#my favorite characters are makoto and shinjiro
cherboxishere · 3 months
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perrrrsooonnnnaaaa · 2 months
Not to sound like a teacher lol but I really am curious as to all of your why’s
My favorite is Mitsuru because I love women and smart characters and she’s badass and pretty but still still human and able to sympathize with and deals with the same shit we do (well not the arranged fiancé thing lol)
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sorryitisandy · 10 months
One strength I give to Persona 3's narrative is how consistently the tension of their situation causes group conflict when compared to Persona 4 and Persona 5. Not bickering or bantering. All the games have that in spades.
No I mean real conflict that has a longer period of resolution, that creates a real rift between characters, and is a point of genuine conflict. My favorite of the bunch, Persona 4, has a very compelling single moment like this (Namatame's fate) and Persona 5 has, in my opinion, a very awkward one (Morganna and Ryuji's spat). Though I suppose if you count the initial encounters with Makoto, that would make two. (The Makoto example I take no issue with)
Persona 3 however features a number of actual simultaneous conflicts, that progress and find conclusion throughout the story: Yukari's concerns about Mitsuru's leadership style, Junpei's sense of inferiority towards the main character, the ongoing dialogue between Shinjiro and Akihiko, Ken and Akihiko's unfinished business, etc.
No real thoughts beyond this really. Just wanted to say that I appreciate Persona 3 for this. It is my least favorite of the three modern Persona titles but I still enjoy it very much and I still like to appreciate it's stronger points.
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petorahs · 3 months
Hello! In your post about Makoto and Ken, you mentioned movie Ken is your favorite. As someone who’s only played the game, I was wondering what subtle differences there are between movie and game Ken?
hey there! I'm very honored and glad you asked cause I feel like movie Ken is an underrated aspect of his character because of one key substantial difference: He actually was close to Shinjiro and admired him... before learning the truth.
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spoilers for Midsummer Knight's Dream!
In the games, it's clear that the catalyst for Ken joining SEES was after he found out Shinjiro was the killer of his mom right before summer vacation was to end and he was supposed to go back to his elementary school dorm. So, he entered SEES (in his eyes rightfully) hating Shinji and with the goal of getting strong enough to kill him. Shinjiro joins right after, Ken himself being his reason, and they literally never talk... the tension is so palpable! There's also this trifecta of sorts that the developers wanted to convey which is pictured above... how Ken admires Akihiko, while Aki admires Shinji, while Ken hates Shinji. the monorail scene in Full Moon, Full Life is symbolic for this.
The movie's take on it though.. provides a slight nuance to this.
In the movies, a handful of characters become narrative foils/parallels to further develop Makoto Yuki's character such as Chidori, Natsuki, Takaya, Pharos obviously, Fuuka, etc. But one that's always stuck out to me was Ken Amada.
Right off the bat, Mitsuru assigns Makoto as Ken's bodyguard because they "share similar backgrounds". Both are orphans who lost their parents to the Dark Hour. Ken is aimless at this point, wandering about during the Dark Hour to kill time. He declines living in Iwatodai dorm even. But then, he thinks he found out the killer of his mom is actually the shadows, specifically a large one with a hulking body and blond hair. This is during the attack on the shrine where Koromaru protects it (cool thing about the movies is that we see the actual moment Koro-chan fights, instead of just the aftermath this time!). Ken's resolve is made and he joins SEES to eradicate shadows. Akihiko looks away quietly in this moment. Shinjiro rejoins SEES except it was Strega that gave him the info that Ken joined. The tension is still palpable, except this time Ken is none the wiser.
Ken immediately takes to Shinjiro because Shinji protected him during a Full Moon attack. He's so strong, everything Ken wants to be. (Nevermind Shinji's own reasoning for jumping in was his brand of punishment...)
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This brings me to my final point. It's no secret by now that my favorite is Makoto, and the way that Ken's words echo Makoto's own thoughts about his mom is so quietly tragic to me that provides a layer of depth to both their characters we never really get in the games. They were both driven by their own mothers' influence and deaths.
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Life was not worth living after they were orphaned, but now, they can finally live again... recently in Reload the Ken and Makoto parallels I mentioned were that they basically share the same dread, and self-isolation tendencies but I like this sentiment in the movie that there's healing to be found in the little things again :( Makoto and Ken were both healing...
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anyways uh. since this is Persona 3 we all know how this ends which I will not spoil because I really, really like what they did with Makoto and his role in Shinjiro's death in the movies (+ the aftermath of it) but! I'll leave with these insane af frames
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This is after Ken finds out that the large shadow with a hulking body and blond hair was not, in fact, a shadow at all - but someone's Persona.
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lowcallyfruity · 1 month
Hm. Persona’s been on the brain recently, so I kinda want to talk about that, but idk
1) Favorite awakening?
2) Favorite palace? (Or maybe p4 dungeon or whatever they’re called)
3) Favorite character?
