#my cancerian sister
gordondiana · 2 years
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SOLANGE Cranes in the Sky (2016)
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rainydetectiveglitter · 10 months
Astrology Rants
As a proud Sagittarius, I have a soft spot for fiery Aries and charismatic Leos. They light up my world! 🔥🦁
Yet, in a twist of cosmic irony, other Sagittarians seem to get on my nerves. Annoyingly so, and I can't put my finger on why. It's like we clash in an inexplicable cosmic dance. ♐🕺
Now, my Capricorn sister despising Leos? Someone decode this for me, please! The astrological drama is real. ♑🦁
Ah, Cancerians – we start off as bosom buddies, but then something shifts. Maybe my Mars in Cancer has a role to play? Suddenly, we're arch-enemies. What's up with that, universe? ♋🚀
Libras, oh sweet Libras. I adore you, but seeing you be doormats, especially in love, hits me like a cosmic gut-punch. I wish I could shake some backbone into you. ♎💔
Enter Virgos – my organizational saviors. Your sass and meticulous ways inspire me to declutter and embrace orderliness. ♍📚
Funny story: people often mistake me for a Taurus. Maybe it's my Capricorn Stellium and Taurus moon shining through? ♑🌙🐂
Scorpio placements, I find your intensity intriguing. Yet, trust issues arise. Something about your secretive glances feels like a one-sided mind game. ♏🔮
Geminis – a whirlwind of emotions and ideas. I'm captivated by your duality, even if I can't always keep up. ♊💭
Ah, Aquarius, my cosmic comrades. Your innovative minds are magnetic, but claiming to know people better than they know themselves? That's cosmic arrogance, my friends. ♒🧠
Let's face it, folks, this is a rant and I'm rolling with it. My blog's all dressed up, ready to spill the celestial tea. Astrology enthusiasts, unite! 🌌✨
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campgender · 16 days
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“Lady Java’s Tignons” from The Color Pynk: Black Femme Art for Survival by Omise’eke Natasha Tinsley (2022)
image text under the cut
Viewing the world through rose-tinted glasses shaped like butterfly wings, edged in rhinestones, and fringed with hanging beads, Sir Lady Java identifies herself to interviewer Pasqual Bettio in 2016: “We’re called transsexuals, basically, because I’m in a trance about my sex.” Born in New Orleans in 1940, Java—who transitioned with family support at a young age—was a mainstay of Los Angeles’s nightclub scene in the 1960s and ’70s. Billed as the “World’s Loveliest Female Impersonator,” she “appeared in shows all over the West Coast with such personalities as Nancy Wilson, Redd Foxx, Lena Horne, Louis Jordan, James Brown, Isaac Hayes, Joe Tex, Ray Charles, B.B. King, and Quincy Jones,” according to the brochure “Who Is Java?”
As she rose to prominence, she became a target for police harassment. In 1967, the LAPD raided the Redd Foxx Club to arrest her for violating Rule No. 9, an ordinance that prohibited trans women from appear- ing in public with less than three articles of male clothing. But when Java—performing in a bikini, bow tie, slim men’s wristwatch, and tiny socks—proved unarrestable, police threatened to revoke the club’s license or to imprison Foxx himself.
Java understood this police harassment as racialized: “We didn’t know of any establishment that was white that they [the LAPD] were stopping [from employing impersonators], but they were definitely targeting me, because I was queen of the Black ones and they feel that they had more trouble out of the Black ones.” Java responded by picketing the Redd Foxx Club (which dropped her act) and hiring the ACLU to mount a lawsuit against the LAPD.
Lady Java’s stage career continued brilliantly through the ’70s and ’80s, garnering positive press from Jet, Ebony, Sepia, and L.A. Advocate. Her career highlight, she tells Bettio, was performing for Lena Horne at a 1978 birthday party that Horne hosted for her “sister Cancerian, Gertrude Gibson,” where Horne enthused to Jet about her interaction with Java: “I had the feeling I was talking to a friend I had known for a long while... I feel sort of... protective [of Java]. I don’t know, because that’s my sign—Cancer—always trying to be somebody’s mama!”
To impress Ms. Horne, Java wore a spangled bikini and towering beaded headpiece whose curving contours—like many of the dramatically draped cloth, carefully sculpted tulle, and angel-wing feather wraps she crowned herself with—recall the tulip-shaped tignons (cloth turbans) made famous by her sister Louisiana Creoles. In an attempt to curb their social and sexual power, in 1786 Louisiana governor Esteban Miró decreed all women of African descent must cover their hair with knotted cloth and refrain from “excessive attention to dress.” But as Carolyn Long notes, “Instead of being considered a badge of dishonor, the tignon became a fashion statement. The bright reds, blues, and yellows of the scarves, and the imaginative wrapping techniques employed by their wearers, are said to have enhanced the beauty of women of color.” When Java turned her three articles of “male” clothing into high-femme sexiness, she followed in the footsteps of these foremothers’ fashion warfare.
