#muse; high mage
memorimae · 1 year
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High Mage Spicata Aurantifolia, Heir to the Fructerran House Citron and Envoy of Rotgarden
Mojito Wizard (Necromancy) - Level 5
Who by fire, who by water, and who by the smell of rot and mint?
Death is an old song and Spicata has heard it’s lullaby all her life. Inconspicuous at first, unnoticed by a child of Mellowmel Meadows. She was the heir to Fructerra’s rising Arcane Metropolis. A rising wizard of high esteem.
Life was the melody she sung but marked as deep by fate, death was close behind.
The night of Mentos Mori stole so much from her; family, home, country. She fled with the refugees into the welcoming arms of Candia and, due to her Candian Mother, was given the title of High mage and Rotgarden Envoy beside a place at court. She was 15.
Candian Court was an adjustment; hedonism and strategy side by side. The King and Queen were likewise themselves children but, the King especially, held a drive Spicata could not share. They handed her responsibility for magic beyond her ability and a child beside, Lady Cassandra-Anassa, to be her apprentice. Her ward, over the crowns.
But she was not entirely soiled by the tragedy; it kissed her with a gift. She was transformed by the rot and ruin into a necromancer, flourishing with the soft-mint of one who plays with the cycles of nature.
Her abilities were tested, by herself and the crown, beyond a breaking point - a triumph and a failure that ever-marked a point of relentless progress. Spicata, with Lady Cass to teach, would devote the rest of her life fighting to get back to that moment of brilliant hubris. 
But with so much lost, and the pride of one who sees death as merely a temporary set back, what else will she sacrifice to finally come home?
Character Playlist
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magioffire · 2 years
i just saw a really good post talking about how its kinda unfair to expect everyone to cow down to your muse just because they are powerful and roleplay has never worked like that where everyone is just expected to be submissive towards another muse just because they are evil/powerful/whatever. or they will purposely misinterpret aspects of your muse to make theirs look better or?? something. like. fucking earn the respect and fear.
#i s2g if i see one more post thats like 'respect muses of power uwuwuwu' im gonna throw up#like roleplay is a two way street#i would argue respect and fear like that towards a character has to be earned.#you cant just thanos snap your fingers and have everyone either bow down or die#esp on tumblr where...other people also have powerful muses#disregarding another person's muse's abilities and strengths just to make yours seem more badass is something i see all the time#people completely and purposely misinterpreting aspects of your muse to make their own muse seem like the powerful and 'cool' one#like this is why even though vali is a super high threat and has crazy abilities i always give everyone a chance to get one up on him#because while hes powerful hes not omnipotent#but at the same time i would appreciate it if people at least.....ACKNOWLEDGED? THAT HES DANGEROUS? LOL#because im always over here having vali acknowledge the danger of other characters and there are times where its like#'lol who is this skinny mage who cant even lift up a sword' like what where who---?#are we looking at the same character here??#skinny?? weak?? hes 200 pounds and half of that is muscle wtf--#but sure change around aspects of my character to suit yourself LMFAOOO#all im saying is its not as fun for it to be a constant dick measuring contest#the only dick measuring contests i approve of are the ones where we're making fun and laughing at our muses fighting in an ooc chat#otherwise it just kinda feels like...uh?#idk ive had a few interactions where people used ic conflict as an excuse to say what they really feel about vali as a character and its#usually not very nice at all LOL#like damn i didnt know yall despised vali that much hes just a little guy damn.
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mooshywrites · 4 months
hiii could i get a poly gale/astarion/tav where they share a bath together? could be smutty or not, maybe tav and astarion pampering gale and his own man bones?? whatever feels right to u. 💙
Bubbles and Ducks
PolyGn!Reader x Gale x Astarion
Art commissions
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A/N - I’m a slut for a good bubble bath, ngl
Warnings - NSFW - Smutty atmosphere, cliff hanger kinda?
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You didn’t have to look up from your book when you heard the front door knob start to turn. Astarion was always the first to come through the door, beating your other lover, Gale, home by a half hour or so. Sometimes later if Gale fell far too focused into a new book.
The way the door slammed behind the pale elf, however, did cause you to turn. You looked to the door with furrowed eyebrows, shifting from your spot in the comfortable plush loveseat by the fire. When you met Astarion’s eyes, your heart felt a pang of pity.
Astarion looked exhausted.
“Bad day?” You questioned, making your way towards him. You wrapped your arms around him, feeling how he sluggishly melted into your arms.
“You have no idea, darling.” He muttered. “Who knew a tailor would be in such high demand this time of year.”
“It’s just because everyone knows that you put out the best work.” You stroked his hair, fingers running through the soft white curls.
He only sighed, taking a step back and stretching his arms upwards. You slid his satchel off of his shoulder, rubbing the tense muscles near his neck. The two of you appreciated the moment in comfortable silence, standing in the doorway.
You almost jumped out of your skin when the door knob started to turn again.
“Who is that?” You whispered to Astarion, slightly panicked.
“Gale?” He shrugged, his eyes wide.
“He never gets home this early” You hissed.
The door swung open and you pulled Astarion towards you protectively. You let out a breathy laugh when you saw the brown-haired wizard standing there, looking at the two of you with a confused expression.
“Why are the two of you standing there?” Gale asked slowly.
”What are you doing home so early?” Astarion exclaimed, putting his hands on his hips. “You gave us quite a scare, pet!”
Gale stepped further in and chuckled, landing a kiss on Astarion’s cheek along with yours as a silent apology. “Couldn’t keep my eyes open long enough to read a sentence, let alone tutor a gaggle of mages. Didn’t sleep well last night, I suppose.”
“Looks like that makes me the lover of two tired men.” You mused, looking between them.
“Tired is an understatement.” Gale huffed.
“I quite agree, there has to be a stronger word for what I’m feeling.” Astarion whined.
You crossed your arms over your chest, rolling your eyes at the men’s dramaticism.
“I can run a bath for you?” You offered.
“Will you be joining us?” Astarion prodded curiously. You didn’t like the glint in his eye. You knew all too well that the vampire could be a schemer even with the most mundane of circumstances.
“You can’t expect us to sit and talk to just each other.” Gale agreed.
”Why not? I think the two of you would benefit from some bonding time.” You argued teasingly.
“Gale and I had plenty of ‘bonding‘ time last night. Why do you think he’s so tired?” Astarion smiled triumphantly. “Now, come along, darling. I do believe it’s time for a group bath.”
You didn’t have a split second’s time to argue, the two men hurriedly ushering you off towards the back of the house.
It had taken a bit of work from all three of you to make the bathroom the comfortable relaxing area it was now, Gale had even spent weeks trying to come up with ways to have hot water on demand. You had designed the layout of the place, Astarion decorating the room with the most normal amount of perfectionism you could expect from him.
You had to admit, the end result was beautiful. A large clawfoot tub sat in the corner, sunlight streaming down to kiss the porcelain from the skylight you’d installed. Various potted plants and flowering vines peppered the room, making the room smell every so slightly of spring. It was most definitely your favorite place to unwind.
Astarion and Gale undressed casually, this scenario being one the three of you had repeated many times before. Soft, chaste kisses were exchanged as you helped each other out of the more difficult ties, comfortable silence settling over the room. Other than Gale’s slightly off pitch humming, of course.
You started to run the water, sprinkling dried flower petals as the tub filled to make the water smell sweet. When the three of you finally clambered into the steaming water, Gale let out a sigh of relief.
“See now this is how you relax.” He murmured.
“My idea of relaxing doesn’t involve you running your mouth the whole time, darling” Astarion quipped.
Both you and Gale just chuckled, knowing Astarion didn’t hold any venom in his words. You were sure that the pale elf would miss the wizard talking if he did indeed stop talking. Astarion just couldn’t help but express his love though sarcasm.
“So tell me why your day was so tiring.” You asked, settling back in the warmth.
The two men talked back and forth, going into every detail of their day. You idly traced your fingertip over Gale’s arm while you listened, your other hand interlaced with Astarion’s. The three of your legs tangled together under the water, a mess of limbs to make room for the three of you in the tub.
You closed your eyes, relishing in the simple comfort, not at all listening to whatever Gale and Astarion had started arguing about this time. Instead, you fell into some sort of relaxed trance as you spent time with the men you loved.
“Aren’t I right, darling.” Astarion demanded, pulling you out of your lovesick stupor.
“Right about what?”
“That I’m a better kisser than Gale!” Astarion blurted out.
Gale scoffed, holding his hand up to Astarion incredulously. “Surely you can’t agree with him. All three of us know my lips are the best.”
“Hmm,” You pondered, making it seem as if you were having to think quite hard on which of the two you preferred. “I think I’d have to have a demonstration before I decide for sure.” You said with finality.
Both the men broke out in a grin, Gale’s nose blushing over slightly.
”After you, pet, I insist.” Astarion offered to Gale confidently.
”You don’t have to tell me twice.” The wizard smiled, leaning towards you.
His lips were soft and warm against your own, slightly damp from the steam of the bath. He smelled of the roses and tasted of something sweet, making you melt into his touch. His tongue swept across your bottom lip for a split tease of a moment before he pulled away, leaving you breathless.
When you looked to Astarion, his pupils had widened, his lips parted slightly as he watched the display before him. Gale smirked at his reaction, settling back against the edge of the tub.
”Beat that, then.” Gale grinned.
“I think I shall.” Astarion challenged.
He was much slower when closing the distance between the two of you, his eyes devouring you like you were the first glimpse of pleasure he had ever seen. When his lips finally pressed against your own, he was even more methodically slow. His mouth molded against yours, deepening the kiss ever so slightly with each passing second. Right before he leaned back, his teeth caught at your lip, nipping at the sensitive skin softly.
When he rested back against the edge, your cheeks were flush and your chest full of butterflies. Gale continued to smirk at your reaction, obviously pleased by the position you were stuck between.
”I think.” You started before clearing your throat, the action not at all hiding the new quiver in your voice. “I think I’ll need another kiss or two from both of you. For scientific reasons, of course.”
Gale and Astarion exchanged amused glances before turning their attention back to you, anticipation twinkling in their eyes. They didn't need to be asked again. In perfect synchrony, they leaned in towards you, their lips hovering just inches away from your own.
You could feel the mixture of excitement and nervousness bubbling up inside you as they closed the remaining distance, their kisses now coming together in a sensuous dance. Each one was different yet equally intoxicating — Gale's kiss was tender and filled with affection, while Astarion's held a raw passion that set your heart ablaze.
Time seemed to slow down as you lost yourself in the exquisite sensation of their lips against yours. The room faded away, leaving only the three of you entangled in a web of desire. It was a moment of pure bliss, where nothing else mattered but the connection you shared.
As the kisses deepened, hands roamed freely, caressing and exploring every inch of exposed skin beneath the water's surface. Soft moans and sighs filled the air, mingling with the steam that enveloped your entwined bodies. The boundaries between each individual began to blur, as if you were merging into one entity driven by a singular desire.
In a fleeting moment, a thought flitted across your mind.
There was going to be absolutely no relaxing in this bath, was there?
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jelzorz · 10 months
"Hey, you know how to pick locks, right?"
It's an odd thing to ask. Callum's always been weird like that, Rayla supposes, and usually his weird questions are related to magic, and Xadia, and elven script and Rayla is (generally) happy to oblige. What can she say? He likes to learn, and the lilt in his voice and the light in his eyes and the excitement in his smile is endearing, and she's never been particularly good at saying no, at least not to him.
But this one is weird because it's not a Xadia thing, or a magic thing, or an elven script thing, and when he asks, he's not nearly as upbeat about it. At first, she doesn't get it. It's a useful skill to have, and a fun skill to master—it's like a puzzle but more fiddly, and Rayla had taught herself years and years ago because she didn't like it when Ethari and Runaan tried to keep her out of places, so of course she learned (in part) to spite them. Callum's never really had the same restrictions because he's a prince, and all he has to do to unlock anything is ask, usually, and yet—
"Can you teach me?"
"Er. Sure?" Rayla tilts her head at him curiously. "You planning a heist or something?"
Callum chuckles a little. "Or something," he says cryptically. "What, you don't think I can do it?"
"I don't think it's your style," says Rayla. "You're a prince and high mage, why on earth would you need to know how to pick a lock?"
He smirks then. "Ancient tomes, forbidden libraries, old abandoned ruins, jellytart runs... All sorts of reasons. Just feels like a necessary skill for adventure, y'know?"
Rayla laughs at that. "I mean, I guess. How often are you intending to break into forbidden libraries and old abandoned ruins?"
"As often as I need to, thank you very much. I have a whole life of adventure ahead of me, and I'll be damned if not being able to pick locks is the thing that stops me."
Rayla shakes her head at him, trying not to laugh at the way he wheedles. She was never going to say no, and he knows it, and he's far too smug about it for it not to be funny. For a second, she actually forgets that it's a weird thing to ask and teases him back: "Fine, but you'll have to ask Opeli for the handcuffs. I'm sure she won't wonder why you want them."
Callum snickers loudly at that, and it's that simple, that easy, just jokes between the two of them about a skill they don't really need, until later, when Rayla's showing him the mechanics of a lock and a thought occurs to her that reminds her why the whole thing feels a bit off-kilter.
"You know, we've only really had problems with locks, like, twice," she muses. "There was that one time Opeli arrested me, and then that time on Sea Legs, but I mean, you managed fine."
Something flickers across Callum's face. His smile twitches, falters, and if Rayla didn't know him so well, she might have missed it because she can see how hard he's trying to make it less of a deal than it is.
"Yeah, well." He shifts uncomfortably, the memory just as unpleasant for him. "I don't want repeats. I don't want anyone else trying to feed you to any sea leviathans."
"Somehow I think that was a one time thing." Rayla pauses, her smile fading a little as she fiddles with the manacles on his wrists. "How'd you get out of the chains Finnegrin put you in anyway? You apparently didn't pick them."
There's a pause. Callum looks away, and the whole world stills as the realisation dawns over Rayla, as cold as the way her blood froze in her veins that same day.
"I had to do," he says quietly. He meets her gaze then, and the storm in his eyes makes her intestines writhe like snakes. "I couldn't let him hurt you."
Rayla says nothing for a moment, fingers hovering over the chains locked around his wrists. Her heart thumps heavily. Her breath shudders out. "Well," she says after a moment. "I guess we have to make sure you don't end up in that position a third time."
"You're not angry?"
"I don't know." She touches his hand then and finds herself relieved that it's still warm under her fingers. She doesn't know how to feel about it, but they're both alive and they're both safe so... that must count for something. "It doesn't matter," she says in the end. "I'm just... Glad we're okay. You won't do it again anyway."
Callum looks up at her. "Won't I?"
"No." Rayla hands him the lockpick. "I won't let you."
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nc-vb · 1 year
𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐚, 𝐌𝐚���𝐡𝐰𝐚, & 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐡𝐮𝐚 𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐬
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a long time coming that I've meant to compile a list, but it just kept growing and growing and growing...
the webtoon list includes my very personal & important in-my-heart recommendations. aaaaand the rest are mostly smutty, kinky, and even a little dark.......... do not perceive, just enjoy. and support the official author's work and translations if you can!!
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if there are any in this list you'd like a heads up about before reading, feel free to drop me an ask and I'll give you my honest opinion/review.
if you're having trouble locating anything, shoot me an ask (because i have most, if not all, of the links saved).
and feel free to gush to me if you liked any of them!! i'm always happy to talk about mmm's.
[updated july 3rd, 2023] - newly added titles are in green.
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𝐵𝐿 = boy's love genre 𝐆𝐋 = girl's love genre 𝟏+ = includes harems & poly relationships ❤ = absolute masterpieces, highly recommended! ! = proceed with extreme caution/heed all warnings
please heed all warnings and tags found within each of these recommendations, as well as my own warnings from the symbol legend above and found throughout this post.
some of these are sfw and some aren't. some of these aren't for the faint of heart and will be marked to be read at your own risk. additionally, not all are translated into English. 𝐵𝐿/𝐆𝐋 are separate from the general list.
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A Messy Fairy Tale 𝟏+
A Summer Night's Dream
Age Matters ❤
Back to You
Bailin and Li Yun BL❤
Bitten Contract
Boyfriend of the Dead
Castle Swimmer BL
City of Blank
Dating With a Tail
Daytime Star
Devil Number 4 ❤
Devilish Romance
Down to Earth
Dreaming Freedom
Ghost Wife
Ghostly Buddie
Harem of LuuAnh
Hello Baby ❤
I'm the Grim Reaper
I Love Yoo ❤
It's Mine
Jeff's Disorders
Kind of Confidential
Little Rain
Lore Olympus ❤
Love Advice from the Great Duke of Hell ❤
Mage & Demon Queen GL
Marry Me!
Maybe Meant to Be
Meow Man
Midnight Poppy Land
Midnight Rain
Mom, I'm Sorry
Morgana and Oz
Muse on Fame
My Beloved Emperor
My Dear Cold-Blooded King
My Four Husbands 𝟏+
My In-Laws are Obsessed with Me ❤
My Lovely Bodyguard
Nice to Meet You
Not Even Bones
Operation: True Love ❤
Pastel-colored Pages
Scorching Romance
See You in My 19th Life ❤
Selina ~ Moon Bride ~
Siren's Lament ❤
Space Boy
Strange and Wild
Swimming Lessons for a Mermaid ❤
Take Off BL
The Devil is a Handsome Man
The First Night With the Duke ❤
The Guy Upstairs
The Newlywed Diary of a Witch and a Dragon ❤
There Must Be Happy Endings
To the Stars and Back BL
Trapped ❤
Unlovable Replacement
When Jasy Whistles ❤❤
Winter Woods
Your Smile is a Trap ❤
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Abe-kun's Got Me Now! (Abe-kun ni Nerawaretemasu)
A Master, Who Woke Up As a Concubine ❤
And Yet, You Are So Sweet (Na no ni, Chigira-kun amasugiru)
Beloved in-Laws (poor transl.)
