#my mom needed me to pick something up from the store for her real quick
harmonizewithechoes · 11 months
#I forgot about the mid year postpartum identity crisis#I thought I wouldn’t feel this way again since the ppa/ppd weren’t so prevalent this time#if anything my experience having 3 children has been easier than just one or two overall#my third baby fits into our family so well it’s hard to believe she hasn’t always been here#she’s very funny and she has such a big personality already even at 7 months#it’s been so much fun watching them grow and learn how to get along that I forgot about what it is that makes the first year hard#yes having a newborn is difficult but this is different#I had 20 minutes away from my children for the first time in almost two months today#my mom needed me to pick something up from the store for her real quick#and as soon as I was alone I was inundated with the Bad Thoughts#it felt really out of place though so I took a step back to figure out why it was happening#and it’s because I pour everything I have into my children#I have nothing left for me#if I’m away from them it’s like I don’t exist#it’s weird and kinda scary tbh#and as soon as I walked back into the house I was back to mommy mode and fine again#but man#that was eye opening#at least I know what’s happening this time though#and I think I just need to focus on being by myself a little more if possible#once she turns one things will start to even out and I’ll start feeling normal again#i know this because it’s happened twice before so I’m not scared anymore#it just sucks because I’m finding myself really looking forward to that time#but not wanting her to be a year old yet#she’s already pulling herself up to stand 🥺#she’s ahead of schedule#she wants to be like her brother and sister so bad#I can tell it frustrates her to not be able to play with them all the time or eat everything they eat#she hates being a baby#but she’s my last baby 🥺 I don’t want to wish this time with her away
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cherryflavoured7777 · 7 months
Fevered Affection {h.c}
summary: Hazel takes care of a very sick you.
Pure fluff.
(This is entirely self-indulgent as I have been sick the past week and need a Hazel to come take care of me)
pairing: Hazel Callahan x fem!reader
word count: 1.4k
You wake up in your bed, a tight ball of pressure constricting your chest, as if something has been lodged in your lungs for days. You try to slowly untangle yourself from Hazel's body beside you and move her arm off of you. As you sit up, you find yourself gasping for air, a fit of coughing wracking your body and intensifying the pounding in your head. Leaning over the edge of the bed, you reach for your water bottle, the cool liquid soothing your dry throat and sticky skin. It’s completely dark in the room except for the soft orange glow of your salt lamp plugged in, casting a warm ambiance on your bedside table.
You pick up your phone and the light from your screensaver adds to the throbbing in your poor head. Glancing at the clock, you groan, it's 3:38 a.m. Apparently, you had dozed off early only to be rudely awakened by your lingering illness. Every inch of your body aches, and your chills have now transformed into a too-warm heat.
Beside you, your girlfriend stirs, a soft sound escaping her lips. Hazel quickly becomes alert, her brows furrowing in concern. "Honey, are you okay? What's wrong?"
You convinced your mom to let Hazel come over and take care of you. After spending days miserably locked up in your room, missing school, and yearning to see her, you needed her presence. Hazel had arrived earlier that evening, well-prepared with all the essentials. As soon as she received the green light to come over, she stopped by a nearby grocery store to gather cough drops, medicine, tea, soup, a heating pad, and even a new stuffed animal, all to make you feel better.
"I'm fine, Haze," you manage to say before having another coughing fit.
"You don't sound fine. You sound like you're about to hack up a lung," Hazel says, concern etched on her face as she grabs your shoulder and pulls you in for a closer look. You attempt to squirm away from her touch.
"Don't look at me. I'm sick and disgusting," you protest weakly. Hazel chuckles softly. "Yeah, you look super gross right now. So gross that I just need to kiss you so bad," she teases sarcastically, planting a quick peck on your lips.
"Shut up," you reply, though you know there's no real heat behind your words. Hazel is just as lovesick as you are, if not more.
"I'm gonna get you sick," you warn halfheartedly.
"Babe, do you think if I was worried about that, I would have slept next to you for the past seven hours?" she replies, lightly tugging your bare arm back down and placing her lips on your shoulder.
"Seriously," she mumbles against your skin, her kisses tracing a line from your shoulder to your neck. Your head falls to your other shoulder, allowing her access, and you let out a soft sigh.
Her mouth reaches your ear, and she whispers, "Plus, if I get sick too, then we're both stuck in bed together. How terrible." You shove her off playfully, unable to suppress a laugh.
You watch as she gets up off the bed searching for one of the items she bought for you: Vicks Vaporub. She returns to the bed and settles in front of you. You shift closer until you're sitting face to face.
"My body hurts," you say, your frustration becoming more noticeable.
"Shh. I know, baby. I'm gonna try and make it better for you, okay?" she reassures, gently moving your hair out of the way to apply the cool gel on your chest. She carefully pulls down the straps of your tank top, creating a clear working space.
"I promise this will help a little bit, honey."
She opens the jar, dips her fingers in, and applies the rub to your chest with care. The sensation is cold, but oddly comforting. The intense minty smell instantly burns your nose. You watch as she runs her hand from the center of your chest up to your shoulder, squeezing gently when she reaches the top. Her touch is gentle yet firm, sending shivers down your spine.
"This okay? I know it's kind of cold, sorry," she says, dipping her fingers back into the jar for more gel. You can't help but admire the way her ringed fingers dip into the substance. She repeats the same process on the other side of your chest, her fingers gliding slowly across your chest. creating a tingling sensation that spreads warmth beneath your skin.
"Yeah, it's fine. Feels good, actually."
Despite your discomfort, a warm feeling spreads through your stomach as you watch Hazel take care of you so tenderly. As she wipes the small excess of the substance off on her hoodie sleeve, her eyes meet yours, filled with compassion and affection, conveying a silent promise to take care of you.
"I think I'm just really good with my hands," she remarks playfully. You shove her in a half-hearted attempt at retaliation, then surrender and collapse into her, your head buried into her neck with your hands in her lap. Her cold hands grip your waist and start to move up, drawing gentle lines up and down your back with her fingers.
"Thank you for taking care of me," your voice croaks. You sniffle, feeling overwhelmed by gratitude and annoyance at your lingering sickness. Hazel, sensing your frustration, instinctively reaches up to gently wipe away the tears that escape your eyes. Her touch is tender, her eyes filled with love and concern as she softly brushes her thumb against your cheek.
"You don't have to thank me, my love," she whispers, her voice soothing. She wraps you in her arms again, holding you tightly as she maneuvers you both back to lying down. Face to face, you stare into her big blue eyes.
"I hate feeling this way," you admit, your voice laced with frustration. "I just want to get better and go back to normal." Hazel's eyes soften with understanding, and her fingers begin gently caressing through your hair.
"I know, honey.” She says. "I hate seeing you like this too. I promise, first thing tomorrow, I'll take you to the doctor if you want. We'll figure out what's going on, and you'll get the proper help you need."
You find solace in her words, a glimmer of hope in the midst of your frustration. "Thank you," you whisper, your voice cracking with emotion. Hazel smiles, her eyes reflecting unwavering determination.
"Of course," she replies, her fingers tenderly tracing circles on your back. "I'll be with you every step of the way, holding your hand.” In the quiet intimacy of the moment, you look into Hazel's eyes, your gaze filled with deep affection and sincerity.
"I love you," you say, your voice barely a whisper.
Hazel smiles, her eyes softening with the same depth of love mirrored in your own.
"I love you too, more than words can express," she replies, her hand moving down your body to rest on your hip, squeezing it gently.
"You mean the world to me, I literally only ever care about what you are doing or how you are feeling.” She adds.
You both laugh quietly, feeling thankful to have found someone who cares for you so deeply.
"I'm so lucky to have you," you confess, your heart swelling with gratitude. I don't know what I'd do without you." Hazel leans in, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead.
"And I'm lucky to have you too," she murmurs, her voice filled with unwavering devotion. "We're a team, you and I. I mean it.” You share a smile, your gazes locked.
“God we can be so cheesy sometimes,” you remark, letting out a soft laugh.
"Yeah, you love it." She shifts onto her back, pulling you closer and wrapping her arm around you, inviting you to rest your head on her chest.
"Do you feel comfy?" She asks softly.
"Mhm,” you murmur in contentment.
“I’m right here babe, I’m not leaving. I’ll stay with you as long as it takes for you to get better okay? I just want you to sleep well and get some rest now"
You let sleep begin to tug at you, completely content, wrapped in each other's arms, listening to the soft rhythm of Hazel's breathing slowing down.
a/n: Okay this was literally the first fic i have ever written so please forgive me if its god-awful. Also if you enjoyed this wanna send me a request I would seriously be so happy <3
also sorry the formatting on this is kinda weird
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whatamesswehavemade · 2 years
Babysitters in Love- Steve Harrington x Henderson!reader
Requested: Yes
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Pairings: Steve Harrington x HendersonSister!reader
Word Count: 1,948
Warnings: swearing, talks about sex–– not graphic and mainly fluff
Summary: Dating Steve Harrington as Dustin Henderson’s sister has to be a secret–– until it isn’t.
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He grabs your waist and pulls you back into him as you’re trying to leave. You giggle and turn in his arms, looking up into his big, brown eyes. 
You lean up and kiss the underside of his jaw. “Babe, I gotta go. I can’t keep making lies about where I am to my mom and brother.”
Steve rubs his nose against yours. “Babe, Robin or Nance will cover for you. Come on. Stay for just 10 more minutes,” he pleads.
“Stevie, I gotta go.” You grab your bag off his bed. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” You kiss him real quick and run out of the house.
You jump in your car, and before driving away, you see Steve standing in the front doorway, arms crossed, with the biggest grin spread over his face. You sat for a second, staring–– contemplating. I could stay for another 10. What would be the problem? you thought to yourself.
You shake your head at him and put the car in reverse out of his driveway, and start down the street. Then, your walkie starts going off. “Y/N. Do you copy?”
You grab it off the passenger floor and speak into it. “Yes, Dustin. I copy. What’s wrong?” You’re annoyed. He’s going to ask you for something, you know it.
“Where are you? I’ve been trying to get ahold of you, and you haven’t replied. I called Robin’s, and she said you weren’t there.” He sounded worried.
“Oh, I was at Nance’s.” The minute you said it, you regretted it.
There’s a pause. “Nancy? As in, Nancy Wheeler? Mike Wheeler’s sister?”
You have to keep going at this point because backing out looks worse. “Yeah, Nancy Wheeler. Why?”
“I’m at Mike’s right now. I don’t see you here, Y/N.” You can hear one of the other boys snicker in the back. Fuck, they’re all there.
“I was with Nancy, but then I left to the grocery store to grab some stuff, and I’m heading home, Dustin. Is there anything you actually need from me? If not, I’ll see you at home.” You want out of this conversation desperately. 
“I want to know where you’ve been. Why are you lying?” Dustin’s annoyed tone is annoying you.
“Maybe she was with her secret boyfriend,” Lucas chimes in over the walkie, laughing.
“What? What boyfriend?” Dustin is confused.
You roll your eyes and pull into your driveway. “All of you shut up. I’m home. I’ll see you later.”
“But who––” you cut Dustin off by closing the antenna of your walkie. You walk into the house and smile at your mom, who doesn’t say much other than a “Hi sweetie” while she pets the cat and watches TV.
You head straight to your room and lay back on your bed, thinking about your day with Steve. You start blushing, thinking of him kissing you, his hands roaming over your body. Your fingers wrap into his hair. He would pull away and look at you, love drunk and his lips swollen, just to dip back down to kiss you again.
You sigh. Fuck, I wish I had stayed.
Your door slams open, and you jump up. “Where the hell were you?!”
“Dustie, what’s wrong? Why are you yelling?” Your mom sounds horrified by your brother’s outburst.
He’s staring at you, and you give him the look of death. Tell her, and I will murder you, you think. He picks up on it. “Nothing, mom!”
He steps in and closes your door behind him. “Where were you? Who is this ‘boyfriend’ of yours?” Dustin squints at you.
You squint back. “I don’t have a boyfriend. And I told you where I was.”
“Oh yeah? What did you get then?”
“What did you get? From the grocery store?”
You stare at him for a second. You grab your purse and grab out your lip balm. “This. I lost my old one, and I needed a new one.” Luckily, you have barely used this one if he actually wanted to inspect it.
His eyes flicked between you and the lip balm. He huffed, knowing you were lying but didn’t want to continue this fight. He turned to leave, hand on the doorknob, but turned and said, “I may be your little brother, but I’ll still defend you. I’ll kill any guy that looks at you, got that, Y/N?” 
You roll your eyes at his little knight speech. “Yeah, yeah, sure you will.” You’d love to see him find out it’s Steve. Would he really try to fight his favorite male figure?
You skip into Family Video, excited to see Steve to tell him to watch out because of Dustin. You see Robin, who smiles at you. “I’ve got a bone to pick with you, Buckley.”
“Me? What did I do?”
“You couldn’t just tell Dustin that I was with you?”
She’s pointing at you, brows furrowed. “What? And then it turns out you’re dead and the last person to see you is me? Nah, tell me next time you need an alibi, and I’ll be there. Otherwise, I’m freaking out trying to find you too.” 
You roll your eyes and put your hands up in surrender, “Yeah, yeah, OK. I’ll let you know next time.”
Steve comes out from the back and instantly lights up at the view of you. He jogs over to you, grabs your waist, and kisses you.
“Ew, you two need a room. And not the back room.” Robin has a disgusted look on her face.
He rolls his eyes at her and grabs your hand in his, and in his other hand he grabs a few VHS tapes that need to be put away. He leads you into the romance section, drops tapes into their correct places, then turns, grabs your face, and kisses you. Your hands wrap into his hair, pulling him closer. You two are out of view of the front counter and the front window, so no one will see.
You pull away, leaning your forehead against his. “Aw, how romantic, bringing me to the romance section,” you giggle.
“Only the best for my girl.”
He goes to lean back into you for a kiss when the one person you didn’t even think of pops up. “What in the ever living hell is this?!”
You both turn, letting go of each other and putting space between the two of you, staring at Dustin. Because of his yell, Mike, Max, and Lucas come running over to see you two.
“Ha! I told you! I told you she had a secret boyfriend! Who knew it was Harrington, though?” Lucas jokes.
Dustin turns and smacks his arm, then turns his attention back to you and Steve. “Harrington! How could you? My sister?!”
“Hey! They’re cute. Leave them alone,” Max comes to your defense. You two had a great relationship, you were the big sister she never had.
Steve is lost for words, but you start laughing. They all turn to you, looking like you’re crazy. “Oh fuck, sorry, Steve. I forgot to tell you, Dustin said last night he’d ‘defend my honor’ by hurting whoever looks at me. Better get ready for a fight, Stevie.”
“Ew! ‘Stevie’! You even have pet names? Disgusting. How long has this been going on?” Dustin has his hands on his hips. You couldn’t help but keep laughing. You knew he was pissed, but seeing him this mad was funny.
Steve grabs your hand, smiling, and says, “Three months.”
“Three goddamn months?! And no one told me?” 
“Wait, you didn’t even tell me?” Max looks offended.
“No one told you because of this reaction, Dustin. We both knew you’d be pissed finding out we were dating. And Max, I love you, but I knew you’d tell Lucas, who can’t keep his mouth shut and then Dustin would find out.” You’ve calmed your laughter and rolled your eyes.
“But three months? When were you gonna tell me? When I get the wedding invite?” she says, hurt. You wrap your arm around her. You didn’t think of how she’d react.
“You can be my flower girl, Max,” you smile and kiss the top of her head, rubbing her arm.
“You guys are getting ahead of yourselves; chill out,” Steve says, putting his hands up and shaking his head. 
You look at Steve, “What? You don’t wanna marry me?”
“Yeah? Is my sister not good enough for you?” Dustin is defensive.
Steve’s eyes are flicking between the two of you. “What in the hell?”
You start laughing and kiss Steve. “I’m kidding, dummy.”
“Ew, oh god, is this gonna happen all the time now? Fuck I don’t wanna see this,” Dustin coveres his eyes like a child.
“Now you know how I feel, Dustin,” Mike says, putting his hand on his shoulder.
“Thank god I don’t have an older sister for Harrington to try and date,” Lucas laughs.
“Hey, dweebs, I don’t plan on dating anyone else. And Henderson, you don’t have to worry. I’m not planning on hurting Y/N. And if I do, which I won’t, you’re the first person that can beat the shit out of me.” Steve’s pointing at Dustin, giving him the OK. 
You roll your eyes. “Um, no. The first person to beat the shit out of you will be me. Dustin will be second.”
He rolls his eyes. “Fine, the Hendersons can tag team beating the shit outta me. Does that sound good?”
You look at Dustin, who’s smiling at you. “Yeah, sounds good.”
“Wait, I deserve a turn!” Max raises her hand.