OHHHH favorite awakening? Damn that’s so hard…
Umm P5 spoilers/talk under the cut just Incase ☝️
UGH. Let’s see. I ABSOLUTELY ADOREEEE Ann’s awakening! I think the emotion is amazing <3 she is sick and tired of being treated like shit by Kamoshida!!! And she’s so so fucking badass while being summoned!!! <3 it’s amazing
But then!!! I also ADORE!!!!! Akechis second ‘awakening’ it’s so fucking amazing…. The insanity of it all…. AOUFH it’s wonderful!!!
Special mention to Makotos and Yusukes awakenings!!! They’re both super badass!!! I especially love when Yusuke scratches his nails on the floor and they bleed…. It’s so augfhfhfjfjfjf
I also really like Jokers awakening! Its cool <3
Favorite palace? HM. I like Kamoshidas because of the story!!! Especially Ann like damn <33 that ending !! Absolutely amazing! OHHHH AND THEN FUTABAS AHHHHHH FUTABAS IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING <33 I enjoy the gameplay! The story is heart breaking and the SOUNDTRACK?!!! So fucking good. ☝️☝️ top tier
Now for persona 4 I’m not too far along BUT!! I really like Yukikos dungeon…. I think the princess thing is cool….
OKAY. P5- AKECHI☝️☝️☝️ ANN☝️☝️☝️ HARU☝️☝️☝️ JOKER ☝️☝️☝️ ( theyre in my polycule) GOD I FUCKONG LOVE MISHIMA!!!! OH AND I FUCKONG LOVE YOSHIDA HES MY EVERYTHING <333 IM HIS BIGGEST FAN 💞💞💓💗💓💞💝💘💖💞💕 ryuji is also really close I adore ryuji. Same with yusuke and Futaba
P4- YUKIKO <3 YOSUKE <3 the rest are cool but those two <33 ohhh Kanji is also hella cool <3 ummm very silly but I really like Kou 😭😭😭 he’s so stupid and silly
P3- AKIHIKO ☝️☝️☝️ JUNPEI ☝️☝️☝️☝️ (now I’m not finished with P3 either but shinjiro 😍😍😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰)
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microwaved-toast · 5 months
Who’s your favorite persona 3 characters? I like Mitsuru Junpei Akihiko Shinjiro Ryoji & Metis
I really like Aigis, Yukari, FEMC, Makoto, Chidori and Mitsuru !!! I like S.E.E.S in general but they're my favs by far haha
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frickingnerd · 5 months
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i can't actually reply to the ask for some reason, so i'm answering it like this! as always:
answers for the ask game under the cut!
3 male characters I love:
my favorite male characters have recently shifted, with a new guy claiming the top spot. that one is no other than shinjiro aragaki! since i played persona 3 portable and romanced him (+got that eleventh social link with him 👀) he became my favorite guy! i really love him and he's such a tragic little guy. he'll break my heart a second time once p3 reload drops :')
my second favorite (and former first place) is yosuke hanamura! i liked yosuke from the start in persona 4 and he just grew on me so much over the game. he never left my party and he's been my favorite since my first day of playing the game. he's just great!
third place would have to go to goro akechi! i can't even remember why i was so interested in him when i started persona 5, but he just caught my attention from the start. his voice actor is absolutely amazing and akechi gets even better in the royal section of the game. he's just such a tragic character and so interesting!
3 female characters I love:
i'm not as passionate about the persona women as i am about the persona men. i like pretty much all of the girls equally, but a few stand out a bit. one of them being kotone shiomi aka. femc! i just love how silly she is and she's such a nice contrast to the male protagonist of persona 3. but she still keeps that tragedy that both of the protagonists have. honestly, she's by far my favorite girl!
my second favorite would have to be rise kujikawa! i knew i'd like her from the start and when i actually did her social link, i got so sad that i was already dating someone else, because turning down rise was so heartbreaking. rise is such a great and interesting character, as well as also being weirdly relatable!
my third pick would have to be makoto niijima (i'm seeing a trend here with my fav characters lmao). i just find her relatable and she's a very sweet character. she really grows a lot and i love that for her!
3 romantic ships I love:
my absolute favorite ship is foolmoon aka. shinjiro aragaki x kotone shiomi! everything about them is just perfect! they offer the right amount of angst/fluff ratio, their ship name is absolutely brilliant and they are both great characters, that get even better when put together! plus, there's something tragically beautiful about (major persona 3 spoiler coming now!) how when you pair them up in p3p, shinjiro actually survives the game, while kotone dies. the one that wanted to die lives, while the one that wanted to live dies. it's just... man, those two are breaking my heart in the best way possible!
no other ship can compete with them, but following my unintentional pattern, my second favorite ship is kanji tatsumi x naoto shirogane. i already love kanji a ton (he'd be my fourth fav guy, but he just barely didn't make the list) and he really gets to shine when he's with naoto. those two really are a straight ship made for gay people.
and my third pick is going to be aigis and kotone shiomi / makoto yuki. honestly, both of the protags with aigis are great! there's something so tragic about this ship, plus i love android characters like aigis that need to learn friendship, love, emotions and all that fun stuff. that pairing is really great as friends as well though! i just think they are neat together, no matter how!