Bon Appétit ❤
Don't Blush, Sekime
Forget My Husband, I'll Go Make Money (Aug 2023)
Golden Forest !
I, My, Me, Mine ❤ (アイマイミーマイン)
I Became the Male Lead's Adopted Daughter
I Can't Keep Up With My Stallion Duke ❤❤
I Will Change the Genre
I Will Rewrite the Dead End Novel
In the Clear Moonlit Dusk ❤ (Uruwashi no Yoi no Tsuki)
It's My Destiny to Be the Hero's Saviour !
Kubo Won't Let Me Be Invisible
Love's in Sight!
Loving Yamada at Lv 999 ❤❤❤
Male Lead, I'll Respect Your Taste !
Ookami no Musume ❤❤
Pink and Habanero ❤ (Pink to Habanero)
Protected by My Dragon Knight (Seijo wa Ryuukishi-sama ni Mamorarete)
Scary Faced High Schooler and Miss Plain Jane
Second Life of a Trash Princess
Sinking too deep in your rabbit hole, now I'm drowning in your love
Stella Next to Me ❤ (Tonari no Stella)
The Cunning Princess and the Shark ❤
The Fragrant Flower Blooms With Dignity ❤ (Kaoru Hana wa Rin to Saku)
The Muscle Girl Next Door
The Obsessive Second Male Lead Has Gone Wild
The Reasons We Fall in Love ❤ (Watashi-tachi ga koisuru riyuu)
The Tyrant's Comfort Doll !
To the Dear F-Phantom of the Opera (Shinai naru F e: Opera-za no Kaijin)
Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun ❤ (Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun)
Vampire Lord's Greatest Wife ❤
Welcome to the Yandere Cafe (rating subject to change)
Yojouhan no Ibara Hime
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あざと可愛い✕くんの執着サド交尾は本物です x!!!
無能力巫女は狛犬の淫紋快楽漬け x❤!
2LDK IKEMEN Tsuki Bukken Arimasu !!
A Dream Between the Sheets ❤❤
A Gentle Sea Monster and a Lonely Girl !
A Predator in a Skirt !
A Sip of Poison !
Boy's Abyss (subject to change, new read) !!
Childhood Friend's Secret Massage !
Consort to the Fox Spirit Lord
Dark Fall !
Depths of Malice !
Devoured by a Bookworm Girl !
Fire in His Fingertips ❤
Former Delinquent Farmer's Sex Appeal is Dangerous!
From Him to Who? ~Sex With My Body-Snatched Husband ❤
Gokudou to Omega - Mukidashi no Katsuai
Hana's Demons of Lust !
Hare-kon 𝟏+
Heat 200 Meters Away (200 M Saki no Netsu)
Honey, I'm Going On a Strike!
How to Make a Frigid Girl Cum
I'm in Love With Mr. Hanabusa
Lady K and the Sick Man ❤❤
Last Order wa Ojou-san de Dekiai Jouren Kyaku ni Kyuuai saretemasu
Junai - Pure Wet Love
Kuma to Tora ~Taikakusa Osananajimi no Hajimete kara, Kemono ni Naru 2-kakan made~ x
Madoka Exorcist ❤!
Mede Little Roy !
Mr. Tada is a Top Performer
Muttsuri Akazukin-kun kara wa nige rarenai
My Cold Co-worker Obsessively Loves Me
Pet Baby Doll
Pygmalion's Savior is a Big But Immature Love Monster !❤
Red Hot Proposal: Surrounded by His Tanned Body
Sadistic Beauty !!!!
Sakaki the Lazybones Shows His Talents at Night ❤❤
Sapphire Dew ~ Infatuated Gentlemanly Boyfriend Seizes the Initiative !
Seishun no Hekireki
Seriously can't pass this up. - Kohai's passionate sex won't stop until morning
Sinful Nun Pays Penitence to the Serpent ❤❤
Spring Amidst My Wintertide ❤
Superstitious Nine ❤
Sweet Lies Layered Like a Mille Feuille ❤
Tadano Renai Nanka de Kikkonai ❤❤
The Golden Forest !
The Goldfish’s Corpse Lies at the Bottom of the Swamp !!!!!!!!
The Greengrocer is a Carnivore in Bed!?
The Man Who Saved Me in My Isekai Trip Was a Killer!!!!!!!
The Neighbor in Room 203 Disappeared Leaving a Key Behind !!!!!!!
The Reincarnated Saint Falls for the Demon Lord
The Tainted Half !
The Virgin Witch
The Weird Senior in the Seat Next to Me ❤❤❤! (Tonari Senpai)
Toshishita Osananajimi ga Watashi o Shibatte Hanasa nai! x
Totem's Realm
Touching is Better Than Looking
Under the Oak Tree
Until the Obedient Bodyguard Exposes the Body and the Lie of the Fake Lady ❤
"Wanna Cum?" The Pure Taiga Advances Slow and Sweet ❤❤
Welcome to the Muscle Salon ❤❤❤
When Beauty Meets Beasts
When You Are Reincarnated As The villain NPC's Girl And Be Loved By The Strongest Prince Who Is Not A Capture Target !!
Wild Eyes
Will You Pledge Your Love to an Incubus?
Wish Upon a Husband
Yaba Ai Instructor !
You're Too Cute for Me to Be Gentle
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4 Week Lovers BL
A Handless Day BL!
A Hot Wet Job for Three -Adult Toy Tester- BL, 𝟏+
A Kiss for You, My Shinobi BL
A Tree Without Roots BL❤!
Angel Buddy BL❤❤
Bidou Wakadanna Koi Shitau Wa Koushoku Otoko BL❤
Bitten by Moonlight BL
Black Mirror BL!!!
Blind Play BL!!
Can't Think Straight BL
Cherry Blossoms After Winter BL
Confession Night BL
Dangerous Convenience Store BL
Dawn of the Dragon BL
Dear Door BL
Delinquent Omega Belongs to the Beast King BL
Demon of Lustful Hell BL
Desharow Merman BL❤
Die If You Aren't a Virgin BL
Eat Me Up, My Husband BL!
Eunsoo's Good Day BL
Eye Contact BL
Fake Fact Lips BL
Frenemies: Thicker Than Blood BL❤
Friends, Engaged
Fucking in the Dorms BL!
Ghost Gate BL!!!!!
Healing Paradox BL❤
He's a Better Top Than Me?! BL
Home Far Away BL❤!!!
Horeta Otoko wa Shin'yuu de BL!
Housekeeper's Love Affair BL
How to convince your best friend to sleep with you BL
Hyperventilation BL❤❤❤
I Didn't Ask You to Eat Me!
I Love You, Nothing Else Matters BL❤
In an Empty Classroom BL
Indigo BL
I Ship My Rival x Me BL
It's Just a Dream... Right? BL❤❤❤
Jinx BL!
Kabukicho Bad Trip BL
Kiss de Egaku Ittousei BL❤
Kiss Me, Liar BL!
Lala no Kekkon BL!
Liveta BL
Love in Kitsch BL
Love is an Illusion BL!
Love Jinx BL❤
Low Tide in Twilight BL!!
Mad Dog BL❤❤
Miscreants and Mayhem BL
Missing Love BL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (<I cannot express this enough.)
My Delicious Dream Boy BL❤
My Demon Crybaby, Maria BL
My Partner Suddenly Got Younger - An Omega Caretaker Plays Alpha BL!
Natsu no Teppen ni Saku BL
Old-Fashioned Cupcake BL❤❤ (has a j-drama)
Pain, Sweet Pain BL
Passion BL
Payback BL❤❤❤
Pearl Boy BL❤!!!!!!
Pink Heart Jam BL❤❤
Please, Candy! BL!
Roses and Champagne BL!
Sadistic Beauty: Side Story BL!!!!!!
Secret Inside My Head BL❤❤❤
Semantic Error BL (has a j-drama)
Sensei wa Nekketsu ga Areba Juubunda! BL!
Sick BL
Sign BL❤❤❤
Sketch BL❤
Speak of the Devil BL
Steel Under Silk BL❤
Surge Looking for You BL❤
Sweet Trap BL
Tabetemo Oishiku Arimasen BL
Tentacle Recipe BL(?)❤
The Blessed Life of a Retired Nian Monster BL
The Crybaby's at the Mean Devil's Mercy BL❤
The Foxy Mouse's Romance BL
The Origin of Species BL!
The Pizza Delivery Man and the Gold Palace BL
The Pure-Hearted Puppy and the Erotic Tattoo BL❤
The Silent Concubine BL!
The Unquenchable Mr. Kim BL❤
The Words in Your Snare BL❤❤❤
To Take An Enemy's Heart BL!
Tomodachi Engagement BL
Trick Turned Into a Threesome With the Tachibana Brother BL
Under the Greenlight BL
Unexpectedly Naughty Fukami BL❤
Unromantic Romance BL❤
Young Lover BL!!
Your Wish is My Command BL❤
Yours to Claim BL
Zenryaku, Onii-chan wa Seijo ni Narimashita BL!
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more recommendations will likely be added as time goes on! feel free to copy these recs for your own checklist of 'to reads'.
hope you enjoy them like i did! :)
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lendeah · 5 months
After the Weave 2.
series masterlist
Summary: Astarion x OFC!Tav, past Gale x OFC!Tav
Pairing: Astarion x Fem!Tav, past Gale x Fem!Tav
Tags: Angst, Drinking to Cope, References to Depression, Eventual Fluff, Eventual Smut, Emotional Baggage, Unresolved Emotional Tension, Post-Break Up, Tav finds herself again with Astarion, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD.
Word count: 4.5k
Also on AO3
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"Well, it is not as bad as I remembered" I tell Astarion, while entering the enormous stone arch of the entrance to the Crimson Palace. "It is so much worse. "
Astarion just laughed. "Always the optimist, aren't you?" His words were frosted with his typical humor, his voice smooth as velvet. "Would you prefer to return to your melancholic musing instead?"
I shot him a glare, but he ignored me as we stepped into the place that brought me so many bad memories. While it still looked like it did back in the day we came to beat Cazador. The ominous decoration that used to be dark, with crimson rugs and dark wooden floors, is now a bit more lively; vibrant paintings decorating the halls, flowers in every vase, and shelves full of books in every corner. The rugs are also changed to ones with different patterns of lively colors, like purple and orange. Overall, it feels like the house has become alive with Astarion's influence.
He takes me around, showing me every nook, even though I have been here before. As he moves ahead of me, I can't help but observe his changed appearance - his hair now falls just above his broad shoulders and his once sturdy frame now seems leaner, a result of the lack of physical activity we were subjected to in the past.
"This is the Kitchen, not that we use it a lot anyway" he continues, lively. As we come across the next hallway, a tall figure is already there, speaking to a servant. When she turns to face them, her face seems familiar. Then she remembers: she is one of Astarion's sisters, the one they met at the flophouse along with his brother. She stands tall, almost as tall as Astarion himself, with long, flowing blonde hair and the same bright red eyes. Her features are sharp, with high cheekbones and a pointed chin, giving her a regal and intimidating presence.
"Dalyria" Astarion greets her.
"Brother," She replies warmly, though she doesn't bother to hide the slight frown on her face. "You look exhausted as usual. Is everything alright? You know I can prepare you a replenishing potion should you be in need of one"
"That can wait" He replies nonchalantly. Then he turns to me. "Remember my dear friend, Elara?"
"Oh, I do recall. You freed us from Cazador." She replies, in a tone that's hard to place. There's genuine interest there - maybe a touch of amusement. There's also a degree of suspicion in the way she holds my gaze, though it seems less like she thinks I'm an enemy and more like she's studying me.
I smile. "That was me indeed."
"Then consider my thanks to you," she bows her head slightly, her expression still unreadable. "My brother has said much about you these past few weeks."
I turn to him in surprise, raising my eyebrows slightly "I wonder what my dear companion here has been talking behind my back" I retort.
Before Astarion can reply, Dalyria continues "There is indeed a great deal you might say about such a remarkable mage. My brother speaks only the highest praise of you, in fact." She gives me an appraising glance up and down before turning her attention back towards her brother." By the way, I have made some progress with the investigation, but it seems every time I find something new things get more complicated" she adds.
Astarion nods, serious for once. It must be something important then.
"I will come to your office when I finish with her " Astarion turns back to me, his smirk still in place. "Shall we continue our tour then? I believe you have yet to see her bedchamber." He offers his arm, gesturing towards the large double doors at the end of the hall. As he leads me ahead, I smile at her and add "It was nice to meet you again, Dalyria"
Dalyria nods politely in response before continuing down the hall. As we walk, I glance back at Astarion.
"So you've been speaking highly of me."
He laughs, the sound light and musical.
"Don't let it go to your head. I may have mentioned your name in passing once or twice."
"Uh-huh," I reply, unconvinced. "I thought all your siblings had gone to the Underdark to guide the vampire spawn."
"In fairness, most of them have" He replies as we reach a wooden door. At that, Astarion's expression grows serious, his playful demeanor fading. "Dalyria has proven herself invaluable in tracking down various threats and conspiracies against me. She is also investigating a private matter."
My fingers twitch nervously as I debate whether or not to pry further. Astarion's demeanor has shifted, becoming more open and approachable than the last time I saw him. "Have you... resolved your issues? With your siblings, I mean."
Astarion's expression darkens slightly at my question, and I immediately regret asking. But to my surprise, he answers nonetheless.
"Not entirely," he says with a sigh. "But we have come to an understanding of sorts. They still see me as a traitor, but they know that I am the reason they are free from Cazador."
I nod solemnly, understanding the weight of his words. As we continue walking down the hall, Astarion suddenly opens a set of carved wooden doors and gestures for me to enter. I step inside and find myself in a grand bedroom, with floor-to-ceiling shelves stacked with leatherbound books. The plush chairs and polished tables give off an air of elegance, while the fancy rugs and huge fireplace add a touch of warmth to the space. But what catches my eye is the enormous bed lying in the center of it all.
"Here's where you'll be staying," Astarion announces, waving his hand across the room. His voice is casual, but I notice an underlying tone of nervousness. Was he worried about my reaction? "I hope it's to your liking."
I stand in awe at the grandeur of the room, taking in every detail. "This is...amazingly excessive," I say, turning to look at Astarion with a smile.
That brings a smirk back to his face, and he shrugs languidly. "I've been told my tastes veer towards the extravagant. Feel free to make any changes you like."
I chuckle at that and then turn my attention towards the room once more. It is a beautiful space, with the kind of splendor I'd only ever seen in royal chambers. The walls are adorned with rich tapestries depicting various scenes from myths and legends. There are large windows draped with velvet curtains, closed to protect the inside from the morning sunlight.
Turning around, I approach a large painting hanging above the fireplace. It depicts a grand feast filled with all sorts of creatures - humans, elves, tieflings, orcs, and what looked like demons? A strange choice for decoration but it was beautifully painted nonetheless.
"So, what's next?" I ask curiously.
Astarion pushed himself off the doorframe "Take your time to cool off, darling. We can meet for lunch later, and I'll fill you in on the juicy details then."
I nod and turn again. This feels like way too much, but I guess that's how it always is with Astarion. I decide to go to the on-suite bathroom first and take a moment to freshen up. The bathroom holds a mirror that spans one entire wall and a sunken tub, already filled with hot water, steaming gently. I shed my used clothes, leaving them in a messy pile on the marble floor as I step into the warm bath. The heat envelopes me, soothing my tired muscles.
I lean back against the edge of the bath, closing my eyes and letting out a quiet sigh. This life here is far from the humid and dirty basement I was living in. All the luxuries make me feel out of place. But then again, perhaps this is Astarion's world now – a world of elegance and intrigue where I was merely a guest.
After what feels like hours, I rise from the bath, wrapping myself in one of the plush towels. As I open the closet, my mouth falls open. It's full to the brim with fancy expensive clothing. My hand reaches to trail along the vests, and I decide to settle for a green soft dress, light to the touch. I retouch my hair, placing the crazy black strands in a long high braid. Then I get out, crossing different halls to reach the dining room. The table has been set, and a lavish spread of mouth-watering dishes sits before me. It smells divine, the aroma wafting in the air enough to make my stomach growl.
From across the room, I spot Astarion leaning casually against a pillar, dressed in a scarlet silk shirt that matches his eyes and a pair of fitted black trousers. His shiny white hair falls in elegant curls around his face and he looks absolutely captivating.
"Enjoy your bath?" he asks as I approach, his eyes twinkling with amusement. He still has his usual smug confidence, it seems.
I give a slight nod and shrug nonchalantly, "It was nice, thank you," I admit trying to match his tone. He grins at me before taking a seat at the head of the table and gesturing to the one right next to him.
"Please, help yourself," Astarion says with a wave of his hand, gesturing towards the food.
There's a variety of dishes laid out before us – a hearty-lookingfreshly beef stew, roasted vegetables, a platter of assorted cheeses, and fresh baked bread. I wonder why he brought so much food when I am the only one able to enjoy it.
Astarion pours out two glasses; one of dark red wine for me and what I assume is blood for him.
As I eat, I decide to break the comfortable silence we've settled into "So, what was this urgent matter with the spawn that led you to seek my help".
Astarion smiles, sipping on his wine before answering "Well, as it turns out, taking care of 7000 spawn lurking in the Underdark and city sewers is not an easy task. Less so when they absolutely despise you for being the reason they are there in the first place" He smiles, but it's strained, the lines of his face terse "That's the short of it."
