#my best friend is spanish and i dont speak a word i need to learn oh god sofia im so sorry
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saw someone say this was a year ago what do you mean it was a year ago it was WHAT
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gothhabiba · 11 months
hi! sorry to bother and if you've answered this before. of course, you dont have to answer this. you mentioned in one post that you were still learning Darija and also your posts on scolarship are very interesting. ive been trying for a while to learn my dad's language since i didn't grew up speaking it, but have always been interested in persian literature and the evolution of the language so this has been a difficulty for me. i was wondering if you have any tips on improving the way a language is learned, since you're amazing at explaining things and making even complicated subjects clear.
Thank you and have a nice weekend!
Thanks for the compliment!
I don't think that I have anything like my own original foolproof method for learning languages; this is the first language I've self-taught for which there aren't a lot of materials, and everyone learns differently. Here's what I've been doing & what I can broadly recommend when learning a language for which there isn't an enormous amount of teaching material:
Be specific about what it is that you want to do in the language. Chop this up into small sections. So, instead of "I want to learn [language]" (an enormous, vague, impossible task—even native speakers do not know 100% of their languages), think "I want to be able to understand recipes," or "go to the market or a restaurant," or "make small talk and general conversation," or "text friends and family," or "read literature," or "read theory" (and for those last two goals you might have a waypoint goal of "read storybooks" or "read materials intended for language-learners or children").
I began by learning the Arabic script (resources for this abound, and the abjads used for Persian and Darija only add a few characters), and I always write Darija in this script (even though most people write it in the Latin script) to get practice.
I also learned the standard phonology at this point. But the phonology for Persian and Darija are different and involve fewer consonants than Arabic, since some of them have merged, so you won't need to worry about the Standard or Classic pronunciaton of some of the letters. The Wikipedia page for Persian phonology should be a good resource; the IPA symbols for various sounds are noted, and they have explanations of how the sounds are produced and playback that you can listen to. Note that there are obviously regional variations in phonology, but this is a good start. This is a script with a pretty standard orthography, so at this point you can theoretically pronounce any word you read (with diacritics).
cut for length:
I took inspiration from how I had been taught French and divided information up into "units" (first greetings and introductions; then numbers and colours; then telling time; then time including days of the week and months of the year, words for "today" and "yesterday" &c.; the weather; family; then personal pronouns "I" "you" "me" &c. and the verb "to have" to begin forming simple sentences such as "I have three sisters" or whatever—you'd also want to learn "to be" at this point, but Darija doesn't often use it—then I decided that my first priority after very basic conversation was cooking, so I learned terms for food items and cooking verbs).
If you can find online resources or textbooks that will teach you things in units of this type, all the better (I got started on speakmoroccan.com). If you can't, try following an online course or textbook for learning another common language (such as French, German, Spanish, English) but substitute out the vocabulary terms by using a dictionary (for Darija I used tajinequiparle).
You may be able to find some materials (at least greetings, introductions, numbers and the like) on YouTube—I recommend using these even if you can find these same terms elsewhere, to get practice listening to the language.
I feel that I learn best from textbooks and by understanding the syntax and grammar of sentences in depth. However, the materials I've consulted for Darija (and there aren't too many materials in existence) tend to give lists of words but no grammar, or example sentences that are translated in full with no explanation. Even materials that do go into the grammar (such as the Lonely Planet phrasebook) are targeted at tourists and do so with an ethos of "good enough" that may fudge the details to make them more similar to French (which is the language the book is in). So I write down and compile example sentences that I come across (there's an English/Darija dataset already in existence to help with this kind of thing) and compare them to each other to determine which word means what, which affix might be the marker for past tense or infinitive or the object pronoun or whatever, and write down my guesses to test as I go. This may be more difficult without an education in linguistics, but probably not impossible.
I separate my studying into two phases, which I go back and forth between: creating study materials, and learning from those materials. Creating study materials means finding words and writing them down in my little book, figuring out grammar and writing out the rules, writing down example sentences, and making flashcards to learn vocabulary terms (with one or more example sentences on each one).
Studying from those materials involves running through the flashcards and coming up with new example sentences for each term (so I see the side of the flashcard with the English "banana" and come up with a sentence in Darija that's something like "they have eight yellow bananas"). You could also have flashcards separated by category (pronouns / numbers / verbs / nouns / adjectives) and pick a flashcard at random from a few categories (the selection "I" / "sixteen" / "want" / "new" / "oranges" prompts you to construct and speak the sentence "I want sixteen new oranges" in your target language); this is basically analogue duolingo.
As you go about your day, name objects and colours you see and talk to yourself about actions you undertake; try to 'translate' as many thoughts as you can into your target language.
You can also construct dialogues or short compositions at the end of each "unit" you finish. Write a dialogue between two friends greeting each other after not having seen each other for a while. Write a composition about your family members; explain how they're related to you, what they look like, &c. Look up any vocabulary that you notice you're missing.
Once you have a decent vocabulary base, you'll be able to start reading. If you can find writing that's intended for children or language learners, that's great! There may also be fora or message boards online devoted to conversation in your target language. If you can find a dictionary from the target language to a language you understand, this becomes a lot easier—unfortunately I haven't found one for Darija (the lack of a standardised orthography would probably make one difficult to make). Persian has a history of being written that Darija doesn't, so you may have more luck on this score than I did.
I have an "index" in the back of my little book with abbreviations for each of the sources that I get vocabulary from, and I use these abbreviations to take note of where I got sentences, phrases, and vocabulary terms from (whether dictionaries, textbooks, youtube, online courses, online fora, reddit, academic / linguistic articles, &c.). This is so that I can return to these sources and verify what I've written down, just in case; and also because different vocabulary terms are used in different regions, so it's a good idea to have a way to look up who uses which terms.
If I come across anything by serendipity (whether in an academic article about some sociological aspect of Darija, or in the dictionary I've been using, since there's no complete words list that I can find so serendipity is the only way to discover some of the words that are in it), I write it down then and there regardless of how useful I think it will be to me immediately. This is because I have no way of knowing whether I'll ever come across it again! I don't need to memorise it right away, but maybe I'll want to learn it later.
I don't think this will help you, but for some minority languages or dialects there may be a colonial language other than English in which materials for that language are easier to access (for example, I tend to search for Darija resources in French, not English).
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flowery-manipulations · 3 months
My self-pitying post
I do not know how to better name this post, but this seems most accurate. Because I understand that I made a wrong turn somewhere, and it led me here. My life isn't in shambles, but I feel like it is. So here's my sob story: I am not the victim, but someone who could've done better and can do better and just needs to let this out into the world somewhere. It may make someone feel better about themselves. Someone may relate. Someone may make fun of me. It is what it is. To summarise, I'm giving myself an ultimatum before I give up living: only go through with it if I cannot improve my life until my 21st birthday in August.
Just a heads up, thia is rambly and some parts dont relate to the main issue. I just let the words flow.
I was a bright child. I loved math and computers. I still do, in theory. My family immigrated to the UK when I was 9/10. I didn't speak any of the language. So, as it was expected, I didn't learn anything in my first year of school. The tutor the school gave me to learn English didn't help me at all and would get angry and yell at me when I didn't understand a word she was telling me- she showed no pictures and did not speak my native language, so I had no idea what word she wanted me to understand. The kids were no better. I did not understand it then, but they only spoke to me to bully or make fun of me. I don't know whether it was a blessing or a curse that I did not realise then. But I did understand when, on separate occasions, different boys tried to assault me when I went to the classroom to get something during breaks or at the park outside of school. And how the girls who bullied me would block my exit.
I had to fight past them to leave. Only one or two students at the school were genuinely kind- ironic for a Christian school. As such, in my perpetual loneliness, I spent the lessons drawing and my breaks reading in my native tongue. The only lessons that brought me joy were maths. I was ahead of the class due to my interest and my mother's tutoring at home. By the time they reached fractions, I had been memorising the Pythagoras theorem. Since math was going well, no one cared that I was failing Spanish (and in secondary, I was made to learn French, so that was a slight loss).
In secondary, I was in the top set for maths and the bottom set for everything else- but only for a short time. I had begun consuming English books, and my mum made me read them aloud to memorise the words. I remember one instance clearly when I had two copies of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone in front of me- one in Polish and one in English- and I was going through them page by page to grasp the context. It's not the best learning method, but it's a core memory for me. In year eight, I moved up to second set; by year 9, I was top set in everything. I also made some real friends. I had 4 I could call my closest and many others that weren't as close, but I still enjoyed their company. Little did I know that only one would stick by my side all these years. Two dropped me in year 9 with no explanation, and one just stopped texting back after sixth form. I joined clubs, became a prefect, and had two job experiences by year 11. It was going great. For my GCSEs, I convinced my head of year to let me take computer science instead of French since the school wanted everyone to take a language. I also wanted to do Drama, but the choice was between Art and Drama, and my mum decided art would be more beneficial. Considering that the subject made me hate drawing for years, while my love for the performing arts persisted, I would disagree, and my mum eventually conceded that she should've let me study it after I kept buying tickets out of my allowance to watch plays on the West End.
I passed my GCSEs with flying colours. And my first A-level that year- Polish, having done the GCSE for it a year prior.
At A-levels, it all went downhill. I barely passed maths. I would blame COVID, but I would game through the online classes, so I am more to blame than a virus. I did alright in Physics and well in computer science and psychology. But that's when my tearful phone calls started after my exams. My mum would stress out after each call as I began going frantic and anxious over every exam answer. My best friend stuck with me through countless nervous breakdowns and anxiety attacks. I love her more than anything and hope I can pay her back for all she did and endured because of my frail emotional state. She was the only one who knew I was having thoughts of ending it all, the first to know I was bisexual and that I wanted to leave the church. I think she was the only thing keeping me alive, my closest confidant, my sister from another womb.
University started on a high note. We were still in quarantine, so there were only a few opportunities to make friends. I paid little attention to all the content of the lectures as I had covered it in A-Level. I did really well in the first year. It's too bad that it doesn't contribute to my grade. In my personal life, I was working out and building soft skills to help me develop myself.
Year two rolled in with languish or undiagnosed depression. I do not know; I can't afford a diagnosis and would have to wait years to get one through the NHS. I did some volunteering but stopped after an older man stalked me and kept harassing me while I was helping out at a science fair for children. Another volunteer noticed and helped me out, but after reporting the man to the venue, we found out he had done this before to other women and to forgive him because he is autistic. Which was no excuse, but I was too shaken to fight. That year, I failed one module and only passed another by a percentage, still calling my mum in tears after each exam. I stopped showering regularly. And barely brushed my teeth.
Now, here we are. Semester 1 of my third year came and went. I attended a few meetings for the societies I'm in. One module failed utterly, and waiting for the results of the other two (but I'm not hopeful). I am behind on my dissertation work (which is meant to include a technical aspect), barely taking care of myself, six hours away from my only friend, with no romance in sight and wanting to just disappear from the world. I still love computer science and math in theory but can't bring myself to study them. I can't drop out as I won't be able to afford to return to my studies. I hoping to scrape a 2:1 for my final grade, but that will require near-perfect grades this semester.
I do not know how to proceed. I won't drop out, but it all seems impossible. I don't know if I will end it all. I might, I might not. I will wait 6 months, though, until my 21st birthday. Maybe I'll figure something out. Perhaps I will be able to do the integrated masters my course includes. Maybe I will barely pass and have to get experience to do the master's and the PhD I so desire. I will let you know what will happen when the 19th of August rolls around. I will try to exist to the best of my ability.
After all, the last time I gave myself six months was when I was 15. And I'm still here.
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montanalvr · 3 years
dating tony montana hcs because i cannot get enough of my beloved coke man.
- getting spoiled to the MAX. you want something extremely expensive? you receive it. money isnt a problem for him, so your requests rarely get denied.
- similarly, your birthday presents are always unreasonably extravagant. every year, you receive something that realistically mustve cost tony a fortune.
- tony really loves introducing you to cuban traditions. hes insanely proud of his heritage, and finds great pleasure in introducing it to you.
- if you dont speak or understand spanish, this man will spend HOURS teaching you. a majority of his lessons will be related to cussing someone out - however, youll still learn valuable words and phrases.
- sometimes, tony will use spanish petnames when referring to you, even if you dont understand what hes saying.
- tony also LOVES dancing with you. even if its just silly, mindless jumping around, it never fails to put a smile on his face.
- manny and gina are your best friends. the two of them are extremely appreciative of you, and never fail to let you know how much tony cares for you. additionally, they clue you in on embarrassing secrets about him (tony never finds out about this, of course).
