lendeah · 2 months
The currents of destiny
Chapter 5 : End of beggining.
Summary: The phrase "end of beginning" encapsulates significant milestones which signify the conclusion of an introductory phase. It signals the triumph over initial challenges and uncertainties, ushering in a transition towards more substantial or crucial stages. As they navigate through these turning points, they confront new sets of challenges and opportunities, propelling them into uncharted territory filled with promise and uncertainty alike. Pairing: Astarion x Fem!Reader/Tav Word Count: 4.4k Tags: Heavy Angst, Psychological Trauma, Blood and Violence, Character Death, Psychological Torture (kind of), Emotional Manipulation, Verbal Abuse, but just chapter 2, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Eventual Fluff, Eventual Happy Ending.
a/n: Ahhh finally the last part is out! I can't believe it. Thank you all so much for your support on this small series! Hope you enjoy the final chapter as well :)
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The night had stretched on and he still hadn't returned. She could feel the dried trails of tears on her cheeks, her face stiff with fear. Shadowheart lay curled up beside her on the bed, her presence a small comfort against the overwhelming sense of dread that consumed her body since last evening. His words rang in her head like a twisted mantra: I hope you die screaming, I hope you die screaming...
And the worst part was, from the look of his eyes, she knew he had meant every word.
As the first rays of morning stretched across the Elfsong room and Astarion was still nowhere in sight, she knew she couldn't stay there any longer. What if something terrible had happened to him? He had no weapons, no clothes, no coin… The thought twisted her stomach into knots. She needed to talk to him. Needed to explain everything to him.
The weight of her decision hung heavy on her heart as she slowly rose from the comfort of her bed. She took extra care not to disturb Shadowheart, who was still fast asleep beside her. The rest of their companions also seemed to be in deep slumber, their soft snores filling the room with a peaceful rhythm. With careful movements, she began to pack her belongings into a small bag, trying not to make any noise. The only sounds were the soft rustle of fabric and the occasional creaking of floorboards under her feet. Once she had everything she needed, she tiptoed towards the door and gently closed it behind her, leaving the others undisturbed in their dreams.
Once she was out of earshot, she released a heavy breath.
“Tav?” Wyll's voice broke the silence of the hallway, causing Tav to jump in surprise.
She turned around to find him standing there, her hand still gripping the doorknob.
"Wyll? What are you doing here?" she asked, trying to sound calm and collected even though her heart was still racing.
Wyll's expression was a mix of confusion and concern as he looked at her. "I could ask you the same thing," he replied.
Tav's mind raced as she tried to come up with an excuse. "I...I needed some fresh air," she said lamely, gesturing towards the door.
"At this time?" Wyll raised an eyebrow skeptically. His gaze was soft as he observed her. “Isn’t it a bit early to leave?”
Tav's heart sank as she looked into Wyll's concerned eyes. She considered telling him the truth; if any of her companions would understand her motives, it would definitely be heroic, gentle and compassionate Wyll.
“I am going to look for Astarion.”
Wyll's smile wavered and the playful light faded from his eyes.
"I had a feeling you would," He sighed, setting aside his wine cup and getting closer to her. "Yesterday was quite something. You must be feeling shaken."
Tav felt the familiar sting of tears in her eyes. Gods, why was she like this? She turned away from Wyll, unable to meet his understanding gaze.
"I failed him," she whispered, her voice cracking with emotion.
Wyll's hand left her shoulder and gently turned her towards him so that their eyes met. "No, Tav. You did what was right. A pact with the devil is never a good idea, trust me on that."
"But I took away the only chance at freedom," she sobbed.
Wyll's face softened as he gently brushed away Tav's tears with his thumb. "You did what you had to do to protect him," he reassured, his tone firm. "We both know that the ritual would have trapped him just as much as it would have freed him." He smiled slightly. "And when we find Astarion, he'll understand too."
Tav's heart ached at Wyll's words. She knew he was right, but the guilt and regret were still eating away at her.
Tav looked down at her hands, "I'm sorry, Wyll. I didn't want to drag any of you into this mess, especially not anymore than I already have."
Wyll shook his head gently, "No need for apologies, Tav. We all have our own battles to fight. And as your friend, all I want is for you to find happiness."
She brushed a lock of hair behind her ear, meeting Wyll's understanding gaze with a small smile. "It's just hard not to worry about Astarion."
Wyll let out a soft chuckle, his eyes sparkling in the early morning light. "Astarion may be many things, my friend, but helpless isn't one of them." Wyll sighed heavily, scratching at his stubbled chin as he looked toward the closed door of the inn. "Our Astarion... He's not one to wear his heart on his sleeve, I'll give you that. But he's... changed since meeting you."
Tav blinked in surprise at his words. “Has he?”
Wyll chuckled softly, running a hand lightly through his hair as he leaned against the wall. "Well for starters," he said, "he's actually stopped to listen to someone else for once in his life. You have shown him another side of life he hadn’t seen in centuries. Kindness. Love. And that is something this dreamer's heart can appreciate."
The thought of Astarion finding some solace and happiness in their brief time together brought a small smile to her face.
"He deserves it," she said softly, her eyes on the closed door once again. "He's been through so much. I can't even begin to understand the pain he carries."
Wyll nodded in understanding. "None of us can," he said. "But I believe you have given him a glimmer of hope that maybe things can be different."
Tav nodded. She was feeling a determination unlike any she had known before. Her heart was set on finding Astarion and mending their relationship, no matter what it took. She knew they would.
“Thank you, Wyll,” she said gratefully, her strong hands gripping his in a firm shake. “I needed to hear that.”
He chuckled lightly, patting her hand before stepping back. “From one dreamer to another,” he said with a wink. “We've got to stick together.”
Tav gave Wyll a final nod before setting off, leaving her weapons and armor behind at the room. The morning air was cool against her skin as she stepped out of the Elfsong Tavern. She stood on the cobbled street, her mind racing as she tried to recall any place Astarion may have mentioned frequenting in Baldur's Gate besides the numerous taverns, but her efforts were fruitless. The faint smell of wet stone and brewing coffee filled her senses as she scanned the bustling streets for any sign of her elusive companion. Where in the hells could he have gone?
As she walked numerous streets, she felt the city stirring around her. Baldur's Gate was coming alive with the break of day; vendors were setting up their stalls, peddling goods from exotic spices to finely crafted weapons. The air buzzed with energy, and under different circumstances, she would have loved to explore this side of the city.
But not today. Today, her mind was too consumed with worry for Astarion.
For what seemed like hours, she combed the grim streets of Baldur's Gate, desperately seeking any trace of her missing companion. Now, she found herself in a narrow passage near the bustling docks, an eerie chill creeping down her spine. Before she could even process where she was, a sound behind her caused her to whirl around, heart pounding against her rib cage. The alley was cloaked in darkness, the tall buildings looming over her like foreboding sentinels. As she strained her eyes to make out any shapes in the shadows, a massive figure began to approach with menacing steps.
"That is a nice necklace, lady," a gruff voice said. "Hand it over and no one gets hurt."
She tore her gaze from the figure to look down at the pendant around her neck - an intricately-designed piece of jewelry that was a gift from Arabella’s deceased parents. There was no way in hell she was going to part with it. Her first instinct was to grab for her longsword, but her hand came up empty. She cursed herself for leaving all of her weapons behind at Elfsong.
"I'm afraid that's not possible," she said evenly, trying not to betray the fear that was gnawing at her insides.
A menacing laugh echoed through the brick walls, sending shivers down her spine. "Then I guess we'll have to do this the hard way."
Before she could react, he lunged at her. Instinctively she sidestepped his attack, but without a weapon in hand, she knew this wasn't a fight she could easily win. Not with a man his size. As he pushed further into her space, unveiling a wicked dagger from beneath his cloak, a fleeting thought crossed her mind: would this be how it ended? In a dirty allyway of all places? Would all of their battles and sacrifices be for nothing?
Before Tav could retaliate, another figure appeared beside them.
“How awfully typical of you to walk alone into a deserted alley and end up getting robbed.”
The new voice was smooth, with a lilt of amusement woven in with scorn. Tav’s heart pounded in her chest as she recognized the speaker.
Her assailant paused, looking warily over his shoulder at Astarion, who leaned lazily against the brick wall, the early morning light casting an ethereal glow around him. Astarion's crimson eyes glinted dangerously as he looked from Tav to the man.
The thug sneered at Astarion. "And who might you be?"
Astarion shrugged nonchalantly, pushing off from the wall and stepping into the dim light. "Oh, nobody special." He cracked his knuckles, the slightest smirk playing on his lips. "Tell me, is mugging the first thing they teach in thug school? Or are you just unusually incompetent?"
The man growled, clearly not liking being mocked. He made a move towards Astarion, whose smirk widened into a grin that showcased his razor-sharp fangs. It happened so fast Tav hardly had time to react; one moment, the thug was standing upright, snarling and waving his knife; then next, he was sprawled on the ground unconscious.
“Thank you for the gift, how very kind of you.” the vampire added, taking the dagger that was now on the floor. She would have rolled your eyes at his theatrics, but her heart was beating so hard at the sight of him, alive and unharmed, that all she could do was stare.
“Astarion…” her voice wavered, “You’re okay.” It wasn’t a question but a mere statement of relief.
“This is hardly the hero's welcome I was expecting,” he quipped, tucking the stolen dagger into his belt. He then turned to regard her, his smirk fading into something softer. “But I suppose it will have to do.”
Tav moved closer to him, her gaze scanning his body for any injuries. He was still shirtless and caked in blood, but she breathed a sigh of relief upon realizing that it was mostly from Cazador and not him.
“I was worried about you, I-” she choked on a sob, her eyes filling with tears. Her heart raced and her thoughts whirled as she tried to express all the worry and fear she had been holding in, all the pain and anger, but the word didn’t seem to come to her mouth. But she didn’t have a chance to speak as suddenly, he was there. His arms wrapped around her body in an embrace she had never felt before. It was as if he was holding on for dear life, as if he couldn't bear the thought of letting her go.
Tav let herself relax into his arms, her own wrapping around his waist as she buried her face in his chest. The smell of him, the soft coldness of his skin, everything was so familiar to her. They stood there, holding each other in the dimly lit alleyway, and Tav couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of relief and comfort. She had been so scared for Astarion's safety, and now that he was back in her arms, all she wanted to do was hold onto him forever.
Astarion rested his chin on top of her head and let out a contented sigh.
"I'm sorry," Astarion murmured into her hair, his voice wavering too. "I have treated you terribly," Astarion pulled back, his hands cupping her face as he looked into her eyes. "I never should have left you in the first place," he said, his voice filled with regret.
Tav's heart ached at the sincerity in his words. She wanted to be angry at him, to yell and scream and make him feel guilty for leaving her behind. She had thought of the many things she would say to him when she encountered him again: I hate you, I’m sorry, I love you…
But this, she didn’t expect this. The vulnerability he was showing. The broken look in his face. As she looked into his eyes, all she could see was the pain and regret that mirrored her own.
"I- I don't know what to say," Tav stammered out, her voice trembling.
Astarion's hands dropped from her face and he took a step back, giving her space. "You don't have to say anything," he said softly. "I just...I needed to see you again. To make things right for once."
She stood silently, trying to process her thoughts. Before she could say anything else, though, Astarion continued.
“I didn’t mean anything I said in Cazador’s place. I wasn’t myself. I didn’t see the full picture.” His eyes were glazed, as if reliving a memory. “If I had carried on with the ritual, I would- I would have done unspeakable things to you. I would have become like him.” He took a shaky breath. “And you knew. Because you saw the potential in me. You saw someone else I could be. Someone… better.”
Tav swallowed, her eyes welling up again. "Astarion... "
“Wait,” he cut her off, raising a hand. “I need to say this.” He looked down, as if trying to compose his thoughts, ”I'm… not entirely sure what came over me back there,” he confessed, his gaze fixed on the ground. “But I do know one thing for certain...I don't want to be that person. Not again.” He looked up at her then, a flicker of hope in his dark eyes. “I love you. I love this. And I want it all” he paused awkwardly before continuing, “that is, if you want to take me back, of course.”
She stared at him, his confession echoing in her ears. She searched his face for any hint of deceit but found none. He was looking at her with such intensity, such sincerity that it took her breath away. She couldn't believe it. After everything that had happened... he was standing in front of her, asking for a second chance. Telling her he loved her. She knew there were countless things they needed to discuss, so much to resolve between them. But it could wait, they would have plenty of time for that later.
She took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves, before finally meeting his gaze. “Astarion,” she began, her voice trembling slightly. “Of course I forgive you. You know I love you. And I would do anything for you.” Tav's words hung in the air for a moment before Astarion's face broke into a wide grin. He was about to speak but she covered his mouth. ”But. If you ever say something like that again, if you ever leave me like that again, this… us. Will be over. For good.”
Tav could see the excitement in Astarion's eyes despite her words.
“Oh darling, I would never,” he said earnestly. “I promise. From now on, I will only be good Astarion. Well, as good as I can be, of course. Selfless as I am, even I have my limits.”
A small smile tugged at the corners of Tav's lips as she looked at the vampire. Despite everything, she couldn't help but feel a sense of hope and happiness at his words.
"I believe you," she said softly, reaching out to gently place a hand on his cheek. "And I forgive you."
Astarion's face lit up with relief and gratitude, and he leaned into her touch. "Thank you, my love," he breathed, his voice filled with emotion. They stood like that for what felt like an eternity, until a low groan caught their attention. They looked at the robber, stirring on the ground.
“Well, I believe that’s our cue. We should go back with the rest of our esteemed companions. I’m sure they will be so very excited to see me.”
Tav chuckled as she followed Astarion out of the alleyway and back towards the Elfsong, their hearts still racing from the events that had just transpired. As they turned onto the busy street where the tavern was located, Astarion suddenly stopped, causing Tav to nearly bump into him.
“Is everything alright?” she asked, her brows furrowed in concern.
Astarion didn't answer, instead he turned her towards him and pulled her into a soft kiss. Tav's eyes widened in surprise before she melted into the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck. It felt like an eternity before they finally pulled apart, both of them breathing heavily.
Astarion gazed down at her with a soft smile. “I just couldn't resist,” he said, his voice husky. “You look stunning in my shirt.”
From that point on, both of them worked on rebuilding their relationship. Astarion stayed true to his promise of being a better person, and Tav could see the effort he was putting in every day. She was grateful for this new side of him, one that she had never seen before, but a part of her couldn't help but wonder what had sparked such a sudden transformation, almost overnight. Despite her lingering curiosity, Tav made the conscious decision to let go of her concerns about Astarion's change. There were more pressing matters at hand to focus on anyway.
After successfully defeating the Elder Brain and putting an end to the reign of the Absolute, she thought their journey would finally come to an end and they could finally rest. However, they soon found themselves faced with the daunting task of rebuilding Baldur's Gate, which had been left in shambles after the final battle. Astarion didn't seem bothered by not being able to walk in the sun anymore, or the fact that they couldn’t start searching for a cure right away. He assured her that they would find a way eventually, much to her surprise. It was a far cry from the hopeless vampire she had first met.
Time went by so fast after that, as Tav and her companions were hailed as heroes, and they were given every luxury that came with their new fame. They all had a mansion at their disposal, but Tav and Astarion chose to settle into a small house near the sea. It was a cozy home, with a breathtaking view of the ocean from their porch.
The vampire seemed content with their new life, away from all the chaos and the threat of an imminent death. He spent his days reading books from Tav's collection or sketching in his journal. But it was during their nightly walks on the beach when Tav saw him truly come alive. Underneath the starry sky, Astarion would take her hand and dance with her on the sand, spinning her around until they were both breathless with laughter. They talked about everything and anything - their pasts, hopes for the future, silly jokes and stories from their adventure. And she couldn't help but fall more in love with him every day.
Six months after the final battle, Withers paid them a visit and extended an invitation for a reunion with their friends, which they eagerly accepted. Tav was filled with excitement at the thought of seeing her friends again. She had missed them dearly, despite the frequent letters they exchanged. She couldn't wait to catch up on all that had happened in each other's lives since they parted ways.
The night of the reunion arrived, and she couldn't contain her happiness at seeing everyone gathered once again. Lae'zel, Gale, Shadowheart, Wyll and even Scratch were there, each of them looking just as pleased to see them as they were. The air was alive with chatter and laughter, and lively tunes being played by talented bards had everyone singing along and indulging in endless drinks and merriment. As the night wore on and the drinks kept flowing, Tav found herself fully immersed in the moment, swaying to the music with her companions and sharing hearty laughs. She was completely swept away by the euphoria of it all that she almost didn't notice Astarion making his way towards her with a dazed expression on his face. He pulled her into his arms, and for a moment, they simply danced in silence, their bodies moving in perfect harmony. Then he leaned down and whispered in her ear, "I can't wait for you to meet her," before pulling back with a mischievous smile.
She chuckled at his cryptic words, raising an eyebrow. "Meet who?" she asked, her voice slightly slurred from the ale.
"Our daughter," he whispered, a note of awe in his voice.
Tav's heart jolted at his words as a wave of confusion washed over her. “What are you talking about, Star? We don't...”
“That night after Cazador, a man named G’axir showed me the… power of the stars, or whatever. He was ancient and spoke in riddles, just like ol' Withers here!" He snickered, swaying slightly.
Tav furrowed her brow in drunken confusion. "And what does that have to do with us having a daughter?"
But his mind was elsewhere. “He showed me the future. Can you believe it? Actually, he showed me three futures. But two of them were…” he shuddered, “ugh, nevermind.”
“Astarion, I think you drank way too much boar bloo-”
“But the good future! Aha! That is the one we are heading towards. And in that future, we have a child, Tav. A beautiful little girl. She has your eyes... and my devilish charm, of course.”
Tav couldn't help but laugh at him. “You're kidding, right? You expect me to believe all this? That you went into the future? And that we have a...a daughter? From that future?”
Astarion looked a bit hurt by her laughter, but he quickly replaced it with his usual smirk. "I knew you'd find it hard to believe, that’s why I didn’t tell you before. But it’s true! I swear on… whatever god suits you."
She shook her head at him, her laughter dying down to a soft chuckle. “And you mean to tell me that is why you had changed your mind when I found you that morning?”
Astarion paused, his face softening as he reached out to gently brush a strand of hair from her face. “Yes,” he admitted softly. “Seeing her... Seeing you and her together in that future made me realize I wanted more than power. That I wanted a life. But to be honest, my memory is a bit hazy at the moment, so I could be wrong...”
Tav rolled her eyes, but her laughter had died out completely now. Despite the ale coursing through her veins, she could feel the sincerity of his words. "Are you serious, Star?"
He nodded, taking both her hands in his now. “I've never been more serious about anything in my life.”
“A child…” she mused.
“Yes.” Astarion's eyes shone intensely as he gazed at her.
Tav was silent for a moment, her mind buzzing with the implications of what Astarion had just told her. She was way too drunk for this, but she couldn't deny that a small part of her wanted to believe him. She reached out and placed her hand on Astarion’s cheek, her eyes searching his.
“If you are jesting me because I’m drunk I swear-”
A mischievous glint danced in Astarion's eyes as he interrupted her with a sly smile. His hand caressed hers, pulling it closer to his cheek. “Don't you trust me, my love?” He whispered, his gaze never leaving hers. “I assure you, seeing our daughter in my visions was beyond anything I could imagine.”
Tav looked into his eyes - those beautiful hellish orbs that she had fallen for - and saw a sincerity that made her believe him, despite the absurdity of it all. She felt an unusual heat rising in her cheeks as she thought about their hypothetical child - their little girl.
“You’re serious about this...” She whispered, her voice barely audible over the clamour around them.
He chuckled and continued, "But that's not the end of it! I was a tailor in the city, catering to the annoying noblewomen. And you, my dear, were a teacher to sad orphan kids."
Tav couldn't help the smile that spread across her face at Astarion's words. She could almost see it - a quaint little shop filled with beautiful fabrics and clothes designed by Astarion himself, and her teaching young minds in an orphanage. She had never pictured herself as a teacher, but as she thought about it…
"That sounds lovely," she said softly, her hand still resting against his cheek.
Astarion's lips curled into a small smile at her response. “I thought so too.”
Tav's heart fluttered at the look on Astarion's face. She leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on his lips, savoring the lingering taste of blood. Wether he was being honest or not, it was a beautiful picture of their future together, and she appreciated it endlessly.
“Hey, lovebirds, I didn’t come all the way from fucking Avernus just so I have to watch you two snoggling like teenagers!”
Tav and Astarion were brought back to the present by Karlach's sudden appearance. The tiefling was grinning widely as she stood between them, her arms crossed over her chest.
"Oh, dear Karlach, don't be envious of our endless affection," Astarion playfully retorted.
Karlach chuckled and nudged him with her elbow with enough force to send him tumble. "Hey, vamp boy! Don't be such a grump. We're celebrating, remember?"
Tav couldn't help but laugh at the banter between them.
"Come on, let's get back to the party," Karlach said, gesturing towards the bonfire where their other companions were now standing on tables, singing obnoxiously off-key songs. Tav and Astarion followed her, their fingers still intertwined.
She gazed up at the twinkling stars, which seemed to sparkle in response. And in that moment, she was certain; visions or not, their future would shine brighter than any star could ever foretell.
Tag list: @tinystarfishgalaxy, @imaginarypetlizard, @nanamisfriedstick, @stuckinaoaktree, @madislayyy, @cosywinterevenings, @fandom-garbage, @generalstephkenobi @ravenswritingroom
88 notes · View notes
lendeah · 2 months
The currents of destiny
Chapter 5 : End of beggining.
Summary: The phrase "end of beginning" encapsulates significant milestones which signify the conclusion of an introductory phase. It signals the triumph over initial challenges and uncertainties, ushering in a transition towards more substantial or crucial stages. As they navigate through these turning points, they confront new sets of challenges and opportunities, propelling them into uncharted territory filled with promise and uncertainty alike. Pairing: Astarion x Fem!Reader/Tav Word Count: 4.4k Tags: Heavy Angst, Psychological Trauma, Blood and Violence, Character Death, Psychological Torture (kind of), Emotional Manipulation, Verbal Abuse, but just chapter 2, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Eventual Fluff, Eventual Happy Ending.
a/n: Ahhh finally the last part is out! I can't believe it. Thank you all so much for your support on this small series! Hope you enjoy the final chapter as well :)
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The night had stretched on and he still hadn't returned. She could feel the dried trails of tears on her cheeks, her face stiff with fear. Shadowheart lay curled up beside her on the bed, her presence a small comfort against the overwhelming sense of dread that consumed her body since last evening. His words rang in her head like a twisted mantra: I hope you die screaming, I hope you die screaming...
And the worst part was, from the look of his eyes, she knew he had meant every word.
As the first rays of morning stretched across the Elfsong room and Astarion was still nowhere in sight, she knew she couldn't stay there any longer. What if something terrible had happened to him? He had no weapons, no clothes, no coin… The thought twisted her stomach into knots. She needed to talk to him. Needed to explain everything to him.
The weight of her decision hung heavy on her heart as she slowly rose from the comfort of her bed. She took extra care not to disturb Shadowheart, who was still fast asleep beside her. The rest of their companions also seemed to be in deep slumber, their soft snores filling the room with a peaceful rhythm. With careful movements, she began to pack her belongings into a small bag, trying not to make any noise. The only sounds were the soft rustle of fabric and the occasional creaking of floorboards under her feet. Once she had everything she needed, she tiptoed towards the door and gently closed it behind her, leaving the others undisturbed in their dreams.
Once she was out of earshot, she released a heavy breath.
“Tav?” Wyll's voice broke the silence of the hallway, causing Tav to jump in surprise.
She turned around to find him standing there, her hand still gripping the doorknob.
"Wyll? What are you doing here?" she asked, trying to sound calm and collected even though her heart was still racing.
Wyll's expression was a mix of confusion and concern as he looked at her. "I could ask you the same thing," he replied.