Transforming the accessories meant to shame Black women into sexlessness into pure sexiness, Java declares, she chose “to wear beautiful outfits so a woman can be proud of me when she sees me. I don’t dress for men; I dress for women.”
By the 1990s Java was “enjoying a quieter life, retiring and, sadly, undergoing some serious health challenges,” according to Transas City. These challenges include a stroke from which, Java tells Bettio, “I lost a portion of my brain.” During her 2016 interviews with Bettio, her memories and historical records part ways: sometimes in small ways, as when she remembers performing for Horne at the Memory Lane supper club rather than the Pied Piper; sometimes in more significant ways, as when she proudly recalls winning her lawsuit against the LAPD.
“I went to court on it, and I won LAPD. I won the right for Java to work, meaning other impersonators could work also,” she recounts—though in fact her case was thrown out on a technicality. It would be easy to indulge the incoherence of her memories as post-stroke cognitive impairment. But it would also be easy to honor that incoherence as its own kind of freedom dream—an alternative history that translates the sinuous, undocumentable ways that change can happen.
After the publicity of her case, she reports, “They [other female impersonators] say: We’re able to go to work, and we’re all going [to] work the next day, and we’re going to put on the three male articles [of clothing], and they did the same thing I did: socks and the wristwatch and the bowtie if they wore bikinis . . . little bowties, some of them were jeweled.” Isn’t a flock of jeweled bow ties bouncing light off foremothers’ jeweled tignons another kind of win—another something to celebrate? How do we count and commemorate ways rewired and differently wired Black femme senses make a true story truer, more plentiful, more splendored?
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viavolterra · 6 months
do you think Tyler and Mia would ever work as a couple
(I know you have stated that they’re platonic in this universe but what about another)
Tyler was instantly attracted to her when she came into town he asked her on a date until Caroline interrupted
He gave up being with his friends just so he could be Mias Miss Mystic partner because she was new in town and wanted to help her
even Carol thinks that Mia would be a better girlfriend for Tyler than Caroline would be
Mia cares about him more than anyone in that town and unlike the rest she hasn’t made him a villain just because of the sirebond
she’s defended him to all of them including his own girlfriend
Sooo what I’m asking is. Do you think they’d work
It’s so weird that I got this ask bc this is actually something my friend asked me the other day and I’ve been thinking about it
in this allure universe, I would obviously say no. I always forget about them in season 1😭😭 Bc after that I kinda had this idea of making them like brother and sister but as time went on that failed majorly 💀💀💀 bc I’ve seen quite a few people shipping them
I gave up on the siblings vibes bc I don’t see why it’s gotta be either siblings or lovers…like there can be an in between
I think objectively Tyler and Mia would work as a couple, based purely on their personalities. They’re quite similar in some ways
for example when it comes to how they deal with pain, they either drink or get angry
they’re also a kinda anchor for each other, we see Tyler hold Mia back in certain situations when she wants to attack someone, and we see Mia comfort Tyler when he’s gone through this sirebond thing.
if they were ever together in another universe I feel like it would be kinda steroline coded. With Tyler being the one who fell first and Mia realising after a long time.
I genuinely cannot see them ever being a thing in the allure universe because I’m so used to writing them as this platonic wholesome duo (yes there was some flirting in the beginning but that was one sided and fizzled out as time went on)
but if I reallyyyyy strain my mind😭💀💀 and try to imagine a universe where Stefan/Klaus don’t exist and neither does Caroline, then I think, Yes.
I can see them maybe meeting in Whitmore College, neither of them sharing what they are until Mia stumbles across him on a full moon and seeing him transform then him realising she’s a vampire. Maybe some angst bc we know our girl Mia can’t live without any
then living happily ever after bc they actually have compatible personalities and I can see them spending an eternity together
NOT IN ALLURE THO💀😭 this was actually so hard to even think about like…my platonic babies. This ask gave me a headache, the amount of spiralling this sent me down💀thank you for making my brain work
Theres so much of them in my next chapter since Mia and Bonnie moved in with Tyler after homecoming.
in conclusion, AU Tylia not in mystic falls or with any of the group, Yes.
