#move to bergen
sandflakedraws · 2 months
How about Floyd, who came back as promised, hugging little Branch who just saw Grandma Rosiepuff get taken/eaten by the Bergen Chef?
Or how about Floyd, who came back as promised only to find the Troll Tree devoid of life and Rosiepuff's pod empty, going grey as he mourns baby Branch whom he thinks got eaten?
Hey so! Totally fun (and not hurtful at all) fact-!
For Trolls Band Together, the story the writers wanted to go with (according to the Artbook and novelization), implies that Brozone's disbandment happens before Bergen Town is even a thing, which has such severe implications to me.
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tfw you return to your home to find that
actually, the forest that sheltered you is eradicated, replaced with a giant town whose occupants' sole form of joy consists of devouring you.
the tree that served as your home is the only thing left of that forest, and it is decayed, withered, and desiccated... displayed in the middle of the town in a cage.
your pod, your home, is empty. every home around it is empty too. there are no trolls in sight.
as far as you know, everyone that used to be here is gone. or dead. most likely dead.
you will never see them ever again.
you were just a teenager.
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learnelle · 7 months
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During my mini hiatus I fulfilled my dream of visiting Norway! The most surprising thing was hearing Lithuanian being spoken literally everywhere. My mum and I always speak Lithuanian to each other, so it was incredibly bizarre for people to overhear us and then come speak with us, or to have waiters/shopkeepers switch from English to Lithuanian. I’ve never experienced anything like it before, and I had no idea so many Lithuanians live in Norway! I absolutely ADORED this, it made all the places we visited instantly feel like home. Despite all that, I learned a bit of Norwegian and discovered that it’s literally the cutest language. Language learning is absolutely wonderful
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theamandacollection67 · 5 months
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On this day December 25, 1963 Move Over, Darling was released. Starring Doris Day, James Garner and Polly Bergen.
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vintagewarhol · 2 years
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Polly Bergen (born Nellie Paulina Burgin; July 14, 1930 – September 20, 2014) was an American actress, singer, television host, writer and entrepreneur.
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fulgor2018 · 2 years
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Transféré d'un hôpital psychiatrique vers un autre hôpital psychiatrique (hop. psy de Tournai vers hop. psy. de Mons)
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kittyball23 · 6 months
Hi kittyball, did you read the trolls band together junior novelization? Does it include deleted scenes from the movie? I heard there was a scene cut with velvet and veneer buying yachts 😆 and another scene with velvet spraying veneer with troll without warning him.
Hi, I sure did! I do remember that there were scenes and/or little details that differentiated from what was seen in the actual movie, and I’d be happy to share them:
John Dory in the beginning was being a little more critical of Clay’s dance moves
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“C’mon, Clay,” John Dory said. “They’re Funderdrawers! Underwear, but seventy-six percent more fun! Now let’s see those dance moves!”
“Fine,” Clay said with a sigh. He did a quick series of dance steps, naming them while executing them perfectly. “Rusty robot into a wiggle worm, and end on caliente puppet.”
“Not bad,” John Dory said, stroking his chin. “But your robot could be rustier. And your worm wigglier.”
Clay looked annoyed. “Don’t you want my puppet caliente-er?”
“I wasn’t going to say it,” John Dory said, “but yeah. Definitely.”
‘Bro-Time’ happened in both the beginning and the end, each brother doing a hands-in-the-middle thing
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“If we can’t hit the Perfect Family Harmony, we aren’t perfect,” John Dory insisted. “And if we aren’t perfect, we’re NOTHING! Being nothing is definitely not an option. So just follow my lead.” He stuck his hand out, palm down. “Let’s do this!”
Each of his brothers piled their hands on top of his. Together, John Dory, Spruce, Clay, Floyd, and Baby Branch shouted, “IT’S BRO TIME!”
Smiling wistfully, Floyd said, “I can’t believe we almost missed out on all this.” It had been a long time.
“We shouldn’t have let our differences break up our family,” Clay put in, joining them.
John Dory walked up. “That’s right. Because we don’t have to be perfect to be in harmony. We just have to be together.”
Branch started to point out that he had told them exactly that, but he changed his mind. “You’re right,” he said. “Good point, bro.”
Standing in a circle, the brothers each put a hand in. “On three,” Branch said. “One… two… three!”
“IT’S BRO TIME!” they all said in unison, lifting their hands.
Baby Branch was supposed to make his entrance suspended on a wire
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“And making his first live appearance, the Baby!” Glitter burst over the stage, revealing Branch suspended on a wire.
“Awwww!” the whole audience said, charmed by the adorable sight.
BroZone rolled right into their first song. Cool, calm, and collected, John Dory danced up a storm. Spruce blew another kiss, and the fans went wild. Clay added a little goofy touches to the dance steps, getting lots of laughs. Floyd shed a single tear as he sang. And Branch flipped down off his wire, sticking the landing perfectly, nailing every move and every note as the five brothers came together.
