#nathaniel howe x mahariel
perkeleen-lavellan · 6 months
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Here's a little holiday spirit for everyone. You can now go grab the Love Across Thedas zine on itch.io for free, and find this artwork and much, much more inside, including plenty of fanfiction and digital merch.
@loveacrossthedaszine Extra thanks and much love to everyone who worked on the zine, but especially the mods.
(For anyone interested in what I was thinking when I was drawing this tune in below)
I wanted to do nanders because I pretty exclusively just do art about my player characters and their beaus otherwise. But nanders is one of those ships that I have been carrying my torch for since day one, or day 6 months in more like, with the pace I do my playthroughs in. Regardless, they were my favourite part about Awakening, and the greatest tragedy in Dragon Age is that they still haven't reunited for longer than 5 minutes in some dank darkspawn tunnel! So I set out to fix that.
I wanted to create a scene where the Amaranthine Wardens, my Mahariel and Zevran included, would go meet Anders in the middle after what happened to the Kirkwall Chantry, to keep him safe, and the team could finally get that more permanent reunion.
Due to my own headcanons the Amaranthine crew is also having a bit of an exodus, since they're in the middle of planning to go rogue from the rest of the Wardens. Oops :). All in all they're a bunch of outcasts right now, but they have each other.
And of course Nathaniel brought Pounce with them too.
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freesidexjunkie · 4 months
People you'd like to get to know better
Thank you @dutifullylazybread for tagging me! I never get to play tag games 🥹 it's an honor just to be here among such illustrious company 💕
✨Favorite ships✨
Ahhhh this is going to be so hard to narrow down considering how hard I'm capable of simping and shipping... so let's start with things I've either written or wanna start writing
Nathaniel Howe X Cousland DAO; durgetash for CERTAIN; rolan x tav BG3; solavellan DAI; im also a real sucker for tamlen x mahariel but content for that seems to be a bit scarce. Idk, there's certainly a lot more but I'm currently on a very strong fantasy kick.
✨Last film✨
So last actual feature length film? Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker. Was it good? Uh. Do I recommend it? Yes. Fun little Cassandra backstory and reminds me of Killer Bean. I guess this is like, their attempt at a show in between DA2 and DAI, kinda like a much less refined Absolution? But if we're counting series, then Cunk on Earth last night (philomena my beloved you're a treasure)
✨Last song✨
Surprising absolutely no one, it's Hozier. Like Real People Do. I am a simple woman, I see longing and angst and I go feral.
✨Currently reading✨
For school, reading Eaters of the Dead by Michael Crichton. For pleasure, reading Year of Wonders by Geraldine Brooks. For fics, I am currently obsessed with @dutifullylazybread's ongoing Rolan fic (go read it RIGHT NOW).
So. We went to a bakery on Saturday that had these chai scones and really good iced lattes and that's all I've wanted since then. If you're near Richmond, it's Minglewood Bake Shop and it smells like walking into heaven. Also saw many cute dogs while there, 10/10 perfect restaurant.
Tagging... AHHHH hold on hold on. @queeronaquest was already tagged but I second that, she's great. Also tagging @arlathvhenan and @ddxcrow, and @angelorgy (if you guys feel up to it)
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galpalaven · 1 year
im trying to control myself fjklds here are refs of each of the ladies in sims
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psalacanthea · 2 years
In-Progress Fic Master Post
Currently Written Ships:  
Dragon Age- Solavellan,  Tabris x Mahariel x Zevran, Nathaniel Howe x Cousland, Hawke x Varric
Baldur’s Gate 3- Astarion x Tav (Zynatheri), Gale x Tav (Zynatheri)
Willing to Write Ships:  
Pretty much all BG3/DA with no gender bias, provided there’s an OC involved.  Polyshipper, prefer OT3 dynamics to polycule (it just gets complicated to write!  I’m pro-polycule, just won’t write it b/c I put WAY too much thought into relationship dynamics).  Canon char x canon char doesn’t really scratch my writing itch, but I’ll do small one-offs of them every now and again.  Esp Meribela.
Current Fics:
Baldur’s Gate 3
Dissonance and Debauchery: The Drama of an Ill-Fated Bard
Timeframe:  During Canon
Ship:  Astarion x Zynatheri (Tav)
Status:  On Hiatus (waiting for game release; this sucker ain’t done)
Ending:  ??? 