Tav's mind raced as she tried to come up with an excuse. "I...I needed some fresh air," she said lamely, gesturing towards the door.
"At this time?" Wyll raised an eyebrow skeptically. His gaze was soft as he observed her. “Isn’t it a bit early to leave?”
Tav's heart sank as she looked into Wyll's concerned eyes. She considered telling him the truth; if any of her companions would understand her motives, it would definitely be heroic, gentle and compassionate Wyll.
“I am going to look for Astarion.”
Wyll's smile wavered and the playful light faded from his eyes.
"I had a feeling you would," He sighed, setting aside his wine cup and getting closer to her. "Yesterday was quite something. You must be feeling shaken."
Tav felt the familiar sting of tears in her eyes. Gods, why was she like this? She turned away from Wyll, unable to meet his understanding gaze.
"I failed him," she whispered, her voice cracking with emotion.
Wyll's hand left her shoulder and gently turned her towards him so that their eyes met. "No, Tav. You did what was right. A pact with the devil is never a good idea, trust me on that."
"But I took away the only chance at freedom," she sobbed.
Wyll's face softened as he gently brushed away Tav's tears with his thumb. "You did what you had to do to protect him," he reassured, his tone firm. "We both know that the ritual would have trapped him just as much as it would have freed him." He smiled slightly. "And when we find Astarion, he'll understand too."
Tav's heart ached at Wyll's words. She knew he was right, but the guilt and regret were still eating away at her.
Tav looked down at her hands, "I'm sorry, Wyll. I didn't want to drag any of you into this mess, especially not anymore than I already have."
Wyll shook his head gently, "No need for apologies, Tav. We all have our own battles to fight. And as your friend, all I want is for you to find happiness."
She brushed a lock of hair behind her ear, meeting Wyll's understanding gaze with a small smile. "It's just hard not to worry about Astarion."
Wyll let out a soft chuckle, his eyes sparkling in the early morning light. "Astarion may be many things, my friend, but helpless isn't one of them." Wyll sighed heavily, scratching at his stubbled chin as he looked toward the closed door of the inn. "Our Astarion... He's not one to wear his heart on his sleeve, I'll give you that. But he's... changed since meeting you."
Tav blinked in surprise at his words. “Has he?”
Wyll chuckled softly, running a hand lightly through his hair as he leaned against the wall. "Well for starters," he said, "he's actually stopped to listen to someone else for once in his life. You have shown him another side of life he hadn’t seen in centuries. Kindness. Love. And that is something this dreamer's heart can appreciate."
The thought of Astarion finding some solace and happiness in their brief time together brought a small smile to her face.
"He deserves it," she said softly, her eyes on the closed door once again. "He's been through so much. I can't even begin to understand the pain he carries."
Wyll nodded in understanding. "None of us can," he said. "But I believe you have given him a glimmer of hope that maybe things can be different."
Tav nodded. She was feeling a determination unlike any she had known before. Her heart was set on finding Astarion and mending their relationship, no matter what it took. She knew they would.
“Thank you, Wyll,” she said gratefully, her strong hands gripping his in a firm shake. “I needed to hear that.”
He chuckled lightly, patting her hand before stepping back. “From one dreamer to another,” he said with a wink. “We've got to stick together.”
Tav gave Wyll a final nod before setting off, leaving her weapons and armor behind at the room. The morning air was cool against her skin as she stepped out of the Elfsong Tavern. She stood on the cobbled street, her mind racing as she tried to recall any place Astarion may have mentioned frequenting in Baldur's Gate besides the numerous taverns, but her efforts were fruitless. The faint smell of wet stone and brewing coffee filled her senses as she scanned the bustling streets for any sign of her elusive companion. Where in the hells could he have gone?
As she walked numerous streets, she felt the city stirring around her. Baldur's Gate was coming alive with the break of day; vendors were setting up their stalls, peddling goods from exotic spices to finely crafted weapons. The air buzzed with energy, and under different circumstances, she would have loved to explore this side of the city.
But not today. Today, her mind was too consumed with worry for Astarion.
For what seemed like hours, she combed the grim streets of Baldur's Gate, desperately seeking any trace of her missing companion. Now, she found herself in a narrow passage near the bustling docks, an eerie chill creeping down her spine. Before she could even process where she was, a sound behind her caused her to whirl around, heart pounding against her rib cage. The alley was cloaked in darkness, the tall buildings looming over her like foreboding sentinels. As she strained her eyes to make out any shapes in the shadows, a massive figure began to approach with menacing steps.
"That is a nice necklace, lady," a gruff voice said. "Hand it over and no one gets hurt."
She tore her gaze from the figure to look down at the pendant around her neck - an intricately-designed piece of jewelry that was a gift from Arabella’s deceased parents. There was no way in hell she was going to part with it. Her first instinct was to grab for her longsword, but her hand came up empty. She cursed herself for leaving all of her weapons behind at Elfsong.
"I'm afraid that's not possible," she said evenly, trying not to betray the fear that was gnawing at her insides.
A menacing laugh echoed through the brick walls, sending shivers down her spine. "Then I guess we'll have to do this the hard way."
Before she could react, he lunged at her. Instinctively she sidestepped his attack, but without a weapon in hand, she knew this wasn't a fight she could easily win. Not with a man his size. As he pushed further into her space, unveiling a wicked dagger from beneath his cloak, a fleeting thought crossed her mind: would this be how it ended? In a dirty allyway of all places? Would all of their battles and sacrifices be for nothing?
Before Tav could retaliate, another figure appeared beside them.
“How awfully typical of you to walk alone into a deserted alley and end up getting robbed.”
The new voice was smooth, with a lilt of amusement woven in with scorn. Tav’s heart pounded in her chest as she recognized the speaker.
Her assailant paused, looking warily over his shoulder at Astarion, who leaned lazily against the brick wall, the early morning light casting an ethereal glow around him. Astarion's crimson eyes glinted dangerously as he looked from Tav to the man.
The thug sneered at Astarion. "And who might you be?"
Astarion shrugged nonchalantly, pushing off from the wall and stepping into the dim light. "Oh, nobody special." He cracked his knuckles, the slightest smirk playing on his lips. "Tell me, is mugging the first thing they teach in thug school? Or are you just unusually incompetent?"
The man growled, clearly not liking being mocked. He made a move towards Astarion, whose smirk widened into a grin that showcased his razor-sharp fangs. It happened so fast Tav hardly had time to react; one moment, the thug was standing upright, snarling and waving his knife; then next, he was sprawled on the ground unconscious.
“Thank you for the gift, how very kind of you.” the vampire added, taking the dagger that was now on the floor. She would have rolled your eyes at his theatrics, but her heart was beating so hard at the sight of him, alive and unharmed, that all she could do was stare.
“Astarion…” her voice wavered, “You’re okay.” It wasn’t a question but a mere statement of relief.
“This is hardly the hero's welcome I was expecting,” he quipped, tucking the stolen dagger into his belt. He then turned to regard her, his smirk fading into something softer. “But I suppose it will have to do.”
Tav moved closer to him, her gaze scanning his body for any injuries. He was still shirtless and caked in blood, but she breathed a sigh of relief upon realizing that it was mostly from Cazador and not him.
“I was worried about you, I-” she choked on a sob, her eyes filling with tears. Her heart raced and her thoughts whirled as she tried to express all the worry and fear she had been holding in, all the pain and anger, but the word didn’t seem to come to her mouth. But she didn’t have a chance to speak as suddenly, he was there. His arms wrapped around her body in an embrace she had never felt before. It was as if he was holding on for dear life, as if he couldn't bear the thought of letting her go.
Tav let herself relax into his arms, her own wrapping around his waist as she buried her face in his chest. The smell of him, the soft coldness of his skin, everything was so familiar to her. They stood there, holding each other in the dimly lit alleyway, and Tav couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of relief and comfort. She had been so scared for Astarion's safety, and now that he was back in her arms, all she wanted to do was hold onto him forever.
Astarion rested his chin on top of her head and let out a contented sigh.
"I'm sorry," Astarion murmured into her hair, his voice wavering too. "I have treated you terribly," Astarion pulled back, his hands cupping her face as he looked into her eyes. "I never should have left you in the first place," he said, his voice filled with regret.
Tav's heart ached at the sincerity in his words. She wanted to be angry at him, to yell and scream and make him feel guilty for leaving her behind. She had thought of the many things she would say to him when she encountered him again: I hate you, I’m sorry, I love you…
But this, she didn’t expect this. The vulnerability he was showing. The broken look in his face. As she looked into his eyes, all she could see was the pain and regret that mirrored her own.
"I- I don't know what to say," Tav stammered out, her voice trembling.
Astarion's hands dropped from her face and he took a step back, giving her space. "You don't have to say anything," he said softly. "I just...I needed to see you again. To make things right for once."
She stood silently, trying to process her thoughts. Before she could say anything else, though, Astarion continued.
“I didn’t mean anything I said in Cazador’s place. I wasn’t myself. I didn’t see the full picture.” His eyes were glazed, as if reliving a memory. “If I had carried on with the ritual, I would- I would have done unspeakable things to you. I would have become like him.” He took a shaky breath. “And you knew. Because you saw the potential in me. You saw someone else I could be. Someone… better.”
Tav swallowed, her eyes welling up again. "Astarion... "
“Wait,” he cut her off, raising a hand. “I need to say this.” He looked down, as if trying to compose his thoughts, ”I'm… not entirely sure what came over me back there,” he confessed, his gaze fixed on the ground. “But I do know one thing for certain...I don't want to be that person. Not again.” He looked up at her then, a flicker of hope in his dark eyes. “I love you. I love this. And I want it all” he paused awkwardly before continuing, “that is, if you want to take me back, of course.”
She stared at him, his confession echoing in her ears. She searched his face for any hint of deceit but found none. He was looking at her with such intensity, such sincerity that it took her breath away. She couldn't believe it. After everything that had happened... he was standing in front of her, asking for a second chance. Telling her he loved her. She knew there were countless things they needed to discuss, so much to resolve between them. But it could wait, they would have plenty of time for that later.
She took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves, before finally meeting his gaze. “Astarion,” she began, her voice trembling slightly. “Of course I forgive you. You know I love you. And I would do anything for you.” Tav's words hung in the air for a moment before Astarion's face broke into a wide grin. He was about to speak but she covered his mouth. ”But. If you ever say something like that again, if you ever leave me like that again, this… us. Will be over. For good.”
Tav could see the excitement in Astarion's eyes despite her words.
“Oh darling, I would never,” he said earnestly. “I promise. From now on, I will only be good Astarion. Well, as good as I can be, of course. Selfless as I am, even I have my limits.”
A small smile tugged at the corners of Tav's lips as she looked at the vampire. Despite everything, she couldn't help but feel a sense of hope and happiness at his words.
"I believe you," she said softly, reaching out to gently place a hand on his cheek. "And I forgive you."
Astarion's face lit up with relief and gratitude, and he leaned into her touch. "Thank you, my love," he breathed, his voice filled with emotion. They stood like that for what felt like an eternity, until a low groan caught their attention. They looked at the robber, stirring on the ground.
“Well, I believe that’s our cue. We should go back with the rest of our esteemed companions. I’m sure they will be so very excited to see me.”
Tav chuckled as she followed Astarion out of the alleyway and back towards the Elfsong, their hearts still racing from the events that had just transpired. As they turned onto the busy street where the tavern was located, Astarion suddenly stopped, causing Tav to nearly bump into him.
“Is everything alright?” she asked, her brows furrowed in concern.
Astarion didn't answer, instead he turned her towards him and pulled her into a soft kiss. Tav's eyes widened in surprise before she melted into the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck. It felt like an eternity before they finally pulled apart, both of them breathing heavily.
Astarion gazed down at her with a soft smile. “I just couldn't resist,” he said, his voice husky. “You look stunning in my shirt.”
From that point on, both of them worked on rebuilding their relationship. Astarion stayed true to his promise of being a better person, and Tav could see the effort he was putting in every day. She was grateful for this new side of him, one that she had never seen before, but a part of her couldn't help but wonder what had sparked such a sudden transformation, almost overnight. Despite her lingering curiosity, Tav made the conscious decision to let go of her concerns about Astarion's change. There were more pressing matters at hand to focus on anyway.
After successfully defeating the Elder Brain and putting an end to the reign of the Absolute, she thought their journey would finally come to an end and they could finally rest. However, they soon found themselves faced with the daunting task of rebuilding Baldur's Gate, which had been left in shambles after the final battle. Astarion didn't seem bothered by not being able to walk in the sun anymore, or the fact that they couldn’t start searching for a cure right away. He assured her that they would find a way eventually, much to her surprise. It was a far cry from the hopeless vampire she had first met.
Time went by so fast after that, as Tav and her companions were hailed as heroes, and they were given every luxury that came with their new fame. They all had a mansion at their disposal, but Tav and Astarion chose to settle into a small house near the sea. It was a cozy home, with a breathtaking view of the ocean from their porch.
The vampire seemed content with their new life, away from all the chaos and the threat of an imminent death. He spent his days reading books from Tav's collection or sketching in his journal. But it was during their nightly walks on the beach when Tav saw him truly come alive. Underneath the starry sky, Astarion would take her hand and dance with her on the sand, spinning her around until they were both breathless with laughter. They talked about everything and anything - their pasts, hopes for the future, silly jokes and stories from their adventure. And she couldn't help but fall more in love with him every day.
Six months after the final battle, Withers paid them a visit and extended an invitation for a reunion with their friends, which they eagerly accepted. Tav was filled with excitement at the thought of seeing her friends again. She had missed them dearly, despite the frequent letters they exchanged. She couldn't wait to catch up on all that had happened in each other's lives since they parted ways.
The night of the reunion arrived, and she couldn't contain her happiness at seeing everyone gathered once again. Lae'zel, Gale, Shadowheart, Wyll and even Scratch were there, each of them looking just as pleased to see them as they were. The air was alive with chatter and laughter, and lively tunes being played by talented bards had everyone singing along and indulging in endless drinks and merriment. As the night wore on and the drinks kept flowing, Tav found herself fully immersed in the moment, swaying to the music with her companions and sharing hearty laughs. She was completely swept away by the euphoria of it all that she almost didn't notice Astarion making his way towards her with a dazed expression on his face. He pulled her into his arms, and for a moment, they simply danced in silence, their bodies moving in perfect harmony. Then he leaned down and whispered in her ear, "I can't wait for you to meet her," before pulling back with a mischievous smile.
She chuckled at his cryptic words, raising an eyebrow. "Meet who?" she asked, her voice slightly slurred from the ale.
"Our daughter," he whispered, a note of awe in his voice.
Tav's heart jolted at his words as a wave of confusion washed over her. “What are you talking about, Star? We don't...”
“That night after Cazador, a man named G’axir showed me the… power of the stars, or whatever. He was ancient and spoke in riddles, just like ol' Withers here!" He snickered, swaying slightly.
Tav furrowed her brow in drunken confusion. "And what does that have to do with us having a daughter?"
But his mind was elsewhere. “He showed me the future. Can you believe it? Actually, he showed me three futures. But two of them were…” he shuddered, “ugh, nevermind.”
“Astarion, I think you drank way too much boar bloo-”
“But the good future! Aha! That is the one we are heading towards. And in that future, we have a child, Tav. A beautiful little girl. She has your eyes... and my devilish charm, of course.”
Tav couldn't help but laugh at him. “You're kidding, right? You expect me to believe all this? That you went into the future? And that we have a...a daughter? From that future?”
Astarion looked a bit hurt by her laughter, but he quickly replaced it with his usual smirk. "I knew you'd find it hard to believe, that’s why I didn’t tell you before. But it’s true! I swear on… whatever god suits you."
She shook her head at him, her laughter dying down to a soft chuckle. “And you mean to tell me that is why you had changed your mind when I found you that morning?”
Astarion paused, his face softening as he reached out to gently brush a strand of hair from her face. “Yes,” he admitted softly. “Seeing her... Seeing you and her together in that future made me realize I wanted more than power. That I wanted a life. But to be honest, my memory is a bit hazy at the moment, so I could be wrong...”
Tav rolled her eyes, but her laughter had died out completely now. Despite the ale coursing through her veins, she could feel the sincerity of his words. "Are you serious, Star?"
He nodded, taking both her hands in his now. “I've never been more serious about anything in my life.”
“A child…” she mused.
“Yes.” Astarion's eyes shone intensely as he gazed at her.
Tav was silent for a moment, her mind buzzing with the implications of what Astarion had just told her. She was way too drunk for this, but she couldn't deny that a small part of her wanted to believe him. She reached out and placed her hand on Astarion’s cheek, her eyes searching his.
“If you are jesting me because I’m drunk I swear-”
A mischievous glint danced in Astarion's eyes as he interrupted her with a sly smile. His hand caressed hers, pulling it closer to his cheek. “Don't you trust me, my love?” He whispered, his gaze never leaving hers. “I assure you, seeing our daughter in my visions was beyond anything I could imagine.”
Tav looked into his eyes - those beautiful hellish orbs that she had fallen for - and saw a sincerity that made her believe him, despite the absurdity of it all. She felt an unusual heat rising in her cheeks as she thought about their hypothetical child - their little girl.
“You’re serious about this...” She whispered, her voice barely audible over the clamour around them.
He chuckled and continued, "But that's not the end of it! I was a tailor in the city, catering to the annoying noblewomen. And you, my dear, were a teacher to sad orphan kids."
Tav couldn't help the smile that spread across her face at Astarion's words. She could almost see it - a quaint little shop filled with beautiful fabrics and clothes designed by Astarion himself, and her teaching young minds in an orphanage. She had never pictured herself as a teacher, but as she thought about it…
"That sounds lovely," she said softly, her hand still resting against his cheek.
Astarion's lips curled into a small smile at her response. “I thought so too.”
Tav's heart fluttered at the look on Astarion's face. She leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on his lips, savoring the lingering taste of blood. Wether he was being honest or not, it was a beautiful picture of their future together, and she appreciated it endlessly.
“Hey, lovebirds, I didn’t come all the way from fucking Avernus just so I have to watch you two snoggling like teenagers!”
Tav and Astarion were brought back to the present by Karlach's sudden appearance. The tiefling was grinning widely as she stood between them, her arms crossed over her chest.
"Oh, dear Karlach, don't be envious of our endless affection," Astarion playfully retorted.
Karlach chuckled and nudged him with her elbow with enough force to send him tumble. "Hey, vamp boy! Don't be such a grump. We're celebrating, remember?"
Tav couldn't help but laugh at the banter between them.
"Come on, let's get back to the party," Karlach said, gesturing towards the bonfire where their other companions were now standing on tables, singing obnoxiously off-key songs. Tav and Astarion followed her, their fingers still intertwined.
She gazed up at the twinkling stars, which seemed to sparkle in response. And in that moment, she was certain; visions or not, their future would shine brighter than any star could ever foretell.
Tag list: @tinystarfishgalaxy, @imaginarypetlizard, @nanamisfriedstick, @stuckinaoaktree, @madislayyy, @cosywinterevenings, @fandom-garbage, @generalstephkenobi @ravenswritingroom
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lendeah · 2 months
Hi! I love your writing and especially your headcanons🥹🫶🏻🥹🫶🏻
Could I request Gur/Monster hunter Tav with Astarion? I feel like it would be a really interesting dynamic, kind of enemies to lovers. It could involve Tav questioning their long-held beliefs about monsters and vampires as they grow closer to Astarion. I don’t know!
Hope you like the idea!🤍🤍🤍
Hi! It took me time to think something coherent about the Gurs and I hope it won't dissapoint you! In this HCs, Tav isn't a "tadfool" - she is a companion in the Astarion Origin Run he picks up in Act 2.
Astarion x Gur!Tav
You were ordered to get bring to his master.
Once Gandrel failed and, presumably, died, you were ordered to complete the mission.
Of course, Astarion is a monster. He kidnapped the children of your tribe.
But you also question why your clan works for a vampire lord.
How come? Why?
The Gur demand their youth to respect the elders. You are violently beaten for disobedience.
Your people have a unique way of life. They are nomads who couldn't care less about the laws of big cities and small towns.
Laws are for the weak. Only the tradition matters.
And it often means violence.
You find the tadfools in the Shadow Cursed Lands.
They rest in the camp and Astarion is among them.
You can't believe those idiots allowed the vampire to be the leader!
You try to attack him stealthily while he's meditating, but he immediately wakes up and pins you to the ground.
The rest of the camp wakes up and, instead of helping, you they tie you up demanding to say who you are.
You keep telling them Astarion is a monster, he must be brought to his master...
"So, you think I am evil but it's you who work for Cazador? Am I getting this right?"
He tells you his side of the story.
Your ancestors decided Baldur's Gate was their hunting ground. He introduced the law to protect the citizens.
A night assault. Revenge.
The vampire, drinking his blood.
Slavery, tortures.
The miserable destiny of a spawn who can't say "no" to his master.
A mere puppet acting on his master's commands.
Your people - working for the person they were supposed to hate the most.
It shocks you, but the puzzle comes together.
You stay at the party, not knowing what to do.
As the journey goes you see Astarion as someone you couldn't believe he was.
The leader. The fighter.
You constantly quarrel. He sees your people as no more than savages, the wild descendants of the Rashemi.
You prove him otherwise by telling what the Gurs really are.
Your honor, your beliefs, your world, your traditions.
It bewilders Astarion and he spends nights listening to your stories and legends.
And he introduces you to something else - the prospects of living outside the tradition. The chance to see the world from a different angle.
Your love evolves slowly and one night you offer him yourself.
First, your blood.
Then, your body.
When you reach Baldur's Gate, you are approached by the Elders - and you beg them to reconsider the decision to hunt Astarion.
Besides, what if the children are still alive?
You see the despise and hatred in your elders' eyes - your bite mark is visible in the sun.
The fight with Cazador goes hard, and you are at a loss for words, screaming to stop the ritual.
As Astarion collapses on his knees and weeps, you cover him with your cape, assuring he is safe.
Your clan promises they won't hunt Astairion down anymore - he is free to walk those lands.
But you-
You have to choose.
If you stay with the Gurs, you leave Astarion and forget him.
If you choose him, you are no longer a Gur.
Simple as that.
Your society is run on traditions as old as time. Your blood, your clan, and your family must prevail.
Astarion squeezes your hand and you know he will fight for you if necessary.
But you made your choice a long time ago.
You are a Gur. And will always be. The elders can't take this from you.
But if they can't accept you, so be it.
Post-game, Astarion and you become monster hunters and adventurers.
You go hand in hand into the future.
Your human life isn't going to be long - and Astarion is ready to spend with you every day till the death takes you.
Tag list
@tugoslovenka @marcynomercy @wintersire @vixstarria @not-so-lost-after-all @ashiro20 @theearthsfinalconfession @herstxrgirl @starlight-ipomoea @micropoe10 @astarion-imagine-archive @veillsar @elora-the-slutty-songstress @fayeriess @lumienyx @tallymonster @caitlincat-95 @tragedybunny @valeprati @lynnlovesthestars @marina-and-the-memes @waking-electric @ayselluna @connorsui @asterordinary @darkarchangel96 @locallegume @brainfullofhotsauce @coffeeanddonutscafe @my-queen-rhaenyra-targaryen @queenofthespacesquids
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lendeah · 2 months
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I did a thing.
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lendeah · 2 months
AAAA THANK YOU FOR THE TAG!!! This is so cute😭🤍
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Maybe @astarioffsimpmain and @tinystarfishgalaxy would like to join too?🤍✨
Was tagged by the lovely @timesthatneverwere for a picrew thing! It is I.
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Tagging (with no pressure): @kikisgate @simplysolo @changeling-fae @elven-e-girl @chaosteddybear and anyone else who'd like to do it!
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lendeah · 2 months
I'm sorry I haven’t been that active lately but I have been super busy with my master's degree!!! I will finish currents of destiny this week and update unbound asap too🫶🏻❤️‍🩹✨
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lendeah · 2 months
Wounded Love
Summary: Astarion and Tav are both struggling with their emotions as they journey through the Shadowlands. When Astarion gets injured, Tav takes it upon herself to nurse him back to health, in more ways than one.