"And what's the long version?" I ask.
"So, it seems the city has become quite the popular destination for disappearances. And how fortunate for us, some have turned up deceased with bite marks adorning their bodies. My intuition leads me to believe they may be the work of a recently escaped group of spawns. They've always had a particular appetite for the finer things in life, so perhaps now they've developed an appetite for humans. Can you blame them? After being cooped up for so long, I'm sure they're craving something new and exciting." He rolls his eyes. "Also, providing for them has been proven not only difficult but also incredibly expensive. Even with Cazador's fortune at our disposition." he adds "And the spawn themselves are no help. They're like petulant children, and I mean that quite literally. With Cazador dead and a thousand-plus years of confinement gone to waste, they are utterly lost. Most of them are refusing to eat at all. Others are gorging themselves into an animalistic state. It's like I'm trying to corral feral cats, only the cats all have sharp teeth, claws, and a deep hatred of me"
I nod, processing the words "And how do you think I could help you solve all of this?"
"Well, I'm not asking you to solve it. I'm asking you to help me manage it" He replies, leaning forward.
I raise an eyebrow, "And why come to me for help? Surely there are others who are more experienced in dealing with such creatures."
Astarion smirks, "Because my dear, you have a unique set of skills that I believe could be quite useful in this situation. And besides, I trust you. You've proven yourself to be quite resourceful and adaptable during our time together. Your ability to handle conflicts with diplomacy has always been evident. People listen to you, follow you, even to deathly war battles." he takes a long sip of his wine "I believe that you can use that charisma to our advantage. So many of Cazador's old allies have been fleeing our side, with his recent death and my new situation as a vampire spawn no longer being so... secretive. If we could show we still had allies of importance on our side, I believe it would turn our whole situation around. We could win their respect enough to earn their aid once again."
"So you want me to manipulate them so they will give us more money to waste on some wild murderous spawn living in the Underdark?" I raise a skeptical eyebrow.
"That is precisely what I'm asking you to do." His lips curl up into a mocking smirk as he continues, "But don't worry, darling, I'm not suggesting that you outright lie to them. No, no, just use your considerable charm and cunning to sway them our way." He shrugs nonchalantly. "And as for the 'wild murderous spawn', well, some of them are actually quite decent. They're just experiencing the same struggles we are. It's a shame really."
I sigh "Yeah, I kind of get that," I whisper, more to myself than him.
"That's all I ask," Astarion purrs, his crimson eyes glinting mischievously. "Just a few measly balls, charming the pants off of every noble in attendance, you know, basically your expertise. Just..." He pauses, exhaling dramatically before locking eyes with me again. "I need to make sure I do things right for them this time. It's the least they deserve, after what I did."
My heart swells with emotion at this unexpected change in him. His demeanor is so... different. So strikingly mature and selfless. It's a stark contrast to the old Astarion, who only ever had eyes for his selfish desires.
I take a moment to compose myself before responding, "Astarion, it wasn't your fault. You didn't know Cazador was keeping them alive." I say, reaching to touch his arm, his skin as cold as I remembered, "and you were going through a lot of pain too." I whisper softly.
Astarion freezes as my hand touches his arm, his eyes drifting away from mine and towards the bottle of wine. He looks back up at me for a moment, his mouth twitching slightly. "I was a tool of Cazador, yes," Astarion continues. "But I also...I had my own part in it." His voice is barely a whisper now, tinged with regret. "I condemned them to an eternal darkness, gave them false hope, and then took it away from them."
"But you're trying to change that now," I tell him, my voice soft but determined. "You're doing what you can to help them. That's worth something. And we will help them. Together."
Astarion's expression softens, and for a moment, I see a glimpse of vulnerability in his eyes before he quickly masks it with a smirk. "Oh, darling, you always know just what to say." He leans back in his chair, his fingers absentmindedly tracing the rim of his wine glass."Well..." he continues, as if he had never just gotten so close to breaking down as he did "it sounds like we have a lot of work to do, don't we?" He leans over to refill my glass, a smile on his lips. "You know, in hindsight, it might have been a mistake to call you here for a job offer. You are looking exceptionally... inviting in that outfit. Very seductive, if I may be so bold" He adds, giving me a sly smirk.
I roll my eyes, taking my hand off him. "Keep dreaming, bloodsucker."
Astarion lounges in his chair, a devilish twinkle dancing in his eyes. "But my dear, let's not forget all those indulgent moments we shared together when you let me feed from you? I know you really enjoyed those" He leans closer, voice dripping with honeyed seduction. "Perhaps we should revisit those blissful days, hm?"
I chuckle, shaking my head. "No chance in hell, Astarion." I take a sip of wine to hide the slight tremor in my hand at his words. Memories of our past together flood my mind, and I can feel his fangs piercing my skin, the pain quickly giving way to a pleasure unlike any other. His hands, surprisingly gentle for someone with such sharp teeth, traced every curve of my body with a tenderness that both thrilled and terrified me.
"Oh, my sweet, you must be craving for some excitement after all these dull months without that wizard's touch." He purrs, his fingers brushing against the back of my hand.
The mention of Gale sends a pang through my heart, but I quickly push it aside and retrieve my arm. "You know very well that's not what I'm here for," I respond firmly.
He chuckles, placing his hand over his heart mockingly. "My apologies, my dear," he says with a hint of sarcasm. "I'll try not to let old feelings get in the way."
I take a deep breath and rise from my seat "Now if you'll excuse me," I say as I stretch languidly, "I am going to get acquaintance with my bed."
I turn to leave, but not before I feel his cool hand on my wrist again. "Wait..." he says, not meeting my eyes. "Thank you. For everything. For listening and for agreeing to help. I...I appreciate it."
His words catch me off guard, but I manage a small smile. "It's what friends do, Astarion. We help each other out."
His grip on my wrist tightens for a moment before he releases it. "Yes...friends, of course..." he murmurs, looking up at me with an unreadable expression before I turn away.
Walking down the long carpeted hallway towards my quarters, I think about what Astarion said. About the spawn, their situation, and how he wants me to help. It's a lot to take in. But then again, what part of my life isn't overwhelming these days?
"I don't want to dance" I whine "I hate dancing. Is it truly necessary?" I say while Astarion leads me to the ballroom.
The past few weeks had been a whirlwind of preparation for the next ball, which happened to be the next day. Astarion had taken it upon himself to teach me every name and position of every attendee possible, filling my head with endless information. He had also taught me protocol and manners, deeming my behavior akin to that of a "savage in elegant attire." My days had been consumed with a routine of endless studying and fancy dinners with the vampire. It was a welcome distraction from the haunting nightmares that plagued my sleep again. Also, living with him hadn't been as bad as I had anticipated, as he seemed more relaxed and mature than all those months ago- in fact, it was quite nice having someone to talk to and spend time with after so much time.
Adjusting my sleeping schedule from night to day had also been strange. However, my tired body and mind gratefully embraced the break from the unrelenting cycle of stress and sleepless nights. To my surprise, I didn't find myself constantly thinking about ale like I thought I would, as my mind was preoccupied with endless details and plans instead.
Despite the improvements, I had been absolutely dreading the moment I had to learn how to dance, as I was well aware of my terrible lack of skill in that area. I had tried to convince Astarion out of it for weeks but to no avail.
"Yes, it's absolutely necessary," the vampire answers without missing a beat. "You're not going to convince anyone of anything if you're standing around like a wallflower." He grins at me with that infuriatingly charming smirk of his. "Besides, you might enjoy it. Dancing is a lot like battle. There's strategy involved, lots of footwork, and the right partner can make all the difference." he ends with a wink.
I huff in response. "I'd rather fight a horde of goblins than dance in front of snotty aristocrats," I grumble under my breath. But I know there's no point in arguing. Astarion has made up his mind, and he's as stubborn as they come.
The empty ballroom is splendid, bathed in the warm glow of numerous chandeliers that cast prismatic rainbows across the polished marble floor.
"You can't be serious, Astarion," I say, turning to face him with pleading eyes. "I have two left feet. There's no way I can possibly learn how to dance in one night."
He simply raises an eyebrow at me before gesturing towards an empty corner of the room.
"Luckily for you, my dear," he says with a smirk, "I happen to be quite skilled in dancing."
Before I can protest any further, he takes my hand and leads me over to the center, as soft ballroom music starts playing. Astarion moves me through the steps slowly at first. We stand close together, his hand finding mine while the other rests on my waist. I swallow nervously as he guides me through steps I can hardly remember.
"Relax," he murmurs, his voice soothing. "You're thinking too much."
"You're stepping on my feet too much," I retort.
"The key is to let the music guide you," he says as we begin to move. "Feel the rhythm in every part of your being. Imagine you are fighting – you must anticipate their next move."
His smile widens, and he squeezes my hand, moving us into a gentle twirl. "You're looking majorly exquisite tonight." He whispers in my ear, his low voice sending tingles up and down my spine. I gulp, he always knew how to make me nervous. I try to distract myself by centering my attention on the task at hand.
The dance is simple enough: a few simple steps across the floor, then a twirl, then stepping back to begin another turn. At first, I struggle to follow his rhythm, but Astarion guides me with ease, our bodies moving in unison. I soon begin to relax, letting him lead me as we glide across the floor.
"I must admit, there are few things that you are skilled at. But dancing certainly isn't one of them." Astarion adds, his tone playful.
I raise an eyebrow at him but don't bother responding. Instead, I focus on moving more smoothly across the floor as he leads. I slowly begin to learn the pattern of the dance, and I find I am enjoying myself more and more as we move together. I smile slightly despite myself, and as we twirl once more, I notice how close we are. Our bodies are almost touching, dancing slowly and rhythmically together. It has been months since I have been this close to someone, and it makes me feel a little guilty to think about Gale like I am betraying him somehow.
Astarion doesn't seem to notice my discomfort, or perhaps he's purposefully ignoring it. He leads me through a few more steps, this time slightly faster and more complex, but I'm able to follow his rhythm easily. "Have you had many partners on the dance floor?" he asks after a few moments, his voice low and soothing.
I smile slightly out of breath "Well, you know Gale wasn't keen on dancing, so no. You have the honor of being my first"
Astarion pauses in the middle of a step, glancing up at me with a sly grin. "Oh really? I didn't realize I had such a special privilege" He twirls me around so I'm facing away from him, and then pulls me back in so our bodies are almost touching again. "It seems I should be thanking you instead of the other way around"
I roll my eyes "Well, I haven't thanked you, actually."
He smirks at me, his eyes glinting in the candlelight. "No, I suppose you haven't." He leans in close, his voice low and quiet, "Maybe you should fix that."
, his voice soft against my skin causing a shiver to crawl down my spine. I look up at him, our faces inches apart. My breath catches and my pulse quickens slightly. His eyes hold a certain level of mischief that has me both exhilarated and scared all at once. It's a feeling I have associated with Astarion since the day we met.
"Maybe I should," I murmur back in response, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. But I can see the glimmer in his eyes that tells me he knows just how much he's affecting me. And of course, he wouldn't be Astarion if he didn't take advantage of the situation.
His hand slides down from my waist to the small of my back, pulling me closer. His thumb brushes against the exposed skin there, sending waves of goosebumps along my body. He leans in even closer until our noses are almost touching.
"But then again," he whispers, his breath warm against my lips."What would Gale think of this? He wouldn't be thankful for me touching you like this, would he?"
His words hit me like a bucket of icy water, pulling me back to reality. I pull back abruptly, stumbling slightly as I detach myself from Astarion's grasp.
"I—I don't know," I stutter, my cheeks hot. His words have stirred a pot of emotions within me, his charm ensnaring me in a moment that felt too intimate, too personal. Memories of Gale flood my consciousness, his soft voice, the way he looked at me with his big brown eyes. He asked me to marry him, to wait for him. Suddenly, dancing with Astarion feels so wrong.
His eyes narrow slightly as he studies me, not saying a word as he waits for me to gather my thoughts. "Look Astarion," I finally say, my voice barely above a whisper. "If you want this deal to work, you have to stop that. It is enough for me to get over my breakup, I can't deal with you play flirting around me all day."
Astarion raises an eyebrow at my response, a devious smirk playing on his lips. He leans back against the edge of a table casually, crossing his arms. It is as if we were simply discussing the weather.
"I'll keep that in mind. But don't worry, I won't push my luck again." He lifts his hand in surrender, trying to lighten the mood. I can feel that he's not done yet. My fear is not in his attempts, but in my own weakness to resist him again. Can I keep saying no?
Despite the situation, I can't help but smile at his casual demeanor. There's something about Astarion's wit that reminds me of my old self.
"In that case," I say after a moment of contemplation, "Thank you, Astarion. For the dance and your...guidance."
"There it is," he smiles "Good girl. I knew you would make it."
Our playful banter is abruptly halted by a servant, who clears his throat discreetly as they cross the opulent room.
"Mr. Ancunín," he addresses Astarion with a slight bow, "I have been instructed to deliver a missive intended for our esteemed guest."
Astarion motions for the man to approach and looks at me, with an unreadable expression in his eyes. But I am unable to tear my gaze away from the piece of parchment paper in his hands. As he draws closer, I can see the familiar handwriting scrawled across it, causing my breath to catch in my throat.
It is Gale's handwriting.
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skeletinmoss · 2 months
The curse of the dark Phoenix
Chapter 6: Healing words
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“That was pretty intense. I never saw you do anything like it,” Roman stated after walking a while. Virgil had taken to the sky again to scout the path ahead.
“I would guess that you let your guide show you something?” Logan wondered as they followed a creek.
“Yeah, something like that. I just, sent my magic into the ground to make the plants there grow and have control over how they grew. You remember we learned some spells that could expedite the growing process back in our first year of wizarding school?” Patton asked.
The duo nodded.
“It was that. But much stronger,” Patton stated looking at his paws thoughtfully.
“But you need several herbs to guide that process,” Logan argued.
“All of which grow or have grown in that meadow… The Jackalope told me that the earth never forgets,” Patton explained.
Roman nodded thoughtfully. That made a strange sort of sense to him.
Logan just hummed thoughtfully. Was he thinking of whatever piece of wisdom his guide had given him during his dream?
“We should be coming up on the road soon,” he stated. “Once there we should look for a place to eat and regroup,” he mused.
That sounded pretty great to Roman actually.
As Logan said they came upon a road not long after. It wasn’t a main road or anything. It looked like a path between villages that the locals knew off but wasn’t often used by anyone else.
A caw drew their attention to the sky, Virgil was circling above them and just the sight of that tugged at Roman’s heart.
Once he was sure they had seen him Virgil continued down the path. Doubling back every once in a while to make sure they were still following. It made Roman a bit happy that he wasn’t taking off on his own after realizing how much time he was losing letting them tag along.
A bit later they found him sitting at a bit of a clearing on the side of the road. A good place to stop for some food.
Without a word they all settled down and once again shared some of their provisions with Virgil.
“We should try and gather some more food in the village up ahead. We only packed for two days,” Logan pointed out. “It looks to be a farming community as far as I can tell on the map,” he added.
“Good idea,” Roman agreed.
“Especially since we have an extra mouth to feed,” Patton added gesturing towards Virgil who was enjoying his meal.
Logan handed Roman the map. “It is pretty straight forward, but I won’t be able to read the journals and the map at the same time,” he explained. Roman nodded and studied their route. There were a handful of forks in the road he’d have to keep an eye out for. But it was indeed not a complicated route to follow.
“Alright,” Roman agreed.
“Good,” Logan said as he paged through the first journal. “Like Virgil said it seems encrypted. The words are all scrambled… I’ll try and meditate on them while we continue,” he informed them as he finished his lunch and started reading, a faint blue glow in his eyes as they drifted over the page.
Virgil let out an approving squawk.
Roman took in a deep breath. Time to be a leader he supposed.
He got up and looked at Patton. “Pat, can you help make sure Lo doesn’t trip on the way. I’ll look out for loose rocks and stuff but just in case I miss something or he does something I didn’t expect,” Roman asked. Patton nodded determinedly and helped Logan up, their friend didn’t even look up from the page.
“Let’s go, High Mage Virgil? Do you want to ride on my shoulder again or would you rather stretch your wings?” Roman asked. Virgil looked at him for a long moment and then took off to the sky.
That answered that question.
Roman readjusted his backpack and looked at the map. “I think it’s maybe an hour or two till we reach the village,” he stated as he started walking.
Virgil scouted the road ahead of them once again and kept doubling back every once in a while, maybe to check if they were still on the right track or because he could make it to the village and back many times over while they were stuck walking.
Flying sure looked great…
Roman decided not to let his thoughts wander too far down that road as he had to focus on the one he was walking on.
Virgil looked magnificent though. Both as a bird and a man… And he was kind, even when he was firm. He was gentle, even if he was powerful. Roman couldn’t help but wonder what he’d be like once he had his friends around and everything had settled down.
During the time they spent walking and talking with him as a human, Roman had gotten more familiar with their connection. It felt dulled now that Virgil was flying off, but he could feel it strengthen before he came back in sight.
And as they had walked earlier, a thought occurred to Roman. Virgil, for as casual as he had been acting, had his guard up. So what was he like when he was relaxed and comfortable?
He was pulled out of his musings by feeling Virgil approach.
“Um, this way,” he told Patton when he realized they’d come up in the first fork in the road while he was daydreaming about amethyst eyes staring into his soul.
“How’s it going Lo?” Patton asked.
“I broke through the magic seal, but it’s still cryptic… Listen to this:
The flame of night is blinding. Rivers of raven flow as he dances. Amethyst jewels full of wit. How I wish to be the subject of their query,” Logan read.
“That sounds sweet,” Patton said.
