#my middle school was so fun it's impressive nobody died in it
mishkakagehishka · 2 years
I sometimes randomly remember the kid in my middle school who ? did smth and fell+impaled his leg on a fence. I wonder how he's doing
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sansxreaderbraindump · 5 months
"Stored Away" (a story idea)
Plot idea Sans au x reader One day when you were cleaning out your old drawer, you found your 2016 old fanart and fanfiction of you and sans being lovey dovely. you made this way back in middle school before you fell out of the fandom, man you were obsessed with this character and that alone made you cringed. You laughed as you made fun of yourself inside your own mind, going through the drawings and writing. Cringing at every word mistake and not very detailed parts like first meeting then straight towards dating? Kid [name] really wanted to go to the part they wanted. "Thank god, nobody had to see this dumpster fire."
Even though you hated your own old writing and drawings, you were charmed by it. It gave the embarrassing feeling yes, but also made you feel nostalgic.. So you grabbed a Black shoe box and threw in the "sansxreader" trash and stored it away inside your closet. Hoping to god that nobody can ever find it and be lost in time forever. After you finished cleaning out your old dresser, you cleaned yourself up and went to bed, But before you could even settled into bed you heard voices and groans from your closet. * well this isn't how I wanted to come out? * WHO DA F*CK ARE YOU PEOPLE!? WHY THE HELL AM I IN A CLOSET!? OW- BASTERD YOU JUST ELBOWED INTO MY F*CKING RIBS!! * NOW NOW NO NEED FOR CURSING, AS UNORTUNATE THIS SITUATION IS. I, THE MAGNIFENET SANS WILL BREAK OUT OF THIS IMPRESSIVE TRAP NO MATTER WHAT! MEHEHEHEHEH!! * NOW STEP BACK ME'S IM GOING TO FREE US!! * ok. Then BAM! Three sanses just broke out of your closet and in a instant they looked at you. * oh hey look its a human. "WHAT THE FUC-" (end) this very cool idea I agree 😎 also i thought of in the future chapters of this story idea if it becomes a fanfic, i would add in 2 sanses to the mix so you have 5 sanses to make sure you are loved 💪💪♥ Guess that snas's 2 Hints (very obvious) 1: "bro just don't be hungry *dies*" 2. "womp womp womp made ya kill ur own bro :/" did you guess it? YIP YIP HOOARY YOU GUESS IT RIGHT (because it very obvious) ITS HORROR AND DUST!!! :DDD had to put them in because they are my bad boy crushes 🥰 so uh if you reached to the end just want you to know I'm gonna make headcanons of this story ideas so stay around if ya want. (plz)
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aromanticannibal · 1 year
Transfem Katsuki (edited as of Nov. 2023. Katsuki hadn't died yet when this was written so bear with me.)
In honor of "fuck I thought about transfem Katsuki and now I'm in love with her again" and also because of a shitty discourse post I saw. Enjoy.
She will NOT figure it out until at least second year of UA.
She's always been uneasy about the whole boy thing. Specifically boy. Like she's one of the guys ok sure but she's not a boy.
We know how kind Aldera is to anyone who's slightly out of the norm (ie Deku) and Katsuki is especially aware given she was part of the problem. So yeah, internalized transphobia (+homophobia) we love to see it./s
Getting into UA and quickly realizing that like more than half the class is openly and proudly queer in some way gave her whiplash, and as much of a bully as she still was at this point, she didn't say anything.
She tried to convince herself it was to not get in trouble and gamble her place at UA, but really she was just glad to not be somewhere as fucked as her middle school.
And if the trans ponytail chick makes her question who she really wants to be... well that's nobody's business.
As I am very subtly implying, Momo ends up being a big part of Katsuki accepting herself and her identity as a trans woman.
Katsuki loves her friend group (she'll never admit it but she does, so much) but she associates them with her old group from Aldera somewhat unconsciously, and is terrified they'll push her away, even if she knows she's just. Straight up wrong.
As in, so incredibly wrong. Sero and Jirou are non binary ("Whatever the hell that means") Kirishima is a proud trans man ("More of a man than any of the cretins at Aldera will ever be") Mina's dating a trans girl from another school ("Camie Utsushit or smth") and Kaminari is so many different flavors of queer its almost impressive.
Really, her friends are probably the ones that should be worried, she tries to remind herself, hammering it in her head. Katsuki was an asshole for most of her life, they should be the ones scared of her. They're not though. For some fuckin' reason.
So yeah, talking to her friend group is out of the question. Momo though.
Momo is a special kind of trustworthy. Momo is the kind of person you'd give your entire life savings, your child, your car and your wife to. Katsuki hates that, she hates trusting people, it always ends badly, so she prefers doing stuff on her own.
Except it doesn't always end badly. Especially not with Yaomomo.
Every early saturday morning, Katsuki's and Momo's workout sessions happen at the same time. Eventually, they start talking during that time. Katsuki eventually asks about Momo being trans, more or less convinced she'll tell her to go fuck herself (she obviously doesn't).
It helps, despite the fact that her experience isn't the same as Katsuki's at all. Momo always knew she was a girl, her parents always were supportive about it, and money really wasn't a problem to help her transition once she was old enough to make that decision. Hell, she can literally make estrogen.
Katsuki then comes to the realization that yeah, she's probably a girl. Not like I'll ever do shit about it, she thinks.
Things kinda stay stagnant for a time then. Katsuki has way more important stuff to worry about (like exams and also her and her friends almost dying etc etc) and the self-hatred that simmers in her head constantly doesn't make it really fun to actually think about herself.
Second year comes around.
Because this is me, and my blog, and I do what I want, I present to you my son, Shinsou. Most trans guygirl t4t lesbian of all time. In my heart.
So Shinsou is very trans in the most mysterious way you could think of, so mysterious he himself doesn't really know what is going on with his gender. He doesn't exactly care, he just vibes (any pronouns).
They're pretty knowledgeable on queer stuff because it loves to read wikipedia pages until 5AM when it can't sleep and got lost on multiple LGBTQ+ related forums when she was 13. (He also knows a lot about chickens and lizards.)
She can just breathe the queer coming out of Katsuki, but when they ask they're just met with "oh Bakugou? Yeah no, he's cishet. Our token straight man. To prove we're diverse, etc." (-Shouji, entirely serious). Shinsou's not buying it but she doesn't like assuming, so he shuts up.
Meanwhile, Katsuki has nothing to think about anymore now that things have settled and she's not getting attacked by her self-hatred constantly, so she unfortunately ends up thinking about her gender (truly tragic. Genuinely though, it's almost distressing because she pushed the thought down for so long that it's scary to think about).
Because early mornings and nights are a time outside of our world, it's again around 5AM that Katsuki talks to someone who might help her with her gender problem. Shinsou in fact, who's of course awake on a Monday morning after a sleepless night, eating cereal out of the box.
Katsuki finds herself chatting with the weirdo and eventually asks what the fuck kinda gender it is, if only to be able to call her something else than the weirdo in her head.
The realization that gender is a construct and doesn't really fucking exist so it doesn't actually matter is somewhat of an epiphany for Katsuki. Like she's silent for multiple minutes. Shinsou is getting scared
Quietly, she mutters a small "I think I'm a girl" to Shinsou. It smiles and says "Nice. There's not enough girls in this class." and goes back to its cereal.
Katsuki has no fucking idea how that fucker exists. He's an anomaly in the timeline. Katsuki adores them.
(Platonically. Girl doesn't have time for romantic love. Yes I'm also making her aromantic, because aro Katsuki is the loml and one of my fave hcs.)
After that weird but insightful conversation, Katsuki finally asks Momo for help, taking her up on an offer she had made one morning. ("If you ever need my help for anything concerning [your gender bullshit], come see me.")
Momo being the absolute QUEEN that she is, she assembles all transgirls and cisgirls of the class + whoever else would like to join (which ends up being Jirou, Shinsou and Aoyama) and they all go on a shopping trip with Katsuki to help her figure out what she likes.
Does she want to wear makeup? Does she want feminine clothes? Or long hair? Does she want boobs? Or thinner traits?
Does she just want different pronouns and to be addressed viewed as a girl?
Mina shortens that as "What kinda girl is Katsuki".
I'll do you the answer here so this doesn't take forever, because the process of figuring it out must be long.
Mainly, the verdict will eventually be that Katsuki didn't really feel comfortable in the box she, her parents and Aldera put her in, which is a sort of vague idea of a Boy, Man, Son. She's mean and a bitch and probably a tomboy and she's a girl. That's all. She doesn't want of any of that flowery pink crap and being "gracefully feminine" like Momo is, she'll still kick your teeth in. Being a girl isn't fundamentally part of her identity or her personality, but it's who she's comfortable being.
She does enjoy skirts once she feels comfortable enough to wear them. She grows her hair a bit too (because she doesn't wanna look like her mother at first, but she ends up liking the look) and puts it up in a ponytail.
Makeup is a bitch but it looks cool, so she lets Mina, Aoyama and Shinsou use her face as a canevas for their weird makeup experiments. She thinks she looks like a clown half the time though (she doesn't, she's really cute). She mostly does eyeliner, which she already knew how to do before starting her transition, and very rarely lipgloss.
She doesn't really care about having breasts or softer traits, mainly because her traits are already pretty androgynous when she looks at herself, and she's already got big pecs so like. Basically tits. It's the same, it doesn't really matter. She's happy with how her body looks, she worked to have a healthy body and she doesn't care if it's "not a woman's body" or whatever the fuck. She likes how her body is and she doesn't really care about changing it.
She thinks of using she/they (like Jirou) but doesn't exactly care about they/them? Like they're not bad to have used on her (way better than he/him) but she prefers just using she/her.
She doesn't change her first name. It means victory, so it's already perfect for her. It's her name.
Some of her friends (the ones who aren't scared of death cough cough Shinsou) call her Katsuki-chan (Kacchan is copyrighted) but most her friends call her Kats', because she let slip one time she thinks it's cute.
To end this because good lord I've been typing for some time, here's my Transfem Bakugou pinterest board. I actually have a bunch of transfem characters pinterest boards lmao
Also realizing I almost didn't talk about Izuku. Damn I've really betrayed myself as a bkdk truther. Rip.
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romanoffsbish · 2 years
lantern, maple, bonfire 😝
lantern - how did you meet your best friend? What were your first impressions of each other?
Please… Not this 🙈
So… My bestfriend of 18 years—Alex, we met when I was nearly 8, and tragically cursed with a total blanket of naivety. I’d just been thrown in with my dad who I’d sparingly seen throughout the years, and I knew absolutely nobody in this new area.
So, I’d sit at my window, watching cars drive by, and one day I saw a little girl pushing this little boy on his skateboard. I gasped, then ran outside to inform them I also had a skateboard and to wait for me. They shockingly did, but for like the first year she apparently hated me, and I’d been innocently none the wiser. She even nicknamed me “Creek girl,” because on school days when she was running late her dad’s truck would whiz by the creek where I (who was also late) would just be stood there staring at the stream lol.
Now though, we’re ride or dies, and our families are permanently combined ❤️
Now, Anastassia it was the total opposite. She absolutely was on my shit list by sheer association with her brother lolol. I’d just moved to a new city, moving into my aunts from my dads, and I thought I was off to a fresh start. Then a month in she waltzed into my math class and I was like “🙄.” Nelson, her brother, was purely annoying (normal preteen boy shit; I’d actually been able to convince him I was a Russian spy at one point, and years later he was like “No way… It wasn’t true?” ahahaha)
Anywho, we clicked, but then life happened and we fell off because middle/high school drama happened to her. I was a quiet kid so I was like ‘Hey…’ and that was it. Post high school we had ended up at the same job, we’d started having closing McDonald’s dates, and next thing I know we’re 8 years strong, and her kids/his son are basically mine (as they say) bahahaha. Her youngest literally calls me mom(and means it with her whole chest), and they all call me ‘Kwee-Kween’ or ‘Kleeks’
maple - is there a hobby / skill that you’ve always wanted to try but never did?
Honestly… Writing was the only one, and I’ve been doing my best at it since October of last year. I’d always been a maladaptive daydreamer, so it was about time I put it down for others to possibly enjoy. Nothing else has ever appealed to me and been shrugged off. I’m pretty adventurous, so as long as I physically can do it, I do lol. Like kayaking, that shit is fun.
bonfire - describe your dream house.