Pairing: Astarion x Fem!Reader.
Word Count: 5.3k
Tags: Astarion gets hurt, Emotional Constipation, Unresolved Romantic Tension, Massage, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Tav takes care of Astarion, sub!Atarion, Light Dom/sub, bordering minimal really, Porn With Plot, Biting, Blood.
a/n: this is an old draft, so forgive me if there are any typos! Love ya🤍
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It had been a stray hex, a capricious twist of magic that had hurt him, as told by the doctor responsible for his care in the Last Light Inn. The tendrils of the hex had woven an intricate spell, rendering him unconscious. Right now, as his chest rises and falls rhythmically, you feel something like pain and protectiveness stir in your chest. Although you are aware that your connection is currently purely physical, you can't help but feel a flutter every time your eyes meet or a tightening in your chest whenever he faces danger.
Looking at his peaceful sleeping form, you reach out to touch his hair, keeping it out of the way of his eyes. Your fingers trace the contours of his face and down his jawline. You wonder what kind of dreams come to him in these tender moments. Dreams you would love to share. To know all the things that go through the elf's mind.
His eyes suddenly open, and you get slightly startled, your hand hanging mid-air.
"What are you doing?" He raises one judging eyebrow, and squints at you through his eyelashes, but doesn't move out of your touch. His lips are curled into a small, tight grimace, probably still in pain from his recent wound.
You reach for the mug of water near the bed. "You look so peaceful when you sleep. Maybe you should spend more time like that. I like you way more when you are quiet," you say, a teasing tone lacing your words.
Astarion rolls his eyes, but he's also smiling a little.
"Yeah? Well, if you're so keen on me sleeping why not do me a favor and knock me out? The pain is unbearable as of right now," he says, but his voice is still soft and quiet, almost as if talking is painful You know there is a bit of truth there. He takes the mug and gulps down the water, then sets the piece back down on the bedside table.
He does appear miserable, even though his beauty remains as striking as ever. His eyes, usually filled with energy and mirth, seem drained of life, carrying heavy bags underneath. Though he is already pale, right now he looks paler than ever, and even his distinctive white locks, typically immaculate, fall disheveled and unkempt over his shoulders.
Your chest tightens at the sight, a vivid flashback of watching him fall during the combat flooding your mind. One moment, he was bravely battling alongside Karlach and the next, he was sprawled on the ground, so unnaturally still that it hinted at something had gone fatally wrong. The memory of that moment lingers—the scream tearing from your throat, the frantic dash to reach him—where the world outside, the lurking shadow monsters, and your companions; all became a blur, drowned out by the overwhelming fear of losing him.
You release a shaky breath, and try to appear nonchalant "Well, I happened to leave my Warhammer outside, but if you give me a moment, we could arrange it," you say, a hint of playful sarcasm masking the genuine worry beneath.
Astarion snorts. "Please, I don't need the Warhammer. Just a firm slap should do it." He says while shifting on his bed.
The movement makes the bedsheets rustle and reveals the bandages encasing his torso. His chest had sustained the most damage, with a deep cut that refused to heal and oozed a dark, murky liquid.
"You were out for a tenday," you inform him. "A stray hex hit you during combat and left you out cold. The wound didn't close, even with your vampiric and elf powers, so it had to be taken care of manually."
"Well, that's just great." Astarion mutters. Then, he speaks up again, this time seemingly with some concern, "I'm alright, right? I'm not going to die? I mean, I know I can't die, but..."
You chuckle softly at his words, a mix of fondness and relief washing over you. "Not under my watch. I am an incredible healer, after all".
"And quite humble, at that," Astarion mutters, but there is a small smile on his face. Then, there is a beat of silence, as both of you take a moment to collect your thoughts.
Astarion's smile fades, and his eyes search yours for something, a reassurance perhaps. You can see the vulnerability hidden beneath his usual facade of confidence and charm. It's rare to see him like this, stripped of his usual bravado. Leaning closer, you reach out again to gently brush a strand of white hair behind his pointy ear.
"Hey," you say softly, placing your hand on his cheek. "You're going to be alright. We took care of your wounds, and Halsin says you just need some time to recover." You take a deep breath, trying to steady yourself as you reach out and gently grasp his hand, intertwining your fingers. "You scared me, you know," you admit softly. "Seeing you fall like that... I thought I had lost you."
Astarion seems to freeze in place at that, as if he is unsure of how to react. You chuckle nervously, realizing you may have unintentionally crossed an unspoken boundary. Emotions are not your forte, after all. For a moment he simply stares at your intertwined hands. Then, he looks up to meet your gaze, and you see a flicker of some unreadable emotion there.
"Lost me? Come now, you should know by now it takes more than a measly hex to finish me off." His tone aims for nonchalance, but there is an edge to it that gives away his vulnerability. You offer a small, sheepish smile.
"Yes, well, you didn't die. So quit that moping and drink your water, or I'll let Shadowheart take a crack at healing you."
"From my point of view, this just means you just have to keep a closer eye on me from now on,"
You let out a small sigh and give him an exasperated look "I think I have done my fair share of caring for some time."
A look of realization crosses his face as if a puzzle piece has finally fallen into place. "Wait, did you stay here for the entire tenday?" he murmurs, his eyes widening with surprise and curiosity.
You clear your throat awkwardly "I mean, you were unconscious. Somebody had to keep guard, keep tabs on you, change your bandages..." you say, with a casual wave of your hand "Plus, I wanted to make sure you were alright. I'm not a complete monster."
But you are aware that it's not the whole truth. The real reason is that the thought of him lying in bed, wounded and vulnerable, causes a pain in your chest that you don't want to acknowledge.
Astarion's eyes widen slightly at your words, surprise mingling with something else. Gratitude, perhaps? It's hard to tell with him sometimes, but there's a softness in his gaze that tells you he appreciates your presence more than he lets on.
"Well, I suppose I should thank you then," he says, his voice softer than before. "I wouldn't have expected you to stick around."
You shrug nonchalantly "Had to make sure you didn't get yourself killed again," You reply teasingly, attempting to lighten the mood.
Astarion chuckles a sound that warms your chest. "Ah, so it was purely for selfish reasons then."
"Of course, can't have our token charming vampire biting the dust just yet"
Astarion rolls his eyes, a smile on his face "Charming vampire, am I? You really know just how to flatter someone."
"You're also our only rogue," you reply.
Astarion smiles. "So not only am I charming, but I'm essential too. Guess the group just couldn't do without me. Perhaps you should write me a thank you note instead."
You raise an eyebrow, a smirk playing at the corners of your lips. "Oh, don't worry. I'll be sure to draft up a heartfelt ode to your indispensability."
His smile widens, the playful back and forth easing the tension that lingered between you. It feels good to see him like this, even if he's still recovering from his injuries.
You've been through so much together, fighting against the darkness that threatens your world. And in those moments of battle and chaos, there's a strange comfort in he familiarity of this banter, with its playful jabs and sly remarks. You do this routine a hundred times, dancing around each other's feelings and skirting the edges of any true intimacy. And yet, it's still nice to pretend sometimes. Still nice to pretend there's nothing underneath all the playful words, that maybe this is all you need. But for once, when you are looking at him, you want to reach out to him. To tenderly kiss his forehead, rest your head on his strong shoulders, and be enveloped in his embrace and not just for physical pleasure. But you know better than to act on those desires. He has been so wounded in the past and it's not just the physical scars that linger. His past is a complicated web of pain, betrayal, and mistrust. You've seen the way his eyes darken when certain topics are brought up or how he flinches away from certain touches. So you will wait patiently until he opens up when he is ready, relishing in these small moments in the meantime.
"Well, charming vampire, it looks like I'll have to find some more enemies for you to sink your fangs into for breakfast," you say with a mischievous glint in your eyes.
Astarion grins, a little wolfishly with his fangs on display, "Oh, I think I know just who to take my fangs to," he says, his eyes appraising your neck.
You feel a shiver run down your spine at the intensity of his gaze. You roll your eyes and smirk. "Oh please, Astarion. I'm not that easy to sink your fangs into."
He leans forward, with a wicked smile on his lips "Oh, is that so?" Astarion says smoothly. A twinkle of desire flashes in his red eyes as he speaks, which only ignites your own thirst. You feel your heartbeat quickening, breath hitching in your chest. "You want to put that to the test?" His voice is lower now, a bit of a growl starting to creep into his tone.
You can feel the bed's cool, smooth sheets against your skin as you lean forward, your chest brushing against Astarion's. The energy between your bodies feels like a tangible force, one that you can almost reach out and touch. His face is so close, his red eyes bright and mouth slightly open, showing off two sharp fangs that would terrify most people but only send shivers of anticipation down your spine. There's something primal in the way you're looking at each other, and you can't help but feel a familiar wave of excitement and fear wash over you. Astarion's eyes flicker to your lips for a moment. You are waiting, wanting him to make the first move, your breath shallow and quick.
"Well? Still think you can bite me that easily?" you quip, teasingly, although your heart is pounding so loud you are sure it's deafening for him.
A mischievous smirk plays on Astarion's lips, his red eyes sparkling with amusement. Despite his injury, he moves gracefully and with supernatural quickness, catching you off guard. In the blink of an eye, you are pinned to the bed beneath him. Your back sinks into the soft mattress as Astarion's weight presses down on your body. His left arm is pressing into the skin of your collarbones, as his other hand holds your wrists above your head. Every touch from him sends electric jolts through your body.
Astarion's breath is hot against your skin as he leans in closer, his lips grazing your ear. "Oh, I am more than capable of biting you," he whispers, his voice husky with desire. "I might even leave you with a few bruises," he adds, his voice an intimate rasp that sends shivers down your spine.
Your heart races at his words and the thought of what he could do to you, at the weight pressing down on you.
"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Astarion murmurs against your skin, his lips trailing down your neck and leaving a trail of fire in their wake.
You let out a soft gasp as he nibbles on your skin, causing goosebumps to rise along your arms. His touch is electric and every nerve in your body feels like it's on fire. Without hesitation, Astarion's fangs sink into the soft flesh of your neck, and you let out a gasp as a mix of pleasure and sharp icy pain courses through you. You can feel yourself growing lightheaded as he feeds from you, his fangs sinking deeper and his grip on your wrists loosening as he savors the taste of your blood. The sensation sends waves of ecstasy coursing through your veins.
Time seems to stand still as you remain locked in his embrace, your bodies tangled together on the bed. As he finally withdraws his fangs from your neck, he lingers for a moment, his lips brushing against the wounds he's left behind. You can feel the slight throbbing where his teeth had punctured skin seconds ago. A soft sigh escapes your lips as you feel him press his forehead against yours, his breath fanning against your skin.
You giggle a little, still coming down from the high of vampire venom.
"I will never get tired of that," The words slipped from his lips in a breathy murmur, one that was filled with awe and contentment.
"All it takes is a little blood to make our wounded vampire happy," You tease, giving him a small peck. His lips still taste a bit metallic, but you don't care in the slightest.
Astarion chuckles, "Ah, darling, we both know I am not the only one who enjoys that…"
He presses his body against your own, his lips suddenly ravishing yours with an intensity that steals your breath. The heat of his mouth sears through you, igniting every nerve and sending primal shivers down your spine. You cling to him desperately, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him closer until your bodies meld into one and your hands tangle in the soft curls of his hair. At this moment, nothing else exists except for the electric chemistry between you, overwhelming and all-consuming.
Out of nowhere, he recoils and lets out a sharp hiss. Concerned, you examine the bandage on his chest and notice a small black spot forming. "Oh shit," you curse under your breath.
You quickly slide out from under him and stand next to the bed. "Lie down," you tell him firmly, "I'll take care of it."
"I'm okay," Astarion lies, but complies, lying down on the bed with a sense of resignation. The soft sheets crinkle beneath his weight as he settles into a comfortable position. You hurriedly gather supplies before returning to his side, adrenaline and concern fueling your actions. With skilled hands, you begin tending to his wound as Astarion watches on with curious eyes.
"If you keep ogling me like that, I may just end up with a hole in my head," you quip.
The corners of both your mouths turn up in matching grins. The intensity of your gaze locks and it feels like the air is alive with electricity. With precision and care, you unwrap the bandage and clean the wound, hands steady despite your worry. As you finish dressing the wound, you can't help letting out a sigh of relief after realizing it was just a small tear, nothing too serious.
It's then that you notice you have been straddling his body over the crisp white sheets of the hospital bed and your cheeks flush furiously.
Astarion looks at you with a cheeky smirk, "Something the matter, dear?" he asks, his voice low and sultry.
You can feel your face turning even brighter red, but you try to shrug it off. "No, nothing's wrong."
Astarion lets out a low laugh, enjoying your flustered state. "Oh, I beg to differ," he teases, sitting up and leaning against the headboard.
"Shut up," you mutter, trying to keep your embarrassment at bay.
Astarion chuckles softly, a warm sound that makes your heart flutter. Why does he always make your heart flutter?
"Well, I have seen you in way more compromised positions than the one you are in right now," he says, a hint of mischief in his tone. "You're not one to be shy."
You can't help but blush even more at his words. His hand starts caressing your thigh, and your breath hitches slightly.
"I must say," Astarion continues with a sly grin, "I've never had such skilled hands tending to me before."
You roll your eyes at his flirting. "Well, I have been trained in basic care since I was young," you reply with a smile playing on your lips.
He raises an eyebrow in surprise. "And how else are you planning on taking care of me, exactly? Because I remain deeply wounded." he says with a mock pout.
A mischievous smirk tugs at the corners of your mouth as you reply, "You'll just have to wait and see."
Meeting his intense gaze, you can feel the heat rising to your cheeks. A sudden spark of inspiration ignites within you and you eagerly suggest, "How about a massage? I have been told I am really good at those."
He raises an eyebrow, "A massage, huh? It doesn't sound too bad."
A chuckle bubbles up from your chest and you swat him lightly on the shoulder. "Only 'not too bad'? I'll have you know, I'm excellent."
Astarion smirks, "Prove it then," he challenges, stretching back onto the bed, arms folded behind his head in a display of pure ease.
Squaring your shoulders in determination, you stand from the bed and walk to the other side of the room. You rummage through a drawer filled with various herbs and oils until you find what you're looking for - a small vial of calming lavender oil you had seen Halsin storing a few days ago. You just hope he won't miss it too much.
"You better not fall asleep on me," you call out teasingly as you make your way back towards him, shaking the vial in your hand for emphasis.
In response, Astarion chuckles lowly and flips onto his stomach without a word, waiting for your touch. The scent of lavender fills the room as you rub your hands together, warming up the oil before applying it to his skin.
As your hands start kneading into his tight shoulder muscles, he releases a sigh that is half groan, half purr. "Your touch is simply divine," he moans, his voice low and husky. "You really do possess a gift for caressing."
With a proud smile, you continue to massage his shoulders and neck, feeling the tension ease away. His eyes are closed, lost in the pleasure of the moment. Your heart swells with happiness to see him so content and relaxed.
You lower your hands slowly, massaging along the curve of his spine and drawing another low moan from him. The rhythm of your touch, the scent of lavender, and the quiet of the room come together to create a sense of calm and tranquility. You let your fingers brush against the edges of his scars, caressing them tenderly. Instead of flinching away, he leans into your touch, allowing you to continue your gentle exploration.
You continue to knead his muscles, working out any remaining knots and tension. And then, you lower your head and press a soft kiss to the bare skin of his shoulder, right above the bandage. Astarion lets out a surprised gasp at the unexpected touch of your lips. He turns his head slightly, his eyes opening to meet yours.
"Can't resist taking advantage, can you?" he teases with a small grin.
"I simply relish having you at my mercy for once," you whisper against his spine, taking in the sweet scent of lavender oil on his skin.
Astarion's lips curve into a playful smirk at your words. "Oh, do you now?" he asks in a husky voice, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
You nod confidently, trailing light kisses down his spine and leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. "I always enjoy being in control," you reply, your tone laced with teasing.
He lets out a low chuckle, "And I always relish when you take charge," he purrs, his eyes closing in satisfaction.
With a last kiss, you gently pat his side.
"Now you turn for me."
Astarion eagerly flips onto his back, his eyes shining with anticipation. As you straddle him, you notice he has been affected by your previous ministrations, his hardness pressing against your core. A triumphant smile tugs at your lips. Astarion merely smirks up at you, not bothering to hide his interest.
"Seems like your skills extend beyond basic care," he teases, his voice dropping to a husky whisper.
You choose to ignore his comment and instead focus on the task at hand. Pouring more lavender oil onto your hands, you begin to knead his pectoral muscles, applying firm and steady pressure, avoiding the bandage covering it. Your hands roam over his chest with practiced ease until they find their way to his abdomen. You glide your fingers over each taut muscle, taking delight in the way his body responds under your touch.
"Enjoying yourself?" Astarion teases with a smirk.
A warm rush of joy spreads through you as you trace your fingers along the curves of his navel, softly giggling. His hands instinctively tighten around your hips, a desperate attempt to regain some control of the situation. A sly, self-satisfied smirk spreads across your lips as you slowly slip your hand lower down, teasing the sensitive skin just beneath the waistband of his trousers, towards the source of his growing excitement.
His breath hitches at your touch, his eyes now wide with surprise. "Oh, I see what's happening here," he says, a teasing smile playing on his lips. "You're getting into this caretaker role, aren't you?"
Your smirk deepens as you gently massage his hips, ignoring the suggestive implications of his words.
"I did say I'd take good care of you, didn't I?" you reply nonchalantly, as I continue with my performance.
Astarion lets out a soft chuckle and reaches up to cup your cheek affectionately.
"You certainly did," he murmurs, gazing up at you in admiration. "But what about you? Who takes care of you, dear?" he mumbles.
Your heart fills with sadness, at the thought of him only thinking of sex as an exchange, more than a pleasurable thing. You lean in to press a soft kiss into his neck, feeling his skin cold under your touch.
"Just trust me," you whisper, voice low and sultry, "I want to make you feel good." His breath hitches again, and you can feel him growing harder beneath your touch. "Trust me," you repeat softly.
You press your lips against his, softly at first, then deeper as he responds with equal fervor. Your hand swiftly opens his trousers, digging inside to grab his hardness, and starts a rhythmic movement, gliding up and down the full length of his member. As it reaches the tip, you twist your wrist slightly, eliciting a whine from deep within his chest. It's a sound you've never heard from him before, one that sends shivers down your and makes your core throb.
His body tenses beneath you, the feeling of your hand wrapped around him drawing a low curse from his lips. He arches into your touch, his grip on your hips tightening as he struggles to remain composed. He presses his lips against yours, the kiss becoming more fervent and demanding. His hands grip your hips tightly, pulling you closer to him, as if he can't get enough.
"Easy," you coo softly against his ear, an intimate tone wrapped around the single word as if it were a promise. Astarion's hands flex on your hips repeatedly, fingers digging into your flesh in a bid to ground himself. "Let me take good care of you," you assure him again, your voice low and breathy against his skin. His body tenses under your touch as he lets out a groan.
His breaths come in ragged gasps, punctuated by small moans of pleasure. "Faster," he pleads with a desperation that ignites a fire within you.
"My beautiful baby, so good for me," you murmur into his ear, your voice rough with desire and adoration. Without hesitation, you bring the pointed tip of his ear between your lips, savoring the delicate contours as you run your tongue along its edges. His body shudders in response, a high whine escaping from his throat as he gives in to your touch.
"Oh, sweet hells," he breathes, his voice barely a whisper.
You release his ear and lay back to take a good look at him, and you smile to yourself when you see his disveleshed hair, and red eyes hooded. And then, without hesitation, you sink down between his parted legs as your lips part and encircle his throbbing member. The taste of him fills your mouth, a mixture of salt and skin and something uniquely his. You take him fully into your mouth, relishing the sounds of his moans and gasps as you move your lips up and down his length. You swirl your tongue around him, teasing and coaxing every delicious sensation from him. His hips thrust upward, and his hands grip your hair, pulling you closer, but you resist, teasing him with your tongue. Your own body is humming with need and desire, but you push it aside to focus completely on him.
You slowly remove him from your mouth, teasingly drawing out the moment. "Beg for me," you whisper seductively, reveling in the power you hold over him.
Astarion's breath hitches as you pull away, and he meets your eyes with a mix of surprise and desire. He moans a deep, guttural sound that vibrates through you, and his hips buck upward, thrusting into the air. His hardness stands tall and proud against your palm, straining for release. It’s slick with your spit, and with a reddish hue that reveals his recent feeding. So damn beautiful.
"Please," he pleads "Please, please," he tries to repeat, but his words come out in a garbled, unintelligible moan as you take him deep into your throat and swallow hard, feeling his member pulse and throb slightly in your mouth.
His entire body trembles, his breaths quickening to the point where they are almost non-existent. His hands clamp onto your hair, yanking you towards him with a savage strength as he thrusts relentlessly, pushing himself deeper and deeper inside of you until it feels like he might tear you apart.
"Oh gods," he cries, arching his back and groaning in a way that makes you want to keep going. "That's so good, hells."
His words only drive you further, and you begin to pick up the pace, slobbering and sucking on him like a starving man to a feast. His body tenses as his release approaches, and you can feel him pulsing in your mouth.
"Please, please, oh my god" His words are now a jumbled mess, spewing out of his mouth in a frenzied stream. His eyes roll back into his head, a sign that he is close to releasing everything he has been holding in. "I can't... I can't take much more," he whispers hoarsely, "Please, please, let me cum. Fuck, I need to cum."
With this plea, you can feel the surge of his release, and your body responds with an exhilaration that threatens to overwhelm you. You can feel your body responding to his, your own arousal growing, and you rub yourself through your clothes, imagining the feel of him inside you. But that can wait - right now he needs you to take care of him. It's clear he's getting close now - his breaths are shallow, his moans low and desperate, his hips thrusting upwards in short, sharp jerks. With a final cry, you feel him tense, his entire body convulsing under your touch. You swallow hard, feeling the hot liquid spurt into your mouth, coating your tongue and throat in his essence. You can't help but groan in pleasure as it fills you, and you continue to suck and slurp, greedily devouring every drop he has to offer. His hips thrust upwards, bucking wildly as wave after wave of pleasure washed over him. You continue to suck and stroke him, milking every last drop from his throbbing length.
Finally, he goes lax, his body slack and exhausted while his breath comes in ragged gasps. You gently remove his now limp member from your mouth, wiping the remnants of him from the corners with your thumb. As he comes down from his high, his body relaxes onto the pillow, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. You lay next to him, your heart filled with a sense of contentment and satisfaction. You trace patterns on his chest with your fingertips, feeling the rise and fall of his breaths as he continues to recover from his release.
A spark ignites in his eyes as they lock onto yours, and for the first time, you see a glimmer of something. There is a tenderness and adoration in his gaze as if you are the most precious and captivating being in all of Faerûn. You smile and sprawl over his healthy shoulder, looking up at him.
"And here I thought I was the master at lovemaking," he teases. "Ever so surprising, my dear."
"Oh, you're easy to please, my love. But I do admit, you taste absolutely divine." You giggle and place a soft kiss on his lips.
He chuckles deeply, running his fingers through your hair. A moment of silence passes between you before you find the courage to break it with a quiet question, "Did you truly enjoy it?"
Conversation after sex is rare for you, but something about today feels different, almost intimate. Like something has shifted, an unspoken understanding or connection.
There is a pause, and Astarion looks at you, seeming a bit awkward. He appears to be having some sort of internal struggle at the moment. But then, he relaxes a bit and nods his head.
"Yes, I did," he says. He smiles at you. "It was... mediocre. Which is quite good for your usual performance"
You raise an eyebrow in mock offense. "Excuse me? You were practically begging me to cum moments ago!"
"Was that begging?" he asks innocently, "I thought I was just doing a demonstration" His eyes twinkled with amusement as he looked at you, his lips curling up into a smirk.