3 platonic dynamics I love:
i have way more platonic dynamics i love, so this is kinda hard for me. i really love rise with both yosuke and kanji as friends! i can't really pick a favorite guy here, they are both great with rise!
another character that i just cannot pick for either is shinjiro aragaki, who i love with akihiko, fuuka and ken! each of those three for different reasons, but they are all great and really enhance his character!
that's more than three already, so i'll just... move on!
3 favorite moments in canon:
shinjiro's "secret eleventh social link" with the femc in persona 3 portable! first off, it's just a really sweet scene, plus it's great that you can still date him despite all of it. but then that social link itself is so funny, because... it highkey implies you two are fucking??? like with the right dialogue choices, you end up in his room and he tells you the whole "i'm not holding back if you stay". that caught me so offguard because i was just messing around with the dialogue choices and suddenly something's actually happening??? it's both sweet and funny, which is something you can't say about most scenes shinjiro is in, so i really appreciate it!
another canon moment i really love is the ending of persona 4, when everyone is running along the train and you get to see a picture of the investigation team :') it's just a very sweet scene and perfect to end the game with!
my third favorite canon moment would have to be the "bad" ending of persona 5 royal. because, it really isn't bad at all. it's happier than the "good" ending, which is a very interesting thing to do. that scene is just so incredibly bittersweet, knowing this is the "bad" ending, while also seeing everyone so happy. can it really be that bad if it makes them happy? :')
3 favorite headcanons:
i headcanon quite a lot of people as bi, but especially yosuke, kanji and naoto! kanji and naoto just give me "bi people in a straight relationship" vibe, while yosuke literally had a cut gay confession scene that i cannot ignore. also, he's such a disaster bi!
i don't really have that many big headcanons, so another one would have to be... haru likes otome games! and she gets ann & makoto to play a few of them as well (and both of them are lowkey into it).
my third headcanon is going to be that rise would've tried to become a streamer instead of an idol if that had been an option. sort of like iris from ai:tsf, who's half streamer and half idol. i think rise would've thrived like that and instead of taking a break from being an idol, she would've just taken a break and focused more on streaming!
3 least favorite things about it:
immediately spoiler for the ending of persona 3, but i hate that final boss! it has way too many phases! plus, i encountered a glitch during the last phase of that fight in my playthrough and it had took me almost two hours already to even get to that point. this one is just a personal grudge!
another thing i hate with a burning passion, even more than the p3 endboss, is the fact that you can date kawakami in persona 5! i really loved the first arc of persona 5, with kamoshida as the villain, since it's... relatable? saying it like that sounds bad, but hear me out: we all went to school and had teachers, some worse than others, so we all know a few teachers each. but how many politicians do you know? or how many famous artists? kamoshida was relatable because even if you never went through something that horrible, it's much more likely that you were wronged by a teacher before than a politician, famous artist or some mafia guy. i really loved how serious they took the kamoshida situation, only to be absolutely disgusted when seeing you could date kawakami. like, did we not just establish that teacher & student relationships are bad? did the people making persona 5 forget what the first ten hours of that game were about? or is it suddenly okay to have an age and power gap like that, because kawakami is a woman and "that's hot"? seriously, this is one thing i'm massively dissappointed about. also, in the same vein: why can you romance ken, a literal child, in persona 3? 🤨 that one is just as bad, but i just never did ken's social link so i never had the chance to build a hatred for this as strong as my hatred for the kawakami romance.
i think another thing i hate, which also fits my first point: the boss fight against haru's dad. it already sucks, but adding a timer to it? unforgiveable! timers are the worst thing to exist. i don't want to be rushed, i want to take my time with games. it's already a bad boss fight, but anything with a timer already gets ten times worse.
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fantomevoleur · 11 months
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what’s your phone wallpaper: The lock screen is a Persona 5 Strikers Queen wallpaper they released when the game came out, and my home screen is an art commission of me and my boyfriend dressed as Joker and Ryuji. The little snippet on this post is actually taken from it :3 
last song you listened to: Start of Something - Pluffaduff 
currently reading: Nothing...at the moment, but I do have a book I want to start reading called The Disaster Artist. It’s about the making and production of ‘The Room’ movie. 
last movie: Across the Spiderverse; SUCH A DAMN GOOD MOVIE HOLY SHIT!!! Rocked me and my roommates when we saw it in theaters. 
what are you wearing right now?: A red Springman logo (ARMS) shirt, jeans, and sneakers. 