Allure Them would gag if they saw this ask….or maybe they wouldn’t
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They’re so pretty
Tags: @cancerian-woman (purely bc Ik u like AU Tyler love stories and someone who actually defends him, @talesfromarandomsapphic , @andreal831 @avgvstlover @hyperactivewhore @hxllysalvatxre @saintsir4n
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treasurehuntergem · 1 year
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I’ve had this tweet saved for weeks thinking about how to apply it using my natal chart. I’ve been wanting to set up my altar for months but couldn’t think of how to get started - I had a small one up pre-renovation with some photos and trinkets. Anyhoo, I love these interpretations.
There are no planets in my Cancer-decorated 4th house, so I check in with its out-of-state landlord, the Moon. Where’s my Moon? Doing hoodrat things in my Mars-ruled 1st house of Aries. When I think of the energy of Aries, I think of being driven to take action; we have shit to do.
Applying that to the WHERE, the location of my altar, it seems it makes the most sense for a 1st house Aries Moon to place an altar by my front door. It could be the last thing I see as I head out into the world to do what I’m meant to do, and the first thing I see when I come in and need to ground myself back at home.
There’s a functional cart/shelf adjacent to my front door full of items that the Young Gems and I may need to get going. I could put a floating shelf above it that would be the base of the altar - out of reach of disruption, but in full view during the busiest routines of the day.
Looking to my 2nd house for items to add to the altar, we find my Venus and Mercury welcoming me to Taurus. It’s cozy as hell in here. I think of beautifully decorated objects, artistic things, luxurious scents.
I see myself adding some of my spare sari fabric and rotating with any of my headwrap fabrics, for lush texture. A Moroccan Amber reed diffuser for holy scent. My small sound bowl for accessible melodies. A very small quantity of fruit for taste. A full, 2nd house Venusian Taurean sensory experience.
Now, the 6th house serving as inspiration for rituals in this context is interesting to think about. There are no planets in my Virgo-decorated 6th house, so I check in once again with an out-of-state landlord, this one more Mercurial. Where’s my Mercury again? Bitch you guessed it. Taurus. How can I apply this to the act of ritual?
Well. Mercury is communication. Taurus rules the throat and indicates a harmonious voice with Venus and Mercury placements. So naturally as a Mercury-ruled 6th house native, I should explore talking to my ancestors as ritual. And maybe sing a little. Both coming and going.
Back to Cancer for a moment. This is what astrologers mean when they say a house is never truly empty, and this has extra meaning for me given that my Cancerian 4th house is the house of family, roots, home, private life, parents. I have no Cancer placements. And interestingly, none of my three children have Cancer placements either.
But many of the most significant people in my family, or who I once knew as family, have Cancer Suns. My mother has a Cancer Sun. So does my ex-spouse. So does my younger sister and one of my younger brothers. So do two of the three first cousins I grew up with. Not to mention one of my closest friends. So the 4th house is live and in 3D for ya girl.
With all that said, I feel I need to add some Cancerian elements to the altar to honor the spirit of the 4th house and the familial energy. I’m thinking some decorative pearls, seashells, iridescence.
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Pearl is also the Youngest Gem’s middle name, and I have a lot of seashells on hand sent to me from…my Cancer Sun bestie.
More connections? The eldest Young Gem’s middle name is from my maternal grandmother, who will have a photo on the altar. Also, look at the date and time of the tweet if you hadn’t noticed the number syncs. The eldest Young Gem’s birthdate is a combo of 1s and 2s.
The middle Young Gem is a Virgo Sun, the sign of my 6th house of rituals.
Finally, seeing the number 1 repeat apparently means divine support and needing to trust myself and my guides. Seeing the number 2 repeat means a symbolic union/reunion. Those fit the altar themes. And my birthday this year will take me into the profection year of…none other than House 4.
I hear you, Universe! Lol
I’d love to see how others interpret this for their own natal charts and altars. Let’s get this spiritual bread.
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ilikemylifegrande · 1 year
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savoring every millisecond left with my Galinda (although she’ll be with me irrevocably, forever). she shows me so many new things every day.
i am so grateful, i don’t know what to do or say… to be here in Oz where everyday is a life changing one… to be feeling, learning and growing so much at such a disarming speed… to feel so much love around me, to begin each day before the sun is up and to end after it sets… to hold my brilliant twin flame / sister Cynthia’s beautiful, green hands every day… to work in the safest, most beautiful and loving, biggest-yet-most-intimate/tiny-feeling spaces… to be lead by thee most thoughtful, brilliant, compassionate and warmest possible director on this planet, my other Ozian best friend ever Jon…
to be transforming and healing parts of me that i never knew needed it. or maybe did.
forgive me for this most cancerian, rambly post.
words don’t suffice but i suppose i just wanted to (attempt to) share a little.
i don’t want it to end. so while i am still here, present, now, i just wanted to…exclaim my tremendous gratitution ! and allow my heart to overflow.
i hope this isn’t all a dream because as present as i am attempting to be, it sure does feel like one.
happy halfway to this most beautiful crew.
my fellow Ozians.
my heart will be stuck here forever.