- tony is beyond overprotective. if another guy or girl is caught looking at you for more than five seconds, he will get absolutely pissed. most of the time, he simply throws an arm around your waist or gives you a kiss, but will not hesitate to beat someone if the message isnt received.
- this man would for sure leave a multitude of hickeys on almost every exposed map of skin you have. this includes your neck, jaw, and collarbones. anytime a wandering pair of eyes rests upon said location, tony cant help but feel accomplished.
- tony is in love with every part of you. during the more intimate moments the two of you engage in, he will waste no time absolutely worshiping you. sometimes, he completely ignores his own needs and focuses entirely on you.
- on the topic of intimacy, i genuinely believe that tony would be more of a ‘slow and gentle’ type more than a ‘fast and rough’ type. of course, this changes, but he hates the idea of treating you aggressively in any way.
- we all know that he would definitely have a breeding kink - its practically confirmed in the film. no matter what gender you are, the idea of you carrying his children is something that excites him immensely.
- the PRAISE he would give you. tony would constantly remind you of what a good job you were doing, and how good you feel.
- on a more wholesome note, tony would love buying clothing for you. sometimes, the two of you will wear matching outfits, despite how cheesy it is.
- the cuddles this man will give you - oh man. after a particularly hard day at work, all tony will want to do is cuddle. before he drifts off to sleep each night, he always makes sure that youre tucked securely against his chest.
- tony certainly gets insecure, unfortunately. sometimes, he will completely shut down, convincing himself that you dont deserve him. his lifestyle isnt ideal in the slightest, and the idea of possibly hurting you kills him.
- he also tends to compare himself to others, and tends to get paranoid that you may leave him for someone more suitable.
- you could never leave him, though, and you try your hardest to assure him that he IS enough. during these words of confirmation, he becomes particularly cuddly.
- waking up beside him every morning is almost unbearably serene. tony gets a very relaxed, peaceful look on his face while asleep, and the smile that graces his features as he wakes up is heartwarming.
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How did you learn so many languages. Do you have any tips?
Yes!!!! Yes I do!!!
Everything I wish I could tell myself before starting my language “journey” lol:
🦩Dont be intimidated
Don’t be intimidated, specifically by doing listening or speaking practice. I know in the US (or for most English speakers), when we hear someone that speaks perfect English but merely has an accent we think “they don’t speak English”, but from experience this mentality is not shared with other languages. When you know even a little bit of a language or can’t speak it very well, natives speakers are really really encouraging. I think since we view not being 100% fluent without so much as an accent, as “not knowing any of a language” we are hard on ourselves and give up pretty easily.
🦩Listening practice is as important as studying vocabulary and grammar
When you listen to native speakers talk, you are training your ear even though you don’t understand it. Listen and listen, eventually your brain stops picking out English words that aren’t even there, but rather, starts to catch patterns in the language (for example, the same words sticks out to you over and over).
🦩Set realistic and doable goals or you’ll get discouraged and quit
If you are a busy person, make small goals to fit language study in. Don’t tell yourself that you need to master _____ within a week. Instead give yourself 15 mins of reading in the evening, and 25 mins of language listening in the morning. It’s also easier to add the language into stuff you do on a daily basis anyway. For example if you are religious, find your prayers you pray daily in the language you are learning.
🦩learn to read the language first (obviously this tip might not be applicable for character based languages like Chinese)
I know everyone says “immersion is the best and most important part of language” but honestly, a lot of our native speaking knowledge comes from our literacy education. When we are taught how to read, it’s through reading we can discover new words through context. It’s also easy to pick up new language reading since it’s available anywhere, where immersion is only available when you are surrounded by native speakers. The first thing I do is learn how to read and write the language, then the entire language becomes accessible to me.
🦩Spend time perfecting the sounds of the language that are most difficult for you
The vocal sounds of a language is the foundation of a language. I know we are all impatient and want to simply learn as many phrases as possible as fast as possible, but if you get down the unfamiliar sounds of a language that don’t exist in English, you’ll have a better foundation of the language and your speaking and listening will be better from the very beginning. So take the time to practice those weird sounds by looking into the position of the tongue and where the sound comes from, from the chest to the lips. Look into how tense the mouth is, how much air comes from the lips, what the sound is like next to other sounds. When you master this speaking becomes more instinctual and it’s easier to pick up the language.
🦩Search YouTube, google, Instagram IN THE LANGUAGE YOU ARE STUDYING.
Don’t search “korean music” or “korean kids tv” or even “korean vegetables” in google. Just translate how to say them in a translator app, then copy and paste them into the search bar. This way native korean information, videos, posts will come up. For example, if you’re in the mood for some horror comics, and want to read/watch them in the language you are learning, go to the translator app, and figure out how to say them, then search it. It works way better, even if the translation isn’t correct or more natural, you’ll still get the information, posts, and videos you want to see.
🦩Find ways to practice speaking the language (I use HiNative) and don’t be discouraged by corrections.
Getting corrected does not mean you’re wrong, corrections are the most useful part of learning a language. If you are the type of person who is sensitive to criticism, you need to remind yourself corrections are NOT criticism. They are NOT a reflection of your progress, they are NOT you failing! You will always be corrected as a language learner and the sooner you are gentle with yourself in learning the sooner you will learn more. Get those first corrections out of the way, allow yourself to butcher pronunciation, get corrected for the first 10 times, let it sting a little and move on. Eventually you will be begging native speakers to tell you every little detail in where you went wrong!
🦩Tv and Books seems to be more useful for immersion and listening practice then music does
So far in my experience music is its very weird and abstract, and the things said in music aren’t really useful in speaking? It’s good for gathering vocab, but if you want music listening practice that’s music based try searching for rap in that language, although obviously you’ll be picking up a lot of informal language in music/rap. Tv shows however are typically how people really do talk, so turn off English subs and just listen! Books are really useful for learning new vocabulary, but sometimes written language is different than spoken (often), although when you speak it the way you’ve learned from a book the worst you’ll sound is “formal and poetic”.
🦩Look up “insert language you are learning phrases and words that aren’t useful or correct”
There so many programs and books that teach you phrases you’ll never use or that are only appropriate in very specific situations. I don’t know why language programs do this, but learning which ones are weird or only in specific settings before you start learning really helps. Chinese Especially does this...like I learned so many phrases and words that natives will never use and have no purpose???
🦩Know the different subjects of learning a language and which apps to use for that
Everyone uses Duolingo, but this app alone won’t make you speak a language. Duolingo and Memrise are great for memorizing vocab, but, is it vocab that in the context of your reading and listening practice? Are you learning words you are hearing and reading all the time? Duolingo is a lot of fun but I feel like the vocab is so broad and it doesn’t go deep enough into the language. Feel free to use it at first to get used to the sounds of the language, but try using flash card apps like quizlet or Anki instead where you can write down and study words you are hearing constantly. Memrise does have actually study sets for many language books and lessons! So you can study words you are hearing in specific programs and books which is pretty useful in regards to vocab.
There obviously is more than just learning vocab. What about grammar, listening practice, speaking practice and reading? If you are wanting to use primarily apps find out which apps are available for your language. Here is an example of the apps I use for each subject. Be aware some languages are not available on them.
Vocab: quizlet, anki
Grammar: books (printed or kindle), YouTube grammar lessons, websites
Reading: books (printed or kindle), beelinguapp, instagram (posts that have text), Netflix/YouTube with both subtitles in the language you are learning and spoken in language you are learning, epic app
Writing: just use paper and pencil/pen
Listening: audio books (beelinguapp/epic/kindle/YouTube), tv and movies (Netflix/YouTube etc with no English subs), conversations on YouTube (search in language you are studying, don’t search “Spanish conversations” or “Japanese conversations”)
Speaking: HiNative (pretty much all I use since it’s all languages, quick, and you get immediately answered and corrected by native speakers), get friends in language you are learning through lots of apps
Translator: it’s really hard to find a good one, most of them are really weird so only use them for words and the most basic or simple phrases and sentences, otherwise use HiNative to ask native speakers directly, or ask people on the apps that connect you to native speakers
🌱I should note that for talking to native speakers I only like HiNative, since it’s built to NOT be a form of social networking at all. It’s not personal in anyway, and there’s no way to private message or speak to other users outside a asking questions publicly. The people on there are only about learning or teaching a language, not usually making friends. I’ve found the sites that are built to make native speaking friends aren’t useful to me personally, as most of the native speakers are either dudes looking for a woman to date or people wanting to only practice English with you, so they wasted a lot of my study time. People who are willing to help you learn are there, but it takes time to filter everything else out. If you would find it helpful to make friends by all means use them but I don’t really use it myself.🌱
You don’t want to really study EVERY SUBJECT every single day (unless you have the time). It can get really overwhelming, and you don’t really absorb information that if you are just cramming. While I would say it’s good to read and listen daily, spread subjects out over the week. Grammar on Monday and Friday, vocab on Tuesday and Thursday. Take one day to review all of what you’ve learned all week. Pick a day you have the largest block of free time. Bi-weekly works fine too.
I have an old post on how I organize my study time for multiple languages: https://alwaysabeautifullife.tumblr.com/post/182817883372/what-do-you-use-to-learn-your-languages-im
🦩Write sentences daily of everything you’ve learned (no THIS I RECOMMEND DAILY)
Write as many as you can. Use all the grammar you’ve learned, the words you’ve learned, everything! Write them in your notes and submit them to be corrected in HiNative. The sentences they correct, put them in flash cards!
🦩It’s ok to abandon languages you aren’t passionate in
So you’ve learned to read the language, and you know basic phrases, and now you just don’t want to do it anymore. If you can’t think of any reason to maintain it and don’t know why you are studying it, learning some of the language is good! Fluency does NOT need to be everyone’s goal. You can hold a conversation, and that’s good enough for you. Feel free to try out various languages, there will be one or some that really are your passion, it’s fine to have the goal of fluency in those and conversational in others.
Don’t abandon languages however because you feel discouraged. Discouragement is just a bump to get over, when you train your brain to maintain study habits through the days you feel discouraged, you make it habitual. Habits are harder to break and abandon! Evaluate your reasonings for wanting to speak a language, and your reasons for abandoning them if you want. Don’t let difficulty, disorganized, discouragement, or poor time management get in your way!!
🦩With all that said it’s ok to take breaks
It’s ok to get overwhelmed and take breaks from language learning. If you can still maintain what you’ve learned by listening to music in your language or staying connected in some way that’s good, but the “you’ll loose a language” isn’t entirely true. I’ve taken year long breaks and refreshing what I learned previously is pretty easy! Your brain really does go “oh yeah I do remember this!” when you’re studying information you studied years ago.
🦩Be gentle with yourself
Be gentle with yourself. People that claim to be fluent in 6 months are selling something or want to be an influencer. Don’t compare yourself to them. Language learning even for natives is a lifetime education. It’s not something you do for 6 months then stop. It’s continual and that looks different for everyone (yes native speakers included). Don’t bother watching YouTube videos on how to learn in 10 mins or 3 months, you’ll only get discouraged about your own amazing progress and all the work you’ve done.
🦩Plan your “can you say something in it” phrase now
This one is just for fun but after hearing you are learning a language the first thing you’ll get asked is “oh cool you speak (insert target language here)? Can you say something in (insert target language here)?” It does not matter what level of fluency you are at, you will absolutely forget the entire language and your own native language when you are asked this because it sends your brain to another dimension. So think of some funny phrases to say to people who ask, master them, then when they ask what they mean you can have a laugh. Other wise you will say something stupid of jumbled words (my go to was ‘we women are fruit’ for some reason thanks brain you’re incredible) you’ve learned that don’t belong in a sentence, or even worse you’ll run a blank and you’ll just look at them like:
So think of inside jokes to tell your friends, funny phrases, even goofy insults! Memorize them and tell them at your friends and family to torture them because they can’t escape sound waves! It’s a good way to memorize the language but also to become confortable speaking it!
Please excuse any errors I don’t wanna go over my mistakes so pretend u can’t see them 🙈
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omoi-no-hoka · 4 years
Hi omoi-no-hoka in a previous ask you said that you had studied german besides Japanese in uni, but i dont recall reading that you said that you got to any level of proficiency,so have you learnt another language to some degree?(including German), or are you interested in learning another?
Hi there, my dear friend! 💖
I have dabbled in several languages, but I can only claim to be proficient in English and Japanese right now.