piercings / tattoos?: Not yet :3 
glasses? contacts?: Both; I wear contacts during the day then wear my glasses when I get home from work. 
last thing you ate: A short rib sandwich with cheese, caramlized onions, and garlic aioli with popcorn and grapes. 
current obsession: *motions hands to this blog* BIG TIME it’s been Persona, especially P3 with me currently playing it and seeing the new remake. But there’s also Yugioh, Mystery Skulls Animated, Hi-Fi Rush, and Jojo. 
do you have a crush right now?: I have my handsome, wonderful boyfriend. Does that count? :3 
favorite fictional characters: THERE’S TOO MANY!! TRICK QUESTION!! Well obviously Joker is one. There’s also Makoto, Naoto, Chie, Kotone, Shinjiro, Akihiko, A BUNCH OF PERSONA ONES!! Outside of that there’s Jotaro from JBA, Chai from Hi-Fi Rush, Vivi from MSA, and Susie from Deltarune. 
tagged by: stole it from @oraclememehacker​
tagging: *points gun* Do it 
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arcsin27 · 1 year
(peep the new bracket format lol i used a computer instead of my phone this time and even made it more clear who won or lost)
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How could you let Tatsuya lose like this?! He was winning for so long but then Yukari snuck in and obliterated him! How could you do this to him, he lets you romance a guy! In 1999!! ...Ahem. I digress. This round was interesting to keep an eye on! Some were close, such as Narukami and Ulala being tied at 50/50 almost every time I checked. Others were... not so close. Masao getting only 5% of the vote was just embarrassing tbh. Finally, I feel it's worth noting that the Ryuji vs Haru poll relatively broke containment, getting about 200 votes compared to the usual 20-50 and spawning some competitive talk in the notes (rip #harusweep)
Someone seemed to ask what the poll was for, whether it was who would win in a fight, an argument, etc. I don't mean to embarrass you by calling you out, but I wanted to reiterate that this was intended to be a favorite character poll! However, I kinda don't give a shit how you vote. I've already stated if you wanna treat it like a sexyman poll that's great, so if you wanna see it as "who would win in a fight" that's cool too!
ANYWAYS, long spiel aside, I'll get round 3 prepared for tomorrow morning, February 17th! I will update this post with links to each poll, which will appear here:
Mitsuru Kirijo vs Baofu Yusuke Kitagawa vs Goro Akechi Aigis vs Yu Narukami Makoto Yuki vs Maya Amano Shinjiro Aragaki vs Yosuke Hanamura Ren Amamiya vs Naoto Shirogane Ann Takamaki vs Katsuya Suou Yukari Takeba vs Ryuji Sakamoto
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cherboxishere · 3 months
Played trough 4/10 of P3 Reload
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Happy 15th bday, Persona 3! This isn’t the grandest post, but I hope it suffices since I was pretty much busy doing homework all day lmao. I spat OUT my Pepsi all over MY personal copy of a farewell to arms in the LIBRARY when I saw the twt notif for the 25th anniversary announcement.
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stargazer-balladeer · 3 years
December Fics
- Discontinued
≫ I’m still going to post the alphabet headcanons and other requests. Don’t worry about that.
≫ Requests for character adding to this list is not valid. These are all of my favorite characters in each Fandoms.
≫ This fics can be headcanon, oneshot or drabble. Or maybe a headcanon and a scenario. It depends on how I feel like I should do it.