As the Family Harmony started to happen, glass broke and a lightbulb shattered
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The five brothers hit a chord and held it. Offstage, a water glass broke. KSHHH! Overhead, a light bulb shattered. SHHINK! The brothers looked at each other. It was happening! They were achieving the PERFECT FAMILY HARMONY!
Smead, Gristle’s Aunt, was supposed to be the officiate instead of Miss Maxine for Bridget and Gristle’s wedding
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Gristle’s Aunt Smead, a tall Bergen with goggles and hair that stood straight up, was in charge of leading the happy couple through their wedding vows. She leaned over and joked, “Hey, Bridget, you still have time to run for it!”
Poppy and JD went through with the whole hug, fist-bump, and wave thing she suggested when meeting him
Poppy rushed over and introduced herself to John Dory. “Oh my gosh, I was being so rude! I’ve never met anyone from Branch’s family before. I’m Poppy. Branch’s girlfriend. Should we hug? Fist-bump? Smile and wave for now and see where the night takes us?”
“All of the above!” John Dory said, hugging her, bumping her fist with his and waving and smiling.
Crimp was supposed to be shown cleaning up the chair before Velvet and Veneer made their entrance on the Mount Rageous show ‘The Bop on Top’
In a TV studio, the pop duo’s put-upon assistant Crimp swept off a chair, making sure it was immaculate before one of her bosses sat on it. Crimp resembled the head of a straw broom, with green eyes, white glasses, and a purple hair bow scrunching a bun of papery hair on top of her head. She was much shorter than Velvet and Veneer, but was still at least three times the size of the average Troll.
Ignoring their assistant, Velvet launched herself onto the chair, squashing Crimp. FWUNK! “So,” Velvet said to Kid Ritz, “what do you wanna know? I’m an open book.”
You are correct, Velvet did spray Floyd’s essence at Veneer without him expecting it lol
Grabbing the perfume bottle, she squeezed the bulb, giving herself a big spray of Troll talent. SHHFFT! Floyd groaned as the energy was sucked out of him. Velvet tested the results, opening her mouth to sing. She let loose an impressive cascade of notes. Satisfied, she smiled and aimed the bottle’s nozzle at her brother’s mouth. SSSHHFFT! “Your turn, Veneer.”
Veneer coughed. “Ack! You’re supposed to say it before you spray it, remember?”
There’s a quick moment where Floyd sympathizes with Crimp
Rolling her eyes, Velvet said, “Ugh. I’m exhausted by this drama. Do you wanna go buy a yacht?”
“Oh, good idea!” Veneer said, clapping his hands together. “Let’s buy matching yachts!” They left the dressing room without another word.
"Can I come out of the corner yet?” Crimp asked.
Floyd looked at her with pity in his big violet eyes. “Girl, you need a new job. I should be the saddest one in this room.”
A small moment where Bruce and JD hug
Seeing an opportunity, Poppy decided to give Bruce a little encouragement. “Prove it. Prove it,” she started chanting. Bruce’s kids all joined in, balling their fists and pumping their arms in time with the chant. “PROVE IT! PROVE IT!”
Bruce took up the challenge. “Oh, I’ll prove it,” he said confidently. “I’ll prove it right now.” He took a deep breath and let it out. Then he hopped up onto the stage and stood next to John Dory.
“Yes!” John Dory cheered. “Bring it in, brother!” They hugged.
More of Velvet being a jerk
A stage manager popped her head through the dressing room door. “Knock, knock, knock – it’s ‘we’re ready for you’ o’clock!”
Velvet faked a super-sweet manner. “Look at you, making your job fun. Good for you! Just give us five minutes. We’re still working on our routine. Okay, doll?” She closed the door and muttered, “Loser.” Then she picked up Floyd’s bottle, planning to take in another spray of his Troll talent before the day’s singing began.
Veneer making a reference to a meme
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Floyd cried, holding his hands up against the inside of the diamond bottle. “Come on, it’s just dress rehearsal. You don’t need me for a dress rehearsal!”
Ignoring his protests, Velvet grabbed the golden spray bulb between her fingers and pointed the nozzle at her mouth, ready to spritz her vocal cords. Her brother spoke up. “Wait. Maybe he’s got a point. Do we even need a dress rehearsal?”
“Obviously,” Velvet said, making a face. “That’s why we’re getting dressed.”
“I’m just saying he doesn’t look so great,” Veneer pointed out. “He has, like, sad Troll face.”
Velvet shrugged it off. “He’s fine.”
Velvet’s suggestions for how to make Floyd better
But Velvet wasn’t overly concerned about Floyd’s see-through hand and overall paleness. “Oh, he just needs some blush,” she suggested. “Or is there a mini tanning bed we can jam into the bottle with him?”
More back and forth with Velvet and Veneer
Veneer paced the dressing room floor, clutching his head. “What are we going to do? We obviously can’t even rely on the Troll to get us through this dress rehearsal, let alone the Rage Dome show!”
