#nay-nay the clown
selene19official · 4 months
Meet Nay-Nay the clown! My new mascot!
The first pic is her Halloween outfit, and second is her main outfit!
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somepinkthing · 1 year
Funniest part of trigun maximum is when the collective consciousness of the hundreds of plants that knives ate forces him to feel like a tiny sliver of regret and he literally crumples to his knees like he's having a heart attack
Second funniest part of trigun is when zazie says to knives "we gunsmoke natives decided to coexist with plants over humans.... not you though because you suck."
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minarcana · 1 year
thinking about my wol urianger au while i was at work and making myself sad
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pencopanko · 7 months
I have made it a rule that I won't be reblogging them for my own sanity and for my more sensitive followers and mutuals, but I am literally this close to reblogging posts depicting actual corpses in Palestine because I have had it
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ambreiiigns · 1 year
why the fuck. would she ever say his name. like heeeey art my broooother's right theeeere GIRL SHUT THE FUCK. MY FUCKING GOD IDIOT BITCH I HOPE YOU DIEEEE JUST FOR THIS STUNT
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nai-ruto · 2 years
I've just realised I met Superwog at the same time as Chan. My delulu head will never let me live this down.
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whentheynameyoujoy · 2 months
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Still can’t get over this, they freaked the FUCK out because someone might have noticed them holding hands a bit longer than strictly speaking necessary, iN puBLiC, then just a few days later dude proceeded to utterly despoil, ravish, nay, DISHONOR her in his family’s gazebo which I still don’t believe nobody in the house or neighbourhood saw or heard, after which they had a very polite, very civilized, very reasonable convo about how getting married would be the stupidest thing for them to do naturally of course how right you are Miss Sharma, WHEREUPON they did get married, right after swapping spit in front of the whole ton, and then went on to play grabass while their family watched, also I’m being reminded this guy started off by proudly declaring how he shall never fall in love MOTHER, truly the greatest love story to ever come out of the clown college.
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mcmansionhell · 2 years
hark ye oakland county
Howdy folks! Today I've decided to return to a long-neglected place of terrible vibes, Oakland County, Michigan. The house on special is, one could say, fit for a king but like maybe one of those kings that sells used cars on tv in the wee hours of the night. Anyway:
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This house, built during the ripe housing bubble era of 2002, will only cost the good sir a marginal $3.2 million. For such a pittance, one receives 4 bedrooms, 4.5 bathrooms, and around 5,000 square feet. Princely!
Now, you might be thinking that this house will be decked out in the cheesiest middle ages decor imaginable -- yes, Kate, surely you shall be showing us a cromulent McCastle specimen. Alas, nay, it is worse than that.
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Here is my theory: the people who live in this house do not understand what houses are nor how one behaves in them. It's like Mark Zuckerberg trying to be human. Nothing, and I mean nothing in this house matches, coordinates, flows, or makes sense. It's subtle, yes, but when you start to notice it, it becomes infuriating.
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yeah, you know what would look good in this mostly neutral room? a painting with a clown palette. good for the digestion.
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Tbh I wish they stuck with the hokey castle thing instead of making a house that looks like a bank lobby.
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There's a weird Dracula subtext going on here and it makes me uncomfortable.
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I am trying to understand the thought process here. First: tray ceiling. ok. normal mcmansion stuff. Now we need the two narrowest windows WITH a big fanlight on top. OK SO instead of doing a tray ceiling in the middle of the room, what if we did like, a double soffit with recessed lights. Ok. BUT THEN WHAT ABOUT THE WINDOW?? Well we could move the window down two feet or replace it with a more normal window shape, you know one that makes a modicum of sense. However, for some reason that is unacceptable. Hence, moldus interruptus. And yet (and yet) we still want that tray ceiling look because this is 2002. So i guess?? nail on some moldings??? but they're brown because they have to match the doors instead of the white baseboards??????
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As a bonus, this room is the easiest for dressing up for Halloween.
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You've got to give them credit where credit is due here. They had to find some kind of use for the McMansion foyer interzone despite the fact that it is a "room" with no walls that is clearly an oversized traffic area. It's like putting lounge chairs in the middle of an airport hallway.
Finally, the back side of this house which is marginally better than the castle stuff.
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Anyway, thanks for joining me on this confounding journey. Bonus posts will be up tomorrow, and there's still time to catch me livestreaming terrible home design shows from the 90s on Thursday:
If you like this post and want more like it, support McMansion Hell on Patreon for as little as $1/month for access to great bonus content including extra posts and livestreams.
Not into recurring payments? Try the tip jar, because I live in Chicago and winter heating bills are coming
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the-kingshound · 5 months
"How hard could it be finding another enchanted weapon for my dearest spouse?"
Arthur, months later, hands tugging on his hair: I am a fool. A clown. Nay, the entire circus.
