#my read more is broken heh
kenntolog · 1 month
Loser gf and cool bf sukunas almost first time with reader and she’s scared of how big he is so he just shows her how it’ll feel by dry humping her into the mattress
𝝑𝝔 an: this is literally my first time posting smut i feel so nervous heh, hope u like this dear anon!! reblog if you like, and don’t forget to read more about cool bf sukuna x loser gf reader here <33 nsfw!!
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cool boyfriend sukuna is so understanding with his loser girlfriend when it’s time to be intimate.
and a bit cocky, because he knows he’s big and your reaction only fuels his ego more; he leads your hand down onto his crotch while his lips move over yours and your mouth opens in a small gasp, causing him to smirk and pull away to watch your face.
“i’ll make you feel so good, baby,” he whispers, leaning down to kiss you ear, but your body tensing under his hands makes him stop as he looks at you carefully. “m?”
when he spots your embarrassed expression, sukuna stares at you questioningly. you don’t meet his gaze though, looking around the room aimlessly as you bite on your lower lip. fingers fiddling with the collar of his shirt and looking all around nervous under him — the realisation dawns upon him quickly as he readjusts himself over you.
“you don’t wanna do it, do you?” he asks sincerely. at that you nearly jump up, face turning red as you shake your head no.
“i-i do! i wanna do it, but i’m kinda scared, ‘kuna,” you pout, sitting up a little. “m’sorry.”
sukuna almost coos at how incredibly cute you look while apologising, hand coming up to ruffle the hair on top your head with a small chuckle.
“don’t apologise, baby, we’ll just take it slow.” he kisses your chin, biting on it right after to make you whine as his hand once again moves lower to touch you through your pants. “i still wanna make you feel good tho.”
he moves back, looking down at you with a playful smirk, and removes his clothes quickly, leaving only his boxers on. you don’t get time to admire his physique since he’s urging you to do the same with his nimble hands already helping you out of your pants.
sukuna’s movements stop when you’re left in your underwear, eyes silently asking if you want your bra removed too, and when you shake your head no he just nods, leaning closer to you.
he tries his best not to focus on the wet patch between your legs because the heat from your skin radiating on his is enough to make him crazy.
“what’re you doing, ‘kuna?” you ask, eyes a little bit hazy as you watch him settle in between your legs, his crotch hovering over yours. he rubs your clit through the thin layer of damp fabric, his smirk growing more satisfied as you gasp and grip his hand, small moans coming out of you.
sukuna leans down to kiss you, humming in delight when you eagerly respond to him, arms slithering around his neck to pull him closer. every time he puts a bit of pressure on your clit with his thumb your whines become longer and more broken, body aching and twirling under his hands, and sukuna mentally notes to think of more ways to make you sound like that.
and then he finally presses himself onto you, one hand circling around you hips to move you too, as your mouth opens in surprise, the prettiest moan coming out of it. the touch of his hard cock is a lot more firmer than his fingers, the sweet pressure making your breathing faster.
rolling his hips expertly, sukuna groans at the feeling of your juices staining his boxers along with his precum, the friction becoming even more delicious as he starts going a little faster. your moans match his pace, small fingers tugging at his hair as you utter his name like a prayer, looking up at him with the most beautiful expression in the world.
“how does it feel?” he sucks in your bottom lip, biting it softly, and a pleased laugh escapes him when your hips start rolling too, meeting his halfway without his help. “don’t… hah… stop—”
“‘kuna, please!”
“please what?”
you whine into his neck instead, too flustered to say the words and as much as sukuna wants to make you beg for it he knows that it’s your first time ever trying something like this so he lets it rest. another time, he thinks as his lips stretch into a sweet smile when he notices your body growing restless, craving more friction.
“are you close?”
you nod frantically, leaning your forehead against the side of his face, too embarrassed of your expressions, but sukuna doesn’t let you hide, hand under your jaw and fingers digging into your cheeks softly to hold your head still as he moves his hips faster.
“c’mon, baby, do it for me—”
you come with a loud cry, brows pinched together and mouth hanging open slightly as you pant heavily, hips still grinding uncontrollably to ride out the pleasure. barely registering sukuna’s face as he stares at you, in awe of the look on your face.
sukuna’s grip on your face softens as he places a sweet kiss on your puffy lips, falling to his side and pulling you into himself despite the mess between your bodies. that’s a matter for a bit later.
“you look so pretty when you come. wanna see you do it on my cock.”
you stare at him in distress before burrowing your face in his bicep, breathing him in unconsciously and refusing to comment on his dirty words. but sukuna isn’t pleased with that, hand once again cupping your jaw to make you look at him and stare down at you with lustful gaze and a menacing grin.
“you wanna try it next time, baby?”
you can only nod, a shy smile appearing on your lips at the sight of his excitement.
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six-eyed-samurai · 22 days
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Yo I think something glitched when I was making the header...didn't crop properly. Anyway, enjoy this trash and I'm sorry if it's not up to my usual standard but I just got the random idea in the middle of the night!
Note: Reader is pregnant, so therefore fem and if it makes you uncomfortable I apologise but don't read
Everyone was convinced Tomioka Giyuu hated you right from the start.
You were first introduced to the Hashira when Oyakata-sama called them all for a meeting on the latest reports of demon activity, but requested them all to stay a little longer before being dismissed. Amane gestured for you to come forward with a gentle smile and you shuffled out of the shadows with your hands clasped together in nervousness but with a bright bream upon your face. The Hashira’s eyes caught yours in surprise, wondering if you were perhaps a new Kakushi since you weren’t wearing a slayer uniform, but instead a traditional (f/c) yukata.
Then their eyes strayed downwards and changed their minds about that, but nonetheless still remained in confusion.
“This is our newest member, (y/n) (y/l/n), the (b/f) Hashira. She was supposed to join our ranks quite some months ago but due to her sudden pregnancy she will for now be an honorary member.”
The only sign of your anxiety was the blush on your cheeks and the hand rubbing at your swollen abdomen. “Hi everyone! I’m so happy to meet you all! I won’t be on the battlefield for some time and I’m sorry I can’t fight alongside you for now, but I look forward to getting to know you all. If you need anything, I’m always at the (e/n) Estate.”
The ice was broken and you were immediately approached by many of the Hashira. Himejima-san cried and wished you and your child good health, making you feel a little embarrassed but thanked him anyway. The Mist Pillar Tokito simply stared at you, then at the sky, then at you again before asking what were you doing here again (later on, he startled you by appearing behind and questioning you in that airheaded manner of his if he could talk to the baby).
You were also tackled by the Love Pillar who introduced herself as Kanroji Mitsuri and your new best friend as well as the calmer Insect Pillar, Kocho Shinobu, who despite slightly unnerving you with her smile touched you greatly when she said you could always stop by the Butterfly Mansion for checkups or simply a visit.
“How far along are you?”
“About five months, I think!”
“KYAAAAAAAAAAH! Your baby is going to be so cute! What’s it’s name? Do you know if it’s a he or a she yet? I can’t wait to be an aunt!”
“Heh, I’m not too sure yet, but I have a feeling it’s going to be a boy!”
Mitsuri squealed again, causing you to laugh at her genuine happiness. She whipped her head behind her and called out to the silently glowering Snake Pillar. “Iguro-san, don’t you think the baby will be cute? I really wish I’ll have some of my own one day!”
You and Shinobu shared a smirk as the Wind Pillar grumpily slapped his friend’s back and dragged the furiously red Iguro away, muttering viciously about not wasting any more time in hunting a Twelve Kizuki.
“Oh look, there's Tomioka-san. Why hasn't he come and said hello yet?”
“Ah well, a lone friendless wolf as always.” Shinobu didn't see you originally visibly brighten at Mitsuri’s words and turn surprised at hers.
Indeed Tomioka was standing awkwardly as always a little - long, actually - way off. What was not as always was that horrified, slack jawed look on his face instead of his usual blank, emotionless one.
“Tomioka-san? Are you alright? You've been making that face for a long time already…” Shinobu's eye twitched, but you didn't notice, suddenly preoccupied with Muichiro’s intense questioning of whether he could play with the baby when it was born.
“She shouldn't be a Hashira.”
The remaining Hashira found themselves narrowing their eyes at the Water Pillar's blunt, if not rude, words.
That would be just one of the many events that further convinced them of his intense dislike of you.
You started going over a lot to the Butterfly Mansion over then next few months, becoming a fast favorite among the girls for your cheerful attitude and your baby; even Kanao cracked a smile at you when you came around. When the other Hashira arrived to be healed you always made it a point to go pay them a visit and in turn you pretty soon had every one of them in your back pocket, including the harsh, loudmouthed Wind Pillar Shinazugawa who constantly gave you a jolt with the complete 360 with his attitude around you, to the point you could call him a good friend.
Being friends with him usually meant hearing him grumble about the stupid waterboy.
“Why doesn’t he ever look at you anyway, turning away like that. So rude, that little (beep) (beep) (beep)-”
“Eheh, Shinazugawa-san, don’t swear so loudly, he’ll hear you!”
You had stopped by to Sanemi’s room when Shinobu had mentioned he was there to be patched up after a mission and knowing how busy she was, had offered to go help change his bandages with the basic medical knowledge you had picked up over the years of being a slayer. Reluctantly she had agreed and so here you were, chatting away with him until he spotted Tomioka passing by (he poked his head in actually, otherwise Sanemi would never have noticed him) and started complaining about him once more, especially when you had called out to him and Tomioka had simply whipped his head to the side to stare into the distance.
Really, Sanemi wasn’t the only one to notice how Tomioka avoided you like the plague with that stupid, vacant, red expression of his.
“He’s just shy, he doesn’t mean to be rude!” You defended the poor Pillar, continuing with rewinding the new wrappings.
“Tch, you should see how he acts at the meetings, like he’s better than us or something,” was the growling reply. “(beep) doesn’t know how to (beep) talk with anyone with his (beep) attitude.”
“I don’t think he thinks he’s better than all of you, maybe it’s just something else,” You hum, finishing up. “That’s all! I’m glad the demon didn’t go any further than a scratch.”
Shinazugawa grunted, then his gaze caught yours and softened. “By the way, who’s the dad?”
“Oh, it’s -”
“(y/n)-san!” Three heads peeked in from the door shyly. “Can you come and play with us?”
“Of course! Bye, Shinazugawa!”
Like always the reply was only a “tch”.
Another thing was that he never stopped repeating what he said at the first time everyone met you: “She shouldn’t be a Hashira”, going as far as to attempt to prevent you from wielding a sword, although this was only noticed by Tanjiro.
You had agreed to the Kamaboko Squad’s requests (aka demands by Inosuke and begging from Zenitsu) to train together, despite Tanjiro’s worries which you brushed off. The boys were very rambunctious and did tire you out quite a bit, but you were having so much fun and they were so eager you just went on sparring with them until even Inosuke muttered a plead for a quick break, unable to beat your incredible swordsmanship.
“(y/n)-chan!!! Who’s the lucky guy you married?! You never told us and I want to know how he managed to score someone so beautiful like you so I can do it with Nezuko-chan!” Zenitsu simpered, scooting closer, ignoring Tanjiro’s scandalized look.
“What’s married?” Inosuke’s voice was muffled underneath his boar mask and the mountain of onigiri you had brought he was stuffing into his mouth, so none of you heard him.
You giggle, placing a hand on your stomach. “He’s very sweet, although he’s honestly very shy and doesn’t talk much. I’m sure you’ve met him before! Can you guess?”
“Woah, really?” Tanjiro brightened, wondering who it could be, but his next question was interrupted by an interrogative monotone.
“What are you doing? You shouldn’t be training.” Tomioka stood in front of them, the first time anyone had seen him interact with you without just staring at the ground. His face was as empty as the void but there was a tiny crease between his eyebrows and Tanjiro didn’t have to inhale to smell the worry reeking off him.
“I didn’t know you were so concerned about (y/n)-chan, Tomioka-san.” Zenitsu’s eyebrows shot up, disappearing under his hair while he glowered judgmentally.
Tomioka made no reply, only swiftly grabbing and removing the sword from your hand. “She shouldn’t be a Hashira, much less train. You nearly died fighting a demon not too long ago, you’re in no shape to be doing this.”
With that he abruptly walked off and left Zenitsu and Inosuke to scream at him for being such an un-gentleman and for not fighting with them while you looked away sadly.
Tanjiro wondered why he didn’t once smell dislike on Tomioka. Only fear.
“What’s he got against (l/n)?” Obanai joined in on the conversation from his perch on the tree. He’d look for reasons to hate against the Water Pillar all the time, but unlike the others this time round his hatred was justified.
Tengen rolled his eyes flamboyantly. “I know! He’s constantly acting like she’s a pest to be around, but she doesn’t seem to have beef with him. What’s wrong with that bland creature?”
“Oh come on! We don’t actually know if he hates her,” Rengoku protested mildly.
“Then why does he keep refusing to even make eye contact with her?”
“I mean, Iguro, you can’t talk, you only ever look at Kanroji” - Obanai turned away, blushing furiously as Tengen cackled - “but I get your point. The other day I walked in on them arguing. I can’t believe he would keep reminding her of past failures without keeping her current state in mind!”
“Perhaps he only wants to try and convince her to stay safe during this time and discourage her from slaying for now?”
“Rengoku, my best buddy, you’re too optimistic.”
“There’s no other reason he’d give her the cold shoulder 24/7.”
Soon the conversation drifted to other topics, but little would they know Rengoku was the closest to the truth…
Shinobu already had enough on her hands with all the screaming, panic and blood, but of course Tomioka just had to show up at the most inopportune moment.
It had been a relatively quiet day as the two of you sat on the engawa, exchanging war stories over tea when with a sudden cry you had doubled over in pain. Your water had broken and you were heading into labour - quickly.
Just barely the Insect Pillar had managed to get you to a bed and sent the Butterfly Girls scurrying for the necessities, hiding her uneasiness at the slight earliness of your boy’s arrival to keep you calm and help you through it. You were doing well under her coaxing to use Total Concentration Breathing, and thankfully Shinazugawa was still around to help you relax with a familiar face.
Then Aoi had burst in with a frantic expression and thundering footsteps from behind that certainly weren’t hers.
“Shinobu-san, Tomioka is demanding to be let in-”
“Keep him out!” Shinobu grimaced, returning her attention to you. She’s heard and seen what he’s like around you, and other than the fact he has no business to be here she didn’t want to send you into a further state of panic. “He doesn’t like her, and if he opens that mouth of his to say anything more I might be responsible for two deaths.”
You dug your nails into Sanemi’s proffered hand, screaming in pain. He winced but said nothing, only looking up with a determined look in his eyes at Shinobu. “I’ll go keep Tomioka out, just make sure she delivers safely.”
Without waiting for a reply Sanemi rushed out to bar the doorway, leaving Shinobu to assure and handle your birthing with the anxious assistance of the Butterfly Girls. The pain in your stomach was surely abominable, intolerable, and Shinobu found herself growing more alarmed with every minute the baby wasn’t coming out.
“(y/n), I need you to push harder, alright? Can you do that for me?”
“N-no - where is he?”
“Your husband? I’ll get someone to call him, don’t worry,” Shinobu lied with dawning horror that in the entire time she had known you…she had no actual idea who you were married to. “But he wouldn’t like you see you like this, right? You can do it. Just keep your breathing under control.”
“JUST (beep) OFF, TOMIOKA!” Shinazugawa’s voice bellowed through the Mansion. His stocky form soon appeared, stubbornly acting as an indomitable barrier against the equally stubborn Tomioka who was desperately trying to barge his way through.
“Tomioka, we don’t need unnecessary people here to worry (y/n) more-”
Whether it was because Tomioka had never raised his voice before or the sheer shock of it all or the fact you reached out for his hand, Shinobu and Sanemi let him through.
“I thought I was going to lose you when I heard you screaming like that from outside.” Giyuu nuzzled deeper into your neck, absently stroking your baby’s tiny hand. “Don’t scare me like that again.”
You played with the strands of his hair with a teasing smirk. “You did to, banging into the room like that, with the “That’s my wife!”. It was very romantic of you, Giyuu~”
“I was in a rush.” Giyuu smacked his face into the pillow, embarrassed while you laugh.
“Ara ara~ Are you both done cuddling? I want to perform a quick checkup on your baby now, if you don’t mind, and all the Hashira are here to ask you a lot of things, Tomioka.” Shinobu stood at the doorway with her customary smile, a twitching eye and crossed arms. Behind her were the shadows of the others trying to peek over her shoulder or head into the room to congratulate you on your baby or beat up Tomioka (both for some).
“Ask about what?” Giyuu lifted up his head in confusion. You snort at his obliviousness, cooing at your precious sleeping baby before gently passing him to Shinobu.
“KYAAAAAAAAAH! That’s so cute of you, Tomioka!”
“Do you hate us all or something?!”
“No…? No one asked and I thought (y/n) would have told you,” Giyuu said blankly, glancing at you with wide blue eyes. You sheepishly raised your shoulders.
“I tried to tell them but we kept getting interrupted or had no chance.”
“You did make us all think you hated (y/n) with your behaviour, Tomioka.” Shinobu raised an eyebrow. “After all, you rarely spoke to her and when you did it was only to reprimand her, but I can see now it was probably out of worry for your child and her…although rather harshly.”
“Oh!” You burst out laughing, shaking so hard you nearly couldn’t take back your awakening baby Shinobu was handing over. “Giyuu’s just very shy! See-”
You pressed a quick peck to his cheek.
giyuu.exe has stopped working.
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saerins · 3 months
PREV: #002 PLAYING DOMINO 𖧧 #003 THE FIRST RIPPLE 𖧧 NEXT: #004 THIS SPARK, IS IT REAL? ꒰ series masterlist ꒱
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꒰ঌꨄ︎໒꒱ — ever since the first meeting, you’ve proven to be an anomaly. and yet again, sae finds himself out of character, doing things he didn’t think he would.
content: itoshi sae x female reader. angst/fluff, profanity, physical/verbal abuse, violence, mentions of infidelity, broken homes, unrequited love, manipulation/gaslighting. word count: 6.7k
༝༚༝༚ more yn and sae for this chapter yay !! ty to all of you who are reading this heh mwah you guys are my motivation <3 let’s hope i keep this pace up so some of you can get the tea faster :p
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somehow, the fact that you’d managed to help land an interview with itoshi sae has given you some perks at work. (you’d let sumi take the credit for it, but considering your voice is on the recording, it was hard to deny your involvement.) the best of it all? sumi’s right; mr tatsuji is so absolutely pleased that he barely bothers to visit your department to chide any of you.
that way, at least if your personal life is a mess, your career is not. (for now.)
after three days of staying over at eita’s, you’re finally lugging your feet back home today. besides, he has a date and you’re not about to play third wheel when he inevitably comes home with her.
that’s otoya eita for you.
he insisted that it’s fine and if he really wanted to get some that he’d bring her to a hotel, but you’d really rather not get used to putting up at someone else’s house. especially when, technically, you do have a place to stay.
as you unwillingly (and slowly, painachingly) trudge back to your apartment, you can’t help but revisit your messages with sae. ever since you told him you’d let him follow you if he made a private account, he hasn’t responded since.
were you just in over your head? maybe he was just bored and was passing time by texting you. maybe he didn’t really mean it. maybe someone else took his phone and texted you just to make fun of you. 
time to time, you still think of the night you met, how his eyes fluttered close, how he stayed rooted in position, how you would’ve actually done it out of curiosity if it wasn’t for the fact that it was a public place with cameras littering every few inches of space.
you sigh, locking your phone and tossing it back in your purse. in the end, maybe itoshi sae really is just someone for you to admire from afar. maybe that’s for the best; you can’t imagine how it’d even feel like dating someone who has such a big spotlight cast on him.
the evening air is chilly, the lights of the nearby shopping mall a warm golden, the sea of people walking past you soon to drown out. if you didn’t know better, you’d think you’re living a privileged life—being able to live in such a nice district, with a better-than-average apartment that had been fully paid for since you were born. and if life had been kind to you, then maybe you’d like living at home more than you do now.
but as it is, going home only serves as a reminder to all your problems. unescapable, unavoidable, unbearable. and maybe it’s not such a good move for you to depend on eita a lot to be your escape, to help you forget about all of it, at least when you’re with him, but you can’t help it. escapism feels nice. it’s nice to be around someone who knows about it and still accepts you, even though you and him don’t see eye to eye about it most of the time. 
your stomach’s growling, and the macarons at the bakery’s display that you walk past are both nostalgic and tempting. but you can’t afford that.
something as simple as a box of macarons.
hang in there for the long term, you tell yourself. one day, you’ll get everything back. 
not ten minutes later, you’re at your own doorstep, hesitating to even enter. through the door you can hear the sound of the television. it’s loud and playing some drama that always airs at this timing. you’ve heard the same voices so many times before.
it’s funny to think that these sounds used to feel like home to you.
either way, you have to get this over and done with, so you slot your key in and walk through the door, carefully toeing off your shoes as though being quiet would make you escape her notice.