“I’d say a love poem of sorts. And I’d guess the subject of said poem is also known,” Logan mused as he glanced up to Virgil making a turn above them before heading back in the direction of their next stop.
Roman nodded. He’d have to agree. That explained a lot. If the poor man had a crush on the High Mage of the Night Flame then he might have found himself struggling to express those feelings and even lashed out in attempts to be noticed.
“Roman… If we find the Arch Mage… If he’s alive like Virgil and his friends… He might pursue him. From what I can gather, he was working on a cure for Virgil’s curse before setting him free and rather determined not to lose his chance again…” Logan warned.
Roman didn’t reply right away.
“Roman, I can see that the High Mage has your interest. Just be careful… He might choose an old friend over someone whose parents weren’t even born when he last walked these roads. Living as long as he has… He’ll have little in common with you.” Logan was trying to protect him.
“You may be right. But he also made it clear that he had no interest in the Arch Mage. So no matter what his excellency’s hopes were, Virgil might verry well still turn him down. As for any interest I have… Well, if it becomes serious I doubt I’d be able to hide that from him… He hasn’t seen the need to turn me down yet,” Roman insisted.
Logan sighed and turned his attention back to the journal, searching the pages for a clue.
Roman focused back on the road. Reminding himself that Virgil would feel it if his appreciation for his better qualities shifted to something more than just platonic queerness.
He hadn’t commented too much on Roman’s feelings in general unless it was relevant to the conversation, but that didn’t mean that he was unaware. Just that he was nice enough not to embarrass him. Roman was a bit worried what Virgil might tell him if they have a moment to talk among each other though.
He might not think that Virgil was even remotely interested in a romantic relation with the Arch Mage. He would have noticed if there was any kind of positive feeling attached to his memory during their talk. He was pretty sure he could feel Virgil’s fondness and worry for his friends when he talked about them.
But just because Virgil wasn’t interested in the Arch Mage, didn’t mean Roman stood a chance with him. Again. He was pretty sure he’d have noticed if he did.
That didn’t matter though. Virgil’s friends needed help. The whole kingdom would be better off if they were freed from their prison (if they were indeed imprisoned like Virgil was and not dead as Roman still feared). Not to mention their own improved chances of completing their quest with the help of three high mages.
Roman looked up as he felt Virgil approach once more. This time he dove down and landed on Roman’s shoulder.
“I’m guessing we’re getting close,” Roman concluded, checking the map. Indeed they just passed the last crossing, the village should be just around the bend.
As the end of the trail revealed itself Roman became aware of an excited bustling in the distance.
It was like their visit to the town coincided with some kind of festivities.
As they saw the first houses they also saw a small crowd gathered in some type of square.
They were cheering.
A few children ran ahead to meet them halfway in their excitement. From their babbling Roman understood that they were interested in Virgil mostly.
“It would seem the locals have spotted Virgil scouting ahead,” Logan concluded as he closed the journal he’d been reading.
“I think you might be right Lo,” Roman chuckled.
Virgil shifted on his shoulders and let out a warning caw to the children. He wasn’t angry, but cautious of their grabbing hands. Roman assumed he was worried for his tail feathers.
The children let out excited squeals and ran back to their parents who were seemingly trying to hold back on charging at the group as well.
“Greetings!” Roman called out as they finally made it to the welcoming comity.
Much to his surprise and embarrassment they all bowed to him.
“Noble wizards, we are overjoyed at the good fortune that brought you to our village. When we saw the phoenix in the sky we knew our luck was at last changing,” the eldest of the group stated.
The trio glanced at Virgil who righted himself, he looked very regal and put together. Like he was trying to say “of course I am a good omen”. But Roman sensed his nerves and remembered that Virgil mentioned that he wouldn’t be able to be much help magic wise while in this form.
He might know how to help these people but he wouldn’t be able to do so until the sun went down and they didn’t have time for that.
Roman turned to the elderly man who’d greeted them. “What seems to be the problem?” he asked. They wouldn’t know if they could help unless they asked.
“When I was a child, every few years a high mage would visit and bless the land so it could withstand the harsh winters for the coming years and would reject any illness that might take our harvest. But after the plague took them… We haven’t had a plentiful harvest like the ones in my youth in forty years. The king, praise be his mercy, has always been understanding of the struggles, but the past cycles winters have been especially rough for us. Last winter was a bit kinder and we were hoping to finally have a good harvest once more, but then, a blight has taken our crops. Please, if this is not resolved, we won’t simply not have enough food to pay our full dues to the kingdom we will not have any food to eat,” the man said.
Roman’s heart broke for these people. Virgil likely would know exactly what his fellow mage did all those years ago. He’d probably say it’s not even that hard. But Roman had no clue how to ‘bless the land’…
He felt a sharp pull on his hair. “Ow!” he exclaimed turning to Virgil with a scowl. Virgil stared back at him. And he felt both scolded and encouraged at the same time. Like Virgil was both reprimanding him for getting in his own head like that and telling him that he could do this… Well. If Virgil said so. His advice had helped Patton.
“Show me the lands,” Roman stated.
A cheer went through the crowd. And he and his friends were ushered towards the fields.
When they laid eyes on the state of them Roman could hear Patton make a heartbroken gasp.
His friend had grown up on a farm just outside their home town, Roman had visited often so he too was familiar with the faces of farmland. But not as familiar as Patton. So if Roman could see the crops were struggling this had to look devastating to Patton.
“Oh my,” Logan breathed. He too could see that the tomatoes shouldn’t look like that.
Roman could feel all eyes on him. All those people were counting on him…
Roman felt a sharp squeeze in his shoulder. Virgil.
It felt reassuring. A promise. He’d help how he could, but it was mostly up to Roman.
Okay… The herbalist knelt on the ground and placed his hands down.
He closed his eyes and took deep breaths. Trying to meditate. Focusing on the flame in his heart that had to be his tie to his magical guide.
He needed help.
In his dream he’d been flying. Following his guide through the sky. And at some point they were so high that Roman couldn’t see the houses or the trees anymore. All just seemed like one big mass. A blanket of living things.
Life is life, whether it is a flower or a human. He remembered thinking.
And his studies of medicine and diagnostic magic had taught him how to find what was harming that life. He had learned to heal a body. What was so different between a fungus that attacked a plant from one that attacked a human?
“What ails you my friend?” he asked the earth and it felt like his flame spread from his heart to his shoulders to his arms down to his fingertips and into the earth.
And for a moment it was like he Was the plants growing in those fields and he knew exactly what they needed. Not only that. He found that what Patton said about the earth remembering was right on a whole new level. The earth remembered not just all that ever grew here, it remembered the spells that used to help it thrive even if the odds were stacked against it.
Roman got up and dug into his bag. He seemed to have most of what he needed.
“I can heal this harvest and attempt to do the blessing. I’ve never done either before so it might not be as good as it was, but next year’s harvest should be better than previous years in any case,” Roman muttered. Ignoring the excited murmuring he pulled out his ingredients. And then turned to Virgil’s bag. And then he hesitated. Not because he wasn’t sure if Virgil was okay with him digging into it, but because what he needed was a moon flower. A level four.
He set his jaw. These people needed him. He’d deal with the repercussions later.
He'd have to act fast though. If Logan and Patton realized what he’d taken from Virgil’s supplies they might try to stop him from doing something admittedly stupid and impulsive.
He could feel Virgil squeeze his shoulder again. A reminder that he wouldn’t do this alone.
Roman nodded, took a final, deep breath and pulled out the moonflower to add it to the other herbs clutched into his palm. He imagined his fire reaching through his right arm and feeding on the ingredients, and as he felt their essence fuel his magic he reached out his hand and traced a sigil in the air he’d ordinary use to treat malnourishment, then one to treat infections, one to revitalize after being undercooled. And on a whim a bug repelling charm he normally use to keep his slumbers mosquito free.
On every sigil Virgil let out a mighty cry and Roman could feel his magic joining forces with his own, but it didn’t feel like he was taking over. Roman felt like his own magic was taking the lead, Virgil’s was just giving him a boost. And some boost it was. Roman could feel the spell cover far more land than just the plot in front of him.
Something that should have exhausted him, he was sure, but he felt fine.
He heard shouts of joy and people who started sobbing in relief. He opened his eyes and he was taken aback by awe. He’d done it. Somehow he’d not only cured the blight but the plants looked like they’d made a full recovery already. As though they’d had weeks of sufficient sun and rain and fertilizer.
He looked at his hands in awe. The shriveled up remains of the herbs, including the Moonflower fell to the ground harmlessly. That… He’d expected it to feel different. For the Mana of the flower to give him trouble… But it was no different than any other plant…
Was it because of Virgil’s aid? Or was it something gradual? Like one time didn’t do any damage but do it a lot of times and then the symptoms start?
Suddenly he was pulled out of his musings by someone embracing him, resting their head into his chest. “Thank you, thank you! You saved us,” they sobbed.
“Well, I don’t think I’ve been able to bless the lands to ensure a good harvest for more than just this year, but I’m glad I could help this much,” Roman allowed.
The farmer let go and then rushed off to celebrate with their friends and families. Others had ran off to see if the blessing had reached the plots out of sight as well.
“It was truly wonderful to see such magic once more,” the elder stated as he approached.
“This mage you remembered, was his arrival announced by a phoenix as well?” Logan asked.
Oh good point. Had Virgil been the one to bless the lands in the past…?
“No, no. But magical creatures are usually a good sign. I remember chasing a multi tailed fox through the fields when I was young whenever the mage came to visit,” the elder recalled.
Roman could feel a sense of fond recognition. Virgil had known this mage and seemed on good terms with them.
The kitsune was likely their guide.
“I see…” Logan nodded thoughtfully.
“We owe you much. Please stay, we will be happy to throw a feast in your honor,” the elder offered.
“Oh no! No we couldn’t. You shouldn’t waste your harvest on us,” Patton insisted.
“We indeed must be on our way. We have a long journey ahead. But we could do with some supplies for the road,” Logan offered. The elder bowed and not half an hour later they were
gifted not just food but also two horses. Roman took one and Patton and Logan shared another. Right after they managed to reassure it that despite his claws Patton would not harm it.
Not long after that, the village disappeared out of sight and they continued their journey. Roman had seen that Virgil had marked a certain spot with an ‘x’. Some place to set up camp? From the looks of it it would be getting late when they arrived.
“No word from the council?” Logan wondered.
Roman shook his head. He’d been a bit surprised by that himself. He’d been sure the council would have contacted him right after being made aware of their progress to interrogate him on the details after his vague message.
“Maybe they are talking things over? They tend to take a while to decide things,” Patton argued.
That was true. Their request to find out what happened to the Arch Mage was made when the trio became Wizards. And that was about ten years ago now.
On Roman’s shoulder, Virgil became restless. The sun was setting.
Not much later, there was a bright light behind him and then Roman felt two arms encircle his waist and he was trying very hard to be normal about it.
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“Why don’t you put those claws away? I mean I know they look bad ass, but right now they are spooking the horse,” Virgil mused.
“Um… I can’t. It’s a little keepsake from my first and last attempt at shifting,” Patton chuckled embarrassedly.
Roman could feel Virgil’s skepticism. “Close your eyes,” he instructed.
Maybe it was because his advice had been helpful so far, maybe it just wasn’t in Patton’s nature to mistrust. But he did as he was told.
“Okay let your magic flow like you did for a transformation. Focus your energy. You are a human. You have a human head with human eyes, human ears, a human nose and human teeth in a human mouth. You have a human neck and human shoulders. Human upper arms and you know your elbows are human too. So you have human forearms and human wrists and human palms and a human pinky. A human ring finger. A human middle finger. A human index finger and a human thumb. And humans don’t have claws or fur do they?”
Virgil’s base was so soothing , Roman felt his own body tingle under his guidance. And when he glanced over to Patton and Logan he caught the later staring down in shock at the now human arms encircling his waist for support.
Patton’s eyes fluttered open and he wiggled his fingers. “Oh… Oh my…”
Patton leaned back and held one hand in front of his face, a little teary eyed.
“They are back to normal! Oh, mom will be so happy!” Patton squealed.
Meanwhile Roman was trying to keep it together as Virgil rested his head against his back.
Oh, sweet stars above have mercy.
“I can’t believe your teachers let you walk around with those for I don’t want to know how long,” Virgil grumbled dissaprovingly.
“I don’t think they knew how to fix it… Shifting magic got a little out of style the past few decades…” Patton offered.
It was true, while not forbidden, shifting in animals was regarded as probably difficult and risky. It was more a superstition than anything. The arch mage never warned against it but wizards and mages alike were cautious about it all the same.
“Of course it did,” Virgil mumbled. “Incomplete transformations are part of the learning process to shift. All you have to do is not panic and do the shift again but with focus on the parts that didn’t make it all the way to the other end. You should have seen me fumble my first few attempts at shifting. And that was nothing compared to Remus, though he didn’t mind looking like a freak of nature so I don’t think he was trying that hard to get it right,” Virgil informed them.
“Right… Thank you,” Patton said, touching his face with his now clawless hand.
Virgil just hummed.
“Maybe you should take a break. I’m sure we can find some place to settle down so you can meditate,” Roman offered.
Virgil grunted in protest. “I’m not wasting my few human hours on sleep. I’m just a little drowsy from boosting that spell. Some tea at the inn and I’ll be right as rain,” he insisted.
“The inn?” Roman wondered.
“Yeah. Little inn. It was run by a nice couple, then their kid and so on. S’been a good place for a mage to stop by on their way home from wherever for centuries,” Virgil muttered.
The group exchanged glances. If true, then no one had felt the need to inform them of this inn’s existence. Would it still be there after an apparent big part of its customers vanished?
“So… The village elder said the king had been forgiving of their struggles with taxes… If it’s been fifty years, then I doubt that’s still king Theodor. Has his son taken the throne?” Virgil asked. He sounded casual but Roman could feel there was nothing casual about the question.
“Yes,” Patton confirmed.
“King Theodor passed away in his sleep forty years ago. King Thomas was in his mid-twenties at the time and took the throne under the guidance and tutelage of Arch Mage Noctora. He is fair and just, though he is private and withdrawn,” Logan elaborated.
This news disturbed Virgil but Roman decided not to point that out. He just hoped Virgil could feel he wanted to comfort him.
The way the high mage seemed to melt more into him led Roman to believe that at the very least the intent was understood and appreciated.
“Maybe I can take a quick powernap,” he mused drowsily. “At the inn. After we figure out where Remus is at,” he insisted.
Roman didn’t argue with him.
“Oh, Logan! I can ride now! Then you can read some more!” Patton realized excitedly, making his fellow mages laugh.
They stopped for a moment to allow the two to switch places. Roman took the opportunity to look back to Virgil who was sitting a bit more upright now that they weren’t moving.
“I’m fine. Just… I suppose you could say it has finally sunk in. The time that has passed…”
Roman supposed that hearing that the teenage prince is now an old man would put it a bit more in perspective.
“I’m sorry,” Roman offered. There had to be people this man knew that were gone now. Even if somehow All High mages had merely been trapped instead of infected and could be brought back…
But how would that even happen? Maybe the disease affected great mages only. Maybe High Mages were immune due to their close bond with their guide. Maybe that was why Roman didn’t suffer any side effects from the Moonflower. Because he had a High Mage guiding him.
And maybe someone took advantage of a mysterious illness taking out Great Mages to go on a quest to imprison every high mage without anyone realizing the disappearances were even more nefarious than a strange magical illness… That made sense.
“Nothing to be sorry for. Sometimes, sometimes you are just handed a shitty deal and you have no choice but accept it and make the best out of it that you can,” Virgil insisted.
Roman was about to comment on how deep that was but… He was talking to someone who’d lived long enough to have earned that wisdom.
It was hard to remember that they weren’t entirely the same age…
“Let’s go!” Patton announced excitedly as he urged the horse in a light trot. Logan was sitting backwards leaning against Patton to continue reading. Roman dismissed his musings and followed after him. Couldn’t have them ride past the inn without noticing.
“What’s got you so twisted up inside?” Virgil mused.
Right. Empathy link.
“I… How does the not aging thing work…? Like you are at least 100 years old, but you look my age,” he explained.
He could feel Virgil chuckle.
“I’m not mentally at least a hundred years old. The village elder doesn’t come across as a child to me just because I probably have met his grandfather while passing through the area.
There is a maturity that comes with physically aging. There are parts of life I will never experience no matter how old I get. I am your age, but infinitely more experienced at it.
I have always lived as someone in their late twenties. I think of it more like my next birthday just never really came. I stopped really celebrating it after a hundred. It seemed very redundant and even Remus was starting to struggle to come up with weird ideas for a party by then. We decided to just do a semi regular random party for the three of us still being friends after that. Those were pretty fun. Boys weekend out,” he recalled. The nostalgia and fondness so strong Roman was almost convinced that Patton and Logan must feel it rolling off off the mage in bittersweet waves as well.
Suddenly Virgil perked up. “We’re here,” he announced.
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not-poignant · 25 days
Birthday Spotlight - Fenwrel the Mouse Maiden
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[May 14 - Taurus]
The short, round graceful mouse maiden who is terrifyingly powerful, and a compassionate and fierce mother, Fenwrel joins the Fae Tales cast asking first for asylum, but then making it very clear that she should be part of Gwyn's Court. She becomes so invaluable she eventually becomes Inner Court, and then the consort to the Queen-in-Waiting, Gulvi Dubna Vajat.
Formidable as a foe, and ambitious even as a friend, sometimes even playful and mischievous, Fenwrel is proud of being Unseelie and powerful, and is a stern, wise, compassionate friend. She offers wise counsel to those around her, but secretly just wants to live a comfortable life where she wields the power to make it comfortable for the people she loves as well.