Here are the languages I have studied so far:
Proficiency: Native
I can muddle my way through Middle English if you force me, but I’d rather you didn’t lol. I did quite a bit of study of medieval literature and the history of the English language, so I’m fairly good at Chaucer and Milton and stuff, if I reeeeeeally need to be. I was one of those nerds that participated in the university’s Medieval Poetry Reading Club lol. For genealogy research I often find myself reading documents from the 17th century and  back which is...oof. that calligraphy and spelling, man.  
Length of Study: 5 years at uni plus all these years of independent study
Proficiency: near-native (feel kinda like a braggart for writing that...)
I can do Classical Japanese as well but it is torture I do not want inflicted upon me, unless it is Basho’s haiku.
Length of Study: 4 years in high school, 1 year in uni
Proficiency: I was fully conversational back in uni. Went to Mexico and totally survived. Could watch telenovelas to my heart’s content. Sadly, I have had zero opportunity to use Spanish since moving to Japan 6 years ago and I have forgotten most all of it... I can still read it very well,  but when I try to speak it, Japanese words come out and it’s very stop-and-start. It makes me so sad I could cry, because I just love Spanish so much. I want to refresh, but I need a speaking partner to really get back to being fluent again.
Length of Study: 2 years in high school
Proficiency: ...how do you say “zero” in French? lol. Strangely, I know how to say “canker sore,” which is “aphtes.” This is because one of my roommates in the dorms at uni only knew the French word, and therefore I learned the French word lol. Thank you for teaching me that word, mon amie! XD
Length of Study: 1 year in uni
Proficiency: All I can say is “Das ist nicht so gut” and “Krankenwagen.” So...zero lol. I have a lot of German heritage, so I would love to study it in earnest one day. The whole der/die/das and preposition mess kills me though. 
Length of Study: 6 months, independent
Proficiency: My host parents wanted to take their first ever trip abroad and chose Indonesia, where we have a great English-speaking friend living in a rural part of East Java. Since my host parents can’t speak English, they wanted me to come with them. So I did my best to learn as much Indonesian as possible in the 6 months leading up to the trip. I was able to count, talk about money, do greetings, all the really rudimentary crash-course survival stuff. Also, “tumbicar” is how you say “pottery” lol.
I also learned a little bit of Javanese, because our friend’s family could only speak Javanese, so I learned how to say “Thank you” and a few other little phrases.
I intend to go back and visit his family again, so I really need to study Javanese seriously. However, the only legit book on Javanese I could find assumes that you already speak Indonesian, so...gotta learn Indonesian first lol.
Length of Study: 3 months, independent
Proficiency: Zero. A story I was writing involved some bits of spoken Romanian and I wanted to understand the grammar more so I could check whether Google Translate was doing me dirty. It was really cool and I’d love to study it seriously one day.
Old English
Length of Study: Ongoing!!
Proficiency: Zero right now, but I just started studying it and I. AM. SO. EXCITED.
Other Languages I’d like to study:
Old Norse
ARABIC. That’s at the top of my list, because I have very very serious plans to go to Egypt in the next couple years, and it’s a fascinating language.
Mongolian is another one that really interests me. Not sure how I’d go about learning it, though.
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I remembered my rant proceed with caution. If you're easily offended then I dont recommend reading. This is not a post about any sort of supremacy or anything like that so dont even come at me about it. And if you have a problem with what you read from here on out then oh well, and don't expect an apology.
I don't care who unfollow me or who wants to pick a fight with me about this but PLEASE stop! It's not about "white people" most people that you think are white aren't!! My best friend is mostly Middle Eastern, Romanian (which isnt white contrary to popular belief) Native American, and Japanese and she got chased while she was walking her dog by a guy on a moped because she is pale and he thought she was white. He was literally yelling at her about how she "kills n***s" (literally what he said) and she would never hurt anyone! There's also a very sweet Colombian lady I know who has never hurt a fly, and some guy pulled a gun on her in the subway because he thought she was white! Literally the only thing that saved her was that she started speaking Spanish! This has gone too far!! It needs to stop before a bunch of people end up dead!
Everyone wants to protest and fight and scream and abolish racism but then these same people use it as an excuse to bash all white people and people they perceive as white! The world isn't only black and white guys!! There's so much more skin tones than that! Also not all black people got over here by being sold, and the ones that did it was human trafficking, so why aren't we fighting like this over ALL people being sold?!?!
I can't tell you how many people I meet in NYC that believe they are entitled because they're black, and these are people who literally JUST fucking moved here from another country of their OWN CHOICE!!!! And then they turn around and yell at me or my friend because we don't kiss their asses!
Also I used to get severally bullied for the time I was in public school because no one believed I was Native American. And everytime I try to say something about my culture or use a phrase or term from my culture I still get attacked for "cultural appropriation" and it takes everything in me not to lose my fucking mind! I'm not allowed to live and be and participate in my culture and learn about my heritage without getting corrected by some random person that isn't actually Native American.
Do you know the American and Canadian governments are still committing genocide against Native Americans?? How about to Latino people?? How about to Middle Easterners? I mean fuck how long have we been invading the Middles East for resources?? Or assuming all of them are terrorists??? No one is allowed to even be Asian because there's only black and white apparently! I've seen people just put me and other people I've known down as white/caucasian before even fuckkng asking and now we're being attacked because we're too fucking white. I can't help how I look!! And none of my ancestors had slaves! I know because I did all this research to find out about my family. And even if they did I'm not them and I can't rewrite the past!
And about the misuse of the word Caucasian:
The Caucasian race (also Caucasoid or Europid) is an outdated grouping of human beings historically regarded as a biological taxon which, depending on which of the historical race classifications is used, has usually included ancient and modern populations from all or parts of Europe, Western Asia, Central Asia, South Asia, North Africa, and the Horn of Africa.
First introduced in the 1780s by members of the Göttingen school of history, the term denoted one of three purported major races of humankind (Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid). In biological anthropology, Caucasoid has been used as an umbrella term for phenotypically similar groups from these different regions, with a focus on skeletal anatomy, and especially cranial morphology, without regard to skin tone. Ancient and modern "Caucasoid" populations were thus not exclusively "white", but ranged in complexion from white-skinned to dark brown.
Okay that was my rant, I'm done. I'm not feeling better though because it's still going to be happening when I hit post and because unfortunately too many people are too selfish to care about anything but their own agenda. That being said I hope everyone stays safe. Xoxo
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aggresivelyfriendly · 4 years
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Hi all! Here is the next Installment of the little au pair Harry ditty inspired by @papiermachecat, thanks to @chasm2018 for the brainstorming sessions, @emulateharry for the read through, and @dirtystyles and @bleedinglove4h for being my people!
To Be So Lonely
Home Not Alone
"Shhhhh," Victoria told the door as it clicked behind her; she hoped she suppressed her pointed exhalation enough. These were difficult nights, the ones where she thought she'd make it just in time for the twins bedtime, but missed it by just enough to be a distraction. It had been happening more than she'd liked the last month, being late for the routine.
The routine that Harry created with them. Not her.
Was it normal to be jealous of your nanny? Manny?
That was weird, her face screwed up at that. That word didn't need to be gendered.
"Your face might stick like that." The softly accented voice was her third favorite thing to hear when she came into her apartment. After Mateo and Maribel giggling together, the ding of whatever food Harry had ready for her, and way above her kids calling him 'Awwy'. Partially because it was annoying that they said it wrong. Mostly, because it came not long after mama and was said more often. Not that she was keeping count.
Her eyes had closed while she grimaced over her loud entrance. She blinked open and noticed the slight bags under Harry's eyes. She should send him to bed. Mateo had been on a very early kick, which meant she got to see him first thing, but also, that he was very cranky by 7 pm but had to be kept up for an extra half hour to stay on schedule. That half hour felt really, really long. And she only had to do it last Sunday, when the new pattern emerged. Then the work week had come and Harry had taken over. It was Thursday now. That was lots of tiring nights.
Plus the twins had tarted crawling. They moved faster than a two legged creature on four legs should be able to. They also tended to go in separate directions straight into harm's way. Victoria had decided to call a baby proofer this weekend, though Harry claimed to be certified. He didn't have the time.
Who certified baby proofers?
Her hand mopped the hair that had fallen over her forehead. Her weighted lids seemed heavy to open. She was tired too, her wandering mind proof. Victoria finally convinced her eyes to open, it took all her strength. Speaking of baby proofing, the coffee table had been moved again, so they didn't get stuck under it she'd been informed. Maribel had done it right before afternoon nap not too long ago, and she couldn't push up all the way under the mid century design, it had pushed her to her belly, and Victoria figured she had flashbacks to all the tummy time Harry instituted. The fit had been epic, he'd sent her videos. She wondered if Harry rued his tummy time emphasis in that moment. It was responsible for her early crawlers and their baby frustrations, which Harry bore the brunt of. She should buy him ear plugs.
She should get rid of the coffee table. If they started pulling up on that, and god forbid walking into it, she imagined hospital trips, even if it was pushed against the wall. She had a mental flash of someone losing an eye. Coffee tables were useless anyway. When she had a mug, it was in her hands. She'd never wanted it anyway. Her mom had insisted she had one; Victoria had wanted an ottoman.
"They busy today?" She pushed off the wall and walked to the kitchen. Her plate was in the microwave, since it wasn't next to his on the breakfast bar where it was when she made it home in a timely fashion. He waited if he could help it, so they had an excuse to not eat standing up in the kitchen. It was later than she thought, kids should definitely be sleeping well by now. Then why was he whispering?
He answered her raised eyebrow.
"Yeah," he huffed and sat across from her at the breakfast bar. "Bell was really fussy at morning nap, kinda kept Mateo awake, but then he returned the favor later. He was out by 7, but Maribel was unsettled I'd really just got her down when I heard the door click."
"I'm so tempted to wake them both up at the same time tonight." Victoria cut into the chicken. "You stuffed it? How'd you find the time?"
"I got it premade." She nodded. He continued. "I don't see why you dont. Seems like a solid choice with two babies. To change all the nappies and such at the same time?"
"I guess I can't get my mom's 'no molestate, tienen suenos' out of my head." She looked up and immediately started translating.
"I get the gist," he had a nice laugh. Harry was pleasant all together. "But, due respect," clearly tip-toeing over what he thought were dropped eggs. "your mom never had twins." She laughed and it brought out the dimples. She always had a soft spot for those. They inspired trust in her mind. It had gotten her in trouble with clients, because she'd assumed honesty. She assumed nothing these days, but she had trusted Harry and his dependable face straightaway.
He stretched and his sweatshirt lifted to show one of the tatttoos she'd not discovered he had until he rolled up his sleeves to do dishes one day. One day she'd have energy to ask about them. She'd even missed the hand tattoo at the first meeting. She must have been in dire straits. Right now she was too tired to even think about the leaves?
She could sleep standing up at the moment, entirely too tired. Oh, his eyebrows were a question mark.
"She did not, and I should have ignored her benediction months ago. They wake up much less now, and for shorter periods of time." Her forehead felt tight. She should wash up.
"Do you want a glass of wine?" His question interrupted the mental argument she was having with herself about washing her face and doing skincare before laying down on her bed. She'd recently got a new mattress, and it was, frankly, the best thing in the world. But, she passed out the minute she laid down. She had to go do the motions first. Definitely.
Wait, he'd asked her a question. Wine, at this time of night, by herself?
Her question must have been on her face.
"You just look like court was rough. You've been later the last few weeks. It'll relax your temples, drop your shoulders," her deltoids came down at his mention. "And, it may ease you to sleep?"
"New mattress does the work." Victoria exhaled.
"Yeah, I noticed today." He said nonchalantly.
Her brow knit. "You were in my bed?" He never gave her sketch vibes. Weird, that's why you couldn't trust dimples.
His already big eyes were huge, "yeahs sorry! weird,I know. I was super desperate with Mateo, that tooth is really bugging him. and they were keeping each other up, so I separated them. I had to grab wipes from in there, and it...damn. I really have no good explanation." He shrugged. "It looked really inviting."
She laughed. It did, that was purposeful. So she would stay there when her insomnia kicked in or when the babies woke up. Made it was easy to wait the 10 minutes to see if they settled themselves. Slowly stretching that time out would be easier and easier in the sanctuary she'd made the bed a centerpiece of.
He relaxed, "Whew, thought I may lose my job."
"Unemployment sucks, no worries, you're safe."
"I mean, yeah, but I'd miss the twins, and..." He shook his head. He'd need to find a place and he'd be out a job, those were good reasons, but less sweet and more obvious than Harry tended to be. "Anyway, glass of wine?"