“and where did you go off to the last few days? can’t even come home and be a dutiful daughter and eat with her own mother?”
it hasn’t even been five seconds. 
all that ever awaits you at home now is the vile spit of your mother’s. it’s laughable because all she says is nonsense. you haven’t eaten on the same table together in years, even if you have been living under the same roof.
some part of you can’t help but be defiant. you know it’s a bad idea, but she’s out of line, and yet you’re still helping her. and you can’t figure out why.
“how about you be a dutiful mother and stop spending all your daughter’s money and go find a job?”
there’s a sharp sound that bounces off the walls of the living room quicker than you can expect it, and it takes you five seconds and the sting on your cheek to realise your mother had just slapped you with all her might.
not an ounce of hesitation or regret. there is only fury in her eyes as she looks down at you, summoning every bit of disdain she can muster. 
of course, how could you forget? this is what you get for talking back to her. it’s been a while since she’d last laid a hand on you, so maybe you’d gotten cocky, thinking she wouldn’t do it again.
“is this all you’re good for? you’re not using that filthy mouth to jack people off so you’re using it to spite me?”
there’s a lot you want to say.
you want to talk back to her again, to say that she’s the useless one out of the two of you. the one who doesn’t work yet gambles all day. the one who spent all the savings and insurance money so she’s fully depending on you month to month.
you want to tell her that you’re not some whore who goes around fucking everyone you see. she always hated eita, but that’s because he knows she’s no good. that’s also why you never tell him if she lays her hand on you. you don’t want to get them into any altercations. you also want to tell her eita’s taken better care of you than she ever has, and you don’t even have to jack him off for it.
but you stay silent.
because silence is the most comfortable you can get with her. no matter what you say or do, it will never suffice for her. she wants money, and she’s only angry because you haven’t been home to give it to her. it’s why you lock your own door every time you head out or go to sleep. you don’t want to find your own belongings gone by the time you’re back. neither do you want to find her snooping around your room in the middle of the night.
both of which have happened before.
taking advantage of your shock, she yanks your purse out of your hand, fishing for your wallet and grabbing all the cash she can find before tossing it back to you.
there’s no mercy in her eyes as she glares at her own daughter, the one she carried herself in her womb for nine whole months and once sworn to love. and now she blames the same little girl for ruining her body and refuses to take responsibility for her.
“listen, be a good girl and just give me what i ask for okay?” her tone is nothing but condescending and threatening. “if you’d just behave yourself, i wouldn’t have to do shit like that. think a little, would you?”
the demon that is your mother speaks as if you’re in the wrong, sighing to herself as she lights a cigarette and walks away, stuffing your hard-earned money in her purse before making for her room and slamming the door as she completely disposes of you for the day. she already got what she wanted, after all.
utterly defeated, you completely forget about your hunger, retreating into your room, locking the door behind you and falling to the floor. your vision blurs and your cheek still stings. you wonder if it’ll leave a mark like it did the last time.
your phone vibrates once.
blurry vision aside, you can tell it’s eita from the name alone. his talk to me if you need anything, okay? is bright on your phone screen, the only light in this room because you don’t have the energy to turn on the lights. you’re not feeling exceptionally hopeful today. the dark seems just right.
you’re thankful that you have a friend like him. you probably don’t deserve how nice he is to you. but you don’t want to talk to him. you don’t think you want to talk to anyone.
maybe just one person.
but he’s six foot under and inaccessible to you.
you’re not sure when you made it onto your bed—your head’s a mess. it always is when you speak to her. that’s why you scream into the pillow, willing your energy away, trying to drown your thoughts with your voice, dreaming of the day you can break free from this cycle.
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thunder, pitter patter, raindrops against the windowsill.
the lightning helps you make out the time from the clock on the wall above your door. 
1am. your lips are chapped and the tears are dry against your cheeks. you’d subconsciously slept on the right side, your left still aching from earlier.
slowly, you get up, legs crossed and sitting on your bed, your earlier distress dissipated just slightly, mind a little clearer. (and always questionable.) your phone’s dead and you honestly don’t really care—what you do care about is your stomach’s incessant growling.
it wouldn’t take a genius to know that your mother cleared out all the food in the kitchen. it looked barren earlier from what you could see, maybe just a couple slices of bread and some condiments. you wouldn’t want to start cooking in the middle of the night either, lest she wakes up and you have even more to deal with.
the rain starts to lighten up by the time you’re out of the house, comfortable in your oversized windbreaker. you walk slowly, your slides already soaked from walking in the rain. it’s a nice cooling temperature, the wind in your face making you feel refreshed, like everything that’s horrible could be just a dream.
if only.
a light ten-minute walk later, you’re browsing through the aisles of the convenience store, wondering which brand of processed food is worthy to be your dinner. you hover between the cup noodles on the shelves and the sandwiches in the chiller, taking your time because home is not a place you’re exactly aching to go back to.
can you even call it a home at this point?
eventually, you waltz out of there with a warm tub of noodles, palms relishing in its warmth and your nose inhaling every last bit of its aroma.
dinner could be better, but you suppose you can’t complain when you’re trying your best to save up. after all, it’ll be a pain if your mother figures out the stash of savings you’re hiding. the last thing you want is for her to steal that away from you. then how would you ever move out on your own?
shaking your head as you settle down on a park bench on the opposite side of the road, you decide to throw those thoughts aside for now. it’s not a current problem that you need to mull over right now and destroy your mood. no, right now, what you need is just a peaceful night.
what’s past (earlier) is past.
even though it’s easier said than done when your tears start flowing one by one, and suddenly these noodles are saltier than you remember.
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“sure you can’t come?”
sae looks at bianca through the passenger side window, her pout ever present. “nah, i’m tired. besides, if i oversleep who’s gonna drive you to the airport, huh?”
bianca grins at him, seemingly pacified. she reaches a hand into the car, perfectly manicured nails in full view before she clenches it into a fist, holding just a pinky out. “promise you’ll see me off tomorrow?”
there’s something between the lines that sae doesn’t get, nor is he sure he wants to. in all honesty, he’s not even sure why a promise is wanted here but he sticks out his pinky all the same anyway, because he’s pretty sure he won’t miss the alarm when it rings.
“yay, see you!”
“see you,” sae echoes as she bounds towards her friend’s place, ready for a last night of catching up over a game of cards before she flies back to america. as she disappears from his view, he wonders why she even tried to invite him in the first place. they’re her friends, he’s not really needed there anyway.
tuning out of those thoughts, sae drives off, already planning the remainder of the night. it’s 1am, and it’ll be near two by the time he makes it back to his apartment. that leaves him around a six hour sleep before he has to get up and send bianca off.
now that he’s thinking about it, since when has it become routine for him to send her off every time?
before he can even gather his thoughts about it, he steps on the brakes abruptly, wondering what the hell is wrong with some people to not be looking at both sides of the road before they cross, nearly pressing on the honk before something tells him not to. it’s distracting; the fact that the passing silhouette looks familiar and yet not at all.
against his better judgement, he pulls over by the side of the road, deciding to trust his gut. it’s late at night and there’s no reason for it but is that really you sitting on a park bench eating cup noodles past one in the morning? alone?
sae steps out of the car, mask on, pulling his hat down and his hoodie over his head to conceal himself, though some might argue he looks like he’s about to kidnap someone like this. he’s painfully aware this is dumb, and there’s no point to this, because what if it is you? it’s not like he has any reason to talk to you.
he stops midway, checking his phone and scrolling to your messages, his okay still sitting in the text box, unsent. fuck, he didn’t even realise until now. it didn’t help that he had a hectic schedule back to back for the past few days either. he never got around to creating that private account. he’ll just have to do it later.
a fleeting thought comes to him, wondering if you thought he was just pulling your leg about wanting to follow you. sure seems like it to him.
but he continues walking towards that park bench, towards that girl he thinks might be you, without knowing whatsoever what his next move will be. all he knows is that if that really is you, he’d rather say hello than say nothing at all.
even if it means making a detour that would undoubtedly make him endlessly tired the next day. for some reason.
and call him crazy, but as he draws closer, even without seeing your face, he knows it’s you somehow.
there’s something off about you, he doesn’t know what it is yet, but he can feel it. maybe he’ll find out. maybe he’ll try.
“hey, rude girl.”
just by the way your body stiffens up, he knows you recognise his voice. you choke on your noodles, coughing a little and rubbing your face before you whip your head upwards to face him, your eyes going wide with surprise.
“itoshi sae?”
why doesn’t he like it when you call him by his full name? it sounds weird, but he keeps his mouth shut.
“what are you doing here? do you live in the area?” you ask, setting your almost-empty cup of noodle on the bench. your voice is a little hoarse than he remembers, and your eyes are slightly puffy. there’s a faint swollenness on your left cheek, something he can see you’re desperately trying to hide behind your hair. it’s not really working.
he shakes his head, hands in his jacket pocket. “no, i was just dropping my friend off.” his eyes shift from you to the noodles. “supper?”
sae notices your eyebrow twitch ever so slightly, your nostrils flaring a little before you grin at him. “yeah, i missed lunch so this is me making up for it,” you giggle, offering a thumbs up.
is it bad to say he doesn’t believe you? you’re alone in the middle of the night on a park bench eating instant noodles with a slightly swollen cheek. yet you’re in front of him acting like nothing’s wrong.
this is already far from what he’d usually do. if you were anyone else, he would’ve just drove past and forgotten in a few days that he ever saw them. but as it is, here he is, standing in front of you, car parked illegally by the curb, just to verify that it really is you for no apparent reason.
still, he’s glad he did. you look like you’ve gotten a year’s worth of bad news judging by the state you’re in. and sae usually doesn’t cater to people, expects people to tell him what they need, not make him guess, but he’s already guessing what you might need.
your stomach is still growling, though you’re trying to hide it by slumping on the bench, arms over your stomach. sae has no idea why you feel like you have to hide, or who probably slapped you in the first place, but he finds himself disposing of your noodles before he’s grabbing you gently by the hand, tugging you along with him.
“hey, uh, where are we going?”
despite your shallow hesitation, sae feels your fingers curl around his palm. his heart skips a beat. he stops in his tracks, turning back around to face you. there’s an inexplicable emotion stirring inside him when he looks into your eyes.
his free hand comes up to remove his cap, putting it over your head and pushing it down to fit better. he doesn’t have a mask for you, but it’ll do. something tells him you don’t really want other people to see your face right now. and while the circumstances are different, he supposes he understands how it feels.
maybe you think he’s doing this because he’d rather not be papped with a girl, rather not have any more dating rumours. he’ll let you keep thinking that. he’ll keep acting like he doesn’t see the wound you’re desperately trying to hide.
for now.
“i’m hungry, eat with me,” is all he tells you before he resumes dragging you along behind him, calloused hands wrapping over your own.
sae’s not hungry in the least. he’d eaten probably three meals worth of food with bianca before this since she’d dragged him to a korean barbecue joint.
but you’re hungry. you’re starving and you’re not acting like it and you don’t say a thing about it—he doesn’t really get you.
he wants to.
maybe that’s why he’s doing all this. maybe that’s why he lets you in his car, drives to an izakaya he knows all too well. maybe that’s why he keeps stealing glances at you in the car, and maybe that’s why he feels a little warm inside when he catches you smiling to yourself.
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as you sit silently beside him as he drives, your fingers fiddle nervously with each other. never did you think that you’d end up in sae’s luxurious car tonight of all nights. as if it wasn’t apparent enough before, after seeing his car, this definitely looks like a life that’s far beyond your reach.
you wonder if sae is the type of person who likes cars. it’s never indicated anywhere if he is. you recognise the brand; you don’t know the exact model but it’s a maserati, wrapped a matte black, at that. the interior leather seats are comfortable, and his air freshener smells nice.
on top of that, he’s driving you to someplace because he’s hungry too. talk about luck and coincidence.
you were thinking of just taking a short walk before going back home, but you’d take his invitation over that any day. you’re not sure where he’s taking you, but your feet are tapping in anticipation, though you hope it’s not anywhere expensive because you’re definitely not dressed the part.
beside you, sae’s not exactly dressed in anything fancy, but with looks like that? he would look expensive dressed in anything.
“quit staring,” sae mumbles, and you hurriedly avert your gaze, embarrassed at getting caught although you snicker a little when you catch the hint of a blush creeping up his cheeks. “what are you laughing at?”
you try to suppress a grin, biting on your lower lip. “you’re not as uncaring as the internet makes you seem,” you ponder out loud.
sae accepts your train of thought. he’s well aware that’s how he comes off in real life too. “and?” it’s a red light so he stops the car, turning his head to look straight at you.
is he asking you what you think of him?
you feel your heart skip a beat. he’s pretty, and he’s staring at you with those clear teal eyes of his and it makes you want to drown in them for some reason. he’s not as unfeeling as he comes across, and for him to bother taking you with him just to eat must mean you don’t fall into the category of people he finds to be just a waste of time. 
you want to know what this is.
“i don’t know, you’re like a cat,” you shrug, reverting back to your unserious self. “but i’ll let you know again once i get to know you better, itoshi sae.”
he looks away, the green light barely seeping through his windows. he doesn’t understand. “if you even get that far, that is.” (he likes how you already assume you’ll get to know him more. are you looking to spend more time with him?) 
you grin, making an internal bet with yourself. “just you wait,” you tell him, confident in your abilities. “i have a habit of growing on people.”
(sae chuckles internally, because he doesn’t doubt you. you already are.)
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“are you sure this place is open?” you ask, discreetly tapping lightly on your cheeks, deciding that maybe you look just fine now. and it doesn’t seem like there’s a soul here anyway.
once sae parks his car into the lot, you take his cap off and look around, the sleek stand-alone three-storey building looking completely closed on the outside. there’s no other cars parked here—surely they’re not still open?
sae takes his keys out of the ignition, stuffing it into his jacket pocket. he looks nonchalant for the most part. “don’t worry, i know the owner, let’s go.”
you shrug to yourself, placing his cap neatly on the dashboard before getting up. he waits and observes as you get out of his car, making sure you’re beside him before he starts walking towards the restaurant. you notice him matching your pace, with you shamelessly adjusting it just to check.
before he enters through the doors, he looks at you, “there’s no one else around. just the owner’s nephew who’ll be cooking for us.”
the shopkeeper’s bell chimes as he makes his way inside, holding the door for you, and you wordlessly enter, even though you’re wondering why he feels the need to tell you that. is it because you look like a mess and he thought you’d care?
it’s cosy and warm inside, classical music filling the air, every table wiped spotlessly clean that they’re shining as the lights from the ceiling bounce off of their surfaces. there’s nobody you can see here, are they in the kitchen?
sae puts his fingers around your wrist this time, walking you through the restaurant, meandering expertly like he’s been here a thousand times. your eyes fall to his fingers; they’re gentle yet firm, and you’re only hoping he doesn’t realise how fast your pulse is right now.
in the end, you find yourself seated across from him on a tatami seating in a private room, browsing through the menus that are already placed on the table.
“order anything you want,” sae says, not looking up from his menu.
you hum in excitement as you start to really look at all the options you have. “oh? if you say it like that i’m not gonna hold back, you know,” you joke around, though sae doesn’t really sense it.
he just shrugs, “sure, go ahead.”
sae ends up regretting it though, not because you’re shamelessly spending a lot on his card, but because he finds out you’re the type to over-order. by the time the food is all cooked and sent to the table, sae’s eyebrows twitch, eyes flicking over across the room to look at you, grinning from ear to ear.
“both of you must be starved, huh?”
you look to the side, only now noticing the guy in the white chef’s coat that came to deliver the food. he has curly light brown hair, with eyes a shade or two darker. a grin is plastered on his face, and by the way sae speaks to him, it seems like they know each other quite a fair bit.
“oh, by the way, this is naruhaya,” sae introduces to you, and the guy holds his hand out for you to shake. “this is y/n.”
“nice to meet you!”
naruhaya’s beaming, a contrast to sae’s usual stoic expressions, but he’s back to small talk with the latter in a second. you leave them to it, until your ears perk up when he mentions a certain model’s name.
“hey, weren’t you with bianca earlier? where’s she?”
bianca—that name isn’t unfamiliar to you. after a crash course from sumi (because somehow she decided you need to know more gossip about itoshi sae after getting to know him in person), you had learned that she’s the model that sae is most rumoured to actually be with. and you’ve seen her from the pictures sumi shoved up your neck—she’s beautiful.
was she the friend he was dropping off earlier?
“meeting her other friends. anyway, sorry to keep you open.”
naruhaya waves it off with his hand. “it’s fine, i was gonna stay and try to whip up some new recipes anyway,” he says, before shooting you a knowing look. what exactly it means, you have zero idea. “i’ll leave you two to it, enjoy!”
once he leaves, you begin to dig in, lathering your meat with sauce, unashamedly inhaling your food because that earlier stint with your mother was entirely too much and you need to destress.
somehow, with sae being as nice as he is, you feel a teeny bit guilty for trying to dupe him into that interview. but you doubt that if you’d asked him normally that you would be here with him tonight so maybe there’s some merit in being reckless like that.
“what’re you smiling about now?” sae sighs, taking a piece of meat and putting it over his rice. “pleased that you’re getting a free meal or something?”
partly. but mostly, you’re pleased that you get alone time with him somehow. maybe it’s stupid, and maybe you sound like half of the female population in the country, but you can see why people ogle over him. if they got to know him like this, then you’d have no doubt that he’d manage to charm their pants off.
though, something tells you he doesn’t treat people like this often, let alone someone he barely knows.
“mhm,” you agree, shit-eating grin on your face because there’s no way you’re going to be so upfront about it. the last thing you want is to ruin a friendship when it’s barely started.
yeah, maybe that’s what you want—friendship. is it weird if you say that itoshi sae gives you the feeling that you can trust him? the last time someone made you feel that way was eita. but somehow, this time, it feels different in a way you can’t explain.
as you’re both digging in, you ask him whatever you’re curious about; how he got into soccer, what his life was like growing up, everything under the sun, only because he entertains you like he did that very first night.
“you ask a lot of questions, are you gonna ask me to get another interview approved or something?” he asks, deadpan as he slurps up the soba.
you chuckle, shaking your head. “no. i just want to know you.”
sae stills at your honesty, this being one of the rare times you’re wearing your heart on your sleeve. thump, thump, thump—it’s weird how you make him so aware of his heartbeats when you’re with him. it’s weird how he feels the same way.
then, he sees a familiar sight, you reaching your hand out across the table, your pinky pointed towards him. “i promise you, no hidden agendas this time.”
he swallows the lump in his throat, hooking his pinky with yours before he knows it, the inexplicable emotions only growing by the second.
even though he’s curious about you too, something tells him that you won’t answer him seriously. not tonight. so he keeps it to himself. he’ll find a chance to ask you next time.
if there is a next time. 
he’ll just have to make it happen.
halfway through the dinner, you have about a quarter of the food left and sae looks like he’s about to burst. he didn’t really look hungry to you, eating slowly all the way. you probably ate at least twice as much as he did. 
“you sure you were hungry?”
“not anymore,” sae deflects, putting his chopsticks down. he looks at you, leaning back and staring at the leftovers in awe. he almost snorts from how dazed you look. “i’ll get naruhaya to pack these, wait here.”