Looking annoyed, Velvet said, “How come I always have to come up with something?”
“Because you’re the mean one!” Veneer told her.
“I’m not mean – I’m ambitious!”
Floyd having been conscious while Velvet was shaking the bottle
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Picking up Floyd’s diamond prison, she said, “Maybe we should just try shaking the bottle.” She shook it. Floyd ricocheted around inside, banging against the hard surface.
“Ow! Ouch! Ooh, my knee! My other knee!” he cried.
Lonely People having been sung later on in the movie, after Floyd makes a ‘philosophical’ statement
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Floyd looked at his body, becoming more see-through by the minute. “Well,” he said philosophically. “I lived, I loved, I lost.”
To the accompaniment of gentle ukulele music, he sang quietly to himself. He looked and saw that it was Crimp who was playing the ukulele.
Bruce’s response to learning about Velvet and Veneer’s song
On an empty road that night, Bruce steered Rhonda, listening to Velvet and Veneer sing one of their pop hits on the radio. “My kids love these guys!” he said. “We’re a total Veneer household.”
“They’re the ones who are holding Floyd prisoner,” John Dory called from the back of the van.
Bruce looked shocked. “Wow, everyone’s getting canceled these days.”
A little more Clay and Viva friendship displayed
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Viva put an arm around Clay’s shoulder. “Yeah, I’m the face of the operation, and Mr. Clay takes care of the boring stuff!”
“Guilty!” Clay admitted. He and Viva tapped elbows and laughed. 
Branch and Poppy having a short exchange after leaving Putt Putt Village
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Heartbroken, Poppy watched as the gate closed. She leaned her scrapbook against it for Viva. Branch ran up behind her. “You were right, Branch,” Poppy said. “Family is… complicated.”
Velvet and Veneer having labeled bottles for the rest of the brothers
In Velvet and Veneer’s Rage Dome dressing room, Floyd’s diamond bottle sat on a shelf next to four empty bottles labeled Heartthrob, Fun Boy, Old One, and Baby. Floyd’s bottle was now labeled Almost Dead One.
Branch’s line about the diaper slightly differing
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They tried singing one of their old songs, but John Dory soon cut them off. “Stop! Stop! Time-out. Let’s take it from the top. Spruce, I want some smolder in those eyes. Clay, you’re being too stiff. We need some sillier robot moves. Branch, maybe a smaller diaper.”
“Or some clothes not from the toddler section,” Branch grumbled.
Clay’s line about his CPA position replaced with this:
Bruce got right in his brother’s face. “This isn’t going to work if you keep being the same old John Dory.”
“Yeah,” Clay agreed. “We’ve all changed. Bruce settled down. Branch is slightly taller with zero glasses. And I’m not the guy who shoots milk out his nose and smiles through the burn!”
“Yup,” Poppy said to herself, remembering past milk blasts through her nose. “Been there.”
Crimp also confronting Velvet and Veneer when Poppy and Branch do on the red carpet
“You’re stealing BroZone’s talent because you have none of your own, you big PHONIES!” Poppy said, pointing her own accusing finger at them.
Crimp popped up out of the van. “They’re MEAN!” she shouted. “And I was their assistant, so I KNOW!”
The fans, listening to this exchange, started whispering to each other. Could what the little Trolls and the papery mop with glasses were saying possibly be true?
An extra line JD said when the talent was being sucked out of the four brothers
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Velvet lowered herself back down through the sunroof and punched a button on the car’s dashboard. The roof folded back, clearing the way for a metal arm to rise out of the car, holding an entire round stage. Velvet and Veneer both hit the buttons on their shoulder pads and inhaled big whiffs of Troll talent. The four brothers winced in pain.
“Floyd, why didn’t you warn us about how uncomfortable that is?” John Dory asked.
Slightly different lines when Poppy, Branch, and Viva arrived at the yacht
When she saw Branch, Poppy, and Viva on the deck of the boat, Velvet wasn’t dismayed. On the contrary, she was delighted! “More Trolls!” she exclaimed happily. “This will last us a lifetime!”
Velvet trying to sing after she and Veneer came out of the river that they had fallen into, and Crimp calling the two out again
The yacht came to a stop, wedged diagonally across a narrow passage in the river. Velvet climbed out of the water, turned the camera on herself, and tried to sing.
She sounded awful.
The crowd gasped. “Hey, what happened to your voice?” a fan shouted.
Veneer decided it was time to come clean. “Okay, fine,” he said. “Listen up, Mount Rageous. We are FRAUDS! And we’ve been literally torturing little Trolls!”
The fans were horrified. One yelled, “My illusion of celebrity has been shattered!”
Crimp stepped in front of the pop duo. “It’s true,” she confirmed. And they’re mean. Not ambitious, but just plain MEAN!”
Veneer having put the handcuffs on Velvet instead of Crimp
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“Oh, give it up, sis,” Veneer told her. He faced the cameras. “We just wanted to be famous. Honestly, my sister wanted to be famous, and truly, I was too afraid to stand up to her.”