“Oh my god, you all get a turn to beat the crap out of me, OK?” Steve ruffles his hair, annoyed. 
“I guess it makes sense. Y/N was always our first babysitter, and Steve became our second. It was only a matter of time before they started dating.” Lucas says, shrugging. He seems the least affected. 
“Great, now we’ll always have two babysitters around rather than just one at a time,” Mike rolls his eyes, walking away and checking out the action aisle. Lucas follows. 
Dustin stares at the two of you for a second. “I swear, I don’t want to know if you two are, but if I find out or walk in on the two of you having sex, I will kill the both of you.”
“Wow, too much, Henderson,” Steve shoves his shoulder.
“No, that’s my sister. It’s not too much.”
“Dustin, it is. Shut up. Go pick out a movie with your friends.” You push him towards his friends.
“Gross. Why is he like that?” Steve asks you.
“I’m not sure. He’s annoying.” You grab his hand and lean into him.
“If it means anything, I’ve been rooting for the two of you to date for a while.” Max pipes up.
“Oh yeah? Why?” Steve asks.
“Because Y/N obviously had a crush on you. She always talked about you and would stare and was definitely jealous of Nancy for a while.” Your eyes go wide and you stare at Max.
“Hey, go check out movies with the boys. Shoo. Go,” you brush her away, and wave your hands at her. She rolled her eyes and walked away.
“Oh, so you were a bit obsessed with me, huh?” Steve wiggles his eyebrows at you.
You smack his chest playfully. “Shut up. I’m still obsessed with you, but at least I know you’re obsessed with me too.” You lean up and kiss him, his hands moving your hips.
“Hey you two! Knock it off!” Dustin yells. Steve doesn’t move from you, he just flips him off and dips you, keeping his lips on you.
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differenteagletragedy · 7 months
I love the story you did of the MC proposing to Derek! I don’t suppose you could bless us with the other scenario, of Derek’s proposal to the MC? Pretty please 🙏?
Yesssss, the Derek love! Of course! Here we go:
One thing about Derek is that if he's going to do something, he's going to take the time to do it right.
So when he decided he wanted to marry you -- or, well, he'd decided he wanted to marry you when you were kids, but when he'd determined it was actually something that could really happen -- he didn't feel the need to rush.
After all, he'd been waiting over ten years for you. He was good at waiting.
By the time he took you for a date at the boardwalk, ring in pocket and raring to, he'd put months into planning his proposal.
First, he'd made a quick trip out to Sunset Bird while you were at work to ask for your parents' permission: he couldn't go forward with his plan without their blessing.
After your moms hemmed and hawed over him and told him that of course he had their blessing, he'd walked across the street to ask Cliff the same thing. Derek knew that you considered him your dad, so it was important to talk things through with him as well. He didn't really imagine the man having anything bad to say, but it was still sweet when he teared up and hugged him.
He talked to Cove about it too, of course, but the next step in his official plan was to reach out to Liz -- he needed to pick out a ring, and he thought your sister might be a good resource for what you might like. She gave him some tips, along with a healthy amount of teasing, then advised him to call Lee, too.
"Lee is going through this crazy phase," you'd told him that night after he spoke to your cousin. "Like she's not even seriously dating anyone but she's all into weddings, she texted me all afternoon about what kind of engagement ring she'd like and what she'd want at her ceremony."
You went on about how she must have gotten into those wedding reality shows, and Derek smiled to himself. The next day, Lee got back to him with the intel she'd gathered.
He took his time shopping, wanting to make the right choice despite how eager he was to put a ring on your finger, but eventually he found one he knew you'd love.
There were several venues that would have felt right for a proposal -- the beach, the park by your house, even the grocery store by your apartment held some special memories. But in the end, the boardwalk won.
"We haven't been here in forever," you told him when you parked.
He stepped out quickly and jogged over to open your door before you had the chance. You smiled at him, then smiled bigger when he reached a hand out to help you up.
"Just when I thought you couldn't be any more of a gentleman," you told him.
"I'm full of surprises," he replied, hoping his nervous laughter didn't give anything away.
You did the usual boardwalk routine -- face-painting (he got his star, and you decided to match with him), rides, games. It was a blast, as always, and every moment made him more sure that he wanted you by his side for the rest of his life.
Finally, you were walking along by the sand, taking a break from all the activity and simply enjoying each other's company. He saw the opportunity, and he grabbed it.
"Hold on, my shoelace is coming untied," Derek said, bending down to fiddle with his perfectly fine laces. "What do you want to do next?"
He watched as you looked around in thought, as he knew you would, and quickly grabbed the ring from his pocket. When you looked back down at him, about to answer, he was there, on bended knee, presenting you with the loveliest ring you'd ever seen.
He'd had a speech planned, a long, elaborate thing to tell you about how much he loved you and how he wanted to spend the rest of his life taking care of you, but in that moment, when he realized that he was finally in this position -- for real, not in his fantasies or with some kind of long timeline or stipulation -- his brain sort of short circuited from the sheer joy of it all. So he kept it simple.
"Will you marry me?"
Derek was strong and solid, but you nearly knocked him to the ground with how hard you threw yourself into his arms. He laughed, wrapping his arms around you as tight as he could without worrying he'd hurt you.
"Is that a yes?" he asked, feeling a few tears welling up in his eyes.
"Of course it's a yes," you told him. "It's always been yes."
He stood up then, pulling you up with him, and he slipped the ring on your finger. He held your hand close to his face, marveling at the site -- not at the ring, he'd spent long enough picking out to have every bit of it engraved in his memory, but at what it meant now that you were wearing it. He glanced over at his own bare ring finger, so thrilled at the thought of his own ring that would tell the world that he was yours.
Then you were back in his embrace. He held you there for a long time as people passed by on the boardwalk, stroking your hair, telling you about how happy you'd made him.
"I'll always take care of you," he said, leaning down for a kiss. "I promise. Always."
You could tell that was an important point for him, but you had to tweak it a bit.
"We'll take care of each other," you corrected. "Always."
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openheart12 · 1 year
High Infidelity
A/N: i had a thought, here we are. another day another dollar or another fic, whatever
Summary: Tony never expected ‘I love you’ to slip from his mouth, especially when they weren’t directed towards Michelle.
WC: 550
He hated days where one of them had the day off and the other didn’t. Michelle was the lucky one today while Tony had to deal with Chloe and Adam constantly bitching at each other. Glancing at the clock, there was only ten more minutes until he would be on his way home. Jack had come up to his office needing help with something when his phone rang.
“Almeida,” he answered, looking over the files Jack had just handed him.
“Hey, it’s me.”
He smiled after hearing her voice. “Hey, sweetheart, what’s up?”
“Don’t forget about dinner tonight.”
“I’m leaving here soon, Jack needs me for something real quick.”
“Okay, love you.”
“Love you too, bye,” he chucked, hanging up the phone.
“Everything okay?” Jack asked, raising his brow.
“Yeah, we’re going over to my parents house for dinner and Michelle was just reminding me not to be late.”
His phone started ringing again and he looked at the caller ID. Before he could answer, she was already talking. “Can you pick up some flowers on your way home? Your parents' anniversary was a few days ago.”
“Sure, I’ll call you when I’m leaving the store.” He and Jack shared an amused glance. “Love you,” he said before hanging up again.
A few minutes later, his phone started ringing again and he answered it. “Honey, I’m about to leave righ-”
“Tony?” He groaned when he heard the all too familiar male voice, that was very much not his wife’s.
“Ryan, what can I do for you?” Jack started laughing after hearing Ryan’s name.
“I’m coming to CTU on Monday and I’m letting you know now.”
“Yeah, thanks. Anything else?” He asked.
“Okay, love you. Bye,” he hung up, not realizing what he had said.
Ryan sat at his desk with his mouth open.
When the realization hit Tony, he groaned while Jack was laughing harder now.
“It sounds like Michelle might have some serious competition,” Jack laughed.
“Shut up,” he grabbed his things and made his way home. Walking through the front door, he found Michelle standing in front of the stove. “What ya doing?”
She turned her head in his direction, “hey honey, how was work?” He shook his head, walking up behind her and resting his hands on her waist. “That bad?” She asked, leaning back against him.
“I told Ryan I loved him.”
She turned around to face him, he had said it so seriously that she didn’t believe him. “You what?”
“I forgot I wasn’t talking to you.” She started hysterically laughing, clutching her stomach. She tried speaking, but could only continue to laugh. “Yeah, yeah, let it out,” he rolled his eyes.
“It’s… just that… you told… ryan… you… loved… him,” she wheezed.
“Aren’t we gonna be late?” He asked, glancing at the clock.
She was wiping at her eyes as she got her breathing under control. “Yeah, I just need to grab my bag. Did you leave the flowers in the car?”
“Shit,” he mumbled. He knew he was forgetting something.
“It’s okay, your mom is gonna enjoy this story more.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“I would,” she smiled.
He shook his head, following her out to the car. He was never going to hear the end of this, not from Michelle or Jack.
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keefwho · 23 days
May 17 - 2024 Friday
This morning I did basic cleaning like picking everything up and vacuuming. Also did my laundry. I asked mom to take me to the store for drinks. Her friend Deb was being real smart today which clearly got on her nerves. She also talked about me like I wasn't there. The guy behind me asked if my Mike's Harders were breakfast so that was kinda funny. At home I fried a teriyaki beef ramen bowl and had a meat stick. I also determined the rodent stinking up my bathroom is an ermine and I need to get a bigger trap for it.
For work I warmed up with some full body poses. Then I did SZ's commission for about an hour and the comic for an hour. I finally made decent progress on SZ's thing. There is some pressure since they are DS's friend and they want to print it out.
After work I looked into how keyframes worked in my video editing software since I'd been confused about it. Its dumb. My dog Sporticus is in heat now and I got her kennel situated with food and water. For lunch I made a turkey sandwich with a kraft singles and onions. I tune into a Twitch stream where he was watching a police shootout video. Nothing graphic. Before work I took a little time for myself. DS DMed saying her medicne withdrawal from the day before was giving her terrible vertigo and I felt worried for her. But she made it home safe and the symptoms wore off.
For afternoon work I joined DVs Discord vc and it was fairly quiet. I finished a pic of my otter in a cage and started another VRchat life study. DS started working on her fursuit so I called and did my VRchat world for like 10 minutes. I did a really quick light bake to see how It'd look and it was good. Then we watched Monster High Boo York Boo York and it might be my favorite so far. Cleo and Deuce are so cute and Ghoulia is still my queen. A LOT happened that movie, and I can't forgot the Ever After High cameo at the end. Shit's crazy. Then we got in VR and DS ranted to me a lot about the current furry drama and how bs it is. I wish I was more involved or could do something but I am not affected by people like this in the slightest. Then we went to catch bug for awhile. We almost found every bug aside from the cicada and lightning bug. That was real fun. Then we joined a furry world briefly and a windows screensaver world. She did something very cute there, making a K+D thing and it was so sweet. Thats the kind of thing I've always wanted to see myself included in tbh. Our last world was the lego star wars diner.
In bed we did our puzzle and failed Connections because it was very stupid today. She fell asleep pretty quickly while I played Monster High. Then I just watched Youtube until bed.
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reedsplice · 2 months
(trigger warnings - guns, sh00ting )
Okay so this was an insane dream I had. (And I thought about writing this at the end of this post, that it was just a dream, but it's pretty crazy so just wanted you to know that it wasn't real xD Btw tumblr wasn't letting me post this so that's why some words are lik3 th1s)
I was at the mall with my sister and don't remember exactly what it was but she did something that upset me, so when she wasn't looking, I decided to take off. I went in a candy store and bought this pink glittery drink. And then I decided to look around the mall. I was at this one store where it was like this kitchen set up, when it all went down.
This guy started shooting everyone. I ducked down behind an island, as he went raid fire, shooting everyone and anything. I tried to slip out but he saw me and I became his next victim. I ducked behind the island as he shot at it continuously. I stayed low while I kept crawling around the island as fast as I could as he kept coming around it, trying to get to me. And then he finally caught up.
He was going to kill me. I was frozen and started in horror, he had the happiest look on his face. He shot the gun but nothing happened. He was out of bullets. For a second I could breathe. But then he darted to his stack of bullets as I tried to run out of the store, but he was too quick. He reloaded and he was going to kill me. But that's when a girl stepped in. She took the gun from him and for a second I thought I was safe. But then she pointed the gun at me. I stared in horror. She smiled and said she wanted to have a little fun with me first. Let's call her Girl 1
Because another girl appears and she looks kind of similar to the first girl. Girl 1 clearly seems like the leader and Girl 2 seems more like her side kick. They make me sit down while they decide what they want to do with me.. (And it only gets worse from there)
I sit down and girl 2 sits down next to me while girl 1 stands in front of the table, looking all smirky at me. She puts down candies and tells me to pick one and read it. I do and based off the candy she decides my fate. She says I have to- (not saying what xD). My eyes are wide and I'm thinking whaaat. The other girl just claps her agreement. Girl 1 makes me get up and follow her and girl 2 walks next to me. I'm trying to think of a way to get out of this, thinking maybe if I just do it, they'll let me live? Or should I try to escape? I decided to try to escape first. I tell the girl I just had a big drink and I have to pee soo bad. Girl 1 allows it but says I have to come right back, and her sidekick says that if I'm not back soon, they'll find me. I speed walk away, free for a minute, heart racing. What am I going to do?? How am I going to escape?? I run into my sister and she's like, "hey, there you are!" And I tell her I have to go and she's confused.
I say, "they're going to kill me". And I'm just speed walking through the mall, hoping my sister will call the cops, and try to find an escape.
Maybe I could jump out a window. I walk into this creepy room and there's this dirty old window that's not far up, and I'm about to try to climb out of it when the girls appear. I'm about to plan a speech like, "oh silly me this isn't a bathroom." But I realized it was a bathroom. I looked down and there was this creepy old toilet with red stuff in it. Blood? I didn't want to know. I'm like, "oh this is a gross bathroom, I'm going to find another one" We leave the creepy room and walk through the mall together. I don't hear what they say because an idea hits me. I suddenly remember- the hand signal. I saw it on tiktok. To let someone know you're in danger. I see this lady with gray hair who looks like the mom in the movie Freaky Friday. I whisper, "help" she's confused and I lift my hand and bend my thumb into my palm and close my fingers around it, the signal that I need help. And then I just hope she understands Meanwhile, I'm still stuck with girl 1 and 2. Girl 2 is very goofy and weird. Girl 1 is all acting like the boss and super serious. I wonder if I pull girl 2 aside, she'll help me escape. She seems nice enough, a little off but she might be my only hope.
We get to a nicer bathroom and girl 1 waits outside while girl 2 and I go in. I start pleading with girl 2 to help me escape and she says we can't and tells me to just follow orders and I'll be fine. I stay in the bathroom stall for awhile, trying to figure out a plan. I come out of the stall and both girls are there. And something is up. I don't know what started it, but girl 1 is sh00ting and I jump into a stall to dodge the bullets. Girl 2 comes in the stall with me and I feel safer with her, I still think she'll help me. But oh, was I wrong. So so very wrong. Girl 2 looks at me, her face twisted into something so sickly evil, inhuman, that I could throw up. She pulls out a knif3 and tries to stab me. I grab her arm and try to push it away, but she's as strong as a robot. The kn1fe inches closer and closer, I realize I'm going to di3, when a gun sh0t goes off. We both turn and girl 1 has a bullet through her heart. I stare in horror, girl 2 just smiles. She's distracted so I get away but girl 2 has her kn1fe at me again and she's going to ki11 me. That's when girl 1 body checks me to the ground. I don't understand why but then I do. I'm under the body of girl 1, when girl 2 looks at us, her face twisted into something sick and evil, like actually, and I realized she's not human at all.
"Humans neutralized" girl 2 says in the creepiest robotic voice. I don't move or breathe, because if I do, she'll realize I'm alive and won't stop trying to ki11 me until I'm d3ad. I realize I was wrong all along. Girl 1 saved me. She d1ed to save me. She sh0t herself and used her body to cover mine so girl 2 would think we were both d3ad. Girl 1 was trying to help me the whole time. She stepped in when that guy almost killed me. Girl 1 saved my life.
And then I woke up
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munchkinmue · 1 year
The hardest time of my life-part 1
Hello my name is Elizabeth and i am a woman in her 30s. I was born in Sweden. I met my husband online in 2011 and we had our online relationship for years till we decided to get met for real in 2017 and get married in 2018.