“thanks,” you call after him, knowing just how much of a food coma you’re going to be in once you’re back home.
sae stares at his phone as he navigates through the corridors to find the kitchen; it’s already 2.30am. time passes really fast with you for some reason. usually it’s a bore to sit with people he barely knows, they normally can’t keep a conversation. either that or he doesn’t really click with them. (as evident in the many times he was put in the same room with friends of friends and all that was there is awkward silence and forced conversations.) 
not you though.
you’ve always been interesting. you’re intriguing, and a little bit more daring than he’s used to. you’re not that shy, by what he could tell when you so effortlessly reached across the table and snapped a picture of the both of you eating, telling him you want to give him something to remember you by.
as if that’s your last meeting.
he looks at the picture in his photo album. a subtle smile tugs on his lips, and there’s a flutter in his heart that he can’t seem to ignore.
maybe he’s jumping the gun but… he thinks you could be worth any amount of sleep he’s going to lose.
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naruhaya enters the private room alone, armed with takeaway boxes, and you smile sheepishly at him as he does. sae must be in the bathroom if he’s here alone.
“sorry, i think i ordered a little too much,” you apologise, rubbing the back of your head. “but it’s all really delicious, really.”
it really is. you’ve never had meat so tender before, and you’re almost sad thinking you’ll probably never get to eat this again. not with the price tag on it. 
“relax, i believe you,” naruhaya hums as he carefully places the leftovers in boxes. “so, how’d you get to know sae? photoshoot?”
you narrow your gaze at him, pressing your lips into a faint smile. “if you’re trying to flatter me, it’s working,” you joke, before shaking your head. “no, no, i’m not a model. i’m just a friend of a friend.”
naruhaya blinks at you like he’s surprised. “whose?”
“eita. otoya eita. why?”
“oh, it’s nothing. just… surprised sae brought another girl here for once,” naruhaya laughs nervously, packing the boxes into a clear bag. “usually it’s either oliver and gang or, well, bianca. but i haven’t seen her here in a while, actually.”
you get the feeling that sae and bianca are really, really close. 
“i think he just came here on a whim,” you brush it off. “we only met a week ago so i doubt you’ll see me here again anyway.”
naruhaya’s mouth forms an ‘o’, before it reverts back to that knowing smile again. both of you hear footsteps against the wooden floors of the izakaya, so naruhaya takes this chance to whisper in your ear.
“i think… you must be pretty special then, huh?”
before you can even ask him what he means by that, sae strolls through the door, oblivious to the earlier conversation, gaze pointed to you. “ready to go?”
you nod, taking the bags from naruhaya as sae escorts you out of there. “bye, naruhaya! i love your cooking!”
he laughs as you wave enthusiastically to him, and he winks at you right before sae turns around to look at him. “oi, sae, bring her over anytime, okay?” to which sae only waves it off, leaving you to wonder if you’ll ever actually see naruhaya again.
“you keep those,” sae tells you after the both of you get into his car, referring to the takeaway boxes. he’d told naruhaya to give you some extra meat, just in case. if he remembered right, eita once said you have quite the appetite.
he pulls out of the parking lot after you give him your address, driving the speed limit all the way back. he’s honestly kind of tired, and he can see that you are too. won’t hurt to make it back a little quicker than you came. 
“sure you don’t want some?”
“i’m fine, i’ll be busy for the next week or so anyway. i won’t even be home.”
there’s a hint of disappointment in your chest when you hear that, though you chide yourself for your wishful thinking. what makes you think you can run into a celebrity so easily anyway if he is in japan?
“oh, you’re gonna be away? try not to miss me.”
sae chuckles, softly, at the way you can be so unserious—it’s something you hear for the first time, and you feel the flutters in your heart going wild. there’s something about the way he looks so gentle like this, away from the cameras and the public eye that makes him so much more alluring than usual.
“i’ll try,” he says, though you know he’s just playing along.
usually, you don’t feel this type of way around people. you’ve never felt like this before so you can’t even think of ways to explain it. as you sit in the passenger seat, you can’t help but feel a certain attachment growing. it makes you think foolish things like i want to see you again and wonder about even sillier things like would you want to see me too?
but you’d never actually tell him that.
when your apartment comes into view, you grab at his cap on the dashboard, putting it on your head yourself this time, looking into the side mirror. “hm, think this looks better on me, what do you think?”
sae’s a little stunned at the sudden question. you have a way of making him exasperated—in all the good ways. “wanna keep it?” he’s guessing that’s where you’re headed. not that he minds. 
“oooh, then maybe i get to sell it for a buttload of money. especially when i tell people it belonged to you,” you smirk, and sae finds himself wondering why your guard is up so high.
he starts driving a little slowly, starting to feel the reluctance brewing inside him. “it’s yours now, do whatever you want with it.” he knows you’re not actually going to sell it anyway. he might not have known you for long, but he thinks you’re not that kind of person.
he’ll bet on it.
you don’t say anymore about it, and he catches you with a blank stare straight ahead, aimed at your apartment.
does it have something to do with your family? was that why you were unhappy earlier?
sae can’t shake the feeling of wanting to know more about you. but you snap back to your usual self before he can do anything about it.
“anyway! don’t worry about tonight, i won’t tell a soul that a superstar like you took a nobody like me out for a romantic supper in a private room,” you tell him, winking as you place your hands on the door handle, ready to go.
sae nearly laughs. “can’t you say thank you like a normal person?” because by now, the both of you are comfortable enough to understand that nothing is ever said in hostility. you take it as his banter.
somehow, your hand finds itself back onto your lap, and the words haven’t left your lips. there’s no music in the car, so it’s just you and sae and the air between you, a tension looming in the air that you can’t ignore. there’s just silence as you observe him from your position, your head inching closer, ever so slowly it feels like you’re not even moving at all. you can see how sae’s gaze flickers from your eyes to the tip of your nose and then to your lips, and you think of how he looks almost like he did that night when you got close to him.
except this time, you’re really tempted. you’re alone, just the both of you, and he’s been really nice and you’re really tempted to feel how soft those lips are and what he tastes like. but that’s too much, and yet somehow his eyes feel like they’re telling you different. would he mind?
your fingers pull the cap down from your head, covering both your faces as there’s barely any space between you now.
maybe just something tame.
in one swift motion, your lips press against his cheek, a hurried thank you rolling off your tongue before you bolt out of the car and back to your apartment, hoping that sae doesn’t think you’re a complete psycho for doing that. 
back in the car, sae freezes in position even after you’ve long vanished from his sight. his heart’s still beating wildly in his chest and he wonders what the hell just happened.
and then he finds himself questioning when it could happen again.
why does he want it to happen again?
before he starts the drive back, he does three things.
one, he fishes his phone out of his pocket and creates that account he forgot about. two, he sends you a follow request because he doesn’t think he can handle this curiosity anymore. and three, he opens your messages, breathing shallow as he tries to make plans for the first time.
an hour later, after you’re showered and your heart has calmed down, you check your phone, charged to full now on your bedside table. there’s a few messages from sumi and eita that you missed since it had been dead since before you left the house, and then your heart skips a beat when you realise that sae’s name is there as well.
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for the first time in a long time, you go to bed feeling like a giggly high school girl who’s been asked out by her crush. and for the first time in forever, sae receives your message and finds that he can’t sleep now—wondering why he felt so relieved to finally get a text back, and wondering what this frantic rush of his heart really means. 
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extras !
no, sae did not get up late to meet bianca the next day. he did look extremely tired though, which made her suspicious and ask why—sae did not reveal anything, just said he couldn’t sleep. partly true.
sae was right; if he’d asked yn about herself that night (particularly anything pertaining to her family), she wouldn’t have answered seriously. there’s a reason why she won’t so easily divulge her family issues & doesn’t want sae to know about it.
yn genuinely believes that sae did not notice anything off about her and that he honestly thought she was fine.
otoya did end up bringing his date to a hotel. after she fell asleep, otoya went out to the balcony to call yn and make sure she’s okay since she wasn’t responding.
yn’s mother knows that yn and otoya used to fuck (and still thinks they are), and that’s why she used her choice of words “jacking people off”. she has been treating yn like that for the past few years.
random fact #1: otoya used to purposely get yn in trouble all the time in school so that they could spend time in detention together. that’s how they started getting close.
random fact #2: sae has, in his head, considered being together with bianca before because the guys asked him about it.
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taglist! @yuzurins @saeskiss @raphsimp @lust4rin @mxplesyrvp @chieeeeeee @yumekolovesyukimiya @kunirayuna39 @auranny @sereniteav @gskill @saesgrl @riseena @rikijbol @sagejin @shironagi
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fufuheheii · 9 months
“Lumine!” Paimon shouts in panic. You cradle the unconscious Lumine in your arms before looking up in anger and disbelief at the young man everyone once called ‘friend’. He isn’t smiling anymore, his eyes void of any emotions. The fatuis who hurt Lumine stand next to him, all ready to shoot if anything were to happen.
“Is this what you’re going to do from now on? Hurt even your own friends?” You croak, wincing at the broken rib you’ve gained from the fighting previously. Lyney only smiles. “I would do anything to protect my family.”
Lynette and Freminet appears on the sidelines, watching with unreadable expressions. You swallow, before turning back to Lumine.
“But you can go, Lumine is the threat,” he finishes and you shake your head.
“Lumine is my friend, I’m not going to abandon her,” now after all you’ve been through. You owe her your life.
“Heh, this chick ain’t afraid,” the fatui sniper cackles next to the magician. He readies his sniper rifle. You hold onto Lumine, though you’re visibly shaking. Of course, anyone would be at the face of incoming death. You’re scared, but what else can you do now?
Shakily you grab her sword, and stand up. Lyney watches as you step over Lumine’s body and hold up her sword.
Lyney blinks before chuckling, clapping his hands in amusement as he steps forward. “Really now? You never cease to surprise me, Y/N. And here I thought I was the one with all the tricks…but you seem to be the one in the spotlight all the time.”
His words fly over your head as he takes a few more steps towards you. He finally reaches you, with the point of your sword right against his chest. Your heart thumps wildly. You don’t know what he’s planning to do next, and you weren’t even sure what you were going to do with the sword. You watch as the tip presses even harder against his chest, and your eyes of fear slowly turn to exposed panic. The broken rib in your chest stings once again and your other hand releases the sword and grips at your side in pain. From your peripheral vision Lyney’s index finger gently pushes the sword away so that he can get closer to you.
“You know more than you let on, my dearest Y/N,” his voice gets lower until it almost becomes a whisper. “You’re no use dead. You have valuable information.”
Your heart immediately freezes, as your eyes land back to the other two siblings who now look worried.
He cups your chin and forces you to face him, just like he did before when you two first met but this time with aggression. His violet eyes, once so beautiful to you, now full of mysteries that shake you to the core.
“Leave this one alive,” he commands the other. “She’ll be my prisoner. As for the traveler and her flying object, leave them here. There’s enough evidence here to…put them on trial.”
“Lets head back to the hotel Y/N, there’s more tricks I can do to make you speak.”
Omg I don’t even care if it’s going to be something completely different in the next archon quest, but evil Lyney/good inside(?) is hot!!! Sorry this is all I have ;-; I just don’t know how Lyney is going to turn out.
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drangercore · 2 years
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Love and Other Historical Accidents by @pacific-rimbaud​
Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy never intended to blow up their life's work, but that's rather what they've gone and done. Now they're trapped 200 years in the past, with a broken Time Turner, a missing snuff box, a handful of overly-eligible daughters, and a House-elf in a cable knit cardigan. It will require the combined power of their keen intellects to get them home, if they'd stop arguing long enough to use them. As it turns out, history is just one damned accident after another.
Fandom: Harry Potter
Relationship: Hermione Granger x Draco Malfoy
Art by @gingerhuneybee​, @jjuuppiter​, @jaxxartbox​, & yours truly
My first fanbind! 
L&OHA is an impeccable story and is so very dear to me. This was the fic that made me go “I want that on my shelf!”, so here we are. 
keep reading for more binding info and to see my gushing on the fic.
153,854 words | 571 pages | 5″ x 8.5″ 
Binding Method: 3 Piece In Boards Bradel  Body Font: Adobe Caslon Pro Decorative Font: IM Fell English
I am very proud of this book, having accomplished many firsts with it. My first book that I rounded and backed, sewed double-core endbands on, painted the edges, and used toner reactive foil and HTV on!
Sighs. What more can I say? It’s simply brilliant. A unique multifaceted story with incredible dynamics, clever foreshadowing, great character studies of Draco and Hermione, and such beloved original characters. It’s comedic and refreshing but it also takes on grief and goodbyes, and heartbreak. It’s fucking romantic and also So nuanced. I dislike stories that spoon-feed every little thing about the character, so the parlor tricks on this one? Ate every crumb of it. It was filled with implications and was misleading in the best sense. You’ve got to be an astute reader to catch some things the first round (which I definitely wasn’t). 
While it doesn’t entirely shy away from typical lovey-dovies, the regard for mundanity and the inconsequential, I just find more inherently romantic. The exploration on time travel and the vivid prose further underscores the depth of PR’s talent. She captures so eloquently, the mind of an extremely logical person in a very illogical experience. I saw myself in Hermione so many times. The story demands to be read again and revels upon doing so. Pacific Rimbaud is such an incredible writer *sobs* all her works are simply a masterpiece. 
That said, this beautiful story deserves to be turned into a physical book.
DESIGN PLAN (or lack thereof) 
This is my first fanfic project and my third book overall which I must say was quite a leap considering my very little binding experience. I think the demon small niggling part at the back of my head got the best of me and positively thought she could make a relatively fastidious book despite the lack of skill. BUT nothing can stop me when I am overly enthusiastic about something, thus began my 2 month research, soaking up every gobbet of binding info in reach. As far as my book binding journey goes, gathering supplies was the hardest part lol. Bookbinding is not a common hobby in the Philippines so it was tedious to to look for materials and/or to settle on alternatives.
I credit 70% of the 4 month stretch of this project to my indecision. The novelty and sheer excitement with a new hobby, I think, divested me to properly conceptualize heh. I redid my typeset 1 billion times because I kept switching softwares: Word→ Pages→ InDesign. I probably have 8 versions of the typeset that will never see the light of day. Anyway, I did finally get the stuff done. Here’s my little design dump:
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Nothing symbolic about the design really. I just worked around elements I thought were appropriate with the regency era and time traveling aspect: vines/ flowers and the time turner. I tried to reflect PR’s elegant writing in the book so hopefully I did it some justice. I added my fave works for this fic too and even drew fanart myself, here are some of them:
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I watched DAS bookbinding religiously during my research phase and I knew then that I wanted to someday follow his in-boards 3-piece bradel tutorial, but it wasn’t supposed to be so early on in my binding journey. One look at this book however threw me off course. It was incredibly ambitious of me, so I guess I deserved all the stress I endured in the process. I was supposed to trim the edges in between glueing the spine and rounding/backing, but I only had my poorly sharpened Php145 wood chisel to finish the task. That and nursing the finger my chisel wounded took enough time for the glue to dry, so I was fiddling with a stiff textblock the entire time after. I learnt along the way that a blow dryer and bone folder will be your best friends (and plenty of patience). I’d also like to apologize to my neighbors if you heard any hammering at 1am 😳 
The covers were... finicky. For some reason, midway, I decided to make either covers differently, and all to the good because the one made following DAS’ tutorial ended up slightly warping. DAS’ was with two 1.25mm boards glued together, while my experimental one was with a single 2.5mm board of which I peeled layers off of to reduce its thickness in half as needed.  (see pictures below for reference)
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A lot of how the book looks like now is either born out of impulse or a desperate remedy. The book in turn is very gold. Chapter headers were impulsively foiled with gold laser reactive foil (so much for illustrating the headers only to cover them up haha *eye twitches*). 
I accidentally stained the edges while smoothing with black sandpaper so I covered the mess with an admix of Sakura acrylic paint in black and Liquitex acrylic ink in iridescent gold (Paint order: 1 layer gold- 2 thin layers black- 3 layers gold).
 I am very proud of my sewn endbands as this was my very first attempt at doing a double-core. I used DMC cotton threads in cream (712) and gold (E3821). Below is a close-up because why not. (as you can see, I had some flaking on the paint, luckily this was on the bottom edge so I fixed the issue on the more visible sides.)
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I don’t like the bookcloth selection where I’m from (if there’s anything at all) so I made my own with pastel blue eco-ramie cloth, flour paste, and 80gsm paper. I ordered my fabric online and the shade was too icing-like. It looked tacky so I bleached to lighten. The white cloth also came from the same fabric which I bleached till it paled to white.
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Titling was one of my biggest worries because majority of binders I saw were using a cricut to cut HTV. I almost entertained the idea of cutting it manually or even painting or embroidery, but to my luck, I found a local shop that offers vinyl ! cutting !! service !!! I sent them my design and they cut and weeded the vinyl for me. I chose white for the title and metallic gold for the vine detail. I messed up applying the word “historical” though, but let’s pretend i did it on purpose for the vintage feel.
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Four months of faffing later, I have this story in corporeal form! Overall, I’m overjoyed with the outcome and I’d like to thank PR for the opportunity to have such a wonderful story on my shelf (and free to be read by anyone!)
If you made it this far, thanks for reading! 
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filmbyjy · 1 year
hi its me, the one who asked u for the exam prep fic w jay.
i want some angst. Its because im going through that rn. HE FELL FIRST BUT SHE FELL HARDER, where jay gives up on their "friendship" because the reader was too busy denying her feelings for him. (u can end it w some fluff if u want heh) Doesnt necessarily havw to be with jay btw any member from enhypen u think fits best for this works.
its alright if u dont want to!!
a/n: oh hi anon☺️ oh my god but this request phew😮‍💨 prepare the tissues bc I feel like i’m gonna make this too angsty. of course, i’m gonna end it off on a good note. my heart can’t handle not getting a happy ending.
pairing: park jongseong x fem!reader
genre: angst but fluff towards the end
warning: talks about cutting/self-harm and depression (do proceed with caution). mentions of dead parents. I believe I made this too angsty so i am sorry. you do end up with jay though so that’s the good part. i did also change up a bit bc i believe that i have triggered someone with jake like ‘slut-shaming’ you. i am so sorry for that part.
word count: 1.5K words
taglist[perm]: @ja4hyvn @ahnneyong @milklix @kar0ki @sugarsunoo
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our friendship
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10 years of friendship.
down the drain just like that. all because of your selfishness. you couldn’t forget the way jay’s hands trembled as he voices out his feelings.
you felt like the villain for not believing him. denying your own feelings for him. you couldn’t love him. it was impossible, not when jay was for someone else. you couldn’t provide him with the affection he deserves. you were a broken record.
“why did you hurt him?” sunghoon asks.
— placing this in case the read more messes up —
“i didn’t mean to.” you nonchalantly say. the boy sighs.
“i know you didn’t mean to but I know you’re just hurting yourself too.”
“i’m not hurting myself.”
“when was the last time you ate properly?”
you kept quiet. jay usually made sure you ate on time, even if you didn’t have enough money, he made sure to buy you a meal. your life wasn’t the best. your dad did drugs and was absent most of your life. your mom ran off with a foreigner. you were left alone to fend for yourself. no family member to care for you. you matured quicker than most kids because of that.
sunghoon places a carton of milk. your favourite. one that jay usually buys for you.
“take this. you haven’t had lunch.”
“it’s alright. I don’t like this flavour.” you lied.
“that’s a lie. both jake and I have seen you happily drinking it after jay places it on your desk.”
“well, i stopped liking it.”
“after jay left.”
“well, he left for a reason.”
“because he was heartbroken.”
“his mom wanted him to study in america. that’s his real reason.”
“he would’ve stayed for you, (name).”
“i don’t want to hold him back, sunghoon.” you glared at the boy. sunghoon sighs.
“you aren’t holding him back, he just loves you.”
“well, i don’t love him!”
“stop being in denial. you love him just much as he loves you. actually no, you love him way more than he could love you.”
“you’re bullshitting, sunghoon.”
“you’re going to regret saying this (name).”
you left sunghoon. you didn’t want to hear what he was saying because if you stopped denying, you’d hurt yourself. falling in love with your best friend was something scary. falling hard for your best friend was the worst.
it had been years since you graduated from high school. you haven’t heard much from sunghoon, jake or even jay. you had fell out of that friendship ever since the talk. for some odd reason, your old classmates had organised this get together since it had been a while. you were not preparing yourself to meet your friends from high school.