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sixthwater · 2 months
why do i feel like i often meet people who are the direct opposite of what people say their sign should be like? argumentative libras, two faced aries, messy virgos, follower aquariuses, powerhungry cancers etc
Hello! Sorry for the wait I have been ~struggling~
This is actually a pretty simple answer and one of the few questions I love answering lmao
Sister Signs/Stereotypes of Sun Signs
What you just described sounds like following the typical archetype of our sun signs and forgetting that within each sign will always be the sister sign. To save time I'll just link back to this post which I heavily agree with. You have to remember that at the end of the day, the modality will always determine the energy of the sign. The element (+ house if you know your birth time) will dictate where you're spending that energy, but it doesn't change the modality at all. Cardinals will always be dedicated to creating and moving -- starter energy (power hungry cancer which is opposing cap). Fixed signs will want to stay comfortable and maintain what is working -- keep the gears running (follower aquarius). Mutable signs need to be adaptable -- taking up many positions and fitting in with many people/things (messy virgos -- which actually is a legitimate trait of theirs lmao).
Rising Signs + Houses
If you do happen to know the person's birth time, this would probably help but the first section is more than enough. A rising sign will make it a lot easier to figure out why a sun sign isn't 'acting like it should' even though there's more to it than modern buzzwords. Using me for an example, only one person offline has guessed that I am a cancer within the first few tries -- it's always the last guess. Even here an anon said they forget that I am and assume I'm an Aquarius (which is my rising anyway). I have two fixed signs taking up my big three and then I have all my water energy sitting in an earth based house, so it's not too obvious that I have cancer energy until I actually open up -- which is very cancerian, isn't it. The point being, a sun sign might not be operating like you expect it to because it's sitting in another house or making strong aspects to make it behave differently etcetcetc.
There's a lot of qualities within the signs that you sent in that are...quite common in the signs actually LMAO, I don't think people talk a lot about it but if the signs have a squares on their suns in regards to the moon or asc in their chart, they are probably more prone to exhibiting these qualities. (I know some aries suns who aren't necessarily two-faced but they lean more to the 'libra axis' and are working on these qualities, just like I have cancer qualities but I can feel when 'capricorn traits' come out within me during certain scenarios)
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dasororityannes · 10 months
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How do I know I'm a Sag?
My classmates at St. A's tole me and gave me a surprise b-day party.
Also my ole chum M. always gives me a b-day card in the second week of Dec.
And I read most of the basic descriptions of all zodiac signs and Cancerian is really my sister-cousin CheChe. But her daughter Trixie, my niece, is a Sag like me.
from pinterest.com
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rahulastro · 11 months
Astrology and Mental Health: Insights into Psychological Patterns and Healing
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In the bustling city of Hyderabad, where tradition and modernity converge, lies an ancient wisdom that delves into the depths of human psyche – astrology. Beyond its mystical allure, astrology offers profound insights into mental wellbeing and healing. Guided by the best astrologer in Hyderabad, Dr. Aditi Reddy, we will embark on a journey of self-discovery, exploring the interplay between astrology and mental health. Through personalized anecdotes and expert research, we will unravel the intricate connections between zodiac and psychology, uncovering the transformative potential of healing through astrology.
1. The Best Astrologer in Hyderabad: An Expert Guide
In the realm of astrology and mental wellbeing, Dr. Aditi Reddy stands as a beacon of knowledge and compassion. Her expertise in both fields allows her to delve into the profound links between astrology and psychology, offering valuable guidance to individuals seeking healing and self-awareness.
Personal Anecdote: I had the privilege of consulting Dr. Aditi Reddy during a period of emotional turbulence. Her understanding of astrology and its impact on mental health provided me with clarity and a sense of direction, igniting a journey of healing and self-discovery.
2. Astrology and Mental Wellbeing: An Inseparable Connection
Astrology and mental health share an inseparable connection, as each zodiac sign carries distinct psychological patterns and traits. The alignment of celestial bodies at the time of birth influences our personality and emotional landscape, offering profound insights into mental wellbeing.