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Now i live with my husband Adrian and our one year old daughter Mia in the US. I like to do a lot of things like going out and take walks and to go look in stores and maybe stop by a bakery or a food store. And i like to play pc and phone games and reading books. Sometimes i am too nice for my own good and i want to share my bad life experience. It all started when me and Adrian moved to the US after the long migration process. (2021) Since Adrian did not have a job around that time we moved in with his mother and he got a job. The first month was wonderful but then in the second month my MIL (mother in law) started to pick on me and talking behind my back. Around this time i was very unmotivated and anti social but that is something i could not help. Also thinking about my family back in Sweden and the new place i live in now. Everything is new to me and i don't know the area at all. First MIL tells Adrian that he needs to get rid of me because she thinks that i am cheating on him with multiple other guys but Adrian know me so well and tells MIL to not talk like that about me because i would never cheat. After that she starts to give me the evil eye every day and never say good morning to me. This makes me not want to leave the bedroom that much. So she starts randomly walking in to our bedroom without knocking and giving me critic for not cleaning in the kitchen that i rarely touch. Adrian tells MIL that i clean up after myself and to not make a big deal of it. That day they argued about me and i asked Adrian why they fight and he tells me his mom thinks that i still cheat. So i get courage to tell her myself that i would never cheat on Adrian but to response she screams to me to leave her alone and so she runs into her room and slams the door. I get sad and Adrian is making me feel better by watching a movie with me. For many days MIL never looked at me once and did not speak to me like i did something bad. It made me sad. I never did anything wrong and i did not want our friendship to ruin. She really hated me. For no reason. Then Adrian went to work and i was at home not knowing what to do. I decided to be in bed and play a phone game and i fell asleep. I wake up some time later hearing the angry voice of MIL. She stood in the room staring at me with crazy eyes telling me to stop sleeping and clean up what was not my mess. She told me to wash her clothes and to be quick about it. Before she left for work she told me in details what to do. I was very nervous so i said i will. I could not speak up for myself that time. And this was getting worse. I had to start fix her kitchen i never made dirty. I started to ask myself why i had to clean up for her when i already cleaned up after myself. Next time i saw her i asked her why i had to clean up her mess and she responded to me telling me that if i don't she will kick me out and that i can go live with the guys i was cheating on Adrian with. I told her again that i would never cheat on him and i never leave the apartment by myself. She called me a nasty whore and liar with a angry tone and slammed the door before me. I got really sad and started to cry as i was walking back to mine and Adrian's room. He wasn't home. I tried to make myself feel better by watching some funny videos from youtube. This kept going on and every day was almost the same. I lost motivation to clean up after myself because i wasn't happy anymore. And i was not allowed to go outside. She never want to go anywhere with me. Only with Adrian but he refused to go anywhere without me. I felt like cinderella + rapunzel at this point. And MIL told me if i tell Adrian what shes saying to me she will get me in trouble.
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septimore · 2 years
I just woke up from a ... idk a nightmare I guess?
It was a pretty normal dream except my brother and one of his friends I've never met lived in town. My husband was at work or something so my brother was gonna pick me up from my old cell phone store where I was still trying to cancel my plan (that irl I have) and they were gonna take me to the grocery store.
The store was pretty busy and I was in there for hours and another lady had just gotten her baby to stop crying when my brother came in to pick me up. He didn't do anything too bad,but when I say he embarrassed the hell out me-
So I wrap things up quick, didn't finish my errand, and leave. Then in the car on the way to the store I go to call my mom really quick (who my brother is irl living with) and ask her if she needs anything from the store for when she comes to visit. Instead of answering she goes off on a rant about HER brother and all kinds of real family drama and my brother goes into the store, not knowing what we need and leaving me alone with his friend I kinda sorta know.
Dream me just sighs so deep, dude and clenched my teeth
Then I woke up. My family just gave me a stress dream and woke me 30 mins before my alarm and they don't even live in town anymore
Makes me wonder if that's why I don't have insomnia issues anymore. I used to only be able to sleep 4 hours a night
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after-witch · 3 years
Act of Contrition [Yandere Chrollo x Reader]
Title: Act of Contrition [Yandere Chrollo x Reader]
Synopsis: A shimmering blue evening gown was not the last thing you expected to see draped over the sitting chair that was tucked into the corner. What you didn’t expect, however, was his suggestion for you to try it on
Word Count: 3646
notes: yandere, kidnapped reader
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 A shimmering blue evening gown was not the last thing you expected to see draped over the sitting chair that was tucked into the corner. It would certainly not be the first time that Chrollo had brought back something ostentatious, something glittering and expensive; something that you (if you were to psychoanalyze him, which you did, out of anxiety first and boredom second) would guess he wanted you to admire before it disappeared into the ether like so many other things he’d pilfered over the past few months.
What you didn’t expect, however, was his suggestion for you to try it on. 
At first you thought you’d misheard, your brain still pulling itself out of a dull, listless sleep. You had argued with him the night before, and the space between you on the bed was thick and heavy with tension until you had finally slid headlong into sleep. Surely he wouldn’t try to give you a gift after you spend most of the evening reminding him that you’ll never love him, or even like him, much less feel one iota of happiness in his presence.
But then he repeated the suggestion.
“Why?” Your tone is borderline acidic, and you don’t feel the need to hide your suspicion of his intentions.
Your captor had no doubt become well-acquainted with your nastiness over the months, though he rarely reacted to it with more than a tight expression, if he even gave you that. Sometimes he simply ignored you, as if you were a child having a tantrum, not his kidnapped victim.
In some ways, it was a surprising relief. In some ways, you could consider yourself lucky. Considering his abilities, considering his past, considering what he did when he left you alone in the condo or hotel or wherever he had you situated--he might well be the type to slap the attitude off your face, gentlemanly facade be damned. He could do worse than a slap, too; far worse.
But the months had gone on with only pointed sighs and looks; and despite his rationally stated insistence that you would give in to his attentions in time, you held onto your bitterness as tightly as you could. You prized yourself on it, the way you figure that he prizes his most precious steals.
He sometimes comes back with glittering jewels worth calculable fortunes, laying them out to see the way they look when the moonlight filters in through the open curtains. He doesn’t keep them for long, doesn’t display them, just memorizes their magnificence and then whisks them off.
You can relate to the gloating. But you don’t give your greatest treasures away. You, on the other hand, wear your bitterness 24/7 like an old woman clinging to her last precious mink coat, a remnant of an era gone-by. Draped over your shoulder, haughty and visible, daring him to say something when you give him a sarcastic jab in response to perfectly-polite-inquiries about this and that. The worst (but best, you think, to you) is when you feign interest in a conversation, feign some sort of acceptance of your situation, willing your hands to get closer to his as you sit on the sofa and read; only to snap back at the last moment, baring your teeth.
You hope it hurts him, to think he’s getting an inch forward with you only to have it pulled away. He deserves it for keeping you here.
Sometimes, you almost hope he would say something, do something, only because it might be a sort of reprieve. If he gets mad or slaps you, even, maybe the solid, sticky bitterness surrounding your heart might abate just a bit.
Then again, you know this saying very well: be careful what you wish for.
“I need to see if it fits.” His expression and tone haven’t changed. Polite, cordial, matter-of-fact. You hate it.
You force yourself out of bed and give the gown a glance before heading into the bathroom. He follows, picking up his own morning routine as you wash and brush side-by-side. You think he does it to seem domestic, in his own fucked-up way. You pointed this out, once, and he’d merely given you a small smile and asked: “Do you want to this to be domestic?”
Chrollo had a habit of turning your impulsive snark around on you, so you tried to plan your barbs out more carefully in the future.
“Why do you need to see if it fits?” You finally ask, words a bit muffled by the toothbrush hanging out of your mouth. You force yourself to glance at him in the mirror. He’s finished, already drying off his face, pinning a wrap around his forehead.
He catches your gaze in the mirror, and you feel too caught to look away.
“For tonight. We’re going to the theater.”
The toothbrush drops from your mouth and lands next to the sink, splattering lathered toothpaste on the counter. You wipe your mouth with a washcloth, missing a bit and not caring, and physically turn away from the mirror so you’re face-to-face.
“Are you serious?”
For the moment, your bitterness slides off, forgotten on the floor. He’s never offered to do something like this before. Sure, he’s mentioned that you might go out--”it depends on  your behavior”--but the thought of “being good” for Chrollo made you sick to your stomach every time you were tempted. So you hadn’t been outside for months, not really--the brief gaps when he’d whisk you into a car, always by his side, then pull you into a new hotel or luxury condo didn’t really count.
He nods.
“Yes. Please do hurry and try it on, I’ll need time to find another if it isn’t suitable.”
You glance out of the bathroom door and back into the bedroom, where the gown sits, draped, shimmering softly in the morning light. It’s something you never would have been able to afford before--and the thought of wearing it now makes your skin tingle. What is his plan? Why is he doing this?
“But I haven’t been good,” you say, almost spitting out the last word. Last night, in fact, you’d been almost beastly--you recall the words “go fuck yourself” and “I hate you” being thrown out before you twisted in the knife by bringing up an ex-fling.
He laughs, quick and harsh. It seems like a real laugh, for once, and something in your chest twists. It’s been a long time since you’ve heard anything truly authentic from him. Or yourself.
“Maybe it’s a reward for me, to have you by my side.  You want to go, don’t you?”
The thought makes your stomach clench. But… you did want to go. Really. To get out of here, even for a night? To get sucked into some type of show, whatever it was? You didn’t entertain the idea of trying to escape or draw attention to yourself for help--you knew Chrollo would never suggest taking you if it was a viable option. He was just as likely to slaughter the entire theater if you whispered to an usher that you were being held captive.
No, no escape in the cards… at least not physically.
You shrug your shoulders and try to seem nonchalant about it, though you’re sure he can feel the way your skin is buzzing.
“Sure, whatever. Don’t expect me to hold your hand or anything.”
He laughs, again. It’s blatantly false this time.
It has been… a while since you’ve done your makeup. The pile of messy makeup wipes on the counter can attest to that--this is now your third try at a full face without messing something up. Thankfully, the third time has been the charm, and you’re satisfied with the reflection in the mirror. Chrollo had turned up your old makeup bag, and sliding on the eyeliner you used to wear to work, out with friends, in your old life felt surreal and comforting at the same time.
You’ve even done your hair, though it could be nicer. You haven’t bothered with anything but hasty brushing in the past few months, and sometimes you’re too lethargic and frustrated to even bother with that. But it’s styled, a bit elegant--if you do say so yourself.
You glance down at the trio of lipsticks he set on the counter earlier. They’re not a brand you ever wore--they’re expensive, something out of reach for anyone used to pulling cheap store lipsticks out of a bin. The center lipstick is a bold red, and your hand reaches for it. Brief memories of your mother gushing about red lipstick come to mind; she always associated red lipstick with elegance, the fanciest of events, and you’re inclined to agree. It feels smooth, impossibly so; praise be to expensive formulas.
After blotting it with toilet paper--old habits--you step back to stare at yourself in the mirror. The dress fits you beautifully. The fabric is soft, refined, showing you off in all the right places. You’ve taken your time with your hair, your makeup, and you really do look nice. You bring your wrist up to your nose and sniff--the perfume Chrollo had picked out for you was elegant, subtle. Rose petals and apples and white musk.
You feel a wave of nostalgia come over you that you push down. It’s too bad you’re going to the theater with your captor and not with your friends. Or your mom.
“Are you finished?” His voice calls from the bedroom.
The thought of Chrollo seeing you like this makes you feel uncomfortably anxious for reasons you can’t quite pinpoint. The gown is not exactly risque, but it’s designed to highlight your features--and while he has never crossed the hardest line in regards to your personal autonomy, he wasn’t beyond stealing kisses from your unwilling lips when the mood struck him. He said it was to help you adjust to the relationship, as if kissing you against your will would make you love him.
You don’t answer him and instead give your hair a final touch up before heading out the open bathroom door.
Chrollo is standing next to the vanity, wearing an elegant suit, primped and polished--and handsome. You can’t help but freeze in place when he gives you a once-over, slow and deliberate.
“You look beautiful,” he says, finally, a slight breathiness to his voice. There’s an authentic tone to his voice again, and it makes you feel queasy.
You try to ignore the way your skin feels heated and shrug, crossing your arms over your chest as you approach him.
“Are we going now?”
He gives a soft smile. “Almost. One more thing.”
You watch curiously as he pulls out a jewelry box from his pocket, then opens it to reveal two glittering sapphire earrings. You can’t hold back a little gasp, but when you reach for them, Chrollo holds the box out of reach.
“I’ll do the honors.”
You want to say no. But you’re so close to leaving, so you simply stare to the side as he steps behind you.  He touches your ear--and you flinch. He chuckles quietly and you ignore the blossoming heat across your cheeks, both from his closeness and your reaction, while he fixes the earrings into your ears.
When he’s finished, you look up. The visage in the mirror seems like a familiar stranger. The feeling you get at seeing yourself so dressed up is familiar in some way. You think back to going to shows with your friends, or going to the ballet with your mom; your little ring-clad hand gripping hers as she hurried you past alleys on the way to the theater, your sparkling white party dress shedding glitter onto the streets. You can practically feel the way the theater always hums with anticipation, the unusual heaviness of feeling alone in a crowded room as your friends left you with the tickets while they grabbed a drink or two.
The sight of Chrollo behind you in the mirror, watching you with clear intent, breaks you away.
“We’re leaving now.”
“I… actually really like The Sleeping Beauty ballet.”
You feel awkward. It’s certainly not the first time you’ve been in a car with Chrollo, whether your forcibly pressed against him in the back seat or in the front, blasting the radio in an attempt to prevent him from striking up a conversation as he drives you to some new destination.
But it’s the first time you’ve been in the car for reasons other than transporting you to a new ‘home.’ The first time that you’ve both been dressed up; Chrollo’s cologne wafts gently over to you, and you can’t deny that he knows how to pick a good scent.
It’s also the first time you’ve felt conversation to be a necessity, if only to find out where you were going (the opera house) and what you were seeing (a ballet).
In fact, the news of the performance makes you sit up straighter in your seat. You feel a ping of excitement, and without thinking you share it out loud.
“That’s actually the first ballet I ever saw with my mom. Do you know what company it is?”
He tells you, and you bite your lip anxiously, squaring your shoulders against the back of the seat as you start to imagine the night ahead. Then you remember the smooth red lipstick and force your mouth to relax.
You talk, instead, to keep yourself from ruining your lipstick with your nervous habit. “I’ve heard about this company’s version. Well,” you continue, “I wanted to see them perform this a few years ago, but tickets sold out so fast. I couldn’t afford the scalper prices.”
“How nice that I have tickets for this performance, then.”
“Right!” Your pitch is higher and you internally cringe. You shouldn’t sound so excited. You glance at him from the corner of your eye, but he seems focused on the road.
As the drive continues, you keep talking. Without realizing it, your voice becomes lighter, easier, and even you don’t know why you’re speaking so freely. You talk more to him on this stretch of road than you have within months, sarcastic replies and bitter responses notwithstanding. 
You talk about ballet. You talk about the history of the show. You talk about this company’s costumes--you saw them displayed in a store window and wow, were they gorgeous--and as the words come out, you feel lighter. Less bogged down by your protective anger, less heavy and hateful.
It’s something that you haven’t felt in a long time. It’s a feeling that your stomach rebels against, not welcoming the sudden intrusion of lightness and lift while you’re sitting in a car next to your captor. But you push your stomach’s rebellious nature down and force yourself to remember that tonight,  you get to escape onto the stage; for a little while, you can be somewhere else.
Even being in the car tonight is doing wonders for you, you think. You must be getting close--the lights of the city are brighter and there’s throngs of nicely dressed people walking down the street towards what you realize is the theater. You see a little girl holding a woman’s hand and your stomach clenches in bitter nostalgia, but the thought is pushed aside quickly enough when Chrollo pulls into a valet circle.
You don’t have time to open the door before he opens it for you, extending his arm like a gentlemen.
You’re buzzing on the way home. Not just from the champagne--three glasses, Chrollo having subtly waved away the usher approaching your opera box with your requested fourth. Not just from the show, which was magical and lush and everything you hoped it would be. Not just from the fact that you had a night out, away from the stuffiness of whatever luxury suite you were trapped in.
But from the thrill of feeling something, anything, other than your own deep despair and bitterness. You laughed in delight at the sillier moments, the bright-yellow Canary fairy and her trills; you cried at Aurora’s pleading vision to be set free, the first time you’ve cried at something other than your own situation in ages; you clapped and even, in the end, let yourself shout out a cheery “Brava!”
Even Chrollo seemed different during the evening. No forcible hand-holding or other niceties that had given you anxiety earlier in the evening. No unbearable condescension, only the hint of a smirk during the intermission when you--instinctively, you insisted to yourself, not because you liked his company--began an excited conversation about the events of the first Act. Did he like this part? What about the orchestra? And oh, this variation, didn’t he think it was a bit too overdone on the part of the dancer, but she more than recovered by the end?