Kinks Rating:  Low currently, but will be high, will be edited with warnings when appropriate
Romance:  Reluctant, Non-Monogamous, Extremely Messy
Dragon Age
Reforged in Dragon’s Fire
Timeframe: During Canon (Dragon Age Awakening)
Ship:  Nathaniel Howe x F!Cousland 
Status: Updating
Ending:  Happy
Kinks Rating:  Low
Romance:  Friends to Enemies to Lovers, Antagonistic Banter and a few Stupid Misunderstandings, medium-mild angst
When the World Fell
Timeframe: Post-Post Apocalyptic, post-Canon, Time Travel
Ship:  F!Lavellan x Solas
Status: Updating Very Slowly
Ending: Bittersweet
Kinks Rating:  Low
Romance:  Massively Slow Burn, Painful, High Angst, Hopeful but Melancholy
Anarchy in Denerim
Timeframe:  Modern AU, DAO 
Ship: F!Mahariel x M!Tabris x Zevran
Status: Updating slowly
Ending:  Happy
Kinks Rating:  Mid
Romance:  Complicated but Stable, Realistically Messy but still Happily Ever After
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silvanils · 2 years
Writing Circle Prompt List
Prompt List #5
Fire Emblem: Three Houses Prompts
Hozier Lyric Prompts
Florence and the Machine Prompts
Six of Crows Prompts
101 Ways to say “I love you”
Cute Shippy Starters
Dragon Age Inspired Dialogue Prompts
Physical Contact Starters
Intimacy Prompts
Love Confessions
Soft Starters
All my main ships and oc tags can be found on my nav page: (link)
You can find more prompts in my prompts tag: (link)
Right now, I would especially like to recieve prompts for:
Serault and The Last Court in general!
The Scholar x The Wayward Bard
Morrigan, Mahariel, and Kieran
Solas x Passion x Varlas
Ithelan Lavellan (x Ash Lavellan)
Zevran x Dirk Tabris
Nathaniel Howe x Fergus Cousland (x Anders)
Kieran & King Alistair
Kieran + Minna Tabris
Serault (The Last Court)
courtly drama, family drama
the weirdness of the woods
The Horned Knight (aka... Reflection?)
the Shame casts a long shadow
(my Marquis is a mage, himself)
Kieran & King Alistair
Kieran having to deal with the Ferelden nobles
(but the Ferelden nobles also have to deal with HIM)
Dad!Alistair is just doing his best
Kieran + Minna Tabris
(bffs, here to cause absolute chaos)
Solas x Passion x Varlas (aka Felassan)
there is so much tension and drama here
Passion just wants to have fun
together, can they make a stubborn elf change his mind?
Ithelan “Hemlock” Lavellan
Clan Lavellan’s Second, an entropy mage
(also my Inquisitor’s ex)
he’s especially prickly after things settle in Wycome
does NOT get along with the elves from Clan Sabrae
Mutual Pining
Established Relationships
Poly Relationships (open or closed)
Friends to Lovers
Enemies to Lovers
Found Family
I’m also a big fan of court intrigue, politics, and noble house dynamics --- similar to what you see in Downton Abbey, A Song of Ice and Fire, The Masked Empire, etc. And rogues doing roguish things! Infiltration, heists, assassinations, etc.
I also adore putting two characters with divergent viewpoints into a situation where they need to talk about stuff!
While this list is primarily for the DA Drunk Writing Circle, I’m open to receiving prompts from anyone, and it doesn’t have to be limited to Dragon Age! I also take prompts for my Elders Scrolls characters.
More about them can be found here: (link)
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fearnotthedemons · 3 years
Give Me Mercy No More
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Pairing: Nathaniel Howe x Vairë Mahariel
Warnings: None
Word count: 1,415
Summary: Nathaniel is furious that the Warden who killed his father and destroyed his family name now presides over the place he once called home. Vairë has always been a sucker for second chances.
The prisoner, Warden-Commander Mahariel is told, took down four Wardens before they were able to subdue him. He has been in the Vigil’s hold for three days, apparently on the charge of attempted theft. She doesn’t even know what he tried to take, just that the matter is pressing enough for Varel to insist she not delay the sentencing any more than the attack on the keep already has.
She’s not sure exactly what she expects, but the man waiting for her in the holding cell is not it. He is tall and broad, his face defined by pale skin and a sharply hooked nose. A single patch of dark hair grows on his chin, matching the rest that lies shoulder length and disheveled on his head. His eyes are what strike her the most, though, intense and slate grey and full of hate.
“If it isn’t the great Hero, conqueror of the Blight and vanquisher of all evil,” he sneers when Vairë steps up to the cold iron bars. “Aren’t you supposed to be ten feet tall with lighting bolts shooting out of your eyes?”
“Sorry to disappoint,” she deadpans. “They actually shoot out of my arse.”
He snorts a derisive laugh. “I just thought my father’s murderer would be more impressive.”
Vairë folds her arms and cocks her hip. “I’ve killed lots of people’s fathers by now; you'll have to be more specific.”
At this the prisoner draws himself up to his full height and stares down on her with all the malice he can muster.
“I am Nathaniel Howe.” Her brows raise in silent shock at the revelation as he continues, “My family owned these lands until you-- Do you even remember my father?”
Her face darkens. “I remember.”