“(name).” heeseung yells out. you gave him a little smile.
“class president.” you say. he chuckles.
“it was for 1 term, (name).”
“you were still our class president.”
“the best one.” jake slings his arm around heeseung. heeseung groans as he attempts to push jake’s arms off.
“it’s been a while, (name).” jake says. his voice laces with venom which wasn’t how he was normally and how he was back then. you nearly wince at how his tone sounded.
you could feel a shiver creep up and you were actually scared of jake.
“uh, yes. i-it’s been a while.” you say. afraid of saying something wrong to get jake angry. honestly, he had a very good reason to get mad at you. you hurt jay. one of the first few people jake cared about.
after you hurt jay, jake had followed jay to America. where they both continued their studies to together. sunghoon visited them and eventually moved there a little to spend time and possibly study there too. eventually, all of them moved back here to continue college since they missed Seoul.
seeing jake in a long while, you realised you missed him and the friendship the both of you had. jake was sort of like a brother to you. he was the closest to you but of course he clearly chose jay. you wanted to walk away but jake grabs on your wrist. heeseung leaves, he could feel the heavy tension.
“I see you’re happy with how your life turned out.”
“cut that bullshit. iseul told us. you go to parties and have fun as if you didn’t do anything wrong! it’s disgusting, after you hurt your own best friend’s feelings?”
“don’t call me that. we aren’t friends anymore.”
it fell silent between the both of you, the sound of EDM playing in the background. tears prickling at your eyes. someone comes to pull jake off you. you knew that familiar cologne.
“jake, you shouldn’t fight here. just leave her alone.” jay says.
“she hurt you, jay. how could you just ignore that? she’s been living her life happily while you cried everyday back in America.”
“don’t.” jake shoves jay’s arm and walks away. jay turns to you. he attempts to touch your wrist but you moved back.
“(name).” the way he says your name was perfect. it felt right but you shouldn’t.
you shook your head. tears falling down.
“jay, please.”
his eyes caught sight of slashing marks. they seem pretty recent. he knows you were never one to harm yourself but what exactly happened?
you left the place that day. it was when you started to really close off. you see, after jay left. a whole series of bad luck just dumped onto you. your dad got into car accident and died on impact. your mom was diagnosed with cancer and she died months later. you were left alone having to work hard to earn your own money.
you could feel the burden of living alone just pile over you and you couldn’t take it anymore. everything was overwhelming. too overwhelming. even the feeling of pain wasn’t as immense as the burden you felt. which was why you started self-harming yourself. you loved the feeling of the blade cutting your skin, it was numbing.
“(name), could you please tell me the answer?” the lecturer asks as you were daydreaming. you easily answered and the lecturer hums.
the bell rings soon after and students start pouring out of the class. you tugged onto your hoodie arms, hoping the hide the latest cut. it was itchy and it started bleeding again when you went to pick on it. you simply placed a bandaid over it.
you were packing your things when you felt a tap on your shoulder. you looked up.
“hi.” sunghoon says. you looked away, you couldn’t let him see you like this. you shouldn’t associate yourself with your old friend group. you walked away quick but sunghoon was fast. curse his long legs.
“(name).” he stops you and pulls back your hood. that’s when he realises the bloodshot look you had. he gasps a little.
“what happened to you?”
“didn’t sleep.”
“you look like you got hit by a truck.” he winced.
“maybe I did. what’s your problem?”
“look about what happened that day with jake at the reunion…”
“I forgive him. I deserve it after all.” you walked away but sunghoon tries to catch up to you.
“yeah but that doesn’t account for what he did to you.”
“he didn’t punch me. he just talked to me.”
“please, sunghoon. i don’t want to live in a world with guilt. I’ve already hurt jay enough and I don’t want to hurt jake too.”
“yeah but like I’ve said a long time ago. you’re hurting yourself too. I heard that you rarely ever go out besides actually spending time in school. you’ve gone from a social butterfly to an introvert.”
“what’s wrong with being an introvert.”
“it’s just not who you are (name).”
“so what if I am not who I was. people change sunghoon. i think it’s best if I stayed away from jay. we should have never cross paths.”
“but you like him.”
“yeah, I do. what will happen? hmm? jay doesn’t like me anymore, I know it. he’s probably already dating someone hot. someone that suits him. someone who isn’t me.”
“you are someone that suits me, (name).” jay voices out. you shook your head and turned around to jay.
“I am not right for you. you wouldn’t want an emotionally and mentally broken girl. I already lost my parents, I don’t want to lose anything anymore.”
“your parents are gone?”
“they’re dead. it’s been a year or two. after i graduated from high school…”
“jay, i’m sorry I didn’t tell you about my feelings but it’s too late. i am too broken.”
“you know I wouldn’t care if you’re too broken. I would’ve held you tight and cared for you.”
“jay, I just think we were on different levels. you were someone popular, smart and good looking. i’m just whatever this is.”
“I never cared about the stereotype. I loved you for who you were.”
“love is a strong word to describe how you’re feel about me.” you say. jay holds you close.
“but I do love you.”
“you wouldn’t understand, how much I feel for you.”
“then show me.”
“I can’t. not in public, where sunghoon and jake are staring at us.”
jake rolls his eyes, “go ahead and kiss. this idiot has been rooting for the both of you since high school.” he smacks sunghoon.
“what’s so wrong for hoping they’d get together. I thought they fit each other.” sunghoon glares at jake.
jay pecks your forehead, “we’ll take this slow until you feel better, hmm?”
and he did make you feel better.
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When the little brother gets intimidated or hurt: Riddle, Leona, and Azul edition. Short stories(?)
@asillylitteseabunnyay had another wonderful idea and I got permission to write it!! I hope once again that I can do this justice. I tried to make all of the part equal but Azul's fell a tad short. Apologies. Also sorry for taking so long for not posting. I'm just trying to make sure that my writing is the highest quality it can be for people to read.
Warning: Yandere, death (Minor characters), injuries, infantilization (Maybe? Ashengrotto does get spanked), other things that I don't know how to tag.
Riddle Rosehearts
I felt a shiver crawl up my spine. That same Savanaclaw student is staring at me again. He's been staring at me ever since I started attending class with Riddle. It was only the second day of my punishment from exploring the forest.
He wants something from me but he hasn't said a word. It's honestly quite unnerving. I felt myself shake slightly. Riddle was too absorbed with the lesson to notice my discomfort. Not surprising because normally stuff like that doesn't get under my skin.
I slightly turned my head to look the Savanaclaw student in the eye. His eyes were just blank. Somehow that's worse to me than a glare full of emotions.
The bell rang which signaled that class was over. I started to help Riddle with his belongings and we quickly left the room to head back to the dorm.
"Come along, (Y/N). We have to start making preparations for the next unbirthday party."
"Yes, my Queen."
Next thing that I knew, someone stuck out their leg and tripped me. The books that I was holding went flying across the hallway. Thankfully, my reflex training kicked in and I caught myself before I completely fell onto the floor.
I turned my head to see who tripped me. It was the same Savanaclaw student from earlier. His eyes were still as dull as they were in class.
"Heh, so the rumors are true. A dumb little boy with strength. You'll be a perfect punching bag."
I turned my head towards Riddle to see him frozen with shock. It seems that this guy's words shocked Riddle to his core. The next thing that I knew was that my neck was grabbed and lifted far above the ground. My windpipe was being slightly crushed by his hand.
"Since your body is stronger, that means you can take more punches."
I started flailing my legs around, hoping for one of three things to happen. Either my leg would hit him and get him to release my throat, or I would stall long enough for either Riddle or a faculty to get this man to stop. Sadly, none of my preferred situations came true.
The guy punched me right in the middle of my chest, knocking the air out of my lungs and I think that I even heard one of my ribs crack a tiny bit. I opened my mouth to let out a scream but because of how tight his hand was around my throat, it couldn't escape.
Thank you, Riddle!
I started trying to regain air in my lungs with the fact that my windpipe has been allowed to reopen. I lifted my head to watch what was happening. With the Savanaclaw student now dazed, Riddle was just launching spell after spell at him. It was getting really messy. Riddle was only stopped after other Heartslabyul students restrained him.
I let out an audible gasp. I was finally able to regain the air in my lungs. I stood up and went over to Riddle and just gave him a hug. This was one of the few things that I knew that I could do to calm him down.
"Calm down, Riddle! I'm not too harmed!"
Riddle calmed down but I could tell that he was still glaring at the guy who punched me.
Professor Crewel came stomping down the hallway towards the injured student and both of us. He didn't seem very pleased with us.
"I mildly expected this type of behavior from Savanaclaw students but from you, Mr. Rosehearts? Not even in my worst nightmares."
"My deepest apologies, Professor Crewel. But you know that I wouldn't act out in such a way unless a rule was broken."
"And which rule was broken?"
"NRC has a rule that says that there will be no fights on campus. That student attacked my brother unprovoked and broke one of his ribs. The only way that I knew to dissuade him from causing more harm to my brother was to make him unable to."
"Hmmmm. I can understand the reasoning. Although I will still be having a talk with you later, Mr. Rosehearts. For now, take your brother to the infirmary to get him checked up on. I'll handle this trouble maker for now."
"Thank you, Professor Crewel. Come along, (Y/N)."
"Yes, my Queen."
I wrapped my hand around my broken rib and started walking with Riddle towards the nurse's office. I felt the anger flowing off of Riddle. I don't think that that Savanaclaw student is free from Riddle's rage just yet.
"Hey, Riddle?"
"You don't need to be angry anymore. You did quite the number on him and I'm pretty certain that Professor Crewel isn't going to let him off of the hook that easily."
Silence was not what I was hoping to hear. Silence meant that Riddle was thinking deeply and with what just happened, I really didn't want him thinking that deep.
We eventually made it to the nurse's office. The nurse gave me an ice pack and told me to stay on the bed for a while. I looked over at Riddle for permission. He gave me a nod before speaking.
"(Y/N). Your punishment is over. Now, since you're injured, you are relieved of your usual duties."
I opened my mouth to get Riddle to stay but he walked out in a rush before I could say anything. A bad feeling sunk into my stomach. The events of today caught up to my body and I fell asleep.
I don't know how long I was out for but when I reopened my eyes, I saw Deuce asleep with his head on the side of my bed.
"Deuce? What are you doing here?"
My voice sounded so rough for the fact that I had just woken up from what seemed to be about a six hour nap.
"Huh?! Oh! (Y/N)! You're up! I was tasked by Dorm Leader Riddle to keep watch over you while you slept. He also told me to bring you back to Heartslabyul when you woke up."
"Hmmmmmm. Did he tell you why he couldn't be here himself?"
Deuce stayed silent for a minute, looking up at the ceiling. It seemed that he was trying to remember if Riddle gave him a reason or if he was just happy to be able to watch over me.
"I'm not certain anymore. I sort of walked as fast as I could away from Riddle after he gave me my task."
Deuce then gave me a sheepish smile. I return a knowing smile. I don't make fun of Deuce for trying to be an honor student which gets me brownie points with him.
"Oh! We need to be on our way! I nearly forgot to take you back to Heartslabyul."
"Right. Let's see if my body is willing to let me move."
I swung my legs to the side of the bed and stood up. I felt a sharp pain in the left rib cage area but after the initial movement, I could move easier. I still had Deuce assist me with walking in case the pain decided to spike up once again.
A lovely conversation broke out between the two of us. Hearing the antics of Yuu, Deuce, Ace and Grim plus others is always enjoyable to hear. Sometimes I wish that I would be able to join them on one of their crazy events but Riddle would never allow me to.
We made it back to Heartslabyul where there seemed to be mild chaos stirring about. I don't think that I've ever seen Heartslabyul so disorganized since Riddle's overblot incident.
"Excuse us but what's happening?"
"Riddle and Leona are having a fight in the Rose Maze!"
Deuce and I picked up the pace to the middle of the Rose Maze to see Riddle basically pick Leona up with his magic and send him flying into a thorny rose bush. The thorns were clearly sharper than the normal ones for the fact that he was bleeding quite a bit.
"Are you going to discipline your dorm members finally?"
"Then we're not done yet."
Despite Leona already being badly injured and with thorns now stuck in his body, Riddle showed no mercy and shot multiple spells at him. He even got Cater to use Split Card to send more spells Leona's way. They're going to kill him!
Deuce was obviously freaked out as well. It's not everyday that you see people nearly destroy someone for no reason. Whipping out my own magical pen, I quickly casted a spell around Leona's foot to swing him out of the way. Of course, it worked but I didn't really think about where I was swinging him. Leona was launched straight into Deuce and myself, creating a sort of dog pile.
I need to start thinking past stage one of my plans. Leona put a lot of pressure on my recently broken rib which got me crying out in pain.
"Well, maybe if you weren't trying to play hero, you wouldn't be in more pain now."
"Oh please, if (Y/N) didn't just launch you halfway across the world, Riddle and Cater's spells would completely fried you alive."
Riddle's voice broke us out of our fantasy world and triggered what seemed to be a flight response in Leona. He booked it out of there before any more spells got fired. Riddle rushed over to where Deuce and I were laying on the ground and let out a huff in anger.
"Great, he got away. He needs to be more firm with his dorm members or else, we get stuck with more scenarios like today."
"It's not Leona's fault that one of his dorm members punched me and broke my rib."
"It wouldn't have happened if Leona just actually stepped up as a dorm leader and had his members under control."
Riddle's tone was icy cold. I could tell that changing his mind once again was going to be difficult.
"How about we forget Leona for now and help me inside? I think that the Leona impact accidently reversed all of the healing that my rib got."
Riddle looked down at me and his eyes softened a bit. He kneeled down and helped me to my feet. He steadied me and we trekked back to our shared room.
I laid down on the bed, ready to go to sleep. I was expecting Riddle to join me but instead, he went to the door before telling me that he'll be back in a short while. I nodded my head. I was originally planning to stay up until Riddle came back but my body decided that it had taken enough abuse and that it wanted to sleep the pain off.
*Riddle's POV*
As much as I wanted to join my brother in sleep, I still had a job to finish. Since Leona won't take it upon himself to discipline his dorm members, I'll do it myself.
"Huh? Oh, hey Riddle."
Cater seemed nervous when talking with me. Might be because of what I made him do earlier. Well, I need a similar favor now.
"You're more connected with other dorm students. What can you tell me about..."
Cater and I had a long, extensive talk about this Savanaclaw student. Cater was able to find him on the internet and get even deeper with some older accounts that he had. I was grateful for the new information on this guy. Makes what I'm about to do more justified.
"Thank you, Cater. You've been of great help to me."
"Not a problem, Dorm Leader Riddle! Umm, just to make sure, you're not going to do anything brash, right?"
Cater let out a small nervous laugh and I only turned my head to look at him from the corner of my eye. He stopped quietly laughing when he saw the look in my eye. That man hurt my younger brother, tomorrow, there will be a price to pay for what he has done.
I quickly made it back to my room and fell asleep next to (Y/N). I'm glad that he was able to sleep with his injury. I'll make sure that the members from the other dorm will treat him with the respect that he deserves.
*(Y/N)'s POV*
Today is so much worse. So, so much worse. Riddle somehow got the Malleus Draconia to attack the Savanaclaw student that hurt me yesterday. My brain is still trying to make sense of the fact that Malleus came and turned the student into stone.
"Thank you, Malleus. I appreciate the fact that you were willing to help me. I will see to it myself that you get an invitation to the next unbirthday party."
"Not a problem, Riddle. When Silver told me that you requested my help with something, I wasn't expecting this. But it would be my greatest pleasure to be invited to an unbirthday party at Heartslabyul."
Malleus then left the two of us alone with the student turned stone. My brain feels more and more fried. Riddle then came over to me and put a hand on my shoulder, snapping me back to reality.
"Riddle. Why would you do something like this?"
"Because. You're my little brother. Since you're my protector, I'll be yours as well."
Leona Kingscholar
Brother A:
"Holy crap, hurry up, Epel!"
"Sorry, (Y/N)! Ah should hav warned yawl thet yawl wuz walkin' straight into Rook's shootin' range."
Epel was trying to wrap the bandages tight enough to create a blood clot. Stupid Rook and his stupid shooting. I got an arrow straight in the leg because of him! I was this close to ripping off the Hunter's head! Thankfully, Epel calmed me down and is now healing my injuries.
"Is yawl okay, (Y/N)? Chur breathin' gist got heavier."
"Yeah, I'm just... trying to figure out what to tell Leona. He banned me from A: going to other dorms and B: Seeing you guys. He can be such a stick in the mud sometimes."
"Naw way! Leona don't hav thet type uh control ovur yawl! Yore not actually gunna gist leave us behind, raht?"
"Of course not! Leona may be my older brother but that doesn't mean that I'm going to listen to him. He doesn't listen to rules anyway. Why should I listen to his?"
"Thet's uh relief. Thayure yawl go! All patched up!"
"Perfect! Now, is it okay if I hung out in Pomefiore for today? Just to lay low. Leona won't step in here willingly and I was lucky enough to have lost Ruggie on my way here."
"Uh course, yawl can stay hare! Way gist hav tuh make shore thet Vil don't say yawl. Plus Ah can finally teach yawl how tuh apple carve!"
"Lead the way, my southern friend!"
I followed Epel to a T just to avoid Vil's line of sight. I don't want to know what will happen if Vil sees me. Sadly, it did seem that my luck wasn't running high today.
"Dagnabbit it."
"What exactly is (Y/N) doing here? And more importantly looking like that?!"
My clothes are not the problem here! They be comfy and I wear them anyway!
"Well, I thought that..."
"You thought what? Speak up, Epel! How many times have I told you to not mutter!"
"I just thought that it would be okay if (Y/N) stayed here for a short while!"
Epel and Vil appeared to be in a stare off. Neither really willing to let this slide from the other. Amazingly, the saving grace here was Rook.
"Roi du Poison! Please forgive my interruption but Monsieur Brute's stay is partly my own fault! One of my arrows accidently found its mark in his leg, injuring him and ruining his beauty! Please allow him to stay here until his beauty returns back to its full glory!"
Did he just say that I have beauty? I guess that's actually not surprising from Rook. I remember when I was just talking with Jack and Rook appeared out of nowhere, fawning over Jack's dedication to his work out. Jack was creeped out while I found it funny and started joining Rook in the fawning. I think I made an accidental friend that day.
"Hmmmm, considering the fact that (Y/N) was injured on Pomefiore grounds, I believe that it's fair for him to stay. But! He must act and look like a member of Pomefiore until he can go back."
"For starters, your wardrobe. Second, your makeup and finally, your manners! Rook, please go take (Y/N) to the sewing room to get him fully fitted!"
"Of course, Roi du Poison!"
"W-wait a minute. Hold it!"
My words did nothing to stop Rook from pulling me into a random room. Next thing that I knew, I was put into an official Pomefiore uniform and was getting my hair and make up done by random Pomefiore students.
"Ouch! Either you start pulling less on my hair or I'll start pulling on your limbs!"
"Sorry! I've just never had to deal with such tangles before."
My threat got through because the student stopped tugging on my hair whenever he came across a tangle. Although during the make over, a certain smell reached my nose. The smell of blood. More importantly, my blood.
I looked down at my bandaged leg to see the entire lower leg of my outfit was drenched in blood. I needed to go see the nurse badly.
"Oh my goodness, what is that smell?!"
And now the other students have noticed it as well.
"Calm down, that's just my leg. I need to go to the nurse's office."
"Do you want some help getting there?"
"Nah, I'll be just fine getting there. Thanks for the offer though."
I started trudging my way out of Pomefiore. The last thing that I really needed was to make more of a mess for the students to clean up. I'm used to bleeding out and making my way to health and safety. This will be no different.
"Monsieur Brute!"
Okay, maybe a tad different.
"What do you want, Rook?"
"I overheard what was happening. Please allow me to assist you!"
"You really don't need to."
"Non-non, Monsieur! It's my fault that you ended up like this in the first place!"
My ears twitched at the new voice. Ruggie. I quickly turned my head towards Ruggie to see him just standing there with a weird look on his face.
"Leona's not going to like this."
"Ruggie, don't-!"
Before I could even get my sentence out, Ruggie ran off to Leona. Crap.
"Rook. Run and hide."
"Just trust me on this."