When Chrollo helps you out of the car into the private parking garage, the air is cool and crackling; everything still feels electric, the way it always does when you come home from an event. Though as the doorman opens the private elevator leading to the condominium above, you dimly remind yourself you’re not coming home, exactly.
The swift ride up the elevator leaves you feeling dizzy. Your mind feels like it’s crashing, suddenly. From the champagne, maybe--but something else, too.
The elevator doors open into the condo suite you share with Chrollo and it hits you as you take the first step inside: you’re back to where you started the night. Trapped. The transporting, glittering events of the evening fall off your shoulders like a worn coat; you’re left once again only with yourself, with your present situation--and with Chrollo.
Your cheeks feel hot and you know the tears are coming before you feel them prickle at your eyes. The urge to wipe them away is masked only by the remembrance that you’re wearing makeup, but that doesn’t stop it from running as they begin to flow down your cheeks.
It burns, and you start for the bathroom, intent on scrubbing your face and ripping off the dress--but your entire body jerks back as Chrollo grabs your arm and prevents you from taking another step.
“Let go,” you say, voice empty of anything but the desperate need to be in the bathroom, to clean your face, to be alone with your returning misery.
He doesn’t. Instead, he pulls you back, forcing you to stand up straight as you fruitlessly fight against his grip.
“You’re crying.”
“I don’t need you to tell me that,” you murmur, voice edged not with bitterness this time, but sorrow. You don’t want to look at him. He’s seen you cry countless times, but you hate the way he looks at you when you do.
“Tell me why.”
You finally force yourself to look up at him, eyes blinking away the stinging tears, and you’re not surprised by his intensive gaze. He’s studying you. Analyzing. Like you’re some sort of book he can read and discover.
Maybe the champagne has loosened your tongue; maybe the night itself has loosened the tight-lipped hold your bitterness has on you. Whatever it is, you confess.
“I was happy,” you say, voice wobbling with tears. “I was--happy on the way there. I was happy at the theater. I was happy on the way home. I--I haven’t…” you rub at your eyes, smearing eyeshadow onto your fingertips. “I haven’t felt that way in months. And now we’re back and I don’t feel it anymore.” Your voice finally cracks with your last words, and you cover your eyes with one hand as crushing feelings of sadness sweep over you.
He pulls you closer to him, and you can’t fight away from his physical strength.
“Let go,” you plead. “I just want to be alone.”
You jerk your face away when he strokes your cheek with his free hand.
“Alone? Whatever for? My hypothesis for tonight was correct.”
His words make you stop pulling. Hypothesis? You sniffle and try to get your bearings, try to brace yourself. But you’re tired, and sad, and your head is swimming.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
He places his free hand on the back of your head and leans in closer. The heat of his skin and the pressure of his grip makes a flushed warmth bloom across your skin.
“You see,” he whispers, his lips ghosting against the side of your ear. “You can be happy with me, after all.”
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I'm sorry for adding on to your pile of requests but I just wanted some family fluff with sbi where all of the siblings are having fun on a road trip or vacation
I don't know if that's specific enough for you if you want a little more detail maybe they're just being really dumb and making stupid videos with each other because that's something my sister and I do a lot
(A/N): I hope you don’t mind that I added Kristin and Tubbo (BASED ON THE CHARACTERS, NOT ACTUAL PEOPLE). Real life AU btw (no covid tho)
Okokok so this is deadass something Philza and Kristin is both dreading and looking forward to
1. They love spending time with their family especially now since yall are getting older and don’t spend as much time together anymore/getting ready to fly the coop
2. Have you met the SBI fam? Chaos incarnated.
After packing, yall set out on your trip to the hotel yall rented for a week or so (about an eight hour drive away from the house)
You and your twin Tommy 100% smuggle Tubbo underneath all of the luggage and a blanket
You’ll just ask them for forgiveness when you’re about halfway through
It’s easier to ask for forgiveness than permission 
Wilbur and Technoblade catching you hiding the stowaway and blackmailing you both into doing their chores for a few week 
Seating: Phil and Kristin in the front, Tech and Wil in the middle, You and Tommy in the back, and Tubbo in the trunk (it’s a mom van)
Before getting too far into the trip, a gas station is raided for snacks and drinks
Philza raising a brow at the amount of food you and Tommy get 
Philza’s eyes were torn off from the refrigerator in front of him by his wife lightly nudging him. Looking at her in question, she raised her eyebrows and pointed at their youngest kids. It looked like they were just looking at the Monster drinks, so why- oh god the last thing he needed was two already hyper teenagers hopped up on Monster trapped in a car for eight hours. Before he could go over there to stop them, Kristin grabbed his arm. 
“They’re up to something. Listen to what they’re saying.”
He strained his ears to hear what you both are whispering to each other. “...e like this flavor?”
Tommy shrugged, “I dunno. I’ll text him.”
As Tommy texted someone, Phil looked back at his wife. She wore a similar wary expression as they both stared at each other. He nodded in confirmation, “definitely. How do you reckon we confront them?”
He watched as his wife thought for a moment before she sighed and looked at him with a hint of excitement in her eyes, “let’s wait to see. It might be a pleasant surprise.” 
“What? Are you mad?” He eyed his youngest gremlins once more. It seemed that they finally decided on a flavor and are now moving on to the snack portion. He looked back at his wife and felt his heart skip a beat at the small grin on her face. “...fine. Let’s just see what they’re doing after they do it.” Oh, the things he does for love.
He kept a very close eye on you two after that 
You both are on your phones for longer than usual
Texting Tubbo so that he wasn’t lonely 
Tubbo has fun with hiding too, never being bored at all
The only thing that he (and you and Tommy) struggled with was holding in his laughter
You jumped as you felt someone gently slap your shoulder. Turning around, you saw Tubbo’s hand peeking over the backs of the seats. You glanced at your parents in the front seats, they were deep in conversation. Good. You saw Tommy stifle a laugh and pull out his phone to record. 
Tubbo made grabby hands at something but you didn’t know what he wanted, so you decided to mess with him a bit. Smirking, you put your earbuds in his hand. It snaked back underneath the blanket before he threw it back at you and did more intense grabby hands. You put your metal water bottle in his hand. He did the same thing before he threw it back at you. It collided with your forehead with a loud bong sounding throughout the car. Tommy started to laugh loudly and ended the video. You followed suit in the laughter as Tubbo’s hand froze midair and quickly slinked back into his lair.
All noise in the car came to a halt as they all looked behind them (well, Phil glanced through the rearview mirror suspiciously) to see you and Tommy laughing your asses off with you holding your forehead. Through blurred vision, you could see Kristin looking at you with worry and Techno and Wilbur looking confused and mildly annoyed.
“(Y/n) honey are you alright? What happened?” You opened your mouth to respond, but only wheezes came out making you laugh harder. You could hear Tubbo silently cackling to himself in the back, the blanket shaking slightly. Without being able to speak, you only nodded your head and gave her a thumbs up. 
Tommy sent the video into the siblings' group chat and you could see over Wilbur’s shoulder as he watched it before starting to cackle and save the video to his phone. Even Techno got a good chuckle out and saved it to his phone making Phil and Kristin even more suspicious. Well, Kristin was just excited for what you two (four? Was Techno and Wilbur in on it as well?) had planned. Phil could just imagine the chaotic things you had planned. And he did not like what came to his mind.
When the rest stop came eventually (about three hours into the trip), you all left the car to stretch your legs and take care of business
Taking separate ways to walk in pairs (same person they sat next to in the car)
You and Tommy wait until Phil and Kristin leave before getting Tubbo out of the trunk
You three vibe walking along the winding sidewalks for a bit before you come back to the car and get Tubbo back into the trunk
You, however, forgot to use the bathroom so you leave Tommy and Tubbo in the car 
“Fuck, I forgot to use the bathroom. I’ll be right back.”
“Be quick, I’m not fuckin telling em if we forget you.”
“Pfft, they won’t forget me. Stop joking around.”
With that, you left the car and made a beeline to the bathroom. After that, you went back to the car. Well, where the car was supposed to be. There was no sight of a van anywhere in the parking lot. That asshole, he just let them drive off? He and Tubbo’s probably giggling to themselves in the backseat like school girls. You were only gone for like eight minutes. 
Sighing, you walked over to a nearby bench and sat down, pulling up Techno’s contact and calling him. 
He picked up after a few rings. The second you heard the dial tone stop, you spoke to him, “check the backseat.”
“What? You’re taking a nap, why’re you calling me I’m literally right in front of you.”
“Just fuckin check, Tech.”
In the background, you could hear Tommy snickering to himself. You heard some rustling before Techno started laughing, “Dad, we left (y/n) at the rest stop.”
You could hear loud laughter from your brothers and muffled cursing from Phil. You heard Kristin tell Techno to hand her the phone. 
“We’re so sorry, we’re turning around right now. We’ll be there in about five minutes. Stay in one place and don’t talk to strangers.”
“I dunno Mom, that trucker looks really friendly. Might do some hitch hiking with him.”
You ended up befriending an old lady when she sat next to you on the bench with her husband. She even gave you some butterscotch and those strawberry hard candies that all older people somehow have but you can never find in stores. Her husband was telling you stories about his younger days when you saw the familiar van pull into the parking lot. Waving goodbye, you thanked them and hopped back into the car. 
After profuse apologizing from your family and scolding Tommy for tricking them, you were on the road again. You glared at Tommy with a small smile on your face, “you fuckin prick. Did you seriously make it look like I was sleeping under a blanket?”
“Yeah, I told you that I wouldn’t tell them if we forgot you.”
“You fuckin dick,” you grabbed a few butterscotches and strawberry candies and handed some to Tubbo after ensuring your parents weren’t looking. He took them gratefully and quickly. You heard him whisper a ‘thank you’ and opened them with plastic crinkling. 
“Wha- are those butterscotches? Gimme some.” He was about to snatch them out of your hands before you moved away from him. “No, you left me at the rest stop. You don’t get any. Do you guys want some? I’ve got butterscotches and strawberry candies.”
After you handed them out to your family, Phil looked at you confused in the rearview mirror, “(y/n), where’d you get these?”
“Oh, I just made some friends with an old couple while I was waiting.”
“You what? What if they kidnapped you?”
“Naw they couldn’t’ve. Ethel has hip problems and Charles was in a wheelchair. They were chill anyway.”
“...Just- just don’t do that again.” “Well don’t forget me again at a rest stop three hours away from home and you got yourself a deal.” 
After a while the family was chill again and everything was back to normal
It was getting closer and closer to when Tubbo would make his reveal
You three agreed that Tubbo would just wait for the perfect time 
That time came about three hours later when Phil and Kristin was asking everybody where they should stop for food
“So kids, we have three options: McDonalds, Wendy’s, and Arby’s. What do you want?”
“Wendy’s is obviously the superior choice.” Tommy proclaimed and you nodded in agreement. You leaned back and whispered to Tubbo, “now would be a great time.” You pulled out your phone to discreetly record the front seat. 
“No it isn’t. Arby’s is you heathens.” Wilbur chimed in, glancing at his twin for back up. Techno shrugged, “I’m fine with anything as long as it’s edible.”
“I’m more of a fan of Wendy’s myself!” Tubbo’s muffled voice chimed in from his makeshift hut in the trunk. You snickered as Kristin whipped her head around to look at the back seat and Phil’s eyes snapping up to look at you through the rearview mirror. 
“Hi Mrs. Tommy and (y/n)’s mum!” You flipped the camera around just in time to catch Tubbo poking his head out of the blanket and grin sheepishly at them. You panned over to Tommy’s ruby red face as he was holding in his laughter before flipping it back to the front. 
“You absolute gremlins, this is what you’ve been hiding?” Phil scolded you and Tommy, his knuckles whitening from gripping the steering wheel. You could see his shoulders bouncing slightly with a slight strain in his voice from holding in chuckles. 
“Honey, have you been in the trunk this entire time?” 
“Yeah, but it’s quite comfy back here! Tommy and (y/n) gave me pillows and some snacks. Got some stretching done at the rest stop.”
“You’ve been back there for six hours?” Phil’s incredulous voice asked. 
“Yep! Don’t worry, I had a lot of room. Anyways, my vote goes to Wendy’s.”
The car was quiet before Kristin started to laugh, “Wendy’s it is. See Phil, I told you it was gonna be a pleasant surprise!”
Tubbo sat between you and Tommy in the backseat for the rest of the trip 
Techno and Wilbur saying that they knew Tubbo was back there but left out the blackmail part
There was no way they’d risk losing their little siblings doing their chores for them for a few weeks
At the hotel, the rooming was the same as the seating in the car
You, Tommy, and Tubbo having the time of your lives alone in your hotel room
Jumping on the beds, checking for hidden cameras and double sided mirrors (well, that doesn’t sound fun, but you had fun doing it), truth or dare, racing each other down the halls at night time, the works
B L A N K E T  F O R T S (but always cleaning up the hotel room in the mornings bc yall are respectful to the staff)
Getting plenty of videos of you guys ding dong ditching Techno and Wilbur’s room
Them getting tired of it so they tell Dadza and Momza and they tell you to stop : (
Walking around aimlessly around the hotel hallways with Wilbur and Techno
Going up and down elevators aimlessly 
Pulling an all nighter with Tommy and Tubbo on the last day
Philosophical late night talks when yall hardly know what you’re saying anymore (and becoming closer than ever before)
“Tommy, Tubbo?” You three were currently sitting on the balcony chairs looking out at the empty parking lot and the occasional cars driving by. It was about three in the morning and you guys were determined to stay up all night. “If you think about it, a hotdog is puréed meat in an intestine casing. When we eat the hotdogs, we turn it back into puréed meat. It eventually goes through your intestines which makes you the hotdog for a solid couple of hours.”
“...What the fuck, (y/n).”
“No no, they’ve got a point. Don’t you understand, Tommy? We are hotdogs.”
“...I’m starting to think you guys need sleep. Speakin nonsense.”
“Do you two reckon we’re alone in the universe?”
“What do you mean, Tubbo?” You glanced at the male next to you and raised an eyebrow. He was looking up at the stars with furrowed brows. 
“Like, do you guys think there’s life out there. Looking down at us right now wondering the same thing.” 
You hummed and looked up at the stars. They were twinkling down at you with the occasional shooting star blazing by. Red lights from far off satellites being the only visible sign of humans in the dark expanse of space. “I think so. I mean, nobody knows how big the universe is. You never really know.”
“Honestly I don’t know what’s scarier, being the only lifeforms and being completely alone or having things out there that we don’t know about.” 
You sling an arm over your twin’s shoulders, “that doesn’t matter. As long as we have each other, we’ll never be alone. We’ll face whatever the universe has in store for us together.”
“I don’t know, I just hate it when people only see me as the loud annoying one. It really gets to me sometimes and I don’t know what I should do about it. Fuck, even Wil and Tech see me like that.”
“Toms, fuck them. They don’t know you like we do. You’re caring, ambitious, and brave.” 
“Yeah, don’t listen to what they say. We’ll prove them wrong when we form our own nation one day.”
Tommy’s sullen expression slowly melted into a smile, “yeah, I’d like that. You’d be the president.”
Tubbo grinned back at Tommy, “and you’ll be my trusty vice president and (y/n)’ll be our Secretary of State. We’ll rule together.”
“Our nation would be a place for people to escape tyranny and injustice. Somewhere where men could live free, you two would be amazing leaders.”
“What do we call it though is the question,” Tubbo hummed in thought.
“How about ‘Manberg’?”
You looked at your twin with half lidded, exhausted eyes, “I like it, but it needs more… pizazz. How about L’manberg?”
You watched as he smiled widely at the stars, “it’s perfect.”
Watching the sunrise together on the balcony wrapped in blankets
Sleeping on the rest of the way back home
Best sleep of your life
When you wake up (about an hour or so away from home), you see that there’s blankets over you three and you had your head on Tubbo’s shoulder, Tubbo had his leaned up against the seat behind him, and Tommy’s cheek was squished against the window
You stretch out your limbs a bit trying not to disturb the two beside you
Checking your phone to see pictures of you three sleeping sent into the family group chat with Kristin replying with a bunch of heart emojis
You send the videos and pictures you took along the way of you, Tommy, and Tubbo doing stupid things in the hotel room and in the car
If you looked in the middle row, you could see Wilbur watching the scenery pass by out the window with his earbuds in
Techno is reading one of his books (you have no idea how he doesn’t get car sick)
Phil and Kristin are talking lowly to each other holding hands on the center counsel 
Soft radio music is playing in the background
Life is good
General taglist (comment if you want to be added):
@crybabyjabby  @izzybobizzy13  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @bunnyz-pxstel  @averytiredfanfictionwriter  @dcml04  @sparkling-gayyyy  @bbigbbrainn  @thaticecreambish  @kiinokochii  @satansphatass  @bxkubitch  @bxmentchildxx  @roxy3457  @montygator17  @feverish-dove  @the-fictionwriters-hairdo  @jichuuchaeng  @404rynnotfound  @luluwinchester  @laura--444  @the-cult-classic-bitch  @youngstarfishdinosaur  @nottheotheruser
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honeydew-mel0n · 3 years
Can I request Vergil chaperoning his daughter at her prom dance? Thank you! 🙏🏼
So, remember what I said about writing a semi-soft Dadgil? I got really excited to write Dadgil (that isn't the fucking dadV sequel) and this concept is so funny to me but,,,,,, this was a little difficult. I don't actually know anything about dads, or prom.