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‘Yes! That’s what I am! And there’s a lot of us! We could take you down. So don’t you mouse me. You need allies, Each Uisge. Don’t lose the ones you have.’
The Court of Five Thrones
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The Court of Five Thrones - First appearing as about the only truly wise and grounded member of Gwyn's Court (at least at first), Fenwrel comes in with true ambitious and ruthlessness, desiring an increase in status, a place in the Court and making no pretense as to her motives, which including ensuring the protection of her family. A strong mother, Master Mage, and powerful ally, Augus expects Fenwrel to hate him, and is surprised to find that she's a true confidante.
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The Court of Five Thrones - Without Fenwrel's steady and uncompromising vision, compassion and communication throughout The Court of Five Thrones, the other characters would have been lost without her. She also falls in love with Gulvi, and together, they become the second power couple of the Unseelie Court, readying themselves to step into power during The Ice Plague.
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The Ice Plague I: The Forest of Fire - Fenwrel and Gulvi step up as consort and Queen-in-Waiting, as Gwyn and Augus leave on an expedition with Mosk and Eran. Fenwrel also makes it clear to Eran that she'll not put up with any of his nonsense, casting a geas on him that makes it impossible for him to use his fire until it becomes clear he won't use it to harm Mosk again.
The Ice Plague III: The Ice Plague - Unseen throughout book 2 due to the lack of teleportation and staying busy with the Unseelie Court, Fenwrel becomes a steady presence at the end offering her wealth of her magic and resources to everyone, including Mosk Manytrees, crucial in the final battle against Olphix.
Unwound - Gwyn finds himself frustrated and annoyed by Fenwrel's habit of both treating him as an unruly child, and also demanding that he be open with Augus instead of avoiding him. Fenwrel is right, of course, but that doesn't mean Gwyn has to like it!
Tumblr Prompts: Fae Tales - The only Fenwrel perspective story, chapter 3 of the prompts shows Fenwrel mixing herbs and musing on her connection to Gulvi, ending in her kissing Gulvi thoroughly, and making it clear she's in charge.
All That We Were, All That We Will Ever Be - Fenwrel is briefly in the final epilogue of the canon Gwyn and Augus epilogue, there offering her compassion and understanding to Augus throughout Gwyn's recovery, even though Augus doesn't want it at all.
The Best of Broken Resolutions - In a short AU, Gulvi is scandalised when Augus mentions that he already knows Fenwrel - the head of Interiors - is fucking her.
The Spoils of the Spoiled - Fenwrel comes into the story as a high-powered lawyer who is competent enough and willing enough to face Crielle and Lludd on Gwyn's behalf in an emancipation case. Powerful and ruthless, Gwyn finds himself feeling intensely pressured by her to do more than he wants to, and needs to be encouraged by the people around him to remember that he doesn't have to take things to trial just because Fenwrel wants to.
Underline the Black - (unmentioned / future mention). As the manager and CEO of the sister site to Hillview, Fenwrel is an alpha and partner to omega Gulvi.
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Fenwrel is a short, extremely powerful Master Mage and mouse maiden in the canon Fae Tales series. Unable to properly appear in human form, she always has mouse ears and a mouse tail, as well as some other features even in 'human form.' She carries a Mage staff with her.
Fenwrel has black hair, black eyes, and brown skin, and is fat and beautiful, with a strong sense of fashion.
From the fae side of Kerala, she is disconnected from her heritage due to choices made by her family, though she will still wear Indian clothing. As a result, her children are more connected to it by personal choice and she has been finding more connection through them.
She is a fierce and proud mother, and will do anything for her children, but also lets them be free spirits.
Fenwrel is strong-willed and rarely insecure, it's clear that she's worked hard for what she's achieved in life, and she shows a level of confidence that is earned and not arrogance. She tends to be grounded and thoughtful, and not at all self-effacing.
Despite not being a healer, she is adept at aspects of healing, and has a lot of natural compassion.
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Fenwrel established herself as a loyal and caring friend when she became Augus' confidante, though he would have preferred not to have one at all. She saw him in some of his most vulnerable and raw moments, and offered counsel, compassion and care, even when he was collapsed on the ground post severe flashback. She's crucial in helping him to heal his meridians.
When Augus comes upon something fatal in The Court of Five Thrones, she stands up to Gwyn with the coldness of someone who needs to prioritise. We see Gwyn get ordered about like a child, in spite of his distress. It's revealed later that she gave up years of her life to secure Augus'.
In The Ice Plague I, Fenwrel suppresses Eran's fire powers, finding him cruel and heartless in his treatment of Mosk. Later though, realising how severe the spell was, she apologises openly.
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In every story, Fenwrel always occupies a position of high power, being a lawyer, head of a section of a company, CEO, Master Mage etc.
Fenwrel is always quite ambitious and determined, sometimes even seeming cold, but it's clear that she's often operating from a strong ethical position.
Fenwrel is always short, always fat, and always Indian.
Fenwrel is always something of a compass for other characters, even when she's not directly in the story, or not in it much, except when she's there as Gulvi's lover.
She's always Gulvi's lover, with the exception of The Spoils of the Spoiled.
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I wanted to add more women characters to The Court of Five Thrones, and Fae Tales in general, and Fenwrel came in quite naturally. I wanted to write her as fat, ambitious, compassionate, ruthless. Qualities that we don't often see together in a woman character. I wanted her motherhood to not be the most important thing in her life even though it is important, that she never lost any of her selfhood to 'being a mother' and I also wanted her to be ambitious without losing her maternal compassion. I worried about how to write her, but Fenwrel appeared and just seemed to naturally flow from there. I never really struggled with any scene she was in.
Fenwrel's always scared me a little in the sense that we're all very lucky she wants to be a good guy, because if she chose to be a villain, we'd all be fucked lol
I loved subverting the idea of a mouse shifter being 'mousy' (like Terho is lol), and making her instead very strong and bold. In her very first scene, Augus talks down to her for being a 'mouse' and it's clear in a moment that she's proud of it, and will tolerate no nonsense from him.
Fenwrel is a top / dominant. Short Queens for life. I especially indulged in the chemistry that Fenwrel and Augus had together, and it was one of my favourite things to write in The Court of Five Thrones.
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‘I have always been powerful, and I have never lacked for nourishment, because where there is imperfection, there is food for me. Perhaps you’ll just have to trust that I’m not trying to tip the world further into disharmony.’
The Court of Five Thrones
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cyn-write · 2 days
The Little Cecelia - Chapter 3: A Change in Tides
Summary - Every 100 years, the spirits of the Great Seven and their Rivals return. Sometimes, they attempt to right the wrongs of the past, get revenge, or relive the same story, but it all is the same - only one spirit gets their Happily Ever After. Azul has always been fascinated with the human world, which only intensified once he met a human girl, Grace Trien. He desires to become a Great Mage of both Land and Sea and to explore the human world and all its wonders with the Tweels and Grace by his side, but Prince Rielle is willing to do whatever it takes to stop the little Cecelia from getting his Happy Ending.
Chapter 3- After Seven years, a lot of things have changed. Azul has become the "Merchant of the Deep" and Grace has become a Lady of High Society, and their feelings have grown as well. Upon Grace's return, Azul is determined to confess his feelings but his plans change when Grace shares troubling news with the trio.
Prev - Master List
Pairing - Azul Ashengrotto x F!Oc (Grace Trein)
Tags/Warning - Pinning, Scheming, and Childhood Friends to Lovers!
Notes - After a long (unplanned) break, I've finally returned! Thank you everyone for your patience! This chapter took a long time to write but I hope you enjoy it as things start to heat up. Just an FYI: Grace Trein is based on my Oc Grace Wilde so if you want to learn more about her click the link, but you can replace her name when reading if you want to read it as Yuu or another name. This is only the third chapter of 11, so if you enjoy this and want to be tagged or have questions, please let me know! This is also on Ao3 if you want to follow it over there. Comments, likes, and Reblogs are appreciated!
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Seven summers come and go like the shifting tides.
Azul spent his days and nights perfecting himself and his magic. He swore to become a powerful Mage and that he did. Every waking moment was spent studying every book in the grotto. From potions to spells, he had mastered his craft. In the midst of the magic books were books on business and trade which he poured over every night. In a few short summers, Azul had become a master merchant, selling potions and restored treasures.
The twins became Azul’s partners in crime and aided in growing his business. They helped him gather information and ingredients to use to his advantage. They found mermaids, mermen, and some truly desperate humans who had no one else to turn to and led them to his doors. In seven years, Azul had gone from being a whimpering no one to the mysterious and powerful “Merchant of the Deep.”
Despite his growing business, he still set aside time each night to talk to Grace. It was the part of his day he treasured most as he would put down his work and simply talk to the person he treasured most. Her voice would take him out of his business guise and remind him why he was doing all of this. She also became a business asset as she had a good understanding of finance and trade due to her schooling and training under her father. Azul often found himself running his plans by Grace and she would provide honest feedback or return the next day with information that would aid him.
Beyond business, the two would talk about anything under the sea. From books they read to random musings, these simple moments brought both out of their heads and let them just be. For a few moments they were not “The Merchant of the Deep” or “Lady Trein of High Society,” they could simply be Azul and Grace, two teens dreaming of a better future.  
One conversation that would often lull them to sleep was the conversation of “what if…”
“I wish you could be here Azul,” Grace mused, “You would have loved it…”
“The more we talk the more I wish I was born human.” He would hum.
“Being human isn’t all its cracked up to be,” She would say, “If you’re born into the right station and gender, your fine. Honestly, I feel more like a bird than a person at times. All I’m supposed to do is sit pretty, speak when I’m spoken too… smile and nod as people talk about my worth... To be honest I wish I could have been born a mermaid, then I could swim away with you and the tweels.” She sounded like she was dreaming again, but they did that often.
“If you are born the right mer maybe… the sea is a dangerous place, and if you’re not the right kind of mer or swim into the wrong places… you could end up shark bait.” Azul had a dark tone to his voice, as much as he enjoyed picturing Grace as a Mer, he didn’t want her to face the monsters larking in the sea. “Besides, I think we can do better… We could run things. Create something that last centuries after we’re gone.”
“And what would that be? A potions business? Trade business?” Grace pondered, “I would love to create something, but sadly women of my status are not usually able to… We usually have to marry for wealth or diplomatic reasons and run our husband’s estate, birth heirs, and raise them to do the same… But I’m hoping to be different. Mama and Papa promised me when I was little that I would have a say in my hand and my future. They even promised that I would get the villa and part of the estate once he retires.”
“I hope so to…” Azul looked at the bracelet on his wrist and dream that the hand she would choose was his. “Do you ever wish you could just... run away from everything? Start somewhere new where no one knew who you were and could just…be?”
Grace was quiet for a moment. Azul thought he scared her away, but when she spoke again, it sent all three heart a flutter, “I would, if you would go with me.”
Ever since that conversation, Azul made it his mission to become human and be with her as more than a friend, but a partner.
Grace kept her promise and returned to the grotto each summer. The three short months she spent with them each year were filled with joy and fun. She showed them everything she learned at school and brought them a variety of land treasures (much to Floyd’s delight). She also taught them everything she could about life on land from human etiquette to fashion to food. By the time she left for her final year of schooling, the trio had a good grasp on the ins and outs of high land culture.
When the day came for Grace to finally return to the grotto, the three were anxious for her return for different reasons and Jade found it entertaining.
Floyd was impatiently waiting for Grace as he anticipated the gifts she promised to bring. How did he cope with the impatience and boredom? He messed with Azul who was a nervous wreck.
Azul was always a nervous wreck when Grace returned from boarding school, but this year it was amplified for a singular reason. Azul (after relentless Bullying from the Tweels) made a bet with the twins that was finally going to confess his feelings to Grace and present her with the human transformation potion he made. This “bet” amplified his nerves and the tweels found it entertaining to tease him about it.
By the time mid-day came around, Azul was pacing in the water and Floyd was trying to catch his tentacles as he passed. “Why isn’t she here yet?” Azul muttered, “She said she would be here by high noon. What if shes- AK! FLOYD!”
“hehehe~ I got Zuuul!” Floyd waved Azul’s captured tentacle around until Azul used that tentacle to slap him in the back of the head. “Owwie!”
“Azul you’re overthinking this, her Father is probably just keeping her.” Jade sat in the back corner of the cave re-reading one of the books Grace had given him years ago.
“I know. I know.” Azul muttered and returned to pacing, “But what if-“
“What if, What if, that’s all you’ve been saying for WEEKS.” Floyd dramatically flopped over Jade’s rock, “She’s a strong Shrimpy and any fish with eyes can see she’s liked you for YEARS!”
Jade nodded as he pushed his brother off his rock, “Besides, if you don’t tell her. We will. That’s the deal~”
Azul shook his head at the brothers’ antics. He knew they were right, but his hearts were still beating rapidly. Before Floyd could launch himself at Jade, the three heard the fast shifting of sand, shifting of fabric, and the signal whistle of their dear human.
Floyd shifted his launch towards the caves shore and bolted towards the entrance. Azul tried to calm his beating hearts as Grace entered the cave.
She certainly has grown over the years, but she has changed a lot over the last nine months. Her features had refined, her hair darkened to a golden hue, and her figure was no longer “boyish” (a term her brothers used to torment her) but full. She was even dressed differently from last summer. Instead of the flowing dresses and bows in her hair, she entered the cave in a structured summer dress, gloves, and woven sun hat.
“SHRIMPY!” Floyd launched himself onto the beach and into Grace’s outstretched arms.
“Floyd!” Grace kneeled so Floyd could give her his signature hug properly. “Oh, I’ve missed your squeezes!”
As she welcomed Floyd, Jade took his time crawling up the beach and was more gentlemanly in his greeting… until he pulled Floyd’s tail.
“Floyd, it’s rude to hog attention.” He reprimanded his brother with a teasing smile.
“Hey!” Floyd lost his balance and fell back, loosening his grip on Grace just in time for Jade to steal her.
“Ahh! Jade!” Grace laughed as she fell into his embrace. “I’ve missed you too!”
“Welcome Home, Grace,” Jade said, helping Grace steady herself as she stood up.
Azul never felt more self-conscious then when he made his way onto the shore to greet Grace. His arms felt weighted, his stomach felt bloated, he could feel all his imperfections highlighted on his body. The guppies in his stomach swam rapidly as she finally stood and looked his way. She set down her basket and walked over to Azul with arms open and bright smile.
Azul felt his lips turn up as he wrapped his arms around her and she returned his embrace, “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too,” She gave him a quick squeeze before stepping back, hands in his. Her bright eyes scanned his figure and she looked at him in awe, “You’ve certainly changed though! Look at you!” She smiled so brightly. “You look wonderful, Azul, truly you hard work has paid off!”
Azul felt the guppies settle and his cheeks warm, “You’ve changed a lot yourself. This is certainly a new look.”
“Thank you,” Grace smiled. He lifted a hand for her to spin and she did with a laugh, “Ever since my birthday, Father has insisted I dress ‘properly.’ Honestly, I never thought I would say this but father has been exhausting.” She shook her head. “Actually, that’s why I’m late.”
Azul’s worry resurfaced and he squeezed her hand still in his. “What’s going on?”
“It’s a long story,” Grace’s smile returned, and she said, “We should get settled first before I get into that mess. Why don’t I give you your gifts first before Floyd tares my basket?”
“Too late,” Azul nodded over to Floyd and Jade already shuffling through her discarded basket. Her blanket, snacks, and some books were already spread around them with Jade placing the objects to the side before Floyd threw them in his search for the gifts.
Grace just shook her head at the two and chuckled, “What am I going to do with you two?”
Floyd’s head shot up from his search and said, “Hand over the shinnies!”
Azul let himself genuinely laugh for the first time in what felt like years. He followed Grace as she spread out her picnic blanket and settled on it. Floyd had all of her attention as she reached into her skirt pockets and brought out three wrapped items. “I guess, I guess.” Floyd reached for them but Grace quickly moved them out of reach. “Na-ah-ah! Patience Floyd! You’d think you would’ve learned after last year!”
“How many times do I have say sorry!” Floyd whined as Jade held his brother back.
“Once more as always.” Jade gave Floyd the stink eye. Last year Grace got Jade a terrarium with small figurines of woodland creatures and Floyd ended up breaking it in his search for his gift. She got Jade another and Floyd felt terrible, but Jade still holds it over his head whenever he can.
Grace handed the objects to them one at a time starting with Jade. She gave him a small jar shaped object which he delicately unwrapped to Floyd’s dismay, “There was a small shop in town that finds these, I described your fascinations to him and the shopkeep assured me you would like this!” Inside the package was a clear glass jar terrarium with rotting wood inside dotted with small white umbrellas, “He said since they are already growing, as long as you keep them in dark, moist places they should keep growing.”
Jade’s eyes sparkled as he looked at the jar. He looked like a child given a seabunny during Winterfest. He gingerly placed the jar down before giving Grace a hug. “Thank you.” He said softly, letting a few happy trills slip through. “It’s perfect.”
“Ya, ya, you got plants gimmie mine!!” Floyd pouted and his tail twitched in annoyance. Grace giggled at his childlike annoyance.
“Alright, hold your horses,” Grace said as she picked up a small rectangular object. The moment it grazed Floyd’s skin, he snatched it and shredded the wrapping paper. “I saw this in a traveling shop and had to get it for you!” The rectangular object was a case and inside the case was a small instrument, “It’s called a harmonica! You blow into this side and it makes music!”
Floyd picked up the instrument and smiled wide, “A LAND SNARFLUCS!” He put it to his lips and blew a few notes, rolling his tail in glee. After sliding it across his lip a few times, Floyd put the harmonica down and wrapped Grace in a big squeeze. “THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU! Mom never let me keep these!”
