicago: What do rainbows mean to you? 
Illinois: Gay rights. 
New York: There's money. 
NYC: The sign of God's promise to never destroy the whole Earth with a flood. 
Buffalo: It is an optical phenomenon that separates sunlight into its continuous spectrum when the sun shines on raindrops.
Springfield, cowering in fear: What do you want from me?! 
Buffalo, standing in front of Springfield: *bites into the whole KitKat bar like a heathen* 
Springfield, crying: Please...stop...
Buffalo: The waiter at Olive Garden has been grating my cheese for 6 hours now, waiting for me to say when. Customers are screaming. Three people have died. 
Buffalo: I will not yield.
NYC: Strawberry milk doesn’t taste like strawberry OR milk. 
Buffalo: Go the fuck to sleep NYC.
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abcwordsurge · 7 months
how do i get into statehouse :( i tried watching the vids but its too hard for me to followw
*pulls out a giant binder, overflowing with papers*
Ok, so, if you're new to Ben Brainard's content, you have some different options for where to start. It's easiest to start with the videos that focus on one state at a time.
For example, my personal favorite collection of videos: "Weird Laws," which is Gov trying to get each state to explain their laws. You could also try the "Fun with Names" videos, about odd or funny city names in each state, or the "Joins the Table" videos, which give trivia about the state's features and culture. These would introduce you to the characters (the states), which is super helpful when later watching the "Table News" and "Statehouse" videos.
If you'd rather watch videos that still have the "main characters" (as in, the main 6, who make the most frequent appearances), I'd recommend the earlier "Table News" videos. These tend to only include DC (who sort of became Gov later on), Florida, California, New York, Texas, and Loui. Other states show up occasionally, but those 6 are the only ones you need to pay attention to for the early videos.
Gradually, if you watch the "Table News" videos in order, you'll start to recognize more and more states- and once you feel comfortable with at least the main 6, then it really wouldn't be too hard to just skip around and watch whichever videos catch your fancy.
The most difficult videos to follow are probably the "Statehouse" videos, since they show most of the states, so you'd need to have a good grasp of which states are which to understand them on the first watch through.
To find any of these videos, you could just look up "Ben Brainard" followed by the type of video you want to watch ("weird laws," "joins the table," "statehouse," etc). Ben Brainard also has a playlist of the "Table News" videos in order (link below), but that doesn't include the "Weird Laws" or "Fun With Names" or, y'know, anything except for the "Table News."
Thanks for coming to my Ben Talk and I hope you enjoy your discovery of the WttT universe (and if anyone has more suggestions for WttT beginners, feel free to comment / reblog / whatever)
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alaskashigh · 7 months
I'd love to hear more of your California/New York headcanons if you're good with that! or any other ship headcanons you have :D
I’ma go ahead and say a bunch of my headcanons about not just yorkcali, but the other states n shit because i don’t have any wttt friends and need to talk about them
Sometimes the meetings really wear New York out, so when they are finally allowed to leave he latches onto California and forces the both of them to take long naps (even if New York struggles to sleep, but he's slowly getting their with California)
Speaking of sleeping, California and New York both struggle to go to bed. Because of the bustling of all of his cities, New York couldn't sit in silence without hearing it in the back of his mind until his brain started to tune it out, so sleeping was difficult. Not only that, but he's always restless and itching to do something- anything- so you can find him up at 3 in the morning, empty and half full coffees and energy drinks stacked around him, working or writing new plays.
The same goes for California, but it isn't as bad. He learned how to tune out his cities a long time ago, so he doesn't really hear it unless he focuses on it. Though he does hear the beach quite frequently. He is always on his feet, looking for things to do to fill his time. Art and work take up a lot of his time, but he still takes naps when he remembers too. (Usually after realizing that he's seen the sun rise for the 14th time.)
They both have a really bad caffeine addiction, so their quite fidgety and active.
California or New York will drag the other out of the house after a while of nonstop work, work, work, and go, go, go. Taking each other to get boba or go see a play/movie. When they get out of the house it's unlikely you'll see them again until 2-3 days later. You'll see them both laughing and smiling as they walk through the front door and to their rooms like they haven't been gone for almost a week.