What exactly was he offering? With him in the kitchen, or a sad drink in her bed alone? Victoria wasn't sure which. She thought he may have offered her wine last week too. This case must be killing her if her nanny was worried about her.
Should only be a bit longer. She hoped.
"No, but thanks, really Harry. But I think we may both do better with sleep." She smiled
"Another time then." his voice was thin over the distance. She heard it as she headed to her bedchamber.
She clicked on her monitor, though she'd given Harry the farther room, so she could hear the babies through the wall. It made it easier to tell if they were really awake of just stirring. Harry didn't need the monitor or proximity during the day. She let him sleep at night. He didn't make breast milk, and needed the sleep to chase them all day.
She drifted to sleep with the taste of wine in her mouth and a pleasant new smell in her nostrils
"Vee!" He tried to keep his voice level, and he'd already resorted to a new level of desperate with the voicemail. Who listened to voicemail these days? No one. Except Vee. "Give me a call soon as you get this!"
Actually, she talked on the phone more than any person he knew. Usually, it was for work, or to her mom. But she seemed to talk to old friends from college and Texas, which she referred to like it was a time in her life instead of a place, on the regular.
Her mom, she talked to her mom several times a day he had noticed, usually in Spanish so rapid fire he couldn't even catch the words he knew. Though he really only knew pidgeon French.
He liked hearing her Spanish better, he thought maybe he should learn it, so he could talk to the twins in it.
Without discussing it, they had split up language duties. Victoria only spoke to them in Spanish, he took English. But he was with them when they were awake more.
He knew she secretly hated that, the only times she'd ever really mentioned it, her long hours away, it had to do with Spanish, and how she wished she had more than nights and weekends to teach them.
She wished she had more than nights and weekends with them. He could tell her career had been her baby before the babies. Now she was stuck in the middle, walking a fine line between her own ambition and her desire.
He should help with the Spanish, may kill some mom guilt. If he learned to help her. Or would it induce more? Women were complicated.
But, mental workout over, she talked on the phone, so he was hoping she'd see he called, which he never did, and know to call back.
He was thinking he needed to take Maribel to the emergency room. She'd been a little warm when she woke up, late, and then she just got hotter.
Then she was puking. Mateo seemed to sense he needed to be an angel that day and did just that. He was spinning away in his play saucer while Harry frantically walked his sister while she cried. She had thrown her water on the floor every time he tried to get her to sip on it, and the look she'd given the popsicle, he was surprised it stayed frozen. Wow! Fireball.
He loved it! Except when he had to parent it. Help parent it.
He wondered if Vee looked like that in court?
The popsicle cooled him down, he wished Maribel would try it.
Should he call again? Just bundle the kids into the car? He had all of the things, the insurance and the affidavit, and car seats put in correctly. Except, he felt like if Vee came home to an empty house she would freak.
"Harry?" She sounded distracted, maybe just that bit worried. That shade of gray her voice got "Everything ok?"
"Um, well, yes and no. Maribel has a temp of 103,—"
"Oh my god! Is she ok?"
"She's weepy and tired and she's thrown up a few times-"
"I'm coming home."
"Yeah, yeah, that's a good idea." He heard 'oh my god' and shuffling paper in her background. "But I think we should meet is at the urgent care on Washington? Her fever isn't responding to meds." He tried to keep the worry out of his voice. He wouldn't be concerned, kids got fevers all the time, but for that. The baby had taken the medicine, begrudgingly, over an hour ago, and she was still getting hotter. But, that was a detail he could share with Vee later, after, when everybody was ok. She'd freak out even more that she was about to. And then be consumed with extra guilt, and he didn't want her to feel like that.
He could hear the ding of an elevator.
"I might lose you, I'll call you back."
"I've got to get out of the house—"
"Oh, ok, just text me if you-"
"I'll call you from the car?"
He liked that she sighed in relief. "Please."
"Of course." He went to hang up, but first said "She's gonna be fine, kids get sick all the time."
"How do you know?" Oh, the lawyer voice, he may have overstepped. "You don't have kids."
"Ouch," slipped out and he heard her suck in a breath. "I don't, but I love yours, and this isn't my first nanny gig." He chose not to remind her that he had more experience with kids, on paper, than she did. She hung up then after a soft "yeah."
He frowned, he hadn't meant to incite the lioness. He worried about it for almost an hour while he tried to keep both kids from touching anything in the emergency room.
Her cheeks were flushed when she rushed in the door that opened like theater curtains. He had only seen that color the first week she had insisted on taking running back up. It was like a month in to him working for her. She walked out the door confidently.
"Take it easy, yeah? Your body's been through something," he had suggested gently.
"Pfft, I ran until they induced me." She may have rolled her eyes.
Then she came in like a hurricane popping back over the ocean to get more moisture to dump over a neighboring city. She drank water like it too.
He did not say 'I told you so', he did not need to.
"If you mention going easy, so help me..." She said between her second and third glasses.
He zipped his lips and picked up Mateo. He must need a diaper change by now. Then he had told the little guy how lovely and silly his mum was.
This was a less amusing flush to her cheeks.
Shit! She might have run here.
"Fucking Uber driver." She cursed and he laughed and jokingly covered Maribel's ears. Well he hovered his hands over her ears, she'd fallen asleep. It wasn't restful, but he was not going to disrupt the dribble she had started leaving on his shoulder. Mateo sat on a blanket at his feet. Harry had bracketed it with his legs to keep him within its lines. Luckily, Teo was very interested in the shape sorter that had delighted countless generations, because that floor was infectious. Harry was doing his best to keep the boy off of it.
"What happened with the driver?" He was still chuckling. Her ire was his favorite. Well, after her delight at the babies.
"I told him how I wanted to go, but he said 'Waze and driving all the time say this way.'" And I said, "Fuck waze, I used to walk this in college and this road backs up horribly in the next twenty minutes."
"Did he listen?" He knew the answer, he just wanted her to tell him.
"No! The Puto!" She sat next to him and tucked Mateo's chin and silhouetted Maribel's curls. She exhaled a little bit then. But fussed a little bit more, now for the sake of story telling rather than real frustrations. "And he messed up my rating!"
"Did you cuss at him a lot?" He already knew that answer too.
"Of course! Because I was right and he needed to say it." He knew he was grinning. The little smile that started backwards, with her eyes before it spread to her mouth, when she caught his amusement told him so.
"De la Rosa?" The triage nurse called. And both of their heads swiveled like a meerkat on the plain.
"But, I suppose it was better to wait in traffic than here. I saved myself some drool and energy, sticking you with the babies." She slapped a smile on her face.
"Wasn't" he caught her eye to say.
"I know." And she picked up Mateo and scooped the four corners of the blanket while blazing the trail to the curtained room they were in until 3am.
"This is weird, yeah?" He asked.
"Listen Goldilocks, you've already been sleeping in my bed, don't act like you're not excited." She must be punch drunk to be teasing him about their kitchen conversation. 4:00 was an ungodly hour by any rights, especially at a pharmacy where the workers are half asleep. Seeing the wrong side of 5 made you desperate, which explained their current arrangement.
Their bodies had formed brackets around Maribel like she was the primary number in their equation. She was. And Mateo. He'd never have been here but for her needing a bit of help with the twins. Maribel had napped on and off during their time at the emergency room. She'd been sleeping best on his or Vee's chest. He'd had to dislodge her from her mum to place her in her car seat. It did not go over well. Maribel had favored them with her best high notes the whole drive home. So Mateo was awake as well. He was easy enough to get down, they just had to get home.
Their steps were slow. He had Teo and she had Mari, it was easy enough to keep the division. They wordlessly agreed to keep them separate. He followed her down the hallway after carelessly leaving everything but the babies and the medicine in the living room.
"Vee." He whispered and motioned with his head to his awkwardly extended hand. She nodded, took the step closer to retrieve the paper packet before leaving him to it at the nursery door.
Teo was tired and Harry only had to dance him a bit before he lay him down.
Harry pressed his hand to the sweet tummy for just a few minutes for good measure, but he was out like a popped bulb.
Harry could hear the fussing as soon as he left the nursery door frame, the closing a soft snick behind him. Maribel was still awake and so overtired her cry was more a pathetic whimper. Or maybe that was Vee's soothing sounds.
"I remember when I used to stay up for 24 hours on purpose!" She whispered when he came near enough to hear. "Do you ever mourn all of the sleep you gave up before?"
"Think I'm still too close to the staying up on purpose phase."
"Ah, I forget how young you are." She pursed her lips and it threw the lines of her face into stark relief in the morning light sneaking through her blinds.
"Hey, I turn 30 soon."
"Oh yes, so grown up." She smiled sleepily and the expression highlighted the 10 years she had on him.
"Let me take her. You worked all day yesterday." He could feel the bleeding heart in his eyes.
"So did you." She reminded him.
"Yeah, but I just had to make two wonderful babes smile and keep them clean and fed. You fought for someone along with the patriarchy."
"The patriarchy?"
He shrugged and shifted the baby over. She let him. "I just imagine you as the only woman standing in the courtroom."
She blinked. "I'm not always." She started rubbing Maribel's back, and the baby's whimper ceased.
"But often enough," he whispered. They looked at each, their eyes going wide moments later when they realized the baby was sleeping. Vee carefully removed her hand and Mari stirred, mewled.
Harry motioned with his chin and she replaced her hand. They stood breathless, rocking in the same slow rhythm for long moments.
"I think she's really out." Vee said after 15 min. "But I'm afraid for you to lay her down."
"I'll lay down with you guys at first?" He raised his brow.
"Yeah, yeah, ok." He could see her desperation, the call of sleep.
"I'll leave soon as I can. You need sleep."
"So do you." She cocked her head to the side.
He ninjaed his way down to the bed and was thankful he'd gone down to his tee shirt and had worn trousers. He hadn't slept in Jeans since undergrad, he was unwilling to take the habit back up. Maribel moved a bit, but she curled her little body into him and got hold of his earlobe like she did when her sleep was gonna get deep.
"She's got my ear." Harry whispered. They'd found it disrupted her when you dislodged her hold.
Vee tightened her face. "Damn, she's got my pinky." She used to do that to Mateo when they shared a blanket. When he rolled away, she always woke up. It occurred to Harry that Maribel was not a good sleeper, now he was tired enough to be grumpy about it. "I think you're stuck here." Vee opened her big brown eyes and looked up at him from her drowsy lashes.
"Yeah, looks like." He tried to inject some regret in his voice.
And that was how they found themselves forming a cocoon around the sprawled out baby whispering across a shared pillow.
"Can you pull more blanket from the side of the bed? I want to pull it down away from her face, but my shoulders are cold." She sighed with closed lids. "I already feel guilty enough she sleeps on her tummy."
"She started that as soon as she could roll over. And we both got more sleep for it." He adjusted the blanket.
"I know," trickled out slowly. "But it makes me worry."
"I know." He brushed her hair off her face where it had fallen before he could catch himself. Her eyes dragged open. "Vee," he caught her ear lobe between his fingers. "Stop worrying, go to sleep."
"Yeah, yeah, stop worrying, he says." She chuckled and he slid his errant touch away without mention. "But sleep, I can do."
Harry woke up hours later. The sun was using all its cold power to push through the wooden slats. The day would be freezing with that amount of sunshine. That had been a news flash when he'd moved here. Sun like that in the winter equaled brr. But his circadian rhythm insisted he also rise and shine.
He didn't want to wake either female in the bed. Maribel had released his earlobe in her rustling, so he was clear there. But the anchor was stronger in the hand laced with his.
Harry was sad to let it go, but he looked back from the door and congratulated himself on not disturbing them. The warmth of his hand, that was anything but upsetting as he set about checking on Teo and cooking breakfast.
It may be cold outside, but they were snug in here.
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pathos-logical · 5 years
One Picture, a Thousand Words
Roman is a wonder that cannot be put to words, Logan a marvel that ink cannot capture. They try anyway.
Hoo, this sure was a labor of love! Love because I love @bleepblopbloop56​ with all my heart and labor because HOLY HECK WAS THIS HARD TO WRITE. But never mind any of that, because HAPPY BIRTHDAY, my friend!!! I absolutely adore you, and I hope your year is as fantastic as you are!!!
Trigger warnings: Food mention; a joking mention of hallucinations. I think that’s it, but please tell me if I need to add something!!
There are a thousand words Logan could use to describe Roman. He would pull a Shakespeare and invent a thousand more if it meant finding a word that could accurately chronicle the tapestry of Roman, all colorful patches and carefully stitched seams. But Logan is no artist, and his words seem an inadequate medium. 