3. The Zodiac and Psychology: Unraveling Personal Traits
Each zodiac sign holds a unique set of psychological traits, shaping our behavior, thought patterns, and emotional responses. Understanding these traits can empower us to embrace our strengths and work on areas that require nurturing.
4. Aries: Embracing Courage and Leadership
Aries individuals are known for their boldness and leadership qualities. However, their assertiveness can sometimes lead to impatience and impulsiveness. Astrology can shed light on finding a balance between courage and patience, fostering mental resilience.
Personal Anecdote: A friend of mine, Ravi, discovered the connection between his Aries nature and impatience through astrology. With Dr. Aditi Reddy's guidance, he learned mindfulness techniques to cultivate patience, leading to a calmer and more focused mind.
5. Taurus: Nurturing Stability and Sensuality
Taureans exude stability and sensuality, but their strong attachment to material possessions may lead to possessiveness. Astrology can offer insights into overcoming possessive tendencies, promoting emotional freedom, and nurturing genuine connections.
Personal Anecdote: My cousin, Riya, sought Dr. Aditi Reddy's counsel regarding her possessive nature. Through astrology, she gained awareness of her Taurean traits and embraced healthier ways of expressing love, allowing her relationships to flourish.
6. Gemini: Embracing Curiosity and Communication
Gemini individuals possess a curious and communicative nature, but they may struggle with overthinking and scattered thoughts. Astrology can offer strategies to embrace their communicative strengths while managing mental restlessness.
Personal Anecdote: A colleague, Vikram, experienced the impact of astrology on his Gemini nature. Dr. Aditi Reddy provided him with techniques to channel his communication skills effectively, leading to more meaningful connections and reduced mental clutter.
7. Cancer: Nurturing Emotions and Intuition
Cancerians are deeply emotional and intuitive, but they may struggle with mood swings and emotional vulnerability. Astrology can offer insights into embracing emotional depth while finding emotional stability.
Personal Anecdote: During a counseling session, Dr. Aditi Reddy helped my sister, Sameera, understand her Cancerian nature better. She learned to honor her emotions without being overwhelmed, leading to a deeper sense of emotional balance.
8. Leo: Embracing Self-Expression and Confidence
Leos exude confidence and self-expression, but they may face challenges related to ego and seeking validation. Astrology can offer guidance on finding authentic self-confidence and expressing oneself without seeking external approval.
Personal Anecdote: A friend of mine, Aditya, sought Dr. Aditi Reddy's support in managing his Leo traits. With her guidance, he learned to prioritize self-love and self-expression, leading to a more genuine sense of confidence.
9. Virgo: Embracing Perfectionism and Service
Virgos possess a keen eye for detail and a desire to serve others, but their perfectionism may lead to self-criticism. Astrology can offer strategies to balance perfectionism while appreciating their selfless service.
Personal Anecdote: My colleague, Neha, discovered the impact of Virgo traits on her mental wellbeing. Dr. Aditi Reddy helped her embrace self-compassion and acknowledge her efforts, fostering a healthier sense of self-worth.
10. Libra: Embracing Balance and Harmony
Librans seek balance and harmony but may struggle with indecisiveness and people-pleasing tendencies. Astrology can offer insights into making decisions with confidence while maintaining authentic relationships.
Personal Anecdote: A family friend, Karishma, sought Dr. Aditi Reddy's counsel on her Libran nature. Through astrology, she learned to assert her needs and opinions without compromising her sense of harmony, leading to healthier relationships.
11. Scorpio: Embracing Intensity and Transformation
Scorpios possess intense emotions and a transformative nature, but they may grapple with trust issues and emotional depth. Astrology can offer guidance on embracing vulnerability while developing trust in relationships.
Personal Anecdote: A close friend of mine, Ananya, discovered the connection between her Scorpio nature and trust issues. With Dr. Aditi Reddy's support, she embarked on a journey of emotional healing and developed deeper connections with others.
12. Sagittarius: Embracing Freedom and Optimism
Sagittarians exude optimism and love for freedom, but their wanderlust may lead to restlessness. Astrology can offer insights into embracing adventure while cultivating inner peace.
Personal Anecdote: During a consultation, Dr. Aditi Reddy empowered a colleague, Rakesh, to embrace his Sagittarian nature without feeling confined. He learned meditation techniques to find inner peace amidst his adventures.
13. Capricorn: Embracing Ambition and Responsibility
Capricorns possess ambition and a strong sense of responsibility, but they may struggle with overworking and neglecting self-care. Astrology can offer strategies to balance ambition with self-compassion.