So, Cal’s ghost towns or “dead” towns, yeah? Well i headcanon that all of the ghost towns still hang around the states- (idea given to me by this hella cool fic by TourificTiccer) -and that they all look shattered, broken, a little transparent, and like how they looked when they died. They can switch between looking like how they died and how they looked before it. Also do you know that one song? The Mind Electric? (this is the song that i’m talking about. i couldn’t find any other versions of this on other websites besides one animatic on youtube so sorry if you don’t use soundcloud!) I imagine that's how they sound, like an old broken radio. You can also hear mining, trains, and different voices of people that used to live in them coming from them because their bodies are permanently stuck in the past.
Also, I headcanon that California wasn’t really close to his old towns then, really only using them because of the popularity and gold. Back then he didn’t see his towns as his kids, mainly as acquaintances, so because of that those towns were never really apart of his family. He regrets being like how he was with them now, thats why later on in his life he started to take care of his cities and see them as his kids like they see him as their father.
Basically none of the ghost towns are “related” in any way besides that their towns in California. They don’t see California as family or anything really, just a bad person.
The ghost towns aren’t too fond with California because of it and still hold grudges because of how they were treated til this day, but their slowly making amends and trying to fix things, even if they’ll never forgive him and California understands that.
Calico and Brody, two of California’s famous ghost towns, weren’t close until their towns populations started to drop a lot. they took comfort in each other, knowing that they at least had each other when everyone was leaving. Brody was devastated when Calico died and was pissed off at California for not showing enough compassion.
They found each other again after Brody died and haven’t left each other since.
(I couldn’t find a date of when the towns were founded, only years, so i just kept the date the same as today for both of them besides the years. i’ll just say that Brody is 164 and Calico’s 128 (google said mid 1890s so i put 1895 in an age calculator. if someone knows their actual ages that’d be cool to know)
Currently only have headcanons for those two ghost towns, but i’ll work on the other ones including from other states as well.
San Francisco and Jacksonville are best friends and are always getting into trouble. They spend a lot of their time outside at the beach and walking in front of outlet shops, occasionally stealing a thing or two from them. They always run back to California at the end of the day when they’ve gotten their asses in trouble, or just to hang out with him since California gives them a lot of freedom to just do their own things. (Although he does scold them when they do something idiotic, but nothing too harsh.)
Jacksonville gave San Francisco a custom handcrafted surf board for christmas. It’s his favorite surfboard out of all the ones he owns (he likes to collect them and has a good amount from over the years) and he always takes it to the beach with him, with or without Jacksonville.
They both got really high and dyed their hair rainbow. Jacksonville completely dyed all of his hair whilst San Francisco did the bottom layer of his hair, the top later of his hair still light brown with blondish highlights. San Francisco fixed up some of the dye in his hair since it wasn’t the best job done when he got sober while Jacksonville said he didn’t care and just left it as is, even though San Francisco had offered to fix it up for him. (idea from Storytellers_And_States cool fic)
Illinois and Wisconsin absolutely hate each other, yeah? "We know this already, get to the good bit!" Yadada yadada- hold your horses. Well a long time back when they first started hating each other, it had just been arguing and pettiness, until one day things took a turn and Illinois woke up the next day bruised and sore with hickeys all over his body, a snoring Wisconsin next to him. At first the two tried to ignore it, tried not to think about what they had done, but their minds always circled back to the other, until one day they were arguing again and couldn't keep themselves from doing a "little more" than arguing against an old beaten up wall.
Safe to say they have a "enemies with benefits" type relationship, and each time they only feel more confused afterwards. They can't grasp why they always gravitate towards one another like the pull of a magnetic force. At first they would've said confidently that it was because they wanted to annoy each other, but with how many times they've fucked and how their feelings keep getting more and more confusing, the other almost always on their mind, they aren't so confident anymore that being annoying is why they find themselves in the same vicinity as the other constantly.
Gov and Cdc are a nervous wreck of a couple. The two of them being like a puzzle piece unfinished until they are together. When they aren't with the other they feel a little nervous and unsure of themselves at times, always needing that extra push of encouragement or assurance that the other gives when they aren't so sure about something. But when they are together they aren't exactly fully confident, but they are more put together and stronger, feeling comforted and fulfilled when the other is with them. They work better together than on their own at times. Of course they also need their alone time and personal space, but afterwards they are always coming back to one another, wrapping their arms around the other and soothing any worries or troubles.