Disgusted by her brother’s admission, Velvet said, “It’s like I don’t even know who you are.”
“Yeah, you do,” Veneer said firmly. “And you asked me to change anyway. Which isn’t okay, family or not.” He snapped a pair of handcuffs onto her slender wrists. She held them up, asking, “Veneer, what have you done?” Then she admired the shiny cuffs, saying, “Oooh, are these real silver?”
And the ending scene, in which Kismet is not mentioned, and Branch and Poppy have one last exchange
Over the loudspeaker, Crimp announced, “Ladies and gentlemen, you know ‘em, you love ‘em – give it up for the Trolls Kingdom’s very own… BROZONE!” She opened the curtains revealing the five brothers in sparkling new costumes. The crowd went wild!
In the front row, Poppy cheered along with them. Branch offered her his hand. “Poppy,” he said. “I have a small proposal. Will you – “
“Join the band?” she interrupted, bursting with excitement. “Of COURSE, I will! I thought you’d never ask!”
“You know me too well,” Branch said, grinning. “Now get up here and sing with us!”
“AAAAHH!” she squealed, leaping onto the stage. She extended a hand to her sister in the front row. “Viva! Viva, get up here! We’re in the band!”
“This is my dream life!” Viva cried, joining her and whipping out a pair of castanets.
The seven Trolls joyfully sang and danced together, and the audience absolutely loved it. The concert turned into an epic dance party. Fireworks exploded, lighting up the night sky.
Poppy turned to Branch. “I love you, Branch!”
“And I love you, Poppy!” Branch told her.
“Would it be weird if I fainted?” Poppy said. “Oh, I’m gonna faint right now.”
And she did. But Branch caught her. He would always be there to catch her when she fell, and she would do the same for him, no matter what.
Those were a majority of the main differences I could find in the junior novel. I think most of it stayed true to the movie, but some little details I would’ve liked to have made the final cut (the Cliva friendship stuff, the extra Broppy exchange and, while I understand the purpose of NSYNC’s cameo, I think the movie would’ve worked just fine without it)
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hurtspideyparker · 2 months
Hi, sorry but could you recommend any of your favourite Peter Parker fics please?
For sure !!! *cracks open ao3 bookmarks*
Thirty Hours by polaroid15 - Peter doesn't take any breaks during a lengthy fight with the Avengers. The mind-melting fever that follows really should have been expected.
Hurt Peter Parker, my favourite tag <3 I love when Spider-Man is a badass and also lacks self-preservation. He's so cool fighting alongside the Avengers and we get some sweet hurt/comfort irondad!
Fitting In (Tiny Spaces) by aloneintherain - Peter's trapped beneath a collapsed building during a mission, hurt and unable to move. Luckily, his comm still works. Unluckily, the Avengers don’t realise how bad of a state Peter is in, and Peter isn’t inclined to tell them.
This fic is an icon in the fandom and for GOOD REASON. I just can not get enough of Peter Parker hiding his injuries. More heavy whump and angst!
All good things come in threes by Bergen - Peter has three secret identities: Spider-Man, the superhero who swings around the city to save people. Parker Benjamin, who gives Tony Stark unsolicited advice on his research. And NightMonkey, the Instagrammer who keeps uploading increasingly popular but embarrassing drawings of Iron Man.
And he can juggle them all just fine, thankyouverymuch.
Okay here is the fluff!!! Peter is a genius, a menace, and a sweetheart. Tony Stark runs into him (again and again) and can't help but have a soft spot for him every time. Funny and cute and an all 'round good time!
Held Together by Spiderwebs by TunaFishChris - Steve is not coping well in the twenty-first century. At all. Three months after the Chitauri invasion, he decides he's had enough.
But just as he's about to end it all, he runs into the new hero in town.
This one focuses a lot on Steve but I really like him and Peter's relationship in it, and I think this is great Peter Parker characterization. TW for discussions of depression and suicide, it gets a bit dark!
5 Times Spider-Man Saved an Avenger's Ass (and 1 Time They Saved Him) by TunaFishChris - this fic showcases how strong and capable Peter is, he's definitely a BAMF. I really like this genre where the Avengers know Spider-Man but not Peter Parker, makes Peter feel more independent and mature like in the comics.
Five Time Faculty Members Had to Call Peter's Emergency Contact + One Time He Shows Up Anyway, Five Times Tony Stark's Fabled Intern Just Showed Up + One Time He Was Invited, and Five Times Strangers Talked About Peter and Tony + One time Someone They Know Did by kingdomfaraway - I am just gonna recommend this entire series. Super fluffy, extreme irondad and spiderson. They're just adorable from an outside perspective and I love when Peter gets to just be Tony's intern and a teenager for a while :)
research and disaster by blueh - “So, uh, Mr. Stark definitely knows Roomba-Kid,” Becket says and discreetly tilts his head in the direction of the pair.