December 1: Snow (Mystic Messenger) — 707, Yoosung, Zen, Jumin, Jaehee, Saeran & V
December 2: Winter Wonder (Kingdom Hearts) — Sora, Riku, Roxas, Ventus
December 3: Snowball Fight (Pokémon) — Green Oak, Silver, Steven Stone, N, Calem, Gladion, Raihan
December 4: Cold Kisses (Persona) — Akira Kurusu, Goro Akechi, Yu Narukami, Yosuke Hanamura, Minato Arisato, Shinjiro Aragaki
December 5: Cuddles/Snuggles (Fates, Three Houses, Awakening, Echoes, Heroes) — Takumi, Leo, Kaze | Claude, Dimitri, Yuri | Chrom, Robin, Inigo | Lukas, Kliff, Python | Alfonse, Sharena
December 6: Sharing clothes [Yandere Simulator] — Osano Najimi, Amao Odayaka, Kizano Sunobu, Oko Ruto, Osorō Shidesu, Megamo Saikou, Mujo Kina, Aso Rito
December 7: Building a Snowman [Legend of Zelda] — Link, Zelda, Revali, Mipha, Urbosa, Daruk
December 8: Ice skating [Yuri! On Ice] — Yuuri Katsuki, Victor Nikiforov, Yuri Plisetsky
December 9: Baking [FNAF] — gang
December 10: Decorating the House with decorations [Obey Me] — Brothers, Purgatory Hall trio, Diavolo and Barbatos
December 11: Going to a tree lighting event [Ace Attorney] — Phoenix Wright, Miles Edgeworth, Franziska Von Karma, Apollo Justice, Athena Cykes, Sebastian Debeste, Simon Blackquill
December 12: Skiing/Snowboarding/Sledding [Assassination Classroom] — Karma, Nagisa, Chiba, Gakushu, Isogai, Maehara
December 13: Christmas movies [BNHA] — Midoriya, Todoroki, Bakugou, Hawks, Aizawa, Tamaki
December 14: Singing Christmas songs [Haikyuu!] — Karasuno, Nekoma, Fukurodani, Seijoh, Shiratorizawa
December 15: Snow Storm [Yona of the Dawn; Modern AU!] — Dragons with Yona and Yoon
December 16: Playing in the snow [Genshin Impact] — Kaeya Alberich, Diluc Ragnvindr, Xiao, Childe, Zhongli, Xiangling, Fischl, Lumine, Aether, Chongyun, Scaramouche
December 17: Drinking Hot Chocolate [Danganronpa] — Makoto Naegi, Byakuya Togami, Hajime Hinata, Nagito Komaeda, Ibuki Mioda, Chiaki Hanami, Shuichi Saihara, Kokichi Ouma
December 18: Picture [Servamp] — Mahiru, Kuro, Misono, Jeje, Hyde, Licht, Tsubaki
December 19: Wrapping gifts [Creepypasta] — Jeff the Killer, BEN Drowned, Ticci Toby, Masky & Hoodie, Lost Silver, Bloody Painter, The Puppeteer, Laughing Jack, Eyeless Jack
December 20: Build a pillow fort [Snow White with the Red Hair] — Shirayuki, Zen, Obi, Mitsuhide, Kiki
December 21: Ugly Sweaters [Harry Potter] — Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy
December 22: Dancing [OHSHC] — Host Club
December 23: Under the Mistletoe [Magi] — Aladdin, Alibaba, Sinbad, Ja’far, Titus, Hakuryuu, Judal
December 24: Secret Santa [Bungou Stray Dogs] — ADC & Port Mafia
December 25: Christmas [Everyone saying their Christmas wishes to the Readers]
December 26: Exchanging Gifts [Marauder’s Era] — Marauders
December 27: Game Night [X-men] — Peter Maximoff, Kurt Wagner, Charles Xavier
December 28: Kitchen Disaster [while baking] [Miraculous Ladybug] — Marinette, Adrien, Luka, Alya, Chloe
December 29: Late Night Walks [Descendants] — Mal, Evie, Carlos, Jay, Ben, Harry Hook
December 30: Sleeping [Mystreet] — Garroth, Laurence, Aaron, Travis, Vylad
December 31: New Year [Everyone saying their new years to the readers]
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kationella · 3 years
Can you do Persona Q3 plot with P1 and P2 characters what Labyrinth theme is to be Art museum or a Library? what you favorite conversation for your idea, What your story plot for PQ3 and Can you make New Character(s) in this story? NOTE: Can you Fanfic PQ
Oh, wow! I'm not sure I have the focus to write a PQ3 fanfic. The Batman one I'm writing is updated every two months 😅
I don't mind sharing my ideas, though.
First, it would be necessary to find a point in the story where every cast is taken from.
The P1 gang would be taken after they realize they had been with the Ideal Maki all this time but before they save the real one.
The Tatsuya Squad (Tatsuya, Michel, Lisa and Jun) would be taken after they recover the crystal skulls but before they confront Nyarly.
The Maya Squad (Maya, Katsuya, Baofu and Ulala) is taken before the Other Tatsuya joins them.
SEES would be taken after Ikutsuki's betrayal (I also want Minako and Shinjiro to make an aapearance, so those two will be from the FeMC timeline).
The Scooby Gang would be from before Nanako is kidnapped.
The PTs (including Sumire and Akechi) would appear before the final fight with Maruki.
Everyone finds themselves in a deserted theme park Disneyland Destinyland style. This place will serve as the labyrinth and provider of games/shenanigans for the social interactions.
Suddenly, shadows/demons start to appear in waves, but a cute girl called Erity takes them to safety in a funhouse. She says she doesn't remember who she is or where she came from (in true Persona Q tradition). Minor conflict and confusion over the whole situation arises but is quickly cleared up. Introductions take place.
The smart ones quickly figure out that talking about the events that take place in the future would wreak havoc in the time-space continuum, so talking about their games becomes a no-no.
Erity shows them that the gates of the theme park are closed and they can't get out.
Erity says that she remembers that in each ride (there are five of them) there is hidden a key. If they find the five keys they will be able to unlock the park's gates and leave back to where they came from.
The only problem is that each ride is infested by shadows/demons with a mini boss guarding each key, so the heroes split up into teams from mixed games to cover more ground quicker (and for interaction purposes).