He is. He absolutely is. And when Morien hears about this, they'll mock him until the wold ends.
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excalisi · 1 year
isagi, off-field: hi! my name is isagi youichi, and i'm going to be the greatest striker in the world. it's a pleasure to meet you!
isagi, on-field: You are all but side characters in my story. I will devour your playstyle and make it my own to evolve to the next level, and there will be nothing you can do to halt my acceleration to the top. If you try, you will most assuredly make a fool of yourself. You are all clowns—nay, an entire circus. I will laugh above your downed bodies and climb over mountains made of your corpses to take my rightful place at the apex of the world.
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sailorgoon13 · 2 months
Vash Stampede
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Full Name: Vash Stampede
Nickname: Vash, Blondie
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 15 December, 1871
Heritage: American
Blood Status: Muggle Born
Wand: Rowan wood, 11 3/4", Dragon Heartstring, Slightly Springy. Prefers to use his revolvers
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Tone: Fair
Height: 6ft
Body Type: Lean and athletic
Style: Rugged, Eccentric
Features: Messy blonde hair, Blue eyes, Mysterious smile, Freckle on left cheekbone. Always has his red coat and revolvers
Traits: Optimism, Compassion, Morality, Playful, Courageous
Likes: Donuts, "Love and Peace", Comedy, Nature, Helping others
Dislikes: Violence, Loneliness, Tragedy, Harm to the Innocent
Hobbies: Exploring, Stargazing, Spending time with friends
Fears: The unknown, Losing control, Failure, Harming Others, Being Alone
Family and Friends:
Father: Muggle (Unknown)
Mother: Muggle (Unknown) Siblings: A few muggle siblings (Unknown) Twin brother Nai, also a wizard and shares rare ability with Vash
Friends: Rory Wilder, Garreth Weasley, Ominis Gaunt, Sebastian Sallow
Special Abilities: Can wield and use Ancient Magic
Boggart: His darker self
Patronus: Phoenix
Polyjuice: Glints of gold and silver flecks would shimmer in a rich amber color. Taste like wild berries and honey followed by a warm, spicy kick of cinnamon and cloves. The aftertaste would linger with a hint of smokiness
Amortentia: Fresh Rain, Gunpowder, Vanilla and Sage
Vash's backstory is a captivating yet heartbreaking tale. Born into a destitute Muggle family alongside his twin brother Nai, they were the only ones in their large brood to possess magical abilities. At the age of eight, their parents, unable to comprehend or cope with their uniqueness, callously cast them out into the streets to fend for themselves. Facing the harsh reality of homelessness, Vash and Nai clung to each other for support, relying on their wits to survive the unforgiving streets. In a stroke of fate, Vash obtained a stolen revolver, providing a semblance of protection for himself and his brother amidst the perilous urban landscape.
Their fortunes took a pivotal turn when they received letters of acceptance from Ilvermorny at the age of eleven, granting them a chance to harness their magical potential. At school, they quickly distinguished themselves, drawing the attention of Professor Rem Saverem, their History of Magic instructor, who took them under her wing. Professor Saverem became a mother to the orphaned boys, offering them guidance and nurturing their burgeoning talents in a nurturing environment.
Despite their shared upbringing, Vash and Nai took divergent paths in their magical education. While Vash reveled in camaraderie and levity, earning a reputation as the class clown, Nai excelled academically, driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge and power. Tensions between the brothers escalated when Nai sought forbidden knowledge to further enhance his abilities, leading to a confrontation that ultimately ended in tragedy. Nai's descent into darkness culminated in a catastrophic act of violence, leaving devastation in his wake.
In the aftermath of the tragedy, Vash found himself ostracized and scrutinized by authorities, his academic performance suffering as a result. Faced with the threat of expulsion and the loss of his magical privileges, he was sent to Hogwarts in a last-ditch effort to salvage his education. It's at Hogwarts where Vash encounters Aurora 'Rory' Wilder, another wielder of ancient magic, and together they embark on a quest to thwart Nai's nefarious plans and prevent further catastrophe.
Haunted by his past and burdened by the weight of responsibility, Vash struggles to find redemption amidst the chaos unleashed by his brother's actions. Yet, fueled by a newfound sense of purpose and the bonds forged with his allies, he remains determined to confront his demons and fight for a brighter future.
Best Subject: Muggle Studies
Favorite Subject: DADA
Favorite Professor: Professor Hecat
Worst Subject: Ancient Runes
Least Favorite Subject: Transfiguration
Least Favorite Professor: Professor Shah
Student Life:
Vash initially struggles academically. He is very smart but doesn't always like to apply himself
Despite the challenges he faces, he forms meaningful friendships with his fellow students.