Rook, thankfully, didn't take my advice lightly before running back into Pomefiore. I quickly turned in the direction that Ruggie went before running as fast as I can to try and catch him. My injury is very limiting right now for trying to catch people.
"(Y/N)? What ARE you doing?"
Oh boy.
"Hiya, Jack."
"Is there a reason as to why you're bleeding from your leg?"
"I got shot."
"And that's all that I needed to hear."
"Wh-what are you doing?!"
Jack picked me up and put me on his shoulders. He took off to Savanaclaw.
"Where are you taking me?!"
"Where do you think? To Savanaclaw so that you can relax while healing!"
I let out a groan before laying my head on top of Jack's. My leg started to ache so bad that I felt tears starting to form in my eyes. I felt my hand clench around Jack's arm with my nails digging into his flesh.
"Uuuuggghhhh. This is painful."
"Not used to pain?"
"Normally, I can dodge fast enough or I have adrenaline coursing through my veins that prevents the pain from coming through. This is the first time that I've actually let a wound of mine sit long enough for it to ache. I'm not used to it."
We finally reached Savanaclaw only to run into Leona standing right in front of the mirror, looking quite cross.
"Drop my brother."
"He's injured."
"I said drop him."
Jack cast an apologetic look before just dropping me on my butt. It upset my leg quite a lot.
"You deserved that for not listening to me. Didn't I tell you not to go around to other dorms anymore?"
"Well, in all honesty, you're a jerk. Second of all: you don't listen to authority yourself. What gives you any right to dictate over what I do with my life?"
"Because I'm your dorm leader and your older brother. That gives me twice the power that I have over you."
"Yet, how many times have I defeated you and Falena in a fight?"
"You wouldn't win in a fight in your condition now."
"Want to test that?"
Leona and I were having a stare down, neither of us really willing to back down from what we said.
"Found him!"
I turned my head to see Ruggie, running with two other Savanaclaw students who seemed to be dragging a certain blonde hunter by his arms behind him.
"Oh no..."
"Well done."
"This took too long! He put up a really good fight but he wasn't able to fight off all three of us!"
Rook did look worse for wear. His clothes were all ripped up and there were plenty of scratches littering his body. Ruggie and the two Savanaclaw students weren't in great shape either. They all seemed to have small scrapes, most likely from Rook's arrows, and just overall, really dirty. Pomefiore's forest wasn't as clean as Vil tried to make it appear.
"You've got a lot of nerve, hunting my own brother, Hunter."
"S'il vous plaît! Roi des Lions, I would never try to hurt (Y/N)'s raw beauty on purpose! It would bring shame to the message that I try to spread!"
"Stop your gibberish. It's giving me a headache."
I started to stand up before Leona just kicked my bad leg to keep me down.
"If you know what's good for you, you would stay curled up there."
Leona then grabbed his staff before walking over to Rook.
"Leona! Seriously, this wasn't his fault!"
"Don't care."
Leona stabbed his staff deep into Rook's leg. The same leg that I got shot in.
Rook's screams pierced the air, causing my ear to flick down to try and prevent the awful noise from coming into my head. Sadly, it didn't work. It seemed that one stab wasn't enough for Leona to get his frustration out. He stabbed the same leg multiple times in different spots.
I quickly stood up before tackling one of the Savanaclaw students, who happened to be standing in line with Leona. He slammed into Leona, catching him off balance and sent him tumbling. I was quick to get the staff out of Rook's leg before pulling out my pen to heal him.
Rook, somehow staying conscious of all of this, pulled out his own pen and started firing spells to prevent any of them getting close to us.
"I apologize deeply for this, Rook."
"Non. Once again, this isn't your fault, Monsieur Brute. I can only hope that Vil has gotten the message that I sent him."
"What message?"
My question got answered real fast when I saw more spells being sent from elsewhere. Vil stepped through the mirror and quickly made his way to Rook.
"Are you alright, Rook?"
"Roi du Poison! I could be doing better but I'll be just fine, now that you've graced me with your beauty one last time!"
"Stop being a drama queen. You're going to live. Thank you, (Y/N) for defending Rook until we were able to arrive. You'll always be welcomed to Pomefiore for a retreat if you need one."
"How about a transfer? I might need one soon."
Vil only gave me a slight smile before rushing Rook off. I felt a smile creep onto my own face as well. It's really weird to make friends. My joy didn't last though for the fact that I was quickly tackled to the ground by a Savanaclaw student. I tried to get out from underneath him but he put all of his weight onto my injury.
"Stop it, you idiot! Are you trying to make me lose my leg completely?!"
"Take him to his dorm room. It's quite obvious that he hasn't learned his lesson yet."
I was picked up and rushed off to my dorm room. After I got dropped to the floor, the door slammed and locked within a matter of seconds.
"Yeah, yeah. LOVE YOU TOO GUYS!"
I struggled to stand up and sit down on my bunk. They're really trying to break me, aren't they? Well, that doesn't mean I'll let them. Come at me with your worst, Leona. I'll always come out on top.
Brother B:
That guy keeps staring at me. I don't understand what's so interesting about me? I'm just waiting tables! Maybe I could get Jade to talk to him for me? No (Y/N)! Just as Leona has always told you! Be more assertive! You can take care of him!
I took a deep breath before scanning my surroundings once again. The Mostro Lounge always looked really pretty during the evenings, which is a major reason as to why I prefer these shifts over morning or afternoon ones. Finally, I looked over to the table with the Diasomnia student and we made eye contact. I flinched at the visible perk that the guy did when I finally gave him attention. I swear if that guy was staring at me because Floyd didn't take his order again.
I took long strides over to the Diasomnia student before stopping by his table. I gave him a closed eye smile before speaking.
"Good evening, sir! Do you happen to need something from me?"
"I would appreciate it if I could have your number."
My eyes popped open at his request. It freaked me out to say the least. I've never gotten that type of attention before. I mean, I have but those were princes who were requesting for my hand in marriage, thinking that I was a girl. I gave it a few seconds to mull in my brain before shaking my head no.
"Sorry, sir. But I'm not comfortable enough to give just anybody my number."
"Well, then, what if we did something to no longer be just anybody to each other?"
"Well, I appreciate the offer, sir but I'd rather not though."
"Come on, please."
"No, sir."
I turned on my heel to walk away but he grabbed my wrist in a bruising grip.
"Ow! Ow! Let go, sir!"
"No. I'm not going to just take no from a spoiled little prince. You're not going to have anybody who will be willing to give you the time of day ever yet you have the guts to reject me!"
"Sir, please let go! I don't want to have to call in Floyd to remove you from the establishment!"
"What? You're not strong enough to get me out yourself? What a weakling! How did you even get into NRC?"
I felt my resolve melting away. I'm always willing to give people more and more time to redeem themselves before I take matters into my own hands. But this time, I had a feeling that I needed to get my point across.
"Eh~~~~ What's goi-"
"I'm the captor of hearts, I'm the collector of heads. My words are absolute. OBEY ME!"
The man let me go and I felt my anger flare up.
I quickly dispelled my magic to avoid consequence towards my body. The Diasomnia student's body, obviously affected by my magic, left the Mostro Lounge. I quickly got my pulse back to a normal pace when I realized that the entire lounge was dead silent. I quickly spun my head around to realize that people were staring at me in shock, including Floyd, Jade and Azul.
I felt myself becoming more bashful before running over to Azul.
I was whispering to avoid creating more of a scene.
"Is there any chance that I could go to Savanaclaw to visit my brother right now?"
Azul, still stunned speechless apparently, only nodded his head. I took that and ran. I quickly changed out of my uniform and back into my flowy clothes before making my way over to Savanaclaw. That was so embarrassing.
I made my way to the main Savanaclaw area where I saw a bunch of the dorm members just chilling or playing around. I ran over to one of them.
"Excuse me?"
"Huh?! Oh, it's just you, Prince (Y/N). If you're wondering where Leona is, he's actually at the stadium right now. Something about how we all were making too much noise."
"Thank you!"
I turned away from the Savanaclaw student when I heard a gasp from him. I turned back around and caught him staring at my wrist. I looked at it as well when I noticed a dark purple bruise circling my entire wrist. I knew that his grip was much too tight.
"Oh, I knew that was going to bruise."
"Oh, nothing important. Just a rough customer. Don't you worry about it. Thank you for showing concern though!"
"NO, WA-!"
I ran off without hearing the rest of what he had to say. I only had limited time before I was expected back at Octavinelle and I still wanted to see Leona!
I saw my brother and rushed towards him. He was just watching the moon which was weird but I knew Leona felt a connection with the moon in some way.
I hugged him from behind which actually got a chuckle out of him.
"Heya, (Y/N). What brought you here at this time?"
"I... had a really rough time at the lounge. There was this guy who was being a creep to me and I... completely overreacted."
Leona was quiet for sometime before reacting to my last sentence.
"What exactly happened?"
"Well, the guy who was from Diasomnia decided to be a real creep to me. He grabbed my wrist, see! Here's a bruise that he gave me! I lost my patience for a quick second because he was staring at me earlier. It really freaked me out so I used Obey Me on him and basically banned him from the Mostro Lounge."
Leona stared angrily at the bruise on my wrist before standing up. He grabbed me and started to carry me on his back.
"Leona?! What are you doing?!"
"We're going to have a little talk with Azul."
Leona rushed over to the Mostro Lounge before kicking the doors open, gaining the entire lounge's attention.
"Uh, welcome to the Mostro Lou-"
Leona grabbed Azul by his collar before dragging him into the V.I.P. room. He threw Azul over his desk before carefully placing me on one of the comfortable chairs.
"Listen up, cephalopunk! Is your little trashy business not a safe enough place for my little brother?"
"W-w-w-wait a minute! I try to make sure that the Mostro Lounge is safe for all of my employees!"
"Then how do you explain the fact that (Y/N) has a bruise on his wrist from one of your customers?!"
"We were taking care of it!"
"Obviously you weren't taking care of it as efficiently as you thought! Someone is going to pay for this. You have a decision here, cephalopunk."
"Oh really?"
"Either you tell me the name of the student who hurt my little brother or I'll drag the entirety of Savanaclaw to the Mostro Lounge to ruin it every night."
For the second time in the same night, Azul was stunned speechless by a Kingscholar. Azul quickly tried to regain his confidence and gave a smirk to Leona.
"There's no way that you would do that."
Leona only returned Azul's smirk with his own before walking out of the V.I.P. room. Oh boy, did Azul look like he was going to ink himself more than ever?
"Azul, you might want to reconsider Leona's offer."
Azul looked at me before plastering a smile back on his face. It was threatening to fall off at any minute.
"I'm not threatened by Leona's threat at all. I'm certain that he won't do anything. It takes effort to actually do what he's threatening. Also to make up for the fact that you did get injured on the job, I'm giving you the next three days off from work."
"You're going to need extra muscle to stop the entirety of Savanaclaw from entering the Mostro Lounge."
"Once again, (Y/N), you have too much faith in your brother."
Azul should have listened to me. I walked out of my dorm to go get some food from the kitchen to see the Mostro Lounge completely trashed with Savanaclaw students just making a mess of the lounge. I saw Leona laying on top of one of the tables, his eyes closed giving off the impression that he was sleeping. I also took note of the fact that Jade and Floyd, along with the rest of the employees, were tied up with a bunch of table cloths.
I let out a sigh before walking over to Leona. The rest of the Savanaclaw students gave me a lot of space to walk. They did not want to invoke Leona's wrath by hurting me either.
Leona didn't move but I knew that he heard me so I just continued on.
"Don't you think that you've done enough damage yet?"
I heard a door break before a lot of hollers followed shortly after. I saw Azul get dragged out of the V.I.P. room and throw over to where Jade and Floyd were to just get tied up as well.
"Now, I say that we've done enough damage. ALRIGHT BOYS! PACK IT UP AND LET'S GO HOME!"
All of the Savanaclaw students just started shouting more and rushing out of the Mostro Lounge, destroying more things in their wake. Leona only gave off a triumph smirk and air while he sauntered out of the lounge. A faint smile appeared on my face, it's been a while since I've seen Leona proud of something that he has done.
I quickly rushed over to where the tied up members of Octavinelle were and got to work untying them. The knots were quite tight so it took me longer than I truly wished for it to take.
The first person that I got undone was Jade. He was quick to stand up and help with untying the others.
"This was completely uncalled for."
"Well, it depends on how you look at it. Leona did give Azul the choice of either telling him a name or face this."
"(Y/N). I understand how important it is to love a brother, faults and all."
"But you shouldn't defend actions like those of anybody."
"Guess you can say that I'm programmed to defend Leona at every aspect of his life."
After about twenty minutes of untying, we got everyone untied and started cleaning up.
"Oh, we're going to be at such a deficit because of these damages."
"Well, if you don't want to have to spend all of that money again tomorrow, you should give Leona what he asked for. I have a good feeling that Leona will hold through with his threat still. Doesn't matter if you have nothing, he'll figure out what to take after that."
Azul appeared to be thinking over what I said before walking to his office. He came back out with his cane and snapped his fingers.
"Jade. Floyd. Come with me. We have business with Mr. Leona Kingscholar."
"Woo! No more cleaning!"
Floyd threw his broom which caused it to knock into the already broken plates and broke them even more.
"Hehehehe~ Whoops~"
I watched as the trio left. Maybe tomorrow will be an easier day. The bruise on my wrist started to fade a bit today which made it a tiny bit easier to clean and use it.
Today was not easier. Easier on the body yes but not for the sight in the main courtyard. The man who harassed me was strung up above one of the entrances to the main building. He appeared to be alive but he kept on coughing up sand. It seems as if Leona has gotten his way in the end.
Azul Ashengrotto
"Please, Azul! We don't even have to leave the Mostro Lounge, just anywhere out of this room!"
I was desperate to be let out of Azul's room. It had nearly been the two week long break that Azul wanted but I knew that I couldn't stand any longer. He kept coddling me, acting as if I was the three year old that he originally met.
"Now why exactly would I do that? We're having such a lovely time with just the two of us! You should be grateful that we get to bond at all. I feel bad for all of the little brothers who can't bond with their older ones."
I felt myself tense up with anger. Azul could be such a hypocrite when he wanted to be. That situation was literally us seven years ago! How could he have forgotten the pain that he inflicted on me so easily?!
"Yes, I apologize, Azul. I should have been more grateful."
I can't fight him at every turn anymore. I just don't have the willpower to do so.
"I'm glad that you finally recognized that you were acting like a toddler. Now, come here. I think that you need some cuddles to calm down."
Azul had a victorious grin on his face while spreading his arms wide open for me to set myself in. Another cage that he loved to put me in. I started to fidget with my fingers before walking over to him. I heaved myself onto the bed that he was sitting on before climbing into his lap. Azul gained a softer smile on his face before wrapping his arms around me and pulling me lightly into his body.
I felt his face burrow slightly into hair. He was letting out little giggles. He always did that when he was very happy. For example, he's been giggling for the entirety of these past two weeks.
There was a knock at the door, which made Azul stop giggling and let out a slight growl. Ha, that's what you get for imprisoning me. He lifted me out of his lap before setting me down on the bed. He nearly ripped the door off the hinges. I felt scared for the door.
"What exactly is so IMPORTANT that you have to interrupt the time that I've dedicated to my brother?"
If the person isn't a tweel, they are going to be in so much trouble tomorrow.
"Sorry, Azul. But we're having a bit of an issue. It seems that Yuu and their little posse are starting a fight in the common area."
It's Jade. I don't think that Azul could ever be mad at him. Even if he somehow killed me, I think that Azul and Jade would be on good terms.
Azul was looking worried at this fact and started looking between Jade and I.
"Alright, I'll be there in a few seconds."
Azul turned around, grabbed his cane and picked me up with one arm.
"I don't want you to feel cheated of time with me so, I think that this small excursion won't be such a bad idea. Although as soon as I get this fight sorted out, you and I are going right back into this room for a good cuddle session, okay?"
I only nodded my head, excited to see other people than Azul. It feels like it has been years since I've seen the Mostro Lounge. The lights in there felt like the stars that I would gaze at during my late night trips to the surface. If I was lucky enough to still have energy after finishing my homework that is.
I turned my head to a very feminine boy who appeared to be trying to fight a Heartslabyul student. He was being held back by a giant wolf guy and a mint green haired fae.
"Epel, drop it!"
"Excuse me!"
Azul set me on the ground before running over to the fight and started to yell at both parties. I just watched in amusement at all of the fighting. It sort of reminded me of my best friends back at... middle school.
I miss those guys. (B/F/N) and (F/N) were some of the best people that I got to spend time with. They weren't jealous over what I had or what I could do. They just loved to spend time with me. I wonder what they're doing now though.
While I was deep in thought, I didn't notice the leaf shot that was coming my direction until it hit me straight in the face.
My eyes were in so much pain! The leaves that were swirling around got a clear hit at my eyes. I think that a blade did actually hit my retinas.
I heard Azul rush over to me and started to push my hands away to get a good look at my eyes. He forced my eyes open to quickly assess the damage. It seems as if the fighting had stopped since I was injured.
After about two minutes, Azul left out a sigh. Based on his facial expressions, it was most likely a sigh of relief.
"Thank goodness, no actual damage has been done to your eyes. But..."
Azul then stood up, having a death grip on his cane, and shot a spell towards the group suspending them all in the air.
At the end of his little speech, Azul used the same magic to send the group of six first years and the offending Heartslabyul student and his group flying out of the Mostro Lounge's doors. Quickly regaining his composure, Azul looked over the rest of the guests who fell silent at the fight that was happening in the lounge. He quickly cleared his throat before talking.
"Apologies, loyal customers! Hopefully, we won't have another outburst again today but please do remember! The Mostro Lounge is a safe café for students to relax, not a risky bar for people to have fights in!"
Everyone seemed to go back to their own business after Azul had said that. Azul then quickly turned back to me and picked me back up once again.
"Let's get you back to the room so that I can patch you up, (Y/N)."
We ran back to the room and he took me into the small bathroom. He set me down on the sink counter before pulling out his magic pen.
"Oh, I should have known that taking my fragile little brother out into what could have been a war zone was a bad idea. You've gotten little cuts, haven't you?"
"I'm not completely defenseless anymore Azul."
My tongue moved before I could think.
"What was that?"
Azul's soft tone is gone now, I have no chance of that getting back soon. His gaze turned into a cold glare. I was in for it this time.
"Nothing, Azul! I said nothing!"
"Oh no! I'm nipping this in the bud before it gets out of hand."
Azul lifted me up before taking me back to the bedroom. He laid me, stomach down, over his legs before swatting my behind.
"If I seriously need to whack this into you, I will, (Y/N)! You are my baby brother! You will stop with the back talk and this rebellious behavior!"
I let out a cry of pain. This really hurts!
"Sorry! Sorry! I promise I won't do it again! Just stop please!"
"Hmmmmm, since you've already gotten hurt already, I think I can ease up on this punishment."
That's a relief. I hate punishments like these. They're so embarrassing and painful for me. Azul resituated me so that we were both lying down and that I was trapped in a perma-hug next to Azul's heart beat.
"I think it's a good time for you to take a nap. Doesn't that sound just refreshing, (Y/N)?"
"Uh huh."
I nodded my head as well. I felt a kiss be pressed to the top of my head before Azul's heart beat actually started to lull me to sleep. A perfect tempo to calm my racing thoughts.
*Azul's POV*
(Y/N)'s breathing has finally steadied out, which means that I could grab my phone for a quick text. I opened up the group chat between me, Jade and Floyd. I sent a quick text explaining exactly what I wanted to happen. It was one of those dim Heartslabyul students who sent the leaf shot (Y/N)'s way. I made it clear that I want him to be punctured like a pin cushion and a rose put into each of the holes. That was Jade's task. I told Floyd to give the Yuu first year group a good scare with a few scars to let them know what happens if you mess in the Mostro Lounge.
After I sent out my texts, I switched my phone to silent and set it down face first on my nightstand. I looked down to see (Y/N) just snoozing away. He was so adorable! How on earth could I not recognize his cuteness before?
"I was such a fool when I was younger. I'm going to make it up to you now."
That was a promise that I was going to keep to him.
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tsuutarr · 4 days
Pokémon Prom: Arven
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Pairing: Arven x GN! reader
Word count: 959
Content: fluff, prom
Summary: a part of my Pokémon Prom series where Pokémon characters ask you out to prom (Arven ver).