How could she forget? The atrocities Rendon Howe committed on paper came nowhere near the horrors of his dungeon she uncovered moments before their final and fatal confrontation.
“So you came here, what?” she asks. “To try and kill me? Avenge the Butcher of Denerim in a blaze of glory?”
“I thought I was going to try to kill you, yes,” Nathaniel admits, “to lay a trap for my father’s killer. But then I… I realized I just wanted to reclaim some of my family’s things. It’s all I have left.”
The last sentence is practically a whisper, small and full of equal parts anger and shame.
“I see.”
“The Howe’s - those of us left - are pariahs now. All thanks to you. Whatever my father did, however, shouldn’t harm my whole family!”
“As it happens, I agree with you,” Vairë says. His mouth opens for a snappy retort and closes in an empty, somewhat perplexed huff when he realizes what she’s said. She continues, “I feel no need to keep you here for the sake of a man dead almost three years, and I have no particular interest in your family’s personal possessions.”
“But you’ll see me hanged for attempted murder, is that it?”
Vairë laughs softly, a strange sound to hear echo off of clammy prison walls and cold flagstone floors. “Some of my best friends have tried to murder me.”
Nathaniel sputters at that, and before he can collect his thoughts for a retort Varel enters the room, heading straight to Vairë’s side.
“I see you’ve spoken to our guest,” he says in lieu of greeting. “Quite the handful, isn’t he?”
Vairë hums noncommittally and runs a critical eye over Nathaniel, head tilted and pointed ears twitching ever so slightly.
“Have you decided what’s to be done with him?”
She has.
“Release him,” the Warden-Commander decides aloud.
“What?” Varel and Nathaniel exclaim in unison.
“With his possessions as well,” she adds to further shock the room. “The Wardens have no need for Howe family heirlooms.”
“Commander, I really think--”
“It’s decided,” she says firmly. “Now if you don’t mind, I have more pressing matters to attend to.”
“Yes, Commander.”
The guard posted at the cell opens it with a screech of underused metal and begins handing Nathaniel his things, but he is too busy watching the Warden-Commander leave to truly appreciate it even after three days of prison food and cramped quarters. It feels horribly like a dismissal. Or even worse; a second chance.
It’s raining when Vairë sets out for the city of Amaranthine two weeks later to make her first official appearance as both Warden-Commander and Arlessa. Anders and Oghren accompany her, eyeing the landscape with unease beside their Commander. The stretch of road they’re on is in a state of disrepair that matches the somber countryside that surrounds them; the Blight hit Amaranthine hard.
It is from behind one of many crumbling buildings, likely once used for trade, that a figure steps out of nowhere and asks - begs - that she wait.
“I want to talk to you,” he says, and all at once she recognizes him; Nathaniel Howe.
She folds her arms and tilts her head at him, ignoring the defensive stances Anders and Oghren have adopted beside her. “And you want to do it in the rain and the mud two weeks after I released you from my custody because…?”
“Because you did set me free,” he says, voice colored with disbelief. “You just let me go, despite the things I said and the things I might do. I want to know why.”
“You killed none of my Wardens and took nothing that belonged to me,” Vairë says. “Did you honestly expect me to punish a man for returning to his childhood home after a Blight and a civil war spent away to reclaim what little he could?”
“Yes. So why didn’t you?”
Her eyes narrow as she takes him in, ears flicking in agitation as she turns the question over in her mind.
It’s the same question Varel had pressed her with afterwards, the one in the guards’ eyes and on the tips of their tongues as she let a Howe walk away not only unharmed but with the things he had come to steal. She had given them all the same answer.
“You are many things, Nathaniel Howe, but you are not your father. If you still want revenge for his death then by all means,” she gestures widely at herself, “do your worst. If not, I can put a word in and find you a place serving the Crown, or speak to a few mercenary companies, or simply leave you be. But what happens here is your choice, not mine.”
Nathaniel’s face contorts with an emotion she’s not even sure he could name as he processes her words.
Then, so softly she almost doesn’t hear it, “Take me with you.”
He lifts his chin defiantly now, meets her questioning gaze, and says clearly, “Take me with you. Make me a Grey Warden.”
Oghren openly guffaws, and Anders looks uncomfortably towards Vairë as she takes a step back and looks him up and down with a carefully neutral expression.
“You don’t even know what that means.”
“Maybe not,” he agrees, “but I have nowhere else to go; all the favors in the world won’t change my name.”
Oghren grumbles something offensive in agreement and Vairë fixes him with a withering stare before Nathaniel continues, “I fully expected to die when I came back to the Vigil. Maybe I even wanted to. But you let me go, and you said the choice is mine. I choose this. Let me redeem my family name doing what my father should have against the darkspawn. I have to try.”
There’s a tense pause as everyone holds their breath waiting for the Warden-Commander’s response. The wind howls and the rain falls steadily down on them as she weighs the consequences.
Her smile is not entirely kind when she finally says, “Welcome aboard.”