“Oh my god,” Jess says. She almost sounds gleeful. “Oh my god, he’s not just some random kid. He’s Mr. Stark’s kid.”
or: the interns at Stark Industries have some questions about Peter Parker. The answers aren’t quite what they expect.
I just love intern Peter mk? Let him be a kid genius and have fun!!! Fluffy and humorous, again with the irondad.
Captain, Oh My- Not My Captain! by uncouth_peasant - Peter swallowed hard before firing a web to swing into the fray. “Cap’s going after civilians. I’m out of time.”
Bruised and bloody men <3. Just Peter being a badass and getting beat to a pulp. Cool fighting, lots of Peter whump, and of course the Avengers being protective.
Good publicity by Bergen - Between Peter Parker barely speaking, and Spider-Man being the ultimate chatterbox, how was Tony ever supposed to figure out that they were one and the same person?
Tony Stark is secretly a softie for cute kids, especially when they're a genius and have a sense of humour to rival his own. Peter is a foster kid who ends up finding a home with Pepper and Tony, very sweet.
The Third Option by Uncertainty_Principle - When Ben is murdered Peter goes into foster care. It takes just a tiny taste of superpowers for Peter to decide he doesn’t want to put up with his horrible foster father anymore—the streets are infinitely more appealing. All he wants is to be Spider-Man anyway.
So he leaves, simple.
Simple, that is, until Iron Man needs Spider-Man’s help.
Heavy TW for this one, mind the tags. This is a popular fic and for good reason. A very mature and realistic portrayal of the foster care system and homelessness. The Peter angst is really great and I could barely put it down, that boy needs a hug so bad.
Now here's some hydra!Peter fics cuz they're my jam:
Peter is a precious chickpea by Bergen - They attack the HYDRA safe house shortly before sunrise.
The only people defending said safe house are Peter and Leo, and Leo slams his cell door open and starts spitting out orders, but then promptly gets clobbered over the head and keels sideways.
So that just leaves Peter. And he’s not even going to try to fight a whole team of Avengers. He looks up at Iron Man filling the doorway. “I surrender.”
He’s never been captured before and he’s not sure what to do. Escape, probably.
This entire series is PERFECT. I just love how adorable Peter is, and all the relationships Peter forms with the Avengers absolutely melt my heart. Peter's characterization in this is really unique and I wish there was more. The Bucky and Peter friendship is everythingggg. I love hydra!peter and bucky fics.
Indoctrination by phoenixon - The Avengers thought they were on a typical assignment: Infiltrate the Hydra base and find the weapon. What they didn't expect was the small boy raised by Hydra that they found instead. And they definitely didn't expect him to stay at Avengers Tower or how he somehow wormed his way into their lives. As for Peter, he just wants to be good and obey what the Hydra men told him so he doesn't get in trouble.
I just really love hydra Peter changing into a sweet and intelligent boy once he's rescued and safe, and how all the Avengers take up such heart-warming parental roles around him.
out there, living in the sun by Hailfire_73 - The Avengers rescue Peter from a Hydra base ran by his father, Richard Parker, except Peter doesn't really see it as a rescue, and has trouble settling into a new life away from Hydra and his father at the Avengers compound. OR - Peter learns how to be an actual teenager, live life, and put his abusive past behind him, and Tony learns how to be a father.
Hydra Peter but he's most definitely a traumatized and moody teenager. I really enjoyed Peter's character arc and the exploration of his trauma. It felt more realistic the way his journey isn't just a straight or clear path. He's more mature in this one and it was a really compelling read, balancing the angst with some humour and fluff. Loved the ending.
Tinker, Tailor, Spider by Bergen - Tony is roped into a mission to transport a teenager to safety. But when things go south, it soon becomes more and more puzzling who the teenager is and what ‘safety’ means for him.
I really enjoy that the author doesn't water Peter being hydra down. Yes he is a highly skilled assassin and a badass who's trauma pervades his every thought and decision. Made me fall in love with the Tony, Pepper, Morgan and Peter as a family dynamic. Super domestic while still highlighting Peter's troubled past.
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blorbopostingtime · 3 months
Alr so maybeee this is a bad opinion but tbh I rlly can't keep it in anymore so imma just say it.
Like sure in the first movie he could be classified as angry but. ITS SO MUCH MORE GRUMP AND ANNOYANCE THAN ACTUAL ANGER?!?!?!?!?!??!
I want more fics, more comics, more fanart, more everything, where Branch just flat out looses his fucking shit.
At anyone, everyone I do not have a specific thing.