With a new journey started, the Velvet siblings (sent by Phil) appear to aid our heroes, accompained by the Demon Painter (for game mechanics), Belladonna and Nameless (for social interaction). The Velvet gang takes residence in the funhouse, where the party can rest after a fight.
As they clear the theme park from enemies the heroes will constantly encounter an underwhelming guy in weirdly colored clothing who calls himself their "Ultimate Foe". He has a funny mustache. He doesn't do much apart from minor inconveniences and trash talking each party member he encounters (he calls it constructive criticism) before disappearing via colorful smoke.
The Ultimate Foe turns out to be the god Momus, who claims to have created the theme park for his own amusement and gathered the strongest warriors for a "fun adventure for the whole family". This angers some people in the party. They fight Momus for the final key.
In a predictable twist, Erity turns out to be the true mastermind. Her real identity is Achlys, goddess of the death-mist, misery and sadness. She convinced Momus to create the theme park and let shadows/demons roam free in it. Why? Due to the heroes fighting the evil in the world, she has grown weak. This is bad news for her. To prevent this, Achlys chose to kidnap everyone where they would either die by shadows/demons or remain trapped forever.
Obviously the heroes defeat her (with some help from an offended Momus) and retrieve the final key. Final goodbyes take place and everyone goes back to their timelines with no memores of the events.
This whole thing needs polishing but that's the basic plot. Now, for some of the interactions I would show in the game:
The obligatory talk between the protagonists. Naoya, Tatsuya, Minato, Minako, Yu and Akira talk in a way that makes no sense for everyone else. Maya acts as their translator.
Yuka, Ulala and Yu share cooking tips.
Everyone pets Koromaru.
Some people pet Morgana (aka Katsuya).
Kei, Tatsuya, Mitsuru and Makoto talk about motorcycles (Makoto also shows off Johanna). Yosuke stares from a distance.
Revenge and its merits is discussed by Reiji, Jun, Ken and Akechi. Eveyone agrees that its better things ended the way they did.
Jun and Akira bond over the single fact that they're both Jokers. Clown to clown conversation takes place.
Katsuya, Naoto and Makoto talk about the law system. Dabbles on philosophical grounds.
Gardening time with Jun and Haru.
The Lovers girls (+Eriko) have a talk about the entertainment industry.
Eikichi convinces Rise to join his band (or at least perform together at least once). Naoya offers to sing but he is dismissed.
Kei, Mitsuru and Haru talk business.
Hidehiko, Junpei, Yosuke and Ryuji get into a mess.
Teddie tries to "score" what else is new. He freaks some people when he comes out of the suit.
Maki, Masao and Yusuke have an artistic conversation.
Baofu and Futaba realize they have the same Persona. They become besties from then on and talk hacker nonsense. Everyone fears this duo.
Lisa and Chie bond over kung fu.
The P2 cast freak out after meeting the younger versions of their P1 friends.
Tatsuya and Makoto talk about siblings. Yu gives a speech about family somewhere in there.
Maya freaks out when Tatsuya, Lisa, Eikichi and Jun talk to her like they know her. Remember this is her EP version.
Likewise, Tatsuya gets weirded out when Ulala and Baofu (people he barely knows) approach him in a similar fashion.
Katsuya almost arrests someone.
Fuuka, Rise and Futaba talk about the importance of the navigator in a fight.
I also have other interactions in mind but this post is getting too long.
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caramellody · 4 years
What about Minako (femP3P) for the character ask?
do I like them:
Yeah! She’s neat! I haven't finished PQ2 fully but I am very much glad to see she’s still alive and in a game since P3P
5 good qualities:
- I am a sucker for her entire aesthetic, more so than Makoto/Minato (v_v which fun fact: back when I first played p3p I didn't like a way of life which honestly was a crime since its like, my favorite track in the femc soundtrack now)
- I love how she represents another attitude of facing death or pain, one that isn’t emo and gloom but masquerading yourself as fine when you might not be (a la PQ2 i LOVE that they touched upon this)
-On par with 2, Minako NOT being a copy and paste of Makoto except now a female. I love it!!!
-The fact she’s probably even more balsy and bolder than Makoto’s inherent indifference.
-Her relationships!!! Especially with people like Akihiko and Shinji as well as Yukari and Mitsuru.
3 bad qualities:
-(I have a hard time thinking of bad points about her shes...good T_T) She’s only exclusive to 2 games which is a SHAME because she’s such an interesting perspective to p3 (as mentioned above)
favorite episode/etc:
The entirety of the Shinji social link is very sweet and I just love me a good SL about finding out how much of a softie a seemingly tough guy has me go soft T_T
I don't have one. Minako/Hamuko/Kotone is a bisexual queen and I deadass see her with literally everyone in SEES (minus one child and one dog obviously) but if I HAD to pick one, probably Minako/Akihiko with her and Shinji a VERY close second
Honestly like with OTP and OT3, it could literally be anyone in SEES (this time child and dog are valid because it's not romantic) but if I had to pick ONE, probably Minako/Junpei. Junpei has MASSIVE wingman energies especially late game it’s very good.