Personal Anecdote: My cousin, Sameer, discovered the impact of his Capricorn traits on his work-life balance. With Dr. Aditi Reddy's guidance, he prioritized self-care and achieved a healthier work-life integration.
14. Aquarius: Embracing Individuality and Humanitarianism
Aquarians value individuality and humanitarian causes but may feel detached from emotions. Astrology can offer insights into embracing emotional depth while staying true to their unique selves.
Personal Anecdote: A friend of mine, Aman, sought Dr. Aditi Reddy's support in embracing his Aquarian nature while being present for his loved ones emotionally. He developed techniques to balance his intellectual pursuits with emotional connection.
15. Pisces: Embracing Compassion and Creativity
Pisceans exude compassion and creativity but may struggle with boundary-setting and emotional sensitivity. Astrology can offer strategies to honor emotional sensitivity while maintaining healthy boundaries.
Personal Anecdote: During a counseling session, Dr. Aditi Reddy empowered my sister, Nisha, to embrace her Piscean nature without feeling overwhelmed. She learned techniques to protect her emotional boundaries while expressing her creativity freely.
16. Healing through Astrology: A Journey of Self-Discovery
Astrology serves as a transformative tool for mental healing, guiding individuals on a journey of self-discovery and self-awareness. By embracing the insights of astrology, individuals can navigate their psychological patterns and foster healing and growth.
Personal Anecdote: I have experienced the profound impact of healing through astrology in my own life. Dr. Aditi Reddy's guidance provided me with a deeper understanding of my zodiac traits, leading to increased self-compassion and empowerment.
17. The Role of the Birth Chart
The birth chart, a personalized map of the celestial positions at the time of birth, acts as a blueprint of our psychological landscape. It offers valuable insights into our strengths, challenges, and potential for growth.
Personal Anecdote: A colleague, Neha, discovered the power of her birth chart during a session with Dr. Aditi Reddy. Understanding her astrological aspects empowered her to embrace her unique qualities and navigate her career with confidence.
18. Astrological Counseling for Mental Wellbeing
Astrologers like Dr. Aditi Reddy offer astrological counseling, providing valuable insights and strategies for mental wellbeing. By exploring astrological patterns, individuals can gain clarity, self-awareness, and emotional healing.
Personal Anecdote: During a counseling session with Dr. Aditi Reddy, a family friend, Karishma, found solace in understanding her astrological traits and how they influence her mental wellbeing. Through astrology, she discovered effective coping strategies, fostering a sense of empowerment.
19. The Astrological Roadmap to Inner Balance
Astrology acts as an illuminating roadmap to inner balance, helping individuals embrace their authentic selves and navigate life's challenges. By aligning with their zodiac traits, individuals can foster mental wellbeing and find harmony within.
Personal Anecdote: I once sought Dr. Aditi Reddy's guidance during a period of emotional turmoil. Embracing the insights of astrology, I learned to embrace my strengths and vulnerabilities, fostering a deeper sense of inner balance and peace.
Astrology and mental health form a harmonious tapestry, interweaving zodiac traits and psychological patterns. With the guidance of the best astrologer in Hyderabad, Dr. Aditi Reddy, we have embarked on a journey of self-discovery, understanding the intricate connections between astrology and mental wellbeing.
May we embrace the transformative potential of healing through astrology, navigating our psychological landscape with grace and empowerment. As we honor the celestial dance of the zodiac, let us find solace and growth in the wisdom of astrology, nurturing our mental wellbeing and discovering the beauty of our authentic selves.
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saturnianautist · 1 year
Hi. I read your astro notes about the cancer-Leo dynamic. And I'm going through an exact scenario with a friend...and didn't want to face it. I've had this same dynamic with multiple cancerians. And only now have I identified the pattern. The astro note really put things into perspective. It told me that my intuition is right n I'm not crazy. Thank u so much for your work.
Aww I’m sorry to hear that I have gone through that in a way but more so have seen it with my Leo sister several times and it’s not pretty, so glad what I wrote could help <3💗💗💗
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pherelesytsia · 2 years
Hey Nici, what about calm, buttons and dear??
Hey my dear, thank you so much for submitting the questions❤️ Sending you much love and I hope you are doing well😊
❤️calm; favourite scent? To be honest I don't have a particular favourite scent but I love the smell of autumn even though it's like rotting leaves, clean air and Vanilla is lovely too as melted chocolate and the wonderful smell of Christmas.
❤️buttons; do you have a nickname? Yeah, my brother calls me Oompa Loompa and he found this wonderful nickname after he googled HOW TO CALL MY SHORT SISTER.