They all awkwardly close ranks around Vairë, who makes towards Amaranthine as before without another word. Anders flashes a wan smile Nathaniel’s way while Oghren fixes him with a glower and grumbles what are undoubtedly very colorful dwarven insults under his breath, shaking his head at his friend’s habit of collecting murderous strays. With her back to him Nathaniel could easily change his mind and kill her instead. He can’t decide if it’s a vote of confidence or just plain insulting that she’s left herself so open like this. It feels horribly like a dismissal.
Or worse, he thinks as they march towards the city that once upon a time would have been his, a second chance.
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thiefbird · 2 years
19, 42, or 48 for the micro story? 😁
I... May have done all three
19: Sea Change, for Anders and Nathaniel Howe(just a HINT of past Nanders)
He was... So different from the flippant young man Nathaniel recalled chasing skirts (and trousers) around the Vigil. Of course he was. But was it only Justice's presence that enacted such a sea change in him?
Nathaniel doubted it. Justice had always been... Idealistic. Almost naive. This new Anders was cynical, beaten, downtrodden. It hurt his heart to see his... To see Anders like this, to see how his time away had hurt him.
42: Savior, for my Warden Dirthail Mahariel Sabrae and Alistair(they have a Complicated Relationship that toes the line between ace-romantic and platonic)(this one got away from me in length)
Sometimes, Alistair wondered how he'd gotten so lucky.
Sure, he'd gotten a rotten start, between Isolde and the Chantry, and then throw in losing Duncan and the other Wardens. But gazing across the campfire, watching Leliana weave a complicated braid into Dirthail's hair, he felt so Maker-damned lucky he could cry.
Until the *harpy* opened her mouth, that is. Alistair didn't understand how Dirthail tolerated her, let alone why he spent his time hunting down baubles and trinkets to gift her.
Morrigan muttered a complaint about the state of tonight's dinner, but before Alistair could formulate a response to defend the honor of his cooking, Dirthail brushed Leliana off and shot Morrigan a nasty look.
"If you'd like to cook, be my guest. Until then, no complaints. *I* think Alistair's cooking is delightful."
Alistair flushed, ducking his head at the unearned praise. Morrigan sneered at him, tossing her head dismissively.
"I do not understand why you forever choose to be his savior, Dirthail. You save him from his responsibilities as senior Grey Warden, you save him from darkspawn, you save him from the slightest criticism," she said haughtily before retreating to her own campfire.
Dirth dropped to the ground beside Alistair, butting his head affectionately into the taller man's shoulder. "Just ignore her, Ali," he murmured softly, leaning his full weight against Alistair's side. "She's just nervous and prickly about going South again."
Alistair sighed mournfully. "She's right, though. You're always coming to my rescue."
"And I always will. I'm your savior. And you're mine."
48: Rampage, for Justice and Anders (this one is kinda sad; I wanted to play with Anders'/Justice's guilt complex, and how they try to atone for their perceived sins)
They'd almost killed a child. A mage child, a young girl they'd meant to rescue.
All because they couldn't control themselves around Templars.
Just the sight of purple and silver made their jaw clench, their shoulders hunch defensively. The Sword of Mercy (they couldn't even laugh at the irony of the name, not after Karl and the mercy they'd shown him) sent them on a rampage. It wasn't safe for them to be around people, but every time they thought to leave, another Darktown resident would appear at the clinic door to halt their packing. They couldn't abandon those who needed them.
And sure they kept working, till the was more lyrium than blood in their veins, till their stomach cramped with hunger, till their fingers bled. And then, just a little bit longer. Always a little bit longer.
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inquisimer · 2 years
Chapters: 13/28 Fandom: Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening, Dragon Age (Video Games), Dragon Age: Inquisition Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alistair/Female Warden (Dragon Age), Alistair/Female Tabris (Dragon Age), Female Cousland/Nathaniel Howe, Female Mahariel/Tamlen (Dragon Age), Zevran Arainai/Female Warden, Anders/Female Hawke (Dragon Age) Summary:
Prompts from Stories of Thedas V
((very behind, with a goal of completion. someday.))
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jawsandbones · 5 years
He has long been followed by the sound of a name. It echoes, in all that he does. Chasing him as he listens to the stories of his father, his father’s father, back and back, through the ages. It resounds in the sheathing of a sword, trying on armor much too large for him. Much too soon, the stories become hollow. They are not his stories, and he has yet to make his own. He doesn’t find it in the Free Marches, so far from home. He doesn’t find it in the Grand Tourney, entered at the behest of another. Nathaniel thinks he might have found it in the line of an arrow.
He has long been followed by the curse of a name. They haunt his steps, color all that he does. Traitor, betrayer, murderer. The sins of the father, the crimes he must shoulder, and the weight he now bears. It marks his back, bends his spine. He believes it to be the Wardens who are the traitors, betrayers, murderers. Broken into the family estate, delivered death to his father. It’s not that he wants him back. It’s the stories he needs. He makes himself a thief, a trespasser in his own home, seeking to steal whatever ashes yet remain of his family.