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Arven can feel the moisture gather at his palms, making them a sweaty mess. He can’t help it, though–this is probably the most nervous he’s been in a while. He’s rehearsed at least a couple hundred times in front of the mirror, afraid to mess up, but the more he practices, the more he thinks he’ll mess up.
“Okay–it’s simple, just ask,” he mutters, clenching and unclenching his hands. “The worst that can happen is a rejection–”
“Is this seat taken?”
Arven’s head swivels so fast he’s pretty sure his neck is broken. “Yeah–no. I mean, no it’s not taken.”
You laugh, taking the spot next to him. “You okay, Arven?”
“Yeah.” He can feel his throat dry as his hands get clammier. “Yeah.”
Your initial smile tips downwards. “Are you sure? You–”
“Yeah!” He says it so loudly that he knows people are looking. “I’m just–ugh.” Nervous? Yeah. But it’s not like he can say that without you asking why. “Don’t mind it. I guess I slept kinda badly last night.”
“Ugh, yeah, that sucks.” Your frown eases into a smile. “But hey! No worries, I’m pretty good at home ec., so having me as your partner should help!”
Partner, Arven repeats inside his head, but says, “Yeah, guess I’ll have to count on you a little this time.”
Before you can say anything else, Mr. Saguaro enters the room, his pink shirt straining against his muscles. “Hello class,” he beams, “I hope you’re excited for today’s class. We’re going to learn how to make sweet hearts. It is a chocolate that gives Pokemon twenty HP when consumed. A fantastic way to let your Pokemon know you love them, no?”
Love, Arven thinks, before smacking his cheeks to rid himself of the thoughts.
You glance at him, whispering, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah–yeah. I’m good.” Arven pretends to give his full attention to Mr. Saguaro even though his attention is pretty firmly set on you. You look at him a bit longer, before following suit and looking at Mr. Saguaro, who has already begun to write the recipe down on the whiteboard.
“Seems pretty simple,” you note, before standing up. “I’ll get the ingredients, so stay here, okay?”
“I can–” Arven begins, but is shut up by your look. “...Okay.”
Satisfied with his answer, you stand up to get the ingredients and tools to make the sweet hearts. 
Arven watches as you leave, internally chastising himself for being so abnormal. He made you worry about him because of how oddly he was acting. Shit. Still, he can’t help but think about how sweet you are. Worried about him–he didn’t deserve it…
The thud of metal hitting the table snaps him out of his own thoughts. He looks towards you as you look down on him. “Got the stuff.”
“Thanks,” Arven responds, repositioning the cuffs of his sleeves. “Let’s get started.”
“You don’t have to tell me twice,” you laugh, watching as Arven sets the tools out. You’d have helped, but Arven’s movements are too quick for you to interject. Instead, you glance at the board to read the instructions. “We’ve got to heat some hot water first, then put a bowl inside the pot.”
“On it.” Arven put everything in place almost robotically, showing his years and years of experience in cooking. You keep watch as he dumps the chocolate chips into the bowl, using a spoon to stir. 
“Huh. You don’t need the instructions?”
“Nah,” he responds, “I’ve done this a lot.”
“Heh.” You grin. “Your Pokemon are lucky to have you–they must be constantly well fed!”
“I’m lucky to have them,” Arven responds, tapping the spoon against the side of the bowl to get the excess chocolate off, “I was really lucky to have met you, honestly.”
“Yeah–before it was just me and Mabosstiff. But now I have a full team, and I’ve got you. And the student prez and shortie too, I guess.” He mindlessly pours the chocolate batter into the heart molds, before sprinkling some berry powder on the top. His own words only begin to settle in when he realizes that you’ve been silent for a while, and he almost knocks the chocolates over. “I mean–”
“I’m grateful to you too, Arven.” You give him such a bright, earnest smile that he honestly can’t help but flush. “You’re one of the reasons why I got settled into Paldea so well, you know? Thanks for being a part of my journey.” You give a little laugh. “Maybe you’ll be willing to be a part of my next journey, too.”
“Yeah, ‘course.” Arven swallows. “Actually… speaking of adventures…”
“Do you–you know. The–that is–” Arven taps the chocolate mold against the table to get rid of air bubbles. “You know.”
“Yeah?” you encourage as you melt some more chocolate over the stove.
“The dance. The one that’s coming up… I was wondering if you’d–like, do you want to go? Together? No pressure, though.”
“Oh.” You blink. “Oh!” Laughter bubbles out of you. “That’s what it was, huh?”
“You’ve been acting weird all class, y’know.”
“I wasn’t.”
You give him a flat look, before huffing out a laugh. “All right, fine, whatever. I’d be glad to go with you.”
Arven blinks, before his lips twitch upwards. “You mean it?”
“Of course!” you laugh. “Why wouldn’t I mean it?” 
“Yes!” he cheers, loud enough that the class looks at him. He sheepishly tacks on, “I’m so glad our sweet hearts are turning out well.”
You suppress a laugh. “Yeah, totally.”
He looks at you, before clearing his throat when your eyes meet. “...So, can I pick you up for dinner? Uh–before the dance, that is?”
You grin. “Does five work?”
He smiles back. “Five works great.”
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definesanity · 1 month
Mummers of Carelessness
Bkornblume hears a lot in the Suitcase.
When she first was brought there, she had quickly assessed those there, and came to a simple conclusion: Everyone has, at the very least, one mental health issue.
That girl from West Germany, Balloon Party, is excused for... ah, obvious reasons.
Bkornblume doesn't mean to listen in, but she has more than a few habits she has picked up over the course of her work. Listening to even the smallest noise is one of them.
Such as now; sitting down and reading a book that Miss 37 had lent her (whom she could also hear mumble to herself on different questions), and hearing as Lady Charlie Shakespeare paced back and forth.
"...Calm thyself, Charlie!" she heard Charlie whisper-shout to herself. "Art thou a do'er, or ist thee no less than a waiter?!"
She heard as she sighed, unknown to the one hearing her soliloquy. "Blast, these nerves of fragile glass o' mine! Hast I had mine way, I would have not the requirement to perform 'pon the stage, much less an audience! But, alas, Mistress Fate is cruel, indeed...
"But, I shall not take no quarter upon mineself for cowardice!" she rallied herself, taking confident strides. "Indeed, I very well shall strike it down, and toss it into the vast, deep sea! This act shall be my only act for the night, and I shall give it mine all!"
With that, Bkornblume tuned her voice out. Charlie was an interesting individual, and not only just because of her dual personas. She is an excellent conversation partner, and one who gives good advice.
The next person Bkornblume listened to was of one Lady Ada Tennant and one Judge Dikke. An interesting duo, to... say the least of what she truly thought of them.
"...You wound me, my fair lady." she heard Tennant say, in a tone of hurt.
"Thou art a tempter. I shan't be swayed by words made from a false hunigsmæc."
"'False hunigsmæc'? Quite the opposite, Judge Dikke." she heard Tennant smoothly reply. "My words are filled not with honey, but with only the finest of chocolates, meant to be savored throughout the conversation."
"Thou'rt indomitable in one's approach." she heard Dikke sigh. "...One shall admit that thee art a cunning sort."
"Naturally, my lady. Only for you."
Bkornblume tuned out, once more, and adjusted her scarf to cover her mouth. She was sitting on a bench in The Wilderness. Calm, and peaceful.
Which was broken by a yawn, and someone sitting next to her.
It was Miss An-An Lee, the ghost hunter. And she looked tired beyond belief.
She yawned again, and then noticed that Bkornblume was there. "Mm? Oh, hi... Bkornblume, right?"
"Mm." Bkornblume hummed. "And that makes you... An-An Lee, yes?"
"That's my name, yep yep!" she was quite the chirpy girl. "...So, uh. What'cha doing?"
"Listening. A habit I developed from my... line of work." Bkornblume adjusted her scarf to hide how warm her cheeks got. It always happens when she admits to listening, even if it's accidental...
Regardless, An-An Lee still gave a smile. "Well, I shouldn't be sayin' this, because I know I won't take my own advice, but... keep doing what you do best, 'kay? Just don't burn yourself out, heh."
An-An Lee got up and walked off, waving.
Bkornblume sat there.
Hm. Maybe she should take a break, actually...
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shapeshiftinterest · 1 year
This Is Not The Princess You’re Looking For: bowser x luigi
one of bowser’s lines based on THIS
wanted a story where luigi’s in a dress but not as princess peach, kind of like in THIS doodle i drew
bowser comes to kidnap peach
she’s not here at the moment but why not talk to her cute brunet friend with the super short hair and pretty green dress?
story under the read more
This Is Not The Princess You’re Looking For (also on ao3)
‘There’s-a no way this is-a actually happening,’ Luigi thought to himself, dumbfounded. He watched Bowser flex an arm while continuing his exaggerated story about fighting Mario.
Mamma Mia this was happening.
A few minutes ago Luigi had been waiting for Peach in the Tea Room; she’d mentioned needing more time to prepare their snacks and Mario took the car because he forgot something at their house. Bowser had broken into the castle and landed right in front of Luigi.
It was a good thing the plumber was wearing one of his dresses today; it didn’t take long for the king to notice someone else was in the room after seeing a distinct lack of Peach. No, the real surprise came when said Koopa King, destroyer of castles, kidnapper of princesses, fighter of plumbers, looked the dress clad brother up and down...
...and started flirting with him.
Luigi was thankful he was wearing a mask because of a cold or Bowser would have noticed his jaw dropping. And the mustache, he guessed. Regardless, he could only mumble out that he was a foreign guest from far away when Bowser asked who he was.
‘Of course everyone knows who I am,’ he’d bragged, proudly puffing out his chest and thumping it with an equally large hand. Opening an eye to look down at the other, Bowser tilted his head to the side. He leaned down to take a white gloved hand in his and smirked, sharp teeth on display. ‘I’m a little upset Peachy girl never mentioned having such a cute friend though.’
Luigi coughed, choking on his own spit. Wow. Woooooow. He wasn’t sure if he was cringing or impressed; maybe both if he was being honest.
The green plumber waved the king’s concerned looks, stating that he just had a cold.
‘I could kiss you to make you feel better?’
That just started another, shorter coughing fit with Luigi rejecting the offer on the grounds that he didn’t want the king to catch his cold. Surprisingly, Bowser didn’t look like he was coming onto him with the suggestion. ‘Maybe it’s-a his solution whenever his kids were sick,‘ Luigi thought in between coughs.
‘Ahem, how do you know the princess again?’ Hopefully asking about Peach would be enough to buy some time before Mario came back.
Bowser lit up and immediately started talking about his (glorified) perspective of their adventures. He had to admit, it was interesting seeing them from a different point of view. Even if that point of view was peppered with a few cheesy pick up lines and saucy winks.
Speaking of...
Comfortable now that he knew Bowser wouldn’t try and incinerate him, Luigi yawned, stretching in his seat. He could hear the king’s speech falter before picking back up. Hmmm.
Focusing his attention back on the koopa, the green plumber adjusted his skirts and placed his elbow on the tea table, hand in cheek. He leaned forward towards the king and watched the taller man fumble his words when they made eye contact. Heh, he should probably stop before Bowser caught on.
“I hate to cut this short, Your Majesty, but I guess I’ll be going home now. Peach must’ve forgotten to tell me she was busy today.”
Luigi stood up and patted the imaginary dust off his skirts. “It was nice ‘meeting’ you though,” he said, smiling behind his mask.
“You can just call me ‘Bowser’ y’know. I could give you a ride home, easy peasy,” the king offered.
“Ha ha, no thank you. It wouldn’t do to go with a stranger now would it?” He winked. “I can just wait for my ride.”
Bowser blushed. “Right, right,” he coughed, awkwardly. Welp, if Peach wasn’t even here, he didn’t need to be either. Even if he wanted to keep talking to her friend in the pretty green dress. “Here’s my number, if you ever wanna be more than strangers.” Clawed hands pressed a business card with Bowser’s insignia on the front into his own and in a moment the king was gone, the sound of his clown car puttering off into the distance.
Luigi let out a breath. Oof, trying not to let his accent out was hard when you had a cold.
“Treats are ready~!” Peach sang out, gliding into the tea room; cart full of different pastries and teas pushed by Mario followed.
“Hey-a, bro! Did we-a miss anything?”
Luigi laughed and started telling them what happened.
bowser tells kamek what happened and kamek responds the way commander peepers did at the end of The Date from wander over yonder
hater: /talks about disguised sylvia and wander/
peepers, deadpan: you mean sylvia and wander in dresses
hater: ... WHAT?!?
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bronx-bomber87 · 6 months
Happy Saturday :) Counted the days today see how far off we are. 73 days till s6. Still awhile away but glad to have something to look forward to. Not a ton of moments in this one but what we do get is good. Always is with them having crumbs or massive moments tis a delight. Do get to see Tim in sexy leader mode. Always gets my engine revving ha
4x15 Hit List
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We start off with the clown saying 'Hi' to Lucy. She asks if he got her emails? He babbles on about not reading them yet. Cause they pertain to coddling felons. (asshat...)He then jumps the gun and calls her his GF. Lucy is not about it. I love her calling him out on it. The clown tries to defend his answer but Lucy cuts it off. Not allowing the convo to go any further. It’s almost like he’s not worth it Lucy…. Or just a relationship of convenience....Instead of digging deeper into that she presses on about the judicial system.
How he could make a difference with the position he’s in. Chris asks why she didn’t go to law school then? Her answer is classic. Because her parents wanted her to LOL The clown starts telling her she should go to law school. Leave being a cop and the violence behind. It’s funny or more annoying really. Both Chris and Ashley wanting them to leave being a cop behind. Something that so dear and important to them. An intricate piece of who they are. Oh the reasons these people are wrong for them is plentiful.
They truly pick the polar opposites for themselves this season. Before the clown leaves he asks her if she really wasn’t ok with him calling her his GF? Lucy deflects once again. Saying it’s fine if she can call him her ‘Work in progress. ’ Easy love, your commitment issues are showing…Amazing how in s5 with Tim she doesn’t hesitate…. *sigh* The clown is an annoying speed bump on our journey to that moment.
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We first catch our couple rolling in their shop. Lucy looking out the window. Pensive look written on her face. Tim notes this silence and says she’s been quiet. So funny this man who would get so irritated by her talking and personal stuff notes this. We know that wall is demolished so when he doesn’t have that he misses it. i.e. this moment.
We all know he secretly loves their shop talks at this point. She came barreling into his life like a chatty sunshine filled wrecking ball. Knocking his high wall down to rubble. With it gone he’s used to it now and craves it honestly. Especially when it’s absent. He’s the one to break the silence in this moment not Lucy. It’s the little things I love so much. Look at our Tim.
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Once the silence has been broken Lucy asks her question. Asking Tim if he thinks she’d be a good lawyer? Doesn’t waste a second before telling her No LMAO Her face in the second gif haha She’s so offended. Tim sees this and follows up with saying it's a compliment. Lucy tries to defend it by saying Wesley’s a lawyer. ‘We’ like Wesley. Heh who is this 'We' eh Lucy? Talking like an old married couple. What else is new? Haha I love it Tim fires right back with the same ‘We’ below. This is making me giddy. I see you guys and I’m happy about it.
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Tim makes the point they only accept Wesley cause they fear Lopez. I mean where’s the lie? LOL If there is one other woman (other than Lucy) who can put the fear of God into Tim it’s Angela Lopez haha Also his disdain for lawyers explains his extra dislike of Chris the clown. Already doesn’t like the guy. Him being a lawyer isn’t scoring him any extra points with Tim.
Nevertheless she is amused by her husband antics about this. Written all over her face. Damn they cute. Lucy continues on about making change. That a progressive DA can change a lot more than they can. Tim stops her. Says they’re not there to make change. Their job is to catch criminals. If she wants to become a crusader for change tells her to become a billionaire. Then she can eradicate poverty.
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Before their convo can go any further they see a car pull up speeding. It cuts them off and opens fire on the vehicle next to it. They pull up to the car and the poor driver is already dead. There was nothing they could've done for her. She’s so young it’s sad to see. Lopez pulls up to their scene after its in progress. Asks what happened? All they have right now is a drive by for info. She tells them that the key into why she was shot at will be in ID'ing her.
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Tim takes over for Grey so he can go testify in his case. It’s his first stint as Watch Commander. Already off the a rocky and hectic start. Nolan also had a victim this morning. Man blatantly poisoned in the lobby. He died waiting for help. They connect the two through the fact they were both witnesses to a massive case. Tim lets them know it’s the same case Grey is about to testify for… I do love seeing him in that chair. Everyone coming to him because he's acting commander. He wears it well.
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Tim comes to see Grey at the hospital. He just barely survived his attack. The scene in the garage is intense. It's a throw back to when Nolan killed his suspect back in S1. We can see the worry on Tim's face before he walks over to Wade. He does his best to put his worry away before coming up. The worry is still evident though. Especially through out their interaction. This man has been a rock and a mentor for Tim. To see Grey shaken up like this is hitting him hard.
I love Tim coming up calm and patting his leg. Trying to reassure him. He then does what he does best and takes control of the situation. Lets him know everything is squared away. That all he needs to focus on now is getting better. Wade asks who she was? He tells her a hitter for Matteo Rubio. The man he was set to testify against. They think that she was also the shooter for the drive by.
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Tim goes into sexy sergeant mode. Reports back to his crew who are waiting for news. They discuss what happened and if the threat is over. Nolan doesn’t think so since the person who killed his victim was a man. Tim sends Lucy to the DA with Angela to get the witness list. See if they can prevent anymore deaths. He then directs everyone else in that take charge tone of his. Yum. Everyone turning to him for guidance and respecting everything he's saying. I love it sfm.
He wants round the clock security for Grey. Then advices Nolan on how to be there for Wade. Going from strong leader to teacher in the blink of an eye. Getting me all hot and bothered Sergeant Bradford. *fan-self* Tim says he’s going to try and ID the deceased shooter. That way he can find out who she was partnered with and catch this other threat.
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The trip to the DA is fruitless. Del Monte won’t share the confidential witness list. Says unless they have credible evidence he isn’t sharing anything. That they handle witness protection for a reason. Angela is fiery af with Del Monte. Saying they’re doing a bang up job LOL I love her so much. This is why Tim fears her haha
Chris tries to catch them before they leave. Angela allows a minute for them to chat in private. He hands her the list. Lucy immediately tries to hand it back. He follows it up telling Lucy that she can’t say where she got it from. He’ll be fired if she does. Maybe then don’t do that and put her in this position clown…
Acting like he's doing her this big favor but also letting her know how it could damage him. Trying to be the big hero but it comes off as anything but that IMO. Like look at me and what I'm going to possibly sacrifice. You'll owe me if this works out. Putz. Lucy’s moral compass winning out though. Tim would be so proud. Telling him they can’t become criminals to catch one. That they’ll find another way. My girl. I love it. Angela interrupts says they ID’d Grey’s shooter.
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We return to our ship on a stakeout. They found the place she has been staying at. Waiting to gain entrance to their shooters home. Tim coming up asking if there has been any movement? Lucy reports no. What I love here is the lack of space. This whole season it's not a concept they understand. I love it sfm. He closes the gap and she doesn’t even notice. It’s just their natural rhythm at this point. Magnetically drawn to one another. Could he be any closer to her?
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Once they’re inside they notice her associate isn’t there. They don’t have a name attached to him yet. All they had was this house and it’s empty. Lucy asks Tim if he smells smoke? He says yes. Being the smart cookie she is saying it’s a little hot outside for a fire….The theme for lack of person space continue as they examine the fireplace. Looks like they just missed him. He bailed and burned their paper trail before he took off.
As they check the remains of the burnt paperwork. Tim joins her and leans close as they inspect what’s left. No need for it but I’m happy for it haha He physically can’t help it. Tim saying there isn’t much to work with. Lucy being the bad ass she is finds something. A name Kellen Myers. Just what they needed. A huge crack in the case courtesy of our girl.
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We find out that name was of a paralegal who sold the list to their shooter. Angela breaks down this dude quickly. It's amazing to watch her in action. He easily collapses under the pressure. Says he didn’t know anyone would get killed. Tells her he gave the name of the witnesses and the DA. Idk how this dude thought they would just play nice with them all. Idiot. Probably why they picked him.