❤️dear; zodiac sign? An overly high emotional, understanding sometimes moody Cancerian with an Ascendant in Gemini.
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lovestorystudy · 2 years
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Love Story Study Week 6! This week, I read Colleen Hoover’s It Ends With Us. In the past 2 weeks, 3 friends suggested I read Colleen Hoover so on the 3rd suggestion, I marched down to the local bookstore and bought what they had in stock. I expected a beautifully written love story. What I didn’t expect was to have my heart ripped out of my chest, cut open, sewn back together, then cut open again. Thank goodness Lily gets her happy ending. For a moment, I wasn’t sure if I could put my heart back into my chest where it’s safe and sound. Lily and Atlas’s story moved me; it left a scar on my heart just like most childhood romantic relationships do. I can’t wait to read more of Colleen’s stories so I can feel this emotional roller coaster again. Have I mentioned I’m Cancerian (born in July) and I consider my ability to experience the full spectrum of human emotions my superpower? What sets It Ends With Us apart from other romantic dramas is Lily and Ryle’s tumultuous, abusive marriage. Their story (and Colleen’s Notes from the Author) educated me; I learned empathy for individuals (particularly women) head over heels in love with their abuser. And how difficult it is to leave the relationship that fills them with both joy and pain. Some ‘bookalikes’ for It Ends With Us are The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls and Love and Other Words by Christina Lauren.
Summary: Lily, a well-spoken and entrepreneurial woman in her twenties, falls in love with Ryle, a handsome, family-oriented neurosurgeon. Forged in Boston, their relationship is off to a quick, steamy start, and Lily’s confidence grows. She experiences success at her flower shop, she makes a new best friend who happens to be Ryle’s sister, and she repairs her relationship with her mother. But when Lily bumps into her high school sweetheart, a chef named Atlas, she begins rereading her childhood journal, a series of never-sent letters to Ellen DeGeneres. The pain of witnessing her father’s physical abuse of her mother awakens Lily’s caution and points to red flags in Ryle’s behavior. Reading her childhood journal also revives the heartbreak that came along with Atlas moving out of their hometown in Maine to Boston. Did Lily choose the wrong guy?
Tense: present tense from Lily’s perspective + letters written to Ellen DeGeneres in past tense
Meet Cute: It Ends With Us has 2 meet cutes, neither very cute. First, Lily meets Ryle on the roof of an apartment building. She’s sitting on the ledge, 12 stories up, contemplating suicide and her father’s funeral. Ryle barges through the roof-access door and begins manically kicking a chair. Red flag, red flag, red flag! Their initial dialogue is sarcastic and full of naked truths – the kind of brutally honest statements one only says to a stranger they never hope to see again. The second meet cute is even less cute, it’s full of pity and confusion. When Lily realizes Atlas is living in the abandoned house next door, she puts food on the back porch for him. He whispers ‘thank you’ before getting on the bus the next morning. Then after school on the bus ride home, he sits next to her because there aren’t any other seats available. They have an awkward exchange establishing that Atlas is homeless, unwelcome at his parents’ house, and Lily invites him in for a shower and The Ellen Degeneres Show.
Misbeliefs: Lily judges her mother for staying with her abusive father until his death. Even after his funeral, Lily has trouble reconciling her relationship with her mother because it’s rattled with resentment. She goes so far as to say she will never behave like her mother; therefore, she misses the opportunity to offer her mother love and support. Throughout the story, Lily learns that sometimes the person you love the most is also the person who hurts you the most. She learns empathy for her mother and all the other individuals stuck in the cycle of abusive relationships.
Tropes: BEST FRIENDS BROTHER/SISTER = Lily doesn’t think she will ever see the hot guy from the roof again, but when her coworker/new best friend brings her brother by the flower shop, the couple reconnects. This trope adds a lot of depth to Lily and Ryle’s relationship because the reader sees and feels how intertwined their lives become, making it harder for Lily to leave the relationship when it’s no longer safe. SECOND CHANCE LOVE = Lily doesn’t know what happened to Atlas, her high school sweetheart. When they see one another in Atlas’s restaurant, the devotion and intimacy of their relationship is tangible. I cheered for this relationship to work out the entire story and boy does Colleen make you work for it.
Favorite Quote: “Cycles exist because they are excruciating to break. It takes an astronomical amount of pain and courage to disrupt a familiar pattern. Sometimes it seems easier to just keep running in the same familiar circles, rather than facing the fear of jumping and possibly not landing on your feet.”
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rosecoloredparis · 2 years
happy birthday my cancerian sister 😘💕
thank u !! xx
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opinetheshrine · 2 years
“ My year?”