Get this grump ass bitch angry at the way the village treated him for fucking years when he was grey, get him fucking angry at his brothers for leaving and abandoning both him and their grandmother, get him angry at the bergens who he lived in fear of for so so so fucking long (SINCE HE WAS BORN TILL HE WAS ATLEAST FUCKING 20. THAT IS ALL HIS FUCKING CHILDHOOD. TEENAGE YEARS, EVERYTHING. AND FOR ALL THOSE YEARS MINUS 4 IT WAS ALSO HIS BROTHERS, THE VILLAGE AND HIS GRANDMA), his grandmother for sacrificing herself to save him and leaving him grey and alone (HE WAS A CHILD. FOUR OR FIVE AND HE WATCHED HER DIE FOR HIM. DO NOT TELL ME HE DOESNT HAVE ANY SURVIVAL GUILT OR RESENTMENT AT THE FACT THAT THIS CAUSED HIM TO TURN GREY AND BE AN OUTCAST IN THE VILLAGE. I DO NOT GAF ABT HOW MUCH HE LOVES HER YOU DO NOW MOVE ON FROM SHIT LIKE THAT WITHOUT IT), his parents for never being there (whole other thing but! Still think it should be a bigger thing.): EVERYONE.
"Oh, but he got angry at his brothers in the 3rd movie!"
Let Branch go feral with rage, let him scream at all the ways people have failed him from the top of his normally quiet lungs, let his vision go tinted red with rage, let him fight and punch and kick and elbow and growl and bite and hurt all the people who left him, like an animal gone abandoned in the wilderness and left for dead, who manages to not only survive but fucking THRIVE as a feral beast.
Show me a Branch who screams a sound so primal the nearby birds fly from the trees, let him be louder than any other troll in the village from living in the wild surrounded by creatures that the trolls were still learning about anf befriending who may or may not havr wanted to kill him, and yet talk about how afterwards he could barely speak because after 20 years of quiet speech if that his voice still isn't used to being loud.
Show us how much Branch is ready, able and willing to to use all the weapons he makes, the rocks he collects as projectiles and bluguons, the whittled stakes and knives, the sheer everything that comes with having lived on his own in the wilderness, angry and scared and so fucking alone.
... Ahem.
Anyways, thanks for listening to my rant and
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astrolionking · 7 months
Grief + Healing
During a Bergen attack, just shortly after Branch’s egg appears, BroZone’s moms are lost not by being eaten but by an accident where a Bergen made something collapse onto them during its search for Trolls. It was already too late when the brothers came to save them.
John Dory was the most devastated. He was the closest to their moms, he learned about nature and hiking and camping from Cinder. He wouldn’t be as into music or in a band at all if it wasn’t for Viola’s love for music influencing him. They meant so much to him.
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At the funeral, he stood next to their moms’ graves the longest. So long, Floyd had to come get him cause at that point it was some form of self torture.
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Years later, after the family reunites, Floyd and JD talk about what happened to their moms because JD had kept it in for so long and it was finally time to let it out. JD expresses how he feels like he’s a disappointment, if their moms were alive they’d be disappointed in him and that he wished it was him that died that day and not them. He thinks that things would’ve been better if that happened. Floyd tells him that losing JD instead of them would not have saved them any grief or heartache. He says that that they love him so much and that their moms would be proud of the man he’s become today.
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After a lot of convincing, Floyd gets JD to talk to the rest of the bros and they all have a heart to heart about how they felt about their moms passing and how it affected them moving forward. JD talks about how he feels disappointed in himself and how he just wanted fill the hole their moms left when they died but it only caused the start of the family falling apart. Branch never got to meet their moms so he decides to ask for any sweet and/or funny stories abt them, hoping it’d be some form of healing for all of them. Luckily, they say yes and the bros take turns telling stories abt their moms. How sweet and funny they were, how they were so in love that seeing them made you believe in love again, how they loved every single one of their kids unconditionally even if they were being the best kids at times. At the end of it all, Branch feels some closure abt their parents, JD feels lighter and the bros all hug it out and promise to be there for one another if something is on their mind.
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ninjaturtlemaniac · 4 months
Part 2 Trolls Headcanons/ Theories/ Thoughts/ Ideas
Part1 Part3 Part4 Part5 Part6 Part7 Part8 Part9 Part10
Trolls - letting another troll touch your hair is a very huge sign of trust.
All the brothers definitely hold doors open for the ladies and then close it on John Dory.
Clay - receives special recognition alongside Viva for protecting the Putt Putt Trolls. (Knighthood? Trollstopia's official CFO?)
Clay - has a stupidly complicated coffee order
Clay - plans to move the Hole N Fun between Pop Village and Bergen Town. Imagine the business!
Bruce - absolutely gets into the trashiest reality TV shows. "If Alejandro doesn't confess his love in this episode I will flip this table"
Bruce - makes Troll cuisine for his kids
Bruce - there aren't any Troll sized clothing stores around so Bruce sometimes has to make his own clothes.