"Oh, really?" You raise an eyebrow playfully. "Well, you sure seemed to be enjoying it"
Astarion chuckled lightly, running his fingers through your hair. "I suppose I did, you know me, I can't resist a good show. And in case you're wondering, that was definitely begging. You just have a unique way of making me forget my manners."
You snuggle closer to him, basking in the softness of his skin. "I'm glad I can keep things interesting for you."
And then, to your surprise, he silently embraces you in a warm hug, pulling you close to his chest. The feeling of his strong arms encircling your frame is unfamiliar but comforting at the same time. You have never held each other in such an intimate way before, but in this moment it feels like the most natural thing in the world.
As the two of you lay intertwined and content, you can feel a sense of peace wash over both of you. For once, no worries or fears are clouding your minds - just the simple pleasure of being together in this moment. You close your eyes and let out a satisfied sigh, wondering if this newfound closeness is a sign of things to come, and the thought brings a smile to your lips, before drifting off into a peaceful sleep wrapped in each other's embrace.
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lendeah · 2 months
Wounded Love
Summary: Astarion and Tav are both struggling with their emotions as they journey through the Shadowlands. When Astarion gets injured, Tav takes it upon herself to nurse him back to health, in more ways than one.
Pairing: Astarion x Fem!Reader.
Word Count: 5.3k
Tags: Astarion gets hurt, Emotional Constipation, Unresolved Romantic Tension, Massage, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Tav takes care of Astarion, sub!Atarion, Light Dom/sub, bordering minimal really, Porn With Plot, Biting, Blood.
a/n: this is an old draft, so forgive me if there are any typos! Love ya🤍
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It had been a stray hex, a capricious twist of magic that had hurt him, as told by the doctor responsible for his care in the Last Light Inn. The tendrils of the hex had woven an intricate spell, rendering him unconscious. Right now, as his chest rises and falls rhythmically, you feel something like pain and protectiveness stir in your chest. Although you are aware that your connection is currently purely physical, you can't help but feel a flutter every time your eyes meet or a tightening in your chest whenever he faces danger.
Looking at his peaceful sleeping form, you reach out to touch his hair, keeping it out of the way of his eyes. Your fingers trace the contours of his face and down his jawline. You wonder what kind of dreams come to him in these tender moments. Dreams you would love to share. To know all the things that go through the elf's mind.
His eyes suddenly open, and you get slightly startled, your hand hanging mid-air.
"What are you doing?" He raises one judging eyebrow, and squints at you through his eyelashes, but doesn't move out of your touch. His lips are curled into a small, tight grimace, probably still in pain from his recent wound.
You reach for the mug of water near the bed. "You look so peaceful when you sleep. Maybe you should spend more time like that. I like you way more when you are quiet," you say, a teasing tone lacing your words.
Astarion rolls his eyes, but he's also smiling a little.
"Yeah? Well, if you're so keen on me sleeping why not do me a favor and knock me out? The pain is unbearable as of right now," he says, but his voice is still soft and quiet, almost as if talking is painful You know there is a bit of truth there. He takes the mug and gulps down the water, then sets the piece back down on the bedside table.
He does appear miserable, even though his beauty remains as striking as ever. His eyes, usually filled with energy and mirth, seem drained of life, carrying heavy bags underneath. Though he is already pale, right now he looks paler than ever, and even his distinctive white locks, typically immaculate, fall disheveled and unkempt over his shoulders.
Your chest tightens at the sight, a vivid flashback of watching him fall during the combat flooding your mind. One moment, he was bravely battling alongside Karlach and the next, he was sprawled on the ground, so unnaturally still that it hinted at something had gone fatally wrong. The memory of that moment lingers—the scream tearing from your throat, the frantic dash to reach him—where the world outside, the lurking shadow monsters, and your companions; all became a blur, drowned out by the overwhelming fear of losing him.
You release a shaky breath, and try to appear nonchalant "Well, I happened to leave my Warhammer outside, but if you give me a moment, we could arrange it," you say, a hint of playful sarcasm masking the genuine worry beneath.
Astarion snorts. "Please, I don't need the Warhammer. Just a firm slap should do it." He says while shifting on his bed.
The movement makes the bedsheets rustle and reveals the bandages encasing his torso. His chest had sustained the most damage, with a deep cut that refused to heal and oozed a dark, murky liquid.
"You were out for a tenday," you inform him. "A stray hex hit you during combat and left you out cold. The wound didn't close, even with your vampiric and elf powers, so it had to be taken care of manually."
"Well, that's just great." Astarion mutters. Then, he speaks up again, this time seemingly with some concern, "I'm alright, right? I'm not going to die? I mean, I know I can't die, but..."
You chuckle softly at his words, a mix of fondness and relief washing over you. "Not under my watch. I am an incredible healer, after all".
"And quite humble, at that," Astarion mutters, but there is a small smile on his face. Then, there is a beat of silence, as both of you take a moment to collect your thoughts.
Astarion's smile fades, and his eyes search yours for something, a reassurance perhaps. You can see the vulnerability hidden beneath his usual facade of confidence and charm. It's rare to see him like this, stripped of his usual bravado. Leaning closer, you reach out again to gently brush a strand of white hair behind his pointy ear.
"Hey," you say softly, placing your hand on his cheek. "You're going to be alright. We took care of your wounds, and Halsin says you just need some time to recover." You take a deep breath, trying to steady yourself as you reach out and gently grasp his hand, intertwining your fingers. "You scared me, you know," you admit softly. "Seeing you fall like that... I thought I had lost you."
Astarion seems to freeze in place at that, as if he is unsure of how to react. You chuckle nervously, realizing you may have unintentionally crossed an unspoken boundary. Emotions are not your forte, after all. For a moment he simply stares at your intertwined hands. Then, he looks up to meet your gaze, and you see a flicker of some unreadable emotion there.
"Lost me? Come now, you should know by now it takes more than a measly hex to finish me off." His tone aims for nonchalance, but there is an edge to it that gives away his vulnerability. You offer a small, sheepish smile.
"Yes, well, you didn't die. So quit that moping and drink your water, or I'll let Shadowheart take a crack at healing you."
"From my point of view, this just means you just have to keep a closer eye on me from now on,"
You let out a small sigh and give him an exasperated look "I think I have done my fair share of caring for some time."
A look of realization crosses his face as if a puzzle piece has finally fallen into place. "Wait, did you stay here for the entire tenday?" he murmurs, his eyes widening with surprise and curiosity.
You clear your throat awkwardly "I mean, you were unconscious. Somebody had to keep guard, keep tabs on you, change your bandages..." you say, with a casual wave of your hand "Plus, I wanted to make sure you were alright. I'm not a complete monster."
But you are aware that it's not the whole truth. The real reason is that the thought of him lying in bed, wounded and vulnerable, causes a pain in your chest that you don't want to acknowledge.
Astarion's eyes widen slightly at your words, surprise mingling with something else. Gratitude, perhaps? It's hard to tell with him sometimes, but there's a softness in his gaze that tells you he appreciates your presence more than he lets on.
"Well, I suppose I should thank you then," he says, his voice softer than before. "I wouldn't have expected you to stick around."
You shrug nonchalantly "Had to make sure you didn't get yourself killed again," You reply teasingly, attempting to lighten the mood.
Astarion chuckles a sound that warms your chest. "Ah, so it was purely for selfish reasons then."
"Of course, can't have our token charming vampire biting the dust just yet"
Astarion rolls his eyes, a smile on his face "Charming vampire, am I? You really know just how to flatter someone."
"You're also our only rogue," you reply.
Astarion smiles. "So not only am I charming, but I'm essential too. Guess the group just couldn't do without me. Perhaps you should write me a thank you note instead."
You raise an eyebrow, a smirk playing at the corners of your lips. "Oh, don't worry. I'll be sure to draft up a heartfelt ode to your indispensability."
His smile widens, the playful back and forth easing the tension that lingered between you. It feels good to see him like this, even if he's still recovering from his injuries.
You've been through so much together, fighting against the darkness that threatens your world. And in those moments of battle and chaos, there's a strange comfort in he familiarity of this banter, with its playful jabs and sly remarks. You do this routine a hundred times, dancing around each other's feelings and skirting the edges of any true intimacy. And yet, it's still nice to pretend sometimes. Still nice to pretend there's nothing underneath all the playful words, that maybe this is all you need. But for once, when you are looking at him, you want to reach out to him. To tenderly kiss his forehead, rest your head on his strong shoulders, and be enveloped in his embrace and not just for physical pleasure. But you know better than to act on those desires. He has been so wounded in the past and it's not just the physical scars that linger. His past is a complicated web of pain, betrayal, and mistrust. You've seen the way his eyes darken when certain topics are brought up or how he flinches away from certain touches. So you will wait patiently until he opens up when he is ready, relishing in these small moments in the meantime.
"Well, charming vampire, it looks like I'll have to find some more enemies for you to sink your fangs into for breakfast," you say with a mischievous glint in your eyes.
Astarion grins, a little wolfishly with his fangs on display, "Oh, I think I know just who to take my fangs to," he says, his eyes appraising your neck.
You feel a shiver run down your spine at the intensity of his gaze. You roll your eyes and smirk. "Oh please, Astarion. I'm not that easy to sink your fangs into."
He leans forward, with a wicked smile on his lips "Oh, is that so?" Astarion says smoothly. A twinkle of desire flashes in his red eyes as he speaks, which only ignites your own thirst. You feel your heartbeat quickening, breath hitching in your chest. "You want to put that to the test?" His voice is lower now, a bit of a growl starting to creep into his tone.
You can feel the bed's cool, smooth sheets against your skin as you lean forward, your chest brushing against Astarion's. The energy between your bodies feels like a tangible force, one that you can almost reach out and touch. His face is so close, his red eyes bright and mouth slightly open, showing off two sharp fangs that would terrify most people but only send shivers of anticipation down your spine. There's something primal in the way you're looking at each other, and you can't help but feel a familiar wave of excitement and fear wash over you. Astarion's eyes flicker to your lips for a moment. You are waiting, wanting him to make the first move, your breath shallow and quick.
"Well? Still think you can bite me that easily?" you quip, teasingly, although your heart is pounding so loud you are sure it's deafening for him.
A mischievous smirk plays on Astarion's lips, his red eyes sparkling with amusement. Despite his injury, he moves gracefully and with supernatural quickness, catching you off guard. In the blink of an eye, you are pinned to the bed beneath him. Your back sinks into the soft mattress as Astarion's weight presses down on your body. His left arm is pressing into the skin of your collarbones, as his other hand holds your wrists above your head. Every touch from him sends electric jolts through your body.
Astarion's breath is hot against your skin as he leans in closer, his lips grazing your ear. "Oh, I am more than capable of biting you," he whispers, his voice husky with desire. "I might even leave you with a few bruises," he adds, his voice an intimate rasp that sends shivers down your spine.
Your heart races at his words and the thought of what he could do to you, at the weight pressing down on you.
"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Astarion murmurs against your skin, his lips trailing down your neck and leaving a trail of fire in their wake.
You let out a soft gasp as he nibbles on your skin, causing goosebumps to rise along your arms. His touch is electric and every nerve in your body feels like it's on fire. Without hesitation, Astarion's fangs sink into the soft flesh of your neck, and you let out a gasp as a mix of pleasure and sharp icy pain courses through you. You can feel yourself growing lightheaded as he feeds from you, his fangs sinking deeper and his grip on your wrists loosening as he savors the taste of your blood. The sensation sends waves of ecstasy coursing through your veins.
Time seems to stand still as you remain locked in his embrace, your bodies tangled together on the bed. As he finally withdraws his fangs from your neck, he lingers for a moment, his lips brushing against the wounds he's left behind. You can feel the slight throbbing where his teeth had punctured skin seconds ago. A soft sigh escapes your lips as you feel him press his forehead against yours, his breath fanning against your skin.
You giggle a little, still coming down from the high of vampire venom.
"I will never get tired of that," The words slipped from his lips in a breathy murmur, one that was filled with awe and contentment.
"All it takes is a little blood to make our wounded vampire happy," You tease, giving him a small peck. His lips still taste a bit metallic, but you don't care in the slightest.
Astarion chuckles, "Ah, darling, we both know I am not the only one who enjoys that…"
He presses his body against your own, his lips suddenly ravishing yours with an intensity that steals your breath. The heat of his mouth sears through you, igniting every nerve and sending primal shivers down your spine. You cling to him desperately, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him closer until your bodies meld into one and your hands tangle in the soft curls of his hair. At this moment, nothing else exists except for the electric chemistry between you, overwhelming and all-consuming.
Out of nowhere, he recoils and lets out a sharp hiss. Concerned, you examine the bandage on his chest and notice a small black spot forming. "Oh shit," you curse under your breath.
You quickly slide out from under him and stand next to the bed. "Lie down," you tell him firmly, "I'll take care of it."
"I'm okay," Astarion lies, but complies, lying down on the bed with a sense of resignation. The soft sheets crinkle beneath his weight as he settles into a comfortable position. You hurriedly gather supplies before returning to his side, adrenaline and concern fueling your actions. With skilled hands, you begin tending to his wound as Astarion watches on with curious eyes.
"If you keep ogling me like that, I may just end up with a hole in my head," you quip.
The corners of both your mouths turn up in matching grins. The intensity of your gaze locks and it feels like the air is alive with electricity. With precision and care, you unwrap the bandage and clean the wound, hands steady despite your worry. As you finish dressing the wound, you can't help letting out a sigh of relief after realizing it was just a small tear, nothing too serious.
It's then that you notice you have been straddling his body over the crisp white sheets of the hospital bed and your cheeks flush furiously.
Astarion looks at you with a cheeky smirk, "Something the matter, dear?" he asks, his voice low and sultry.
You can feel your face turning even brighter red, but you try to shrug it off. "No, nothing's wrong."
Astarion lets out a low laugh, enjoying your flustered state. "Oh, I beg to differ," he teases, sitting up and leaning against the headboard.
"Shut up," you mutter, trying to keep your embarrassment at bay.
Astarion chuckles softly, a warm sound that makes your heart flutter. Why does he always make your heart flutter?
"Well, I have seen you in way more compromised positions than the one you are in right now," he says, a hint of mischief in his tone. "You're not one to be shy."
You can't help but blush even more at his words. His hand starts caressing your thigh, and your breath hitches slightly.
"I must say," Astarion continues with a sly grin, "I've never had such skilled hands tending to me before."
You roll your eyes at his flirting. "Well, I have been trained in basic care since I was young," you reply with a smile playing on your lips.
He raises an eyebrow in surprise. "And how else are you planning on taking care of me, exactly? Because I remain deeply wounded." he says with a mock pout.
A mischievous smirk tugs at the corners of your mouth as you reply, "You'll just have to wait and see."
Meeting his intense gaze, you can feel the heat rising to your cheeks. A sudden spark of inspiration ignites within you and you eagerly suggest, "How about a massage? I have been told I am really good at those."
He raises an eyebrow, "A massage, huh? It doesn't sound too bad."
A chuckle bubbles up from your chest and you swat him lightly on the shoulder. "Only 'not too bad'? I'll have you know, I'm excellent."
Astarion smirks, "Prove it then," he challenges, stretching back onto the bed, arms folded behind his head in a display of pure ease.
Squaring your shoulders in determination, you stand from the bed and walk to the other side of the room. You rummage through a drawer filled with various herbs and oils until you find what you're looking for - a small vial of calming lavender oil you had seen Halsin storing a few days ago. You just hope he won't miss it too much.
"You better not fall asleep on me," you call out teasingly as you make your way back towards him, shaking the vial in your hand for emphasis.
In response, Astarion chuckles lowly and flips onto his stomach without a word, waiting for your touch. The scent of lavender fills the room as you rub your hands together, warming up the oil before applying it to his skin.
As your hands start kneading into his tight shoulder muscles, he releases a sigh that is half groan, half purr. "Your touch is simply divine," he moans, his voice low and husky. "You really do possess a gift for caressing."
With a proud smile, you continue to massage his shoulders and neck, feeling the tension ease away. His eyes are closed, lost in the pleasure of the moment. Your heart swells with happiness to see him so content and relaxed.
You lower your hands slowly, massaging along the curve of his spine and drawing another low moan from him. The rhythm of your touch, the scent of lavender, and the quiet of the room come together to create a sense of calm and tranquility. You let your fingers brush against the edges of his scars, caressing them tenderly. Instead of flinching away, he leans into your touch, allowing you to continue your gentle exploration.
You continue to knead his muscles, working out any remaining knots and tension. And then, you lower your head and press a soft kiss to the bare skin of his shoulder, right above the bandage. Astarion lets out a surprised gasp at the unexpected touch of your lips. He turns his head slightly, his eyes opening to meet yours.
"Can't resist taking advantage, can you?" he teases with a small grin.
"I simply relish having you at my mercy for once," you whisper against his spine, taking in the sweet scent of lavender oil on his skin.
Astarion's lips curve into a playful smirk at your words. "Oh, do you now?" he asks in a husky voice, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
You nod confidently, trailing light kisses down his spine and leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. "I always enjoy being in control," you reply, your tone laced with teasing.
He lets out a low chuckle, "And I always relish when you take charge," he purrs, his eyes closing in satisfaction.
With a last kiss, you gently pat his side.
"Now you turn for me."
Astarion eagerly flips onto his back, his eyes shining with anticipation. As you straddle him, you notice he has been affected by your previous ministrations, his hardness pressing against your core. A triumphant smile tugs at your lips. Astarion merely smirks up at you, not bothering to hide his interest.
"Seems like your skills extend beyond basic care," he teases, his voice dropping to a husky whisper.
You choose to ignore his comment and instead focus on the task at hand. Pouring more lavender oil onto your hands, you begin to knead his pectoral muscles, applying firm and steady pressure, avoiding the bandage covering it. Your hands roam over his chest with practiced ease until they find their way to his abdomen. You glide your fingers over each taut muscle, taking delight in the way his body responds under your touch.
"Enjoying yourself?" Astarion teases with a smirk.
A warm rush of joy spreads through you as you trace your fingers along the curves of his navel, softly giggling. His hands instinctively tighten around your hips, a desperate attempt to regain some control of the situation. A sly, self-satisfied smirk spreads across your lips as you slowly slip your hand lower down, teasing the sensitive skin just beneath the waistband of his trousers, towards the source of his growing excitement.
His breath hitches at your touch, his eyes now wide with surprise. "Oh, I see what's happening here," he says, a teasing smile playing on his lips. "You're getting into this caretaker role, aren't you?"
Your smirk deepens as you gently massage his hips, ignoring the suggestive implications of his words.
"I did say I'd take good care of you, didn't I?" you reply nonchalantly, as I continue with my performance.
Astarion lets out a soft chuckle and reaches up to cup your cheek affectionately.
"You certainly did," he murmurs, gazing up at you in admiration. "But what about you? Who takes care of you, dear?" he mumbles.
Your heart fills with sadness, at the thought of him only thinking of sex as an exchange, more than a pleasurable thing. You lean in to press a soft kiss into his neck, feeling his skin cold under your touch.
"Just trust me," you whisper, voice low and sultry, "I want to make you feel good." His breath hitches again, and you can feel him growing harder beneath your touch. "Trust me," you repeat softly.
You press your lips against his, softly at first, then deeper as he responds with equal fervor. Your hand swiftly opens his trousers, digging inside to grab his hardness, and starts a rhythmic movement, gliding up and down the full length of his member. As it reaches the tip, you twist your wrist slightly, eliciting a whine from deep within his chest. It's a sound you've never heard from him before, one that sends shivers down your and makes your core throb.
His body tenses beneath you, the feeling of your hand wrapped around him drawing a low curse from his lips. He arches into your touch, his grip on your hips tightening as he struggles to remain composed. He presses his lips against yours, the kiss becoming more fervent and demanding. His hands grip your hips tightly, pulling you closer to him, as if he can't get enough.
"Easy," you coo softly against his ear, an intimate tone wrapped around the single word as if it were a promise. Astarion's hands flex on your hips repeatedly, fingers digging into your flesh in a bid to ground himself. "Let me take good care of you," you assure him again, your voice low and breathy against his skin. His body tenses under your touch as he lets out a groan.
His breaths come in ragged gasps, punctuated by small moans of pleasure. "Faster," he pleads with a desperation that ignites a fire within you.
"My beautiful baby, so good for me," you murmur into his ear, your voice rough with desire and adoration. Without hesitation, you bring the pointed tip of his ear between your lips, savoring the delicate contours as you run your tongue along its edges. His body shudders in response, a high whine escaping from his throat as he gives in to your touch.
"Oh, sweet hells," he breathes, his voice barely a whisper.
You release his ear and lay back to take a good look at him, and you smile to yourself when you see his disveleshed hair, and red eyes hooded. And then, without hesitation, you sink down between his parted legs as your lips part and encircle his throbbing member. The taste of him fills your mouth, a mixture of salt and skin and something uniquely his. You take him fully into your mouth, relishing the sounds of his moans and gasps as you move your lips up and down his length. You swirl your tongue around him, teasing and coaxing every delicious sensation from him. His hips thrust upward, and his hands grip your hair, pulling you closer, but you resist, teasing him with your tongue. Your own body is humming with need and desire, but you push it aside to focus completely on him.
You slowly remove him from your mouth, teasingly drawing out the moment. "Beg for me," you whisper seductively, reveling in the power you hold over him.
Astarion's breath hitches as you pull away, and he meets your eyes with a mix of surprise and desire. He moans a deep, guttural sound that vibrates through you, and his hips buck upward, thrusting into the air. His hardness stands tall and proud against your palm, straining for release. It’s slick with your spit, and with a reddish hue that reveals his recent feeding. So damn beautiful.
"Please," he pleads "Please, please," he tries to repeat, but his words come out in a garbled, unintelligible moan as you take him deep into your throat and swallow hard, feeling his member pulse and throb slightly in your mouth.
His entire body trembles, his breaths quickening to the point where they are almost non-existent. His hands clamp onto your hair, yanking you towards him with a savage strength as he thrusts relentlessly, pushing himself deeper and deeper inside of you until it feels like he might tear you apart.
"Oh gods," he cries, arching his back and groaning in a way that makes you want to keep going. "That's so good, hells."
His words only drive you further, and you begin to pick up the pace, slobbering and sucking on him like a starving man to a feast. His body tenses as his release approaches, and you can feel him pulsing in your mouth.
"Please, please, oh my god" His words are now a jumbled mess, spewing out of his mouth in a frenzied stream. His eyes roll back into his head, a sign that he is close to releasing everything he has been holding in. "I can't... I can't take much more," he whispers hoarsely, "Please, please, let me cum. Fuck, I need to cum."
With this plea, you can feel the surge of his release, and your body responds with an exhilaration that threatens to overwhelm you. You can feel your body responding to his, your own arousal growing, and you rub yourself through your clothes, imagining the feel of him inside you. But that can wait - right now he needs you to take care of him. It's clear he's getting close now - his breaths are shallow, his moans low and desperate, his hips thrusting upwards in short, sharp jerks. With a final cry, you feel him tense, his entire body convulsing under your touch. You swallow hard, feeling the hot liquid spurt into your mouth, coating your tongue and throat in his essence. You can't help but groan in pleasure as it fills you, and you continue to suck and slurp, greedily devouring every drop he has to offer. His hips thrust upwards, bucking wildly as wave after wave of pleasure washed over him. You continue to suck and stroke him, milking every last drop from his throbbing length.
Finally, he goes lax, his body slack and exhausted while his breath comes in ragged gasps. You gently remove his now limp member from your mouth, wiping the remnants of him from the corners with your thumb. As he comes down from his high, his body relaxes onto the pillow, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. You lay next to him, your heart filled with a sense of contentment and satisfaction. You trace patterns on his chest with your fingertips, feeling the rise and fall of his breaths as he continues to recover from his release.
A spark ignites in his eyes as they lock onto yours, and for the first time, you see a glimmer of something. There is a tenderness and adoration in his gaze as if you are the most precious and captivating being in all of Faerûn. You smile and sprawl over his healthy shoulder, looking up at him.