Beautiful, he thinks and immediately discards. That is too obvious, the truth of it plain to see. Lovely is- better. More intimate. But too soft, perhaps, for Roman’s flame-edged hair, the bronze of his skin and the steel in his spine.
He has tried countless words, none of them quite right. Larger-than-life. (And no, his charisma and magnetic smile absolutely did not excuse the way he didn’t seem to know how to shut up.) Captivating. (Roman did have a way with words, when he wasn’t being an idiot.) Extraordinary. (He was quite the artist and actor.) Brilliant. (Again, Roman was rather intelligent when it came down to it.) Perfect. (Technically impossible. But.)
All those words he longs to say, not one spoken aloud.
(Or- once. Alone in his room, he had tried the shape of mine on his mouth, thought about how it tasted on his lips and imagined the look in Roman’s eyes if he ever dared to say it in front of him. Once, and never again.)
Oh, he wishes. But Logan has always been better with words on the page than to other people.
Well, he thinks, looking down at the piece of paper in his hands, I suppose that’s what this is for. His eyes rove over the paper, skimming over phrases without really taking them in. If he reads it he’ll try to fix it, and at this point there’s too much of his heart in the words for him to change them.
He looks at the last paragraph. It’s the kind of declaration he sneers at in the romance novels Roman so adores, the kind of thing he would’ve sneered at barely years ago. But Roman always did have a way of making him question things he’d taken for postulates- himself included.
I tried, over the course of this letter, to pin down what exactly about you has drawn me so irrevocably into your orbit and left me floundering in unfamiliar space. However, as the length of this might indicate, I soon discovered that I could not.
You know me. It is very rare that I find myself lost for words. But I find myself unable to find the correct words to describe you, or even the correct words. Not because I have run out of things to say, or even because you have left me speechless, but because I could use a whole dictionary of love letters and fail to find the words that capture the way your eyes shine in the light when you laugh at your own jokes, and all the cliches in the world cannot express how I feel about every mundane, breathtaking thing about you.
But despite all that, I have three words for you, Roman, and I suppose there is no better day to deliver them than today (as of the day you receive this, at least).
I love you.
 Roman has a sketchbook no one but him has ever seen.
The drawings are all in pencil, and Roman aches to paint them, to mix his colors until he finds shades that will truly bring them to life. But Logan is a peculiar kind of monochrome, with his navy hair and black polo shirts and countless blue ties, and Roman fears that no amount of paint could do that justice.
It’s undeniable that the warm brown of Logan’s eyes is a color he itches to find in a colored pencil, that the almond of his skin is one he longs to see redden at his touch. But those aren’t the things he really wants to capture when he puts pencil to paper anyway. No, when he draws Logan, his focus is on the subtle gleam that comes to his eyes when he speaks about something he’s passionate about, the curl of his lips when his emotionless facade breaks at some stupid comment Roman made.
Roman wishes he could show Logan the notebook, sometimes, the days when his longing overpowers his surety in the fact that it could never be reciprocated. He imagines coffee-colored eyes looking through the pages with delight, taking in the devotion clear in the meticulous lines. He pictures the hands he’s spent hours perfecting skimming over paper, taking care not to smudge the lead.
(He sees disgust settling in the curve of Logan’s lips and rejection showing in the set of his shoulders, and he pushes away the thought and hides his notebook under his pillow, pretends that he hasn’t memorized the shape of Logan’s smile.)
But he doesn’t think of any of that today. It’s Valentine’s Day, and Roman is dressed for it. He dons his armor that he definitely did not spend a whole two hours deliberating on and sets out the door armed with a kind of desperate false bravado, which is immediately undermined by how he jumps at his roommate Patton’s encouraging “go get ‘im, tiger!” shouted through the walls.
Still scowling at the door behind him, Roman briefly debates how desperate a text will make him sound before deciding, screw it.
Hey, we still on for lunch at Cream of the Cup?
The reply is prompt, as always, and Roman makes a futile attempt at smothering the smile he knows is blossoming across his lips.
>> Of course.
I’ll see you then!
Roman can so do this.
Virgil I can’t do this
>> why not?? youve been planning this for weeks, youll bbe fine
actually, knowing you, orobably months
>> im aware, weve only veen best friends for years now
if yoy send a long rambling text ahout how wonderful logan is and how you dont deserve hkm im gonna lose it
roman i swear to god
Whoops sorry
>> youre not
I’m not
>> okay roman, listen up, because I’m only gonna say this once. 
first of all, cut it with the self-deprecating crap. one, that’s my thing. and two, I WILL pull a patton and fight you.
stop doubting yourself, it doesn’t suit you
I might not have known you as long as I’ve known logan, but I know 
I can see you typing. shut up.
maybe I haven’t known you as long as I’ve known Logan, but I do know you’re a good guy, and you /clearly/ love him
>> yes, everyone knows, no, Logan does not, LET ME FINISH
it means a LOT to him that you actually read the articles he sends you about mars rovers at 3 am and that you don’t tell him he’s annoying for infodumping about alpha centauri or whatever star system he’s planning to go to and that you deal with his hypocrisy about sleep schedules and his general inability to do emotions
also, knowing him for years means I know his type, and trust me, you’re it
and even if by some miracle he doesn’t like you back, you guys are too close to ruin your friendship. okay? so however this ends, I promise you’ll still be friends
>> But
listen, you don’t tune him out when he starts babbling, and he does the same for you. he loves listening to your rants about art theory, he goes to every single one of your shows, and he started learning Spanish just to impress you. yes, he’s learned more phrases than just insults, he’s just been hiding it so he can surprise (aka impress) you later
and roman? he really really does value your friendship. you know that we’ve known each other since forever, so you know I mean it when I say that I’ve NEVER seen him get so close to someone this quickly.
and… you’ve been good for him too, okay? he’s not really the type to get lonely, but that’s just because he gets so tied up in his giant brain he forgets there are people in the outside world to talk to. but it really is important to him that you’re always there for him, and… I can tell you right now that he’s told me how much he appreciates you for it
after all that? I’d say he loves you too, dude. go for it.
you can talk now
Holy heck you DO love me
>> eh
Did you turn on autocorrect just to yell at me???
>> Only for you, babe.
Please never do that again
yeaj that was oncredibly unconfortable
 Roman, for all his theatrics about love at first sight and true love’s kiss, hadn’t mentioned Valentine’s Day plans once in the weeks leading up to it. Then, exactly one week ago, he’d texted Logan with a simple request to meet up at a nearby cafe. Logan knew him too well to miss the possible connotations of such an invitation. But it was entirely possible that this was merely meant to be an outing between two friends. A platonic outing.
A platonic outing where there was barely room to stand, forget sit. Logan curses under his breath. He’d decided for once to not show up fifteen minutes early, as that would only give him more time to second-guess himself, especially as Roman was notorious for being chronically late. But he had failed to account for the obvious fact that, it being both a Saturday and Valentine’s Day, the usually quiet cafe is filled to the brim with couples ordering the heart-themed specials and kissing and generally clogging the air with sweet words and PDA. And no, Logan is not irrationally annoyed about this, he’s just worried he won’t be able to secure an empty table for him and Roman.
But just as the thought crosses his mind, he catches a familiar head of fiery hair at a table against the wall, bent over his phone and apparently completely absorbed by whatever he was looking at. An incredulous “Roman?” slips from his lips unbidden, because- well, Roman had once nearly been late to the first show he was the lead in. But there he was, reserving a table at exactly 12:30 with a croissant in front of him. Maybe today really was a day for miracles.
He watches with amusement as Roman jumps and looks up at the sound of his name. His face lights up as soon as he registers who it is, and Logan abruptly goes from amused to filled with some kind of fluttery warmth he doesn’t want to quantify.
“Logan!” Roman exclaims, hurriedly tucking his phone away. “Hey! How are you?” His smile beams out like the sun, but it dims upon Logan’s next words.
“Not well, unfortunately,” Logan informs him gravely. “I fear I have been having severe auditory and visual hallucinations. For example, I am currently experiencing one so vivid that I believe I am conversing with a friend in a cafe when I know that there is no chance of him being here yet.” Maybe Logan should feel bad about the way Roman’s expression morphs from worry to alarm to overblown outrage, but the challenging gleam in his eyes arrests him as surely as that of of Roman’s heart-shaped studs, and he can’t bring himself to regret it.
“Hey, I’m not always late!” he protests so loudly several patrons turn to look at him, perhaps expecting a scene.
Logan can’t help the smirk that creeps across his face as he slides into the seat opposite Roman, surreptitiously tucking a navy blue folder besides him. Thank goodness for Roman being typically Roman and reserving a booth that could seat six for a party of two. “Roman. Once Virgil and I deliberately told you to meet up an hour after we were actually supposed to meet so that when you inevitably showed up late, it would only be by five minutes rather than fifty. And the very idea that you could be on time for something went so flagrantly against the laws of the universe that the universe struck back by making your car break down, and you missed the meeting entirely.”
“Is that what happened?” Roman asks, looking so genuinely gobsmacked that Logan can’t help the snicker that escapes him. Roman’s expression flips to one of self-satisfaction, and Logan tries to ignore the little burst of fondness in his chest at the sight. Even if the rest of today goes horribly, at least he can savor this easy banter between them.
And banter they do, debating over whether Logan’s physics professor or Roman’s marketing professor is more inept before commiserating over the “perpetual hell week” that is college. They bounce from the disappointing latest installment of one of Roman’s favorite series to a terrible documentary on aliens Logan had found on a “science” channel (“It’s called a having a basic grasp of eighth-grade geometry, Roman- which, unlike this nine-thousand year old civilization, these morons have clearly never achieved!”) to every little thing in between, their food forgotten in front of them.
It’s nothing special, technically- they’ve been friends for years now, and they often have talks about everything and nothing. But today Logan can convince himself that an electric current is charging the air between them, flushing Roman’s cheeks and lighting up his eyes as Logan is drawn in, helpless against his magnetism.
There’s no decisive moment where Logan thinks, this is it. There’s just Roman, his laughter like bells in the breeze, and Logan, gazing at him like he’d put the stars in the sky.
“Roman,” he says. That’s it- Roman.
Roman is still giggling at his rendition of the student who’d spilled their coffee on the drama professor on the first day, but he sobers at whatever look is on Logan’s face. “Hey- you good, Lo?”
The nickname catches at something in Logan’s chest, pulls it open so the next words come just a little harder, just a little easier. “Roman,” he says again, looking down. “I do not wish to… ruin the mood, but I have something to confess.”
(He’s looking down, so he misses the way Roman jumps at the last word.)
But when he meets Roman’s eyes, open and curious, Logan’s confidence abandons him. He exhales slowly in an attempt to regain some of the feeling from before, like the memory of Roman’s voice will fortify his. But all that comes out is: “I wrote- would you-” 
Logan’s throat fails him entirely, something a little like dread and a little like hope clogging it up. Without another word, he slides the folder he had kept tucked at his side to Roman. When Roman raises a curious eyebrow, Logan simply smiles- a quick, brittle thing- and motions for him to open it.
Earlier, the noise in the cafe had distracted Logan, had made him frown when it rose over Roman’s voice. But suddenly it all fades into the background, the chatter of voices and clatter of spoons receding in favor of the thwip of the folder opening, the little breath Roman takes when he reads the first two words.
Dimly, Logan thinks he must have used up all his words in the letter. His fingers lay still at his sides, mind is utterly blank as he watches Roman read it. But his heart is pounding loud enough that for an absurd second, he’s sure Roman can hear it in the sudden quiet.
Logan waits for a minute, maybe five. He thinks he’d wait for Roman forever if he asked. But Roman doesn’t make him wait that long, because when he looks up his eyes are wet with tears, and when Logan uselessly opens his mouth- to do what? His voice certainly hasn’t returned- Roman lurches forward, clumsy in a way Logan has never known him, and seals their lips with a kiss.
And when they finally draw apart, Logan thinks he’s regained his words (or maybe just these three), because they force themselves out of his lips like they’ve been waiting to do so since Logan said Roman’s name. And Roman, his face a study in the kind of shock and delight that can only come from a thought-to-be-hopeless dream coming true, returns them.
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kuningannasansa · 4 years
A musketeers rewatch (that nobody asked for) 1x04
(warning: not always complimentary towards all characters, especially not aramis, anne and athos. dont like, don’t read)
We start with Louis being a prat and in this instance I love it! 