Tim and Lucy race to the DA office. Phone lines are down and they know their next target is them. Unfortunately they save his clown ass and Del Monte (would’ve saved us a lot of trouble had this guy succeeded haha) Guess them being together did get us pouty, pining Tim in S5 so it’s not a total loss her dating him lol
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Lucy checks in on the clown after everything is settled. She then asks him why he really wanted to give her the list? To me Chris was one big manipulative red flag. (Also clueless as hell at the same time. Enigma of ugh.)He never did anything because it was the right thing to do. It was because he was trying to impress her. Pleading the 5th and all that for the list. Just like Tyler's deal in 4x11. He did it because it was to impress Lucy. To get in her good graces.
So once again with this moment he did it for the sake of impressing her. Not because it was the right thing to do. Nothing like Tim. I’ve said this before they both went for people who were the polar opposite of who they really wanted in s4. I dislike Chris so much and he lasts the longest bleh. I don't like either Ashley or Chris but I dislike Chris more. Love the actor to bits he's a sweetheart. Chris though? blah. Pretty low content ep for them but next one will more than make up for it.
Side notes-non Chenford
The SL with Grey and Nolan is really good. I may give Nolan a hard time cause well he is a putz most times ha but I do enjoy how he and Grey have grown professionally and personally.
Aaron’s plain clothes day is ROUGH to say the least with running into Patrick’s dad…
Thank you so very much to those who continue to be on this review journey with me. By liking, commenting and reblogging these ❤️ you’re the all the best. See you in 4x16 :)
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myfairkatiecat · 2 months
Keefe (for bingo)
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this is my favorite character of all time in any media, right up there with Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars, Nicholas & Nathaniel Benedict from TMBS (showverse) and Lancelot from bbc Merlin. Actually probably slightly above all those characters which is SAYING SOMETHING.
Is he comic relief? Yes.
Would I be his friend? Yes.
Has he done nothing wrong? Yes!! No he’s done many things wrong he’s so precious to me ok but the law he’s broken the law I love him so much he literally betrayed his friends I will always love him he has sooo much to answer for I’m glad Sophie forgives him after she chews him out she should chew him out longer but I suppose Fitz does that for her He has so many apologies to make but like he’s also done nothing wrong look I’m aware of my blorbo’s mistakes he’s honestly not as problematic as the tumblr fandom makes him out to be sometimes, and I MEAN that, but he’s also not as perfect and sweet as the eleven year olds on Wattpad make him out to be. He’s a LOT okay, you can’t analyze Keefe Sencen without the everything
Are my opinions unpopular? Yep! The other keefe girlies hate my opinions bc I acknowledge his character flaws and the Keefe haters hate my opinions bc I acknowledge the fact that he’s NOT an antagonist and actually has a lot of really good traits, and that’s NOT me making excuses. Also what are y’all on about saying he doesn’t get held accountable for his actions, like yeah Sophie forgives him pretty fast but not until she’s yelled at him, and the rest of his friends do NOT bounce back to normal (Fitz)
Do I relate to him? Yes, unfortunately. I have Fitz’s trauma and Keefe’s coping mechanisms (they aren’t good coping mechanisms but they’re literally mine)
Is the fandom wrong about him? Yes, the Keefe fans and Keefe haters alike. Don’t flatten this guy there’s SO MUCH THERE. (I’m not talking about my Keefe-negative mutuals—if I follow you, you didn’t flatten his character, I am very serious about Keefe Sencen)
Do I want to adopt him? YES I mean I’m literally his age but if I was old enough to adopt him I totally would, get that kid away from Cassius Sencen and kill Gisela Sencen. Honestly tho I’d settle for an Elwin adoption, dad!Elwin rocks
Did he need less screen time? *sighs in resigned Keefe fan* probably…objectively…yes…
Did canon do him dirty? I debated filling in this one. Because Shannon has made him a SUPER complex character. But also I swear if the ending of stellarlune isn’t the last time he steals something from Sophie to carry out a reckless plan he told no one about, I’ll riot. Don’t give him forward character progress and then erase it! If it’s a momentary relapse of bad habits I’ll allow it but I’m starting to want Shannon to let Keefe grow from all of that. Cause she keeps letting him get better—and then slip back. (Which isn’t unrealistic and I can work with!! I love him! But SHANNON PLEASE)
Do I want to study him? I want to get a full on PhD in this guy’s character arc actually
Did he need more screen time? Heh. Uh. Objectively NO. But also this amount of page time has allowed us to learn so much about his character complexities?? Like I’m torn between missing the other characters and eating up his character arc. Currently I’m gonna hope book 10 expands the other characters more bc I need more of them and 9.5 can feed my Keefe brain
Would I hit him with a golf cart? Listen my friend made this bingo game (hi Bods, if you’re reading this) and I know exactly what the actual intention was behind this square. But like. I want to slightly run into him with a golf cart. Just enough to slightly injure him and make him rethink his life choices (affectionate) (actually in the words of@phtalogreenpoison “I’d like to microwave Keefe. Just shortly”)
Does he need therapy? OH MY GOSH YES. I have thought this about other characters but SPECIFICALLY KEEFE HOLY GUACAMOLE GET THAT GUY THERAPY
Is he insane? Define insane. But I love him anyway (what is going on in his head half the time 😭)
Am I rotating him in my head 24/7? WELL YOU’VE READ THE POST WHAT DO YOU THINK
Do I have so many headcanons? Oh you guys don’t know the half of it. I have. So. Many. SO MANY
Is he wasted potential? Uhhhh I have too many thoughts on this to actually put it on this post. Genuinely love what Shannon’s doing with his character, like I said. But at some point she needs to. Address the things. Or he just becomes a guy with all these complications introduced that just kinda sit there and continue to change and grow and Keefe is the complex character to end all complex characters but Shannon you need to DO SOMETHING WITH THE MASTERPIECE OF A CHARACTER THAT YOU HAVE CREATED
The amount of bingos holy moly
Keefe means a lot to me
Thanks for the ask anon!
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bratshaws · 9 months
through the hourglass 221. brb x oc
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a/n: my god AM I RUSTY. this ended being longer than planned heh,sorry.(comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: SMUT,kitchen s3x, bradley is a good husband and has the eating skills * wink wonk *
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix @lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @fanboyswhore9 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva @kmc1989 @enchantingharmonyalpaca
She sees the little note on her side of the bed when she wakes up, which is quite late if she can say so herself. This week was rough, it was quite something and her body was feeling it. She lies there, on her side, half covered by the sheets with her eyes on the tiny yellow piece of paper sticking to the mattress.
There’s a little smiley face on it and Beatrice has to force her arm to move and reach it,plucking it from the surface and turning towards her eyes. She smiles, sleepily so, when she reads his words on it.
“I know it’s the weekend and you want me to relax, but I just got back from the gym and I want you to relax too.” her eyes look down, “PS: let me know when you are up ;)”
Beatrice hums, burying half of her face on the pillow as she rereads his message over and over. She is so tired though…she doesn’t even know what time it is, she’s so comfortable…but her husband is doing what he can for her right now so she just moves around a bit - thankfully her body isn’t that sore anymore, god bless her doctors - until she manages to sit up.
And as if it was magic, she hears a low whistle from the door, “Heey.” he calls from behind as Beatrice rubs her eyes with both hands, “There she is.”
“Mmmm,hi Roos.”
“Hi.” he tilts his head, smiling because she was still so sleepy, “Did you sleep well?” considering she was mumbling and nodding her head every now and again, he could assume that yes she did, “Did I wake you?”
“No…” she says, yawning, groaning deeply when her joints popped as she stretched, “Uuuugghh,no,you didn’t…is Nikki still asleep?”
“Yep,checked on her a few minutes ago, that morning snack was good for her.” he says, “You okay?”
“I slept,” she begins, “Like a rock after I breastfeed her and after we went to the hospital.” she did get there earlier to see the twins and she was literally broken with how tired she was, “I think everything that happened this week kinda…hit me.”
Bradley watched as Beatrice rubbed the sleep from her eyes and stretched her body, the way she groaned as her joints popped making him wince in sympathy. He could see the exhaustion etched into her features, the toll that the week had taken on her.
He crossed the room and sat down beside her on the bed, his arm wrapping around her shoulders in a comforting embrace. "I'm sorry, baby," he said softly, his voice filled with concern. "I know it's been a tough week for you."
Beatrice leaned into his side, seeking the warmth and comfort of his presence. She sighed, her head resting on his shoulder. "It has been," she admitted. "But it's not your fault, Roos. I just...I worry about the twins, and Nikki, and everything at the Hard Deck. It's a lot."
"I know," Bradley murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of her head. "But you don't have to carry all of it on your own, Bea. We're a team, remember?"
She nodded, "I know, and I'm so grateful for that. But sometimes it's hard to switch off, you know?And–” she pauses, eyes slowly looking down his torso, “...where’s your shirt?”
Bradley chuckled at her change in topic, her eyes drifting downward as she noticed his shirtless state. "I was just messing around in the garden," he explained with a playful grin. "But then I heard you stirring, so I thought I'd check on you first."
Beatrice couldn't help but smile at the sight of her shirtless husband. Despite her fatigue, he had a way of making her heart race. "Well, aren't I lucky to have such a handsome wake-up call," she teased, her fingers lightly tracing patterns on his chest.
His grin widened as her fingers danced across his skin, sending a shiver down his spine. "I could say the same about you," he replied, his voice husky with desire. "Even with a bedhead, you're absolutely stunning, Bea."
Beatrice blushed at his words, feeling a warmth spread through her. She hadn't expected this playful banter when she woke up, but it was a pleasant surprise. "Flattery will get you everywhere, LC" she quipped, leaning in to press a soft kiss to his lips.
Their kiss was tender and filled with affection, a kiss that could’ve deepened if he hadn’t pulled back, gently letting go of her lower lip, letting it bounce back to where it was. “...I love kissing you.”
"I love kissing you too, Roos," 
He gently brushed a strand of hair away from her face and asked, "So, what are your plans for today, my sleepy beauty?"
Beatrice leaned into his touch, enjoying the affection. "Well," she began, "I think I'll start with a nice, long shower to wake myself up. And then maybe we can have a leisurely breakfast together."
Bradley nodded in agreement. "Sounds like a plan. Anything else?”"
“No…not really." she makes a face, “I really don’t want to leave the bed- our mattress is so soft.”
Bradley chuckled softly, his fingers continuing to trace comforting circles on her back. "I know what you mean," he said, his voice low and intimate. "Our bed is incredibly comfortable."
Beatrice smiled and nestled closer to him, her eyes closing as she enjoyed the warmth of their embrace. Despite the fatigue that still clung to her, being in Bradley's arms made her feel safe, she couldn’t help but nuzzle against his bare chest.
He pressed a kiss to her forehead, his lips lingering there for a moment. "You know," he began, "I could always join you for that shower. It might be just what we both need to fully wake up."
She tilted her head up to look at him, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Is that so, LC?" she teased. "Are you trying to tempt me into spending the entire morning in bed with you?"
He grinned, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Maybe," he replied, his voice a husky whisper. "Is it working?"
Beatrice laughed, the sound melodic and warm. "You're incorrigible, you know that?"
He shrugged, his fingers continuing to play with her hair. "Guilty as charged."
With a contented sigh, Beatrice snuggled even closer, her head resting against his chest. "I wouldn't have it any other way," she murmured, sighing once she lifted her head “But…I think I might need that shower sooner rather than later," she admitted, her voice still drowsy.
Bradley pressed a lingering kiss to her forehead. "Take your time, baby," he said. "I'll be here when you're ready."
Beatrice gave him a sleepy smile before reluctantly untangling herself from his embrace. She stood up from the bed, her legs slightly wobbly from their extended cuddle session. "I won't be too long," she promised as she made her way to the bathroom. 
“I’ll still be here.” he winks, “By the way,” he drops his eyes to her ass, “I love those panties.”
“I’m not wearing any.”
The atmosphere feels heavy, so heavy that it draws a deep breath out of her, one that only adds to the obvious rise in temperature in the room. She partially hides herself on the bathroom door, “You are awful.” he kisses in direction, then winks one more time before she finally disappear from his view.
“The shower idea is still open~”
“You are terrible~”
He snorted quietly, then looked around for a second…then Bradley took the opportunity to tidy up their bedroom. He folded the blankets and fluffed the pillows, wanting to create a serene and welcoming environment for when she returned, not like she left for another country but he knew she’d like that. 
In reality, he was surprised how much he was going through it so easily. Therapy was doing wonders to him. Dr.Paulson was amazing, and while the man understood Rooster’s schedule wasn’t always frequent, he couldn’t ignore the progress the pilot was making.
As Bradley put the finishing touches on tidying up the bedroom, his thoughts drifted back to the past few months. It had been a rollercoaster of a journey for both him and Beatrice. The premature birth of their twins had been a shock, followed by the countless hours spent at the hospital, the emotional strain of watching their tiny babies fight for their lives in the neonatal intensive care unit.
Bradley had always prided himself on being a strong and capable person, both in his career as a pilot and in his personal life. But the experience of becoming a father had tested him in ways he had never imagined. It had forced him to confront his fears, his insecurities, and his need for control.
It was during one of those moments of self-reflection that he had decided to seek therapy. He knew that he couldn't be the partner and father he wanted to be if he didn't address his own emotional well-being. Dr. Paulson had been a godsend, helping him navigate the complex terrain of his thoughts and emotions.
And according to his doctor it was ‘like climbing Everest, but he was doing fine.’
The therapy sessions had been sporadic, given Bradley's demanding schedule, but they had provided him with valuable tools to manage his anxiety and stress. He had learned the importance of communication, of sharing his feelings and fears with Beatrice more often rather than keeping them bottled up. 
He was almost finished when he saw Jolene by the door, wagging her tail, “Hey Jojo, Nikki needs me?” Jolene barks as if to say yes, then he sighs, standing to his feet while letting Beatrice know where he was going. She told him it was okay before returning to her quiet singing in the shower.
Rooster runs his hands through his hair, checking his phone for any messages - ‘anyone up for some poker tonight?’ ‘payback we aren’t playing with you’ ‘:( guys you hurt my feelings like that ‘- and shoving it into his pocket once he was done. He stopped by the living room door, seeing Nicole standing in front of the tv, immobile, one of her toys clenched tight on her hand while her other was resting on Jack’s neck, being her support.
She could stand so much better now.
And she had no idea he was there.
He stops for a second, she looked fine? There wasn’t anything out of the ordinary on his daughter, but he did approach her cautiously. Nicole,however, turned her head to look at him, “Hi!” he coos, earning a soft giggle from her, “Hi baby girl! What’s up? You having fun watching Dr.Chimp?” the cartoon chimpanzee in question was currently being electrocuted while everyone else was laughing.
He was glad to say some things didn’t change when he was younger.
Nicole gurgled in response, her tiny hands reaching out towards him. Bradley gladly took her into his arms, lifting her up in the air and eliciting a chorus of delighted giggles from her. She was getting heavier by the day, a testament to her growing strength and vitality.
"You're getting so big, Nikki," he whispered, pressing a soft kiss to her chubby cheek. "Pretty soon, you'll be running around like a little tornado. Wanna get into track racing? Your aunt Nat is good at that.”
Nicole babbled in response, her bright eyes fixed on him as she tapped his cheeks with both of her tiny hands, “Listen, okay,” he sputters, “Wanna help me finish up in the garden? We need to water the plants.”
Nicole's bright eyes seemed to consider his proposal. She hesitated for a moment, glancing back at the TV, torn between the cartoon world and her father's offer. Bradley knew that the decision was a big one for a baby, the very first big internal conflict,and he waited patiently for her response.
"It'll be fast," he assured her, trying to tempt her with the promise of adventure.
Nicole made a little noise, still contemplating her options. Then, with a decisive movement, she dropped her head onto his shoulder, a clear signal that she had made her choice.
"There you go," Bradley chuckled, hugging her closer. "Looks like we're going to the garden, sweetie pie."
With Nicole in his arms, Bradley made his way back to the garden, where the scent of blooming flowers and the soft rustling of leaves greeted him. The sun cast a warm glow over their small oasis, and he couldn't help but feel grateful for the simple pleasures of life.
As they began to water the plants together, Bradley couldn't help but talk to Nicole. He described the different flowers and their colors, the importance of taking care of the garden, and the beauty of nature. Nicole listened intently, her bright eyes absorbing every word.
"You see, Nikki," Bradley said with a smile, "dada has no idea what these plants are, but mama does. I just water them.” he says and Nicole responded with a bubbly babble, her tiny fingers reaching out to touch the leaves of a nearby plant. Bradley gently lifted her up so she could have a better reach and touch it.
He heard Beatrice’s footsteps from inside, then the sound of the glass door slowly opening and he turned to see his wife, wearing one of his long shirts - God,she looked good- and drinking something from her mug, “Hi,” he smirks, “I’m watering everything.”
“Mhm.” she folds one of her arms under her bust and therefore under her opposite limb, “I can see it, thank you.”
“Am I doing a good job?”
“You always do.”
His cheeks heated up a little, the praise…was good for his ego. But Beatrice didn’t stay there long, she disappeared for a few minutes only to sit down on the kitchen table, folding her arms and dropping her head on top. Bradley, still holding the hose - and Nicole- furrowed his brows…the shower wasn’t that successful,he assumed while continuing the tasks.
“Babe?” he calls, earning a soft ‘mm?’ from her, ‘You good?”
“I’m fine.”
“You sure?”
“I’m tired.”
Bradley couldn't help but feel a pang of concern as he heard Beatrice's tired voice. Her response was simple, but it carried the weight of exhaustion and the burden of everything they had been through in the past weeks. He knew that Beatrice was a strong and resilient woman, but even the strongest had their moments of vulnerability.
He finished watering the plants in the garden and carefully set the hose aside. Nicole, still in his arms, gurgled happily as she observed the colorful blooms around her as he made his way back to the kitchen, where Beatrice sat at the table with her head resting on her folded arms. Her tousled hair framed her face, mug inches from her arms and her back moving slowly as she breathed in and out. He couldn't help but worry about her well-being.
He approached her with a soft smile, gently placing a hand on her shoulder. "Babe?" he called softly, his voice filled with concern.
Beatrice lifted her head slightly, her eyes meeting his. There was a vulnerability in her gaze, a weariness that tugged at his heart. "I'm fine," she replied, her voice soft.
"You sure?"
Beatrice let out a heavy sigh, her shoulders slumping slightly. “...no.” she admitted, her voice carrying the weight of exhaustion.
Bradley's heart ached at her words. He understood the toll that recent events had taken on her. The premature birth of their twins, the long hours at the hospital, the worry and stress – it had all added up. 
He pulled out a chair and sat down beside her, careful not to disturb Nicole, who was still nestled in his arms. "I know, baby," he said softly, his hand rubbing her back in a soothing gesture. "It's been a tough week, for both of us."
Beatrice nodded, her exhaustion evident in the lines on her face. "I just... I feel like I haven't had a moment to breathe," she admitted, her voice wavering slightly.
"I know," Bradley murmured, his thumb gently tracing circles on her back. "You don't have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders."
She turned to look at him, her eyes filled with gratitude. "I know, Roos," she said, touching his cheek "And I'm so grateful for you, for everything you do."
Bradley smiled, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to her forehead. "I love you," he whispered. "And I want to make things easier for you, even if it's just a little."
Beatrice's lips curved into a tired but appreciative smile. "You already do, every day."
He reached out to hold her hand, their fingers entwining. "Let me take care of you, Bea," he said softly. "You've been taking care of all of us, and now it's your turn to be taken care of."
She leaned her head against his shoulder, her tired body seeking comfort and support. "You always do.”
“Let me do more then.” he feels her brows scrunch against his shoulder, “Why don’t we go out tonight? What do you think?”
“...I dunno…” she whispers, “Is…I dunno.”
She couldn’t even finish her own thoughts, poor thing.
He gently squeezed her hand, offering her a reassuring smile. "How about this," he suggested, "we don't have to decide right now. We can take it easy for the rest of the day, and if you feel up to it later, we can go out. If not, then we'll have a cozy night in. No pressure."