He has not long been followed by the title. He is called Warden, and at first, it is a rancor in him. He had thought all lost for him, his name. He understands harsh truths, comes to accept, understand. He wants no stories made of Nathaniel Howe. He would rather give it all to Warden Nathaniel. They make it easier for them. They who he once believed his enemy. The Warden, his Warden, no other Warden like them. How strange it is, to read a story with letters layered over his own. They write it with him.
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red-wardens · 6 years
10. If they have an LI, how much of their character is tailored to be compatible to that person? (For Isseya and Cassian?)
Isseya Mahariel: 
Not. At All. Isseya was my second play-through after not completing any Romance routes with Blue Surana (I decided I liked Zevran too late, by then it would have been weird for her to suddenly be interested in him. Plus I played her as if she had unrequited love for Sten). So, I made Isseya specifically to have an OC romance Zevran. BUT. By the time she actually met Zevran, I had  developed enough of her stern character (Isseya is one of my OCs who I learned who she was while I played instead of before creating her) to realize…she would not like him at all at first. Isseya literally ALMOST kills him instead of recruiting him but I headcanoned she saw a little bit of Tamlen in his audacity and spared him in the heat of the moment. 
After, she takes him everywhere just to make sure he doesn’t murder anyone at camp and she spends half the Blight yelling at him to stop flirting with her. But her cheeks are always slightly red and Zev can tell she doesn’t hate the attention. She won’t sleep with him (she’s very much the type that must be in a committed relationship for a while before she will do anything intimate) so he helps her destress with harmless distractions (jokes, flirting) instead. They get together later on (after Awakening in my headcanon) when they’re a little more suited for each other- Isseya less on edge and distrustful, and Zevran ready for the commitment she craves. Their marriage is kind of rocky for about… *cough cough* 10 years.. but they eventually get their happily ever after. 
Cassian Cousland: 
Cassian on the other hand I tailored specifically to be Nathaniel Howe’s cheerful, adoring boyfriend. The grump x cinnamon roll couple is one of my favorite tropes so I just had to do it. Nathaniel is a little bit overwhelmed with the open displays of love and affection but he eventually comes to love Cassian the same way (behind his moody stoic exterior). 
thank you for asking!!
Questions About Creating Your OCs
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Five Fav Fics
Tagged by the lovely @merrybandofmurderers (thank you!!!) I've not written as much as I would like in the fandom, so this will pretty much be all my fics lol
Sometime Bad Guys Make The Best Good Guys
F/M | T | 7,217 | Hawke x Varric Tethras
"You see, the first rule of the con is you can’t cheat an honest man. It’s never been done. Can’t happen. Impossible. The only way a con works is if the mark want something for nothing. So what do we do? With give them nothing for something"
This was my gift for the Hightown Funk exchange that I had waaaay too much fun writing lol Hawke and the Kirkwall crew are grifters who rob the rich and corrupt. Inspired by the leverage tv show. It also has a playlist and fic cover I made, cos I couldn't resist.
I Hate You Too
F/M | T | 1,247 | Hawke x Varric Tethras
Just a little red!Hawke x Varric fic, cos red!Hawke doesn't get enough love. Hawke is injured and Varric is concerned. A little overprotective Carver thrown in as well. It's a modern au, but barely.
Merry Band of Wardens
General | M | 7,584 | Everyone lives AU
Okay, so this is a series not a fic but it's kinda only series because I could not work out how to plot this beast without breaking it down. So I kind of see it as one story, if you know what I mean.
The story is an au where all there warden origins survive and have to fight the Blight together. It was very much inspired by this post. Once I started thinking about it, it took over my life until I started to actually write it out. There are 4 published parts on AO3, which are serving as introduction/origin stories for the warden OCs. I'm writing the 5th part atm for Amell and Surana.
The aim for this beast is to cover the whole dao storyline and explore the dynamics between the different origins and how they would grow and change.
Part 1. The Hunter and Fugitive
General | M | 1,950 | Tabris and Mahariel
Part 2. The Prince and the Pauper
General | T | 1,856 | Aeducan and Brosca
Part 3. Bargains and Betrayals
General | M | 2,339 | Cousland
Part 4. Unfamiliar Emotions
General | T | 1,439 | Aeducan and Brosca
F/M | T | 797 | Nathaniel Howe x Cousland
Just a little pre-relationship scene for Aurelia and Nathaniel set at the beginning of awakening. Lots of angst and some enemies to lovers vibes.