Richelieu is wearing his red robes over the hideous black outfit. I wish it was just the robes. 
Athos wonders what’s wrong with Aramis and Porthos says “have you forgotten about the massacre at Savoy?”. This is clumsy exposition. Realistically Athos the character would not have forgotten but I guess the viewers need to know. 
“A strategically important pimple” - Lmao! Who says Armand hasn’t got a sense of humour! 
This marks the beginning of these strangely depopulated court scenes. I do wish they had been able to afford more extras!
The Duke’s name is Victor... idk how I feel about that
The conversation between Marsac and Aramis is very well written, the exposition feels natural and also Aramis handles the situation quite well.
Now the Duke is mad and everyone is trying to calm him down. Treville points out that they should wait for the facts and Anne says that the shot could have hit any one of them, they are family and should stick together. This is why I liked her back in season 1! She was clever, had some political acumen and was good at playing her role as queen (women being seen as the gentler sex whose job it was to calm mens anger) while still maneuvering and getting her own way. 
It is funny thou, how everyone else is making good points and Richelieu is pacing around in a panic not saying anything at first, not even responding to Victor’s insults. And when he does speak he miscalculates and angers the duke. He is brilliant when given time to think and consider, but not always quick on his feet lol (as pointed out by @tatzelwyrm in her wonderful fic Reformation, which I really must remember to review cause I fucking loved it).   
Louis calls the duke a pomous arse and Richelieu points out that France needs Savoy, but his face says he agrees xD
There’s definitely some sexual tension between Aramis and Marsac. Or maybe I’m just a shameless slasher... 
“If this gets me hanged, I’m going to take it very personally” - lol, I do love musketeers humour!
The scene between my dear grand deceiver and his bluff honest man of action is SO GOOD!! The dialogue, the delivery, the acting in general!
Richelieu’s room is ridiculously large and empty thou xD 
“Death in battle is one thing, but your world of back alley stabbings and murder disgusts me” - that seems to be the show’s morality in a nutshell and I don’t like it. Whether you’re killed by Milady’s dagger between the ribs or a musketeer sword, you end up no less dead. Sometimes secret assassinations are necessary, that’s why countries have spy agencies. And while yes, in battle you can see your opponent coming and have a good chance to deny him, I am convinced that a big part of why killing in battle is seen as more honourable is that it is the more traditionally masculine option. Also, it is an option most easily accessible to able bodied men. Everyone else can’t always afford to “fight fair”. 
“Not everything I do is pleasant, but it is all necessary.” - well, that’s not true either. Not all.
Richelieu panics again and wants to move the prisoner but Treville says a transfer would only attract attention and Richelieu is like “yeah, you’re probably right” lol. Poor cardinal, he’s trying to run the whole country alone but he needs advisors just like anyone else would to make the best decisions. If he would just admit it, his life would be a lot easier! 
Dartagnan gets all jealous and territorial over Constance. I know it’s meant to indicate their true love, but I’ve never found that shit charming. 
Aramis ties Marsac up. This is making me horny now. 
“I’ve thought of you many times” - omg, I gotta see if there’s fic of them!
Constance finds out that Marsac is a criminal and instead of kicking him out, she kicks D’artagnan out! Bless!
Okay, so the Duke’s men killed the 20 musketeers because the Duke thought that they had come to kill him and put his son on the throne. And Treville told him where to find them through Cluzet (spl?). But actually it was all a distraction to kidnap Cluzet. Noting this down, cause I don’t remember the plot anymore.
And Richelieu just couldn’t resist going to see his prisoner! 
And Cluzet worked for the Duke officially but was actually a Spanish spy! Okay, that makes sense. I wondered why they kidnapped him lol.
Richelieu is gloating now. He should have stayed away from there. 
“Total solitude, unlimited time to reflect... I almost envy you.” - oh Armand! You will learn in the Spanish prison :(
(yes, in this house the Spanish prison AU is canon)
Porthos: “this is the captain we’re talking about” Aramis: “which is why we owe it to him to clear his name” - damn, that’s a good argument! I like Aramis in this episode! That’s probably why I remember liking him a lot when season 1 first aired...
“If it is true, what then?” - @donnaimmaculata made an excellent point about that here: https://donnaimmaculata.tumblr.com/post/109300936446/aramis-was-actually-at-his-smartest-in-this
Louis playing swords with Louis Amadeus is so cute!! And the kid is a more gracious loser than Louis is a winner xD
“I don’t want protection, I want to be treated as an equal.” - that’s a good Constance line, much more feminist than that nonsense about the duchess later in the episode
And D'artagnan apologizes and promises not to lie to her again. Mentioning that cause his respect for her boundaries and acknowledging when he makes a mistake goes totally out the window in season two.
The duke: “Have you captured the man who tried to kill me?” Richelieu: “We should not be distracted by minor issues.” - what is wrong with him this episode?? he is not being at all diplomatic
The duke challenges Athos to a duel and Treville is so cool and quietly confident while Richelieu frets.  
And Treville smirks at his evident distress xD
Treville gets mad at Athos for humiliating the duke. He could have defeated him in a way that left him his dignity, apparently. But Porthos says he would have cut his head off, so Treville should consider himself lucky, really. 
Porthos is very good at spying!
Treville’s filing of documents is “meticulous”, apparently. Sorry, but that does NOT sound like him!
“I will never believe the captain is a traitor” - that’s noble of you Athos. Maybe you could have extended the same courtesy to your wife?
The confrontation with Treville is so angsty and well acted and tense! This is the show at it’s best, dealing with a serious issue and giving it the weight it deserves. I love!
It’s kind of sad seeing how in love the duke is with his wife! I hope he never finds out she’s a spy lol xD
Now Marsac tries to rape Constance. Was that really necessary? Like, really, why?? We understand he is an antagonist, there is no need to make him cartoonishly evil, especially by using violence against women. 
I don’t know what his friend being a seezy rapist says about Aramis thou...
Dart to the rescue, yawn!
I do love how we are led to believe they’re gonna kiss and then she goes “teach me how to shoot” xD
“Honour? There’s no word in the language more likely to cause stupidity and inconvenience” - lmaoo, Richelieu I feel you
“You think I won’t have you arrested? That you’re above the normal rules of soldiering?” - Yesss Treville, have him arrested! You will save everyone a lot of grief down the road!
Aramis punches Treville in the face! LOL! xD
Aramis and Marsac argue how to handle Treville (Marsac wants to assassinate him) and Aramis just cradles his face!
And then Marsac punches aramis in the face and knocks him out cold! LOL! xD
I love how the duke is actually objectively right in this episode. Imperialist France is meddling in the affairs of another sovereign state. The weak suffer what they must. And the musketeers are not on the side of good by helping the King and Richelieu conceal Cluzet. They follow their orders and work for the state, but the state is, well, not always nice. Just pointing that out...
The duchess looks so cool and beautiful riding into the garrison in that yellow dress with her cloak flapping in the wind!
“You traitor!” Cluzet says to the duchess. Pot calling the kettle black
“Not your average duchess then” - I don’t like this line! It sort of implies that an average duchess without fighting skills is somehow lesser and plays into a long pattern in television when women are only valued when they have “masculine” skills. But I do love her character a lot! More on that here: https://kuningannasansa.tumblr.com/post/100754198434/a-duchess-of-savoy-appreciation-post
Richelieu’s FACE when he sees D'artagnan as the guard! xD
But I wonder what his plan was? What if the musketeers had not shown up to save his ass?
“Paris has a number of excellent places of correction, if you’d like a tour of them all?” - aawwww, sassy cardinal! 
He even gives Dartagnan a look of acknowledgement. As well he should! The Cluzet switch was brilliant and funny!
Now Marsac is going to kill Treville, but Aramis stops him, saying there should be a court martial. Well done Aramis, keeping your head! Also, justice! It does exist! 
This is another very well acted emotional scene!
Aramis shoots Marsac, choosing Treville over him. It’s sad and tragic and wonderful television!
“I love my husband, very much” - I like their relationship
Lmaooo now Richelieu is already plotting the Duke’s murder xD  
Wet Aramis at Marsac’s grave is hot!
In conclusion, there were some things I didn’t like, but all in all this was a very good episode!
Red Guards killed in the line of duty: none
Women fridged: also none! this really was a good one guys!
Best dressed: Constance
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talk-geek-to-me · 4 years
All the ones you didn't do in the last ask!
So I’m finally getting around to doing this. and you fUCKING HATE ME. This is gonna be hella long.  (she asked for all of them)
This is for the WaterColor asks that I posted last night
Zinc White: how are you really feeling today? I’m very tired tbh like all i wanna do today is sleep rn. very tired
Cadmium Yellow: When you think of the word “happy” what's the first thing that comes to mind? ummmmm probably my boyfriend and the very funny moments you and i share
Lemon: What’s your comfort food? Ben and Jerry’s Brownie Batter Core Ice cream. that shit makes me feel better immediately
Hansa Yellow: What’s your guilty pleasure song? honestly idk, but i will tell you the song that I cant get enough of and its All Time Low by Jon Bellion. like i honestly cant get enough of it rn
Yellow Ochre: Name an artist/band whom you just discovered and cant get enough of. right now its the song that I just said in the last ask. but the band? shit ummmmmm, idk but i’ve been listening to anything in my liked playlist from spotify. so it varies
Naples Yellow: where do you feel most at home? uh, i dont really know. I moved to Idaho so i haven’t figured that most yet
Raw Sienna: with whom do you feel most at home? my boyfriend. I miss him so much and I honestly cant wait till i see him next
Golden Ochre: describe the relationship with your closest friend. JESS *insert random thing that im currently screaming about*
Golden Deep: what’s your favorite season? fall, i can wear converse and hoodies and be comfortable
Cadmiun orange: What do you like to do on your days off? i love to do things that have to get done. like today, i did more homework than i thought i was gonna do and cleaned my bathroom. it’s been a good day.
Orange lake: do you have anyone you can turn to when you’re sad? I listen to music and not do my homework, just focus on me
Titans: do you prefer slow mornings or relaxing evenings? tbh i think i prefer slow mornings cause im not a morning person so that gives me time to sleep in
Shaknazaryan Red: are you currently binge watching anything? CRIMINAL MINDS
red ochre; are you more right-brained (creative) or left-brained (analytical)? i think i’m a bit of both
burnt sienna; is there a painting that brings you peace when you look at it? not really theres a picture i really like tho. here’s the link! https://www.pinterest.com/pin/46865652355803785/
english red; what animal do you relate to most? honestly, a raven
vermilion; what’s your favorite accent? british, like tom holland and tom hiddleston british
cadmium red; do you have a “type” when it comes to a significant other? ....jess you know. but for those of you who don’t know, its the bad boy type... seriously, bucky barnes, loki, and according to jess its the dark-haired, chiseled features, built af, don’t worry, she made a point, like all the famous people im attracted to... all contain the same things that my boyfriend contains. my boyfriend is dark haired, chiseled features, thicc 
scarlet; describe your current crush/es. DARK HAIR, CHISELED FEATURES, BAD BOY TYPE BOYFRIEND
ruby; what does your ideal first date look like? honestly, i dont have one
carmine; what does your ideal second date look like? dont have one
madder lake red; would you ever kiss someone (or accept a kiss) on a first date? considering i kissed my boyfriend within the first hour of meeting him, sure
rose; what’s something really positive going on in your life right now? im actually keeping up with school rn and im fairly proud of myself
quinacridone rose; what’s something you’re really looking forward to? sleep
violet rose; what does your dream house look like? windows. so many windows big kitchen, comfortable
violet; is there any place in particular you’d like to settle down? not really, i’d settle down anywhere as long as im with the man i love
blue lake; what would you like to do/accomplish before you settle down? traveling
cobalt blue spectral; what is the most beautiful place you have ever been to? honestly, i havent been there yet
ultramarine; when was the last time you were in a good mood? do you know/remember what sparked it? ummmm, im kinda always in a good mood?
blue; what’s the most recent dream you remember? [redacted] [redacted] [redeacted] [redacted] [redacted]
bright blue; what does your dream family look like? any kids or pets? how many of each? 2 or 3 kids, 2 dogs and hopefully a cat. married to my boyfriend
blue cobalt; do you like your name? would you give yourself a different name if you could? NO it’s too common, its why i prefer people call me meg or megs. i hate my name.