Four bedrooms… One built for a plethora of cats, jungle gym status and with an under the stairs space for my one weenie dog… A room for me, a room for my future partner, and the other room will be for guests. I’m a firm believer in separate spaces, but a shared bed 🥺
Downstairs will be like a loft area with ALL of my collections, because believe me I’ve got a lot of pointless Marvel stuff that makes my heart beam.
A pool would be nice, but not necessary, and the aesthetic for me would be dark, because that’s my vibe… I’m a city girl, but I love the woods so I’d be fine settling for somewhere in between. 🤪
Like look… This is beautiful 😍
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oraclememehacker · 1 year
The Totally Comprehensive Guide to my timeline of Wakaba Isshiki
Since Wakaba, as much as I love her to death, doesn’t really have much info about her because she’s the embodiment of dead mother syndrome, I have decided that it’s up to me to fix this. Now, this is based on my own way that I write her, and I want to differentiate her from Futaba. Because, according to the megaten wiki, her personality is basically the same as Futaba’s and while I will have her behave in some ways to Futaba, that doesn’t make for a really compelling character. So with that said, let’s begin.
Wakaba Isshiki was born on April 5th, 1971 in Yokohama, Nakai Ward. Her mother was a stay at home mother, dropping her job in order to take care of Wakaba. Meanwhile, her father was a scientist who had recently started to work in the emerging microprocessor revolution. Both of them had extremely high expectations; not just for themselves, but for their daughter. They were worried about the legacy they would leave, and decided to go for a child. And that’s what they got.
When Wakaba was born, it was a relatively normal birth, aside from being a little bit quicker than normal. The joke was that she was ready to come out. However, Wakaba was plagued with a series of micro seizures as a newborn thanks to some fluid buildup in her skull. The doctors were able to suction out the excess fluid and everything was fine.
This however was a source of possible changes to her personality, though nothing was ever really verified. As a young kid, she was made to do a lot of things at an early age. She showed that she had the capabilities of doing chores and such easily. She would go to the grocery store and had the ability to give the cashier money accurately without prompting.
Even as a child she wasn’t particularly talkative. As she was learning to read and went to school, her nose was buried in a book because it was all fascinating. The words seemed to fly off the pages and she was able to analyze things really well. She could also easily remember stuff in ways that nobody else seemingly could. It was quite an impressive ability, and she just figured the other kids weren’t really trying that hard. 
Knowing the how’s of stuff wasn’t enough, she wanted to know why things worked. That seemed to be a more difficult question to answer and that just caused her to look into a book even more. Her parents didn’t really encourage much in terms of socialization, because they were enamored by how intelligent she was. Her grades were always immaculate, she asked smart questions and even sometimes corrected them on things they thought they knew.
That didn’t mean she didn’t occasionally have a silly side to her. She would sometimes mess around and do experiments for fun that would usually result in something blowing up or something bad happen. That was usually when her parents scolded her, even though they also recognized that she was just a curious child trying to learn about the world.
As she continued to grow up, she made a couple of friends in middle school, and they would remain friends up to high school. She knew however these friendships weren’t going to last, because of pressure from her parents to keep up her high expectations. She knew that she wanted to be a scientist just like her father. However, not too long after she graduated at the top of her class in high school, tragedy struck.
Her mother died of a sudden heart attack. This put quite a strain on Wakaba as it was the first time she had really dealt with any major grief in her life. She knew that her mother wouldn’t want her to grieve for too long, and eventually she did manage to push on through and got accepted into a prestigious college. Her goal was to be a researcher and look into many things. The idea of having a lab where she got paid to test things out really excited her.
During college, her father was killed during a knife attack. Apparently, her father tried to fight back and ended up with a knife to the gut that ended up being fatal. Unfortunately, despite her best efforts she wasn’t able to attend the funeral, to the chagrin of her relatives who wouldn’t let her let that down, despite apologizing profusely.
After several years she ended up getting her masters degree in science. She was incredibly proud of herself, and was getting popular due to her showing of intelligence within the scientific community, and ended up falling in love with someone whilst getting her masters degree, who shared a lot of her same passions. 
At first, they seemed to get along really well, everything was going great. However, after a night of passion and lust, that’s when everything would change. As she was preparing to start work on getting her doctorate, she would find out that she was pregnant. It was a simple lapse of judgment on her part as she wasn’t particularly ready to have a child at that time. But at this point she was stuck with it so she didn’t really have much choice.
Her partner however, didn’t want anything to do with this possible baby. As she was warming up to the idea of having a child, he was getting more and more hostile towards her, including threats of violence. He was not having anything to do with this child. She insisted that he at least help out in some way since it was only logical and that would always just get irate. Eventually she just cut him out of her life and had her child.
As a result of this, she never mentioned Futaba’s father to Futaba because it just wasn’t worth it. She didn’t want him to possibly show back up and threaten the both of them again. Now that Futaba was born, she didn’t have the time to do her doctorate so, she stopped what she was doing for the time being in order to take care of Futaba. She continued her research work whilst taking care of Futaba.
Futaba was the toughest challenge of her entire life but seeing that little bundle of joy grow and get older and find that joy of reading like she did as a child warmed her heart. Despite her being a challenging child, Wakaba loved her to death. During this time, she stumbled across the research of a lifetime, and what would ultimately lead to her death. She stumbled across the cognitive world.
Or at least, the theory that such a world existed. As she was looking over some classified stuff, she found out about this world and she was dumbfounded. None of it made any sense and yet it was here. And she was able to come up with a theory of how it would work. So, she went to the government and requested a bunch of funding to help her research. She was invested in this now.
That’s when they would bring out a middleman that would look into things and make sure that she was using her money effectively. That being Sojiro Sakura. The two didn’t exactly have the greatest of introductions as Wakaba was just annoyed that the government decided to force a middleman into this. She just wanted to be funded and that was it.
But, after a bit, she started to trust the man a bit more. She invited him over to her house so he could see Futaba, the true pride and joy of Futaba. Futaba was scared of him initially, thinking he was psychic after supposedly reading her thoughts. In reality she had just said some predictable stuff that he was able to guess. That made her mess with him a bit and would hold it over him for a bit.
Sojiro was someone who offered to help her a lot, as he ended up being really smitten over her. To him she was incredibly gorgeous and he wanted to be with her. But she was still holding that professionalism over him. However, she did find that he was cute and if it weren’t for the fact that he was working for the government and a possible conflict of interest if they were together, she’d have gone on a date with him.
Over time, her research into the cognitive world took over her entire life. It was a slow and gradual thing, but she knew the potential of this and was willing to lose her life over this. She knew the possible dangers of it, and as a result refused to let Futaba ever know about it. Even if that meant scolding her a lot. Unfortunately, she was starting to get overwhelmed with everything and was finding it increasingly difficult to take care of Futaba.
She had Sojiro help out from time to time, looking over her when she was busy, though that didn’t always happen. Her workaholic habits that she always had were really rearing its ugly head. This resulted in a lot of late-night work and sometimes she didn’t get any sleep at all. Unfortunately, she didn’t realize this was making Futaba upset and making her think that her own mother didn’t care for her.
The thing that sealed her fate, however, was as she was looking into some things, she found out about Masayoshi Shido. He was an up-and-coming politician who was willing to do anything to gain more power and control. He didn’t quite have the power that he would come to have, but apparently he was starting to look into her research a bit. Therefore, he was looking into him as a counter measure.
As her research was getting more intense, Shido and Wakaba would end up butting heads. He came into her research lab one day and told her straight up that he knew what she was doing looking into her, and that if she didn’t want something bad to happen to her, that she would stop. Of course, she had a stubborn streak to her and she wasn’t going to let that stop her. If anything that just made her more defiant.
One night, as she was having some drinks with Sojiro she told him that something was going on and she had a bad feeling that she might die in the strangest of ways. It was such an out of nowhere statement, combined with the fact that she was shit faced drunk that Sojiro didn’t exactly take the statement seriously. He just looked at her with a baffled expression before laughing it off, saying that she was just drunk and not thinking straight.
That made her make a comment that took him off guard, and it was one that hinted at her being bisexual. But she just laughed that off and took another drink. The threats from Shido grew more intense, and she wasn’t going to let that stop her still. Her research was so close to being complete. The ultimate goal was to find a way to the cognitive world and see it up close and personal. She knew so much about how it worked, even coming up with theories about how to suppress a palace by faking one’s death.
Meanwhile, during all of this, her own shadow was growing in influence; her obsessive workaholic nature ensuring that she would eventually grow a full-on palace once she used this to start hurting people. This is when Akechi would come in and find where Wakaba’s shadow was. It was her full obsessive and workaholic nature in full display and even more so. When Akechi went in to kill Shadow Wakaba however, she just asked that Futaba be left alone.
And unfortunately, that’s when Wakaba would end up meeting her demise. Out of nowhere, after an argument with Futaba, she felt something suddenly. Her mind swam for a bit and then that was it. Her shadow had been killed, and she was left in a catatonic state. She was just running on instinct at that point, and she ended up walking in front of a speeding car, getting killed instantly. In theory however, there was a chance she could’ve come out of this state, but it wasn’t meant to be.
Wakaba, just like her parents, died in a tragic way, and her death created an uproar in the family, as there was many of them who were jealous of all of her success and wished her the worst. Some of them were relieved that she was dead. However, upon the fake suicide note being read out at her funeral, that’s when all hell broke loose. They all blamed Futaba and therefore, nobody wanted her.
There’s so much more that I want to say about Wakaba and her childhood and what not. However, I can’t put that all in one post. I have to give you all something to look forward to after all! Some of these things may change as I develop Wakaba more. However, for the time being this is the general timeline of Wakaba’s life and what not. Hope you enjoyed!  
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mrslittletall · 1 year
How do you think Laurence got his start in Bergynwerth? Did he come from a poor, middle class, or wealthy background? How did he meet his harem (gehrman, Bardor, mico, Ludwig)? Does he view them as pawns or does he respect them? What does he think of maria? Of kos? I love laurence please tell me all ur thoughts abt him
Ooooh, fun! I have a lot of headcanons about this! Okay, so I headcanon that Laurence was the son of two doctors. They weren't nobles, but they had a small clinic and came along. Unfortunately, one day they tried to save a patient with a deadly and contagious illness and ended up catching the same illness and eventually succumbed from it. That left Laurence orphaned at age 11. It was then when he went to Byrgenwerth, because Master Willem agreed to take him in should something happen to his parents (they were graduates). My Byrgenwerth works a bit differently, the kids can start their educations there around 12 years old and most stay for scholarship. It was where Laurence met Gehrman and Micolash and Maria. Gehrman was two years older than Laurence and the son of the groundskeeper. He was home schooled instead of attending the school and helped his dad with work. Gehrman's mother died when he was six, so he could relate to Laurence' grief about his parents. When Laurence first met Micolash, they got into a big fight. And then had to go to detention together. They came out as friends and nobody really knows what happened in there. They also were rivals since then, always competing for the top space at their current grade. Maria was coming to Byrgenwerth a few years after Laurence and because she was very aloof and Laurence was like "Oh, I should take care of this girl." because he sudddenly had big brother instincts, he went to talk to her and got told to fuck off. They kinda became friends after this... Maria was hanging out a lot with the gang, even allowed in the labyrinths even though she was not eighteen yet. I actually don't know how Laurence met Brador. I have the feeling he once just was there and offered his services to Laurence once he became the vicar. I doubt that Laurence was putting "searching for an assassin" in the newspaper ^^' Ludwig... I am one of the few people who don't have him at Byrgenwerth. He met Laurence actually when they were children, but they went seperate ways. Later, Ludwig became one of the independent hunters under Gehrman and each time Laurence saw him when he visited Gehrman, he felt something, but didn't know what... After Gehrman vanished and the blood moon rised, it was Ludwig who stepped up to get as much people out of Old Yharnam before Laurence decided to burn the place down. Laurence was so impressed that he promoted him to captain of the newly formed church hunters and since then they worked closely together and love bloomed... Laurence clearly respects his friends, but he can be quite an asshole (and doesn't admit to it), so that eventually, his relationship with almost all of his friends did get bad. Especially with Maria, who openly called him out on things the seemed to deny. It led to a clusterfuck of stuff that happened that I don't want to elaborate on now, it's too early in the morning. Kos... it is a great one that Laurence respected and would pray too, but he also went and harvested her corpse for blood, firmly believing that humanity deserved it. I actually think that the blood of Kos was the main blood supply of the church for a while until they found Ebrietas which willingly gave her blood to them. I just... love that the church canonically has a great one in their basement and it is totally peaceful, like she is expecting no harm from humans.