Cdc knows that Gov has a lot of mental and physical health problems from his unhealthy work habits and from how he was raised, all those years ago. So he always has his arms open, ready to take Gov in and care for him. He's always there to kiss his head and ease him of his worries, telling him time and time again that no matter what he will never leave him, he'll never stop loving him, and that he will always be there for him no matter what.
Coast Guard is ambidextrous. He likes to write with his right hand and cook with his left hand. Florida once snuck into his office, saw him writing with his left hand, and almost screamed.
"You can write with both hands too?!"
"How did you get in my office-"
He and Wisconsin are good friends, they like to go out drinking together and often go to each other's homes as soon as their free. When they aren't with each other their texting every so often, Wisconsin sending him funny cat memes and Coast Guard sending Ocean animal memes during meetings or work.
(Thank you to whoever said that Wisconsin and Coast Guard would be friends in my last post, it's canon in my Ben Brainard world now lol)
Okay i've been working on this for like, two days now? So i'ma end this here. Thanks for asking for my headcanons!! (Sorry about the lack of Yorkcali ones- I got too into talking about other states and personifications, my bad) This was so fun lol, I love getting to talk about my headcanons and how I see Ben's world (someone should send me more asks, wink wink nudge nudge. you didn't hear that from me though)
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 5 months
I did a silly angst snapped Texas’s spine like a glowstick <3
For those that can’t read it on Wattpad:
    Texas thought to himself as he sat under a tall apple tree in the moonlight. He thought about the whole civil war that they were all fighting in. He thought about the reasons behind it. He thought about one of the things that contributed to the reasonings for this damned war. Slavery. The word had tasted bad on his tongue for so long. The Lone Star State knew that it was wrong, he had no slaves himself, but the fact that he sat by and watched a bunch of innocent people be put to work like animals makes him want to put his gun to use. On himself.
    the CSA didn't really treat them well either, though he mainly targeted the people of color. Such as Texas and Louisiana and occasionally Mississippi. Texas knows that the only reason that Confederate hasn't killed them yet is because he needs their fighting skills and resources. But that doesn't justify the unfair treatment. They would always be put on the front lines in battle in Confederate's hope that they might die, they were always put somewhat separate from the other states (though the three had formed a sort of bond), and Texas and Louisiana were the usual main targets for getting yelled at if anything went wrong. Even if it wasn't their fault. So yeah- it wasn't really too fair on their part.
    Texas sighs as he stands up and walks over to his horse, Bucky. He gently pets the horse on the snout and gives him an apple from the tree, whispering a small "Good Boy" as he gently combed through Bucky's mane. He checked his saddlebags to make sure he had enough food and water for the next two or three days as he traveled to D.C.. He had just about enough for a day and half, but that was fine. He was experienced with the outdoors and knew how to hunt very well. He set his gun in his lap, and hung his bag of handmade tools around his neck (he had a handmade stone axe and dagger, as well as flint and steel and a few spear heads that could be used for either throwing or being attached to a stick then thrown.).
Texas gently tapped Bucky's side with the heel of his boot. "Come on boy..... to D.C."
(Nearly three days later...)
    Texas rode near silently through the streets of Washington D.C., hoping that he would wake nobody up and alert them of his presence. That would not end well.... He had to somehow SILENTLY go through the entire city to get to D.C's house in the outskirts. He sighs as he taps Bucky's side with his boot. As he traveled, the Lone Star State felt that one weird feeling that one feels sometimes. The one weird feeling that feels as though you're being watched. But he shrugged it off. Quite the stupid mistake later, but for now, he was just focused on getting to D.C.'s house. Soon enough, he reached his destination. Texas tied Bucky to a tree and quickly but quietly approached the house.
    He looked in the window to see if D.C. was awake, and to his relief, he was. To his most definite relief (yeah mhm definitely) though, Pennsylvania was in there too. And based on the flask in his hand, probably tipsy as well. Which meant quicker to anger. Texas had never really hated PA, but he was sure as hell always maybe a little scared of him? Which- would sound stupid if Pennsylvania wasn't well....Pennsylvania! To his actual relief though, New York was also there, whom he had never had any problems with. New York was a somewhat chill person, or at least a lot tamer than PA. Sure, okay, he always looked pissed off about something, but he was actually a pretty sweet guy to be around. Kinda.