But!!!!! Thanks for the request!
Dad!Vergil × Daughter! Reader (chaperoneing her junior/senior prom)
Last Dance of the Night
Tumblr media
“Are you sure you can’t do it?”
You whisper into the mouthpiece of the phone, shooting glances up the stairs, being able to catch a glimpse of your father straightening himself up in the hallway mirror. “No can do, I know it’s really important, and I'd love to be there but- Hey!” 
You jolt back at the sound of your brother's voice through the phone, once again looking up the stairs to check if he heard the loud squabbling coming through the phone. He’s frozen in place, trying to assess something. Before pushing back his hair.
“Anyway, look Bug, I can't. I'm busy.” A sigh leaves your lips as your shoulders slump. “You’re useless.” “HEY-” 
You hang up, quickly dialing another number on the rotary. You listen to it dial, half expecting him not to pick up, but it clicks and there's a hefty sigh from the other end. “Devil May Cry.” “Hey, Uncle Dante. I, uh, need your help.” “What happened?”
You tap your foot on the carpet. “Sooooo, prom being tonight, I checked the list of parent chaperones who signed up. And…. Dad's name was there.” There’s silence on the other end for a good minute before a roar of laughter. “Please, you could show up for him, and don’t even have to stay. Sign in, then sneak out the back door. They’ll see that you’ve already signed in and won’t let him in.” 
As the laughter continues on and your hope dies, why did you ever think you could rely on your family? The hair on the back of your neck shoots straight up. Oh no. You slam the phone down and turn on your heel. Trying your best to pull a smile that didn’t show how scared you are. 
“Hey dad.” His face is blank, there’s no sign of anger. “It’s getting late, shouldn’t you be on your way already?” You nod, swallowing hard and trying to find an excuse.
“Just made a quick call to Nero. Big day, he’s really excited for me. I really should get going though…” He just nods, wrapping a lace shawl around your shoulders. You drop the nervous smile and a real one forms, his thumb rubbing the fabric gently. “You look lovely.”
“Thanks Daddy.” You hop onto your tiptoes, and he leans down just slightly. You press a kiss to his cheek. 
You slip out the front door waving a goodbye, knowing full well he was watching you from the window. It didn’t take much power walking to escape his view before ducking into your date's porch. Quickly checking to see if you were followed before you decided to knock. 
Their mom opens the door, a delighted smile splits her face. “Oh my gosh Honey! You look so pretty!” She welcomes you in, taking you to their living room. Quickly hurring off to get her child. Looking over their happy family photos you smile melancholy. 
There are loud footsteps, and your date stops abruptly, jaws going slack. “Wow…”
You both wave goodbye to their mom as you walk to the overcrowded gym. The staff stand in a row on each side of the door, screaming and cheering as all of the students make their ways inside. 
You cringe as teachers in their 40’s fake enthusiasm, their only real joy being that most of you will soon either be gone for the summer and the others leaving at the end of the year and be some college professor's problem. Your eyes scan the room before ducking behind a wave of people. “*Babe, what the hell?” “My dad.” 
Their eyes widen as they look through the crowd, finding him quickly before returning their gaze to you. “Why didn’t you tell me before?” your face warms. “I was caught up in the moment!” You two try to walk casually to a table and sit down.
God the decor was bad.
If you’ve ever seen the 70’s version of Carrie, where the prom decor was aggressively cheap and 70’s… That, but worse. The gym still smells like last week's basketball game, and no plug in air freshener is going to erase that. 
Kinda smells like your uncle's shop. 
You both keep your heads down. “What did you tell him?” “Last week I told him that I didn’t have a date, and that I was going with a group of friends because we all couldn’t get dates.” They narrow their eyes. “Babe, why?”
“He pretends he doesn’t but… he worries a whole lot about me. I knew he’d stalk you if I told him the truth. But hey, you aren't a boy, so maybe he won’t react badly.” Their eyes widen and you shiver, it’s that icy stare you know all too well. They swallow, before straightening their collar. “What about our plan to sneak out?” 
You look around at the four different doors. “We’ll find a way, give it an hour.” 
“I figured out a way to get out, but I do want to dance with you first. I just need to use the bathroom first, wait for me, okay?” you nod and watch as they walk past a crowd of people and seemingly disappear.  
The lights dim and time passes, things eventually become more lax. You wanted to move around to try and get a escape path (and to experience what you can of prom), but your date refuses to get up at all, especially to dance and make something of the time you have.
They clear their throat and start to get up, leaning down and whispering. 
And you wait. 
And wait, and wait. Maybe, maybe they did disappear. Looking over the groups and couples dancing, and those who were still sitting like you, they were nowhere. Not in here at least. You sigh, sinking down in the uncomfortable metal chair. 
More time passes, and nothing. You start to wish you’d just gone with some friends, maybe then you wouldn’t have gotten ditched and actually had a good time. 
The clock ticks on, and it's becoming more obvious that the staff are getting ready to kick everyone out. The D.J. has been playing straight slow songs for the past 20 minutes, and you’ve had to watch couples and friends slow dance together and two people get crowned king and queen.
You tried your best to seem happy, like you were enjoying yourself. 
Pulling out your phone you see a notification from your dates account. They posted 7 minutes ago. It’s a video of them and their friends fucking around outside of a conveniance store in prom suits and dresses. You feel yourself tear up, slouching lower in the chair. The lights and people become blurry, c’mon, you don’t want to cry. 
A hand comes to rest on your shoulder, you look over your shoulder to see your father looking down at you. “Y/n.” “Hey Dad.” You say, no longer having anything to hide. Not that you can hide anything from him for long. 
He takes the seat your date had, lips pressed shut in a permanent scowl, just like normal. It didn’t scare you, that's just him. “It seems your companion abandoned you.” You scoff, pulling up your shawl. “Yeah…” “You’re upset.” “That obvious?” 
You laugh at your own joke. If he’d been your brother, he would’ve laughed too. But he sits there awkwardly, not knowing how to comfort you in this situation. “They couldn’t even give me one dance before they left me either.”
The current song playing stops and you can hear a few people whine at the idea that the next would be the last of the night. 
A hand is extended to you, your fathers, he stands waiting. It's not an option, it's a demand. You take it, getting up and following him.
The song starts and he starts to dance, but you trip over yourself. Stepping on his feet several times. 
“Sorry… I forgot how to dance.”
Both remembering too-small tiaras being shoved in his hair, little feet with sparkly plastic princess slippers on his, and a random song playing in the background. Trying desperately to teach you how to dance after you’d begged him to. 
You watch him smile, just slightly. The darkness giving him the anonymity to do so.
He never did, but you had so much fun. 
“That's fine, just do what you used to.” 
You step onto his feet, making you move the same as him. A question burns under your skin before you chew your lip. “You’re not mad at me?” “For?” “Lying about who I went with.” There’s a low growl like sigh. “We will deal with that later.” 
You nod, not worrying about it now. Resting your head on his chest, closing your eyes, tears streaming down your face now... All of what happened melts away, the safety of your father makes it go away. He always does. 
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glitteryhellhole · 3 years
alright lets do this
here we go
Title: The Tent Fandom: Z nation Pairing: 10K x female reader Word count: approx 3k Rating: 18 Description: fluffy smut with awkward cinnamon roll 10K
A gas station. A real life, untouched gas station. Apart from the bloody handprints smeared on the concrete walls.
It didn't take long to sweep and secure the area, then fill up the truck and the reserve cannisters. Afterwards Warren gestured with her gun to the convenience store. “Look for anything useful.”
The place had been untouched since day one. Mummified hot dogs still sitting on a rack. The register hanging open- perhaps in the beginning some people had looted cash, but it didn't take long to realise money didn't mean anything anymore.
You shoved bottles of water and packets of candy into your rucksack before following Addy's gaze to the toiletries shelf. Pads and tampons, little travel-sized bodywashes, an actual toothbrush.
“It's a whole new kind of mercy,” she whistled.
You picked up the first aid kit and the two crushed boxes of painkillers, turning to ask Doc if they'd be any good- and found him and Murphy kneeling on the counter, pulling away the plastic panel which guarded the cigarettes.
Priorities, huh.
Loaded up, you looked around you. Warren was on watch so 10K had let his guard down for once and was poking at the faded magazines. You saw his pink lips move as he mouthed the titles to himself. Something familiar caught his eye, probably the one with guns all over, and he reached up- and the whole top shelf came tumbling down. Suddenly 10K was surrounded by glossy double-page spreads of unnaturally bronzed and perky breasts and butts.
He froze like an animal in a trap.
“Found what you're looking for?” Doc's voice was loud and his arms were cradling an impressive quantity of alcohol. “There's a lot of generic lesbians, over forties, asian fetish, but for a beginner I'd recommend-”
The rest of his sentence was drowned out by a crash as 10K backed rapidly out of the shop, cheeks ablaze, taking down a stand of air fresheners and sending sunglasses skittering across the floor in every direction.
The rest of you laughed, for the first time in a while. Back in the truck and passing round bags of only-slightly-stale chips, you all agreed that the gas station was your best find in quite some time.
Except perhaps for the tent.
A little way back, a stranded family had been incredibly grateful for a tow out of the ditch, and had gifted you their spare tent. No ordinary camping gear, this thing was foil-lined and had a built in waterproof, cushioned underlayer. On an especially hot night you'd probably want it to yourself but the rest of the time it comfortably housed two people, keeping in the heat. You'd been taking turns each night, with priority to the injured, meaning that every morning there was at least one person who was fully rested and recharged. Ideal when every day was a battle for survival.
Of course, there was one other advantage to the tent. Privacy. Human needs didn't really get talked about in this un-human world, and whatever got overheard in the night would also go unspoken.
It was nearing dusk and you were pulling over to make camp. “Who's turn in the tent?” Murphy called out as he threw himself down on the ground. “Dibs.”
Warren, who was unloading a heavy bag, gave him a kick in the side. “Get up and help. I don't think 10K's had a turn yet.”
“Neither's she.” He nodded at you.
“Settled then.”
Murphy sniggered.
Since there was plenty of water, there was a rare chance to wash up a bit. Ladies first while the men stood watch with their backs turned, and then vice versa. Nowhere near to having a hot shower in privacy, but it was something. You noticed that 10K didn't bother putting his shirt back on afterwards as he squatted by the fire cleaning his weapons, a cigarette dangling from his mouth.
How could somebody so skinny be so strong? Must be the result of life outdoors.
He raised an eyebrow and you realised you were staring. Oops.
“Here.” Somebody passed you a can of cheap beer that had come from the store along with the snacks and cigarettes. It was almost like being at a camp-out. The beer was gross but it gave you a nice warm feeling in your chest, and the idea of lying down somewhere soft started to seem quite appealing, so you said your goodnights and retreated into the tent.
You weren't sure how long it was until you were joined, perhaps you'd started to drift off- the sound of the zip jolted you back to your senses as 10K flopped unceremoniously into the tent, stretching out next to you. “Beer makes shoelaces hard.” He complained.
You giggled and sat up to help. “When was the last time you slept without shoes on?”
“Probably before my voice broke.” He scratched his head while watching you remove his boots and then said, “I'm not good at talking, especially to girls, but you don't scare me.”
“Thanks for the compliment, I think?” You laid back down, closing your eyes and pulling your blanket over you. There was silence for a minute but it was oddly comfortable, the security of a warm person breathing next to you.
“What was your first word?” You asked into the silence. “I bet it was gun.”
“Actually it was primrose.”
“My momma's favourite flower.” He rolled over onto his stomach, closing the gap between you, and rested his cheek on his folded arms. “I was six. Doctor said I wasn't learning but I was paying attention to everything. She used to take me to the library in town to look at all sorts of books, that where we learned to sign.”
You couldn't help but ask. “When did she...?”
“When I was nine. Pops wanted me to try and be a normal kid but once she'd gone he didn't want anything to do with the rest of the world and stopped sending me to school.”
“I'm sorry.”
“It's ok.” He wriggled a little to get more comfortable. “Can you talk for a bit now?”
So you talked about your own parents, and your hometown, and it surely wasn't very interesting but 10K watched you intently as he sobered up, studying your face, and you hoped you weren't blushing. After a while you came to a natural conclusion in your story and realised that his fingers were twitching, as though he were nervous.
What's up?” you asked softly.
He blinked slowly. “Ain't always easy to tell when you're supposed to say stuff and when you're not.”
Unsure what to expect, you gave him an encouraging nod.
“Can I... touch your hair?”
Your heart started to beat a little fast and you nodded again. 10K's fingers reached out timidly to feel you hair, twisting strands and brushing them away from your face.
You hadn't felt human touch in so long, and you couldn't help but rest your head on his arm as he stroked. The pair of you seemed to breathe in unison. It was almost peaceful.
Almost. Apart from the little sparks of electricity that seemed to fizzle into life where your skin touched his.
Could he feel it too? It didn't seem so. There he was growing more and more serene, while you were   warming up in a way that had nothing to do with the insulated tent.
“Um...” You fidgeted awkwardly, trying to choose the right words. “10K? You know why they were giggling right?”
“Uh-huh.” His eyes were closed. “People do stuff in the tent. Its pretty obviously I've never... y'know.”
“Does it bother you?”
“A bit, but its not like I can go meet a girl and ask her Pops if I can take her to the barn dance.”
You couldn't help but laugh a little. “I mean the teasing.”
“Oh.” He blushed slightly as he opened his eyes to look at you. “I get why, you're near my age and you're pretty. Any guy would be lucky to date you.”
Oh indeed. Maybe he did feel it then.
“You could...” You bit your lip and steeled yourself. “You could pretend that you were.”
He sat bolt upright, making you jump, and a wide grin spread across his face. “I could ask you on a picnic, at my favourite place in the woods.” His words were tumbling out fast from nervous excitement. “Make nice bread, Mom's special recipe with the dried fruit. And we could talk like we did earlier and I could pick you flowers and then I could kiss you.”
His lips were clumsy as they first met yours, but eager, and didn't take long to find a groove. You sighed and leaned in, one hand reaching up into his hair, and-
A single gunshot cracked through the air.
In an instant 10K was lurching for the tent entrance where his gun was propped. You reached for your shoes, panic rising in your chest.
“False alarm.” Doc's voice came from outside. ��Nothing to worry about. Hey, you okay in there kid? Need me to give ya a quick pep talk on anything?”
“I'm good.” He zipped the flap back up then turned back to you. “Actually do you think maybe I should? I don't really know what to do.”
You couldn't help but laugh again. He was way too innocent for someone so good-looking.
You put and hand on his chest, feeling his heartbeat.  “Just do what feels natural.”
“Okay.” He gave you another wide grin, showing those adorably crooked teeth, and then practically launched himself at you, so you landed on your back and he was on top of you, lips moulding to the shape of yours. You gasped for air and 10K made an apologetic sound without pausing the kiss, propping himself up on one elbow so that you could breathe.
His hand rested on your stomach, fingers still for a moment before balling up your shirt and gently navigating the exposed skin. Tentative. Like soothing a spooked animal.
You reached your hand up to touch his shoulders, feeling hard muscle under surprisingly soft skin. Tracing his collarbones and around the back of his neck. He shivered and broke the kiss, and you saw his tongue dart out to wet his lips.
“Maybe I could take your shirt off too.” He mumbled. In answer you sat up and held your arms above your head. 10K pulled your shirt over your head- sending the little lamp tied to the tent roof swinging- then looked confused as his thumb hooked into the shoulder strap of your sports bra. You kind of wished you'd been wearing something nicer for this occasion, but you'd dressed for practicality before hitting the road.
“Here. Let me.” You wriggled out of the bra, trying not to elbow him in the process.
“Wowee.” 10K let out a whistle. “You look even better without clothes on. Why would anyone want to look at random pictures?”
It seemed like he could have sat there and stared forever, but you didn't have forever, and so you pulled him in to kiss again. He trailed his lips across your face and on to your neck, one arm supporting you from behind and the other hand landing on your chest, squeezing experimentally.
“Not so hard,” you gasped.
“Sorry. They're squishier than I expected.” He let out a humming noise into the crook of your neck as his fingers found a hard nipple and brushed back and forth.
