#nathaniel x elisabeth
silasthecat · 10 months
“‘Perhaps I haven't seen what you can do,’ she said. ‘But I've seen what you choose to do.’ She looked up. ‘Isn't that more important?’”
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needynova · 1 year
nathaniel thorn being one of my fav characters and after reading the short novella my mind did NOT change. he's so supportive, funny, kind and GOOD to elisabeth.
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 3 months
Summary: Against her expectations, Elisabeth's last-ditch attempt to summon Silas back to the mortal realm worked. He's much less bothered about it than everyone else is.
Author: @squiblysabre
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alystar00 · 1 year
Elisabeth and Nathaniel: *screaming*
Silas: Mistress! What's wrong?!
Silas: Because the mistress doesn't scream unless it's an emergency. You scream whenever you have the chance.
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illicthearts · 1 year
Mysteries of Thorn Manor Spoilers
I just finished reading it and honestly love it, it’s such a cute and comforting novella.
Silas and Elisabeth’s relationship and development is so cutee
The amount of suggestive jokes Nathaniel makes I can’t
I thought it was the house that was throwing a fit about their relationship but the fact that it was Silas who activated them, best wing man ever.
Elisabeth’s thoughts about the future and what would happen to Silas after they died, and what would happen to Nathaniel and herself because one of them was going to die first almost made me cry, it was so realistic and relatable. It was very touching, especially since not a lot of people in YA think about the future like that. They think about their death but not their death after living a life with their partners but they’re other important things to worry about I guess. But it was refreshing touch.
Elisabeth and Nathaniel’s relationship- chefs kiss
Elisabeth is so cute and sweet and passionate yet so fierce and strong I love her
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clockworkbee · 1 year
you stayed with me. And selfishly, I was glad—I had never wanted anything more in my life. Damn you. You unmanageable, contrary creature. You have made me believe in something at last. It feels as wretched as I imagined.
—Nathaniel Thorn, from Sorcery of Thorns
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sweetingseva · 2 years
Hello! I know this one is pretty much an impossible ask but girlie is desperate here ;__; is there any other book fictional couples that have similar vibes to evajacks?
I wish I had more book couples to offer, but I know that Elisabeth and Nathaniel from Sorcery of Thorns have this similar connection! I would even argue that Jude and Cardan from the Folk of the Air are like them, except bolder in their way.
If anyone has suggestions, I'm open to them! :)
Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare
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mrs-venus-beaufort · 2 months
Welcome to my blog!
intro post from 03.31.24, outdated
i'm venus/vee!
about me -> reader, writer, minor, armenian, music, fictional men <3
fandoms -> the inheritance games, divergent, mlb, agggtm, tfota + tsh, sxf, sorcery of thorns, a curse so dark and lonely, red queen, a house of salt and sorrows, shatter me, divine rivals
ships -> averygrayson, fourtris, ladynoir + adrienette, pipravi, jurdan + oakwren, twiyor + damianya, nathaniel thorn x elisabeth scrivener, harper x rhen + grey x lia mara, marecal, annaleigh x cassius, warnette + kenjeera (idk if that's the ship name for kenji x nazeera), iris x roman
music -> modern talking, thomas anders, [getting into] la bouche, no mercy
ao3 account + my writing sideblog (for my personal novel, don't rlly use it much)
tfota rp accounts i run -> @winterqueensuren + @thetarynduarte
tags -> #venuswrites, #tgclf, #venus says stuff, #askvenus, #venus does stuff
moots! -> @pookiebearnancy, @pixiedust347, @death-by-mercury , @daphnechantandshant, @his-littlefox, @thejudeduarte (ly all 💖)
dni -> sexists, racists, assholes, pedos, people who disrespect other's religions, including but not limited to islam, judaism, and christianity (yes, i've included christianity. i am a christian, i do not appreciate people treating me or fellow christians like we're all homophobes and islamaphobes)
in general just be kind, don't be an asshole, and be respectful, and you're welcome on my blog!