Bruce - has considered getting his kids hug time bracelets
Viva - does not knock on doors and absolutely will walk straight in when someone is changing clothes
Viva - snorts when she laughs too hard
John Dory - freaky level spice tolerance, looks people in their teary eyes as he bites a raw ghost pepper
John Dory - says "Gotta get home to the missus" when referring to Rhonda
John Dory - narrates himself "Against all odds, the brave and handsome Troll was able to tame the ferocious beast" he says as he's washing a purring Rhonda
John Dory - the Uncle that buys Bruce's kids toys that are either loud or that make a huge mess
John Dory - didn't finish school, made sure his brothers did
Floyd - absolutely judges you for your star sign
Floyd - knows exactly how to pop away that pain is someones back/shoulder/hips. Grabs JDs shoulder "Relax John. After three. One...two.." CRACK
Floyd - moves back to Pop Village for what JD calls 'early retirement' works in a sort of wellness center that has music therapy and yoga and stuff.
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learnelle · 6 months
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Moving towards the mid December exams I am starting to look more and more like this bloke outside of the Bergen Library in Norway 🇳🇴📚
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melonmass · 5 months
Here are some sad Trolls headcanons/scenarios that won't leave my head (I try to put them in a timeline order)
Floyd left expecting to come back eventually. What it took to leave BergenTown made him scared of coming back for a long while.
Since Indie sub-genres are basically all also sub-genres of other genres (Indie Pop, Indie Folk, etc) maybe there's a tribe of Indie trolls out there that are just a bunch of trolls descended from the other main six tribes. (I sometimes imagine Floyd spent a lot of time there in the 20+ years he was gone)
Clay used to scratch his arms/wrists when he was mad as a kid. They had him wear wristbands to help, and he actually loved the feeling of wearing them.
Floyd could stop any fight between his brothers by crying. This how he ended up known as "the sensitive one"
One of the bros tried to convince Branch John Dory was actually his dad. He cried, because he didn't want his bros to not be his bros anymore. John Dory was mad about this prank because of how upset it made Branch, and because he never wanted to replace their parents.
This "date" made Spruce feel so uncomfortable, he threw up when he got home. He pretended he was just sick, and John Dory never stopped apologizing for convincing him to go out while he was "sick." (image from Branch's clueboard, cleaned up by @kittyball23)
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In general, I think the ages of BroZone at the time of the break-up were Young Adult, Teen, Preteen, Child, and Baby.
Grandma Rosiepuff geniunely expected the other bros to come back after a bit of time. They'd fought before, and they always made up.
Branch went gray not just because Grandma sacrificed herself for him, not just because he lost the only family of his that stayed. But also because he failed her. He failed to keep her safe. And he failed his brothers who trusted him to look after their grandma.
Creek was always manipulative and toxic af. During the big escape, his shoved Branch out of the way. (no one ever believed Branch when he said it was on purpose.
Someone helped Branch get back up and keep going so he wasn't left behind. He never got a good look at who it was. He used to imagine finding them and becoming a sort of found family with them.
It was Clay. He saw Creek shove another kid out of the way (obviously on purpose). But he didn't recognize who the gray troll kid was. He just quickly got the kid up and moving so he could go back and look for Branch and Grandma (this is how he ended up left behind with Viva and the Putt-Putt trolls).
People tried to look out for Branch while he was still a kid. But he liked to keep his distance, so they all did, too. They weren't ever able to help him get his color back, anyway. (Poppy was the only one who never gave up trying to help him)
Everyone kind of agreed to stop bringing up the trolls left behind around King Peppy (and in extension Poppy) because it's cause him to completely shut down. It looked like he might go gray, too.
Clay developed some self-destructive habits after arriving at the golf course. He thought he failed to save his baby brother. He was very good at keeping it hidden. Eventually he improved through sheer stubbornness. He keeps the old wristbands as a comfort, and to cover scars. (Literally no one but him knows)
John Dory interacted with a few other survivalists on the Neverglade Trail. Maybe he had an opportunity to "settle down" with one of them. But the guilt of leaving his brothers behind started eating him up, so he ran. (who knows, maybe he has a kid he doesn't know about)
When John Dory tried coming home, it was a few years after the escape from the Troll Tree. He saw it empty and thought it meant the Bergens had finally eaten every last troll. Maybe some of his brothers escaped. But the way he saw it, the younger the brother, the more likely they didn't make it. John Dory was convinced his baby brother was dead.
John Dory didn't have very much memorabilia when he first left. When he returned to the Troll Tree empty, he took as much stuff as he could carry without being scared of getting caught.
Bruce really wanted to invite his younger brothers to his wedding, but he didn't have a way to contact them. John Dory was the only one he had any way of reaching.
That postcard to John Dory was sent because he was desperate to reach out to ONE of his brothers, but he didn't want to have that reconciliation or fight at his wedding. So it's a mostly blank postcard. (John Dory cried, because it was confirmation one of his brothers was alive.)
Bruce named his daughter Rosie, after Grandma Rosiepuff. (he thought of naming some of his sons after his presumed dead younger brothers, but that felt wrong when he changed his own name to distance himself from them and the band)
Poppy might have briefly had a bit of a crush on Creek. This makes the betrayal all the more devastating.