You dipped your head down too, lightly touching your teeth to his throat. A low growl escaped and he pushed you back down, pressing his body close to yours, and you could feel his eager hardness against your hip.
10K tried the same move, nipping at the skin under your ear. His breathing was very shallow and rapid as he licked and sucked experimentally, moving down over your breasts.
“You taste good. But not in a zombie way.”
Your hands rested on his hips, fingers splaying out to softly squeeze his ass and then dipping below the loose waistband.
“Oh, wait.” He rolled off you to shed a pile of concealed knives and the little sharp discs that he used in the sling shot.
“What else are you hiding down there?” You smirked. For a moment he turned beetroot red and covered his crotch with his hands, but then met your smile with one of his own.
“Just means I like you and I like this.” He shrugged. “Do you-”
“Mmhmm.” You reached out to ease his trouser buttons undone, fumbling slightly, but you weren't nervous. It just felt right with him. “I like you. And I like this.”
He groaned softly as the restriction on his hardness eased and grabbed you for another kiss, this time hungry and slightly sloppy. 10K's fingers found the fastening of your own jeans and made quick work, tugging them down to your knees. Then he paused for a moment, putting a finger to your lips.
There was no noise from outside.
“We're good.” With a bit of awkward shuffling, you both shed your trousers and then looked at each other.
“We probably shouldn't go all the way,” you said almost reluctantly. “No protection and all that. But there's still stuff-”
“Anything.” 10K blurted out without a second's pause. “Everything. I'll do whatever you want. But not what you don't want.” His tongue darted out to wet his lips again as he stared at you earnestly.
You felt a shiver travel down your spine. Nobody had ever looked at you quite like that before. Not just lust but something deeper, as though he was seeing through your skin and right inside you.
“Come here,” he whispered huskily, grabbing your waist and pulling you onto his lap. You sighed into the kiss and slowly moved your hips, letting your centre rub against his as you straddled him, tangling fingers in his messy hair.
10K moaned something that sounded like “shucks” and you couldn't help but snort. What would it take to make him swear? You dug your nails in a little, catching his lip between your teeth.
“Want to touch you.” He moaned, gripping your hips. “Want you to touch me.”
You trailed your hand from his cheek all the way down to cup the pronounced bulge in his boxers and his eyes rolled back in his skull, but then he visibly shook himself and swatted your hand away. “Ladies first.” The hand slid a little clumsily down into your knickers.
You closed your eyes and rested your forehead against 10K's, feeling how hot his skin was. His curious fingertips traced your labia and in between.
“It's wet.” He sounded surpised, and brought a thumb to his mouth to taste.
“That's a good thing.” You felt a little self-conscious as you explained, watching him suck his thumb. “It means I'm, you know, turned on.”
“Show me how to make it feel good,” he murmured, lifting you off his lap and laying you back down before tugging your knickers all the way down and spreading your legs.
You took his hand in yours and guided him, showing him your clit. His marksman fingertips quickly picked it up and he kissed you again as he touched you. “Am I doing it right?”
“Yeah you're- oh, yeah thats good.” Your voice was high-pitched and breathy. 10K made a satisfied “hmph” and nuzzled into your neck. He smelled of safety. Less dirt and blood than usual, traces of soap, whatever he was using for hair gel, engine oil. Sweat but not in the just-been-running-and-fighting way, in the musky hormonal way.
The feeling swelling inside you was something you hadn't experienced, hadn't even thought about, in a long time. But here and now it was growing, consuming, and you couldn't imagine anything other than his touch, his hot breath on your cheek.
“Hey.” 10K's voice was husky again. “You need something else?”
You became aware that your hips were twitching. “A bit faster maybe?”
A moan escaped your lips as he obliged, and 10K grinned. “That's hot.” Then he cocked his head to one side, raising his eyebrows. “I assume girls can- y'know-”
“It looks a bit different but yes.” You were gasping now as you spoke, chest rising and falling.
“Do it for me.” He murmured, watching you as though hypnotised and biting his lip. His words and his gaze loosened the coiled spring that was weighing down your abdomen and the endorphins came rushing as you climaxed.
“Shh.” He pressed his mouth to yours and swallowed your moan, pressing his fingers harder as you moved beneath him until it became almost too much. “Do you want them to hear us?”
You shook your head, trying to control your breathing.
“Maybe you do.” He raised an eyebrow again as his fingers finally slowed to a halt. “I kinda do. So they all know what I just did to you.”
“Do you want your turn or not?”
That shut him up. He glanced down and you followed his gaze. He was still very much erect, and there was now a distinct wet patch where he'd leaked a little in excitement.
You pushed 10K onto his back and settled yourself next to him. “Let me know if something's not ok,” you told him. “I won't do anything you don't want.”
He nodded and closed his eyes. He flinched a little as you pulled his boxers down but then his face relaxed and his lips parted as you touched him.
“Have you done this to yourself?” You asked. “So you know what you like.”
He nodded, looking somewhat bashful. “A few times. But this is different. Better.”
It was your turn to grin as your fingers circled his erection and found a rhythm. 10K's head tilted back and the smallest of high-pitched noises escaped his open mouth. You lowered your lips to his exposed neck and sucked gently at the skin. There was a red mark when you pulled away.
“Mmmph.” He rasped through gritted teeth. “Again.”
“It'll leave a bruise.”
“Don't care.”
You began to create a trail of little hickeys down his throat and across his collarbones as you continued to stroke, and his tiny whimpers grew more frequent. You knew it wouldn't be long.
10K was holding onto you tightly, nails digging in, droplets of sweat visible on his forehead. “I think I'm gonna- ahh....” He seemed to lose the ability to speak as you attacked his neck again, eyes rolling back. A few moments later, his hips bucked and you could feel hot sticky warmth coat your fingers.
So he did swear after all.
You kissed him again, and then looked down. “Um, got anything to clean up with?”
Still breathing heavily, 10K sat up and reached for his trousers, pulling a bandana out of one of the many pockets. “It's my least favourite. I'll burn it.”
Like the gentleman he'd been raised to be, he wiped your hand off first before tending to himself, then tossed the soiled cloth out of the way and pulled you close. You rested your head on his chest. You'd heard the term 'afterglow' but never really thought that it was a thing; it apparently was. The chemicals your brain was releasing and the protective hold of his arms made you want to laugh, and cry, and drift off to sleep, and run a mile, all at once.
Just for a moment, there was no apocalypse. There was only you and him and the little lamp above your heads.
It was 10K who broke the spell. “I need to pee.” he said apologetically. “Like, real bad.”
You laughed at the face he was pulling and threw his trousers at him. 10K slithered with some difficulty into them, kicking the side of the tent, and then stumbled outside.
You realised how cold it was now and reached for your own clothes. As footsteps indicated 10K's return, you could have sworn you heard the sound of a high-five.
“What was that?” You demanded as he re-entered the tent.
“Never mind.” He grabbed the blanket and laid it over you.”I  want to do that again. But we should probably get some sleep.”
“The whole point of the tent is to get proper rest right?” You scooted closer as he laid down, offering the blanket, but he refused, tucking it round you and then wrapping his arms round too so you were tightly cocooned against his side.
“Yeah. Sure.”
>>>>>Thanks for reading! This is the first fanfic i’ve done in literally years. Open to feedback and even perhaps requests :) PS i am v english so I apologise to any Americans insulted by my attempts at your words
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redrobin-detective · 3 years
Just one single glimpse of relief
TW: OC death, death themes
“Hey,” Sydnee looked up at the sound of the voice. It was familiar, safe, and it stopped her tears for a moment. She can’t remember where she was or what she’d been doing. All she knew was that she was scared and upset and didn’t know what to do. It felt like she’d been crying forever when the voice appeared. “Hey there, it’s Phantom. Can I come closer?”
Sydnee gasped as the town hero, Phantom, approached her slowly. Syd was a bit of a nerd and she couldn’t get enough of those superhero movies. She always tuned in to Phantom’s fights on TV; he was as close as she’d get to a real life Superman or Captain Marvel. She’d never seen him up close before though. He was younger than he appeared on TV, not more than his early teens. Sydnee, almost 24, was hit by a wave of mortification over how they’d described the hunky, we-thought-he-was-older kid on Margarita Night. This day just got better and better, not that she remembered it.
“How are you doing?” Phantom asked quietly, floating near her but not getting too close. He was watching her warily but not unkindly. She saw how some folks treated him, he was probably worried she’d throw a shoe at him. “What’s your name?”
“Sydnee, with an extra e not a y. Uh Tanner, Sydnee Tanner,” she mumbled. Ugh why were words so hard. Her head felt fuzzy and very far away, she thinks she was going to start panicking again. What was she even so upset about? “I don’t know what’s going on. Where are we and what happened. I don’t- I don’t remember anything.”
“It’s okay,” he said soothingly, floating a little closer. The soft glow he emitted brightened up the dark place they were in. Was she in a collapsed tunnel? What had she been doing here? She’d never been claustrophobic but the debris and rubble of the place seemed to close in on her. “Hey, hey, just look at me.” She turned and met his kind eyes, soft and easy. “We’ll walk through it together. What is the last thing you remember?”
“I was late to work,” Syd said, the memory popping up before her. “I um work at the Donut Delights bakery in that strip mall next to the middle school. My cats had knocked over some of my houseplants in the night so I had to clean them up and was running behind. I open the store on Wednesdays - oh it’s Wednesday! - so I knew I’d be in trouble. But I made it, just barely. I was starting up the ovens when.” Syd furrowed her brow and took in the hero before her. The one who was almost never seen outside a fight. “There was a ghost attack, wasn’t there?”
“Welcome to Amity Park,” Phantom said grimly. “I’ve been here a couple times; the jalapeno bacon topped donuts are my favorite. My mom and sister buy them sometimes if they want to bribe me into doing something.”
“You weirdo, only crazy people eat that weird flavor,” Sydnee chuckled. “You have a family?”
“Of course, we all have a family out there somewhere. What about you?” He asked gently. There was something about the soft way he was talking to her, the way his eyes flickered around the dark like he was looking for something. He had news he didn’t want to tell her and she wasn’t ready to hear it. Not yet. Just a few more minutes of denial before she faced the revelation she couldn’t bear to touch yet.
“Yeah, mom and dad and two younger sibs. Folks divorced forever ago, I barely remember them actually being together. Mom is is living it up in Dubai working as a pastry chef in one of their fancy hotels. Dad’s an auto-mechanic down on Maple street, Duke’s Car Services. Pretty sure you got tossed through the window a year ago.”
“I’ve been tossed through many windows but I know the place you’re talking about. So a big family, any friends? Boyfriends? Girlfriends?”
“I have a boyfriend,” she continued on hastily, taking the distraction for what it was. “I like him, a lot and we’ve been dating since high school. Everyone says I should marry him and we’ve talked about it, casually, but I’ve never dated anyone else and wonder if I should see other people first. You know, test the waters before I settle down with my high school sweetheart like my folks did and look how they turned out.”
“Mhmm,” Phantom hummed nodding, encouraging her to continue.
“DeShawn is great though, he’s very supportive and sweet in his own kind of absentminded way. He’s got epilepsy real bad though, I have to drive him everywhere since he’s always at risk of a seizure. Annoying sometimes but its nice, you can learn a lot about a person from a conversation while you’re alone together.”
“Very true, I’m learning a lot now,” Phantom smiled. “What about your siblings?”
“I have a brother and a sister, Kennedy is finishing his sophomore year of college and Janelle will be a senior in high school. She was a surprise baby, one last attempt of my parents to reconcile before the big D. It didn’t help but I got a great sister out of it, she’s a real firecracker.”
“Janelle,” Phantom’s eyes lit up. “She’s the one always dying her hair. I see her in the hallways of Casper, she’s hard to miss. I think she draws too, she won an art award I think.”
“Yeah!” Sydnee said enthusiastically, she reached out and grabbed ahold of Phantom’s arm. It was cold but solid. It reminded her that she really couldn’t feel anything, nothing but him. “Yeah, I swear her hair is a new color every time I see her. It’s a dark purple now, it looks pretty good on her. She was a peachy orange for picture day last year. Mom called her up screaming when she saw the photos.”
“I thought it looked cool,” Phantom grinned, “not that I was there for picture day. Ghost attack, you know. My mom was upset with me too.” They laughed lightly for a minute before it gently petered off leaving them alone in the dark. Sydnee didn’t have any feeling in her toes, in any part of her. She felt light and disconnected and all over out of sorts. She was pretty sure she knew what had happened but she couldn’t face it yet. But talking to Phantom, it seemed a little easier.
“I remember the attack now,” Sydnee stated quietly. “It was a big ghost bear only it was the size of a pickup truck. It rammed into the store there was chaos and screaming. It was so loud, the screaming of the customers, the bear, building coming down on top of us...” her lips wobbled. “We’re still in the store, aren’t we? I haven’t wanted to turn around because... because I know my body is buried underneath the concrete back there.”
“Yeah,” Phantom breathed. “I’m sorry, I didn’t get here in time. Most everyone in the area got out but you and a few others in the store got trapped under the rubble. Mrs. McDaniels who lived on Eustis street and was the first woman in her family to go to college plus Eddie Drake who came down from Chicago to check out the ghost stuff with their boyfriend and was a tattoo artist.”
“Did you talk to them too?” She questioned in surprise.
“Briefly, Mrs. McDaniels didn’t stay long, just long enough to tell me, and I quote, “stop wasting time on her dead ass and get to the others.” She already passed on. Eddie, they didn’t take it well. We talked for a while and I think they need a little more time to accept it, see their loved ones first. I warned them that the longer they delay death, the harder it is and the more you lose yourself. You’re the last, all the way in the back of the store. When you’re ready, I’m going to bring your body out.”
“Thank you,” she whispered before breaking out into hysterical laughter. “God I bet I’m a wreck, I think I put my shirt on inside out I was in such a rush this morning,” she sniffled. “What do I do now, as a ghost? I don’t have to, like, attack people, do I?”
“No,” Phantom sighed. “Most ghosts are just normal people, no one else but other ghosts will see you and you’re not going to be strong enough to interact with the real world for a long, long time. You can stick around a bit if you want, watch over your family but it’s like I told Eddie, you forget things pretty quick. Or you can move on, that part I can’t help you with but I’ve helped a lot of others go that route and I’m told it’s easy.”
“Easy, then why haven’t you?” She questioned angrily, the full weight of the situation crashing over her. She shoved him and he floated back passively. “I’m a freaking ghost and you’re here talking to me like you’re my therapist or something. Who’s gonna take DeShawn to his appointments? Or praise my sister’s creative messes? Or badger Ken into picking major? My life is over and you think you can float there and lecture me about it being easy to move on!”
“I didn’t mean it that way,” Phantom soothed, scratching at the back of his neck. “I’m so sorry Sydnee, I wish I could turn back the clock an hour, two hours, and prevent this from happening but I can’t. I’ve tried to mess with time and it doesn’t end well for anyone. I just want, I just want what’s best for you now. You can stay or you can go but I want you to make the decision that you feel most comfortable with. That’s all I can do for you.”
“I think I’d be sad,” she said, crying again, “being able to see everyone but not talk to them, to watch them cry over me. I don’t want to forget them either.” Phantom watched her, easily and earnestly. “What made you choose to stay? Why didn’t you go?”
“I’m a little complicated but I can tell you, when I’ve done all I need to here, I’m not hanging around a second longer than I have to. Being a ghost has it’s perks but it’s also, it’s being stuck in a place you longer fit, watching the world go on without you.”
“Okay,” Syd hiccupped. “Okay, yeah okay.”
“Okay,” Phantom nodded. “Do you want me to leave?”
“No, please don’t,” she grabbed his hands again. “Please I don’t, I know I died alone but I don’t want to do... this alone. Please stay, ugh, calling you Phantom is weird sorry.”
“I don’t know if it’s any less weird but you can call me Danny,” Phantom, Danny, laughed. It was an ordinary name for a superhero but it fit. There was a special thrill in knowing the ghost boy’s name but it’s not like she was going to be around to tell anyone. It was scary, to think of not existing but also sort of comforting, like a long nap with nothing pressing to get up for.
“Can you tell them that I love them, in my place? I know it’s a lot and I’m sure you’re super busy saving the town and everything-”
"It’s not a problem. I’m sure they know but I’ll be happy to pass on the message,” he smiled and it made him look so young. For a second she was struck by how sad it was that she was relying on a kid a decade younger than her for support. But he was here and he was kind and he was what she needed right now. Maybe one day, he’d have his own person talking him through this last step. 
“Okay, Danny, thanks really. For talking, for staying. I’m scared but I, I think I’m ready.” She closed her eyes and squeezed his hands tightly. “Do you, will it hurt?”