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whimsicalfay · 2 years
Okay, so there's a book I read a while ago (Sorcery of Thorns), that I want to re-read not because I fell in love with the story, but because I want to write a WHOLE essay on why Nathaniel and Elisabeth had no chemistry whatsoever and about how Nathaniel and Silas made MUCH MORE sense and had way more chemistry than the main couple, and about how to this day I feel mad at the wasted potential, like AAAAHRHDHFKW, Nathaniel and Silas were everything that's good in the universe, perfect ship dynamics, á la Kuroshitsuji, demon x human, master x servant, a creature that isn't supposed to feel love but falls in love nonetheless, THE ANGST OF IT ALL, it could have been so, so good T_T
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silasthecat · 2 years
nathaniel: let's talk about the emotions you're feeling right now
elisabeth: stabby
nathaniel: stabbing isn't really an emotion, it's more of an ... activity. which I hope you don't do to me. see, an emotion is more of a feeling
elisabeth: well maybe i feel stabby
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roaataqi · 2 years
Sorcery of Thorns
Silas has a master and is a demon
In conclusion Silas is Calcifer
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Nathaniel is the master and a sorcerer
In conclusion Nathaniel is Howl
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Thank you👍🧚‍♀️
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jurdanhell · 2 years
anyway i wrote a sorcery of thorns crack (fluff?) fic y’all should read it
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alystar00 · 1 year
Elisabeth: I learned how to wield a sword so now you have someone that’ll protect you
Nathaniel: Nothing’s sexier than a woman that can end my life
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Okay technically I’m writing fanfiction, but I changed a lot of how the magic system works, redesigned the government, altered the timeline a bit, reworked a major plotline, and made a secondary character one of the protagonists just because I can. So at this point canon just gave me character names and names for magical powers, which is great because I’m terrible at naming things.
The New and Improved™ magic system has three broad categories: Elemental, Inherent, and Necromancy.
Elemental- unless you have Inherent magic (which I’ll explain in a second), everyone is born with this power. Every single person. But most people never know it, because it stays dormant in you unless something triggers it. This is different for everyone; a child could look at a bird and think “wouldn’t it be cool to fly” and then BAM air powers. On the flip side, someone could spend their entire life living around magic and being in danger, and never have their magic triggered.
Inherent- Unlike Elemental magic, Inherent magic shows up from the moment someone is born. It’s a broad name for basically everything that isn’t Elemental magic or Necromancy. Energy-Throwers, Teleporters, Wall-Walkers, healers, psychics… all kinds of magic get categorized as Inherent. No one really understands how Inherent magic works, as it isn’t genetic.
Necromancy- The only branch of magic that really involves a choice. It’s a magic of death and darkness, and as such is not looked at favorably by most of the magical world. But unlike Inherent or Elemental magic, it can be learned by anyone, though some people are more suited to it than others. Studying it is something you could walk away from, but immediate power is addictive, and most people don’t. Eventually, after years of practice, Necromancers lose their Elemental or Inherent abilities, and that’s really when there’s no going back.
I’ll stop there for now, but I can explain how the magic actually works later if you want.
AHHHH I ACTUALLY LOVE THAT SO MUCH???? what fandom was this originally for??? i would definitely read the hell out of this, love <3 the only one of those three types I actually knew about beforehand was necromancy ahaha
If you want to read a really good fantasy about necromancy, sorcery of thorns by margaret rogerson is my favorite book of all time :DDDD
I’m currently in lITTLE crisis about the magic system of my wip because I have to somehow tie it into the religion, which plays a big aspect in the plot, but there are also several different kingdoms with their own religions so that’s confusing ahhhh
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Favourite Ships (as of now lol):
Manorian (ToG)
Rowaelin (ToG)
Warnette (Shatter Me)
Jurdan (TFOTA)
Darklina (Shadow and Bone)
Nathaniel Thorn x Elisabeth Scrivener (Sorcery Of Thorns)
Kaz x Inej (Six Of Crows)
Jacks x whoever he actually loves (Caraval)
Xavier x Marigold (Three Gangs and A Golden Girl)
Amby x Lilly (Storm and Silence)
Eris Vanserra x whoever he loves (ACOTAR)
Nessian (ACOTAR)
yeah that's way too many to keep track of but I still have MORE I know I do but I don't have time to type them all lol
edit: read last tag, haven't read ya in a while </3
any gd recs for ya? maybe dystopian? (I trust the taste of mutuals ;D)
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literaredits · 4 years
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━ sorcery of thorns headers
like/reblog if you save it. ©️ rosecalioway on twitter.
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