The energy that Minako/Akihiko/Shinjiro has is powerful
The Shock(tm) but also unfazed look of indifference I made when I realized that Minako/Ken was a thing 
best quote:
I don’t have the quote down word for word but the talk she had with Hikari during the 4th labyrinth in PQ2 is....really good
head canon:
Siblings Minato/Minako is god tier and I love it.
Also personally, Minako/Hamuko/Kotone has shitposter energy, she absolutely would be someone who would quote vines
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manygalaxiesinone · 5 years
Persona Characters in a Nutshell:
Naoya: “I’m the original protagonist. I’m also a gamer.”
Maki: “The first game is literally all about curing my illness.”
Kei: “I have money, but I don’t really screw the rules.”
Eriko: “I’m so eccentric and unpredictable I’m actually scary. Also, I secretly want Naoya’s “D”.”
Masao: “So wait, am I Black or...?”
Ayase: “I’m the only member of the “Magician” Arcana whose love life didn’t end in tragedy...for now.”
Yukino: “I have more involvement in the sequel game than I do in the title I first appeared in.”
Reiji: “Fuck Kandori!”
Hidehiko: “I’m awesome! Why? Because I said so!”
Philemon: “TRUE fans would know that I’M the master of the Velvet Room.”
Igor: “TRUE fans would know that I’M actually just filling in for my master.”
Belladonna & Nameless: “You may not be able to see us in later titles, but trust us, we’re still here.”
Kandori: “I’m the first main villain of the series, and I’m not the final boss of the main story.”
Tatsuya: “I may or may not be emo.”
Lisa: “I want Tatsuya’s “D”!”
Eikichi: “Don’t tell my dad what I’ve been up to!”
Maya: “I’m everyone’s favorite “Big Sis” reporter! Also, I’m the first female protagonist of the series.”
Jun: “I’m the original Joker!”
Takashi: “I’ve been doing the asshole school staff thing before it was cool.”
Demon Painter: “I’m the only human Velvet Room attendant.”
Motoko: “I’m NOT a Velvet Room Attendant.”
Tatsuya Sudou: “I may or may not be the reaper shadow that appears in later games.”
Fuher: “I’m Hitler. That’s it.”
Nyarlathotep: “I’m anti-Philemon. You know all those shadow selves of everyone that attack people? You’re welcome.”
Minato: “Believe it or not, I’m not emo.”
Minako: “I’m technically canon now thanks to PQ2. Also I’m cheerful and upbeat to the point of being adorable!”
Yukari: “I’m actually the best healer in the series. Also I secretly want Minato’s “D”, though I’ll never say it flat out.”
Junpei: “I’m the only truly laid back character in this series. That’s the joke.”
Akihiko: “Protein everyday!”
Mitsuru: “Screw the rules? I MAKE the rules.”
Fuuka: “I’m kind of like Rutile from Disgaea 3.”
Koromaru: “Woof!” (I make things explode.)
Aigis: “I want to protect Minato and Minako, even though I can’t remember why.”
Ken: “I’m pretty mature for my age.”
Shinjiro: “Just a head’s up. You might not want to get too attached to me.”
Ms. Toriumi: “I’m actually one of the better teachers in this series, and I’m secretly attracted to one of my students.”
Shuji: “My plan is literally the plot of Nocturne.”
Ryoji: “I’m Vigilance from Soul Nomad, except I also flirt from time to time.”
Takaya: “I just wanted to see Fear the Gr- I mean Nyx destroy the world.”
Jin: “If you’re not Takaya, then fuck you.”
Chidori: “I’m kind of like Namine from Kingdom Hearts, but not really.”
Elizabeth: “I’m the dangerously adorable member of the Velvet room! All will fear me, but all will love me as well.”
Theodore: “I think I’m being bullied by my older sisters.”
Yu: “I’m the King.”
Yosuke: “I have terrible luck. That’s the joke.”
Chie: “Brawn over brains!”
Yukiko: “I’m Eriko 2.0, minus the part about wanting Yu’s “D”...maybe...
Teddie: “I’m basically Tink from Disgaea 2. I even started out with his voice. Now I have a prinny voice.”
Rise: “I want Yu’s “D” so bad! Even when he becomes an old man!”
Kanji/Naoto: “We don’t have a thing for each other!” (Audience: “Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight...)
Adachi: “Who wants to talk about murder-”
Ryotaro: “Shut up Adachi!”
Nanako: “I’m the little sister everyone wishes they had!”
Morooka: “This class is too sexy!”
Kashiwagi: “This class isn’t sexy enough!”