“Ya. Thanks a lot.” Azul sighed knowing he will never know peace again.
“Don’t worry, I got you and Jade earplugs too.” Grace said, patting Floyds back as she returned the squeeze.
Once Floyd let Grace go so he could admire his new shiny, she finally turned to Azul. Azul way always the last to receive his gift, and he was fine with it. He liked to think it was because she was saving the best for last. Grace took out a slim case and handed it to him.
“I know you don’t need these, but when I saw them I couldn’t help but think of you.” Grace said as Azul took the wrapped case. He unwrapped it and felt the smooth leather of the case on his fingers, tracing the Bell logo imprinted lid. When he opened the case and saw a pair of round spectacles. The golden frames were decorated simply with a white chain connecting the two ends so the seer my put them down for a moment without losing them. They were a simple, sleek, ordinary pair of frames, but the fact that she thought of him when she saw them made his hearts beat faster.
“Go ahead, put them on! I want to see how you look!” Grace said as she reached into her pocket for her hand mirror.
Azul did as she asked and put on the spectacles. There were clear lenses so he could see his image in the mirror clearly. He looked… older, more sophisticated, like the merchants in stories. It felt odd to look at the reflection, his reflection. The person staring back looked like him, but with confidence and charm.
He looked up to ask her thoughts and Grace was blushing. Her mouth was slightly ajar and she was flush. When their eyes met, she held his gaze. That is one thing Azul always admired, she always looked him in the eyes.
“S-see. I knew they would look good on you,” She said softly as she put the mirror away.
Azul smirked at her remark, “You’ve always had impeccable taste.”
“I’m glad you think so,” Grace chuckled and shook her head, “that’s a rare opinion according to my brothers and their wives. They’ve criticized my every move since I’ve returned.”
“Speaking of, why don’t we return to the subject of your tardiness?” Azul said, settling beside Grace, spectacles still on. “What happened?”
She sighed and picked at her gloves, removing them as she spoke, “The short explanation is… a lot happened while I was gone leading to father pushing my debut.” Azul felt his hearts stop. Her Debut? Doesn’t that mean… no. Grace continued as she picked at her dress. “The Long of it is… complicated.”
Azul’s tentacle moved its way to her mid-back and his hand covered hers, “I can take complicated.”
Grace sighed and the tweels turned their attentions away from their gifts as she spoke. “While I was at school, apparently my brothers and their wives decided to squander their portion of the family fortune and their dowries. Against my advisement, Father has housebound them and limited their spending ability, but by that point they had already made a sizable dent in the coffers. He doesn’t want to strain our people more than he has to so Father has turned to other methods of regaining funds.” She squeezed Azul’s hand for reassurance as she continued, “He is holding my debut ball the Friday. The invitations were sent out already, and this morning while I was getting my gown tailored, Father gave me the rundown of the ‘most suitable candidates’ attending.  Apparently, I must choose a husband at this ball or else.”  She laced her fingers through his, holding it close as tears threatened her eyes, “When I reminded him of the promise, he said I did have a choice, but it must be made by the end of the ball or else its moot…” She started shaking.
There was a thick silence between the four. Azul’s tentacle wrapped around her midsection in a comforting hug. “So, you’ll be engaged by Saturday?”
She placed her free hand on top of the tentacle and rubbed her thumb along his skin, “According to father I should be… but it is still my choice. A-and who knows, I could meet the one. A plethora of fairytale romances happen that way…” She looked him in the eyes as she said this. She was looking for reassurance, to convince herself that everything will be okay. “Maybe… my Prince Charming will come sweep me off my feet.”
That’s when it hit him. A plan. A glorious, beautiful plan. His tentacles slithered as it formed and Grace caught on to him.
“What?” She asked, “I know that twinkle in your eye, you’re scheming.”
“I certainly am,” Azul ran the rudimentary plan in his mind and there were some kinks, but it should work. “It’s risky, but it just might work.”
“Ooooo! This is gonna be fun,” Floyd said chuckling.
“Mind sharing?” Jade asked slithering to the water.
Azul’s tentacle’s started drawing out a plan in the sand, “Your Father said you just had to chose a suitor correct? He never said it had to be from his list, correct?”
“Technically, yes. Where are you going with this?” Grace asked, curiosity twinkling in her eyes.
“Well, if you already had a suitor with wealth. You could hold off your father for a while until you decide to marry.” Azul offered up.
“That would be wonderful, except father would want to meet the mysterious suitor and know why it is being delayed.” Grace said.
Azul had to take a deep breath before he said the next part, “Didn’t you say you wanted us to meet him one day?”
“You mean-”
“Around 11 o’clock on the night of the party. You will introduce your father to me as your…Chosen Fiancé. I have enough gold and treasure to appease him for a long time. The excuse will be we are waiting till I finish a human transformation potion so I can be with you on land. If your father is the man you say he is, then that should hold him for at least a season. Enough time for you to truly chose someone to marry.” He took both her hands in his and squeezed them, “As I said, its risky, but it just might work. But I won’t do anything without your approval.”
Grace returned the squeeze and looked at him with those lovely green eyes, “Are you sure? This could put you and the tweels in so much danger. And I-”
“I-we care about you and your happiness. There is no need to worry about us. We can handle the danger.” Azul’s tentacle came up and caressed her cheek, “You mean the world to us, and we will do anything for your happiness.” Azul felt his face heat up and he turned away to look at the tweels smirking at him, “isn’t that right?”
Thankfully, the tweels played along. “Ya! We’d do anything for our shrimpy!”
“We are happy to help a dear friend~”
Grace looked at the tweels then turned back to Azul, “Promise me you’ll keep me in the loop, and stay safe?”
Azul nodded, “I promise.”
She sighed and a sly smile grew on her face, “Well then, I guess we should flesh out this plan then, shouldn’t we?”
The rest of the evening, Grace, Azul, Jade, and Floyd developed the plan down to the minute. Every move was plotted out and obstacles considered. By the time the sun touched the sea, they had a foolproof plan prepared for the ball.
After Grace left, Jade approached Azul whispered, “What are you truly planning Azul? I’ve never seen you make a one-sided deal like this before.”
“Oh, that’s where your wrong, Jade.” Azul smirked as one tentacle brought up a golden glowing potion to his eyes, “Once this deal is done, not only will I have won our bet, but I will have everything I’ve ever wanted in my grasp.” He turned to Floyd trying out his harmonica, “Floyd, I think its time we pay Sam a visit. I’m going to need a suit for Friday’s ball.”
“Hehehe, I knew this was gonna be fun~” Floyd’s eyes sparkled with excitement.
“It certainly will,” Azul peaked around the cave and gazed at the manor lights. There his dearest pearl was having dinner with her family, unbeknownst to her that her Prince Charming would sweep her off her feet at the ball, and right into his tentacles.
Tag List: @twistedcece @thisisafish123 @coffee-or-hot-cocoa
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nerdraging4point0 · 3 months
Blood of Eden // Part Eight // Noah Sebastian Urban Fantasy AU Fic
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Tropes and Tags: MM, MF, MFM, MFM, instalove, too much sex, tattooed men, polyverse, shapeshifters.
CW: 18+ only minors DNI. Urban Fantasy romance, Smut. Angst. Fluff (ish), Story includes D/S themes, mentions of blood and gore, mentions of drug use and distribution, mentions of prostitution, unprotected sex, male receiving oral sex, female receiving oral sex, cuckolding, P/A sex, P/V sex.
This work below is fictionalized ideas and stories involving real people but does not directly reflect their thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. Please keep in mind that this is a work of fiction.
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Active taglist: @ladyveronikawrites @tearfallpixie @beaker1636 @circle-with-me @synthetic-wasp-570 @itsjustemily @thesazzb @vinyardmauro @cookiesupplier @concreteemo @dominuslunae @mountains-to-move @sundamariis @caitcoreeeee @crimson-calligraphyx @letmeadoreyoux @starsomens @artificialbreezy @lma1986 @iknownothingpeople @lilrubles @shilohrosechicken @missduffsblog @jessicafg03 @thatchickwiththecamera @mysticdoodlez @chels3a-smile @sinkingteethinwhitenoise @deathblacksmoke @roley-poley-foley @ravieisunhinged @dethronetheveil @to-be-written @somewhere-diamond @somebodyels3 @sacredthefran @th0ughts-pr4yers @skulliecadaver-blog @hayleylatour @littlefoxkota @anameunmusical @talialovesmiw @sacredthefran @jilliemiw86 @darkmxgician
Jolly strode into the grand council chamber, adjusting the lapels of his suit and surveying the scene before him. Fellow mages mingled in small groups, their hushed conversations echoing off the circular walls and intricately carved marble pillars. His gaze swept down the stairs to the center of the room, where the massive, oaken table of the Head Magistrate sat, its surface polished to a gleaming shine and inlaid with intricate sigils and runes. Flanking it were the four smaller tables of the Council Elders, simple and unadorned in contrast. Off to the side, almost as an afterthought, were the utilitarian desks of the Secretary, Scribe, and Guardsman, stacked high with parchment and quills. Jolly slumped into his seat at one of the Elders' tables, crossing one leg lazily over the other and leaning back with a sigh. Another mind-numbing meeting awaited him, just like all the others this month. These interminable gatherings were the bane of his workday existence. He often found himself zoning out as the Magistrate droned on, his imagination drifting to literally anything else - magical experiments in his workshop, reading in the archives, even watching paint dry. Today would be no exception, he mused, stifling a yawn and steeling himself for the boredom ahead.
Jolly's mind wanders to Rosa as he waits for the meeting to start. He thinks back to this morning at the breakfast table, when he caught a brief glimpse of the intensity simmering behind her eyes. For just a moment, he saw the aurora glow of her irises - greens, blues and purples swirling together like a cosmic storm.
As Jolly poured himself another cup of coffee in the kitchen, he overheard Rosa telling Noah about the victims of the disease she called The Rage. But it wasn't really a disease at all- just uncontrolled magic consuming Unclaimed Mages from within.
Jolly shudders at the thought. Where would he be now if his own magic had spiraled out of control like that? He feels a swell of gratitude for his mentor, who helped him harness and master his abilities. 
His family was a lineage of mages with a magic that spanned generations, each adept at wielding the immense power of water. He had a cousin who made her home right on the tumultuous waves of the Aegean Sea in Greece - open her back door and the ocean spray hits you in the face. Another cousin was an Olympic swimmer - clearly the family gifts gave him an advantage in the pool. It was no coincidence they hailed from the icy north, where snow covered the ground most of the year. His parents were in their element among the glaciers and snowdrifts. They never understood why he felt compelled to head west to the sweltering city.
The simplicity of it resonated within him. Blood. The one common thread that bound humans, mages, and hunters together as one. Its rhythmic flow coursed through every living being, connecting them in an intimate dance of life. As he stood among the pulsing thrum of bodies, feeling their sanguine energy swirl around him, he found peace. In that moment, all differences faded away, and there was only the blood - the vital, crimson river that made them all one.
As she sits down next to him, he can't help but notice her defeated sigh, though her appearance exudes anything but. Maria's dark caramel locks cascade in perfect curls down to the middle of her back, effortlessly framing her sweet mocha skin. While her heather grey suit accentuates her figure, her aura commands the room. He knows Maria to be a confident, successful woman who carries herself with poise and grace, yet in this moment she seems weary. Though she looks as put together as ever, her sigh betrays her, hinting at an exhaustion or worry she tries hard not to show. He wonders what could be weighing on her mind to make her shoulders slump ever so slightly under that perfectly fitted jacket.
Jolly's lips curl into a playful smile as he asks, "What is it this time, Maria dear?" The two have been best friends ever since his arrival from Sweden. Maria herself was born and raised in Brazil - two foreigners who found companionship in one another.
"What isn't the matter?" she exclaims, throwing her head back in defeat. "My experiments are failing left and right. And my herbal farm in the west? It got hit with an unexpected frost. Half our stock is dead and the rest are in shock." Poor Maria lets out an exaggerated sigh, hands slapping her face as her fresh red manicure slides down pulling her skin with it. 
With a warm smile, Jolly noticed the sparkling diamond ring on Maria’s finger. "So how's Oliver handling his new promotion?" he asked.
Maria sighed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "About as well as can be expected. He's determined to support the hunters and make me proud, but I can tell his mind has been preoccupied." A frown tugged at her lips as she absentmindedly twisted the ring. "I just hope all the added responsibilities aren't weighing too heavily on him."
Jolly nodded in understanding, giving her arm a reassuring pat. "I'm sure he'll get the hang of it. Oliver's got a good head on his shoulders." He offered an encouraging grin. "And if he needs any advice, tell him to give me a call. I'd be happy to help however I can."
The magistrate's presence silenced the room as all eyes fell upon him. His receding dark hair and heavy-lidded eyes, now dulled by age, did nothing to diminish the air of authority he exuded. With shoulders squared, he strode in with the confidence of a man accustomed to commanding obedience. Though time had etched its marks on his face, the magistrate's piercing gaze and imposing stature ensured that he remained an intimidating, powerful figure that few would dare defy. Flanked by armed guards with hands ready at their weapons and fierce hunters prowling in his wake, he exuded power. The assembled mages and council members watched with bated breath as he took his place at the head of the room. His piercing gaze swept over the crowd; with but a look, he could end any man's life. When he spoke, his deep voice echoed off the stone walls, steel underlying his every word. This was not a man to be trifled with. All knew that to defy him meant certain death. His will would be done, one way or another.
The magistrate called the meeting to order, his gravelly voice booming through the crowded hall. As the magistrate continued explaining the agenda for their meeting, Jolly listened intently, waiting for the right moment to make his case with passion and conviction. Jolly had been concerned about laboratory finances being off for months now, although it was only slight loss each month he wanted to propose more access to the financial bracket in order to ensure the funding was being spent appropriately. As the head researcher at the biotech firm, Jolly took pride in running an efficient and productive lab. He had assembled a top-notch team of scientists who were making great strides in genetic research that could lead to new disease treatments. However, Jolly had noticed some peculiarities in the monthly budgets that left him scratching his head. Each month, there seemed to be a small but consistent discrepancy between the approved funding for equipment, materials, and salaries and the actual spending. The differences were not huge - usually just a few thousand dollars - but they bothered Jolly, who liked to have full transparency and understanding of his lab's finances. He began to wonder if the discrepancies were a sign of innocent accounting errors or something more concerning like misconduct or fraud.
 The council chamber erupted into a tumultuous debate as the mages representing the western territories voiced their strong objections to the proposed expansion plans. The western mages were incensed, but controlled in their anger, as they argued against the council's designs to push westward, establishing new laboratories, research facilities, and magical institutions on their lands. They fretted that such development would tax their resources, both material and magical, to a breaking point. More than that, the mages worried how the humans living in the west would react. So much of the mages' livelihood and profits depended on providing services to the non-magical humans there.
The western mages implored the council to reconsider the westward expansion, lest they lose the faith and business of the humans and thereby undermine the prosperity of mage and human alike. But not even ten minutes had passed when Jolly's phone buzzed in his pocket. He pressed it between his palm and thigh, silencing it until the buzzing stopped. A minute later, it buzzed again. Maria turned to him, concern swimming in her soft brown eyes. Jolly never got calls during meetings, especially not with the High Council of Mages. He was always diligent about turning his phone off beforehand. Yet here it was, buzzing insistently in his pocket, disrupting the solemn proceedings. Jolly shifted in his seat, ignoring Maria's worried glance. The phone vibrated again, persistently. Noah knew better than to call during High Council meetings, but after the third buzz, Jolly discreetly slid his phone out from his deep pocket and tapped back a quick message: "In a meeting."
The phone hummed once more against his leg. He offered Maria an apologetic nod before slipping to the back of the room. He could feel the eyes of the other Mages following him, their curiosity mingled with annoyance at the disruption. What could be so urgent that Noah would risk the ire of the High Council? Jolly's grip tightened on his phone as he stepped into the shadowed recesses of the hall.
"Noah, what's going on?" he whispered.
Before Jolly could even finish the question, Noah blurted out: "It's Rosa. She's been sick all morning, shaking and sobbing. I think she's having trouble breathing." Jolly could hear Rosa whimpering and choking back sobs in the background. His heart sank with worry.
Jolly ended the call and quietly returned to his seat beside Maria. Crouching down, he saw her eyes widen as she took in the evident concern on his face.
"Go," she whispered. "I'll check in after the meeting."
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He glances down at Rosa's small, trembling body curled up in his lap. Her fever still rages even as she finally drifts into a fitful sleep. He gently rubs circles on her back, hoping to provide some small comfort as they huddle near the warming fire. Jolly has been on the phone with Maria all day, both of them racking their brains trying to figure out how to make Rosa feel better. They've tried everything - bland foods, rest, warm baths, piles of blankets - but nothing seems to break this persistent fever. He feels so helpless watching his young mistress suffer. His heart aches to see her so miserable and weak. If only there was something more he could do to ease her discomfort. He continues rubbing her back, wishing he could absorb her illness into himself and spare her this torment.
Late into the night, the apartment was dark and still. Noah's eyes peered through the shadows, his night vision sharp. In the next room, Jolly tapped away at his keyboard, the occasional thud against the desk revealing his frustration. They were all on edge.
Before the knock came at the door, Noah caught their scent on the air - the earthy musk of Oli mixed with his wife's exotic floral perfume. Hushed voices murmured as Nick let them in, arms laden with bags. The commotion stirred Rosa from her sleep. She groaned, turning her head in Noah's lap as the visitors carried in their chaotic noise. He stroked her hair, hoping to soothe her back to rest, even as his own nerves remained taut. 