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mesozoic-system · 3 years
Bakugou Katsuki is not as bad as he seems.
Okay, fine. That's a lie. Bakugou is a loud and obnoxious asshole with little to no character development and will snap at anyone who breathes on him the wrong way.
Now that that's out of the way, let's move on to why he's like that.
You all know what PTSD is, yeah? If not, it stands for "Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder". It's something that causes panic attacks, unnecessary aggression, trust issues, nightmares, anxiety, depression, and more. People will develop it after a traumatic experience. It takes years of therapy to recover... actually, most people never recover from it.
Fun fact: Katsuki canonically has PTSD. It's confirmed, and you know what? After everything he's been through, it's not much of a surprise. He's been through one tragedy after another and never seems to get a break.
When we first met Bakugou Mitsuki (Katsuki's mother) in chapter #96, we instantly realized how aggressive she was. I mean come on! She talked smack right in front of him and his teachers- in front of All Might who she knew her son was very fond of. Katsuki may be irritable, but to have your own mother backhand you in front of your own role model is a little much.
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Later on in chapter #165 during the Provisual License Exams, we get a little more information that only points towards more abuse- and this time it's not so verbal.
Most people paid no real attention nor gave it a second thought in these panels, but remember when Katsuki suggested to use violence against the kids? Of course, you'd look at it and wave it off as "normal Bakugou behavior", but what he says next took me by surprise:
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That's right. He was raised that way.
Which means either Mitsuki or Masaru (or both) had struck him in some way multiple times as he was growing up, and I doubt it was Masaru.
"Spoiled" my ass. He might have a strong quirk, but people don't turn into little monsters just by being praised. It'll definely boost his confidence, but not dramatically. This could also explain his aggression toward Midoriya. He realized how helpless he was and had power over someone else for once. But that's just a theory.
Okay, let's fast forward a bit. He's finishing up his third year of Middle School and is preparing for the UA entrance exams. He's pushed away his childhood friend to follow his own dreams and tells him to jump off the roof.
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And then he walks out the door only to regret it much, much, muuuch later in the series- y'know. The "character development" I was talking about.
Next time we see him though, he gets what he deserves.
One panel he's tramping through an alley with his friends, and the next, he's being swallowed alive by the most perverted-looking slime monster I've ever laid my eyes on.
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While Izuku's dreams are being crushed by his own hero, Katsuki is fighting for his life in the middle of town. He's struggling, but all he could do was look back at all the dozens of fearful eyes...
Right there. Right now. Look at him:
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He's terrified. He's humiliated and afraid and hurt and despite all of the heroes that were there, none of them had even attempted to save him.
And this is where it really starts. This is where it all begins. Next thing we know, Izuku's running straight for him... The boy Katsuki's bullied almost all of his life is risking his own in order to save him.
You know the story from there; All Might trains Izuku to withhold his power, they get accepted into UA, and then comes the Sports Festival.
Katsuki's already made up his mind: he's gonna win. He's willing to give everything he has to show the country what he's made of, and this may be his only chance to make up for the mishap several months ago. And Monoma, being a professional at making things worse by opening his mouth, rubs salt in the wound.
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It was pretty easy to predict Katsuki's reaction: pissed off and more than ready to prove him wrong. He does, but it cost him his "first place" during the Calvary Battle. But that's okay 'cuz it's not over yet!
Welcome to the next and last stage of the festival: The Battle Tournament, where all the kids get to beat the shit out of each other until only one remains.
Turns out, Katsuki does win. It was a foolproof plan: get Todoroki to go all out on him so he can make a final impression before the end of the day. But it was obvious that Shouto was still unsure of himself, so Katsuki did what he did best:
He had to piss him off.
But instead of getting angry and bursting into flames like he had planned, Shouto threw away the battle at the last second, and everything Katsuki had worked for with it.
No shit he's gonna be upset! He worked his ass off to get where he was, and the whole point was to leave himself a footprint! His entire life had been dedicated to that moment, and it faded away right in front of him.
Midnight put him to sleep and he woke up and threw a temper tantrum.
Now this is was UA did wrong:
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Why would you do that?! They were all aware of what happened to him only a few months ago, he obviously hasn't properly recovered from it, and they restrain him in front of thousands of people. They cover his mouth and gag him, lock his hands in a tiny metal box and expect him not to go insane. Helloooo?! Wake up! He's just a kid!
Several months go by and now it's time for camp. Katsuki is tired. They all are. It's been a long day of training and training and training, and suddenly villains come out of nowhere, and nobody is prepared. And who shows up? The League of Villains, and they're after certain students...
Tokoyami escapes safely, but Katsuki isn't so lucky.
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Just think about that for a second. When we see Shigaraki holding a picture of him, it's the one where UA tied him up. He knows what this child has gone through and he pities him. To be honest, I think the LoV treated him much better than anyone ever has (except maybe Kirishima). They're hesitant, but they treat him with kindness. They didn't just want him for his quirk. They saw what the heroes did to him and wanted to help him get the revenge he deserved.
But when All Might showed up (more like "burst through the wall like the Cool Aid man"), Katsuki is instantly teleported in the strangest way possible... and the most traumatizing.
He chokes out this weird slime-like substance that devours him within seconds. Thankfully it only last that long, but then again, the Sludge Incident, remember?
Yeah, bet that brings back some memories.
But what must have hurt him the most was All Might's downfall and early retirement. He said it himself:
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After several chapters, he finally burst. He's been holding all the pain inside of him until it bubbled over and he couldn't take it anymore. So he went to the only person he could- the person he hated and yet trusted the most.
Maybe the Class 1A concert helped him in a way. It seemed like it brought him down and maybe even relaxed him a little. And something incredible happens. Something we haven't seen from him at all until now...
(From here, I'll try to keep it short to avoid as many manga spoilers as I can. That and I'm tired...)
He began to change; started to support Izuku... in his own twisted way, of course. As chapters went by, he started to open up little by little. He admitted what he had done to Izuku in middle school to All Might, which had brought him some peace of mind. It wasn't quite the apology we had hoped for, but I guess it'll do.
And during the war, he made the greatest sacrifice, finally unlocking his quirk's full potential. Despite being unable to move, he used his quirk to throw himself in front of Izuku without thinking, taking a blow to his stomach. To his stomach.
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He was impaled.
Holy shit.
Last time someone had been impaled was Nighteye, and he died from his wounds.
But Katsuki somehow managed to survive... And woke up ready to beat Izuku's ass if he didn't wake up.
Anyway, that's all I have to say (so far). However, I'm excited for Season 5 of the anime series! Can't wait to see our new story animated! I mean, I've been watching the episodes as they come out, but still.
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rbbalmung · 3 years
Pokemon SwSh GPL AU: Character Analysis P2
Hey all! I was going to call this “Gym Leader Analysis”, but I really wanted to talk about Leon and Sonia too. We’re just keeping this series going! Keep an eye out for P3 (It’ll probably be posted in the same night).
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AGE: 26
ETHNICITY: Half Hispanic, Half Black
Leon is definitely cool uncle friend. I know he is a hot mess and can barely look after himself, but I just feel like he is so good at taking care of other people. 
Leon is a man of many faces. He can pump up a crowd one moment and rid his face of emotion the next. It is definitely jarring when someone first gets to know him. 
Leon is pansexual. He pretty much flirts with anyone (within his age range, of course). That being said, he isn’t out to the public yet. He isn’t ashamed of it at all; he just doesn’t want his sexuality to be the only thing he’s known for. 
Speaking of flirting, there is nobody he flirts harder with than Raihan ;) 
Leon was 12 when his dad died, and it hit him really hard. Since the rest of his family took it even harder than he did, he internalised a lot of his pain and focused on trying to help raise Hop. He doesn’t really feel like he ever got the closure he needed. 
Oh boy, is Leon protective over Hop. There is a 10 year age difference between them, so he will always feel like Hop is his “Baby Brother”. 
(Fun fact: He develops a similar relationship to Gloria when he becomes her Champion Mentor). 
Leon is a bit of an adrenaline junkie. He doesn’t really process the fact that some of the things he deals with are incredibly dangerous, which is a bit concerning to his friends. On a more lighthearted note, this means that he will ride any roller coaster without breaking a sweat. 
Cannot cook to save his life. 
Leon, like Hop, has ADD. That’s why he’s always getting lost/seems to have trouble keeping focus. 
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AGE: 26
Sonia is the smartest out of our gaggle of characters and she knows it. 
She and Leon entered the GPL together, but she dropped out before going to Hammerlock. Sonia originally joined the league thinking it was something she wanted to do because she was good at pokemon battles, but she quickly learned that the rigorous lifestyle trainers live wasn’t for her. 
Sonia had an uncertain period of her life where her best friends had all become gym leaders and she was stuck in Wedgehurst helping her grandmother. She definitely had imposter syndrome when hanging around them, so for a few years, she kept her distance. Attending University really helped her start to find her footing, though she wasn’t sure what branch of pokemon studies she wanted to focus on (until the game starts). 
She has a strong pokemon team, but she doesn’t fight with them anymore. She mostly keeps them around for company and they help her with her research! 
Sonia is super close with Hop. After becoming champion, Leon asked her to keep an eye on him. They very much have a sibling relationship (though neither will admit it). 
She is the friend that is overly invested in everyone’s love lives. Sonia is constantly trying to set everyone up together because she “just loves love”. 
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AGE: 25
Tall boy! Raihan is freaking huge, and being around everyone else in the League only heightens this fact. He jokes that the one thing he will always hold over Leon is their height difference. 
You would think Sonia is the biggest gossip, but we all know that Raihan is. You can trust him if it’s something serious, but you have to preface that. If you don’t, you may as well kiss your secrets goodbye. 
Raihan is the best person to go to when you need help. He has big Gryffindor energy and will literally do anything you need him to. If he doesn’t, you just have to call him out for “being a coward”. His pride will definitely be the death of him. 
Raihan has the biggest social media presence despite not being champion. He is really good to his fans and will try to interact with them as much as possible. Will always sign autographs or stop to take a picture. 
He met Sonia, Leon, and Nessa through the GPL (they were all in the same season). He beat out Nessa but lost to Leon in the finals. Raihan took the defeat pretty hard and made it his goal to dethrone Leon, so he fought Hammerlocke’s previous gym leader and the rest is history. 
He really wants to impress Leon ;)
Bede once challenged his for his throne, but lost. Raihan always brings this up to him now that they’re both gym leaders just to piss Bede off. 
He really likes egging on his friends. Raihan never crosses the line, but he’ll say just the right thing to make you challenge him to a pokemon battle. 
Puts on a brave face, but definitely lets negative comments get to him.
The chaotic one in the friend group. 
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AGE: 22
Such a pure, soft boy. Literally the nicest, chillest person. He just scares people off with his edgy demeanour. 
He cares a lot about the people in his town. Since Spikemuth is small, it definitely feels like everyone there is a family. It was the main reason he refused to move the Dark Type Gym to a different location to obtain a Dynamax hotspot. (That, and he hates Dynamaxing). 
Speaking of, he is fairly new as a gym leader! Leon nominated him to participate in the GPL after noticing his raw talent in the GJPL (Galarian Junior Pokemon League). Piers didn’t expect to make it as far as he did, but he was truly the dark horse of his season. He made it all the way to finals and wiped the floor with the gym leaders he went up against. He did end up losing, but he used the newfound fame he received from participating to kickstart his band.
Two years later, Leon approached him again and asked if he was still interested in becoming a new gym leader. It started as a small, non league Gym, but his notoriety quickly gained Spikemuth new attention. He joined the League only one year after debuting. 
Despite being crazy talented at being a pokemon trainer, Piers really isn’t interested in it anymore. He likes the freedom that comes with pursuing his music career. (It definitely helped that his little sister shaped up to be an astounding pokemon trainer herself). 
Coolest big brother ever. Marnie chastises him for pampering her, but they are definitely best friends. They’re the type of siblings that, if one of them goes to the grocery store, the other will just tag along. 