    'Ah sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t-' was the only thing going through the Lone Star's mind right now. Did he just make eye contact with Pennsylvania? Yes. Yes he did. Was he now regretting every life decision that led him to this very moment? Yes. Yes he was. Texas got up quickly and tried to run, only to have a rough hand grab the back of his shirt and throw him on the ground. He felt himself get tackled and tried his best to block any punches. Through his arms, he could see PA's angry crazed expression. Terrifying. Texas then felt the smaller state's weight get yanked off of him with some struggle. He opened his eyes and saw New York holding PA back and D.C. standing there with his arms crossed.
    Texas noticed how much the three of them changed. New York's hair had grown long enough that it's kept in a small bun, he looked WAY more tired than usual, and his oh so beautiful bluish green eyes no longer held the spark of happiness that the other's had tried to bring back. He also wore a mask, that covered his mouth and nose. Pennsylvania didn't look all too different, except he looked angrier than he had before the war, and his hair was a little bit longer and messier. D.C. looked oh so very tired..... his hair was still somewhat neat though, but he seemed to walk with a bit of a limp.
    The Lone Star State tried to hold back a horrified gasp when New York pulled the mask down to speak clearer. He appeared to have a large stitched up gash that started at the corner of his mouth... damn. "Jesus f*ckin' Christ Penn can ya like- not choose violence whenever ya see fit??? The dumbass ain't even armed!" New York scolded, making PA roll his eyes and shrug the younger off of him.
"Y-Yeah what he sai-""Shut the f*ck up before I come over there and kill ya myself." New York interrupted, glaring at Texas.
"Y'know, Texas, if that was supposed to be an assassination attempt, then I honestly feel bad. Cause' that was absolute sh*t."
    "I-It wasn't an assassination attempt I swear!!" Texas shouted putting his hands up to block himself, in the same fashion that he did when he was Mexico's territory. 'Trust me, if it was, the three of you would be dead by now...' he thought to himself.
"What the hell are you doing here then?"
"I-I came to m-make a proposal...? A-about something regarding the war..?" Texas answered, his voice shaking a bit.
    D.C. gave him a look of mild judgement and questioning and was silent for at least two minutes. "Very well. Get your ass inside and you better give me a good reason to not send you back. Dead."
    Texas nodded and hesitantly stood up, doing his best to make himself look smaller despite being 6'5. He followed the other three states into the house, occasionally making eye contact with New York, and he noticed a not only tired look in his eyes, but also......fear???? Weird... He took a seat in one of the chairs that were in front of D.C.'s desk, sitting in the middle seat whilst Pennsylvania and New York took the seats next to him.
"Alright then. What are you here to talk about? Make it quick. We don't have all night." Said the government.
    Texas gulped a little bit. Has D.C. always been this scary?? "W-well i uhhh-" he paused trying to find his words. He felt a gentle hand be placed on his knee to tame his fidgeting. He knew by the amount of rings and scars that it was New York's hand. Why was he being nice to him...?
    "L-look- this might sound stupid but um...... can I uhh... can I fight for the Union?" Texas asked. D.C. gave him the look that meant continue, and so he did. He told them his thoughts about how stupid it was that he let Confederate take control of him like that. He told them about how wrong he thought it was to treat people like servants just because of their different skin color, and he even told them a bit about the mistreatment to himself and a few others. When he finished, he looked up at D.C. with a slightly pleading look.
D.C. seems to be thinking for a few seconds before speaking "Pennsylvania come with me."
"Who do you think you are-" "Did I f*cking stutter?" PA just rolled his eyes and followed his pseudo-son into another room, leaving New York to watch Texas.
The two states sat in silence for a while before Texas spoke up: "Can I ask what happened?"
"W-well I guess knowin' what happened up ere' in the Union would be fine- but I was mainly talkin' bout what happened to your mouth?"
New York's beautiful bluish green eyes widened a bit. "Oh- uhh- this..?" he lowered his mask so that Texas could see the gash and stitches.
"Yeah..? What happened...? If ya don't mind me askin' o'course..." Texas answered rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
"I don't mind..." New York replied. He was silent for about a minute before speaking again: "I got into a fight. With Confederate. It was pretty nasty. I lost sadly."