Namatame/Kubo: “We’re the culprits...but not really.”
Margaret: “I’m the most matured member of the Velvet Room. Also I miss my sister... deeply.”
Marie: “I hate you...but I love you...but I hate you.”
Izanami: “I’m the first person you meet in town, so I’m the main villain.”
Labrys: “My sisters are dead!”
Rei: “My personality gave birth to the Anti-Shadow Suppression Weapons!”
Zen: “You know how Ryoji’s supposed to be the incarnation of Death? Yeah, about that.”
Akira: “I’m kind of like Killia except more laid back.”
Morgana: “GO TO SLEEP!!!”
Ryuji: “Fuck Kamoshida!”
Ann: “I’m a bit more airheaded than you’d expect...Just a bit though.”
Yusuke: “Screw the money, I have art.”
Makoto: “Just because I’m an honor student, doesn’t mean I’ll hesitate to kick your ass.”
Futaba: “I’m the one person everyone wants to date. Should I be concerned?”
Haru: “Admit it. You want to cuddle me, don’t you?”
Akechi: “My betrayal isn’t as big of a shocker as you would think.”
Sojiro: “I’m a very reasonable guy once you get to know me.”
Kawakami: “I’m like Ms. Toriumi except I spend my time as a maid instead of playing an MMO version of one of the previous games.”
Caroline: “Fuck you.”
Justine: “I secretly dislike you.”
Lavenza: “We’re cool now.”
Igor (?): “If you played Disgaea 1, then you’ll see my true intentions coming a mile away.”
Shido: “I’m Void Dark, minus the sister complex.”
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shuttershocky · 5 years
I'm sorry ignore my first ask (as I think I messed it up): but that meme for any of the persona games actually.
Too late but let’s do it for P3 and P4 as well
Persona 3
Favorite Male Character
Akihiko Sanada
Favorite Female Character
Oh god umm
Yukari Takeba / Mitsuru Kirijo
If toasters count as real girls then AIGIS
If interdimensional monsters count then Elizabeth >>>> everyone else
Least Favorite Character
Fucking Ken got my boy Shinjiro killed
Damn you Ken we’re keeping you on board because you’re like 8 but no PSP for you young man
Favorite Ship
Makoto Yuki x Aigis
No love like the love between a boy and his toaster
Akihiko x Mitsuru
Favorite Friendship
Makoto Yuki and Junpei Iori
Favorite Quote
"Alongside time exists fate, the bearer of cruelty."
“Far in mist a tower awaits, like a merciless tomb devouring moonlight.”
Worst Character Death (if any)
This made me so happy you have no idea Moment
Aigis asking Makoto to touch her papillon heart
(Movie only) The festival scene slowly greying out and turning redder and redder until it’s a screen of blood [holy fuck that was good] 
When Burn My Dread Last Battle started playing
Saddest Moment
Favorite Location
The top of Tartarus
Persona 4
Favorite Male Character
Yu Narukami, the single funniest JRPG protagonist
Ryotaro Dojima
Secret patriarch of the Dojima family???
Favorite Female Character
Naoto Shirogane
Look before you kill me, as much as I get why Naoto is hc’d trans and she really SHOULD have been (she literally dreams of a sex reassignment surgery before suddenly she insists she’s always been a girl and she was just pulling a Mulan come the fuck on Atlus), she’s not in canon because Atlus were too cowardly to do it so uh, here she goes I guess.
Hey cowards at Atlus you can be cowardly and still have a canon trans character just look at FGO they did it for real even if they’re cowards.
Nanako Dojima
Least Favorite Character
The nurse that I’m pretty sure gave Yu a handjob despite him being like, 16 
Favorite Ship
Yu Narukami x Yosuke Hanamura
Holy fuck Atlus were cowards
Yu and Yosuke’s chemistry is better than Yu with literally any of the girls
I can’t believe Yosuke would have had a canon gay route before Atlus made him go NO HOMO at full blast
Kanji Tatsumi x Naoto Shirogane
Holy fuck Kanji got Captain Shang’d didn’t he
Chie Satonaka x Yukiko Amagi
Favorite Friendship
Yosuke Hanamura and Chie Satonaka
Chie Satonaka and Yukiko Amagi
Favorite Quote
“You ate Nanako’s science experiment! You don’t feel very well.”
(Anime only) Kanji: Oh yeah? Well, I’m going to sleep in the GIRLS TENT, They got more balls than you!Yu: For some girls, that is true. 
(Anime-only) Kanji: I LOVE CUTE SHIT AAAAAAAAA *punches shadow*
Worst Character Death (if any)
Holy shit it’s a Persona where no one you care about dies!
This made me so happy you have no idea Moment
Every time I hear the Junes theme
Saddest Moment
When everyone believes Nanako has died
Naoto, Kanji, Yosuke and Yu wanting to execute Namatame in cold blood
Favorite Location
Junes food court
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