Dad Friend. 100% a Dad Friend. Literally adopts Marnie’s friends the second he sees them. (Who are these twerps? Ok, I guess they’re my children now). Would never admit to this fact. 
Piers and Marnie grew up in an artsy family with three other brothers (he is the exact middle child). They weren’t rich, but they are all super close and supportive of each other. 
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AGE: 25
Looks are definitely deceiving with this one. Nessa is good at keeping a serene face, but if she loses, she is definitely seething underneath. 
So pretty, oh my god. She was scouted by a modelling agent during her GPL season. Nessa only signed after she lost the Finals Tournament. Her career started as something to keep food on the table now that she couldn’t become champion, but she has grown to respect her craft. She likes to use it to promote small businesses and make political statements. 
Nessa was trained by the previous gym leader of Hulbury (another water type trainer), so it was no surprise to anybody when she tried to hand their title off to her. Nessa refused to take it without winning a pokemon battle, fair and square. 
She is super athletic! Nessa was on the swimming team throughout school and won several region championships! Sometimes during the off season, she’ll help teach swim classes to younger kids. 
Best friends to lovers with Sonia! They met during their GPL but didn’t start to get romantic feelings towards each other until 6 years later. Everyone knows that Nessa has a girlfriend, but she keeps the fact that it is Sonia private because she doesn’t want the crazy fanboys to target her. 
Nessa takes on a big-sister-role to all of the new female gym leaders (Gloria, Marnie, and Bea). She and Melody will literally strike down anyone who even looks at their girls funny. 
Her relationship with Milo is hilarious to anyone who isn’t them. Nessa is convinced that they are rivals and must constantly train against each other in order to get stronger. Milo sees her as his best friend and will bake her treats for when they meet up. (Also, Kabu is their dad. I’m just stating facts). 
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foryouthegays · 3 years
First Meeting [Dream SMP] liveblog and summary w/ timestamps lets gooo
(Time taken: 1:58:56)
(Words: 1,235)
Techno starts the stream in his house. He talks to chat and about the stream, and eventually starts talking to Phil. They go over the Syndicate book and make some copies. While finding chickens, Niki asks Techno where he is, and says she wants to meet with him. Techno tells her to “follow the suspicious compass.” After a few minutes, she finds their house, and is invited inside. She reads the book and agrees to join the Syndicate.
While talking, Techno spots Ranboo spying on them, and goes outside to ask what he’s doing. Techno asks how much Ranboo heard, and Niki asks if he’s not allowed to know.
Ranboo questions her logic and says that if you want to keep a secret, you really shouldn’t be going around asking if someone’s allowed to know something. Techno agrees, and decides to ask Ranboo if he wants to join the Syndicate. He agrees.
After a few minutes of talking, and a quick sellout timer, they bring Ranboo and Niki to the lava pool, and Phil jumps in. It’s the new way to the meeting room, and a trust test. They go the the meeting room, which looks amazing, and start their first meeting with discussion about The Egg.
Techno says that he’ll talk to people and learn more about the Egg. He starts talking about a new government forming to the West of L’Manburg. They agree to investigate the rumors.
Before they leave, Ranboo reveals that Tommy died, to mixed reactions. Techno’s indifferent at worst, excited at best, and the others are in denial, and need to see a body to believe it.
They leave to go to Snowchester, and start talking to Tubbo. After some conversation, they agree that Snowchester isn’t a government, and Tubbo invites them to see his crater. They’re impressed, and say that they’ll call him if they ever need to kill a god. They go back to Snowchester and the prison, and Techno breaks part of the roof for fun.
Eventually, they make it back home. They tear down the dirt fortress in front of their yard, and then Techno ends the stream.
Times of Note (loreish):
3:45 Phil joins the call
7:00 he shows the updated Syndicate book, which reads:
This Syndicate is formed to serve as a network for fellow Anarchists to meet, exchange information, and cooperate in the mutual pursuit of Anarchy and the fight against Tyranny.
We shall have no Leader; no Member shall be compelled to act against their will. No Member shall reveal information about the Syndicate to outsiders.
Technoblade shall serve as the Recruiter to induce new Members into the Syndicate with Approval from a majority of Members.
14:20 Niki asks where Techno is.
16:20 Niki shows up at their door and joins the call.
20:40 Ranboo is spotted spying on them.
34:20 they start bringing Ranboo and Niki to the meeting room.
36:50 syndicate room reveal
37:40 he shows their code names, which are
Technoblade - Protesilalus
Phil - Zephyrus
??? - Harpocrates
48:15 Ranboo reveals that Tommy is dead.
Times of Note (just bc fun lmao):
1:30, 2:02, 2:07 he clap :]
22:09 a deep friendship :) aww thank you! That was adorable
26:45 ‘reblog’ techno r. R u on tumblr technoblade
30:50, 1:00:50, 1:33:30 Sellout timer my beloved
Tubbo dies 6 times before he manages to say that someone trapped him im gonna cry this is amazing
1:03:53 Du du duuu
1:23:55 2 4 6. 8 who do we appreciate not the government yeahh
1:33:40 technosneeze?
Startinggg the streammm my beloved
1:15 ‘well at least im gonna get valuable feedback from my chat, lets see what theyre saying. Late, late, late late late, late’ GOD ive missed his humor
3:45 philza minecraft philza minecraft philza minecraft
Techno has 6 mil subscribers and still doesnt know how to stream. I love him <3
6:00 ah yes, fences, the best way to stop snow
7:00 syndicate book my beloved
7:35 ‘when you have to do a group project in school, do you form a temporary government to get it done?’ S;ALKSDJFALKSDFJA technoblade my beloved
8:20 ‘listen, my high school understandin’ of philosophy will easily defeat the average viewers middle school understandin’’ FGHSKJDLA love he
Techno n philzas interactions r just. So good
16:20 NIKI!!!!!!! Oh my gosh he just closes the door in her face im gkjfhsdla
17:05 ‘im not a fool, im not a foolish fool who doesnt test things before he does them on stream’ love he
17:35 was v sir billiam voice
God technos humor is just. 10/10
Currently obsessed w how in canon niki is like, probably a bit scared of techno n then she goes over there and hes like. Do u think i can bring steve to the syndicate like his image is SO different from how he acts in the arctic i love it
22:55 ‘i would NEVER hurt another human being’ mhm sure techno
Mmmm technos voice when he starts asking people bout anarchy my beloved
Techno rlly does just say things doesnt he. Like i say that abt tommy a lot but techno just. Does he think? Yes. Does he just ramble abt whatever he wants? Also yes
13:10 Obsessed w how fast he ran when the sellout timer went off
32:05 BIG fan of this dono, it’s from J.J.M. Nobody for 50$ and it says ‘You know a hero once associated with pigs lead an army against tyranny.In fact he was supposed to be immortal, if he didnt commit a grevious sin. It made the voice in his head leave him to die. You wouldnt know anything about that?right Tydeus?’
Also i love how technos horrible upload/stream schedule is just him hibernating in canon
39:28 guys what if i stole phils code name and made it zephyris instead of zephyrus /hj (also who do yall think Harpocrates is?)
Obsessed w how obvious technos trying to make it that theyre not the good guys like the symbol being a wither? The room being all dark n stuff? They have to get in through l a v a? Love it. 10/10 would join
41:15 ‘its a meetin’ room, lets have our first meeting. So, uh, what the fuck is up with the egg, dude?’ GJKHDFSL phil is so good
42:05 OBSESSED with how, canonically, the egg wasnt able to take hold of techno or ranboo bc their heads r already so full of voices
44:10 the TIMING of tubbo dying when theyre talkin bout his place is hilarious
48:25 ‘dream..beat him to death’ ‘yoooo thats a pog’ GDHJKFL TECHNOBLADE
1:07:05 HE LAUGH!!!!!! HE LAUGH!! ! ! !
Techno making fun of tubbos tunnel is so good im gonna cry ‘if i were to give any constructive criticism id say that your tunnel SUCKS’ (1:07:50)
1:21:20 why is ther ejust. A random piston ;akdjlafja
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I threatened to expose my bully for secretly liking me.
I had a friend growing up who absolutely hated me. It was weird because I considered her to be my best friend. The older we got the more I realized there were ill intentions behind her actions and words.
So we will call this friend, Kayla.
Kayla and I’s parents were really good friends, so naturally her and I hung out a lot. This friendship began in elementary school. Kayla and I were inseparable. She would stay at my house for weekends on end and vice versa.
Once we got to middle school, things changed. Kayla started hanging out with girls who were loud, obnoxious and mean. And me being the weird outcast I was, hung out with my group of friends who weren’t popular, but weren’t losers. I was one of the first people in my school / group of peers who came out as a lesbian. Nobody was surprised being that I never wore dresses, stayed in a sports uniform, and generally would hang with the boys and play hockey, basketball, etc. I was the biggest tomboy growing up. I was labeled the school lesbian and was made fun of and told I had the “les touch” so that nobody would touch me.
Kayla and I kept in contact outside of school and she regularly came to stay over at my house still. Nobody could know that we were hanging out or were friends though. She wouldn’t speak to me in school. She would giggle when other kids picked on me. And she started doing really mean things to me. She would text me and tell me that a group of people were going skating at a certain place and time and that I was invited. I would show up and wait for hours before realizing that nobody was coming and it was a joke at my expense. My dad died 7th grade year and in an attempt at a “joke”, as I was getting off the bus Kayla rolled the window down and yelled “that’s why your dad died” to which the entire bus erupted into laughter. Kayla would trip me in the hallways with her friends and laugh. Typical mean middle school shit.
Kayla still kept in contact with me outside of school and would ask me to stay over or if she could stay over my house. In an attempt to remain friends, (I didn’t have many and she had been my longest “friend”) I would cave and we would hang out. Well at our sleepovers at each other’s houses, Kayla started getting curious about me being a lesbian. It would start by her asking little questions about how I knew and blah blah blah. Then it moved onto physical things. She would ask to kiss me to “practice” for boys. Or she would say she just wanted to know what kissing a girl was like, it was always some excuse behind why she wanted to kiss me.
And once the weekend was over, she would go home, we would go back to school, and she would be mean all over again to me.
I got sick of it by 8th grade and realized that she didn’t want people knowing we were hanging out because they’d connect the dots. She liked me. Once my teenage brain figured this out it was on.
Kayla would see me in the hallways and would continue doing mean shit. Once, I caught her in the bathroom alone and shoved her against the wall and told her that if she didn’t leave me alone and get her friends to leave me alone that I would kiss her in front of everyone. I told her I would print all our text messages out and tape them all around school. And that I would tell everyone she was my girlfriend and that we had weekend sleepovers almost every weekend.
All of a sudden, everyone left me alone. I was upset that I had to use my sexuality as a weapon but was thoroughly impressed with the results. She still, to this day, checks in periodically to see how I am. I swear she’s still afraid I’ll out her. Lol. She has a kid and a boyfriend now and I would never do that but man, it was nice to be left alone for the rest of my high school days!