Beatrice's eyes softened with gratitude. "That sounds nice," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I just need some time to recharge."
"Take all the time you need, baby," he said, pressing a gentle kiss to her temple. "I'll be right here with you."
With that settled, they sat in comfortable silence for a while, simply enjoying each other's presence. Nicole, who had been observing their interaction with curious eyes, let out a contented gurgle from Bradley's arms, as if she sensed the tranquility that had settled over her parents.
Then she yawned, quietly, nuzzling her father shoulder and closing her eyes, ‘Oh,mood.” Beatrice whispered, “Me too,Nikki.” and she gently rubs her daughter’s cheek, “Maybe she should nap.”
“I think that’s a good idea.” he smiles, “Wait for me here?”
“Mhm.” she closes her eyes when he leans closer for another kiss to her forehead, walking away with Nicole in his arms. Beatrice,while tired, couldn’t help but admire her husband’s backside…and back…and arms.
She must’ve napped because she woke up feeling something soft and wet touching her cheek, “Baby.” she inhales in surprise, blinking her eyes open only to see Bradley’s face close to hers, “Hey there.” he coos, rubbing her chin, “You were sleeping again.”
“M’ sorry.”
“Don’t be,” he whispers, gently removing her from her chair and bouncing her up. Her legs immediately wrapped around his waist,while her arms were on his shoulders and her head was against his neck, “What you wanna do now?” he questions, “We have the whole weekend for ourselves…we can figure something fun to do,right?”
“Yeah…” she whispers, dragging her eyes to his bare chest, the hair dusted there was always so soft and it was so attractive. Beatrice fidgets a bit on his hold, “We can…”
A pause.
“...baby,I know those eyes.” and she slowly lifted her green irises to his face, “I know those eyes way too well.” he does look back to where he once stood then smirked, cupping both of her ass cheeks in his hands, “Where?”
“...um…” she looks around quickly, “...kitchen?”
And his mouth falls open, giving his wife a narrowed look, “You little minx. You wanna do it here?” but he’s already taking her to the counter, setting her on the cold marble - enough to make her hiss with discomfort - and dragging his huge hands down her legs, “God,I fuckin’ love it.” he purrs, nipping her jawline and then her neck, “You sure you are awake enough for this?” he coos, his hands sliding up her thighs until they reached the crease of her pelvis - unfortunately,she was wearing panties.
Fortunately, those were also his favorite ones.
Beatrice sighs, placing a hand on the back of his neck to push him closer. The dogs were with Nicole, their daughter was fine and the twins were fine- god she just wanted a break. “Yes, please.” she undulates her hips towards him, her neck craning back when his lips danced on her skin. In her upside down vision she could see the neighbor’s house there about to retract her idea when he stopped her.
“They are out of town,gorgeous.” he says, hands moving up her curves under the shirt and his lips are down to her collar bones, “So, you know, it’ll be good.” and his teeth drag down her skin, creating red lines until he found her chest. He doesn’t bite on it too much, not even dares to put his mouth on either globe of flesh considering how much she’s been sore these past days.
So he focused on something else. Bradley’s lips were still going down, ending up crouched in front of her parted legs, nuzzling the inside of her thighs and kissing where the skin ended and her panties began. He looked up at her only to find she was already gazing downwards, her face beet red and her lips glossy because of her own saliva, “...Brad…” she whispers, almost in fear.
This wouldn’t be the first time after she had the kids but…she was nervous. Her husband understood, he always did, ‘Don’t worry,” he whispers, gently nudging the pantie’s crotch to the side, exposing her flushed core to his hungry eyes, “I got you,babe.” he flicks his eyes up one final time, ‘Tell me if you feel any discomfort,alright?”
“That’s my girl.” he replies quietly, mouth already salivating before he digs in, amazingly how she was already wet. The way he could make her like that still amazed him. Beatrice whimpered, digging her teeth on her lower lip as she leaned her head back - the thunk! of her scalp hitting the glass adding to the sounds around them. 
He digs his fingers on her plush thighs, tugging her forward just a little bit more. She’s not out of the counter, but her butt is hanging just the tiniest amount out of it, he needed space to maneuver, “Brad…” she whispers, ‘F-Fuck…” he voice was so quiet, which he didn’t mind. Even if their neighbors were out of town, they weren’t alone.
His mouth was absolute heaven, her eyes fluttered closed and she clenched her thighs around his head, pushing him closer to her while trying to hold onto something - anything - the second he moved his tongue faster. He knew he could make her scream if he so desired, and while it was tempting, they had to be careful. “Brad…” she whimpers, “I…I want…” his ears perked up “Please…I want you…in-in me.”
His pupils enlarged immediately, he was already hard to the point it was hurting. He kisses her center one last time, a string of fluid connects to his lips, before he stands up, slamming their mouths together, “I want to be inside you too.” he laughs against her lips, tugging her panties a bit more to the side while her own hands pulled on his loose pants. He sighed, her warm,soft hand immediately wrapped around him to guide him into her.
Her eyes met his and he almost melted. She looked tired, she looked exhausted,she looked like she wanted to forget all the troubles for one second and she was begging him to help her. He nods, even if she doesn’t say anything, grabbing the back of her thighs to give him more room and slowly,oh so slowly, slides inside of her.
Both of them were still partially clothed in case there’s an emergency and they need to hurry out, but neither complained. Rooster’s hands were now on her waist instead of her legs, while hers were on his chest and stomach, nails biting on the defined muscle and making him lose his mind, “Fuck, you feel so good.” he whispers, pressing their foreheads together, their eyes following the way he moved in and out of her.
“You…too…” she whispers, yelping at a sudden thrust, one that makes him smirk while keeping his eyes on her. She holds onto his shoulders, for dear life, to be anchored, to be safe and she whimpers again. “Lieutenant-Commander?” his eyes snap to hers immediately, “M-May I ask for you to…move…f-faster?”
“...fuck, permission granted.” and he just pulls her closer, this time she does end up hitting something, she’s not sure what but it doesn’t break nor makes a sound loud enough to make them worried. His hands dig on her buttcheeks, keeping them close while his forehead presses up against hers, their eyes partially open when his hips piston against hers.
Beatrice mouths his name, her silent moans were the sexiest thing he had ever seen and his eyes never leave hers, “Fuckin’ Christ,I love how you feel.” he says back, making sure he had a strong grip on Beatrice when their thrusting got faster and his lips ended up meeting hers to swallow any loud moans that might come out of her mouth.
She gasps into his mouth, her fingers digging on his arms as her own hips move at the same pace, trying her best to have her orgasm as quietly as she could. Rooster pulled back from her lips with a soft smack, then placed his thumb against her mouth - which she immediately wrapped her lips around and closed her eyes. “Fuck that’s so fuckin’ hot.” he growls, ‘Fuck,fuck,fuck,I love how you fuckin’ suck me so nice.” he gasps, his own eyelids fluttering, “Baby-”
Her orgasm is first, her body does taut and her nails dig on his arms creating perfect little crescent shapes on his golden skin, while he feels the vibration of her moan around his thumb. When her hips bucked up to his, his eyes almost rolled back and he slams his pelvis against hers one final time while clenching his teeth to keep his own groan quiet.
One,two,three more shallow thrusts accompany him and he drops on top of her chest, breathing heavily, his thumb leaving her lips with a soft ‘pop!’ as they lie on the kitchen counter, trying to regain their bearings. “...holy shit.” he laughs, “That’s a nice way to wake up,ain’t it?”
“It’s the best one.”
“...we might need another shower.” he adds, “You know…because of reasons.” he looks up to her face, seeing how those green eyes were looking at him adoringly before she cups his face, kissing the tip of his nose, “Is that a yes?”
“Will you carry me there?’ she asks, “My legs feel…a little weak for some reason.” 
Of course the answer was yes.
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twothpaste · 6 months
fic snippet featuring lucas & porky & the profound disillusionment of realizing you're never gonna get through to a motherfucker 😔
It laid, back then, a hundred n' fifty some-odd feet from the shoreline. No walkways of wood nor metal carved the path. If an audience with the king was what you sought, you'd have to rough it to his throne. Through the soggy stench of rotting cardboard. Drenched facades melting, squelching, and pooling at your heels. Traverse his skyscraper's serpentine spine. Either atop its precarious columns, or beneath its ribcage archways. Today, the big stupid spikes with which he'd adorned the sides've since been weathered away to moundish stumps. In 2 ADD, though? They'd formed a sharklike jaw line in the treacherous muck. Dentition to rival the Dragon's own.
She soared high. Black streak on a gray blanket. Wouldda blotted out the sun with her wings, if it'd been up there to begin with. Even back then, New Pork's desolation had a notorious propensity for overcast weather. Lucas had to wonder whether that was her doing, too.
Lord of the Rings wouldn't make it into his repertoire for a long while. Leder's library had yet to scavenge any copies. The Hobbit, however, was a White Ship stowaway. The old judge kept it in a secret stash, with the rest of the survivors' forsaken tomes. Lucas'd been the first to read it, once the locks were finally broken. He couldn't help but think of it. Here of all places. Stony imagery of a lost mountain kingdom. A darker dragon, hoarding ill-gotten gains. How small he felt. How bitterly humble. To traverse these halls.
The Absolutely Safe Capsule didn't sit atop a gilded pile. Just purple-gray rubble. N' acid rain puddles. N' concrete.
A broad, hungry, window-bound smile greeted him. Upon his arrival.
Lucas didn't humor it with any of his usual salutations. Not even a glance. Just trudged right past the pane, and seated himself upon a closely-nestled boulder. He remembers his chewed nails clawing against the harsh, clammy surface.
"Y'know, Lucas," Porky purred. With no particular forward. Whether the king thought his visitor's silence haughty, amusing - or perhaps even infuriating - he didn't bother to say so. "I've been thinking," he simply announced. Craning his miserable neck, right up to the glass, as if tryin' to catch whatever delightful pout or scowl might grace the hero's dumb, pimply face.
"I bet," said Lucas. Flat as a burnt flapjack. That made Porky grin, too.
"It's sort of funny. Hilarious, even. That your so-called new society's here, to salvage my city."
This came about as outta left field to Lucas as it probably does to you. Which is to say, hardly. Weren't never really conversations, to be had with Porky. Whatever happened to be on his mind, he'd barf it right onto your sneakers. Then glance at you, expectantly, almost innocently. Like he was awfully eager to watch you clean it up.
"My city," he repeated. With a cough. "Which, as you know, I modeled oh-so-painstakingly after our old world."
Lucas turned those slatey eyes of his toward the Capsule. But held his tongue. Again - you can call it patience.
"It's almost as if nothing starts from the ground up. You're always recycling something rotten. Always on the shoulders of man-eating giants. Even if you try to pretend otherwise."
"Yep," Lucas contended. Gray as the rock he perched on. "That's the idea. We're learnin' from the past. Y'couldda stood to do the same."
Porky's prison emitted a raucous cackle. If Lucas were still looking, he'd've seen a curled lip. A snarling smirk.
"Oh. I learned plenty, my friend."
To sigh would be to appease him. Spoiling a bad dog.
"I don't really get why you won't apologize," Lucas mused, instead. "Why y'won't even fake it. There's folks who'd fall for it."
(He prob'ly would've. He thought. Up until three days prior. He'd decline to add that, though. Let Porky guess it for himself.)
"Heh. What can I say? I'm an honest guy. Much more honest than you cheating, stealing, hypocritical hicks give me credit for. Besides -- Agh..! Haahhck…!"
Porky's bone-popping shrug was cut short by a trademark wheezing fit. Lucas waited. Nails grating.
"Ah.. Hagh… Besides.. Little ol' Porky Minch's got nothing to apologize for, anyways. All I've done is reveal the cold, hard truth. Taught you sorry lot a thing'r two 'bout human nature." His royal highness dipped into a mockery of the peasants' lowly drawl. Before extending one hand, to count his points on his wretched fingers. "Uncertainty, control, anger. Frailty. Self-destruction. That's always been the long n' short of it. N' always will be."
"Agree to disagree," Lucas maintained. His low, crackly, teenaged timbre shifting an inch closer to a growling grumble. Porky ate it up. When you've been stuck in an oversized baseball for two years, you tend to develop a ravenous craving for the smallest of crumbs.
"Fine by me. Your descendants'll realize I was right all along. Even if you're too proud to accept it."
"My mom always used to say somethin' 'bout pots n' kettles."
"Ha. So, you admit you're the kettle."
"I'm more of a skillet, I reckon."
"Well, ain't that goddamn charmin'? My mom bashed me over the head with one of those, once. I ever tell ya that story?"
"Y'didn't. M'sorry to hear that."
A snort.
"No you're not."
In lieu of an answer, Lucas could only stare. Impasse was a recent addition to his vocabulary. He'd read it in one of Leder's books. He traced its edges, in his mind's eye. Chewed it, silently, between his tongue and teeth.
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The Tutor Part 2 (Snzfic, Original Characters)
Part 1
It has been entirely too long since I promised to write a second part of this story, but that's often how it goes for me when I'm writing snzfics unfortunately.
Anyway, you can follow the link above to read the first part of this tale, but as a general reminder this takes place in the 1770s and features two of my OCs- Kit (Christopher) Annesley and Eleanor Seton. Kit is a tutor for Eleanor's younger cousins, and she lives with a wealthier branch of her family after her parents passed away.
And as an additional addition, my laptop has broken and I haven't gotten it fixed yet, so I'm posting this from my phone. Please let me know if there's any formatting weirdness, I know Tumblr mobile can be difficult.
I think that's all... enjoy!
If he had thought he could make it through the day with only minimal discomfort, Kit was proven decisively wrong by midday. As his pupils sat down to eat their meals, he ducked out into the hall where he could tend to his nose in relative privacy.
Sitting on a window seat with a heavy sigh, Kit took a handkerchief from his pocket (Eleanor's, he was reminded yet again by the embroidered border) and pressed it to his already much-abused nostrils. Over the course of the morning his efforts to hold back his need to sneeze had caused the congestion in his head to build until he had a pounding headache and wished for nothing more than to be able to curl up in bed and sleep off what was proving to be a monstrous head cold.
Giving his nose a quick blow did little to make him feel better, although it did rekindle a tickle which had him sneezing into his elbow rather forcefully. Thank goodness he was alone- he wouldn't want to disturb anyone with his sneezes, and he could feel more brewing behind his eyes.
"Mr. Annesley?"
Kit's head shot up at the sound of Eleanor's voice, his cheeks rapidly darkening as he saw she was standing in front of him. He'd been so preoccupied that he hadn't noticed her draw near, and now he was at a loss for what to do or say.
"Miss Seton!" he managed to squeak out. "I, um, that is..."
"I don't mean to offend, but you look awful," Eleanor interrupted. "Surely you don't still believe yourself to be fit to teach?"
Kit, more than a little taken aback at the forcefulness of her statement, briefly contemplated lying and claiming he was alright. However, the pulsing ache in his head and sinuses reminded him that not only was he decidedly not alright, there was also very little chance he could convince Eleanor that he was.
"I admit, I have been contemplating setting the boys to study on their own for the afternoon," he conceded. "My cold does seem to have worsened slightly."
"More than slightly, I would say, but it hardly matters now. Please, tell me if there is anything I might do to assist you."
Kit's cheeks now felt as though they were on fire, and as he doubted he had developed a fever in the last two minutes it was no doubt due to embarrassment. He hoped Eleanor hadn't noticed, though it was difficult to tell from the sympathetic look she was giving him. It could've meant anything.
"I would not wish to trouble you, as I am quite sure you have more important things to attend to. However..."
Eleanor raised one eyebrow as Kit's voice trailed off. "Yes?"
"E-excuse... m-ihh..." he held up one finger as his nostrils flared, the need to sneeze halting any further attempts at speaking.
"Hih-ish'uh! Hihh... heh'zschew! Heh-esch'uh!Huh..." Kit took a deep breath, trying to steady his breathing as his nose threatened to send him into a dizzying fit of sneezes once again. God, but he wished he could climb into bed and never emerge again.
"God bless you, Mr. Annesley." Eleanor's voice was soft, her eyes holding an emotion Kit couldn't quite place. Not pity, not sympathy, and concern wasn't quite right either. Perhaps a mixture of all three? Or something else entirely?
The feeling of a soft, cool palm pressed against his forehead startled Kit out of his thoughts, and he looked up to see that Eleanor had pressed her hand to his forehead. Now at a complete loss for what to do, he sat very still, and when she removed her hand after another moment he immediately wished she hadn't.
"You don't feel feverish to me, thankfully."
"Indeed, I, ah, I thought as much."
"What is it you wished to ask of me before we were so rudely interrupted by your nose?" Eleanor asked, a touch of humor in her tone.
"Oh! Well... perhaps I might prevail upon you to check in on your young cousins this afternoon? They are quite capable of working on their own, but I fear they will see my absence as an invitation to be rowdy."
"Certainly, I would be glad too. I know only too well what they can be like." Eleanor grinned at him. Kit smiled back sheepishly.
"I thank you, Miss Seton, truly. I shall have to repay your many kindnesses as soon as I am able."
"As I fear I am growing tired of saying, it is no trouble at all, sir. Now-"
"Ehschiew!" Kit interrupted her as he bent into the handkerchief with a sudden sneeze, more forceful than any that had come before. He blinked, having startled himself.
Eleanor chuckled. "To bed with you, Mr. Annesley. I believe your nose agrees with me."
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definesanity · 1 month
Mirror, rorriM
Sonetto was very good at noticing things. Even the smallest of things; naturally, this wasn't something she could ignore.
In this case, it was helpful.
Vertin finished reading over the report Sonetto gave her, hummed and nodded, and passed it back.
"Excellent work again, Sonetto. I don't think I would have made it past my first year without your help."
Sonetto coughed into her hand, taken aback. "Y-You exaggerate, Timekeeper..."
Vertin merely smiled, and walked away to Sonetto's right.
"Ah, Sonetto, there you are."
Sonetto blinked as, from her left, Vertin appeared in front of her. Sonetto noted how Vertin's voice seemed to be slightly deeper, but thought nothing of it, initially.
"...Timekeeper?" Sonetto asked in confusion, which then caused Vertin to blink.
"...Yes? I was going to ask if you finished the report. No rush, of course, just curious."
"...I did. And I showed it to you... didn't I?"
Vertin looked even more confused. "No? I only just arrived. In any case, would you mind if I...?"
Soentto passed her the report, and Vertin nodded and then hummed, passing the report back to her.
"Wonderfully done once again, Sonetto. I think I'd have been lost were it not for you."
Sonetto shook her head, looking away again. "You overestimate me..."
Vertin just smirked and walked off.
Sonetto only then realised that the second Vertin's smile was off. It was more toothy...
"Timekeeper, we have a problem."
Vertin looked up from her work, blinking each eye individually. "Mm? Is something wrong, Sonetto?"
"Yes, there is." Sonetto breathed in, and then out. "I believe there is someone... impersonating you."
Vertin looked briefly stunned, before returning to a neutral expression. "Are you sure, Sonetto?"
"More than su--"
She was cut off, however, when the door behind her opened, and another Vertin walked in.
The two Vertins looked at each other for a long time. Then, the one who entered sighed. "Please stop gaslighting my assistant, Oneself."
The Vertin on the seat grumbled (Oneself?), and Sonetto saw as she started to grow.
Her clothes became more tattered and broken, the gem at her collar becoming shattered, and her pants becoming ripped in areas. Her skin became more pale and hugged her skeleton, to the point Sonetto could see the bones of her fingers. Her top hat tilted over the right, and her face became slightly gaunt, madness dancing in her eyes. Sonetto could also see what seemed to be her own ribbon, rapped around the base of the top hat and behind the tall woman's messy, faded and dirty hair...
They themselves appeared older, but Sonetto couldn't put an age to her; in all, it was a lanky, twisted Vertin.
"Sonetto," Vertin spoke up. "This is Oneself. They will be remaining a part of our team for the foreseeable future due to circumstances."
"Apologies for the scare. I just couldn't resist myself, heh..." Oneself apologised, her voice having an strange quality to it. Like it wasn't... there, fully. It went in and out, and Sonetto could almost hear Vertin...
"A... pleasure." Sonetto replied simply.
What else could she say, truly?
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