“No,” he said, his voice warm despite his inherent chill. “No, Sydnee. No, the hurting is all over now. All you have left ahead of you is peace. Thank you for all that did, you’ll be missed.”
“I’ll see you on the other side. Goodbye.” The world faded to a pinprick, consumed by light. The last thing she saw before she went into it was a stranger’s smile. 
“Here’s the last,” Phantom said solemnly, delicately setting a broken body he’d carried out of the dilapidated building and on the sidewalk next to the others. “This is Sydnee Tanner, she was the only employee in the store at the time. She has cats at home who will need taking care of. Her dad works at Duke’s Car Services along with siblings and a boyfriend.”
“Don’t know how you know all that but thanks for getting these folks out,” Sheriff Newton sighed. “Damn shame. Keep up the good work kid, we’ll save the next ones for sure. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some rather unhappy news to break to several people.”
“Do you mind if I tag along? I have a few messages I need to pass on.”
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Not The One For You
Rodrick x Reader
Warning - Smut (don’t be too hard on it )
Summary - Rodrick’s parents don’t like you so you are having dinner with them to change their mind
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Rodrick Heffley wasn't the brightest kid. It was pretty much universally known. So when you told your friends that you were dating the wannabe rock star. It's not like you two were that different. You liked the same music, both had an alternative style, both of you were older siblings, had families who only saw reasons to be disappointed in you. On the outside you two getting together seemed to make a lot a sense. However there were a lot of differences that your friends decided to focus on. Specifically that you were actually really smart and wanted a life that was normal. Well halfway normal. You were excited to keep the alt style but you wanted an actual job. Granted you were trying to be a mortician but still. You wanted the job, the house, the family and well Rodrick wanted the fame and the glory of being a musician.
"You guys are acting like me dating him now means I'm going to spend the rest of my life with him," You point out, "we are 17.... the only thing we know is that we like each other right now."
"Yeah but it's Rodrick," One of them points out, "he's incapable of taking care of himself. This is gonna be your life."
"Exactly! I mean what if you do end up getting like married?"
"Then I handle it then," You answer, "you are looking way too deep into this. We are just dating."
"Babe you ready?" Rodrick calls over.  You look back to see him a little bit down the hall from the circle of girls gathered around my locker.
"Of course Rod," You say as you shut the locker leaving your friends behind as you meet your boyfriend. He drapes his arm around you with a big smirk. Moving to plant a soft kiss on your forehead. My friends weren't the only ones who have problems with us. Rodrick's parents also found a lot to not like in our relationship. First of all Rodrick's mother is well- controlling to say the least. She saw another person in his life dressed in chains and all black, so she decided that I was just like the other people he hangs around with. Ignoring all the parts about me that aren't just my style. And whatever feelings about me his dad had all turned negative when Rodrick forgot to lock his bedroom door and his mom walked in.
"How was your day beautiful?" he asks as we head out to his van.
"It was slow- my calc teacher was riding my ass," You tell him, "deadass he wouldn't leave me alone. He sent me to the office for my outfit and they sent me back saying that it wasn't agaisnt dress code- because it isn't. And this mother fucker looks me dead in the eye and says- 'well if you didn't dress like a hooker I'd feel comfortable teaching you' which is like first off what the fuck."
"Thats gross- did you report him to the office?" Rodrick asks, "do I need to kick his ass?"
"I reported him and I called my mom- who by the way apparently is still on the phone with the principal," You say chuckling lightly, "and no you don't have to kick his ass- mostly because if you did.... you wouldn't win."
"Oh I totally could," He says, "I'm strong as hell."
"uH Rodrick babe I love you but he's the football coach and weighs 300 pounds," You say trying to explain it to him, "you'd get crushed. I still love you tho."
"I'm upset- I could kick his ass.... especially if he's being gross to you," Rodrick says. You nod unconvinced.
"How was your day?" You ask him.
"Boring - however I appreciated the pickup lines during history," He says, "it was cute..."
"I was gonna send my tittes but then I remembered your mom still reads your messages," You say smirking.
"Oh I missed out," He says, "think we can make a detour for a quicky in the car?"
"Your mom wants us there early," You remind him, "plus she's still on the fence about us being alone since she caught us in your room." He rolls his eyes lightly as we climb into his van.
"Yeah but let's say we make a detour to the store hookup in the back of the van and then grab some flowers or something for her to make it seem like we stopped for her," Rodrick suggests, "or maybe like a cake or something. To ya know show the peace..."
"Fine but you'd have to be quick," You tell him, "and you better tell me that your van is clean back there. Last time I got pizza in my hair."
"Clean... no it's not clean," He says, "but I brought a blanket and we can like spread it over the back... It'll be  fine..."
"Fine but the second I touch rotting food it's over," You say firmly. He smirks as he changes the course towards the store just up the street. He makes sure to get in the back line of the parking spots taking the furthest one from the store. He climbs in the back first shoving the trash around the back. The finally throws the blanket down across the back.
"Just like imagine rose petals and a bed and shit," He says. It's quite literally the opposite of the romance that I'd prefer but he's a giant punk dumbass so you have no idea why you would of thought this would be any different.  He sits down and looks at you with a goofy smile. "Malady would you like to join me?" You chuckle before climbing back to join him. The second you get back there he already starts yanking off his shirt. Way too excitedly for his own good. You smile as you move to pull off your layers. Finally as you both get to your underwear he looks at you excitedly. "You're so hot."
"Awe thanks cutie," You say as you climb on his lap moving to meet his lips. His hands fall to your waist. Holding on as you take full control of the situation. You can feel the excitement coursing through him. You chuckle lightly. You move to pull his member free from his boxers. The moving your own underwear to sink down onto his member. He lets out a loud moan as I set the slow pace.
"Mmm you're amazing," He says softly. You chuckle as you quicken the pace. Soft moans filling the car. You can tell you both are moving way more than you thought you would. Anyone on the outside would know automatically what was happening. All you can hope for is no one relaying the information back to Rodrick's mother. "Uhh baby," He moans loudly. You move pulling him into a deep kiss. Feeling the moans through the kiss. You can tell he's not gonna last much longer. You move laying back allowing him to take control. He smirks widely and starts at his assault. The moans filling the van. Echoing off the metal walls. Finally he pulls out. Spilling his load on your legs. "Did you?"
"No not yet," You say slightly annoyed at him finishing before you. He nods pulling your legs on his shoulders. Pulling you towards him. He latches his mouth on your clit trying his best to get you off. He's sloppy. But even the sloppiest technique when your this close could send you way over the edge. Your hand moves over your mouth as you come upon. Stifling the loud moans as you cum. He doesn't stop. He keeps going. Your body feels so good you could scream. He pulls away after a minute catching his breath.  "Come here," You demand. He complies clearly excited to see you like this. You move getting on your hands and knees. He looks like he's about to scream at the sight. He moves pushing himself in with out warning. Pounding into you as fast as he could.
"Mmmm I love you so much," He groans.
"I love you too Rod but please go faster," You moan. He complies. The van was filled with a pure moaning mess. "Oh Rod I'm gonna cum again." You can barely finish the words as you hit your second orgasm. He pulls out as you simply lay down on the blanket.
"Holy fuck," He says as he lays down beside you.
"Fuck Rodrick," You say softly, "we have to go see your parents after this."
"Yeah I guess we kinda went a little too hard," He says softly, "and we still have to actually get flowers or something."
"Ughh think you can manage that?" You ask, "I'm gonna go get cleaned up."
"Yeah what kind?" He asks.
"I don't care get something thats pretty but not a million dollars," You say as you sit up pulling your underwear back on. He nods as he follows suit in pulling on his own clothes. Once you both are fully dressed you climb out of the van. He takes your hand genteelly.
"You're beautiful you know that," He says smiling at you. You move pecking his cheek.
"Thanks Rod."
Once inside the store the two of you split up. You head to the bathroom to clean yourself up. Fixing you makeup and hair. Trying to make the whole thing less obvious. You meet him back at the entrance. He's holding two sets of flowers.
"Rodrick I know you're bad at math but I know you can at least count to thirty," You say chuckling.
"Actually I got these daisies for my mom," He says, "and these roses are for you." He hands the bouquet over to you. You take them with a big grateful smile. Moving in to pull him into a quick kiss. As you pull back he moves draping his arm around your shoulders. "Come on beautiful." As you both make your way to his van you can't help but smile. Sure he's not the most romantic boyfriend- he did just fuck you in the back of his disgusting van and instead of cleaning it to do so he threw a blanket over rotting food and old condoms. But the small gestures like the roses and the compliments. Really just prove that he's not as bad of a boyfriend as everyone thinks he is.
It doesn't take us long for you guys to reach his house. He holds your hand as he leads you both into the house.
"Rodrick is that you?" His mom calls.
"Yeah mom!" Rodrick yells back. His mom moves from the kitchen over to the doorway. She looks over us.
"Rodrick it is a 5 minute drive from the school to the house why did it take you almost an hour?" She asks him clearly not happy with you both. You smile nervously as you hand her the flowers. This dinner was my chance to fix the fact his parents didn't like me. And getting railed by their son right before this interaction was very much hurting my chances of this going well.
"We had to go to my mom's shop real quick then we picked up these flowers," You tell her, "sorry my fault. My mom wanted me to bring her a coffee." Her expression softens.
"Awe well thank you," She says, "how was your day Y/n?"
"Oh it was good," You tell her, "very productive."
"That's good! Here come with me I want you to taste this sauce for the pasta," She says brightly, "it's a new recipe." She starts moving off to the kitchen. Rodrick gives you a slightly impressed look before leading you both into the kitchen.
The rest of the dinner actually goes really well. Rodrick's mother despite her reserves after catching you and Rodrick seems to finally have forgiven you. Letting go of the stupid blame she had for you "corrupting her son" or whatever garbage she went on about.
"I hope Rodrick is being a gentleman," Mrs. Heffley says to you.
"Oh he is," You tell her, "he got me roses today. And he's always opening doors for me. Making sure to sent me good morning texts. He's actually a really good boyfriend." He smiles at you. You tighten your grip on his hand. She looks pleased with his answer. Greg starts to make a snarky comment but his brother kicks him from under the table.  
"That's good, I'm proud of you Rodrick," His mother says. His father looks between you and his son. Not completely convinced his son would act like anything other than the slob he knows.
"We are talking about this Rodrick right?" His father asks.
"Yeah actually," You say, "I know it might be hard to believe- I didn't believe it at first."
"What's so hard to believe about it?" Rodrick asks, "she's my girl and I want to make her happy-" The sweet words ending in a loud burp. Both of his parents sigh loudly. You simply chuckle. He looks over to you with a big smile. Then moves pecking your forehead.
"Yeah she's perfect for you Rodrick," Greg says, "anyone who can handle that- you better keep her around."
"Can it nerd," Rodrick says harshly.
"So what are you planning to do after school?" Mrs. Heffley asks you.
"I'm planning to go to school and studying mortuary science," You explain, "Mortician's are a job that's always gonna be there... And it helps that my grandmothers a mortician and is hiring me on her staff when I meet the requirements to join." She nods along to your words.
"Oh so you want a real job," His father says, "hmm Rodrick you could try that some time."
"No thanks old man," Rodrick says, "I'd rather stick something that actually matters. Like music... Not that I think your ambitions don't matter Y/n."
"No I understand," You tell him, "you have your dream and I have mine." You look to his parents. "Real jobs are relative... society is changing and becoming things like musicians and influencers is a lot easier than it was before." His mother chuckles nervously. You know that they have this thing against Rodrick's music. However you also know you want to support your boyfriend way more than you want his parents to like you. "I believe that Rodrick will do great in his music career...."
"Awe thanks babe-"
"If he works for it," You continue, "the music industry is hard and you have to stand out. I'm sure he'll get there but it'll take a lot of work."
"That's well put," His father says.
"She's very insightful," Rodrick says, "right babe?" You chuckle lightly. His mother looks back to you.
"So where is this school your looking at?" She asks you, "is it local? Or are you going away?"
"Oh it's local actually," You explain, "the next town over really but it's like a 20 minute drive." She nods. You give her a soft smile. "It's just a small college. I told Rodrick to check it out. They have a music production course which is apparently really nice."
"I've looked into it," Rodrick says, "and I don't know if school is for me... Considering I barely go when it's free I don't know if I want to pay to skip school all the time."
"You wouldn't be paying for all of it," His dad says, "if you actually go I might help... but you'd have to stay enrolled." Rodrick scoffs.
"School doesn't have to be for you Rod," You say to him, "but it's worth a look ya know. Maybe even a tour. You don't have to decide right now."
"Fine I'll tour it," He says, "we can tour together."
"Did she just get Rodrick to agree to tour a college?" His father asks in disbelief, "this isn't real?"
"Shhh don't say anything he might change his mind," His mother says quietly. Rodrick stabs at his pasta. He takes his last bite and then looks to his parents.
"I'm gonna drive her home," Rodrick says, "we'll probably stop to get something sweet on the way. That good?"
"Yeah of course," His mom says, "it was lovely seeing you Y/n."
"You as well Mrs. and Mr. Heffley, I hope I see you again soon," You say to them.
"Oh well how about you come to Grandpa Heffley's birthday party," Mrs. Heffley offers, "it'll be here and I'm sure the family would love to meet you... And you and Rodrick have been dating for a little bit now so I'm sure they'd love to see more than just the pictures you and Rodrick post online."
"Is that okay with you Rodrick?" You ask him.
"Sure it'll make it a lot less boring," Rodrick says, "can we head out now?"
"Yes Rodrick," His mother says clearly not loving his attitude. You wave to them as you stand. Rodrick leads you both out to his van.
"You sure that it's okay?" You ask, "If you don't want to then I don't have to go."
"It's literally fine," He says as you both get into his van, "honestly if you're there I'll actually have someone who likes me there." He gives you a smile. "I'd love it if you'd go."
"Then I'll go," You tell him, "it's nice that your parents seem to like me again."
"Yeah now I can have you over without my mom making us sit downstairs," Rodrick says, "and I don't have to hear the whole- 'are you sure about y/n?' speeches now." You chuckles.
"That's good," You say, "I love how your parents didn't like me but my mom adores you."
"Oh yeah I know," He says, "not the way I pictured that going honestly. I was afraid your mom would hate me."
"No she loves you!" You exclaim, "she thinks it's good that I'm with someone who likes to have fun... something about how I don't do that enough. And my grandma thinks you're funny."
"You're grandpa doesn't like me," Rodrick points out.
"Yeah well he doesn't really like me either," You add, "he's against anything that's different. I mean he's still harassing my mom about having two kids out of wedlock so there wasn't any hope for you babe."
"Didn't he want you to have like a chasty belt?"
"No he bought me a purity ring," You correct, "I gave it back to him saying that I don't believe in waiting til marriage and he called his priest on me... Ooo if I wear that would your mom like me more?"
"I think after she caught us having sex a thing about being a forever virgin won't really mean much," He says, "even if its a religious thing." You shrug in response.
"I tried," You say, "so whats this sweet thing you want to get on the way to mine?"
"You," He says with a smirk, "your mom home?"
"Not for another hour," You say brightly.
"Good because I think I've still got more in me."
"You're a dog Rodrick."
"And you love it," He says with a smirk.
“I really do.”
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summary: Hallmark movies aren’t real life, and yet your childhood crush is helping decorate your family’s store for Christmas.
word count: 4.2k
tagging: @calgarycanuck @sorryjustafangirl @tayella13 @wastedheartcth @kiedhara @writinghockey @unfoundtreasure��� @nolanscheeks​ @bqstqnbruin​/ add yourself to my christmas fics tag list 
masterpost of my christmas fics
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“Did you see Brock was back in town?”
The question, innocent enough, had been directed at you more times you could count now that it was the holiday season. Apparently, word got around fast, and with each familiar face you cashed out at your family’s bakery you were asked that one simple question.
You just wished people would stop asking you about your ex-boyfriend.
It had been years since you’d broken things off with Brock—three days after he was drafted to Vancouver and you were committed to staying in Minnesota. But that hadn’t been the last time you’d seen him; your families were close and you’d grown up with him, so you were forced to see him each holiday season. You just wanted to go one year without having to see your first love—first everything—mingling with your parents or have his mother make you your favorite dessert because she knew you loved it so much.
Christmas season was in full swing, and you had been in charge of picking up the decorations for the tree your parents insisted on getting for the shop, despite it being so close to the holiday. You ran the errand happily, taking the chance to slip out and get some fresh air. With arms laden with bags full of lights and ornaments, you returned to the bakery successful.
Pushing open the door, you were hit with the familiar combination of baked goods and Christmas music. Your dad called your name in greeting, and your mom shot you a look from behind the register. You didn’t understand what she was trying to warn you of, but you followed her not-so subtle gesture to the front of the store where—
Where Brock was setting up the Christmas tree in the front of the store.