(source) story by (/u/oppositeof_you)
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dexaroth · 3 years
had a dream about a portal gun that allows u to travel back (blue) or forward (orange) in time (very long desc so I'll hide it in the read more thingy)
it started in an entirely new concept of my apartment where everything was new. i had to deal with some weird neighbours that were evicted and looked off to me but this section's highlight was a parrot that i cant for the life of me remember what they did since this part formed like right after i started my deep sleep phase. brain certainly lifted this from the kakapo/green parrot post i rbed but they looked very different in my dream. they were big and had like a black coat of feathers on top and only their belly was green so points for originality i guess
not as interesting so, proceeding. the middle phase was me getting bored/angry of whatever happened there and so i picked up the portal gun (somehow from somewhere, cant tell) and went back to when i was in school (i guess u just think of where u wanna go and it goes there in the past)
in today's version of the dream it was so long after I dreamed about it that i forgot how exactly it worked so I looked at the bottom of iy and the company's name seems to have russian characters, I can't recall what it was called but it was like tyrenyykyy or something with those letters. i didnt have the manual so i went to their website and the most powerful version (which was the one i was using) just cost $250. the company also sells.. clip art for ppl that make candy?
the gun itself has a constant receipt printer that describes the time u are in (like, [cafeteria - right before jonh left]) which i discover later that controls where in the timeline u wanna be in since at that point i just hopped in the past portal once and got to meet one of those human-apes that r our ancestors and double checked the website so thats how i figured why there was a scroll wheel next to the blue and orange portal buttons
ok so i did some shenanigans that tied in with previous dreams i had in the same places (to me thats incredible. it doesnt happen often but when it does i go ecstatic and remember it while im dreaming, its like a half-controllable dream) but the most interesting part was when.. obama was in the school (completely made up im not american, that came from me watching mr. robot and noticing he was there) and i like went to him like hey old man look what i got. and he was impressed and i was trying to say 'i can go back more than 20 years back!' but i forgot how to say it in the form of 'decades' (i still dont know lol) and he laughed in a condescending way bc how stupid i was and tried to take it away so i immediatelly used it and went in the past again and realized how i could use this to stalk an entire person's life which i promptly forgot about and went to try to climb a place where some adults didnt let me go when i was a kid
the most fun in that was feeling like u were a criminal and should be stopped so it got u adrenaline but when i got there nobody gave a shit. didnt even acknowledge me existing there (which in my mind should have been even worse bc i was all grown up and idk, invading a place. it should have been even more interesting then when i was just at recess being watched) so i just layed in there like i died and woke up disappointed lol
alright uh this does not sound even near the fun i had dreaming about it.. fuck. i legit cant remember anything else but to me it was amazing to experience. u could alter the size of the portal too and that affects how far or forward u go and u also just go through a void when ur transitioning like in a way a game would do. it also had no handles just some plastic knobs u were supposed to put ur fingers in between but i remember i had to hold it like a baby bc it was so incvenient. also looked nothing like the og besides being made of white plating and looking like a peanut shell in shape
idk how interesting dream journals are to yall but its been a long time since ive had one of these complex story dreams. ones that u can separate into chapters and you wake up with an ending. i used to see more ppl posting them a while ago but i think that was a google+ thing so eeeehhh
i must be forgetting some very important details bci woke up like 'i gotta tell tumblr about obama. i gotta tell tumblr about obama' and i had just realized some stuff happened before the portal (the appartment part) part so i was like sheesh i lost like 80% of what happened there :[
i guess to me the bulk of the fun was going past and present and seeing which kinds of ppl were there. which kind of events. if i was still recognized as a student (which now that i think of it, i was wearing my uniform the moment i portaled to there.. huh.). none of the people i saw as friends were my irl friends, none of the events that happened there happened irl. it was all a re-use of a previous, already distorted dream i had. same scenario, same actions. i mustve thought this was what made the highlight (obama being there) just that much groudnbreaking lmao. "here's an entire new reimagining of your previous awesome dreams, with a way YOU can control them in whatever way you wish.................. AND, here's obama. bc u saw him appearing in that series. ur welcome" said my brain and i just pogged so hard at that
genuinely love so much when ppl share their dreams. its such an awesome thing to read about, its like trying to figure out how a machine works and then the machine reworks you instead
uh anyways. the dream has already faded out by this point, i usually just go wow!! i dreamt that?? at most after 5 minutes of the dream and then i put it in the back of my mind inside the 'epic dreams i had' catalog. i cant recall anything else interesting so hope this was a somewhat worth read lol
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cherrybombusa · 3 years
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THE HEARTBREAK KID - Casey Russell. THE ARTIST - Sloane Salt. THE CLASSIC - Libby Logan.
- PUZZLERS: Talk about minds of freakin’ steel! As the only group to solve the puzzle in ONE guess, Casey Russell, and Sloane Salt have both earned themselves a chance to go back and fix it! If a choice happens to go wrong for them in a future event, they will be allowed ONE do-over. Use it wisely! 
- Casey fell on his face, and cost the group a time penalty on his run back from the Ferris Wheel. - The Gang only used one try in their puzzle, and succeeded!  - Sloane dropped the second key, and failed to disarm the Candy Girl’s bomb. The carousel was destroyed in the blast.  - As the one who dropped the key, Sloane was blamed for the destruction of the carousel, and arrested. On the bright side, she saved Libby and Casey from spending a night in jail... But this will come back to bite them all in-game.
When it was put there, he doesn’t know, but the note should be enough to make Casey’s heart skip. There, in the case of his instrument is a folded piece of paper. On its surface? A threat. “COME TO THE NEW CAROUSEL AT 7:30PM SHARP, OR YOUR SECRET IS MINE TO SPILL!” @caseyfm
When it was put there, she doesn’t know, but the note should be enough to make Sloane’s heart skip. There, hidden within her deck of tarot cards is a folded piece of paper. On its surface? A threat. “COME TO THE NEW CAROUSEL AT 7:30PM SHARP, OR YOUR SECRET IS MINE TO SPILL!” @saltofthcearth
When it was put there, she doesn’t know, but the note should be enough to make Libby’s heart skip. There, in her ride locker, is a folded piece of paper. On its surface? A threat. “COME TO THE NEW CAROUSEL AT 7:30PM SHARP, OR YOUR SECRET IS MINE TO SPILL!” @hellolibby​ 
THE NARRATOR: Reunions were supposed to be pleasant occasions, weren’t they? They were supposed to bring feelings of joy, and nostalgia; you were supposed to forget the awkward haze that had plagued your years of high school, and… pretend like the good old days were actually just that. Good. Absence did make the heart grow fonder and all that, didn’t it? 
Though, maybe it’s silly to wonder why this little reunion might not be so pleasant. The three of them - Casey, Libby, and Sloane - all walk up to the Carousel at the same time. They all meet each other’s eyes, and though nobody says it, everyone hears the same thought in their head. ‘Fuck.’
LIBBY: "So..." Libby's voice wavers dangerously - her hands shake, cast and all - but somehow she fights every urge she has within herself to run the other direction before chaos can unravel itself all around them. If the Candy Girl wanted them all here, then she doubted running away would be of much use. They were all trapped in Cherry… But this time, it wasn’t ‘small town syndrome’ keeping them back. "Probably safe to assume running into each other here isn't just a coincidence, right?"
SLOANE: There was an urge to reach out to the both of them and pull them in close that Sloane resisted, looking between Libby and Casey. So much for a lull in this Candy Girl's machinations, it seems a week was enough for her to plan something more. She swallowed thickly and then shook her head, folding her arms over her chest nervously. "Well, obviously I wouldn't be here if I didn't need to be." She motioned towards the Carousel. Talk about betraying her cause.
CASEY: Casey follows Sloane's gesture to the carousel. How did wooden horses somehow seem so menacing at night? It was thirty minutes before Mystic Cherry were due to perform and instead he was here about to do...? The sinking feeling in his gut tells him that this is going to lead to no good. "Yeah, this definitely isn't my idea of a warm up before a gig..." he mumbles, before his gaze falls on them both.
THE NARRATOR: There’s no clock to strike the time - nothing to let them know that 7:30-sharp has approached but the faint sound of Dean Hargrove’s voice in the distance is enough to let them know. They're all watching each other, but they can't help but flinch at the intrusion of the sound... And then, yet again ,when Hargrove is cut off by a voice that none of them quite recognize. They’re too far away to hear what the commotion is about, but somehow they know… Their night just took a turn for the worse.
It would have been impressive timing if it weren’t so fucking frightening, but at just that moment, their very own issue of the Cherry Bomb is dropped from the roof of the carousel, and onto it’s platform - near one of the old horses that looked a little too off-it’s-rocker. It’s clearly meant for them… It has to be. The only problem? The Gang is stuck, woefully, behind a locked fence.
There are a few ways to get to it, at least. They could always take their chances climbing the fence  to get inside of the Carousel; it doesn’t look that high.
Casey knows the guys who work here… They’re always leaving things lying around. Maybe it might be best to look around for a lanyard someone might have dropped.
 Then again, Libby has been treating the Boardwalk like a second home since she was just a kid, and she says there’s always another way in… Maybe they look for a hole in the fence?
LIBBY:  "Come on, guys, Casey's right. What are the odds that someone didn't drop their key? It's the boardwalk." It's easy to tell when Libby is determined to get something done. For the first time that day, she ties her hair up in a high ponytail - she crinkles her nose as she scans the area. She probably looked a little too much like a 60’s witch from her favorite sick day show - but, she can’t help herself. Libby always felt a little smarter when she was acting like somebody else. "Sloane - you look over by the hot dog cart. Case, you should probably take the space behind the ride, and I'll... Look everywhere else. I guess.
THE NARRATOR: It’s really a wonder the boardwalk even stays open, considering how careless some of the employees can be, but after a few minutes of searching for a stray key, our little slice of the gang finds their hands on one. They unlock the gate with ease and all pile in toward the Carousel; eager to get their hands on that ominous little magazine.
The cover of the Cherry Bomb is collaged with photos of Lux, the inside? Crime scene photos. There’s no pictures of her body, of course - that would be crude, even for the Candy Girl… kind of. But images of the blood soaked into her carpet; still pictures of her bedroom, flaunting a life once lived, those are there. A shot of her suicide note, ‘I’m sorry, I love you,’ and all.
And right there, in the middle of the spread, like a centerfold? A note, written in Sharpie - just for our ragtag little slice of the gang.
THE NARRATOR:  Oh...my. Now, that’s quite the predicament, isn’t it? I suppose we’re at least lucky that the Candy Girl leaves the rules simple, right? Find a key, and maybe she doesn’t kill one of your friends. Maybe.
SLOANE:  Despite the rising heart rate that Sloane is sporting after looking through that shiny new issue of the Cherry Bomb and the revelation of this new note, she's standing tall, directing the other two. "Divide and conquer, like before. There have gotta be clues around here somewhere... she dropped this from the roof, maybe there's something else." Sloane's boots carry her around the perimeter of the Carousel as she searches for something, anything to give an indication of who is in the box and a way to find this damn key.
THE NARRATOR:  Look for clues. Good idea, Sloane! They split up, but maybe it's better that way.
Libby  stays focused on the sharpie scribbled riddle in the ‘zine while the other two search the operator’s booth up and down for something useful. Not so useful, but strange enough to take note of? A cherry red briefcase, shoved into one of the dusty, storage lockers. Not only that… but maybe there’s actually more to the note than they thought.
SLOANE: With shaky hands, Sloane reaches for the briefcase, after staring at the damn riddle for what felt like so long the words had ceased to make sense. She input their first attempt at cracking the code: 3142.
THE NARRATOR: With the numbers all in the correct order, the briefcase pops open rather easily. They find a key, but along with it, our little gang sees a mess of wires, something that looks like a keyhole, a clock ticking down…. And a note.
THE NARRATOR: Well, the threat is clear. They must solve the riddle, get the second key, and disarm the bomb before the timer runs out… if they don’t, the whole thing might be coming down. And they might just go down with it.
CASEY:  A bomb. They were now dealing with a bomb. The words barely have a chance to register in his mind before they're all scrambling to work out what the words on the paper mean and how to save their friend. With his heart still in his mouth, it barely feels like it has a moment to settle before he's spluttering out, "it has to be the ferris wheel, right?" Looking at both of his friends for their sign of agreement.
CASEY: With the agreement of his friends - he's bolting off. Barely a thought running through his head other than the knowledge that he has to get to the ferris wheel before the timer ticks down to zero. Their friendship circle has suffered enough with Lux's death without adding in a casualty at the hands of Candy Girl. Scrambled together with the thought that he's lost enough family over the years, too. So, it's sheer brute force that gets him through the sprint, running like his own life depends on it because... well... it kinda does. With the ferris wheel in sight, he hopes he will make it in time.
THE NARRATOR: Heart racing, chest aching; adrenaline pulsing through his veins, but somehow  he finds the key hanging from the Ferris’ Wheel’s gate like a prize less than two minutes later. With that in his hands, he just has to sprint all the way back to the carousel to save his friends. 
It should be just as easy - it has to be - but maybe the pressure of getting back in time is getting to his head, because on the way back… Casey stumbles. It’s not it’s the wipeout of the century, but it certainly shaves some time off of that fucking timer in the briefcase. Not to mention some skin off of his face -- and is that blood dripping down his collar? Fuck. 
THE NARRATOR: They  have the key, and now they just have to disarm that fucking bomb. It seems simple enough… But it would probably be better if whoever did it was calm. Or good at problem solving. Or just… Really, really, really good at surviving bleak situations. Any takers?