prussian azure; what’s your favorite scent? vanilla
azure blue; what’s your favorite type of tea, if any? lipton pure leaf raspberry tea, and it has to be cold
turquoise blue; if you could start a garden, what would you plant? literally anything that i could water every once in a while and it still be alive
cerulean blue; if you were guaranteed to have a viewership, would you start a youtube vlog? no, my life is really boring
glauconite; describe your body without using any negative adjectives. curves, well built, purple red hair. honestly, im super comfortable with my body
yellow green; picture yourself walking in a field. what do you see & hear in this scenario? ya know that scene in vampire dairies when Damon is comforting Rose as she’s dying? yea it looks like that
green light; are you in a comfortable place in life? if not, what do you think might make it better? im pretty comfortable with it, just wish my boyfriend was with me
green; name three countries you want to visit; do you have any actual plans in place to visit any of them? ready? you’re gonna laugh jess, Romania, Ireland, England
emerald green; do you speak any languages besides english? are there any additional languages you want to learn? so my mom is from Chile, and she’s native in spanish, but im native in english and cant speak a lick of spanish, but i have been doing the duolingo spanish lessons and its like my latina side has woken up, but i cant speak spanish, i can read it and hear it and probably translate it for you
oxide of chromium; what’s your favorite book? Stalking Jack The Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco
olive green; are you currently reading anything? how do you like it so far? no, im too busy with school and work that i dont have time to read anything and its making me sad. but i always have a book in my backpack just incase
mars brown; what’s a movie that always puts a smile on your face/makes you laugh? the first Avengers
burnt umber; what’s something you plan to do before the day is over to take care of yourself? clean my fucking greasy ass face
umber; have you drank enough water today? nope, thank you for reminding me tho
voronezhskaya black; what or who is your go-to outlet for when you need to vent? you, cause you always provide the best advice and make me feel like my emotions matter to you too
sepia; name five things that always make you happy. Superheroes, music, my boyfriend, my friends, and books, etc
indigo; what’s the best/sweetest compliment you have ever received? today, i was sitting in my car ordering my drink from dutch bros and someone told me that they liked my hair even tho he couldnt really see the color of it. But i get a lot of compliments from my boyfriend about my eyes
payne’s gray; describe your aesthetic? shit, uhhhh, superhero murderer? 
black; post a selfie because you are so beautiful! I’m gonna share with you the one that has my boyfriend going crazy 
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Language Update/Staring Point
1. Spanish
You estudio espanol para todo mi vida. Yo recogo tomar clases di espanol cuando tenaba cinco o seis anos. A pesar de, yo no tengo fluidez en la idioma. Mi papa habla espanol pero no se gusta practica conmigo. Yo se mi espanol es... clunky, awkward. Y no tengo la vocabulario yo quiero. o un computadora con un ‘ ñ ‘ (por favor, if you know how to switch a computers language please tell me)
Translation: I have studied spanish for my whole life. I remember taking spanish lessons when I was five or six years old. Despite that, I’m not fluent in the language. My dad speaks spanish but he doesnt like to practice with me. I know my Spanish is clunky and awkward, and I dont have the vocabulary I want. Or a computer with an ‘ ñ” 
I really want to reach a fluent level in Spanish and feel comfortable talking to my family. (and other people) So please feel free to critique my Spanish, I am always trying to get better. Its easiest for me to read it, then write it, then understand it, then speak it. A blog isn't the best for speaking practice but I feel like I can get better in every category still. 
2. French
I decided to do this in the order that I feel most comfortable speaking in the language, which means it’s subject to change. I never really wanted to learn French actually, but I’ve picked up a lot from my friends who were in French classes and a short trip to France and Montreal.  I can sometimes read and understand what people are saying (if they speak slow). I can’t really speak it myself except to order food, and ask for directions, haha. I’m not currently looking to learn French, maybe in the future!
3. Indonesian 
Aku belajar bahasa Indonesia setiap hari selama satu sebulan. [I studied Indonesian every day during one month] I started learning in mid-january, kind of gave up mid-feburary, but I just picked it back up again. Before I was using just duolingo, but now I’m studying it mostly on my own. I had initially planned to travel to Indonesia in May, but that doesn’t look possible anymore. Regardless, I’m still planning on learning the language as best as I can. I still need to look up a lot of words in order to speak sentences, but I’m getting a bit better. I’ve been listening to a lot of Indonesian music even though I still can’t understand it, haha. This is really the first language outside of Spanish that I’ve dedicated a sizable chunk of effort to, and reminded me that I enjoy language learning. 
4. Korean 
I’ll be honest, I can barely read Korean. I know the alphabet, but I still struggle with pronunciation and reading words, my vocab is still at the “hello” and “thank you” stage (where those are the only things I can say confidently). I learned the alphabet back in October from a friend of mine that speaks Korean, but I haven’t really practiced for made an effort to learn how to say anything. I really want to change that, at at least get my Korean to the level that my French is at.
5. Japanese
Again, being honest, this is mostly because I’ve been watching a lot of Anime. Certain phrases and vocabulary get kind of stuck in your head after you’ve heard them enough, and I’ve been paying more attention to the Japanese than the subtitles recently, so I thought it might be fun to try to learn the language. I remember trying to learn it once before a long time ago, I think I got stuck at learning Hirigana - a place where I am once again back in. I think it would be nice to at least be able to speak or understand just a little bit of Japanese. (Honestly I might know more Japanese than Korean, but I can’t read it so it’s at #5)
6. Tagalog
This one’s mostly just for fun! I have a lot of languages I always want to learn and Tagalog’s been on my list for a while. If Tagalog was available on Duolingo I probably would have tried to learn that rather than Indonesia. I met someone about a week ago who speaks Tagalog and I thought it might be nice to start learning. I’m in an even worse place than Korean right now. This language is kind of on the back-burner because trying to learn three new languages is taking up much of my brain. 
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llcvinias · 4 years
i  just  watched  dean  matthews  pull  lavinia  vogel  into  his  office.  maybe  it  has  something  to  do  with  them  being  a  member  of  zeta  beta  zeta.  yeah,  i  spoke  to  lavi  a  few  times.  they’re  a  sophomore  studying  animal  behavior. apparently  they’re  from  las  vegas,  neveda.  maybe  that’s  why  they’re  so  finicky  and  effulgent, i  don’t  know,  man.  all  i  know  is  they’re  always  listening  to  playing  games  by  summer  walker. 
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god  asdj  please  excuse  my  reused  muse  and  bio  asdj !  i  got  a  little  nervous  jumping  in  late  and  said  well  fuck  let  me  just  bring  this  baby  back  to  life  and  call  it  a  day !! im  still  just  as  excited  and  cannot  wait  to  start  writing  with  you  all !! 
—  °。..   ›    basics    .
𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋    𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄    :    lavinia june vogel.
𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒    :  lav, lavi, lava, vinnie, lj. 
𝐀𝐆𝐄    :    twenty - one  .
𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐘    :    february sixteenth  .
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑    :    female  .
𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒    :    she / her  .
𝐒𝐄𝐗𝐔𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘    :    bicurious  .
𝐙𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐂    :    aquarius  .
𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓    :     five foot seven .
𝐁𝐔𝐈𝐋𝐃    :    slim  .
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒    :    ozzy vogel , imma josephine vogel .
𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆    :   arabella vogel , lillian vogel .
𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐒    :   english , italian , spanish .
𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐍    :    las vegas nevada . 
—  °。..   ›    personality + headcanons    .
clumsy and impulsive . she is walking chaos sometimes . she has a big drive to enjoy herself? to suck the life out of life but not in a bad way? and that usually leaves her getting stuck in crazy situations that she usually laughs about .
adventure is her middle name . she loves experiencing new things . will try everything at least once. if you need someone to help you rob a bank or walk to the other side of the country with you ask her only once and she’ll be all over it.
boisterous . she cannot help it . she will talk your ear off until you literally pay her to shut up .
she’s just very intoxicating ? theres just something about her that just draws you in?
she craves meaningful bonds with other people? feeling important and loved is so important to her.
she gets attached easily and with that she tries her best not to drown in everyone? set boundaries and put herself first? practice self love.
she wants you , she needs you , and then she gets scared and pushes you away.
she feels things super deeply . very vehement .
is the biggest goofball sometimes . love spreading laughter .
she is d r a m a t i c !
she is a lover , will give you her all in any kind of relationship. will put in the absolute effort and go the distance .
she wants to save everyone .
she can be stubborn sometimes even a little jealous  . maybe selfish . traits she trying to overcome.
she’s hard to understand sometimes ? she just has all these feelings and doesnt know how to handle them sometimes .
is a ball of light . constantly smiling and giggling .
she is social ! loves ! being ! around ! people ! the type to have seven best friends and ten friend groups !
did i mention she’s talkative??
kind of annoying?? 
i picture her to be super captivating ?? just theres something about her.
very affectionate . and when she’s drunk? it only grows.
will pull you into crazy schemes all with the help of her favorite pout .
crawling into bed and waking you just to tell you about this crazy thing that just happened? her.
she has a soft spot for music and you will always find her at some odd spot of the hotel writing.
sings in the shower . loud and non stop . it’s a good thing she’s good.
had four dogs and three cats growing up ! is animal obsessed . say anything bad about any breed she will fight .
friendly but does not take bullshit . will speak her mind and put anyone in their place ?
shes either im telling you how i feel and never shutting up or dont ever talk to me again.
cheers !!! has been cheering since she was a little girl and is damn good !! she is all about school spirit, you will catch her wearing her football players jersey on game nights and filling their lockers with pre game goodies !! 
—  °。..   ›    fun facts + family information    .
waters that reflected an childhood parted in two , one half dipped in warm sun dancing across sun kissed skin and salty water devouring painted toes . and the other with an forced hole in your heart sheltered by masculine hands . the vogel girls and dad .
it was an family entangled in words pulled from pages , it’s title being the perfect family . everything about them , it was just right . the love , the happiness it was all there . lavinia’s younger years , she spent them glued to her father . her mornings walking around his shelter playing with four legged angels and her afternoons sitting between her mothers legs as the two watched the ocean clash into the blue sky above it .
her nights consisted of loud laughter that soared from her sisters mouth , her emerald hues watching love radiate off of her parents . even at her age , she just knew that that’s how love was suppose to be . and then one day , it changed . a blink of an eye , in a beat of a second . her mother with an induced voice and tender eyes fell into a rabbit hole of darkness . and before lavinia could turn to her dad and muster out an why, she packed her stuff , got in the car and never looked back .
three years later , he had to sit down his children and tell them that their mother .. the love of his life was no longer here . up until she was old enough to grasp it , she did not know what happened . why her mother no longer wanted to be her mommy . the beauty and the curse of innocence . her dad did everything in his power to play both roles , to fill their head with good memories of his wife despite the pain she left the four of them . ozzy vogel was a good man . he built his girls an amazing life in charlottesville. granted them everything he could . but most importantly , he raised three beautiful women on his own . all on his own.
lavinia is the baby of her family, and the only child her parents planned for : her dad use to tease her sisters by calling them a happy surprise before throwing a playful wink in lavinia’s direction.
with age , lavinia started to discover of course with help of her older sister arabella that their mother turned to drugs to ease whatever struggle she was dealing with internally . and while it did not make her leaving them any easier , it did give them an understanding .arabella , along with their father , is the only one who constantly tries to fill their heads with positive thoughts of their mother .. telling them memories and quirks and sayings she was granted with their mom . sometimes , lavinia longed to hear them and others ? she hated it .
she basically grew up at her fathers shelter and quickly learned helping those who do not have a voice was a calling .she also connects with animals in a sense of , knowing what it’s like to be abandoned and unwanted .
her family means everything to her , she will constantly jump hoops for them .while their father had never been too much of an athlete , their mother was .. and the girls at a young age found their own little sports to devote themselves to .
her biggest ambition in life is to live ?? she so badly wants to just take everything in , all of the highs and the ups and the wonders of being alive .
—  °。..   ›    wanted connections    .
cheerleader friends ! a bond formed by long practices and sore muscles. 
sorority sisters that actually feel like sisters, close and cute friendships. she would take bullets and climb mountains for them.
a platonic soulmate, her other half, the two are attach at the hips and do everything together. 
a close group of friends, they have the most craziest stories together. are insanely close, have their up and downs but its always them at the end of the day.
first love, maybe even high school sweethearts .
on and off again lover, i want it to be angsty and toxic but despite everything they really do love each other. 
friends with benefits.
ex friends.
ex best friends.
study buddies.
partner in crimes.
will they wont they.
love / hate relationship.
hookups !!
girls she experiments with !! 
i just want fun and fresh plots so literally anything?? 