Throughout his student life, Vash grapples with moral dilemmas and inner turmoil stemming from his past and the actions of his brother. He wrestles with questions of guilt, redemption, and the nature of good and evil, struggling to find his place in a world that often judges him based on his family history.
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vestaclinicpod · 30 days
Audio Drama Sunday - 21st April ✨
Here are the shows which got me through a particularly heavy set of night shifts! 😌
👻 @tellnotalespod (S2E78) The music in this episode was so sad 😭. Of COURSE Frank hadn’t considered the emotional nature of the tether in his research. Jesus 🙄. Leo needs to start running this show ASAP.
🌲 @hellofromthehallowoods (148) I’m absolutely obsessed with Buck’s glow up. Honestly, goals. What an interesting cast of characters we have aboard this ship, I can’t wait to spend more time with them. Dashiell reporting to have never met Valerie snuffs out one of my early theories … unless he’s lying! I’m so scared for Shelby and Clem! The action writing has always been amazing in this show but the TENSION this season. I can’t cope. Also, that body at the end! A reference to the circle of fifths?? I’m gonna get emotionally wrecked by the murderer reveal, I can already tell.
🧳 Travelling Light @monstrousproductions (18) oh these Augurians are so lovely and mystical but I was hit by a wave of sadness thinking about one old soul whose aviary is down to one single bird companion and then getting the prophecy of when it will die 🥺 But my sad thoughts were soon drowned out by the 🚨HOLDING HANDS ALARM🚨. Good grief, they’re bloody adorable.
🎙️WTNV (246) I’m so glad we actually got to hear this story!! I couldn’t agree more, Abby, it is not incomprehensible that two living people could haunt each other. I’m reminded of a fave Everything Everything lyric ‘if he’s dead, he’s not a deadbeat dad’…. you feel me?
🏛 @the-mistholme-museum (ERASED) oh, boy, I sure hope this episode title is just a fun word which begins with E and not a reference to what’s happened with HoResearch! Anyone down to make a petition for one more season where the guide just talks to itself? It’s so cute!!
🖥️ The Magnus Protocol (12) oh god, I bloody hate mascots/clowns and this is not helping at all….
🍎 @notquitedeadpod (XXXVI) I don’t like listening to Alfie cry 😭 forgive me, but I’m mentally not ready to give up on the idea of Cas coming back. I believe that Haley believes in what she’s telling Alfie but I’m also like… babes, you maybe want to ask your consultant about that? I need to relisten with a notepad or something to get this new biology lore down because it’s so interesting!!
I’m thinking about starting Hi Nay or Small Victories this week, I’ve heard such good things about both of them! If you have a particular fave or if there’s a show you think I’d prefer more - let me know!!
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fic rec friday 18
welcome to the eighteenth fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
1. A Kind Of Cosmic Joke by @eatdirt
And it's not like it's a big deal. It's decidedly not a big deal. Really it's hardly a deal at all. It's just that, maybe, in the trick of the light, if you squint and turn your head just so, Keith is…
Keith is big.
nothing in the entire history of voltron legendary defender, nay the history of voltron entirely, is funnier than the moment where lance called keith grizzled. he absolutely deserves to be clowned on for that for eternity, even in modern aus, like this fic. lance freaking out about keith getting bigger is funny in every universe in every way and this fic nails it lol
2. only a hippopotamus will do by perfchan
Lance walks into the kitchen and stops. Physically stops, the cup in his hand that’s in need of a refill completely forgotten.
He turns, slowly. Raises an eyebrow. Are those...cookies? He blinks.
Yep. He leans in closer to inspect. Sugar cookies in the shape of pine trees. Green icing, mostly, with the stars on top slathered on in yellow. Well. They’re sort of messy, more like green and yellow blobs, actually. But that’s clearly the intention. Sprinkles for ornaments.
Christmas cookies.
There’s a whole plate of them---a paper plate, stacked high with handmade cookies, wrapped in plastic wrap---and they just randomly appeared. Right here on his kitchen counter.
Lance huffs out little sigh and shakes his head. Maybe mutters something under his breath. But he doesn’t give it much thought once he’s left the kitchen. Afterall, his perpetually cranky, sourfaced roommate basically lives to do weird shit to annoy him. Or something. Lance has found that living with Keith means one thing: expect the unexpected.
And everything tends to get a little crazier when the holidays roll around.
sweetheart keith! overdramatic lance! yes yes yes! and i mean overdramatic lance in this fic lmfao he is epitome dramaqueen bisexual. this fic kills me tho bc for starters its a modern au, and i fckn love modern aus, but further still it is an au wherein lance gets keith as a roommate entirely bc he finds keith hot and his smile breathtaking. what a dumbass nerd. love him
3. Trying Times by @shyfoxes
Keith comes back Hot and Lance has a crisis on the bottom bunk.
u know those fics that make u fan ur face a little? not necessarily bc it’s explicit or anything but bc its just so swoony and romantic and shit and ur embarrassed about how affected u are?? that’s this fic.