At some point between the events of the first movie and Floyd getting captured, he crossed paths with Creek. They briefly had a fling, but eventually, Creek's toxicity became too much, and Floyd went left for someplace new. (And Creek might have been arrested in the Indie Mountains.)
None of the other troll tribes knew the Pop Trolls were annually being eaten alive for so many years. Some find their ability to keep so cheery and positive after all that to be actually impressive.
Peppy is doing therapy with Mr. Dinkles because the events of World Tour made him realize he doesn't have a good way of coping with things. (Running, hiding, and keeping secrets aren't actually good in the long run.)
Crimp experienced some major abuse from Velvet and Veneer. Yet she never tried leaving the job as their assistant because it was the only job she could get.
John Dory, Bruce, and Clay never expected to see Branch grown up. They didn't know how to react to/treat him like a grown up when they first saw him again.
Floyd genuinely thought he'd die in that bottle, even if the bros managed to hit the perfect family harmony. At that point, he was so drained, his hair was almost entirely white, and he couldn't even stand himself up. But the idea that the last thing he'd ever see would be his brothers singing and dancing together like old times made him happy.
The perfect family harmony undid most of the physical damage Floyd experienced. But he still feels a sort of phantom pains sometimes. His legs will feel numb and tingly. Stretching helps.
Velvet tried to completely throw her brother under the bus after they got arrested. She tried to blame him for everything, tried to claim she was forced to go along with it. Veneer's confession, Crimp's testimony, and just the way she slowly took more and more of the spotlight away from her brother kept her from getting her way. Veneer even got a lighter sentence than she did.
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justalitlecreacher · 5 months
At the beginning of Trolls: Band Together, Floyd gives Branch his vest and tells him to wear it “anytime he misses him”
Branch now wears this vest literally all the time
EXCEPT for the “because signing killed my grandma” flashback, now what likely happened here is that the writers of Trolls hadn’t written this part of Branch’s tragic backstory™️ yet and wanted to put little kid Branch in a different outfit
Or we could interpret this to mean that Branch was healing from his brothers leaving and he was genuinely going to be able to move past it too, until a Bergen ate his grandma and he genuinely had no one left
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riciart · 4 months
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Since I am a "fickle" person, I will try to explain the essence and idea of AU Branch Idol (I apologize for possible mistakes, English is not my native language). This story tells about Branch, who, during the troll escape, fell behind his people and was hit by a landslide, thereby injuring his eye. Caught in a landslide, he was caught by the Bergens, but since he was gray (which logically cannot bring happiness when he is eaten) and injured, he was considered "spoiled" and simply thrown away, and Branch escaped by falling into a river with a strong current and grabbing a pathetic piece of wood, 5-year-old the child clung to life, thereby moving further and further away from the village of Trolls. When he reached the shore, he did not know where to go, so he walked forward, hoping to meet at least someone. After walking for several days, the child survived until he saw lights in the distance, when he reached the mountain, he saw a giant city, Mount Rageous. Wanting to find help, Branch headed to this city, but, to his disappointment, he saw giant creatures, and according to the logic of the child, "Big = enemy". Hiding, he tried to find at least one troll, but found no one. Days pass, and do not forget about the eye of the branch, which has been rotting all these days, bringing pain to the child. In desperation, he gives up, he starts singing on the street at night, wanting to be found and eaten, which means returning to his grandmother, the one who loved him. In the song, Branch does not notice how one of the residents, who is a local producer, approaches him, fascinated by Branch's song, dreaming of making a star out of him, he sheltered Branch. And the story of Idol Branch begins.
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Some thoughts on learning the Holocaust.
There is no scale of suffering, or trauma, or hell. Someone who survived Treblinka and someone who survived Bergen Belsen both went through hell, just different versions of it. Holocaust survivors all experienced variations of hell, from Denmark to Minsk.
But when LEARNING about the Holocaust, it’s extremely normal to learn about it at levels, starting with the least horrifying; which is why, I think, Anne Frank’s narrative has become such a universalized understanding of the Holocaust.
But then you move to transit camps, to internment camps, the ghettos, to Auschwitz, to the Operation Reinhard Death Camps (Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka), to the Einsatzgruppen and Babi Yar Level Shit. And every new level makes the old one look less horrifying by comparison.
In that pattern of learning, it’s perfectly rational to say things like OH PLEASE BELSEN WAS NOTHING because you are a student absorbing traumatic history in the healthiest possible way. Saying something like that, as a student of history, is not a judgement on the experiences of survivors; it’s a commentary on sequential learning.
Historiographically speaking, Holocaust survivors and Holocaust historians often mutually fail to understand each other; to the point where survivors actively dislike historians (although soon this sentence will be entirely in past tense, unfortunately). And I’m pretty sure that, for historians of things that happened within living memory, this is an ongoing concern—language of experience and survival vs. language of learning and understanding. I’m not sure where I’m going with this, but I wish we had better language for this chasm.
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