"And here I thought I was the master at lovemaking," he teases. "Ever so surprising, my dear."
"Oh, you're easy to please, my love. But I do admit, you taste absolutely divine." You giggle and place a soft kiss on his lips.
He chuckles deeply, running his fingers through your hair. A moment of silence passes between you before you find the courage to break it with a quiet question, "Did you truly enjoy it?"
Conversation after sex is rare for you, but something about today feels different, almost intimate. Like something has shifted, an unspoken understanding or connection.
There is a pause, and Astarion looks at you, seeming a bit awkward. He appears to be having some sort of internal struggle at the moment. But then, he relaxes a bit and nods his head.
"Yes, I did," he says. He smiles at you. "It was... mediocre. Which is quite good for your usual performance"
You raise an eyebrow in mock offense. "Excuse me? You were practically begging me to cum moments ago!"
"Was that begging?" he asks innocently, "I thought I was just doing a demonstration" His eyes twinkled with amusement as he looked at you, his lips curling up into a smirk.
"Oh, really?" You raise an eyebrow playfully. "Well, you sure seemed to be enjoying it"
Astarion chuckled lightly, running his fingers through your hair. "I suppose I did, you know me, I can't resist a good show. And in case you're wondering, that was definitely begging. You just have a unique way of making me forget my manners."
You snuggle closer to him, basking in the softness of his skin. "I'm glad I can keep things interesting for you."
And then, to your surprise, he silently embraces you in a warm hug, pulling you close to his chest. The feeling of his strong arms encircling your frame is unfamiliar but comforting at the same time. You have never held each other in such an intimate way before, but in this moment it feels like the most natural thing in the world.
As the two of you lay intertwined and content, you can feel a sense of peace wash over both of you. For once, no worries or fears are clouding your minds - just the simple pleasure of being together in this moment. You close your eyes and let out a satisfied sigh, wondering if this newfound closeness is a sign of things to come, and the thought brings a smile to your lips, before drifting off into a peaceful sleep wrapped in each other's embrace.
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lendeah · 2 months
mom I love him
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Gale, picking flowers along your walk, hiding them behind his back as if they’re nothing only to present them to you later, neatly tied with ribbon.
Gale remembering your favorite ration meal and recreating a scaled up version your first night home together
Gale playing with your hand and fingers as he reads, book held in the other
Gale, trying to sip his cup while it’s still too hot and being surprised every time
Gale getting more and more animated as he tells you about his latest discovery or fascination
Gale, asleep next to you, the fine lines of his face smooth as he rests. Brushing a piece of his hair back as he sighs
Before confessing anything to you, stealing glances and going beet red each time he was caught, yet holding your gaze
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lendeah · 2 months
this is ADORABLE😭😭😭😭😭
ok ok I have this genius idea…. astarion sees a cat tht looks like Druid!tav and he assumes it’s tav and he’s like wtf why are u acting like that
omfg I love this ~ I am actually cackling! Sorry that this took so long, I am hoping to catch up on everything again now I am back!
Warnings: none! Pairing: Astarion x gn!druid!reader/Tav
Find my Masterlist Here and My Astarion Playlist Here.
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He would straight up not realise it wasn't you, and probably wouldn't have had it not been for you sneaking up on him.
He claims that it is because he was tired and he hadn't fed from you for a few days because you have been so exhausted, but that doesn't stop you from teasing him for it.
The cat had been curled up on his lap in his lap for the last hour as he stitched up one of your shirts that, as far as the group was concerned, ripped when you were helping him hunt. Not when he had your back pushed up against a tree...
When it had approached him so shortly after you had all finished setting up your new camp outside of Rivington, who else could it have been but you? It was so routine. The markings, the whiskers – at a quick glance, nothing was out of the ordinary besides the fact he had a little fight on his hands trying to get it to settle on his lap.
The fact he had to pick it up and almost force it to settle should have been a red flag in and of itself ~ 'why are you acting like this?' 'I know you aren't still mad at me about the shirt, I very well made up for that then and there and you know it.' 'Oh stop fussing and settle - there! was that so difficult?'
But he didn't think any more of it when it finally made itself at home and started purring away.
A little out of it from a level of exhaustion, he didn't pay any mind when he heard you cough gently behind him. He didn't even turn around as he held the stitching up over his shoulder to show off -
"See, darling, I told you you would barely be able to notice the stitching when I was done with it."
You would just continue to stand there with your arms crossed over your chest, eyes on the cat on his lap rather than the stitching.
It would take a good second before it clicked. His brows furrowing, his arms dropping, and his mouth opening and closing a little in confusion as he looked at the cat in his lap and then over his shoulder at you.
"This is not what it look's like, I swear." he started, shooing the cat off his lap hurriedly.
You could only hum in response, holding back a laugh and trying your hardest not to break out into a cackle.
"Either you missed me so much while I went to find food you simply had to find a replacement, or you thought that cat was me?"
If he could blush you knew his cheeks would be redder than his eyes as he frantically brushed the offending cat's fur off of his trousers. You would have thought you had caught him in the arms of another lover the way he floundered – not to mention the uncharacteristic speechlessness.
"Great work on the shirt though, Star. Thank you."
You couldn't help but break out into a playful grin as you took it from him, pressing a kiss to his cheek as you passed to take your new bundle of food over to the campfire for Gale.
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lendeah · 2 months
The currents of destiny
Chapter 4: Light amidst the tempest.
Summary: In his final vision, Astarion witnesses a future alongside Tav, realizing that happiness can be found in unexpected places. He acknowledges his potential for redemption and contemplates whether this future is worth pursuing. Pairing: Astarion x Fem!Reader/Tav Word Count: 5.1k Tags: Heavy Angst, Psychological Trauma, Blood and Violence, Character Death, Psychological Torture (kind of), Emotional Manipulation, Verbal Abuse, but just chapter 2, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Eventual Fluff, Eventual Happy Ending.
a/n: tysm again to @tinystarfishgalaxy for helping me with this chapter <3
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He didn't know how much time had passed floating in the void. Minutes? Hours? Days? All he knew was the deep whirlwind of confusion his mind had turned into.
After the visions, he was sure of one thing; he wanted Tav to be happy. She deserved to be with someone who could love her fully and without hesitation, unlike him. He couldn't bear to see her go through the same pain and heartache that he had caused her in the visions. The regret and longing for what could have been tugged at his heartstrings, but at the same time, he knew he didn't deserve Tav. He had hurt her too many times.
He sensed his body being pulled, but he felt so tired, so spent. He longed for release from the pain and exhaustion, to return to Tav and make amends for his mistakes before disappearing for good.
But in that moment, Astarion could feel his consciousness being tugged away from his body through the vast expanse of time and space.
Astarion jerked awake. For a moment, he was enveloped in darkness, his mind still lost in the void of sleep. Slowly, he focused on his surroundings - the softness of the bed beneath him, the intricate patterns adorning the walls, the gentle light filtering through the curtains. He was back in their suite at the Elfsong Tabern, where they had been living for months now. The room felt familiar and comforting, yet Astarion couldn't shake off the feeling of being in a foreign body.
As his eyes adjusted to the blinding light, Astarion's consciousness merged with his future self. He saw a small figure curled up against his side. Tav, her head resting on his chest as she slept soundly. Astarion watched himself gently brush strands of hair away from Tav's face, feeling a sense of longing and love for her. She stirred slightly but didn't wake up. He then traced the curves of her face with his fingers. She looked so peaceful and serene sleeping next to him.
I wish I could have this, he told himself, I wish this was real.
He longed for this moment to be real, to have her in his arms once again. The warmth of her body against his, the softness of her touch, and the sweet aroma of her presence overwhelmed his senses. He had missed her so much, and now she was resting peacefully in his embrace.
And he couldn't believe it. How could this be happening? What had his future self done to deserve this second chance? After all the pain and heartache he had caused her, she was here, forgiving him once again. The surge of guilt that flooded through him was almost suffocating as he remembered the vivid visions of their potential future. Though they may have been mere illusions, the thought that they were a possibility was enough to torment him.
Finally, her eyes started to open slowly, glancing at him from behind squinting eyes.
"Astarion?" she mumbled, still half-asleep, burying her face on the crook of his neck.
He felt an intense need in his future self, mirroring his own emotions. Astarion's arms encircled her in a tight embrace, pulling her closer to him as she nuzzled into his chest. He gently kissed the top of her head and whispered, "Yes, dear?"
"I had missed this... you. So much." Her eyes gazed up at him.
"My, aren't we full of our feelings this morning." the vampire chuckled, brushing aside her hair so that her face was fully visible to him.
"If you ever leave like that again, I will kill you with my own hands," Tav's voice broke as tears started to stream down her face.
So this must be briefly after my return, he thought to himself.
His body pulled her even closer, his arms tightening around her.
As Tav's words sunk in, Future Astarion's heart ached with both guilt and shame.
You don't deserve her.
"Darling, I won't leave you again I promise," he whispered, stroking her hair gently.
Tav's body relaxed against his, and he could feel her tears wetting his skin. He held her for a few moments before pulling back slightly to look into her eyes.
"What happened while I was gone?" he asked softly, wiping away her tears with his thumb.
Tav took a deep breath "We went looking for you everywhere. I-I thought we had lost you for good, I thought..." she gulps. "I thought you hated me..."
Astarion's heart ached at her words. How could she think that he hated her? How could he ever hate someone who meant everything to him?
"You know I could never hate you," he watched himself say quietly.
Tav pulled him into a tight embrace, burying her face in his chest again as she held back her sobs.
"I'm sorry," he whispered, kissing the top of her head.
"Don't be sorry," Tav said, pulling back slightly to look up at him with tear-filled eyes. "Just promise me that you won't let your fears drive you away from me again."
Future Astarion nodded, a determined look on his face. And he knew that he could never leave Tav again; that he would do whatever it takes to make things right between them. But a small part of him felt selfish for wanting to stay. After all, by staying, he was preventing her from having a future with Shadowheart - a future where she wouldn't have to deal with his flaws and struggles.
"I'll never leave you again. You're stuck with me, for better or worse." he watched himself say, before leaning down to kiss her gently.
The world around him twisted and turned, the colors shifting and blurring as if reality itself was being altered. In a matter of moments, he found himself standing in a cold, dark hallway. It was big, with tall ceilings and old decorations, smelling faintly of humidity and dust. Astarion watched the scene unfold before him, his future self walking with purpose through the large hallway, as if he knew his way around here. A sense of familiarity filled his body as he followed the sound of voices echoing through the corridor.
As he turned a corner, he saw a door ajar, where the noise was coming from. Astarion poked his head, and he was surprised at the sight.
The room was filled with rows of bright-eyed children, all sitting at tables and eagerly learning from their teacher, Tav. She stood at the front of the room with a blackboard behind her, illuminated by the warm glow of sunlight streaming through the windows. Tav's radiant smile and confident posture commanded attention as she explained various concepts, her eyes sparkling with delight and passion. Suddenly, she turned her head and locked eyes with Astarion, her expression softening as she recognized him.
His future self perched on the door frame, as he listened intently to her lesson.
With a satisfied smile, Tav wiped the chalk dust off her hands and turned to face her students.
"Alright class, that concludes our lesson for today," she announced, causing a chorus of excitement and chatter from the students. "We will continue our exploration of Baldurian society tomorrow. And don't forget to complete your essays on the development of Baldurian culture during the 14th century!" Tav's words were met with a mix of groans and determined nods from her pupils, who quickly gathered their belongings and rushed out of the classroom, buzzing with energy.
The children filed out of the room while Tav slowly walked over to Astarion, her arms reaching up to wrap around his neck.
"Hey, you," she whispered, nuzzling her cheek against his. Astarion's heart swelled with happiness and he returned the hug, holding onto her just as tightly. He was filled with gratitude towards his own body for allowing him to touch and feel her once more.
As they broke apart from the hug, Astarion noticed a few of the students lingering around them with curious expressions on their faces.
"Ugh, Miss, is that your boyfriend?" one of the girls asked with a scowl, eyeing Astarion suspiciously.
Astarion watched with amusement as Tav's cheeks turned a light shade of pink.
"She is actually my dear sister, whom I love dearly and definitely don't have any romantic interest in," he quipped, before planting a comically exaggerated kiss on her cheek. "But we do make an absolutely charming couple, don't you agree?"
The students' faces twisted with even more disgust and disbelief as they looked at the two of them.
"Ugh, gross!" another one of the boys exclaimed, making a face as if she had just tasted something rotten.
Tav looked at him with wide eyes, "Astarion! No, we are not related!" Tav playfully pushed him away before turning back to the kids. "Ignore him, he likes to think he's funny. He is my devoted fiancé."
Astarion's mind reeled at Tav's words. Fiancé. They were going to get married. He couldn't believe it.
She quickly composed herself and tried to change the subject.
"But enough about my personal life. It's time for you all to head home and get some rest."
The students reluctantly began to file out of the room once again, and Astarion couldn't help but feel a sense of pride as he watched Tav interact with her students.
Once the room was empty, Tav turned back to him with a grin.
"Tough crowd," he commented. "You could have played along my dear."
She shot him a disapproving glare. "I won't take part on you trying to traumatize my students, Astarion."
As they walked hand in hand through the hallways, Astarion couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. He never would have imagined this as his future; Tav as a teacher?
"You were amazing with those kids," he said, breaking the comfortable silence between them. "I would have never pegged you as a teacher, though."
Tav shrugged. "I never thought about it until I started working at the orphanage after we defeated the Absolute. The children here were so eager to learn and I found that I really enjoyed teaching them."
"And that leads us to your favorite pastime; you get to sit and talk as much as you like." He teased, playing with her fingers."I suppose it suits you though, you always had a way with people. That's why you were our leader."
Tav chuckled at his words and squeezed his hand. "I suppose so," she said with a smile. "But you weren't bad either. Your complains were delightful!"
"Oh, I am simply the most charming man, I know, but you're a very close second." He teased, brushing his thumb against her hand.
By the time they left the orphanage, the sun had set and darkness enveloped the streets of Baldur's Gate. Astarion couldn't resist marveling at the city's stunning architecture as he and Tav wandered through the bustling streets. The docks were especially lively, with merchants calling out their goods, children running around, and the enticing aroma of food being cooked over open flames.
He hadn't felt this calm and content in what seemed like an eternity. It was such a strange sensation to him, but his future self appeared to be accustomed to it.
Astarion's gaze fell upon the numerous damaged buildings and scattered debris in the streets. Homeless citizens roamed about, a somber reminder of the destruction caused by the battle with the nether brain. Families torn apart, homes destroyed - it was a heartbreaking sight. But they had survived, they had endured and saved many, and that was all that mattered in the end.
"How has the shop been today?" Tav's voice pulled him out of his thoughts.
Shop? What shop?
"Oh, you know how it is with noble women. These high-class ladies are always so annoying, nitpicking about the fabric not being silky enough, or the shade not being rich enough, or the hemline not being poofy enough... It's enough to make one go mad!"
Wait. His future self...worked at a clothing shop? The thought was almost comical to him. To imagine himself, a once notorious vampire assassin, working in a mundane shop catering to noble women's fashion needs.
Tav chuckled and shook her head. "Sounds like you've had your fair share of difficult customers."
Astarion scoffed. "You have no idea. Noble women can be quite... demanding."
"I can imagine," Tav said with a smile. "But I'm sure you handle them with grace and patience."
"Grace? Patience?" Astarion laughed at her words. "I handle them with biting remarks and sly insults. That's why they love me."
Tav raised an eyebrow at him but couldn't hide the amusement in her eyes.
"I suppose that works too," she said with a grin.
A moment of silence passed before she met his gaze once more, her expression softening. "You know, I am incredibly proud of you, Astarion. You've made tremendous progress. Despite the obstacles you face, you are the finest tailor in the city." She squeezed their entwined hands.
Her words caused his heart to constrict. Despite how he had treated her, she still believed in him. She was truly proud of the person he had become.
Future Astarion smiled, swooping his free hand to the night sky in a melodramatic flourish. "Why, my love, I am more than a mere tailor. I have transcended into an artist, a designer of dream garbs. These 'difficulties' of mine are only the chisel that sculpts my resilience." It was a showy display, but Tav's smile and gentle laugh told him she appreciated it.
"As bold as ever, Astarion," Tav said with an amused shake of her head. "Is this the same charm you've been using on your customers?"
"Flattery will get you everywhere, dear," he winked at her.
The sounds of the city seemed to gently ebb away as they continued to walk hand in hand through the candlelit streets. The echo of their laughter punctuated the silence of the night.
His body led them to a house by the docks. As they entered the unfamiliar surroundings, Astarion was taken aback. The place exuded an air of sophistication and charm. Art pieces adorned the walls, each one with its own unique story to tell. Trinkets and mementos from their travels were scattered throughout the space,
giving it a sense of warmth and character. And then there were the books - shelves upon shelves of them, overflowing with knowledge and stories waiting to be discovered. This was their ideal home, and the thought nearly brought tears to Astarion's eyes.
He had never truly had a home before.
She is your home now, he told himself.
As the heavy wooden door clicked shut, Astarion was already pressing his lips urgently against Tav's. She melted into him, her body fitting perfectly against his as they exchanged feverish kisses. His hands roamed over her back and hips, savoring the warmth of her skin and the taste of her lips. But just as he felt himself getting lost in the moment, he pulled away, catching his breath and trying to regain control. They stood there, foreheads pressed together, panting with desire. Tav's fingers lightly traced patterns on the back of his neck, sending shivers down his spine. He could feel her gaze on him, full of love and understanding.
And Astarion knew; he wanted this. Gods be damned what he had done in his other visions; he would do whatever it took to make this version of their life a reality. For her. For them.
Please, let me have this, he begged inside his mind. Let me be selfish, for once.
And as if hearing his thoughts, his body pulled away slightly and looked into her eyes, as he brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "I love you," he whispered.
The vision shifted once more, pulling him again. As he settled into his surroundings, he realized it was the same room as before, yet it felt different. The air felt almost thick with energy, pulsing and alive.
Astarion blinked, trying to adjust to the new reality. Slowly, he surveyed his surroundings and saw that Gale was indeed sitting right in front of him. Next to him, Tav's grip on his hand was tight and reassuring. Astarion's gaze fell back on Gale, noting with surprise the signs of aging that had crept upon the wizard over the years - his hair graying and the wrinkles in his face deepening.
"...And I know this is only a start for the rest of the matters to take care of, far from a definite cure, but at the very least it's something." Gale was saying.
"It's incredible Gale. It's more than we could have hoped for already. Thank you." said Tav. Her eyes were brimming with tears, playing with the ring on his finger. Had that been there before?
He suddenly remembered that they had actually gotten married. The realization sent a flutter of butterflies through his chest.
But something caught her attention - why was it now sitting on his index finger instead of his ring finger?
"Thank you," Future Astarion spoke up finally, his voice filled with emotion.
And he was so confused. What was going on? Why was everyone emotional?
Tav just looked at him expectantly.
"Do you want to try it now?"
Try what?
His body smiled softly "Yes. I've been in the dark for long enough."
And with that, they got up from their seat. But Astarion's mind froze, because as he reached for Tav's hand, he saw...
No, it couldn't be.
But it was.
Tav was pregnant. Her belly had grown significantly, her tunic stretched to accommodate the new life growing inside of her.
He felt a wave of emotions hit him all at once; shock, disbelief, joy, and fear. He couldn't believe it. He was going to be a father. His body took him away, but he was still frozen inside his head. When? How?
His thoughts were interrupted as his body stopped at the doorframe of their home, sunlight pouring through the cracks. And he felt the intentions in his future self.
What are you doing?! You are going to get burned! he screamed inside his head.
But with one last look at Tav, Astarion's body ignored his desperate screams as he stepped out into the sunlight, a look of determination etched on his face. He braced himself for the usual sizzling and pain of being exposed to sunlight, but surprisingly, he felt nothing but warmth tickling his skin. His eyes squinted against the brightness, not used to so the light after spending so much time in the dark. But other than that, he was unharmed.
"Is it... Is it permanent?" He heard himself say.
"It is, as long as you wear the ring," Gale said from behind him, placing a hand on his shoulder.
Astarion couldn't believe what he was hearing. This was beyond anything he could have ever hoped for. He could finally walk under the sun without fear or pain. Tears welled in future Astarion's eyes as he looked up at the bright blue sky, feeling the warmth on his skin for the first time in years.
And Astarion was stunned. He could actually walk in the sunlight. They had found a way. They were looking for the cure.
"This... this is a miracle," he whispered, his voice filled with awe and gratitude.
Tav and Gale smiled at him, their own eyes glistening with tears.
She took his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze as she smiled at him. "I'm glad we could give you this gift," she said softly.
Gale nodded in agreement. "It's been a long journey and my contentment for your newfound liberation knows no bounds," he said with a proud smile. "Fear not, for I shall not cease my pursuit until the antidote for vampirism is discovered and obtained. My solemn vow is sealed upon my very existence."
Astarion couldn't find the words to express how grateful he was. He had been so angry and bitter for so long, this just felt like a new beggining.
Could this be really true? A future overflowing with joy and love, where all of his deepest desires were fulfilled. It seemed too good to be true, but he couldn't help but hope that it was.
Tav squeezed his hand again, as if hearing his thoughts. "You deserve this, Astarion."
"Thank you," he whispered, feeling overwhelmed with emotion.
As his fingers grazed over the small bump on her belly, Astarion's heart swelled with pure joy and wonder. Gently, he rested his palm on her stomach, feeling the tiny life within. His ring, newly acquired, seemed to glow in the soft light of the room.
As the vision blurred once more, Astarion's mind struggled to process the overwhelming information. He could walk under the sun. Tav was pregnant. The world around him seemed to spin as he tried to make sense of this new version of his life, opening just for him.
He let out a gleeful light into the void, butterflies dancing inside his chest. He couldn't imagine anything else that could bring him more happiness than what he had just witnessed, but he eagerly allowed himself to be drawn in once again.
The space swirled around him, morphing into a different setting. He was now standing in a vast meadow, the warm sun beating down on him. And he froze, as he watched a small figure running towards him, their laughter echoing through the air. The figure became clearer and he saw a child, a small child with locks of hair as white as snow cascading down their back.
Astarion could've cried at that moment. Could've ripped the strands of time and space that locked him inside his body to reach out to them, to truly be able to hold his child.
As they came closer, Astarion could see the child's features more clearly; they were the perfect blend of him and Tav. It was a girl. Her vivid eyes twinkling with mischief were a reflection of his own, but her high cheekbones and determined chin were all Tav.
She is gorgeous.
"Daddy!" The little girl shrieked as she wrapped her little arms around his waist. Astarion's body hugged her back, and he felt his heart swelling with love like he hadn't felt before. If he had a heart, he was sure it would be bursting. He couldn't believe this was real. He had a daughter.
"Hey there, my little star," Future Astarion said, gently ruffling the child's hair."Did you give your poor mother a hard time today?"
The girl looked up at him with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "Me? Give Mommy a bad time? Never!"
Suddenly, a soft voice called out to them from behind.
"There you two are," Tav said as she approached them with a picnic basket in her hands. "Luna didn't help me with the preparations. She is almost as lazy as his father."
Astarion's gaze shifted towards her, and he felt his breath hitch in his throat. She looked radiant, her skin glowing with a soft sheen under the sun. Her hair was longer now, falling in loose waves down her back. Although there were signs of aging - hints of gray in her hair and faint lines on her face - she was still as gorgeous as the day he met her. In that moment, he longed to hold her close and kiss her once again. To thank her for giving him this amazing life.
Tav's hand reached up to his cheek, and the touch sent a wave of warmth through him. His body leaned closer to her, as his heart tightened in response.
"Hey there," she said softly, her eyes filled with love and adoration as she looked at him.
"Hello, you," Astarion replied, his voice barely above a whisper.
Tav smiled at him before turning to their child. "Come on, little star, let's have a picnic by the river."