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paladxns · 5 years
* ☆ ◞ KANG YEOSANG. CISMALE. HE/HIM. ◟ wait, wasn’t that THEODORE ‘THEO’ CHOI? they’re a TWENTY year old JUNIOR, hailing from SAN DIEGO, CA. i heard they’ve chosen to study VETERINARY SCIENCE while living at CORAL TOWER ( UNIT 415; ROOM B ). word around campus is that they’re LAID BACK & WELCOMING but also quite PASSIVE & UNRELIABLE. if you happen to see them walking to class with their earbuds in, they’re probably listening to BREEZEBLOCKS by ALT J. 
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didn’t take me long to get a second character did it ?? gee what a surprise 
anyways he is very different from hana so !!!! i’m v excited to play him tbh BUT — TW:  there are drug references* and parental death** mention 
H I S T O R Y 
he is from san diego !! a cute lil neighbourhood where ppl kind of knew everyone ?? so everyone knew when his (tw** )mom died from a heart attack when he was only fourteen 
it SHOOK the choi household — it was so sudden and it was very traumatic and theo really struggled a lot with it since he was there when it happened
he’s the oldest of three boys, the 2nd oldest being 16 ( 10 when she died ) and the youngest being 12 ( 6 ) so he really tried to step up when they lost their mom and helped his dad a lot but tbh it was super stressful bc his dad just wanted him to focus on school and ??? theo was like wtf i’d rather be there for my brothers but now he’s older he kind of sees his dad’s point
he got pretty depressed and ?? honestly just took a turn for a worst
they weren’t the most wealthy of families, and then with her death it caused quite a bit of financial struggle and so theo got into selling (tw:*)drugs when he was about fifteen which ... his dad did NOT like but at least they were paying their bills on time
he had a super rough patch between 15 - 18 where he wouldn’t be heard from for hours or days and he’d stumble back home on the worst comedown or hangover imaginable 
like boy did alllllll kinds of stupid it’s a surprise he survived tbh
he’d never let his brothers see him that way but he does regret that it got as bad as it did and his dad knew but he couldn’t really intervene in anyway and it’s not like theo would listen either
still, even tho he spent most of his nights getting messed up, he DID work hard at school and got a scholarship to nyu where he’s doing veterinary science bc ya boiiiii loves animals and tbh his mom always knew he wanted to be one since he was a kid so even if he grew out of that dream he was always gonna pursue it bc of his mom and he feels like he can make her proud
tbh that’s all u need to know background wise so 
P E R S O N A L I T Y 
very ?? loving tbh he has so much love and affection and he’s ready to hand it out to whoever wants it — genuinely loves physical contact too he will 100% be trying to hold your hand or lay in your lap whenever he can... he needs to learn not EVERYONE is ok with this tho
is kind of a hermit sometimes but more in the sense he can spend days alone in his room without any human interaction and be fine ??? like won’t even realise he’s done it but he's ALWAYS down for hanging out with people and socialising tbh he’s happy either way
he’s very good at hiding his depression, like you’d really never expect it from him he’s so smiley and has a super warm aura — definitely the type to try and fix everyone else in hopes it’ll fix him but some days if he is feeling especially low, he’ll shrug it off as being tired and just isolate himself in his room
he’s stoned A LOT, like expect 99.9% of interactions with him he’s probably blazed tbh — he definitely uses it as a coping mechanism for his depression. the only time he’s not high would be if he knows he’s doing something surgical or super important for class
a very go with the flow kind of guy and doesn’t really like pressure being put on him, ya boi doesn’t like S T R E S S and will just rather see how things go than worry about what could happen
the type to make best friends super easy but ?? doesn’t really put too much effort into relationships he’s quite bad
a proper peace keeper, if there’s any kind of conflict he’s in the middle trying to diffuse it and make everyone happy 
kind of a pushover but more bc he just doesn’t really care about anything and he definitely thinks life is pointless and nothing matters so ?? 
random facts // hcs
a pro joint roller — super quick, super neat, but can also make fun, creative ones to smoke too
skateboards around campus, usually bc he’s slept in late and needs to get to class quickly
pansexual af 
he gets panic attacks sometimes and if anyone sees he’s super embarrassed about it tbh but sometimes he gets flashbacks of his mom dying so :| 
speaks english, korean, and knows a lil bit of spanish
finds painting nails SUPER therapeutic so catch him with randomly coloured nails any day of the week 
is in the photography club !! and also the earth matters club 
he’s a neat freak !!!!! everything must be organised and clean or he can’t FOCUS 
definitely a bit of a ho .... he’d sleep with anyone and does tbh 
loves naps and sleeping in general
ok thatsss it !! i dont really have many specific wcs other than ? hookups and smoking buddies...... so ? maybe someone who lets him paint their nails, he’d LUV that but yes i’m down for brainstorming so click the heart for plots !! i’ll come 2 u but maybe tomorrow as i gotta sleep but maybe tonight too bc... i’m a mess
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findteenpenpals · 5 years
Best friends!
Hey! My name is Alexis and I am 17 years old! I am a singer\song writer, I play loads of instruments, I am fluent in American Sign Language and I am Currently learning British Sign Language! I am from America, but I dont mind being friends with someone who lives in a different country! I am a very open and honest person! you can literally talk to me about anything and I will not judge you on anything! I am a huge Metal Head! I listen to A lot of Sleeping With SIrens, Motionless In White,Panic at the Disco, and many other bands! I am a very laid back person too! I dont care weather you’re male or female! But I do need some friends! I am very geeky and nerdy! I love MCR, My favorite color is black! I  just graduated High School! I love swimming and surfing! I am down to talk to whoever! I am almost 18! I am currently in EMT training with my mom so, if it takes me a while to add you back, at least you know why! I do not reply with one word! I actually type a sentence XD!I am very short for my age! I am barely 5ft tall! I am not on here for nudes or any sexual conduct! I am on here strictly to make friends and help people in any way that I can! I do know a few words in Spanish! I guess one could say, I am emo! I am a girl by the way!!! I will accept you for who you are and I will not judge you whatsoever! I am a very good listener if anybody needs to vent or like talk to me about some personal issues! I am here for you! I am a very respectful person and I reply fast! Or I try to at least! So yeah my socials are down below if you want to contact me! I am looking foward to speaking with you! I love meeting people! And I am super goofy so maybe I can make you smile! I also, like long conversations! 
Facebook: Alexis reed! ( me outside in a black shirt as PROFILE PIC! )
I answer everyone back!
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kjs-s · 5 years
The tower of Babel
Pairing  Nyota Uhura x reader
Fandom Star Trek Aos
Summary  A malfunction to the universal translator is keeping Uhura busy all the time.
Prompt “I haven’t slept in ages.”
Word Count: 1121
Warnings: This was inspired by a scene episode 4 of the second season of star trek discovery. It not that important to the plot but I still put a spoiler warning.
minor spoiler for Star Trek Discovery episode 2x4
A/N: This is my first  entry for @resistance-is-futile81 Protagonists writing challenge. I am working on a second one for Star Trek Discovery that I will post next week.
@writing-journeyx   @sprinkleofhappinessuniverse@ohyesmarvel@agentpeggicarter @buckyofthemyscira @romantichen @once-upon-an-imagine @locke-writes@lucetheding @marveliskindacool@captainrogerss   @jurassicbarnes@uncomfortable-writers@theassetseyeliner@sgtbxckybxrnes @thetherianthropydaily@dresupi@caplansteverogers @captainrogerss @dirajunara-archive@imamotherfuckingstar-lord @outside-the-government@thefanficfaerie@admiralamott @yallneedtrek@goingknowherewastaken @girl-next-door-writes @janeykath318 @kaitymccoy123 @musikat18
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You tried hard to concentrate on the papers in front of you. You needed silence to be able to do your job and having to work on the bridge was not ideal. However, you had no choice since the equipment in your lab was acting a little crazy lately. That’s why you were staring at the chart in front of you trying to block any other conversation happening around you.
‘’ Are you alright there Lieutenant (Y/LN)? I can still help you with anything you need.’’ Sulu knew how you preferred your workplace to be and you were thankful that you at least were able to work alongside him for the time being.
‘’I’m just a little stuck but I am sure the solution will appear itself like always. Thanks for all the help though boss.’’ You knew how he hated when you called him that, but being your direct superior and one of your best friends made it easier for you to joke around.
‘’Don’t mention it. And don’t worry about your astrometric lab. The ensigns from engineering are working hard to fix everything. You will go back to being the isolated cartographer who barely speaks to the rest of us in no time.’’
‘’I speak to you Hikaru, I just need serenity to help me focus. You know that too much chatter often irritates me even if I don’t address it.’’ He knew you well to understand that. He was happy to have you nearby again that he searched for noise canceling headphones for you.
After a while of trying to find a solution, you decided to take a break and maybe check on the repairs in your lab.
‘’I need some fresh air. I will go for a little walk and be right back.’’ You informed Sulu.
‘’Fine, oh and can you go by my botany to make sure none of my flowers need watering please?’’ He looked as stunned as you were realizing he said that in what sounded like Spanish or Portuguese.
‘’What did you say?’’ You responded in Greek. You looked around and noticed not only everyone being bewildered but also all the monitors being in a variety of languages.
‘’What is happening?’’ Jim asked a little loud to be heard by everyone. It would be a good question if he hadn’t asked it in Gaelic.
‘’I can’t read my console.’’ An ensign pointed out in Klingon. ‘’And what language am I speaking?’’
‘’I can’t understand anything in my controls captain.’’ Another ensign replied in Mandarin. ‘’It must be a problem to the universal translator.’’
Realizing the problem that had occurred you signaled the captain to let him know that you were going to track lieutenant Uhura to help with the situation.
You found her in her room and it was obvious that she was about to take a nap.
‘’Nyota you need to come with me now.’’
‘’Of course, darling but why are you speaking Tagalog?’’ She said while getting ready.
‘’Universal translator has been invaded by a virus and not it’s translating everything into a different language.’’
The two of you ran to the bridge, which was still in complete chaos.
‘’Welcome to the tower of Babel lieutenant. I am so glad you didn’t follow Spock and Scotty on their away mission.’’ Jim was so relieved to see her that his French sounded like a poem.
You smiled as you watched your girlfriend move around the bridge like a dancer and interacting with all the machines. Knowing as many languages as she did was one of the things you admired about her.
She wrote something down and instructed you to track down Jaylah and give her the note. It was telling her to disable the translator hoping the backup one would work and translate everything to Earth English again.
Several hours passed without any progress. Nobody could work on anything without Nyota being there to explain what the consoles where saying. Some people who had learned other languages were able to assist, yet she was the one who did the most.
Late at night, you checked on her worrying that she must have been exhausted. She assured you that she was feeling fine and you let her get back to her job. You knew that pushing her to stop wouldn’t lead to anything good.
Almost at noon the next day, she was still assisting everyone all around the ship. You asked her to stop helping one of the crew members on the bridge for a moment so you can talk.
‘’You need a break. I understand that you are essential to all of us right now but not if you collapse. Jim, back me up here will you, please?’’ You wrote down a note saying ‘’tell her to sleep’’ on it.
‘’I tried to get her to go to sleep then again she won’t hear me. I had a hope you will get some sense into her. I don’t want McCoy to have to chase her through the ship. He does that with me.’’ He said all those towards you in Italian knowing Nyota would know that he had said.
‘’I hear you, captain. However, even though I haven’t slept in ages...’’She rolled her eyes saying that, thinking about how you were overreacting about the fact she didn’t sleep all night. ‘’I need to help everyone.’’ She spoke in English surprising everyone.
‘’Is it fixed? Is it finally over? Can you understand me?’’ Jim looked around to see the relieved faces on everyone around him. Jaylah informed everyone over the comm that she had fixed the translator.
‘’Seems like that. And you know what that means. You will so to see Christine in the med bay so she can check on you and then it’s off to bed. I will come by at noon to see how you are.’’
When you went by her room before lunch, she was still sleeping so you ended up spending your afternoon together. It didn’t strike you as odd that Sulu let you have the afternoon off. Perhaps he was afraid you would worry about Nyota being ok and complain about not being with her. You had a great time and anyone who saw you was grateful for her help during the crisis. You were happy to see everyone treating her with the adoration and respect she deserves. Both her and Jaylah who was reserving the same amount of praise for fixing the issue. In addition, while Nyota was singing a song for you, there was an announcement from the captain informing you of an upcoming shore leave after the away team returns. He was planning to throw a party for the two heroes on the ship.
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