SLOANE: Sloane has dealt with many a crisis, but none so bad as this one, when lives are on the line and there's a god damn bomb in a briefcase like they're in a cheesy 80s action flick. Taking a deep breath, she takes the key from Casey, worried eyes having to fight to not focus in on his injury. They don't have time. They have to do this. "I can do it." She assures them both, steadying her hands and clenching her jaw as she lifts the key towards the keyhole steadily. "Fuck it." She mutters as she tries the one they've retrieved.
THE NARRATOR:  Holy shit. Holy shit.
THE NARRATOR: I can believe this one is really happening.
THE NARRATOR: The three of them held their breath - Casey and Libby watched while Sloane went for the lock with only 30 seconds left on the timer… only to drop it.
It was the fumble of the century - the sound of the key falling into the hidden mechanisms of the carousel like a taunt - and as the clock counted down, they knew they only had one choice… 
The three of them took off running as hard as they could - their lives depended on it, after all - and though it was a mighty effort, they didn’t make it far enough not to be blown off of their feet. They all land in a pile together; beaten, broken… And absolutely fucked when only minutes later, the Boardwalk Police come running.
They expect for handcuffs to be thrown onto the three of them, but as Dean Hargrove comes running up behind them, he instructs them only to arrest Sloane.
He had known Casey and Libby since they were both kids, after all. They were his son’s best friends. How was he supposed to believe that they had something to do with this over the Salt girl? Libby and Casey try to protest, but it’s no use. Sloane is going with them to the police station, and… that’s that.
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captaindaddykru · 4 years
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☆for emily☆
today it’s @keiraknighted‘s birthday. i wanted to finish this before today, but everything is flaming garbage, so a preview will have to do. no, i will no be giving out more details. happy birthday to my musical soulmate, the kinkiest queen of them all, em. my ol’ cobber. my favorite drongo. quite the spunk you are. you’re a classic. and you live in the worst possible timezone imaginable. here’s some best friends, pining, sexy, below <10k hopefully. also, sorry for the ugly temporary moodboard???? i was getting desperate at this point and am no grapic designer. i just needed something to distract from what you’re about to read. cheers!
So, by the time their holiday break rolls around, Clarke isn’t only sexually frustrated, she’s also kind of desperate. Which only intensifies when a few days before they’re all flying back to their hometown, Wells casually lets it drop he’s now in a relationship with a girl from his old chess club and things are ‘heating up fast’, whatever the hell that’s supposed to mean. She’s just more aware than ever she’s running out of time. 
Clarke doesn’t even know why it’s such a big deal to her. Maybe it’s her competitive streak coming into play, or the fact she really just wants to get the whole awkward virginity thing over with, maybe it’s the dark inexplicable pang in the middle of her chest whenever she sees the constant rotation of girls on Bellamy’s Instagram and Snapchat. She figures it’s a healthy amount of jealousy, courtesy of their very codependent ways, sharing everything with each other since childhood. They’re all apart for the first time in a decade, going their own ways, perhaps even growing apart. 
She doesn’t think about why Wells’ honest to God girlfriend doesn’t bother her as much when in reality that should make her feel even worse. A girlfriend could screw with their dynamic, a bunch of one night stands rationally speaking won’t. It could be that she knows Wells too well to know there’s still a very big chance he won’t go through with it, that he’ll let the girl down easy before Christmas even rolls around. 
But. Then she finds herself thinking of his jacket covering her shivering body, drenched from the rain, her left arm throbbing with pain, his hand wrapped around hers as he told her it was all going to be okay. She thinks of that time he left Gina’s birthday party early to come pick her up at a friend’s house after almost having a panic attack, the nights he spent sleeping in her bed after her father died, how he never once complained about getting her coffee from the drive through that was more than his hard limit of three dollars, and that one throw-away moment at the end of summer. That goodbye hug that lasted just a little too long, his arms tight around her waist, the intense look mirrored in both of their eyes as they pulled apart, the way she was afraid to say anything in case her voice gave out, before she got into her mom’s car and watched him and Wells disappear in the rearview mirror. 
It’s hard to explain, even to herself. It’s why she never thinks about it for too long. 
Which all brings her to tonight. A new year’s party at the house of someone who went to the same high school as them, that has all the charms of a bad hang-over in the making — terrible beer, music that’s mostly EDM and completely shit-faced people plastered across every surface.
She hasn’t seen Wells since his father’s Christmas party. Clarke finally met Luna there in person. She’s beautiful, easily talked to her about the non-profit she’s interning at for half an hour and had nothing but love in her eyes whenever she looked at Wells. He’s with her at her parents’ ski cabin right now, and from the way Bellamy was clapping his shoulder before he left early in the morning, Clarke figures he’s probably losing his v-card to her there which means that she’ll be the only one out of the three of them not to complete the pact. There’s no way she’s finding someone before midnight that she’d both feel comfortable with taking hers, and is even willing to do so in the first place. 
To make matters worse, Bellamy has totally ditched her to play beer pong with Bree, which she isn’t even sure isn’t code for hooking up in the coat closet. He knows she hates parties, especially when she doesn’t know anyone else there, and that she’s horrific at first impressions. She’s forced to make small-talk with Murphy, the loser who still hangs around their high school parking lot and she used to share one Culinary Arts class with before he got suspended. 
All of it combined has put her in a sour mood. And a drinking mood, but since all there is fucking shitty beer that might as well be toilet water she can’t even get drunk, so that just makes her even more unreasonably upset at nothing in particular. Maybe at the fact she’s so high strung and obsessed with controlling every little detail, that she didn’t just get it over with back on campus with some frat boy she never had to see again after, or that Wells and Bellamy managed to make it happen without even trying. It’s probably because she’s trying way too hard, people can probably tell.
It’s not fair that both of them beat her to it. Clarke wants to just be done with already, too. She wants to get it over with so she can get to the good, non first time stuff like them. She wants to be flirting with boys and girls at parties, or ask for someone’s number at a coffee shop without having to worry about having to explain it’s her first time doing any of it when they eventually invite her over to their room. She wants to be free and nonchalant and spontaneous, not constantly weighed down by the fact that she’s a virgin. It’s not like she’s asking for much. 
Half an hour to midnight, she pushes her way outside to the porch for some fresh air. It’s there where Bellamy finally bothers to leave Bree and her attention-seeking ways behind and come find her. 
“What’s up with you?” He asks, half a chuckle in his voice as he leans his forearms on the railing, mirroring her. 
Clarke grits her teeth together, then slowly exhales through her nose. She keeps her eyes on the tree swing in the distance, swaying softly because of the wind. “Nothing.”
He elbows her playfully, although his tone is serious. Of course he sees right through her. “Come on. Don’t give me that.”
She just grumbles something indecipherable, pushing back her hair from her face with one hand. She still doesn’t look at him, scared she might give anything more away. From inside, there’s the muffled beat of a hiphop song playing joined by the distanced tumult of college kids getting drunk and having fun. Except for the couple making out on the other end of the porch and one stoner sprawled over the grass smoking and staring at the sky, they’re alone. 
“I’m sorry about leaving you for Bree—” Bellamy starts, straightening back to his full height, and before she knows it, a flare of anger rises within her, burning white hot. She doesn’t recognize the feeling, but gets too lost in it to analyze it for very long.
Her head snaps to the side to glare at him, fingers tightening around the railing until her knuckles turn a pale white. “It’s not about Bree and her pathetic fuck-me eyes.”
“Okay,” he replies, sounding a bit too amused for her liking. He leans back, crossing his arms over his chest. It makes his biceps bulge in a way that’s completely unfair when she’s been perpetually turned on since Halloween, and it sends a surge of want pulsing from her core. “Then what’s it about, princess?”
Has his voice always been so deep? She hesitates, not sure she even wants to share this with him. He might be her best friend, but it’s embarrassing on a level she can’t even try and start to describe. “I’m annoyed, okay?” She bites, heated, which immediately makes her feel guilty. It’s not his fault nobody wants her. “I expected that I’d at least beat Wells to it. And since it’s all I can think about all the time now, I’m constantly horny.” A blush forms on her cheeks, down her neck and all over her collarbone, but she refuses to let that or the way his eyes widen slightly stop her. It’s only awkward if she lets it be. “I just feel so stupid. I mean, I had five months to get it over with like both of you, and here we are. What the hell is wrong with me?”
A tense silence wraps around them for a moment, Clarke’s heart pounding loudly in her chest as panic claws up her throat. She’s such a fucking idiot. She shouldn’t have brought it up in the first place. She’s sure neither of them would’ve actually held it against her if she didn’t lose her virginity before new year’s, they’re better than that. She knows they are. Clarke is just so — frustrated.
His tongue darts out to wet his lips, and she finds herself entranced with the movement. “I didn’t know you were so upset about it,” he starts, tentatively. Her blue eyes snap up to meet his, a smirk breaking across his face. He’s teasing her, the asshole, when he says, “I mean, if you’re that desperate, I’ll do it.”
Her eyes narrow, finally pushing off the railing. A gust of wind greets her body, bristling her hair and making tiny goosebumps appear over her arms. She’s seconds away from angry tears, she can tell. “Don’t make it sound like it’s such a fucking chore.”
Bellamy just kind of stares at her dumbly, his whole body grown tense, making her even more furious. Did he lose his tongue all of a sudden? He’s never had a problem sharing his opinions on her, no matter how negative, before. “What?” She snaps, roughly brushing  a strand of hair behind her ear before tucking her hands back underneath her opposite armpits.  
“It wouldn’t be a chore, Clarke,” he corrects her, his eyes still slightly widened as if alarmed by the sound of himself speaking. He swallows visibly, his adam’s apple bobbing up and down in the low glow of the Christmas lights draped across the ceiling of the porch. Bellamy lifts one of his shoulders, casual, even if the movement is stiffer than it usually would be. “I just — I didn’t realize I was an option.”
Her heart trips over itself as silence stretches between them for a moment. She wants to ask him a million questions, but the best thing she can come up with is, “So you were serious?” Clarke raises her eyebrows, trying to figure out if he was just being nice, taking pity on her or if it was something much more dangerous than that. “You’ll do it?”
His jaw clenches briefly, his nostrils flaring. Another second, and he asks, rough, “Do you want me to do it?”
She considers it. This is Bellamy, her best friend. He can always make her laugh, and there’s no one else she feels as much at ease with, and he’s definitely attractive, even she has noticed as much. She likes his stubborn curls, his smile when someone catches him off guard, the sharp line of his jaw. And at the very least he would know what he’s doing. She trusts him. “Yes.”
Now that she’s aware it’s a possibility, she refuses to want anything else. It’d be kind of perfect, actually.
He clears his throat, blinking hard as he tears his eyes off her for a second, scrubbing his face with one of his hands. It’s very big, and Clarke finds herself wondering for the first time if it means the rest of him is big as well. Bellamy sniffs when his dark eyes land back on her. “Have you been drinking?”
“Just half a beer,” she answers, maybe a bit too eager, her hands dropping at her sides after smoothing down the bottom of her glittery top. She doesn’t want to give him enough time to talk himself out of it. “And I think someone diluted it with water so it barely counts.”
He nods, once, then nudges his head to the side. “Want to get out of here?”
Taking one more look around the porch, Clarke worries her bottom lip pensively, shooting him an apologetic look. “My parents are having friends over, so my house is definitely not an option.” 
Besides, she doesn’t want to risk them finding out and making it weird. Especially not if the consequence is going to be an open door policy whenever he or Wells are over. Nothing has to change after tonight.
“Thelonious is out,” he offers, then flinches when he seems to remember something else. “But Octavia might show up with her friends.”
Clarke nods, giving him another long searching look before she makes up her mind. It’ll be fine. This is Bellamy. She’s a pro at compartmentalizing and he’s sleeping with a different girl like every other night. It can just be sex. “Upstairs then?”
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Okay here's the first look at my new Harry Potter series. I'm trying to make it better than the last time.
Privet Drive was a very upscale neighborhood. Or rather, that’s how the homeowners association wanted it to be seen. They had houses of upper-middle-class proper British families. Copy and pasted houses with copy and pasted lawns, and even more copy and pasted families.
Fathers in these houses on Privet Drive often worked traditional 9-to-5 jobs. In the other cases, they worked respectable jobs. Even the retired men yet to move contributed to the community. You know, at the insistence of that community.