The three of them walked hand in hand towards the nearby river where they laid out a blanket and set down the picnic basket. Luna immediately ran over to the basket and started rummaging through it. Astarion watched fondly as she pulled out sandwiches and fruit, her little face scrunched up as she tried to decide what to eat first.
Tav noticed Astarion's gaze and smiled at him. "She has your appetite," she said teasingly.
Astarion chuckled and shuffled closer to where Tav was seated on the blanket. "What can I say? I am a very hungry man," he quipped, nipping playfully at her shoulder to emphasize his point.
Tav laughed. "Well, luckily I have enough blood for you."
"And I can't wait to drink every last drop." He purred as he inched his way towards her neck, his lips brushing her skin.
"Ew! That's so gross," Luna exclaimed, recoiling with a look of disgust on her face, and quickly made her way towards the trees nearby to get away from them.
Astarion groaned in mock irritation as he pulled away, looking up at Tav with a pout. "Our little one is a killjoy, isn't she?"
"I wonder where she gets it from," Tav replied, her eyes sparkling with mirth. "Certainly not from me."
Astarion let out a playful huff, his heart warming at her teasing. "You wound me, darling. "
Tav reached out to cradle his face in her hands, her thumb tracing the edge of his lips. She smiled sweetly at him, her eyes filled with love and adoration.
Before Tav could respond, Luna came rushing back to them, brandishing a half-eaten apple and a handful of wildflowers.
"Loo th wha' I found!" she exclaimed with a mouthful of apple, thrusting the flowers under her parents' noses. "Aren't they pwetty?"
"They are absolutely beautiful my dear, you certainly have a good eye." Astarion replied fondly, taking the flowers from her small hands and tucking one behind her ear.
"Is it time to play 'monster' yet?" she asked with excitement.
"Absolutely! I'll be the vampire, ready to sink my teeth into you," Astarion replied, winking at her.
As Luna darted away with a scream, Astarion lunged after her, baring his fangs in a playful snarl. She squealed with delight and scampered around the blanket, narrowly evading each of his lunges. Tav watched, a soft smile on her lips as she reached into the basket to pull out another sandwich.
As the sun began to dip behind the rolling hills, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, they all collapsed onto the soft grass. Luna nestled between her parents, catching her breath as she giggled at Astarion's dramatic recounting of his failure to catch her.
"Perhaps you're losing your touch," Tav suggested playfully, her fingers tracing patterns over his chest.
Astarion scoffed at that. "Never. But I certainly seem to have lost my appetite for chasing after little rascals."
They packed up their things and made their way back home. Astarion carried a tired Luna on his shoulders while Tav walked beside them, holding onto his hand.
"Can we do this again tomorrow?" Luna asked sleepily, her head resting on Astarion's shoulder.
"Of course, my little star," Tav replied with a smile.
Astarion couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with love and contentment as he looked at his family. He had never thought he would have something like this - a loving wife and a beautiful daughter - but here they were, walking towards their home in the forest. And it felt so real he almost let himself believe it was true.
Once they reached their house, Astarion put Luna to bed while Tav started preparing tea. As he tucked her in and kissed her forehead, Luna murmured sleepily, "I love you, Papa."
"I know," Astarion chuckled, leaning in to whisper in her ear. "And don't tell anyone, but I love you too."
Luna's sleepy smile turned into a wide grin as she giggled, her eyelids drooping as she drifted into a peaceful slumber.
He made his way to the kitchen where Tav was busy making tea. He walked up behind her silently and wrapped his arms around her waist. She leaned back against him with a soft smile on her face.
"This has been the best day ever," she murmured.
"We have many more of those ahead of us," Future Astarion replied, nuzzling into her neck.
As he watched the display, Astarion couldn't help but feel hopeful for everything that he could have - a loving family, a home filled with warmth and laughter. He had finally found his happiness after centuries of darkness. And he couldn't help but think that maybe this was what it meant to truly live. To truly fight for a better future.
I want this future.
But could he ever have this? Would he be able to make amends for his past mistakes and pave the way for this to be his destiny?
He didn't know. But one last look at his future wife blissful face told him enough; it was worth the try. Even if he only got to taste a sliver of what he had seen, it would be worth the effort.
He felt the vision ripple and fade, but this time as he came to, he found himself not back in the starry void, or the body of another version of himself. Instead, he woke up on the beach, with G'Axir standing next to him.
The crash of waves rolled rhythmically in his ears and the salty, tangy scent of the sea filled his nostrils. He squinted up at the dawn that was now coloring the sky. Astarion pulled himself into a sitting position, his bare chest dusted with sand grains that glittered like tiny suns under the setting sun’s glow.
"The hourglass turns, sands slipping through fingers... the choice yours to make... the consequences yours to bear." G'axir said.
Astarion felt a shiver run down his spine as he tried to unravel the meaning behind the seer's words.
"What must I do?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper, his heart pounding with a mixture of fear and determination.
The seer's gaze seemed to pierce through the veil of time itself as they replied, their tone solemn yet resolute. "Forge your own path... for the threads of destiny bend to the will of those who dare to defy its grasp. The balance hangs in the balance... and only you hold the key to its unraveling."
Astarion nodded, feeling a newfound sense of determination brewing inside him. He stood up, dusting off sand from his clothes before turning to G'Axir once again.
"I am willing to do whatever it takes," he said firmly.
And G'Axir smiled approvingly before disappearing into thin air like a mirage.
Tag list: @tinystarfishgalaxy, @imaginarypetlizard, @nanamisfriedstick, @stuckinaoaktree, @madislayyy, @cosywinterevenings, @fandom-garbage, @generalstephkenobi @ravenswritingroom
a/n: Not proofread, but I will do it as soon as possible! Thank you for the amazing support on this series, I can't believe we only have one chapter left! Also, sorry for the long ass chapter, but I needed some hard fluff after all the angst. Love you all!
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lendeah · 2 months
This is the best compliment someone has ever given me ngl🥹🥹🥹
Valentine's Day Special!
Merryment Festival
Synopsis: To commemorate the Merryment Festival in your hometown, you decide to give Astarion a gift. Pairing: Astarion x GN! Bard Reader Words: 2.6k Tags: Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day Fluff , Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Established Relationship, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, just cute stuff 
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"Back in my hometown, we had an annual festival called Merryment Festival," you said wistfully, tracing your finger over his bare chest.
He arched an eyebrow and smirked. "A festival for merriment? How delightfully cheesy."
You smiled, lost in the memories. "It was held at around this time of the year every spring and was a big event in our town."
"I never would have guessed that there's a single festival in your tiny little village."
You rolled your eyes, playfully punching his shoulder.
"What did you picture, Astarion? That we only had cows and pigs and chickens? That's so stereotypical..."
The vampire laughed, using his cold fingers to brush your hair away from your face. "Then enlighten me, my dear. What exactly is this festival you speak of? Please don't tell me it's just another reason for the common folk to get drunk."
You leaned into his touch, your eyes fluttering closed.
"Actually, there is plenty of drinking involved," you admitted with a chuckle. "But the Merryment festival was a time for everyone to come together and celebrate life and love."
"Celebrate love?" He let out a snort. "So it is an excuse for everyone to get together and make more commoners. How utterly wonderful."
A pout formed on your lips as you absorbed his words, a twinge of disappointment stirring within you at his lack of enthusiasm for your favorite festivity. But you were determined to show him just how special it was.
"It's not just about making more commoners, Astarion," you argued. "It's about celebrating love in all its forms. It's a time for couples to reaffirm their love for each other and for singles to hope for new beginnings."
"Oh? I wasn't aware that the commoners needed an excuse to fornicate." Astarion sneered. "They seem to be doing just enough of it without this Merryment festival of yours."
"Astarion! It's not like that!" you whine, "There was music and dancing. Everything was covered in wild flowers. And there would also be competitions for the best couple dance or the most romantic poem!"
"So you're telling me the entire village throws a party for the duration of an entire week to... Dance? And compete for romance?" Astarion looked at her, his mouth curved into a smirk. "That truly is a spectacular waste of time, the village must have nothing better to do."
You narrowed your eyes and crossed your arms. "It's not a waste of time, Astarion. It's a celebration of love and life."
Astarion's fingers absentmindedly traced patterns on your back as he challenged, "What about the people who are here alone? Do they just sit and watch as the couples make a spectacle of themselves?"
"Well, kind of... But sometimes they can participate in the competitions as well, or find someone to dance with." You explained, getting a bit flustered.
"Oh, so you danced with your villager loverboy then?" he prodded, a hint of teasing in his tone.
You swallowed nervously.
"I mean, I was there, but I mostly just watched from a distance."
Astarion's eyes widened and his hand paused its gentle caress on your back. He burst into a fit of laughter, his voice filling the room. You felt a wave of embarrassment wash over you as you realized you had just confessed your biggest secret to him - that you had never experienced the joyous festivities of the Merryment festival.
"That's preposterous! How can you love something so passionately when you have never experienced it yourself?" Astarion exclaimed between giggles.
You couldn't help but feel a twinge of shame and guilt wash over you. It was true, you had always been too shy to join in on the festivities. While everyone else was out there dancing and having fun, you would stay hidden in the shadows, watching from afar.
"Um... well, I guess I just never found the right person to participate with." You mumbled.
Astarion's mischievous smirk softened into a warm, genuine smile as he took in your shy admission. He leaned in closer, his lips almost touching yours.
"Oh darling, I think you already have found someone." His breath brushed against your lips, sending shivers down your spine. "How lucky I am to be your first," he purred.
You tremble beneath the thin bedroll, your exposed skin prickling with goosebumps and your cheeks flushing a deep shade of crimson. Astarion's words left you at a loss for how to respond.
"I never would have imagined..." you stuttered, still trying to process his confession. "I often dreamed of dancing with someone and exchanging gifts according to our tradition... if only I had met you back then." Letting out a sigh, you gazed into his eyes and reached up to gently stroke his cheek. "But it doesn't matter now. You're here with me, and that's all that truly matters."
He grasped your hand and brought it to his lips, leaving a tender kiss on the back of your palm. The gentle gesture sent a shiver through your body, and you couldn't contain the smile that spread across your face.
"And what present would you have preferred to receive from your hypothetical significant other?" he asked, softly.
You paused for a moment, thinking back to your childhood fantasies of Merryment festival. "Maybe a book? Or a new flute?" you pondered deeply before coming to a sudden realization. "No, no! I know exactly what I wanted." You gave him a small smile. "I wanted someone to write me a dedicated poem."
"Ah, a poem?" Astarion wrinkled his nose in disgust. "Of all the things you could want, and you want a poem?"
His reaction made you pout. "I think it's romantic," you say, hoping he'll see your perspective. "But I guess romance isn't really your forte. The closest thing to romance we've shared was when we read that erotic book together."
Astarion reclined in his seat, a cunning grin playing on his lips. "My dear, if you were seeking lovey-dovey poems and romantic gestures, your time would have been better spent with Wyll or Gale."
You snorted. "Yeah, how unfortunate I fell in love with a grumpy vampire."
"Excuse me? I am not grumpy! I simply... I don't like all the fluttering romance. I'm more of a practicer, more a... seducer."
"Practicer," you chuckled, "That's a nice way to put it." You leaned into him, feeling the cold of his body against yours.
He gently wrapped an arm around you, pulling you closer. "And there's no better way than practically demonstrating my love for you, my dear."
You bit back a grin, your heart fluttering in your chest at his words. "So, you're saying... seduction is your way of being romantic?"
He gave you a quick peck on the lips. "Romance is a game for amateurs."
"You're incorrigible," you teased lightly, poking him in the side.
The two of you spent the rest of the evening talking and laughing, occasionally stealing kisses from each other. As the night wore on and your eyelids grew heavy, his strong arms enveloped you, cocooning you as you drifted to sleep. Your mind wandered to the Merryment Festival, just days away, and a wave of longing washed over you. How bittersweet it was to have finally found your soulmate after years of searching, only to be separated by a thousand miles from your hometown festivities.
But then, an idea ignited in your mind: why not give Astarion a gift? It didn't have to be anything extravagant, just something simple yet meaningful. Something to honor the spirit of the festival and show Astarion that you cared for him.
The next morning, you awoke with a renewed sense of determination. The sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon, casting a warm glow through the small cracks in the tent. As Astarion peacefully meditated beside you, you carefully untangled yourself from the bedroll and tip-toed out into the brisk morning air. With a destination in mind, you set off towards the bustling Baldur's Gate town market, eager to find the perfect gift for Astarion. Amidst the rows of colorful stalls, you skimmed through an array of goods, admiring handcrafted trinkets and aromatic spices. The smells of fresh bread and exotic fruits mingled together, creating a tantalizing aroma that filled your senses. Each stall seemed to hold its own treasures, but you were determined to find something special for your companion.
Eventually, you stumbled upon a quaint stall adorned with exquisite, handcrafted jewelry. Your gaze was drawn to one unique piece in particular: a scarlet pendant that shimmered with a particular aura. As you approached, the stall owner, a strong half-orc woman, immediately noticed your interest.
"Ah, you have an eye for the unique, dear," she chimed in with a warm smile. "That is our special Bloodstone Pendant. Every piece is crafted from a drop of blood and imbued with powerful magic."
Your heart pounded in your chest as you picked up the piece, the stone cold against your fingers. A drop of blood...
"How is it made?" You found yourself asking.
The elderly woman's eyes twinkled as she explained. "A willing volunteer donates a bit of blood. That blood is then petrified through an ancient magical process only known to our kin. It's then shaped and set into the pendant akin to the one you now hold."
"And what makes it so unique?" you asked curiously.
"Every stone contains the emotions of its donor. When the holder touches it, they can experience those emotions as if they were their own. It's like carrying a piece of someone you love with you at all times."
Without any hesitation, you readily agreed to give a small sample of your blood. The half-orc woman smiled warmly at your eagerness and guided you to a small table in the rear of her stall. She arranged a vial and lancet on the table, ready to extract the needed blood. As she pierced your finger with the lancet, a sharp pain shot through your hand. But you ignored it as you watched the drops of blood fill the vial, mesmerized by its deep crimson color.
Once the vial was filled, the woman carefully sealed it and began working on shaping it into a pendant. You could feel a strange energy emanating from the stone as she worked, almost like it was pulsing with life.
Finally, the woman presented you with the finished product: a beautiful scarlet pendant with intricate designs etched into its surface.
"Thank you," you said with genuine gratitude, as you paid for the necklace. "This is perfect."
The woman smiled warmly at you. "It's my pleasure," she replied. "I hope it brings joy and love to whoever wears it."
The bustling market slowly faded into the background as you made your way back to camp, eager to give Astarion his gift. The pendant, nestled against your pocket, radiated warmth and seemed to hum with anticipation. As evening descended upon the camp, and you and Astarion settled in for the night, you reached out and took his hand in yours. He looked up at you with curious eyes.
"I have something for you," you said with a gentle smile, holding out a small velvet pouch to Astarion.
He raised an eyebrow inquisitively, taking the pouch from your hand. He opened it and his eyes widened in surprise as he saw the beautiful pendant inside. He held it in his hand, turning it over to examine it closely.
"What is this?" Astarion asked.
"It's a gift for you," you replied. "Happy Merryment Festival."
Astarion's lips curved into a genuine smile as he gazed at the necklace. "A blood pendant." he said.
You frowned slightly, "How did you know?"
"It reeks of your blood, darling." He brought it closer to his nose, inhaling deeply. "Though, what a lovely smell it is." His fingers gently traced the elegant patterns, his smile growing wider. "Thank you, I truly adore it," he said sincerely, his gaze meeting yours.
You watched him with a small smile, enjoying the peaceful moment before speaking.
"Now you will always have my blood with you, even if we are not close." you finally said.
"Is that so?" he murmured, reaching up to touch the pendant reverently. His eyes fluttered closed for a moment, and you could feel him experiencing your emotions as if they were his own. When his eyes finally opened again, they shone brightly in the dim light of their shared tent. "It's... remarkable."
"I'm glad you like it," you replied softly.
Astarion's gaze settled on you again, and before you could process what was happening, his lips were pressed against yours. The kiss started off soft and tender, but quickly grew heated as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you in closer. You couldn't help but shiver as his fangs gently grazed your skin.
After a few moments, he pulled back slightly to catch his breath. His thumb gently brushed across your cheek as he stared into your eyes. "You truly are one of a kind," he whispered.
The two of you stayed in that position for a few moments, relishing the comfort of each other's company. Reluctantly, he broke away and seemed to fidget with nervousness.
"I- um." He cleared his throat uncomfortably. "I have something for you too."
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise.
"Really? You don't need to give me anything just because-"
He rolled his eyes as he tried to hide his nervousness with a cocky grin. "Come on, darling, humility is such an unnatractive trait. I know I don't have to, but I wanted to," he stated confidently. However, his hands shook slightly as he reached into his bag and retrieved a petite book, extending it towards you with eagerness. He whispered a "Happy Merryment Festival, or whatever" under his breath, trying to sound composed but failing to hide his true emotions.
Turning the small book over in your hands, your fingers graced the embossed title on the cover. It was a collection of poems, each page filled with graceful handwriting. Your eyes widened as you realized that the handwriting was Astarion's.
"These are... your poems?" You asked, your voice echoing with surprise and awe.
Astarion nodded again, looking slightly embarrassed now, but feigning nonchalance. "I have been compiling poetry over the years, just for the chance I would have someone deserving to gift them to. And now that I have someone... you who has so graciously been keeping my life interesting, I just couldn't pass up the opportunity."
You looked up at Astarion, your heart swelling with emotion. "They're beautiful," you whispered, flipping through the pages and absorbing each word. The pages were filled with beautiful handwritten verses, each one more passionate and lyrical than the last.
"Most were only written while I was in a particularly romantic mood, though some I wrote specifically for you."
His words made you heart stop. He had dedicated you a poem. No, he had dedicated you multiple poems. Each word poured from his soul onto the page, declaring his love in the most beautiful way. As you read them, tears pooled in your eyes, moved beyond words.
"This is... I'm..." Your voice faltered as you struggled to find the right words. "I can't believe you wrote all of these," you finally managed to choked out between sobs, unable to contain the overwhelming joy and love in your heart. The pages felt like a treasure.
"Well, I have been around for quite some time," Astarion quipped with a smirk, trying to lighten the mood.
But his attempt at humor only made you cry harder. With a sigh, he wrapped his arms around you and soothed your back with gentle caresses. After some time, your tears began to subside and you pulled back slightly to meet his gaze. "Thank you, Astarion. This is the best gift I have ever received," you said sincerely, feeling your heart swell with love for him. And this time, you knew he could feel it too, through the pendant.
He gave you a soft smile and kissed your forehead. "Anything for my dear Merryment companion."
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lendeah · 2 months
Valentine's Day Special!
Merryment Festival
Synopsis: To commemorate the Merryment Festival in your hometown, you decide to give Astarion a gift. Pairing: Astarion x GN! Bard Reader Words: 2.6k Tags: Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day Fluff , Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Established Relationship, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, just cute stuff 
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"Back in my hometown, we had an annual festival called Merryment Festival," you said wistfully, tracing your finger over his bare chest.
He arched an eyebrow and smirked. "A festival for merriment? How delightfully cheesy."
You smiled, lost in the memories. "It was held at around this time of the year every spring and was a big event in our town."
"I never would have guessed that there's a single festival in your tiny little village."
You rolled your eyes, playfully punching his shoulder.
"What did you picture, Astarion? That we only had cows and pigs and chickens? That's so stereotypical..."
The vampire laughed, using his cold fingers to brush your hair away from your face. "Then enlighten me, my dear. What exactly is this festival you speak of? Please don't tell me it's just another reason for the common folk to get drunk."
You leaned into his touch, your eyes fluttering closed.
"Actually, there is plenty of drinking involved," you admitted with a chuckle. "But the Merryment festival was a time for everyone to come together and celebrate life and love."
"Celebrate love?" He let out a snort. "So it is an excuse for everyone to get together and make more commoners. How utterly wonderful."
A pout formed on your lips as you absorbed his words, a twinge of disappointment stirring within you at his lack of enthusiasm for your favorite festivity. But you were determined to show him just how special it was.
"It's not just about making more commoners, Astarion," you argued. "It's about celebrating love in all its forms. It's a time for couples to reaffirm their love for each other and for singles to hope for new beginnings."
"Oh? I wasn't aware that the commoners needed an excuse to fornicate." Astarion sneered. "They seem to be doing just enough of it without this Merryment festival of yours."
"Astarion! It's not like that!" you whine, "There was music and dancing. Everything was covered in wild flowers. And there would also be competitions for the best couple dance or the most romantic poem!"
"So you're telling me the entire village throws a party for the duration of an entire week to... Dance? And compete for romance?" Astarion looked at her, his mouth curved into a smirk. "That truly is a spectacular waste of time, the village must have nothing better to do."
You narrowed your eyes and crossed your arms. "It's not a waste of time, Astarion. It's a celebration of love and life."
Astarion's fingers absentmindedly traced patterns on your back as he challenged, "What about the people who are here alone? Do they just sit and watch as the couples make a spectacle of themselves?"
"Well, kind of... But sometimes they can participate in the competitions as well, or find someone to dance with." You explained, getting a bit flustered.
"Oh, so you danced with your villager loverboy then?" he prodded, a hint of teasing in his tone.
You swallowed nervously.
"I mean, I was there, but I mostly just watched from a distance."
Astarion's eyes widened and his hand paused its gentle caress on your back. He burst into a fit of laughter, his voice filling the room. You felt a wave of embarrassment wash over you as you realized you had just confessed your biggest secret to him - that you had never experienced the joyous festivities of the Merryment festival.
"That's preposterous! How can you love something so passionately when you have never experienced it yourself?" Astarion exclaimed between giggles.
You couldn't help but feel a twinge of shame and guilt wash over you. It was true, you had always been too shy to join in on the festivities. While everyone else was out there dancing and having fun, you would stay hidden in the shadows, watching from afar.
"Um... well, I guess I just never found the right person to participate with." You mumbled.
Astarion's mischievous smirk softened into a warm, genuine smile as he took in your shy admission. He leaned in closer, his lips almost touching yours.
"Oh darling, I think you already have found someone." His breath brushed against your lips, sending shivers down your spine. "How lucky I am to be your first," he purred.
You tremble beneath the thin bedroll, your exposed skin prickling with goosebumps and your cheeks flushing a deep shade of crimson. Astarion's words left you at a loss for how to respond.
"I never would have imagined..." you stuttered, still trying to process his confession. "I often dreamed of dancing with someone and exchanging gifts according to our tradition... if only I had met you back then." Letting out a sigh, you gazed into his eyes and reached up to gently stroke his cheek. "But it doesn't matter now. You're here with me, and that's all that truly matters."
He grasped your hand and brought it to his lips, leaving a tender kiss on the back of your palm. The gentle gesture sent a shiver through your body, and you couldn't contain the smile that spread across your face.
"And what present would you have preferred to receive from your hypothetical significant other?" he asked, softly.
You paused for a moment, thinking back to your childhood fantasies of Merryment festival. "Maybe a book? Or a new flute?" you pondered deeply before coming to a sudden realization. "No, no! I know exactly what I wanted." You gave him a small smile. "I wanted someone to write me a dedicated poem."
"Ah, a poem?" Astarion wrinkled his nose in disgust. "Of all the things you could want, and you want a poem?"
His reaction made you pout. "I think it's romantic," you say, hoping he'll see your perspective. "But I guess romance isn't really your forte. The closest thing to romance we've shared was when we read that erotic book together."
Astarion reclined in his seat, a cunning grin playing on his lips. "My dear, if you were seeking lovey-dovey poems and romantic gestures, your time would have been better spent with Wyll or Gale."
You snorted. "Yeah, how unfortunate I fell in love with a grumpy vampire."
"Excuse me? I am not grumpy! I simply... I don't like all the fluttering romance. I'm more of a practicer, more a... seducer."