Noah gently scoops her up, cradling her in his strong arms as if she were the most delicate porcelain doll. Carrying her down the hall to the room she shares with Jolly. His face softens as he gazes down at her, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. Oli and Nick follow closely behind, ever-watchful guardians ready to protect their cherished friend.
Oli takes up his post by the tall windows, his tall, lean frame leaning casually against the glass as he keeps a close eye on the surroundings below. Nick stations himself firmly by the door, arms crossed, prepared to ward off any disturbance.
Noah lays Rosa down tenderly on the bed, tucking the blankets snugly around her resting form. His touch is feather-light, yet secure and comforting. Oli and Nick exchange a quick glance, reassured by the care Noah takes with his vulnerable mistress.
Noah stops tucking her in, looking up at Oli with a questioning gaze. "She's different now," Oli said, a hint of uncertainty in his voice. "Since that night. Something's changed."
Nick chimed in, sounding puzzled. "She's sick, right?" But he had never even seen Rosa before. How could he know?
Oli hesitated, sensing there was more to it. "No, it's...something else. Something more." His tone was laced with curiosity and unease. 
Noah gazed upon his mistress' sleeping form, a knot of unease twisting in his gut. She was his to protect, yet he sensed a power within her that gave him pause. As she shifted in slumber, a lock of hair fell across her face. But as his fingers grazed her cheek, her eyes flashed open, swirling with the cosmic colors of the morning sky.
He whimpered, feeling her gaze pierce his soul. His body shuddered, dropping to all fours in supplication before her might. With but a glance, she commanded the room. Oli and Nick, too, succumbed, bowing as beasts before her.
Though uncertainty gripped him, Noah felt no fear. He would surrender all to keep her safe. There was power here, yes, but no evil. Only light.
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Jolly's leg bounced impatiently as he watched Maria pore over the results for the fifth time. "Well?" he finally burst out, unable to contain himself any longer.
Maria glanced up, one eyebrow raised. "This is unbelievable," she murmured. "Nightshade serum? Created in someone's home lab? Preposterous."
She turned back to the email, reading through it again with pursed lips. Jolly groaned and leaned his head against the back of the couch.
"I just can't wrap my mind around it," Maria said after another minute. "This Rosa woman managed to synthesize a complex biochemical compound using makeshift equipment? And achieved these kind of results?"
He sits casually on the couch, legs crossed, as he considers the situation. "Seems like it," he muses. "She's been getting nightshade from some garden shop over on the east side."
Maria thinks quietly to herself. "Well, I don't own that shop. And I certainly don't sell deadly nightshade here." She shakes her head slightly.
Jolly sat up, placing both feet firmly on the ground as he leaned forward, elbows on his knees. His hands clasped together tightly as he looked at Maria expectantly.
"Well, will any of that mumbo jumbo you brought actually help or not?" he asked, unable to keep the frustration out of his voice. He needed something real, something tangible to help Rosa get through this.
Maria just leaned back in the office chair, clicking her tongue thoughtfully. "I might be able to whip something up, but it may only provide temporary relief. She may just have to ride this thing out."
Jolly shook his head, countering firmly but not unkindly, "She needs strength, real medicine, if she's going to recover and get back on her feet. Something to help her keep food and water down, not just take the edge off."
Maria nodded contemplatively, eyes glazing over as she turned ideas over in her head. "Let me see what I can do. Oh, and when she's better, I'd love to be able to pick her brain a bit." At Jolly's confused look, she continued, "My experiments keep failing, but with a brilliant mind like hers, maybe I can finally achieve what I'm looking for."
Jolly sighed, but had to admit her skills could help. "We'll see when she's back on her feet. For now, let's just focus on getting her well."
Maria spins out of the chair, gliding across the room before she rummages through her bags with eager hands, searching for the ingredients she needs. Maria finds them and gets to work, pouring and mixing with practiced motions. Several syringes are filled with a murky green concoction. She tidies her workspace, then picks up one of the syringes. gives it a flick, making sure there are no bubbles, before securing the needle. Her eyes gleam as she admires the fruits of her labor.
Jolly scrambles to his feet as she catwalks out of the room, her words trailing behind her. "Let's see if it works." He hurries after her, struggling to keep up with her long strides. They make their way down the hall to his room. As he opens the door, they both freeze, startled by the sight before them.
Between the soft cotton sheets and warm down blankets, Rosa rests peacefully, her head propped up on the plush pillows. Next to her, Noah, rests his furry head on her belly, his legs twitching occasionally as he sleeps curled up close to Rosa, ever watchful and protective. At her feet, paws crossed over her legs, lies Nick, snoring softly in tranquil slumber. And there, curled perfectly at Rosa's thighs, eyes open and alert, is Oli, the vigilant comander. 
Jolly leans against the door frame, crossing his arms as he watches the faithful guardians wake and look at Maria with curious yet cautious eyes. They have locked onto the syringe in her hand. Noah turns to Jolly, who offers a reassuring nod as Maria approaches slowly. The protective canine companions follow her every move, never leaving their posts at Rosa's side. Jolly looks on calmly from the doorway as Maria grasps Rosa's arm, finding the right spot and delivering the medicine from the syringe. When the syringe is empty, Maria walks away, and the devoted guardians snuggle into Rosa even tighter, continuing their vigil watch.
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midmorninggrey · 1 month
An Embellishment of Lore (Tag Game)
I think as Fanfic writers, we often add lore to our stories. It is natural for us to build upon the pillars set for us. But what about the foundations, gravel and grit? What was a piece of Lore you added to Dragon Age that wasn't pre-existing?
Big thank you to @samseabxrn for the tag! I’m a little late because after taking a break from the DA scene, I worry that my canon lore knowledge is rusty? If any of these ideas are wildly out-of-sorts, please feel free to point me in the right direction.
“May you die with the sun on your face” is a saying that serves as a blessing or a curse among Grey Wardens. It may have originated within Dalish Wardens as a prayer for Mythal’s light and protection, but humans have muddied the translation over the centuries. 
House Trevelyan Operates Lyrium Mines - The Trevelyans already have a canon connection to the Chantry, but I wanted to add a darker layer of economic interest to their influence.
Force Mage Musings - One of my OCs is a strong Force Mage, and the fun part of creating a potentially overpowered character is poking holes in their abilities. Even successful force magic has a high risk of "rebounding" on the mage who casts it, most commonly breaking bones in their extremities.
Tagging forward to @blarrghe @dungeons-and-dragon-age @inquisimer if this hasn't already come your way! Or anyone who wants to write about their lore, I'd love to hear about it.
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verflcht · 2 months
A VERY DESCRIPTIVE PROFILE OF YOUR MUSE. Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. if you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own!
NAME: Zeev Horace Spindle
ALIAS/NICKNAMES: Foul Fleshed, The Sullied, Golden Wolf ⸻ Some others though call me "Goldie" or "Prince Charming", I love to get reduced to my outer appearance.
AGE: 29
SPECIES: human with magical abilities / witch/er / mage / wizard, whatever you wanna call him. 
SEX: male
NATIONALITY: british with scottish ancestors
FAMILY: londra (mother), following sisters: Moira, Cassandra, Zara, Victoria, Melisandre, Wren (dead), nieces: Helen & Malicella
INTERESTS: everything occult, tending his garden, reading / studying, socialising, using magic 
PROFESSION: he's putting his knowledge of dark arts into service, fulfilling desires 
BODY TYPE: slim & athletic, narrow waist & long legs
EYES: brown / golden / honey, depending on the light
HAIR: rough blonde
SKIN: fair complexion, slightly sunkissed, but a white ass nonetheless 
FACE: slim & long, high cheekbones, noticeable jawline
POSTURE: straight & confident, holds himself with some sort of elegance & boyish looseness as if he's got no worries at all.
HEIGHT: 5'11" (180cm)
VOICE: low like early morning fog above a lake in autumn
SIGNATURE OUTFIT: always something classy & fashionable, doesn't like colours too much or collars
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STRENGTHS: attentive & would win every game of holding eye-contact, inquisitive, enigmatic, charismatic, loyal, passionate, strategic
WEAKNESSES: stoic, morbid, boundary-pushing, manipulative, deceitful, greedy
FRUITS: has no preferences, but he doesn't mind berries
COLORS: gold, orange, yellow, reddish hues ⸻ colours of the sun, so to say
SMOKES/DRUGS: experience comes from practicing with herbs, but he would never take synthetic drugs nor wants to get high or any other state of mind, prefers keeping control
DRINKS: tea is his go to, even during the hottest season
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: no particular high nor low tolerance, above average, depending on what he's drinking, prefers wine over anything else
DRIVER'S LICENSE: has none, but that wouldn't keep him from driving anyway, can't be too hard, can it?
tagged by: @kettensaege
tagging: @nepnthc @vasted, @godpyre, @pharaorising & @vikasgarden, also you !
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Ancano using his authority as a Thalmor agent to search Darling's room at the College and, if he's bold enough, insist on searching them for articles related to Talos worship. They reluctantly turn out their robe pockets, but Ancano just tuts and insists on a thorough search--there are so many places one can hide something small like an amulet, after all.
They insist he has no reason to think they're a Talos worshipper, but he insists that if they won't submit to his authority then he'll have to arrest them. He's being courteous by allowing them to undress themselves, but if they're going to act this way then he'll disrobe them personally.
Darling is shivering in their undergarments while Ancano takes them by the arm. When they try to push him away, he uses magic to hold them still so he can pat down what little there is covering them. "You'd be surprised how many heretics try to hide things in intimate spots; you'd think if they really believed Talos was a God, they wouldn't tarnish their items of worship by hiding them in such places...hmph."
He's thorough in groping feeling for evidence every square inch of skin and cloth, chastising them for squirming so much. And because he's a High Elf and thus can't NOT be pompous, he's remarking about their body while he "investigates." If they're human, he muses that they have a soft curviness to them that Mer don't have; that plump physique must be helpful in Skyrim's miserable climate.
Once he's satisfied, he simply says his informant must have been mistaken. He offers to apologize for the needless search by dressing them himself. They insist they're not a child that needs help and certainly don't want it from him after what he just did, but he just ignores them and does it anyway. Considering how disheveled they looked and how sloppily their robe was tied, they could only benefit from his help.
He spends quite a few nights and private moments recounting how they looked without their robes and how they felt under his hands. If he managed to pin some false evidence on them, he could have cause to perform a private interrogation without the other mages stepping in...perhaps a strip search, as well.
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astrology-bf · 13 days
May DWC Day 7: Void
A lone dragoon stood atop one of the rime-sheeted roofs of Whitebrim Front. His arms were crossed, and his attention was cast upon the flurry of frenetic activity below as the defenders of Ishgard raced to make their preparations ahead of the Dravanian Horde’s imminent second assault. Despite the weaving mass of people, he had little difficulty picking out and keeping his gaze fixed on a singular, white-garbed midlander as he made his way about the Front.
Estinien had arrived at Lord Aymeric’s conference in Camp Dragonhead only to find the Warrior of Light conspicuously and unexpectedly absent, the famed hero apparently having left the meeting without explanation prior to the dragoon’s entry. Thus denied his chance to meet the subject of the curious tales he'd heard, the elezen made his second effort once the conference ended - only to happen upon a young Lord Leveilleur receiving a public verbal lashing from his errant champion before the latter rode away to cool off. Interest piqued further still, he decided to make some sport of being twice thwarted by circumstance: thus, Estinien began shadowing the magician’s path across central Coerthas before proceeding to silently study the object of his ersatz hunt from on high.
Ifan had kept himself busy since arriving. He seemed to have a knack for choosing to render aid where it was useful, and while the mage was generous with his assistance Estinien noted that Ifan nonetheless seemed to be conserving his strength: a prudent preparation for the imminent siege. There were a number of points at which the dragoon might have approached him, namely when Ifan had a moment to take his ease - but for reasons Estinien couldn't quite explain, he chose to leave the mage alone.
The Azure Dragoon was, for now, content with indulging his fascination by watching his quarry from afar.
After a little while, Ifan made his way towards the buildings on the Front’s north side; Estinien followed, it being little matter for the dragoon to alight on the roof to continue his observation: which he would have done, had the midlander not apparently vanished from sight.
Estinien blinked, uncertain if he’d missed Ifan making a turn. Then his nostrils flared as he caught an unfamiliar scent on the wind, and he turned sharply to see Ifan looking at him warily several fulms away from where the dragoon was perched.
"You know you can just approach me directly if you want to say hello, yes?" said Ifan. He came no closer than he already was, giving Estinien a chance to speak.
The elezen hummed, turning to face Ifan fully. "You're surprisingly stealthy. Particularly for a mage."
"I manage. I've got a couple of pretty good teachers down in Limsa.” 
“Mm.” Estinien hummed. “Your method of ascent. Tell me.” 
"You first." 
"Simple enough. I rode the wind."
Ifan’s eyebrow rose sharply in surprise. "You flew?”
"You owe me an answer." demanded the dragoon.
The magician returned a coy smile. "I shrank the earth." 
A singular huff of a chuckle escaped the dragoon's nose in response to Ifan's caginess. "Good. You’d have disappointed me if you parted with your secrets so easily.” he said, amused rather than annoyed.
"Ahhh, so you want me to teach you.” mused Ifan breezily. “Or are you here to pry my tricks from me by force?" 
"Nay, you've nothing I want.” answered Estinien. “I was merely observing you. I've no use for weaklings as allies, but what I've seen of you encourages me."
“Is that so?” 
Estinien nodded. "You had rather harsh words for the young master regarding his conduct." 
The coyness in Ifan's bearing evaporated at the dragoon’s statement. He let out a sigh as he recalled his earlier argument with Alphinaud. "Oh. Overheard that, did you?"
"I wager most of Dragonhead did."
The mage grimaced regretfully, but kept his gaze leveled at Estinien. "I'm not sure why my yelling at Alphinaud is encouraging. He’s just a child."
"He’s able to fight." Estinien rebutted bluntly.
Ifan frowned. "Children shouldn’t be fighting, regardless.”
"Children that don't fight, die. That is the way of it." 
The dragoon’s words lacked any trace of proselytism; it was something he truly seemed to believe as a fact. Ifan’s expression didn’t change, but his eyes narrowed as he scrutinized the elezen-shaped void of a man. 
"You're the Azure Dragoon. Estinien Wyrmblood." stated Ifan, at length.
"Aye. And you are the Warrior of Light. Ifan Kaleid."
Ifan made an exasperated noise. "Just ‘Ifan’, please. I’ve had enough of the title today, and I chose my surname on a lark in any case." 
Estinien nodded with faint amusement. "Ifan, then. Why "Kaleid"?" he asked. 
The magician spent a moment in thought. Then he smirked. "I'll tell you the story if you buy me a drink."
"I do not carry coin."
Ifan gave him a skeptical look. "Seems a little inconvenient."
"I've no use for it on the hunt. I can obtain what is needful through favor or barter." Estinien explained. 
Ifan hummed again. "Do you do nothing besides hunt?" 
Silence fell between them, interspersed only by the occasional whistle of the Coerthan wind across the rooftop where they stood. After a few moments Ifan closed the distance, and Estinien took note of how light and practiced his footfalls were upon the icy roof. Ifan’s eyes flicked up and down to give the dragoon another once over. Whatever his thoughts, he kept them to himself. 
"So... What is windriding, exactly?" asked Ifan as he clasped his hands behind his back, a smile on his lips and the faintest purr of roughness at the edge of his voice.  
"As it implies. One rides the wind as a dragon does." answered Estinien.
Ifan’s eyes sparkled with interest. "Could you teach me how?"
Estinien looked Ifan up and down, and gave a single nod. “Likely so.” 
"Will you, then?" 
"Nay." he replied flatly.
"Of course not." laughed Ifan quietly.
"You are no Dragoon, and I would not part with such an art to one outside the order without good reason." said Estinien. There was no contempt in the explanation. 
"Then, absent a good reason, how does one go about joining your order?" Ifan inquired.
One of Estinien’s eyes narrowed beneath his helmet. "I was not aware you could use a lance."
"You’re right, I can’t.” Ifan admitted with a tilt of his head. “Does one need to wield a lance to ride the wind?" 
The dragoon gave a thoughtful hum that bore a strong resemblance to a low growl. “Tis unusual but not necessary, no.”
"Well, I like to think I've killed enough dragons by now to earn at least a -little- consideration. And I’ve been told I’m quite unusual myself, no less.” The magician leaned forward a bit and grinned up at Estinien as he cajoled him, his eyes gleaming. “Aren’t hunters usually good sports? C’mon.” 
"You think yourself equal to a Dragoon, Warrior of Light?" 
Ifan’s grin vanished at the question. He straightened up, using his recently-acquired proximity to catch a glimpse of the dragoon’s eyes beneath the wyrmforged helm as he did so. There was a tense silence.
"I could probably take you. With a bit of luck, granted." Ifan answered coolly.
Estinien bared his teeth in a pleased grin of his own. "Very good. Then I will make you a wager, Ifan: should you fell a larger wyrm than I during the coming battle, I’ll teach you how to ride the wind." he challenged, pointing at Ifan with an armored talon.
Ifan couldn’t hide his own look of pleasure at the prospect. "And what prize shall I give you should you prove the victor?" he asked. 
Estinien’s expression settled, and he gave a single shake of his head. "I require no prize. You've nothing I want, as I said.” 
The magician made a little face at that. "That’s hardly fair. Well what do you want, generally speaking?" he asked, gesturing at Estinien with a hand.
The dragoon gave the matter genuine thought. It took him only a few moments.
"There is nothing I desire, save Nidhogg's death." he stated confidently.