The mothers in each house were homebodies. They tended to their gardens. They managed their children into proper British citizens. There was the occasional wild mother that enjoyed a man’s work or disliked gardening. Or the odd father that enjoyed staying home with the children, taking a proper woman’s role in the house.
The community on Privet Drive talked about those houses. A lot. The gossip piled up alongside the letters in their mailboxes about keeping a brighter garden, or in more proper child management. All those lesser families moved out before long. Often they moved to a nearby neighborhood called DimKeep Lane.
DimKeep Lane had very little in terms of real respectable British families. As it was mostly housed by rejected Privet Drive residents, they were not copied and pasted folks. Many parents worked well enough jobs, some even very respectable even by Privet Drive. But the mother did the job, automatically making them questionable. Gardens were not a requirement, children even less so.
48 DimKeep Lane held a very unique family called the Lafayette’s. They had no garden. The family was...
That mother was...
The father Mr Lafayette was...
Oh, but who could forget those twin girls? Twins daughters that were just barely old enough for school. A pair of black-haired babbling girls who were just the cutest! Also most mysterious. At any time, the Lafayette girls were found running and playing outside.
The younger sister, Darcy, was the more bold twin. Always with dirt scrapes on her knees or elbows. Lucky for their mother that Darcy hated wearing dresses, or she would always be washing out the grass stains. Darcy often wore basic shirts and jean shorts with tiny trainers in only the brightest shades. The girl played rough with the boys, unafraid of getting hurt or of hurting others.
That’s where her elder sister came into play. Morgan Lafayette usually played with or around her sister. Morgan looked very similar- their only true outer difference being eye color and hairstyles. Morgan’s amber eyes versus Darcy’s deep indigo, Morgan’s twisted black curls and waves versus Darcy’s iron straightness. Morgan tended to dress in shirts and shorts too, occasionally deciding to wear a darker scheme.
Parents went to that child, telling her about Darcy’s antics, or about fun local parties for the family to bring food. Some parents questioned why they weren’t looking for Mr or Mrs. Lafayette before immediately forgetting that question. How confounding! Morgan pulled Darcy back from all fights, worked out peace, then threw Darcy back. Many parents were impressed at the maturity!
Morgan still got into fights. They were few and far between. Usually involved with children taller than Morgan being- to put it bluntly- assholes. Ah, to be a child again! The parents of DimKeep Lane laughed.
The girls were finally attending school. Specifically St. Grogory’s Primary School for Year 1.
The teachers were happy to accept them. Rather, they barely noticed two more children but they were happy to meet the Lafayette Twins.
Morgan and Darcy went to their first day of school with little fanfare. To be clear, fanfare happened, just not to them. Other children cried and screamed, their parents cried too. None of them wished to part ways with their parents. Some kids cried because school sounded boring.
Dudley Dursley, for example. A fat whale of a child even at age 5. He screamed and yelled about the stupid school. They wouldn’t let him watch the telly or eat candy. Petunia Dursley tried to keep his spirits up with promises of toys and his friends being there, but nothing calmed her little Diddykins down.
Her second child stayed silent just behind her. If you ever called this child her’s, Petunia’s face would shrivel like she’d eaten a bad lemon. This child was not hers nor ever would be. Little better than a freak, her nephew knew his place waiting silently behind proper respectable people.
Said boy was currently 1/10 his cousin’s size, and that’s being generous to his cousin. Clothes hung off his skin, ones that clearly had never been worn by Dudley but belonged in a rubbish bin. The glasses on his head- round and black- were already being held together by tape. His black hair was wilder than the sobbing Dudley, barely covering a giant lightning bolt-shaped scar on his head.
Harry watched the other children, curious. His aunt and uncle told him his parents died, too drunk and worthless to care for him. As he saw other children crying and their parents hugging them, Harry wondered if his parents might have done the same.
Naturally, with so little to do, Harry looked over at the collection of toys out for a distraction. He saw the two children already parted from their parents. Only a pair of twins. One playing happily with big thick building blocks, one reading a book from the shelf.
He walked over to them. Morgan glanced at him from over her book. Darcy kept playing with her blocks. Harry sat beside Morgan, peeking at her book.
“It’s about a place that has raining food.” Morgan explained. Harry tilted his head. “My book. It’s about that.”
“How?” Harry asked.
Morgan hummed, thoughtful.
“Magic.” Darcy pushed another block in place, making something like a castle.
“Or maybe science.” Morgan replied.
“Definitely magic.” Darcy argued. “I wanna have magic food!”
“No way.” Morgan dismissed. “Magic can’t make something out of nothing.”
“Then it uses water! I don’t know.” Darcy huffed. She grabbed another block.
“What do you think?” Morgan asked the new playmate.
Harry stared.
Morgan stared back. Darcy snickered. “About my book.”
“You-” Harry shifted on his spot. “You’re askin’ me?”
“Yeah. What do you think?” Morgan asked again.
Nobody ever asked Harry a question before. Usually, Harry asked the questions. The Dursley’s always yelled at him to shut up. Aunt Petunia loved to tell him to not ask questions. Nobody wanted Harry to talk more. Harry loved the feeling.
“...magic.” Harry answered. He pointed at the odd rain. “That’s spaghetti.”
“It is.” Morgan nodded. “I like spaghetti. Do you?”
“I like bowtie noodles.” Darcy cheered.
Harry shifted again.
“It’s okay to not like spaghetti. I don’t like meatballs.” Morgan assured Harry. “Darcy hates the curly kind.”
“The curly colorful kind!” Darcy corrected. “It’s different colors but not flavors! That’s stupid.”
“I like spaghetti.” Harry pointed at the picture. “Yummy.”
Morgan and Darcy smiled.
The other children stopped crying as they talked. Parents successfully distracted them with the promise of toys or friendship, or even getting one of the teachers to help distract the kindergartener. One child held out, screaming about useless school and wanting to go home.
Petunia bribed him with more sweets- something the teachers discouraged. Still, the candy got Dudley to focus on something else. He enjoyed the treat as Petunia ran off, crying herself. Oh to leave behind her precious baby!
The candy soon vanished. Dudley looked around the play area for something. He saw his best friend. He also saw his favorite person to antagonize and a bunch of toys that would suit his idea.
Morgan turned a page in her book.
“You can read?” Harry asked.
Morgan nodded. Darcy snickered again.
“Morgan reads all the time.” Darcy explained. She moved her block castle to the side, letting her add extensions. “Like a nerd.”
“What’s a nerd?” Harry asked. “Is it like a freak?” He hadn’t understood the word at all. He just knew the tone Darcy used- a disgust like when the Dursleys called him a freak.
Morgan tensed. “I’m not a freak. Reading doesn’t make me a freak, it just makes me smart. Darcy’s mad I don’t wanna play.”
“It’s why we’re here.” Darcy replied.
Morgan glared at her sister. Darcy went back to the blocks.
“No freak?” Harry asked again.
Morgan shook her head. “Do you like to read?”
Harry shrugged. “Don’t know how.”
“That’s okay.” Morgan started using her finger to follow the words. “The pictures work fine.”
Harry, for one of the first times since coming to Privet Drive, smiled.
Dudley stormed up. Piers Polkiss at his side, sneering at the two ungirly girls and the pathetic orphan boy.
“Do you mind?” Darcy asked. “We’re busy here.”
Dudley kicked the blocks down. Harry watched, frowning at another toy lost to his cousin. Morgan and Darcy stood up, glaring at the fat boy.
“Stupid!” Dudley yelled. “That’s a boy’s toy! Not one for stupid girls!”
Darcy leaned towards her sister. Harry couldn’t hear what was asked, only seeing Morgan shake her head. Darcy rolled her eyes, glaring harder.
“Okay.” Morgan sat back down. She picked up the book, showing it to Harry. “We had spaghetti on Saturday. It had long noodles and red sauce.”
On Saturday, Harry ate old crusty bread that Dudley threw away. Literally. Dudley had thrown it against the wall. Harry ate it, then cleaned up the smudge on the wall.
Darcy sat down, leaning against her sister.
Dudley got annoyed that the other children ignored him. “Hey! Gimme blocks!” He yanked a block up, throwing it at Darcy’s head.
Morgan caught it. She stared at the fat boy and his friend. Somehow, Dudley saw something that Harry did not. Something that made Dudley want to get as far away from Morgan as possible. A latent survival instinct, if you want.
Instead, Dudley grabbed another block to throw at Morgan’s head.
See, as a child, Dudley expected that Morgan would be unable to catch it. She already held another block and a book. Her arms were full. She surely could not take another item.
Morgan dropped the first block. She caught the second. All before anything touched her face.
Darcy snickered, still on Morgan’s shoulder.
Harry watched, awestruck.
Dudley went for a third block. Piers grabbed two, ready to throw at all the black-haired kids. They threw with a force that all children considered lethal.
Morgan raised the book, using its hardcover as a shield for herself and Harry. Darcy ducked behind her sister, two blocks in her hands.
Harry could hear Darcy whispering now.
“Can I do it now?” Darcy hissed.
“No.” Morgan replied another wave of blocks hit the book. “But save it for later.”
Darcy saluted.
Dudley reached over. He snatched the book out of Morgan’s hands. The book pages tore under Dudley’s grip. Dudley threw the book on the ground. For good measure, he stomped on it.
The twins stared. Harry frowned.
Darcy reached forward. She held Morgan’s shoulder, holding the girl back.
Dudley threw another block.
Harry moved, blocking the twins’ body with his own. The block hit him. Harry was horrifically used to it.
By then, the teachers finally noticed the two boys throwing blocks at defenseless children. They rushed to the aid of the smaller ones. Lucky for them, classes need to start anyway.
But that little brave act...To them, it was enough. It may not be clobbering a troll…actually yeah it kinda was- point is, it made a strong friendship between the three children.
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bookwormdeen · 4 years
Love 101 (Aşk 101) Theories and Connections
Hi! I am back again! This time I have theories. I was reading some theories about the TV show and guess what? I played Sherlock and investigated some of them. Follow me! 
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I did a playlist to you listen while reads my crazy text.
--------------The playlist -------------  
I put there some 1990-2000′s songs + covers + songs from the show
I don’t know turkish songs, if you know share.
1. Eda is the source of problems
Don’t judge me. Eda is a good person and character, I love her draws and attitude. I want to prove another thing here. Let’s focus in three big confusions that happened: the debate one (EP1), the broke up of their early friendship (EP3) and the laboratory fight (EP7). All of them had Eda involved in the first moment or as a catalyst that only made things worse. 
In the debate she messed with lights and threw a sticker in Kerem’s face. When Sinan panicked with Işık act, Eda said “We were not friends anyway” and she hurt Kerem’s feelings too. She burst and everyone went sideways. And she played with Burak, that later provoked that huge fight in the laboratory. 
“Troublemaker is you middle nameeeeee” - Olly Murs song. 
I think that Eda is a match to where is the fire. This can explain why she feels guilt of something. She was the center of another problem. 
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Also, the older Eda feels sorry for what she became: what her parents wanted. She lost her attitude, angry and fire. Something happened to her prefer marriage and children. Remember when Sinan told her that she prefers someone making her decisions? This happened because she was running away of something, a problem that hurt her feelings. She ran away from who she was. Heavy.
2. Something surely happened to Sinan
Now don’t cry thinking he is dead. I will present some things to push that away. First: Love 101 is a comedy-romance. Meaning: they don’t go really deep into mind problems, they make it a trait (like eating disorder, depression, mania). So, Sinan did not commit suicide or died, because is too heavy to let the story proceed.
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Second: Is love 101. How to love. How love create, ruin and heal. Is admiration, passion, entertainment.  If he dies the episode will be named after what: Lost, Hurt? I will not even come closer to it.
Third: Is a kid’s show (PG-13 rated). Do something big as a death will hurt the plot’s drama quality. And, suicide can’t be portrayed, so chill out kids. A thing that is possible is accidental death (Sinan, the guy that was hospitalized in the fight, Kemal or Burcu). 
Fourth: He is the narrator big love. Sinan appears a lot because Işık likes him the most and wanted to know him more deeply. Even if something really bad happens to him (STOP), we will not know now but very later in the show. She would crash with his death and she seems quite calm now, not crying or grief, just nervous to see them and not lose the house. She even sits in his bed, upstairs. So they were quite a romance. 