“Did you see Brock was back in town?” God, you hated that question. Your dad, ever oblivious to the position he just put you in, grinned happily while holding the tree steady for Brock to secure it to the base. You pursed your lips, forcing a smile and a nod while setting down the bags of decorations you had gathered.
“Hey, how’ve you been?” Brock called over his shoulder, flashing you a grin before standing to his full height once making sure the tree was secure. You forced an even faker smile for him, mumbling nothing more than a ‘good, thanks’ before ducking behind the counter to cash out a customer while your mother stepped aside.
“We’re running out for a moment, but you can watch over the place. It shouldn’t be too busy.” Your mom told you, grabbing her coat before you had the chance to object. Bidding your parents goodbye, you kept your gaze set firmly on the counter after the only customer left, until Brock cleared his throat to try and break the tension.
“Thanks for setting up the tree.” You decided to be civil. It wasn’t like things ended poorly with you and him—they just ended, and you were the one with the final say. The distance wasn’t something you were ready to deal with at such a young age, no matter how much you loved him.
You just wished that the last time you had seen him, ever, was when you broke his heart.
“Don’t worry about it; I came by to see if you were around and saw your dad needed some help.” He shrugged his shoulders as if it was nothing, instead of him declaring that he was looking for you and reminding you how his kindness made you fall for him in the first place.
“When did you get back in town?” You decided to ask, as if you didn’t know the answer—your mom had written in her calendar when Brock came back into town so she could schedule the annual holiday dinner both of your families had together.
“Just yesterday. My flight got in early and Mom kept me cooped up in the house all day.” He explained with a lightness to his voice as he talked about his mom that had you smiling despite the fact that you shouldn’t be smiling with your ex in your family’s bakery.
“I bet, she kidnapped me last week so we could bake cookies together.” You explained with a smile. Brock rolled his eyes with a grin at his mother’s antics, and for a moment the chuckle you shared felt a little too much like old times and you cleared your throat. “If you’re not busy, would you want to stick around and help me decorate the tree?”
“I’d love to.” He grinned, and you smiled sheepishly before making your way out from behind the counter while there were no customers in the store and grabbed the bags you had just gotten full of the decorations. The store’s speakers were playing Christmas music, and you and Brock worked well together to get the colored string lights hung up and by the time you were moving to hang up the ornaments it was like old times with laughter and smiles.
Brock was back in town, and he brought ghosts of your past back with him.
Plugging in the tree, you stood back with Brock to admire your handiwork. This was far from the first time you had decorated a tree with him, but back then you’d admire your work and seal it with a kiss and the declaration of your love for each other—something you’d definitely not be doing then, even though he was smiling at you like he had when you were teenagers and looking as attractive as ever.
You forced yourself to move, to get out from under his stare, made your way behind the counter. There wasn’t really anything you needed to do, so you settled on shuffling a few papers on the counter by the register—advertisements for other local businesses, coupons, and the annual Christmas card your mother made you take. Brock let out a chuckle, picking up the card to examine it.
Your heart skipped a beat in your chest as you watched him brush his thumb over the goofy smile on your face printed on the card, the action so simple yet entirely too intimate for the nature of your relationship with him. Or, lack of a relationship.
Something unspoken settled in the air between you and Brock, something that felt eerily similar to the old way you used to be. Still, you couldn’t find it in you to be upset about it when you met his gaze and he was smiling softly at you—the same smile he always wore when he used to confess his love for you.
“You should stop by my place tonight; have a beer, watch a movie.” Brock offered with a light tone.
And stupidly, you agreed.
You had only been to Brock’s place a handful of times—and not once was he ever even there, the Boesers asking you to drop something off or pick something up at their son’s house—but the drive felt familiar all the same.
Brock met you at the front door, swinging it open with a grin before you even made it to the top porch step. Your heart skipped a beat in your chest the moment you saw him, but you pushed down the feeling and instead focused on the dogs rushing past him to greet you.
“It’s Coolie and Milo, right?” You asked for clarification, crouching down to scratch the dogs between the ears. You were a little embarrassed to admit that you knew their names because of his social media, not wanting to seem like an obsessed ex. But you were friends first, since you were in diapers, and rationalized that it was okay for friends to follow each other’s lives through Instagram.
“Hello to you, too.” Brock teased through a chuckle, and you scrunched your face up at him playfully. He should have known you better, that you’d greet his dogs before you’d greet him. “But yeah, Coolie and Milo.”
Giving the dogs one more scratch between the ears each for good measure, you stood to your full height and followed Brock into his place. He waited patiently by the door as you kicked off your shoes and hung up your coat. You tried not to let yourself feel awkward; it was Brock, the same guy who you shared peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with from the age of two until the day you broke up.
“I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve already picked the movie.” Brock told you, leading the way into his house and into his living room. You had been in his house before, but never once had you stopped to look around, usually just dropping off a box or grabbing something for his mom.
“I’m fine with whatever.” You told him with a shrug of your shoulders as you dropped onto the couch. Brock copied your actions, sitting slightly too close to you than what was probably necessary, but you didn’t mind.
It was easy to fall back into your old routine with him. You had loved him for so long and so hard that it was almost second nature to laugh and joke with him, your head on his shoulder and his arm wrapped securely around your waist to keep you close. You were so comfortable in your position, feeling warm and safe, that when the first movie ended you suggested another.
It was a little less easy for you to wake up the next morning on his couch, cuddled close to him with both dogs laying across your legs. Both of you were laying on your side, facing each other with your legs tangled together. Brock’s arms were encasing you, holding you close to him while your head was tucked under his chin.
You momentarily panicked, wondering if you should try and make a swift exit in order to avoid having Brock kick you out. But you didn’t have long to ponder, because soon after you woke up, Brock did too, and all your worry melted away when you saw his sleepy grin.
“Mornin’” He mumbled, voice low and laden with sleep. It was impossible to hide your grin and you reached a hand up to brush away the blond hair that had fallen onto his forehead in his sleep.
“Good morning, sleeping beauty.” You teased, smile widening as he rolled his eyes at your comment. He was as attractive as ever, and it warmed your heart to see him so sleepy and relaxed while in your arms.
“If you wanted to spend the night, you could have just asked.” He chirped back, and you couldn’t help the quick laugh you let out at his words.
You tucked your head under his chin once more to hide the look on your face. It probably wasn’t a good idea to be in your current position—cuddled up with your ex-boyfriend and his dogs. But you wanted nothing more than to stay in with him for the rest of the day. Or maybe, until his flight took him back to Vancouver and away from you once more.
“You know, you never told me why you were looking for me yesterday at the bakery.” You murmured into the junction of his neck and shoulder, not wanting him to see the bashful look on your face. You hoped you weren’t reading into things, but something about the way he wasn’t making a move to let you go told you that Brock was sending you signals.
“Isn’t it obvious?” He mumbled back, pulling you impossibly closer while leaning his head back to press a kiss to your forehead before settling back into your previous position. You hummed out a questioning response, asking him without words to elaborate. He sighed, deep and heavy, and you felt each one of his movements from your position. “I miss you. All the time.”
You stayed silent, unsure how to respond to that. You missed him, too, from the moment you broke up with him, you missed him when he sat across the table from you at conjoined family gatherings, you missed him at that very moment, where you were wrapped in his arms and slowly waking up together.
So, instead of responding, you pressed your lips to his in a kiss years in the making. It was slow, at first, both of you remembering what it was like to be pressed against the other. Your hand reached up to thread through his hair on the back of his neck, and the moment you made contact you felt his tongue swipe across your bottom lip requesting access.
You gave it to him, and suddenly your bodies were flipped so that he was hovering over top of you and your back was pressed into the mattress, not once breaking the kiss. You knew it was a bad idea, but it felt so right that every worry in your mind melted away the longer you stayed there, making out like teenagers on his couch.
You’d deal with the consequences later.
The next few days passed in a whirlwind, most of your free time spent with Brock. It was blissful, like nothing had even changed between you and it almost felt too easy. But things with Brock had always been easy—the start of your relationship was nothing more than a simple progression from childhood best friends to something more.
The first person to call you out for your change in relationship with Brock was, naturally, your mother. She had pulled you aside the morning of Christmas Eve, stopping you on your way out the door for lunch with Brock, an old photo album on her lap and a smile on her lips. Patting the seat on the couch beside her, you sighed and followed her command.
“I found this while cleaning out the basement.” She told you, flipping open the first page of the album. You recognized the first photo, it was of you and Brock as toddlers, ice cream smeared on both of your faces along with wide smiles and arms slung over each other's shoulders.
“Oh, god, we look like dorks.” You grinned, pointing at another picture of a middle school-aged you and Brock posing for a picture on what you assumed to be the first day of seventh grade. Your mom chuckled, flipping deliberately to the last page.
It was clear what her intention was, the photo was of you and Brock on his draft day—the catalyst of your breakup. You couldn’t help but smile sadly at the picture, you and Brock looked so happy; he was wearing his Vancouver jersey and pressing a kiss to your temple and you were wearing the goofiest smile.
Still, even now, so many years later, you could still remember how terrified you felt knowing he would be leaving you for some place in Canada you’d never been to.
“You love him, you always have.” Your mom stated, as if it was a plain fact and not the very sentiment you’d spent years convincing yourself wasn’t true. You felt yourself deflate, and you forced your gaze away from the album.
“Mom, it’s been years. He doesn’t love me anymore.” You told her, not sure why you suddenly decided to bare your soul to her. Maybe it was the recent reminiscing, or the amount of time you had spent with Brock, but you knew how you felt despite knowing that you absolutely should not.
“But you still love him?” The million dollar question. If you said it aloud, then it’d be real, and you weren’t sure if you were ready for that yet. You had spent countless nights convincing yourself that no, you absolutely did not, love him anymore.
“That doesn’t matter anymore.” Sighing, you shook your head and trained your gaze onto the floor underneath your feet. Sure, Brock was your friend again and you had fallen into an almost relationship-esque state with kisses and the sorts, but there was no way that he still loved you.
“That always matters.” She told you in a tone that had you pursing your lips to hold back a comment because you could tell she was close to chastising you. Tough love, she’d say. “He’s never stopped loving you, either.”
“I’ve got to go, Mom.” You sighed, standing up off the couch and grabbing the photo album. You couldn’t let her comment get to you, you were just getting Brock back and you didn’t want to ruin anything by telling him how you felt and have him not feel the same way.
The drive to Brock’s place—one you had made nearly a dozen times to visit him every free moment you had—gave you time to clear your head. Pulling into his driveway, you felt a familiar feeling of giddiness bubble inside you at the prospect of being in his presence again.
Like always, Brock was waiting for you at his door with Coolie and Milo at his side. Almost as if it was a habit that you hadn’t broken days after he was drafted, you greeted him with a kiss that he eagerly returned.
“I made us lunch.” Brock told you, a nervous edge to his voice that shouldn’t have been there. Despite the odd greeting, you smiled at him and entered his house like you belonged there. You grinned, holding up the photo album you had been excited to show him.
“Look what I’ve found.” You cheered, leading the now-familiar way into Brock’s house to make yourself at home on his couch. He made a noise of acknowledgment as he slipped into the kitchen, returning with a plate that he set onto the coffee table before taking a seat beside you. “Did you make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?”
It shouldn’t have been that deep, not in the slightest, but it was so much more between you and Brock. You’d been splitting sandwiches with him since before you could remember, and your first official date with him was spent over peanut butter and jelly.
“I can make something else, if you want.” He told you, his flushed cheeks clear evidence that he knew exactly what the implication behind the not-so simple sandwich was. You shook your head, picking up your half and tapping the album in your lap.
“If we’re going to be nostalgic, we’re doing it right.” Brock chuckled at your comment, one arm behind you on the couch as you leaned back into him. Flipping open the first page, you heard him groan as he spotted the same middle school picture you had complained about.
“I looked like such a dork back then.” He chuckled over a mouthful of his sandwich. You couldn’t help but laugh at the way he echoed your words from earlier.
“First of all, that’s what I said too. Secondly, who would have guessed that you would have grown up into being such a heartbreaker.” You teased, nudging him playfully with your elbow as you flipped the page.
“I’m pretty sure you were the heartbreaker.” He commented offhandedly, only seeming to realize the impact of his words after they settled in the air and you felt him stiffen beside you. Staying silent, you continued to flip through the photo album as you finished the sandwiches.
Your heart ached as you looked at the various snapshots of your life with Brock—when you were ten and he was on the ice while you were outside the rink grinning ear to ear while donned in one of his extra jerseys, the typical cheesy prom pictures where your mothers made you pose a million and one different ways, when you were five years old and on his dad’s boat together wearing wide smiles and too-large life jackets.
Finally, you got to the end of the album and to the draft day photo. You could feel his gaze on the picture, and you knew he was launched back into that day the same way you had been when you had first seen it.
“I was afraid. Terrified, actually.” You muttered, keeping your gaze trained on your lap as you felt him pull the album off of your lap to set it on the coffee table before he wrapped his hand around yours. He didn’t speak at first, so you decided to fill the silence with more nonsense ramblings before you could stop yourself. “Vancouver was—is—so far away and I couldn’t handle the thought of not having you close so I thought it would be easier to not have you at all. It wasn’t, not even a little bit.”
“I know.” He mumbled, kissing your knuckles and repeating the words until you couldn’t help but believe him. “I know, and I don’t blame you in the slightest.”
“I ruined us, Brock. You were the greatest thing I ever had and I threw it away because I was scared.” It was as if you couldn’t stop confessing now that you had started, tears brimming in your eyes and voice catching in your throat.
“You didn’t ruin anything.” He mumbled against your temple before pressing a kiss there. “Stay right here, I’ll be back.” You watched in confusion as he jumped to his feet and left the room, Milo trailing after him while Coolie stayed by your side, dropping his head in your lap as if he knew you needed some extra love. You busied yourself by scratching him between the ears, and soon enough the sound of Brock returning garnered your attention. “I got you a Christmas gift.”
“I didn’t get you anything—” You started, a moment of dread coursing through your veins but Brock shook his head to quell your worries.
“Just open it.” He urged, handing you the envelope and taking his previous seat perched on the couch next to you. You pursed your lips, but otherwise did as he asked. It took you a moment to understand what was inside, but suddenly it all clicked the moment you read Vancouver International Airport.
“Brock, these are one way tickets.” You told him, looking between him and the plane tickets in your hands. His gaze was serious, no hint of jest or teasing to be seen. He had bought you one way tickets to Vancouver. One way tickets to the life you could have had with him all those years ago.
“No more being scared. You and I can do this.” Voice level, you had never once seen him look as sure of himself and his decisions than he did at that very moment. It was an insane decision he was sure of, asking you to go back to Vancouver with him despite not technically being in a relationship.
“This is crazy, Brock.” You laughed breathily, more out of shock than humor. Though, you had to admit, you were considering his offer. Nothing was tying you to Minnesota; you had graduated college and had been applying to jobs out of state—what’s the difference if it was out of the country?
“I’m all for crazy, as long as it’s with you.” He joked, one hand coming up to cup your cheek and tilt your head in his direction. You couldn’t believe this was happening, you’d be lying if you said that you hadn’t thought about this before. “I still love you. And I know you love me too.”
“Where would I even live?” You didn’t even try to dispute his comment, because he was speaking nothing but the truth and you didn’t want to dispute it. You would’ve shouted it from the rooftops if it meant that you got to be with him. No more fear, no more worry.
“Well, I was hoping with me, but if you want your own place I can help you find something.” There was a lightness to his tone that you adored, but he wasn’t joking about anything. He was offering you something you thought you had lost years ago—the chance at a life with him.
“You’re serious?” The question was dumb, you knew he was telling nothing but the truth and that he’d never joke about something so serious, not when it meant you and him having a second chance at happiness.
“About you? Always.” His charming words had you smiling, deciding almost for you what your answer was. Still, you pretty much had your mind made up the moment you saw the tickets.
“Let’s do it.”
Brock barely let the words slip past your lips before he was kissing you between cheers and laughs drawn out by pure happiness. You were all smiles as he wrapped his arms around you, tugging you so that you were straddling his lap. You broke the kiss to admire him, his grin wide and eyes bright as he admired you back.
“I love you.” You told him confidently, brushing his hair off of his forehead and pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose. He grinned, hands squeezing your waist from where they settled on you.
“I love you, too, so much.” He breathed, unable to stop himself from tilting his head up and capturing your lips in a sweet kiss. “God, I missed hearing you say that.”
“I’ll say it every day.” You paused to kiss him again. “In Vancouver,” Another kiss. “With you.” The final kiss lasted longer than the first several, but there was no heat behind it. The kiss was more about just being there for each other, conveying without saying anything how you felt for each other. “As long as you say you love me back.”
“Oh, you’re stuck with me now.”
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