The Origin of a Blood Mage
General | M | 9,892 | Akroma Amell
This is my OC Akroma Amell's origin story. I just wanted a chance to write out how I imagined her origin going since she leaves the tower sharing her form with a wisp of curiousity (aka a decayed demon of desire) and explore her character and relationships before the merge. It's unfinished, but not abandoned. I am still writing it, I just need to find the words but nothing seems good enough when I'm trying to capture her story. It's a work in progress.
Tagging: @heniareth @oxygenforthewicked @anarchycox @castlecousland @yukichouji @noire-pandora if ya'll want to share that is, but absolutely no pressure :)
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dreadfutures · 3 years
For DADWC: “Promise me. Promise me you’ll stay" for Morrigan/Halevune? :)
@dadrunkwriting - "Promise.”
Pairing: Morrigan x Mahariel
Rating: G
“I must go!"
Halevune's sharp voice clattered against the stone walls of his quarters as though he had thrown them.
Morrigan crossed her arms and only planted herself more firmly in between the Warden Commander and his saddlebags. "You needn't do any such thing," she snapped. "There is no—no village in need. No country is threatened by a Darkspawn invasion!"
"Which is why I must do this now," Halevune retorted, dropping leg armor at her feet. "Nathaniel is ready to take command. I leave Ferelden in good hands."
He turned his back immediately, as though he could not himself quite believe his words, but he did not flinch with Morrigan spat. "Psh. You say that as though he is King! Were you not just complaining that this land had gone to the dogs? You could—"
"Do what?" Hal demanded. He yanked open his desk drawers and began rummaging around violently inside. "What more can the Hero of Ferelden do for this country that he has not already done, Morrigan?"
He did not meet her gaze as he returned to her side and dropped added a box of writing implements to the growing pile, then rounded hurriedly to fetch something else from the opposite side of the room.
"Your silence is louder than anything you could ever shout," he muttered over his shoulder. "You know that I am right."
"That does not mean this journey is the next alternative!"
Halevune bent for the loose floorboard where he'd hidden several valuable items in a sack. He loosened the drawstring until it lay flat and began to paw through the precious contents in silence: a small, carved figure of halla horn; a sprig of Andraste's Grace; a ring; a tattered, stuffed nug that had been stained with spittle, and torn open and repatched several times.
"The alternative is dying," he said after a moment. He looked up at Morrigan then, the stuffed nug caught in a chokehold on the floor in front of him. She saw then that his pale grey eyes were rimmed with red, and the dark bruises beneath his eyes had grown even more stark. There was even a slight blue tinge to his cheeks now, as though he stood closer to the grave than to the cradle. "Don't you see, vhenan? There truly is nothing else to do."
His voice cracked, and he dropped his face again, then bowed low over his most precious belongings and sobbed.
Morrigan stood frozen, stunned into silence by a sound she had heard only once before—when the news of his clan's destruction had reached him from afar. She had sworn then that she would not be paralyzed by his grief, should it strike again; she had admonished herself for the awkward way in which she had comforted him. She could do nothing to stop his grief, to shore up the strong walls he had erected for his protection and his dignity. She had only managed to hold him as they fell apart, bit by bit, into a ruinous mess that left them both more vulnerable than perhaps they'd ever been. And she didn't want to feel that way again. Either of them.
And yet here she stood, as her beloved's breath hitched and tore with despair, and she knew not how to act.
The cold anger that she'd summoned in the face of his own began to melt as his sobs battered against her, and she began to move almost in a trance.
Before her thoughts could catch up to her body, Morrigan found herself lowering to her knees beside him. It was not like them: for him to cry, to be so weak, or for her to reach for him like this and pull her into her arms. And yet while some things were the same—Halevune whispering: I don't want to die, Morrigan—many, many more things had changed.
Her thin, wiry arms had learned to hold a child. Her wary, bitter heart had learned that shame and admonishment hurt her to give, as much as it had hurt her to receive, and she had learned instead that tears might be stemmed with gentle sounds, if not words of comfort. And that was all she had to offer her love now. What words might soothe this fear in him, anyway? He was right, after all. His death was not some mysterious, distant thing. It was an inevitability drawing closer with every year, in a way few others might know.
And Morrigan, while accustomed to lying, knew there was no utility in lying to him on a truth he understood better than even she did.
"You can live, Hal," she said. "Come with us. Please."
Halevune's shoulders trembled, and he did not answer her except with a sob.
Morrigan's face was wet.
"Come with us, my love," she repeated, bowing her head to press her forehead against his hair. "Promise me you shall stay."