"Practicer," you chuckled, "That's a nice way to put it." You leaned into him, feeling the cold of his body against yours.
He gently wrapped an arm around you, pulling you closer. "And there's no better way than practically demonstrating my love for you, my dear."
You bit back a grin, your heart fluttering in your chest at his words. "So, you're saying... seduction is your way of being romantic?"
He gave you a quick peck on the lips. "Romance is a game for amateurs."
"You're incorrigible," you teased lightly, poking him in the side.
The two of you spent the rest of the evening talking and laughing, occasionally stealing kisses from each other. As the night wore on and your eyelids grew heavy, his strong arms enveloped you, cocooning you as you drifted to sleep. Your mind wandered to the Merryment Festival, just days away, and a wave of longing washed over you. How bittersweet it was to have finally found your soulmate after years of searching, only to be separated by a thousand miles from your hometown festivities.
But then, an idea ignited in your mind: why not give Astarion a gift? It didn't have to be anything extravagant, just something simple yet meaningful. Something to honor the spirit of the festival and show Astarion that you cared for him.
The next morning, you awoke with a renewed sense of determination. The sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon, casting a warm glow through the small cracks in the tent. As Astarion peacefully meditated beside you, you carefully untangled yourself from the bedroll and tip-toed out into the brisk morning air. With a destination in mind, you set off towards the bustling Baldur's Gate town market, eager to find the perfect gift for Astarion. Amidst the rows of colorful stalls, you skimmed through an array of goods, admiring handcrafted trinkets and aromatic spices. The smells of fresh bread and exotic fruits mingled together, creating a tantalizing aroma that filled your senses. Each stall seemed to hold its own treasures, but you were determined to find something special for your companion.
Eventually, you stumbled upon a quaint stall adorned with exquisite, handcrafted jewelry. Your gaze was drawn to one unique piece in particular: a scarlet pendant that shimmered with a particular aura. As you approached, the stall owner, a strong half-orc woman, immediately noticed your interest.
"Ah, you have an eye for the unique, dear," she chimed in with a warm smile. "That is our special Bloodstone Pendant. Every piece is crafted from a drop of blood and imbued with powerful magic."
Your heart pounded in your chest as you picked up the piece, the stone cold against your fingers. A drop of blood...
"How is it made?" You found yourself asking.
The elderly woman's eyes twinkled as she explained. "A willing volunteer donates a bit of blood. That blood is then petrified through an ancient magical process only known to our kin. It's then shaped and set into the pendant akin to the one you now hold."
"And what makes it so unique?" you asked curiously.
"Every stone contains the emotions of its donor. When the holder touches it, they can experience those emotions as if they were their own. It's like carrying a piece of someone you love with you at all times."
Without any hesitation, you readily agreed to give a small sample of your blood. The half-orc woman smiled warmly at your eagerness and guided you to a small table in the rear of her stall. She arranged a vial and lancet on the table, ready to extract the needed blood. As she pierced your finger with the lancet, a sharp pain shot through your hand. But you ignored it as you watched the drops of blood fill the vial, mesmerized by its deep crimson color.
Once the vial was filled, the woman carefully sealed it and began working on shaping it into a pendant. You could feel a strange energy emanating from the stone as she worked, almost like it was pulsing with life.
Finally, the woman presented you with the finished product: a beautiful scarlet pendant with intricate designs etched into its surface.
"Thank you," you said with genuine gratitude, as you paid for the necklace. "This is perfect."
The woman smiled warmly at you. "It's my pleasure," she replied. "I hope it brings joy and love to whoever wears it."
The bustling market slowly faded into the background as you made your way back to camp, eager to give Astarion his gift. The pendant, nestled against your pocket, radiated warmth and seemed to hum with anticipation. As evening descended upon the camp, and you and Astarion settled in for the night, you reached out and took his hand in yours. He looked up at you with curious eyes.
"I have something for you," you said with a gentle smile, holding out a small velvet pouch to Astarion.
He raised an eyebrow inquisitively, taking the pouch from your hand. He opened it and his eyes widened in surprise as he saw the beautiful pendant inside. He held it in his hand, turning it over to examine it closely.
"What is this?" Astarion asked.
"It's a gift for you," you replied. "Happy Merryment Festival."
Astarion's lips curved into a genuine smile as he gazed at the necklace. "A blood pendant." he said.
You frowned slightly, "How did you know?"
"It reeks of your blood, darling." He brought it closer to his nose, inhaling deeply. "Though, what a lovely smell it is." His fingers gently traced the elegant patterns, his smile growing wider. "Thank you, I truly adore it," he said sincerely, his gaze meeting yours.
You watched him with a small smile, enjoying the peaceful moment before speaking.
"Now you will always have my blood with you, even if we are not close." you finally said.
"Is that so?" he murmured, reaching up to touch the pendant reverently. His eyes fluttered closed for a moment, and you could feel him experiencing your emotions as if they were his own. When his eyes finally opened again, they shone brightly in the dim light of their shared tent. "It's... remarkable."
"I'm glad you like it," you replied softly.
Astarion's gaze settled on you again, and before you could process what was happening, his lips were pressed against yours. The kiss started off soft and tender, but quickly grew heated as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you in closer. You couldn't help but shiver as his fangs gently grazed your skin.
After a few moments, he pulled back slightly to catch his breath. His thumb gently brushed across your cheek as he stared into your eyes. "You truly are one of a kind," he whispered.
The two of you stayed in that position for a few moments, relishing the comfort of each other's company. Reluctantly, he broke away and seemed to fidget with nervousness.
"I- um." He cleared his throat uncomfortably. "I have something for you too."
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise.
"Really? You don't need to give me anything just because-"
He rolled his eyes as he tried to hide his nervousness with a cocky grin. "Come on, darling, humility is such an unnatractive trait. I know I don't have to, but I wanted to," he stated confidently. However, his hands shook slightly as he reached into his bag and retrieved a petite book, extending it towards you with eagerness. He whispered a "Happy Merryment Festival, or whatever" under his breath, trying to sound composed but failing to hide his true emotions.
Turning the small book over in your hands, your fingers graced the embossed title on the cover. It was a collection of poems, each page filled with graceful handwriting. Your eyes widened as you realized that the handwriting was Astarion's.
"These are... your poems?" You asked, your voice echoing with surprise and awe.
Astarion nodded again, looking slightly embarrassed now, but feigning nonchalance. "I have been compiling poetry over the years, just for the chance I would have someone deserving to gift them to. And now that I have someone... you who has so graciously been keeping my life interesting, I just couldn't pass up the opportunity."
You looked up at Astarion, your heart swelling with emotion. "They're beautiful," you whispered, flipping through the pages and absorbing each word. The pages were filled with beautiful handwritten verses, each one more passionate and lyrical than the last.
"Most were only written while I was in a particularly romantic mood, though some I wrote specifically for you."
His words made you heart stop. He had dedicated you a poem. No, he had dedicated you multiple poems. Each word poured from his soul onto the page, declaring his love in the most beautiful way. As you read them, tears pooled in your eyes, moved beyond words.
"This is... I'm..." Your voice faltered as you struggled to find the right words. "I can't believe you wrote all of these," you finally managed to choked out between sobs, unable to contain the overwhelming joy and love in your heart. The pages felt like a treasure.
"Well, I have been around for quite some time," Astarion quipped with a smirk, trying to lighten the mood.
But his attempt at humor only made you cry harder. With a sigh, he wrapped his arms around you and soothed your back with gentle caresses. After some time, your tears began to subside and you pulled back slightly to meet his gaze. "Thank you, Astarion. This is the best gift I have ever received," you said sincerely, feeling your heart swell with love for him. And this time, you knew he could feel it too, through the pendant.
He gave you a soft smile and kissed your forehead. "Anything for my dear Merryment companion."
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lendeah · 2 months
JSJSKSJDJDJ THANK U SO MUCH😭🤍🫶🏻 Astarion is a little bitch and will get what is coming to him!
bound by duty, haunted by dreams
chapter 1
Summary: You hated him —his selfishness, egocentrism, and lack of morals. He represented everything you stood against. But then, why was he the one plaguing your dreams night after night? Pairing: Astarion x OFC!Tav Word Count: 2.5k Tags: Enemies to Lovers, they really hate each other, Human! Tav , Paladin! Tav , Mind Manipulation, eventual smut.
a/n: I don't know if I will write more of this or I will leave it as a two shot! I probably will. LMK if you enjoy it :)
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You detested him. You knew your oath was to love every person, despite their past, despite their beliefs, despite... everything, basically. But you couldn't. Stand. Him. His very presence irked you, sending prickles of discomfort crawling up your spine. That smug, self-righteous smirk. His constant complaints. His utter disgust for all living beings except himself. But the worst of all was his horrible and overt attempts at flirting. It almost made you gag.
You could tell that he felt the same way towards you, judging by the constant sour glances he shot your way at camp. He would sneer when you offered help to those in need and make sly remarks after showing kindness towards your companions. It seemed like everything you stood for was the very antithesis of his beliefs.
At first, you thought you just had to get to know him. You can't judge a book by its cover, after all. But the more time you spent around him, the less you liked him. And it all came crashing down when you had the worst argument about the tiefling situation. The coward wanted us to leave them in the middle of the night! Oh, and rob them of every valuable in order to have money for the trip!
As much as you detested each other, you couldn't deny the fact that you were both in the same boat. Literally. The cursed tadpole had tethered your fates together, forcing you to work together to find a cure. And then there was the oath to Ilmater, the deity of compassion and endurance, which bound you to show kindness and mercy towards all beings.
Your oath did not include being spiteful, but whenever he was near, all you could think about was kicking his-
"Soldier, if you keep looking at him I am afraid he is going to grow another head."
Karlach was giving you a funny look from across the fire. You huffed in annoyance, your arms crossed tightly over your chest as you sipped on the stew. The two of you were the last ones having dinner, as the rest of the party had either retired for the night or were on watch duty. This was why Astarion was also lingering around. You tried to ignore his presence, focusing on the warmth of the fire and the comforting taste of the stew. But your eyes kept drifting towards him - the source of all your frustration.
"Maybe that would make him bearable to be around, or maybe they would just argue with each other so much I wouldn't have to listen to either."
"Or they would end up tearing each other apart like rabid animals, competing for attention," she laughed.
You couldn't help but let out a small smile at Karlach's joke, the tension between you and him momentarily forgotten.
"I don't know how much longer I can take it," you grumbled, poking at your stew with your spoon.
"You know wha' we need t'do to get rid o' each other? Find a cure for 'is damn tadpole," Karlach mumbled through a mouthful of food. What was it, her fourth bowl of stew?
She gulped, "Why do you hate him so much anyway?"
You let out a frustrated sigh, feeling your shoulders slump. "I don't hate him. I just can't stand him," you admitted, your voice laced with annoyance. "He's always so smug and heighty, so selfish. And I loathe selfishness. And the way he looks at me like...like I'm some kind of nuisance."
Karlach raised an eyebrow, her spoon frozen halfway to her mouth.
"Well, I can't argue with any of that; he does tend to have a stick up his ass. But, to play devil's advocate, he is quite funny and nice when you get to know him."
You scoffed at Karlach's words, shaking your head. "I highly doubt that," you muttered under your breath.
Karlach rolled her eyes, leaning forward to speak closer to you,
"Look, I bet he's just a big softie underneath all that... exterior. So try playing nice for once, maybe you'll see a different side of him. We need him on our team, even if he's not the easiest to get along with." Karlach reminded you.
You raised an eyebrow at Karlach's suggestion, not sure if you were ready to try being nice to him. But then again, Karlach did have a point. It wouldn't hurt to try, right?
You sighed, feeling a tinge of guilt at the thought that maybe you weren't giving him a chance. People usually liked you - maybe you just hadn't put in enough effort with him.
"Fine. I'll try," you grumbled, still not fully convinced.
Karlach grinned triumphantly, little flames dancing around her body. "That's the spirit, soldier!" she exclaimed, raising her bowl of stew in a mock salute.
You turned around and found he was still there, distractedly looking at his nails.
Ugh, this was going to be difficult.
He caught your eye momentarily, a slight raise of his eyebrow before nonchalantly turning and striding towards his tent.
It was now or never. Taking a deep breath, you bid Karlach a goodnight and began walking towards the elf.
"Hey, Astarion," you called out once you reached his tent.
In a swift motion, he spun around and gave you an assessing look. For a moment, his piercing eyes glinted red, causing a mix of fear and irritation to wash over you.
"Yes?" he asked, his tone polite but dismissive.
Ugh. You wanted to punch his face already.
But instead, you took a deep breath, reminding yourself to stay calm.
"I just wanted to say... thank you," you said. Yeah, gratitude. Everyone likes gratitude.
His eyebrows rose in surprise at your words, but he quickly composed himself.
"Thank me? I must warn you now, if what you intend is to lecture me about my behaviour it will be all for nought." His words dripped with arrogance he made no attempt to hide it.
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes at his pompous attitude.
"No, I just wanted to express my gratitude..." For what? What had he actually done besides constantly complaining and giving disapproving looks at your every decision? "...for staying awake at night to keep watch." Yes, that would suffice.
Astarion narrowed his red eyes and his lips quirked with genuine confusion.
"Why thank you very much, but I am not a child to be lauded for performing the most basic act of the task I have been assigned," Astarion replied, a hint of smugness in his voice. "Then again, I guess your whole 'selfless Paladin nature' compels you to praise me. You looked like it was about to tear you up to do so, I might say. It was quite amusing to witness."
"I'm just trying to be polite," you replied, keeping your tone flat. "Not that you know the meaning of it, anyway."
His grin widened as he stepped closer to you, his tone teasing, "I do so like it when you try so hard to maintain that decorum of yours. Though you would do well to keep practicing. Your good intentions do not excuse the self-righteous stick up your ass."
This motherf-
You gritted your teeth and resisted the urge to punch him in the face. He always seemed to enjoy provoking a reaction out of you.
"I'm not here to argue with you."
"No, you are here to bother me. Which is having the opposite effect of what I am sure you hoped."
"Oh, you are insufferable!" you clenched your fists, the anger evident in your voice.
As you walked away, you could feel his gaze burning into your back. You wanted to turn around and give him a piece of your mind, but you knew it was pointless. Instead, you headed towards your tent and forcefully zipped the flap closed behind you, letting out a frustrated groan.
You took a deep breath and tried to calm yourself down. This was not the first time Astarion had gotten under your skin, and it certainly wouldn't be the last. You reminded yourself of your oath. Ilmater. Empathy, sympathy and forgiveness. Ugh. It was hard, especially when dealing with someone like him.
But it was your sacred duty to show compassion and mercy to all, even those who seemed undeserving of it. You took another deep breath , composing yourself. You had faced way worse back home. This was nothing. Just an arrogant aristocrat. If he refused your help, so be it. You would turn your attention to those who were truly in need.
You snuggled deep into your bedroll, the soft fabric enveloping you like a cocoon. With a contented sigh, you closed your eyes. Tomorrow would be a better day, you were sure.
As sleep came to you, dreams began weaving their way into your consciousness. Suddenly, you weren't in your bedroll anymore, but in the middle of a beautiful, glittering forest. An ethereal light danced around the tall trees and a clear stream ran through it, its water shimmering with tiny specks of silver.
A rustle in the dense foliage caught your attention, causing you to turn and see Astarion. He appeared like a phantom, emerging from your own thoughts with his white hair cascading around his face like a halo.
Great, now he is also hunting my dreams.
The illusion of Astarion turned around, his expression a mix of confusion and bewilderment as his eyes locked onto your figure. It was as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Well, that makes two of us, you told yourself.
"If it isn't Calendula, the noble paladin, sauntering over," Astarion said, his smirk evident even in the dark.
You cringed at the use of your full name, a jab that he knew would get under your skin.
"Astarion," you greeted him flatly. "I see even my dreams aren't safe from your onslaught."
His eyebrows furrow in confusion "Dreams? What do you-" And then his face lit up. A mischievous glint danced in his eyes and a sly smile spread across his lips, showing his pointed canines. What in the sweet hells is going through his mind? Well, my mind.
Astarion stepped closer, his eyes scanning you up and down. "Well well, I see my charms finally beginning to work on you, my dear paladin." You couldn't help but roll your eyes. "In your dreams, Astarion." "Ah but this is your dream, darling. And I must say, it's quite a lovely one," he said, dragging a fingertip along one of the plants.
You let out an exasperated sigh.
"I can't believe this is what my brain settled for in a good night of sleep."
"Oh come now" He said taking another step closer, his head tilted slightly, "If you truly wanted a peaceful, pleasant dream you would have imagined the sun shining brightly and a beautiful castle or a field of flowers or... whatever it is you paladins enjoy. But your brain, in the dark depths of the night seeks me and only me."
You scoffed at his words. "How do you even know what I do or do not want anyway? You are a product of my brain."
His fingers finally made contact with your skin, his touch icy cold and sending shivers down your spine. It felt so real, you couldn't help but wonder if this was really just a dream.
"I am but a product of your imagination, darling. But exactly because of that, I can feel your desires, your fantasies, your deepest thoughts." he smirked, "And darling, I know that I am what you desire."
Was he? He was a creation of your own mind, therefore he was essentially a part of yourself. But then again, if he was a part of you, did that mean the words he spoke were a reflection of your own truth? It was all so confusing and overwhelming.
Despite your doubts, you couldn't help but steal glances at him - the mole on his cheek, the slope of his shoulders, the curve of his smile. He was undeniably attractive, almost too good to be true. It wasn't so far fetched to think your mind had recreated him. However, you wished it had made him mute.
"I don't desire you," you repeated firmly, trying to convince yourself more than him.
"Ah, and there is that noble pride again. Do you truly believe that your self-denying nature means you haven't thought of me? Of us?" He stepped closer until he was inches away."Tell me, have you ever had any impure thoughts? Thoughts that go against everything Ilmater stands for?"
Your heart raced at his words, eyes widening in shock. Pink lips against yours, teeth piercing soft skin, cold hands up your...
You paused briefly before answering. "No, I follow the teachings of Ilmater which guide me towards virtue and moral uprightness. However, I am not bound by a vow of celibacy. I simply direct all of my focus towards my devotion."
Astarion's smirk grew wider at your statement, his eyes glinting mischievously. "Oh, but it's ok," he whispered, "I know your thoughts. I have seen them, deep inside your mind. I know you want to know how it feels to be touched, to be loved and worshipped back."
The realism was uncanny, right from the soft fur lining of his cloak to the scent of him - leather and pine with a hint of musky sweetness. It was just like the real Astarion, perfectly irritating and irresistible all at once. His presence was intoxicating and you found yourself wanting to lean into his touch.
This is a dream. None of this is real. Astarion wasn't here. He wasn't stepping closer to you again; he wasn't bringing his face dangerously near yours; he wasn't placing his hand on your waist pulling you closer till there was no space left between your bodies.
You could feel his lips almost brushing along your neck. He ran a hand up to the back of your head, fingers weaving into your curls, his voice a low murmur. "Tell me, dearest, what happens when your body desires things your mind believes are wrong?"
You gulped, your hands fisted at your sides, "I-I don't know."
"Do you want to find out?" Astarion's lips grazed your skin again, sending sparks of desire through your body. "I've always found that when the body and the mind disagree... it's always best to follow the body."
Your breath was ragged, brain scrambling for a semblance of sense. You knew you were going to give in. It's just a dream, you told yourself.
No consequences, no judgments.
Just as you were on the brink of surrender, a sudden and sharp tug jolted you from your slumber. Your eyes flew open to reveal the familiar surroundings of your tent. You were back in back in your bedroll, drenched in sweat and breathing heavily. A throbbing headache pulsed through your skull.
Today didn't feel better at all.
a/n: hope you liked it! Lmk if you want to be added to a taglist☺️🫶🏻
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lendeah · 3 months
The currents of destiny
Chapter 4: Light amidst the tempest.
Summary: In his final vision, Astarion witnesses a future alongside Tav, realizing that happiness can be found in unexpected places. He acknowledges his potential for redemption and contemplates whether this future is worth pursuing. Pairing: Astarion x Fem!Reader/Tav Word Count: 5.1k Tags: Heavy Angst, Psychological Trauma, Blood and Violence, Character Death, Psychological Torture (kind of), Emotional Manipulation, Verbal Abuse, but just chapter 2, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Eventual Fluff, Eventual Happy Ending.
a/n: tysm again to @tinystarfishgalaxy for helping me with this chapter &lt;3
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He didn't know how much time had passed floating in the void. Minutes? Hours? Days? All he knew was the deep whirlwind of confusion his mind had turned into.
After the visions, he was sure of one thing; he wanted Tav to be happy. She deserved to be with someone who could love her fully and without hesitation, unlike him. He couldn't bear to see her go through the same pain and heartache that he had caused her in the visions. The regret and longing for what could have been tugged at his heartstrings, but at the same time, he knew he didn't deserve Tav. He had hurt her too many times.
He sensed his body being pulled, but he felt so tired, so spent. He longed for release from the pain and exhaustion, to return to Tav and make amends for his mistakes before disappearing for good.
But in that moment, Astarion could feel his consciousness being tugged away from his body through the vast expanse of time and space.
Astarion jerked awake. For a moment, he was enveloped in darkness, his mind still lost in the void of sleep. Slowly, he focused on his surroundings - the softness of the bed beneath him, the intricate patterns adorning the walls, the gentle light filtering through the curtains. He was back in their suite at the Elfsong Tabern, where they had been living for months now. The room felt familiar and comforting, yet Astarion couldn't shake off the feeling of being in a foreign body.
As his eyes adjusted to the blinding light, Astarion's consciousness merged with his future self. He saw a small figure curled up against his side. Tav, her head resting on his chest as she slept soundly. Astarion watched himself gently brush strands of hair away from Tav's face, feeling a sense of longing and love for her. She stirred slightly but didn't wake up. He then traced the curves of her face with his fingers. She looked so peaceful and serene sleeping next to him.
I wish I could have this, he told himself, I wish this was real.
He longed for this moment to be real, to have her in his arms once again. The warmth of her body against his, the softness of her touch, and the sweet aroma of her presence overwhelmed his senses. He had missed her so much, and now she was resting peacefully in his embrace.
And he couldn't believe it. How could this be happening? What had his future self done to deserve this second chance? After all the pain and heartache he had caused her, she was here, forgiving him once again. The surge of guilt that flooded through him was almost suffocating as he remembered the vivid visions of their potential future. Though they may have been mere illusions, the thought that they were a possibility was enough to torment him.
Finally, her eyes started to open slowly, glancing at him from behind squinting eyes.
"Astarion?" she mumbled, still half-asleep, burying her face on the crook of his neck.
He felt an intense need in his future self, mirroring his own emotions. Astarion's arms encircled her in a tight embrace, pulling her closer to him as she nuzzled into his chest. He gently kissed the top of her head and whispered, "Yes, dear?"
"I had missed this... you. So much." Her eyes gazed up at him.
"My, aren't we full of our feelings this morning." the vampire chuckled, brushing aside her hair so that her face was fully visible to him.
"If you ever leave like that again, I will kill you with my own hands," Tav's voice broke as tears started to stream down her face.
So this must be briefly after my return, he thought to himself.
His body pulled her even closer, his arms tightening around her.
As Tav's words sunk in, Future Astarion's heart ached with both guilt and shame.
You don't deserve her.
"Darling, I won't leave you again I promise," he whispered, stroking her hair gently.
Tav's body relaxed against his, and he could feel her tears wetting his skin. He held her for a few moments before pulling back slightly to look into her eyes.
"What happened while I was gone?" he asked softly, wiping away her tears with his thumb.
Tav took a deep breath "We went looking for you everywhere. I-I thought we had lost you for good, I thought..." she gulps. "I thought you hated me..."
Astarion's heart ached at her words. How could she think that he hated her? How could he ever hate someone who meant everything to him?
"You know I could never hate you," he watched himself say quietly.
Tav pulled him into a tight embrace, burying her face in his chest again as she held back her sobs.