There was another pause. Ifan regarded Estinien with an inscrutable expression on his features. Then he let out a sigh and looked off towards the silhouette of the city in the distance. "That… is quite a tall order, but,” he hummed. “Alright.”
Estinien blinked and cocked his head in genuine surprise. “What?”
"If I win, you teach me windriding. If you win, I slay Nidhogg for you.” Ifan repeated the terms and looked at Estinien with a wry little smile. “That seems a fair enough trade. Consider it a bet, Estinien." He finished with a wink.
The dragoon’s mouth opened in a scoff, and then his shoulders shook as a raucous peal of laughter began to ring across the roof on which they stood like a friendly roar.
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tabitha42 · 1 month
The Wizard's Apprentice - Chapter 9
Saffron is just a lowly apprentice with barely a successful firebolt to her name. So what chance does she have with the arch mage she's slowly falling in love with?
Gale x Tav, slow burn, eventual smut
Chapter 1 Previous chapter Next chapter
Saff stared intently at the tattered sleeve of Gale’s robe as she sewed it up as best she could. They’d managed to get all the blood out of it and now she was patching it up. The bracer was completely beyond repair though, for her at least. Perhaps a proper leatherworker could fix it or make a replacement. 
Unfortunately not only was it quite difficult to repair, but she was also getting very distracted by the thought of Gale bathing in the river behind her. She tried to tell herself not to think about him. How would she like it if the tables were turned and he was thinking of her while she bathed, imagining the water running over her slick, naked body?
She’d quite like that, actually.
Again she shook her head, for the 10th time. She forced herself to focus on the sewing once more, yet as she did she found herself wondering how far down his body that tattoo on his chest extended…
“How’re they looking?” 
She almost yelped in surprise as his voice snapped her out of her thoughts and she desperately hoped it hadn’t been obvious she’d been daydreaming about him. 
“Wha- how, um, how’s what looking?” she stuttered, looking up at him. 
“The robes,” he answered, stifling a chuckle at her flustered response. 
“Oh! Um, yeah, mostly done,” she answered, holding the sleeve up for him to see. He sat down opposite her and took the robes to inspect the damage. He was wearing his camp clothes now, and though she couldn’t see much of the tattoo anymore, she could still see the lines reaching up his neck. Sometimes she swore it looked like it somehow continued under his skin up to his eye, though she wondered if that was just some oddly prominent veins. She should really ask him about that tattoo at some point and if it meant something. 
“That gnoll really really did a number on this, didn’t it?” he mused as he handed it back to her. “Thank you for offering to fix it.” 
“You’re welcome, though I’m not sure I’m going to be able to do much more than this. It’s always going to be pretty bad, unless you get someone to remake the whole sleeve.”
“Well, what’s an adventurer without a bit of battle damage?” he chuckled. 
“Not looking forward to getting my battle damage,” she replied, half-jokingly. 
“With any luck you won’t have to, and I won’t have to get any more. We should be far at the back, out of the range of fire. They call wizards glass canons for a reason, after all.” 
“Mmm… easier said than done, when goblins are swarming round the whole group,” she murmured, remembering the one that nearly got her before Gale took care of it. 
“Do you know Misty Step?” he asked, frowning a bit as she looked at her.
“I know of it, but I’ve never tried to cast it.” 
“Let’s put that at the top of our priority for the next lesson, then. An extremely useful spell every wizard should know. As soon as combat starts you want to find a safe spot, preferably on the high ground, where you can pick off enemies but they can’t reach you. Misty Step will take you right there. It’ll also get you out of trouble in a pinch.” 
“It’s quite a bit more difficult than just standard cantrips though, isn’t it?” 
“It is, yes. But I think you’re up to the challenge.” She couldn’t help the smile that came to her lips, and Gale mirrored it as he continued. “I know you said you were out of magic for the day, but want to give it a quick try, just in case?” 
Well how could she say no to him?
After showing her the movements and the incantation, the two returned to the river bank and stood a few metres apart. 
“Now focus on the spot in front of me,” Gale called to her. “Have this spot in your head as you cast the spell, think of nothing but moving here. And remember, use the momentum of your movements to imagine yourself moving too,” he called to her. She nodded and took a deep breath to prepare herself. Finally, she lifted her arms. 
“Inveniam viam!” 
As usual, nothing happened the first time. But she didn’t let that deter her. She tried again, and again. Gale called the odd suggestion to her, a slight change in her position or change of pronunciation. Soon she started feeling a brush of magic with each attempt, growing stronger and stronger… til suddenly she felt a lurch and a flash as she said the words. In an instant the ground fell away, her body was pulled in one direction and her mind another, then suddenly she was back on the beach, stumbling forward disorientated, completely losing her balance. 
Before she fell suddenly she was caught and she found herself in Gale’s arms, her hands on his chest as she leaned against him. 
“Woah…” she whispered, looking up at him as the world spun around her. 
“That’s it, you’re ok,” he said softly. “It can be a bit disorienting at first, but you did it!” 
“A bit…” she laughed, feeling like Gale was wildly understating the extreme dizziness she was feeling right now. 
“It’ll pass, don’t worry,” he assured her. She rest her head against his chest, feeling like she couldn’t stop her head swimming right now and needed to force it to stay still. After a few moments, as promised, the dizziness began to die down, and only then did she realise what position they were stood in. 
She lifted her head and looked up at him, her hands still on his chest, his hands still on her waist where he’d caught her. Feeling his hands there, holding her so tenderly… it almost made her feel light-headed again, and this time not from the magic. As their eyes met her breath caught in her throat and her heart skipped a beat.
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“Feeling better?” he asked softly, the tenderness in his voice sending excited shivers down her spine. All she could manage was a small nod. Then she could swear, just for a split second, his eyes flicked down to her lips. Her heart raced in her chest as slowly, almost subconsciously, they drew closer together
There was a noise to the side and they both turned in surprise to see Astarion sitting on a large rock nearby, watching them. 
“Oh, please continue, don’t let me stop you,” he said innocently. He then let out a yelp as two mage hands suddenly pushed him off the rock. 
They returned to the tents to find the others just arriving - it seemed Astarion had walked on ahead a bit. But before Saff could think about her annoyance towards him any more, her attention was taken by the tiefling walking along with them. 
She was incredibly tall, well-built, wearing black leather and carrying a greataxe, one horn broken off while the other curled around her dark hair.
Suddenly Saff recognised her. 
“Wait, isn’t that-?!” she gasped, the words coming out before she thought about what she was saying. 
“Yes, it is,” Wyll said with a sigh, knowing what she was getting at. “Turns out I was misled. Karlach is no devil, she is a tiefling, and infected the same as us.” 
“You guys must be Saff and Gale!” Karlach said happily with a big grin. In the visions she’d looked terrifying, but now she had the warmest, most welcoming smile.
“A pleasure to meet you,” Gale said, walking towards her, lifting his hand for a handshake. “Woah now, wouldn’t do that soldier. Not unless you wanna burn your hand off,” she warned, taking a step back before he got too close. Saff frowned as she followed Gale towards her. 
“What do you mea-” 
The pain, again. She saw Avernus, devils and imps, the Blood War… and felt Karlach’s fear as she cut through them all, desperate for escape. 
“Arg, forgot that was gonna happen again,” Karlach said as the vision ended. 
“We did try to warn you,” Wyll laughed.
“Yeah yeah, well I guess I can’t complain too much,” she said, turning back to Gale and Saff. “Without this little worm, that one would never have believed my story,” she explained, pointing to Wyll. 
“I like to think I’m a good judge of character, but I fear you may be correct,” Wyll admitted, clearly not proud of it, but not going to hide it. “And what a mistake I’d have made. Heh, who’d have thought the tadpoles would prove useful?” 
“Suppose I’ve got two things to thank the mind flayers for then,” Karlach joked. “Seeing people’s memories when I meet them is definitely a new one for me!” 
The others chuckled and agreed, though Saff’s smile faded as a realisation suddenly dawned on her. 
With a gasp she turned to Gale and found him looking back at her with a slightly nervous look on his face. He knew what she’d just realised… 
With wide eyes she stepped back instinctively, and by this point the others had clearly noticed, and soon Gale felt all eyes on him, wondering what Saff was reacting to. 
“Ah, yes, I wondered if you might ask about this…” he started, before Lae’zel interrupted. 
“Ask about what??” she demanded, not wanting to be left in the dark. Meanwhile, Astarion looked quite excited.
“Ohh, we’ve only just got back and already there’s drama,” he whispered to Karlach, who happened to be standing next to him, and who looked significantly more concerned about all this.
“I didn’t see anything when I met Gale…” Saff whispered, the fear in her voice evidence of her fears about the reason behind that. “There was no connection, not like with everyone else…” 
“Did everyone else not see Gale’s memories?” Wyll asked, trying to remember what he’d seen when they’d met. “I saw books and a wizard’s tower.” 
“Those were my memories,” Saff said, knowing exactly which memories they’d seen as she’d seen them as well when their minds connected. 
“If you’d just let me explain-”
“Kaincha!” Lae’zel spat, drawing her sword. “He’s lying! He’s not infected at all!” 
“I assure you I am not lying!” Gale said quickly, holding his arms up in front of him defensively. 
“What, then? Speak!” 
“I just blocked it out! It’s not so different to Detect Thoughts and other such similar spells. I blocked out the tadpole the same way I would block out those spells.” “Ch’k, you expect us to believe you can just block out the tadpoles with such ease?” Lae’zel sneered, not believing him. Shadowheart clearly thought similarly. 
“The tadpoles are powerful magic,” she said, implying he wouldn’t be able to overpower them. 
“And I’m a powerful wizard,” he replied, the hint of a threat at the edge of his tone. “To control one’s mind and defend it against such threats is basic training at any good wizardry academy. I won’t claim blocking out the tadpoles is easy, but it is possible.” 
There was a moment of uneasy silence as they each weighed up whether or not to believe him. 
“Bah, enough! I will settle this!” Lae’zel declared, then strode towards Gale. For a moment the group thought she was going to kill him there and then, til she stopped in front of him and the pain ripped through their heads once more. 
They all felt it - Lae’zel trying to enter his mind. They felt her slashing the walls of his consciousness, trying to force her way in, as if trying to bash down a door… then suddenly they were all ejected as Gale’s defenses dropped like a portcullis. 
“Out!” Gale shouted, holding his head. He glared at Lae’zel, and she at him. 
“Ch’k, it didn’t connect. You have no tadpole!” 
“I stopped you connecting!” 
“And why should I believe you?” she demanded, raising her sword again in a threat. 
“If you want me to prove it then just ask, don’t start trying to force your way in!”
“Very well. Prove it to us,” she demanded. Hardly the polite request Gale had meant, but better than having his mind forced open. At least this way he could control what they saw… he hoped. 
“Fine…” he murmured, taking a moment to gather himself, before closing his eyes. 
The feeling returned, but this time it wasn’t painful. Not like their minds suddenly clashing together, but instead of his mind willingly opening up to them and sharing with them. He tried to focus on an unimportant recent memory, but quickly found the tadpoles seemed to gravitate towards rather more impactful memories. He could focus it somewhat, keeping it to recent memories, but couldn’t control exactly what they saw. 
The vision that came to them was that of a forest, though they felt his anxiety - then came the gnoll, jumping on him, throwing him to the ground. They saw its teeth, gnashing and tearing, sinking into his arm, blood and bile, searing pain, nothing but hunger behind the gnoll’s empty black eyes…
Then a blast of wind and thunder as the gnoll was thrown back. A blink and Saff was stood in front of him, protecting him as she hit the gnoll with everything she had, attack after attack. They felt his pain, his fear, his adrenaline… and maybe something else as he looked up at her…
The vision disappeared and they were back in the present. For a moment the group was quiet, some of them feeling a bit bad about turning on him so quickly when he’d been telling the truth, til Lae’zel spoke. 
“You were attacked by one of those creatures?” she asked, a hint of familiarity in her tone - they’d faced them out on the road, too. 
Gale lifted his sleeve and showed the bandages on his arm. 
“I was. And I wouldn’t be here right now if it wasn’t for Saff,” he said, turning to her. For a moment she blushed as the rest of the group looked at her. Astarion and Lae’zel in particular looked surprised, having seen how she’d reacted to the goblins the day before. Astarion’s look of surprise turned to a smile as he stepped forward. 
“Well then, a toast to your saviour is in order, is it not?” he said, taking his pack off and pulling out a bottle of wine. 
“Fuck yes!” Karlach agreed, happy both about the fact that the misunderstanding between her new friends had been settled, and that one of them had a surprise bottle of wine in his bag.
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ruinakete · 3 months
♡ // the pitch is fun as hell lets fuck up a perfectly good kid queen
"yeah, I've seen him around the town square before. I just... ah, I wouldn't advise approaching the boy. he doesn't respond well to... uhm, anything really. my daughter tried to befriend him the other day and he hadn't said a word to her, just glared at her from beneath his hood. hm, we cannot deny our services to him, though, as he pays well for a number of our items." ━━━ VILLAGEWOMAN STOREOWNER, about ???
CLASS: Fell Child
VERSION: specializes in TOMES, emphasizing MAGIC growth and high RESISTANCE, though not yet unlocking the ability to transform and utilize BREATH weapons
the last son of Lord Sombron, Zephia's biological offspring though fathered by her partner, Denning. while he prefers silence to the bustling commotion of social settings, it is not uncommon to find him traversing through a village or two to complete a task from his mother. however, be wary upon approaching him, as the only language he knows is that of bared teeth and the unrecognized effects of solitude. he, too, has taken to following in the silent image of that who he knows his father to be.
as a child of Sombron, his strongest genes are those of his biological father's. bone-white hair that is often trimmed just above his shoulders, parted only in his bangs. daily, he braids the front side-tresses and lets them grow longer than the rest of his hair. his eyes, unlike both his mother and father, are a pale golden glow, more alike the irises of Denning, though there is no trace of blood shared between the two. there is a lack of Mage Dragon blood in him and, thus, he was born without horns, though he frequently wonders about which shape of horns would look best on him.
apparel is a factor of appearance he took to Denning to follow as example. cloaks and hoods are his preferred, even inside the safety of his home. many assume that it is because of the wealth of knives that can be hidden under the cloth but, in truth, it is simply because it keeps him warm. by gathering his cloak and robes around him, his unnaturally high body temperature heightens and allows him to sleep peacefully in colder weather; with his house being high up in the mountains, this proves more than useful.
to the surprise of his parents, he was born with an unusual birthmark on his cheek, one that startled Zephia nearly into a blind rage. though the anger came from the memory of a Hound under her care, whom she abandoned for motherhood, her son assumed that the fury was because of its ugliness and, thus, he holds his head at an odd tilt whenever he does not have a hood, always facing his parents with his bare cheek rather than his marked one.
highly aggressive and volatile; it does not take much to ignite his penchant for blood. however, he is unsure where this rage comes from, uncertain if his lack of control is strong enough to cause such a reaction. thus, to keep from snapping at others, he does not speak. after watching how easily Denning yields to his mother, he has followed the same pattern in the hopes of appeasing her. if someone as great as Denning is susceptible to Zephia's words, then it must mean that her words are truth. and the truth is what he listens to.
likewise, the lack of social contact for most of his younger years has detached him fully from the world. when a human approaches him, he is unsure of how to properly react. the paranoia of his true bloodline being revealed startles him into silence, awkwardly standing in place until the human leaves him be. if not, he retaliates with anger, shielding his fear until it shapes itself into a weapon.
beneath Denning's teachings, he has learned curiosity and frequently asks his father to answer plenty of his questions. Denning is an inspirational figure to him, so he took to mimicking his mannerisms until they became a comfort. thankfully, Zephia seems to not mind this habit, else she'd have locked her son away until he forgot who her partner was.
there is no question that the head of the household is Zephia, with her son second in the hierarchy and, Denning, at the bottom. however, time has made this hierarchy of power well-known throughout the family and none wish to divert from it. despite this, Denning still hopes to have a part in his son's life, no matter how little of a presence this is. to him, his duty is that to protect his son.
as a result of the submission of Denning to Zephia's mindset, their son has no person he can confide in when the pressure of home begins to burden him. his blood as Sombron's last son must be kept secret from the rest of the world, lest the Fell Church and bad, bad dragons try to take him away from his mother; as were her words, and he wholly trusts her, no matter if he has yet to hear of another dragon that is not her.
he is a Fell Dragon and, thus, should adhere to the lessons and rusted tomes Zephia sets before him, but always, always, he cannot help but bend easier to the gentle teachings of Denning's lord. he has seen neither Sombron nor Nergal, but soon, he thinks, he will have to choose one to give his servitude to. but for now, the thought scares him, and he is fine with the weight of two expectations heavy on his shoulders.
??? about DENNING:
"my father..." a pause, silence would fill throat for a moment until he swallowed it and turned his cheek, "he is not around often, but i miss him a lot. his cloak is... i made my own copy."
??? about ZEPHIA:
"mother does all she can for me and yet, i cannot help but feel like i... i am not enough... but she loves me. she tells me everyday, once i finish my work. as long as i turn my cheek." his bottom lip trembled. "she will only kiss the bare one."
ZEPHIA about ???:
"he has a long way to come, in many aspects of who is he. when i teach him about the history of the fell church, he does not retain much of the information." a sigh, her gaze became dark. "but he speaks of a lord nergal, though he will not reveal where he heard this name. no worries, i will make him."
"he is useful, though hardly receptive to the affection i offer him. handling him has become difficult, but i'd hate to rid him when my son is still so young. hm-hm, time will do it for me."
DENNING about ???:
"this child is to be 'cared' for." written as easily as the want forms in his mind. "so long as he will have me, that will be my calling."
curt, but not assertive. "allow me to have purpose in this."
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