4. As If by @surveycorpsjean
The five times Lance was his impulse control, and the one time he wasn't.
y’all know me with 5+1s. i love this one in particular tho bc keith is such a prick lmao. i love when keith is rough and scowly and doesnt handle other people well and can’t emote to save his life. i love when he loves deeply and endlessly with his whole heart but in the least conventional possible way, and i love fics where lance slowly learns to recognise the strange ways in which keith says i-love-you and this fic kills that
5. A Human Thing by @xirayn
Lance comes through a wormhole as a woman. It doesn't change much. aka Lance is gender fluid so getting gender bent by space magic only presents one problem, which turns out not to be Keith.
“Lance, can we just talk? After that you can go back to avoiding me.” Lance scoffed even as her eyes remained stubbornly forward. “I’m not avoiding you.” “Then what are you doing?” That earned him a glare, which would have been annoying if not for how happy Keith was to have her looking at him again. “I’m being a good partner and giving you space while I'm not your type.” Keith crossed his arms and met her eyes with a glare of his own, brow furrowed and lips a tight line. “Not my type?” Lance let out a long sigh of exasperation. “Female, Keith. I don't want you to feel like you have to force yourself to be attracted to women just because your boyfriend currently is one.”
genderfluid lance loml! this fic explores that entire concept so so well, even with the complications of extablished klance and team dynamics and UGH this fic is genuinely one of my faves. the slow trickle to the reveal near the end was planted there the whole time, but i was so caught up that i didnt realise it so when it finally came to light i was gagged!!
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!  
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realseascourge · 10 months
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Nai and Vash as dragons dudes of sorts in a doodle. As a treat. Also I was testing out Rebelle 6 since I just got it yesterday. It had a lot of neat features and I was testing out some of it. I have no idea if I'll finish this piece of these clowns, we'll see. I could probably fix some of the stiffness and anatomy issues later that way. NODNOD.
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rainbowdaisy13 · 2 months
I have some nay-saying counter-thoughts to missy’s post about the zane lowe Me! interview, from a place of good faith.
I’ve been a kaylor since rep, and very closely followed the lover rollout, and taylor’s talking points in this interview have very straightforward explanations according to what I remember from that time. Me! came out as a lead single, the album name hadn’t been announced yet. I remember the atmosphere of excitement that taylor was pushing the ‘clues and easter egg hunts’ aspect of her brand sooo hard, and specifically around such a gay and rainbowy video!!! Me! Out now!!!! all that was so exiting, because us kaylors were the ones used to being the most involved in easter egg hunting, it felt like she was talking to us. but she still wasn’t being explicit to the public that the easter eggs were gay. in official interviews she angled it like ‘my easter eggs help the fans figure out facts about the upcoming album’. I think there’s a double meaning there, she used the frenzy around album-related easter eggs to encourage gay easter-egg hunting but with plausible deniability. In this interview she’s talking about how the word ‘Lover’ is seen in the music video. that’s the easter egg that ‘some people have got’: the upcoming album name was right there in massive pink cursive letters, and later everyone was like duh!! how’d I miss that! I remember her confirming that later when the album came out. It’s hard to explain, like this behaviour totally IS a gay hint, but she also covered herself with an ‘official explanation’ that she pointed to more explicitly.
then, I’ll be honest I reckon the rep double album tiktok is big clowning. the original rep IS an album of ‘two sides’, we talked about that all the time in the kaylor-sphere when it came out, and it was a consistent part of taylor’s narrative for explaining the album (once she was actually giving interviews again, in the lead up to lover). there are the big bravado bass-y songs (that most of the public interpreted as kim and kanye diss track drama songs) but fans knew the album’s core / ‘other side’ was beautiful love songs that about a secret love that she eventually passed off as ‘about joe’ (but we’d always known it’s about the actual secret love- karlie). the two sides to rep have always been understood as the ‘love story amongst the noise’ as she describes here.
I’m no hater, I just think we need to remember the context when looking back! just saying, I don’t think there’s anything here that wasn’t explained at the time.
Excellent post thank you anon! And yes please no one take offense, this isn’t a shot at anyone—it comes from a place of being people who have been here for years, who know we’ve discuss pretty much everything there is to be found at length, but it’s nearly impossible to find those posts even if our blogs are still in existence bc tumblr doesn’t have a way to easily categorize and archive posts
Side Note—Part of the reason I don’t use TikToc is because so many TT kaylors pirate our content here without giving credit. I love that the tumblr kaylor community is overall wonderful at reblogging and interacting with each other—vibe is collective discovery over clout 🖤
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ambreiiigns · 1 year
fuck off who sleeps w lit candles.
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