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YES. I AM HOPEFUL. Stop saying that Sian dies because I will not take it. I will hate Netflix and the world.
Sinan is a good person reader. Is impressive actually. He hides his emotions but read it very well. He has scars. They eventually will come between him and Işık. Surely.  
If he is not dead, then what?
Something, maybe his grandfather’s death or university mixed with group fight and love problems will make him go away and never look back (that house for him is a sad place guys). Maybe he left without talking to anyone and Işık couldn’t contact him, but, for love, she stayed looking his house. Or maybe they were not a thing anymore (runs away).
Oh, and the prison choice (cringes). Seriously? He spend all his life alone and then, maybe, more 20 years alone? Unacceptable. 
People told me that his name appears in the prison scene but I really couldn’t see it. Does anyone have it? In my opinion, would be unfair make a person so lonely like this all his life. The show wants to end it with hapiness, how it would be possible after all this pain? If Sinan was in prison, no one visited him? that hurts.
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The thing is, we will know what happened to him slowly because it is a result of what made the group went sideways and don’t talk for 20 years. What I mean: big huge separation situation --> Sinan leaves or dies.(no,no,no). 
So his abandoned house is a proof that something surely happened.
3. The show may have a format to keep interest
Cliffhanger = More seasons, more public. Smart move. The show is simple but want it to get attached emotionally and mentally. I learned with Sinan, yay.
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The plot may go: (counting 8 episodes)
Take in count that the house is dangerous to stay in. So, they might take it to another place and see each other’s lives closer. This is excellent to the plot. I don’t think they will cry and hug in front of the door. 
We will also supose that is 5 people. 2 we already know.
1 --> More story, solve some mysteries (who is at the door); things get good at first moment (love and self acceptance); 
2 --> Things get bittersweet (love but parents and more problems). For me is by the end of the Ep 2 and on. 
3 --> (if only one more season, a forth person appears by S2E4, then a fifth by the end or S2E7). This person (for me not Sinan yet), will clarify somethings and contribute to the story with more details. Problems that start to hurt them. So, EP 5 - Ep7 will hurt.
4 --> Things get really bad; if they have a third season, we will not have the forth person, will end up just like S1E8 or, as I said, he will appear in the S2E7. 
If only a second season, EP 7 - EP8 the fifth person appears and they finish the story together, end.
Following all my theory it will go like this: Osman - Kerem or Sinan. I am not sure who will take up all the heavy stuff and end up being the last. For now they put this weight in Sinan and maybe is to play with us. 
4. What bound them, can destroy them
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The thing is, they are a thigh fit as a group. Emotional and explosive. They lash at each other and have some friction along the way. Osman is more neutral. In the episode 3, where they cry and do crazy things after their fight, Osman is simply not there. He is simple, only said: You got what you wanted Sinan. Done. 
So, they can fall apart actually without big evens like death and murder. Somethings hurt deeper, like words, misunderstandings and separation. Their parents evil powers for example. I mean, in their first fight they were arguing about a test. Simple things + emotion = BOOM
5. Character development 
Here we go. Remember I said that Osman doesn’t have emotional outbursts? 
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He goes on with his business and things. We see him crying with his father and being upset about his business fail but he always get over with using a plan. Unfortunately, his leadership will not keep the group bonded but he is the healing remedy, surely. I hope he open up more. Be more more emotional besides his carisma and soft friendship. He is a good boss, good son, good friend, bad student; what else more? He is such a good leader. Will he sacrifice himself for all them?
And, who is Kemal really? He is a sweetheart with an armor but what happened to him, besides being an ex-basketball player? Will his romance really last? The characters in the show are deep, they have personality. Kemal seems simple to me sometimes. His relationship with Sinan can develop and we can see more of his demons (besides his attitude) and story.
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All they got better but we have a way to go. Kerem has to be less violent, Eda has to try being herself again; Işık has to be more mature because Sinan will need her a lot and if she can’t stand up her mother it can go really wrong. Sinan has to confront his parents more, get less lonely somehow. He is the only one that is slowly healing himself but nothing changed: he still lives alone, this still hurts. 
We will see they get much better, but, again, they end up not really good 20 years later. We will see a regression in so many points.
 6. They maybe can be students still
Words matter. A lot. Before the boarding Karakis (the principal) said that a friend of his would call the Minister and make that a majority board. Maybe he rushed it to grab the teens and the expulsion is not valid. Also, for me, Işık was only suspended. Why burn her uniform? (Her mother will kill her, I would too).
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The scholar year in Turkey ends around June. Why expel them so close to the end? And, I think that are finishing the 2 year of High School, not the third. If not, they lose the hole Burcu-Kemal arc and their common place.
Maybe they can all move to a nearby school, even with bad records, and have another challenges. This is unlikely, even if I think that school conflicts got saturated. 
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The other part of this theory is my home-made timeline. In 19th May, the would have an event that is important in Turkey (the red umbrella ones). They were close to finish the year and go to summer time (I want this really, would be fun).
7. No earthquake okay!
I saw some theories about it. Nobody will die in the 1998 and 1999 earthquakes. They were far away from Istanbul and the only one that got to the city were far away (geographically) from the school and Sinan’s house. I made a post about the locations, see here.
I received more of Burcu dying in a earthquake. In my CURIOSITIES post I said that Sinan was taking Işık home after being in Eda’s house. Eda lives in   Kadıköy in my opinion, so Burcu does too. This neighborhood is in the Asian side, while the earthquake affected the European side. Very far away. For me is kinda impossible to make this a bid thing. Why Burcu would be so far away from her house, the school that she teaches? Strange.
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8. New challenges
Burak told Eda: You don’t get to play with people lives. Ouch. Is true. Not only him had his chance being the “villain”. We have...  The english teacher that likes Kemal; the professors; the parents being mad about the speech thing and even a few classmates (if they come back). 
Their parents seems to be in a contest of who is the worse, maybe not Osman’s father, that’s why I think that he is more calm and centered, despite being money drived. Society pressure (college, money, marriage) will get to them too.
9. The true always comes out
Well, well, well. When one makes a plan, in the movies and TV, they always confess it, but in Love 101, this moment is not entirely solved. Sinan told the group that now Kemal knows about the set up? Probably no. Eda finds Burcu’s behavior strange but it ends there. Oh-ohh. Ops.
 Maybe their teacher now will not stick out for them anymore. She was afraid of deciding their lives but they were deciding hers. If they come back to school and do something wrong again it will be worse. 
What if Karakis discover about Burcu’s bold move with the fire alarm? He is pissed more than never now. No laboratory; he didn’t get to humiliate the group. He will be worse than ever if they come back;.
10. Yes. 5 plates, cups and chairs. 
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The camera angle wants to play but if you pause, you can see two times the same thing, inside and outside the house.
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11. The guy in the farm is Osman. End.
Now, Sinan may be in prison or a successful person (the one that is eating). If you consider that the one that has his letter in the pocket is Osman again, Sinan is the only one that is hidden. He did not appear yet. Pick one and Kerem is the other.
If you have questions like me, see HERE.
Leave comments so I can investigate your theories, haha!
See my first edit here (Sinan x Isik). With HALSEY’S SONG, BE KIND.
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spacereadinglesbian · 5 years
This Is How It’s Supposed To Feel
Word Count: 1145
Summary: TJ and Cyrus continue to talk on the bench about everything and nothing, all at once. 
TJ and Cyrus continued to sit on the bench, hands intertwined ignoring the claminess they we were both getting. The two boys couldn’t help but smile at the fact they were actually together, that after all the drama they ensued, they made it. TJ was in awe, he couldn’t stop looking at the two hands that sat in the middle of both boys, he didn’t know what to do next. TJ decided to break the silence and cleared his throat. 
“So, what now?” Cyrus could hear the shakiness in his voice, not knowing if they were more than friends and willing to put it out in the open. 
“Well we can start off with who knows,well about this I guess.” TJ knew that Cyrus was talking about the unspoken gayness that was their hands, but at the same time he didn’t know how comfortable TJ was, well in his gayness. 
“The first person that I ever told was Reed. I actually told him about my crush on you.” This caught the younger boys attention, a smile being placed on his face, and a little head nod that told TJ to continue. 
“When I invited you to go dirt biking I told him before you got there. The whole time he was making fun of me because he thought I was showing off to impress you.” His voice trailed off into a frailness that seemed embarrassed. Cyrus chuckled, squeezing the older boys hand a little tighter, asking him silently to continue. 
“After Reed, I told my sister, and she was so supportive and even said ‘Nobody with the name Thelonious can be straight,’ and we just continued on with our relationship. And the last person that knows, I didn't even tell them. She guessed. Kira made me choose between you two, and if I had to do it all over again, I would choose you sooner.” Thats made Cyrus smile and he squeezed TJ’s hand one last time before breaking his silence. 
“As much as I love this,” he said pointing to their hands that have not yet moved but are fully enveloped in sweat “I want my hand to breathe a little,is that okay?” All TJ did was nod and put his feet on the bench, sitting in a criss-cross applesauce position. 
“Now Cy, you get to tell me, who knows about you?” TJ was treading lightly, knowing fully that his close knit group of friends knew but not sure how comfortable he was telling the stories. 
“The first person I ever told was Buffy. It was right after my first kiss with a girl named Iris, I knew it didn’t feel right, and Buffy assured me that there was nothing wrong with how I was feeling.” At the thought of his supportive friend, he smiled again, he couldn’t remember the last time he smiled that much. “After Buffy, I told Andi, at my bar mitzvah, and of course she gave me a big hug and told me how proud she was of me, and after that I told Jonah at the shiva, I couldn't have had a better group of people to come out to.”  Cyrus could see TJ’s hand once again reaching out to be held, although his hands were still clammy he took it, and embraced the claminess with every muscle in his body, and then, they just sat there, in complete silence, holding hands looking at the stars in front of a beautiful fire. 
“Do your parents know?” Cyrus once again broke the silence, looking into the green sea that was TJ’s eyes. 
“My mom, she knows. I actually didn’t tell her, she kinda figured it out. After costume day I came home really upset, I was crying actually, and I told her that I switched costumes and felt  awful for ditching you, her response is something I will never forget, ‘sometimes fear eats at you until there is nothing left but bad decisions. Don’t let the fear of your feelings eat at you until you don’t have Cyrus anymore.’ Then we just laid on my bed and I cried with her. She asked if she could tell my dad, I said yes.” TJ stopped himself looking Cyrus straight in the eye, seeing his reaction to the story. 
“One day, will you tell me all about Kira?” TJ nodded his head, placing another squeeze to their hands
“Do your parents know Cy?” TJ knew well enough that with 4 therapist parents you have to hide some things, but all Cyrus did was nod his head. 
“After Bubbe Rose died I told them all, I thought that anything can happen so if something out of the blue happens to them, I want them all to know.” TJ couldn’t help but think about how smart Cyrus was for thinking that way, he couldn’t help but want to show him off to the world now that they are both entering high school, he couldn’t help but think about the dances they can go to together and the snow storms they get to spend inside. It’s like Cyrus can read his mind with his next question. 
“How public do you wanna be?” His voice was low, not wanting to ruin the moment, not wanting to scare the boy he so desperately cared about away. He wants to tell his friends about tonight, how he finally gets a love story after all. He wants to tell him about the way TJ’s hand fits in his like it's meant only for him. He wants to take pictures with him and make it his lock screen but he doesn’t want things to go too fast, he doesn’t want to scare the boy of his dreams away, and that’s when he speaks up. 
“How public do you want to be, Cy? Because I want to hold your hand walking down the street and go to the movies together. I want to experience our first homecoming together and have double dates with our friends, but if you don’t want to be public, we can keep this between us. But if I can, I want to show you off to the world.” Cyrus can’t help it but a little tear escapes his eyes, and all he can do is nod his head, before he gets the courage to speak again. 
“Can we do one more thing Teej?” And the older boy thinks he knows where this is going but wasn't positive until Cyrus moves closer and puts his hand on the older boy’s jaw asking for permission to kiss him, and is granted with an eager head nod. The kiss isn't passionate, it isn’t a sparks flying kiss, it’s a kiss that is emotional and speaks volumes, it’s a kiss that says that I’m no longer scared. A kiss that says, this is what it’s supposed to feel like.
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