    "Well yeah I would imagine ya lost- n-not that there's anythin' wrong with that! Confederate's a b-big g-gay-i mean guy!" Texas said, cursing himself for stuttering. To that, New York laughed a little. Texas could feel his face heat up a bit at the sound and sight. New York laughing??? Genuinely??? And SMILING??? The Lone Star State felt as though he had just seen God himself.
Just then, D.C. and Pennsylvania walked into the room. Texas sat up straight and New York pulled his mask back up.
    "Very well, Texas. You may fight for the Union. You may act as a spy for us. Keep an eye on Confederate, and if you need me, I'm giving you the ability to use the teleportation and mental connections with the Union back. Don't make me regret this, for I will show no hesitation in ending your life." Said the government.
"Thank you sir, you won't regret this, I promise." Texas said, bowing his head a bit in gratitude.
"I better not. New York? May you please escort Texas out of the city?" New York nodded in response, grabbing his rifle.
    As the two walked through the streets of Washington D.C., Texas admired New York from where he sat on Bucky. He admired New York's oh so very beautiful eyes that shined their truest colors in the moon light, their colors reminded Texas of the Atlantic Ocean. He admired New York's long messy brown hair, including the natural white/bright blonde streaks from his poliosis. He admired the way he could see New York's sharp canine teeth whenever he spoke, and they reminded him of a cat's. Texas admired New York's freckles that were dotted all over his face neck and shoulders. To him, New York was perfect.
    A loud gunshot pierced the air, startling the three of them. Bucky kicked his forelegs up, throwing Texas off and running away. As Texas was recovering, he heard a sharp cry from behind him and turned to see Confederate holding NY's unconscious body in his arms. He quickly stood up, but he didn't have enough time to pull out a weapon before Confederate dropped New York and tackled Texas to the ground.
"YOU F*CKIN' TRAITOR!!" Confederate shouted, kicking Texas in the gut.
    Texas yelped and coughed up some blood. "I-I DUNNO WHAT YER TALKIN' ABOUT!!" He felt himself get yanked up by his collar. See, Texas was tall, but Confederate was even taller. And bigger too. Plus Texas was weakened due to sleep deprivation and lack of actual nutrition.
"Ya know what we do to traitors like you?~" Confederate snarled with a dangerous look in his eyes that sent shivers down Texas's spine.
    Okay. Now would be a good time to call for help. 'D.C.!! Penn!! Anyone???? Help!!' Texas mentally called out, using the mental communication thing the states had.
"We KILL them!!~" said Confederate with a snarl.
Texas cried out as he felt pain blossom in his back, chest and head. Confederate had slammed Texas as hard as he could into a nearby oak tree.
Texas felt as though everything he felt happened in slow motion. He could feel his spine and head crack, he felt all of the wind be knocked out of his lungs, he felt himself cough and he could feel blood trickle out of his ears, nose, and mouth. Before he went fully unconscious, he felt himself be dropped to the ground and he heard a loud gunshot and running footsteps. Then, everything went black......
Uhhhh- dw Texas was fine (BRO HIS SPINE AND HEAD CRACKED 😭). Mhm. Definitely. Um-
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WTTT Characters of Color
i originally was going to do this just for myself to have a list for future fanfic purposes but I decided why not post it to Tumblr that why I can have a list for myself and for everyone else 
Disclaimer: This should really be titled WTTT ethnic and racial minorities characters but i’m too lazy to change it. And deciding who are people of color, who are considered ethnic minorities, is a fluid geographically dependent loaded question that have complex nuanced answers that scholars will forever debate about and that you will not a clean cut answer to on Tumblr dot com on a post by an accountant who stans a sketch comedy show. But without further ado, the list.
Note: The characters of color/characters of ethnic minorities can be divided into two categories- the character is explicitly stated to be non-white or the person who plays them is an minority. Only canon identities will be included in this list so as much as I love and will defend for the rest of time Black!Ilithiya and Sephardi!New York City, those are not canon identities and as such are absent from this list. 
1. Atlanta (Georgia Demonyms)
2. Navajo Nation (New Mexico Joins The Table)
3. Miami (Table News: Weather, Strikes, Zebras, and Victory!) 
4. FAA 
5. Pilots’ Union
6. Southwest Airlines 
7. Department of Education 
8. FBI 
9. Hawai’i 
10. Puerto Rico 
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