"I'm sorry," he whispered, kissing the top of her head.
"Don't be sorry," Tav said, pulling back slightly to look up at him with tear-filled eyes. "Just promise me that you won't let your fears drive you away from me again."
Future Astarion nodded, a determined look on his face. And he knew that he could never leave Tav again; that he would do whatever it takes to make things right between them. But a small part of him felt selfish for wanting to stay. After all, by staying, he was preventing her from having a future with Shadowheart - a future where she wouldn't have to deal with his flaws and struggles.
"I'll never leave you again. You're stuck with me, for better or worse." he watched himself say, before leaning down to kiss her gently.
The world around him twisted and turned, the colors shifting and blurring as if reality itself was being altered. In a matter of moments, he found himself standing in a cold, dark hallway. It was big, with tall ceilings and old decorations, smelling faintly of humidity and dust. Astarion watched the scene unfold before him, his future self walking with purpose through the large hallway, as if he knew his way around here. A sense of familiarity filled his body as he followed the sound of voices echoing through the corridor.
As he turned a corner, he saw a door ajar, where the noise was coming from. Astarion poked his head, and he was surprised at the sight.
The room was filled with rows of bright-eyed children, all sitting at tables and eagerly learning from their teacher, Tav. She stood at the front of the room with a blackboard behind her, illuminated by the warm glow of sunlight streaming through the windows. Tav's radiant smile and confident posture commanded attention as she explained various concepts, her eyes sparkling with delight and passion. Suddenly, she turned her head and locked eyes with Astarion, her expression softening as she recognized him.
His future self perched on the door frame, as he listened intently to her lesson.
With a satisfied smile, Tav wiped the chalk dust off her hands and turned to face her students.
"Alright class, that concludes our lesson for today," she announced, causing a chorus of excitement and chatter from the students. "We will continue our exploration of Baldurian society tomorrow. And don't forget to complete your essays on the development of Baldurian culture during the 14th century!" Tav's words were met with a mix of groans and determined nods from her pupils, who quickly gathered their belongings and rushed out of the classroom, buzzing with energy.
The children filed out of the room while Tav slowly walked over to Astarion, her arms reaching up to wrap around his neck.
"Hey, you," she whispered, nuzzling her cheek against his. Astarion's heart swelled with happiness and he returned the hug, holding onto her just as tightly. He was filled with gratitude towards his own body for allowing him to touch and feel her once more.
As they broke apart from the hug, Astarion noticed a few of the students lingering around them with curious expressions on their faces.
"Ugh, Miss, is that your boyfriend?" one of the girls asked with a scowl, eyeing Astarion suspiciously.
Astarion watched with amusement as Tav's cheeks turned a light shade of pink.
"She is actually my dear sister, whom I love dearly and definitely don't have any romantic interest in," he quipped, before planting a comically exaggerated kiss on her cheek. "But we do make an absolutely charming couple, don't you agree?"
The students' faces twisted with even more disgust and disbelief as they looked at the two of them.
"Ugh, gross!" another one of the boys exclaimed, making a face as if she had just tasted something rotten.
Tav looked at him with wide eyes, "Astarion! No, we are not related!" Tav playfully pushed him away before turning back to the kids. "Ignore him, he likes to think he's funny. He is my devoted fiancé."
Astarion's mind reeled at Tav's words. Fiancé. They were going to get married. He couldn't believe it.
She quickly composed herself and tried to change the subject.
"But enough about my personal life. It's time for you all to head home and get some rest."
The students reluctantly began to file out of the room once again, and Astarion couldn't help but feel a sense of pride as he watched Tav interact with her students.
Once the room was empty, Tav turned back to him with a grin.
"Tough crowd," he commented. "You could have played along my dear."
She shot him a disapproving glare. "I won't take part on you trying to traumatize my students, Astarion."
As they walked hand in hand through the hallways, Astarion couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. He never would have imagined this as his future; Tav as a teacher?
"You were amazing with those kids," he said, breaking the comfortable silence between them. "I would have never pegged you as a teacher, though."
Tav shrugged. "I never thought about it until I started working at the orphanage after we defeated the Absolute. The children here were so eager to learn and I found that I really enjoyed teaching them."
"And that leads us to your favorite pastime; you get to sit and talk as much as you like." He teased, playing with her fingers."I suppose it suits you though, you always had a way with people. That's why you were our leader."
Tav chuckled at his words and squeezed his hand. "I suppose so," she said with a smile. "But you weren't bad either. Your complains were delightful!"
"Oh, I am simply the most charming man, I know, but you're a very close second." He teased, brushing his thumb against her hand.
By the time they left the orphanage, the sun had set and darkness enveloped the streets of Baldur's Gate. Astarion couldn't resist marveling at the city's stunning architecture as he and Tav wandered through the bustling streets. The docks were especially lively, with merchants calling out their goods, children running around, and the enticing aroma of food being cooked over open flames.
He hadn't felt this calm and content in what seemed like an eternity. It was such a strange sensation to him, but his future self appeared to be accustomed to it.
Astarion's gaze fell upon the numerous damaged buildings and scattered debris in the streets. Homeless citizens roamed about, a somber reminder of the destruction caused by the battle with the nether brain. Families torn apart, homes destroyed - it was a heartbreaking sight. But they had survived, they had endured and saved many, and that was all that mattered in the end.
"How has the shop been today?" Tav's voice pulled him out of his thoughts.
Shop? What shop?
"Oh, you know how it is with noble women. These high-class ladies are always so annoying, nitpicking about the fabric not being silky enough, or the shade not being rich enough, or the hemline not being poofy enough... It's enough to make one go mad!"
Wait. His future self...worked at a clothing shop? The thought was almost comical to him. To imagine himself, a once notorious vampire assassin, working in a mundane shop catering to noble women's fashion needs.
Tav chuckled and shook her head. "Sounds like you've had your fair share of difficult customers."
Astarion scoffed. "You have no idea. Noble women can be quite... demanding."
"I can imagine," Tav said with a smile. "But I'm sure you handle them with grace and patience."
"Grace? Patience?" Astarion laughed at her words. "I handle them with biting remarks and sly insults. That's why they love me."
Tav raised an eyebrow at him but couldn't hide the amusement in her eyes.
"I suppose that works too," she said with a grin.
A moment of silence passed before she met his gaze once more, her expression softening. "You know, I am incredibly proud of you, Astarion. You've made tremendous progress. Despite the obstacles you face, you are the finest tailor in the city." She squeezed their entwined hands.
Her words caused his heart to constrict. Despite how he had treated her, she still believed in him. She was truly proud of the person he had become.
Future Astarion smiled, swooping his free hand to the night sky in a melodramatic flourish. "Why, my love, I am more than a mere tailor. I have transcended into an artist, a designer of dream garbs. These 'difficulties' of mine are only the chisel that sculpts my resilience." It was a showy display, but Tav's smile and gentle laugh told him she appreciated it.
"As bold as ever, Astarion," Tav said with an amused shake of her head. "Is this the same charm you've been using on your customers?"
"Flattery will get you everywhere, dear," he winked at her.
The sounds of the city seemed to gently ebb away as they continued to walk hand in hand through the candlelit streets. The echo of their laughter punctuated the silence of the night.
His body led them to a house by the docks. As they entered the unfamiliar surroundings, Astarion was taken aback. The place exuded an air of sophistication and charm. Art pieces adorned the walls, each one with its own unique story to tell. Trinkets and mementos from their travels were scattered throughout the space,
giving it a sense of warmth and character. And then there were the books - shelves upon shelves of them, overflowing with knowledge and stories waiting to be discovered. This was their ideal home, and the thought nearly brought tears to Astarion's eyes.
He had never truly had a home before.
She is your home now, he told himself.
As the heavy wooden door clicked shut, Astarion was already pressing his lips urgently against Tav's. She melted into him, her body fitting perfectly against his as they exchanged feverish kisses. His hands roamed over her back and hips, savoring the warmth of her skin and the taste of her lips. But just as he felt himself getting lost in the moment, he pulled away, catching his breath and trying to regain control. They stood there, foreheads pressed together, panting with desire. Tav's fingers lightly traced patterns on the back of his neck, sending shivers down his spine. He could feel her gaze on him, full of love and understanding.
And Astarion knew; he wanted this. Gods be damned what he had done in his other visions; he would do whatever it took to make this version of their life a reality. For her. For them.
Please, let me have this, he begged inside his mind. Let me be selfish, for once.
And as if hearing his thoughts, his body pulled away slightly and looked into her eyes, as he brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "I love you," he whispered.
The vision shifted once more, pulling him again. As he settled into his surroundings, he realized it was the same room as before, yet it felt different. The air felt almost thick with energy, pulsing and alive.
Astarion blinked, trying to adjust to the new reality. Slowly, he surveyed his surroundings and saw that Gale was indeed sitting right in front of him. Next to him, Tav's grip on his hand was tight and reassuring. Astarion's gaze fell back on Gale, noting with surprise the signs of aging that had crept upon the wizard over the years - his hair graying and the wrinkles in his face deepening.
"...And I know this is only a start for the rest of the matters to take care of, far from a definite cure, but at the very least it's something." Gale was saying.
"It's incredible Gale. It's more than we could have hoped for already. Thank you." said Tav. Her eyes were brimming with tears, playing with the ring on his finger. Had that been there before?
He suddenly remembered that they had actually gotten married. The realization sent a flutter of butterflies through his chest.
But something caught her attention - why was it now sitting on his index finger instead of his ring finger?
"Thank you," Future Astarion spoke up finally, his voice filled with emotion.
And he was so confused. What was going on? Why was everyone emotional?
Tav just looked at him expectantly.
"Do you want to try it now?"
Try what?
His body smiled softly "Yes. I've been in the dark for long enough."
And with that, they got up from their seat. But Astarion's mind froze, because as he reached for Tav's hand, he saw...
No, it couldn't be.
But it was.
Tav was pregnant. Her belly had grown significantly, her tunic stretched to accommodate the new life growing inside of her.
He felt a wave of emotions hit him all at once; shock, disbelief, joy, and fear. He couldn't believe it. He was going to be a father. His body took him away, but he was still frozen inside his head. When? How?
His thoughts were interrupted as his body stopped at the doorframe of their home, sunlight pouring through the cracks. And he felt the intentions in his future self.
What are you doing?! You are going to get burned! he screamed inside his head.
But with one last look at Tav, Astarion's body ignored his desperate screams as he stepped out into the sunlight, a look of determination etched on his face. He braced himself for the usual sizzling and pain of being exposed to sunlight, but surprisingly, he felt nothing but warmth tickling his skin. His eyes squinted against the brightness, not used to so the light after spending so much time in the dark. But other than that, he was unharmed.
"Is it... Is it permanent?" He heard himself say.
"It is, as long as you wear the ring," Gale said from behind him, placing a hand on his shoulder.
Astarion couldn't believe what he was hearing. This was beyond anything he could have ever hoped for. He could finally walk under the sun without fear or pain. Tears welled in future Astarion's eyes as he looked up at the bright blue sky, feeling the warmth on his skin for the first time in years.
And Astarion was stunned. He could actually walk in the sunlight. They had found a way. They were looking for the cure.
"This... this is a miracle," he whispered, his voice filled with awe and gratitude.
Tav and Gale smiled at him, their own eyes glistening with tears.
She took his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze as she smiled at him. "I'm glad we could give you this gift," she said softly.
Gale nodded in agreement. "It's been a long journey and my contentment for your newfound liberation knows no bounds," he said with a proud smile. "Fear not, for I shall not cease my pursuit until the antidote for vampirism is discovered and obtained. My solemn vow is sealed upon my very existence."
Astarion couldn't find the words to express how grateful he was. He had been so angry and bitter for so long, this just felt like a new beggining.
Could this be really true? A future overflowing with joy and love, where all of his deepest desires were fulfilled. It seemed too good to be true, but he couldn't help but hope that it was.
Tav squeezed his hand again, as if hearing his thoughts. "You deserve this, Astarion."
"Thank you," he whispered, feeling overwhelmed with emotion.
As his fingers grazed over the small bump on her belly, Astarion's heart swelled with pure joy and wonder. Gently, he rested his palm on her stomach, feeling the tiny life within. His ring, newly acquired, seemed to glow in the soft light of the room.
As the vision blurred once more, Astarion's mind struggled to process the overwhelming information. He could walk under the sun. Tav was pregnant. The world around him seemed to spin as he tried to make sense of this new version of his life, opening just for him.
He let out a gleeful light into the void, butterflies dancing inside his chest. He couldn't imagine anything else that could bring him more happiness than what he had just witnessed, but he eagerly allowed himself to be drawn in once again.
The space swirled around him, morphing into a different setting. He was now standing in a vast meadow, the warm sun beating down on him. And he froze, as he watched a small figure running towards him, their laughter echoing through the air. The figure became clearer and he saw a child, a small child with locks of hair as white as snow cascading down their back.
Astarion could've cried at that moment. Could've ripped the strands of time and space that locked him inside his body to reach out to them, to truly be able to hold his child.
As they came closer, Astarion could see the child's features more clearly; they were the perfect blend of him and Tav. It was a girl. Her vivid eyes twinkling with mischief were a reflection of his own, but her high cheekbones and determined chin were all Tav.
She is gorgeous.
"Daddy!" The little girl shrieked as she wrapped her little arms around his waist. Astarion's body hugged her back, and he felt his heart swelling with love like he hadn't felt before. If he had a heart, he was sure it would be bursting. He couldn't believe this was real. He had a daughter.
"Hey there, my little star," Future Astarion said, gently ruffling the child's hair."Did you give your poor mother a hard time today?"
The girl looked up at him with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "Me? Give Mommy a bad time? Never!"
Suddenly, a soft voice called out to them from behind.
"There you two are," Tav said as she approached them with a picnic basket in her hands. "Luna didn't help me with the preparations. She is almost as lazy as his father."
Astarion's gaze shifted towards her, and he felt his breath hitch in his throat. She looked radiant, her skin glowing with a soft sheen under the sun. Her hair was longer now, falling in loose waves down her back. Although there were signs of aging - hints of gray in her hair and faint lines on her face - she was still as gorgeous as the day he met her. In that moment, he longed to hold her close and kiss her once again. To thank her for giving him this amazing life.
Tav's hand reached up to his cheek, and the touch sent a wave of warmth through him. His body leaned closer to her, as his heart tightened in response.
"Hey there," she said softly, her eyes filled with love and adoration as she looked at him.
"Hello, you," Astarion replied, his voice barely above a whisper.
Tav smiled at him before turning to their child. "Come on, little star, let's have a picnic by the river."
The three of them walked hand in hand towards the nearby river where they laid out a blanket and set down the picnic basket. Luna immediately ran over to the basket and started rummaging through it. Astarion watched fondly as she pulled out sandwiches and fruit, her little face scrunched up as she tried to decide what to eat first.
Tav noticed Astarion's gaze and smiled at him. "She has your appetite," she said teasingly.
Astarion chuckled and shuffled closer to where Tav was seated on the blanket. "What can I say? I am a very hungry man," he quipped, nipping playfully at her shoulder to emphasize his point.
Tav laughed. "Well, luckily I have enough blood for you."
"And I can't wait to drink every last drop." He purred as he inched his way towards her neck, his lips brushing her skin.
"Ew! That's so gross," Luna exclaimed, recoiling with a look of disgust on her face, and quickly made her way towards the trees nearby to get away from them.
Astarion groaned in mock irritation as he pulled away, looking up at Tav with a pout. "Our little one is a killjoy, isn't she?"
"I wonder where she gets it from," Tav replied, her eyes sparkling with mirth. "Certainly not from me."
Astarion let out a playful huff, his heart warming at her teasing. "You wound me, darling. "
Tav reached out to cradle his face in her hands, her thumb tracing the edge of his lips. She smiled sweetly at him, her eyes filled with love and adoration.
Before Tav could respond, Luna came rushing back to them, brandishing a half-eaten apple and a handful of wildflowers.
"Loo th wha' I found!" she exclaimed with a mouthful of apple, thrusting the flowers under her parents' noses. "Aren't they pwetty?"
"They are absolutely beautiful my dear, you certainly have a good eye." Astarion replied fondly, taking the flowers from her small hands and tucking one behind her ear.
"Is it time to play 'monster' yet?" she asked with excitement.
"Absolutely! I'll be the vampire, ready to sink my teeth into you," Astarion replied, winking at her.
As Luna darted away with a scream, Astarion lunged after her, baring his fangs in a playful snarl. She squealed with delight and scampered around the blanket, narrowly evading each of his lunges. Tav watched, a soft smile on her lips as she reached into the basket to pull out another sandwich.
As the sun began to dip behind the rolling hills, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, they all collapsed onto the soft grass. Luna nestled between her parents, catching her breath as she giggled at Astarion's dramatic recounting of his failure to catch her.
"Perhaps you're losing your touch," Tav suggested playfully, her fingers tracing patterns over his chest.
Astarion scoffed at that. "Never. But I certainly seem to have lost my appetite for chasing after little rascals."
They packed up their things and made their way back home. Astarion carried a tired Luna on his shoulders while Tav walked beside them, holding onto his hand.
"Can we do this again tomorrow?" Luna asked sleepily, her head resting on Astarion's shoulder.
"Of course, my little star," Tav replied with a smile.
Astarion couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with love and contentment as he looked at his family. He had never thought he would have something like this - a loving wife and a beautiful daughter - but here they were, walking towards their home in the forest. And it felt so real he almost let himself believe it was true.
Once they reached their house, Astarion put Luna to bed while Tav started preparing tea. As he tucked her in and kissed her forehead, Luna murmured sleepily, "I love you, Papa."
"I know," Astarion chuckled, leaning in to whisper in her ear. "And don't tell anyone, but I love you too."
Luna's sleepy smile turned into a wide grin as she giggled, her eyelids drooping as she drifted into a peaceful slumber.
He made his way to the kitchen where Tav was busy making tea. He walked up behind her silently and wrapped his arms around her waist. She leaned back against him with a soft smile on her face.
"This has been the best day ever," she murmured.
"We have many more of those ahead of us," Future Astarion replied, nuzzling into her neck.
As he watched the display, Astarion couldn't help but feel hopeful for everything that he could have - a loving family, a home filled with warmth and laughter. He had finally found his happiness after centuries of darkness. And he couldn't help but think that maybe this was what it meant to truly live. To truly fight for a better future.
I want this future.
But could he ever have this? Would he be able to make amends for his past mistakes and pave the way for this to be his destiny?
He didn't know. But one last look at his future wife blissful face told him enough; it was worth the try. Even if he only got to taste a sliver of what he had seen, it would be worth the effort.
He felt the vision ripple and fade, but this time as he came to, he found himself not back in the starry void, or the body of another version of himself. Instead, he woke up on the beach, with G'Axir standing next to him.
The crash of waves rolled rhythmically in his ears and the salty, tangy scent of the sea filled his nostrils. He squinted up at the dawn that was now coloring the sky. Astarion pulled himself into a sitting position, his bare chest dusted with sand grains that glittered like tiny suns under the setting sun’s glow.
"The hourglass turns, sands slipping through fingers... the choice yours to make... the consequences yours to bear." G'axir said.
Astarion felt a shiver run down his spine as he tried to unravel the meaning behind the seer's words.
"What must I do?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper, his heart pounding with a mixture of fear and determination.
The seer's gaze seemed to pierce through the veil of time itself as they replied, their tone solemn yet resolute. "Forge your own path... for the threads of destiny bend to the will of those who dare to defy its grasp. The balance hangs in the balance... and only you hold the key to its unraveling."
Astarion nodded, feeling a newfound sense of determination brewing inside him. He stood up, dusting off sand from his clothes before turning to G'Axir once again.
"I am willing to do whatever it takes," he said firmly.
And G'Axir smiled approvingly before disappearing into thin air like a mirage.
Tag list: @tinystarfishgalaxy, @imaginarypetlizard, @nanamisfriedstick, @stuckinaoaktree, @madislayyy, @cosywinterevenings, @fandom-garbage, @generalstephkenobi @ravenswritingroom
a/n: Not proofread, but I will do it as soon as possible! Thank you for the amazing support on this series, I can't believe we only have one chapter left! Also, sorry for the long ass chapter, but I needed some hard fluff after all the angst. Love you all!
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lendeah · 3 months
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thank you larian for the forehead kisses
(this was supposed to be just a forehead smooch but uh I got carried away)
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lendeah · 3 months
music to my ears
just a little rainy day eargasm, as one does.
Rating: E Word Count: >1k Content: 18+, elf ears are erogenous zones, touchless orgasm, ear kissing, ASMR, cream dem jeans
Rain patters gently on the roof of the tent, the sound a soothing end to an arduous day. Astarion and Tav lounge together purely for the physical affection of it, her arms encircling his shoulders from behind as he sits between her legs, his back pressed up against her.
He still can't quite believe she's agreed to this. No sex? He's never lived in a world like that. But she not only seems willing, she seems eager to discover a dozen new kinds of intimacy.
As if she senses his train of thought, she puts her lips right up to his ear and says, “This okay?”
He hums and arches, feeling a pleasant tingle spread across his scalp and down the back of his neck.
“Is what okay?”
“Are ears okay?” she whispers.
Another wave of tingles passes over him and he grins lazily. “They’re above the waist, aren’t they?” he responds, leaning to the side to give her better access because hells, it really does feel good.
He can feel her mouth move as she hugs him tighter. “Remember you can always ask me to stop if it gets to be too much.”
He chuckles. “What could you possibly do that could be too-”
But then he’s arching again with a gasp as she runs the tip of her tongue up his antihelix all the way to the tip. The wet warmth sends a wash of pleasure straight through him, filling his chest like bath steam and continuing southward to pool behind his navel. His eyes go half-lidded and he swallows.
“Still okay?” she whispers.
Immediately he nods and says, “Yes. I like that. I like that very much.”
He feels her tongue draw over him again, this time behind his ear from base to tip. Then she uses the blunt edges of her teeth to softly scrape back down the outer ridge and he only barely holds back his whine. It’s soothing and erotic in the same moment, contentment and arousal rising in him like the tide.
Inside his trousers, he feels himself growing hard, and it’s not unwelcome. His feet dig into the ground beneath them as he pushes himself back into her, seeking more contact, pressing his back firmly into her chest, and he feels her grin as she places an open kiss to his ear lobe. Brings it into her mouth, gives it a gentle suck.
“Ah,” he breathes, squirming against her as his cock goes fully hard under her attention.
From her position, her own eyes go lustful and glazed as she looks down the length of his body and sees the ridge of him swell and strain against his clothes. Gently, she brings up one hand to play with his hair as she continues to tease his ear with tooth and tongue.
“Pretty,” she whispers in between. “How pretty you are, going weak under me. Who knew your ears were so sensitive.”
He grips her legs tight to either side of him and bites his lip, trying to clear his head enough to respond. “You’re half-elven,” he gasps. “You know exactly… hah… what you’re doing.”
“I do,” she laughs softly. “And you know I know.”
The stimulation continues to coax the flame in his gut, the tension coiling deliciously, making him shudder to the core. She flicks her tongue over his tragus and swirls it into the triangular dip near the pointed tip and he’s panting, panting, nearly writhing against her, using his heels for leverage to push back. His cock twitches, sensitive and untouched, but he feels a crest building nonetheless.
“Would you like to come, dearest?” she whispers right into the center of his mind and he squeezes his eyes shut and whimpers.
He nods, the movement jerky.
“Then come,” she breathes, giving him a hard nip and then a final soothing, firm lick.
His mouth falls open and he all but collapses against her as his hips arch up off the ground and he creams himself, his spend spilling from him in staccato bursts that feel like a brush on the underside of heaven with every pulse. When he’s done, his muscles go slack and he blinks, bleary-eyed, only mildly annoyed somewhere deep in the back of his brain that he needs to get down to the river in short order to wash the trousers he just soiled.
She squeezes him tightly from behind. “Still okay?” she says softly.
“Hnnnnngggggyeah,” he responds.
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