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pathfinderyderss · 3 years
Ryder’s Ships, Pairings and Characters - For your Perusal
Dragon Age Origins
Calliope Mahariel x Zevran Aranai
Bridget Surana x Nathaniel Howe
Abigail Amell x Cullen Rutherford
Aine Tabris x Alistair Theirin
Layla Brosca x Leliana
Dragon Age 2
Aislinn Hawke x Fenris
Dragon Age Inquisition
Lara Cadash x Varric Tethras
Nia Adaar x Sera
Harea Lavellan x Solas
Riordan Trevelyan x Josephine Montilyet
Mass Effect
Anastasia Ryder x Vetra Nyx
Anton Ryder x Gil Brodie
Bridget Ryder x Tiran Kandros
Cillian Ryder x Reyes Vidal
Wayhaven Chronicles
Abigail Reed x Mason
Bridget Dimmerling x Adam Du Mortain
Sara Earnshaw x Nathaniel Sewell
Calliope Marinos x Farah Hauville
Fallout Franchise
(3) Joan Teague x Butch Deloria
(New Vegas) Marisol Ortiz x Benny
(4) Bridget Campion x Deacon
Other Franchises
Theodora Kostakis x Asra Alnazar (The Arcana)
Byleth x Felix (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
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psalacanthea · 1 year
Ten Random Lines Tag
Thank you, @my-dumb-obsessions for ze tag! I’m not sure I’ll tag anyone because I’m sorta crazy-busy and I’d probably miss people’s and feel bad, but I’ll be happy to at least participate!
Rules: Pick any ten of your fics, scroll to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. Then tag ten people.
What We Are- DA Post-Canon, Fenris x Anders
Anders leaned against the sauna shed in the darkness, arms folded, chin tucked into the depths of his scarf and what looked to be a thick woolen sweater.  “That is horrifying.  Just watching you do that makes me feel like I’m about to freeze to death.”
“Coward,” Fenris said flatly, the skin of his feet peeling away from the ice as he walked through the cloud of steam rising from his drenched body.
Reforged in Dragon’s Fire-  DA: Awakening, Nathaniel Howe x Cousland
“What are you glarin’ at me for, Feebs?”
Phoebe slung her pack onto the ground, giving him a cold look.  “If Felsi shows up with an axe and a grudge, I’ll help hold you down.”
Oghren gave a small, rusty laugh.  “Yeah.  That’s fair.”
Somnium- Modern DA AU, Solas x Lavellan
“You're heavy,” she scolded, but didn't push Solas off as he breathed her in, arms tightening around her waist. She was comfortable and laughing with a crackly warmth as he mumbled a protest at her words and tugged. “No, I'm not coming back to bed, stop it. I have an appointment before work I have to go to.”
Dissonance and Debauchery, the Drama of an Ill-Fated Bard- Baldur’s Gate 3, Tav (Zynatheri) x Astarion
Astarion’s finger tucked under her chin, stroking lazily up from her throat.  An enticing little threat of a caress that dragged her full attention to him, turning her away from the party.  Shadows cast across his face, adding intrigue and mystery.  “So...you do remember after all?”
Where the Road Leads - Baldur’s Gate 3, Tav (Zynatheri) x Gale
“I am saying that perhaps inside this wizard’s heart there is a bit of bard,” Zyn replied, reaching down and pressing a hand over Gale’s heart.  It sent her stomach sloshing up her throat.  She sprawled forward over his shoulder, giving a long groan.  “Oh, why do I drink so much?”
A Sky of Shattered Stars- DA post-canon, Hawke x Varric
Naomi wished she could say Merrill wasn’t right for her worry, but introspection was the last thing on her mind.  All she knew was if she didn’t deal with this, get rid of this problem trying to take Varric from her, she might go insane. Maybe that should have been a concern.
Valse des Fleurs-  DA pre-canon Iron Bull x(&) Orlesian Bard OC
“Love?  You have sold me!  Made me chattel!  Your love disgusts me.”
“Your life is in danger!” Elys shrieked, cowering with a hand on her wax-burned cheek.  “We did it to protect you!  All of this is to protect you!”
“What good is a life in a gilded cage, you idiot cow?!”  Claire retorted, fury incandescent.
Anarchy in Denerim- DA: Origins (modern) Zevran x Tabris x Mahariel
Zevran’s light voice only made the frustration all the worse.  "It is...not a threesome we are proposing, you know."
"Well, it is in a way," Liana said, and then laughed faintly as Zevran dismissed her words with a flip of his hand.  "Darian, are- you know that a relationship doesn't have to be just two people, don't you?"
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rainwolfheart · 3 years
Writing prompts
2021-10-31: Not actively taking prompts. I'll update whenever that changes! Just been way too busy to write fic lately.
I'm currently accepting writing prompts! If you send me a DA one, it'll likely be filled on Friday for DA Drunk Writing Circle.
I write in English and French, and I'm comfortable-ish writing dialogue in Spanish. (if you're looking for a french-english translator for a fic, hmu?)