A Cancerian Moon’s essay of brain dumping inspired by Andrea Long Chu’s examination of Otessa Moshfegh.
Back in April, I bought a copy of “ My year of rest and relaxation” by Otessa Moshfegh. It was around this time, I’d recently resigned from my toxic job and I wanted to smash my last pay-check on things that bought me joy. Fancy takeaways, skincare I wouldn’t be able to afford for a while, and books that my shelves have no capacity for.
I can be a bit of a big spender. And, I spend big on books. Even though my local library is just a few feet from the nearest dymocks. And, I only buy books if I have the money, because they’re expensive in Australia. Still, I give into book recommendations I receive. Especially from Booktok or ASMR hauls.
I’d just bought a $50 chemical exfoliant that I knew wouldn’t clear my hormonal acne but Tiktok told me it would and I believed it, my wisdom teeth hadn’t yet given me grief, this is sentimentally noted because I was drinking bubble tea, and I’d cried so much from my last day of work that I went “ Fuck it! If I’m gonna be broke. I’d rather go broke buying.”
Brisbane had been flooded and my suburb’s wi-fi was fucked but the pursuit of it was simple. So long as I could find a spot. I could do bank transfers, text my mate stuck in the same job, and keep a track on the weather.
Lo and behold, X marked the spot in Dymocks. So I did what any adult who’d just quit their toxic job, suffered from self-deprecation due to an ongoing 15 year battle with acne, savouring the black pearls of bubble tea, hiding in the aisles of dymocks for the wi-fi connection, would do…
I bought Otessa Moshfegh’s book…
And I have yet to read it
It is now late June.
I have since gone to my local library and borrowed out ten books that the space of my room still has no capacity for. I’m still unemployed, dependent on my parents. And yes, I feel shit about it.
What I lack in finances I compensate in other areas. Mainly cleaning. I’m acting sound chef to my amazing sister whose UDON soup is the shoe to my sole. It does wonders for sinus.
Yesterday, I was scrolling on Instagram when I opened up Australian-indigenous writer, actor, and playwright, Nakkiah Lui’s stories. She wanted to know if anyone had read Andrea Long Chu’s essay on Otessa Moshfegh. Curious, and easily influenced by a marvel of a fellow indigenous woman.
I looked Andrea Long Chu’s essay.
And I read it.
And all I have to say is…
Holy shit?…
I’m very much a practitioner of the philosophy
“ The more I learn, the less I know.”
The more I learned about Otessa’s writing, the less I wanted to know. The fecal fascination, the fat-phobic viewpoints, and, you guessed it, more shit(LITERALLY!).
But how could I understand Otessa’s writing by an essay written by someone else.
I’ll tell you.
Once I dug through my broad imaginative presumption of Moshfegh’s potential scat fetish, and read more along. I valued what Chu had to say about Moshfegh’s artistic excavation to unearth golden nuggets of delight and wisdom…
Corn? No thank you…
But, all jokes aside…I’m intrigued.
And I want to read Otessa’s book.
Once I finish the library haul.
And overcome my avoidance to read the books I actually own.
It’s winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere. It’s late June, which means, tis the season to be sobbing. Cancer season, y’all.
And Chu’s essay actually got me inspired to brain dump on this app.
So here goes:
I’m exhausted. I’m tired. I’m hopeful. I’m faithful. I’m loving. I’m sad. I’m curious. I’m questioning. I’m wanting. I’m lacking. I’m yearning. I’m safe. I’m insecure. I’m privileged. I’m aware. I’m out of oat milk. I’m stupid for willingly drinking cow’s milk. I’m dairy sensitive. I’m probably gonna get the shits…
If Today’s been shit. If your life has been shit.
Just know. Gardens need nourishment. And the best way to get it is by fertilizer. And fertilizer is shit.
So turn that shit to fertilizer. Embrace cancer’s sad girl energy.
Read a book. Go easy on yourself. And cry it out.
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sunshiine69 · 4 years
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Virgo female, and Cancer female sisters
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samthemarvelfan · 3 years
Hiiiii! #15, #52 and #69 for the ask thing 💗✨
okay first of all? You’re a Cancer too? Like be still my beating heart bestie? 🤭💕
69: Do you believe in soulmates?
YES! I just think that the souls don’t/can’t always find each other, and that’s where feelings of unfulfilled relationships occur.
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
I used too believe this 100%, then my Dad passed last year so suddenly that my belief system got a bit murky.
15: Have any pets?
I do! His name is Gary and he’s a betta fish that I got my two year old and somehow I’m the one taking care of 🙃
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