I take any kind of prompt. If you need inspiration, here are a few lists I like: classical literature prompts, DA prompts, DA dialogue prompts, DA codex prompts 1, DA codex prompts 2, Trans Bingo cards, fic title prompts (send me a new title and I'll write a summary, or send me one I've already written a summary for and I'll write an excerpt)
I post prompted fics on Tumblr and repost them on AO3. Please let me know if you want to be credited anonymously on either platform, otherwise I will credit you for the prompt :)
Main DA pairings and topics
Feryn Aeducan x Leliana
Alistair x Dael Mahariel
Anders x Hamish Hawke
Anders x Nathaniel Howe
Branna Cadash x Lace Harding
Branna Cadash x Josephine Montilyet
Gaël x Marfisa Trevelyan
Bethany Hawke x Marijke Kader
Marian Hawke x Isabela
Marian Hawke x Isabela x Merrill
Marian Hawke x Merrill
Nathaniel Howe x Velanna
Isabela x Merrill
Dael Mahariel x Merrill
Josephine Montilyet x Rafael Trevelyan
Dorian Pavus x Rafael Trevelyan
Sigrun x Velanna
Marfisa Trevelyan & Rafael Trevelyan
The Bull's Chargers, Inquisition agents, multiplayer characters (Dalish/Skinner, Charter/Tessa, open to other ships)
Gen: team bonding (especially DA2 cast)
Gen: mage resistance/rebellion stuff
Gen: post-Inquisition Solas-hunting shenanigans (Tevinter Nights vibes)
Gen: crossovers and AUs (I've written Exandria AU and modern AU stuff before, feel free to suggest others)
More details & other fandoms under the cut
I can also write other people's OCs or a generic/ambiguous PC, and certain other characters and ships; don't be afraid to ask! A few notes:
I won't write anything focused on Aveline, Cullen, Oghren, or Sten (unless it's critical of them), or anything pro-templar, sorry.
I'm also not very experienced writing certain characters, such as red!Hawke, Sera, and Vivienne. But I'm up for a challenge!
I am always, always down to write characters as trans. I write Fenris as transmasc and Hawke as AFAB nonbinary unless otherwise specified. My Hawkes, Mahariel, Trevelyan and Kader are all trans.
I headcanon Josephine as ace, so I'm not comfortable writing smut for her.
If you send me a NSFW prompt, I may tone it down to my comfort zone. I'm new to writing smut and prefer vanilla stuff.
Other topics I'm currently open to writing
Check, Please! (Bitty/Jack, Holster/Ransom, Lardo/Shitty)
Critical Role (Allura/Kima, Beau/Jester/Yasha, Caleb/Essek, Caleb/Molly, Fjord/Jester, Keyleth/Vax, Percy/Vex; used to write Caduceus/Fjord and always down to write them as friends or queerplatonic nowadays; OC blood hunter siblings Sol & Hala)
Lovelink (MC x Adam, Ana, Blake, Charlie, Cpt. Muffin['s human], Dahlia, Dominic, Dr. Vile, Jake, Keanu, Milena, Nicholas, Rose, Ruby, Sage, Tiros, Vitoria, Zayn)
Star Wars (Finn/Poe/Rey, Finn/Rose, Greer/Joph, Black Squadron fun times)
The Witcher (maybe? I'm familiar with TW3 and started watching the Netflix show. Geralt/Yennefer or Geralt/Triss)
Bullet-point/short paragraph meta or headcanons (things like "headcanons about the M9's favourite foods" or "which DA story choice do you prefer out of these options and why")
Poetry (free verse or haiku; you can try sonnet, blank verse, etc. prompts, but no promises lol)
Short original fiction (especially high fantasy, fairytale-inspired, historical fantasy, near-future sci-fi, space opera, dystopian)
Very short plays and monologues (I tend toward postmodern/postdramatic/poetic stuff)
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abelas · 3 years
dragon age origins (incl. awakening if you want to~) for the ask meme :)
thank you yuno!!!!!
the character i least understand
okay don't come for me nathaniel lovers but nathaniel :(
interactions i enjoyed the most
i freaking loved any and all interactions with barkspawn!!!!
the character who scares me the most
branka didn't scare me but she definitely creeped me tf out
the character who is mostly like me
since i said morrigan before (cause I can be grumpy lol) i'm going to say alistair bc i too want to give pretty girls roses and hold their hands
hottest looks character
MORRIGAN... velanna! totally stupid, unrealistic revealing design but my bi brain is like ... wamben.... hot....
one thing i dislike about my fave character
alistair is a babe but he needs to stand up for himself more ig.. like give morrigan some cutting wittiness my love i know u have that in u
one thing i like about my hated character
i don't like sten but i think it's cute how much he likes kittens :')
a quote or scene that haunts me
the mahariel origin story :(
a death that left me indifferent
the bride/groom from the tabris origin story! like my dude i did not have enough time to get to know them to care
a character i wish died but didn’t
hmm a lot of people died/can die in origins hahaha. ooo maybe arl eamon? just for the way he treated alistair
my ship that never sailed
fwarden x morrigan :| literally the biggest crime in all of bioware history
send me a fandom and i’ll tell you…
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